Is it possible to take the drug "Viferon" in the early stages of pregnancy and in what form? Viferon ointment during pregnancy: instructions and recommendations for use, effectiveness and reviews of mothers

Pregnancy is a great time, allowing a woman to dream and how to prepare for the acquisition of a new status. But often during this period, unpleasant things happen. Colds and various infections obsessively haunt the expectant mother. Everything is aggravated by the fact that during pregnancy there is a decrease in immunity. What to do in case of illness? How to be treated so as not to harm the unborn baby? Today's article will tell you about whether Viferon candles can be used during pregnancy. You will learn about the use of this medication, as well as about its other forms of production.

Description of the drug

Before you start using the medicine "Viferon" for or any other period - it does not matter), you need to read its description. The instruction is attached to each type of drug. Note that "Viferon" is produced in different forms: and suppositories. All medicines contain recombinant human 2-alpha interferon. The content of this substance may vary. There are 150, 500 thousand, one or three million IU in candles. The ointment includes 40,000 IU, and the gel 36,000 IU.

The drug belongs to antiviral agents with immunomodulatory activity. Depending on the type of pathology, a certain form and dosage of the drug is selected. You can buy "Viferon" in any form in pharmacies without a prescription.

Is it permissible to use "Viferon" during pregnancy and what are the indications for this

To find out if Viferon can be used (during pregnancy 2nd trimester), refer to the instructions. The annotation always contains indications and contraindications. It is worth noting that for each type of drug they are different. According to the instructions, expectant mothers can use Viferon candles. The 2nd trimester is exactly the period from which the medication is prescribed. The abstract says that since 14 weeks this antiviral composition has been actively used for treatment. Ointment and gel do not have time limits at all due to the fact that their absorption is very low.

It is shown to use Viferon suppositories during pregnancy (2nd trimester and later) for the treatment and prevention of viral infections: influenza, parainfluenza, SARS, viral hepatitis. In expectant mothers, the drug in the form of suppositories is used to treat urogenital pathologies: chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, vaginosis, candidiasis, ureaplasmosis, and so on. Some diseases require additional medicines, but the specialist talks about them individually. Ointment and gel are more often used to prevent viral diseases. Also, their use is indicated for viral pathologies of the skin and mucous membranes: lichen, herpes, cervicitis. The gel is used in the complex treatment of acute laryngotrachiobranchitis (chronic prevention) in expectant mothers during


You already know that they are used only after 14 weeks of "Viferon" (candles) during pregnancy. The 2nd trimester is the period when the formation of the child's organs ends. Now all the formed systems will only grow and develop. Also in this period, the placenta begins to work. It is she who protects the unborn baby from harmful external factors, including medicines.

Pay attention to the fact that all types of the Viferon line contain topherol acetate in their composition. This is vitamin E. In greater quantities, it is present in ointments and suppositories. If the expectant mother additionally takes vitamin complexes or vitamin E separately, then this fact must be taken into account. It is unacceptable to use any form of medication in the presence of high sensitivity to its active substances. If earlier the expectant mother had an allergy to the described components (maybe even in other medicines), then during pregnancy it can become even more aggravated.

How to use suppositories

You already know if Viferon candles can be used during pregnancy. This type of medication is prescribed from 14 weeks and can be used for the rest of the period. It is also not forbidden to use suppositories during lactation (after childbirth). It is only important to do it right. Contact your gynecologist for individual advice. Be sure to specify what dosage of suppositories you are prescribed.

Candles are administered rectally with exceptionally clean hands. Open one cell, take a comfortable position and push the suppository with your finger. Be sure to wash your hands afterwards. For treatment, the doctor may prescribe to the expectant mother from 1 to 2 suppositories per day. Therapy, as a rule, lasts no more than 5-10 days. For the purpose of prevention, suppositories are administered one at a time several times a week. Such use can be quite long (up to 12 months). Treatment of urogenital infections in expectant mothers is carried out in courses with interruptions.

"Viferon" (ointment) during pregnancy: 2nd trimester

Gel and ointment "Viferon" is applied externally and topically. When handling affected surfaces, hands should also be clean. If necessary, sterile swabs or medical spatulas can be used.

The ointment is applied to the affected areas 3-4 times a day. The gel is applied to the pre-dried surface up to 5 times. The latter type of medicine can be applied to the tonsils for the purpose of treatment and for prevention. Often, expectant mothers require this for chronic tonsillitis and laryngotracheobronchitis. The gel is also applied to the surface of the vagina, cervix. During pregnancy, manipulation requires special care. Therapy lasts from 5 days to several months. It all depends on the type of pathology and its severity.

additional information

You already know how and when the drug "Viferon" is used during pregnancy (2nd trimester). The dosage prescribed by the doctor must be strictly observed. Otherwise, adverse reactions are not excluded. They occur when the drug is used incorrectly, using large volumes. Allergy can be identified among such reactions. It occurs more often than others. Also, candles can cause stool upset (which rarely happens in expectant mothers, due to frequent constipation). Less commonly, side effects are caused by the gel. Ointment for nasal use can give a feeling of dryness, burning. But these symptoms pass quickly. Regardless, be sure to tell your doctor about them.

"Viferon" during pregnancy (2nd trimester): reviews

Preparations of the Viferon line are characterized on the good side. Statistics show that some women are unhappy with the price. The higher the content of the active substance in the preparation, the higher it is. At the same time, women want to save money and acquire a lower concentration of the component. Such therapy, accordingly, is ineffective. This causes even more resentment of expectant mothers. If the appointments are followed, the result is not long in coming. The drug is really effective and safe, it is not addictive and does not depress its own immunity.

During pregnancy, women often use the medicine in the form of an ointment and gel. Preparations for expectant mothers are applied to the nasal mucosa. Such actions allow you to protect yourself from infection during epidemics and colds. This is important, since many medicines with a similar antiviral effect are prohibited throughout the entire period of pregnancy.


From the article you learned how the drug "Viferon" is used during pregnancy. Candles, ointment or tablets with a different trade name to choose is a personal matter for each consumer. But if you evade or follow medical recommendations and start taking another medication (in your opinion, more effective or safer), the entire responsibility of such therapy falls on your shoulders. Remember that now you are responsible not only for yourself. The health and development of the unborn child is now completely in your hands. All the best, don't worry!

Recently, in pursuit of strong immunity, in addition to various microelements, many have resorted to taking various advertised ones. Pharmaceutical companies tell myths about miracle drugs that do not have side effects and perfectly strengthen the immune system. “Viferon” refers specifically to immunostimulating drugs, but can it be used with and whether it will cause any harm.

The spectrum of action of the drug

"Viferon" - immunostimulating agent. It is used for preventive and therapeutic purposes. The main active ingredient of the drug is interferon, which is an analogue of a natural substance that exists in the human body. An additional amount of interferon helps to cope with diseases.

Candles "Viferon" during pregnancy are prescribed in the case when the body is not able to produce the required amount of interferon for colds or for the treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases. This medicine is produced in the form of ointments, suppositories and gel.
Everyone knows that the effect of any drug depends on the components that make up its composition. "Viferon" includes:

  • interferon (a number of proteins);
  • tocopherol acetate;
  • petrolatum;
  • cacao butter;
  • lanolin.
The success of "Viferon" lies in the complex simultaneous effect on the body of all these components. Moreover, the main substance - interferon - is able to muffle the activity of viruses, stop their growth and reproduction. The remaining components stimulate the immune system and are able to suppress tumor cells.

Due to good absorption, Viferon candles have an excellent effect. with such diseases:

  • ureaplasmosis;
  • vaginal candidiasis;
  • chlamydia;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • SARS;
  • trichomoniasis (trichomoniasis);
  • flu;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • hepatitis C and B;
  • cytomegalovirus infection.

Did you know? In the US and Europe, immunostimulants are prescribed only for serious diseases associated with immunodeficiency: AIDS, cancer, rheumatoid diseases with complications, chronic hepatitis.

Is it possible or not

Manufacturers claim that "Viferon" is an absolutely safe drug even during pregnancy.

In the early stages

"Viferon" during pregnancy cannot be used in the 1st trimester. It is allowed only from 14 weeks. This is due to the fact that clinical studies on the effect of the drug in early pregnancy have not been conducted.

Second trimester

In the second trimester, "Viferon" is used for viral diseases, hepatitis, vaginal ureaplasmosis, candidiasis, chlamydia, vaginosis. It is worth noting the high sensitivity of the body to the components of the drug.

At a later date

"Viferon" during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester is prescribed for the same indications as in the second trimester, and the sensitivity to the drug is also high.

How to take suppositories for various diseases

Any immunostimulant can be used only on prescription, as this requires competence in this field.

Important! If you stimulate the wrong part of the immune system, the patient will become even worse.

More information about the dosage and duration of the use of "Viferon" in the form of suppositories can be found in the instructions for use during pregnancy. We will briefly describe how and under what diseases it is recommended to take the drug:

  1. . The recommended dosage is 1,000,000 IU. The course of treatment is 10 days.
  2. Colds and viruses. The minimum dose is 150,000 IU. The duration of treatment is 5 days.
  3. Viral hepatitis. Dosage - 500,000 IU. The course of therapy is 10 days.
The dosage of candles depends on their number - the higher the number, the more active substance it contains. When prescribing "Viferon" in the form of suppositories for pregnant women, they usually choose dosage No. 2.

Suppositories are administered rectally in the morning and evening so that you can relax and lie down for 30 minutes in bed after insertion. The break between injections should be about 12 hours.

Duration of treatment

The course of treatment consists of 12 approaches. During therapy it is necessary systematically to check the healing process.

The duration of the course is 5-6 days, then you need to take a week break and repeat the course again.

Despite all the advantages of the drug, you should not abuse its use, especially during pregnancy, when all means are recommended. take with great care.

Unfortunately, during the use of "Viferon" during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester, side effects are often observed. This (rash, discomfort in the rectal area), which disappear within a few days after the end of the drug.

With repeated use of the drug, the body adapts to its components and allergies, as a rule, do not occur.

Important! « » does not have a negative effect on the liver and other organs, therefore, does not cause pathological phenomena.

When deciding whether to take "Viferon", read the section "Pregnancy and the effect of the drug." Even if everyone claims that it is safe to take it, you still need to consult a doctor. Do not self-medicate, take care of yourself and your baby.

For every woman, 9 months of waiting is a touching and responsible period. The body of the expectant mother undergoes a global restructuring, spending strength and vitamins on bearing crumbs. During pregnancy, Viferon candles, reviews of which are varied, allow you to cope with a viral attack on a weakened mother's immune system without harming the fetus.

Is Viferon taken during pregnancy

The drug "Viferon" has immunomodulatory and antiviral properties, is often used in gynecology of pregnant women. Interferon, which is part of the drug, actively fights a viral infection. It causes changes in human cells that prevent the growth of pathological bacteria and improves immunity.

Additional components for the preparation of candles include ascorbic acid, vitamin E, disodium edetate dihydrate, cocoa butter. Each of them enhances the effect of the drug. Ascorbic acid strengthens the immune system. Vitamin E prevents oxidation processes in the body. Dihydrate is a powerful antioxidant, while cocoa butter has anti-inflammatory properties.

Vaseline, which has emollient properties, and peach oil, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, are added to the composition of the ointment instead of cocoa.

Thanks to all the components, the body copes better with a viral infection.

The drug is produced in the form of:

  1. Rectal suppositories containing interferon in various doses. The specialist, depending on the disease and age of the patient, determines how many medicinal units should be prescribed to the patient.
  2. Ointments yellowish.
  3. Gels.

All dosage forms contain almost the same set of excipients, they differ only in the form of release and the method of administration into the body.

Ambiguous opinions: "Viferon" - ointment, patient reviews

Reviews of expectant mothers about the drug "Viferon" are not unambiguous. In most cases, the ointment effectively coped with the herpes virus. When applied topically, it is not absorbed into the blood and does not affect the fetus. It has a calming effect, relieves pain and itching.

Many women use the gel to prevent colds, coughs, runny nose, applying a small layer on the nasal mucosa. Moms note a good result in the treatment of SARS in children.

Some argue that oxolinic ointment and Anaferon help better in the fight against colds and viruses. However, they are not effective for herpes. Experts do not recommend taking "Anaferon" during pregnancy.

The same ointment is used to treat genital warts and warts. The drug has been actively used for many years. Ointment and gel are perfectly absorbed, acting directly on papillomavirus. After treatment, there are no scars on the skin.

Some women do not share positive reviews about the drug, arguing:

  • The drug does not work;
  • After topical application, a rash appeared;
  • It has side effects in the form of headache and malaise.

The opinion of doctors confirms that "Viferon" is effective in certain viral diseases. In addition, this is the only interferon drug approved by the Russian Ministry of Health for pregnant women and newborns.

At what time are Viferon suppositories used during pregnancy

The drug "Viferon" is produced in the form of rectal suppositories. Depending on the dosage, they are divided by numbers from 1 to 4. Candles are yellow-white in color and bullet-shaped. 2 trimester is an indication for the use of the dosage form. The use of immunomodulating agents in the early stages is dangerous for the development of the embryo and can lead to termination of pregnancy.

Viferon suppositories have a wide spectrum of action, and are prescribed for the following diseases:

  1. Respiratory tract infections: SARS, pneumonia, influenza.
  2. Rubella and chickenpox can lead to the development of pathologies in the fetus, in some cases, a threat of miscarriage is possible.
  3. Viral hepatitis B and C doom the baby to a chronic disease.
  4. Blood poisoning carries a double threat to both mother and child.
  5. Meningitis negatively affects the fetus, slowing down its development.
  6. Viral diseases of the genitourinary system: candidiasis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, vaginosis. Each of the diseases can cause serious damage to the health of the baby in utero or during childbirth.
  7. Herpes, infection during pregnancy, carries the risk of developing malformations in the fetus.

"Viferon" is popular because of its effectiveness and safety for the development of the baby. It is simultaneously compatible with many drugs used in viral and bacterial diseases.

Gel and ointment "Viferon": what helps

A therapeutic agent in the form of ointments and gels is produced in tubes of 6 and 12 grams. It has an immunomodulatory effect, promotes the formation of antibodies to pathogenic microorganisms on the mucous membranes. The gel base provides a long-term effect of the drug.

Apply ointment and gel under the following conditions:

  • Prevention of respiratory diseases;
  • Comprehensive treatment of SARS and influenza;
  • Treatment of herpes infections on the skin and urogenital herpes;
  • Fight against papilloma virus.

It is prescribed to patients during pregnancy and lactation. Unlike suppositories, the cream can be used at any time during pregnancy.

The drug is used for external and local use.

For colds, SARS and a runny nose, a strip half a centimeter long is applied to the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. The nose must first be cleaned of impurities. It is required to lubricate the mucous membrane several times a day. It is necessary to apply the ointment for about 5 days.

With inflammation of the throat, the tonsils are treated with ointment up to 4 times in 24 hours. It is necessary to carry out treatment for 6 days. The procedure is carried out 40 minutes after eating.

The skin affected by the herpes virus is treated with cream 5 times a day. The duration of treatment does not exceed 7 days.

With herpetic cirrhosis, a 0.5 mm strip is applied to the surface of the cervix, previously cleared of mucus. The procedure is repeated 2 times a day for 7-14 days.

Of the side effects, allergic reactions were occasionally observed.

Antiviral agent "Viferon" candles: instructions for use during pregnancy

Rectal suppositories can be used from 14 weeks of gestation. It is not recommended to use the remedy in the first trimester. The drug has a broad effect on viral infections and interacts well with other drugs.

Depending on the infection and the age of the patient, the doctor prescribes an individual dose.

Instructions for use:

  1. For respiratory diseases, including influenza, the dosage is 500,000 IU twice a day for 5 days. Children under 7 years of age are prescribed a reduced dose in Viferon No. 1 - 2 times a day.
  2. In chronic hepatitis, suspensions of 3,000,000 IU are used - twice a day for 10 days. Then continue to use for six months, inserting 1 candle 3 times a week.
  3. With the development of thrush, candidiasis, cystitis and other infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, it is necessary to insert a dose of 500 IU 2 times a day for no more than 10 days.
  4. Herpetic infection is treated with a dose of 1,000,000 IU twice a day for 10 days, then every 3 days for a course of 9 days. After that, the dose is reduced to 150,000 IU. Pregnant women need to take every 28 days 1 suppository 2 times a day for a five-day course.

Candles must be placed in the rectum. After that, you need to take a lying position and stay in it for half an hour. Under the influence of natural body temperature, antiviral suppositories quickly dissolve, providing a therapeutic effect in the shortest possible time.

Contraindications for taking "Viferon" - individual intolerance.

Viferon during pregnancy is a drug that is allowed in all trimesters, but only with the permission of the attending physician. Used during pregnancy to protect the fetus from infectious diseases.

What is a drug?

Viferon during pregnancy is prescribed both for preventive purposes and in the treatment of infections. The main component of the drug is interferon, which is similar to that which is part of the human body.

Progressive diseases will be easier to treat with a dose of interferon. If a woman's body cannot cope with the production of this trace element, the patient is prescribed Viferon. It acts locally and is safe for the body.

There are different dosage forms of the drug. In pharmacies, it can be purchased in the form of suppositories, ointments or gels. Pregnant women most often prefer suppositories and ointment.

Candles perform another useful function - they help in the prevention of diseases, and also support immunity. Interferon is able to quickly lower the temperature and have an antibacterial effect on the body. Vitamins C and E, which are also part of the drug, help the body build a competent defense.

Indications for Viferon during pregnancy

Candles Viferon during pregnancy are prescribed for:

  1. SARS;
  2. flu;
  3. thrush;
  4. ureaplasmosis;
  5. bacterial vaginosis;
  6. chlamydia;
  7. trichomoniasis;
  8. hepatitis C and B;
  9. herpes.

The listed diseases can be treated with Viferon during pregnancy due to the high degree of its safety. Unlike other medications, the medicine does not cause negative reactions in the baby and does not threaten the correct development of the baby in the womb. Despite the fact that these infections have serious consequences and can threaten with many complications. Chlamydia and mycoplasmas are able to “hide” in the cells of the body, waiting for the right moment when the immune system is sufficiently weakened so as not to resist. Among the cells where chlamydia can be placed, there are fetal cells.

Herpes, or cytomegalovirus infection, is a contagious disease that poses a danger to a child. Especially when it develops in early pregnancy. If herpes is not treated in time, the child may be born with severe malformations. Rubella, influenza and chickenpox can lead to the same consequences. Some internal organs of the baby may simply not develop.

To avoid such diseases, it is necessary to take preventive measures: avoid hypothermia of the body and do not come into contact with people who suffer from contagious diseases. If a woman nevertheless caught an infection, and the doctor prescribed Viferon during pregnancy, you should carefully study the instructions. It contains a lot of useful information.

Method of application of the drug

Viferon-gel is quite easy to use. The affected skin is covered with a thin layer of the drug. Repeat up to 3 times a day. The gel form of the drug is used to get rid of skin diseases. It will also help in the treatment of viral infections that affect the mucous membranes. With SARS, it is smeared on the inside of the nostrils.

The instructions emphasize that the use of Viferon gel or ointment during pregnancy should not last longer than 4 weeks when it comes to treating ARVI by spreading the inside of the nose.

Candles Viferon during pregnancy do not have a direct effect on the focus of infection, so they are used much less frequently. The candle is administered rectally 1 or 2 times a day. The course lasts no longer than 10 days.

Pregnant women can safely use the ointment and gel for treatment at any stage of gestation. But suppositories become safe for use only in the 2nd trimester.

The duration of the course of treatment with Viferon varies depending on the chosen dosage form. The doctor individually prescribes the recommended period, but you should still read the instructions first.

Side effects

Negative consequences from taking Viferon have not been recorded. But still you need to adhere to the recommended doses when taking the drug, and avoid overdose.

The vast majority of drug reviews are positive. People have good tolerability of the drug, therefore, on this basis, it is recommended for the treatment of pregnant women and even infants. However, not a single medical remedy gives 100% guarantees of the absence of negative reactions of the body.

In rare cases, Viferon ointment during pregnancy causes allergies, especially when used on mucous membranes. The reaction passes quickly and additional treatment of symptoms is not required. Candles can cause a more acute manifestation of allergies, lasting up to 3 days. If the drug is used without medical prescription, it is impossible to predict the reaction of the body. Therefore, it is better not to take risks and consult a doctor.

There are analogues of Viferon that pregnant women can use.

  • Grippferon
  • Oftalmoferon
  • Alfaferon
  • Interferon alfa-2
  • Realdiron
  • Inferon drops
  • Oxolinic ointment

Viferon during pregnancy: pros and cons

Despite the fact that the harmful effects of drugs with interferon have not been proven, the issue of their appointment to pregnant and lactating mothers is still controversial. Also in question is the effectiveness of Viferon.

Any organism produces interferon in response to the invasion of the virus. Immunostimulants like the proposed medicine help the body recover, but at the same time suppress natural immunity.

People who do not trust immunostimulants are advised to take Viferon during pregnancy with a cold only when absolutely necessary. For example, a cold is not a serious disease and does not threaten with bad consequences for a woman and a child. The use of immunomodulators is unlikely to be justified for the treatment of the common cold.

The famous doctor Komarovsky is a staunch opponent of taking immunostimulants, including Viferon, for pregnant women with ARVI. The doctor emphasizes that interferon and its effect on the body have not yet been 100% studied. Alpha interferons cannot stop the development of a cold or protect against the consequences. In addition, they negatively affect the functioning of the thyroid gland. The level of hormones in it becomes lower.

Viferon during pregnancy: reviews

  1. Oksana: The use of candles is suitable if you need to cure a cold or herpes. In the second trimester, I needed treatment, I turned to the doctor. Immune for a number of reasons was very weak, I got sick with the flu. The gynecologist said that you can be treated with Viferon. Course 10 days, twice a day. She recovered very quickly, and also gave birth without complications, a healthy baby.
  2. Maria: I used to hear that there is such a drug, but until I myself needed to be treated with it, even during pregnancy, I didn’t pay much attention to it. Saved candles Viferon 2, they can be placed in pregnant women. 10 candles from the package were enough for 5 days. The instructions say that you can both treat a cold and use candles to prevent this disease. Who cares, but I felt much better, and quickly. Suppositories alone cannot help in the treatment, so other medicines had to be taken. I performed the usual actions - gargling, puffing the nose, droplets. For 4 days, immunity increased, I felt better. So, if anyone is interested, you can use Viferon for pregnant women or not, I will say that you can.
  3. Catherine: Fortunately, I was spared the complications that occur when carrying a child. Only SARS could not be avoided. The doctor prescribed Viferon. Easy to use, no side effects observed. The baby was born without malformations and the like. And I was very worried about this, you never know. The drug has a long shelf life, can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time. Candles only work after half an hour, you have to lie down for a long time and wait until this happens - this is not very pleasant. Well, the tool is good, the price is average, not very expensive, but not so cheap either.

All women who already have children know how difficult it is to stay absolutely healthy during pregnancy. But the health of the mother is an indispensable condition for the proper growth and development of the baby in her tummy. In order to quickly defeat viral diseases, a woman may be prescribed Viferon during pregnancy. It contains substances that support the immune system. However, Viferon suppositories during pregnancy have controversial reviews, as well as similar medicines belonging to the category of immunomodulators. Therefore, it is worth understanding in more detail how the drug acts on the body of the expectant mother and whether it makes sense to take it.

What is Viferon?

Viferon belongs to the group of immunostimulants, that is, to drugs that increase immunity and stimulate its work. On sale it can be found in 3 dosage forms: gel and ointment for external use, suppositories for rectal administration. The latter form, despite the inconvenience of use, is more popular due to a wider list of indications.

The production of Viferon is organized at the facilities of the Russian pharmaceutical company Feron. The drug has been on the market for a long time, it is considered one of the most commonly prescribed immunomodulators by doctors.

Composition of candles Viferon

The composition of suppositories includes interferon recombinant alpha-2b. Interferons are substances of a protein nature with protective properties. In the human body, interferon is produced by cells of the immune system in response to invading viruses. In medicines, interferons are biological and recombinant. The biological is isolated from human blood, and the recombinant is synthetically obtained in the laboratory. Viferon uses recombinant interferon. Due to the synthetic way of synthesizing the substance, the likelihood of any infection entering the body is excluded.

When interferon alpha-2b enters the body from the outside, it almost instantly starts the process of its protection against viruses: it stimulates the production of antibodies, activates phagocytosis - the process of recognition and absorption of foreign structures by phagocytes, increases the resistance to infection.

In addition to interferon, Viferon suppositories contain vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol acetate) and. As the basis of the suppository, cocoa butter and confectionery fat are used in the production.

Can Viferon be pregnant?

The instructions for suppositories say that Viferon is not used during pregnancy in the 1st trimester. Treatment with the use of suppositories can be carried out after 14 weeks. Self-appointment of candles is unacceptable! The decision on the advisability of using Viferon should be made by the gynecologist leading the pregnancy.

When is Viferon prescribed?

Often, Viferon suppositories during pregnancy are used by expectant mothers for colds and flu. The drug helps to increase immunity in women and speeds up the healing process.

Important: an increase in immunity with the help of interferon is possible no more than to the level of the physiological norm.

However, only the use of Viferon is not able to save a woman from the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. Suppositories can become part of complex therapy. At the same time, the use of suppositories increases the effectiveness of other drugs, reduces the duration of the disease period. When using an antiviral agent, it is possible to reduce the number of other drugs prescribed to treat the disease, which is especially important during pregnancy.

In addition to SARS, Viferon during pregnancy, starting from the 2nd trimester, can be prescribed to women with such diseases:

  • urogenital infections (, cytomegalovirus, mycoplasmosis, candidiasis and others);
  • (including genital herpes);
  • viral hepatitis B, C and D.

In the form of an ointment and gel, Viferon contains the same active ingredient, but it is intended for external use. The agent is applied to the affected areas of the body with herpes, genital warts and warts.

Dosage for pregnant women

Suppositories for rectal administration may contain different amounts of interferon: 150,000, 500,000, 1,000,000 and 3,000,000 IU. If Viferon is prescribed during pregnancy, the dosage must be specified by the doctor.

If the use of the drug is carried out according to the instructions, with ARVI, 1 suppository containing 500,000 IU of interferon is administered rectally twice a day. There must be a 12-hour interval between doses of the drug. The course of treatment, as a rule, is 5 days. If the doctor deems it appropriate, the course may be increased.

For urogenital infections and herpes, the drug is prescribed in the same dosage (500,000 IU), twice a day for 10 days, and then 1 suppository twice a day every fourth day for a 10-day period. Further, the dosage of the drug is reduced to 150,000 IU, and a 5-day course of treatment is prescribed, 1 suppository 2 times a day once every 4 weeks until the moment of delivery. If necessary, Viferon during pregnancy is prescribed in the 3rd trimester after 38 weeks at a dosage of 500,000 IU, 1 candle twice a day with an interval of 12 hours, a course of 10 days.

Viferon during pregnancy: pros and cons

The use of drugs containing interferon is an issue that causes a lot of controversy, both among doctors and among patients. Does not have a clear answer and the question of the effectiveness of Viferon.

Interferon must be produced by the body itself when a virus invades it. Taking immunostimulants, immunity is supported. On the one hand, it speeds up recovery, and on the other hand, it suppresses the immune system.

Opponents of immunostimulants note that interferon should be taken during pregnancy with caution and only in case of emergency. A cold is not such a serious disease that when it develops, seek help from immunomodulators.

So, Dr. Komarovsky is categorically against taking immunostimulants, which include Viferon, for pregnant women with a cold. The doctor notes that the function of interferons is very complex and has not been fully studied so far. Alpha-interferons, as recent studies have shown, are not able to prevent the development of colds, speed up recovery, or protect against complications. In addition, drugs with interferon adversely affect the functioning of the thyroid gland. A common pathology in pregnant women is hypothyroidism, in which the level of thyroid hormones decreases. When taking drugs with interferons, the course of the disease may worsen.

Many doctors believe that it is not worth using immunostimulants during pregnancy at all. It is better to increase the immunity of the expectant mother in alternative ways: a balanced diet, hardening, good sleep, the right daily routine.

It is not known how the body of a pregnant woman may react to drugs containing synthetic interferon. Clinical studies on expectant mothers are not conducted. Perhaps the development of allergic reactions, manifested by itching and a rash on the skin. As a rule, the allergy disappears 3 days after the drug is discontinued.

Another argument "against" the use of suppositories during pregnancy: it is believed that with rectal administration, interferon alpha is practically not absorbed by the body.

Summing up

So, is it worth taking Viferon during pregnancy? The drug does not cure any of the diseases listed in the annotation. It only helps the body cope with the virus faster. Taking an antiviral agent will be effective only if treatment is started from the first day of illness and under the supervision of a doctor. Pregnant women should not take Viferon as a prophylactic.

For serious diseases requiring immune support, Viferon can be effective. If the doctor prescribed candles, you should listen to the advice of a specialist. But in no case do not self-medicate! Uncontrolled use of immunomodulators can lead to a malfunction of the immune system and unpredictable consequences for a pregnant woman.

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