Laser lipolysis - what is this procedure, photos before and after. What is laser lipolysis? Laser Lipolysis Institute of Technology

Laser lipolysis is a non-invasive hardware body shaping procedure.

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Not every person for the sake of a slender figure is able to go for surgery. Therefore, scientists have created laser lipolysis - an alternative to liposuction. During the procedure, the laser affects only fat cells - adipocytes, without affecting the skin.

At the Novoclinic Center on Proletarskaya we use the Lipobelt device.

Indications for laser lipolysis

Areas for correction:

  • face (double chin, cheeks);
  • full arms (shoulders, forearms);
  • stomach;
  • waist;
  • buttocks;
  • inner and outer thighs;
  • legs (calves, shins, knees).

The procedure is suitable if

  • you have small body fat,
  • you want instant results,
  • you do not want to injure the skin,
  • you don't have time to rehab.

Laser lipolysis is not carried out for obese people, since obesity is a chronic metabolic disease.

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Laser lipolysis (1 zone)

How is the procedure

The method is a low-intensity laser effect on fat cells, as a result of which the size of fat cells is reduced. The fat cell is not destroyed! Only excess fat is removed from it - through the pores and naturally.

What to expect during a laser lipolysis session

  1. Consultation with a doctor, selection of areas for treatment, familiarization with contraindications.
  2. Lipolysis procedure using the Lipobelt apparatus.
  3. Appointment of a course, recommendation of additional procedures that improve the effect after laser lipolysis.

Slimming with laser lipolysis is as close to natural as possible, so the body does not experience stress.

Laser lipolysis of the abdomen

Let's take a closer look at the most problematic area of ​​the female body - the stomach.

Belly fat is difficult to lose through exercise and diet.

There is an erroneous opinion that if you pump the press, then the fat on the stomach will gradually go away. After such physical exercise, you will pump up the abdominal muscles, but they will remain under the fat folds.

We hasten to warn you that laser tummy tuck and tummy tuck are not synonymous.

The fact is that lipolysis of the abdomen is an addition to non-surgical laser liposuction, in case the latter does not cope with problem areas.

Contraindications to the procedure

Do not forget to individually consult with your doctor, as laser lipolysis has contraindications. These include:

    • varicose veins,
    • oncological diseases,
    • hemophilia,
    • autoimmune diseases,
    • diabetes,
    • kidney disease.

Cosmetic procedures are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Thermal impact on body fat is considered the most effective way to solve the problems of excess weight. Laser lipolysis of the chin, abdomen and thighs is one of the most modern technologies in aesthetic medicine, which is characterized by high efficiency and short exposure time.

What it is

Laser lipolysis or Hollywood liposuction is the impact on body fat with a laser wave with a certain frequency. Due to the fact that fat cells simultaneously heat up and begin to resonate, their membranes are broken integrity. Due to this effect, their outer protective wall dissolves, after which the remaining particles of the cell are excreted from the body using the excretory system.

The results are not measured in centimeters that are gone after the session, but with the help of the amount of fat removed. On average, from 300 to 500 ml can be removed in one therapy session.

In addition, during the procedure, the skin is tightened by heating the fibers of collagen and elastane. Under the influence of heat, they begin to shrink, which ensures the natural process of tissue regeneration. At the processing site, natural adhesions are formed, which are a combination of several levels of fibers. Such a natural frame helps to form certain shapes, get rid of stretch marks and eliminate wrinkles (if laser lipolysis is performed for the face).

Laser lipolysis is also called "cold", because during the session, a thin fiber is introduced under the skin, through which the laser energy is transmitted. This avoids unpleasant sensations on the surface of the epidermis, immediately affecting the epicenter of the problem.

Advantages and contraindications

Advantages of laser lipolysis:

  1. This is a non-surgical way to lose weight. Therefore, doctors do not use general anesthesia. Considering that heating or cooling the skin can cause discomfort, specialists use only local painkillers. Most often, these are solutions or gel mixtures that increase the conductivity of the skin;
  2. During the dissolution of fat cells, they, acquiring a gel or liquid structure, are completely removed from the body. After their removal, the skin is perfectly smooth and even. At the same time, many methods of surgical or injection intervention are characterized by the fact that tubercles form under the spiked layer of the epidermis. As a result of incomplete destruction of lipids;
  3. Fast results. The effect will be noticeable already a week after the intervention. At the same time, there is no long rehabilitation period (tissue restoration occurs in 2-3 days). It should be noted that after the classical surgical liposuction, it is necessary to wear slimming underwear for a month and completely limit physical activity;
  4. Lipolysis can be performed on any part of the body (abdomen, thighs, back) and face (cheeks, neck). But most often, lipolysis is prescribed to get rid of deposits in the most problematic areas: in the knee area, around the shoulder girdle, on the inside of the thigh;
  5. It is used to treat hyperhidrosis. This is a disease of the sweat glands, due to which their excretory abilities increase. Like vacuum therapy, lipolysis normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, drying the upper layer of the epidermis;
  6. The session takes 1 hour (rarely, up to 2) and does not require additional procedures. Correction is carried out only if there are serious problems or indications.

Photo - Laser exposure to fat cells

Like any procedure for weight loss and shaping, laser lipolysis has its own limitations. disadvantages and contraindications:

  • It is forbidden to conduct a session during pregnancy and lactation. Vibrations in the tissues can cause premature birth or loss of milk;
  • Obesity over 3 degrees. You need to understand that this is a cosmetic procedure, and not a remedy for solving metabolic problems. After the session, the condition of the body with such a diagnosis may worsen;
  • Chronic and acute diseases of the blood and excretory system. This includes HIV, diabetes, staphylococcus and others. Heating tissue can increase the development of the disease or the spread of bacteria;
  • Vascular problems. In particular, these are vegetative-vascular dystonia, thrombosis, varicose veins, etc.

Photo - Before and after laser lipolysis

In the arsenal of plastic surgery, there are dozens of techniques that allow you to get rid of minor fat deposits that do not go away either as a result of diets or in the process of playing sports. It seems that there is no problem of excess weight, but the figure, meanwhile, leaves much to be desired.

In such cases, very often laser lipolysis is chosen from all innovative liposuction techniques, which differs in that it does not require surgical intervention. For everyone who is afraid of operations, it fits perfectly and is a worthy alternative to ultrasonic cavitation. It's time to find out what it is and in what cases you should choose it.

What it is?

Laser lipolysis is the splitting of fat cells with an ultra-thin, targeted beam of light, the parameters of which are selected by specialists (wavelength, frequency). It is produced by special equipment with nozzles. Practically does not demand surgical intervention, differs in the minimum traumatism and rather high efficiency.

The mechanism of action of the beam on apocytes is as follows: a low-frequency laser destroys the membranes of fat cells. As a result, they turn into an emulsified liquid, which is excreted from the body in two ways:

  1. Naturally, entering the blood and lymphatic vessels, and then neutralized by the liver.
  2. Artificially, with the help of vacuum suction through cannulas.

In addition to this, the laser thickens the blood, preventing blood loss during the introduction of cannulas, and also activates collagen fibers, which leads to skin tightening.

For the procedure, such devices as "Zerona", "Fotona", "iLipo", "SmartLipo" are used.

The cost of one zone (size 10 by 20 cm) can range from $100 to $350. The price depends on the status of the clinic, the equipment used, the treated area.


There are several types of laser liposuction, each of which has its own nuances. Only a specialist can understand them. What he advises - that's what you need to agree to.

Depending on the depth of penetration

In different sources, laser liposuction is called either a non-surgical procedure, or a surgical one. The bottom line is that one of its types belongs to the first group, and the other to the second (and then only partially, because it is not an incision, but a micro-thin puncture).

  • External / non-surgical lipolysis

Assumes external use of a hardware nozzle. It is fixed on the body and acts on apocytes directly through the skin. It does not require any punctures or incisions - and this is the main advantage of this method. The only thing that violates the integrity of the skin is the introduction of a conductor under the skin in the form of a needle to create a discharge between it and the diodes. The emulsion formed after the splitting of fat cells is excreted by the liver and lymphatic system in a natural way. No one usually complains about discomfort during the procedure and after it.

Lipolaser LP-01 for cold laser lipolysis

This technique has another name - cold laser lipolysis, since overlays with plate diodes are fixed on the problematic part of the patient's body, emitting white light, which belongs to the cold spectrum (hence the term, and not because of low temperatures, as many people think originally).

  • Internal / partially surgical

Here you can’t do without a puncture, since a cannula is inserted through it. She is the conductor of a low-frequency laser, which splits fat cells from the inside. On the one hand, internal laser liposuction is much more effective, as it turns out to break up a larger area of ​​adipose tissue. On the other hand, it is more traumatic, involves local anesthesia, and one cannot do without painful sensations, albeit minor ones.

Depending on the method of removing emulsified fat

  • Natural

The emulsion after the breakdown of fat cells is excreted naturally. The body itself is freed from it with the help of the lymphatic, circulatory systems and the liver. Pros: less traumatic and painless. Cons: a large load on certain organs, low efficiency.

  • Artificial

The emulsified liquid is removed immediately with the help of a vacuum that sucks it out through special cannulas. Pros: the load on the body is removed, the result is noticeable immediately, it does not need to wait for several days. Cons: you have to make punctures on the body, which are fraught with pain and the risk of infection.

In this classification, again, the first type of lipolysis is non-surgical, and the second partly refers to the surgical method, since the puncture for the cannula still has to be done - even with a minimum diameter.

Indications and contraindications

Despite the fact that laser liposuction is considered one of the safest procedures, it will not be prescribed in the absence of indications for its implementation or in the presence of contraindications.


  • hyperhidrosis;
  • lipoma;
  • slight fat deposits on the neck, chin, cheeks, hips, buttocks, knees, abdomen, waist, sides, back;
  • bumps and bumps after other types of liposuction;
  • sagging of the mammary glands in men;
  • swollen waist after childbirth, accumulations of fat in the lower abdomen (the so-called "pocket") after pregnancy;


  • pregnancy;
  • varicose veins in the treated area;
  • HIV, hepatitis;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • hypertension;
  • hernia;
  • skin diseases in the treated area (they will first have to be treated);
  • pacemaker and other implants;
  • lactation;
  • recent abdominal operations;
  • exacerbation of any disease;
  • (first, the patient will be asked to reduce weight to an indicator that is determined by the doctor according to individual indications);
  • oncology;
  • weakened immunity;
  • pathology of the liver (with the natural withdrawal of the fat emulsion);
  • poor blood clotting;
  • increased body temperature;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • kidney failure;
  • diabetes;
  • systemic lupus.

This is an extended list, which includes both absolute and relative contraindications. Therefore, in each case, the doctor makes an individual decision whether to carry out this type of figure correction or not.

Pros and cons

Before and after the course of procedures

Like any other contouring procedure, laser liposuction is not one continuous plus. Otherwise, other methods simply would not be needed. Yes, she has many advantages, but at the same time, do not forget about the shortcomings, so as not to be disappointed later.


  • during external study, the skin is not damaged: fat is removed naturally, without incisions and punctures;
  • this eliminates side effects such as scarring, infection and inflammation;
  • anesthesia is not required;
  • acts pointwise and purposefully exactly on the place that needs to be corrected;
  • after the procedure, the skin on the treated area is smooth, without bumps and bumps;
  • at the same time it is tightened;
  • maximum safety, minimum injury.


  • you can pump out no more than 0.5 liters of fat in 1 session;
  • results will not be visible immediately;
  • the external loses in terms of the efficiency of the internal;
  • does not cope with large fat deposits.

Differences from other methods

Often patients have to look for which of the liposuction methods is more effective, safer, better. In dealing with such issues, you must first listen to the recommendations of the doctor. And small tables will help you make sure that you make the right choice.

Which is better: traditional liposuction or laser?

To eliminate extensive body fat, it is better to choose a traditional one, and if problem areas are not so noticeable, a laser would be the best option.

Which is better: laser lipolysis or cavitation?

If there is a fear of any punctures, it is better to choose ultrasound. Although its characteristics differ little from external laser lipolysis.

Preparatory stage

It will be mandatory to undergo a medical examination (take tests, do an ECG and fluorography) and discuss with the doctor all the nuances of the procedure.

In addition, before conducting it, experts advise:

  • at least slightly lose weight;
  • to be like a course;
  • do not drink powerful drugs;
  • do not sunbathe;
  • limit smoking and alcohol;
  • the day before the operation, do not eat anything fatty, so as not to burden the liver, otherwise it will not be able to effectively remove the emulsion after the destruction of fat cells.

At this stage, be sure to ask your doctor how many sessions you need, and calculate how much money you need for the entire course.


Depending on the type of liposuction, the protocol will be different.

External lipolysis

  1. The problem area that will be exposed to the laser beam is determined.
  2. It is treated with a special solution that performs several functions at once: it degreases the surface, disinfects, enhances the action of the laser, contributing to its deeper penetration.
  3. The required parameters are set on the device.
  4. An optical conductor in the form of an ultrathin needle is inserted under the skin.
  5. A special laser nozzle with two diode plates emitting a beam is fixed in the right place.
  6. The device turns on. An electric potential arises between the conductor under the skin and the diodes.
  7. The plastic surgeon observes how the laser works throughout the procedure in order to be able to correct the parameters in time or stop it.
  8. Usually it takes 20-30 minutes (it all depends on the area to be processed).
  9. Then the device is turned off, the device is removed.
  10. A roller massage of the treated area is performed.
  11. The patient is invited to immediately perform several special physical exercises to increase blood flow.
  12. The surgeon determines the first results and sets the date for the next session (they will need 8-10 with an interval of 2-3 days).

Internal lipolysis

  1. The operated area is determined.
  2. Local anesthesia is carried out (by injection or with the help of an anesthetic gel).
  3. A miniature puncture is made.
  4. Through it, a lipodestructor is introduced - a device that emits a polarized beam. With the help of nozzles, it is very precisely directed to the right place. It gradually heats up the adipocytes, and they burst.
  5. Once the adipose tissue has been destroyed, the operation can be terminated. Then the emulsion formed as a result of the splitting of fat cells enters the bloodstream and lymph, from there to the liver, where it is safely neutralized and excreted from the body naturally. This will take several days.
  6. However, in 50% of cases, patients insist on faster results. Therefore, at this stage, the operation can be continued. A cannula is inserted under the skin, and the liquid biomaterial is pumped out by vacuum. The effect will be noticeable immediately.
  7. The punctures are closed with sterile biomaterial, fixed with adhesive tape.
  8. An elastic bandage is put on for several hours or a day.

This takes 2 to 4 hours.

If painlessness and minimal trauma are in the first place for you, choose the first option. If you are not afraid of punctures and cannulas and you can endure pain in order to achieve the maximum effect - the second one.

rehabilitation period

Laser lipolysis is very good because the rehabilitation period is practically absent. With an external return to a normal lifestyle, it will be possible immediately. With internal and artificial pumping of fat with a vacuum, it will take 2-3 days to restore the body.

In order not to lead to complications, it is advisable to adhere to the following rules throughout the entire course of correction (usually several sessions are prescribed).

  1. Do not sunbathe.
  2. Do not go to the pool, sauna, solarium, bathhouse, beach.
  3. Do not bask in the bath and shower.
  4. Eat less salt.
  5. Drink as much plain water as possible (up to 3 liters daily).
  6. In case of any changes in the state, seek help from a specialist.
  7. For pain in the puncture sites, apply a cool compress 2-3 times a day. The cloth to be applied can be soaked in a disinfectant solution.
  8. Exclude from the schedule too intense sports and physical activity.

Compression garments should only be worn during internal laser lipolysis. Antibiotics are sometimes prescribed to prevent infection. Experts advise sticking to proper nutrition so that excess calories are not deposited in other places, and so that a new operation is not required.


Being a less traumatic and safe procedure, laser lipolysis has a minimal set of side effects and an extremely rare occurrence of complications. The first ones are very insignificant and pass quickly (maximum day). With the latter, it is imperative to seek medical help and explanations from the plastic surgeon who performed the operation.

Side effects:

  • nausea and intoxication (in the case of natural excretion of the fat emulsion);
  • skin irritation;
  • hyperemia;
  • numbness of tissues, loss of skin sensitivity;
  • inflammatory response;
  • the puncture site may hurt a little (2-3 days);
  • puffiness.


  • infection (due to non-compliance with sanitation);
  • exacerbation of existing diseases;
  • bumps and bumps under the skin after laser lipolysis speak of the unprofessionalism of the plastic surgeon who performed the operation;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • an allergic reaction (to anything: a local anesthetic, nozzle or cannula material, conductor).

To date, laser lipolysis, along with ultrasonic cavitation, have left the traditional fat pumping operation far behind. It is in high demand due to its safety and effectiveness. And yet you need to understand that it leads to significant changes in the subcutaneous fat. This is a serious stress for the body, and your task is to minimize it, exactly following all the doctor's recommendations.

As an alternative, we suggest considering other types of liposuction:

Lipolysis is a natural process of splitting fat cells that occurs in our body when it is necessary to replenish an additional source of energy. Translated from the Greek, the term "lipolysis" means "lipos" - fat and "lysis" - decomposition.

There are two types of lipolysis: cutaneous and subcutaneous.

The procedure of cutaneous lipolysis (electrolipolysis) occurs due to the influence on problem areas (local fat accumulation zones) of pulses of a certain frequency, which come through special electrodes attached to the skin. Under the influence of current, the metabolism inside the cells is activated, microcirculation improves, excess fluid and harmful substances are removed from the body. Blood vessels stimulate muscle fibers, cells receive more oxygen, trace elements and nutrients. Fat cells do not disappear, but decrease in size, hence weight loss, body volume reduction, muscle strengthening.

Cutaneous lipolysis is used for body shaping and treatment of various types of cellulite (fibrous, edematous, and so on).

Subcutaneous lipolysis or needle occurs due to a direct effect on adipose tissue. A low-frequency and low-intensity impulse passing through the electrodes - needles, which are inserted into problem areas, activates the process of burning fat cells. As a result, cells deform and disintegrate, releasing metabolic products into the intercellular space, which are then removed by the lymphatic drainage program.

This procedure has no contraindications, it is carried out once a week.

Electrical impulses accelerate the breakdown of fats, it breaks down into smaller components, becomes less dense and mobile, and therefore is easily removed from the cells. In places where lipolysis is performed, the skin becomes more toned and even, cellulite disappears.

Experts recommend performing cutaneous liposis with a course of at least 10 procedures. The results will become noticeable at the end of the course, since the process of fat breakdown does not occur immediately, but after 1-1.5 weeks. After 2 procedures, 20% of the fat is split, and after the last, all 100%.

For efficiency, lipolysis can be combined with lymphatic drainage (LPG massage, pressure therapy). The results of electrolipolysis are stored for a long time. This therapeutic procedure is atraumatic, painless and completely safe, with results comparable to surgical liposuction.

Electrolipolysis helps:

  • Accelerate intracellular metabolism and reduce the mass of fat cells
  • Warm up tissue in "cold" cellulite areas, improve cell microcirculation
  • Stimulate muscle fibers and blood vessels
  • Improve nutrition of tissue cells
  • Strengthen muscles
  • Reduce body volume
  • Stimulate the lymphatic system
  • Remove excess fluid, decay products and toxins from the body.

In addition to cutaneous and subcutaneous electrolipolysis, there is injection and laser lipolysis.

In the first case, the drug "lipolysis" is injected into the places of local fat deposits, which contributes to the destruction of fat cells, an increase in blood flow in the treated area and lymphatic drainage. These injections are carried out practically without pain, after the procedure there may be a slight swelling or redness at the injection sites, which disappears after 3-4 days.

The procedures are carried out in a course of 3 to 10 sessions with a frequency of once every two weeks. The effect is visible immediately after the first procedure.

Laser lipolysis - is aimed at splitting fat cells with a laser. During the destruction of fat cells, coagulation of blood vessels occurs, which ensures the absence of hematomas and other side effects. When using laser lipolysis, anesthesia is not required, the procedure allows you to treat hard-to-reach areas of the body and face. The rehabilitation period is short and takes little time.

Indications for lipolysis:

  • Double chin and cheeks
  • riding breeches
  • Fat deposits in the waist and abdomen
  • Fat deposits in the thighs and legs (knees)
  • As well as excess fat in the shoulders and back.

Lipolysis goes well with anti-cellulite massage, lymphatic drainage and SPA treatments.

Contraindications for lipolysis:

  • Malignant and benign tumors;
  • Diseases of the liver and gallbladder;
  • Inflammatory processes on the skin in the affected area;
  • Pregnancy;
  • The presence of pacemakers;
  • Thrombophlebitis.

Laser lipolysis is one of the alternatives to surgical liposuction, which allows you to reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat in a non-surgical way. It is used in plastic surgery to correct small areas of the face, such as the cheeks or chin.

Indications for laser lipolysis

  • excess fat deposits on the face;
  • plump cheeks, swollen cheeks;
  • elimination of the "second" chin;
  • alignment of facial contours (elimination of irregularities and depressions after classical liposuction).

Individual consultation

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Contraindications for laser lipolysis

The procedure of laser lipolysis is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation, with pathology of the liver and kidneys, as well as the cardiovascular system, with exacerbation of systemic and oncological diseases, with diabetes in the stage of decompensation and in individual cases (determined during a consultation with a plastic surgeon ).

The use of a laser to reduce body fat

Laser lipolysis of the face at the Center for Plastic Surgery "SM-Plastika" is performed on the SmartLipo laser device (Italy) under local, intravenous or general anesthesia. The procedure itself is painless, does not leave noticeable scars and scars. It allows you to target areas with excess adipose tissue without heating them, which is why it is called “cold laser lipolysis”.

Using a thin cannula, the plastic surgeon makes a puncture and inserts an electrode under the skin. A laser pulse directed at the problem area destroys fat cells and at the same time activates the production of subcutaneous collagen, which stimulates the process of natural skin tightening. It takes no more than 20 minutes to process one zone. The decay products of fat cells are gradually excreted from the body through the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

After laser lipolysis, patients are transferred to the day hospital of the center, where they stay under the supervision of our specialists for two to four hours.

Recovery period after laser lipolysis

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