Types of facial aging and their characteristics. Facial aging in women: causes, first signs, prevention. Chronic diseases of the biliary tract. Products for skin aging

13 02.16

It is very important for women to stay young and healthy as long as possible, however, over time, irreversible processes occur in the body, leading to the aging of all organs and systems.

The female youth hormone is a unique complex of biologically active substances produced by our body in order to maintain its normal functioning, and it is also responsible for aging.

The complex, which directly affects the slowing down of the aging process, as well as the preservation of youth and freshness, consists of hormones such as dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), somatotrpin, estrogen, melatonin and testosterone.

Youth and longevity - Estrogens

Estrogens are female sex hormones produced by the ovarian follicles and partly by the adrenal cortex. They contribute to the feminizing effect on the body, are responsible for skin elasticity, reproductive function and sexuality. They have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, provide bone strength.

A normal level of estrogen prevents the onset of menopause earlier, and a later menopause allows a woman to remain young and active longer.

Beauty and youth - Somatotropin

The anterior lobes of the pituitary gland contribute to the production of growth hormone - somatotropin. It is this hormone that helps to preserve the youthfulness of tissues and has a positive effect on mental clarity, reduces the volume of lipid tissue and slows down the deposition of fats, strengthens and tones muscles.

A slender body, strong muscles, a clear mind are simply necessary to maintain beauty and youthfulness.

Emotions and Sexuality - Testosterone

The male hormone - testosterone - in the female body stimulates metabolism, increases self-esteem, tones muscles, promotes skin cell regeneration and strengthens bones and joints, is responsible for the emotional background, awakens sexuality.

Testosterone is produced by the ovaries and adrenal cortex.

Slimness - DHEA

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is produced by the adrenal glands and is responsible for slimness, not allowing fat cells to be deposited. It increases muscle tone, prevents the occurrence of osteoporosis, cancer, heart attack, strengthens the immune system, and also increases resistance to stressful situations.

The level of this hormone decreases significantly after the age of 40, so it is necessary to maintain its amount.


One of the most important hormones responsible for the youthfulness of the body is melatonin. It contributes to the observance of sleep and wakefulness regimes, which helps to maintain youth at the cellular level, normalizes blood pressure, regulates the endocrine system and the brain, and normalizes digestive function.

Unfortunately, melatonin secretion also declines after the age of 40.

Thyroid-stimulating hormone

Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), which is produced by a healthy and properly functioning thyroid gland, can guarantee longevity, activity, youth and a positive outlook on life.

The hormones of this gland regulate metabolism, oxygen, energy, body temperature, participate in the processes of development, growth and reproduction.

Products containing female hormones

The main symptoms of hormonal changes are mood swings, deterioration in general condition, the appearance of any diseases (for example, osteoporosis), etc.

The level of all hormones that contribute to the preservation of youth can be regulated by eating appropriate foods.

To maintain the level of estrogen at a sufficient level, it is enough to add to your diet flax seeds, legumes, nuts, black pepper, bran, rhubarb - foods containing phytoestrogens, substances similar to the female sex hormone.

To produce testosterone, you need an adequate supply of zinc and manganese. These substances are rich in: barley, oatmeal, buckwheat, leafy vegetables, seafood, etc.

Fish, olive oil, olives, avocados, and other fats are foods that have the potential to help replenish DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) deficiency.

The lack of melanin can be filled by introducing foods rich in slow carbohydrates into your diet.

Somatotropin is produced in sufficient quantities when eating lentils and nuts.

Smoking, alcohol, eating junk food, irregular sleep and lack of physical activity are all bad habits that negatively affect not only our health, but also our youth.

To preserve youth, it is necessary to normalize (balance) your diet by including foods that can optimize hormone levels.

Get in the habit of exercising regularly or doing light exercise.

In order to maintain youth as long as possible, it is necessary to normalize sleep and wakefulness. In a dream, the processes of cell renewal and restoration of the body take place, which significantly delays old age. Lack of sleep leads to sagging and dull skin as collagen production is reduced.

The most important thing in maintaining youth is getting rid of bad habits, since smoking and alcohol worsen the condition of the skin, leading to its thinning and drying, negatively affect metabolic processes, lead to hormonal disruptions and, as a result, premature aging.

And most importantly, to preserve youth, it is necessary to maintain a positive psychological attitude and not be afraid of possible difficulties.

Thus, the complex that prolongs our youth can be corrected with the help of proper nutrition, sports, proper organization of the daily regimen and, of course, adjusting habits.

I wish you to stay young, beautiful, healthy and active as long as possible!

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Until we meet again, your Evgenia Shestel

The beauty of a woman is a reflection of her inner state, and it directly depends on the health of the whole organism. The hormonal state plays a particularly important role in this matter, because it is the estrogen hormones that make the female representatives so beautiful, tender and attractive. During menopause, when the level of estrogen in the blood decreases sharply, this inevitably affects the appearance of a woman. Age-related changes in the skin under the influence of hormones are called hormonal aging, and it requires a special approach in terms of correction. Today, on the site, read more about hormonal aging, as well as what methods are most effective in helping to cope with it.

What happens to the skin during hormonal aging

Hormonal aging is a process that in a certain age period starts in the body of every woman.

As a result of a decrease in estrogen levels, the production of collagen and glycosaminoglycans is disrupted, as well as fragmentation and degeneration of elastin.

In addition, the following changes occur in the skin: the secretion of the sebaceous glands decreases, pigmentation processes are disturbed, and the number of blood vessels decreases. All this contributes to the rapid appearance of signs of aging of the body, and such changes require a special approach. Offers an effective program for correcting signs of hormonal aging. The program is designed specifically for women in the period before and during menopause.

Hormonal aging:

  • HLS program for correction of signs of hormonal aging;
  • changes in skin dendritic cells during hormonal aging;
  • unique components of the HLS program for the correction of hormonal aging.

HLS program for the correction of signs of hormonal aging

The HLS program from TM "HISTOMER" effectively helps to correct those degenerative processes that a woman's skin succumbs to in the process of hormonal aging. A specially designed innovative occlusive mask works sculpturally on the face and neck, achieving the effect of non-injection bio-reinforcement of the skin. This unique program is based on the principles of the "360° anti-aging" strategy, which implies simultaneous opposition to three types of aging at once: external, internal and hormonal. Effectively eliminating most of the causes of skin aging, the HLS program has a pronounced rejuvenating effect, and can be used both as a course treatment and as an instant treatment for women over 45 years of age.

Changes in skin dendritic cells during hormonal aging

The main action of the HLS program is aimed at restoring dendritic skin cells - melanocytes and Langerhans cells. It is they who are especially affected in the process of hormonal aging, leading to the appearance of characteristic skin changes. Langerhans cells are cells of the immune system, they protect the skin from external invasion and, with the help of regulatory molecules, regulate the work of other cells. Their processes penetrate all layers of the epidermis, can go into the dermis and even penetrate into the lymph nodes. Melanocytes are the second group of dendritic cells, and they also suffer from a lack of estrogens. Under the influence of hormonal changes, melanin begins to be produced in excess and unevenly distributed in the skin. Thus, changes in dendritic cells reduce the local immunity of the skin, disrupt the synthesis of elastin and collagen fibers, and also lead to the appearance of age-related pigmentation.

Unique components of the HLS program for the correction of hormonal aging

The HLS program from TM HISTOMER has a pronounced effect on dendritic skin cells. Its leading component is the HLS-BIO ® complex, which triggers the regeneration of dendritic cells. This powerful synergistic product consists of 4 biologically active components:

  • ectoine - a natural substance that is obtained from microorganisms;
  • ultrapure biostimulants of plant origin;
  • tubular algae concentrates;
  • marine plankton.

In addition to the HLS-BIO ® complex, the program contains such active ingredients as initial plant cells, grape procyanides, retinol, vitamins, amino acids and plant extracts. Numerous clinical tests show that the action of all these active ingredients, in combination with their targeted delivery system, allows you to get a quick and pronounced result of complete skin dermocorrection. The innovative HLS program, which is presented exclusively in Ukraine by Intercosmetic Group, helps to effectively fight the signs of skin aging.

Hormonal aging is a special condition that requires a competent approach and the correct selection of a correction program.

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Aging is a natural process that must be taken with dignity. With age, the ability of tissues to recover decreases, fatty infiltration increases, muscle tone decreases, and cell atrophy occurs. What is known about hormones and their effect on the skin? There is an elevation theory: a decrease in the level of sex hormones is a trigger mechanism for the development of aging.

Sex hormones are extremely important for humans - they control many processes in the body: skin thickness, distribution of subcutaneous fat, biochemical composition, mechanical properties, elasticity and extensibility, microcirculation and immune response. The skin is a reflector of the hormonal state of the body as a whole.

Hormonal periods

Each age has its own hormonal characteristics, and it has its own external manifestations. The cosmetologist is usually interested in the correspondence of these changes to each other or deviations that need to be corrected with medication.

Hormonal manifestations begin from puberty, when the first surge of sex hormones leads to increased production of androgens and, accordingly, increased work of the sebaceous glands, the development of secondary sexual characteristics, the development of baryphony in boys (voice changes), and the appearance of cyclical changes in girls. For some, this period passes without sharp hormonal surges, and then teenagers do not have rashes, while for someone, acne becomes a life partner for several years and sometimes requires not only cosmetic care, but also dermatological treatment.

To date, almost all modern research has denied a direct link between increased androgen levels and the development of acne.

Some time ago, the theory of increased sensitivity of skin receptors to androgens was popular. However, she did not find scientific confirmation. For a long time there was an opinion about the dependence of the skin condition on carbohydrates. Many experts have looked for a connection with a condition such as insulin resistance (increased secretion of insulin in response to the consumption of carbohydrates). However, it is impossible to talk about a 100% correlation between acne and carbohydrate intake.

The second period of life, which can sometimes bother women, is the period of pregnancy, when, due to hormonal changes in the body, some ladies find rashes on their faces. More often, these physiological manifestations of changes in hormone levels go away on their own.

The most difficult period of a woman's life - menopause - is characterized by a decrease in the production of sex hormones, which leads to aging of the body as a whole and the skin in particular: skin tone decreases, the period of its renewal lengthens.

sex hormones

Two main sex hormones are responsible for youthful skin: estrogen and testosterone. With age, both men and women experience a decrease in their production, which means that we can talk about the beginning of skin aging. But there is also a period of menopause, which is due to the formation of an increased estrogen deficiency. Thus, against the background of an age-related decrease in the level of sex hormones, a deficiency in the level of estrogens develops. Hormone-dependent skin receptors react with a decrease in skin tone, turgor, and the formation of deformations from the side of the muscular skeleton. The skin is an estrogen-dependent organ. Therefore, if it is not enough, visible changes immediately appear: wrinkles, dry skin, decreased elasticity, pigmentation, blood vessels. In addition, estrogen affects the skeleton, and deficiency leads to osteoporosis, reproductive and cardiovascular dysfunction.

Testosterone is one of the most important growth factors affecting the skin. Testosterone enhances hair growth, the function of sebaceous glands, epithelial follicles and skin cells. The skin is an organ that actively absorbs and processes testosterone. Almost all enzymes involved in the synthesis of testosterone and its breakdown are present in the skin. And therefore, in the aging process, testosterone takes an active part. Muscular deformation of the face is partly due to a decrease in testosterone production.

In the female body there is not a single organ, not a single tissue that would not depend on sex hormones.

The main function of progesterone is fertility. It reduces pain, makes a woman more calm, acting on the central nervous system. Progesterone inhibits receptors that stimulate the sebaceous glands, which leads to acne. This indicates a lack of a hormone.

Hormones and skin

If we perceive the skin schematically and do not go into deep metabolic hormonal processes, then estrogens are responsible for the appearance of the epidermis, testosterone works at a deeper level, and somatotropic hormone, or growth hormone, is responsible for stimulating skin renewal at all levels. This is a very simplified view, since all hormones are in close interaction. Suffice it to say that both testosterone and estrogens are derived from cholesterol. People who consume omega-3, which stimulates the production of cholesterol, increase the level of estrogen and testosterone in the body and thus prevent the development of skin aging.

A very important hormone for the body is insulin. With age, its entry into the muscle cell slows down. Therefore, one of the main tips for prolonging youth and maintaining health is sports.

Beauty treatments calendar

Many processes in a woman's body are due to nature. Genetically incorporated program of procreation. If we consider a woman of reproductive age, then we can note two main phases of her cycle. The follicular, or the first phase of the cycle is characterized by an increase in the level of estrogen, that is, the woman blossoms, preparing for potential fertilization: the skin shines, the skin tone increases, and a sparkle appears in the eyes. Attractiveness for the male sex is formed with the aim of procreation. After ovulation, the luteal phase begins, in which there is an increase in capillary permeability. This means that many procedures will be more painful and more bleeding.

Skin health and youth

In modern medicine, there are many theories of aging. But moving from theory to practice, there are several aspects of life that are neglected especially by urban residents: maintaining a rational diet rich in fiber, complex carbohydrates, seafood, increasing the level of physical activity, maintaining good sleep. These are the few factors of life for which the person himself is responsible and which affect the duration of his life and its quality.

Expert: Natalya Egorenkova, Moscow, dermatologist, endocrinologist, trainer-cosmetologist EGIA Biocare System

Skin aging is a process that cannot be prevented and that happens to every person. It is also worth noting that it is also very difficult to slow it down. In this regard, anti-aging cosmetics are still very popular and in demand, and the number of various products is increasing every day, because everyone wants to look beautiful and still young.

Anti-aging cosmetics include those products that contain components that are aimed at effectively combating aging and changes in the skin due to the effect of age on it. First of all, these substances begin to act on the epidermis of the skin, after which, as a chain reaction, a huge number of various processes in the body begin to run. In this way, the deeper layers of the skin can be very delicately affected, which will help maintain its youthful and healthy appearance. Also, as a result of exposure to the skin, you can get stimulation of the natural production of collagen and elastin, which are the main defenders of our youth and beauty. At the same time, it is worth remembering that not every cosmetic product marked “anti-aging” can actually stop the aging process or have a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

Today, science distinguishes three types of skin aging: photoaging, hormonal and chronobiological aging. Some may add to this list such an aging process as myoaging.

If we talk about another name for this process, then it can also be called solar aging or free radical. This aging process occurs under the influence of the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation, which brings not only skin aging, but also a change in its structure at all levels and in all layers of the skin. The main signs of solar aging include the following signs: a decrease in elasticity and turgor of the skin, the skin becomes too dry, the appearance of first small, and then deeper wrinkles.

With photoaging, dry skin, the appearance of a yellowish tint, can be noted. The skin becomes rougher and loses its smooth surface. There is a gradual thickening of the epidermis and pathological elastin begins to be deposited under the skin. When the epidermis begins to thicken significantly, this may indicate that the skin has turned on its protective reactions and thus is trying to protect itself from exposure to sunlight. As a result of such changes, very deep wrinkles can appear, and at an earlier age than it should be. In some cases, you can see on the face a huge number of small vessels that can be seen even through the skin. This means that inflammatory processes begin to form in the dermis, but so far they are very poorly visible from the outside. But over time, all this will manifest itself on the external condition of the skin and any defects and imperfections will become very noticeable. Pigmented spots of varying degrees of complexity may also appear.

Remember that the cause of photoaging is the sun, and therefore it is impossible to stay on it for a very long time. In addition, it should be borne in mind that solariums also have an extremely negative effect on the condition of our skin.

In order for photoaging not to become your main problem, you need to use special products with UV protection. Today it is possible to choose such a cosmetic product for every taste, but it is still desirable to choose products of higher quality, well-known brands and those that belong to more expensive products, which can guarantee a good result from its use.

Myoaging, hormonal and chronobiological aging

Myoaging as one of the types of aging

The characteristics of myoaging include the appearance of mimic wrinkles in those parts of the face that are the most mobile and active. For example, very often such a problem can occur in the mouth, eyes, bridge of the nose, or on the forehead. Mimic wrinkles are the first minor signs of aging. And as soon as you notice them in yourself, you need to start acting, because these are harbingers of more serious problems, to get rid of which you will need to make a lot of efforts. The first mimic wrinkles can appear at a fairly young age - as early as 20-25 years. To date, the most effective procedure in the fight against mimic wrinkles is Botox injections. In addition, there are a huge number of funds that have a very similar result.

Hormonal aging - age-related changes

Usually hormonal changes begin to appear after 45 years. In some cases, such processes can occur much earlier, and a variety of diseases and skin problems can become the reason for this. Hormonal aging begins to occur due to the fact that the amount of estradiol, a special female sex hormone, gradually decreases in the body. As a result, the skin becomes more dehydrated and sensitive. In addition, wrinkles, folds, age spots begin to appear, and even the oval of the face changes. The first changes can be seen on the face, only then the skin of the hands and neck begins to fade. The most dangerous period for the female body is the onset of menopause, because the condition of a woman's skin is completely controlled by sex hormones and their quantity. Since during the onset of menopause, the amount of hormones decreases sharply, then, accordingly, the skin condition worsens several times.

In this case, the simplest anti-aging products will not be able to help you. To solve the problem, you need to use special products that will contain hormones that would make your skin cells work again in a short time. Such funds are considered to be quite safe since they do not appear in any way on the state of the hormonal system, but at the same time, you can notice a significant improvement in the skin.

Chronobiological type of aging is usually called the natural biological process of aging, which occurs under the influence of age and external factors. The main signs of such aging include the appearance of wrinkles, which appear gradually, and with age they only begin to increase and intensify. First, mimic wrinkles may appear, then atrophic and sagging wrinkles. In addition, one can note a significant decrease in skin elasticity and tone, excessive dryness, the presence of strong pigmentation, which is very difficult to get rid of, spider veins also begin to appear and the oval of the face loses its previous clear contours.

Such signs of aging occur due to the fact that the skin becomes thinner and weaker with age, and the structures that retain moisture begin to function poorly. Because of this, the skin of an aging person will also be somewhat pale and too dry, as the sweat and sebaceous glands also begin to atrophy over time. Almost complete loss of collagen in skin cells occurs almost immediately after menopause occurs in women. Five years after the onset of menopause, the aging process will be somewhat slowed down. With the help of cosmetology, of course, it is impossible to stop the aging process, but it can be significantly slowed down.

In 1999, the National Institute on Aging published one of its many important studies pertaining to the efficacy of human growth hormone (hGH) replacement therapy. The goal of this study was unbiased: not just to try to confirm the effectiveness of HGH treatment, but to conduct a balanced study that would increase medical knowledge regarding the potential benefit of HGH in slowing down aging. The study participants were divided into two groups. The experimental group received hGH injections, while the control group simply received placebo injections.

Double blind HGH study

This study was, by its nature, double-blind, meaning neither doctors nor patients knew who was getting hGH injections and who was getting placebo injections. This study was also a national undertaking involving clinics from all over the United States. The trials included both patients and female patients with symptoms of human growth hormone deficiency. The study group was large in size and was able to provide high levels of confidence with the ability to detect even low standards of significance.

HGH injections combined with other forms of treatment

Although this study focused primarily on human growth hormone replacement therapy, patients also received testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen as needed. The purpose of this study was not just to demonstrate the possible benefits of HGH, but also to show how other hormones such as testosterone, progesterone and estrogen can increase the healing potential of HGH shots.

Self-Reported Benefits of HGH

Dr. Thierry Hertoghe published this clinical study in which HGH hormone replacement therapy was given to patients suffering from human growth hormone deficiency. These patients had a very wide age range. The youngest patients were 27 years old and the oldest patient 82. At the start of the study, Dr. Hertog and colleagues meticulously documented the health of all patients.

After he documented the health status of his patients, they were given HGH hormone replacement injections. Two months later, Dr. Hertog met with his patients and asked them to fill out a survey form in which they answered about the effects of the treatment, explaining through a questionnaire what benefits they received from injections of human growth hormone. Below is a list of all questions in this questionnaire and the percentage of patients who responded indicating that their condition had improved.

Physical Signs of HGH Deficiency and Aging

The number of wrinkles on the face decreased - 75.5%

Wrinkles are one of the most visible signs of aging. The skin begins to lose its firmness and fullness and develops both light lines and deep wrinkles. The vast majority of patients benefited from HGH injections, indicating that human growth hormone softened fine lines or caused wrinkles to disappear. Human Growth Hormone injections can both hydrate skin cells and increase the strength of facial muscles, both of which play a role in fading wrinkles.

Tighter skin on the neck and face - 67%

As men and women age, the muscles under the skin weaken, causing the skin to sag over the muscles as a result. Nearly two-thirds of Dr. Hertog's patients reported that they had reduced sagging skin on their neck and face as a result of human growth hormone replacement therapy. HGH injections were able to increase the muscle tone of the body, which became its benefit.

Harder muscles - 60.7%

In more than six out of ten patients included in Dr. Hertog's study, muscle tone changed within two months of HGH injections. Human growth hormone was able to increase both muscle tone and muscle size by changing the aesthetic appearance of the muscles as well as their strength. When patients have healthy levels of human growth hormone, the muscles receive more energy and fuel in the form of insulin-like growth factor 1, which optimizes muscle health, especially when combined with beneficial exercise and diet.

Body fat reduction - 48%

Almost half of the patients in this study had a change in body mass index as a result of injections of hGH. Human growth hormone plays an important role in metabolism, which significantly affects both muscle and animal fat deposits located in the body, but especially around the median incision. HGH is converted by the liver into IGF-1, and IGF-1 has the ability to break down unhealthy adipose tissue and turn it into extra energy!

Thicker, stronger skin - 34.5%

More than a third of respondents noted a significant change in skin tone. These patients experienced a change in skin texture. As a result of muscle tension and increased cell hydration, not only do wrinkles and sagging of the skin tend to disappear, but these physiological changes also contribute to an increase in the flexibility and volume of the skin. Skin cells, just like any other cells in the body, require proper hydration to function optimally. Skin cells are no different. The difference is that the skin is an organ that is constantly exposed to external pressure such as sunlight, temperature and wind. Human Growth Hormone is able to protect the skin from the elements and provide and prevent dehydration, which helps the skin stay firm and strong and resist damage.

Increased hair volume - 28.1%

More than a quarter of the participants in this study experienced changes in their hair as a result of exposure to human growth hormone. Although this positive result is rather tertiary, a significant proportion of those who took HGH treatment consider healthier hair as a result of the treatment. When the skin cells are properly hydrated and rejuvenated, it also boosts the health of the hair follicles. Hair follicles are simply a type of deactivated skin cell, so skin health also plays a direct role in hair health.

Cognitive and Emotional Benefits of Human Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy

General increase in emotional balance - 71.4%

Nearly three-quarters of patients experienced an improvement in their overall emotional state. Human growth hormone deficiency has long been associated with poor mental health, and the results of this study provide additional evidence that HGH deficiency can impair mental health. For many patients, HGH is simply capable of making everyday life more tolerable and enjoyable. This is partly due to changes in self-perception that result from the physical changes that take place in the body, but HGH can also optimize brain chemistry!

Increased energy levels - 86.8%

Among the patients in Dr. Thierry's study, almost 9 out of every 10 patients experienced an increase in energy levels. In most patients who suffer from the disorder, HGH deficiency manifests itself as fatigue. HGH can kick-start your body, helping you stay alert and more ready to take on the day. Human growth hormone is capable of this for many reasons. One reason is that it increases the body's ability to experience maximum rejuvenation as a result of sleep. Another reason is that the breakdown of animal fat, as a result of IGF-1, provides the body with increased energy levels on a chemical level.

Increased physical endurance - 86.04%

In addition to increasing overall energy levels, human growth hormone is able to increase physical performance in those suffering from human growth hormone deficiency. More than 85% of respondents in Dr. Thierry's clinical trials reported that they had an increased ability to exercise and perform physical work as a result of HGH injections. Human Growth Hormone unlocks elevated metabolic levels, which provide the muscles with increased energy. This energy boost improves the body's ability to withstand increased levels of exercise in addition to increasing the benefits of this work. Also, HGH replacement therapy increases the rate at which the body recovers from exercise and injury. Increased rejuvenating activity during sleep hours means you can exercise harder and more often without feeling overwhelmed.

You can stay up late with fewer negative effects - 82.5%

Human Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy improves the body's ability to get more from sleep. HGH is secreted mainly during the night hours and this occurs when the body is recovering from the fatigue and wear and tear that has accumulated during the day. In HGH deficient patients, the body does not experience the full benefits of healthy sleep and suffers from it over time. While eight hours of sleep is most beneficial, patients with healthy levels of HGH can function more optimally with less sleep if needed. In addition, for patients suffering from mild sleep disorders, HGH can help restore healthy sleep habits by restoring the body's natural circadian rhythm. .

Increased ability to cope with stress - 83.7%

Stress is one of the most debilitating experiences in the modern world. Anxiety and stress can prevent everything from happiness to fulfillment, increasing the risk of physical ailments such as cardiovascular disease, insomnia and stroke. More than 4 out of 5 patients in this study had reduced stress levels as a result of two months of HGH treatment. HGH-deficient patients tended to have higher cortisol levels and lower energy levels, which make them more susceptible to stress.

Low levels of anxiety, increased sense of calm - 73.5%

Nearly three-quarters of the patients treated with hGH hormones in this study said that their lives became calmer as a result of the treatment. Replacement therapy with bioidentical hGH can alleviate feelings of anxiety, increase our ability to capitalize on stressful situations, and reduce the external threat of negative social stimuli. Human growth hormone injections can help patients see the forest for the trees, which can prevent patients from feeling full.

Increased confidence - 73.1%

The vast majority of patients who received hGH injections, as a result of Dr. Hertog's study, said that the hGH injections helped them become more confident. There are many reasons for this. HGH shots can increase awareness and improve self-perception, while reducing feelings of stress and anxiety, which naturally allows a man or woman to act more confidently on their personal intuition. In addition, reduced feelings of tiredness and fatigue help patients to become more active participants in their own lives, to act more in their own interests.

Increased sense of opportunity - 77.8%

Nearly 80% of patients in Dr. Hertog's clinical trials say that HGH replacement therapy has increased their sense of control over their own lives. This doesn't necessarily mean that they feel more confident, but they do feel that their personal life choices matter more. There are a number of reasons why this cognitive change may occur, but one of the most likely hypotheses is that hGH replacement therapy has other benefits, either physical or cognitive, that help patients improve their own lives. When the physiology changes, it affects the psychology, allowing patients to feel that they can manifest spectacular changes, both in their own world and in the world beyond.

Increased sense of self-esteem and increased self-esteem - 50%

Half of the patients who received shots of bioidentical hGH in this study reported that they felt better about themselves as a result of the treatment. Not all HGH-deficient patients are depressed, so naturally not all patients may experience heightened self-esteem. This results in patients more impressively feeling better 50% of the time. Coincidence of cognitive and physical benefits allows patients to fulfill themselves better. A big part of self-respect is a sense of empowerment and confidence that keeps you from feeling like a passive player in your own life. Naturally, if you treat the underlying causes of fatigue and despondency, your sense of self will improve.

Increased desire to be with others, increased sociability - 77.8%

There are many things that make an individual feel isolated from his or her peers. Feeling overwhelmed and powerless when around other people too often can be caused by exhausting chores. Physical exhaustion can make you feel less excited at the sight of other people. Being overweight or dissatisfied with your appearance can make it difficult want to be among other people. The good news is that rehabilitative HGH therapy can address a range of physical and mental causes of antisocial behavior, allowing you to connect more freely and happily with others.

Depression suppressed or completely eliminated -82.7%

One of the main reasons for all of the above negative feelings - anxiety, lack of self-esteem, introversion and lack of confidence are all symptoms of depression. While not all patients who experience these symptoms are depressed, most depressed patients have some or all of these symptoms. Treatment with hGH injections can attenuate these depression precursors, which can in many cases completely suppress depression. There are several studies that suggest that HGH in combination with dopamine plays an important role in emotional health and well-being, which suggests that HGH treatment may also alleviate feelings of depression on a biological level.

Decreased tendency to respond to others in a socially aggressive manner - 71%

We all act anti-social from time to time, but those who suffer from an HGH deficiency are more likely to be irritable and perpetually unhappy than those who are hormonally balanced. More than 7 out of 10 participants in Dr. Hertog's study reported that after two months of injections of hGH replacement therapy, they improved and were less likely to react to others with verbal aggression.

There are many reasons why human growth hormone hGH can improve patients' interpersonal relationships. Cognitive and social fatigue can reduce the enjoyment people get from company and increase the likelihood of feelings of unmotivated aggression and annoyance. In addition, depression and anxiety also drain our social energy, increasing the likelihood that we will respond more negatively to social stimulation than if we did in a normal and healthy state.

HGH replacement therapy has been shown to improve life in multiple ways

The Hertog study and others like it provide ample evidence that HGH replacement therapy for HGH deficiency can improve patients' quality of life in many beneficial ways: cognitively, emotionally, and physically. If you are suffering from the result of an HGH deficiency, human growth hormone injections can help you experience a feeling of improved and renewed self. HGH treatment can help you feel like you're in your twenties, but with the confidence and wisdom of a more mature adult. The benefits of HGH replacement therapy are truly amazing when taken as a whole.

Human growth hormone has been sufficiently studied and deeply researched.

Perhaps human growth hormone therapy is the most studied drug treatment in the history of American science, and eventually the US Food and Drug Administration approved the use of hormonal therapies for the treatment of clinically diagnosed acquired human growth hormone deficiency. After decades of medical research and clinical observation, HGH, when used competently, has been shown to be remarkably safe for both short-term and long-term use. There are several side effects, most of which are reversible.

Most of the side effects of HGH use are the result of human growth hormone mismanagement, where individuals, in order to maximize the benefits derived from HGH, administer a dose far in excess of the therapeutic dose for an extended period of time, neglecting the long and short term health effects.

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