Symptoms and treatment of flat feet in adults. Longitudinal flatfoot

Flat feet is an unsafe disease that needs attention.

The human foot should have two arches - longitudinal and transverse.

They play an important role - they maintain balance when moving. But, in case of deformation of this part of the body, serious consequences may occur.

First of all, the appeared flat feet negatively affects the performance of the spine and joints.

A person suffering from such an ailment quickly gets tired, cannot walk for a long time. So what is this disease and how to identify it?

The concept of "flat feet"

This word refers to the state of the foot, in which it is unnaturally smoothed and has no arches, that is, concavities.

There are two in total:

  • transverse;
  • longitudinal.

The foot with the disease loses its shock-absorbing properties and thereby increases the load on the spine and legs.

Symptoms of the disease

Pay attention to the following signs:

These symptoms can be found not only in adults, but also in children.

As soon as they appear, you should immediately contact an orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment of the disease. If flat feet are detected in the early stages, then it is successfully cured.

Causes of flat feet

Factors that are prerequisites for the disease are several:

Therefore, the appearance of flat feet in pregnant women is a common problem. You can even notice that the leg has increased in size. This is due to the fact that the arch is bent. In most cases, the symptoms of flat feet disappear after childbirth.

If any signs appear, congenital or acquired flat feet should definitely be treated as quickly as possible.


Medical treatment

Getting rid of flat feet with medicines is still impossible. They are not able not only to cure, but even to slow down the process of the disease. The doctor can prescribe a medicine only for severe pain. And these are most often non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Orthopedic insoles

Arch support insoles are always made individually, taking into account the characteristics of the foot. The material is plastic, since it is it that heats up well and becomes plastic at the same time. As soon as the temperature drops, the insole hardens.

Individual production consists in heating the workpiece with a hairdryer, after which a foot is placed on it. To perform the correct arch support, the arch of the foot is lifted with a ribbon and a special pad is substituted.

Supinators are made in two versions:

  • for shoes with heels;
  • for flat shoes.

If a child constantly walks in the right shoes until the age of seven, at least from the age of three, then the disease will be completely cured. At the same time, it is necessary to change the arch support in time, because the children's leg is growing rapidly.

Treatment at home

Flat feet can and should be treated at home. The following measures will help get rid of this disease.


It should be special - orthopedic. Such shoes are able to keep the arch of the foot in the correct position, accustoming to proper walking without falling inward. If there is a slight degree of damage, then it is enough to use special insoles with an arch support.


A very effective remedy. Massage is carried out only by a professional who, thanks to his experience, can knead the arch to the state of giving it the desired shape. In the process of various massage techniques - stroking, rubbing, patting, etc. blood circulation is enhanced and these factors more quickly bring the recovery time closer. If we talk about home massage, then massage mats and specially designed massagers will cope with this role.

Physical training

The correct foot is a properly developed muscular corset. To comply with this condition, you need to move as much as possible - go hiking, skiing, swimming, skating and rollerblading. All of the sports mentioned are great for building muscle.


It is better to walk on uneven surfaces with bare feet. It can be just asphalt, sand, lawn or pebbles. The best thing is walking barefoot on warm sand or needles. What happens in the legs? Irregularities affect the active points of the foot and this contributes to its proper formation. If it is winter outside, then you can walk on buttons, pebbles or peas, for example at home.


You need to roll various objects with your feet. And not only across, but along too. For this exercise, you can use a bottle, rolling pin, roller. Or you can spread a towel on the floor and try to collect it with your toes.


It implies walking on a log. This is what gives the foot its natural shape. It is better to do this exercise sideways.


A great way to deal with flat feet. It would be nice to ride without shoes, then the load goes to the arch of the foot with its fixation in a natural bend.


Definitely need to watch your walk. It should be correct - with straightened shoulders, with a straight back, with parallel legs. When walking, the foot should rest on the outer, and not on the inner edge.


Eat as many calcium-rich foods as possible.

Vitamin D can be obtained from medication or from the sun. You should be more under ultraviolet. Importantly, vitamin D is absorbed only in the morning. So, it is better to walk before lunch. And be sure to monitor the weight, otherwise excessively deposited fats will only lead to an aggravation of the disease.


They make the foot softer and relax it. To prepare baths, you need to take a liter of warm water, and add 1 tablespoon of sea salt. The procedure time is 20 minutes.


It gives good results in complex treatment and in conjunction with arch support insoles.

As a rule, apply:

The goal of physiotherapy is to strengthen the muscles of the arch of the foot and get rid of pain.

Therapeutic exercises

For any orthopedic deviations, the basis of treatment is gymnastics. The most widely used are the following:

Flat feet can be effectively treated at home, but success depends on patience and regularity. Even daily exercises for a month give a visible result.

Treatment results

You should know that completely flat feet can be cured only up to 7 years. It is up to this age that congenital or rachitic flat feet can be eliminated by conservative treatment.

As the child gets older, the foot is only corrected and therapy is performed to maintain or improve the situation. If it is impossible to slow down the process of foot deformity, then the doctor may insist on surgical intervention.

Surgical correction involves fixing the foot for a long time with a cast in the correct position and using crutches.

When the disease is not congenital, but acquired, the success of treatment depends on getting rid of the underlying disease. For example, if a person suffers from diabetic polyneuropathy, then flat feet will not progress when a stable blood sugar level is reached.

It is not necessary to let the disease take its course, it develops very quickly.

Causes of flat feet can be very different - from congenital flat feet to flat feet resulting from illness or injury. However, the most common cause of flat feet is a modern lifestyle. The current realities are such that a person in his daily life moves, walks, and sometimes runs on smooth and hard artificial surfaces. In addition, wearing fashionable high heels greatly overloads the forefoot, and if your profession involves a long stay on your feet (hairdresser, waiter, salesman, etc.), then you are practically guaranteed flat feet.

The most common reason is a lack or excess of load on the legs. This can be caused, for example, by wearing the wrong shoes. Approximately 3% of people get flat feet "inherited" from dad or mom. For many, it develops as a result of diseases: rickets, poliomyelitis, diabetes mellitus. There are entire populations at risk of developing flat feet.

The development of a flat foot in a person often occurs due to an increase in body weight, and in athletes - as a result of the systematic use of excessive loads. The cause of flat feet is the wearing of shoes that do not meet the conditions of work and life. In the process of walking, the human body is subjected to various shocks and shocks, which are largely amortized by the foot.

The shock-absorbing function of the foot is provided by the longitudinal and transverse arches, due to the interaction of the skeleton, joints and muscles of the foot, which form a complex elastic system. With excessive overstrain of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus, a flattening of one or another arch occurs, more often both at the same time.

Flat feet are directly related to body weight.: the greater the mass and, consequently, the load on the feet, the more pronounced the longitudinal flat feet. This pathology occurs mainly in women. Longitudinal flatfoot occurs most often at the age of 16-25 years, transverse - at 35-50 years. According to the origin of flat feet, there are congenital flat feet, traumatic, paralytic and static. It is not easy to establish congenital flat feet before the age of 5-6, since all the elements of a flat foot are determined in all children younger than this age. However, in approximately 3% of all cases of flat feet, the flat foot is congenital.

Traumatic flat feet- a consequence of a fracture of the ankles, calcaneus, tarsal bones. Paralytic flat foot is the result of paralysis of the plantar muscles of the foot and the muscles that begin on the lower leg (a consequence of Poliomyelitis).

Rachitic flat feet due to the load of the body on the weakened bones of the foot.

Static flat feet(most common 82.1%) occurs due to weakness of the muscles of the lower leg and foot, ligaments and bones. The reasons for the development of static flat feet can be different - an increase in body weight, work in a standing position, a decrease in muscle strength during physiological aging, a lack of training in people with sedentary professions, etc.

Internal causes contributing to the development of foot deformities also include hereditary predisposition, to external reasons - overload of the feet associated with the profession (a woman with a normal foot structure, spending 7-8 hours at the counter or in a weaving workshop, may eventually acquire this disease), housekeeping, wearing irrational shoes (narrow, uncomfortable) .

When walking on “stiletto heels”, the load is redistributed: from the heel it moves to the area of ​​​​the transverse arch, which cannot withstand it, deforms, which is why transverse flat feet occur.
The main symptoms of longitudinal flat feet are pain in the foot, a change in its shape.

One of the important factors in the development of flat feet is ill-fitting shoes. For the correct formation of the arch of the foot, constant training of the muscles and ligaments of the foot is necessary. They make muscles and ligaments work by walking on hard grass, stones, sand. Without a load, the muscles of the feet weaken (like any muscles without work) and do not support the foot in an elevated state. As a result, flat feet occur.
In adults, static flat feet are more common, which is associated with excessive loads on the legs.

What is leg overload? It:
- overweight
- long standing
- pregnancy
- walking in high heels (in shoes with high heels and pointed toes, a woman does not rely on the entire foot, but only on the heads of the metatarsal bones).

Women suffer from flat feet four times more often than men. Risk factors include: uncomfortable shoes, long standing, overweight, pregnancy, walking in high heels.

It happens flat feet congenital in which the foot defect is inherited by the child from the parents (3% of all cases). Even less common is flat feet associated with bruises, fractures and sprains of the foot. The third cause of flat feet is specific diseases: rickets, poliomyelitis, diabetes mellitus. The fourth, most important and common reason is the lack or excess of load on the legs.

According to medical statistics, residents of developed countries suffer from flat feet much more often than citizens of the third world. For example, in Europe and America, up to 70% of people have one or another degree of flat feet, and in India this foot defect is observed only in 4%. In the same India, an interesting study was conducted, which showed that the later a person starts wearing shoes, the less likely he is to earn flat feet. For those who put on their shoes for the first time after the age of 16, it was less than 2%.

Flat feet is a tricky disease. One gets the strange impression that so many of the blessings of civilization are its best friends. Smooth roads and floors, high-calorie foods and excess weight, trendy narrow-toed shoes, a sedentary lifestyle at the computer or driving a car, the standing work of teachers, waiters and salesmen, fanatical training on treadmills - all this can lead to flat feet.

By the way, flat feet are four times more common in women than in men. There can be several explanations for this fact. Firstly, during pregnancy, weight increases, and, accordingly, the load on the feet. And secondly, women often wear shoes with high heels and a size smaller to make their legs look slimmer. In the film “Only Girls in Jazz”, the hero of Tony Curtis (Geraldine), trying on women's stilettos, gloomily said: “How do they wear it? This is a painful technique - eversion of the foot! What to do, for the sake of beauty, women agree to endure a lot. But then they have to pay with flat feet.
If someone undertook to rank the most harmful shoes, then the first place would no doubt be taken by narrow artificial leather shoes with a heel higher than 7 cm. An honorable second place would go to your favorite worn-out flat-soled slippers. Bronze would be divided by rigid "platforms", felt boots and rubber boots. However, the most unexpected would be the contender for fourth place - sneakers. Despite the springy sole and good fixation of the foot, they have a huge disadvantage: they allow the leg to be lazy. The sneaker takes almost all the load when walking, and as a result, the ligaments and muscles of the arch of the foot become sluggish and weak, provoking flat feet. Such shoes are only good for a person with sore feet. Healthy, it can be useful only during sports.

Signs of the right shoes these are: a low heel, a free toe in which you can move your fingers, a flexible sole and a prophylactic arch support. In the prevention of flat feet, the arch support is an irreplaceable thing. This resilient insole with bulges in different places allows you to evenly distribute the weight of the body on the foot, helps the arch to maintain the necessary concavity, in the end, makes the shoe more comfortable.

Flat feet are more often acquired, but occur against the background of congenital insufficiency of connective tissue, hereditary slenderness. Such a foot is often called "aristocratic". There are, for example, such ladies who have “a narrow hand even in rings,” as Blok wrote, or “a narrow heel,” which Pushkin’s Don Juan managed to peep. In a word, thin bone. Women are affected 4 times more often than men.
And one of the unfavorable factors of development is improperly made shoes. With flat feet, women of fashion pay for high heels and narrow toe shoes, when the legs do not rest on the entire foot, but only on the heads of the metatarsal bones.

“Healthy” is considered shoes with a heel no higher than 4 cm.
Unfortunately, many of our factories produce shoes, regardless of the opinion of podiatrists (the specialty "podiatrist" is well known in the developed countries of the West, in Russia podiatry is only making its first steps; in general, podiatry is a branch of musculoskeletal medicine that deals with foot problems lower limbs, posture and gait).

For the correct formation of the arches of the foot, constant stimulation of the muscles and ligaments is needed. Stimulants can be hard grass, stones, sand, earth (if you walk on them barefoot).
Aggressive for the foot are parquet, laminates, and other hard surfaces, including thick soles, in which the muscles and ligaments of the foot do not work. Everyone knows that non-working muscles atrophy. The pioneers of space, returning to their native land, could not walk (it was affected by a long stay in weightlessness). I had to load muscles and ligaments in space with the help of simulators.

So the arches of the feet without load are lazy and sag: flat feet are acquired for the rest of their lives.

According to the literature, from 65% and above of children by school age acquire flat feet. This means that more than 65% of the child population passes into adulthood with flourishing flat feet, and later (in grandmothers) with "berries" in the form of bumps on the feet.

And the point is also that wearing someone else's shoes leads to an aggravation of the disease. Worn-in someone else's shoes incorrectly distribute the load on the foot. It turns out that when we donate shoes, we do a disservice. Children's shoes should be with a small heel, a hard back and spring instep - a kind of "stones" and "bumps" underfoot.

Adults are more likely to static flat feet, which is associated with excessive loads on the legs. This is primarily due to being overweight. People whose profession involves standing for a long time - hairdressers, sellers, machine operators - also suffer. These people are at risk for acquiring flat feet in the same way as surgeons standing at the operating table for hours.

Pregnancy causes various changes in the body. Many of the women present the same complaints. One of these complaints, which is practically not taken into account, is pain in the legs. Due to the natural weight gain during pregnancy, the center of gravity of the body shifts forward. This causes a redistribution of the load on the limbs and an increase in pressure in the knee joints and feet.
Pregnant women may experience excessive pronation of the foot. These changes can cause pain in the heels, arch, or metatarsus. Many women have cramps in the muscles of the legs and varicose veins of the lower extremities. Therefore, all pregnant women need to have the necessary information about their health and, in particular, about the function of the legs, so that the nine-month period of pregnancy is as comfortable as possible for them.

The overpronation that accompanies flat feet occurs because the arch of the foot is flattened by the increasing weight of the woman due to the growing fetus. This can cause congestion and inflammation of the plantar fascia that runs from the heel to the toes. Overpronation can cause walking to become painful due to increased stress on the calf muscles and spine. Overpronation is very common in people with weak, flat feet and overweight.

The most common cause of flat feet is improper weight bearing due to:
Wearing uncomfortable, inappropriate shoes, high heels.
Diseases (rickets, poliomyelitis, diabetes mellitus).
Long standing.

Flat feet are caused by improper loading. Not necessarily too strong, it can also develop from a lack of load.

So, causes of flat feet are divided into four groups:
1. There is congenital flat feet, in which the defect of the foot is inherited by the child from mothers and fathers (3% of all cases).
2. Even less common is flat feet associated with bruises, fractures and sprains of the foot.
3. The third cause of flat feet is specific diseases: rickets, poliomyelitis, diabetes mellitus.
4. The fourth, most important and common reason is the lack or excess of load on the legs.
And in this regard, there are 10 factors in the development of flat feet:
- underdevelopment of the muscles of the foot;
- weakness of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the foot, possibly as a result of rickets;
- great physical activity;
- overweight;
- prolonged stay in bed (as a result of illness);
- wearing the wrong shoes;
- clubfoot;
- X-shaped legs;
- injuries of the foot, ankle joint, ankle;
- hereditary predisposition.

Flat feet is a kind of deformation of the foot area, in which its arches are subject to lowering, as a result of which there is a complete loss of their shock-absorbing and spring functions. Depending on which arch of the foot is flattened, transverse and longitudinal flat feet are distinguished. There are also congenital and acquired flat feet. About 45% of all adults suffer from various forms of flat feet. Pathology is more often detected in women.

What is flatfoot?

Flat feet is a change in the shape of the foot, characterized by the omission of its longitudinal and transverse arches. With flat feet, the structure of the normal arch of the foot, both longitudinal (along the inner edge of the foot) and transverse, along the line of the base of the fingers, is quite pronounced or almost completely changes. As a complication, there are pains in the spine, and arthrosis of the knee and hip joints.

The foot is a natural shock absorber that protects the body from shaking when walking and allows you to maintain balance when moving. When considering the shape of the foot, two arches are distinguished - longitudinal and transverse.

  1. The longitudinal arch is the curvature of the foot on the inside from the heel to the joint of the big toe. It is usually visible.
  2. The transverse arch is less visible. It is an arch at the base of the toes (where the metatarsals end).

With the weakening of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus, the normal shape of the foot is disturbed. The expressiveness of the arches is lost, the foot settles, flattens out. A similar pathology is defined as flat feet.

Flat feet affect up to 50% of the world's population. Women are 4 times more susceptible to this disease than men. In 3% of cases, flat feet are recorded from birth, by the age of 2 in 24% of children, by the 4th in 32% of children, by the age of seven in 40% of children, after 11 years, half of adolescents suffer from flat feet.


Flat feet are divided into longitudinal and transverse. Depending on how the foot expands: in width or length. Currently, there are such types of flat feet: longitudinal, transverse, combined.

To date the most common form foot deformity is transverse. There is a difference between acquired and congenital pathology.

Longitudinal flatfoot

Longitudinal flatfoot is characterized by flattening of the longitudinal arch of the foot. At the same time, its length increases and almost the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sole is in contact with the floor. It is noteworthy that longitudinal flat feet are typical mainly for women. Body weight affects it: excess weight increases the load on the feet and longitudinal flat feet becomes more pronounced. The age at which longitudinal flat feet most often occurs is 16–25 years.

There are four stages of longitudinal flat feet:

  • predisease stage (prodromal stage);
  • intermittent flat feet;
  • flat;
  • flat foot.

At the predisease stage, a patient with flat feet is concerned about fatigue when walking, pain in the upper part of the arch of the foot and calf muscles after prolonged static loads.

Transverse flatfoot

If we are talking, for example, about the transverse arch (and it is deformed in 55.23% of cases), then the five metatarsal bones, on which the entire frontal section of the foot rests, diverge like a fan. In this case, the foot is shortened, there is an external deviation of the big toe and abnormal flexion/reduction of the middle toe. It usually happens to people between the ages of 35 and 50.

The proportion of transverse flat feet, according to various sources, ranges from 55% to 80%. The disease usually develops in middle-aged people (35-50 years). Women suffer from transverse flat feet 20 times more often than men.

By nature, flat feet are distinguished:

  • Congenital is detected from the age of 5-6, because in children of an earlier age all the signs of this disease are expressed.
  • Traumatic is formed after bone fractures, accompanied by a violation of the arches of the foot.
  • Paralytically flat - a complication of the transferred, appears due to paresis, paralysis of the muscles of the foot, as well as the calf muscles of the lower leg.
  • Rachitic is observed in children with a violation of the mineralization of bone tissue.
  • Static occurs in adults when performing work involving prolonged standing on their feet (administrator, surgeon, stewardess, entertainer, consultant). Appears due to the failure of the ligaments, muscles of the foot. It also appears in old age due to muscle atrophy, as well as in obesity, pregnancy due to an increase in the load on the arches of the foot.

Degrees of flat feet

Insufficiency of the ligamentous apparatus. The very first stage of the disease, which is manifested by periodic pain in the legs during the day, with increased stress, at the end of the working day. With this degree of disease, visual changes in the foot are not determined. Feet retain their original healthy appearance. A short unloading of the lower extremities quickly relieves pain.

1 degree

Weakening of the ligamentous apparatus, the foot does not change its shape, pain and fatigue in the legs occur after a long walk or in the evening. After rest, pain and discomfort disappear. The gait changes, it becomes less plastic.

2 degree flat feet

The flattening of the foot is determined by the naked eye, the arches disappear, the foot is expanded and flattened. The pain becomes constant and more pronounced. The pain spreads throughout the ankle joint, the entire lower leg, up to the knee joint. Gait is difficult, clubfoot appears.

Flat feet 3 degrees

Third degree: characterized by complete deformity. At the same time, a violation of the functions of the musculoskeletal system is diagnosed with the manifestation of relevant diseases. At this stage of the development of the disease, severe pain is felt, sports activities are impossible.

The reasons

Among the main reasons provoking the development of flat feet can be identified as follows:

  • overweight;
  • pregnancy;
  • features of activity that cause excessive physical activity;
  • heredity (flat feet in the next of kin);
  • wearing shoes of poor quality, too narrow or small shoes;
  • weakening of the ligaments and muscles of the feet, due to the lack of appropriate loads or age, etc.

In 90% of cases, flat feet are diagnosed in people with poorly developed musculoskeletal apparatus of the feet. Regular training of the foot muscles will help to avoid the occurrence of deformations and never encounter flat feet.

Symptoms of flat feet in adults

Usually a person who spends a lot of time on his feet does not notice the development of flat feet, and the appearance of pain and discomfort in the legs and feet is associated with fatigue. There are several main signs by which you can suspect the development of this formidable disease in yourself.

Early signs of flat feet:

  • Rapid fatigue of the legs, which can subsequently lead to general fatigue and to chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Aching pain in the feet
  • Pain in the muscles of the thighs, lower leg, lower back that occurs when moving, and later when standing, the pain disappears after a night's sleep
  • Difficulties in choosing shoes
  • Tension in the calf muscles
  • puffiness
  • The appearance of areas of rough and thickened skin that cause discomfort when walking (corns) occur at the base of the thumb.
  • Shoes begin to wear out much faster than before, mainly from the inside.
  • From time to time it seems that the leg has increased in length, and because of this you have to buy shoes one size larger.

In advanced cases, when walking, the area of ​​​​the sacrum and lower back hurts, headaches may occur, walking for long distances is painful and painful.


Flat feet, as it can already be generally understood from the characteristics of the course and progression of this disease, can provoke a number of specific complications, among them we highlight the following:

  • gradual increase in pain, its non-specific manifestation (that is, pain not only in the feet, but in the hips, knees, back, headache);
  • clubfoot;
  • unnatural posture, curvature of the spine, the development of scoliosis and other diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis, hernia, etc.);
  • ingrown nails;
  • dystrophic changes that develop in the muscles of the back and legs;
  • the development of diseases directly related to the defeat of the feet (deformities, calluses, curvature of the fingers, neuritis, spurs, etc.).

How to determine flat feet at home?

There are proven methods for determining flat feet:

  1. Getting a footprint. Take a white sheet, put a fat cream on your feet, put the paper on the floor and stand on it. It is important to stand straight and without support. Examine the print carefully. There should be a notch on the inside;
  2. Study of the foot according to the Friedland method based on the study of the podometric index. To do this, measure the height and length of the foot, divide the height by the length and multiply by 100. Values ​​​​from 29 to 31 are considered the norm.
  3. Spread the feet with any coloring and easily washed off substance., and stand on any white sheet of paper. Attention! During the procedure, you can not rely. You just need to stand straight. When viewing the resulting image, draw a conclusion. If the entire area of ​​the foot is painted over, then the disease is clearly present. If there is a notch on the inside of the foot and a space between the forefoot and the heel, then there is no problem with the legs.

These methods make it possible to suspect the presence of pathology. But how to determine the degree of flat feet? Just for this, you should contact a specialist.


The diagnosis of "flat feet" is made on the basis of radiography of the feet in 2 projections with a load (standing). A preliminary diagnosis of flat feet can be made by an orthopedist based on a physical examination. The correctness of the location of the anatomical landmarks of the foot and ankle joint, the range of motion and angles of deviation of the foot, the reaction of the arches and muscles to the load, the features of gait, the features of shoe wear are determined.

Note: flat feet are diagnosed in women 4 times more often than in men. Often, pathology develops during pregnancy due to a physiological increase in body weight.

The main methods that orthopedists use to make a diagnosis are as follows:

  1. Radiography. The main diagnostic method, which allows to determine not only the presence, but also the nature and degree of pathology, is radiography in two projections. X-ray examination is carried out with a load, i.e. the patient must stand.
  2. Plantography. The technique for applying a fat cream to the legs, which can be used at home, was described above. Instead of a greasy cream, quite often doctors use lugol, which leaves a more accurate and distinct imprint on paper.
  3. Podometry. This is the measurement of various parameters of the foot and the calculation of various indices that allow determining the presence of deformities and the degree of pathology.

Treatment of flat feet in adults

Flat feet seem to many to be a simple disease, but in fact it is a rather serious and rapidly progressing pathology that is difficult to correct. It can be completely cured only in childhood, and in adults, treatment is aimed at slowing the development of the disease in more severe stages. The earlier flatfoot is detected, the more favorable its treatment will be.

In adults, the fight against flat feet is aimed at:

  • removal of pain syndrome;
  • improved tone in the muscles and ligaments of the feet.

Orthopedic insoles

Good results in the treatment of flat feet in people of any age are given by orthopedic arch support insoles, individually made for each foot, taking into account all anatomical features.

Such insoles are usually made of plastic, which is plastic when heated, and becomes stiff when the temperature is lowered. Such insoles can be made for shoes without a heel or with a heel.

  1. Wearing orthopedic insoles can completely cure flat feet in children under seven years of age, if treatment is started from two to three years of age. Children need to change their arch support quite often in accordance with the growth of the foot.
  2. In adolescents and adults, wearing insoles makes walking comfortable, slows down or stops the progression of the disease. At first, arch supports may seem uncomfortable to wear, but as you get used to it, a feeling of comfort comes.


Physical exercise is an integral part of the treatment and prevention of flat feet. They help strengthen the muscles of the foot, stop the progression of the disease that has already begun. It takes at least six months to achieve a lasting result. Regularity is important, otherwise there will be no effect.

It is necessary to start treatment with gymnastics, which can be performed daily at home. The therapeutic form of gymnastics is used to achieve the correction of the arch of the foot, strengthens the muscles, trains the ligamentous apparatus, forms the correct type of gait. There are a large number of exercises that are selected individually and depend on age, complaints, position of the foot and its shape.

A set of gymnastic exercises:

  1. Raising on toes. It is enough to do 10-12 repetitions. You need to start the exercise from their main stance: the feet are parallel to one another, slightly spaced.
  2. Rolling with the legs of a small elastic ball or a round stick. Exercise time - 5 minutes of rolling the object with the entire surface of the foot.
  3. Rotation. You need to sit down, stretch your legs forward, rest your heels on the floor, and alternately rotate your feet in different directions. 10 times to the right and 10 times to the left.
  4. Walking on opposite sides of the foot. 10 steps on the outside, then 10 steps on the inside, then 20 steps with a change of fulcrum at each step.
  5. Rolls: standing from heel to toe - 10 times.
  6. Flexion and extension of the toes - 3 minutes.
  7. Holding a small ball with the feet. As an option - shifting small objects from place to place, holding them with your toes.

The whole complex takes no more than 20-30 minutes daily. After doing the exercises, it is recommended to do a massage.

Walking on uneven surfaces. Exercises are performed barefoot, each 8-12 times.

  1. Walking barefoot on the sand (for sand, you can adapt a box measuring half a meter by a meter) or a foam rubber mat (or with a large pile), bending your toes and leaning on the outer edge of the foot;
  2. Walking on a sloping surface with support on the outer edge;
  3. Walking on a log sideways.

It is very important that the patient performs special exercises for flat feet every day. The muscles and ligaments of the foot must be constantly trained as a preventive measure, otherwise they weaken, and as a result, symptoms of flat feet appear.

Massage for flat feet

Massage for flat feet involves the use of a large number of different techniques. These are stroking, kneading, rubbing and other methods. Massaging the foot, it is necessary to move from the toes to the heel. Calf massage involves moving from the ankle to the knee joint. Both exercises and massage perfectly tone the muscles and ligaments of the foot. You can use special foot baths during the treatment.

The basic massage techniques for flat feet are quite simple:

  • massage the legs from the ankles to the groin from the bottom up (stroking, patting, rubbing);
  • massage the foot and its back (from the fingers to the ankle) by rubbing, that is, with circular movements of the fingertips connected together, or with the edge of the palm across the foot;
  • the arch of the foot can also be massaged with a “comb”, which is formed from the joints of the proximal phalanges of four fingers when the hand is clenched into a fist (in other words, “knuckles”);
  • heels (alternately), as well as the bases of the fingers from the side of the foot, it is more convenient to rub, bending the leg at the knee, with four connected fingers of both hands (thumbs on the rise).

Perform exercises for the treatment of flat feet should be at least 20 minutes and, if possible, twice a day.

Therapeutic baths with folk remedies

It has been established that water procedures are useful for preventing the disease. After a hard day at work, especially if it involves a long stay on your feet, it is recommended to let your feet relax by placing them in a warm bath.

  1. Based on oak bark. For half a liter of boiling water, add 100 g of dry matter, put on fire for half an hour, strain and pour into a bowl of warm water.
  2. Salt baths. You can use iodized, but better sea salt. One dessert spoon is dissolved in a liter of warm water, dipped into a container with a foot solution for ten minutes. Then they need to be wiped dry and massaged with hands previously lubricated with a moisturizer. Such procedures improve blood circulation, strengthen bones and perfectly relax.
  3. Baths with a decoction of sage, chamomile or pine needles. Pour hot water over one glass of the dried plant and boil for 15-20 minutes, leave to cool completely. Dilute ½ with hot water and soak your feet in it for about half an hour.

Prevention of flat feet

You can prevent the disease by adhering to the following rules:

  1. Need to walk more barefoot. If possible, you should go to nature, and spend a few minutes walking barefoot on grass, earth, pebbles, coniferous needles.
  2. Wearing the right shoes. This has to do with the prevention of impairment in children. For them, you need to buy shoes that tightly hold the foot, which do not fly off and do not press.
  3. Need to do exercises from flat feet. By allocating a few minutes a day, you can prevent the development of a violation. As a charge, you can use a massage mat. It also needs a foot massage.
  4. You need to monitor your posture and the correct position of the feet when walking, as well as when standing. The feet should be almost parallel to each other and rest on the outer edges of the sole.
  5. Home baths are good prevention. with anti-inflammatory drugs (chamomile, sage, St. John's wort). They help relieve fatigue from the legs after walking, as well as eliminate inflammation and swelling. Such baths before the massage help prepare the skin for relaxation.
  6. Foot massage improves blood circulation in the foot. At the same time, reflex points are stimulated, of which there are about 90 pieces on the sole. General massage for the prevention of flat feet is also prescribed for children to enhance the body's defenses.

flat feet called the deformation of the shape of the foot, which is expressed in the omission of its arches. It is manifested by a pronounced or complete change in the normal structure of the arch of the foot, and can be complicated by pain in the spine and diseases of the joints of the legs.

Types of flat feet

Flat feet happen transverse or longitudinal, depending on the direction of the expansion of the foot (in width or length), it can also be combined. The most common deformity of the foot.

With such a deformation of the foot, the metatarsal bones, which serve as a support for its entire anterior section, diverge in the form of a fan. In this case, the foot becomes shorter, the big toe curves outward, and the middle toe unnaturally bends or contracts.

To understand what this defect looks like, a photo with transverse flat feet will help. According to various statistics, this type of disease accounts for 55% -80% of all cases. Typically, the age of such patients is 35-50 years, and there are 20 times more women among them than men.

Depending on the origin, flat feet are distinguished:

  • congenital- is detected from the age of 5-6, because at an earlier age it is difficult to diagnose the disease due to the structural features of the children's foot.
  • traumatic- is formed due to a fracture of the bones, in which the arches of the foot are violated.
  • Rachitic- typical for children suffering from rickets.
  • static- typical for adults whose work requires a long standing on their feet (salespeople, administrators, surgeons, etc.). The reason for such flat feet are weak ligaments and muscles of the foot. Pathology of this nature can also appear in older people due to muscle atrophy, or be caused by pregnancy or obesity, that is, conditions that cause an increase in the load on the arches of the foot.
  • Paralytically flat foot- occurs as a complication of cerebral palsy, stroke, poliomyelitis, diseases in which the muscles of the foot or lower leg are affected by paresis or paralysis. .

Longitudinal flatfoot

With this type of disease, the longitudinal arch of the foot is distorted, the sole becomes longer, and almost the entire surface touches the floor. Longitudinal flat feet are more common in women. Its development largely depends on body weight: in the presence of excess weight, the load on the feet increases, which is why flat feet progress. The age of such patients is usually from 16 to 25 years.

In the development of longitudinal flat feet, it is customary to distinguish four degrees:

  • prodromal stage (predisease);
  • intermittent flat feet;
  • flat foot;
  • flat foot.

How to find out about the development of the disease? Patients with flat feet at the first stage of the development of the disease quickly get tired when walking, and also experience pain in the upper part of the arch of the foot and the muscles of the lower leg during prolonged standing.

Degrees of flat feet

  1. First degree. The ligamentous apparatus is weakened, periodic pains in the legs appear, which occur with increased loads during the day or at the end of the working day. There are no external signs of flat feet at this stage. The feet look healthy, and with a short rest of the lower extremities, the pain disappears. However, you can notice a change in gait.
  2. Second degree. At this stage, visible signs of the disease appear, the foot flattens and expands, becomes flattened, its arches disappear. The pain is felt constantly, it becomes more pronounced and extends to almost the entire lower leg. Clubfoot appears.
  3. Third degree. At this stage, the foot is completely deformed, the work of the entire musculoskeletal system is disrupted, and concomitant diseases appear. The pain becomes severe, the foot looks unnatural. Sports and other loads become impossible. The consequences of the disease at this stage can be the most serious.

Reasons for the development of flat feet

Most often, flat feet are caused by:

  • overweight;
  • pregnancy
  • heredity;
  • wearing shoes that are too small or of poor quality;
  • weakening of the ligaments and muscles, which can be caused by age-related changes, lack of necessary loads, etc.

In 90% of patients suffering from flat feet, the muscles and ligaments of the feet are poorly developed. Therefore, as a preventive measure, you should regularly train the muscles of the foot.

Symptoms of flat feet in adults

A person who has to spend a lot of time on his feet usually does not notice the appearance of flat feet, attributing pain and discomfort in the feet and legs to fatigue. How to define flat feet? To do this, there are several signs that will help not to miss the disease and take timely measures for its treatment.

The development of flat feet at the first stage accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • The legs get tired quickly, over time this can turn into general fatigue.
  • There are aching pains in the feet.
  • When moving, pain appears in the muscles of the thighs, lower leg, lower back; over time, pain begins to be felt when a person is in a resting (standing) position.
  • There are difficulties with the choice of shoes.
  • There is tension in the calves, the legs swell.
  • The skin on the feet coarsens and thickens, corns appear at the base of the big toe, causing discomfort when walking.
  • Shoes begin to wear out quickly from the inside of the foot.
  • Sometimes there is a feeling that the leg has become longer, it becomes necessary to buy shoes of a larger size.

With the development of the disease, there are pains in the sacrum and lower back, as well as headaches. It becomes difficult to walk long distances.

What does longitudinal flatfoot look like?

It manifests itself:

  • severe leg fatigue
  • pain in the lower back and feet,
  • swelling,
  • pain when pressing on the middle of the foot,
  • a problem with the choice of shoes, especially heels,
  • deformation of the shoe inward, flattening of the heel.

How does transverse flatfoot manifest itself?

It can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the forefoot
  • the appearance of corns, corns,
  • deformation of the toes.

What is dangerous flat feet

The danger of this disease lies in the fact that it leads to the development of a number of specific complications:

  • the pain intensifies and spreads to the hips, knees, back, head;
  • clubfoot develops;
  • the spine is bent, its diseases such as scoliosis, osteochondrosis, hernia, etc. develop;
  • ingrown nails occur;
  • dystrophic changes appear in the muscles of the back and legs;
  • the feet are deformed, calluses, twisted fingers, spurs appear on them, neuritis develops, etc.

How to determine flat feet at home

There are several ways to check for flat feet yourself:

  1. Get a footprint. You need to put a sheet of paper on the floor, smear your feet with a greasy cream or any dye that is easy to wash off, and step on white paper. You need to stand straight, without leaning on anything. Then you need to study the print. The lack of a notch on the inside of the foot is a cause for concern.
  2. Check feet using the Friedland method, which is based on the study of the submetric index. How to understand using this method, do you have flat feet? To do this, the height of the foot must be divided by the length, and the resulting number multiplied by 100. The resulting value in the range of 29-31 indicates the norm.

Using these simple methods, you can determine the presence of pathology without leaving your home. But only a specialist can determine the degree of the disease and prescribe an effective treatment.

Which doctor treats flat feet?

Now you know how flat feet develop, what threatens this disease and how to recognize its signs. Many patients are interested in the name of the doctor who treats this pathology. For starters, you can consult with a therapist or pediatrician (for children).

After studying the history, individual characteristics of the patient and his complaints, the doctor will conduct an initial analysis of the clinical picture and, if necessary, give a referral to an orthopedist, surgeon or other specialized doctor.

The basis for the diagnosis of "flat feet" is radiography stop in two projections with a load (standing). A preliminary diagnosis can be made by an orthopedist by physical examination of the patient, based on the location of the anatomical landmarks of the feet and ankle joint, as well as how the arches and muscles react to the load, what the patient has the features of gait and shoe wear, the range of motion of the foot and angles are also taken into account. her deviations.

Women need to be especially attentive to the symptoms of flat feet, as they develop it 4 times more often than men. This is due to the fact that the legs of women suffer more due to the increase in body weight during pregnancy.

The main methods for diagnosing flat feet:

  1. Radiography in two projections. Allows you to determine not only the presence of the disease, but also its degree and nature. The patient must stand during the X-ray examination in order to provide the necessary load.
  2. Plantography. This fat cream technique has been described above as a self-diagnosis method for flat feet. Specialists often use lugol instead of a greasy cream to get a more accurate and distinct footprint.
  3. Podometry. It is based on the measurement of certain parameters of the foot and the calculation of various indices, with the help of which a conclusion is made about the presence of a flat foot and the degree of pathology.

Treatment of flat feet in adults

Many consider flat feet to be a non-serious disease. In fact, it is a dangerous and rapidly progressing pathology that is difficult to correct. A complete cure for flat feet and the elimination of its consequences is possible only in childhood.

Can the fight against this disease be successful in adulthood? Of course, treatment will also bear fruit in the form of slowing down the development of the disease. The sooner treatment is started, the more successful the outcome will be.

In adults, the fight against flat feet aims to:

  • eliminate pain;
  • increase the tone of the musculoskeletal apparatus of the feet.

Orthopedic insoles

A good effect in the treatment of flat feet in patients of any age can be obtained with orthopedic arch support insoles.

They are made individually for each foot, taking into account all its anatomical features. The most common are plastic insoles. Such arch supports are made for any shoes, both with heels and without.

Wearing orthopedic insoles allows you to:

  1. For children under seven years of age- completely cure flat feet, provided that treatment was started at the age of two to three years. As the child grows, the insoles should be changed according to the size of the foot.
  2. In adolescents and adults- improve walking comfort, slow down the progression of the disease or stop it. At first, the arch supports may seem uncomfortable to wear, but over time, this feeling will be replaced by a feeling of comfort.

Exercises for the treatment of flat feet

Physical exercise is an important part of the treatment and prevention of flat feet. They provide strengthening of the muscles of the foot, slowing down the development of an already begun disease.

However, to get a lasting effect, they need systematically perform for at least six months. Without regular practice, you will not get a good result.

Special exercises will help to correct the arch of the foot, strengthen the muscles and ligaments, and form the correct gait. Among the many exercises, the doctor will help you individually select the appropriate ones, based on the age of the patient, existing complaints, the shape and position of the foot.

A set of gymnastic exercises:

  1. Get up on your toes. Repeat 10-12 times. Before performing the exercise, you need to make the main stance, placing the feet parallel to each other and slightly apart.
  2. Roll with your feet a small elastic ball or a round stick for 5 minutes. You need to do this with the entire surface of the foot.
  3. Rotate feet. You need to sit down, stretching your legs forward and resting your heels on the floor, and alternately rotate your feet in different directions. You need to perform the exercise 10 times to the right and left.
  4. Walk on opposite sides of the foot. You need to take 10 steps on the outside, then 10 steps on the inside, then take 20 steps, changing the fulcrum at each step.
  5. Do rolls, standing from heel to toe. Perform 10 times.
  6. Bend and unbend your toes for 3 minutes.
  7. Hold a small ball with your feet, or shift small objects from place to place, holding them with your toes.

The entire complex requires no more than 20-30 minutes daily. After the end of therapeutic exercises, it is recommended to do a massage.

  1. On sand or foam rubber, bending your toes and leaning on the outer edge of the foot. Also suitable for this carpet with a large pile.
  2. On a sloping surface, leaning on the outer edge of the foot;
  3. Sideways on a log.

Such exercises should be done at least 12 times.

Important point: it is necessary to perform special therapeutic exercises for flat feet daily. To prevent the disease, the training of muscles and ligaments must be constant, otherwise they may weaken, which is fraught with the development of a flat foot.

Massage for flat feet

When massaging for the treatment of a flat foot, a wide variety of techniques can be used in the form of stroking, rubbing, kneading and other methods. When massaging the foot, you need to move from the fingers to the heel; when massaging the lower leg - from the ankle to the knee joint.

Massage, like exercises, helps to tone the muscles and ligaments of the foot, and ultimately, the treatment of not only flat feet, but also other leg diseases. Such treatment can be supplemented with special foot baths.

Most often, to perform massage with flat feet, the following techniques are used:

  • massaging the legs from the ankles to the groin. They need to be stroked, patted or rubbed from the bottom up;
  • massaging the feet and their back (from toes to ankle). They need to be rubbed, that is, make circular movements with the tips of the fingers joined together, or tap the edge of the palm across the foot;
  • massaging the arch of the foot with a “comb” formed by the joints of the proximal phalanges of four fingers when the hand is clenched into a fist (in other words, “knuckles”);
  • massaging the heels (first on one leg, then on the other), as well as the base of the fingers from the side of the foot. At the same time, it is better to bend the leg at the knee, and use four connected fingers of both hands for massaging.

You need to do exercises for the treatment of flat feet twice a day, devoting at least 20 minutes to them.

Therapeutic baths according to traditional medicine recipes

The answer to the question of how to get rid of flat feet will be incomplete without a description of folk remedies. It has been established that water procedures are an excellent way to prevent flat feet.

This is especially true for people who, by virtue of their profession, have to spend a long time on their feet.

In this case, an excellent relaxing effect for the feet is given by warm baths using decoctions of herbs and other natural remedies:

  1. With a decoction of oak bark: Pour 100 g of dry raw materials with 0.5 liters of boiling water, put on fire for half an hour, then after insisting and straining, add to a basin with warm water.
  2. With a decoction of chamomile, sage or pine needles: Pour a glass of dry grass with hot water and boil for 15-20 minutes, then leave to cool completely, add to warm water and keep your feet in it for about half an hour.
  3. With sea or iodized salt: dissolve one dessert spoon of salt in a liter of warm water, keep your feet in this solution for ten minutes. After they need to be wiped dry and lightly massaged with hands lubricated with a moisturizer.

Such procedures improve blood circulation, strengthen bones and relax the feet.

flat feet- a change in the shape of the foot, characterized by the omission of its longitudinal and transverse arches.

Distinguish initial transverse and longitudinal flat feet possibly a combination of both forms.

Transverse flat feet in combination with other deformities is 55.23%, longitudinal flat feet in combination with other foot deformities is 29.3%.

Symptoms of flat feet

  • Pain in the feet, knees, hips, back.
  • Unnatural gait and posture.
  • It is easier to bend over than to squat; crouching, it is difficult to maintain balance.
  • "Heavy" gait.
  • Clubfoot when walking.

- Deformed feet (flat feet, twisted, disproportionate toes, "bone" on the big toe, or gout (hallux valgus), ugly wide foot), deformity of the knee joints, disproportionate development of the muscles of the legs and lower leg.

- Flat feet predispose to the development of an ingrown toenail.

Causes of flat feet

Flat feet are more often acquired, but occur against the background of congenital insufficiency of connective tissue, hereditary slenderness. Such a foot is often called "aristocratic".

There are, for example, such ladies who have “a narrow hand even in rings,” as Blok wrote, or “a narrow heel,” which Pushkin’s Don Juan managed to peep. In a word, thin bone. Women are affected 4 times more often than men.

And one of the unfavorable factors of development is improperly made shoes. With flat feet, women of fashion pay for high heels and narrow toe shoes, when the legs do not rest on the entire foot, but only on the heads of the metatarsal bones.

“Healthy” is considered shoes with a heel no higher than 4 cm.

Unfortunately, many of our factories produce shoes, regardless of the opinion of podiatrists (the specialty "podiatrist" is well known in the developed countries of the West, in Russia podiatry is only making its first steps; in general, podiatry is a branch of musculoskeletal medicine that deals with foot problems lower limbs, posture and gait).

For the correct formation of the arches of the foot, constant stimulation of the muscles and ligaments is needed.. Stimulants can be hard grass, stones, sand, earth (if you walk on them barefoot).

Aggressive for the foot are parquet, laminates, and other hard surfaces, including thick soles, in which the muscles and ligaments of the foot do not work. Everyone knows that non-working muscles atrophy. The pioneers of space, returning to their native land, could not walk (it was affected by a long stay in weightlessness). I had to load muscles and ligaments in space with the help of simulators.

So the arches of the feet without load are lazy and sag: flat feet are acquired for the rest of their lives. However, two years ago we were approached by a young man who wanted to become an officer like his father, but did not pass the medical examination due to flat feet. Eight months of hard work with the muscles, ligaments of the foot - and he became a cadet of a higher military institution.

According to the literature, from 65% and above of children by school age acquire flat feet. Given that in most Russian cities there are no podiatrists, then a full-fledged correction of flat feet is simply not available to the population. This means that more than 65% of the child population passes into adulthood with flourishing flat feet, and later (in grandmothers) with "berries" in the form of bumps on the feet.

And the point is also that wearing someone else's shoes leads to an aggravation of the disease. Worn-in someone else's shoes incorrectly distribute the load on the foot. It turns out that when we donate shoes, we do a disservice. Children's shoes should be with a small heel, a hard back and spring instep - a kind of "stones" and "bumps" underfoot.

In adults, static flat feet are more common, which is associated with excessive loads on the legs. This is primarily due to being overweight. People whose profession involves standing for a long time - hairdressers, sellers, machine operators - also suffer. These people are at risk for acquiring flat feet in the same way as surgeons standing at the operating table for hours.

Types of flat feet

With transverse flat feet the transverse arch of the foot flattens, its anterior section rests on the heads of all five metatarsal bones, the length of the feet decreases due to the fan-shaped divergence of the metatarsal bones, the deviation of the first finger outward and the hammer-shaped deformity of the middle finger. With longitudinal flat feet, the longitudinal arch is flattened and the foot is in contact with the floor with almost the entire area of ​​the sole, the length of the feet increases.

Flat feet are directly dependent on body weight: the greater the mass and, consequently, the load on the feet, the more pronounced the longitudinal flat feet. This pathology occurs mainly in women.

Longitudinal flatfoot occurs most often at the age of 16-25 years, transverse - at 35-50 years. According to the origin of flat feet, there are congenital flat feet, traumatic, paralytic and static.

It is not easy to establish congenital flat feet before the age of 5-6, since all the elements of a flat foot are determined in all children younger than this age. However, in approximately 3% of all cases of flat feet, the flat foot is congenital.

Traumatic flat feet- a consequence of a fracture of the ankles, calcaneus, tarsal bones. Paralytic flat foot is the result of paralysis of the plantar muscles of the foot and the muscles that begin at the lower leg (a consequence of Poliomyelitis).

Rachitic flat feet due to the load of the body on the weakened bones of the foot.

Static flat feet(most common 82.1%) occurs due to weakness of the muscles of the lower leg and foot, ligaments and bones. The reasons for the development of static flat feet can be different:

  • weight gain;
  • work in a standing position;
  • decrease in muscle strength during physiological aging;
  • lack of training in persons of sedentary professions, etc.

Hereditary predisposition also belongs to the internal causes contributing to the development of foot deformities, to external causes - overload of the feet associated with the profession (a woman with a normal foot structure, spending 7-8 hours at the counter or in a weaving workshop, may eventually acquire this disease) , housekeeping, wearing irrational shoes (narrow, uncomfortable).

When walking on “stiletto heels”, the load is redistributed: from the heel it moves to the area of ​​​​the transverse arch, which does not withstand it, deforms, which is why transverse flat feet occur.

The main symptoms of longitudinal flat feet are pain in the foot, a change in its shape.

Diagnosis of flat feet

The diagnosis of "flat feet" is made on the basis of radiography of the feet in 2 projections with a load (standing). A preliminary diagnosis of flat feet can be made by an orthopedist based on a physical examination. The correctness of the location of the anatomical landmarks of the foot and ankle joint, the range of motion and angles of deviation of the foot, the reaction of the arches and muscles to the load, the features of gait, the features of shoe wear are determined.

For the purposes of medical examination of flat feet, x-rays of both feet in the direct and lateral projection, performed under load (the patient is standing), are of decisive importance.

For examination of the degree of severity of transverse flatfoot, an analysis of the obtained radiographs is performed.

On x-rays in direct projection to determine the degree of transverse flatfoot three straight lines are drawn corresponding to the longitudinal axes of the I-II metatarsal bones and the main phalanx of the first finger. They form:

  1. at I degree deformity, the angle between the I-II metatarsal bones is 10-12 degrees, and the angle of deviation of the first finger is 15-20 degrees;
  2. at II degree these angles respectively increase to 15 and 30 degrees;
  3. at III degree - up to 20 and 40 degrees;
  4. at IV degree — exceed 20 and 40 degrees.

To determine the severity of longitudinal flat feet radiography of the feet in the lateral projection. Three lines are drawn in the picture forming a triangle with an obtuse angle pointing upwards:

  1. First line - is carried out horizontally, through a point on the plantar surface of the calcaneal tuber, and a point on the head of the 1st metatarsal bone;
  2. Second line - is carried out from the point of contact of the 1st line with the calcaneal tubercle to the lower point of the joint space of the scaphoid-sphenoid joint;
  3. The third line is drawn from the point of contact of the 1st line with the head of the 1st metatarsal bone at the same point as the second line.

Normally, the angle of the longitudinal arch of the foot is 125-130°, the height of the arch is >35 mm.

There are 3 degrees of longitudinal flat feet:

  1. 1 degree: the angle of the arch is 131-140°, the height of the arch is 35-25 mm, there is no deformation of the bones of the foot.
  2. 2nd degree: the arch angle is 141-155°, the height of the arch is 24-17 mm, there may be signs of deforming arthrosis of the talonavicular joint.
  3. 3rd degree: vault angle is >155°, height.

Visual and clinical diagnosis of flat feet:

Flat feet and pregnancy

Pregnancy causes various changes in the body. Many of the women present the same complaints. One of these complaints, which is practically not taken into account, is pain in the legs. Due to the natural weight gain during pregnancy, the center of gravity of the body shifts forward. This causes a redistribution of the load on the limbs and an increase in pressure in the knee joints and feet.

Pregnant women may experience excessive pronation of the foot. These changes can cause pain in the heels, arch, or metatarsus. Many women have cramps in the muscles of the legs and varicose veins of the lower extremities. Therefore, all pregnant women need to have the necessary information about their health and, in particular, about the function of the legs, so that the nine-month period of pregnancy is as comfortable as possible for them.

The overpronation that accompanies flat feet occurs because the arch of the foot is flattened by the increasing weight of the woman due to the growing fetus. This can cause congestion and inflammation of the plantar fascia that runs from the heel to the toes. Overpronation can cause walking to become painful due to increased stress on the calf muscles and spine. Overpronation is very common in people with weak, flat feet and overweight.

Treatment of flat feet

1. It is necessary to strengthen the muscles that support the arch of the foot

The natural strengthening of the body contributes to the strengthening of the foot. It is useful for a child to swim - crawl is better, but you can just flounder at the edge of the pool - it is important that the stroke occurs with your foot. It is useful to walk barefoot - on sand (not hot) or pebbles (not sharp). Run on hillocks and hillocks, walk on a log.

Physical education, of course, is useful for children with flat feet. The recommendations for limits here are very relative. For example, skating, cross-country skating, or weightlifting puts extra stress on the arch of the foot. On the other hand, they are not contraindicated if there are no severe clinical manifestations of the disease - pain, swelling. So, almost all skaters eventually develop flat feet, which does not prevent them from achieving high sports results. The famous high jumper Vladimir Yashchenko had pronounced flat feet. However, he turned his disadvantage into a plus - at the time of the jump he corrected the deformed muscles of the foot, which increased his jumping ability. Physical activity in any case develops the muscles of the legs and strengthens the arch of the foot.

Walking on uneven surfaces . Exercises are performed barefoot, each 8-12 times.

  • Walking barefoot on the sand (for sand, you can adapt a box measuring half a meter by a meter) or a foam rubber mat (or with a large pile), bending your toes and leaning on the outer edge of the foot;
  • Walking on a sloping surface with support on the outer edge of the foot;
  • Walking on a log sideways.

Gymnastics. Gymnastics should become a daily and habitual activity for a patient with flat feet. It is better to do it not once, but 2-3 times a day.

Pregnant women can be given the following advice:

  • raise your legs as often as possible;
  • if you have to stay in a sitting position for a long time, put a small bench under your feet;
  • wear socks without seams that do not restrict blood flow, if you drive a car for a long time, take regular breaks to stretch your legs;
  • do regular exercise to improve overall well-being; The best form of exercise is walking.

Massage. Massage is a procedure known since ancient times. It relieves muscle fatigue, improves metabolism and blood circulation. It is no coincidence that folk healers said, massaging the patient: it is necessary to "disperse the blood." It is not difficult to master some self-massage techniques, correctly following the basic recommendations.

Self-massage is best done after therapeutic exercises, with complete relaxation of the muscles.

The main methods of self-massage are as follows:

  • the shin should be stroked, rubbed with the palms, kneaded, tapped with the ends of the fingers. Massage the lower leg from the ankle joint to the knee joint, mainly the inner surface of the lower leg;
  • the foot should be stroked and rubbed with the back of the bent fingers. The plantar surface of the foot should be massaged from the toes to the heel;
  • for self-massage it is useful to use special rubber mats and massage rollers.

After the evening massage, as they used to say on the radio, "we turn to water procedures." For both children and adults, it is useful to take a foot bath before going to bed.

Take two basins: with hot (as soon as the leg bears) and with cold water. First, steam your feet in a hot bath, then place them in a cold one. So alternately - 2-3 times. The skin will turn red, a pleasant feeling will appear in the legs. You can add a little sea salt, or baking soda, or herbal infusions to the water - chamomile, sage, oak bark, immortelle flowers, peppermint.

2. Choose the right shoes

The best shoes are soft leather shoes with flexible soles and low heels. Sneakers - too (unless, of course, this is a fake for a good company). I see how fashionistas wince. Well, make your own conclusion and choice.

Here Cinderella, for example, gave preference to unfamiliar princes and glass shoes. The Ministry of Health has warned more than once about the dangers of casual acquaintances, but I, for my part, authoritatively declare: crystal is not a material suitable for shoes. Absolutely inflexible, it can severely injure the foot, the sidewalls dig into all the vaults, the hard cape rubs the fingers ... In a word, save whoever can!

By the way, why do you think, running away. Cinderella loses her shoe? Everything is very simple: the flexible arch of the foot slips out of an uncomfortable monolithic shoe. Poor, poor Cinderella, another victim of clumsy beauty...

But jokes are jokes, and shoes with flat feet are an important matter. And it is necessary to choose it correctly already for babies. Soft booties are suitable only for babies. When a child begins to walk, his shoes must be appropriate. Unfortunately, now in our market there are a lot of low-quality, and even simply harmful products, brought to us from no one knows where.

What are the criteria for choosing good shoes?


The criteria are the same for both children and adults:

  • Definitely leather upper. Desirable and leather sole;
  • the heel is low, in children's shoes it should occupy at least a third of the sole in length to support the heel and the rear segment of the arch, and for women - no higher than 4 cm; wide toe;
  • good leather quality: no unpleasant odor, shedding of the outer layer, cracks. Well-dressed and dyed leather does not stain hands when it is chosen, and socks when put on. It does not cause allergies, abrasions and, oddly enough, orthopedic diseases: bad skin does not support the foot well;
  • the sole is flexible, which means that not only the mother is able to bend it when buying, but also the baby when walking.

No platforms! If adults can afford the luxury of "suffering," as the French proverb says about beauty, then for children, let beauty be convenience and expediency.

I would like to draw the attention of readers to the fact that the support of the arches of the foot with the help of special shoes and orthopedic devices is the basis for the treatment of flat feet. I give it top priority.

As I said, the arches of the foot are like shock absorbers or springs. But what if they don't work? That's right, replace them. And although, according to popular truth, there are no spare parts for a person, something can still be picked up. For example, corrective insoles or insoles.

My readers can already explain the origin of this term - from the word "supination". Since flat feet is a pronation of the foot, it is necessary to give it the opposite direction. And here the role of ley, as we called it, passive support, is very important. The “active life position” of the muscles of the foot and lower leg, and the correct biomechanics of each of our steps, and our very general condition and well-being depend on how it is carried out. Therefore, the problem of biomechanical foot correctors, or orthoses, as they are more correctly called by specialists, or simply arch supports, deserves a separate discussion.

3. Choose the right arch supports

They are designed to maintain the natural shape of the foot and train weakened muscles (this is ideal). In reality, in medical salons you can also find such arch supports: the space under the arch, which should be free, is filled with some kind of material. In fact, the already weakened muscles of the foot are deprived of any opportunity to work. Instep supports made of too rigid materials are also harmful. On the other hand, soft insoles quickly lose their shape and are useless.

Folk recipes for foot health

Bath of decoction of oak bark. Mix 100 grams of oak bark with 0.5 liters of water, boil for Flat feet. Description, types, prevention and treatment of flat feet. Exercises from flat feet for half an hour. Then strain the broth and add to the bath. Bath of leaves and flowers of sage Leave 100 grams of sage for about an hour in 2 liters of boiling water and prepare a bath with this decoction.

Tincture of immortelle flowers. Immortelle grows on dry forest edges, near country roads. Its inflorescences are collected from July to October, until they completely bloom, cut off along with a two-centimeter leg. Then the immortelle is dried until the flowers, after being squeezed in the hands, no longer stick together. Insist on alcohol for several days.

Applied externally for joint pain, sciatica, flat feet.

Peppermint infusion. Pour 100 grams of dry mint with boiling water. to cover it completely. Insist 30 minutes. Then hold your feet in a warm bath prepared with this infusion for 15-20 minutes.

Infusion of mint and lime blossom. From 100 grams of a mixture of mint and lime blossom, taken in equal proportions, prepare an infusion, as described in the previous recipe. Such a bath is good for relieving tired legs.

When the foot is steamed out, massage it again, “sculpting” the arches of the feet and, as it were, gathering the foot “into a fist”. After such a procedure, both children and adults sleep well: the calming effect of baths is felt through the reflex zones of the sole. This procedure not only relieves fatigue, stress, it is also important for foot hygiene.

RENAME THE VIDEO as it is called on the video itself and correct the title in the content at the beginning: Video about the prevention of the correct development of the child's foot

Video about the prevention of the correct development of the child's foot

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