How to make the brain work to its fullest? How to make your brain work more efficiently How to make your brain think

“Subtlety is as necessary to the mind as grace to the body”
Helvetius K.

It is well known that a person uses the capabilities of his brain by an average of 10-15%. The modern way of life does not contribute to the development of thinking and the activation of mental activity. Is it possible to regain clarity of mind and sobriety of thought? How to make the brain work?

It turns out that by introducing a few simple things into your life, you can significantly increase efficiency, improve memory and quick wit, develop creative and logical thinking, and increase concentration. Let's look at 11 ways to activate thinking and increase brain performance, improve memory and develop your intelligence.

  1. Listen to classical music

    And also read books by great writers. It is no secret that comprehension and study of new things allow developing mental activity. The brain is not a muscle, but it can be trained just as well. It is important to understand that you need to choose food for the mind with the same responsibility with which you choose products for your family in the store, so as not to clog your mind with unnecessary information.

    Classical music and works of art, the study of history and painting - the best exercise for the mind! Do not neglect reading literary works from school and university programs: they are not in vain on this list.

    Classical music deserves special attention. There is even such a phenomenon as the Mozart effect: numerous studies have shown that sound frequencies in the music of this composer have a positive effect on the body and cognitive processes. This also applies to other classical works: by relaxing the nervous system, providing you with positive emotions, musical compositions have a direct impact on mental activity.

  2. Acquire new and improve existing skills

    In addition to understanding the cultural heritage of mankind and its history, you can make the brain work better by trying new things. Try "hand made", that is, create with your own hands. This will help in self-development. Now it is also fashionable and sold. Try your hand at knitting, sewing and modeling, drawing and felting, weaving and cutting. And you will definitely discover the secret in yourself.

    Having discovered it, do not rush to stop: improve the acquired skill and try yourself in new directions, even if something does not work out: by overcoming yourself and comprehending what you failed the first time, you will get more benefit for your brain. It's great if you know how to play a musical instrument: play more often, learn new pieces and try to learn how to play something else.

    You can hone your skills not only in creativity, do the most ordinary tasks and things better and in a new way: cook dishes that are not typical for your kitchen, offer innovative solutions at work, teach your children new things.

  3. Train your memory

    Look through old photos, forcing your brain to remember pleasant moments in detail. Be observant: try, for example, to describe all the passengers on the bus you just got off, paying special attention to the little things and minor nuances. After a week of such exercises, you will notice how much the task has become easier and your memory, quick wit and observation have improved.

  4. Learn and write poetry

    It is very convenient to do this with a child. Moreover, with children you can play educational games that are useful not only for them, but also for you. Lay out on the table small objects that first came to hand (TV remote control, pen, hairpin, etc.), and ask the child to remember them, then discreetly remove one thing: your child should name the missing item. Then switch roles: now let the child hide toys and pens from you. The task can be made more difficult by swapping items and asking them to arrange them in the same order, or by increasing the number of common and hidden items.

    Another useful game for your family can be cards: draw or print paired images, cut them so that you get a stack of pictures, each of which has a pair. After that, lay out the images on the table and give the household time to memorize, then turn the pictures upside down. By the way, you can use regular playing cards. Start looking for pairs in turn, by the number of found, you can select the winner, encouraging him with a pleasant trifle.

  5. get enough sleep

    Sleep is the most important stage in the formation of intelligence. It is during the time that the brain is able to solve problems that it is unable to cope with during wakefulness, using departments hidden from consciousness and drawing information from the depths of the subconscious. A vivid example of this is the table of chemical elements that Mendeleev dreamed about. There are many more such cases in science than we know, and you have most likely noticed that sometimes it is at night that the best ideas or ways out of situations that you puzzled over during the day come.

    In addition, the number of connections between neurons responsible for the mental state of a person, his ability to control himself, learning and memory, increases during sleep. The ability to meditate and relax your body and mind is a huge advantage for those who want to make their mind work 100%. Yoga, mantras and aromatherapy can help to achieve a relaxed state.

  6. Proper healthy food

    This is one of the most important steps to increase mental activity. Having a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements in your diet, you supply brain cells with them, increasing its efficiency. One of the most important vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the brain are vitamins B12 and D. The first is found in meat, seafood, eggs and milk, that is, animal food sources, so vegetarians are most often deficient in this substance. Vitamin D is produced by the body during sun exposure. Therefore, sunbathe more often and relax in nature in sunny weather.

    Omega-3 fatty acids are by and large one of the components of our brain, so their deficiency brings great damage to human health. The body cannot synthesize polyunsaturated fatty acids on its own, so they must be supplied with food. Fish and seafood, liver, walnuts and some vegetable oils such as flaxseed are rich in omega-3s and should be included in the diet of adults and children. Breast milk is also rich in fatty acids, which is why breastfed babies usually score higher on IQ tests than their formula-fed peers. Sufficient consumption of foods that are sources of Omega-3 not only improves memory, mental balance and performance, but also significantly increases the likelihood of reversing or significantly reducing degenerative brain disorders.

  7. go in for sports

    Any sport, yoga, qigong or fitness is an essential part of mind training. The opinion that athletes do not shine with mental abilities is fundamentally wrong. If you exercise in moderation, it helps to improve brain activity. Many studies show that the level of intelligence of people whose overweight rolls over is much inferior to the abilities of those who are addicted. There are many explanations for this: physical activity stimulates the production of a mass of hormones necessary for the body and even the growth of nerve cells that ensure the functioning of the brain. In addition, physical activity is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

  8. Develop creative thinking

    Visualization or imagination training is a very powerful mental stimulant.

    Start with the simplest exercise "Apple": you just need to imagine this fruit with your eyes closed. Your apple already has a certain color, but most likely, this is all the information that you can voice for now. Your task is to multiply this information. The next day, try to imagine the same apple, only drawing details: it could have stripes, a leaf, and a twig. Try zooming in on the subject. Every day you must add something to your apple, remembering in detail the features that already exist. As a result, you will get a full-fledged colorful picture. Then, to the question of what you can tell about the presented fruit, you will be able to give a detailed answer, not only seeing it with your inner eye, but also feeling its smell and taste, hearing how the leaf rustles on the apple tree where it grows. Such exercises are a powerful tool for training observation, concentration and development of creative thinking.

  9. Solve puzzles and logic puzzles

    Improving the ability to logical thinking, solving charades and puzzles at first may seem like overwork, but over time you can learn to “click” riddles such as nuts. A simple way to train the mind is to develop the hemisphere of the brain that is less active in you: in other words, write, draw and do something with your left hand (if you are right-handed, and vice versa). In this way, those abilities that until that time "slept" develop.

  10. Try to feel a sense of joy and satisfaction more often.

    The performance of the brain directly depends on the amount of endorphins produced in the body - hormones of happiness.

    Happy, contented, successful people don't lack these hormones, so their brains feel good too. Rejoicing in something, you contribute to the relaxation of the nervous system, the state of which is directly related to the possibilities of consciousness. The state of stress negatively affects brain activity, so try to experience moments of happiness more often. A one-time release of endorphin into the blood can increase efficiency here and now, so if you feel that you are starting to think badly, remember something good or eat ice cream.

  11. Move!

    Changing body position is another way to help yourself. The circulatory disturbance that occurs if you stay in one position for a long time leads to the fact that the brain receives insufficient oxygen and begins to suffer from this. Each of us has come across a situation where an arm or leg has become numb. The reason for this may be a violation of blood circulation in this area. The same thing happens with the brain.

    This can also apply to posture. Studies have shown that people who keep their back straight have better memory and sharper minds. This is due to the fact that, hunching over, you pinch part of the vessels that deliver blood to the brain and supply it with oxygen. Try walking with a flat back for a week and you will notice how much your memory and quick wits have improved.

It is possible to stimulate the brain, develop new abilities, work faster and more efficiently, for this you just need to listen to your body and change your lifestyle quite a bit.

If you feel that you are capable of more, and the brain is desperately resisting, check yourself: maybe you are not loading it too much? This article will help you get your brain working at full capacity, will give some practical tips and techniques.

Your poor brain is tired. He does not want to solve business problems, come up with ways of development - to wrap himself in a warm blanket and lie down all day, watch TV shows and surf the Internet. Well, if this is not, but just fatigue, bad habits and non-compliance with the daily routine. But if this condition is repeated more and more often - it's time to change something!

1. Get enough sleep already at last!

Ordinary people count sheep to fall asleep, while entrepreneurs count their profits, think about sudden expenses, about the need to pay salaries to employees soon ... With such thoughts, you can toss and turn in bed until the morning, and in the morning get up tired and tired. You need to sleep well: for this before going to bed, drink tea with honey or warm milk, take a relaxing bath with aromatic oils. In difficult cases, a sleeping pill will help (just be sure to consult your doctor!). Remember: a healthy adult needs at least 7 hours of sleep, and preferably more. Ideally, you need to focus on your biorhythms (you are an owl or a lark) and forget about the alarm clock: go to bed and get up not when you need to, but when you want.

2. Get ready for work

You get up in the morning and imagine a new day with horror: endless meetings, difficult meetings, debriefing with employees. Oh yes, and the supplier screwed up again, the delivery of goods is delayed. Calmly! To energize for the whole day, Meditate for 10-15 minutes before starting work. No, we do not suggest that you sit in the lotus position and read mantras: just close your eyes, relax, think about pleasant events, set yourself up for a positive outcome. You are an experienced businessman, a wise person, you are able to resolve all problems and hold meetings at the highest level. A good addition to such a mini-meditation would be chamomile tea or strong coffee - depending on what you like.

3. Filter information

This applies to both Internet information and live communication with people. Let's take the Internet: every day, every hour, streams of information simply fall on us. We get so used to it that we ourselves become addicted: we update the news feed every hour, at every opportunity we climb to see what's new on social networks. Wait, do you think Oleg Tinkov or Roman Abramovich do that too? I'm afraid they just don't have time for that. So why do we allow ourselves to be wasted by the world's most valuable resource? Just don’t say that “this is how I relax”, “yes, I just come in for 5 minutes”. You do not relax - on the contrary, you scatter your attention over the endless RuNet. And 5 minutes, and even 5, and even add up to hours, months and years of lost time.

In real life, too, nowhere without information garbage. Family members, subordinates and partners talk a lot, often, emotionally. Which of this really deserves your attention, and which is just empty chatter? Learn to separate the personal from the work, important issues from nonsense, and there will be more time. And with the Internet, everything is simple. Set yourself a limit: for example, go to social networks and mail 2 times a day - an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening. Don't worry if you miss an important message this way. See him in the evening: there is little sadness, the world will not collapse from this. And if something is very urgent, they will find you by phone.

4. Practice Mindfulness

This advice follows directly from the first. Distracted attention is a very undesirable quality for a businessman. Remember how attentive Sherlock Holmes was - not a single, even the most insignificant detail escaped his gaze. A simple exercise will help develop concentration of attention: every day, set aside 10-15 minutes for ... But for nothing. Just sit down, close your eyes and do nothing. Concentrate on your own breathing, make every inhalation and exhalation conscious. Every little feeling counts. Imagine that you are in a fitness room and pump one specific muscle - for example, triceps. Every day it will grow, your muscles will be stronger, and your arms will be more massive. It's the same with attention. This exercise will teach you to focus on the little things and notice everything that you didn’t even pay attention to before.

5. Practice multitasking

These are simple employees who can afford to concentrate on one task and carry it out to the bitter end. An entrepreneur needs to think about everything at the same time: how to pay rent, what new products to include in the assortment, ... It is not surprising that sometimes the brain boils, and hands drop.

How to develop multitasking? The main thing is not to grab everything at once. From the list of what needs to be done today, select a priority task and start from it. Gradually start solving other problems - before you have time to look back, and you already look like the many-armed Shiva.

However The multitasking property has significant disadvantages:

6. Pay attention to your intuition

Intuition is a subtle thing and has not yet been fully explored. Why, when communicating with one person, we feel the desire to wash our hands, even if he is fragrant with perfume, perfectly shaved and impeccably polite? And to the other, even if he is dressed like a gouge and does not know, we are instantly imbued with sympathy and are ready to go with him to the ends of the world? All this is the machinations of intuition, which works in conjunction with the brain. If the brain feels that something is wrong, but cannot explain it logically, intuition steps in and gives us signals. For example, “Run away from him faster!”, Or “Our man, we will definitely work together!”

Truth, sometimes intuition is deceiving. Don't trust her blindly but we advise you to take into account its bells and alarm bells.

7. Don't think about when to do it.

There are situations when there is no time for reflection - you have to take and act. What if you make a mistake and something bad happens? Oh, give me at least a couple of minutes to think and make the right decision! But sometimes these precious minutes simply do not exist - circumstances drive you into a corner, and you have to act automatically. If you start thinking, you will not have time to complete the action. To prevent such situations, learn to anticipate them and think in advance what you will do. Yes, you are not Vanga, but the main ones can be predicted: these are unforeseen fines, product returns, customer complaints, supply interruptions, employee jambs. Have a plan of action ahead of time and, if necessary, implement it.

8. Write down information

Even if it seems to you that you definitely won’t forget this, don’t be lazy, write it down. It's not that you have a leaky memory. When we write down information - on a computer, and best of all by hand - we use the motor activity of the brain. The nervous system is activated, brain activity increases, and you remember information better.

9. Memorize lists

If you're good at multitasking, here's the surprise: you also need to develop your memory to remember all these tasks. Most people don't know how to memorize long lists. Even when going to the store, we are sure to forget a few positions if we do not write them down in advance. So means what? The conclusion is obvious: you need to make lists for every day, week, month, and follow through methodically.

But that's not all. Sometimes there is simply no time to make lists: things circle you in a cheerful round dance, sometimes there is no time even to have lunch. So, you need to learn to keep the lists of tasks in your head and not forget them. How to do it? Use Loki's Method: Visualize Each Stage.

You will need a share of fantasy and spatial imagination. In fact, everything is simple: let's say you need to remember how to go to a meeting with your next partner. The navigator is broken, you are guided by the main points on the way: a shopping center on the road, a large intersection, a difficult turn, an industrial zone. Now pick up visual associations for each point. For example, a shopping center - shopping with my wife, here she is smartly trying on new dresses and jewelry at home. The crossroads is a difficult choice that you need to make (link it to a real life situation, what is happening right now, happened in the recent past, or is about to happen). Industrial area - smoke and smog, a man in a gas mask. Imagine these images until they are firmly imprinted in memory.

10. Always consider an alternative

Even if the situation is pure as a child's tear - imagine that the cards lay wrong and the original plan collapses. The reason for this may be a human factor, a combination of circumstances, simple bad luck. So what's now? Consider alternatives ahead of time. Remember, you have probably rehearsed a difficult conversation with a person more than once. And if he says that, I'll say it. And if he says something completely different, you will have to answer not what you planned. That's pretty much how this method works.

11. Doubt!

Thomas the Unbeliever did not believe in anything and, they say, he lived a long time. You and I are used to presenting him as a negative hero, but the dude was right! Question more than just the words and actions of others(they may be wrong) but also their own(you can be wrong too). People who are piously sure that they are right (those for whom there are two opinions - their own and wrong), as a rule, have inflexible thinking. And for an entrepreneur, this is like death, because you need to constantly adapt to the requirements of the law, the wishes of customers, the conditions of partners. Therefore, stop considering your opinion as the ultimate truth - everyone has their own truth.

12. Work on mistakes

The ability to admit your mistakes and do everything so that they do not happen again in the future is a hallmark of an adult wise person. If you endlessly justify yourself or blame others for the failures, there is a great risk of stepping on the same rake. But if you admit a mistake and start thinking about its solution, your brain will thank you for it. He will start looking for a solution to the problem, sort out and analyze the options, and in the end will give the best solution.

13. Dream!

If you live with the feeling that you have reached the ceiling in business, the brain will calm down and relax. What else to wish for, what to think about - after all, everything has already been achieved. New goals excite the brain cells, give them constant work, not to mention that they encourage you to develop. But look, do not dream: when the decision is made, go and put it into practice.

All these rules are quite simple, they can be put into practice right now. Try at least a few ways and tell us if they helped. Good luck with your self improvement!

What is the main working body of a copywriter? No, not hands. Correctly - BRAIN!

A person who works a lot, is engaged in intellectual work, moves little due to the specifics of work, of course, sooner or later begins to experience some problems with the work of the brain. Here, in order to help ourselves and regain clarity of thinking, we publish this useful information!

But most importantly, get plenty of rest!

What eats ... the brain? How to make the brain work? Harm "miracle" pills for the brain!

When a viscous porridge suddenly begins to be felt in the head, and the thought process slows down to obscenely slow, there is mental overwork.

The head does not boil

Mental capacity for work is an individual thing, and it occurs differently for everyone. However, the cause of mental fatigue is always the same: a large amount of mental work with insufficient rest. However, endocrine disorders, depression, debilitating chronic diseases can not affect mental performance in the best way.
The most common stimulant in brainstorming situations is caffeine. And in vain: a large amount of coffee will only cause increased nervous excitability, trembling in the hands and inability to concentrate.
In a healthy person, the ability to process information depends, on the one hand, on the innate characteristics of the central nervous system and its training, on the other hand, on the amount of nutrients supplied to the brain. Therefore, the easiest way to combat mental fatigue is to provide the brain with enhanced nutrition.
Signs of mental stress:

  • memory impairment;
  • a large number of errors in mental work;
  • difficulty concentrating, concentrating;
  • sleep and appetite disorders;
  • increased nervous excitability and irritability;
  • apathy, bad mood.

If a request for treatment of mental fatigue is made in any search engine, the flow of various methods and proposals on this topic can lead to at least a slight confusion. Here and homeopathy, and aromatherapy, and acupuncture, and exposure to all conceivable and unthinkable radiation, and, of course, an incredible amount of dietary supplements.

However, this is not the place to start. First of all, it makes sense to find out if overwork is caused by some disease: it is enough to go to see a therapist and undergo a standard examination: a medical examination, blood and urine tests, electrocardiography. If everything is in order with the body, the cause of overwork is in yourself.

We work incorrectly

Leo Tolstoy in his "Confessions" boasted that he could work for a long time at his desk, and then go out into the field and mow for a long time - and almost never experience either physical or mental fatigue. And rightly so: Tolstoy thus competently organized his rest, because the alternation of mental and physical activity is much easier to endure than each of them separately.
Ideally, after every hour of intense mental work, you should take a ten-minute break. Of course, we can't always afford it. But even when we have a free moment, we prefer to “downcast” in front of the TV or in front of the monitor than to get up, walk, stretch or do some exercises.

We live wrong

Pay attention to how the load on the brain is distributed throughout the day. If you strive to live in such a mode that you “turn on your brains” as soon as you open your eyes in the morning, and “turn them off” before going to bed, overwork is inevitable. A tired brain will make more and more mistakes, which will require additional time and effort to eliminate. Therefore, do not set yourself the goal of embracing the immensity: it will not work out anyway. Distribute your affairs in such a way that it is possible to alternate them, find a “gap” in the schedule for a short walk and try not to abuse work to the detriment of night rest, sleep should last at least 7-8 hours. How, then, to live and where to seek salvation from the mountains of unfulfilled deeds? Salvation - in the competent organization of their affairs. Einstein, for example, slept 11-12 hours a day, did not disdain rest in the middle of the day, and did everything in time.

Master one of the relaxation techniques. They are offered by yoga practitioners, Chinese Falun Dafa, and many Western schools. A set of simple breathing and physical exercises will allow you to achieve relaxation and restore internal reserves in a short time. A good effect is also given by warm baths with the addition of aromatic oils, salts and infusions.

Give me the magic pill

Unfortunately, most of the proposed drugs to combat mental fatigue have one serious drawback. They are not well understood, despite the fact that some of them have existed for more than one hundred years. Therefore, their use in many ways resembles a lottery - either it will help, or it will not help, or it will hurt.
This is especially true of biologically active additives (BAA). There are a great many of them, and all of them, as a rule, are not cheap. What is the difference between a drug and a dietary supplement? To be marketed, a drug must receive a certificate confirming its efficacy and safety, specifying clear indications, contraindications and side effects. Dietary supplements are a different story - for their trade, a hygiene certificate is enough - the same as for food products. The certificate confirms only that the drug is edible. Not a word about efficiency, safety and everything else. But many distributors of bioactive additives do not even have a hygienic certificate for them ...

Before brainstorming

We most often remember how to live well without overworking, alternating loads and having a good rest, in a situation of emergency - when you have to work hard and overtime with your head. What can help the brain?

Our brain is very picky about nutrition: it recognizes only glucose and ketone bodies as an energy source (their contribution is insignificant, since they are contained in a small amount in the blood of a healthy person). This does not mean that when mentally fatigued, you need to eat more sugar - if a person is not starving, there is enough glucose in his blood.

The level of blood flow in its vessels limits the nutrition of the brain - with atherosclerosis, microcirculation disorders, vasospasm, the supply of glucose and oxygen is insufficient. Therefore, drugs that improve brain nutrition affect cerebral circulation.

The most common stimulant in brainstorming situations is caffeine. And in vain: a large amount of coffee will only cause increased nervous excitability, trembling in the hands and inability to concentrate. In addition, caffeine does not have the best effect on the cardiovascular system, and with prolonged use it can be addictive.

It is better to turn to the so-called adaptogen plants: ginseng, lemongrass, aralia, eleutherococcus. They tone up, increase mental and physical performance, have a beneficial effect on immunity. Moreover, they act gently, without depleting the body, unlike stimulant drugs. And, finally, herbal adaptogens are well studied and available in almost any pharmacy.
Do not forget that after a period of hard work and rest should be enhanced. After a long mental work, the body simply chants: “On vacation!”. It would be nice to listen to him. A change of scenery is also suitable: a trip to another city, a hike, a trip to nature.

Long term investment

It happens that mental fatigue has accumulated so much that even the performance of the usual amount of work becomes difficult. This is where nootropics come in handy. These drugs act directly on thought processes (noos in Greek - mind, thinking), improve memory, increase concentration and overall brain activity, while reducing excessive nervous excitability and anxiety. But the effect of nootropics does not develop immediately: to achieve tangible results, they must be taken for 2-3 months. Fortunately, they are low-toxic and have a minimum of contraindications and side effects.

The most famous, “reference” nootropic drug is piracetam. It has been in use since 1963 and has proven itself well. Until today, piracetam is one of the most effective representatives of nootropics.

Another recognized and well-known remedy is the extract of the relic plant Ginkgo biloba. It is produced by many companies under different names and is used for mental fatigue, as well as memory impairment in cerebral atherosclerosis, after a stroke, CNS infections and in old age.

Among the newer, but very effective nootropic drugs, it is worth mentioning pyritinol, picamilon, mexidol, bemitil and others.
Scientific studies have shown that most people use only 8% of the brain's capabilities. Huge potential remains unrealized. Unleash the resources of your brain, and you will be surprised at your own abilities! In situations where you make a mistake in the report or forget about the birthday of your best friend, referring to a girl's memory, as a rule, does not justify. Why does your brain let you down at the most inopportune moment? It works tirelessly using neurons, the cells that make up the nervous system. Even when you sleep, it does not stop generating impulses, thanks to which you see dreams. Like a giant computer, it collects and processes information ... But, you must admit, even a machine with a clear program sometimes fails. What can we say about the fine organization of the nervous system, the activity of which is much more complicated! The brain often works in a tense, stressful mode in the midst of an incessant stream of thoughts. What are you doing to help him? Nothing? Then do not be surprised that by evening the head looks like a bell that has been struck with something. Naturally, you are not up to your birthday, then you would not forget your name! This attitude to the brain is reminiscent of a novice user working on a computer. He randomly presses different buttons and does not understand why the car is frozen. Learn to use your inner potential, and your memory will easily turn from a “girlish” into a phenomenal one!

Tune in to the wave

Surely you had a state of creative upsurge, when the right decisions were made instantly, the information was remembered in a matter of minutes. Such insights come suddenly and are completely out of your control. But you can learn how to induce such states if you understand what is going on in your head during the thought process. The brain generates wave impulses that are transmitted from neuron to neuron, like current through wires. No one has seen what the current looks like, but it can be measured using special instruments. Similarly, with the help of an electroencephalogram, the nature of thought formation is visible. Brain wave impulses can be divided into four groups based on frequency and amplitude. In a normal state and a state of stress, beta waves predominate. At the moment of dreams or fantasies - alpha waves. When you sleep, delta-waves are activated, and when you feel a creative upsurge - theta-waves. A certain combination of all these waves leads to the active state of the nervous system you need. You can achieve this combination through meditation. Give classes for 20 minutes several times a week, and you will certainly get the result. To get started, learn the easiest way to meditate. Close your eyes and focus only on your breathing for a few minutes, tracking your inhalation and exhalation. Relax your body from the heels to the top of your head. Feel inner comfort and silence. Try to find an image or symbol that reflects the situation in which you are at the moment. It can be a color, an image, a sound or even a voice. Remember the sensations that have arisen. They will help you go deeper and deeper into the meditative state next time.

Cleanse your body

All exercises to improve brain activity are effective when the body is cleared of toxins. After all, the organs do not work separately, as they please. They are closely interconnected, so one diseased organ negatively affects the entire body. Now some treatment systems use an integrated approach to the person. For example, in reflexology, the effect on the body occurs through active points. The method is based on the Eastern doctrine of meridians - energy flows that permeate the body. Knowing the eastern approaches and the laws of the meridians, in order to activate brain activity, first of all, it is necessary to normalize the functioning of the liver and gallbladder. Tubage (blind probing) every few weeks. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of mineral water without gas, choleretic collection, magnesia or xylitol. Lie down for about an hour on your right side with a warm heating pad in the liver area. Drink choleretic herbs: rosehip, chamomile, peppermint, tansy, St. John's wort, knotweed or yarrow. However, before probing or using choleretic herbs, be sure to consult your doctor. It is advisable to normalize bowel function before doing tubage. Cleansing the intestines is facilitated by the use of foods rich in fiber - apples, cabbage, beets

Learn to relax

Another important factor that affects the full functioning of the brain is your ability to relax. The high pace of life forces us to be in a constant rush, as a result, even when all the work is done, you continue to strain by inertia. Because of this, it can be difficult to fall asleep in the evening, and in the morning you feel tired, even if you slept enough time. When you are in a state of combat readiness, and suddenly they ask you to remember something, it is hard to do it. And the more you strain your memory, the bigger the hole becomes in it! Learn to relax. A massage session, a bath with lavender oil, a cup of mint tea or green tea with honey will help you. Do simple exercises at work. Sitting at the computer, close your eyes, straighten your shoulders. Raise them as high as possible, bring them back and lower them. Imagine that with lowered shoulders you are dropping a load of problems. To clear the brain of an abundance of disturbing thoughts, sit back, close your eyes and imagine them in the form of clouds, behind which the blue sky is hidden. Every thought is like a cloud. Disperse them with your breath! Imagine that with each exhalation, one cloud becomes less. Breathe until the sky is completely clear and transparent. The time allotted for relaxation will not be wasted - a rested brain will work harder. It is possible that you will quickly find a fresh solution to a problem or be inspired to do new things.

Delicacies for the Mind

The brain weighs 2% of body weight, but at the same time consumes 20% of the energy entering the body. Provide him with good nutrition! During the period of mental stress, you are drawn to eat. To provide a thought process, the body needs energy. But he needs B vitamins, vitamins C, A, E, magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, zinc. And by no means donuts, sandwiches and cakes. During the period of brain activity, include in the menu: Fish. Fish contain phosphorus. This element has a positive effect on the nervous system. Nuts. They are rich in vitamin E, which protects the membranes of brain cells from damage, preventing memory deterioration. Rice, oatmeal. The normal functioning of the nervous system directly depends on the B vitamins contained in them. Oranges. Vitamin C excites neurons and activates memory. Liver. It contains iron, which is necessary for the blood to supply oxygen to the brain in sufficient quantities.

Move your brains!

You do physical exercises to keep your body in shape. The brain also needs a workout. Do it regularly, and your memory will never let you down! Charging for the mind has a name - neurobics. Of course, you can’t put your brain on a simulator and pump it up with dumbbells. But you can maximize the development of touch, smell, taste, vision. And this, in turn, will increase brain activity. All that is needed is to change the usual daily routine, to perform the action brought to automatism in a completely different way. This will allow you to use all the senses at the same time. Such a warm-up will not only have a beneficial effect on the brain, but also save you from the routine! Just change the exercises from time to time so that they do not become a habit. Lawrence Katz's book Don't Let Your Brain Go Dry describes 83 such exercises.
Try: dress with eyes closed, including looking for clothes in the closet; brush your teeth with your left hand if you are right-handed, and vice versa; read books or magazines aloud; make a rearrangement in the room, on the desktop; change the usual route to work or home.


Using your imagination, you can easily remember large amounts of information, as well as pull it out of the pantry of memory at the right time. Remember how you crammed theorems and history texts in school. Three times read the paragraph stubbornly did not want to fit in my head. And on a test or exam, memory resembled a blank slate. Then the cheat sheet came to the rescue. At school exams, assignments are known, and at the exam of life - a solid impromptu. Anything can happen, and a cheat sheet in the form of a ready-made hint is far from always at hand. And so you want to do it perfectly! Analyze how you usually act in order to learn something. Do you read texts aloud, repeat many times? Every time you do the same thing, naturally, the result of memorization is always the same - unsatisfactory. Change the way you perceive new information. Use the techniques of eidetics - a system of memorizing with the help of images, and you will be surprised at the amount of information that you can operate without much difficulty!
To make it easy...
learn a foreign language. Write in two columns the words in Russian and the target language and draw an association between them. For example, to remember how to say “magazine” in English, imagine that you go to the store and buy a new issue of your favorite magazine. To remember the English word "star" (star), imagine how the rocket starts and flies into space, to the stars. Using this method allows you to learn 10 times more words in one lesson!
remember the phone number or date. Find a similarity between the numbers and the decor in the room and, based on your observations, create a chain of images. For example, you enter a room, sit on a chair, it resembles a four. There is a flower with six petals on the window. And the lampshade on the chandelier is shaped like a zero. The first three digits of the number have already been deposited in the memory! You can also imagine the numbers as characters from your favorite fairy tale or fable. A horse with a curved neck will resemble a deuce, a pike - a unit.

  • remember the name of a stranger. Pick a bright characteristic-adjective for it. For example, Svetlana Stylish, Mikhail the Wise. Or start studying the origin of names, then they will be not just a sound, but words that carry a certain semantic load. For example, Olga means saint. Imagine her with wings and a halo above her head. If you want your name to be remembered better, tell us why you were called that way when you meet.
  • read the speech of the report without a piece of paper. Highlight key words in each paragraph that will help you remember the meaning of the entire paragraph. "Put" these words on the interior of your office, imagining it from left to right. This method was used by the famous Roman orator Cicero, who, in his brilliant speeches, operated quite freely with facts and figures. Recreate in your head the sequence of the interior (left wall - window - table - closet - right wall ...) and strictly adhere to it. For example, the keywords of the speech you need to deliver at the meeting are: business plan, customers, profit. Imagine how you hang a business plan on the left wall, at this time an important client with a huge bag climbs through the window and, going up to the table, pours a mountain of gold coins on it.
  • remember the text you read. Be careful while reading. Conventionally, the process of memorization can be divided into three stages: perception, storage and reproduction of information. Storage failures occur only with serious brain diseases. In all other cases, perception fails. The first temptation that arises is not to focus on information with which you are supposedly familiar. The secret is that it is this easy information that you will not be able to remember later. As a result, you spent your time, and the memorization efficiency is insignificant. If you catch yourself thinking “I already know this”, remember where exactly, how long ago. Pass the information through yourself, then it will come to life and remain in your memory for a long time.

Express warm-up

In a free moment, remember: what were you thinking about ten minutes ago; what did you do an hour ago; what mood were you in last night; what did you eat for breakfast three days ago; how did you spend last weekend.
Speaking, we remember 90% of the information. Therefore, if you need important facts to be remembered, tell your relatives or girlfriend about them.

If you neglect the principles that should help your brain to work actively, then do not doubt that it will definitely take revenge on you and simply refuse to work. Sometimes we forget the words, sometimes we can’t get together, sometimes there are simply no thoughts in our heads. How to improve the thought process? Everyone knows that the brain needs oxygen to function, but how else can we wake up a relaxed brain to get to work?

So, your brain will not work if:

1. You don't get enough sleep

Besides the fact that chronic lack of sleep can cause a lot of health problems, it seriously impairs concentration and brain function. Most people need at least 8 hours of sleep every day, but this figure varies from person to person. In addition to the duration of sleep, its quality is important - it must be continuous. The phase in which we dream (REM sleep or REM phase) has a strong influence on how we feel during our waking hours. If sleep is interrupted frequently, the brain spends less time in this phase, causing us to feel lethargic and have difficulty remembering and concentrating.

2. You don't know how to deal with stress

There are many stress management techniques available, including meditation, journaling, counseling, yoga, breathing exercises, tai chi, and more. All of them have their own benefits in terms of helping the brain work.

3. You don't move enough

Physical activity allows you to increase blood flow, and at the same time - the flow of oxygen and nutrients to all tissues of the body. Regular physical activity stimulates the production of substances that help connect and even form nerve cells.

If your work is sedentary, periodically be distracted and stretch your neck - do tilts to the sides. Alternate any mental activity with physical. We sat at the computer - sit down 10 times or walk along the corridors and stairs.

4. You are not drinking the right amount of water.

Our body is about 60% water, and the brain contains even more water - 80%. Without water, the brain malfunctions - dizziness, hallucinations, fainting begin from dehydration. If you do not drink enough water, you will become irritable and even aggressive, and your ability to make the right decisions will decrease. Can you imagine how important water is for the mind? Often a constant desire to sleep, fatigue, fog in the head - are connected precisely with the fact that we do not drink enough. That is, we can drink a lot - soda, coffee, sweet teas, fruit juices. But many of these drinks, on the contrary, only deprive the cells of the body of fluid, just leading to dehydration. Especially drinks containing caffeine (tea, coca-cola coffee). As in a joke, "we drink more and more, but we are getting worse." So you need to drink water - drinking water. But it's also not worth "pouring" water into yourself. Just drink as needed. Make sure you always have drinking water at hand. Try to drink at least half a glass of warm water every hour during the day.

5. You are not eating enough glucose.

For us, food is both lettuce and harmless chicken breast. And for the brain, all this is no food. Give your brain some glucose! And the main suppliers of glucose are carbohydrates. Chicken with vegetables will keep you from fainting from hunger, but come up with something ingenious ... for this diet lunch is not enough. We need bread, sweets, dried fruits (ideal). A person who needs mental activity is by no means suitable for a carbohydrate-free diet. At work, a piece of dark chocolate or dried fruit is perfect.


Carbohydrates are also different - simple and complex. Ordinary sugar (a simple carbohydrate), although it is glucose, will not add so much "mind". It quickly splits, causing first a sharp rise in glucose, and then a sharp drop, not having time to "feed" the nerve cells. But complex carbohydrates - grain bread, cereals, vegetables (yes, they also have a lot of sugar), pasta - are broken down slowly and provide the body with energy for a long time. On the road and for a snack, the ideal option for complex carbohydrates is a banana! Pasta is worth eating if the next meal is not soon.

6. You don't have enough healthy fats in your diet.

Avoid processed, hydrogenated fats called trans fats at all costs and minimize your intake of saturated animal fats. Reducing your trans fat intake is not that difficult if you keep a few rules in mind. First of all, you need to cut out margarines from your life - they all contain a lot of trans fats. Be sure to look at the labels on baked goods (cookies, cakes, etc.), as well as chips, mayonnaise and other foods containing fat. Unfortunately, Russian manufacturers do not yet indicate the content of trans fats on the product packaging. If any hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil is listed as an ingredient, the product contains trans fats.

But polyunsaturated fats - Omega-3 and Omega-6 - are essential fatty acids. These fats can only be obtained through food. They improve blood circulation and reduce inflammation in the body and are very beneficial for the brain. Contained in salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines and trout, as well as sunflower seeds, tofu and walnuts.

Monounsaturated fats are also healthy. Monounsaturated fats lower cholesterol levels. They are found in many nuts, olive oil and avocado oil.

7. Your brain doesn't get enough oxygen.

The brain can survive without oxygen for about 10 minutes. And even when nothing prevents us from breathing, the brain may not have enough oxygen. In winter, batteries and heaters are all around, they consume oxygen, crowds of people and rooms where there are a lot of people also deprive us of the necessary amount of oxygen. A cold, a stuffy nose - we seem to be breathing, but it turns out not to be of high quality! In all these cases, have you noticed that you begin to want to sleep? This is how the lack of oxygen affects the brain.

What to do? Ventilate the premises, open the windows, and be sure to walk.

8. You are not exercising your brain.

Learning new subjects and languages, gaining additional skills, intellectual hobbies help to preserve and increase brain resources. Constant "training" ensures that he will perform at the highest level throughout his life.

How to quickly activate our brain

There are several points on our body that activate the brain.

  • Point on the back of the hand between the thumb and forefinger. Massage her.
  • Rub your earlobes to help you wake up.
  • Yawn as much as possible, it helps to throw oxygen to the brain.
  • Pinch the tip of the nose, this also activates the brain.
  • Someone knows how to stand on his head. This provides blood flow to the head and activates the brain cells, but if it is difficult to stand on your head, you can simply lie on the floor on your back and throw your legs behind your head. Lie like that for a minute.

If the brain is not used, it will relax and become lazy. Load your mind, train, solve puzzles, solve crosswords, learn languages, do homework with children, learn to work with a computer, do not put aside instructions for new technology. Force yourself to think, move your brains, and then they will not let you down at the right time!

All adequate people want to live a full life and continue to develop in all directions. The main thing in such an aspiration is the development of the brain, its support with vitamins and training, and, which is also important, the alternation of diligence with healthy rest. Below are tips for those who want to make their brain work at full capacity.

Go in for sports. It is believed that with greater physical exertion, a person's brain develops better. Scientists from the Salk Institute for Biological Research, California, found that mice running on a spinning wheel have twice as many cells in the area of ​​​​the brain that is responsible for.

Why mental capacity more active rodents better? Voluntary ones are not as difficult and therefore more profitable. This means that, with pleasure, you become wittier and happier.

Watch your posture. Your posture affects your thought process. Check it out for yourself. Try to solve any math problem in your mind while sitting incorrectly and looking at the floor. Then try to do the same only, already sitting with a straight back, looking up or straight ahead. You will notice that it is easier to think in the second option.

Watch your circulation. Poor circulation prevents a person from fully concentrating. If you are in the same position for a long time, try to stretch your legs for at least 1-2 minutes. This will restore blood circulation.

Train your thinking. Not only are important. You can develop different areas of your brain by making them work. Professor Katz says that thinking and analyzing the world around us can improve the functioning of dormant parts of the brain. Try new tastes and smells. Try to do something with your left hand (if you are right-handed, and vice versa). Travel to new places. Make art. Read Dostoyevsky's novel.

Ask "Why? Our brains are predisposed to curiosity. Let yourself be curious too. The best way to develop curiosity is to ask the question “Why?” all the time. Make it a new habit (at least 10 times a day). You will be amazed at how many opportunities will open up before you in life and work. On the site you can satisfy the interest in design, photos or interest in creating sites and promoting them among the Internet for some reason, for example. A sea of ​​opportunities to train your brain and learn something new.

Get rid of negative thoughts that visit your brain. The thoughts that visit you are of great importance for the functioning of your brain. A study by Mark George and his colleagues at the National Institutes of Health found that happy, optimistic thoughts have a calming effect on the brain, while negative thoughts lead to anxiety.

Laugh more. Scientists say that laughter is good for our health. During this process, endorphins are produced and this helps us. In this way, laughter can recharge our brains.

Develop your memory. The brain is a memory machine. Take an old photo album or school diary. Spend time with your memories. Let the mind reflect, remember. Positive emotions from memories will help you cope with problems.

Rest. Always take breaks while you work. This will help relieve the tension that comes from sitting too long in one place. Resting just 10-15 minutes every hour can improve your performance. Taking a short break will help your brain relax and clear your thoughts.

Talk to an imaginary friend . By talking and receiving advice from an imaginary interlocutor, you are able to open access to information that is on a subconscious level. Imagine that you are talking to a person who is competent enough in the area you need.

Solve the riddle. Some of us like puzzles, some crosswords, and some logic puzzles. All this is a very good way to activate your brain and keep it active. Solve the riddle for fun, but in doing so, know that you are training your brain.

Mozart effect. A decade ago, psychologist Francis Roscher and his colleagues made a discovery. It turns out that listening to Mozart's music improves people's mathematical thinking. Even rats navigated mazes faster and more accurately after listening to Mozart than they did after noise or the music of the minimalist composer Philip Glas. Roscher reported that in rats, Mozart's sonata is a stimulator of the activity of three genes associated with cells that transmit signals to the brain. This is the most harmonious. But before you pick up the CDs, be aware that not everyone who aspires to the Mozart effect gets it. Moreover, even his supporters are inclined to believe that music boosts brain power because it makes listeners feel better. Both relaxation and stimulation of the body occur at the same time.

Improve your skills . Routine activities such as sewing, reading, drawing, and doing crossword puzzles are important. Challenge yourself to do it all in new ways to improve your skills. Read new books, learn new ways of drawing, do more difficult crossword puzzles. Achieving higher scores will help your brain.

Cut down on alcohol. It has been proven that alcohol not only damages mental abilities, but also prevents their recovery.

Play. If you have free time, play. Set aside time for games. Play cards, video games, board games. It doesn't matter what you play. The game will improve your mood and brain function. This will teach your brain to think strategically.

Sleep with pen and paper. Reviewing key information before bed will improve its memorization by 20-30%. You can keep a book near the bed to read before going to bed, if it does not tire you too much. And be sure to keep a pen and notepad by your bed. If any obsessive thought appears, then it will not let you fall asleep until you “redirect” it to paper.

Concentration. Concentration can improve brain function. But concentration thieves are not always noticeable. Learn to notice when you are distracted.

If you were supposed to, for example, call, then this thought can interfere all morning, undermining your clarity in thoughts. You may not even be aware that this thought is bothering you. Get in the habit of thinking and asking yourself, “What thoughts are running through my head right now?” In our example, you could redirect a phone call to your to-do list. It can get rid of that thought and help you think more clearly.

Love for the brain. In a series of studies by Dr. Cutler and his colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania and later at Stanford University, it was found that regular had a beneficial effect on women. Sexual contact at least once a week resulted in regular menstrual cycles, shorter periods, delayed menopause, increased estrogen levels, and slowed down the aging process. Increasing estrogen levels by having more sex helps improve brain function. In Dr. Cutler's study, having an orgasm was not as important. Intimacy and emotional connection were the most influential factors.

Play with passion. When learning and creativity enter into people's lives, they give 127% more to their work. Admire yourself and admire the world. Remember what you loved to do when you were a child and do it as an adult. This is the key to your genius. Da Vinci, Edison, Einstein, Picasso - they all loved to play and explore.

cycles of consciousness. Determine the time when your consciousness is most active. If you determine this time, you will be able to do the most important tasks at that time.

Learn something new. This may seem obvious. Surely you have a topic that interests you the most. It doesn't matter if it's work or leisure. If you do not have such a topic, then try every day to find out the meaning of a new word. There is a big correlation between vocabulary and your intelligence. When our vocabulary is constantly updated with new words, our intellect can work differently. Work while learning!

Write. Keeping a personal diary is very useful, especially for you. This is very good brain stimulation. Keeping records allows you to expand the possibilities of your brain. Find ways to write so that others can read you. These may be stories from your childhood that your friends might be interested in. Start a blog so that others can read you.
Share your thoughts. By teaching another person something, you learn even better what you already know. In addition, you must always engage in self-education. Don't be afraid to take on something new. Even if you have already received an education, you should still train your skills. Once you have learned new information, it is very important to learn how to use it.

Aromatherapy for brain activation . can be used to tone up or relax. Energy drinks include mint, cypress, and lemon. For relaxation, you will need geranium and rose. A few drops of oils in your bath or spray bottle will suffice. You can also use a handkerchief - a couple of drops will suffice. Make sure you are not allergic to this oil first.

Coffee and other drinks containing caffeine help students get higher test scores. But it won't be long enough.
Instead of coffee breaks, try Gingko Biloba. It will improve blood flow to the brain and concentration.

Surround yourself with inspiration . Connect with people who inspire you. Read magazines on various topics. Discover new opportunities. Find new solutions to problems. No matter how old you are and what you do, your brain just needs a load. It could be logic puzzles, memorizing Shakespeare, or learning a new language. Put your brain to work hard if you don't want it to rust like a car in a junkyard. (With active mental activity, coffee should not be abused. Having a diuretic effect, it dehydrates the body, leads to increased irritability. It is better to drink a cup of green tea.)

Arrange your space for mental work . Cluttered rooms and offices can interfere with the process of thinking. If you are too often tired, depressed, then perhaps the reason for this is the environment in which you are. Take this as a call to action. Create a more harmonious and comfortable workplace.

Learn the rules first . Always start by learning the basics. In any business or undertaking, there are a number of rules, the violation of which or ignoring it can lead to sad consequences or depression, disappointment. For example: learning a new language should be done with grammar, spelling and sentence writing. People should follow this rule regardless of age or religion.

Make boring fun. Try to develop interest: the more you become interested in something, the easier it is to pay attention to it. After all, we have a tendency to remember what we enjoyed. So look for ways to make something boring fun by associating it with what you already know. For example, if you need to memorize a list, try to make a sentence from the first letters of each word, or group the words into groups. You can also use your imagination and create a funny story about this topic to make it easier to remember.

Limit yourself . You need to structure your life. By limiting yourself, setting a time frame for doing something, reducing the number of items you work with, you can often achieve more in less time.

Study smarter . When you decide to learn something, write notes first. Take short breaks while studying. Information is better remembered when you are just starting or finishing learning.

Refresh your mind with meditation . When most people think of meditation, they think of deep relaxation. But this ancient practice can not only pacify your soul, but also improve your memory. According to a study by the University of Kentucky, those who spent just 30 minutes meditating after lunch performed better on tests than those who napped during that time.

Deep breathing for clearer thinking . Even deep breathing has many positive effects on the body. The more oxygen in the blood, the more of it in the brain. Taking a few deep breaths can also help you relax, which in turn helps you think more clearly.

Develop your imagination . Mentally draw figures and imagine different situations.

Watch your sleep . Sleep plays an important role for the physical condition of a person and his intellectual development. It has been proven that lack of sleep affects memory, failures are possible. Scientists have found that even creativity and the ability to solve problems depends on the quality of sleep.

Nutrition to Improve Brain Function

Proper nutrition is necessary for the brain to build its cells purely physically, and blood must constantly deliver nutrients to the brain - building materials. What building materials does the brain need? This is a sufficient amount of vegetable fatty acids, the main sources of which are. Of the minerals, the brain needs phosphorus, sulfur, copper, zinc, calcium, iron and magnesium.

Phosphorus promotes the formation of brain cells. Foods containing phosphorus: beans, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, radishes, soybeans, walnuts.

Sulfur is necessary for the normal ability of brain cells to saturate with oxygen. Sulfur is found in cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, garlic, figs, onions, and potatoes.

Zinc increases mental capacity and improves blood composition, and also prevents some nervous diseases. Zinc is found in germinated wheat and wheat bran.

Calcium is necessary for normal hematopoietic processes, prevents the penetration of pathogens into the blood, and therefore protects against infection. Calcium contains apples, apricots, beets, cabbage, carrots, cherries, cucumbers, grapes, green vegetables, almonds, oranges, peaches, pineapple, strawberries, whole grains.

Iron ensures the normal composition of the blood and the necessary level of hemoglobin in the blood; without it, vital processes in the brain tissues are impossible. Beans, cabbage, cherries, green vegetables, mustard, oranges, peas, pineapples, tomatoes, rice, shellfish are rich in iron.

Magnesium is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system and the prevention of nervous diseases, insomnia, anxiety, headache, and anxiety. Magnesium can be obtained from foods such as almonds, lettuce, mint, chicory, olives, peanuts, potatoes, pumpkins, plums, walnuts, whole wheat grains.

In addition, the brain needs a number of vitamins, especially group E and group B. These vitamins are found in lettuce, sunflower oil, germinated wheat, nuts, dry beans, polished rice, mustard greens, cabbage, spinach, oranges, grapefruits, melon , avocado, bananas.

And, of course, the brain needs a lot of oxygen. Foods such as potatoes, parsley, mint, horseradish, radishes, onions, and tomatoes help oxygenate the brain.

Perhaps the most valuable product for the brain are. The substances contained in them have a very beneficial effect on the vessels of the brain. They strengthen and heal the cells lining the inner layer of blood vessels, increase the elasticity of blood vessels and prevent their blockage. Therefore, apples reduce the likelihood of cerebral hemorrhage, which often causes death. One of the most serious diseases - hemorrhage - is associated with impaired cerebral circulation due to blockage of cerebral vessels. To prevent this dangerous phenomenon, it is enough to eat only one apple a day.

1. Solve riddles and puzzles.
2. Develop ambidexterity. Use your non-dominant hand to brush your teeth, comb your hair, or use the mouse while sitting at your computer. Try writing with both hands at the same time. Swap the knife and fork when using them.
3. Pay attention to vagueness and ambiguity. Learn to love paradoxes and optical illusions.
4. Temporarily block one or more of your senses. Eat blindfolded, plug your ears while doing normal activities, take a shower with your eyes closed.
5. Find connections between seemingly unrelated topics.
6. Learn to use different keyboard layouts.
7. Find new ways to use common items. For example, how many different uses for a common nail can you think of?
8. Refute your assumptions.
9. Develop creative thinking.
10. Always go beyond the first "correct" answer that comes to mind.
11. Transpose reality. Always ask yourself: “What if…?”
12. Turn the picture on the computer desktop upside down.
13. Learn logic. Solve logical problems.
14. Get familiar with some scientific method.
15. Draw. Anything. You don't need to be an artist for this.
16. Learn to juggle.
17. Go in for sports.
18. Maintain good posture.
19. Drink plenty of water.
20. Use chopsticks.
21. Breathe deeply.
22. Listen to classical music.
23. Get rid of procrastination.
24. Change the style of clothing. Walk barefoot.
25. Simplify your life.
26. Play chess or other board games.
27. Develop a sense of humor. Come up with your own jokes.
28. Develop observation. For example, pay attention to the color red during the day or find cars of a certain brand in the general stream. Come up with a topic and focus on it.
29. Keep a diary.
30. Learn a foreign language.
31. Dine at different cafes and restaurants. Give preference to ethnic places.
32. Learn to program on a computer.
33. Say long words backwards.
34. Change the environment. Change the arrangement of the furniture in the house.
35. Write. Write a story, a poem, or start a blog.
36. Learn sign language.
37. Learn to play a musical instrument.
38. Learn to speed read.
39. Try to mentally assess the passage of time.
40. Do mental arithmetic.
41. Remember people's names.
42. Meditate.
43. Don't watch TV.
44. Change the speed of doing things you are used to. Try doing something very slow or very fast.
45. Do only one thing at a time.
46. ​​Avoid cognitive biases.
47. Put yourself in someone else's shoes. Imagine how other people would solve your problems.
48. Find time for solitude and relaxation.
49. Make a commitment to constantly learning new things.
50. Take a trip abroad. Learn about different lifestyles.
51. Get acquainted with the work of recognized geniuses.
52. Communicate with those who are close to you in terms of interests.
53. Compete with anyone.
54. Do not surround yourself with like-minded people. Listen to people who disagree with you.
55. Brainstorm.
56. Collect

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