The best anthelmintic drugs for humans. Tablets from worms. List of effective anthelmintic drugs for humans. Anthelmintic drugs during pregnancy

Last edited: July 4, 2016 Alexander Bertsev

Any disease is better to prevent than to treat later. Diseases caused by helminthic invasions are no exception. Prevention of helminthiasis in humans is one of the most urgent problems today. Drugs used to prevent and treat helminthiasis are synthetic products.

As for the use of these drugs for the prevention of helminthiasis, here the opinions of experts are ambiguous. A certain percentage of physicians oppose the use of these drugs for the prevention of helminthic invasions, and some are in favor. Along with the use of drug therapy, there is a non-specific prevention of helminthiasis in adults, which will be mentioned below.

Non-specific methods

For the prevention of diseases caused by helminth larvae, the following rules must be observed:

  • Do not neglect the norms of personal hygiene and household hygiene (washing hands before eating, after going to the toilet, and in public places).
  • Regular change of underwear and bed linen.
  • Perform the necessary heat treatment of food products.

As an active measure to prevent infection with helminthiasis, opponents of drug therapy allow the use of non-traditional methods of prevention, which consist in the use of pumpkin seeds, as well as garlic.

Use of medicines for prevention

Proponents of the use of drugs to prevent infection with helminthic invasions note the presence of cases in which the use of this group of drugs is fully justified. Such situations include infection of one of the family members, in which all other family members should be subject to preventive measures.

The presence of symptoms such as itching in the anus, complete or partial loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, are a weighty argument for starting antihelminthics. The main indications for taking antihelminthic drugs for the purpose of prevention include:

  • Having pets.
  • Daily contact with open soil (children arriving in the sandbox, agricultural workers).
  • People who travel regularly to exotic countries.
  • The presence of a person's hobbies associated with fishing, as well as frequent stays on the beach.
  • Regular trips of children to sports and health facilities.

Choosing the optimal drug

The entire list of existing anthelmintic drugs can be divided into specific and non-specific. Drugs with a narrower range of action are more toxic. Drugs with a minimal list of side effects include a, levamisole, pirvinium embonate, as well as. If there is a certain threat of infection with helminthic invasions, you should contact a medical specialist to prescribe the necessary prevention scheme.

Below is a brief description of each drug used to prevent helminthiasis.


The widest action and popularity in the world. The price is not the lowest and fluctuates a lot, depending on the manufacturer

The most famous trade names in us are Nemosol and Wormil, which are produced in India. There are also domestic cheaper analogues, for example, produced by ECOHIMTEH LLC (Russia) or Aldazol (Ukraine). More than 40 years have passed since the discovery and registration of Albendazole, but it is still considered the most popular in the world for the fight and prevention of the most common types of worms. It is used both in poor African and Asian countries, and in developed European and American. But the price per package under wholesale terms of purchase ranges from a few cents to 50 dollars. per dose in the world. Although it cannot be said that this is the most expensive drug on this list, given the prices of domestic analogues.

Like any anthelmintic agent, it has a number of side effects, incl. rare very serious. Repetition of the course is not recommended within a month after the previous one.


Average price and high effect

Preparations based on the active substance in them are also widely used in the world. It is easiest to buy Vermox from us.

This drug has a special pharmacological activity against whipworm, pinworms, ascaris, which made it possible to classify it as a drug. The basis of the mechanism of action of the drug Vermox is an irreversible violation of metabolic processes in the body of helminths, as a result of which they become absolutely not viable.

The drug Vermox is a fairly effective remedy for worms in adults, although it is distinguished by its high toxicity, which is associated with the ability to accumulate in the body. The use of this drug is strictly prohibited during pregnancy, as well as in patients with concomitant pathology of internal organs and systems.

Low price but weaker effect

Of all the variety of antihelminthic drugs, this remedy has the mildest therapeutic effect. This property of Pyrantel is due to the action mainly in the intestinal lumen, without subsequent entry into the bloodstream.

It is effective against the main species, which most often infect adults and children - pinworms and roundworms. But it will not have an effect during infection with other types of helminths (trematodes and cestodes), as well as during the migration of roundworm larvae throughout the body. But the latter is solved by repeated administration of the drug, when the larvae, two weeks after migration, enter the intestines and turn into adult worms.

The action of this drug is based on the provision of a paralytic effect on the muscular apparatus of helminths, which ultimately leads to their death. The antihelminthic drug Pirantel has a list of side effects, among which are: allergic reactions, upset stool, nausea, dysfunction of the organs of internal and external secretion.

The use of this drug is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy, as well as in persons with persistent impairment of kidney and liver function.


Affordable price, good effect, increase immunity

A distinctive feature of this drug is its ability to act effectively against helminthiases caused by several pathogens. The basis of the action of this remedy is its ability to act on the respiratory muscles of helminths, causing their death.

As with previous drugs, the action is aimed at combating the most common nematodes (roundworms). But in addition to the antihelminthic properties, Decaris (trade name levamisole) still has the ability to enhance immunity. Although the use only for this purpose will not be justified, since there are more modern and less harmful immunomodulators.

A characteristic feature of the drug Decaris is its ability to influence the level of immunity. This fact is fundamental in the appointment of funds for the prevention of helminthiasis. The most common side effects associated with this drug include:

  • Sleep disturbance, difficulty falling asleep;
  • excessive irritability;
  • Complete or partial loss of appetite;
  • The appearance of inflammatory reactions in the oral cavity;
  • Muscle pain.

Reception of the drug Decaris is permissible only in children who have reached the age of 3 years. In order to prevent and treat helminthiases in pregnant women, the expected level of benefit and the likely level of harm should be compared.

It should be remembered that the appointment of drugs for the prevention of infection with helminthiasis is carried out exclusively by the attending physician, and only if there are certain indications.

Antihelminthic (or anthelmintic) are called drugs that are used to treat different types. Among them there are drugs that have a wide spectrum of action, and drugs that destroy only certain types of helminths.

In the recent past, exclusively herbal remedies were used to combat worms: they were expelled with the help of garlic, raw potatoes, male fern extract, pumpkin seeds, rather toxic chenopodium oil obtained from antihelminthic mari, etc.

Nowadays, drug manufacturers have launched the production of synthetic tablet preparations designed to remove worms in humans, which are both safer and more effective.

It has been established that on the territory of the Russian Federation more than seven dozen species of helminths pose a danger to human health. Since different groups of anthelmintic drugs are endowed with specific activity, only a qualified specialist can prescribe them (after establishing a diagnosis).

Classification of antihelminthic drugs for humans

The classification according to pharmacological action is the most informative and in demand, according to which antihelminthic drugs - depending on what type of helminths they are detrimental to - are divided into pharmacological groups, represented by:

  • broad-spectrum drugs;
  • anti-trematodose agents;
  • anti-nematode drugs;
  • anti-cestodose drugs.

Anticestodose agents

The use of anti-cestodose drugs is designed to obtain a double therapeutic effect. They are:

For the treatment of cestodosis, apply:

The class of trematodes includes flat small (from a few millimeters to eight centimeters in length) worms that live in the gallbladder, liver and in the lumen of their ducts. Thanks to the suckers present in the lower part of the body, the class of trematodes received its second name - "flukes".

  • flukes: cat (Siberian), lanceolate;
  • flukes: pulmonary, hepatic;
  • shitosomes.

Anti-trematodose drugs that act directly on the somatic cells that make up the body of helminths are prescribed exclusively for adult patients due to the high likelihood of side effects.

Medicines of this group, characterized by extreme toxicity, can provoke:

  • the occurrence of pain in the heart;
  • the appearance of pain in the liver;
  • liver enlargement;
  • the appearance of protein in the urine;
  • the occurrence of allergic reactions (in severe cases, they can lead to and).

If therapy with an antitrematodose drug has led to the occurrence of at least one of the above symptoms, the patient should tell the attending physician about this, who, having assessed the degree of risk, will decide on the advisability of further use of this medication.

Anti-trematodose drugs are absolutely contraindicated:

  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • patients suffering from cirrhosis of the liver or hepatitis;
  • people with a tendency to allergies;
  • patients with diagnosed cardiac diseases.

For the treatment of trematodosis, drugs are most often prescribed, the active ingredient of which is praziquantel, a substance that causes muscle spasm in digenetic flukes, due to which the helminths die and are excreted from the human body.

List of the most popular anti-trematodose drugs:

  • "Biltricid".
  • "Caesol".
  • "Droncit".
  • Azinox.
  • "Cysticide".
  • "Pickweton".
  • "Cestox".


Nematodes are roundworms that live in the human intestine. This class of helminths is represented by toxocars, and.

Anti-nematode drugs that paralyze the body of the helminth and promote its elimination from the body in a natural way are characterized by high efficiency and fairly low toxicity.

The most commonly used drugs for the treatment of nematodes are:

  • "Piperazine adipate".
  • "Pirantel" ("Helmintoks").
  • "Pirviny pamoat" ("Vankvin").
  • Mebendazole (Mebex).
  • "Medamin" ("Karbendacim").

For the treatment of extraintestinal nematodes, drugs are taken:

  • "Ivermectin".
  • "Diethylcarbamazine".
  • "Ditrazin".
  • "Ditrazine Phosphate".
  • Baymek.
  • "Ditrazine citrate".
  • "Ivomek".

It is possible to treat nematodes not only with specialized means, but also with broad-spectrum drugs.


The list of popular broad-spectrum drugs is represented by drugs:

  • "Vermox".
  • "Dekaris" ("Levamisole").
  • "Albendazole".
  • "Wormil".
  • "Nemozol".

Therapy of some types of helminthiases in adults can take at least two (and in especially advanced cases, more) months.

The most convenient dosage form for the treatment of helminthiasis in adults are tablets, while for small patients swallowing them can be a certain difficulty.

To overcome this problem, manufacturers began to produce antihelminthic drugs in the form of suspensions - liquid medicines: no less effective and much more convenient to use. Such a dosage form has the preparations "Helmintoks", "Vormil", "Pirantel".

Since helminth suspensions are most often prescribed for the treatment of children, the dosage of the active active substance in them is deliberately reduced, however, if desired, they can also be used to treat adult patients. It is only necessary, after consulting the manufacturer's instructions, to increase the volume of the liquid preparation taken.

For the treatment of children and elderly patients who have problems with swallowing, anthelmintic drugs (Antiglist Forte, Nemozol, Pirantel), produced in the form of drops, are also intended. Before taking them, they must be diluted with a small (from 50 to 100 ml) amount of water.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Taking antihelminthic drugs for adults is absolutely contraindicated for pregnant women during the first trimester of pregnancy, since they can have not only toxic, but also teratogenic (associated with the likelihood of congenital malformations) effects on the fetus.

For the remaining two trimesters, treatment with drugs that have a mild effect on the body of the expectant mother is allowed. Among such drugs, approved for use also during the period of breastfeeding an infant, is "Piperazine".


  • blood diseases;
  • pathologies occurring in the retina of the eyeball.
  • Taking the drug "Mebendazole" is absolutely contraindicated in children under the age of two, as well as pregnant women and nursing mothers.

    Any anthelmintic agent is prohibited from prescribing to patients with hypersensitivity to individual components of its chemical composition or who have ever had an allergic reaction to it.

    • dry cough may appear;
    • development of dysbacteriosis is observed;
    • nausea occurs;
    • losing or gaining weight;
    • allergic reactions develop;
    • irritability, weakness and fatigue appear;
    • there are signs of intoxication;
    • anemia develops, etc.

    It should be noted that most types of helminthic invasions do not manifest themselves in the first stages of development. The asymptomatic course of the disease leads to the rapid reproduction of helminths. To identify their presence in the body, people, with the manifestation of primary symptoms, need to contact hospitals for a comprehensive examination. The results of laboratory and instrumental studies will allow specialists to differentiate the type of helminthiasis and select effective antihelminthic drugs for patients.

    Treatment Methods

    Action spectrum




    Medicines from this group have proven their effectiveness in the treatment of tapeworms, localized both in the human intestine and beyond. For example, with the intestinal form of helminthiasis, patients are prescribed Niclosamide tablets, designed to remove worms from the body. In the extraintestinal form of helminthiasis, patients are prescribed Albendazole tablets. People will also need to take antihistamines.


    If a person has been diagnosed with a nematodosis of the intestinal form, then specialists can prescribe Befenia Hydroxinaphthoate, Pirantel, Piperazine, Levamisole tablets. These medicines have a detrimental effect on tapeworms. In the event that an extraintestinal form of nematodosis was detected in a patient, he will be prescribed tablets of Diethylcarbamazine Citrate, Ivermectin, etc.


    When a person is diagnosed with intestinal helminths from the group of flukes, experts prescribe Perchlorethylene tablets. If an extraintestinal trematodosis was diagnosed, then the patients will most likely be prescribed Chloxin or Bitionol tablets



    The most effective medicines

    The pharmacological industry today presents the following effective single-use antihelminthics for people:

    Tablets "Albendazole"

    As part of this drug, Albendazole is present as an active ingredient. It is prescribed to patients who have been diagnosed with mixed forms of helminthiasis, or giardiasis, ascariasis, enterobiasis, etc. A single dose of the drug ranges from 400 mg to 800 mg of the active substance. Re-use of the drug is required three weeks after the first dose.

    Tablets "Vermox"

    This medication contains an active ingredient called Mebendazole. The drug is most often prescribed to patients whose body has been affected by pinworms or roundworms. Also, this drug effectively copes with multiple nematodes, trichuriasis, teniasis, enterobiasis. The medication is not prescribed for patients with ulcerative colitis and with liver failure, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

    In the treatment of young patients, this medicine is used from the age of two. A single dosage of the drug for adults should not exceed 100 mg of the active substance, for children not more than 50 mg. It is worth noting that there are several types of helminthic invasions, in the treatment of which patients have to take Vermox tablets for three days. Patients need to undergo a second course for prevention after two weeks.

    Tablets "Decaris"

    Before starting deworming, patients should carefully study the instructions supplied by the manufacturer with each package of the drug. It should pay special attention to the section on contraindications and side effects, the list of which can be replenished:

    • insomnia;
    • migraine;
    • rise in temperature;
    • loss of appetite;
    • allergic reactions, etc.

    Tablets "Helmintoks"

    As part of this drug, Embonat Pirantel is present as an active ingredient. He has proven himself very well in the treatment of pinworms, roundworms and other types of worms. The adult audience of patients is prescribed up to 8 tablets of Helmintox (the exact dosage is calculated based on body weight). Before starting deworming, patients do not need to take laxatives to cleanse the intestines.

    Tablets "Zentela"

    • echinococcosis;
    • ascariasis;
    • giardiasis;
    • enterobiasis;
    • opisthorchiasis;
    • stronglidosis;
    • teniasis, etc.

    In the treatment of adult patients, the drug is used in tablet form, in a single dosage - 1 table. For babies, starting from the age of two, a medication is intended in the form of a syrup.

    Tablets "Aldazol"

    • drying of the mucous membranes in the oral cavity;
    • allergic manifestations;
    • kidney failure;
    • disruption of the digestive tract;
    • pain sensations localized in bone tissues, etc.

    Tablets "Pirantela"

    The components present in the drug after penetration into the gastrointestinal tract cause paralysis in adult helminths. The drug can be used in the treatment of babies, starting from the age of six months (in the form of a suspension). For deworming, it is enough to take a single dose calculated by a highly specialized specialist. A week later, the drug must be taken again, in order to prevent. Against the background of the use of the drug, side effects may occur:

    • the head begins to spin;
    • nausea appears;
    • vomiting occurs;
    • defecation processes are disturbed.

    Anthelmintic drugs. The modern pharmacological industry offers us several main groups of synthetic drugs that are effective and less dangerous for the human body.

    Every year, more than a million people hear from doctors the diagnosis of "helminthiasis" (worm infestation). Non-compliance with the rules of hygiene, the use of dirty or thermally unprocessed food cause helminths to enter the body of a modern person. Sometimes the pathology can be asymptomatic, and sometimes leads to severe intoxication and death, so therapy must be selected carefully, while being timely. Are there broad-spectrum anthelmintic drugs and how to choose the most effective one?


    • anticestodic drugs. They are effective against invasion by cestodes (tapeworms).
    • anti-trematodose drugs. These anthelmintic drugs for humans are used for infestation with trematodes (flatworms, flukes);
    • anti-nematode drugs eliminate nematodes (roundworms).


    Tapeworms cause many helminthiases: echinococcosis, alveococcosis, teniidosis (bovine tapeworm), cysticercosis (pork tapeworm), diphyllobothriasis (wide tapeworm), etc. Antihelminthic drugs for people aimed at combating cestodes are as follows: "Niclosamide", " Mepakrin", "Fenasal".


    This group of medicines effectively copes with the fight against roundworms, which include: trichinella; roundworm, whipworm and pinworms. The trade names of these drugs are Dekaris, Ditrazine Citrate, Helmintox, Ivermek, Medamin.

    Broad spectrum drugs

    Anthelmintic drugs for humans with a wide spectrum of action are represented by a limited series of drugs. They are divided according to the main active substance, which is part of:

    This is an effective broad-spectrum antihelminthic drug, the use of which is advisable for:

    • mixed helminthiases;
    • larval form of cestodes;
    • enterobiasis;
    • ascariasis;
    • opisthorchiasis;
    • giardiasis.

    Preparations containing albendozol - "Albella", "Nemozol", "Aldazol", "Angelmeks", "Vormil", "Zentel", "Farmox". The preparations are available in tablet form, in the form of a suspension, chewable dragees. Such drugs are easier to give to children.

    • Chinese fluke;
    • cat fluke;
    • ribbon wide;
    • bovine and pork tapeworm.

    This broad-spectrum antihelminthic drug for humans causes spastic paralysis of the muscular apparatus of worms, which leads to their rapid death.

    Trade names: "Azinoks", "Baltricid", "Biltrid", "Drontsit", "Prakvizantel", "Pikviton", "Cistritsid".


    The most commonly used broad-spectrum anthelmintic drug for humans, which is prescribed for invasion:

    The standard therapy regimen is 100 mg 2 times a day. The choice of dose depends on the form of invasion, the condition of the patient and his age. The drug is approved for use in children over 2 years of age.

    Analogues that can be found in pharmacies are Vermox and Vormin, as well as Mebex, Talmox100, Telmox.

    The choice of a broad-spectrum anthelmintic drug should be carried out under the strict supervision of the attending physician. These drugs are very toxic, so the wrong medication, as well as the dosage, can lead to serious complications.

    Anthelmintics should be selected by a specialist

    It should be noted that modern antihelminthic drugs with a wide spectrum of action are not only highly effective, but also safe. If you follow the instructions exactly, of course. To date, doctors can choose an effective remedy for worms from a dozen drugs.

    Types of helminths

    All worms in humans are divided into several groups. Since they all have common features, respectively, and an effective cure for worms of a certain group will be the same.

    Another eternal enemy of kids is pinworms. This does not mean that adults do not encounter them, it just happens much less frequently. Here, too, a good means of protection is compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. However, it will not help if the infection has occurred, you will have to select another medicine for worms.

    Existing groups of helminths:

    • cestodes;
    • nematodes;
    • trematodes.

    Anti-worm drugs are usually active against a specific group. At the same time, when choosing how to treat a person, it is important to take into account not only the type of pest, but also such indicators as the age of the patient, his state of health, and possible allergic reactions.

    For example, deworming medications should not be taken in the presence of intestinal infections. Also contraindications are viral and infectious diseases. It is difficult for pregnant women, since almost all drugs are prohibited for them. The same goes for women who are breastfeeding. Here, in no case should you engage in amateur activities - a good specialist can easily cure a woman in an interesting position by picking up such an anthelmintic drug that will kill pests without any consequences for mother and baby.

    It should also be remembered that the remedy for worms in adults is not suitable for children. An important role is played by the age and weight of the child, depending on this, appropriate anti-worm medications are selected for him.

    The medicine is chosen very carefully

    How to drink funds?

    Anthelmintics are harmless to humans if taken correctly. The problem is that when the dosage is exceeded, they become toxic, cause symptoms of poisoning, and in a rather severe form. That is why it is so important to follow all the rules.

    Another difficulty is that anthelmintic agents have low activity against larvae and eggs of pests. At the same time, they destroy adults very well. Therefore, in most cases, the doctor prescribes to drink a second course of medication in order to completely remove the worms from a person. This is usually required after two weeks.


    It raises a lot of questions. The problem is that anthelmintic drugs do not add health to a person. As mentioned above, they are toxic, and if, subject to the dosage, they are harmless to humans, this does not mean that you can safely take them every month or even six months. Again, in most cases, antihelminthic drugs destroy only adults, while the eggs remain, so the meaning of prevention is lost. Let's say with confidence that the best remedy for worms in this case is strict adherence to hygiene rules.

    The best remedy for worms in this case is strict adherence to hygiene rules.

    • life in the countryside;
    • travel to exotic countries;
    • being in a closed team;
    • work with soil;
    • fishing and hunting in the list of favorite activities;
    • the presence of pets, especially those that go outside.

    The last point is especially important, because pets on their wool bring a lot of pests from the street that can be dangerous to people.

    Treatment of worms should always be carried out not only in family members, but also in pets - all at the same time. Naturally, helminth remedies for animals need their own, they are selected by a veterinarian.

    Against nematodes

    They are roundworms, very common in humans. Most of all, this applies to pinworms and roundworms, which, as mentioned above, accompany a person throughout childhood, and then periodically appear in his life.

    Treatment of worms should always be carried out not only in family members, but also in pets.

    To cope with nematodes will help:

    • "Wormil";
    • "Hemodol";
    • "Albendozol";
    • "Vermox";
    • "Nemozol";
    • "Pirantol";
    • "Combantrin";
    • "Pirkon".

    Against cestodes

    • "Albendazole";
    • "Mepakrin";
    • "Niclosamide".

    Against trematodes

    The class of flatworms is simply incredibly diverse, but the list of drugs for them is not very long:

    • "Chloxil";
    • "Pyrchlorethylene";
    • "Bitionol";
    • "Praziquantel";
    • "Cysticide";
    • Azinox.

    Preparations with a wide spectrum of activity

    • "Prasiquantal";
    • "Pirantel";
    • "Mebendazole".

    How do drugs work?

    As you can see, antihelminthic agents are numerous, it remains only to choose from them the one that is suitable for a particular case. A medicine for worms for a person can be of domestic or foreign production, but they all have their own mechanisms of action, which are determined by the active substance.

    The best anthelmintic agent is determined on the basis of experience with its use in patients. Therefore, it cannot be said that the drug that occupies the first line of the top will absolutely help each individual person. However, the likelihood is still high. Let's see which drugs for a person are worthy of the title of "best".


    This remedy for worms in adults and children helps to effectively deal with pinworms and roundworms. The dosage is determined by the doctor, but usually adults need up to 8 tablets. For children, a suspension of the same name has been developed, to which a special measuring spoon is necessarily applied. With its help, the required dose of the drug is calculated.

    The drug "Helmintox"

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