Abundant curdled white discharge and itching. What are curdled discharge. Symptoms indicative of candidiasis

White, odorless, curdled discharge will alert any woman. And not in vain, because such a symptom can never be considered the norm. What causes pathological leucorrhoea? When is it necessary to see a doctor? What is the treatment? You will find answers to these and some other questions in our article.

Fine line from normal to pathological

Translucent mucous discharge occurs in every woman of reproductive age. It is these whites that are considered the norm and they are responsible for maintaining the acidic environment of the vagina, cleansing the walls of the cervix from various kinds of bacteria and dead epithelial cells. Such secretions are practically odorless; blood or yellow clots cannot be distinguished in them. It is worth noting the fact that at different stages of the menstrual cycle their different intensity is observed - they can be plentiful or scarce.

But odorless white curdled discharge should definitely alert, because they most often indicate that an infectious disease develops in the vagina - bacterial candidiasis. Among the people, candidiasis is widely known under a different name - thrush, which was given precisely because of the release of characteristic white clots from the vagina.

Over the past 50 years, according to the Ministry of Health, the incidence of this fungal infection has increased almost 10 times. You can also detect candidiasis at home, because its symptoms are hard to miss:

  • First of all, these are abundant curdled discharge, which in the initial stages of the development of the infection may be practically odorless or give off sour.
  • This is followed by intense itching in the perineum, especially at night, and burning when urinating.
  • In advanced stages, a rash and characteristic red spots can be seen on the surface of the labia.
  • In addition to all this, sexual contacts with a partner also become extremely painful, which is why the thrush was called the “destroyer of the family hearth”.

Preventing thrush infection is not an easy task. The thing is that Candida fungi, which cause infection, enter our body from everywhere. They can live for a long time on fruits and vegetables, in animal feed and dairy products. That is why odorless curdled discharge is so common during pregnancy. And this, in turn, is fraught with serious consequences for the fetus.

During childbirth, the baby can easily catch the infection and become a carrier of the fungus. Especially at risk are premature babies and those who do not feed on breast milk. Therefore, before becoming pregnant, a woman must undergo a complete examination by a gynecologist.

How to be treated?

Thrush is a disease far from harmless, and not even because it brings a lot of unpleasant symptoms, but for the most part due to psychological disorders. What kind of woman would like to experience a constant desire to scratch her crotch in public or once again refuse her husband sex?

However, today the problem can be easily solved by medication, especially if the white curdled discharge can be identified at the initial stage and they are odorless and itchy. Patients are prescribed vaginal suppositories, oral tablets, and a general ointment. Moreover, preparations in the form of cream and gel are intended for use simultaneously by both partners - a man and a woman.

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For a speedy recovery, doctors advise slightly changing your diet. Instead of food provocateurs, you should eat:

  • dairy products, in particular yogurt;
  • whole grain cereals;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • bran;
  • fresh juices and compotes.

But self-medication is not worth it, because thrush is especially dangerous with the wrong approach and can go into a chronic form.

Sexually transmitted infections

Unfortunately, not always changes in the nature of vaginal whites can only indicate the presence of a bacterial fungus. Curdled discharge and itching also occur with chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and other sexually transmitted diseases. True, such discharge is often accompanied by other distinctive symptoms:

  • elevated body temperature;
  • strong fetid odor;
  • various impurities in yellow, brown or green mucus;
  • pain in the appendages, lower back and ovaries;
  • rash on genitals and inner thighs.

It is important to understand that such diseases should never be treated independently at home. No grandmother's methods, herbs, infusions and decoctions will help here, but will only aggravate the situation. So, undiagnosed gonorrhea in time can lead to irreversible disorders in the organs of the woman's reproductive system. That is why it is better not to delay a visit to the doctor, and with frequent sexual activity with unverified partners, you should take care of reliable contraception.

Vaginal discharge is a normal phenomenon that accompanies physiological changes during all phases of the menstrual cycle. Transparent or whitish leucorrhoea, odorless and with a density range from watery to mucoid, is familiar to every woman. But what to do if suddenly white or yellow lumps, similar to sour milk, become noticeable on the linen? Where do curdled discharge come from in women and how to get rid of them? Our article will give an exhaustive answer to these questions.

Why is cheesy secretion released?

The reason for the appearance of such secretions does not always lie in the infection of the epithelium of the genital organs, but clearly indicates a violation of the vaginal microflora. Cheese leucorrhoea, most often, is caused by a change in the acidity of the environment (PH) and an imbalance in the biocenosis of the vagina - a sharp increase in yeast-like fungi of the Candida albicans family. In small quantities, the presence of such microorganisms is not only acceptable, but even necessary to create a normal microflora in the vagina. But their sharp increase can lead to the development of thrush (candidiasis), and, as a result, the appearance of curdled discharge from the vagina. White lumps can be supplemented with copious watery substance (see photo).

Chronic form

Experts note an obvious positive effect when taking medications such as:

  • Fluconazole;
  • Nystatin;
  • intraconazole;
  • Pimafucin;
  • painkillers;
  • creams and ointments that relieve itching and burning.

As a prophylaxis of the described secretions, probiotic preparations are prescribed when taking antibiotics. And also to prevent the symptom, it is recommended to carry out regular hygiene of the genital organs, avoid casual unprotected sexual intercourse, wear cotton underwear, increase the body's resistance to infections and bacteria, and lead a healthy lifestyle.

In the case of protracted, recurrent pathologies aggravated by curd secretions, the attending physician may recommend hospitalization for the patient to conduct a complete examination of the body and identify the true causes of the disease. You should not refuse this offer, because on an outpatient basis you can not only quickly determine the true cause, but also get timely help, many times higher than the quality of home self-treatment.

Any woman has her own individual idea of ​​whites, in the case when they are in a normal state. But still, there are certain criteria by which it can be determined that a woman does not have any deviations.

Signs of discharge are normal:

  • Small daily amount;
  • Transparent or white;
  • No strong odor;
  • Similarity to jelly or mucus;
  • Lack of itching, burning and swelling of the vagina;

The daily appearance of whites is always different. During the period of ovulation, during breastfeeding and during intercourse, they can become significantly larger, but this is not a cause for concern.

curdled discharge

Any patient faced with the appearance of cheesy discharge. In some situations, such whites do not carry any unpleasant sensations and appear only for a short time, which indicates that the body itself was able to eliminate a possible disease with the help of its reserves. But most often, the appearance of white curdled discharge from the vagina signals the appearance of a disease in the body, usually white curdled discharge and itching appear as symptoms at the same time, most often appear before menstruation (menstruation can cause brown shades).

Curdled discharge can have a different consistency and color:

  • They have a liquid consistency resembling spoiled milk;
  • They have a thick consistency, similar to cottage cheese (lumps stand out);
  • Yellow or green, have a sour smell;
  • Pink;
  • brown;

Reasons for the appearance:

  1. Sexual diseases such as mycoplasmosis, chlamydia and ureoplasmosis.
  2. Improper intimate hygiene, prolonged use of antibiotics and oral contraceptives.
  3. Dysbacteriosis of the vagina, in this case, itching occurs during urination and at night.
  4. Inflammation of the pelvic organs.
  5. Sexual arousal, after a long absence of intercourse.
  6. Vulvovaginitis.
  7. Thrush is the most common cause of curdled discharge.

Curdled discharge with thrush

With thrush, Candida fungi overgrow. Which may be in small amounts in the microflora of the girl's vagina, but when they increase, they cause discomfort.

Symptoms of vaginal candidiasis:

  • White cottage cheese discharge with or without a sour smell;
  • Constant pain during sexual contact;
  • Stable pain when urinating.

The flow of thrush without curdled discharge is also possible. Therefore, in order to diagnose vaginal candidiasis, you should take tests and consult with a specialist who can determine if you have the disease.

Types of curdled secretions

White curdled discharge

They are provoked by fungal inflammations, almost always white in color and are the main symptom of the disease. But when connected to other infections, others are added to them.
In the microflora of a healthy patient, there are two ratios - microbial and acidity of the environment. If this environment is balanced, then the mucous membrane is protected, because the level of acidity is able to keep harmful microbes from multiplying. But if disturbances occur in the bacterial environment and the appearance of white discharge begins, this immediately indicates that a disease requiring treatment has entered the microflora.
Also, such discharge often appears before menstruation (sometimes they have brown shades).

Odorless white curdled discharge

Such whites either do not smell at all, or curdled discharge with a sour smell appears, signaling a fungal disease. But if they have a strong "fishy" smell, this does not mean that the causative agents are yeast fungi, which can cause tingling. Such a symptom may appear after the combination of diseases: Candida fungus and gardnerella or Trichomonas. This compound causes copious, cheesy vaginal discharge.
The occurrence of cheesy discharge without or with odor is influenced not only by fungal growths, but also by the level of acidity and the composition of the flora. The less the odor appears, the less deviations occur.
Also, the strength of inflammation affects how pronounced the smell is. But sometimes, when fungal infections change, the consistency of whiter does not change much, so before diagnosing the disease yourself, you need to be sure what type of disease you may have in your body.

White curdled discharge and itching

Fungal growths can attach to the deep layers of the mucous membranes, thereby causing a number of inflammations and allergic reactions of the mucous membranes. The causes of the disease may not always be unambiguous and are often determined by changes in the acidity of the microflora.
The main symptoms of inflammation, in addition to thick white leucorrhoea, are severe itching in the vagina, pain and burning.
Visual symptoms of inflammation of the mucous membrane: edema, thickening, friability, gray-white films and abundant white discharge. With independent attempts by the patient to remove films from the surface, wounds and sores occur. If such films begin to separate on their own, the patient may develop a pink curdled discharge. This color is caused by a small amount of blood.
Pink curdled discharge may appear due to excessive intimate procedures, sexual intercourse.

Yellow curdled discharge

Yellow curdled discharge can occur when the disease becomes chronic. Often, complaining about whites that have a yellow tint, patients talk about marks on their underwear (therefore, study the photo before contacting a doctor). But, you need to know that doctors determine the color with a natural direct exit from the vagina. Because when interacting with air, ordinary white leucorrhoea can turn yellow and remain so on underwear. Also, such whites can appear before menstruation.
Also, yellow discharge can occur with unusual inflammation, when pathogens that cause gonorrhea and trichomoniasis enter the microflora. Such pathogens are provocateurs of the growth of fungi that have a yellowish color. These inflammations can be accompanied by pain, burning and itching, disorders in the urination system.
Sometimes, due to the appearance of yellow discharge, green curdled discharge occurs. Greenish cheesy leucorrhea speaks of purulent inflammation in the flora. Therefore, when a greenish leucorrhoea appears, immediately seek help from a doctor.

Curdled discharge during pregnancy

The time of pregnancy is one of the reasons why curdled discharge appears in women. Almost 50 percent of pregnant girls complain of cheesy leucorrhoea with a smell resembling flakes, itching and burning. Most often, these symptoms appear in the third trimester.
The manifestation of fungal inflammation during pregnancy is ambiguous. The disease can be asymptomatic, or without whiter, or odorless curd discharge appears.
The active manifestation of such whites during pregnancy is manifested by the woman's increased sensitivity to any abnormalities in the body. Since the immune system is in sleep mode. But at the same time, any fungal infection that a pregnant woman needs to be treated in a timely manner, otherwise, when the child leaves the genital tract, this disease can be transmitted to him.

Diagnosis and treatment

The sooner the patient seeks help from a specialist, the faster she can recover and avoid serious complications. Treatment will be prescribed based on the results of tests that will determine what type of fungus reproduces in the microflora. How to treat discharge and itching in women can only be determined by a specialist in order not to harm the body.
After that, a drug in the form of tablets or a suppository will be prescribed for treatment, to which the fungus that caused the disease will not be resistant. Also, antibiotics are often prescribed during treatment (not in cases of pregnancy). For treatment, a suitable time is chosen that does not violate the menstrual cycle.
Commonly used drugs: Fluconazole, Nystanin, Trichopolum, it is also possible to use Metrogyl gel and other drugs.
In order to avoid a recurrence of the disease, the patient is observed by a doctor for three months, in order to eliminate the first symptoms of the onset of the disease, if it returns.

Highlights - video

Allocations in girls and women should always be under personal control. Because it depends on them how healthy the microflora of the vagina will be. If you have profuse curdled discharge of a greenish, yellow or profuse white discharge, immediately seek help from a doctor! The female body is often exposed to many dangers. Therefore, a stable visit to the gynecologist every half a year will help you avoid possible diseases and complications. With timely diagnosis, long-term treatment can be avoided.

Vaginal discharge in a woman is absolutely normal and is a natural process of self-purification of the reproductive organs from microorganisms and likely pathogens of non-communicable diseases. As a rule, they take the form of a translucent, slightly whitish or yellowish liquid without a sharp and unpleasant odor.

Normally, physiological secretions are observed throughout the entire menstrual cycle of the fair sex in a moderate amount, and during the period of ovulation they increase. But it happens that a woman begins to notice cottage cheese discharge and itching, which differ from the usual secret. With this scenario, she should think about the pathological nature of such changes and immediately visit the gynecologist's office.

Curdled discharge with candidiasis

The appearance of itching and cheesy discharge in odorless women is most often a characteristic sign of the development of thrush (genital candidiasis). This pathological condition occurs as a result of infection of the vagina and external genital organs of a woman with fungi of the genus Candida, which are normally present in the normal microflora of the genital tract.

As long as the vaginal secretion contains an adequate amount of these microorganisms, they help maintain a normal balance in the vaginal cavity. But under a number of circumstances, microorganisms begin to actively multiply, provoking inflammation of the mucous membranes and the development of candidiasis.

Causes of active reproduction of a fungal infection

The active reproduction of fungi of the genus Candida in the vagina and the appearance of abundant cheesy discharge is facilitated by a number of factors, among which the following should be highlighted:

  • the period of bearing a child;
  • long-term use of antibacterial drugs;
  • the use of oral contraceptives as a means of preventing unwanted pregnancy;
  • intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  • a sharp decrease in immunity and condition after exacerbations of chronic ailments;
  • periodic bathing in dirty water;
  • wearing underwear made from low quality synthetic materials;
  • non-observance of elementary rules of personal hygiene;
  • a state of chronic stress;
  • HIV infection;
  • diabetes;
  • self-administration of vaginal tablets (suppositories) or douching without consulting a doctor.

Associated symptoms

White cheesy discharge and itching are not the only signs of thrush. Other symptoms of the disease include:

  • intense burning during periods of exacerbation in the genital tract;
  • constant or periodic itching in the perineal area;
  • discomfort during urination;
  • discomfort and even pain during intercourse;
  • copious discharge, which eventually acquires a yellowish color and a sharp sour smell;

during periods of exacerbation, the vaginal secret resembles cottage cheese flakes with characteristic white lumps.

Treatment for white curdled discharge due to candidiasis

Thrush is one of the pathological conditions that needs an immediate response from the patient and a visit to the doctor. After examining and confirming the diagnosis, the gynecologist will definitely take measures aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease. Modern methods of treating candidiasis include its drug correction, which is implemented by prescribing antifungal agents.

  • Suppositories of Clotrimazole, which are intended for local treatment of candidiasis. Assigned at a dose of 100 mg daily for 6 days in a row (introduced into the vagina at bedtime).

  • Fluconazole (Diflucan) in the form of capsules, vaginal suppositories, solution for intravenous administration. With candidiasis, it is prescribed at a dose of 150 mg once.

  • Mifungar-cream (Oxiconazole). It is applied to damaged skin 1 time per day (before going to bed) for 18-21 days.

  • Mycosist. With thrush, it is taken 1 time per course at a dose of 150 ml.

  • Pimafucin is an antibiotic from the macrolide class. The product is available in the form of a cream, tablets, vaginal suppositories and a solution. With vaginal candidiasis, the patient inserts 1 suppository into her vagina at night for 3-6 days.

  • Polygynax. It has a powerful antifungal and antimicrobial effect and is available in the form of capsules. The drug is administered 1 capsule at night for 12 days.


With thrush, doctors attribute to their patients a special diet that enhances the effect of drug therapy, reduces the manifestations of odorless curd discharge with itching, and prevents the development of relapses of the disease. Women suffering from candidiasis, for the entire period of treatment and until the complete disappearance of pathological symptoms, the following foods should be excluded from the daily menu:

  • chocolate, cakes and pastries, sweets and other confectionery;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • strong black tea and coffee;
  • vinegar and dishes, which include it even in small quantities (marinades, preservation);
  • ketchup, mayonnaise and hot sauces;
  • blue cheese;
  • smoked meats;
  • fried and fatty foods prepared with spices and synthetic seasonings (flavor enhancers).

In order for itching in the vagina and odorless yellowish or white curdled discharge to decrease even without taking medications, doctors recommend enriching the diet with foods such as:

  • vegetables, in particular, beets, carrots, Brussels sprouts and cucumbers;
  • stewed fish with vegetables;
  • boiled poultry meat;
  • unsweetened fruits, especially lemons;
  • berries;
  • legumes and cereals;
  • seaweed;
  • seafood;
  • cereals;
  • natural yoghurts and low-fat cottage cheese.

Yellow curdled discharge, odorless

Yellow discharge, like cottage cheese, often appears during inflammatory processes of the internal genital organs, namely, with infectious pathologies of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and the like. In the case of the development of acute inflammation, a woman notes the appearance of an abundant vaginal secretion without a characteristic unpleasant odor, which occurs when bacterial pathogenic flora is attached and pus occurs.

Among the symptoms of inflammatory processes in the area of ​​​​the appendages, ovaries, fallopian tubes, there are:

  • pain in the lower abdomen and perineum;
  • increase in general body temperature;
  • the appearance of discomfort during urination and sexual intercourse;
  • itching and burning in the vagina;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • anovulatory menstrual cycle (lack of ovulation) and infertility.

Allocations for venereal diseases

White curdled lumps and flaky discharge appear not only with thrush. This combination of symptoms is characteristic of many sexually transmitted diseases, each of which has its own characteristics.

Discharge in the form of cottage cheese and itching in the vaginal area are characteristic signs of initial gonorrhea. At the same time, girls and women in parallel have complaints of pain in the lower abdomen, painful urination and the appearance of pus that comes out of the genital tract. Gonorrhea is often accompanied by other sexually transmitted infections, in particular trichomoniasis, in which patients note the appearance of brown or gray discharge with soreness in the projection zone of the internal organs of the reproductive sphere.

The causes of white discharge may be hidden under the guise of sexually transmitted diseases such as ureaplasmosis and toxoplasmosis. At the same time, women may not have symptoms characteristic of an acute inflammatory process, which complicates the diagnosis of the disease.

Another sexually transmitted disease in which discharge in the form of white flakes is possible is called chlamydia. The disease is accompanied by the appearance of a cloudy secret of a light color with an unpleasant odor from the genital tract. Over time, the pathological process transforms into its asymptomatic chronic form, the result of which is the fusion of the fallopian tubes and infertility.


Get rid of itching and white curdled discharge from the vagina is possible only in the process of competent treatment. Therapy of the underlying disease should be aimed at eliminating the true causes of the disease. To do this, the gynecologist without fail prescribes to the sick woman a number of tests and studies that make it possible to establish the real factors that provoked the pathology.

At the appointment, the doctor performs manipulations, namely a thorough history taking and a gynecological examination, which allow assessing the nature of the course of the disease, the degree of its neglect and the extent of damage to the mucous membranes.

In addition, the gynecologist conducts the following studies:

  • taking a smear on the vaginal flora and cytology;
  • colposcopy;
  • ultrasound examination of the internal genital organs;
  • if necessary - a study of the level of hormones;
  • blood test for infection.

Before treating curdled discharge, the doctor establishes the causes of the disease and draws conclusions about the advisability of prescribing one or another type of medication. It is important to understand that specific therapy should be used for each specific pathological process, therefore self-treatment is unacceptable. In most clinical cases, in parallel with the woman, her sexual partner should receive treatment, since most likely he is also infected with the infection.

Gonorrheal infection is treated by prescribing antibacterial dosage forms of the cephalosporin series, in particular, Ceftriaxone and Ciprofloxacin.

Chlamydia, as well as ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis, lend themselves well to drug correction, which is based on macrolides and tetracyclines. In chlamydia, the use of fluoroquinolones is indicated. Trichomoniasis should be treated with Trichopolum or Klion.

In any case, if symptoms of the disease appear, which is accompanied by the development of curdled discharge and itching, you should contact a specialist. It is a qualified doctor who is able to determine the true causes of the disease and prescribe the only correct treatment.

Curdled discharge from the genital tract of a woman is the most common complaint of gynecologist patients. This symptom clearly characterizes the inflammatory process in the vagina associated with the reproduction of Candida fungi. In the common people, the disease is called thrush for the corresponding whites, and the scientific name comes from the name of the pathogen - candidiasis. But does the curdled consistency always mean the presence of this particular pathology? We will tell in the presented article.

What is candidiasis?

In fact, yeast-like fungi are found everywhere and live on the body of the majority of the world's population. At the same time, the microorganism does not lead to the disease and does not give itself away in any way. However, under favorable conditions, candida multiply rapidly, leading to thrush. You can get the fungus from the mother at birth, as well as through touch and sex. And it does not matter whether it will be a full-fledged vaginal intercourse, peting, oral or anal contact. But having become infected, a woman will not immediately get sick with candidiasis, it will develop only in favorable conditions. Some factors contribute to the reproduction of this opportunistic microorganism:

Summing up, we can say that candidiasis is activated when something is wrong in the reproductive system and the body as a whole.

Interesting fact! These fungi can lead to inflammation of the eyes, mouth, ears, skin, navel, anus under the right conditions.

Clinical picture of classic thrush

Consider the symptoms that accompany an uncomplicated acute form of candidiasis:

  • Itching is unbearable, itches inside the vagina, and more at night;
  • Burning occurs as a result of scratching after intercourse, toilet;
  • Discharge of white color and curdled consistency with the smell of fermented milk products. Sometimes the mass with lumps is granular or white and thick like sour cream;
  • Swelling and redness of the vulva and vagina;
  • Dryness during sexual contact;
  • Over time, colonies of fungi eat into the mucous membrane, which leads to the formation of erosions under the white coating.

Curd leucorrhoea in a small amount without itching and burning

The acute stage of thrush without treatment eventually turns into chronic candidiasis. The discharge begins to resemble normal, but is more dense and white, there is a slight sour flair, there is no itching or it is not very pronounced. With the next decrease in immune protection, a new wave of exacerbation will rise.

Without smell

The aroma does not necessarily have to be present with candidiasis with cheesy whites. It all depends on the individual characteristics and acidity of the vagina. Sometimes the discharge can smell so slightly that the woman stops noticing.

yellow curd

This shade indicates a bacterial infection, which means that candidiasis develops along with another infection. The causative agent may be trichomoniasis, streptococcus, or another pathogenic microorganism. The discharge is profuse with a putrid odor. There is itching and curdled consistency.

Attention! It is necessary to evaluate the color of the whites with candidiasis not by the spots on the panties, but by studying those that have just come out of the vagina. After some time, oxidizing, the discharge acquires a yellow tint.

Such whites accompany gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis. The smell is fishy, ​​sharp and repulsive, as well as intense itching. The texture is curdled, sometimes foamy.

These secretions may indicate a combination of candidiasis with chlamydia or mycoplasmas. The smell is unpleasant, there is discomfort and itching in the vagina.

Brown and brown

Thrush in the advanced stage leads to damage to the mucosa, which causes it to bleed, gore comes out along with whites in the form of cottage cheese. Other symptoms may include pain in the area of ​​the vaginal wall.

Sometimes such discharge occurs before and after menstruation. This may be a symptom of uterine polyps or other endometrial diseases. Either the woman has cervical erosion.

The admixture of fresh blood in the curd with candidiasis indicates trauma, various pathologies of the uterus, polyps, cysts, or beginning menstruation. A pink uniform color or red streaks in the discharge indicate a slight bleeding, the causes of which are too many to suggest anything. For example, dry, inelastic mucosa can crack even during sex.

Curd masses are colored black when pieces of endometrium and blood get in. This happens with endometriosis associated with thrush, the use of certain hormonal contraceptives, and oncology. Or venous bleeding from a damaged vessel occurs in the uterine cavity. Such a symptom does not require delay in treatment.

Pain when urinating

Candidiasis can also spread to the urethra, which is close to the vagina. As a result, the discharge can be observed over the entire surface of the mucous membranes of the vulva and near the opening for urination. In this case, the diagnosis combines urethritis with candidiasis. In the future, the infection will rise higher and cystitis will occur. Among the symptoms are severe itching of the urethra and burning after the toilet, pain during the emptying of urine.

Thrush without discharge

Chronic candidiasis sometimes proceeds without the release of curdled masses, while itching and discomfort remain during intercourse. However, the gynecologist will see a certain amount of discharge of the appropriate consistency inside the vagina and on the cervix.

Expert opinion

Olga Yurievna Kovalchuk

Doctor, expert

Women in most cases come with mixed infections, where there is candidiasis and 1-2 more bacterial pathogens. Sometimes serious diseases are hidden behind the symptoms of thrush for some time. Chlamydia, for example, often occurs without discharge, and syphilis may not show itself for a long time. Therefore, only an examination in the clinic can lead to a positive outcome of treatment.

Allocation of curdled structure in pregnant women

Very often, thrush blooms against the background of hormonal changes and the special acidity of the vagina during the period of bearing a child. In an interesting position, it is imperative to treat candidiasis, otherwise the baby will be infected during childbirth, and there is a high probability of ruptures and injuries of the female genital tract, which lose their elasticity under the influence of a colony of the fungus. During this period, the pathology also manifests itself in the form of white curdled discharge from the vagina, unbearable itching and dryness.

Thrush in men

Often the stronger sex is only a carrier of candidiasis. Or there is a discharge in a small amount of a curdled structure, sometimes odorless or with an appropriate aroma. Itching and burning also do not always annoy a man.

Features of diagnostics

It often happens that the gynecologist, having seen the characteristic whites, simply prescribes treatment with antifungal drugs. But, in this way, a bacterial infection may remain, which is possible in combination with thrush. For a complete result, you need:

  • Carry out an inspection on the chair;
  • Take a smear of secretions for microscopic examination;
  • Donate blood for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis;
  • Examine the micropreparation by PCR;
  • If gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and other STDs are suspected, refer the patient to a venereologist.

Only after that you can make an accurate diagnosis with cheesy white and other secretions and start taking medications. At the end of the course, a smear is again taken for analysis.

Treatment of thrush and other infections

As we have already figured out, cheesy leucorrhea is a clear sign of candidiasis. Therefore, therapy will necessarily contain antibiotics with an antifungal effect. Today, there are quite a few drugs in local form for the treatment of candidiasis. These are Pimafucin and Nystatin suppositories mainly from thrush, Hexicon is an antiseptic that kills all pathogenic flora, Terzhinan is a complex preparation with 2 antibiotics from the most common bacteria, an antifungal agent for candidiasis and prednisone to stop inflammation.

The combination of cheesy leucorrhea with STDs requires the use of systemic antibiotics. It will not be possible to get rid of Trichomonas or syphilis with candles alone. And sometimes chronic thrush requires the appointment of drugs orally to achieve a higher concentration in the tissues.

Attention! All antifungal agents for use through the gastrointestinal tract are very toxic, so drinking them on your own with discharge without a doctor's prescription is dangerous.

The main point is that even one thrush is not treated only in a woman, therapy is also necessary for a sexual partner. For this purpose, ointments and creams are used topically and once a tablet of Fluconazole in the calculation of the active substance in 150 mg. And if there are sexually transmitted infections along with candidiasis, a man will be called to a venereologist for examination and treatment.

In the future, a woman may be prescribed drugs that strengthen the local immunity of the vagina, for example, Kolpocid or drugs with lactobacilli.

Pregnancy Therapy

It is necessary to treat expectant mothers with cheesy white discharge very carefully, therefore it is forbidden to take antifungal antibiotic tablets orally. During this period, a woman can only rely on candles for candidiasis. Pimafucin is allowed, as well as Terzhinan, if a bacterial infection is also present.

Attention! The question of the necessary treatment and the choice of a drug against thrush during pregnancy should be decided by an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Folk methods for curdled whites

Doctors advise against relying solely on home remedies for candidiasis. Although some recipes have helped and continue to help many women:

  • Douching with infusions or decoctions of calendula, chamomile, soda solution. Herbs cleanse the mucous from bacteria, and soda brings temporary relief from itching with thrush;
  • Ready gynecological collection from a pharmacy inside has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect;
  • Baths with a solution of copper sulfate disinfect the mucous membrane;
  • Sanitation with Chlorhexidine or Miramistin is washing from the secretions of the genital tract with powerful antiseptics, it helps to kill all pathogenic microorganisms, but native lactobacilli can also disappear with them;
  • Tampons soaked in fresh yogurt really help to restore the beneficial flora of the vagina. It is better to do such procedures at night within a week after the main treatment of candidiasis.

Carefully! Folk methods are not strong enough to destroy the entire population of the fungus, so often after home remedies, thrush simply goes into a chronic stage. The use of antiseptics for washing can lead to vaginal dysbacteriosis and even more problems.

Errors in treatment with discharge in the form of cottage cheese

Unfortunately, often women suffer from thrush for years, experiencing periodic exacerbations. This happens due to incorrect actions on the part of the patient and the doctor with candidiasis:

  1. Therapy was prescribed without tests according to the standard scheme. It often happens as a result of negligence and excessive self-confidence of the gynecologist. With this approach, co-infections can be missed.
  2. Insufficient treatment. Each person is individual and not always standard courses of therapy allow you to completely get rid of candidiasis. Sometimes women stop taking the drug on their own, feeling relief and cessation of discharge. It's better to overdo antibiotics than not get enough. Otherwise, the infection will not only remain, but will also become resistant to the drug.
  3. Sexual relations during the treatment of candidiasis are prohibited even in a condom. Also, the treatment of a partner is obligatory, which is sometimes forgotten by doctors.
  4. Using only folk remedies. With such treatment, there is a very high probability that the thrush will pass into the chronic stage, then the discharge of the consistency of the cottage cheese will occur again, after some time.
  5. Lack of result control. After a course of treatment, only a smear analysis of the discharge can put an end to the diagnosis of “healthy”.

Attention! If the gynecologist makes such mistakes in the treatment of thrush, then it is better to choose another doctor, which is possible even under a free health insurance policy.

Prevention of candidiasis

You can prevent the appearance of secretions of a curdled structure by observing some elementary rules:

  • Cleanliness of linen, genitals of a woman. And also men before intimacy;
  • Frequent change of partners rewards not only to candidiasis, but also to STDs;
  • Excess weight, as well as an unbalanced diet, leads to hormonal disorders, a change in the acidity of the vagina, creating a favorable environment for thrush;
  • Any pathological manifestations should be reported to the attending physician as soon as they appeared. It is much easier to destroy fungi at the beginning of the inflammatory process;
  • Alcohol and smoking reduce immunity, so they must be abandoned;
  • Hypothermia is often a trigger for various diseases;
  • Synthetics do not allow for normal heat and air exchange, so it is better to choose panties made from natural fabrics;
  • Many common diseases provoke an exacerbation of candidiasis, which is why it is so necessary to monitor your health in general.

Attention! If there is no discharge and other symptoms, the presence of fungi in the smear does not mean that there is thrush. The number of microorganisms in the secretions is taken into account.


Curdled leucorrhea of ​​any color is not a sign of the norm. Most likely, a woman develops candidiasis, but this does not exclude the presence of other infections. Thrush is not a dangerous disease, but it brings severe discomfort. Against the background of constant itching, women begin depression, and sometimes neurosis. Therefore, do not postpone treatment until later.

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