The optimal dog for a private home. The best breeds of dogs for the protection of a private house. The best dogs for guard duty

A dog in a private house and a dog in an apartment are two radically different choices. If for an apartment we try to find something gentle and calm, almost a homebody dog, then in a private house we need completely different qualities.

Which dog is best suited for a private home?

So, to begin with, let's touch on the question of what kind of dog to get in a private house, not the best idea:

  • all hunting breeds are inherently indifferent and at the same time friendly, therefore they are not suitable for protection, and they can become a threat to a yard with a bird;
  • fighting breeds are also not the best solution, since they often become a threat to all living things, except for the person himself (when training for protection, it is important to find a really good specialist so as not to break the psyche of the dog);
  • rescue dogs also, for all their intimidating appearance, turn out to be good-natured.

Now let's figure out which dog is better for guarding a private house, from the remaining list of breeds.

  1. Quite expectedly, in the first place among the list, which dog is better to have in a private house, was German Shepherd. Relatively unpretentious in content, the breed is suspicious and therefore it is very difficult to win her trust to a stranger.

  2. When looking for an answer, which breed of dog to choose for a private home, there are no less common Central Asian and Caucasian Shepherd Dogs. Characteristic of this breed is a very pronounced territorial instinct, as well as a sense of being the owner.

  3. Unpretentious in care, incredibly strong and to the right extent vicious towards strangers Moscow watchdogs. But keeping them is allowed only without the use of a chain.

  4. If you are ready to let the dog into the house, then it will be a worthy option for you. rottweiler. The short coat is fully compensated by the thick undercoat. An important point in education is to make it clear to the dog that he is not a leader in the family, otherwise problems cannot be avoided.

  5. A worthy solution to the question of which dog is better for guarding a private home will be black terrier. With his protective qualities, he remains a family dog, it is not scary to leave children with him.

  6. A small area is quite able to protect giant schnauzer. With his modest size, he does not hold courage. The dog needs physical activity all the time, but protecting his territory is his favorite pastime.

  7. A very real answer, which breed of dog to choose for a private home, may turn out to be canne corso. But this dog must be allowed into the house to warm up, since he does not have a sufficiently warm undercoat. But for a strong-willed and strong person, such a dog will become a worthy friend. At the same time, he keeps his territory under total control.

  8. The right decision, which dog is better to have in a private house, will be the breed bullmastiff. The instincts of the dog are at the highest level, he will always distinguish his own from the stranger, while he fully claims to be a family dog. Very strong and mobile breed.

  9. Amstafa have a strong instinct to protect their family and property. In addition, they always try to please their master.

  10. For a person who needs to leave the house often, suitable bulgarian shepherd dog. She has a character that dictates her to vehemently protect property in the absence of the owner, while in his presence the dog is always friendly.

The ability of dogs to guard depends primarily on pedigree and genetic factors. Therefore, when choosing a guard puppy, you need to ask how these qualities are developed in his parents.

But when raising a security guard, education and proper training play an important role. Such dogs should have minimal contact with strangers so that she listens only to the owner. She should not allow herself to be stroked, and when trying to do so, she usually moves her head away or shows her teeth.

How to choose the right security guard? What to pay attention to? Is training important? Further in the article is a brief overview and instructions for choosing the right breed.


The best guard dogs for a country house or apartment are those that are ready to start a fight with any number of rivals that threaten the owner. Sometimes this happens at the will of the owner, and sometimes the dog himself assesses the situation. Moreover, the size of the dog does not matter. The main deciding factor is the presence of muscle mass, body constitution, character and temperament.

The Staffordshire Terrier is smaller than the Retriever, but physically superior in every way. It is also worth paying attention to the conditions of detention, because capricious dogs will be distracted from work in every possible way if they do not receive all the necessary conditions. Some breeds can only be trained in protection and service if trained by a professional dog handler.

IMPORTANT! For any dog, the family is its own pack, and third-party groups of dogs, and other dog groups, are another pack. He perceives the owner as a leader and obeys him. Sometimes a dog can perceive the whole family as comrades, without a clear hierarchy.

It is very important that the dog distinguishes strangers from family friends or social workers (postman, janitor, policeman) and does not attack them. Remember that if the dog is too friendly, it will obey everyone, and this cannot be allowed, because then its security functions will be inhibited.


The biggest and best guard dogs for the home:

Cane Corso

An Italian breed that is a national treasure. Officially, this breed was declared only a couple of years ago. Shortly before this, the breed was on the verge of extinction, but now the situation has returned to normal.

Cane Corso's relatives were Molossian dogs that lived in ancient Rome. They descended from the Dogo-shaped dogs of the Etruscans, the Macedonian dogs and the fighting dogs of the Persians and Carthaginians. For more than 1000 years, they have served man and protected him.

This is evidenced by the name of the breed. The word "cane" is translated from Italian as "dog", and "corso" is a guardian.

Italian dog breeders combined the following properties in one breed:

  • Submission;
  • Honour;
  • strength;
  • Determination;
  • Athleticism;
  • Speed.

The dog is not afraid of any task, whether it is the protection of the area or hunting for a bear.

The future of the breed was threatened during the fall of Rome, where primitive selection was carried out. After the collapse of the empire, the breeding of dogs of this breed began to be chaotic and anti-scientific. The frequency of stillborn individuals increased, because ordinary people did not have the necessary knowledge.

Cane Corso was used to protect and maintain rural settlements, therefore, as society moved from agrarian to industrial, the demand for the breed decreased

Interesting Facts! The ancestors of the Cane Corso were gladiator dogs who fought in deadly fights against bears and lions.

In Europe, the Cane Corso is used to guard luxury boutiques and jewelry stores. Prestigious and beautiful, and, at the same time, a dangerous and strong breed. It has a well-developed musculature, a proud figure, a wide chest. Height at the withers - 70 cm for males and 55-60 cm for females. Average weight 45 kg. The head is large and heavy, the jaws are powerful enough to snap bones in the air.

Appearance inspires fear and respect. A serious expression of the muzzle indicates to others who is in charge here. Representatives of the breed clearly distinguish between the owner, his family and strangers. He loves children and loves to play with them. With proper training and adaptation, he will make friends with a cat if there is one in the house. Unpretentious to food and environmental conditions


They call him the king of terriers. He received such a title due to the fact that he is the largest representative among the representatives of this group. The breed was bred in the Eyre Valley, located in Yorkshire. It was bred for the purpose of hunting otters and river rats. These dogs have a long, curly coat, under which powerful musculature is hidden. Endurance and strength, honor and courage are combined in this amazing breed.

During the First World War, a dog named Jack was recognized as the best signalman. This "private" carried messages to headquarters even from the most dangerous shooting ranges. He was not afraid of explosions and shots, for which he was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross "For Valor".

At the moment, the breed is extremely rare, and it is difficult to get it and it is extremely expensive, however, it can serve as an excellent guard and companion for you and your children. Unpretentious to frequent walks - once a week is enough. If the weather is bad outside or you are not in the mood, the dog will definitely feel it and will not insist.

Dogue de Bordeaux

The main difference is its strong grip, which will stop any robber or attacker. In 1896, veterinarian Pierre Mengem published a small book on the Dogue de Bordeaux, standardizing the breed. Characteristic features - a large skull, round muzzle, limbs of medium length. Height is about 60 cm, weight 40-50 kg.

The character is wayward, sometimes arrogant. Nonetheless, loves children very much, considers them their peers, obeys the owner and his family. He loves to chase cats and gets along well with other dogs. Adaptation to new conditions is easy and fast.


Friedrich Louis Dobermann, creator of this unique breed. He lived in Germany and worked as a tax inspector, and at night as a policeman. It is easy to guess that not everyone wanted to return the debt, and Mr. Doberman had to think about how to increase work efficiency and protect himself from aggressive debtors.

In his spare time, the policeman visited a shelter for stray dogs, but could not find a suitable combination of speed, strength, endurance and size. Then he decided to act independently and gave birth to this special breed.

The height of the dog is quite high - from 80 cm, weight - 50-60 kg. The character is aristocratic, but only in relation to strangers. Very easy to train. He loves active games, walks, runs, loves children. Doesn't attack cats if weaned from it in childhood.


Compact, stocky dog, with impressive muscle mass. It has average speed and maneuverability in everyday life, but as soon as an extreme situation occurs, it will not hesitate to mobilize all resources to fight strangers. The weight of an individual is about 60 kg, height at the withers is 40-50 cm.

Dislikes cats and other dogs, but is neutral towards children. He doesn’t really like to play, but if he gets him, he won’t refuse. It does not adapt well to a new environment, and to speed up the process, you will need the help of a trainer or the moral support of the owner.


There is still debate about the real homeland of this breed, but most are inclined to believe that this is Egypt. There she took part in herding livestock, guarding farms and politicians, and transporting letters and parcels. The height of the dog is 60 cm at the withers, weight - 70 kg. A massive beast that will only obey its owner.

He is very easy to train and loves children, he can ride small ones on his back. Unpretentious to environmental conditions, can live both in an apartment and in a private house. Doesn't bark at cats or chase cars. Friendly to other dogs.

Separately, it is worth noting these two breeds, which are out of competition.

Moscow watchdog

A dog breed that has been considered one of the most popular among Russian cynologists for 60 years. Large and powerful dimensions, which are combined with a kind character and loyalty to the trainer.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is suitable for those who want to have a responsible guard, and at the same time. Such dogs are strongly attached to the family and all its members, loves children and, with proper upbringing, does not attack pets.


Which medium-sized guard dogs will be the best for protecting a private home:


German fighting breed, which is distinguished by a charismatic appearance, athletic and muscular physique, and a kind character. Easily fits into families or work teams, intuitively feels people with bad intentions. He loves children, but it takes a little effort to get him into the game.

Chases wild cats and does not particularly like domestic ones. At the slightest threat of the owner or his family, he rushes to the defense, but does not attack in extreme cases, as if waiting for the moment. As practice shows, at the sight of such a dog, thoughts of an attack disappear immediately. Despite the impressive muscle mass, the dog can develop high speed. At the same time, a very funny and foolish dog with relatives.

australian shepherd

Something between a hyena and a husky. Very unusual breed, with protruding ears. The color is most often light, but there are also white or black and white options. Very friendly and calm towards other dogs and children. He does not like cats, but he will make friends with a house cat. He is reluctant to learn commands, often reducing the learning process to a regular game.

He likes to walk very much, sometimes he breaks into the street. It does not require special nutrition, except that it is very fond of fish and seafood. A good choice for those who lead an active lifestyle and walk a lot. This breed will be an excellent hunting or fishing companion, and will also serve as a nanny for your children.

Giant Schnauzer

Energy from this breed is in full swing every minute. If you are an active person, then this faithful and kind guard who loves children will suit you. He subtly feels the mood of the owner, does not insist on a walk if he sees that he is not in the mood.

An interesting fact is that only representatives of this breed have unique facial expressions that are very similar to human emotions. Even after a small misconduct, the dog feels guilty and tries to make amends for it. It does not attack domestic animals, but it does not tolerate stray cats.


A breed from China that combines the features of the French Bulldog and Pit Bull. The dog is smooth-haired, the color is brown, red, brown. The character is wayward, but compromising, can make concessions so as not to spoil relations with the owners and their environment.

It does not require a special diet or too frequent physical activity. At least walk three times a week. He is not interested in street cats, but he can have a great quarrel with a domestic cat. Treats children as friends or brothers, does not attack unless provoked. She loves training and willingly learns new commands. Does not make noise at night and observes discipline.


Another visitor from China, which has characteristic features - small, deep-set eyes and wrinkled folded skin. The structure of the body is very powerful, a considerable muscle mass is hidden under the folds. The character is calm, but to some extent arrogant.

The dog does not recognize everyone in a row, you need to earn her respect so that she opens up and trusts you. Any food is suitable, because this breed is omnivorous. The only rule is less sweets. As for training, here he shows the wonders of logic, memory and learning speed. He loves cats and children, but in a conflict situation he shows his character.

Sharpei, despite many disputes, is an excellent guard, if you are in danger, then Sharpe will fight to the last breath!

Samoyed Laika (Samoyed)

A small fluffy animal that can protect your sleep and peace of mind. Very active and fast, he spent most of his history hunting. Can tolerate any climatic conditions. Eats only meat food, does not like sweets.

He treats children very positively, loves to play. Learns commands quickly and unquestioningly. Doesn't chase cats and is very friendly with other dogs. Nevertheless, he distinguishes well between “friends” and “strangers”, barks only when there is a real threat.. Does not attack without a command, if you do not touch him first. Likes walks and active outdoor games.


What are the best small dogs to guard the house?


This breed is native to South Africa. Primitive tribes needed an ally in hunting for game and other household chores. Also, this dog showed itself perfectly as a guard, because it could not sleep for several nights in a row.

At the moment, the dog lives in many families, where he finds understanding and love, and in return gives his protection and courage. Small and unpretentious breed. A very adaptable dog, easily tolerates a change in environment and climate. He himself starts games with children and maintains a friendly atmosphere in the family. Sometimes he likes to bark at night, but in conditions of silence and poor lighting, the process worked out by evolution turns on when you need to monitor the situation around, while not making noise so as not to attract wild animals.


Yes, don't be surprised! A small guard dog with a great watchdog temperament. A real hunter and guard who has served man and protected him for generations. Adaptation and getting used to new conditions is extremely difficult, because the dog is harmful, it can bite, so it is better to take puppies so that they get used to discipline and order from an early age.

Inside each dachshund lives a huge bull terrier. For his master, the dachshund will tear everyone and everyone, moreover, these dogs have a well-developed sense of ownership. You don’t even have to learn the “guard” command with the dachshund, she will do it without your prompting. You can safely leave a dachshund next to a suitcase or bag, and she will not let anyone near her except you. The dachshund is not jealous of children and tries to spend a lot of time around the baby, ensuring his safety.

You can safely go to work, leaving the dachshund alone at home. She will proudly carry her post, and even if the criminal tries to break the door and take valuables out of the house, he will be in for an unpleasant surprise in the face of an angry dachshund. Any criminal will run away, flashing heels!

Food should be predominantly protein, with a small proportion of cereals and vegetables. Dachshunds need physical activity every day. This is a fidget dog that will destroy the whole apartment if you make her bored. Relationships with children also need to be built “brick by brick”. Relations with cats and other animals are also tense, although there are exceptions when the dachshund is neutral towards other pets.

Miniature Pinscher

By far the smallest purebred dog of their guard class and its name: pinscher. The miniature pinscher (zwergpinscher) is often called a miniature Doberman, but this is not so. It so happened because of the courage, perseverance, courage of the representative of these breeds. The compact size did not prevent him from gaining love and adoration among cynologists around the world for his responsibility and protective qualities.

A very energetic and fearless breed with an extravagant gait. Height at the withers is only 30 cm, weight is about 15-20 kg. It is difficult to adapt to new conditions, which means that you need to create the most friendly atmosphere so that the dog quickly joins the team. Neutral to cats, children, other dogs. He listens only to the owner, and he, as a rule, is alone. In the absence of activity, he finds something to do with himself, but he cannot stand isolation and lack of communication.


Miniature short-haired guard dog with cute floppy ears. The color is most often white-gray-brown. The muzzle is expressive, the eyes are underlined. It has a well-developed relief muscles, which grows from any physical exertion.

Grew at the withers - 35-40 cm, weight - up to 30 kg. Very active but reserved dog. Never barks at passers-by or cats. He treats other dogs well and politely, easily makes contact. Protects the territory all responsibly, but is distracted by extraneous factors.

French Bulldog

Again, stop being surprised! In accordance with the classification of breeds adopted in the FCI, the French Bulldog belongs to the group for protection and is in the subgroup of fighting dogs of small format.

Bulldogs are very courageous dogs, characterized by a good reaction, they are easy to train. But due to the fact that most "French" are individualists, they are sometimes aggressive towards other animals.

The French Bulldog, thanks to his love of games and constant need for someone to patronize, is especially suitable for companions for children and companions for the elderly.

A compact "puffed up" dog that can provide reliable protection. Loves children and pets, easy to train. It does not adapt to new conditions very quickly, but if you make a little effort (spend more time with it, play with it, feed it with treats), the process will go faster.

The character is calm, but sometimes it can be harmful if you deprive her of communication with family members or other dogs. Sometimes he likes to bark out the window. Snores at night.

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The main rule when choosing is the feeling of contact with the dog. If you have installed it, then no matter what breed and degree of training your pet will be, be sure that he will contact you. Pay more attention at first, so that the dog understands that he is not just a "security worker", but a full-fledged member of the family.

What dog did you choose for this purpose? Found in a shelter or bought a puppy? How has she adapted? What problems arose during the first walks, joint games? How did you get in touch with the kids? Share photos and impressions in the comments.

Owners of summer cottages sooner or later think about how to get a four-legged friend.

However, it is worth noting: not every dog ​​will be able to live comfortably outside the city, so it is necessary to take the choice of breed more responsibly, and also take into account the peculiarities of keeping the animal.

To begin with, decide for what purpose you plan to get a dog. If, for example, she will live exclusively in the house, and go out only to run on the grass and breathe fresh air, then in this case, you can choose any breed that is suitable for living in an apartment.

However, in general, the owners of country houses acquire pets for the purpose of protecting the territory and, therefore, keep them in an aviary, occasionally releasing them. This is where the difficulties begin, since not all breeds of dogs can live comfortably in such conditions.

Note! To date, there are more than 400 breeds, many of which have been formed for more than one hundred years, and the selection of individuals took place in accordance with strict parameters. So, as they say, you can't crush genes with your finger. It is unlikely, for example, that a representative of a hunting breed will be indifferent to country living creatures.

Dog for guarding a private house

Do you live outside the city all year round and do not like uninvited guests? Do you want to feel safe? A four-legged friend of large breeds, such as guard and service breeds, will become a real guard and protector for you.

In addition, attention can be paid to the shepherd breeds, which also do an excellent job with the role of a watchman, because they were originally bred to protect livestock from wild animals.

Therefore, it is ideal for aviary content.:

  • Moscow watchdog;
  • alabai (Central Asian Shepherd Dog);
  • Russian black terrier;
  • Hungarian kuvasz;
  • maremma (Maremmo-Abruzzo Sheepdog);
  • Pyrenean mountain dog;
  • leonberger;
  • caucasian, german, east european shepherd.

The listed breeds are quite large, so the enclosure must be very spacious so that the pet can stretch its paws and move around. The booth needs a good and solid one, because the animal will have to live there all year round. Therefore, if you opted for a large dog, then take care of its comfort in advance. After a while, she will be for you not only a guard, but also the most faithful friend.

Important! When choosing a booth, be sure to consider the size of the animal. The dog in it should stand and lie freely, stretching out all its paws.

It is worth noting that smaller pets may also be suitable for protecting a summer cottage, for example:

  • rottweilers,
  • dobermans,
  • bullmastiffs,
  • airedales,
  • american bulldogs,
  • Giant Schnauzers.

However, the listed individuals do not have very thick coats (especially Dobermans), so in winter they are likely to feel uncomfortable. To solve this problem, it is necessary to build an insulated booth or allow the dog to spend the night in the house.

Pets of those breeds that can serve as a guard are quite powerful, and if they are treated incorrectly, they can harm their own owner. To avoid such non-standard situations, it is necessary to build the right relationship with the dog, that is, take a responsible approach to its upbringing and undergo a training course under the guidance of an experienced cynologist.

If your goal is a dog that will only give a voice to approach a stranger's house and scare strangers with a formidable look, then opt for a Newfoundland, St. Bernard or Bernese Mountain Dog. These companion dogs are quite large and very friendly to people, so they are unlikely to harm anyone.

The only thing they can do to a stranger sneaking up to your house is to knock him down. However, it is unlikely that any of the ill-wishers will dare to encroach on your territory when they hear a low bark and see the impressive size of your watchman.

Families with children can also get a dog from this breed: these big good people will never harm the baby, even if they are dragged by the tail, ears or paws. However, be sure to talk to your children and explain that this is absolutely impossible to do.

companion dogs

If you are getting a pet as a friend, not a watchman, then when choosing, pay attention to such parameters as temperament and size.

For frequent walks through the forest, to the lake or on your spacious summer cottage, the following breeds are ideal:

  • Labrador,
  • Border Collie,
  • Aussie (Australian Shepherd)
  • Golden retriever,
  • Siberian Husky,
  • boxer,
  • samoyed,
  • Alaskan malamute.

These four-legged friends are very fond of spending time with a person - you need to walk and play with them for quite a long time. If they are often left alone with themselves, then out of boredom they can gnaw on furniture in the house, dig under the fence and other pranks.

It is worth noting that only huskies, malamutes and samoyeds (representatives of northern sled dogs) live comfortably in an aviary in winter. Other breeds from the list do not have a sufficiently thick coat with an undercoat and cannot be outside for a long time in winter. Therefore, during this period they should be kept in the house. Keep this in mind when choosing a pet.

For those who like to go hunting in the forest, as well as summer residents who do not have a garden or vegetable garden on their site and do not plan to let the dog out of the territory, hunting breeds (dachshunds, huskies, greyhounds, etc.) are ideal. Otherwise, you should prepare for dug up beds, trampled lawns and regular complaints from neighbors about strangled chickens and rabbits.

Those who do not plan to keep large and active animals at home, or summer residents who do not live outside the city permanently, but only periodically go there by public transport, Suitable for small dogs:

  1. yorkshire terriers,
  2. maltese,
  3. chihuahua,
  4. french bulldogs,
  5. miniature pinscher,
  6. miniature schnauzers,
  7. pomeranian,
  8. papillons,
  9. brussels griffons,
  10. cavalier king charles spaniels.

Naturally, this is not a complete list of all the dogs that can live with you in a country house. In addition, there are also mutts - do not forget about them, because they can also become your devoted friends.

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Which dogs are the friendliest? Who to get if there is a child in the family? Choose a large or small dog, shaggy or smooth-haired? If the desire to get a dog is so strong that you are ready for early walks, shreds of wool in the corners and half a cutlet, a piece of which you still have to give to your FUTURE dog, it's up to you. We get acquainted with the list of applicants for the role of a four-legged friend of the family.

If you already have a dog, then, undoubtedly, it is the best. And your personal list of the best family dogs will begin with her, you will give a thousand and one arguments in favor of THIS breed to tell the whole world that she is “the best”. You can't argue with that.

In England, there was a custom: when a baby appeared in the house, a puppy was born. If a second child appeared, a second puppy appeared in the house - so that each baby had its own companion.

Family Dog #1: Golden Retriever

I, as a happy owner of a Golden Retriever, will start the list of the best family dogs with this breed. So, let me introduce… Golden Retriever, “Golden Retriever”, as the owners affectionately call these dogs.

Why is this breed so popular? Personally, I am impressed by the immense kindness, the desire to please and love ALL people, ALL dogs, the WHOLE world. Gollyasha does not understand how someone can be afraid of him, such a "golden one"? He is an open soul, at the sight of a man on the horizon, he rushes to pay his respects, lick and substitute his belly under "scratch me, scratch me." Zero aggression! No fights with other dogs, unless in extreme cases he will defend himself when all the "peaceful" methods have already been tried.

In the apartment, the dog is not heard, it will not whine and bark, yelp and growl. This is a huge plus for the neighbors! Living with Golden is a real pleasure. The sea of ​​positive from this "dog-smile" is guaranteed to the owners, and guests of the family, and random passers-by who will be at least for a minute next to the retriever. They are very patient with cats, so two animals in the house are not a problem, they get along and make friends.

The Retriever is an excellent nanny - affectionate and attentive to detail. Dogs of this breed have a soft grip, so you should not be afraid that in the game the Golden will click his teeth or hurt the baby. Even a small child can completely “with impunity” take out his favorite ball from the Golden’s mouth or play “bring a stick” with him. Retrievers lend themselves well to training, obedient and docile, trained throughout their lives.

Children and golden retrievers have a lot in common: both of them are not averse to fooling around, don’t feed them bread, let them fool around. The dog will be happy to accompany the child in all games and activities, whether it's making Easter cakes in the sandbox, going for mushrooms in the forest, swimming (they love it!) Or drawing.

Golden will be happy to swim everywhere: even in a puddle near the house, even in the river. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that both the child and the dog measure all the “reservoirs” after the first rain. A significant plus in this case is that the coat of the retriever is self-cleaning: as soon as the dog dries, everything “falls off by itself”. It's a shame you can't say the same about a child.

In America, a Golden Retriever puppy is considered a traditional gift to a child for Easter. An exemplary American family, following the saying, should consist of parents, children and a golden retriever.

The Retriever is just made for hugging! You can always stroke and squeeze it, and it is not yet known who will get more pleasure from this. Because of his "loving nature" Golden is not at all suitable for the role of a guard dog.

Dogs of this breed are used as a "medicine" in rehabilitation centers when working with autistic children, children with Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, etc., as companion dogs for the elderly, as guide dogs for the blind. Due to good hunting qualities, these dogs can work as rescuers, help to find drugs, weapons, explosives.

Family Dog #2: Labrador Retriever

Labriks, as these dogs are kindly called, are the best choice for a family with children. Everything related to Golden Retrievers can be attributed to Labrador Retrievers, they only look a little different: less shaggy, more stocky.

Great enthusiasm to be always and everywhere with the owners, boundless friendliness, sincere curiosity, patience and kindness - this is just a minimum of the advantages of this breed. More than anything, Labradors love to eat and play.

A developed parental instinct makes this breed an excellent nanny: if a child does something wrong, something threatens his health, the Labrador is always on the alert.

Family Dog #3: Newfoundland

You will meet dogs of this breed infrequently, but those who decide to get a Newfoundland probably do not regret it. The kindest of dogs, does not show aggression either to people or to other animals, is very patient with children, phlegmatic by nature.

Newf is a big clumsy bear. Its appearance is not only not at all scary, it also makes you want to pet this dog, I don’t want to bury myself in its fluffy fur, hug and warm up ... Newfoundland owners will tell you that it’s just a LOT of happiness, sincere dog devotion and tenderness . Of course, there is also a lot of wool on the floor, but if you are not a completely spoiled pedant and clean, you will succeed in making friends with the newf.

Family Dog #4: Bernese Mountain Dog

The television series "Happy Together" and its four-legged actor Baron undoubtedly added to the popularity of this breed. The faithful tricolor friend won the title of the best family breed because of his character.

The Bernese Mountain Dog is a farm dog. She is very sociable and kind. The Burns love children and pets. They do not just nurse them well, but literally shepherd "these unintelligent bipeds."

Laziness can be called a distinctive feature of this dog. She will not frantically chase a bicycle, winding kilometers, she will enjoy a simple walk with a stick in the company of her owner. Living in your house for her is the highest joy. She will conscientiously protect the property, and, like a brownie, rejoice at everything new that you bring into the house.

Family Dog #5: Bullmastiff

Speaking of bullmastiffs, I would like to say “iron nerves”, “penetrating glance”, “self-confidence”. These are the words associated with this breed. The owners would say something like this: "The bullmastiff does not belong to Us, but we belong to the bullmastiff." Indeed, this dog becomes a full member of the family.

In relation to children, bullmastiffs are very patient, they have a high threshold of pain sensitivity, therefore, a gurgle will not blink an eye at children's pranks such as riding, pulling his ears, stepping on his tail and other “minor troubles”. Naturally, you should not leave a small child alone with a dog (this applies to any breed) and you should always explain what is possible and what is not worth doing. For example, never approach the dog bowl while the dog is eating, do not wake him up when he is sleeping, do not bother if the dog does not want to play.

The Bullmastiff, like all the other dogs described in this article, is a large dog, so it can unconsciously push or knock a child down, whatever one may say, but it is bulky and quite heavy, even a banal sharp turn of the head to the side is already a push.

“Bullmastiff is a real lion in the dog world, massive, majestic, powerful and courageous. He really is the underrated king among dogs." (David Hancock, "Dogs as Companions")

They are excellent watchdogs and protectors. If there is a bullmastiff in the house, no danger threatens you!

Family Dog #6: Miniature Schnauzer

A bearded dog with thick eyebrows - this is he himself - a miniature schnauzer, a true German. Initially, this breed was used on farms for catching rats and as watchdogs.

The miniature schnauzer loves to be the center of attention, he is a sociable and very cheerful dog, smart, but quite noisy. Even the slightest change in the environment will be accompanied by barking. Miniature schnauzers are obedient but stubborn dogs: with all their desire to follow the owner’s command, they will still seize a moment to do it their own way, drive and check what interests them.

The main rule in keeping this dog is: a tired Miniature Schnauzer is a good Miniature Schnauzer.

Dogs of this breed get along well with children, are friendly, brave, assertive, they have exceptional hearing. If you decide on a miniature schnauzer, you will get a true friend.

Family Dog #7: Setter

In a dog beauty contest, a setter would undoubtedly take one of the first places. Amazing coat, elegant gait, good-natured disposition - just a wonderful dog for a family with children. For lovers of hunting, the setter is just a godsend.

A fiery zipper, a ball of energy - this is how you can characterize an active setter. Fiery "Irish" need long walks, for them any weather is a blessing, just to be vilified.

The heart of this dog melts at the sight of children. They are excellent nannies and play companions. A setter can caress 24 hours a day, follow its owner with its tail too.

The Setter is intelligent and kind by nature. A small flaw - it can pull off something tasty while no one sees, but this is due to excellent hunting instinct, and not malicious intent to leave you without dinner))).

Family Dog #8: Collie

Collie is a herding dog, it is not suitable for those who spend a lot of time outside the home, as it loves communication very much. Natural responsibility makes collies an excellent nanny. This shepherd loves children. She is calm and intelligent, flexible, easy to train.

…not keeping a Collie is missing out on many delightful canine traits that cannot be found in any other breed…

If you've never owned a dog, then a collie is a great option. She will become a true friend of the family, will always accompany your children in everything.

Family Dog #9: Husky

Husky looks very similar to a wolf, but has no family ties with him. This is a smart, hardy dog ​​that can be safely started if there is a child in the house. Husky is completely devoid of aggression, therefore, if you explain to a child what can / cannot be done with a dog, there is nothing to be afraid of. With a Husky, you can arrange joint races, ride a bike, sled, go hiking - it is not yet known which of you will get tired earlier.

Husky is an active dog, it is important for her to run a lot, so if your family prefers movement and an active lifestyle, this is the best option for you.

Family Dog #10: St. Bernard

St. Bernard is one of the largest and heaviest dogs. If we turn to history, we can find out that the St. Bernards feel the approach of avalanches well, save people from the rubble, warm them with their warmth, and can move heavy loads.

At the mention of the name Beethoven, the first thing that comes to mind is the image of a big and kind dog, and only then the Moonlight Sonata and Symphony No. Beethoven is not the only St. Bernard to become a celebrity. Many of his relatives honorably carried and carry the title of the best family dog.

St. Bernard is a true gentleman: no matter what the child amuses himself with, he will silently and patiently turn his muzzle, open his mouth and endure everything that fate has in store for him. These dogs love children and are not offended by their pranks.

The appearance of the St. Bernard is good-natured, deserving of trust and respect. The main purpose of these dogs is to save people, so being part of the family for the St. Bernard is a great joy. He will be happy to be a nanny for large and small owners.

The undoubted advantage of this breed is that these dogs are quiet, they will bark only when absolutely necessary. Despite their affection for their owners, St. Bernards are distrustful of strangers, therefore, having such a dog, you can be sure that a real watchman lives in your house.

Dear readers! Whichever dog you choose as a family dog, remember that we are responsible for those we have tamed. Even an ordinary yard "nobleman" will bring many positive moments to your life. Patience to you and boundless puppy love! Let the living creatures in the house bring joy, teach your children kindness and fidelity, instill care and love for our smaller brothers.

Julia Krivoshey

There are many breeds of dogs. To make the right choice, before you go to the store or nursery, weigh all the arguments and take a sober look at the situation. Decide for what purpose you need a pet. Many people believe that when purchasing an animal, they can later adapt it to their own needs, this is the most common mistake.

Each breed was bred for a specific purpose. Guide, companion, nanny, hunter, guard. At the genetic level, the animal has propensities for certain actions, and if you are looking for a dog to play with your children, then fighting breed animals are unlikely to be suitable for these purposes. And yet, in most cases, people acquire four-legged friends primarily for protection.

Selection criteria

So, the goal is set, we need a guard. Now more questions arise. Male or female? An adult or a small puppy? What is the best breed to have? Do the training yourself or entrust this business to professionals?

So, a boy or a girl?

Males are curious and more imposing. They often show interest outside the home. They are stronger, more active, more explosive than knots. During the period of "falling in love" it is difficult to control them, as their actions become unpredictable.

As a rule, only one owner is recognized, the rest of the family members are simply tolerated. Therefore, if you are looking for a watchman for the whole family, think carefully, males will not become a friend to everyone.

Girls are more obedient and accommodating, easier to train, have practically no interests outside the apartment or suburban area. Even taking into account such physiological features as "estrus", having passed the correct training, they can fight with instincts and always remain close to the owner. All that is required of the breeder in such a delicate period is to drive away suitors on a walk.

This is a general classification, but no one guarantees that it will actually turn out that way. In addition to natural instincts, animals also have a character. And sometimes it can be quite tough.

Being well aware of all the risks associated with the temperament of the animal, many are wondering: isn’t it better to take an adult individual, where it will be clear at the time of purchase what kind of character you have to deal with?

An adult pet is essentially a ready-made guard. You do not need to monitor the baby and treat for all existing canine diseases in the world.

In general, the period "baby diapers" behind. But, if you look, you are a complete stranger to the animal, just like he is to you. Therefore, you can hardly count on unconditional devotion from a dog that came into your life already in adulthood.

A small puppy is worries and indescribable spiritual awe. Without exception, all baby animals are unusually cute.

These paws tangled when walking, an incredibly touching cry if the baby was left alone and he got bored. Yes, undoubtedly, a small fluffy lump will bring trouble and excitement to your home, but this period passes very quickly. In a few months, you will receive a sincerely devoted friend and a full-fledged member of your family. If you have children, then with the help of a little fidget, you can train in them a sense of responsibility and care for the weak.

For dogs, protecting the home and family is a priority. What should I pay attention to, giving preference to a particular breed?

Which dogs are suitable for guarding a private house, and which for an apartment

If you live in a city apartment, the following breeds will suit you:

Dogs for the protection of country houses

For these purposes, you need to choose a dog that would be able to solve the problem not only with the protection of the house, but also the territory adjacent to it.

The following breeds will ideally cope with this task:

  1. Choosing a German Shepherd, you will not lose in any case. Smart, smart, hardy, loyal. A whole gang of hooligans will not be saved from their anger, and affection will be enough for all members of even the largest family;
  2. Giant Schnauzers. They have the same qualities as German Shepherds, the only drawback is the constantly demanding coat;
  3. Alabai. An ideal hunter and devoted friend. The breed is quite ferocious, therefore, it needs high-quality training;
  4. Moscow watchdog. Patient, smart, resilient.

But no matter what breed you choose and how well trained it is, most dogs can't do their job well as a protector. And the blame for this largely lies with the owners themselves.

Common Host Mistakes

The most common errors:

  • the animal is limited in its ability to move freely around the apartment;
  • The dog is not around when the front door opens.

Standard household situation. Before opening the door, the owner locks his animal in the back room and only then lets the guest into the room.

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