A miniature and gentle companion dog with an original appearance - all about the Chinese Crested breed. Caring for a Chinese crested dog Chinese dog description how long they live

What breed of dog lives the longest? You will find answers to this and other questions in this article.

For many people, a pet is an equal family member, a true friend and a personal therapist. But animals are not given a human age, but I so want them to live longer and please their owners with a fervent waving of their tail and a loving look. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people wonder: How long do dogs live?

  • It is difficult to answer this question right away, since it all depends on the conditions of detention, on what you feed the dog, and how you treat it.
  • Also, the life of a dog depends on the breed, heredity, prevention of infectious diseases (vaccination).
  • In this article, we will look at how long representatives of a particular breed live, which dogs live longer, and what is the world record for the life expectancy of an ordinary mongrel. Read interesting information below.

So you want your four-legged friend to be there for as long as possible. But this is impossible, because dogs have their own age of life. How many years do mutts and mutts live on a chain on average?

  • Domestic dogs without breed or mutts can live from 9 to 12 years. Some of them, with good care and nutrition, live up to 20 years.
  • Lifespan of yard dogs not much different from the lifespan of pets - 8-11 years. The main thing is that the animal eats normally and does not become infected with any disease.
  • Mongrel on a chain will live less, as she moves little, and as a rule, she is fed to satiety. The dog must move, run. If she is always on a leash, then her life will be short-lived.

Yard mutts, even those that run a lot, can also have a short age. Their life expectancy is affected by winter cold, poor nutrition, and the presence of diseases from which they can die quickly.

Interesting to know: The smaller the dog in size, the longer it has a lifespan.

Read more about each breed below.

Chinese Cresteds are beautiful medium-sized dogs. This is a very loyal and friendly breed. How many years do Chinese crested live on average? Dogs of this breed live an average of 12 to 13 years. But, if you follow your pet: feed it properly, take it for a walk, then it will live 15 years or more.

It's important to know: This dog breed needs skin care due to the fact that it has little hair. Therefore, in winter, the dog needs to be dressed, and in summer, lubricate the skin with special creams. This will help prevent breakouts and flaking.

Despite the fact that the Chihuahua dog breed has a fragile body, it is very hardy. Depending on the size of the dogs of this breed, life expectancy may fluctuate. How many years do Chihuahuas live on average?

  • Dogs of standard size - from 1.5 to 3 kg. Such representatives of the Chihuahua breed live an average of 10-16 years. But with good care and excellent heredity, your pet can live much longer - up to 20 years.
  • Chihuahua mini weighing from 500 grams to 1.5 kg. There is an opinion that such dogs do not live long - no more than 8 years. But this applies only to those animals that weigh less than 1 kg. This is because such small dogs often have congenital diseases, and they are also at additional risk of injury during walks or due to careless actions of the owners.

You can extend the life of a Chihuahua if you follow a few rules:

Important: The duration of the dogs of this breed is affected by castration. A sterilized animal will live longer. This is due to the fact that a castrated animal does not accumulate hormones that can promote the growth of various neoplasms.

In addition, the level of aggression decreases, the animal becomes balanced, which means it will live longer.

Another representative of the breed of dogs of small sizes. Their height does not exceed 30 cm, and their weight is not more than 3 kg. Such dogs also seem fragile, but in terms of life expectancy they are much better than the Chihuahua. How many years do toy terriers live on average?

  • Dogs of this breed on average live from 12 to 16 years.
  • The number of deaths at an early age in these dogs is due to the inexperience and irresponsibility of the owners.
  • If the dog has the right care, good nutrition, it will lead an active lifestyle and walk regularly, then its life expectancy can increase to 22 years.

Longevity of representatives of this breed is usually explained by good immunity and the ability to quickly recover from illness.

The Yorkshire Terrier is another small dog breed. Such a decorative lap dog is a real flower of the canine world. It needs to be protected, protected, cared for and cherished. Yorkies are very kind, love children and will never offend them. How many years do Yorkshire Terriers live on average?

  • On average, dogs of this breed live 13-15 years.
  • But, if the owner monitors the quality of the diet of his pet, then in reality he will live longer.
  • A characteristic disease of this breed is caries. In itself, this disease is not dangerous, but because of the soreness of the teeth, the dog may refuse food, then get sick for a long time.

Show your pet to the doctor in a veterinary clinic in a timely manner. This will help to avoid unwanted consequences if your dog gets sick.

This breed is over 5000 years old. It was originally intended to protect caravans and dwellings. She has a thick coat that protects from the cold, thick and strong skin that protects against insect bites and an impressive size, thanks to which everyone will be afraid of her and no one will think to get inside the living quarters. How many years do Alabai live on average?

  • On average, representatives of this breed live 11-15 years.
  • Alabaev breeders warn that this dog needs to be walked all day, and if you are not ready to do this, then it is better to abandon this breed.
  • If the dog does not run much, then her character may deteriorate and she will begin to age quickly.

But, if you are not too lazy to walk a lot with your pet, then he can live up to 20 years and will always be positive.

Video: Central Asian Shepherd Dog or Turkmen Alabai

A mobile, active dog with short legs will turn the life of its owner into an event full of adventures. This dog does not sit still and will be a favorite of all family members. On the street, he will demand outdoor games from the owner, but he will not tolerate training, because he does not like it. Good care is necessary for any dog, but this terrier in particular. The health of these dogs is generally excellent, but some individuals may suffer from hereditary diseases.

How long do Jack Russell Terrier dogs live on average? With good health, care, daily active walks and proper nutrition, a dog of this breed can live for more than 15 years. Genetic diseases cannot be cured, so it is important to know the breeder personally in order to be sure of his puppies.

The expressive appearance of Griffons suggests that these are decorative dogs. Such gentle pocket animals were bred to hunt rodents, but they have taken root perfectly in people's homes and have become their friends. How many years do Belgian Griffons live on average?

  • The Brussels Griffon lives from 10 to 15 years.
  • Health problems are usually related to reproductive function. Dog girls cannot bear offspring, and if they become pregnant, then complications during childbirth are possible. They often have a caesarean section.
  • Little puppies are born weak, and many of them die in infancy.
  • Hereditary diseases do not bring much harm to health (cataract, glaucoma), but prevent the dog from living a full life. She can become aggressive and will bark loudly at any rustle.

Important: If you are going to get yourself a puppy of this breed, then remember that such a dog does not tolerate heat well. Short coat does not protect from the cold. Therefore, the Brussels Griffon will have to be protected so that he lives longer.

The Pekingese is one of the most ancient breeds on our planet. Owners should monitor not only the proper nutrition of the dog, but also its coat: wash, comb. It is the coat of such a dog that causes inconvenience, as it is long. On a summer day it can be hot and the animal can overheat and get tired, which will lead to dehydration and the dog will die. But, if you monitor your health, how many years do Pekingese live on average?

  • If the dog is not sick and has quality care and proper nutrition, then it will be with you for 16-18 years.
  • In this breed, there were also centenarians who lived up to 22 years.
  • Genetics also play an important role in life expectancy.

To prolong the life of their Pekingese, owners should monitor the health of this pet: visit the veterinarian, do tests and vaccinations.

Advice: When buying a puppy, ask the breeder when the last vaccination was given so that you know when the next vaccination is due.

The German Shepherd is a special dog that requires not only careful handling and proper care, but also a good psychological climate in the house where she lives. If the dog lives in stress, does not fully rest and suffer from physical inactivity, then its age will be no more than 5-6 years.

How many years do shepherd dogs live on average if they are properly cared for? A dog of this breed, with a good attitude towards him, the right diet and daily exercise, will delight you with his presence for 10-13 years.

Pomeranian Spitz - a beautiful fluffy baby - a real bundle of happiness for their owners. The main condition for the long life of these fluffy "bears" is a good owner. He should treat his dog with love, spend time playing with her all the time. But proper care and good nutrition are also of great importance.

How many years do Spitz live on average? A dog of this breed will live with you for 12-15 years. But, if you surround him with care and constant attention, then the Spitz will delight you with its cheerful disposition and beautiful appearance much longer.

As mentioned above, the smaller the dog, the longer it lives, and vice versa, the larger the dog, the shorter its life expectancy. How many years do large dogs and small breeds live? Large dogs live from 10 to 13 years, and pets of small breeds - from 12 to 16 and even more.

Some people choose a dog based on appearance, coat length, or lack of it. Others pay attention only to life expectancy, because they want their pet to please their cheerful disposition, kindness and love for as long as possible. Which dogs live the longest? Here are 10 long-lived dog breeds:

  • chihuahua - up to 20 years
  • toy terrier - up to 22 years old
  • alabai - 15-20 years
  • Pekingese - up to 20 years
  • toy poodle - up to 20 years
  • dachshund - 18-20 years old
  • shin tzu - 20 years
  • Lhasa Apso - 18 years old
  • New Guinea singing dog - up to 20 years
  • beagle - from 16 to 18 years

These dogs are very beautiful, friendly and funny. Due to their mobility, they live long and delight their owners.

From the facts described above, it can be seen that dogs of many breeds live up to 20-22 years. But how long can dogs live? History knows the fact about the dog that ran with the shepherds in Australia. This dog even got into the Guinness Book of Records, as he was able to live up to 29 and a half years. Scientists explain this by several factors: the fresh air of the meadows of Australia and the good physical activity of the dog, which every day ran after the shepherds on the green grass.

Video: How long do dogs live | At home | Average.

The Chinese Crested Dog feels comfortable in a small room, so it can be started in city apartments. Today, there are two breeds of these dogs: hairy, and with little hair.

dog character

This dog is very loyal and friendly towards all family members.

This breed loves constant contact with people and loves to cuddle. Therefore, you should not start it if you have a lot to do and you are constantly busy. After leaving her master from home, she will constantly wait for him and be sad.

Thus, this breed is difficult to tolerate a change of owner and habitual environment. If she appears in new places, she becomes timid and shy, she needs a certain amount of time to adapt.

They do not irritate with constant barking; only separation from their master can cause it. Also, prolonged loneliness can develop the habit of frequent chewing. This problem can be solved by buying her special toys that she will chew on. Before purchasing, you need to find out how long Chinese crested live. The life span, like most dogs, is twelve years.

If you want your dog to perform various commands and all sorts of tricks, then this is the breed for you. The Chinese Crested is easily trained and can be taught the most bizarre commands, which she will gladly perform. They get pleasure when they please their owner and will try to do everything to achieve this.

breed diseases.

Most dogs are prone to certain diseases. So this breed is prone to some of them:

    Difficulty enduring childbirth;

    Frequent allergic reactions;

    Weak kneecaps that are prone to dislocation;

    They are also prone to Perthes disease.

    Loss of teeth at an early age.

    Therefore, in order to increase the life expectancy of Chinese crested, it is necessary to recognize all the causes of the disease in time and prevent them.

Dog care.

Care for the crested depends on the type of its breed. The easiest way to care for a dog that has a small amount of hair.

You will only need to comb small tufts of wool just once every two days. But she constantly needs bathing so that various defects in the form of acne and peeling do not appear on her skin.

Use only special care products that do not cause allergies. And in the summer, before going for a walk, it is necessary to use creams that will protect from the sun's rays.

The hairy breed of dog needs to be properly groomed on a daily basis. Also, use the tools that the specialist will advise. Give your pet proper attention, and she will give you tenderness and affection. The nature of each dog is individual, but they are not prone to aggression and are quite peaceful.

Update: October 2017

Chinese crested dogs are often referred to as hairless and compared to chameleons, because the skin color of a pet can change. In summer, Chinese women brighten, and in winter they darken. They have not only a unique appearance, but also other unusual features.

The breed is characterized by such features:

  • naked, like a frog's skin, but often there are 1-2 fluffy puppies in the litter (powder puff or powder puffs);
  • hairless dogs have three degrees of hair growth: weak, medium and strong;
  • there are two variations in the body structure: the mobile deer type and the average, with a heavier skeleton;
  • the ability to adapt to different climates and love for active walks;
  • the presence of sweat glands (unlike other breeds), so dogs do not have to breathe heavily to cool the body;
  • a constant desire to eat and a tendency to overeat;
  • lack of premolars in the dentition: bones should not be given to them;
  • painful reaction to the change of owner;
  • skin care is required: it must be washed frequently and lubricated with creams and oils;
  • dogs with an average and strong degree of overgrowth require grooming;
  • all types of Chinese women get along well with children, especially the bitches are affectionate.

Characteristics of the breed

Is it difficult to care for Chinese Crested?
The complexity of care is above average. With such physiological characteristics, dogs need special protection. They are afraid of the weather. And Chinese women are difficult to train.
Is it suitable for inexperienced owners?
Not the best choice for inexperienced owners. Representatives of the breed show stubbornness during accustoming to cleanliness.
Where is it better for a pet to live: in a house or apartment?
The breed is suitable for any premises, can live in a small apartment, and in a large house. The content in the aviary is contraindicated for her.
Does it show watchdog qualities?
The watchman from the Chinese will not work. She has almost no guard instinct.
What are the features of hair and skin care?
Powderpuffs need regular grooming and daily brushing. Skin care for naked individuals consists of lubricating the surface with moisturizing creams, bathing and combing and trimming the overgrown areas.
Are there any problems with catering?
The breed is not demanding on the diet. Both ready-made feeds and natural feeding are suitable. There are unusual taste preferences.
Are there any difficulties with socialization?
The dog is strongly attached to the owner, loves to communicate with other people, but may be wary of strangers.
Can you leave your pet alone for a long time?
When alone, dogs can express fear by howling and whining. This behavior needs to be stopped.
Who is not suitable for the breed?
Sedentary people, owners who are not ready to spend a lot of time on care, families with small children (this is a fragile dog that is easy to harm).
Can I buy for a child?
Chinese women are very fond of children, but they are not suitable for kids to play with.
Do they get sick often?
May suffer from dental and eye diseases, allergic skin reactions are possible.
Do you need clothes?
Yes, these sissies need clothes. Moreover, naked individuals need it even in summer to protect it from burns.
Can it be kept with other animals?
As a rule, pets are good with other animals, they can coexist with cats.

Breed Benefits

  • Loyalty and affection to the owner.
  • Good adaptation to various conditions of detention.
  • mobility and curiosity.
  • Attachment to people.
  • Undemanding to walks, they feel good in the apartment.
  • Possibility of maintenance by elderly and disabled people.
  • Skin devoid of vegetation does not allow fleas to settle.
  • Excellent socialization.
  • The ability to feel the mood of the owner.
  • Good health.


  • Eccentric appearance (at the competition of the ugliest dogs, representatives of this breed most often win).
  • Manifestations of egocentricity in character.
  • Can be stubborn during training.
  • It is difficult to accustom to neatness and wean to mark the territory.
  • Difficulty in care (requires a whole range of procedures).
  • You need protection from the cold and the sun.
  • There is a high chance of skin problems.
  • Tendency to allergies to wool.
  • Difficult childbirth.

Photo of Chinese Crested

Dog character, behavior

The lively, terrier-like Chinese Crested Dog often retains puppy-like qualities into old age. She loves to be given attention. The pet has nothing of a watchman or a hunter. This is a purely decorative breed with an affectionate and docile nature. If you love affectionate pets, this dog is for you. She will become a constant companion and the center of attention.

It should be borne in mind that the best character traits will appear only with good socialization. Without it, dogs become shy, sometimes aggressive. As soon as possible, you need to introduce them to new places and people.

Behavior at home

The mysterious Corydalis feels great in any home. Even tiny apartments are suitable for her. The main thing is the presence of a beloved owner. She will play, caress, walk on the heels - just to be in the spotlight. The Chinese do not like loneliness very much. They announce this to all neighbors with a loud howl. This kind of behavior needs to be weaned immediately.

In a normal environment, pets are rather silent. They rarely speak. And if this happens, then, most likely, this is how the baby calls the owner for help or tries to communicate something important. Corydalis finds its own approach to each person, it easily achieves the location of anyone. But it becomes attached to one or two people in the family. For her, connecting with them can be vital. It is important for future owners to know this, because the change of owner in adulthood is very painful for her.

Behavior on the street

The Chinese Crested dog breed has an unusual appearance. Some will call it funny, others - ugly. It's a matter of taste. But on the street, the owner needs to be prepared for the fact that he and his pet will be provided with general attention. The breed is best suited for urban conditions. Please note that representatives of the breed love to dig. And if you don't want them to ruin your garden, keep an eye on them as you walk.

Attitude towards other animals, strangers and children

Pets calmly react to other animals, even if they are cats. Moreover, both the Chinese crested downy dog ​​and its hairless sister behave in this way. Experienced owners say that they have something of a cat. They love to sit on their hands, feel the mood of the owner and also love affection.

In relation to strangers, dogs are friendly, they do not show aggression. But you need to be careful when dealing with small children. The skeleton, even in adults, is very fragile, and children during games, without realizing it, can harm their pet.

Caring for the Chinese Crested: wool, eyes, ears, teeth

Corydalis have pointed muzzles, like rat hunters, and long tufts on their heads. On the paws are charming "boots". All this beauty needs care. Especially complicated is the care of pets living in cold and very hot climates. Dog skin requires the most attention. But we must not forget about the hygiene of the eyes, ears, paws.

Eye hygiene

The eyes should be clean, because healthy dogs have practically no discharge. Only after sleep can mucus accumulate in the corners of the eyes. It is removed with a clean cloth. Once a week you need to clean your eyes.

To do this, take cotton pads (separate for each eye) and moisten them with boiled water or a special lotion (tea brewing, chamomile decoctions and other folk remedies are not suitable). The eye is treated with a wet disk. Then with another disk - a skin area under the eye. Then eye drops are introduced. They destroy bacteria. Repeat the procedure with the second eye, changing the cotton pad.

How to take care of your teeth?

The genes responsible for hair and teeth are linked. Outwardly, this is expressed as follows: the better the coat of the dog, the healthier his teeth. This means that hairless individuals have much worse teeth than downy ones. They are covered with an extremely thin layer of enamel, so they suffer greatly from caries. Tooth loss at a young age is not uncommon for this breed. Therefore, dental care should be started as early as possible.

How to clean your ears?

Every 3-4 days, the ears are examined, if sulfur has accumulated in them, they are cleaned. Dogs will probably not like this procedure. Therefore, you need to fix your head well before you start. Before removing wax, you need to pluck the hair inside the ear. Do it with quick and sharp movements. After that, proceed to cleaning the ears. They take an ear stick, moisten it in a special ear cleaner and clean the visible part of the ear.

How to cut nails?

To care for the claws, you will need a nail clipper of the appropriate size. It is important not to touch the living part of the claw. In light-colored pets, this is a pink stripe inside the claw. In dark individuals, it is hardly noticeable. You can navigate by the color of the core: in the dead part it is whitish, in the living part it is darker. It is better to trim the claws a little, so you are less likely to hurt the part with the area with the vessels.

How to take care of your skin?

The skin of hairless pets is a weak point. It can burn in the sun, dry out from the wind, peel off, blush. Often acne and comedones appear on it. This dog has to clean the skin - remove black and white dots. After that, the skin must be disinfected. In addition, the owner's arsenal should have moisturizing and anti-inflammatory creams.

How to bathe and dry your pet?

There is a difference in hair and skin care for hairless and downy pets. A naked dog can be washed 1-2 times a week. You will need a cleansing and nourishing shampoo. The pet is placed in the bathroom, the body is moistened with warm water. Then the cleansing shampoo is diluted with water, shaken into foam and applied to the mane, tail, paws. The naked body is treated with undiluted shampoo.

After a few minutes, the detergent is washed off and a nourishing shampoo is applied to the hair. It is also washed off and the balm is used according to the instructions. After that, a moisturizing mask is distributed over the skin. She is also washed away. Many breeders use proven "human" cosmetics. But this can be done only after consulting with a veterinarian. Dry the coat and skin with a hair dryer, after applying a conditioning spray. Before exhibitions, you may also need a special styling foam.

Overgrown individuals are washed with a diluted cleansing and then nourishing shampoo. After that, a balm is applied, and during drying with a hairdryer, conditioner. Drip puffs can be no more than 2-3 times a month.

Features of grooming wool

Many are interested in: what type of Chinese crested is easier to care for - naked or downy? Both require grooming. In bare Corydalis, the muzzle is cut, the hair on the paws is evened out, and the entire body is depilated or epilated. If these procedures are neglected, the dog will look unkempt. This is especially true for haircuts. The puff also needs to be cut. And you have to do it regularly.

How to cut the muzzle of a naked dog?

For a haircut you will need a trimmer or a machine. Without experience, it is better not to start such an operation, but immediately turn to professional groomers. They do a haircut on a special table for grooming. It is needed in order to properly fix the corydalis during the procedure. Start cutting from the neck, gradually moving to the muzzle. Cheekbones are treated, cheeks are slightly removed. You can leave the tanks - tufts of wool on the cheeks.

Hair removal and depilation of hairless dogs

Almost all hairless dogs have a weak overgrowth throughout the body. These hairs need to be removed. The easiest way is shaving. To do this, take a razor, shaving foam and carefully treat the pet's body. However, after a few days, stubble will appear on the skin. And this means that this method of depilation in the period of preparation for the exhibition is not suitable.

You can use depilatory creams. They are applied according to the instructions. This is also a simple and painless way to get rid of body hair. However, stubble also appears quickly. Modern electric epilators are also suitable. But the process will be painful, although the effect is longer.

Some wearers use wax strips or pull out hairs with tweezers. Everyone has the right to choose what suits him best. After removing the hair, the skin is treated with a disinfectant. And one should not persist in the desire to make the dog the most beautiful, unless of course we are talking about exhibitions. A pet should not be subjected to such tests. But if you have a show dog, teach it to grooming from childhood.

Downy dog ​​haircut

Not only naked, but also a downy dog ​​can look spectacular. The haircut completes her appearance. Remove hair on the neck and head. First, the muzzle is treated, leaving the tanks on the cheeks. You can visually lengthen the muzzle by removing the hair at the transition to the forehead. Then proceed to the neck. The wool is cut in the shape of a large triangle.

Walks and exercise

This is an active breed, but it can do without a daily walk. Corydalis can be carried everywhere in a handbag. But from time to time she needs to be allowed to run in the yard. In the cold season, she is rarely taken outside. This can only be done by wearing a few sweaters or overalls. In the hot summer, the pet is taken out only after the skin has been treated with sunscreen. Otherwise, serious burns may result.

If your pet likes to dig the ground, and this breed has such a tendency, you need to give him a site for this. Teach to do it only there, you can put your favorite toy there. So the baby will understand that this is his place. You can not take it into the forest, for walks in the countryside. Horseflies and mosquitoes bite bare skin.

In crowded places, it is convenient to walk Corydalis on a long leash-roulette. To do this, the dog is first taught to the leash. You need to hold the tape measure firmly while walking, because if you release it, the terrible thing will start to “catch up” with the baby, frightening him greatly. So you can discourage him from walking.

Often dogs get rid of excess energy with rubber toys or other fun. For such a baby, any object can become a toy. Corydalis are happy to play with balls of thread, pieces of wood and just pieces of plastic. During such games on the street, you need to watch what the baby is playing. It is better to take toys with you, not allowing unfamiliar objects to be taken into the mouth.

Vaccinations, susceptibility to diseases

The breed is distinguished by good health. Hairless dogs may have missing teeth. Females have difficult births.

There is a tendency to genetic diseases:

  • dislocation of the kneecap;
  • progressive retinal atrophy;
  • hereditary cataract;
  • dry keratoconjunctivitis;
  • epilepsy;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • degenerative myelopathy.

Measures against worms

You can reduce the risk of infection with worms with the help of a properly formulated diet. Raw meat and fish products should be excluded from the menu. You can not neglect the means of ticks and fleas, because they are carriers of some helminthiasis.

For preventive purposes, helminth preparations are given to pets at least once every 3 to 4 months. In this case, deworming should be of a general nature. Preparations are given to all animals and people in the house. Twice a year, conduct a study of feces for helminths. The first deworming of puppies is carried out in kennels at the age of 21 to 30 days.

Vaccinations, first vaccination

It is possible to vaccinate only healthy and unweakened animals without helminthiases. Before each vaccination, dogs are wormed (10 days before the vaccine is administered).

An example vaccination program looks like this:

  • primary immunization - at the age of 8-9 weeks (paravirus-2, plague, adenovirus-2, parainfluenza);
  • revaccination - after 3-4 weeks (parovirus-2, plague, adenovirus-2, parainfluenza, rabies);
  • repeat vaccination - one year after the first vaccination;
  • revaccination - every 3 years.

The vaccination scheme should be selected by a veterinarian. Any vaccine is administered only after examining the dog. Vaccinations in weakened animals will do more harm than good.

What to feed?

Question: what to feed the Chinese crested, as a rule, does not arise even among inexperienced owners. In terms of feeding, this breed does not cause any difficulties even for inexperienced owners. You can give ready-made dry food or you can transfer the animal to natural feeding. As for the regime, the puppy is fed in small portions 4 to 5 times a day. As they grow older, the number of feedings is reduced. An adult Chinese crested dog is fed twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Adult dog diet

It is enough for an adult dog to eat about 100 g of dry food per day. At one time, she is given 50 - 60 g of the finished diet. Only high-quality feeds of at least premium class are suitable. In some cases, anti-allergenic food for corydalis may be needed. Always choose a diet that is appropriate for the age and condition of your pet. Diets for puppies, adult dogs and lactating bitches should be different.

A bowl of food is placed only for 15 minutes. Then the remains are removed. Clean water should always be freely available. You should always feed on a schedule. No concessions and handouts from the table. Portion needs to be regulated. You can't overfeed. This breed is prone to overeating. And you can not mix natural food with ready-made food in one feeding.

puppy diet

Puppies are fed little and often. Of the ready-made diets, only puppy food is suitable. They are balanced in vitamin and mineral composition. You can not leave the bowl always in free access. Teach your child to be organized. Always give food at the same time. Leave the portion in the usual place for a short time. In addition to food, you can give puppies some treats.

Prohibited Products

  • All types of bones.
  • Raw fish and meat.
  • Milk (fermented milk products are allowed).
  • Pork in any form and fatty broths.
  • Sweets, chocolate, pastries.
  • Salt and salty foods.
  • Sausages.
  • Alcohol in any form.
  • Grapes and raisins.
  • Hercules, semolina, oatmeal, barley.
  • human pills.

Training and education

Physiologically, representatives of this breed cannot endure for a long time, therefore, 8-9 month old dogs often cope with their needs at home. To do this, they are accustomed to a tray or diaper. This is an important element of education. First you need to put the puppy in the tray immediately after sleeping and after feeding. As a rule, during this period he just relieves himself. If the baby wants to leave the tray, it must be returned. After he has done all his deeds, he is praised and given a treat.

Immediately after the end of quarantine, the puppy is taught to the street. They do this gradually, first taking them to quiet deserted places. Then the walking radius is increased. They begin to accustom to the collar even during quarantine, so that after it ends, the baby will already get used to it and wear it calmly.

Few other breeds can master as many tricks as the Chinese Crested Dog. Puppies do not always remember them the first time, but with due diligence on the part of the owner, they can be taught to do various manipulations with their front paws. The main thing - do not forget to praise and encourage the baby.

Choosing and caring for a puppy

If you liked a photo of a Chinese Crested, this does not mean that you are ready to start it. Before you go to the nursery, you need to answer some questions. Are you ready to spend time and money on expensive care? What will you do if you have to go on a business trip or vacation? And what kind of dog do you want: naked or downy? Only then can you start looking for a breeder.

Every Chinese Crested Dog carries a recessive gene for a long, silky coat. Therefore, in one litter there can be both naked puppies and fluffy lumps. Powderpuffs do not have a seasonal molt. Dead hair is removed from them with a slicker. She does not need clothes for walking, and you can save on depilation.

Naked Chinese women can have both a strong degree of overgrowth and a weaker one. Dogs with long hair on the head, paws and tail look more spectacular. But it takes more time to put them in order.

If you plan to participate in exhibitions, evaluate the exterior of the future champion. It's hard to do without experience. In puppyhood, not all traits appear. If possible, invite a consultant.

How to care for a puppy?

Puppy care consists of hygiene of teeth, claws, eyes. Before the appearance of a small miracle in the house, you need to purchase the necessary equipment: a house, a tray, diapers, combs and other hygiene items. Prepare a place for the baby, buy him toys.

On the first day in a new home, he needs to ensure peace. Let the puppy settle in. He does it without haste. The very next day he will start active games, but now he needs rest. Give him the usual food, so he will adapt more calmly. The main thing at this moment is the owner's love and attentiveness.

breed standards

FCI 288 classification Group 9. Companions and lap dogs.
Section 4. Hairless dogs.
Usage Decorative companion dog
Appearance Small graceful dog with thin or medium bones. There are two varieties of the breed - hairless and downy, and two types: deer - thin-boned, and cobby - stocky and heavier.
Temperament, behavior Cheerful, flexible, aggression is completely absent.
  • Scull: slightly rounded and elongated.
  • Muzzle: tapering slightly, but not pointed, without frills.
  • Jaws: strong, with a regular scissor bite.
  • nose: dark.
  • Eyes: very dark.
  • Ears: set low.
  • Back: straight.
  • Small of the back: elastic.
  • Croup: Well rounded, muscular.
  • Neck: dry, without dewlap.
  • Tail: long, may be half-haired.
  • Front: long and slender.
  • Rear: wide posture.
movements Long, elegant and flowing.
Wool There should not be large areas of guard hair on the body. The crest is better flowing.
Color Any.
Growth Height at withers:
  • Males 28-33 cm;
  • Bitches 23-30 cm.
Flaws Deviation from the above parameters is a disadvantage.

Origin story

When these dogs appeared, now it is difficult to say. There is evidence that since the time of the Aztecs they have been used as cult animals. The most popular version is that they were first noticed on the African continent by Chinese traders. They took the dogs with them.

In the 18th century, hairless dogs were found on all continents. They reached Europe only in the 19th century. The breed owes its popularity to Mr. V.K. Taunton. The Briton in 1986 showed it for the first time at an exhibition. But it was not only not appreciated adequately, but also called a biological curiosity. Later, Gypsy Rose Lee and Ruth Harris became interested in the breed. In fact, the breed was created by the British. In 1969, a club of her fans appeared, and in 1973 she was officially recognized.

> Chinese Crested The Chinese Crested Dog is one of the most iconic and popular toy breeds. China is considered the birthplace of the breed, where there is even a beautiful legend about how a crested dog found a baby in the forest and saved him from freezing, shaking off all his hair on the cub and remaining naked forever. Even today, this miniature beauty is considered a symbol of prosperity, happiness and love in China.

Description and life expectancy of the breed

The Chinese Crested Dog is one of the smallest breeds in the world, measuring between 23 and 33 cm at the withers and weighing an average of 2 to 6 kg. The body of the animal is thin-boned and fragile, the muzzle is graceful and flat, tapering towards the nose. According to the structure of the body, a deer type of body is distinguished, with a light skeleton, and an average type with a denser skeleton.

As described above, individuals of this breed can be both hairless (hair can be present only on the head, paws and tail), and long-haired puffs, with soft veil-like hair. Distinctive features of the breed are the presence of a characteristic crest on the head and a tail ending in a beautiful flowing tassel.

Absolutely any coat color is allowed for the Chinese Crested, the skin color of hairless varieties can be pink, black, lavender, beige, and also marbled or spotted.

The life expectancy of a dog is 10-12 years.

Features of maintenance and care

The Chinese Crested Dog is a sensitive and gentle creature that needs the reverent care of the owner.

Depending on the variety of crested, the care of the animal's coat will also differ. Powder puffs and “conics” are owners of fine wool, which is not subject to shedding and tends to stray into tangles, so “fluffies” should be combed daily and thereby freed from dead hair.

Hairless dogs need special attention to bare skin, as under the sun it can dry out, burn out and change color. It is advisable to use moisturizers and sunscreens that protect the skin from peeling. Hairy parts of the body also need to be combed. Be sure to bathe the animal regularly so that it does not form acne.

Despite the fact that the crested one easily learns to go to the toilet on the cat's tray, you still should not neglect daily walks - these babies love outdoor games. For walks, you should get some wardrobe: a synthetic winter coat for the winter season and a light T-shirt for the summer to protect against the sun and insects.

Breed Health and Temperament Issues

The health of the Chinese Crested has some weaknesses. Often, representatives of the breed are faced with dental problems, such as congenital lack of teeth or their loss at an early age. Regular brushing will help keep your teeth healthy.

In addition, hairless individuals are prone to acne and sunburn.

This miniature dog is sometimes overly cowardly and timid, and therefore needs early socialization and frequent communication with people and animals. It is difficult for the breed to adapt to new living conditions; it is difficult for it to endure a change of owner in adulthood.

Universal breed

A crested dog can be safely purchased by both novice breeders and experienced amateur dog breeders. The breed is remarkable in that it is suitable even for allergy sufferers, because the absence of wool and skin secretions will not cause a reaction in them.

Puppy evaluation

When buying a Chinese Crested puppy, you need to pay attention to a strong proportional body, a straight back and a correct bite. The ears of crested babies rise differently, depending on their size and the amount of wool.

The Chinese Crested is a small decorative dog with an accommodating character. Dogs of this breed are also often referred to as " naked chinese due to the complete absence of hair on their torso. The Chinese Crested Dog is a very sweet, intelligent, brave and affectionate creature that rarely gets sick and needs the help of a veterinarian.

Animals of this breed are good for breeding at home, give birth easily, without outside help. Chinese crested eat little, they are not particularly whimsical in food. They adapt well to both hot and cold climates.

History of the breed

There are two versions of the appearance of naked Chinese and Mexican breeds. According to the first version, the Mexican crested dog is a descendant of the Chinese crested dog. This conclusion is made on the basis of finds - ancient skulls found in Mexico, and dated 1500 BC.

However, the discovery was made 2000 years later than the discovery of similar skulls in China. According to the second version, the ancient inhabitants of Mexico kept blue chihuahuas in temples for religious purposes. After they were conquered by the Aztecs, Mexican dogs, who came with the Aztecs, also began to be kept in the temples.

It is believed that it was the crossing of these two breeds that led to the emergence of such a breed as the Chinese Crested dog.

The unique hairiness of the breed is the result of a genetic mutation that is successfully reinforced by crossbreeding and subsequently repeated in most generations, while having the same set of accompanying traits.

In almost all litters of naked individuals, puppies are born covered with wool - “puffs”, which, upon further mating with a “naked” animal, give the same naked offspring. Downy puppies of Chinese Crested are not defective and, together with naked individuals, can, if desired, take part in exhibitions.

Also, a distinctive feature of this breed, in addition to the naked body and the crest on the head, is the presence of anomalies in the development of teeth - in naked individuals, incomplete teeth, a reduced size of fangs, and the absence of premolars are observed. Chinese crested "down" dog at the same time has a completely normal dental rad and a full set of teeth.

Description of the breed

The Chinese Crested is an elegant animal, reaching a height of 23-33 cm at the withers, while the weight of the animal ranges from 2 to 5 kg. Males and females have obvious differences in appearance, females are more fine-boned and graceful. The head is distinguished by a very graceful shape, the cranium is slightly rounded and elongated forward.

The muzzle of the dog is flat, tapering towards the nose is flat, there is a smooth transition from the forehead to the muzzle. According to the breed standard, the nose can have any color. The tuft on the head begins on the forehead and ends on the neck, while it can be either very falling or not particularly long.

The eyes of the Chinese Crested are dark, almost black, like olives. The iris fills almost the entire eye, so the protein is almost invisible. The eyes of the animal are widely spaced, of medium size. Light, very closely spaced eyes are considered a fault. The ears and the outer corner of the eye should be in line.

Ears are usually large, erect, fringed with wool. The neck of Chinese crested dogs is long and “dry”, no thickening is allowed. During movement, it should be beautifully curved and kept straight. The shoulders are strong with developed relief muscles.

The paws are hare-shaped, they are narrow and long, the carpal bones are elongated and miniature. According to breed standards, the fingers should be covered with elongated hair that does not extend to the wrists. The forelimbs of the animal are slender and long, the hind limbs are elastic, the shins are long, and the hocks are low. The tail is set high, long, tapering towards the end. There should be a long tassel at the end of the tail.

The skin of the animal is very elastic, warm and soft. In a hairless form, it is present only on the head, paws and tip of the tail of the animal. "Puffs" have both undercoat and coat. Color can be the most diverse.

The nature and features of care

The nature of Chinese Crested Dogs is very docile, which makes their care a pleasant experience that does not require much effort. If the animal is properly cared for, its skin is especially soft to the touch. It is slightly thicker and denser than in animals whose body is covered with wool. Wounds and cuts on the skin of hairless dogs heal very quickly.

Naked crested should be bathed once every 1.5 weeks, using shower gel for this. Places covered with wool are washed with shampoos that restore the structure of the hair and give it volume.

All hairless in the muzzle area have hairs that are removed with a machine. Caring for "puffs" is no different from caring for an ordinary long-haired dog. They should be washed no more than once every 10-14 days, combed out at least every other day.

In the cold season, during walks, the animal needs clothes. In dry weather, it can be a knitted overall, and in wet and rainy weather, it can be a waterproof overall with synthetic winterizer.

Dogs of this breed are very frisky and mobile, they are happy to get rid of excess energy both during games with the owner and with their toys. For such small dogs, almost any object of a small size is suitable as a toy. The animal will joyfully rush around the house with a small ball of thread, and with a cap from a plastic bottle, and with a special toy.

During such games, the behavior of the dog is very similar to that of a cat, she deftly uses her front paws, playing with any toys. Many people who decide to adopt such a dog are interested in the question, how many years do Chinese crested dogs live? On average, such pets live 12-13 years, but there are cases when animals lived to the age of 15 and even 17 years.

Feeding dogs of this breed will not cause any difficulties for the owners, they are not picky, they are very fond of vegetables and fruits. If the animal has very few teeth, then how to feed the Chinese crested dog?

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