Hamster diarrhea treatment. Hamster has diarrhea - what to do. Possible provocateurs of diarrhea in a rodent

Hamsters are prone to many diseases, including gastrointestinal upset. It is easy to notice it in a rodent. It is more difficult to identify the reason why the hamster vilifies, and to find a treatment.

Causes of diarrhea

Indigestion can be caused by both natural causes and infectious diseases. These include the following diseases:

  1. Salmonellosis is a very dangerous disease, the outcome of which can be the death of an animal.
  2. Tizzer's disease is an acute, rapidly developing disease. A pet can die two days after the first symptoms appear.
  3. Colibacillosis - its occurrence is affected by a change in the diet and stress. Bacteria that are in the body in a normal state, under the influence of these factors multiply rapidly. This provokes the appearance of diarrhea in a rodent.
  4. Paralysis or pestilence - in addition to diarrhea, they cause a runny nose, vomiting and cough in the animal. The animal's breathing quickens, convulsions appear, and the coat sticks together.

In addition to diseases, diarrhea in a hamster can cause:

  1. Changing the diet. If you change the animal's habitual diet, this can provoke an upset stomach.
  2. Binge eating. You should not feed the hamster, as the stomach may not be able to cope with a large amount of food.
  3. Spoiled food. The rodent should eat only fresh and high-quality food. The feed must be specialized.
  4. Ingestion of foreign objects, buttons, small parts into the stomach.
  5. Poisoning. If a poisonous plant enters the body with fresh food of an animal, diarrhea may begin in the jungar.
  6. The presence of infections in the body.

There are many causes of animal diarrhea. Some of them can be identified and eliminated on their own. Consultation with a specialist and laboratory tests will help to determine with great accuracy what caused an upset stomach in your pet.

Signs of a disorder

There are several signs, the presence of which is characteristic of a violation of the intestines of a hamster.

  1. Chair change. The stools change color, texture and smell. The stool becomes watery, like slurry. The rodent goes to the toilet more often.

  2. The hamster's body becomes loose, soft and limp. If you pick it up, the rodent can make sharp sounds and a loud squeak.
  3. Clumped wool. The hairline of the animal changes color, becomes dull and stuck together.
  4. Bloating. The belly of the hamster becomes elastic, grumbling is heard in it.
  5. The appearance of an unpleasant odor. The stool emits a sharp and bad odor.
  6. Lack of appetite. During illness, the animal eats very little or refuses food.
  7. Changes in behavior. The hamster becomes apathetic, passive. The animal moves a little, sleeps a lot, reluctantly walks in his arms. Any movement provokes an attack of acute pain.

If diarrhea in a hamster is caused by infectious diseases, their signs are high fever, cough, runny nose and suppuration of the eyes. Diarrhea is often fatal as the animal becomes dehydrated.

How to treat the disorder?

What to do if your hamster has diarrhea? This question is best answered by a specialist. The veterinarian will not only determine the cause of diarrhea, but also prescribe treatment. However, it is not always possible to contact a specialist for advice. At home, it is necessary to take a set of measures aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease and its consequences.

If the hamster is not alone in the cage, move it away from the neighbors. A sick animal needs peace and quiet. The jungar's cage needs to be disinfected, the bedding replaced, the leftover food thrown away, the water in the drinking bowl replaced with clean water. You need to water the rodent with water with a 0.3% solution of tetracycline or a decoction of chamomile.

If diarrhea is caused by poisoning, you need to clean the pet's stomach with emetics. It is better to feed the hamster with oatmeal, boiled rice or stale bread. During diarrhea, you can not give fresh greens and juicy food.

Before and after contact with a sick animal, wash your hands with laundry soap.

What foods do hamsters need in their diet?

The health of a pet is directly related to nutrition. Feed your hamster only high-quality and fresh products. You can not give food from your table, as it will not suit the animal. The diet of the jungarik should consist of the following products:

  1. Specialized feed. You can buy them at the pet store or make your own. Usually mixtures consist of wheat, oats, buckwheat and legumes.
  2. Sunflower, pumpkin seeds, and melon seed.
  3. Various nuts, hazelnuts and peanuts.
  4. Fresh herbs, lettuce, nettles, plantain, parsley and dill sprigs.

The rodent, receiving vitamins from these products, becomes healthy, vigorous and active.

Basic rules for keeping a rodent

In addition to the diet, the well-being of the jungarik is affected by the conditions of detention. The cage of the animal must correspond to its size, in a cramped and small house the animal will be uncomfortable. The hamster must lead an active lifestyle, so it is necessary to provide him with special toys.

It is necessary to wash the cage and toys of the hamster. Change the bedding at least 2 times a month, it is best to do weekly cleaning. Corn filler and sawdust of coniferous trees will not only strengthen the immunity of the animal, but also scare away small insects.

Clean up leftover food and change water frequently. A cage with a hamster is best placed in a room where there is an influx of fresh air and no drafts.

The cause of diarrhea can be a stressful situation. There should be no sources of loud sounds and strong odors near the animal's house. You should not show increased attention to the jungarik, so as not to scare him.

Create comfortable conditions for your pet and protect it from stress, then it will be healthy and cheerful.

Prevention of the disorder

Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Follow a few simple rules and diarrhea will not torment your pet

  1. If you want to switch your hamster to a new food, do it gradually, increasing the portion daily.
  2. Do not overfeed the animal.
  3. Wash fruits, vegetables and fresh herbs thoroughly.
  4. Make sure that there is always clean water in the pet's cage.
  5. Remove leftover food from the cage after each meal.
  6. Do not let the animal walk on the floor and ground so that it does not pick up any disease.
  7. Place the rodent cage in a room where there is no sudden change in temperature.
  8. Provide the jungarik with the necessary time for daytime sleep. Rest is very beneficial for rodent health.

Diarrhea for a hamster is a very dangerous disease that causes discomfort to the animal. If it is caused by infectious diseases, the result may be the death of the hamster. During treatment, it is very important to show the rodent to a specialist in time and identify the cause of the disease. To avoid diarrhea and many other illnesses, give your hamster proper care and attention.


What do healthy hamsters look like?

A healthy hamster is, in principle, easy to distinguish from a diseased one. In the normal state, the animal has a beautiful, shiny coat, even breathing without shortness of breath, and no discharge from the eyes and nose. By behavior, the animals are curious, playful, with a good appetite, mobile (if this is the time of wakefulness). It is also very important to assess the condition of the eyes, they should not only be clean, but also clear and shiny. The nose of healthy hamsters is dry.

How can you tell if your pet is sick?

If your pet is sick, it may show the following changes:

  • apathy and lethargy;
  • no appetite;
  • wool took on tangles, lost its luster, falls out or fell off;
  • there is discharge from the eyes and nose;
  • pollution near the anus;
  • constipation and gastrointestinal disorders;
  • severe nervousness and aggression of the animal;
  • temperature.

Since hamsters have a very fast metabolism, the first symptoms and signs of illness are immediately visible. At the same time, the deterioration of the condition also occurs quickly, which is why it is very important for the pet to provide the necessary assistance and treatment in time.

Diseases that pet hamsters are susceptible to

This is not to say that hamsters at home often get sick. With proper care and feeding, they rarely cause trouble for their owners, if these are not congenital pathologies. However, often the person himself and his ignorance are to blame for the disease of the animal. Consider the main ailments, their symptoms and what to do to prevent the possibility of their occurrence.

Stomach upset

Diarrhea or just diarrhea in a hamster is perhaps the most common ailment in the home. An upset stomach can be provoked by a sudden change in diet, the ingestion of low-quality foods, or too much fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs. At the same time, the hamster has a very soft or liquid stool, the anus area is wet or dirty. Often, with a strong disorder, the animal refuses to eat and lies sluggish in one place.

If diarrhea occurs, then it is important to prevent dehydration of the body, therefore, with severe diarrhea, if the pet does not drink water itself, then it must be given by force. In addition, all vegetables, fruits, herbs are removed from the diet and only dry basic food is left. As a fastener, you can give raspberry leaves and rice water. However, if the diarrhea does not go away after a couple of days, the animal should be taken to the veterinarian, as the disorder may be caused by other reasons. After the diarrhea has been cured, fresh fruits and vegetables should be introduced into the menu gradually in very small doses, and it is best to abandon their large variety for the first week.

Wet tail is also a very common disease that affects Syrian hamsters. It got its name because of the main concomitant symptom - a wet area of ​​\u200b\u200bhair around the anus. This is due to the fact that the disease causes very severe watery diarrhea, often with blood impurities. The disease itself carries severe complications and is very contagious. The most vulnerable to infection are animals aged 3 to 8 weeks, as well as those who have undergone severe stress or other infectious diseases.

In addition to the fact that the pet has severe diarrhea, the area near the anus gets dirty and wet, the hamster becomes very lethargic, lethargic. The animal stops eating and practically does not drink. However, this is what in most cases causes the death of hamsters - dehydration. In just a couple of days, severe diarrhea can dehydrate the body by more than 70%, which is already fraught with death. Upon recovery, lifelong immunity is acquired, but there may be complications such as inflammation of the mucous membrane of the anus, prolapse of the rectum, intestinal obstruction, and so on.

It is necessary to treat the animal under the supervision of a veterinarian, therefore, when the first symptom is detected, it is important to show the pet to the veterinary clinic. The treatment itself is difficult and is based on the introduction of antibiotics, probiotics and the fight against dehydration. Quarantine and very strict hygiene are assigned.

Dehydration is not an independent disease, but only a consequence of ailments associated with a sharp loss of moisture in the animal's body. As we have said, dehydration can occur as a result of severe diarrhea, due to increased temperature and heat. At the same time, the animal's breathing slows down, it becomes lethargic and weak, exhausted, and a very quick death occurs.

You can check the degree of dehydration using one method: pull the hamster's hair up, if it remains standing and does not take its previous position, then the loss of moisture is already high. If it is not caused by diarrhea, then vegetables with a high water content, such as cucumbers, should be included in the diet. In other cases, you need to make and give by force water with sugar and salt.

Improper feeding, too dry food and lack of moisture lead to constipation in hamsters. At home, this is also a very common ailment. It is quite difficult to notice its first manifestations, first of all, there is less litter in the cage, and the one that is small in size, very dense and dry, there may be a little moisture around the anus. By behavior, you can see that the animal stoops, takes certain poses, eats poorly, squeaks.

It can be treated with the inclusion of fiber in the diet, a large number of fruits and vegetables. You can also add a drop of vegetable oil to the feed. If after 1-2 days no improvement is observed, the pet should be shown to the veterinarian.

colds in hamsters

Since hamsters are quite small animals, they are especially prone to colds. The cage should not be placed near open windows, in the cold, in a draft. With a cold, the animal may experience sneezing, runny nose, discharge from the eyes. In more serious cases, appetite is lost, the pet becomes lethargic, breathing heavily, fever and shaking. With a cold, the cage should be placed in a warm room, put a lot of bedding, give the animal vitamins, fruits. With a slight cold, the symptoms of the disease disappear after 2-3 days.

If the cold is severe, the condition of the animal is severe, then you need to show it to the veterinarian. The fact is that often a cold gives complications and a pet can get sick with bronchitis or pneumonia. Give peace and provide good care and proper treatment to your hamster.


As strange as it sounds, hamsters are also prone to allergies. As a rule, it occurs on certain products, feed, sawdust and other bedding materials. At the same time, the hamster sneezes, rubs his nose all the time with his paw, itches, squeaks, discharge from the nose and eyes appears. It is almost impossible to treat an allergy, so what causes an allergic reaction is simply removed from the diet or environment of the animal. In rare cases, you can give an injection for suffocation.

Baldness (molting)

Eye problems

Eye problems, namely severe tearing, mucus discharge, sticking can occur as a result of a cold, an allergy, or an eye infection. It is important to observe the course of the course of the disease. If the eyes are watery, the hamster sneezes, itches, then this is most likely an allergy. If the discharge from the eyes becomes mucous or purulent, it is an infection. It is possible to cure only by knowing the cause of the disease.

For common colds and allergies, the eyes can be wiped with a cotton swab dipped in warm water. When treating an infection, the eyes must be treated with a special agent or a solution of boric acid (1: 1 of water and acid). In severe cases, a course of antibiotics may be required.

A fat hamster is a fairly common occurrence, and there is even a comparison when they say: "fat as a hamster." However, excessive fatness of these rodents leads to serious diseases. For example, when animals are overweight, shortness of breath appears, when running, the animal breathes heavily, the pulse quickens, which leads to a strong load on the heart. That's why fat hamsters don't live long, because their cardiovascular system is overworked. At the same time, it cannot be said that obesity is a disease, so there is no way to cure the animal, everything is solved gradually with the help of physical activity and a special diet.


A fainting or concussion can occur in a hamster if it falls from a height. It is very dangerous if the animal fell from a height on its side or stomach. In this case, it can damage internal organs. Fainting, loss of appetite, feces or urine with blood - all this is a reason to urgently contact a veterinarian. It is worth remembering that hamsters are nimble and curious, so during a walk you need to make sure that the pet does not fall from a height and hurt itself. In the cage, you do not need to make too high houses and ladders.

Diseases of hamsters transmitted to humans

Many infectious diseases of hamsters are transmitted to humans. Therefore, their symptoms and ways of how to treat should be known especially well. Always, even with the slightest indisposition, the animal must be quarantined and strict hygiene must be observed. It is very difficult and almost impossible to cure them in hamsters on your own, therefore only strict control and appointment of a veterinarian is applied, and you also need to be vaccinated. As a rule, at home, all of the following diseases are rare, but you still need to know their symptoms.

Particular attention should be paid to such an ailment as rabies, as it is very dangerous for humans and cannot be treated. A rabid hamster behaves strangely, aggressively, squeaks for no reason, gnaws itself or other relatives, causing an abscess. Rabid hamsters can bite if picked up, so it is important to immediately notice violations in the pet's condition and immediately contact a veterinarian. See the video below for more details.

In this video, epidemiologist Evgenia Shilova will tell you about the dangers of rabies in hamsters and about known cases of their disease.

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Major diseases and their causes

Predisposing factors that can cause disease in hamsters include:

  • low-quality, nutrient-poor diet;
  • poor conditions of detention (cramped, dirty cage);
  • unsuitable indoor climate;
  • frequent stress, fear, emotional overstrain;
  • improper pet care.

Important! An improperly equipped cage can lead to injury to a small pet, provoke dislocations, sprains, and torn ligaments. When two or more hamsters are kept in one cage, rodents in the struggle for territory will arrange real hamster fights. Moreover, often such battles can cause the death of babies or weaker individuals.

Common diseases of Djungarian and Syrian hamsters:

  • obesity, diabetes;
  • inflammation of the cheek pouch;
  • abscesses on the paws;
  • mechanical injuries (dislocations, fractures, sprains);
  • ophthalmic diseases (keratitis, conjunctivitis);
  • respiratory diseases of various etiopathogenesis;
  • viral-bacteriological, parasitic diseases;
  • dermatophytosis;
  • dermatitis, dermatoses, mycoses;
  • colibacillosis;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • tularemia;
  • false rabies (Aueszky's disease);
  • lymphocytic choriomeningitis;
  • dental diseases.
Inflammation of the cheek pouches in a hamster

If you buy hamsters in pet stores, from trusted breeders, create optimal conditions for your pet, do not neglect the rules of hygiene, many diseases that hamsters suffer from can be avoided.

Disease symptoms

How do you know if a hamster is sick? This question interests many breeders of small pets. A healthy hamster has a beautiful shiny coat, leads an active lifestyle, especially at night, shows interest in the world around him. The animal eats food with appetite, makes stocks, and is engaged in arranging its home. The jungarik, the Syrian, has clear, clean eyes, an expressive look.

Important! You can understand that a rodent is sick not only by external signs, but also by the changed behavior of the hamster.

The main symptoms of diseases:

  • decreased activity, lethargy, apathy;
  • deterioration of the condition of the coat (wet coat);
  • severe itching;
  • the appearance on the body of scratching, bald patches, wounds, ulcers;
  • discharge from the nose, eyes;
  • increased thirst;
  • allergies, skin rash;
  • violation of the stool (diarrhea, constipation);
  • frequent urination;
  • pallor, cyanosis of mucous membranes;
  • stuck together eyelids;
  • the presence of blood in the urine, clots;
  • respiratory failure, heart rhythm;
  • accumulation of sulfur, dirt in the ears;
  • yellowness, peeling of the skin;
  • prolapse of cheek pouches;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • abscesses on the body.

In case of injuries, sprains, the hamster limps, sits permanently in the house or hides in the corner of the cage. The rodent is losing weight a lot, or vice versa, is getting better, gaining weight too quickly.

Deprive the hamster

Advice! Take a good look at your pet's home. If the hamster suffers from indigestion, is sick with cystitis, endocrine pathologies - an unpleasant specific smell appears, the feces will be liquid, the space is filled with excrement.

If the hamster has lost weight, refuses to eat his favorite treats, his eyes are watering, his eyelids are swollen, the pet has become inactive, shows aggression, breathes often, or other symptoms uncharacteristic of a healthy animal are noticeable, you should not leave the problem unattended.

If a jungarik or a Syrian hamster is sick, do not self-medicate. Finding that the rodent is sick, take him to the veterinary clinic or call the veterinarian at home. The choice of treatment methods depends on the root cause that provoked the sore.

Bacterial and viral diseases of the hamster

Hamsters are very susceptible to diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms, viruses, bacteria. Infection is possible by contact, aerogenic, alimentary, by eating poor-quality feed. Some diseases of bacterial etiology can be transmitted to hamsters from humans and other pets.


Other symptoms of colibacillosis include:

  • decrease, lack of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • restless behavior;
  • oppression, lethargy, apathy;
  • drowsiness;
  • the presence of wet hair near the anus.

Hamster feces with diarrhea have a watery consistency. The hamster constantly twists into a ball, hides in secluded places in the cage, looks untidy.

The disease is characterized by an aggressive course, it spreads very quickly, therefore, when several animals are kept in a cage together, it is necessary to immediately transfer the sick pet to another dwelling. The disease can be cured only in the early stages of development.


Respiratory tract infection caused by round microscopic bacteria - diplococci. The main symptoms are lethargy, apathy, decreased activity, discharge from the nose, eyes. With a strong infection, the dzhungarik refuses food, treats.

The disease requires immediate treatment using special sera. If you do not start therapy, the death of the pet occurs on the second or third day.


The disease is provoked by pathogenic rod-shaped microorganisms - salmonella. With this infection in hamsters, frothy diarrhea, weakness, apathy, and pallor of the mucous membranes are noted. A sick hamster refuses to eat, hides in a dark corner, sits motionless, showing no interest in the world around him. The rodent has an enlarged tummy. In the stool, you can notice bloody clots, threads, particles of undigested food, mucus.

salmonellosis in hamsters

Viral pneumonia

The disease develops against the background of a weakening of resistance, a weakening of the immune potential. Prolonged hypothermia, chronic otitis, hypo-, beriberi can also cause the development of viral pneumonia in animals.

The disease is manifested by abundant mucous, mucopurulent discharge from the eyes, nose, refusal to feed, coughing fits, shortness of breath. The hamster has a wet muzzle, hoarse rapid breathing, pale mucous membranes. If he shakes his head, ear, sulfur has accumulated in the auricles, there are crusts and an unpleasant smell comes out, most likely the animal is sick with otitis media, which was caused by a respiratory illness.

Pneumonia develops against the background of ophthalmic diseases or can provoke eye and ear diseases. With timely therapy, the hamster fully recovers in a week.

Pseudo-rabies is a deadly viral disease. The disease is manifested by severe nervous disorders. The hamster becomes restless, may show aggression. Attacks of excitement are replaced by complete apathy. A sick pet has impaired coordination of movements. Muscle spasms, convulsions are noted. Death occurs due to paralysis, severe exhaustion. Treatment is carried out with special sera.

Lymphocytic choriomeningitis

One of the viral infections that poses a danger to humans. May be latent (asymptomatic). The main signs are sudden weight loss, decreased activity, refusal to feed, frequent defecation, urination. Most often, the virus is transmitted from hamsters to newborn hamsters. In pregnant females, the disease provokes spontaneous miscarriages.

The infection is incurable, so if a pet is infected, it will unfortunately need to be euthanized.

Diseases of the mouth and teeth

Hamsters, like any rodent, grow incisors throughout their lives, so owners should pay special attention to oral hygiene and the teeth of animals. If the pet does not grind down the teeth, this will lead to injury, damage to the oral mucosa, the development of acute inflammation, the formation of abscesses, abscesses.

Pathologies, diseases of the teeth in Dzungarians, Syrians are manifested by reddening of the mucous membranes, hypersalivation, decreased appetite, weight loss, abnormal growth, deformation of the incisors, inflammation of the cheek pouches.

Inflammation of the cheek pouches is one of the most frequently diagnosed pathologies. It is characterized by inflammation, prolapse (prolapse), the appearance of pathological formations. The disease develops due to injury to the oral mucosa. With this pathology, the animals behave restlessly, rub their cheeks and muzzle with their paws. Appetite decreases. Saliva flows from the mouth. As a rule, the pathological process affects the inner surface of the cheeks.

Long incisors provoke dental diseases in hamsters

To relieve inflammation, you need to rinse the pet's oral cavity with an antiseptic solution, a decoction of chamomile. To normalize digestion, give the hamster probiotics, enzymes.

With neoplasms, surgical treatment, general strengthening, symptomatic drugs are prescribed.

If the hamster has inflamed cheek pouches, the treatment should be carried out by a veterinarian. The specialist will gently turn the cheeks, clean them of food debris. Inflammation will be removed by bactericidal drugs, antiseptics, medicines for local and general treatment. After therapy, the hamster must be kept on a starvation diet for 12-14 hours.

Wet eczema in a hamster

Tumors (malignant, benign), pathological growths on the body, paws. tinnitus is a fairly commonly diagnosed pathology in rodents, which can develop for a variety of reasons. Bumps can appear due to injuries, severe bruises, falls from a height. To begin treatment, you need to establish a diagnosis, so show your pet to a veterinarian.

For benign, malignant tumors, surgical treatment will be prescribed. If the cancer is localized in a hard-to-reach area (oral cavity), the tumor has metastasized, veterinarians recommend euthanizing the hamster, since no treatment method will give the proper result.

Eye diseases and their treatment

Small animals often suffer from ophthalmic ailments. In hamsters, allergic, serous, purulent conjunctivitis, cataracts, glaucoma, and uveitis are noted. With these diseases, blepharospasm, lacrimation, swelling, swelling, and adhesion of the eyelids are observed.

Treatment should begin immediately, as soon as you notice the first symptoms. Do not forget that eye diseases can provoke not only a deterioration in visual function, but also cause complete, partial blindness.

In therapeutic therapy, the choice of methods depends on the stage, nature of the disease, and the root cause. Solutions for washing the eye, ophthalmic drops can be prescribed.

Endocrine pathologies, gastrointestinal diseases

Endocrine disorders, metabolic disorders, hormonal imbalance, malfunctions of the digestive tract in most cases provoke improper feeding of a small pet. Metabolic disorders can also be hereditary.

Among the most common endocrine pathologies in hamsters are:

  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • vascular diseases;
  • stone disease;
  • polycystic ovaries (in females).

Hormonal disruptions in females most often cause frequent childbirth, an unbalanced diet. Hamsters become lethargic or vice versa irritable. The pet's tummy swells, the frequency of bowel movements is disturbed. Treatment - operational.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (poisoning, enteritis, food allergies) develop due to a violation of the feeding regimen, if the hamster has a poor-quality, poor diet, or due to the effects of various toxins on the body. Diseases are accompanied by unstable stools, rumbling in the abdomen, loss of appetite, lethargy. How to cure a hamster and what to do if the digestive processes are disturbed, the veterinarian will tell you by establishing an accurate diagnosis and cause.

Obesity in a hamster

Other diseases of hamsters

Hamsters are prone to cardiovascular pathologies, which can be congenital or acquired. The Syrians, Dzungarians reveal problems in the excretory system (cystitis, pyelonephritis), nervous disorders (encephalitis), which develop against the background of severe stress, due to overheating. It is worth noting that a strong fright can provoke paralysis, cause cardiac arrest, which will lead to the death of the hamster.

In any case, if you notice that the behavior of the jungar has changed, the pet has become lethargic, inactive, do not leave the problem unattended. Many diseases of hamsters can be cured in the early stages of development. Therefore, be sure to show your pet to the doctor or call the veterinarian at home. At the same time, remember that many diseases and pathologies that occur in hamsters are easier to prevent due to proper care and maintenance.


Good afternoon! Need advice on dealing with diarrhea in your hamster! Initial data: Syrian (female), 1 year old, alone in a cage, food Fiory and Verselele-laga + apples, lettuce, pepper, pressed sawdust bedding + white napkins in the house, water. A week ago, diarrhea began, we thought about a salad, removed all the succulent food, bought Gamavit, Liarsin, Vetom 1.1 in the pharmacy, the hamster greedily and often approached the drinker to drink and we were pleased that he was drinking medicines (since we already have this the problem was: a week after the purchase of his three weeks of age, diarrhea began, they took him to the veterinarian, he prescribed such drugs). Three days later, the tail became drier, the hamster lost a little weight, while walking he began to eagerly look for food, we boiled an egg and gave protein, as well as cottage cheese - he greedily ate it all. The next day the diarrhea returned with even greater intensity. They began to give water from a syringe with gamavit, vetom and lyarsine, so he began to approach the drinker less often, eat less and sleep more. Wet and dry tail alternately. The diarrhea hasn't subsided yet. Yesterday I connected ciprofloxacin 1/16 tablets as written here on the forum, rice broth, chamomile broth and rice itself. We forcibly drink chamomile, vetom, gamavit, liarsin, since he does not fit to the drinker himself, but he stores a little food, eats very little. Today, the tail is dry, but it doesn’t go to the toilet, I suspect that due to dehydration, I lost a lot of weight: only the skin and bones remained, very weak. What to do next? And what else to feed him in this state? We are afraid to give baby puree and so loose stools. Buy Veracol (veterinary) - 2 drops 3 times a day. If not, then at least a smecta of 1/8 tsp. in 0.5 ml of warm water 4 times a day. Instead of ciprofloxacin, try Enterofuril syrup 3 drops 2-3 times a day. Be sure to this - 5% glucose plus ascorbic acid: bring 0.5 ascorbic acid to 2 cubes with glucose, i.e. mixture 1:3, and drink this mixture on an insulin syringe 4-5 times a day. Against this background, remove Gamavit and Liarsin, and without that there are a lot of drugs, I do not recommend giving more than three drugs.


What does a healthy hamster look like?

Before you do your best to treat your own hamster, you should find out in detail how a healthy animal looks after all. It is often quite easy to identify this, as a healthy hamster is cheerful, playful, and also actively in contact with a person.

However, in some cases, the activity of the animal does not always indicate the level of its health. Therefore, before taking your pet to the veterinarian, carefully examine it. A healthy rodent always has:

  • clean and dry eyes, without any mucous discharge, with a bright shade and a shiny surface;
  • dry, clean, shiny and uniform hairline;
  • calm and even breathing, without sharp sighs or other disturbances;
  • short or medium long nails with a solid surface and a uniform structure;
  • dense body and elastic tissues;
  • good appetite, and always strive to stock up on whatever food is available;
  • high activity, the animal shows curiosity to the world around.

What does a sick animal look like?

So, we already know what a healthy rodent should look like. Now you should figure out in which cases you need to sound the alarm and by all means visit the veterinarian.

Making an accurate diagnosis, with the development of any dangerous diseases in a hamster, is not so simple.

However, you should pay more attention to the health of your pet if it has:

  • poor appetite, up to a complete refusal of food;
  • decrease in vital activity (lethargy);
  • constant hibernation throughout the day;
  • sudden weight loss, up to uncharacteristic thinness;
  • aggressiveness;
  • purulent discharge from the mucous membranes;
  • change in the structure of the eyeball;
  • narrowed one or both eyes;
  • dirty genitals;
  • dirty, dull and sloppy coat, disheveled or with bald patches.

What are hamsters sick with?

Hamsters are healthy animals However, this does not mean at all that your pet is absolutely protected from the development of any ailments, since modern veterinary medicine knows many diseases that are quite common in domestic hamsters.

Let's look at each of them, as well as how to treat them in more detail.

This is a severe hereditary pathology of rodents, which occurs quite often. It is a congenital defect, due to which there is an excessively active growth of teeth in a rodent.

As a result, the teeth prevent the animal from eating normally, and also cause pain and inflammation. Sometimes dental anomalies can be an acquired pathology, in which case it occurs due to a lack of solid feed in the animal's diet.

Main symptoms: profuse salivation, abnormal behavior, refusal of food, resulting in a sharp decrease in weight, elongated teeth that rest on the upper lip.

Treatment: pathology is eliminated by adjusting the diet (increasing the volume of solid feed) or using special sharpeners for rodents. In severe cases, it is necessary to make an artificial cutting of teeth with a drill or side cutters in a hospital.

(false rabies) is an infectious disease caused by a DNA-containing virus, which is one of the varieties of herpes viruses.

In most cases, the virus is spread through infected physiological secretions of sick animals with food, bedding or direct contact. The disease is accompanied by damage to the central nervous system, as well as all related disorders.

Main symptoms: skin itching, accompanied by severe bloody scratching on the body, restlessness, aggression, a sharp change in behavior.

Treatment: the treatment of the animal is carried out in a hospital, with the help of hyperimmune serum and gamma globulin. A complete recovery of a rodent is possible only in the first stages of the disease; in advanced cases, paralysis of many physiological functions of the body develops, which leads to the death of the animal.

The cheek pouches are a paired muscular organ in which rodents accumulate and carry food from the place of prey to their nest. With the accumulation of particles of food, as well as due to damage to the inner surface of the bag, the rodent may develop a serious infectious lesion of the tissues of the organ.

Untimely treatment of this disease leads to disruption of the nutrition process, and can also cause sepsis and death of the animal.

Main symptoms: the first sign of inflammation is a loss of appetite, up to a complete refusal to eat, a sharp decrease in weight in a rodent, as well as its increased attention to its own cheeks.

Treatment: to eliminate inflammation, it is necessary to clean the oral cavity and sacs from food debris, and then periodically treat the inner surface of the organ with all kinds of antiseptics. General therapy is a rather complicated process, therefore it is carried out exclusively in a hospital setting.


Helminthic infestations occur in almost every mammal, and domestic hamsters are no exception.

Often, infection occurs when contaminated water and food are consumed, but helminths also enter the body of a hamster with the help of an intermediate host that plays the role of a carrier (fleas, moths, mice, rats, cockroaches).

Main symptoms: helminthiasis is not easy to determine, since the external manifestations of this disease are rather blurred. When infected with tapeworms, rodents experience acute or chronic diarrhea, loss of appetite and general exhaustion. Infection with nematodes is manifested by loss of appetite and weight loss, up to painful thinness.

Treatment: treatment of helminthiases is based on drug therapy; for tapeworm invasions, Niclosamide is used at the rate of 100 mg/kg of rodent weight, or Praziquantel - no more than 10 mg/kg of body weight. They fight nematodes with piperazine citrate.

Eye diseases

Most often, the eyes of domestic hamsters suffer from ailments such as conjunctivitis and cataracts. Conjunctivitis is an acquired pathology that occurs as a result of contact with the mucous membrane of the eye of various contaminants with dust or due to an infectious lesion.

With untimely treatment, this disease leads to the destruction of the eyeball

Main symptoms: conjunctivitis can be recognized by the characteristic swelling and redness of the eye, which are accompanied by the release of purulent fluids from it. At the same time, the eye of the animal is often squinted, or completely closed.

Treatment: conjunctivitis of various etiologies is treated with the drug Albucid, it is instilled directly into the eye of a rodent 3-4 times a day, 1-2 drops each. Cataract is treated surgically, for this, the clouded lens is completely removed along with the eyeball.

It can be congenital and acquired, congenital arises as a result of genetic abnormalities, acquired as a complication of eye injuries or diabetes.

Main symptoms: A cataract appears as a white spot on the lens of the eye. This pathology can also be identified by accompanying signs, due to a decrease in the efficiency of the visual organ, the rodent often moves slowly, uncertainly and reluctantly.

Treatment: cataracts are treated surgically, for this the clouded lens is completely removed along with the eyeball.

Respiratory diseases

Most often, domestic hamsters suffer from diseases of the respiratory system. The most common of these is pneumonia. It develops due to various strains of pneumococci, due to a sharp decrease in immunity.

The disease requires immediate treatment, otherwise pneumonia can be fatal.

Main symptoms: against the background of a sharp deterioration in general activity, the rodent has a lack of appetite, coughing, hoarse breathing, nasal discharge, mucous membranes become cyanotic. Not infrequently, against the background of the disease, conjunctivitis develops, with all the accompanying signs.

Treatment: the fight against the disease is carried out with the help of all kinds of broad-spectrum antibiotics; vitamin C, sulfanilamide group preparations, and glucose are used as adjuvants in general therapy.

Hamsters also have a variety of ODS infections. Most often, diseases of this group occur during periods of sharp drops in temperature.

The main cause of the disease is a variety of pathogenic strains of viruses that are transmitted by humans or other animals.

Also, the disease can develop against the background of a sharp hypothermia or excessive stress loads.

Main symptoms: cold infections are most often manifested by watery eyes, coughing, hamster sneezing, shortness of breath accompanied by sniffling, and rhinitis. With untimely treatment, general malaise, drowsiness, loss of appetite develops.

Treatment: in mild forms of the disease, the rodent is placed in a warm place (near the battery, etc.), at this stage, treatment is carried out with the help of light aqueous solutions of honey and milk, which replaces drinking water. In severe forms, the use of a wide range of antibiotic drugs, as well as vitamin C, as an auxiliary substance, is indicated.

The most dangerous disease of the respiratory system in hamsters is lymphocytic choriomeningitis.

The disease is a viral infection caused by the arenavirus. The main carriers of infection are mice and rats.

The disease causes inflammation of the meninges of the animal, and in some cases even the substance of the brain

The main symptoms: when the body is damaged, the pet has an increase in body temperature, fever, impaired respiratory function, lethargy and weakness.

Treatment: Today, there is no effective therapy against lymphocytic choriomeningitis in domestic rodents, so veterinarians recommend euthanizing sick pets.

Often, constipation in rodents is the result of an improper diet. They arise as a result of the predominance of dry food in the hamster's diet with a lack of drinking water. This leads to blockage of the intestines, as a result of which the animal has a violation of the excretory system and intoxication of the body with stagnant secretions.

Main symptoms: constipation can be identified by the structure and amount of feces, it becomes harder than in healthy individuals, and its amount is significantly reduced. Not infrequently, constipation is accompanied by pain, so the animal loses activity, and its movements around the cage occur in a shriveled form. Concomitant signs of constipation include loss of appetite and uncharacteristic wetting of the anus.

Treatment: to eliminate the pathology, the diet is adjusted; for this, dry food is almost completely changed to plant foods (boiled carrots, beets, etc.). To improve defecation, the animal is given 1 g of castor oil. In case of development of serious complications, drug treatment with the use of laxatives is indicated.


Diarrhea in hamsters can develop for a variety of reasons, but the most common cause is sudden changes in diet. These include an increase in the amount of plant foods, as well as raw foods.

In most cases, the disease is not life-threatening for the rodent, but it leads to exhaustion and dehydration, which can lead to the development of other disorders of the digestive system.

Main symptoms: diarrhea is manifested by frequent and watery discharge, loss of appetite, irritability, exhaustion of the body.

Treatment: often it is possible to eliminate the pathology with the help of a variety of means, the most commonly used is a 5% solution of Baytril, which is added to drinking water at a rate of 0.5 ml / 100 ml of water. You can also use decoctions of chamomile, oak and St. John's wort, which completely replace drinking water. At the same time, all juicy, as well as raw foods are removed from the diet to the maximum.

Wet tail (colibacillosis) is a species-specific disease that affects almost all domestic hamsters. It has an infectious nature and is caused by the world famous bacterium Escherichia coli(Escherichia coli).

The microorganism is a typical representative of the intestinal microflora of mammals and is found everywhere. However, under certain conditions, the bacterium begins to multiply rapidly, which leads to damage to the digestive system.

Main symptoms: characteristic signs of colibacillosis are profuse diarrhea, but this symptom develops only with obvious signs of damage to the body. The primary symptoms of the disease include loss of appetite, lethargy, anxiety, and weight loss.

Treatment: general therapy to eliminate the disease consists in taking antibiotics; for these purposes, a 2.5% solution of Baytril is used. The agent is administered subcutaneously, 1 time per day for 1-2 weeks, 0.4 ml (10 mg) per 1 kg of body weight of the rodent. In especially severe cases, the dosage is increased to 2 doses per day. In addition, the rodent is shown to restore water balance, as well as taking probiotics to restore healthy microflora.

rectal prolapse

The disease is a violation of the anatomical structure of the digestive system, as a result of which there is a prolapse of the extreme part of the intestine from the anus. Pathology does not occur spontaneously and is often a complication of such disorders in the work of the digestive tract as diarrhea and constipation.

The disease is often not dangerous for a rodent, but it sharply reduces the quality of his life.

Main symptoms: pathology can be identified by the characteristic edge of the anal intestine protruding from the anus.

Treatment: the treatment of the disease is carried out by returning the rectum to its original position, but in case of damage, the complete removal of the injured areas is shown. In addition, the elimination of the main causes of rectal prolapse, which include constipation and diarrhea, is shown.


There are several reasons for the appearance of abscesses on the skin in hamsters, but often the pathology manifests itself due to an infectious lesion of damaged skin areas. Usually, abscesses occur on the paws of the animal, since this area is most often susceptible to damage.

Main symptoms: recognizing an abscess is quite simple, the affected area becomes inflamed, swelling and redness of the skin appear. In some cases, an abscess is accompanied by the release of pus through a small wound. With untimely treatment, the hamster develops general weakness, malaise and refusal to eat.

Treatment: to eliminate the pathology, it is necessary to remove the pus with the help of surgical instruments, then treat the wounds with peroxide (3% solution) and iodine, and then apply a patch with Levomekol. Periodically, the wound requires washing with a 3% peroxide solution at least 1 time per day until complete healing. If the abscess is not detected immediately and the animal feels unwell, its activity is reduced, the first signs of sepsis are observed, in this case, the use of antibiotics is indicated. The most popular among them is a 2.5% solution of Baytril, it is administered subcutaneously at a rate of 10 mg/kg of animal body weight.

It occurs in many hamsters, often this process is the result of diarrhea of ​​​​various etiologies or occurs as a result of a lack of drinking water.

Especially dangerous is dehydration with profuse diarrhea, in which case water is practically not absorbed by the body, as it passes through the digestive system in transit.

Main symptoms: dehydration is manifested by a general weakening of the body, weight loss, slow and difficult breathing. The elasticity of the skin is also impaired.

Treatment: to eliminate the pathology, drug treatment with Ringer's Lactate or ordinary saline (0.9% saline solution) is indicated. The drug is administered by subcutaneous injections at the rate of 40 ml/kg of animal weight, 2-3 times a day until the signs of pathology are completely eliminated. To increase the effectiveness of therapy, injections of 5% glucose solution, ascorbic acid, and the drug Catosal are used.

Baldness (alopecia)

Alopecia or baldness- this is a pathological process of hair loss, which leads to partial or complete loss of the hairline by the rodent. There are many reasons for this disease, but in most cases it is a consequence of a metabolic disorder, or occurs after prolonged stress.

Main symptoms: alopecia is manifested by complete baldness of the hamster, or loss of hair in certain areas, while the skin remains smooth and clean.

Treatment: general therapy to eliminate alopecia is to improve the diet of the rodent, as well as the use of general strengthening vitamins, in particular A and E. If alopecia is the result of emotional stress, the animal must be completely protected from all stress factors.

Hamsters often develop due to improper diet , as well as a sedentary lifestyle. But in some cases, this disorder is the result of more severe ailments (diabetes, metabolic disorders, etc.).

By itself, the pathology does not cause instant complications, but over time, the hamster may develop diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Main symptoms: the symptoms of this disorder are quite simple, the animal is rapidly increasing in size, while its mobility and energy are reduced significantly, shortness of breath develops.

Treatment: to eliminate, a comprehensive improvement in the nutrition of the animal is carried out, all excessively high-calorie foods are excluded from its diet, which are replaced with fresh or boiled vegetables. To speed up the process of losing weight, a hamster should definitely purchase a sports wheel or a walking ball.

All kinds of tumors are a fairly common pathology among small rodents, but aged individuals are most often affected by this disease. Today, the causes of this disease are not fully known, but most often they develop due to the development of abscesses and inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Tumors in hamsters, like in humans, are of two types: benign and malignant.

Main symptoms: tumors appear as peculiar growths of a rounded shape. They are not inflamed, have a dense structure. Over time, education can increase significantly in size. In the case of a benign tumor, the pathology does not cause pain. Malignant tumors are often accompanied by severe pain, and also cause exhaustion in the animal and reduce its activity.

Treatment: in the case of a benign formation, the pathology is eliminated by surgical intervention; if the tumor grows slowly and does not threaten the life of the pet, it is not removed. Malignant tumors are not treatable; when diagnosing such a pathology, the animal is recommended to be euthanized.

Hypothermia (cold)

Just like humans, hamsters also suffer from colds. These animals are quite susceptible to sudden drops in temperature and moisture, so even the smallest draft can cause a cold. The disease itself is not dangerous, but with untimely treatment, it can develop into pneumonia.

Main symptoms: most often with a cold in a hamster, there is a decrease in activity and appetite, sneezing, noisy breathing, wheezing. Also, with a cold, conjunctivitis can also develop.

Treatment: colds are often treated rather quickly; for this, the rodent must be given a warm solution of honey with milk. To improve the effect, the pet should be placed in the warmest place in the room, and also provided with additional sources of vitamin C. In the case of a protracted cold, general therapy with broad-spectrum antibiotics should be carried out.


Domestic hamsters are active and curious animals, so fractures are common in them. Often the culprit is a human. As a result of a negligent attitude, quite a few owners personally injure a pet, especially if small children are involved in caring for the animal.

But the hamster can get hurt himself, because of his natural interest in everything around him.

Main symptoms: a fracture can be recognized by the characteristic swelling of the affected area of ​​​​the body. With fractures of the legs, a shift in their natural position can be observed, which is accompanied by complete dysfunction of the limb. It is not uncommon for a pet to be injured when it is difficult to step on its paw, while it moves with a characteristic limp. With open fractures, a bleeding wound is observed.

Treatment: due to the small size of the animal, fractures cannot be treated, so the recovery of the body occurs naturally. The main help to the pet is to eliminate all the causes that can cause re-traumatization, until the moment of complete recovery. But with open fractures, it is necessary to set the limb at the veterinarian, as well as daily lubricate the wound with all kinds of antiseptics.


Rickets, as a rule, in rodents is seasonal. The disease appears in winter, as a result of a lack of vitamin D (calciferol), but it can also occur with hypovitaminosis.

Not infrequently, rickets is a consequence of a disruption of the endocrine system, in which case it acts as an additional symptom of a general disease. Rickets leads to a variety of pathologies of bone tissue, which favorably affect the further development of severe lesions of the musculoskeletal system of the rodent.

Main symptoms: you can recognize rickets by the characteristic sagging of the hamster's spine, thickening of the bones in the limbs and joints. Not infrequently, the disease disrupts the digestive system, in which case rickets is accompanied by general indigestion and diarrhea.

Treatment: rickets treatment consists in replenishing the pet's body with vitamin D reserves. For these purposes, specialized vitamin complexes are used, as well as a special diet. It consists in enriching the diet with salts of phosphorus and potassium. In addition, to improve the effect of the diet, the rodent is shown any biologically active preparations with a high content of calciferol.


Cystitis is an inflammatory disease of the bladder. Most often, it occurs due to a sharp hypothermia of the rodent, both in the cold periods of the year and in summer. Cystitis can also be of an infectious nature, in which case the disease is caused by the natural microflora of the bladder and its ducts.

The disease is a rather dangerous pathology, since its untimely treatment can lead to serious inflammatory lesions of the entire excretory system.

Main symptoms: it is not difficult to notice cystitis in a hamster; with this disease, the animal has anxiety, constant urination, often with spotting, and an increased need for drinking water. Due to constant contact with urine, small bald patches may appear on the hind limbs of the rodent.

Treatment: they fight the disease by subcutaneous injections of the drug Chloramphenicol with the calculation of 50 mg / kg of the weight of the rodent, as well as with the help of Buscopan or Sulfanilamide. The general course of treatment is no more than 6 days.

Main symptoms: it is almost impossible to see a scabies mite with the naked eye, therefore, its development can be suspected only by the characteristic combing by a pet of its own body.

Enteritis is an infectious disease of the digestive system. The disease is caused due to the joint infection of the digestive organs with bacteria Echerichia coli and Campylobacter phetus.

The main cause of enteritis is an unbalanced diet, namely, an insufficient amount of hay and other roughage in the diet.

This ailment is a fairly serious lesion of the body, since with untimely treatment it causes the death of a rodent.

Main symptoms: the first sign of enteritis is severe diarrhea, which after some time develops into bloating, the animal refuses food, loses activity.

Treatment: enteritis is quite difficult to treat, in most cases the main therapy is the use of Neomycin and Netracycline, but still the infection in many cases is fatal.

Rules for caring for a pet hamster

Often the main reason for the development of various pathologies of organs and systems in domestic hamsters lies in improper care for them.

Most of us, when purchasing a pet, rely on our own knowledge of the content of animals, which in most cases becomes insufficient.

Therefore, in order for the content of a domestic hamster to bring you only happiness:

  • provide the rodent with optimal climatic conditions, first of all, this is a warm, secluded place, without drafts and sudden changes in heat, with a temperature of + 22-28 ° C;
  • choose the right place for the cage, it should be at least 2 meters away from the battery, and as far as possible from windows, doors, balconies and kitchens;
  • get a sports wheel or a walking ball for a rodent, this will help him stay in the right shape and tone;
  • feed the rodent with high-quality and balanced food, any food from the human table should be under the strictest ban;
  • move the rodent away from all kinds of stress factors (bright sources of light and sound, large animals) to the maximum;
  • change the feed and bedding in the cage at least once every 3 days;
  • place only 1 animal in 1 cage, hamsters are solitary rodents, they don’t need an extra companion;
  • at least once a week, thoroughly wash the cage and all its accessories;
  • take care of your pet's personal hygiene, for this periodically arrange water procedures for him.

Throughout the life of domestic hamsters, many diseases and severe disorders of organs and systems can lie in wait. Therefore, when buying a hamster for your home, take care of decent living conditions for the animal.

Only in this case, the pet will live a long and healthy life and will delight you every minute. However, if, nevertheless, the pet is sick, you should not hesitate, you should definitely visit the veterinarian, since only in this case the disease for the animal will pass without a trace as much as possible.


Diarrhea in a hamster - causes

First you need to understand what causes diarrhea in rodents. To prevent in the future and know what to do now. If he has diarrhea from a certain food, then no treatment will help until you stop giving him the irritant. So if a hamster has diarrhea, let's find out why.

  1. Spoiled food. Never give him spoiled food. Even the one that seems to be just starting to deteriorate, but it can still be eaten. If the human body copes with it without apparent difficulties, then the small body of the animal may not be able to withstand it. Keep the feeder clean. Sometimes there are food leftovers that gradually deteriorate. The feeder should be cleaned and washed from time to time to avoid this situation. Also pay attention that the rodent does not bring food into its pantry that can quickly deteriorate. If the hamster has diarrhea, then it is worth checking the pantry, perhaps the reason lies precisely there. Some of the food started to spoil.
  2. Diet change. If for no reason at all, the diet of a rodent has completely changed, his body may not accept this. Therefore, it needs to be changed gradually.
  3. Overfeeding. Perhaps you are just overfeeding your animal. You can't do that, no matter how much you love him.
  4. Wrong diet. If your hamster has diarrhea, you may be giving him foods he can't digest. Read the article: what not to eat hamsters. There you will find a list of prohibited rodent foods. It is possible that you added to the daily diet of the animal those products that are recommended a maximum of 1 - 2 times a month. For example, they transferred it to one green. He could also just swallow something extra, for example, while walking around the apartment.
  5. Disease. Diarrhea is a serious symptom of many diseases in a hamster. Among them there are those that can kill after 48 hours, for example, Tizzer's disease. There are a lot of diseases, so we list only a few of them:
  • Colibacillosis. The hamster is severely emaciated, the smell of excrement is very sharp. The rodent falls into apathy, lies still and refuses to eat.
  • Paralysis and pestilence. Such a disease is noticeable immediately. In addition to diarrhea, the animal has frequent convulsions, a runny nose, festering eyes, hair sticking together, heavy breathing, coughing and vomiting.
  • salmonellosis. The color of diarrhea is green-yellow, has a strong odor. Bloating, a critical change in temperature. First, it quickly rises to 41 degrees, and then just as quickly falls below normal for these rodents. Within two days, the hamster may die.
  • Enteritis. This disease is critical as only 10% of pets survive. Symptoms of it: liquid diarrhea and fever.
  • Wet tail. The main symptom is diarrhea and a wet back of the animal. Often leads to the death of a pet.

Such a nuisance as indigestion occurs even in rodents. The pet itself will not tell about this, but an attentive owner will definitely determine that something went wrong. It is easy to notice diarrhea in a hamster. But what to do next? Let's take a look at this question.

Causes of diarrhea

To understand why the animal showed an upset stomach, and to prevent this trouble in the future, you need to find out the causes of diarrhea. It could be:

  1. Binge eating.
  2. Change of food. You need to change the diet gradually, the stomach may not be able to cope with a sharp change.
  3. Bad water, stress transferred by the animal, can also provoke diarrhea.
  4. Ingestion of a foreign body.
  5. Ingestion of poison - for example, a hamster ate a poisonous plant. Also, diarrhea will be provoked by spoiled food, which the animal will not be able to digest normally.
  6. The presence of an infection in the body. This is very dangerous as it can kill a hamster within 48 hours.

Among the infectious diseases that cause diarrhea, there are the following:

  • Salmonellosis is an acute disease, dangerous because it ends in death.
  • Tizzer's disease is also an acute disease that develops very quickly: after two days from the appearance of the first symptoms, the animal dies.
  • Colibacillosis - bacteria that are in the intestines in their normal state begin to multiply rapidly in the animal's body when certain factors appear: a change in the diet or in a state of stress. They also cause diarrhea.

Diarrhea in a hamster may appear if the owner fed the pet with food unusual for him. For example, hamsters should not be given special mixtures intended for other rodents or for birds. Also, they can not bread, potatoes in any form, acorn, cheese. Their food should not be salted, peppered, added sugar, honey, sour cream or butter. Chocolate, sweets, milk, pineapples, kiwi, watermelon, cabbage, garlic, onions, mushrooms, almonds, sorrel, fruit tree seeds, citrus fruits, sausage, pasta, pine needles should not fall into the feeder. All this can provoke both indigestion and other health problems.

It is necessary to treat the pet as soon as they notice lethargic behavior. Often hamster diseases develop very quickly, the pet does not have time to save.

Signs of a disorder

To understand that a pet has a disorder, just look at his stool. Violation of the stool manifests itself as follows: feces change color, texture. If usually the feces of a rodent are similar in appearance to a seed, then with diarrhea they become mushy, watery. You may notice that he goes to the toilet more often, and his bowel movements have a sharp unpleasant odor.

The rodent's behavior will also change with illness. He will move less, sleep more, practically stop eating. If you take a sick animal in your arms, you can feel how its muscle tone has changed: the body has become soft and limp. Also, in the presence of pain in the abdomen, the pet may not be given to the hands - squeak, resist in every possible way.

Noticed one or more of the signs? It is urgent to take action and cure the pet of the disease. Otherwise, it threatens with dehydration, which can lead to death.

How to treat the disorder?

The first step is to identify the causes. Return to the previous diet if it has been changed. Remember what was given to the hamster for food. Perhaps something from the prohibited products got there. If not, contact your veterinarian immediately, as the disease may be infectious. And the infection can kill the hamster very quickly.

For owners who are wondering what to do if a hamster has diarrhea, a number of recommendations have been developed. First of all, if the rodent does not live alone, it should be resettled from its neighbors. A sick animal should not be in contact with others, but the place allocated for it should be comfortable. Other hamsters should be observed for a while to see if they show similar symptoms. The pet's cage must be disinfected, the feeder with a drinking bowl should be thoroughly washed, throwing out the remnants of food and water.

Watch your pet for a while. If everything is in order, you can put him back in the cage. If the disorder does not go away, be sure to show it to the veterinarian. Only he can determine the methods of treatment and prescribe the necessary drugs.

Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, the owner should take care of his pet in advance by learning what foods should be in his diet and how to care for him.

What foods do hamsters need in their diet?

The diet of a pet should be varied, consist of those products that will only benefit hamsters. It:

  • Special mixes for hamsters (sold in the store, you can make your own from buckwheat, legumes, peas, wheat, oat grains, barley and rolled oats).
  • Seeds: melon, pumpkin, sunflower.
  • Nuts: hazelnuts, peanuts, walnuts.
  • Sprouted oats and wheat, alfalfa.
  • Greens (nettle leaves, lettuce, dandelion, plantain, dill, parsley).
  • Vegetables (green peas, corn, carrots, radishes, tomatoes)
  • Fruits (apricots, plums, apples, cherries, strawberries, bananas).

These products are saturated with substances and vitamins useful for the hamster. This will keep him healthy and active.

Basic rules for keeping a rodent

To prevent illness in a pet, it is important to monitor not only the diet of his diet, but also the conditions in which he is.

Fruits, vegetables or greens that are given to the hamster should be washed thoroughly. From the feeder, you need to regularly remove the remnants of stale food, the water in the drinker should be changed often. Keep your hands clean: infection from them can be passed on to your pet.

Wash the cage, replace the filler at least twice a month. It is advisable not to release the hamster on the floor or the ground, so that he does not catch the infection. The temperature in the room where the cage with the pet is located should not change dramatically. You should also take care of your pet's leisure: he must be active, so without a special wheel in the cage - no way!

An upset stomach in a hamster can manifest itself both due to ordinary stress, and as a result of a serious infectious disease. Therefore, the owner should immediately be alerted by the atypical behavior of the pet and the presence of diarrhea and other signs of the disease. If the life of a tamed animal is important, it is better to immediately contact a veterinarian. Only he can conduct the necessary tests, diagnose and prescribe treatment that will save the pet's life. Remember: an infection can kill an animal in 48 hours.

Hamster diseases are often incurable. But for a loving owner - no reason to refuse him help. If a doctor who knows the symptoms and treatment of the main diseases of pets cannot be found, the owner should independently investigate this issue. All processes in the body of tiny animals proceed rapidly, so the theory is studied in advance in order to have an idea of ​​​​what to do if the hamster is sick.

Diseases are divided into two groups: contagious and non-contagious. Their list is very extensive. But the symptoms can be similar in completely different diseases. The first task of the owner is to understand that something is wrong with the pet. A healthy animal is active, it has a good appetite. The coat is dry, thick, shiny and smooth, the eyes are clear and clean.

How to understand that a hamster is sick:

  • appetite disorders: complete or partial refusal of food, selective eating of food, increased thirst;
  • profuse salivation: wet hair on the chin, neck, chest;
  • diarrhea: traces of feces around the anus, wet hair on the back half of the body;
  • lacrimation or;
  • breathing problems: discharge from the nostrils, sniffling, wheezing;
  • skin problems: dull coat, tangles, bald patches, wounds and peeling;
  • oppression: the hamster has become lethargic and inactive, lies all the time;
  • problems of the nervous system: convulsions, impaired coordination;
  • unnatural formations on the body, swelling.

Any violation of the usual routine of life should be a cause for concern and close examination of the animal. The owner can understand if the hamster is sick much earlier than the veterinarian, because he is familiar with his habits and characteristics.

Some infections are very dangerous and lead to the death of the animal in 1-2 days, others. Poorly imagining what hamsters are sick with, owners usually start to worry if the rodent has bitten one of the household members. Whether to worry is a moot point: rabies vaccinations are not done afterwards, but the wound must be treated with an antiseptic and other diseases should be remembered.

Lymphocytic choriomeningitis

An extremely rare viral disease that is transmitted to humans. The source can be wild rodents - house mice. In adult hamsters, the disease is asymptomatic, and in young animals, damage to the respiratory system and conjunctivitis (rarely paralysis and convulsions) are observed. In humans, the virus affects the membranes of the brain, and in case of pregnancy it is extremely dangerous for the fetus. Related to this:

  • do not buy a hamster at the bird market;
  • to acquire a hamster over the age of 3 months;
  • do not introduce new rodents during pregnancy.

Due to the particular danger of lymphocytic choriomeningitis, many are interested in whether hamsters should be vaccinated. Rodents are not vaccinated against this disease or any other.
Bacterial infections can affect various body systems: the respiratory system, the gastrointestinal tract, and the genitourinary system.

Infectious gastroenteritis

It is believed that rodents have a stroke - a hemorrhage in the brain, but it is impossible to reliably determine this. Old hamsters have partial paralysis and other neurological diseases. If an older hamster is shaking and trembling, this is an alarming sign - convulsions are not related to the temperature in the room and can be.

In a separate group, diseases of females and young animals associated with reproduction are distinguished: pyometra, pathological childbirth, toxicosis of pregnancy.


With diarrhea, the fur around the anus is dirty, the hamster is lethargic, lies on its stomach. If the owner is sure that it is related to feeding and not a bacterial infection, you can start treating the hamster at home. All supplies are removed from the pantry, and the pet is prescribed a strict diet - no succulent feed. Drink with an insulin syringe rice decoction, which has fixing properties, a decoction of chamomile. Well normalizes stool with diarrhea decoction of oak bark.

If during the day the pet does not get better, or there is a suspicion that the hamster has poisoned, you need to contact a veterinarian-ratologist.


Due to bulging eyes, conjunctivitis is a very common disease in hamsters. Sometimes the eyelids are completely stuck together with pus. The owner should regularly wash the eyes with saline or an aqueous solution of furacilin, and then drip antibiotic eye drops (Floxal) 4 times a day.


In nature, hamsters live on the plains, so they are undeservedly considered extremely stupid animals: they are not at all afraid of heights, and often get injured and mutilated. An apartment is not a suitable environment for a pet to walk. And if, out of ignorance, two hamsters live in a cage at once, injuries cannot be avoided. The owner of the house should always have something to treat the wound to the hamster. An inexpensive and non-aggressive antiseptic for any skin damage and inflammation is chlorhexidine.


Information about what are the symptoms of diseases in rodents can help to identify malaise in time. If the hamster behaves strangely, this is already a reason to suspect something was wrong. In rodents, signs of the disease may not be obvious.

The sooner a sick hamster gets an appointment with a specialist, the more chances he has to get better. Do not ask how to cure a hamster and why he got sick on the Internet. Although experienced hamster breeders often answer on the forums, it will be much more useful to find out the contacts of a doctor who specializes in the treatment of rodents. Tiny animals get sick rapidly and often die. Even the best ratologist will not be able to resuscitate a hamster that has been sick for several days, and has already arrived at the reception in a state of agony.

Common hamster diseases

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Hamsters are very cute and funny creatures that many have as pets. But, like any other animals, hamsters, regardless of breed, get sick, so owners should be aware of the symptoms of diseases, signs of general malaise, in order to help a small pet as soon as possible and start treatment. Consider what causes Djungarian, Syrian hamsters to get sick, tell you what to do and how to treat a sick rodent.

Major diseases and their causes

Predisposing factors that can cause disease in hamsters include:

  • low-quality, nutrient-poor diet;
  • poor conditions of detention (cramped, dirty cage);
  • unsuitable indoor climate;
  • frequent stress, fear, emotional overstrain;
  • improper pet care.

Important! An improperly equipped cage can lead to injury to a small pet, provoke dislocations, sprains, and torn ligaments. When two or more hamsters are kept in one cage, rodents in the struggle for territory will arrange real hamster fights. Moreover, often such battles can cause the death of babies or weaker individuals.

Common diseases of Djungarian and Syrian hamsters:

  • obesity, diabetes;
  • inflammation of the cheek pouch;
  • abscesses on the paws;
  • mechanical injuries (dislocations, fractures, sprains);
  • ophthalmic diseases (keratitis, conjunctivitis);
  • respiratory diseases of various etiopathogenesis;
  • viral-bacteriological, parasitic diseases;
  • dermatophytosis;
  • dermatitis, dermatoses, mycoses;
  • colibacillosis;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • tularemia;
  • false rabies (Aueszky's disease);
  • lymphocytic choriomeningitis;
  • dental diseases.

If you buy hamsters in pet stores, from trusted breeders, create optimal conditions for your pet, do not neglect the rules of hygiene, many diseases that hamsters suffer from can be avoided.

Disease symptoms

How do you know if a hamster is sick? This question interests many breeders of small pets. A healthy hamster has a beautiful shiny coat, leads an active lifestyle, especially at night, shows interest in the world around him. The animal eats food with appetite, makes stocks, and is engaged in arranging its home. The jungarik, the Syrian, has clear, clean eyes, an expressive look.

Important! You can understand that a rodent is sick not only by external signs, but also by the changed behavior of the hamster.

The main symptoms of diseases:

  • decreased activity, lethargy, apathy;
  • deterioration of the condition of the coat (wet coat);
  • severe itching;
  • the appearance on the body of scratching, bald patches, wounds, ulcers;
  • discharge from the nose, eyes;
  • increased thirst;
  • allergies, skin rash;
  • violation of the stool (diarrhea, constipation);
  • frequent urination;
  • pallor, cyanosis of mucous membranes;
  • stuck together eyelids;
  • the presence of blood in the urine, clots;
  • respiratory failure, heart rhythm;
  • accumulation of sulfur, dirt in the ears;
  • yellowness, peeling of the skin;
  • prolapse of cheek pouches;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • abscesses on the body.

In case of injuries, sprains, the hamster limps, sits permanently in the house or hides in the corner of the cage. The rodent is losing weight a lot, or vice versa, is getting better, gaining weight too quickly.

Advice! Take a good look at your pet's home. If the hamster suffers from indigestion, is sick with cystitis, endocrine pathologies - an unpleasant specific smell appears, the feces will be liquid, the space is filled with excrement.

If the hamster has lost weight, refuses to eat his favorite treats, his eyes are watering, his eyelids are swollen, the pet has become inactive, shows aggression, breathes often, or other symptoms uncharacteristic of a healthy animal are noticeable, you should not leave the problem unattended.

If a jungarik or a Syrian hamster is sick, do not self-medicate. Finding that the rodent is sick, take him to the veterinary clinic or call the veterinarian at home. The choice of treatment methods depends on the root cause that provoked the sore.

Bacterial and viral diseases of the hamster

Hamsters are very susceptible to diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms, viruses, bacteria. Infection is possible by contact, aerogenic, alimentary, by eating poor-quality feed. Some diseases of bacterial etiology can be transmitted to hamsters from humans and other pets.

Other symptoms of colibacillosis include:

  • decrease, lack of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • restless behavior;
  • oppression, lethargy, apathy;
  • drowsiness;
  • the presence of wet hair near the anus.

Hamster feces with diarrhea have a watery consistency. The hamster constantly twists into a ball, hides in secluded places in the cage, looks untidy.

The disease is characterized by an aggressive course, it spreads very quickly, therefore, when several animals are kept in a cage together, it is necessary to immediately transfer the sick pet to another dwelling. The disease can be cured only in the early stages of development.


Respiratory tract infection caused by round microscopic bacteria - diplococci. The main symptoms are lethargy, apathy, decreased activity, discharge from the nose, eyes. With a strong infection, the dzhungarik refuses food, treats.

The disease requires immediate treatment using special sera. If you do not start therapy, the death of the pet occurs on the second or third day.


The disease is provoked by pathogenic rod-shaped microorganisms - salmonella. With this infection in hamsters, frothy diarrhea, weakness, apathy, and pallor of the mucous membranes are noted. A sick hamster refuses to eat, hides in a dark corner, sits motionless, showing no interest in the world around him. The rodent has an enlarged tummy. In the stool, you can notice bloody clots, threads, particles of undigested food, mucus.

Viral pneumonia

The disease develops against the background of a weakening of resistance, a weakening of the immune potential. Prolonged hypothermia, chronic otitis, hypo-, beriberi can also cause the development of viral pneumonia in animals.

The disease is manifested by abundant mucous, mucopurulent discharge from the eyes, nose, refusal to feed, coughing fits, shortness of breath. The hamster has a wet muzzle, hoarse rapid breathing, pale mucous membranes. If he shakes his head, ear, sulfur has accumulated in the auricles, there are crusts and an unpleasant smell comes out, most likely the animal is sick with otitis media, which was caused by a respiratory illness.

Pneumonia develops against the background of ophthalmic diseases or can provoke eye and ear diseases. With timely therapy, the hamster fully recovers in a week.

Aujeszky's disease

Pseudo-rabies is a deadly viral disease. The disease is manifested by severe nervous disorders. The hamster becomes restless, may show aggression. Attacks of excitement are replaced by complete apathy. A sick pet has impaired coordination of movements. Muscle spasms, convulsions are noted. Death occurs due to paralysis, severe exhaustion. Treatment is carried out with special sera.

Lymphocytic choriomeningitis

One of the viral infections that poses a danger to humans. May be latent (asymptomatic). The main signs are sudden weight loss, decreased activity, refusal to feed, frequent defecation, urination. Most often, the virus is transmitted from hamsters to newborn hamsters. In pregnant females, the disease provokes spontaneous miscarriages.

The infection is incurable, so if a pet is infected, it will unfortunately need to be euthanized.

Diseases of the mouth and teeth

Hamsters, like any rodent, grow incisors throughout their lives, so owners should pay special attention to oral hygiene and the teeth of animals. If the pet does not grind down the teeth, this will lead to injury, damage to the oral mucosa, the development of acute inflammation, the formation of abscesses, abscesses.

Pathologies, diseases of the teeth in Dzungarians, Syrians are manifested by reddening of the mucous membranes, hypersalivation, decreased appetite, weight loss, abnormal growth, deformation of the incisors, inflammation of the cheek pouches.

Inflammation of the cheek pouches is one of the most frequently diagnosed pathologies. It is characterized by inflammation, prolapse (prolapse), the appearance of pathological formations. The disease develops due to injury to the oral mucosa. With this pathology, the animals behave restlessly, rub their cheeks and muzzle with their paws. Appetite decreases. Saliva flows from the mouth. As a rule, the pathological process affects the inner surface of the cheeks.

To relieve inflammation, you need to rinse the pet's oral cavity with an antiseptic solution, a decoction of chamomile. To normalize digestion, give the hamster probiotics, enzymes.

With neoplasms, surgical treatment, general strengthening, symptomatic drugs are prescribed.

If the hamster has inflamed cheek pouches, the treatment should be carried out by a veterinarian. The specialist will gently turn the cheeks, clean them of food debris. Inflammation will be removed by bactericidal drugs, antiseptics, medicines for local and general treatment. After therapy, the hamster must be kept on a starvation diet for 12-14 hours.

Tumors (malignant, benign), pathological growths on the body, paws. tinnitus is a fairly commonly diagnosed pathology in rodents, which can develop for a variety of reasons. Bumps can appear due to injuries, severe bruises, falls from a height. To begin treatment, you need to establish a diagnosis, so show your pet to a veterinarian.

For benign, malignant tumors, surgical treatment will be prescribed. If the cancer is localized in a hard-to-reach area (oral cavity), the tumor has metastasized, veterinarians recommend euthanizing the hamster, since no treatment method will give the proper result.

Eye diseases and their treatment

Small animals often suffer from ophthalmic ailments. In hamsters, allergic, serous, purulent conjunctivitis, cataracts, glaucoma, and uveitis are noted. With these diseases, blepharospasm, lacrimation, swelling, swelling, and adhesion of the eyelids are observed.

Treatment should begin immediately, as soon as you notice the first symptoms. Do not forget that eye diseases can provoke not only a deterioration in visual function, but also cause complete, partial blindness.

In therapeutic therapy, the choice of methods depends on the stage, nature of the disease, and the root cause. Solutions for washing the eye, ophthalmic drops can be prescribed.

Endocrine pathologies, gastrointestinal diseases

Endocrine disorders, metabolic disorders, hormonal imbalance, malfunctions of the digestive tract in most cases provoke improper feeding of a small pet. Metabolic disorders can also be hereditary.

Among the most common endocrine pathologies in hamsters are:

  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • vascular diseases;
  • stone disease;
  • polycystic ovaries (in females).

Hormonal disruptions in females most often cause frequent childbirth, an unbalanced diet. Hamsters become lethargic or vice versa irritable. The pet's tummy swells, the frequency of bowel movements is disturbed. Treatment - operational.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (poisoning, enteritis, food allergies) develop due to a violation of the feeding regimen, if the hamster has a poor-quality, poor diet, or due to the effects of various toxins on the body. Diseases are accompanied by unstable stools, rumbling in the abdomen, loss of appetite, lethargy. How to cure a hamster and what to do if the digestive processes are disturbed, the veterinarian will tell you by establishing an accurate diagnosis and cause.

Other diseases of hamsters

Hamsters are prone to cardiovascular pathologies, which can be congenital or acquired. The Syrians, Dzungarians reveal problems in the excretory system (cystitis, pyelonephritis), nervous disorders (encephalitis), which develop against the background of severe stress, due to overheating. It is worth noting that a strong fright can provoke paralysis, cause cardiac arrest, which will lead to the death of the hamster.

In any case, if you notice that the behavior of the jungar has changed, the pet has become lethargic, inactive, do not leave the problem unattended. Many diseases of hamsters can be cured in the early stages of development. Therefore, be sure to show your pet to the doctor or call the veterinarian at home. At the same time, remember that many diseases and pathologies that occur in hamsters are easier to prevent due to proper care and maintenance.

In order to determine where the hamster is bleeding from, it is necessary to wash and wipe the perineal area with cotton wool soaked in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Blood on the pope of a hamster may appear in the presence of discharge from the anus, genital passages or wounds in the perineal region of the rodent for the following reasons:

  • Wrong nutrition. Blood under the pet's tail indicates intestinal bleeding due to eating foods that irritate or injure the hamster's intestines (spices, onions, garlic, almonds, citrus fruits) or household chemicals;
  • Infectious, viral and oncological diseases, a hamster falling from a height can provoke anal bleeding;
  • Injuries in the perineum as a result of skin damage when playing or fighting a pet with relatives;
  • Blood discharge from the vagina of a female with inflammation of the uterus or after copulation with a very large male. If the hamster was pregnant, bleeding from the genitals may indicate a sudden miscarriage due to stress or injury.

If the hamster is in the blood, the owner's duty is to provide first aid and urgent transportation to the doctor, the pet may need medication or surgery.

The reasons for the appearance of blood impurities in the urine of a rodent are:

  • Insufficient care. With frequent hypothermia of a pet in a draft or in a cold room, inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system develop;
  • Wrong feeding. Excessive consumption of protein foods in rodents has a detrimental effect on kidney function;
  • Chronic diseases and cysts of the urinary tract in the elderly;
  • Infectious, viral and rickettsion diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Urolithiasis as a result of monotonous feeding with dry food;
  • Leptospirosis and choriomeningitis;
  1. Usually problems with the urinary tract are the result of improper maintenance of the animal. Being in drafts and in cooler areas of the apartment, the hamster can become seriously ill. Of course, the little fluffy must breathe fresh air, but without drafts. The location of your pet's house should be warm and cozy.
  2. Hamsters in old age can get sick, abusing the protein during their lives. Also, the cause of the disease of already old animals can be a chronic viral infection. Males may encounter such a phenomenon as a cyst. In this case, you will need to undergo an ultrasound examination and, if necessary, do a certain procedure that will help, but, unfortunately, it will not last long.
  3. Diseases of a rickettsial, viral and bacterial nature can manifest themselves in any life period of an animal. Most of these diseases are very painful and cause irreparable damage to the kidneys.
  4. There is also leptospirosis, which hamsters can catch from mice. The skin in this disease turns pale or turns yellow, which is a consequence of anemia and hepatitis, the development of a severe inflammatory process in the kidneys. One of the most serious diseases in hamsters, which a person should also be afraid of, is lymphocytic choriomeningitis.
  5. Diabetes can also cause diseased kidneys and characteristic symptoms. Prevention of diabetes involves the use of special food, which is designed specifically for rodents. In this case, products that make up the human diet and food that is given to cats and dogs are excluded.
  6. When eating dry food alone, an animal can develop bladder stones. In this case, to confirm the diagnosis, you need to take an x-ray.

Causes of diarrhea

Before you start treating diarrhea in hamsters, you should find out the cause of the disease, and there are quite a few of them:

  • Spoiled food - feed your pet only with fresh products and are designed specifically for rodents, the water in the drinker should always be fresh. Leftover food after each feeding should be removed in a timely manner. Feeders and pantries are checked, cleaned and washed daily.
  • Change in food - the diet of the rodent changes gradually. A sharp change in diet will lead to the rejection of food by the body of the animal.
  • Wrong diet. The pet has diarrhea - you fed the rodent something that is strictly forbidden to give to hamsters. Before you give a new product to a hamster, you should familiarize yourself with the list of edible foods that rodents are strictly forbidden to eat.
  • Overfeeding. Feeding hamsters is strictly contraindicated. Even if you are madly in love with an animal, you should not do this.
  • infectious diseases. Diarrhea in hamsters is a symptom of many infectious diseases. There are so many of them that many of them can kill your pet in a day or two. Quite common and well-known are enteritis, salmonellosis, wet tail, paralysis and pestilence, and many others.
  • Foreign object in the gastrointestinal tract (small buttons or beads).

In addition to diarrhea, each of the diseases has its own specific symptoms:

  • with enteritis, the temperature rises;
  • salmonellosis is accompanied at first by an almost instantaneous increase in temperature to almost 41 degrees, and after that it quickly drops to below normal;
  • with paralysis, the animal has quite frequent convulsions, the eyes fester, a runny nose, cough and vomiting appear, the rodent's breathing becomes heavy, the coat sticks together.

To understand why the animal showed an upset stomach, and to prevent this trouble in the future, you need to find out the causes of diarrhea. It could be:

  1. Binge eating.
  2. Change of food. You need to change the diet gradually, the stomach may not be able to cope with a sharp change.
  3. Bad water, stress transferred by the animal, can also provoke diarrhea.
  4. Ingestion of a foreign body.
  5. Ingestion of poison - for example, a hamster ate a poisonous plant. Also, diarrhea will be provoked by spoiled food, which the animal will not be able to digest normally.
  6. The presence of an infection in the body. This is very dangerous as it can kill a hamster within 48 hours.

Among the infectious diseases that cause diarrhea, there are the following:

  • Salmonellosis is an acute disease, dangerous because it ends in death.
  • Tizzer's disease is also an acute disease that develops very quickly: after two days from the appearance of the first symptoms, the animal dies.
  • Colibacillosis - bacteria that are in the intestines in their normal state begin to multiply rapidly in the animal's body when certain factors appear: a change in the diet or in a state of stress. They also cause diarrhea.

Diarrhea in a hamster may appear if the owner fed the pet with food unusual for him. For example, hamsters should not be given special mixtures intended for other rodents or for birds. Also, they can not bread, potatoes in any form, acorn, cheese. Their food should not be salted, peppered, added sugar, honey, sour cream or butter.

It is necessary to treat the pet as soon as they notice lethargic behavior. Often hamster diseases develop very quickly, the pet does not have time to save.

Indigestion can be caused by both natural causes and infectious diseases. These include the following diseases:

  1. Salmonellosis is a very dangerous disease, the outcome of which can be the death of an animal.
  2. Tizzer's disease is an acute, rapidly developing disease. A pet can die two days after the first symptoms appear.
  3. Colibacillosis - its occurrence is affected by a change in the diet and stress. Bacteria that are in the body in a normal state, under the influence of these factors multiply rapidly. This provokes the appearance of diarrhea in a rodent.
  4. Paralysis or pestilence - in addition to diarrhea, they cause a runny nose, vomiting and cough in the animal. The animal's breathing quickens, convulsions appear, and the coat sticks together.

In addition to diseases, diarrhea in a hamster can cause:

  1. Changing the diet. If you change the animal's habitual diet, this can provoke an upset stomach.
  2. Binge eating. You should not feed the hamster, as the stomach may not be able to cope with a large amount of food.
  3. Spoiled food. The rodent should eat only fresh and high-quality food. The feed must be specialized.
  4. Ingestion of foreign objects, buttons, small parts into the stomach.
  5. Poisoning. If a poisonous plant enters the body with fresh food of an animal, diarrhea may begin in the jungar.
  6. The presence of infections in the body.

There are many causes of animal diarrhea. Some of them can be identified and eliminated on their own. Consultation with a specialist and laboratory tests will help to determine with great accuracy what caused an upset stomach in your pet.

So, drafts can provoke a cold, and an unbalanced diet leads to the development of hypo-, beriberi, can cause malfunctions in the digestive tract, endocrine pathologies. Deficiency of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, poor-quality feed weaken the immune potential of animals, resistance.

Predisposing factors that can cause disease in hamsters include:

  • low-quality, nutrient-poor diet;
  • poor conditions of detention (cramped, dirty cage);
  • unsuitable indoor climate;
  • frequent stress, fear, emotional overstrain;
  • improper pet care.

Important! An improperly equipped cage can lead to injury to a small pet, provoke dislocations, sprains, and torn ligaments. When two or more hamsters are kept in one cage, rodents in the struggle for territory will arrange real hamster fights. Moreover, often such battles can cause the death of babies or weaker individuals.

Common diseases of Djungarian and Syrian hamsters:

  • obesity, diabetes;
  • inflammation of the cheek pouch;
  • abscesses on the paws;
  • mechanical injuries (dislocations, fractures, sprains);
  • ophthalmic diseases (keratitis, conjunctivitis);
  • respiratory diseases of various etiopathogenesis;
  • viral-bacteriological, parasitic diseases;
  • dermatophytosis;
  • dermatitis, dermatoses, mycoses;
  • colibacillosis;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • tularemia;
  • false rabies (Aueszky's disease);
  • lymphocytic choriomeningitis;
  • dental diseases.

If you buy hamsters in pet stores, from trusted breeders, create optimal conditions for your pet, do not neglect the rules of hygiene, many diseases that hamsters suffer from can be avoided.

First you need to understand what causes diarrhea in rodents. To prevent in the future and know what to do now. If he has diarrhea from a certain food, then no treatment will help until you stop giving him the irritant. So if a hamster has diarrhea, let's find out why.

  1. Spoiled food. Never give him spoiled food. Even the one that seems to be just starting to deteriorate, but it can still be eaten. If the human body copes with it without apparent difficulties, then the small body of the animal may not be able to withstand it. Keep the feeder clean. Sometimes there are food leftovers that gradually deteriorate. The feeder should be cleaned and washed from time to time to avoid this situation. Also pay attention that the rodent does not bring food into its pantry that can quickly deteriorate. If the hamster has diarrhea, then it is worth checking the pantry, perhaps the reason lies precisely there. Some of the food started to spoil.
  2. Diet change. If for no reason at all, the diet of a rodent has completely changed, his body may not accept this. Therefore, it needs to be changed gradually.
  3. Overfeeding. Perhaps you are just overfeeding your animal. You can't do that, no matter how much you love him.
  4. Wrong diet. If your hamster has diarrhea, you may be giving him foods he can't digest. Read the article: what not to eat hamsters. There you will find a list of prohibited rodent foods. It is possible that you added to the daily diet of the animal those products that are recommended a maximum of 1 - 2 times a month. For example, they transferred it to one green. He could also just swallow something extra, for example, while walking around the apartment.
  5. Disease. Diarrhea is a serious symptom of many diseases in a hamster. Among them there are those that can kill after 48 hours, for example, Tizzer's disease. There are a lot of diseases, so we list only a few of them:
  • Colibacillosis. The hamster is severely emaciated, the smell of excrement is very sharp. The rodent falls into apathy, lies still and refuses to eat.
  • Paralysis and pestilence. Such a disease is noticeable immediately. In addition to diarrhea, the animal has frequent convulsions, a runny nose, festering eyes, hair sticking together, heavy breathing, coughing and vomiting.
  • Salmonellosis. The color of diarrhea is green-yellow, has a strong odor. Bloating, a critical change in temperature. First, it quickly rises to 41 degrees, and then just as quickly falls below normal for these rodents. Within two days, the hamster may die.
  • Enteritis. This disease is critical as only 10% of pets survive. Symptoms of it: liquid diarrhea and fever.
  • Wet tail. The main symptom is diarrhea and a wet back of the animal. Often leads to the death of a pet.

Signs of a disorder

Someone may argue that when an animal has loose stools, the child will also notice it, but one should be able to distinguish between a common indigestion and a serious illness. In case of accidental indigestion due to the incompatibility of some products, the rodent may have liquefied feces once, and then everything will be restored. At the same time, you should pay attention to the previous hamster menu in order to exclude a repetition of such a surprise.

With a serious illness, the animal leaves its liquid heaps all over the cage and its backside does not have time to dry out, it looks unkempt, despite the fact that the hamster diligently monitors its hygiene.

Other signs of diarrhea:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Immobility
  • Lack of response to the outside world
  • Weakness
  • Irritability

Signs of diseases that can end in death:

  • E. coli: diarrhea, bleeding
  • Colibacillosis: pungent odor of feces, emaciation
  • Paralysis, pestilence: convulsions, festering eyes, runny nose, matted hair, vomiting, cough
  • Salmonella: yellow-green feces, bloating, temperature rise and fall to critical levels
  • Enteritis: high fever, loose stools
  • Wet tail: wet back, diarrhea
  • Poisoning: loss of coordination of movement, lack of appetite, lethargy

In case of one of the symptoms, immediately contact the clinic. Delay can lead to death due to the cause of diarrhea or dehydration. Do not allow anyone to the hamster - it is possible to infect everyone who comes into contact with him.

Treating hamster diarrhea at home can lead to death and infection to other animals or members of your family, so the animal needs hospitalization at the first symptoms. While the animal is being treated, the cage and everything it has come into contact with should be disinfected. After taking it in your hands, wash them with soap.

To understand that a pet has a disorder, just look at his stool. Violation of the stool manifests itself as follows: feces change color, texture. If usually the feces of a rodent are similar in appearance to a seed, then with diarrhea they become mushy, watery. You may notice that he goes to the toilet more often, and his bowel movements have a sharp unpleasant odor.

The rodent's behavior will also change with illness. He will move less, sleep more, practically stop eating. If you take a sick animal in your arms, you can feel how its muscle tone has changed: the body has become soft and limp. Also, in the presence of pain in the abdomen, the pet may not be given to the hands - squeak, resist in every possible way.

Noticed one or more of the signs? It is urgent to take action and cure the pet of the disease. Otherwise, it threatens with dehydration, which can lead to death.

There are several signs, the presence of which is characteristic of a violation of the intestines of a hamster.

  1. Chair change. The stools change color, texture and smell. The stool becomes watery, like slurry. The rodent goes to the toilet more often.
  2. The hamster's body becomes loose, soft and limp. If you pick it up, the rodent can make sharp sounds and a loud squeak.
  3. Clumped wool. The hairline of the animal changes color, becomes dull and stuck together.
  4. Bloating. The belly of the hamster becomes elastic, grumbling is heard in it.
  5. The appearance of an unpleasant odor. The stool emits a sharp and bad odor.
  6. Lack of appetite. During illness, the animal eats very little or refuses food.
  7. Changes in behavior. The hamster becomes apathetic, passive. The animal moves a little, sleeps a lot, reluctantly walks in his arms. Any movement provokes an attack of acute pain.

If diarrhea in a hamster is caused by infectious diseases, their signs are high fever, cough, runny nose and suppuration of the eyes. Diarrhea is often fatal as the animal becomes dehydrated.

The little rodent constantly sleeps off and tries to hide. It happens that with the disease comes a strong thirst, and trips to the toilet become more frequent.

How do you know if a hamster is sick? This question interests many breeders of small pets. A healthy hamster has a beautiful shiny coat, leads an active lifestyle, especially at night, shows interest in the world around him. The animal eats food with appetite, makes stocks, and is engaged in arranging its home. The jungarik, the Syrian, has clear, clean eyes, an expressive look.

Important! You can understand that a rodent is sick not only by external signs, but also by the changed behavior of the hamster.

The main symptoms of diseases:

  • decreased activity, lethargy, apathy;
  • deterioration of the condition of the coat (wet coat);
  • severe itching;
  • the appearance on the body of scratching, bald patches, wounds, ulcers;
  • discharge from the nose, eyes;
  • increased thirst;
  • allergies, skin rash;
  • violation of the stool (diarrhea, constipation);
  • frequent urination;
  • pallor, cyanosis of mucous membranes;
  • stuck together eyelids;
  • the presence of blood in the urine, clots;
  • respiratory failure, heart rhythm;
  • accumulation of sulfur, dirt in the ears;
  • yellowness, peeling of the skin;
  • prolapse of cheek pouches;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • abscesses on the body.

In case of injuries, sprains, the hamster limps, sits permanently in the house or hides in the corner of the cage. The rodent is losing weight a lot, or vice versa, is getting better, gaining weight too quickly.

If the hamster has lost weight, refuses to eat his favorite treats, his eyes are watering, his eyelids are swollen, the pet has become inactive, shows aggression, breathes often, or other symptoms uncharacteristic of a healthy animal are noticeable, you should not leave the problem unattended.

If a jungarik or a Syrian hamster is sick, do not self-medicate. Finding that the rodent is sick, take him to the veterinary clinic or call the veterinarian at home. The choice of treatment methods depends on the root cause that provoked the sore.

  • Smell . If the process has already begun, you will feel a sharp nasty smell. When the cage is in another room, the smell will be noticeable already when you enter it. During this time, the whole room can already absorb it well. This should draw your attention to the hamster. If you feel this symptom, then your pet has an upset stomach.
  • Rumbling in the stomach. When your attention is drawn to the first symptom, or when you approach the cage unsuspectingly, you may hear a strange sound. It comes from the pet's stomach, corresponding to the grumbling. You might think that he is very hungry, but it is not. Most likely this is one of the symptoms of diarrhea in a hamster.
  • Feces. If earlier cleaning the cage was not a difficult task, now it is a disaster. Feces can be all over the cage. During diarrhea, the hamster may be several times more likely to do its job. But the worst thing is that now these are not just balls of feces, but more watery, with a characteristic smell and a different color. Not a pleasant thing. In some cases, if you did not notice the onset of the disease in time, there may be blood in the stool.
  • Hamster hunches. This animal sleeps soundly during the day. But with the onset of night, he becomes active. He is interested in everything and he runs and explores everywhere. But if he stoops, loses his experienced activity, this is a symptom of the disease. He's probably already sick.
  • Hunger strike. Once active, the animal has now lost its cheerfulness and does not even want to eat. Rarely eat anything or nothing at all. You have to sound the alarm. Usually these creatures are voracious. Therefore, if your animal refuses to eat, it may be a symptom of diarrhea in a hamster.
  • Wool . It will have a characteristic color, like a wet reflection. In the butt area, the coat will not be neat and dirty.
  • Behavior. In addition to losing activity, he can lie in one place and do nothing. This symptom of diarrhea in a hamster is immediately noticeable, especially if you have played with him often before. Since he no longer has an experienced appetite, there will be a rapid weight loss.
    When trying to pick up, there are two possible behaviors:

The rodent will squeak and moan to not be touched. He just wants peace and every movement can give him pain. - The hamster will show indifference and will behave like an inanimate object. To the touch, the body of the rodent became soft.

If you notice symptoms of diarrhea in your hamster, you should start treatment immediately. Despite the fact that this disease does not seem to be as critical as we used to think. In rodents, diarrhea can be fatal. Dehydration is a common cause of death.

Wet tail disease is insidious in that an infected hamster may not show up for 1-2 weeks. The long incubation period makes it possible to purchase a sick animal. Most often, young animals are sick at the age of 3-8 weeks.

Another name for this bacterial infection is proliferative ileitis, since the ileum is primarily affected. The main symptom is profuse diarrhea, first with "water", then with blood. The rear half of the body of the animal looks wet. There may be a prolapse of the rectum, caused by constant spasms of the intestines.

Nonspecific signs of the disease are refusal of food and water, depression (the animals are lethargic, move little). Sometimes the behavior of the pet changes: a day or two before the onset of diarrhea, the hamster becomes aggressive, gets nervous when picked up and bites.

It is important to distinguish wet tail disease from other problems in your hamster. Wondering why the hamster has wet hair, the owner does not always pay attention to the localization of the problem. With profuse salivation, the hair on the neck and chest will be wet and glued together. In this case, it is a mistake to say that the hamster is sick.

A raw belly and a wet tail in a Djungarian hamster are signs of severe diarrhea, but not specific proliferative ileitis. In the Jungar, “wet tail” is called colibacillosis, “wettaildisease” is a specific problem of Syrian hamsters.

Often the owner cannot understand why the hamster is wet. Looking for a malfunction of the drinker, or deciding that the hamster "peed himself", the owner is wasting time.

Symptoms and differential diagnosis

If your pet is sick, it may show the following changes:

  • apathy and lethargy;
  • no appetite;
  • wool took on tangles, lost its luster, falls out or fell off;
  • there is discharge from the eyes and nose;
  • pollution near the anus;
  • constipation and gastrointestinal disorders;
  • severe nervousness and aggression of the animal;
  • temperature.

Diseases of hamsters transmitted to humans

Many infectious diseases of hamsters are transmitted to humans. Therefore, their symptoms and ways of how to treat should be known especially well. Always, even with the slightest indisposition, the animal must be quarantined and strict hygiene must be observed. It is very difficult and almost impossible to cure them in hamsters on your own, therefore only strict control and appointment of a veterinarian is applied, and you also need to be vaccinated. As a rule, at home, all of the following diseases are rare, but you still need to know their symptoms.

If the cause of diarrhea is poor-quality food, and not an infection, then a 5% solution of baytril, which is added to the drink, will help get rid of the symptoms. For 100 ml of liquid, 0.5 ml of the drug is enough. In parallel, an electrolyte solution should be given to replenish the water level in the body, since the worst thing for indigestion in small animals is dehydration.

Eliminate any juicy foods from the diet: vegetables, herbs, fruits. For the period of treatment, it is better to feed the pet only with hay. Next, you can connect rice boiled without oil and salt. Instead of water, give decoctions of St. John's wort, chamomile, tea. Of the antibiotics, tetracycline is considered the most effective in household poisoning.

Once again, we repeat the need to be treated under the supervision of a specialist. Self-selection of drugs can lead to incompatibility of the chemical composition and aggravate the situation. In this case, the hamster may develop diarrhea from antibiotics, as well as bloating and other complications.

In the event of the death of a pet from an infectious disease, all objects with which he came into contact in the cage and the cage itself should be disinfected, but it is better to burn it. Some bacteria are difficult to kill.

Having noticed some symptoms of diarrhea in a rodent, treatment should be started immediately. How to treat diarrhea in a hamster? In the interest of a speedy recovery for your pet, it is worth taking a number of certain measures. If the animal was not alone in the cage, protect the patient from relatives, create a quiet environment for him.

In the treatment of diarrhea, the first and most necessary thing is to contact a veterinary clinic, where the doctor will do the necessary tests and prescribe the right treatment for your pet. If for some reason you are unable to get to the veterinarian in time, try to start treatment yourself:

  • Add 0.3% (in acute cases 0.5%) tetracycline solution to water or give a little chamomile decoction;
  • Give a sick pet an electrolyte solution to replenish the water level in the body. In small rodents, dehydration is fatal.
  • In case of rodent poisoning - remove the poison by giving the animal emetics or rinse the stomach with boiled water;
  • Check and discard all pet bins;
  • Eliminate juicy foods from your hamster's diet, try giving him boiled rice, stale bread, or oatmeal;
  • Wash and disinfect not only the entire cage of the animal, but also all the auxiliary elements in it.

But as soon as an opportunity presents itself, immediately contact a specialist.

The first step is to identify the causes. to the previous diet, if it has been changed. Remember what was given to the hamster for food. Perhaps something from the prohibited products got there. If not, contact your veterinarian immediately, as the disease may be infectious. And the infection can kill the hamster very quickly.

For owners who are wondering what to do if a hamster has diarrhea, a number of recommendations have been developed. First of all, if the rodent does not live alone, it should be resettled from its neighbors. A sick animal should not be in contact with others, but the place allocated for it should be comfortable. Other hamsters should be observed for a while to see if they show similar symptoms. The pet's cage must be disinfected, the feeder with a drinking bowl should be thoroughly washed, throwing out the remnants of food and water.

Watch your pet for a while. If everything is in order, you can put him back in the cage. If the disorder does not go away, be sure to show it to the veterinarian. Only he can determine the methods of treatment and prescribe the necessary drugs.

Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, the owner should take care of his pet in advance by learning what foods should be in his diet and how to care for him.

What to do if your hamster has diarrhea? This question is best answered by a specialist. The veterinarian will not only determine the cause of diarrhea, but also prescribe treatment. However, it is not always possible to contact a specialist for advice. At home, it is necessary to take a set of measures aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease and its consequences.

If the hamster is not alone in the cage, move it away from the neighbors. A sick animal needs peace and quiet. The jungar's cage needs to be disinfected, the bedding replaced, the leftover food thrown away, the water in the drinking bowl replaced with clean water. You need to water the rodent with water with a 0.3% solution of tetracycline or a decoction of chamomile.

If diarrhea is caused by poisoning, you need to clean the pet's stomach with emetics. It is better to feed the hamster with oatmeal, boiled rice or stale bread. During diarrhea, you can not give fresh greens and juicy food.

Before and after contact with a sick animal, wash your hands with laundry soap.

Small animals often suffer from ophthalmic ailments. In hamsters, allergic, serous, purulent conjunctivitis, cataracts, glaucoma, and uveitis are noted. With these diseases, blepharospasm, lacrimation, swelling, swelling, and adhesion of the eyelids are observed.

Treatment should begin immediately, as soon as you notice the first symptoms. Do not forget that eye diseases can provoke not only a deterioration in visual function, but also cause complete, partial blindness.

In therapeutic therapy, the choice of methods depends on the stage, nature of the disease, and the root cause. Solutions for washing the eye, ophthalmic drops can be prescribed.

How to treat diarrhea in a hamster is not an easy question. Take him to the vet as soon as possible. Among the many diseases that can lead to death in just two days, it can be anything. The clinic will do the appropriate tests and quickly prescribe treatment.

But our reality is not so rosy. Often people cannot afford a doctor even for themselves, let alone for a pet. This is Russia, not Europe or America. Therefore, we will get out as best we can. But in this case, there is no guarantee of success. Diarrhea in a hamster, what to do in Russian and Ukrainian realities?

  • Give your hamster high quality hay.
  • You can add tetracycline to the water at a ratio of 0.3%.
  • If the hamster is poisoned, you need to remove the poison. To do this, give emetics and rinse the stomach with boiled water.
  • Check everything you feed the rodent as well as his own supplies.
  • Clean and disinfect the entire cage.

We hope for a miracle that this will help and the pet will recover from this state. In the end, it may just be stress and everything will pass soon.

Since proliferative ileitis is caused by an intracellular bacterium (Lawsonia intracellularis, an intracellular bacterium, in Syrians and Escherichia coli, E. coli, in Djungarian hamsters), an antibiotic is needed that can penetrate the intestinal cells. The drug itself should be non-toxic to a tiny rodent (chloramphenicol and tetracycline, which are effective in other animal species, are contraindicated in hamsters).

Sometimes a human preparation (oral suspension) is used: Biseptol (a combination of 2 drugs: trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole). The well-known Enterofuril (nifuroxazide) can deal with E. coli, but not with the causative agent of the "wet tail" in Syrian hamsters.

The standard of treatment is the veterinary antibiotic "Baytril 2.5%", subcutaneously, 0.4 ml (10 mg) per 1 kg of body weight. If the hamster weighs 250 g, its dose is 0.1 ml. The drug in the indicated amount is administered 1 time per day, but in severe cases - 2 times a day, 7-14 days.

It is the loss of fluid that causes the death of diseased animals. With profuse diarrhea, dehydration occurs rapidly. It is useless to solder the liquid inside - it will pass in transit. Intravenous injections (droppers) are not given to hamsters because of the small size of the animals. Therefore, intraperitoneal and subcutaneous injections are used. Even the owner himself can stab “in the skin”, under the skin, and the veterinarian performs injections “in the tummy”.

Ringer's lactate is used, and if it is not available, normal saline (NaCl 0.9%) at a dose of 40 ml per 1 kg of body weight (4-8 ml for a Syrian and 2 ml for a Dzungarian). 5% glucose is also prescribed. Injections should be done 2-3 times a day. General strengthening drugs can be added to the main solutions - ascorbic acid, "Katozal".

It is necessary to keep the sick animal warm and dry. The cage is washed daily, the bedding is replaced with fresh ones so that the hamster does not infect itself again and again. Juicy food is excluded. With a wet tail disease in a hamster, even timely started, competent treatment is often useless.

Prevention of the disorder

Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Follow a few simple rules and diarrhea will not torment your pet

  1. If you want to switch your hamster to a new food, do it gradually, increasing the portion daily.
  2. Do not overfeed the animal.
  3. Wash fruits, vegetables and fresh herbs thoroughly.
  4. Make sure that there is always clean water in the pet's cage.
  5. Remove leftover food from the cage after each meal.
  6. Do not let the animal walk on the floor and ground so that it does not pick up any disease.
  7. Place the rodent cage in a room where there is no sudden change in temperature.
  8. Provide the jungarik with the necessary time for daytime sleep. Rest is very beneficial for rodent health.

Diarrhea for a hamster is a very dangerous disease that causes discomfort to the animal. If it is caused by infectious diseases, the result may be the death of the hamster. During treatment, it is very important to show the rodent to a specialist in time and identify the cause of the disease. To avoid diarrhea and many other illnesses, give your hamster proper care and attention.

  • two-week quarantine for each new individual purchased;
  • buying a hamster not in the bird market, but in a nursery, from a breeder with an impeccable reputation;
  • balanced diet and prevention of stress;
  • hygiene: regular washing of the cage and accessories;
  • disinfection.

If a previous hamster had wet tail disease, you should thoroughly disinfect all equipment before getting a new pet. The cage is washed with soap and water, treated with a bleach-containing agent. Can be scalded with boiling water. After treatment, the cage is ventilated for 2 months.

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