Wise phrases from Harry Potter. Famous quotes from Harry Potter. Quotes from the Harry Potter books

For those who have already read the Harry Potter books, as well as those who do not have time to get acquainted with one of the most popular youthful sagas - a selection of famous quotes from films and books about Harry Potter: sayings and dialogues.

The Harry Potter saga is an example of quality youth literature: the book raises important questions and resolves realistic problems. The leading themes of the work are love, freedom, friendship, death. We invite young people to remember, and adult readers to get acquainted with some famous quotes and climaxes "Harry Potter".

You can not cling to dreams and dreams, forgetting about the present, forgetting about your life.

(Albus Dumbledore conducts an educational talk with Harry Potter - quotes fromHarry Potter )

The truth is the most beautiful, but also the most dangerous thing. Therefore, it must be approached with great caution.

(Albus Dumbledore knows how to cover his love of intrigue with beautiful words- quotes fromHarry Potter )

It takes great courage to stand up to enemies, but much more to go against friends.

(Nevil Longbottom was publicly praised for the first time in his life- quotes fromHarry Potter )

These people have a strange logic, Petunia. They're not like you and me,” Uncle Vernon replied, trying to hammer a nail in with a piece of fruitcake Aunt Petunia had just brought him.

(Vernon Dursley's getting on his nerves due to magical spam - quotes fromHarry Potter )

This year you must behave well. If I get an owl again with the news that you've done something - blow up the toilet or...

Did they blow up the toilet? one wondered. - We've never blown up toilets.

Maybe we can try? the second chuckled. - Great idea, thanks mom.

(quotes fromHarry Potter )

I can't believe our luck," said Ron bitterly. - Of the many trees that we could hit, we chose the one that can hit back.

(Ron Weasley comments on a bad landing - quotes fromHarry Potter )

Maybe he's sick," Ron suggested hopefully.

Or maybe he just left? Due to the fact that the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher was not given to him again?

Or maybe he got kicked out? said Ron enthusiastically. Everyone can't stand him...

Or maybe,” an icy voice said from behind, “he is now standing and waiting for the two of you to tell him why you did not return to school by train.

(Professor Snape caught Harry and Ron after breaking into the school - quotes fromHarry Potter )

I'm sure my colleagues will want to contribute to our holiday! Let's ask Professor Snape to show us how to make the Love Potion! Lokons smiled radiantly.

Snape's look said that he would forcefully pour a glass of poison down the throat of anyone who turned to him for the Love Potion.

(Professor Snape doesn't like Valentine's Day - quotes fromHarry Potter )

You never know who or what can pretend to be kind and understanding! How can you follow the lead of someone you don't know at all!

(Arthur Weasley - quotes fromHarry Potter )


How do you manage all this?

I just know the value of time.

(Hermione Granger hides her time travel - quotes fromHarry Potter )


And words suddenly ran across the smooth surface of the map, as if some invisible hand was deducing them ...

- Mr. Lunatic greets Professor Snape and asks him most humble to keep his long nose out of his business.

Mr. Prongs joins Mr. Lunatic and wants to add that the professor is still a freak and a cretin.

Mr Tramp signs his astonishment that such an idiot should become a professor.

Mr. Wormtail greets Professor Snape and advises him, the damn slob, to finally wash his hair."

(James Potter even after death mocks Snape - quotes fromHarry Potter )


"No," Harry said carefully. "This is a letter from my godfather."

"Godfather? Uncle Vernon choked. "You don't have a godfather!"

"No, there is," Harry answered loudly. - He was the best friend of dad and mom. He's also been convicted of murder, but is now on the run. He likes to receive letters from me ... He checks that I have a new one ... Does anyone offend me ... "

(Harry found a great way to improve his quality of life with the Dursleys - quotes fromHarry Potter )


Gavne? - Harry took one badge and began to examine. - What is this?

No bullshit," said Hermione impatiently. - This is G. A. V. N. E. Means - Civic Association for the Restoration of Elven Independence.

(C italy fromHarry Potter )


One wizard, in great years, was dressed in a long flowered nightgown. The second, obviously an employee of the Ministry, was holding out striped trousers to the first.

Put them on, Archie, he shouted in desperation, don't play the fool! You can’t walk around like that, the Muggle gatekeeper must have suspected something ...

I bought this in a Muggle store, the old man objected stubbornly. Muggles wear such clothes.

Muggle women wear them, not men. Men wear this,” insisted the wizard from the Ministry, waving his striped trousers.

I won't wear it! Archie was furious. - I love the fresh breeze around the intimate parts of the body, so thank you!

(C italy fromHarry Potter )


Percy, in my opinion, is satisfied with the work. Harry sat on one of the beds, watching the Peddle Guns fly in and out of the posters on the ceiling.

Satisfied? Ron snorted indignantly. - He would spend the night at work, but dad comes in the evening for him. And he was just obsessed with his boss. “According to Mr. Crouch…”, “As I said to Mr. Crouch…”, “Mr. Crouch thinks…”, “Mr. Crouch says…”. You look, not today, tomorrow they will announce their engagement.

(C italy fromHarry Potter )


Aberforth was accused of testing illegal spells on a goat. All the newspapers wrote about it. And what do you think, Aberforth hid from everyone? Nothing like this! He continued to work as if nothing had happened. I don't know if he can read though. Maybe it's not courage at all...

(Albus Dumbledore about his brother - quotes fromHarry Potter )


Two days ago, I heard you took out Mark Evans.

He asked for it,” Dudley grumbled.

Oh really?

He got cheeky with me.

Yes? Maybe he said you look like a pig that has been taught to walk on its hind legs? If so, Dud, that's not arrogance, it's the truth.

(Harry trolls his boxer cousin - quotes fromHarry Potter )


What were you doing under the window, huh?

I listened to the news," Harry replied in a peaceful tone.

Uncle and aunt exchanged indignant glances.

News listened! Again!

They're different every day, that's the thing," Harry explained.

(C italy fromHarry Potter )


Do not forget that all the great wizards in history at one time were the same as we are schoolchildren. If they can do it, then we can do it too.

(Harry Potter - c italy fromHarry Potter )


One person cannot feel so many things at once - he will burst.

If you have an emotional range like a teaspoon, it does not mean that we have the same.

(Ron and Hermione are discussing relationships between boys and girls - ts italy fromHarry Potter )


As soon as Umbridge entered the classroom, the students gathered there began to feel sick and feverish. Some fainted, others bled from both nostrils. Screaming with rage and impotence, she tried to pinpoint the source of the mysterious symptoms, but her students stubbornly told her that they were suffering from "umbrigitis."

(C italy fromHarry Potter )


I'll put Goyle in line, it'll kill him, he hates to write," said Ron happily. He lowered his voice to Goyle's hoarse grunt, wrinkled his face in painful concentration, and began to draw in the air with his hand: - I ... should not ... look ... like ... a ... baboon's ass.

(Ron looks forward to using the prefect's power for personal gain - t italy fromHarry Potter )


No, "B," George corrected, "higher than expected." And I always thought that Fred and I should get a B in every subject - we exceeded all expectations, if only because we showed up for the exam.

(The Weasley twins never tied their future to academic achievement - ts italy fromHarry Potter )


Yes, Quirrell was a wonderful teacher," said Harry loudly, "with one small flaw: he had Voldemort sticking out of the back of his head.

(Harry Potter criticizes teachers - c italy fromHarry Potter )


You see, Mom, - George said gracefully moving his hand in the air, - now that we have to wash our own socks, we begin to appreciate you more and more.

(C italy fromHarry Potter )


Do you realize we're doing non-verbal spells today, Potter?

Yes, Harry replied stifledly.

Yes, sir.

You don't have to call me "sir," Professor.

(Professor Snape successfully trolls Potter - ts italy fromHarry Potter )


People are easier to forgive when someone else is wrong than when they are right.

(Albus Dumbledore - c italy fromHarry Potter )


You won't be able to do this without my help, you'll need some of my hair.

Yes, this is our plan and ruin, - said George. “It is clear that if you do not help us, we will not have a single chance to get even one hair from you.

Yeah, thirteen people against a young man who is forbidden to use magic either - what chances are there, - Fred supported his brother.

(C italy fromHarry Potter )


You are the real Master of death, because the real master does not run away from it. He realizes that he must die, and understands that there are things in life that are much worse than death.

(Albus Dumbledore in conversation with Harry Potter - c italy fromHarry Potter )


It is impossible to prove the absence of something.

(Hermione Granger - c italy fromHarry Potter )


Distrust of friends is the pinnacle of dishonor.

(The unofficial motto of the Potter family is ts italy fromHarry Potter )


Every second he breathed in, the smell of grass, the cool air on his face was a treasure. It was hard to think that people lived for years and years, wasted, slowly stretching years, and he clung to every second.

(Harry Potter, going to meet Voldemort - c italy fromHarry Potter )


People, let's calm down. Well, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named cannot be killed with a look, he is not a basilisk. So when you meet him, you can safely look him in the eye. True, this may be the last thing you will see in your life.

(From the air of the underground radio - c italy fromHarry Potter )


What do people say when parting, who have lived sixteen years in a strong dislike for each other?

(Harry decides how to say goodbye to the Dursleys - ts italy fromHarry Potter )


Don't pity the dead. Pity the living, and especially those who live without love.

(Albus Dumbledore - c italy fromHarry Potter )


We should now think about us ...

What are we?

You see... I don't even know how to tell you, but someone might have noticed that we robbed Gringotts.

(Conversation between Ron and Hermione after fleeing the bank on a dragon - ts italy fromHarry Potter )


Because sometimes you need to think not only about your salvation! Sometimes you need to think about the common good!

(Harry Potter - c italy fromHarry Potter )

  • - What is it? This is a graveyard. - No, this is not a cemetery, this is a chessboard.
  • It takes a lot of courage to face the enemies. But even more courage is needed to confront friends.
  • "Maybe we should turn you and Mr. Potter into clocks so you'll be on time?" - But we got lost! - Then, maybe a map? I hope without a map you will find your seats?
  • - It's a broom. "It's not just a broom, Harry, it's a Nimbus 2000."
  • Appearances are deceptive. Against the backdrop of Snape, who would suspect the b-b-b-poor stuttering Professor Quirrell?
  • If you don't mind, I'm going to bed. What we did could cost us our lives. Or worse, we could be expelled!
  • What happened in the dungeon between you and Quirrell is a closely guarded secret, and therefore it is not surprising that the whole school knows it.
  • I will try to teach you how to bewitch the mind and deceive the senses. I'll tell you how to bottle fame, how to brew fame, and even how to bottle up death.
  • - I'm not Fred, I'm George. "How can you call yourself our mother if you can't even tell us apart?" - Oh, sorry George. - I was joking, actually, I'm Fred.
  • Before we start the banquet, I would like to say a few words. These are the words: Oooh! Bubble! Remainder! Trick! Everyone, thank you everyone!
  • I can't be a wizard, I'm Harry! Just Harry!
  • - And now I'm going to sleep before you have an idea how to be killed. Or worse, get kicked out of school! She needs to rethink her priorities.
  • You know, fame isn't everything, right, Mr. Potter?
  • - What if I get into a stupid position? You don't have to be afraid of it, it's in your blood.
  • - Is it possible to buy all this in London? - If you know where to look.
  • What happened in the dungeon between you and Quirrel is a big secret. But, of course, the whole school knows about it.
  • The journey to your dream begins today.
  • “Maybe we should turn one of you into a clock so the rest of you won't be late. - But we got lost! - Then, maybe a map?
  • The one whose name we do not name did great things. Terrible... yes, but great.
  • - Stop moving. These are devilish snares. Relax better. If you don't relax, it will kill you faster. - Kill us faster?! Oh now I can relax.
  • Hagrid: I shouldn't have said that...
  • A person should not live in dreams and forget about real life.
  • Excuse me, sir, can you tell me where to find platform nine and three quarters.
  • It takes a lot of courage to face the enemies. But even more courage is needed to confront friends.
  • - How many presents? - 36, I myself calculated. - 36!? And last year I got 37!

A series of Harry Potter novels is known all over the world - they were read by both adults and children. The English writer Joan Rowling presented to the readership the story of a young wizard and his friends - Ron and Hermione. They studied at Hogwarts, the school of wizardry. The plot of all series is built on the opposition to the forces of the dark wizard Voldemort. In our selection you will find quotes from different parts of the books and films about Harry Potter.

The story of Harry Potter has been loved by the whole world literally since the release of the first book, so it simply could not be transferred to the big screen. The Harry Potter films are among the highest grossing films in the world. The first film about the wizard and his friends was released in 2001, the last one in 2011.

The more you care or worry about something in your life, the harder it is to lose it.

The more attachment, the more painful the loss.

World domination is such an ugly phrase. I prefer to call it global optimization. (From Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone)

Now there is one optimization around ...)

And you don't even want to look at any of us! Ginny exclaimed.
- It's not me, but you all don't want to look at me! Harry exploded.
- Maybe you look at each other, but you can't get in time? Hermione suggested, pursing the corners of her lips ironically. (From Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone)

There are not only people, but also views.

Ron was ready to admire everything that is connected with the professor, even the extreme degree of his insanity. (From Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone)

Admiration does not notice the flaws.

People tend to ask for what is most destructive for them - that's their misfortune. (From Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone)

People do not distinguish between what they need in this life and what is not.

I wanted to turn him into a pig, but he, it seems, is already almost a pig, so nothing came of it ... The tail only grew ... (From Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone)

There are people who don’t even need magic - they are already pigs in their essence ...

Harry couldn't believe there were people in the world who could stick their nose into other people's business so impudently. (From Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone)

I can imagine how surprised he would be if he knew that such people are in the majority.

And what am I - mind and books, that's all! But it turns out that there are much more important things - for example, friendship and courage. (From Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone)

And still there is kindness and sincerity!

Be yourself. It's hard, I know. (From Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone)

Playing roles and putting on masks is always easier than being yourself.

Age is not important, but only the essence is important. (From Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone)

Age is measured not by the number of years lived, but by the strength of optimism and enthusiasm.

A person cannot have many socks.

Checked by everyone ...)

I will try to teach you how to bewitch the mind and deceive the senses. I'll tell you how to bottle fame, how to brew fame, and even how to bottle up death. (From Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone)

And tell me, please.

A person should not live in dreams and forget about real life. (From Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone)

Dreams should not take you far from reality.

It takes a lot of courage to face the enemies. But even more courage is needed to confront friends. (From Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone)

You always have to be on the alert with everyone. Even with friends.

If you want to achieve fame - get ready for a long, hard work.

The path to glory lies through trials and hard work.

Our decisions show who we really are far better than our abilities. (From Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)

Abilities may not be shown, but decisions are in everyone's face.

A person is not determined by the qualities inherent in him, but only by his choice. (From Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)

The choice of a person is a reflection of his essence.

A celebrity is made up of famous deeds. (From Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)

Not out of appearance, but out of actions.

The fear of the name only increases the fear of the one who wears it.

Your fear is often heightened when it merges with someone else's fear.

One more sound and you will regret that you were born into the world. (From Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)

Sounds menacing. Maybe you should shut up...

How can you speak a language you just don't know? (From Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)

Moreover, how can it be understood?

If someone is corrupted from the inside, nothing can be done about it.

If you can still fix something externally, then you can’t do anything inside.

Don't talk about what you don't understand! (From Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)

Instead of talking, just try to understand.

How do you manage all this?
- I just know the value of time. (From Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)

In order to do everything, you first need to start appreciating time.

A rat, apparently, turned out of you better than a man. (From Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)

And there's no magic involved...

Don't trust things that can think; who knows what's on their minds? (From Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)

I'm talking about people in general...

The consequences of our actions are always so complex, so varied, that predicting the future is indeed an incredibly difficult task. (From Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)

You don't need to predict the future, you just need to wait for it.

The more you ask, the more lies you will hear. (From Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)

But silence, on the contrary, will tell much more truth.

She knew how to see beauty in others, even when a person does not see it in himself. (From Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)

Beauty does not have to be all over the face, it can be hidden inside.

To begin with, you must turn off your brains and send your intuition flying!

Sometimes, in order to achieve something, thinking is harmful.

If I doubt something, I go back to the beginning. (From the movie Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)

And so on until the doubts go away.

Happiness can be found even in dark times, if you remember to turn to the light. (From the movie Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)

Happiness can be found, there would be a desire.

A powerful thing is time, and dangerous if you interfere with it. (From the movie Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)

Time loves freedom and independence.

How beautiful is the world that appears in dreams: from the mysterious depths of the ocean to the sparkling stars of the universe... (From the movie Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)

In a dream, the world is much brighter and more interesting.

Children can speak from the first seconds of life. Crying is their language.

Never be ashamed of yourself, - so my old man used to say, - there will always be those who will be against you, only you don’t care about them.

You should never be ashamed of yourself and your parents.

You, it turns out, did not play the fool, but demonstrated high moral qualities! (From Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)

Isn't it the same thing?)

There is no point in thinking about what might happen until it happens. (From Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)

But after what happened, it may already be too late.

What matters is not who you were born, but what you become! (From Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)

In everything, the bottom line is important.

If you stop the pain for a while, it will become even more unbearable when you feel it again. (From Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)

Pain tends to come back.

Understanding is the first step to accepting what has happened. (From Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)

So, where nothing can be corrected, you just need to understand.

It is strange when you are afraid of something and would give everything just to slow down time, on the contrary, it rushes like crazy. (From Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)

It is a pity that time can run away.

If you want to know what kind of person is in front of you, pay attention to how he communicates with his subordinates, and not with equals. (From Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)

Communication with subordinates shows the humanity of the boss.

Inside every girl lives a swan, which strives outside, into free flight.

Growing up is the transformation from an ugly duckling into a swan.

Curiosity is not a sin, but you need to be a little more patient. (From Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)

Curiosity is an attempt to get ahead of the curve.

A true leader always does the right thing, no matter what people think of him! (From Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)

That's only if it's real.

Enjoy life while you can. (From Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)

While you still have time for this.

We are all from different countries, we speak different languages, but our hearts beat as one! (From Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)

And we speak the language of the hearts.

I wonder what you'll say when they're done?

Do not show excessive arrogance and take full responsibility entirely.

Sometimes responsibility needs to be shared.

Thought wounds take longer to heal than any other. (From the movie Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix)

This is because they are inside - in the heart and in the soul.

Life is boring without risk. (From the movie Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix)

Risk makes life not only dangerous, but also interesting.

I might have expected you to offer me something to drink, but that seems to be an overly optimistic suggestion.

In this case, a more pessimistic attitude should have been put forward.

A common occurrence: the one who survived always feels guilty. (From Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)

Although fate is to blame.

Sometimes my brain surprises me. (From Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)

Sometimes we ourselves do things that we did not expect from ourselves.

Greatness awakens envy, envy gives rise to malice, malice breeds lies. (From Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)

This is how evil spreads in this world.

Many people are afraid of death and darkness for one reason - they are afraid of the unknown. (From Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)

The unknown is always scary.

For a highly organized mind, death is just another adventure. (c) Dumbledore

Always call a spade a spade. The fear of the name increases the fear of the one who wears it. (c) Dumbledore

But, the trouble is that people tend to choose what is worst for them. (c) Dumbledore

You have to be brave enough to face the enemy. But no less courage is required in order to confront friends. (c) Dumbledore

After all, a person is not a property of character, but a choice made by him. (c) Dumbledore

The consequences of our actions are always so complex, so varied, that predicting the future is indeed an incredibly difficult task. (c) Dumbledore

Use your strengths. (c) Barty Crouch Jr.

If you want to get to know a person better, look not at how he treats his equals, but at how he behaves with subordinates. (c) Sirius

If you stop the pain for a while, it will become even more unbearable when you feel it again. (c) Dumbledore

You don't understand that it's not who you were born that matters, but who you become! (c) Dumbledore

In any case, the truth is better than a lie. (c) Dumbledore

Differences in our traditions and our languages ​​are insignificant if we have common goals and our hearts are open towards each other. (c) Dumbledore

A quarrel is the death of a common idea. (c) Hat

The deed is important, and the name is just a word. (c) Hat

You don't have to be ashamed of your feelings. To be able to feel such pain is your greatest strength. (c) Dumbledore

Your suffering proves that you remain human! Pain is a human lot ... (c) Dumbledore
Then I don't want to be human. (c) Harry

Young people do not understand how old people think and feel. But old people are to blame if they forget what it means to be young... (c) Dumbledore

There are wounds that even time cannot heal: they are too deep. (c) Dumbledore

A power both more wonderful and more terrible than death, than the human mind, than the forces of nature, ... the most mysterious of all treasures. The name of this saving force is love. (c) Dumbledore

Alas, deviations from politeness happen so often that it already inspires alarm. (c) Dumbledore

People are easier to forgive when someone else is wrong than when they are right. (c) Dumbledore

Love cannot be fabricated or imitated. (c) Slughorn

Each of us is sure that he can say something much more important than anything else that the other thinks! (c) Dumbledore

Difference. Between the fact that you are being dragged out into the arena, where you have to fight death face to face, and the fact that you yourself, with your head held high, enter this arena. This difference is the whole point. (c) Harry

Faced with death and darkness, we fear only the unknown and nothing more. (c) Dumbledore

Maturity becomes stupid and forgetful when it begins to underestimate youth. (c) Dumbledore

Death crosses our world like friendship crosses the seas - friends always live one in the other. For their need for each other, love and life in it are omnipresent. In this divine glass they see each other's faces, and their conversation is as free as it is pure. Such is the consolation of friendship, for although it may be said of them that they are to die, yet their friendship and union exists, in the best of senses, eternally, since both are immortal. (c) William Penn (epigraph)

Because sometimes you need to think not only about your salvation! Sometimes you need to think about the common good! (c) Harry

The true lord of death does not run away from her. He realizes that he must die, and understands that there are things in life that are much worse than death. (c) Dumbledore

Don't pity the dead. Pity the living, and especially those who live without love. (c) Dumbledore

When memories are materialized, it is easier to grasp cause and effect and form a true picture of what is happening. (c) Dumbledore.

I believe. But it is not in my power to make others believe or see the truth. (c) Dumbledore

Well, if a person has bad parents, he himself, maybe, is different. Who is looking at this? (c) Hagrid.

Do you think the dead we loved have left us forever? But we call them when we feel bad. (c) Dumbledore

Understanding is the first step to accepting what happened (c) Dumbledore

Sayings, quotes and phrases of Harry Potter from the films of the same name:

  • Greatness breeds envy, envy breeds evil, falsehood breeds evil sparks.
  • Everything that we lose will definitely come back to us, but not always in the way we expect.
  • Grandpa Weasley will never forgive you if you marry a pureblood wizard.
  • Yes, Quirrell was a wonderful teacher, with only one small flaw: he had Voldemort sticking out of the back of his head ...
  • What happened in the dungeon between you and Quirrell is a closely guarded secret, and therefore it is not surprising that the whole school knows it.
  • You talk about wands like they have feelings.
  • Good and evil do not exist. There is only strength. And there is only power. And there are those who are too weak to strive for them ...
  • If you don't ask, you'll never know. If you know, you just need to ask.
  • If you don't get into Gryffindor, we will disinherit you," Ron said, "So make your free choice.
  • Laws can be changed!
  • Hermione, tell me: did our plans ever work?
  • The death of thieves removes any enchantment. Sometimes it kills.
  • Every spilled drop of magical blood is a terrible loss!
  • As it turns out, you're not a dick - you showed an unshakable morale!
  • Call him by his first name. He will try to kill you anyway.
  • Write a book and explain in it how girls feel when they do stupid things. Then the boys will finally be able to understand them!
  • She knew how to see beauty in others, even when a person does not see it in himself.
  • Oh! ... okay, - said Ron. - True, I could not remember some of the names of the rebel goblins. I had to come up with a couple.
  • They attract your secret fears. They cannot be fooled by tricks or cunning, so I ask each of our students not to make them angry in any way. They do not know mercy, they do not know how to forgive, but you know, happiness can be found even in dark times, if you do not forget to turn to the light.
  • Oh, how wonderful, - admired Zlatopust Lokons, while they flew up after the phoenix, - Just some kind of magic!
  • She will reveal us. And the sword will come in handy to slit your own throat.
  • Dad is printing an additional print run! said Luna, rolling her eyes excitedly. - He just can't believe it: it seems that people are interested in you even more than wrinkled-horned sours!
  • Moaning Myrtle: "I was just wondering if you were dead and we could share my toilet with you..."
  • The truth is the most beautiful, but also the most dangerous thing. Therefore, it must be approached with great caution.
  • Snape looked as if anyone who asked him to teach him how to brew a love potion was about to have a lethal dose of poison poured into his mouth.
  • The fear of the name increases the fear of the one who wears it.
  • You have the emotional range of a toothpick!
  • what will not be avoided and he will have to meet. what will inevitably happen.
  • What can you say about "The Monstrous Book"? The salesman almost cried when I said we needed two.
  • I said I'll take you inside. But I didn't promise I'd take it back.
  • - I'm not Fred, I'm George.
    "How can you call yourself our mother if you can't even tell us apart?"
    - Oh, sorry George.
    - I was joking, actually, I'm Fred.

Quotes and phrases from the Harry Potter films. ATfictional character - Harry James Potter, the protagonist of a series of novels by the English writer J. K. Rowling. In the novel, he is known as a wizard who twice defeated the Dark Magician Voldemort.

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