Symptoms and treatment of infectious hepatitis. Viral hepatitis - symptoms and treatment

Infectious hepatitis can be attributed to a number of those few diseases, the causative agents of which are bacteria that are not currently grown in laboratory conditions.

However, this does not prevent doctors from actively treating Botkin's disease. Medicine has long known both the ways of spreading and methods of preventing this disease.

Accompanying infectious hepatitis jaundice

Jaundice is the most characteristic symptom of the described disease. In this case, the following symptoms appear: the sclera of the eyes turn yellow, the surface of the skin changes color, as does the mucous membrane.

Along with this, the urine becomes darker, while the feces, on the contrary, become discolored. Quite often in medicine there is also an anicteric type of hepatitis. Its signs are:

  • malaise;
  • nausea;
  • lack of appetite;
  • heaviness in the right hypochondrium;
  • heat.

If the patient notes the above signs in his body, then he should immediately consult a doctor. If a person begins to try to deal with the ailment that has arisen on his own, then he begins to pose a high danger not only to himself, but also to others.

In confirmation of the latter, the patient infects the rest. As for the health of the one who experiences the listed symptoms and does not go to the doctor, the liver begins to suffer, as its damage occurs. At the same time, infectious hepatitis from an acute form becomes chronic, and even cirrhosis of the liver may occur, which leads to a violation of the function of this organ.

Features of the diet for hepatitis

Due to the fact that the liver takes a fairly active part in the process of digestion, in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, the diet in the treatment of a patient who suffers from infectious hepatitis plays a huge role.

Treatment of the acute stage of the disease may involve the need to follow a strict diet for the period while the person is in the hospital. Its task is to create maximum rest for the body, while the body must be provided with a number of necessary substances. This approach will contribute to the complete restoration of liver function.

After infectious hepatitis is cured, this will not entail an immediate discharge of the patient from the hospital. Thus, a light diet should be followed within a period limited to 6 or 12 months. The term should be set by the doctor, who will take into account the positive trend in improving the condition of the affected liver.

At first glance, excellent health and external recovery can be deceiving. If in the process of this the diet is violated, then this can cause complications, in addition, an untreated disease can enter the stage of protracted chronic hepatitis. In some cases, this provokes an irreversible degeneration of the tissues of the organ.

It is possible to determine the state of the liver, as well as whether its functionality has been fully restored, in the process of constant examination. Those patients who are considered recovering should undergo dispensary observation.

Infectious hepatitis provokes an excessively increased sensitivity of liver cells to the effects of alcohol. This is due to the fact that the cells of the body are damaged, and alcohol has an irritating effect on them. This indicates the need to refrain from drinking alcohol for a period limited to 6 months after hepatitis.

It is necessary to refuse at this time from products that can stimulate the increased activity of the body: goose, duck, pork, lamb meat. Should not be in the diet of cakes and pastries filled with cream. Pickled and smoked foods are also unacceptable in a diet, as they, like cocoa and chocolate, will irritate the liver cells.

When preparing food for a convalescent during this period, it is impossible to use spicy seasonings, including horseradish, pepper, mustard, and vinegar. Fried foods are also unacceptable in the diet. It is necessary to limit yourself in taking meat broths. Their prem in food can be allowed only 1-2 times in 7 days, while the top layer of fat from the broth must be removed. Butter is also limited in the diet, its volume should not exceed 50 grams.

The diet at the same time should be very diverse and quite complete. A patient who is in the recovery stage should consume proteins. If a person at this stage begins to use them in insufficient quantities, then the tissue of the organ will be infringed, the functions of which will be violated. You can make up for the deficiency with low-fat boiled fish, fresh cottage cheese should also be present in the food during recovery, it is preferable to purchase the one that was cooked at home.

A person who has recently had an illness needs vitamins. If this period fell on the winter, then it will be almost impossible to find fresh fruits. The solution is to use blackcurrant paste, lemons. It is recommended to drink rosehip infusion.

Many patients suffering from hepatitis are wondering if it is necessary to eat sugar, honey and other sweets. It is known that the liver "loves" carbohydrates that are easily digested, they can be obtained from sugar, vegetables and fruits. After these products enter the body, they are broken down in the intestine for a short time, the formed substances are absorbed into the blood and delivered to the liver. This is how they are stored for future use as a starch-like substance, which is glycogen.

The latter, if necessary, is consumed by the liver cells. Carbohydrates, especially sugar and honey, must be present in the diet of a patient who is actively seeking to restore organ tissues. However, this does not mean at all that for the purpose of a faster recovery, they must be consumed in significant volumes. Recently, based on scientific evidence, doctors have stopped prescribing a high-carbohydrate diet to patients with hepatitis. This is due to the fact that sugar in excess is converted into fat, deposited in the body, which contributes to the weakening of liver function.

Too much sugar can irritate the pancreas and increase the risk of developing diabetes. This indicates that sugar must be consumed in an amount that does not exceed 70-75 grams per day.

The importance of following a diet

In order to cope with the digestion of large portions of food, there is a need for a significant production of bile. In this case, the liver begins to work, undergoing high loads.

Eating cold food can lead to spasm of the bile ducts, while eating dry food causes bile to thicken, as a result of which its outflow slows down.

This ultimately has a detrimental effect on the function of the organ. In order to ensure the normal functioning of the liver, you should eat small meals 5-6 times a day. At the same time, food should not be cold or excessively hot, in addition, of course, it is worth giving up dry food.

Rehabilitation after viral hepatitis

Great physical exertion is extremely harmful to the body, and cooling of the body should not be allowed. This indicates that during the first 2 weeks after discharge, the convalescent should not subject the body to hard work. It is unacceptable, for example, to wash floors or do laundry. Long walks are also prohibited.

The resumption of physical education, gymnastics is possible only after 3 months, and even after this period it will be necessary to consult a doctor prematurely. Before going outside, you need to dress warmer and exclude the possibility of getting a cold.

Methods for the prevention of infectious hepatitis

Hepatitis can also occur in children. It spreads like all infections. Pathogens can get to a healthy person through dirty hands and water that has been used to drink from a contaminated reservoir.

In order to protect yourself from the disease, it is necessary to provide effective means of specific prevention.

According to WHO, hepatitis is a dangerous disease. Hepatitis is a disease of the liver. The infection is capable of self-healing or lead to the development of scarring, cirrhosis, liver cancer.

Despite well-studied ways of spreading, treating and preventing the disease, scientists fail to cultivate infectious agents in the laboratory.

The name infectious hepatitis is due to the fact that the causative agent of the disease enters the body from the environment. The causes of the appearance can be directly hepatitis viruses, as well as various infections and toxic substances (alcohol, drugs). The causative agents of infectious hepatitis should also include diseases associated with impaired functioning of the human immune system (systemic) or autoimmune, while the body begins to perceive its tissues as foreign. This disease can be both independent and a complication of other diseases that affect the body.

In this regard, there are two forms of hepatitis. The first (acute) is viral and associated with poisoning with potent poisons. With this form of the disease, all the symptoms of hepatitis are pronounced, its course ends with recovery, however, in rare cases, it can go into the second form - chronic. Capable of independent development or is a continuation of the acute form of hepatitis. has a mild clinical picture and proceeds with a long absence of symptoms. People with the chronic form have a higher chance of developing liver cancer.

History says that varieties of the disease were identified a little more than half a century ago: hepatitis types A, B, C, D, E, G.

Our regular reader

Our regular reader coped with HEPATITIS With effective medicines - Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir. According to patients, the result is 97% - complete elimination of the virus. We decided to recommend an ACTIVE therapy to you. The result is almost 100%. .

Viral hepatitis A

Hepatitis B

Viral hepatitis F

This type of disease is new and not well understood. The history of the disease dates back to when, during research on chimpanzees, a virus was detected that also caused liver tissue damage, but was not similar to the types A, B, C, D and E studied. Mostly found in the blood of people who received infected blood and whose medical history indicated the presence of persistent immunity to hepatitis.

Partially similar to hepatitis C: symptoms, phases. To date, a vaccine against this type of disease has not been developed and treatment is carried out according to symptoms.

Hepatitis G

  1. Story. Discovered in 1966 when a surgeon had been ill with hepatitis, the causative agent of which did not belong to already known species, but was similar. Named after the initials of the patient. Later, by polymerase chain reaction, it was established that the virus is detected in the blood of those already previously infected and cured of hepatitis.
  2. Description. In medicine, it is called the "little brother" of hepatitis C: it has similar symptoms, methods of distribution and treatment. It also has two forms, acute and chronic. There are several outcomes of the disease: recovery, chronic hepatitis and a carrier of the virus. However, viral hepatitis G can occur without symptoms. As well as the previous species is not well understood.

Methods for diagnosing a disease

There are two ways to diagnose the disease:

Thus, in order for the doctor to make a diagnosis - infectious hepatitis - it is necessary to conduct a general analysis of urine, blood and feces, a biochemical blood test, PCR and ultrasound of the abdominal organs. Based on the data obtained, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Treatment of infectious hepatitis begins with bed rest and diet. Due to the long process of liver recovery, you should follow a diet from six months to a year.

The diet in the process of treating the disease should include:

  • Refusal of alcohol (during treatment and for a long time after treatment).
  • Refusal of fatty, fried, spicy, smoked.
  • The menu should include light protein foods without fat.
  • Reduce the amount of portions and increase the number of meals before 18:00.

In addition to diet and bed rest, ursodeoxycholic acid and B vitamins are prescribed. This will help alleviate the symptoms of the disease. Antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs and protease inhibitors are also prescribed, which, when they enter viral cells, block the activity of the enzyme. Only in the case of a combination of these drugs can recovery be achieved.

Disease prevention

Infectious hepatitis spreads due to poor hygiene. It is necessary to wash your hands thoroughly, especially after going to the toilet, wash food (vegetables and fruits) well, drink only boiled water.

Those who have had hepatitis should refrain from physical activity for at least three months. You should also avoid hypothermia. In people who have had infectious hepatitis, the common cold can be very harmful.

Is it possible to recover from hepatitis C without side effects?

Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against liver diseases is not on your side yet ... And have you already thought about interferon therapy? It is understandable, because hepatitis C is a very serious disease, because the proper functioning of the liver is the key to health and well-being. Nausea and vomiting, yellowish or grayish skin tone, bitter taste in the mouth, darkening of urine and diarrhea… All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand. But perhaps it is more correct to treat not the consequence, but the cause?

Today, new generation drugs Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir are able to cure you of hepatitis C with a 97-100% chance forever. The latest drugs can be purchased in Russia from the official representative of the Indian pharmaceutical giant Zydus Heptiza. You can get a free consultation on the use of modern drugs, as well as learn about the methods of purchase, on the official website of the Zydus supplier in Russia.

Hepatitis is a whole group of diseases. The causes are different, but in each case there is a violation of liver function. Depending on the type of hepatitis, the prognosis may be more or less favorable. In some cases, the patient recovers, in others there is a risk of death.

What is acute hepatitis

Acute hepatitis is a rapidly developing liver disease with damage to the cells of the organ and a decrease in its functions. In a short time, the whole spectrum of symptoms manifests itself. Three outcomes are possible: recovery, transition to and death of the patient.

The most common cause of acute hepatitis is a viral infection or poisoning with toxic substances. With this variant of the course, the general condition of the patient deteriorates rapidly, signs of intoxication develop, and liver function is disrupted. The level of bilirubin and transaminases rises in the blood.

Acute viral hepatitis is the most common liver disease. Every year about 1-2 million people die from it in the world.

Classification and epidemiology

The incidence of acute hepatitis is determined by its type.

infectious hepatitis

About 80% of patients are young people from 18 to 35 years old. Infection occurs in two ways: oral and through contact with infected blood.

In the first case, pathogens enter the body through the mouth when eating food and water. This happens when hygiene rules are not followed (dirty hands). You can get infected through things and objects that the patient uses, and with direct contact with him, the airborne transmission route works.

The peak incidence is recorded in winter, when most people with acute respiratory diseases - coughing, sneezing, blowing their nose.

Infection through infected blood can occur during sexual intercourse, in utero or during childbirth, by household means. In the latter case, the transmission of the virus is possible when using patient hygiene items: razors, nail scissors, washcloths, combs, towels.

Also, infection occurs by contact with any surface on which the blood of the carrier of the virus is present, including during a street fight.

Artificial ways of transmission include the use of a syringe with an infected drug, tools for tattooing, piercing, manicure, and pedicure.

When carrying out medical manipulations, the risk of infection is extremely low: the instruments are processed or disposable are used.

The infectious group of hepatitis is divided into viral and bacterial.

Viruses include:
  • Hepatitis A . It is an intestinal infection transmitted by the fecal-oral route. The causative agent is virus A (HAV). The duration of the incubation interval is about 30 days. There are 2 forms of the disease: icteric and anicteric. Acute manifestation of symptoms begins with a rise in temperature to 38 ° C, headaches, muscle and joint pain, loss of appetite and decreased performance. The symptoms are similar to those of a cold, the flu. Soon there are violations of the digestive system,. Acute manifestations last about 2 weeks, full recovery occurs after 3 months.
  • Hepatitis B caused by the B virus (HBV), transmitted through contact with the patient's blood. This type of disease is widespread among drug addicts who inject heroin intravenously. A long incubation period is characteristic - up to six months. Symptoms develop more slowly than with hepatitis A. A rash resembling hives develops in a third of patients. Recovery from acute hepatitis B occurs after six months or later.
  • Hepatitis C is an infection caused by the C virus (HCV). It is transmitted with the blood of a sick person. The disease is common among young people who take drugs. Every year there is an increase in the incidence. Acute hepatitis C becomes chronic in 80% of cases, causing and. There is still no vaccine for this disease, but with timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable: 6-8 patients out of 10 fully recover. It takes 2-4 weeks from the moment of infection to the onset of symptoms. This form is not characterized by jaundice, fever, so there are difficulties in detecting the disease.
  • Hepatitis D develops only together with acute hepatitis B. The causative agent is a defective viral particle (delta), which is not able to multiply without the B virus. The course and symptoms of these two forms are the same, but with hepatitis D they are more pronounced. Higher risk of developing liver failure, transition to a chronic form, followed by cirrhosis or malignant degeneration of cells. In about a quarter of the sick, the infection spreads at lightning speed, leading to coma and death in a few days. The hepatitis B vaccine also protects against this form of the disease.
  • Hepatitis E refers to intestinal infections. Infection occurs by the oral route. The causative agent is the E virus (HEV). A distinctive feature of this type of disease is that severe course and deaths are more often observed in pregnant women. It can take 2 to 8 weeks from the time of infection to the onset of symptoms. Clinical manifestations are the same as in hepatitis A, but without fever. Recovery occurs in 1-2 months.
  • Hepatitis F discovered recently, its research is actively ongoing. Infection occurs through contact with the patient's blood. This form is characterized by virus carrying without obvious clinical manifestations. There may be headache and joint pain, weakness, nausea. The danger lies in the fact that the disease goes unnoticed for a long time, becomes chronic and causes cirrhosis.
  • Hepatitis G caused by the G virus (HGV), can occur with or without symptoms. Infection occurs through the blood. Clinically similar to hepatitis C, but does not progress and does not lead to complications. With the transition to the chronic form, the symptoms practically disappear.
  • Hepatitis caused by diseases - yellow fever, cytomegalovirus infection, rubella, mumps, Epstein-Barr infection, herpes, Lassa fever, AIDS. A group of diseases that develop as a complication of the underlying infection. The outcome, clinical manifestations and treatment depend on the type of pathogen.

Bacterial hepatitis occurs as a complication of infections caused by Gram-negative bacteria. They can develop with brucellosis, tularemia, typhoid fever, paratyphoid, shigellosis, coli-bacteriosis. The liver increases, but its functions remain intact or change slightly. With severe infection, hepatitis becomes more pronounced.

Toxic hepatitis

radiation hepatitis

It is a component of radiation sickness. Inflammation and necrosis of liver cells occurs due to exposure to large doses of radiation. The course of the disease is undulating: symptoms appear and disappear. The prognosis is favorable. Special treatment is not required, all measures should be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease.

Also, the pathology is common among people with oncology undergoing radiation therapy.

autoimmune hepatitis

It is a progressive lesion of the liver, leading to inflammation and further necrosis of its cells due to a pathological reaction of the immune system. In the blood serum, liver-oriented antibodies are detected, an increase in the level of immunoglobulins. Treatment is reduced to the elimination of the underlying disease.

Autoimmune hepatitis is a rare form of the disease. On average, it develops in 1 person out of 100,000 per year. People of different ages get sick, more often women. Patients who have had hepatitis A, B and C, herpes and the Epstein-Barr virus are at risk.

The reasons

The most common cause of acute hepatitis is a viral infection. Violations in the liver can cause enteroviruses, pathogens of intestinal infections, mononucleosis, herpes. Sometimes pathogens are bacteria: leptospira, salmonella, shigella, etc.

The cause of toxic liver damage leading to hepatitis is the regular use of alcoholic beverages, long-term treatment with hepatotoxic drugs: antifungal, antimicrobial, psychotropic, anti-inflammatory, etc. Poisoning with industrial poisons, mushrooms is less likely to cause the disease.

Another cause of acute hepatitis is radiation. High doses of radiation can cause destruction of liver cells. In rare cases, the disease develops due to an autoimmune reaction of the body. Its causes are still unknown, the diagnosis is made by exclusion.

The mechanism of development of acute hepatitis is that the damaging factor affects the hepatic parenchyma. Sometimes disorders occur due to a decrease in microcirculation in the organ and development (stagnation of bile in the intrahepatic ducts).


With a mild course of the disease, symptoms may be practically not detected, and the diagnosis occurs during a random examination. But in most cases, the signs of acute hepatitis appear bright, grow rapidly and are combined with symptoms of general intoxication, lesions of other organs.

The most noticeable sign of acute hepatitis is yellowness of the skin, mucous membranes and sclera. The color may be barely visible in good light or almost orange. Such changes first appear on the soft palate and whites of the eyes, then on other mucous membranes and, finally, on the skin.

The stool acquires a whitish-clay color, the urine becomes richly dark. Hemorrhagic manifestations associated with impaired prothrombin synthesis manifest themselves through frequent nosebleeds, bruises, and petechial rashes. Skin itching, decreased heart rate, depression, irritability, sleep disturbances, and other symptoms associated with disorders of the central nervous system may appear.

On palpation, the liver and spleen are painful. They slightly increase in size, but in severe cases of the disease, when necrotic changes in the organs predominate, they decrease.


Diagnosis of acute hepatitis begins with a clinical interview. The doctor clarifies complaints, the time of onset of symptoms and their sequence, possible causes of occurrence. You will also need to provide information about previous diseases, bad habits, the presence of relatives or friends with hepatitis.

Blood is taken for further laboratory testing. An important place in the diagnosis of acute viral hepatitis is the analysis of liver enzymes. In a healthy person, their concentration in the blood is less than in the liver. But when the cells of the organ are destroyed, these compounds enter the plasma.

The state of the liver is judged by changes in the blood levels of AST and ALT aminotransferases, lactate dehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase, glutamate dehydrogenase, sorbitol dehydrogenase, etc. Blood is examined for the presence of antibodies to pathogens, virus gene regions (PCR). To assess the degree of dysfunction of the organ, a biochemical analysis is carried out.

Ultrasound of the liver allows you to detect an increase and structural changes in the organ, scar tissue, which is formed already with cirrhosis. Computed and magnetic resonance imaging are necessary for additional study of the structure of the organ in controversial cases. Sometimes a puncture biopsy is prescribed - taking a section of liver tissue for its further study.


Treatment of acute viral hepatitis is carried out in a hospital. The patient is prescribed a diet that excludes fatty, spicy, salty, sour and seasoned foods. Mode - bed or semi-bed, depending on the severity of the disease.

An important condition for recovery is the elimination of all substances that poison the liver: tobacco smoke, alcohol, hepatotoxic drugs. In order for the body to get rid of harmful substances as quickly as possible, a course of droppers and daily enemas are prescribed. To restore the liver - hepatoprotectors (Essentiale, Liv 52, Karsil). To restore metabolic processes - vitamin and mineral complexes. In particular, intravenous administration of vitamin K is indicated for hemorrhagic diathesis.

Treatment of acute viral hepatitis B, C, A and others is carried out in the infectious department. With this type of disease, the infectious focus is sanitized. The use of immunomodulating and antiviral agents has shown to be ineffective, with the exception of interferon. Preparations based on it are prescribed by many doctors.

Interferon therapy is often prescribed for acute hepatitis B. Drugs in this group slow down the reproduction of the virus, enhance the body's immune response, restore damaged liver cells in about 40% of patients, but do not prevent relapses. The use of interferons is not prescribed for all patients; one of the contraindications is cirrhosis of the liver.

For the treatment of acute infectious hepatitis, nucleosides and nucleotide analogs, substances that mimic DNA elements, can be used. When a virus tries to use them to spread, new particles are not recreated, reproduction stops. In acute hepatitis from the drugs of this group, Baraclude, Gepsera, Heptovir, Tizeka, Viread, Heptodin are used.

Acute liver failure in viral hepatitis requires an organ transplant. But the possibility of the procedure depends on many factors, in particular, on the availability of a donor. The method is associated with certain risks, involves a long recovery period.


The liver takes part in protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, in digestion. In acute hepatitis, nutrition should be built in such a way that the inflamed organ does not receive an extra load, but at the same time all the nutrients are supplied in sufficient volume. Therefore, nutrition should be fractional and varied, and portions should be small. It is best to eat at the same time so that the body adapts to a certain regimen.

In acute hepatitis, diet No. 5 is prescribed.

It is based on boiled and pureed dishes.:
  • soups on vegetable or low-fat meat broth;
  • soups with milk;
  • steam cutlets, meatballs, quenelles from lean meat, fish, poultry;
  • omelets;
  • fresh cottage cheese of high fat content;
  • buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • vegetable purees;
  • fruit and berry juices;
  • dried wheat bread.

It is important to ensure that at least 100 grams of proteins come with food, as they are the building material for the liver. It is forbidden to increase the amount of simple carbohydrates, the main source of which is foods with sugar.


In order to prevent the development of acute hepatitis, it is necessary to abandon all habits that have a toxic effect on the liver: smoking, alcohol abuse, uncontrolled medication, eating unfamiliar and inedible mushrooms.

It is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene, refrain from promiscuity, give up drugs, do not use other person's hygiene items. It is worth paying attention to the choice of salons for tattooing, piercing, manicure and pedicure.

Prevention of acute hepatitis B involves timely. Currently, there is a drug that can prevent infection with this type of virus.

Acute hepatitis is a large group of inflammatory diseases of the liver, leading to disruption of its functioning. The most common infectious forms caused by infection with a virus. In second place is toxic alcoholic hepatitis. Despite the variety of types of the disease, they all have similar symptoms. With timely detection and proper treatment, the prognosis is favorable.

Useful video about hepatitis

According to WHO, hepatitis is a dangerous disease. Hepatitis is a disease of the liver. The infection is capable of self-healing or lead to the development of scarring, cirrhosis, liver cancer.

Despite well-studied ways of spreading, treating and preventing the disease, scientists fail to cultivate infectious agents in the laboratory.

The name infectious hepatitis is due to the fact that the causative agent of the disease enters the body from the environment. The causes of the appearance can be directly hepatitis viruses, as well as various infections and toxic substances (alcohol, drugs). The causative agents of infectious hepatitis should also include diseases associated with impaired functioning of the human immune system (systemic) or autoimmune, while the body begins to perceive its tissues as foreign. This disease can be both independent and a complication of other diseases that affect the body.

In this regard, there are two forms of hepatitis. The first (acute) is viral and associated with poisoning with potent poisons. With this form of the disease, all the symptoms of hepatitis are pronounced, its course ends with recovery, however, in rare cases, it can go into the second form - chronic. Capable of independent development or is a continuation of the acute form of hepatitis. Chronic hepatitis has a mild clinical picture and occurs with a long absence of symptoms. People with the chronic form have a higher chance of developing liver cancer.

History says that varieties of the disease were identified a little more than half a century ago: hepatitis types A, B, C, D, E, G.

Our regular reader

Our regular reader coped with HEPATITIS With effective medicines - Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir. According to patients, the result is 97% - complete elimination of the virus. We decided to recommend an ACTIVE therapy to you. The result is almost 100%. .

Viral hepatitis A

Hepatitis B

Viral hepatitis F

This type of disease is new and not well understood. The history of the disease dates back to when, during research on chimpanzees, a virus was detected that also caused liver tissue damage, but was not similar to the types A, B, C, D and E studied. Mostly found in the blood of people who received infected blood and whose medical history indicated the presence of persistent immunity to hepatitis.

Partially similar to hepatitis C: symptoms, phases. To date, a vaccine against this type of disease has not been developed and treatment is carried out according to symptoms.

Hepatitis G

  1. Story. Discovered in 1966 when a surgeon had been ill with hepatitis, the causative agent of which did not belong to already known species, but was similar. Named after the initials of the patient. Later, by polymerase chain reaction, it was established that the virus is detected in the blood of those already previously infected and cured of hepatitis.
  2. Description. In medicine, it is called the "little brother" of hepatitis C: it has similar symptoms, methods of distribution and treatment. It also has two forms, acute and chronic. There are several outcomes of the disease: recovery, chronic hepatitis and a carrier of the virus. However, viral hepatitis G can occur without symptoms. As well as the previous species is not well understood.

Methods for diagnosing a disease

There are two ways to diagnose the disease:

Thus, in order for the doctor to make a diagnosis - infectious hepatitis - it is necessary to conduct a general analysis of urine, blood and feces, a biochemical blood test, PCR and ultrasound of the abdominal organs. Based on the data obtained, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Treatment of infectious hepatitis begins with bed rest and diet. Due to the long process of liver recovery, you should follow a diet from six months to a year.

The diet in the process of treating the disease should include:

  • Refusal of alcohol (during treatment and for a long time after treatment).
  • Refusal of fatty, fried, spicy, smoked.
  • The menu should include light protein foods without fat.
  • Reduce the amount of portions and increase the number of meals before 18:00.

In addition to diet and bed rest, ursodeoxycholic acid and B vitamins are prescribed. This will help alleviate the symptoms of the disease. Antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs and protease inhibitors are also prescribed, which, when they enter viral cells, block the activity of the enzyme. Only in the case of a combination of these drugs can recovery be achieved.

Disease prevention

Infectious hepatitis spreads due to poor hygiene. It is necessary to wash your hands thoroughly, especially after going to the toilet, wash food (vegetables and fruits) well, drink only boiled water.

Those who have had hepatitis should refrain from physical activity for at least three months. You should also avoid hypothermia. In people who have had infectious hepatitis, the common cold can be very harmful.

Is it possible to recover from hepatitis C without side effects?

Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against liver diseases is not on your side yet ... And have you already thought about interferon therapy? It is understandable, because hepatitis C is a very serious disease, because the proper functioning of the liver is the key to health and well-being. Nausea and vomiting, yellowish or grayish skin tone, bitter taste in the mouth, darkening of urine and diarrhea… All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand. But perhaps it is more correct to treat not the consequence, but the cause?

Today, new generation drugs Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir are able to cure you of hepatitis C with a 97-100% chance forever. The latest drugs can be purchased in Russia from the official representative of the Indian pharmaceutical giant Zydus Heptiza. You can get a free consultation on the use of modern drugs, as well as learn about the methods of purchase, on the official website of the Zydus supplier in Russia.

Infectious hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver caused by various bacteria and viruses. Several types of causative agents of this disease are known. Some are treated easily and quickly, others can turn into a chronic disease with complications.


Treatment of infectious hepatitis directly depends on the type of virus that is the causative agent. They are transmitted in various ways, both by the fecal-oral route and without the participation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Hepatitis A. The most common type of infectious pathology of the liver, especially among children. It is transmitted through unwashed hands, through dirty vegetables, fruits, water. The disease is highly contagious. In this case, 45 days can pass from the moment of infection to the first manifestations. This period is considered the incubation period. A person is already spreading the infection, while not knowing about the presence of the hepatitis virus in his body.

Hepatitis B. It is transmitted through the blood, during sexual intercourse, and also through the placenta to the child. The incubation period lasts six months, so the patient may not always know exactly where he got infected. The danger of hepatitis B is that it is often not cured in time and becomes chronic. This threatens with complications in the form of cancer and cirrhosis of the liver.

Hepatitis C. One of the most dangerous viruses. It is able not to manifest itself in the form of serious symptoms, while destroying the liver. Infection occurs through the blood. The disease often develops into liver cancer and ends in the death of the patient.

Hepatitis D. This is not an independent infection, but a complication that occurs after hepatitis B. It has a non-infectious origin.

Virus E. It is similar to virus A, only it proceeds more slowly and is more dangerous for pregnant women, since it can provoke the death of the fetus.

Symptoms in these varieties may be similar, but which specific virus struck can be determined using laboratory blood tests.


The first symptoms appear some time after the pathogen enters the body. As with any disease, hepatitis is recommended to see a doctor as soon as possible.

It is advisable, after the appearance of at least one sign, to undergo an examination and take tests. The main symptoms of infection are:

  • yellowing of the skin, whites of the eyes and mucous membranes;
  • pain, discomfort and heaviness in the right hypochondrium;
  • discoloration of urine and feces (urine darkens, feces brightens);
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • temperature rise;
  • weakness and mood swings.

The specialist also determines the enlargement of the liver and its soreness during palpation.

The above signs are common to all types of hepatitis. But the course of the disease occurs in different ways depending on the pathogen. For example, hepatitis A does not initially manifest with jaundice and, in terms of symptoms, resembles a common cold. After 2 weeks, yellowing of the skin begins, this stage lasts about a month. In parallel, nausea, vomiting, bloating and diarrhea are observed.

With hepatitis B, all the characteristic signs of an infectious liver lesion are noticeable. In addition, there are pain in the joints, a rash on the skin and problems with the spleen.

Hepatitis C is not marked by bright symptoms. The patient may notice only fatigue and weakness. Characteristic symptoms may appear at the moment when the disease passes into the stage of cancer or cirrhosis.

Main reasons

Hepatitis viruses only infect liver tissue. Infectious hepatitis was first identified in 1937. The causative agent is a virus from the adenovirus family. The causative agent first enters the mucous membranes, then it enters the body with blood. Introduced into cells by pinocytosis. At an early stage, it affects the vessels and endothelium of the liver.

The causes of infection can be water containing the virus, as well as contaminated and unwashed food. Water most often becomes infectious if feces from sewers or animal feces get into it.

For more serious varieties of the virus, transmission from blood to blood is characteristic. This may include sexual intercourse with an infected person, as well as the use of poorly treated medical and cosmetic instruments. If a pregnant woman is a source of infection, then the child is also affected by the pathogen through the placenta. Transfusion of infected blood is another route of infection.


Diagnosis of infectious hepatitis is carried out in several ways. The first thing that a doctor prescribes if a pathogen is suspected is a biochemical blood test. It shows the level of liver enzymes that enter the blood. You should also pay attention to the level of bilirubin. With its increase, a characteristic yellowness occurs.

To determine which specific virus caused the disease, the patient is sent for immunological studies. With their help, the presence of antibodies in the patient's blood is detected. An ultrasound of the liver is required to identify the degree of damage to the organ, its structure, as well as the first foci of cirrhosis, if hepatitis has developed into a chronic stage.

Another diagnostic method is PCR analysis. It detects the disease even before the first symptoms appear in a person. Saliva, blood, urine and sputum are suitable for analysis. Biological material is taken in the morning, on an empty stomach.

Only high-quality and complete diagnostics will help determine the type of virus, as well as the degree of liver damage. Based on the data of diagnostic studies, the specialist prescribes the most effective and adequate treatment.


Treatment options for infectious hepatitis depend on the type of virus infecting the liver. Type A disease is the safest and is treated within a month. There is no need to use complex antiviral drugs. Strict adherence to the diet is necessary, as well as bed rest. The patient is advised to drink at least 3 liters of fluid per day. Vitamin therapy is prescribed. Of the drug methods - the introduction of a 5% solution of Glucose, as well as Hemodez, Sorbitol, Albumin. Detoxification is carried out to get rid of the symptoms of poisoning.

Hepatitis B can be successfully cured if therapy is started on time. The therapeutic effect is carried out in the following areas:

  1. Virus destruction.
  2. Dealing with the symptoms of toxicity.
  3. Facilitate the general well-being of the patient.
  4. Elimination of liver damage and its destruction.

In drug therapy, choleretic drugs and various enzymes are prescribed to improve digestion. You need to eat in small portions according to a special diet. It includes:

  1. The norm of fat is 70-80 g per day.
  2. Exclusion of fried and cold foods
  3. Tender meats.
  4. Lean fish.
  5. Bread is dry only.
  6. Sweet fruits. Pureed vegetables.
  7. Exclusion of all legumes, chopped vegetables, and all products with essential oils.
  8. Juices.

The diet necessarily involves cooking for a couple. It is recommended to consume as many sweet foods and drinks as possible, including compotes, jelly and sweet tea with jam. The consumption of salt and spices is limited, it is also necessary to exclude spicy food additives.

With a complex form of hepatitis B, the diet is extended even after discharge from the hospital for several months. The duration of treatment depends on the degree of liver damage, as well as on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Preventive measures

Since the viruses that cause hepatitis differ and have different routes of entry, the list of preventive measures is quite wide. First of all, you need to constantly wash your hands, follow the rules of hygiene. Food products must be clean and subject to the necessary processing.

Vaccination is the main preventive measure. It is carried out several times, starting from infancy.

Since any animal can get infectious hepatitis, it is important to control rodents in the premises, as well as to keep the street and technical buildings clean. In order to prevent the virus from entering the blood, the following precautions must be observed:

  1. Competently protect yourself during sex and avoid promiscuity.
  2. When injecting, use only disposable syringes.
  3. Mandatory sterilization of all medical and cosmetic instruments.
  4. Limiting contact with the patient, as well as sterilization of hygiene items, dishes and toys.

If an infected person has appeared in the family, he must be immediately sent to the hospital, isolated, and when communicating with the patient, use protective equipment.

Depending on the form of the virus, there are several types of complications. The most common is liver failure. This is a condition when the normal functionality of an organ is disrupted. Most often, this complication occurs with hepatitis A.

Virus B leads to hemorrhagic syndrome, toxic damage to the body, as well as hepatic encephalopathy. In 80% of cases, infectious hepatitis B is completely cured. But ignoring the symptoms, delaying the visit to the doctor and failure to comply with his appointments will lead to big health problems. First of all, it is liver cancer and cirrhosis. Both pathologies will lead to the destruction of the organ and death.

Virus D leads to impaired kidney function and kidney failure, and virus E can lead to hepatic coma.

Hepatitis C also leads to unpleasant consequences, and much more often than other forms of the virus. There are differences in the effect of the disease on the body of a man and a woman. In men, in addition to all the symptoms, an increase in the mammary glands may appear, and in women, hepatitis primarily affects the joints.

Infectious hepatitis is a common viral pathology that has a detrimental effect on liver function and, if left untreated, can lead to death. Therefore, it is imperative to vaccinate in childhood, as well as take preventive measures to prevent the pathogen from entering the bloodstream. When the first signs appear, be sure to consult a doctor and follow his instructions as accurately as possible.

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