Medicinal plants burdock root - “how to make burdock oil at home. burdock infusion is easy. photo instruction inside. how much it costs and why I do it, I tell. A simple recipe for hair beauty: how to make burdock oil at home

Burdock oil is a unique natural product that is used to treat hair loss, dandruff, eyelash growth and nails. The recipe for making burdock oil at home can be found in this article.

Burdock oil contains an incredible amount of substances useful for our skin, nails and hair, so most cosmetics manufacturers have long appreciated burdock oil. Many professional skin creams, balms and hair masks of well-known brands contain burdock oil.

However, there is not so much burdock oil in purchased products. It is easier and more efficient to use pure burdock oil for cosmetic and medicinal purposes.

You can buy burdock oil at any pharmacy, but you can also make burdock oil at home from burdock roots!

Do you know that burdock or burdock is one and the same plant. Although what we used to call burdock looks a little different than burdock. And the thing is that burdock or otherwise - burdock, lives for 2 years. In the first year, it sprouts with wide, large leaves. At the same time, it prefers shady places along roadsides. And only in the second year of life, inflorescences appear in our burdock, and then round seed boxes, which are equipped with small Velcro hooks. These round prickly balls we tear out of the fur of our pets or from our hair, if we happen to come into contact with them in the forest.

How to make burdock oil at home
To prepare burdock oil at home, we need burdock roots of the first year of life. It is during this period that the roots contain the greatest amount of active substances.

The method is simple - in early spring or autumn, dig up the root of an annual burdock. Wash and clean it, then chop finely (you can use a blender). Pour 70-100 g of chopped root with 200 g of almond oil (you can use olive, sunflower and even vaseline), but the classic recipe is almond oil. Leave to brew for 24 hours. Then pour everything into a saucepan, bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to a minimum and boil the mixture for another 15 minutes. The finished oil must be cooled, then strain through cheesecloth. Pour into a glass bottle and store in the refrigerator.

Rub this oil into your hair roots 1-2 times a week. To make the oil easier to apply to the hair, first heat it in a water bath. Keep burdock oil on your hair for at least 30 minutes, and even better - a few hours. In this case, it is better to warm the hair with a plastic cap and a towel.

Then wash off the burdock oil with warm water using your regular shampoo. The result will delight you immediately - the hair will be soft, shiny and silky. And after 5-10 procedures with burdock oil, you will notice that the hair has noticeably strengthened and stopped falling out, dandruff will disappear. When using and reprinting the material, an active link to the site

Many years ago I bought burdock oil in a pharmacy and brought it home. My daughter asked: “Is burdock oil a pomace from thorns that look like an old man’s unshaven beard?” I laughed and remembered that burdock, a biennial herbaceous plant with a fleshy, thick root (reaching a length of up to 1.5 meters) has various names: burdock, lapushnik, grandfather, burdock, rapeseed, and even grandfather. Do you know what burdock oil is? What is it made from? What is its use and where is it used? This is what I want to talk about today.

Burr oil - natural product, containsinulin (natural polysaccharide), carotene, ascorbic acid, tannins and bitter substances, essential oils, minerals, flavonoids, mucus, organic acids.

What is burdock oil made from?

Burdock oil is not made from the fruits of burdock, as my daughter suggested, but from the roots.

In mass production, the roots of the first and second year of the life of the plant are used, although I prefer to harvest the roots of the plant of the first year of life, they are a valuable medicinal raw material. It is not difficult to distinguish them from the roots of the second year. When harvesting plants (September-October or early spring in April, before the start of regrowth), I exclude plants with a thick dry pipe (this is a dried stem that appears in the second year of the plant's life). Then I free the root from the ground part, small roots, wash it in cold water, peel it from the bark and cut it into pieces 10-15 centimeters long. I dry in the attic or under a canopy. I store in boxes in a dry room, be sure to sign the date of harvesting, since this raw material is stored for no more than 5 years. I use the available raw materials for the preparation of burdock oil. I prefer my oil because I think it's a really natural, safe product.

How to make burdock oil yourself?

You can easily make this remedy at home. There are various ways to prepare burdock oil.

Method one (from fresh burdock roots)

Take 100 grams of chopped burdock roots (you can weigh it on an electronic scale if you have it at home) and 200 of vegetable oil of your choice (olive, almond, even sunflower). Mix everything and leave to stand for a day. Then, stirring constantly (so that the oil does not burn), cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Cool the mixture, strain, pour into a glass dish, store in the refrigerator.

For medicinal purposes, it is preferable to use fresh burdock root, but there are time limits here. Fresh burdock roots are harvested only in April, September and October. You can store them for some time on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, but this does not solve the problem.

Helps here way the second (from dry burdock roots).

Take 5 tablespoons of dried and powdered burdock roots and pour 0.5 liters of any vegetable oil (even sunflower) in a glass bowl. Let stand in a warm place for 21 days. And everything is little ready to use. (oil can not be filtered).

Method three (universal - can be made from both fresh and dry burdock roots)

Take a ceramic pot, put burdock roots (2 tablespoons fresh or 1 tablespoon dried) in it and pour 250 grams of olive oil over them. Put an ordinary dough on the pot and place it for 3-4 hours in a warm (up to 60 degrees) oven. Then strain and the oil is ready.

Remember that home-made burdock oil is stored for no more than 2 months, then its healing properties are lost.

The use of burdock oil

Burdock oil is widely used for cosmetic purposes. It is included in shampoos, as an anti-dandruff agent, in baths, as a tonic and cleanser.

Used for wound healing.

It is an effective home remedy for the care of nails, skin, eyelashes and hair.

But I will talk about this in future posts. See you friends.

Hi all)

The kitchen in my head does not sleep, and the thirst for the best does not subside. Therefore, today a new photo report, this time the topic sounds like this:

"How to cook burdock oil with your own hands"

Naturally, one cannot do without the culprit of the recall, this is the well-known burdock root

Let's start with a little excursion. The fact is that pure burdock oil is not squeezed out, but a kind of infusion is made. There are several names for this product: Infusion, macerate or extract. What is the difference between infusion and macerate? Difference in plant parts, tops or roots)

Infuz is a tincture of herbs in oil

Macerate is a tincture of flowers

Extract (oil) - seeds or bark are used

Therefore, it is more correct to call burdock homemade oil an infusion. There is a hot and cold cooking method, the first one I consider dreary for myself, you need to jump around the stove for several days, so I’ll tell you about the lazy method

Why am I doing this and why such a hassle? Do you know what the most popular Mirolla burdock oil is infused with? No matter how much I searched, there is no information. The manufacturer only writes that it is a natural oil extract ...

Do you believe that it costs 30 rubles? For comparison, Spivak's burdock costs 83 rubles and it is honestly indicated that it is made on the basis of sunflower, in my opinion the cheapest oil! Therefore, I suspect that Mirolla is made on a mineral, which clogs the pores of the skin of the face and head, creates a film. In addition, I was always embarrassed by its color, almost transparent

That's why I decided to take the initiative into my own hands and do it qualitatively, as for myself) It took a pack of burdock, which for some reason you can’t buy in every pharmacy, and the base oil is the base. It is recommended to take stable ones, for example, almond, coconut, jojoba. For these purposes, I bought high-quality unrefined olive oil, chose freshly brought

In addition, I decided to add nettle, no one forbids making a mix of your favorite ingredients.

Also for "cooking" you need a container (which is harmless), darkness and warmth. It's winter outside, which means every house has a radiator

Well, hand in hand, knead) You ask why I take a dry root and not a fresh one? This is easier, and helps to avoid spoilage of the infusion.

Yes, I have a glass jar. I close it tightly, put a thick fabric bag on top to protect it from light, and put it on the battery. Shake the mixture every few days. Wait a long time, my infusion warmed up for 3-4 weeks

The finished oil is darker, smells distinctly herbal, and more importantly, it is 100% natural. More expensive than purchased. It remains to strain it and you can use

This is how I got a burdock infusion, aka macerate, aka oil infusion, aka burdock oil))

However, I want to continue the topic a little and describe my feelings from the use of a decoction of burdock root, because this plant has a wide range of uses.

I won’t talk about sores, who has what hurts and so they know how to treat. I'm all about beauty)) A decoction helps with hair loss. I rinsed my hair with it for 3 weeks. There is a result, shine, coupled with drying of the length ... The hair becomes stiffer, I noticed the same effect when I used a decoction of oak bark, so be careful with this. If you see that a miracle is not happening, do not torture your head

And all about the head ... burdock will help get rid of dandruff.

Conscientious producers make burdock oil from burdock root, which is infused in almond, olive and, less often, sunflower oil. To be more precise, it is not insisting, but boiling the burdock root in oil, then the root is removed and the oil is packaged. Of course, this oil is not cheap.

The second option is used by unscrupulous manufacturers. Sunflower oil is taken and a fragrance is added to it, that's all, the oil was flavored and packaged. Ie composition: (un)refined oil and fragrance. I once bought such oil, it would be easier to use sunflower oil.

Burr oil

Burdock oil, along with castor oil, belongs to the most underestimated oils, often perceived as outdated. Meanwhile, in terms of the properties it exhibits in the field of hair care, and in terms of its ability to act as a phytoactivator, it is truly unique. Despite the fact that the plant from which it is extracted is essentially a weed, the oil itself boasts irreplaceable qualities that are unmatched by more popular and rare plant bases. Available and inexpensive, it has acquired the status of an extremely highly specialized tool. The scope of burdock root oil is one of the most limited in aromatherapy.

What to look for when buying oil

You can buy burdock oil not only in shops specializing in aromatherapy: like castor oil, related in status, it is most often distributed in pharmacies. It is there that the most representative choice is both pure burdock oil and enriched with various natural extracts that enhance its properties.

In addition, more and more often it can be found on the shelves of cosmetology stores and departments as a highly specialized natural hair care product.

When buying oil, be sure to check all available information: labeling, composition and method of production.


Burdock oil on our shelves can also appear under the name of burdock root oil, which is a complete and equal synonym.

Among foreign names, the most common is burdock oil, but both the expanded burdock root oil extract and the shorter bur oil are quite acceptable.

The Latin marking for the species name of the plant is arctium lappa.

Today, burdock oils with active additives are very popular - plant extracts that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair - with nettle, red pepper extract, keratin, ceramides, propolis, ginkgo biloba.

Plant and regions of production

Burdock oil is extracted from the rhizome of burdock, a pesky weed famed for its dry ball-shaped seed heads that cling to clothing and animal hair. Herbaceous perennial with huge heart-shaped leaves and round inflorescences is considered one of the most annoying garden aggressors.

This plant within the temperate zone has spread throughout almost the entire Northern Hemisphere. Burdock roots are actively used by folk and official medicine, and the oil is extracted both in Asia and in Europe.

The choice of a burdock oil manufacturer does not play a big role in the effectiveness of therapy: the bases of local producers, which are more affordable, are in no way inferior to the products of elite aromatherapy firms.


This oil, due to its unusual composition for bases, the availability of material and a fairly large yield of the product, is very rarely faked, and the low price makes this process completely meaningless.

But here the spread in quality is quite significant: depending on the oil or chemical analogue with which the extraction takes place, the composition and characteristics of the product at the outlet change. That is why it is better to choose burdock oils, whose manufacturers do not hide information about the agent oil and additives in the composition.

Receiving method

Burdock oil is obtained exclusively by extraction with oil conveyors.

Most often, in the production of burdock roots, they are poured with the so-called mineral oil, but today they are beginning to actively introduce carbon dioxide extraction technology that allows them to save more nutrients. Both methods are acceptable, the quality of the oil produced by exposure to carbon dioxide is sometimes even higher than with the classical method.

Other base oils for extracting burdock are used less and less today, but it is this product that is of the highest quality.

The extraction method also affects the shelf life: mineral-based oils and those obtained by distillation with carbon dioxide are stored better than products obtained by a more expensive extraction method in pure bases.

To obtain oil, only burdock roots are used.



The composition of burdock oil is called unique mainly due to the content of natural inulin, supplemented by the presence of protein, stigmasterol, sitosterol, tannins, mineral salts and vitamins.

The fatty acid composition is mainly represented by stearic and palmitic acids.

Thanks to the combination of active ingredients, burdock oil is a phytoactivator that stimulates metabolism, blood circulation, hair growth and regeneration at the cellular level.

Texture, color and aroma

The external characteristics of burdock root oil are not too pretentious: a pale yellow color is prone to fading over time.

The aroma is unobtrusive, weak, most of all similar to the smell of sunflower oil, somewhat unpleasant, often remains on the hair. When combining burdock oil with active additives, the smell most often corresponds to the aroma of the latter, more pleasant and strong.

The texture of the oil is viscous, thick and pronounced oily, in cosmetic mixtures it is more liquid.

Behavior on the skin

When applied to the skin, it creates not just a visible, but rather thick oily film, which plays the role of active protection on rough or damaged areas. It acts as an activating component at the cellular level, improving the structure of tissues and effectively restoring it, stimulating blood circulation, metabolism and renewal.

A significant disadvantage of the oil is the density of its oily film, which will require thorough washing out of the oil from the hair and scalp.

Medicinal properties

The healing properties of burdock oil are practically not expressed.

Due to the density of the protective film it creates and the stimulation of effective cellular repair, it is appropriate to use it for the treatment of skin diseases, chronic wounds and eczema, keratinized, rough skin on the feet, elbows.

The warming and penetrating characteristics of the oil, its ability to retain active ingredients in a greasy film for a long time can be effectively used in the treatment of sciatica.

It is also used for local normalizing massage for mastopathy.

Cosmetic properties

The spectrum of the actual cosmetic characteristics of the oil should also include a cleansing, preventive effect on the skin due to cellular restoration and astringent effect. Usually, burdock oil is used as a base for ointments and lotions, or used before water procedures as an oil scrub.

The most important feature of the oil, which determines the extremely narrow main scope, is the regenerating and stimulating effect on the hair and scalp. By enhancing local blood circulation and providing cellular nutrition and regeneration, it restores local metabolism and eliminates dry scalp.

Burdock root oil actively regenerates the hair structure and strengthens hair follicles, accelerating growth and restoring beauty and strength to hair. With prolonged use, it stops the rate of hair loss (after the first procedures, the opposite effect is observed, but over time it passes and the positive effect becomes more obvious), eliminates split ends, visible damage, and prevents brittleness.

Beneficial effect on the scalp, restores its health, allows you to forget about itching and dandruff.

Burdock oil is also used to care for the nail plates: it actively levels their surface, restores the structure and promotes the growth and healthy development of nails.

Application features

This oil has no contraindications for use, except for the usual restrictions on the mandatory identification of individual intolerance.

Stored for two years, subject to full compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations for temperature and light at the storage location.

Since this oil is quite specific in its texture, it is not used as a cosmetic additive or to improve cosmetics, but only in its pure form to solve serious problems.

  • to soften and restore rough skin, soft cleansing and prevention of age-related changes, rub in pure form with active massage movements before taking a bath or shower;
  • to eliminate skin damage, manifestations of dermatological diseases, old wounds, they are used in pure form in oil applications;
  • with mastopathy in its pure form to lubricate the skin in painful areas;
  • for oil masks, oil heated in a water bath is rubbed into the scalp and distributed over the entire length of dry or damp (but not wet) hair. Procedures lasting 1 hour are carried out twice a week for 5-6 weeks with a two-week break between courses;
  • in anti-aging facial massage after the procedure, the oil is left on the skin for 15 minutes, and then washed off with warm water.

Burdock oil - manufacturing recipes. How to make burdock oil?

Even our great-great-grandmothers knew that there is no hair product better than burdock. And although it looks unsightly and can bring a lot of problems if flowers get into the hair, no one neglected it and harvested both leaves and rhizomes for future use. And how to make burdock oil, all the women who watched the beauty of their hair knew. Burdock oil also helps in the care of eyebrows and eyelashes, in the treatment of dermatitis.

Big burdock, or burdock, is probably the most famous plant in Russia - well, who hasn’t uttered a couple of unpleasant phrases about him, with difficulty pulling thorns out of his hair! Meanwhile, a plant more useful for hair, perhaps, is not in our latitudes. It is from it that burdock oil is prepared, tender and very nutritious, widely used in cosmetology.

Burdock oil perfectly copes with many problems associated with hair: it can cure seborrhea, stop hair loss, and normalize the production of sebaceous secretions. In fact, this is the only biologically active substance of such a wide spectrum of action due to the high content of tannins, vitamins, acids and proteins. It is their strength that can strengthen hair follicles, restore hair structure, so burdock extracts and oil are added to various hair care products: shampoos, balms, masks, conditioners and lotions.

Burdock oil - recipes for making

Burdock oil can be bought at almost any pharmacy, however, the home cooking method guarantees the absence of synthetic additives and allergic reactions.

There are several homemade recipes, here is the simplest:

  1. chop fresh burdock leaves (100 g) and pour a glass of olive or vaseline oil,
  2. insist during the day, strain,
  3. squeeze and boil over low heat for fifteen minutes.

Burdock oil - manufacturing recipes may differ slightly from each other: for three tablespoons of finely chopped fresh root, take a glass of olive or refined vegetable oil, mix in dark glassware and insist for about a day. Then we warm it over low heat for about half an hour (bringing it to a boil), filter and cool - the mask oil is ready.

How to make burdock oil in a cold way?

This recipe is a little more difficult.

  • It is necessary to prepare a leaf of burdock for future use, dry it in a ventilated room without dust and direct sunlight, take 100 g and grind them in a mortar.
  • Pour 100 ml of sunflower oil (odorless), leave for three weeks, shaking regularly.
  • After that, the oil is ready for use, you can strain it, or you can leave it like that.

Apply as a mask, applying to the scalp and combing through the hair, leaving for three hours and rinsing off with shampoo. The course against seborrhea requires about a month of procedures, repeated every other day.

For the preparation of burdock oil, you can take any vegetable oil, but almond, vaseline and olive are best suited. In addition to the amazing effect that burdock oil has on hair, it can improve complexion, soothe itching and flaking of the skin, and take excellent care of eyelashes and eyebrows.

With various skin diseases, you can do daily rubbing with burdock oil, and lubricate eyelashes and eyebrows at night in order to prevent their loss and for good growth. And masks with burdock oil from skin aging will help eliminate fine wrinkles and dry skin.

Burdock oil is a real storehouse of useful substances, so it must be on your dressing table!

A simple recipe for hair beauty: how to make burdock oil at home

Burdock oil is an excellent natural remedy for the beauty of hair, nails and skin, it moisturizes, softens, nourishes and protects. If you do not trust the quality of goods on store shelves, you should figure out how to make burdock oil at home.

Making burdock oil is a very simple process that does not require special technologies. The product quality of the finished product will depend primarily on the quality of the original ingredients.

To make butter you will need:

The roots of young, annual burdock contain the greatest amount of useful substances. It is best to collect roots in spring or early autumn. It is recommended to use almond oil as a base oil, but it can be replaced with olive, sunflower, jojoba or apricot.

Peel and rinse the rhizome of burdock, and then chop in a blender, meat grinder or grate on a fine grater.

Pour the gruel with oil in a ratio of 200 ml per 100 g of crushed roots and let it brew for a day.

After a day, pour the oil into a saucepan, bring to a boil over low heat and cook for 15 minutes.

Cool, strain and pour into a glass container.

As a raw material, you can use not only roots, but also fresh burdock leaves. How to make burdock oil from greens yourself? The recipe is very simple.

Rinse freshly cut burdock leaves and grind in a blender.

Pour the crushed leaves with vegetable oil: olive, sunflower, almond in the ratio of 1 cup per 100 g of green mass.

Let the mixture brew for 1-2 days, and then squeeze, cook for 20-25 minutes over low heat, strain and pour into glass bottles.

Homemade burdock oil can be applied to the ends of the hair to reduce breakage and dryness; add to masks and balms. Oil applications for hair help restore their shine and elasticity, normalize the lipid balance of the scalp and improve the nutrition of hair follicles.

It is also used to accelerate the growth of eyelashes: to do this, you need to apply oil every night on the cilia with a clean brush. A few drops of the product added to the hand, body or face cream will enhance its nourishing and moisturizing qualities, relieve the feeling of tightness and peeling.

burdock oil how to use burdock oil

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Burdock oil: composition, benefits, application

Nature gives us many amazing plants, with the help of which we can not only heal all sorts of ailments, but also become more beautiful, fresher, more attractive. Burdock is one of these plants, it is from it that burdock oil, known for its healing properties, is made.

Burdock oil - production process, composition

This remedy is obtained from the roots of the familiar burdock. Surely, each of us, being in a garden or in a forest, with irritation, had to pull out the thorns of this “sticky” weed from ourselves. But, despite this, burdock can and should be respected, because it has many healing properties. All these qualities can boast of oil from the roots of the plant, today it is sold in almost all pharmacies, it is inexpensive. You can get burdock oil yourself - for this you just need to insist the crushed root on oil (olive, vaseline, corn oil, almond).

What is burdock oil made of? It contains many different benefits: vitamins of group B, PP, E, A and C, many minerals (boron, zinc, vanadium, copper and others), tannins, proteins, unsaturated fatty acids, rare inulin (polysaccharide) .

The two easiest recipes for making burdock oil at home

To get a quality product, it must be made from a burdock root dug out of the ground either in late autumn or in March. Here are two of the most proven recipes for homemade burdock oil:

  • Seventy-five grams of crushed root should be poured with olive, almond or vaseline oil (200 milliliters), the mixture should be infused for 24 hours in a warm but dark place. Then the oil with the roots should be boiled over very low heat for fifteen minutes. The mixture must be stirred frequently to avoid burning it. After cooking, it must be filtered, poured into a container of dark glass and put in a cool place.
  • Grind one hundred grams of burdock root very finely, almost into powder, pour half a liter of high-quality oil (virgin olive oil or refined sunflower oil). Next, the mixture is infused in a warm, dark place for three weeks, it is not necessary to filter it. Shake this homemade burdock oil well before use.

Burdock oil for skin

The rich composition of burdock oil makes it very effective for the skin - vegetable acids, numerous vitamins, proteins, mineral salts and tannins perfectly affect its condition, give it a fresh look, delicate color, nourish, rejuvenate. This remedy is especially beneficial for dry, flaky, aging skin. A few drops of burdock oil, added to a regular daily face cream or a weekly mask, will help literally “bring the skin back to life”, slow down the formation of new wrinkles and smooth out those that have already appeared.

Burdock oil also works as an antiseptic, so it helps with acne, boils, and various skin inflammations. To remove inflammation, you should use the oil in its pure form - you need to moisten a cotton pad with the product and treat it with all the existing problem areas, on the face, neck, body. Five drops of oil can be added to a moisturizer for oily skin. A bath in which a tablespoon of burdock oil is added will perfectly help soften rough skin and nourish dry skin. After such a bath, the skin will gain tone and moisture.

Burdock oil for eyelashes, nails, eyebrows

Topical is the use of this magical oil for eyelashes and eyebrows. All its usefulness penetrates deep into the hairs and skin of the eyelids, saturates them, perfectly helps against hair loss. By using burdock oil regularly, you can make your eyebrows thicker, fuller, and healthier. The easiest way involves gently lubricating eyebrows and eyelashes with oil; a cleanly washed mascara brush is suitable for this procedure.

To accelerate the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows, you can use this mask: burdock oil and castor oil should be mixed in equal proportions (five drops of both are enough), heat a little and apply gently on eyelashes and eyebrows. There is no need to wash off such a mask - the oil will simply be absorbed without leaving a trace. The mask is best done every other day, within a month. The mask, which combines the action of several oils at once, has received great recognition. A mixture of equal doses of vitamin E, sea buckthorn oil and burdock oil works real miracles - it strengthens the hairs, makes them healthy and shiny. If desired, a little honey or egg yolk can be added to the composition.

Stop the loss of eyelashes and eyebrows, stimulate the growth of new hairs really with the help of the following mask: you should mix three drops of oils - camphor, linseed (from the pharmacy), burdock. Such a mask can be applied in a heated form not only on eyebrows and cilia, but also on nails, it will also perfectly strengthen and nourish them. The mask should be kept for twenty minutes, it is not necessary to wash it off, it is better to simply remove the excess with a soft cloth.

Hair healing

Burdock oil is an indispensable tool for healing the scalp and hair. This tool perfectly strengthens and "awakens" the hair follicles, actively fights seborrhea, removes dandruff, dry and oily. Oil can be used both separately and in combination with other components. The simplest thing you can do is just spread the scalp with moderately warmed oil and hold for half an hour, then rinse with your usual shampoo, preferably twice, to completely get rid of the remnants of fat. If you repeat the procedure regularly, 2-3 times a week, you can remove dandruff, strengthen and nourish the hair roots, fill the braids with vitality.

Oil from heated cognac and burdock oil works great, it will give hair silkiness, stop hair loss, and significantly accelerate growth. It is prepared simply - two yolks must be mixed with a spoonful of butter, a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of cognac. The mixture should be slightly warmed up, then it is necessary to grease the hair roots with it, cover the head with a film, wrap it with a towel and walk like this for an hour and a half. After this time, you just need to wash your hair with your usual shampoo.

If hair loss is provoked by frequent perms, abuse of dyeing, this mixture will help stop the process: three tablespoons (tablespoons) of burdock oil should be mixed with a teaspoon of cocoa and two raw yolks. Apply the mask to the hair roots without fail with massage, rubbing movements. Keep the mask under the film and towel for an hour, then rinse with shampoo.

A quick result is a mixture of red pepper (in powder form), burdock yolk oil. To make it, you need to mix half a teaspoon of hot pepper, three tablespoons of table oil and one yolk. As in previous cases, the mixture is applied to the scalp in a warm form, kept under a film and a towel. The important point is to keep it preferably for fifteen minutes, but if a strong burning sensation begins earlier, the composition must be immediately and thoroughly washed off with shampoo.

Burdock oil is great for removing dandruff if you mix it with egg yolk and fine salt. The composition is used as a light peeling of the scalp - it will help cleanse the skin and clogged roots, reduce the production of dandruff.

The composition of burdock root infused with oil is an unusually healing and multifaceted remedy. Traditionally, it is used to heal hair, but, as it turned out, burdock root oil also helps eyebrows, nails, and eyelashes. Using our recipes, you can preserve and enhance your beauty with this amazingly effective, natural remedy!

The ability to create beautiful and competent makeup does not appear from nowhere. This needs to be learned. The current generation has a huge advantage - unlimited access to useful information, our mothers and grandmothers did not have this.

The modern variety of essential oils, as well as the range of their effects on the physical, mental and emotional state of a person, is so great that a mixture can be selected for almost any purpose and even any occasion.

Making great efforts to fight cellulite, we want the product to contain only useful, and most importantly, effective ingredients! At home, you can prepare not only natural and beneficial anti-cellulite oil, but also periodically change its composition, adjusting to existing needs.

Fluid that accumulates in excessive amounts in the body often causes swelling, bags under the eyes, fatigue and even excess weight. Let's figure out how to effectively and without prejudice to our own health to remove excess fluid from our body, bringing the water balance back to normal.

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All information is informational and not advisory. Check with your doctor, do not self-medicate.

The best ways to use burdock oil for hair

The hair of a modern woman is constantly subjected to various stresses and tests. In addition to the natural need to be beautiful, expressed in dyeing, bleaching, curling, tight hairstyles and overdrying of hair, there are environmental factors, as well as systemic diseases that affect the scalp. Genetically modified foods, hormonal residues in meat (especially chicken and pork), pesticides, smog in large cities and excessive insolation in villages - all this leads to a deterioration in the quality of the hairline.

Burdock oil helps to mitigate the effects of these unpleasant circumstances, restore elasticity to the hair and strengthen their roots.

Conditions in which burdock oil is used

Dermatologists recommend burdock oil for excessive oily skin, especially for seborrhea of ​​various origins. As an element of complex treatment, it can be prescribed for various types of alopecia, dandruff, section of the hair shaft and other similar symptoms.

Photo gallery: indications for use

In its pure form, burdock oil is not a remedy - a dermatologist must determine the main cause that caused dandruff or brittle hair. For this, mycological and bacteriological examination of the head, consultation of a gastroenterologist (for metabolic disorders), allergic tests and much more can be recommended.

The chemical composition of burdock oil - the role of the substance in the treatment of diseases of the hair and scalp

An extract from the root of burdock (i.e. burdock) contains a large amount of inulin, vitamins B, A, E, C, R. In addition, burdock oil is a source of essential oils, tannins, salts and minerals.

With regular use, burdock oil relieves inflammation, stimulates hair follicles, destroys certain types of pathogenic microorganisms, improves blood circulation and skin regeneration.

Inulin is an excellent adsorbent, it makes the skin less oily, which prevents hair loss and is very useful in the treatment of seborrhea.

Application features for different types of hair

Burdock oil can not be used more than 2 times a week, otherwise the hair adsorbs too many lipids, becomes heavy and oily in appearance.

To strengthen thin and dry hair, it is precisely this frequency of use that should be followed, and every 3 months it is necessary to take a break for 2 months.

Different types of hair have their own conditions for the use of burdock oil.

If the goal is to moderately strengthen and maintain healthy hair, the procedure is performed once a month.

The oil is applied to the scalp and the hair itself in a heated form (warm in a water bath) with soft massaging movements from the skin of the scalp to the ends of the hair. We warm the structure with a bag and a towel. Leave the mask on for an hour, then wash your hair with regular shampoo.

It is necessary at the same time to know for sure that you do not have allergic reactions to a particular shampoo.

Making burdock oil at home

Buying burdock oil is quite easy, but the quality of the product may not meet our needs. This is due to the addition of silicone and some other unacceptable ingredients. As a rule, chemical additives are recognized by their characteristic smell, so it is useful to know how natural burdock oil should smell.

Grind fresh burdock roots and pour refined sunflower oil (you can take almond or olive oil, depending on olfactory preferences) in a ratio of ⅓. The mixture is infused for a day in a dark room, after which it must be brought to a boil and kept on low heat for 20 minutes. After cooling, the oil is filtered.

Burdock oil for hair growth

Burdock oil can also stimulate hair roots in its pure form. To do this, it is applied with a swab on the skin of the scalp 2 times a week. A slightly more effective method are special masks to accelerate hair growth. These funds contain additional stimulants, softening and strengthening components.

Photo gallery: components of firming masks

Here are the main recipes:

  • mix burdock oil with castor oil and add birch sap (1/1/2), then apply the mixture on dry hair half an hour before washing your hair;
  • honey, lemon juice and burdock oil (2 tablespoons each) are heated until dissolved, then add 2 yolks and mix. The resulting mask is applied to wet hair, rubbing in a circular motion into the skin. The mask is applied for 2 hours with warming up to 4 times a month;
  • mix burdock oil and cocoa in a ratio of 2/1, add two yolks. We apply the mixture for an hour and a half;

Cocoa is a powerful immune stimulant and contains a lot of antioxidants (rejuvenates the skin). Unfortunately, this recipe is contraindicated if you are allergic to chocolate.

In addition, burdock oil is often combined with traditional hair growth stimulants - mustard, pepper, onion juice, cognac and yeast.

Hair Loss Treatment

Inulin plays a key role in this process. The substance strengthens local immunity, preventing the development of local infectious processes (mycoses and bacterial infections), strengthens hair follicles.

As a rule, for a complex effect (growth and prevention of loss) in the treatment of alopecia, a combination of burdock oil with circulatory stimulants - pepper or honey is used. Oddly enough, Miramistin applications can also be used for this purpose, especially with severe fungal infection.

Treatment of hair loss with burdock oil is carried out in courses of 6 months. The frequency of procedures does not change - up to 2 per week.

Here are the two most common masks for hair loss with burdock oil:

  • Pepper tincture in combination with burdock oil is recommended for hair loss

mix pepper tincture with burdock oil (1/1). For each spoonful of burdock oil, one egg yolk is added to the solution. The mask is applied only to washed, damp hair. It is necessary that the entire skin of the scalp is covered without residue - in this case, the prevention of infectious complications will be more effective;

There will almost always be a burning sensation during this kind of stimulation, however, in case of hypersensitive skin or an allergy to one of the components, the treatment should be stopped and a dermatologist should be consulted.

  • a tablespoon of flower honey is mixed with two tablespoons of burdock oil plus two yolks. The mask is applied for 40 minutes once a week for 2 months.

Contraindicated in case of skin reactivity in response to bee products.

Application of a product for elasticity and silkiness of hair

In this case, the hair itself is treated first, so the mask is carefully applied along the entire length.

A drop of essential oil will give the product a pleasant aroma.

A teaspoon of cocoa butter (you can use pharmaceutical butter, or grated natural cocoa) is mixed with 3 tablespoons of burdock oil, 3 yolks. You can add 3 drops of an oil solution of vitamin E and A to the mixture for a better effect. Apply with massaging circular movements to the hair roots, then to the hair and wrap the head with heating for one hour. After that, the mask is washed off, and the hair must be rinsed with a weak solution of lemon juice (15 ml / l of water).

Pure burdock oil can also help in restoring volume and natural color, but for this it is better to buy pharmacy oil - it is better washed off and does not smell. Regarding the smell - in any mask, you can add a couple of drops of any essential oil to taste.

Burdock oil for the treatment of seborrhea and physiologically oily skin

The key effect of burdock oil in this niche is the normalization of the sebaceous glands. It is important to understand that burdock oil stimulates blood circulation and reduces the effect of an infectious agent, but, like any oil, it clogs pores.

For this reason, the mask cannot be kept longer than the specified time, otherwise it can provoke blockage of the glands and exacerbate the inflammatory process, which leads to hair loss, itching and redness of the skin.

Combing with oil - a solution to problems with oily skin

As a compromise option for using burdock oil for oily skin, combing is used. This is done as follows: a little oil is rubbed into the scalp with massaging movements (the oil should be warm), after which combing is carefully performed, distributing the substance along the entire length of the hair. After 40 minutes after application, the oil is washed off.

A mask for oily skin is prepared with the addition of drying and cleansing ingredients. The popular version of such a mask includes kefir or yogurt in a ratio of 1/1 to oil.

Excess oily skin and hair loss is a reason for consulting a gynecologist-endocrinologist, masks with burdock oil should be combined with the treatment of hormonal imbalance. In this case, the effect of therapy will be maximum.

Strengthening brittle hair

Coloring, blow-drying and perm make hair brittle. In addition, there are a huge number of diseases and conditions in which the hair needs additional nutrition and support.

Here are recipes that restore the structure of the hair shaft:

  • nettle decoction and oil (3/2) plus yolk for each spoonful of burdock oil;
  • tincture of calendula and oil (½) plus yolk;
  • castor and burdock oil (1/1). This recipe is good after an unsuccessful bleaching attempt.

The use of burdock oil allows you to restore strength and shine to your hair. The remedy has a particularly pronounced effect when the follicle is malnourished and the hairline is mechanically damaged. Burdock oil is an affordable and comfortable remedy for the scalp, it is an excellent addition to the main treatment for hair loss, dandruff and seborrhea.

Even our great-great-grandmothers knew that there is no hair product better than burdock. And although it looks unsightly and can bring a lot of problems if flowers get into the hair, no one neglected it and harvested both leaves and rhizomes for future use. And how to make burdock oil, all the women who watched the beauty of their hair knew. Burdock oil also helps in the care of eyebrows and eyelashes, in the treatment of dermatitis.

Big burdock, or burdock, is probably the most famous plant in Russia - well, who hasn’t uttered a couple of unpleasant phrases about him, with difficulty pulling thorns out of his hair! Meanwhile, a plant more useful for hair, perhaps, is not in our latitudes. It is from it that burdock oil is prepared, tender and very nutritious, widely used in cosmetology.

Burdock oil perfectly copes with many problems associated with hair: it can cure seborrhea, stop hair loss, and normalize the production of sebaceous secretions. In fact, this is the only biologically active substance of such a wide spectrum of action due to the high content of tannins, vitamins, acids and proteins. It is their strength that can strengthen the hair follicles, restore the hair structure, so burdock extracts and oil are added to various hair care products: balms, and lotions.

Burdock oil - recipes for making

Burdock oil can be bought at almost any pharmacy, however, the home cooking method guarantees the absence of synthetic additives and allergic reactions.

There are several homemade recipes, here is the simplest:

  1. chop fresh burdock leaves (100 g) and pour a glass of olive or vaseline oil,
  2. insist during the day, strain,
  3. squeeze and boil over low heat for fifteen minutes.

Burdock oil - manufacturing recipes may differ slightly from each other: for three tablespoons of finely chopped fresh root, take a glass of olive or refined vegetable oil, mix in a dark glass dish and insist for about a day. Then we warm it over low heat for about half an hour (bringing it to a boil), filter and cool - the mask oil is ready.

How to make burdock oil in a cold way?

This recipe is a little more difficult.

  • It is necessary to prepare a leaf of burdock for future use, dry it in a ventilated room without dust and direct sunlight, take 100 g and grind them in a mortar.
  • Pour 100 ml of sunflower oil (odorless), leave for three weeks, shaking regularly.
  • After that, the oil is ready for use, you can strain it, or you can leave it like that.

Apply as a mask, applying to the scalp and combing through the hair, leaving for three hours and rinsing off with shampoo. The course against seborrhea requires about a month of procedures, repeated every other day.

For the preparation of burdock oil, you can take any vegetable oil, but almond, vaseline and olive are best suited. In addition to the amazing effect that burdock oil has on the hair, it is able to soothe itching and flaking of the skin, perfectly with eyebrows.

With various skin diseases, you can do daily wiping with burdock oil, and lubricate the eyebrows at night in order to prevent their loss and for good growth. And masks with burdock oil from skin aging will help eliminate fine wrinkles and dry skin.

Burdock oil is a real storehouse of useful substances, so it must be on your dressing table!

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