Ointment for arthrosis of the knee joint. Effective ointments for the treatment of arthrosis: features of choice What ointments are used for arthrosis

Osteoarthritis is a disease characterized by changes in the joints associated with loss of elasticity, abrasion of cartilage and inflammation in it. The disease is treated not only with medications. Ointments for arthrosis are widely used as an additional therapy and prevention of the disease. Traditional medicine recipes are sometimes used as therapy.

The benefits of drugs

To begin with, it should be noted that applying ointments alone will not cure arthrosis. In this regard, doctors never prescribe them as the main therapy, but prefer other forms of release. On the other hand, ointments can relieve pain, as they are produced on the basis of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Ointments have a positive effect on the patient's health, namely:

  • relieve inflammation, spasms and pain;
  • improve blood circulation, as they have warming properties;
  • fight infection;
  • in combination with other drugs have a double effect, because they enhance the effect of various medicines;
  • saturate cartilage and tissues with useful substances.

In addition to the main advantages of using ointments, there are additional ones that are present in some groups of drugs. It is important to remember the possible negative consequences in case of inappropriate use and self-treatment.

All drugs for the treatment of arthrosis in the form of ointments can be divided into several groups:

  • painkillers - relieve pain;
  • anti-inflammatory - fight inflammation in tissues;
  • warming and vasodilating - improve blood circulation and microcirculation in diseased tissues.

What kind of ointments to buy can only be said by a doctor after a long and thorough examination. If you engage in self-medication, then this will negatively affect the health of the patient, provoke a deterioration in the condition, which will lead to long-term treatment of the disease.

Warming and vasodilators

Able to improve blood circulation in a diseased joint, relieve pain and spasms. When using these ointments, the joints are saturated with useful substances. In addition, ointments help other drugs fight the disease, and also enhance their effect.

This type of drug is not always prescribed, but depending on the severity of the disease. The safety of warming and vasodilating ointments depends on the key components that are in their composition.

As a rule, such a component can be:

  • bee or snake venom;
  • Red pepper.

The latter can help with arthrosis to a greater extent, as it perfectly relieves inflammatory processes, and also copes better with stimulating blood circulation.

To date, several manufacturers can be distinguished from this group:

  1. Voltaren Emulgel - the main active ingredient is snake venom.
  2. Apizartron - contains bee venom.
  3. Espol - helps due to the presence of red pepper in the composition.

Like any drug, a warming and vasodilator has its own contraindications. To use a certain ointment for arthrosis of the joints in the treatment or not, only a doctor can say.

The main contraindications for use:

  • you can not use the cream if wounds have formed on the skin or there is an allergy to one of the components of the drug;
  • when exacerbations of the disease are observed, it is strictly forbidden to use ointments;
  • if one of the components of the drug is poison, then long-term use can lead to stretching of the ligamentous apparatus of the joint.

Ointments should be applied mainly in the evening before bedtime. Rub in small portions into the joint area.

Painkillers and anti-inflammatory

Such ointments are produced on the basis of drugs that can relieve inflammation, for example, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, etc. The intensity and duration of treatment is prescribed only by a doctor based on the characteristics and complexity of the disease.

In addition to the above manufacturers, the following can be noted:

  1. Nise - the composition includes nimesulide, which effectively helps fight inflammation and relieve pain.
  2. Dolgit - warms well, since the main active ingredient is ibuprofen.

Drugs can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. Misuse will harm the patient and cause deterioration.

Traditional medicine recipes

Cream for arthrosis of the joints can be made independently, using traditional medicine for this. Ointments made at home are not medications, but as practice shows, they also help to effectively fight the disease.

There are several popular recipes widely used for the treatment of osteoarthritis:

  1. Propolis based product. For cooking, you need to mix 70% linseed oil with propolis and turpentine (15% each). Mix everything until a homogeneous mass is formed. The medicine should be stored in the refrigerator and used warm. Apply to joints 2 times a day.
  2. Wax preparation. Mix 50% wax, 25% horseradish, 20% propolis and 5 bee venom. Mix all the ingredients until a slurry is formed and apply no more than 2 times a day.
  3. Herbal ointment. It is prepared as follows: mix 65% of pharmacy vaseline with sweet clover, St. John's wort and hops, 15% each. Mix all the ingredients, put in a glass jar and infuse for 2 hours. The resulting gel is harmless and can be used at any stage of the disease. Apply at least 2 times a day for maximum effect.

Homemade drugs relieve pain well, improve blood circulation and relieve spasms, but they are not medicines, therefore they cannot be prescribed by a doctor.

A disease such as arthrosis often appears in the area of ​​​​large joints, which include the knee. This is due to a large load during walking, tissue aging and injuries. One of the first signs of knee osteoarthritis is pain after exercise. Sometimes even a little activity can lead to discomfort. This reduces the quality of life of a person, and he cannot do without appropriate treatment.

Arthrosis of the knee joint can be treated in different ways. One of these methods is the use of ointments.

The most popular ways are as follows:

  1. Ointment based on salicylates, which helps to get rid of inflammatory processes.
  2. Capsaicin-based remedy (a substance found in peppers).
  3. Homeopathic ointments.
  4. Preparations containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ingredients.

Substances such as chondroprotectors can be isolated. They effectively help restore damaged and destroyed cartilage tissue. They are used only in the early stages of the disease and after a thorough examination.

Arthrosis of the fingers and toes is an incurable disease, but its symptoms can be alleviated through the use of various methods of treatment, including the use of ointments. Do-it-yourself cream for arthrosis according to traditional medicine recipes is not recommended in this case. You need to consult a good doctor who will prescribe a comprehensive treatment. To restore cartilage, ointments can be used only in the early stages of the disease. For example, smear the joints with Butadine ointment 2 times a day.

The disease of the shoulder joint is being treated with a gel to restore the structure of the cartilage. For example, you can use Chondroxide, but together with physiotherapy procedures, ultrasound. When combined, they give impressive results.

In addition, you can use such ointments for the treatment of arthrosis, such as Fastum gel and Piroxicam. They have an anti-inflammatory and warming effect.

Arthrosis of the feet is also difficult to cure. As a rule, complex methods are used. In severe cases, surgical intervention is required. But in the early stages, conservative methods can help relieve symptoms, pain and spasms. In this case, you need to use anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointments. Diclofenac, Dolgit, Fastum gel and others will help well.

Causes of the disease

Arthrosis, like arthritis, is a very common disease today. Many factors contribute to its occurrence.

The most common reasons:

  1. Use of uncomfortable shoes. Prolonged wearing of shoes with heels contributes to the appearance of inflammatory processes in the foot.
  2. Big weight. If a person has extra pounds, then the load on the joints increases.
  3. Sedentary lifestyle. The root cause of the disease may be sedentary work, rare walking, lack of morning exercises.
  4. The occurrence of the disease in athletes. Arthrosis can appear in people who are professionally involved in ballet, dancing, etc.
  5. High growth.
  6. Fractures and sprains often provoke the appearance of arthrosis.
  7. Heavy physical labor, carrying heavy loads, etc.
  8. hereditary factor.
  9. Chronic inflammatory processes.

Sometimes the underlying causes of osteoarthritis may be the physiological characteristics of a person. For example, flat feet, a wide foot, a shortened shin, a non-standard structure of the joints, etc. If there is polyarthritis, it can provoke the occurrence of arthrosis. Ointments and gels for treatment are allowed.

The difference between arthritis and arthrosis

Arthrosis and arthritis are diseases that affect the joints. In diseased joints, damage to the joint begins, the appearance of inflammatory processes, and a violation of the anatomical structure.

In arthritis, the destruction of the joints occurs under the influence of a certain group of enzymes. Arthrosis, for its part, is characterized by the manifestation of deformation of the articular components. In this case, the deformation of the joint is an irreversible process.

The difference in difference lies in the different treatments. For example, arthritis is treated with medication. This type of ailment can occur after illness, serious injury or prolonged heavy exertion. If you apply the right methods of treatment, then the disease can be overcome, the joints and cartilage fibers will recover. Arthrosis is also treated with the help of modern medicines, but in especially severe cases, surgical intervention is required.

Thus, arthrosis can be treated in different ways: folk remedies, medications or surgery. But in each case, you need to remember that the disease is quite severe, therefore, it requires the supervision of a doctor.

Self-treatment will only worsen the condition.

The deforming changes that occur in the joints are often irreversible. But in the most stubborn patients, it is possible not only to stop the process, but also to restore the disturbed anatomy of the articulation. Most often, local remedies are used for this - ointments, gels, creams. What are the most popular ointments for arthrosis and why?

Benefits of ointments

Therapy for joint diseases consists of many methods: physiotherapy, medication, the use of local remedies. Taking drugs orally is fraught with a deterioration in the condition of internal organs. To undergo physiotherapy procedures, the patient needs to visit a medical facility, and this is a waste of time, and for many people in the modern world, this is a real luxury.

But ointments for arthrosis of the hip joint and other joints can be used at home, at any time. In addition, the cost of most ointments and gels is quite affordable. In extreme cases, you can always use folk recipes and prepare a mass for lubricating the joint with your own hands.

Almost all gels and creams are not divided by area of ​​application (spine, knees, elbows), and therefore they can be used for different areas where it is necessary. If there are several household members with articular diseases in the family, then ointments for arthrosis of the knee joint can be successfully used on the spine or foot area.

Varieties of ointments

There are a huge number of ointments used for arthrosis and arthritis. Conditionally, everything can be divided into several main groups.


Such ointments help to reduce the activity of the inflammatory process in the thickness of the skin and in the articulation. Due to a decrease in the activity of prostaglandins, swelling also decreases, and, accordingly, the pinching of the nerves passing here also decreases.


As the name implies, these drugs relieve pain. Basically, they work through blocking nerve conduction. Of course, this is only a symptomatic treatment, and such a therapeutic method is not directly related to the very cause of the disease. But painkillers are considered indispensable for acute pain, when, without analgesics, severe discomfort can easily develop into a pain shock, which is much more difficult to cope with.

Red pepper in the cream, or rather, its extract - capsaicin, has a strong vasodilating and irritating effect. Thanks to this, even the most severe pain disappears in a very short time.

Vasodilating and warming

Such ointments stimulate local blood circulation, as a result of which the intensity of spasms and pains quickly decreases. Most often, the composition includes components that are irritating and distracting. So, ointments with red pepper extract contain capsaicin - a substance that quickly warms up the treated area for a long time.

Another well-known ingredient in these types of ointments is bee or snake venom, which work better in small amounts than many chemical preparations.


The composition of these ointments includes components that help improve local immune forces. Often, minerals and substances are added to them that the joints need for normal functioning. Such ointments are called chondroprotectors.

Most Popular Tools

The pharmaceutical world offers a huge number of topical agents to combat arthrosis. Every year the number of drugs only increases, but the most popular names are in constant demand. These include the following tools.


This ointment with an active component of the same name has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Almost every patient who has tried using Diclofenac ointment reports a rapid reduction in pain.

But she also has side effects that can occur with excessive or prolonged use, and therefore it is used for no longer than 2 weeks. The average cost of a tube of Diclofenac ointment is about 20 rubles, which is an additional advantage over other remedies for arthrosis.


This ointment is also the category of the most budgetary, and therefore its tube will empty the patient's wallet by only 70 - 00 rubles. It brings the greatest relief when applied to the knees, shoulders and elbows, and therefore is recommended for gonarthrosis or coxarthrosis. As in the case of oral administration, long-term use of Ibuprofen ointment should be abandoned, and in case of severe pain, replace this drug with an analogue.


It contains red pepper extract, which quickly warms up the joint. The manufacturer also added essential oils: - coriander and lavender, which delicately relieve pain. The average price is about 130 rubles.

Heparin ointment

Its active components allow the release of heparin, which reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process. The most effective is the use of heparin ointment for related vascular diseases - thrombophlebitis, varicose veins. The scope is any, but in the vast majority of cases it is used for the joints of the legs. Cost - from 50 to 80 rubles per tube.

This ointment stimulates the regeneration of cartilage, and therefore can be used even with significant joint deformities. This ointment is not only possible, but also necessary to apply for a long time. A person is unlikely to feel the effect after the first application, but the effect will be long-lasting. The price of this drug is not the lowest - about 300 rubles per tube, but in this case, all expenses are fully justified, and most importantly, Chondroxide has no complete analogues.

Ointments with chondroitin in the composition have no analogues. They cannot be replaced by either analgesics or anti-inflammatory or vasodilators. It is necessary to smear the diseased joint with Chondroxide for about six months. After that, you need to take a break, and then repeat the course.


Cream Nise contains a strong analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent - nimesulide. It quickly relieves swelling and improves joint mobility. It should be used competently, because with prolonged administration of nimesulide, side effects may appear in the body. The average cost of a tube of cream is within 170 rubles.


Another famous cream with a complex composition. It contains an analgesic component - diclofenac - and warming substances that help improve the supply of the joint with nutrients. The average cost of a tube is from 150 to 210 rubles.


It is very difficult to single out any one component from the composition here, because they are all equally effective and strong. Salicylic acid is a well-known anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. Viper and bee venom has been used for centuries to treat arthrosis and arthritis. The cost of the drug is within 260 rubles.

Actually, the structure of the remedy is a gel, which is indicated by the manufacturer. This is a complex drug, which includes diclofenac, snake venom and other components that help accelerate blood flow and quickly relieve pain. The cost of this tool is not the most democratic - from 220 rubles, which is largely due to advertising, but the popularity of this drug does not decrease.

There are few of them, but the patient should know about them:

  • Do not apply the ointment to the area with obvious damage to the skin. So, if there is a cut or scratch on the leg in the joint area, it is necessary to wait for its healing (tightening of the epidermis), and only then proceed to local therapeutic methods.
  • If the patient has an allergic reaction, then further use of the ointment is strictly prohibited. It will be better if you can find out exactly which component is sensitive, in order to try to exclude it when the doctor prescribes another ointment to the patient. Most often, an allergy manifests itself in complex formulations of ointments, where there are several components. By the way, natural ingredients in this case are considered more dangerous for allergy sufferers. The same bee venom can cause unpleasant symptoms (itching, burning) in a number of people prone to allergies.
  • Anti-inflammatory ointments work well only in the initial stages of the disease. It is impossible to carry out effective therapy of arthrosis of the 3rd degree exclusively with ointments. Warming ointments in this sense have the best effect.
  • Ointments with poisons in the composition are usually not used for a long time. They contribute to the stretching of the ligamentous apparatus, and therefore their prolonged use can lead to joint instability and, as a result, injury (fracture, dislocation).
  • Ointments should be part of complex therapy, but not be the only remedy. For treatment, all methods and means should be used simultaneously, and if there is no effect, the therapeutic course is repeated. Only in this way can a person be healthy. And most importantly, no creams can replace surgery, if it is recommended by the doctor. Such situations are most frequent with significant destruction and deformities of the foot.

The manufacturer has created a new packaging Voltaren, which took into account some of the intricacies of applying the product to the skin. Now you do not need to use protective equipment (gloves) for this, since the lid is also an applicator. Details on how to use the tube are indicated in the annotation to the drug.

In a word, you must carefully read the instructions for use. This applies not only to use, but also to storage of the cream. Most creams containing skin-irritating components are best applied to the joint area with special cellophane gloves.

You can accelerate the effect of the ointment if you simultaneously undergo a physiotherapeutic procedure - electrophoresis. Due to low frequency currents, the active components of any ointment will penetrate deeper into the skin layers, which can be useful in the treatment of the ankle joint and other joints where there are pathological processes in the internal areas.

Summing up

Osteoarthritis, gonarthrosis, coxarthrosis - all these diseases can be left in the past if you start timely treatment. Local treatments help restore joint mobility and help relieve inflammation within the joint. Before choosing ointments, you should consult your doctor.

Joint pain occurs in people of all ages. They begin for different reasons, have different etiologies, but equally bring pain and discomfort. That is why in pharmacies pharmacists so often hear the same question - "What?" But the pharmacist cannot absolutely accurately answer this question - only the doctor prescribes treatment in accordance with the diagnosis.

Joint problems

The problem of articular diseases, limited mobility, and therefore a deterioration in the quality of life, affects more and more young people over the years. There are many reasons for this, among which the main ones are the wrong rhythm of life, the principles of nutrition, and a decrease in physical activity. But there are a lot of joint diseases, and not all of them are associated with age or a sedentary lifestyle. There are diseases that begin with a hormonal failure, with an infection that enters the body, with an injury. Almost all joint diseases have in their names a particle "arthro", which in Latin means "joint". The vast majority of ordinary people have heard or know firsthand about such problems as arthritis and arthrosis. Despite the fact that these names are very similar, they mean completely different diseases. All treatments, including ointment for arthrosis of the knee joint, should be prescribed by the attending physician after diagnosis.


The term "arthritis" encompasses a group of joint diseases caused by an inflammatory process. It may occur for the following reasons:

  • avitaminosis;
  • infections;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • autoimmune diseases, for example, systemic lupus erythematosus, psoriasis;
  • injury.

The characteristic signs of arthritis are:

  • pain in the joint;
  • restriction of organ mobility;
  • skin redness;
  • joint swelling;
  • morning stiffness.

Ointment for arthritis of the knee, elbow, finger joints should help in the treatment of the disease.


By this term, doctors mean diseases of the joint s caused by tissue destruction. This happens not only due to natural age-related processes in the human body, but also in connection with some pathological processes and injuries.The main signs of arthrosis are:

  • pain in the joint area;
  • crunch during the work of the body;
  • restriction of mobility;
  • joint deformity.

If arthrosis is diagnosed, then therapy should be comprehensive. After removing discomfort with ointments for arthrosis of the knee joint, treatment continues with the help of physiotherapy and other drugs prescribed by the attending physician.

What is the help?

Any articular problem is, in the vast majority of cases, unpleasant sensations. And most often in pharmacies people ask to sell anti-inflammatory and pain relievers ointments for arthrosis of the knee joint, for various arthritis. But the main task is not only to relieve pain, but also to help the joint cope with the problem. That is why, for a start, it is necessary to establish exactly why such a pathology arose, what is its cause. Then the doctor will select the necessary complex treatment. Maz from arthrosis of the knee joint, however, like other forms of medicines, is used to obtain a complex result:

  • relieves pain;
  • eliminates inflammation;
  • improves blood microcirculation;
  • enhances the access of nutrients to the tissues of the joint.

All drugs that are used in the treatment of articular diseases most often have a complex effect that can maximally satisfy the need for an external remedy. Each of the medicines has its own composition and, accordingly, its scope.

Non-steroidal drugs for the joints

Inflammation is a secondary sign of arthrosis, because the main problem of this disease is the destruction of the joint body, its deformation, salt deposits, and a decrease in joint fluid. All this leads to immobility of the organ, soreness not only during movement, but even at rest. The inflammatory process occurs as a result of a violation of the functionality of the articular apparatus. Many appointed by specialistsointments and gels for arthrosis of the knee joint and not only have anti-edematous and analgesic effects. Basically, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to treat joint diseases associated with the inflammatory process. Such, for example, as:

  • ibuprofen;
  • indomethacin;
  • ketoprofen;
  • diclofenac;
  • phenylbutazone.

These are active substances that are the main components of many types of dosage forms - ointments, creams, gels. Which one to choose in a particular case, only the attending physician can say, taking into account the form of the disease, its stage, manifestations, and comorbidity of the patient. It should be remembered that NSAIDs cannot be used in treatment for a long time, as they have quite extensive side effects.

Hormonal remedies

In the treatment of arthrosis, hormonal agents are often prescribed for use. Ointment for arthrosis of the knee joint based on such substances may contain the active ingredient corticosteroids,but the bioavailability of such drugs in the form of external agents is low. It makes no sense to replace the prescribed injections into the cavity of the affected organ with ointments and creams used mainly in dermatology - they simply will not reach the required area of ​​​​impact, and the treatment will not be performed.

Warming preparations

Another group of popular and effective remedies for arthrosis is ointments with a warming effect. They increase blood circulation in small vessels at the site of application, helping the tissues of the joint to receive nutrients. These drugs also have a distracting ability, warming the affected organ. Asking at the pharmacywhat ointments help with arthrosis of the knee joint, first of all, the patient will receive an answer about just such warming agents. Among them there are novelties, and there are drugs that have been tested by time, for example, Menovazin. This medication contains menthol, benzocaine and procaine. Active substances penetrate the skin, increasing blood circulation, providing antipruritic and analgesic effect. "Menovazin" has an analogue in the form of an ointment called "Menovazan". It is applied with rubbing movements to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe diseased joint until a slight sensation of chill appears.

A substance derived from capsicum, capsaicin, is often seen as a component of medicinal ointments used in the treatment of joint diseases. For example, Espol ointment is widely used for various arthrosis and arthritis to warm and improve blood microcirculation. The same active ingredient works in the Nikoflex cream. These drugs are applied to the skin with light massaging movements without actively rubbing into the skin.


Chondroprotective ointments for arthrosis of the knee joint or other joints are most often recommended for use. According to pharmacists, such drugs penetrate the joint and restore its tissues. The effect of such drugs is ambiguous. Surgery is required to repair damaged, worn-out cartilage. And according to many studies, chondroprotectors only help protect the joint by replenishing the necessary substances, but do not contribute to the restoration of the tissue itself.

As part of chondroprotectors, glucosamine and chondroitin most often work. It can be both monopreparations and combined agents. Such medicines are constantly being improved. Today we can talk about the fourth generation of chondroprotectors, which are multicomponent. They contain not only glucosamine and chondroitin, but also non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances, vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids. All additional funds used in the medicine help relieve pain, replenish the missing nutrients for the tissues of the joint. They help the blood supply to the diseased organ, improving the dynamics of treatment. Often, such surface agents are supplemented with drugs of the same name, taken orally and working systemically, penetrating through the blood into the tissues of the joint. Such medicines include, for example, Teraflex ointment and capsules, which are widely advertised and used in the arthrosis clinic and have advisory reviews.


Quite often, when answering the question "What ointments should be used for arthrosis of the knee joint?" and from pharmacists, and from those who have encountered such diseases, you can hear about apitherapy - treatment with bee products. Preparations with bee venom is one of the most popular drugs in the treatment of various painful conditions of the musculoskeletal system. They have a distracting, warming effect that increases the elasticity of ligaments and muscles. This improves the patient's well-being. as pain is reduced. The only "but" of these drugs is a fairly strong allergenicity, therefore, before using preparations with bee venom in treatment, it is necessary to undergo an allergotest and consult a doctor. The drugs of the apigroup include Apizartron, Viprosal, Ungapiven.

Biotoxins to the rescue

Biotoxins, such as various animal and plant poisons, have been used since ancient times in the treatment of various diseases. Modern medicine does not deny their active action, confirming the benefits of some of these funds through scientific research and testing. For example, snake venom is a widely used component of many drugs, including those for the treatment of joint diseases. Snake venoms are divided into two groups according to the principle of work:

  • neurotoxins;
  • hemovasotoxins.

For the treatment of joint diseases, including arthrosis, poisons from the group of neurotoxins are used. They have a local effect, do not penetrate into the blood. These drugs include the popular means "Viprosal", "Vipratoks", "Nayatoks".Any ointment for arthritis of the knee joint with snake venom or some other biotoxin can be used only on the recommendation of the attending physician, taking into account general well-being, concomitant diseases, and the patient's history.

Folk recipes for joint diseases

People have always suffered from joint diseases that bring pain, stiffness and a deterioration in the quality of life. Traditional medicine is rich in old recipes for helping with such diseases. Ointment for arthrosis of the knee joint, which can be made at home, contains herbal natural ingredients. How to prepare such a medicine?

There are many recipes. For example,ointment for arthrosis of the knee joint can be prepared on the basis of turpentine and propolis. To do this, you need to take 4 measures of linseed oil, one measure of turpentine and one measure of propolis as a basis. Warm everything up a bit and mix well. This remedy should be stored in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator, and heated in a water bath before applying to the joint. The ointment must be rubbed into the diseased joint. You can do this at night, then the application area is wrapped with a woolen scarf.

As a herbal remedy, sweet clover, St. John's wort, hops, taken in equal proportions, are also used. These herbs are best taken raw. They are finely chopped, and then mixed with medical vaseline. The agent is applied to the diseased joint, wrapped with cling film, a warm bandage and left overnight.

Joint diseases are a social problem, because such pains significantly reduce the standard of living of people. Therefore, the pharmaceutical industry is developing new tools to help fight the pathology of the musculoskeletal system. But even age-related changes in the body and joints, including those that are a common cause of arthrosis, can be corrected by changing lifestyle. Proper nutrition, physical activity in compliance with necessary security measures, giving up bad habits will allow you to maintain health and activity for many years. Any ointment for arthrosis of the knee joint, however, as for any form of arthrosis or arthritis, is just a medicinal help to eliminate pain. Today, the joint itself can be restored only by an operation to implant an artificial structure that replaces the affected organ. There is no other way yet. Therefore, you need to take care of your body from childhood, not allowing age-related changes to proceed too quickly, taking away health and vitality.

Ointments for arthrosis of the knee joint are prescribed to all patients without exception, they help to cope with all the symptoms of the pathology. Properly selected ointment will help not only slow down the process of damage, but also restore the structure of the connective tissue.

What are ointments used for arthrosis?

It is worth remembering that arthrosis of the knee joint - a degenerative - dystrophic disease that affects cartilage tissue, is chronic. Therefore, everyone who has encountered this problem knows what knee pain is. usually occurs in a complex and an important role is played by ointments that fight such symptoms:

  1. Pain syndrome. Most ointments can get rid of this symptom, sometimes even faster than pills and injections.
  2. Swelling of the knees occurs due to impaired blood circulation in the tissues. Ointments and gels normalize blood flow and help remove excess fluid.
  3. The inflammatory process is the main symptom that accompanies arthrosis, which liquid and semi-liquid preparations for external use are excellent at fighting.

In addition, they are often used during the rehabilitation period for massages, as well as for the prevention of this unpleasant disease.

Important! Ointments alone will not be enough to treat arthrosis, so you need to consult a doctor about surgery, injections or taking pills and physiotherapy.

Types of ointments

Like all drugs, ointments are divided according to their purpose. They are used at a certain stage and for the treatment of individual symptoms. Most often, such funds are dispensed without a prescription, and they can be used without a doctor's prescription, so patients who suffer from a disease of the knee joints are recommended to keep them in a home first-aid kit, both for prevention and treatment.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments

Such funds are used first after the diagnosis of the disease. Their ability to inhibit the synthesis of inflammatory substances greatly facilitates. Drugs reduce the production of the following substances:

  • prostaglandins;
  • lysosomal enzymes;
  • histamines.

They stop the processes of the disease, which makes them the main drug in the fight against arthrosis.


The active components of this tool are as follows:

  • nimesulide;
  • menthol;
  • capsacin.

They fight pain and inflammation. This synthetic medicine is very safe and has a small list of side effects.


This remedy based on indoleacetic acid will have an analgesic and decongestant effect. It inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins, which suppresses the exudative phase, which means it will help to avoid fluid entering the knee cavity.

diclofenac acre

The active substance of this ointment, diclofenac sodium, a derivative of phenylacetic acid, reduces the amount of enzymes and has a local anesthetic effect. It is actively used in arthrosis of varying degrees to combat pain and hypothermia.

Fastum gel

Ointment based on ketoprofen, thanks to a light gel base, penetrates deep into the tissues and acts directly on the focus of inflammation. It has a cooling property, gently reduces hypothermia and removes redness.


Stops the energy supply of inflammatory processes and reduces their intensity. It improves blood microcirculation and restores tissue nutrition, which leads to cartilage regeneration in arthrosis.

Voltaren emulgel

A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that effectively inhibits enzymes, which leads to a decrease in pain. It has a long period of action, about 12 hours. Therefore, it can be used only 2 times a day.


Besides the fact that this ointment has analgesic and antipyretic properties, it reduces the likelihood of blood clots. Thins the blood and improves its movement, which greatly speeds up the recovery process.

The price of NSAIDs varies from budget to very expensive, but basically the properties of the drugs do not change. Therefore, when choosing an effective anti-inflammatory agent, it is not necessary to pay more.

Important! Each drug has contraindications and side effects. You need to carefully read the instructions before use.

Warming ointments

Vasodilators stimulate blood circulation in the diseased joint. They perfectly warm the knee, which helps to relieve pain and fatigue. But with such drugs, you should be careful. They have a large number of contraindications and, if applied incorrectly, they can leave burns. Here's what you need to know before using them:

  1. Do not use warming ointments if there are wounds, lesions or rashes on the skin.
  2. You can not use them for inflammatory exacerbations of arthrosis. This may make the situation worse.
  3. It costs a small amount to apply. With severe discomfort or if the area of ​​​​the skin on which the drug was applied burns unbearably, it is better to wash it off.
  4. You need to consult a doctor if there are other inflammatory processes or skin diseases in the body.

The main active ingredients of such drugs are usually substances of natural origin:

  • poisons of snakes and bees;
  • Red pepper;
  • camphor and others.

The most effective warming agents:

  • Apizartron;
  • Finalgon;
  • Espol;
  • Deep relief;
  • Kapsikam;
  • Viprosal.

For a vasodilating effect, it is not necessary to buy an ointment. You can find cheap analogues that will also warm up and relieve pain. Such pharmaceutical preparations can be used for chronic arthrosis:

  • turpentine ointment;
  • camphor alcohol;
  • eucalyptus balm;
  • menovazine;
  • balm Asterisk.

Ointment chondroprotectors

Such funds are used after the first signs of arthrosis have been stopped. Ointments of this group rarely fight pain, but are still able to stop inflammatory processes. Their main task is, which is involved in the structure and regeneration of cartilage tissue. They also neutralize the action of enzymes that contribute to the destruction of collagen and hyaluronic acid.


Helps reduce degenerative processes and stimulates the production of intra-articular fluid, which plays an important role in the restoration of cartilage and the functioning of the joint as a whole.

Artro Active

Restores the cartilaginous surfaces of the joints and increases the activity of chondracites in the connective tissue.


Significantly slows down the development of arthrosis, promotes the restoration of the articular bag and stimulates biosynthesis, which affects the metabolism in cartilage.

Do not forget about the existence of homeopathic ointments:

  • Traumeel;
  • Bryony;
  • Fleming's drug.

They will contribute to the restoration of tissue, while they have practically no side effects and contraindications. But it is worth remembering that homeopathic treatment alone will not be effective.

Arthrosis is a very unpleasant disease, and ointments are one of the main types of treatment. Do not forget to take the pills, otherwise the situation will require surgical intervention.

Arthrosis of various localizations is today diagnosed in the majority of older people, but the disease is gradually getting younger and affects more and more people of young or middle age. Today, the disease is dangerous for all people, doctors recommend prevention even in the absence of symptoms. Among all clinical cases of arthrosis, the most dangerous, and also the most frequent, is arthrosis of the knee joint. Modern medicine offers the opportunity to eliminate joint pain and partially restore their function with the help of a cream for arthrosis of the knee joint.

Indications for use

Different creams used for arthrosis of the knee joint have different compositions and principles of action, but lead to approximately the same result - making you feel better, improving the nutrition of cartilage tissues and combating the inflammatory process.

Medicines are applied to the joint to:

  • additions to the complex therapy of diseases of the knee joint and other areas;
  • relief of pain syndrome;
  • elimination of puffiness and hyperemia of a specific area;
  • restoration of blood circulation in the limbs;
  • prevention of diseases of the joints and spine.
Inflammatory or dystrophic joint diseases occur in all age groups

The main indications for the use of creams:

  • osteocondritis of the spine;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • diseases leading to metabolic disorders;
  • rheumatisms;
  • neuralgia.

The number of ointments for arthrosis is really large and it is not possible to determine the appropriate option without the participation of a specialist. Before starting therapy, it is important to make an appointment with a rheumatologist or orthopedist and undergo diagnostic procedures.

Benefits of using

Treatment of the knee joint is impossible with the help of ointments alone, oral medications, physiotherapy exercises, diet, physiotherapy and other procedures are additionally prescribed. At the heart of each course of treatment are ointments, this is due to a number of their advantages in comparison with other medicines.

Main advantages:

  • gentle effect on the affected area;
  • local use - helps to accelerate the penetration of active components in the target area and prevents the occurrence of systemic complications;
  • ease of use. The cream is simply applied to the skin and immediately begins active action;
  • almost all topical drugs are dispensed without prescriptions;
  • the minimum number of complications and contraindications;
  • do not harm internal organs. For the use of a number of tablets and injections, an important condition is the presence of healthy kidneys and liver, which process and remove metabolites from the body. Creams penetrate the bloodstream in a small dosage, which relieves the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, urinary system and liver;
  • low cost and large volume of the tube, it is usually enough for several weeks of use;
  • mild effect on the affected area (except for irritating drugs).

The appointment of ointment preparations is carried out from the very beginning of the development of pathology


With arthrosis and arthritis of the knee joint, ointments with various active substances are prescribed. Depending on the components underlying it, creams are divided into several groups.

Main groups:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). They are used to facilitate the patient's well-being and fight inflammation. The most commonly prescribed are Diclofenac and Ibuprofen, but Ketoprofen is also allowed. In pharmacy chains, creams with the listed components are sold under the names Finalgel, Nise, etc.
  • Capsaicin is derived from red pepper extract. The drugs act on the affected area, warming it up, reducing the severity of the inflammatory process and reducing the intensity of pain. For a certain time, the tissues receive more nutrients, and the patient feels good. This group includes Finalgon, Nikoflex and others.
  • Salicylic acid is especially effective against inflammation. It is added to popular drugs: Viprosal, Efkamon.
  • Complex preparations, including several components at the same time, they often belong to the group of homeopathic medicines. The complex effect is much more powerful, such medicines are used in more complex clinical cases. Dimexide is the most popular in this group.
  • Chondroprotectors improve tissue regeneration. In each course of treatment there are drugs from the group of chondrotectors. These include: Chondroxide, Teraflex.

The most numerous category of ointments used for arthrosis are drugs with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

The most popular and effective ointments against arthrosis

To determine the best cream for arthrosis of the knee joint is possible only in each individual case. An experienced specialist will prescribe an ointment with a suitable effect for a particular stage of arthrosis. The following are ointments that have a good reputation and patient reviews.


The ointment is very well known, every patient with arthrosis or other joint pathologies has heard about it. It is applied to the skin in a thin layer, rubbing evenly over the area, then an analgesic effect occurs. For a day it is better to apply 2-3 times.

Diclofenac is an anti-inflammatory cream for arthrosis based on NPS substances. The maximum course of treatment is 2 weeks, it is not recommended to exceed it on your own. Only a doctor has the right to prolong therapy, since side effects often occur when the course is exceeded. Usually, a half-month treatment is enough to start feeling better, if there are no positive changes, you should consult a doctor.

The drug is the best remedy for arthrosis of the knee joint due to the possibility of effective treatment and minimal risk of side effects. Among the contraindications are only allergies to the substance, exacerbation of gastric ulcers and asthma. Pregnancy is a relative contraindication, the doctor will have to determine the risks to the mother and fetus.

This ointment, like others against arthrosis, cannot be used on skin with integrity damage. After using the medicine, wash your hands well with hygienic soap.

Diclofenac sodium belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.


It is not inferior to Diclofenac in popularity. Most often used in the form of a cream / gel. It quickly and effectively eliminates the pain syndrome that accompanies the inflammatory process.

Ortofen is an analogue of the previous drug, it is used in a similar way. The process of use is just as simple - a little mixture is squeezed out of the tube and rubbed over the knee, slightly capturing nearby tissues. It is better to apply the cream 2 times a day. To prevent skin irritation, wash hands with soap and running water after application.

It is recommended to use in the initial stages of arthrosis. The method of application depends on the form of the disease, but usually the duration of one course is 2 weeks. The cream is recommended to be applied not only to the joint, but also to the adjacent area, then it is possible to eliminate pain when walking.

Ortofen is not intended for use in compresses. Any wrapping with a cloth is prohibited, the cream must be absorbed into the skin on its own.

Ortofen - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent


It is applied to the joint affected by arthrosis and relieves symptoms, helps in the treatment of oral medications. The disadvantage of the drug is that the main elements of the composition do not have a significant effect on the root causes of arthrosis.

It should be remembered that the best effect of the drug occurs with the correct selection of dosage, this can only be done by a doctor. The use of ointment does not have a universal recipe that is suitable for all patients equally.

Among the contraindications to the treatment of sore knees there is a record of pregnancy and lactation, since the drug has a composition that is easier to get into the bloodstream than other drugs. In addition, other restrictions apply in patients with ulcers, asthma, and kidney problems.

Ketorol belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.


The use of Nise ointment in most patients brings positive results. Used for severe pain. Nise is made with the addition of Nimesulide, which is also the closest analogue. The composition uses non-hormonal components.

Anti-inflammatory cream Nise has one important drawback - the effect occurs only with prolonged use, a significant improvement in well-being appears only after 1 month of regular use. In the treatment of arthrosis, the duration of therapy is prescribed by a specialist. Determination of the course depends on numerous factors, one of the main ones is the reaction to the drug, the neglect of the disease.

Be sure to take into account the absence of intolerance to the ointment, as well as the fact that excessively long-term use can lead to side effects: peeling of the skin, itching and other allergic manifestations (hyperemia, urticaria and others). If the doctor treats arthrosis on an outpatient basis, he should be informed about the presence of unforeseen complications - the specialist will prescribe other ointments or change the course.

Sometimes Nise cream provokes a biochemical change in the blood. A similar phenomenon negatively affects the state of health, with this violation, the medicine is canceled.

Nise is a drug in the form of a gel that has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

About combined

Recipes for ointments and creams with a combined composition are most effective. It is based on salicylic acid and capsaicin, they are used for intense pain and other severe symptoms. The drugs contribute to the rapid fight against the manifestations of arthrosis and inflammation.

To expand the effect of the cream, other additives are also used: bee or snake venom in low concentration, turpentine, essential oils and other components.

The use of combined ointments leads to the following positive changes:

  • there is a vasodilating effect;
  • metabolic processes and the quality of blood supply are restored;
  • swelling of the knee is eliminated;
  • effectively warms up the knee joint and adjacent tissues;
  • muscle spasms are removed;
  • the intensity of inflammation decreases;
  • pains are relieved.

The best ointments, gels and creams for the treatment of knee arthrosis

Getting the best effect from any drug requires following the instructions exactly, applying regularly, completing the entire course of therapy and following additional doctor's orders. One of the most important drugs for knee arthrosis are anti-inflammatory drugs, they are common in the form of ointments.

Espol has an analgesic, distracting, warming, resolving, anti-inflammatory and local irritating effect.

The task of creams:

  • remove pain;
  • restore joint mobility;
  • create conditions for sufficient nutrition of the joints;
  • activate local blood circulation;
  • eliminate excessive pressure on the affected area;
  • restore muscle condition: remove spasms and increase elasticity.

With a warming effect

Warming drugs are the first aid for severe pain. They act by heating the affected area. An increase in local temperature provokes a vasodilating effect, from which blood circulation and the metabolism of bone and cartilage tissues are restored. They are best used as part of a complex with other drugs that increase the effectiveness of heating creams.

Common creams with a warming effect:

  • Menovazine consists of benzocaine, procaine and menthol. Used to relieve itching and pain. The ointment is applied to the affected area and rubbed with high quality, there should be a feeling of cooling. The use of 2-3 times / day shows itself effectively. Price - 12-20 rubles.
  • Gevkamen includes essential oil of cloves, vaseline and paraffin. It is often prescribed as an anesthetic for neuralgia and arthritis. The cream is squeezed into a thin strip on the knee and rubbed until the substance is completely absorbed. It is worth repeating the procedure 2-3 times / day. Price - 30-80 rubles.
  • Espol is made with kasaicin, which causes a burning sensation. It is actively used in the treatment of radiculitis, joint diseases, muscle damage and dislocations. It is applied only to the area that is the source of pain. Rub the ointment until you feel a warming effect. Apply 2-3 times / day. The maximum therapeutic course is 10 days. Price - 140-160 rubles.
  • Nicoflex cream includes salicylic acid, capsaicin and ethyl nicotinate. It is used for severe pain due to damage to the ligaments, muscles, neuritis and arthrosis. Often used in the sports field, they pre-warm up the muscles before and after intense exercise. The agent is rubbed into the affected area, protecting the mucous membranes from ingress. After rubbing, the substance should be washed off the hands. Price - 220-250 rubles.

The drug is prescribed for patients with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, which are accompanied by inflammation in the joints.

Based on bee venom

Creams containing bee venom irritate the skin they touch. Mucous membranes must be protected from them, since the burning sensation becomes especially strong. Such ointments have a positive effect on the elasticity of muscle fibers and ligaments. Doctors are still wary of such drugs, although they have already been tried by numerous patients.

The use of drugs is associated with the risk of an acute allergic reaction and the development of inflammation. Before use, it is important to make sure that there is no sensitivity to the components of the drug. There are options with snake venom, but their principle of influence is identical.

Main drugs:

  • Apizartron consists of analgesics (allyl isothiocyanate, methyl salicylate) and bee venom. The drug effectively removes pain in various articular pathologies. Apply in small amounts to the affected area. The ointment is rubbed into the joint until a slight burning sensation appears. Before applying, it is better to check for allergies, initially apply a drop of the drug to the affected joint for 2-3 minutes. If burning, itching or redness does not occur, apply the remedy to the entire knee. The price starts from 160 rubles.
  • Healthy differs from analogues in the use of various derivatives of beekeeping: subpestilence, wax, poison, propolis. For pain in the joints, Zdorov ointment is prescribed. Apply the cream with massaging circular movements. The first 10-15 minutes is better to be in a state of calm, and then get to work. A natural drug costs 990 rubles.
  • Ungapiven includes bee venom, which is used for osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthritis and neuralgia. It is applied to the area with severe pain syndrome. It is recommended to use the ointment in a small dosage, rubbing the substance into wetted skin for 3-5 minutes, 3 times / day. The duration of therapy is up to 1 month. Price - 45-60 rubles.
  • Viprosal includes not only bee venom, but also vipers, as well as salicylic acid. It is used for arthritis, neuralgia and myositis. Apply up to 10 g at a time to the affected area. Rub the ointment 2 times / day, until the pain disappears. Price - 180-210 rubles.

Apizartron occupies a special position in the line of drugs for external use

Based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances

Often, topical preparations based on non-steroidal components with an anti-inflammatory effect are prescribed. Thanks to the active ingredients, drugs remove pain and inflammation in the joints. Their long-term use can be detrimental to health, so you should not try to exceed the duration of treatment or increase the dosage.


  • Indomethacin. Includes the active substance - indomethacin. It is prescribed during the course of inflammation in diseases of the joints. Apply in small amounts to the affected area. The number of applications per day - no more than 3 times. The course must be completed within 14 days. The price ranges from 45-60 rubles.
  • Butadionic. Contains 1 active ingredient - phenylbutazone. Effectively fights inflammation, relieves pain, eliminates fever. It effectively acts in arthritis and arthrosis of various etiologies, and also helps with insect bites and simple burns. To feel the effect, it is enough to apply the substance to the affected area. The procedure is carried out only during the period of exacerbation of the pathology. The number of applications - 3 times / day. As the condition improves, the dosage is slightly reduced until the treatment is completely stopped. The price is in the range of 75-90 rubles.
  • Dolgit includes the active ingredient ibuprofen, which helps to eliminate inflammation, swelling and pain relief. It is recommended for the treatment of sciatica, arthritis, rheumatism. It is applied in a small layer, gradually rubbing until the substance is completely absorbed. The procedure is repeated up to 4 times a day for up to 3 weeks. Price - from 85 to 100 rubles.
  • Voltaren-gel consists of diclofenac sodium. The gel is in demand due to the rapid removal of pain, relief of inflammation and lowering the temperature. It is applied by the standard external method 3 times a day. It is not recommended to exceed the course of 2 weeks. The price is 120-140 rubles.
  • Fastum has a formula with the addition of an active ingredient - ketoprofen. It is intended to facilitate well-being with a variety of pathologies of muscles, joints and skin. Differs in effective elimination of even severe pain. The gel is squeezed out a little on the knee and rubbed over the entire joint area. The maximum duration of therapy is 2 weeks. The price is about 250 rubles.

Fastum gel is a drug that represents the pharmacological group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for local use.

Folk recipes

Treatment of arthritis of the knee joint with folk remedies is effective only when used correctly and as part of complex therapy. The recipes are based on medicinal herbs, they are prepared at home.

Folk recipes for creams:

  • with mustard. They take dry mustard, paraffin and salt are added to it. The composition is mixed until a homogeneous substance is obtained, then placed in an airtight container, which is placed in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Recommended for application before bedtime;
  • herbal cream. In the presence of inflammation, take 10 g each: St. John's wort, yellow border and hops. After mixing the composition, vaseline is added to it and the mixture is mixed again. The cream needs to be infused for 3 hours in a sealed container. The recipe is applicable at all stages of the disease;
  • gel based on comfrey. Comfrey extract is added to the composition (accelerates healing, regenerative abilities of the body and eliminates pain), chondroitin sulfate is an active substance that increases the elasticity and motor abilities of the joint. Additionally, badyagi extract, glucosamine and essential oil are added, preferably from cloves, juniper or eucalyptus.

Dosage and administration

Creams for arthrosis of the knee joint differ in composition and permissible concentration of active ingredients. The dosage is determined by the attending physician, it rarely goes against the instructions in the instructions.

All ointments can be applied in approximately the same way:

  1. The knee is washed under warm water. Heat expands blood vessels and pores, from which the absorption of the active substance and its effectiveness increase.
  2. A little cream is squeezed out of the tube, which will be enough to cover the knee and adjacent tissues.
  3. With massaging movements, the ointment is rubbed over the entire knee for several minutes until the medicine is completely absorbed.
  4. Hands are washed under running water with soap.

Not always expensive pharmaceutical preparations help as ideally as do-it-yourself medicines.


Creams are not prescribed for people with:

  • allergic reactions, hypersensitivity to a separate component of the drug;
  • the presence of ulcers on the skin;
  • hepatic and renal insufficiency (relative contraindication, the appropriateness of the use of drugs is determined by the doctor);
  • diseases of the skin on the diseased joint;
  • cuts, injuries, abrasions and other skin damage on the knee;
  • purulent foci.

Use during pregnancy

Almost all ointments are allowed for use during pregnancy, but require increased caution. They are prescribed exclusively by doctors after examinations.

Storage conditions

All products have distinctive storage conditions, but most ointments can be stored in a cool place or at room temperature without the use of a refrigerator. Folk recipes consist of natural substances that quickly deteriorate, they are best stored in the refrigerator or in a cold place at temperatures up to 15-20 ° C.

It is better to store ointments in a position in which the expiration date will be noticeable. If it has already passed, the drugs become unusable, they are thrown away.

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