Causes of poor hair growth in a child. What to do if your child's hair grows poorly

Baby's hair grows badly, what to do? After all, hair not only decorates us, but is also an indicator of our health. Beautiful, shiny and thick hair of a child is the dream of any parent, especially if they are raising a girl. How you want to tie a bow for your daughter, braid pigtails, decorate her head with hairpins. In the absence of hair or their slow growth, this is quite difficult to do.

The child's hair grows poorly and you are immediately asked a lot of questions. Why don't you cut the baby's head? What do you do to grow beautiful hair? In order to understand why a child's hair grows poorly, you need to know how children's hair develops, what stages of growth and change it goes through. Maybe it's too early for you to sound the alarm, and your baby is still ahead.

Stages of development of children's hair

Many children are born with a completely bald head. Others from birth boast of curls and a luxurious hairstyle. But no matter how many hairs on a child's head, what length or color they are, what a child is born with can hardly be called real hair. No matter how well you take care of these hairs, they will leave the baby's head. This is still the first fluff. According to his condition, one cannot judge either the density or the growth of future hair, and even more so one cannot say that the child’s hair grows poorly.

These delicate hairs shed during combing and during bathing. You can often observe how this fluff, leaving the child's head, leaves whole bald patches on the baby's head. Often bald patches occur in those places where the child's head touches the surface of the crib, on the side of the head on which the child prefers to lie. These bald patches should not bother parents. In their place, new hair will soon appear. They will be much stronger, brighter than the first fluff. The final formation of hair in a child begins only after 10-11 years. Adult hair appears closer to puberty.

And then the baby's hair can also change, as after birth. Thick hair can be replaced by sparse, curly hair grows in place of straight hair. It's all due to our genes. But we can also influence the growth and development of the baby's hair.

Growing beautiful hair

If your child's hair does not grow well, you need to see if you are properly caring for your baby's hair. Beautiful hair starts with proper care. From the first days of life, it is important to wash your child's hair. But you can do this with just water, it is not necessary to use soap and shampoos. After all, the newborn is not dirty yet. To wash children's hair, you need to choose a gentle shampoo. See that it is without aggressive components (various lauryl and laureth components). These components, with constant use, can cause allergies. Do not wash your child's hair often. It is enough to wash your hair with shampoo once a week or as it gets dirty. As the child grows, the approach to shampooing should also change. The shampoo of the child should be suitable for his age. Over time, if the child has grown thick hair, it is necessary to apply balms that facilitate combing.

If the child's hair does not grow well, then you can apply grandmother's recipes that will help grow thick and beautiful hair for the baby. Herbal rinses have a good effect on hair. Rinsing can be carried out after 2 years. Do a test first to see if your child is allergic to the herbs you want to rinse your hair with. It is good to make a decoction of chamomile, burdock, birch for rinsing hair. You can rub burdock oil. Make masks that help hair growth, strengthen them. They may include onions, burdock oil, oatmeal, sour milk, honey, herbal decoctions. Only use products that your child is not allergic to.

The crusts that form on the head are easily combed out with a thick comb or comb. But you should not focus on them, over time they themselves will be washed off the head of the child. To facilitate the convergence of crusts from the child's head, lubricate them before bathing with oil. Then they are easily combed out. Never try to remove them over a dry head. You can injure the delicate skin of the baby.

And now the first year of the baby is coming, and if the child’s hair is still growing poorly, then the parents ask themselves: “Is it necessary to shave off the delicate hair?”. A baby's haircut to zero will not affect the density of future hair in any way. Only genes and proper care will bear fruit. Haircuts can damage delicate hair follicles.

It is important to accustom the child to combing. Soft massage with a comb activates blood circulation, enhances hair growth. It is necessary to choose a comb that does not injure either the baby's head or his hair. It is desirable that it be from natural material. If the baby has thin and sparse hair, choose a thick comb. Conversely, thick hair requires a thin comb. Combs made from cedar, juniper have a healing effect on the hair. You can pick up a comb with real bristles. She combs her hair well, does not electrify them, makes a gentle head massage. Do not forget about the care of children's combs. Wash them regularly and keep them clean.

Hair cutting is an important element in hair care. Don't forget to trim the ends of your hair, even if you're aiming to grow your hair long. Haircut accelerates hair growth. Makes the child's hair neat. Teaches him to take care of his hair.

If the ends of the child's hair are split, then this indicates improper hair care. Maybe the shampoo is not suitable or you wash your hair with very hot water. Such hair can also indicate health problems, dysbacteriosis or malnutrition.

If you decide to let go of long hair, make sure that it does not interfere with the child. Various hairpins, elastic bands, braids, tails should become an indispensable attribute on the head. When choosing hairpins, make sure that they are not sharp and do not harm the scalp and hair. Children's hair is easily damaged. Do not forget to periodically wash hairpins and elastic bands with soap. Do not try to braid your braids tighter and tie ponytails. Strong hair tension prevents oxygen and nutrients from entering the scalp. It can lead to hair loss and even partial baldness.

If the child's hair does not grow well, then you need to reconsider his diet, since the child's nutrition plays a big role in hair growth. If hair grows slowly, enrich the child's diet with foods that contain vitamins A, D, fatty acids, protein. The child's menu should include pumpkin, red vegetables and fruits, carrots. The child should eat greens, cabbage, sorrel, salmon, milk, eggs, nuts. Limit sweets and carbonated drinks. Avoid fast food and chips.

The reason for the slow growth of hair can be the stress of the child. If your child is nervous, stressed, not calm, then his hair is also under stress. Seek medical advice to relieve stress. With the elimination of stress, the baby's hair will return to normal.

Of course, genetic predisposition is also important. If the parents' hair is not thick, there were problems with hair growth, then you should not expect miracles from the child. Hair is passed down through the maternal line. Pay attention to yourself and your female relatives. What kind of hair do they have?

Causes of poor hair growth in a child

Not always we can spur and improve hair growth with preventive measures. There are situations in which you need to urgently consult a doctor, as the hair indicates a disease.

If your child's hair is constantly tangled, it may indicate a congenital hair disorder. You need to see a trichologist and a dermatologist.

Hair loss can be due to various factors. This may be a disease, for example, if a child’s hair does not grow well or falls out completely, then this may indicate diseases such as ringworm, fungal diseases, alopecia, and trauma to the hair shaft. If your child has severe hair loss, be sure to see a doctor. Only he can determine the cause of hair loss, assess the condition of the child and prescribe treatment. Do not self-medicate, so as not to aggravate the situation.

Children very often wind their hair around their fingers. This can become a pathological habit and lead to the formation of a nervous tic, hair loss. If you have this habit, consult your doctor. Don't start the situation.

If a child has gray hair, this may indicate a violation in the body. Be sure to consult your doctor.

If a child’s hair does not grow well even after three years, and the child’s nails and skin look sick, this may indicate both rickets and other diseases associated with enzyme deficiency, other diseases that are in a latent phase. Don't delay your visit to the doctor. After all, hair health reflects our inner health.

Wash, rinse, comb, cut, braid, decorate with hairpins, bows, elastic bands. May your child have healthy and thick, shiny and strong hair.

The individuality of each child is manifested in everything, even in hair growth. So some children have beautiful chic curls almost from birth, while others have hair that grows poorly or does not grow at all. All the causes of poor hair growth, ways to solve this problem, as well as the opinions of experts on this topic are collected in the article.

Why a child does not grow hair: all the reasons for slow hair growth in children 1-2 years old

Various factors affect the rate of hair growth in a child:

  • Individual characteristics of the organism can be manifested in poor hair growth. It should also be borne in mind that before the age of three, the change and growth of hair occurs quite slowly, so you should not worry too much about this.
  • Hormonal background . It affects the color, growth rate and volume of hair. Hormone levels fluctuate throughout life. So in children born with hairs, they soon fall out, the hair that grows then is also not the main one, they soon also change, and the hair color may also change. The main hair grows by 10-11 years.
  • Heredity. If there is a genetic predisposition to thin, slowly growing hair, then no manipulation will change the situation.
  • Food. The condition of the hair directly depends on the health of the body as a whole. An unbalanced and inadequate diet can cause slow hair growth, brittleness and even hair loss. This should also include diseases of the digestive system, because if the digestive system does not function properly, the body does not receive a lot of nutrients and vitamins.
  • Care. Incorrectly selected shampoo, jewelry and hair accessories, improper comb and tight weaving injure curls and can lead to poor growth.
  • stress. If a child is subject to stress, experiences, then his hair grows worse than in stress-resistant children.
  • Diseases. Small children quite often suffer from such a disease as. The causes of its occurrence is a lack of vitamin D. Most often, this deficiency occurs as a result of a lack of sunlight. The result of this disease is hair problems. Also, hair problems are associated with diseases such as ringworm, alopecia, fungal diseases and trauma to the hair follicles, etc.

The child's hair grows poorly: what to do?

There is an opinion that shaving baldly promotes better hair growth in children. However, it has been scientifically proven that this is a myth. Shaving is not necessary and may even cause hair growth problems in a child.

Chmelenko Galina Anatolyevna, trichologist:

“During shaving, the top layer of the skin (and not the hair follicles) is injured, so after this procedure, the hair does not grow for a long time or grows unevenly. However, after a certain time, the dermis will recover and hair growth will normalize.

Examination and treatment of a child with poor hair growth by specialists

To establish the true cause of poor hair growth in a baby, an examination of the child by the following specialists will help:

  • First you need to visit pediatrician. He will check the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and find out how the baby's digestive system functions. If the reason is in it, then the doctor will help adjust the baby's diet and prescribe vitamin and mineral complexes.
  • If necessary, he will give direction to endocrinologist in order to determine the level of hormones, the specialist will prescribe the necessary drugs if abnormalities are detected.
  • Trichologist can determine if the problem is caused by improper care of the baby's hair.
  • If the pediatrician determines that slow hair growth is provoked by stress factors, then it will be necessary to turn to neurologist for help.

Balanced diet to stimulate hair growth in babies

Feeding Tips for Children with Slow Hair Growth:

  • Diversify your child's diet , enriching it with vegetables and fruits. Include in the child's diet foods containing vitamins A, D, C, B, calcium, as these substances stimulate hair growth.
  • Avoid carbonated drinks and fast food and others .
  • To prevent vitamin D deficiency in children Get outdoors regularly and eat leafy vegetables : sorrel, cabbage, spinach.
  • Include red-orange vegetables and fruits in your baby's diet which contain a lot of vitamin A and beta-carotene. For example, pumpkin, carrots.
  • The use of omega-3 fatty acids has a positive effect on hair growth , so prepare meals for your baby with foods containing a large amount of these acids (linseed oil, salmon, walnuts).
  • Since hair is made up of 70% protein, It is important to include meat, milk, eggs, legumes and nuts in your child's diet.

Folk remedies for hair growth in children

There are effective folk remedies to improve hair growth. They can be used to treat children only after consulting a pediatrician.

Herbal teas to stimulate hair growth

Rinsing hair with decoctions of burdock, birch or chamomile has long been used to stimulate hair growth. However, these funds can be used by children older than 2 years. It is first necessary to exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction in a child to plants used to prepare decoctions.

To prepare decoctions of herbs 2 tbsp. l of dry grass is poured with a glass of boiling water and kept in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then filtered and used warm to rinse hair.

Mask with sour milk / kefir

Apply sour milk or kefir on the baby's head, put on a light cap or scarf. Leave on for 15 minutes and wash your hair.

Mask with castor or burdock oil

Before going to bed, apply castor or burdock oil to the baby's head. Put a hat on your head and put your baby to bed. Wash your baby's head in the morning. Do the procedures every day for 7 days.

Hair Growth Shampoo

Mix 4 tbsp. spoons of carrot juice, 1 raw yolk, 20 g of vegetable oil, 20 g of lemon juice. Use the resulting composition instead of shampoo.

Proper hair care for babies

  1. To wash your baby's head, use baby shampoo with a pH of 6 (neutral medium) without aggressive additives.
  2. Wash your child's hair with settled, warm water.
  3. Rinse the shampoo well from your baby's hair.
  4. Blot your hair with a soft towel instead of drying it.
  5. Use a comb with soft bristles made of natural material to comb the hair of a small child, and for children over 2 years old, use a wooden comb with wide teeth and blunt ends.
  6. Comb dry hair.
  7. Part your hair every time in a new place.
  8. Do not use tight hairpins and elastic bands.

Doctors' opinions

Pediatrician O.V. Butuzova about the causes of poor hair growth in children 2-3 years old:

Hair is primarily genetics. Do your parents have thick hair? Grandparents? The second point is anemia and lack of iron. The third point is protein. Does the child eat meat, cottage cheese, cheese every day? Are there any digestive problems? The fourth point is the lack of certain microelements, zinc, for example. What I am writing all this for is that the problem with hair comes from within, so no hair oil will solve it. Masks and treatments are all great, however, if there is an internal problem and it is not solved, they will not help. In this situation, the most ideal option is to visit a trichologist, a hair specialist, who will prescribe a complete examination to look for internal causes of poor hair growth. I don’t really believe in oil for rubbing into the head, you can try herbs, just keep an eye on the condition of the scalp at the same time. Sometimes they cause dryness, which is not very good.

The opinion of the trichologist T. Tsymbalenko on the advisability of shaving a child baldly to improve hair growth:

In any case, we cut only the dead shaft, and hair cutting cannot affect hair growth. In a year, the natural first change of hair occurs, when the vellus is replaced by thicker ones. Often a mother sees that the child's hair is starting to fall out, shaves it, does not see the hair falling out anymore and thinks that the haircut helped. In fact, this is just a transitional moment of hair maturation, which will pass by itself, regardless of whether we shave the child or not.

The hair of a child in one year requires no less careful care than the skin and mucous membranes. Although they do not differ in structure from adult hair, there are many features that need to be considered. Some parents are worried that their child's hair is very thin and sparse, and does not grow well. According to experts, this state of affairs can be corrected without the use of dangerous means and dubious products. The first haircut is also the subject of constant controversy based on superstition and medical indicators. Carrying it out - both in the salon and at home - can be a real stress for children and a test of the patience of parents.

Features of hair in children under one year old

The first hair in children (lanugo) appears during fetal development and covers the entire body of the fetus, except for the palms and feet. By the time of birth, they fall out, remaining only on the head. The presence of lanugo hair on other parts of the body (after birth) may indicate the immaturity of the baby and is common in preterm babies. Within a month after giving birth, this fluff completely falls out. The hair shafts on the baby's head are extremely thin, the cuticle has fewer layers than normal, the follicles are located almost on the surface of the skin. These factors lead to the fact that the hair of babies up to a year reacts violently to environmental influences, is prone to falling out and brittleness.

Whatever the hair color of a newborn, there is a high probability that it will change dramatically (sometimes this happens several times). It is possible to say with confidence about the final shade not earlier than the second year of the child's life. Until that time, due to the unstable hormonal background, the distribution of melanin will be uneven and temporary. Parents should not worry if a baby under one year old has poor hair growth or is rarely located. It makes no sense to cut them, thus trying to cause a thickening of the rod. Only by the age of 5, the hair structure will sufficiently approach adult indicators, which will make it possible to partially judge the splendor of future hair.

Often, by the third or fourth month of life, children notice a noticeable thinning of the hair and even their complete loss. Do not worry about this and even more so take any active action. This phenomenon is physiological and is associated with changes in the hormonal background. After 6 months, the situation normalizes on its own and the hair will gradually grow back. If this does not happen, you should consult a doctor (avitaminosis or mineral deficiency is possible). Do not be afraid of bald patches on the temples or the back of the child's head (these areas most often suffer from constant friction). This does not indicate the development of rickets without the presence of concomitant symptoms (low muscle tone, excessive sweating, "marble" skin, anxiety).

What to do if the child is already a year old, and the hair does not grow well?

A rare "hairstyle" in children who are one year old worries most mothers. Most often this is observed in future blondes. In this case, parents can find their baby photos during this period and compare them with the state of the baby's hair. If the indicators are identical, do not worry - in 99% of cases, hair density is inherited. According to statistics, if the hairs do not grow well up to 2 years, then the “dormant” follicles are activated and the kids begin to catch up and even overtake their peers without such a “problem”.

Experts categorically prohibit stimulating hair growth with the help of traditional medicine or modern professional preparations. Children do not tolerate such experiments well. They will only cause severe allergic reactions in the child and damage the superficially located follicles. With this approach, you can achieve the opposite of what you want. It makes no sense to cut the hairs - contrary to popular belief, this will not positively affect the quality of the rods.

If the hair does not grow at all or is prone to intense hair loss (after 6 months), this may indicate a deficiency of vitamins A, B, C, D, E. Some of them are poorly absorbed without a sufficient amount of fatty acids in the diet. In this case, you should think about the diet of the baby and mother, on the recommendation of a specialist, you can drink a multivitamin complex.

No less important is proper hair care in children under one year old.

  • Wash your hair daily, but without the use of detergents. The purpose of the procedure is to remove excess fat, impurities, fallen hairs and exfoliated epithelium. Shampoo can be used no more than once a week. The product must be specialized, with a neutral pH level. Soap or adult products are prohibited. Shampoo is diluted in the palm of your hand until foam appears, and it is this that is applied to the surface of the head. With fingertips, a light massage is carried out and foam is removed.
  • You do not need to dry your hair, just pat it dry with a warm towel. For drying hair in children under one year old, do not use a hair dryer!
  • If the hairs do not grow well, it is recommended to carry out a light scalp massage daily. This will increase blood flow and improve nutrition of the follicles.
  • You need to comb the child daily, despite the splendor of the hair. For manipulation, special brushes with natural, as soft as possible bristles are used. Movements should be smooth so as not to damage the delicate skin of the baby.

If the hair grows intensively, you should not use elastic bands and hairpins: they stretch the skin, creating a feeling of discomfort. The best solution would be a neat haircut.

Does my baby's hair need to be cut once a year?

Some parents are full of superstitions and fears about when to cut their child's hair for the first time. Many argue that if the hairs are cut before a year, this will adversely affect the health of the baby. In fact, this belief has no scientific basis. Experts believe that it is foolish to delay a haircut and wait for the end of the year if the hair climbs into the baby's eyes and causes profuse sweating and itching.

Other parents choose to cut their children bald when they turn one year old, thinking that this will provide them with fuller hair in the future. In fact, this procedure does not affect the quality and quantity of hair. The rods grow the way it is genetically laid down. In this way, only a slight increase in their rigidity can be achieved. This increases the risk of damage to the superficial follicles and skin of the baby.

Waiting 4-5 years before the first haircut is also not worth it. A significant length of hair disrupts the process of their nutrition, the rods are constantly confused and damaged, and begin to fall out intensively. For this reason, for young preschool children, a neat short haircut is considered the best hairstyle.

Children's first haircut of the year: how to do it right?

If the baby's hair is growing rapidly and the time has come for the first haircut, it is better to entrust the process to professionals and contact the hairdresser. Toys, cartoons and friendly masters will distract the child from the new incomprehensible procedure, and the session will pass quickly and without whims.

If the baby is suspicious of adults or he is not yet a year old, it is better to cut it yourself, at home.

  1. It is better to put the child on his knees to someone close and dear.
  2. It is better to prepare the baby in advance by offering him a new game “to the hairdresser” a few days before the manipulation.
  3. Before the procedure, the hair must be combed and slightly moistened with a spray.
  4. Scissors should be safe, with round tips.
  5. You need to cut carefully, but quickly. Children under one year old quickly get tired of games, so you need to cope in a few minutes. If the baby began to act up, you can stop there and continue a little later.
  6. You need to start cutting hair in the most inaccessible places, some mothers finish the job at the moment when the baby falls asleep. Even after this approach, the hair grows evenly, the main thing is that they do not interfere with the child.

The process of hair care should not be just a hygiene procedure, but a joint event that brings pleasure to mom and baby. There are many special receptors on the scalp, the proper stimulation of which will relax the child, lull him and give him a good mood.

Each baby is unique from birth: some newborns are born with thick and lush hair, others cannot boast even the slightest bit of fluff on their heads. Moreover, in the first months the situation can change radically, both for the better and for the worse. In some babies, by the age of one, the braids grow almost to the waist, in others, they never grow even a millimeter. Why can the hair growth rate in newborns slow down and what can be done to bring the appearance of beautiful and shiny curls closer? Experienced pediatricians share tips for proper care of children's hair with young parents!

Causes of slow hair growth in babies

If a child's hair grows poorly, it is not at all necessary to immediately panic and think about the worst - in most cases, the pathological causes of this condition are easily fixable. The following factors can suppress normal hair growth in newborns:

  • Heredity. If parents cannot boast of lush thick hair, it is unlikely that a baby will have good hair from birth - a lot of effort will have to be made to reverse the genetic predisposition.
  • Rickets. Of course, this is a rather serious disease, but with proper care, it will not be difficult to stop its initial stages. It is enough to provide the newborn with an adequate amount of vitamin D and take him for walks every day - and the hair will begin to grow by leaps and bounds.
  • Nervous tension. It may seem that stress is an exclusively “adult” problem, but in fact it is not. If for some reason a newborn does not get enough sleep, is constantly naughty and cries, poor vegetation is a completely logical result. In addition, unfavorable family conditions, quarrels between parents, scandals, of which the baby is an unwitting witness, can also negatively affect hair growth.
  • Incorrect or insufficient nutrition. If little vitamins and microelements enter the body of the crumbs, its hairs will not be able to grow thick. Artificial babies should receive a sufficient amount of adapted infant formula suitable for age, and baby babies should receive high-quality mother's milk (and for this, a nursing woman must eat properly and fully).
  • Early food. If a young mother tries to feed her newborn "adult" food that is not suitable for age, the baby's digestion may fail. Such problems often lead to metabolic disorders and, as a result, hypovitaminosis.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis. Despite the frightening name, such a pathology, with the right measures taken, is not at all dangerous. In most babies of the first year of life, scales like dandruff may appear on the head, especially in the fontanel area, which adhere tightly to the hair and slow down their growth. In this case, high-quality and delicate care will help solve the problem.
  • Sleep in the same position. If you do not change the position of the body of the newborn in the crib, over time, his hair may roll up on one side. With such a problem, baldness will not be complete, but partial: on the side where the hair follicles are not subjected to daily abrasion, the curls will be much thicker and longer than on the side on which the baby sleeps regularly. The same problem can arise with the constant wearing of tight caps and hats - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe elastic bands, the hair will wear out.

  • Wrong hair care. Daily shampooing of a newborn's head, the use of alkaline shampoos and low-quality children's cosmetics can ruin even the crumbs' naturally lush hair.

However, not everything is always so banal and harmless - in some cases, poor hair growth in newborns can be associated with serious anomalies in the body:

  • Hormonal deviations. Endocrine pathologies can affect many physiological processes in the body, and poor hair growth is no exception.
  • Autoimmune diseases. With such ailments, the body of a newborn can reject hair follicles, as a result of which curls, in principle, cannot grow until the causes are completely eliminated.
  • Uncontrolled medication intake. If mom stuffs the baby with pills for any reason, without consulting the pediatrician, it is not surprising that his hair will grow very poorly. And although the situation can be corrected simply by refusing to take drugs for no reason, it is not a fact that self-medication did not have time to affect other organs and systems. That is why it is necessary to exclude the use of any pharmaceuticals without a doctor's prescription, and if this has already happened, carefully examine the newborn.
  • Problems with metabolism. Unfortunately, digestive disorders can occur not only due to improper or insufficient nutrition - a metabolic disorder can also be congenital. In this case, the newborn needs medical help and, if necessary, a properly selected diet.

What to do to correct the situation?

If you are concerned about poor hair growth in your newborn, you should take action as soon as possible. Specialists should understand the causes of the pathology, however, indirect signs can tell attentive parents which doctor should be contacted first. Of course, any medical examination should begin with a visit to the local pediatrician - he will determine if there is a reason for concern and, if necessary, prescribe the necessary tests for the baby.

If the baby is slowly or, conversely, gaining weight too quickly, it is worth visiting a pediatric endocrinologist - perhaps the newborn has some hormonal problems. Restless sleep, frequent whims and unreasonable crying, together with poor hair growth, may indicate neurological disorders. And if in parallel the newborn suffers from sweating, muscle tone and bone deformity, it should be urgently examined for the presence of rickets.

If a newborn has a genetic predisposition to poor hair growth, action should be taken as early as possible. After consulting with a leading pediatrician, it is worth adding vitamins to the child’s diet that help improve vegetation - PP, B, E, B12, B6, C and A. In addition, in the absence of hypersensitivity, you can make healing masks with oils for the baby.

Mothers of newborns who are breastfed should carefully monitor their own diet. The mother's body, exhausted by pregnancy and childbirth, cannot always provide one more person with useful substances, so you should worry about good nutrition and taking complex vitamin and mineral supplements intended for lactating women.

How to care for newborn hair

High-quality care is one of the key components of full-fledged hair growth in a newborn. In order for the hairstyle to please with splendor and density, a number of important rules should be observed:

  1. Use special pH-neutral baby shampoos to wash your hair - alkaline-based baby soap can dry out and irritate the follicles.
  2. Do not abuse detergents, even the most gentle ones. It is enough to wash the baby's head with shampoo 1-2 times a week, and on the remaining days, rinse the hair when bathing with warm running water.
  3. Remove the crusts on the hair in a timely manner. To do this, first lubricate the scalp with hypoallergenic vegetable oil, put on a cap and wait half an hour or an hour until the scales become softer. After that, you need to gently comb the crumbs with a soft brush, delicately combing out the crusts, and then wash your hair with a suitable shampoo.
  4. When wiping baby's hair after bathing, be extremely gentle. Do not rub sensitive skin, just pat it gently with a towel.
  5. Do not neglect the regular massage of the newborn's head. This procedure stimulates blood circulation and, accordingly, hair growth.

Follow the rules for hair care, monitor the nutrition and health of the newborn - and the appearance of the desired curls will not take long!

Here are the possible causes that affect hair growth in a child:

  • malnutrition
  • metabolic disorders
  • stress
  • heredity
  • lack of vitamins
  • rickets
What do we have to do:
  • if the child is breastfed, then the mother needs to eat well so that the baby receives all the necessary vitamins. In particular, eat foods that contain protein, potassium, phosphorus (cottage cheese, dairy products, nuts, fish).
  • doctors also advise taking vitamin complexes that contain vitamins such as A, C, E, B6, B12, PP.
  • if a bad metabolism is found, then you definitely need to go to an endocrinologist.
  • if the baby has increased excitability, it is worth contacting a neurologist.
  • to prevent rickets, it is necessary to give the child vitamin D.
  • if poor growth is due to heredity, then all that can be done is to strengthen the hair.

How to take care of the hair of the baby?

The child needs to wash his head with a special shampoo, which does not include dyes, preservatives. This shampoo should be made from natural ingredients. Should be neutral pH. So-called "no tears" shampoos are well suited. A light scalp massage is good for stimulating the scalp as well as new hair growth. They grow faster if there are no split ends. So try trimming your hair at least once a month. It is advisable not to use a hair dryer for drying, as hot air adversely affects their condition. You also do not need to wear tight elastic bands, they pull the hair.
You can use decoctions of herbs from two years. Chamomile and nettle are good for hair growth. Burdock oil, olive oil, almond oil also have a good effect on the baby's scalp.
There are also folk recipes:

  • Wash the child's head with kefir. Apply on the head and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse and repeat. Wash your hair well afterwards.
  • At night, apply castor or burdock oil to your baby's hair. Rinse thoroughly in the morning.
  • When washing your hair, you can add a few drops of calendula oil.
And this is not all options for traditional medicine. Remember that they can be used no earlier than the age of two years of the child.
Well, in the end, we can conclude that no matter what caused poor hair growth in babies Parents should not panic. You must first find out the cause, and only then look for ways to improve the situation. After all, most often this is a temporary phenomenon, and after a month or two, the amount of hair of the child and their length may pleasantly surprise you.
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