The baby sobs in his sleep. Sobbing during sleep in children: possible causes. The structure of sleep in children and adults distinctive features

Sound sleep is of great importance for the full development of the baby, being the key to the health and well-being of the little man. Very often, newly-made parents have to deal with a situation where the child cries in a dream, constantly wakes up and is naughty. The child sobs in a dream for various reasons, which are mostly associated with the presence of physiological or psycho-emotional problems.

When the baby sleeps restlessly, the first thing parents should pay attention to is the air temperature in the children's room and its relationship with the crumbs' sleeping clothes. It is possible that with his nightly crying, a small child seeks to notify adults that he is cold or, on the contrary, too hot.

Also, it will not be superfluous to carefully examine the baby's crib in order to exclude the presence of foreign objects in it that interfere with normal sleep without awakening. For example, a baby, tossing and turning in his sleep, could accidentally lie on his nipple, under him there could be a bottle or a diaper twisted, which certainly causes some discomfort.

Children of the first year of life wake up at night to satisfy their physiological needs for food, and this phenomenon is quite natural. The frequency of such nightly awakenings directly depends on the age characteristics of the child and whether he is on artificial or breastfeeding. So, the milk mixture, being digested longer than mother's milk, provides a feeling of satiety for a longer period of time, and therefore artificial babies should wake up less often because of hunger than those babies who eat breast milk. At the same time, you should not overfeed the baby and feed him immediately before going to bed, as a full stomach will bring some discomfort to the baby during sleep and can also cause awakenings.

The cause of nighttime rashes in children may also be a general deterioration in their well-being, which caring parents may notice throughout the day (refusal of the child to eat, constant tearfulness). In this condition, it is necessary to immediately show the child to the pediatrician for diagnosis and prescribing the required course of treatment in accordance with the age of the small patient.

Young children always feel very keenly and take on the state and mood of the adults around them, the situation and atmosphere in the family. If mom and dad often swear and sort things out in front of the child, there is no love and mutual understanding in the family, then the disturbing and restless sleep of the baby will be a completely natural result of this.

Waking up at night in children older than five months of age may be associated with the process of teething, which gives babies severe pain. Almost all babies in the first few months of their lives suffer from intestinal colic, which occurs due to the imperfection of the digestive system of a small organism. Accumulating in large quantities in the intestines, it is difficult for the gases to escape and begin to put pressure on the walls of neighboring organs, as a result of which the child experiences severe paroxysmal pain, from which he wakes up in the middle of the night. Young children, often becoming victims of such an ailment as otitis media, can sob in their sleep due to pain in the ear caused by the development of an inflammatory process in the organ of hearing.

Very often, a small child wakes up in the middle of the night and starts crying loudly due to his psychological health problems. Many children of the first years of life experience a fear of the dark and, being alone in their bed in an unlit room, begin to raise a cry, thereby calling their mother to them. Night crying and sobbing of the child may be the result of emotional overload that occurs as a result of the baby receiving a lot of impressions during the day or communicating with strangers.

Frequent nighttime awakenings and whims are observed in young children prone to hyperactivity - a condition in which activity and excitability exceeds normal levels. A child can wake up and cry due to a lack of parental love and attention - with his cry, the baby seeks to make sure that he is noticed and once again caressed.

Frequent nocturnal whims of a small child can be observed when he is weaned from the mother's breast and transferred to artificial feeding. A similar phenomenon occurs when the baby, who is accustomed to sleeping next to his mother all the time, parents try to leave him for the night in a separate bed, thereby accustoming him to separate sleep.

Many parents believe that young children do not see dreams, but such an opinion, although it has the right to exist, is not true. You can often see how babies smile during sleep - this suggests that they dreamed of something good that caused them positive emotions. Unfortunately, bad dreams in children are also not uncommon, and very often they, causing a feeling of anxiety and fear, make the child wake up at night.

The cry of a small child in the middle of the night is a way of expressing emotions, a plea for help, a signal that you feel unwell or have certain problems. That is why children's tears should in no case be ignored, believing that after a while the child will calm down on his own and fall asleep again. The little man, like no other, at any time of the day needs increased attention, love and affection, and the task of parents is to provide him with all this!

A calm and sound sleep is the key to the health of any baby, but what if the newborn groans in his sleep?

Many mothers are afraid of this. In a cozy mother's belly, the little one was comfortable and safe, and the new world for him is full of secrets and mysteries. It is not at all easy to adapt to it, and groans in a dream can be a baby's reaction to these changes. But more about everything.

Are the moans of a newborn during sleep dangerous?

It is not uncommon for babies to moan in their sleep. Mothers begin to worry that these are health problems. Before such frightening thoughts, it is better to thoroughly understand why the baby moans in a dream. You need to start with the signs of restless sleep:

  • groans and other disturbing sounds;
  • the child tosses and turns;
  • twitching arms or legs;
  • wakes up frequently.

Most of all, young mothers are frightened by incomprehensible sounds, and absolutely, in vain. Most of the time they don't pose any threat. But do not leave them unattended when the mother's heart is restless. The new world evokes a sea of ​​emotions even in the baby, which he continues to experience in a dream and moan because of it. If the child is active and calm during wakefulness, then his moans in a dream are not dangerous. But if the baby is lethargic during the day, and begins to moan during sleep, then he needs to be shown to the doctor to make sure he is in good health.

Baby sleep: biology and sounds

The first time after birth, the little one falls asleep when he gets tired. It is difficult to put him to sleep against his will. And if this happened, then a quiet rest is a rarity. It is also important that feeding should be frequent approximately every 2 hours, for someone a little longer. Therefore, the baby will often wake up, and this is a completely natural phenomenon.

Young parents mistakenly believe that the baby should sleep all night, and this rest should be calm and strong. In fact, the baby spends about 5 hours on it. After, he begins to grunt and demand food. Do not force him to wake up for feeding, let him wake up and want to eat. It is normal for a newborn to make different sounds during sleep, and this is not only a groan, but also groaning, light screams, smacking.

Important! The sleep rate for babies is 18 hours a day, which takes into account both night and daytime rest.

Many mothers, being frightened, wake up the comb and this is wrong. Doctors believe that moaning and crying in a dream is quite natural for a newborn. So, he experiences the negative emotions that he experienced during wakefulness, and removes them from his consciousness. Sometimes this is a test of parents: whether they are nearby, whether they will help. Such a scanning function of sobbing and groaning is inherent in nature itself, so you should not worry about them.

Babies up to a year often wake up and immediately fall asleep. This is also normal. Even when the baby sobs in a dream and twitches slightly, this is also the norm. And this is due to the unformed nervous system. The older the child becomes, the less manifestations of nervous excitability he has, which means that the rest becomes more calm.


In a newborn baby, sleep has 2 phases:

  1. active;
  2. Calm.

Literally on the third day, active sleep transforms into a fast stage. It is this stage that makes up 45% of a child's total sleep. Thanks to her, the brain of a small person grows and develops; it also acts as a protective barrier for negativity and helps relieve overstrain.

By three months, restful sleep turns into slow sleep, which is possible only with sufficient brain formation. Later, children begin to sleep in deep sleep, which is much stronger for them than for their parents. They need 20-30 minutes to fully restore energy in the body and recharge the immune system.

The reasons

Does a newborn grunt, toss and turn and moan in a dream? There are reasons for this. It is enough to understand them in order to stop worrying about every frightening sound issued by your beloved child.

Adaptation to the environment

When a baby groans in a dream, the reasons for this may be different. But the very first of them is getting used to the new environment - a different temperature, new sounds and sensations.

Also, fear can cause a child to start screaming at night, and the only thing mom can do to help is to pick him up and calm him down. This is the best proof of protection for the little man.

Pathology and more

It is difficult to fall asleep when something hurts. Most often, babies suffer from colic, which are the result of an incompletely formed digestive system. After a hearty meal, gases begin to torment the small tummy, causing discomfort and pain to the baby. Passing through the intestines, the gases are looking for a way out and this is the period of the main discomfort. There is no reason to panic, the gases will come out and the baby will fall asleep soundly. You can help him with a light massage on the tummy, helping to quickly remove gases.

Teething is not a pathology, but a natural process, but it also causes a lot of torment to both the baby and parents. All of his organs are growing rapidly, and his teeth are no exception. And it always hurts. The sleep schedule in this period goes astray, and groaning, moaning and crying are quite natural. Special gels can facilitate the process, which will relieve pain and provide a relaxing rest.

The development of any pathology is already a cause for concern and a call to the doctor. Neuralgia or other deviations will affect not only the baby's sleep, but also his behavior during wakefulness. The sooner the problem is identified, the greater the chance that it will be solved with minimal complications. Almost any problems with the body can provoke inadequate rest.


Most often, children born prematurely suffer from anxiety. This is due to the fact that they have not gone through a full intrauterine cycle and do not have a good preparation for adaptation in the new world. If there are no pathologies, then the little one will quickly leave this stage behind and will delight parents. But until she has passed, he will sob and cry in his sleep, and this is normal.

Emotions experienced during the day require an outlet not only for adults. Babies need it even more.

Other reasons

Restless sleep with groaning and crying can be caused by:

  • tight swaddling, when the little ones are not even able to move;
  • an uncomfortable sleeping place, when he feels discomfort, but cannot understand its causes;
  • wet diapers, because lying in them is not only unpleasant, but sometimes painful if there are wounds or rashes;
  • overwork, which exhausts the child so much that his sleep cannot go into the rest stage and remains in the fast one;
  • hunger or thirst, which at the initial stage are felt by discomfort and are manifested in groans and spinning;
  • lack of oxygen, which can be caused by both dry and hot air in the room, and a tight diaper;
  • noises and loud sounds, dissatisfaction with which will be expressed in a groan or sob;
  • a bad dream, which is not at all uncommon for such young children, and if adults can distinguish reality from sleep, then for them this is not yet possible.

If the reason for this behavior of the baby is natural, like emotions, poor rest or hunger, then parents should not worry. It is enough to eliminate it, and the rest of the night will pass quietly. Emotions are often eliminated by mother's hugs and light kisses. The child feels love and protection, which means that he will have no reasons for fear, and he can sleep soundly next to his mother. Food and water solve the problems of a hungry tummy, as well as changing a diaper so that it is pleasant to sleep, because lying in wet diapers or your own feces is unpleasant.

Probability of danger of development of pathological processes

Such behavior is dangerous when children get sick or suffer from pathology. At the initial stage of treatment, this is normal, because the drugs have not yet begun to actively work. If the therapy has been going on for a long time, and the groans continue, you need to contact a pediatrician who will change the medication or prescribe an additional examination. Otherwise, there is no reason for concern.

To ensure the child a good night's rest, pediatricians recommend:

  • before going to bed, bathe him in a light decoction of chamomile with a couple of drops of lavender oil;
  • lavender can be put next to his bed;
  • walking in the fresh air should become a good habit for parents;
  • Don't go to bed hungry, but don't overfeed either.

If the little one reacts to noise and light, do everything so that this does not bother him. What definitely cannot be done is to panic or leave the child unattended.

Many mothers listen to the opinion of the popular television doctor Komarovsky - “A lot of sleep for a newborn is natural. Another major need at this age is food. Therefore, rest and food are interconnected, and the regimen is often built according to the baby's need for food. Do not do it forcibly, it is better to adapt to the child and his desires. Some doctors recommend strictly observing a 3-hour interval between meals and 6 hours without it at night. It is foolish to demand discipline from a child at this age. Now he is driven by instincts that will not leave him hungry or restless. Sleep is even more important for him than food, so you should not wake him up for a scheduled feeding.

Practical Tips:

  • decrease in temperature in the room where the child sleeps (normal 18-21 degrees);
  • a comfortable bed (no newfangled pillows, only a medium hard mattress);
  • comfortable clothes for sleep;
  • daytime rest is best spent in the fresh air;
  • do not pump, many children are swayed and in a dream they feel bad, that's why they moan;
  • you can let him fall asleep in your arms, and then carefully transfer him to the crib, but it’s better to lie down next to him without accustoming him to hands.

A healthy and beloved baby will independently adjust the mode. The task of the parents is not to interfere with this! At the same time, you must be vigilant, because this is the only way to understand that the child needs help.

Often, parents may notice their newborn twitching and sobbing in their sleep. It is quite difficult to establish the reason for this behavior, since there are a lot of factors that affect the well-being of the child. Why does a newborn cry and shudder in his sleep?

The reasons

The most banal reasons why a newborn shudders and cries in a dream are associated with shortcomings in caring for the baby. Perhaps he is in a wet diaper, hungry or thirsty. Try to eliminate this discomfort before going to bed and look at the reaction of the child. If the newborn still cries and shudders in a dream, it's time to look for another reason.

  • Intestinal colic. Gaziki in the abdomen disturb the newborn up to 3 months, as a result of which he shudders, cries and sobs during sleep. The baby can twist his legs, while the restless child often wakes up and falls asleep again heavily, his breathing is intermittent. This is one of the most common reasons why a child may be restless during sleep.
  • Absence of parents. The child is used to feeling close to his parents. If mom is not around, he becomes restless, twitches and screams. If the baby is no longer worried about anything, and the only problem is the absence of parents nearby, try to pick him up and calm him down. If the child falls asleep, carefully transfer him to the crib.
  • Teeth are falling. This is a common reason why a 6-8 month old baby cries, twitches and snores. His sleep is restless, as his teeth hurt, his breathing is ragged. It is easy to establish why the baby does not sleep well with erupting teeth: the gums turn red, and the baby pulls everything into the mouth.
  • Hot or cold. A child up to 10-12 months does not have thermoregulation. If he is hot or cold, he trembles, breathes heavily, cries. If the room is too dry, the baby snores, because the mucus dries up in the nose and clogs the nasal passages, breathing is interrupted.
  • If a child after 12 months breathes restlessly, shudders or cries during sleep, this may be due to personal experiences, lack of daily routine, nightmares. You may be too active before bed. The same can be explained if the baby has shortness of breath during sleep, if the children smile or laugh: daytime impressions disturb them even during sleep.
  • Too heavy dinner. Heavy food at night adversely affects the state of the body, which, instead of resting, is forced to digest it at night. As a result, the child snores, he has heavy breathing, he shudders, as a result, sleep is restless.
  • TV, computer games. They leave vivid impressions before going to bed and do not allow you to sleep peacefully. Sometimes the child not only sobs, but also screams, his sleep is restless, the baby often wakes up. You should limit TV viewing and computer games before bedtime, replacing them with calmer ways to put your baby to sleep. Dr. Komarovsky also speaks about this in his programs.
  • Fear of the dark. Waking up during sleep, the baby may be afraid that he is alone in the dark. This is a fairly common phenomenon that parents have to deal with in different ways.

If you have found out for yourself the cause of the anxiety of an infant or a child of 12 months, it is worth getting down to business and eliminating the discomfort.

What to do?

Depending on the cause, you should choose a method to eliminate discomfort:

  • With intestinal colic, when the baby shudders in a dream, and sleep becomes restless, Komarovsky advises giving dill water or a drug to remove gases before going to bed. If there are none, give your baby water or raisin broth to drink: they will force gases out of the intestines.
  • If the baby is not used to sleeping without you, crying in his sleep, try to teach him to fall asleep on his own. Komarovsky advises in this case to leave the baby himself, and then look after a certain period of time, gradually increasing it. So the baby will learn to fall asleep on its own.
  • If your child is snoring, has heavy breathing, you should think that his nose may be stuffed up due to dried mucus or he may feel hot. So that the mucus does not dry out, you need to moisten the air. This can be done with a humidifier or an ordinary water container installed in the room. Komarovsky advises using this method if your child constantly snores or has heavy breathing.
  • If children after 12 months often laugh, smile in their sleep, this is due to excessive emotional stress. Try playing quiet games before bed, not watching TV or playing computer games. Watching TV is especially harmful for babies under 12 months, as their nervous system is unstable. Dr. Komarovsky advises to stop all noisy games 2 hours before bedtime.
  • If the baby is restless, he breathes heavily and snores, sleep is interrupted, try not to feed him at night in large quantities. This rule also applies to older children. Limit yourself to a light dinner. It is better to feed the baby once again in the middle of the night, then he will sleep until the morning.
  • With erupting teeth, Komarovsky advises giving the baby special teethers and using anesthetic gels, for example, Kalgel.

If all methods have been tried, and you do not know why your child has poor sleep, the problem may lie in neurological diseases or diseases of the internal organs. Komarovsky in this case advises to contact a specialist and consult with him about the health of the baby. Remember: a baby's sleep is the best indicator of his condition.

Young children cannot express their emotions, their only way to communicate with others is to scream or cry. This is how babies communicate their needs, check the environment, make sure that their mother is around and they are safe. It often happens that babies sob during sleep, this causes anxiety in parents. However, do not panic, this condition is provoked by completely harmless reasons, which we will consider in more detail.

Baby sleep phases

To understand why a child sobs during rest, you need to figure out what are the differences between his sleep and that of an adult. Each person has two main phases of sleep: REM, when sleep is very light and superficial, and slow, when we completely switch off and rest. In babies, these phases change more often than in adults, and it is during the period of restless sleep that sobs, twitches, movements of the eye sockets, and changes in facial expressions can occur.

This condition is absolutely normal, it is called "physiological night crying." It has two main functions: checking the surrounding space for safety and relieving nervous tension. If a child sobs in a dream, he can simply call his mother. When they approach him, he will make sure that he is safe, calm down and continue to rest in peace. If the gesture of the crumbs is ignored by adults, then a tantrum may break out, and the baby will not be able to fall asleep after it at all.

What should parents do? Approach the baby, stroke it lightly, talk to it quietly or sing a lullaby. However, be careful, it is important not to wake him up completely, but only to calm him down and set him up for rest. If the child is 1 year old, he should already learn self-soothing. In 60-70% of cases, children acquire such a skill by this age.

It’s not worth running at the first call, for educational purposes you need to give the baby the opportunity to cope with his condition himself, this will quickly teach him to be alone for some time.

Crises of the first year of development

It is in the first year of his life that the baby adapts to the world around him, learns it and develops. Growing up and acquiring new skills is uneven, so there are "development crises". These are periods when the baby feels especially strong physical and psychological stress. They can also cause nighttime whimpering and restlessness.

Especially often, children begin to cry at night in the period from 12 to 14 weeks of life. At this time, the structure of their sleep goes into "adult" mode. Doctors call this phenomenon the regression of the fourth month, it significantly worsens the quality of the crumbs' rest.

Your actions:

  • strict observance of the schedule of rest and wakefulness;
  • creation of optimal conditions for rest at the slightest request of the baby - he does not get enough sleep at night, therefore he must compensate for this time during the day;
  • providing emotional comfort - you need to exclude any overload;
  • calming the crumbs before going to bed - he should be completely relaxed and peaceful.

Emotional outburst

The baby may whimper during sleep and fall asleep poorly due to excessive emotional stress. This is especially often manifested after six months, during this period the crumbs actively learn about the world around them, acquire new skills, and all this excessively excites their not fully formed nervous system. Psychological overexcitation negatively affects the inhibitory reaction, the brain cannot quickly switch from wakefulness to rest. Both negative and positive emotions can cause such a state.

Measures to prevent emotional overstrain:

  • Limiting the excitation of the baby's nervous system in the afternoon - try not to arrange noisy gatherings, do not play too active games, do not let the baby communicate with a lot of people. Family members should not talk to each other in raised tones.
  • Early bedtime - knowing what time the child wants to sleep, start the ritual of preparing for rest in advance, the actions performed in a clear sequence will set the baby to sleep.
  • Refusal to watch cartoons at night, bright pictures and loud sounds will only excite the child's psyche, it is better to read a fairy tale to your child.

Physiological causes

The development of the baby's body is associated with unpleasant sensations. In the first months of his life, he learns to digest food, this can cause colic in the tummy, which leads to sobbing at night and even crying. Also, crumbs experience discomfort when teething, their gums swell, become sensitive. When sleeping, babies may whimper and put their hands in their mouths.

What to do for parents:

  • with colic, the baby should be put on the tummy, so the gas will move away better, you can also use special drops to alleviate the condition of the child, fennel tea or dill water;
  • when teething, the gums need to be treated with a special gel that eliminates pain.

Unfavorable environment

Babies become restless at night from cold or stuffiness, and too bright lights or loud sounds can also interfere with them. An uncomfortable sleeping place sometimes causes irritation in crumbs, a large pillow, a crumpled diaper can lead to whimpering in a dream.

Measures to eliminate adverse factors:

  • regular ventilation of the room;
  • the air in the nursery should be humidified, the optimal indicator is 40-60%;
  • the crib must be moved away from the battery and heater;
  • several times a day in the baby's room it is necessary to do wet cleaning, and it is better to take carpets, books, soft toys and other dust collectors away;
  • the crib should be equipped with a hard mattress and a low pillow, remove everything superfluous from it at night so that the baby has enough space;
  • leave a dim light on, so the child will feel safe;
  • avoid too loud noise, but keep in mind that the normal sounds of your home should not disturb the baby.

Desire to eat and drink

Newborn babies eat by the hour or on demand, depending on how their mother taught them. However, at night they still experience hunger. A slight sob in a dream can be a signal to feed. If you do not satisfy the desire of the crumbs in time, he will wake up and cry. Also, in the warm season, the child may feel thirsty, especially when it is too hot in his room.

What to do for parents:

  • monitor the feeding regimen, before going to bed the child should eat well, but you should not overfeed him;
  • if the weather is hot outside, make sure that there is always a bottle of water near the baby's crib, at the first request it must be given to the child.

Dependence on weather conditions

The phenomenon when the human body reacts negatively to changes in weather conditions is called meteosensitivity. Scientists cannot fully explain it, but it has been proven that not only adults, but also children, have this disorder. Most often, weather sensitivity is manifested in babies who received a birth injury, were born by caesarean section, suffered intrauterine infections, or have problems with intracranial pressure. Any change in the weather can make a child anxious at night.

The problem of meteosensitivity has not been fully studied, therefore there are no means that could equally help all babies. However, going to a neurologist will help eliminate this disorder and normalize night sleep.

In conclusion

Babies can whimper in their sleep for a variety of reasons. The task of parents is to understand what exactly the baby wants, and to satisfy his desire in time. However, there are situations when the usual sobbing, despite the efforts of adults, develops into crying or even hysteria. In such situations, the best way out is to contact a doctor to identify the causes of the violation and choose the right solution to the problem.

Keep a close eye on your little one and do not ignore his anxiety during sleep.

Parents of children, especially those under one year old, often have to deal with the fact that their beloved child sobs in a dream. Sometimes the sobs soon subside, and the baby does not even wake up and sleeps peacefully on. But it also happens that at first the child just whimpers, and then everything turns into strong crying, which only a mother can calm down if she takes the baby in her arms. Pediatricians recommend not to worry about this: after all, even adults in a dream are characterized by manifestations of emotions, what can we say about babies?

Children's sleep is crucial for the full and harmonious development of the baby. Newborns sleep much more time than older kids, because adaptation to new living conditions requires a lot of strength and emotional resources. But regardless of age, from time to time, moms and dads notice that the child is sobbing in his sleep. This is alarming and frightening at the same time, especially for first-born parents. However, do not immediately panic and come up with crumbs of non-existent diagnoses. In most cases, the cause of sobbing is quite understandable.

So, why a child under one year old can sob in a dream:

  • because his day was full of impressions, and during sleep there is a processing of information and a splash of accumulated emotions;
  • because he is hungry or thirsty;
  • because he needs physical contact with his mother (significant adult);
  • because the crumbs will soon erupt teeth (in some cases, anxiety at night can begin a month or two before the appearance of the first tooth);
  • because he has colic;
  • because the weather has changed dramatically (most children are very weather dependent, which can be manifested by night sobs and moodiness);
  • because he does not know how to fall asleep on his own in between sleep phases;
  • because he is going through a crisis stage in development associated with the development of a new achievement - speech, the ability to sit, stand, crawl or walk independently.

Up to a year, parents are required to undergo a physical examination with the baby by a pediatrician and other specialists several times. If the results of analyzes and instrumental studies correspond to age norms, and experts confirm this, then there really is no reason to worry. Periodically, night sobs (physiological night crying) occur in all healthy children.

Getting older, the child begins to sleep until morning and gradually learns to fall asleep on his own, waking up in the middle of the night.

The reasons why children sob at night after a year or older are most often associated with:

  • with physical discomfort (teeth, pain of various localization, illness);
  • with overexcitation of the nervous system (emotionally significant events during the day, excessive viewing of cartoons, computer games);
  • with an unstable emotional situation in the family and strong feelings that arose on this basis.

Scientists are still at a loss as to whether newborn babies dream, but older kids can dream. Therefore, sobbing in a dream can also reflect some kind of unfavorable plot from the past day.

In order for the sleep of your beloved child to be as strong and calm as possible, first of all, you should adhere to a certain regimen.

It has been proven that children do not like chaotic actions and the absence of a regimen. They are much more comfortable when a certain sequence of habitual events is repeated from day to day.

Listening to the needs of the child is also very important. And following the recommendations below will only consolidate the positive effect.

So, for the prevention of restless sleep of the baby it will be useful:

It is important to remember that children are very sensitive to the emotional background and mood of their parents. Therefore, if the baby began to sob at night, no need to worry.

A baby who is not yet able to speak expresses his anxiety by crying. After a while, parents independently begin to understand the peculiar language of their child. If all parents get used to standard situations over time, then sometimes situations arise when the baby starts crying in a dream. In such situations, parents first of all begin to check whether the diaper is dry, control the temperature in the room and the child's posture. But all these factors turn out to be in order. Therefore, parents begin to think: why does a baby cry in a dream?

Physiological reason

This condition is physiological night crying, and it does not pose any danger to the health of the crumbs. The baby cries during sleep due to the unstable function of the nervous and motor systems. This is due to the fact that an emotionally intense day can provoke the appearance of dreams at night. The child, experiencing in a dream, begins to cry a lot and does not wake up.

Even visiting guests or meeting new people at home can contribute to the development of such experiences. After such a busy day, the child must throw out unnecessary experiences, which is why crying is observed at night. Therefore, parents can be calm - the baby cries and cries not because of diseases.

There are situations when the baby begins to cry in a dream, and as soon as the mother comes to his bed, the crying stops. Thus, the baby simply checks whether his mother is nearby, since a strong bond has been established between them during the 9 months of pregnancy.

Also, the child may begin to cry or flinch during the transition from REM sleep to slow sleep. The same effect often accompanies the sleep of adults, so it does not pose a danger to the crumbs. If the child does not interfere with his whimpering, and he does not wake up, parents should not worry about the health of the crumbs. After a while, the nervous system of the baby will develop and become stable, which will allow the baby to experience sleep time more smoothly.

Cause: Discomfort

It happens that a newborn cries at night due to the appearance of pain or discomfort. Perhaps the baby is hot or cold, and he may also have a wet diaper or diaper. The baby may suffer from abdominal pain, increased gas formation, teething. But if the baby does not wake up, but simply whimpers, then he does not experience any inconvenience. He will wake up only when the sleep phase changes.

Other reasons

There are also other reasons why the baby screams or cries a lot in a dream without waking up:

  1. Feeling hungry.
  2. Coryza, making breathing difficult.
  3. Strong fatigue.
  4. Negative impressions after an active day.
  5. The presence of a disease.

Many parents overload the child with excessive exercise and walks, after which cortisol, a stress hormone, accumulates in the body of the crumbs. Usually the reason for the formation of its surplus are increased loads, a large flow of information.

What do we have to do

Sobbing at night can subside on its own, or can be abruptly replaced by a scream. All parents often check, approaching his crib, how their child feels during sleep. If they see that the baby is sleeping, they do not need to wake him up or calm him down, as this can only do harm. In such a situation, the child will wake up, and then it will be difficult for him to fall asleep.

If the baby screams to find out if his mother is nearby, then he must be carefully and gradually accustomed to independent sleep. This will help to gradually reduce crying to a minimum - both during sleep and at bedtime. If you take care of the child at his first call, he will get used to it, and each time the situation will worsen, and the volume of crying will increase.

It is worth considering that by 6 months, children should be able to calm down themselves without maternal care, if their crying before bedtime is caused by loneliness. But such situations do not refer to the presence of pain or discomfort.

Help baby

To help your child become calmer in sleep and at bedtime, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • It is necessary to spend a lot of time with the baby in the fresh air. Such walks have a positive effect on the function of the nervous system. Do not forget to regularly ventilate the children's room before going to bed and use a humidifier.
  • Before going to bed, you should not play active outdoor games with the baby, give him strong emotions. Such activities can overload the nervous system of the baby. Because of such intense activity, the baby will cry in his sleep and be naughty before going to bed.

  • To calm the baby while bathing, you need to use herbal infusions. You can use them only after the navel is completely healed. Usually, infusions of thyme, oregano, succession, thyme are added to the water. But before such a bath, you should check the reaction of the crumbs to such an infusion. To do this, you just need to wipe a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with it and wait a bit. If redness does not appear, you can proceed to water procedures.
  • Also, before going to bed, the mother can put a bag of soothing herbs next to the baby. The baby will inhale their vapors during sleep at night, which will calm his nervous system and relieve crying.

How to prevent night crying

To avoid crying during sleep, parents should be kind to their child and perform a certain ritual after an active day.

  • It is necessary to strictly adhere to the schedule of actions before laying the baby in the crib. Gradually, the child will remember this algorithm and it will be easier for him to fall asleep.
  • A relaxing massage can end the day, which will relax the baby. It is strictly forbidden to play active games before going to bed if the baby often screams or screams at night.

  • It is required to monitor the maintenance of the optimal temperature regime in the room where the baby sleeps. Bed linen should be pleasant and warm.
  • All stressful situations in the family should be excluded.
  • Do not put the baby to bed after feeding, this can impair digestion and cause colic at night.
  • There is no need to turn off the light in the room, it is better to leave it in a dim state so that the baby is not afraid to fall asleep alone again if he often wakes up.

To understand why the baby cries out at night, you need to take a closer look at him. Basically, the causes of this condition do not harm children. But if crying is caused by disturbances in the functioning of the body's systems, they should be urgently eliminated by contacting a doctor for help.

In the first weeks and even months of their lives, babies express their desires through crying. By its nature and intensity, an experienced mother is able to instantly determine what the baby wants. But if a child sobs and sighs in a dream, then parents often tend to look for reasons in hidden diseases or any health problems. Meanwhile, these states can be caused by other factors that have quite a simple explanation.

To understand why a child sobs in a dream, it is necessary to understand the structure of a child's dream and its distinctive features. Any life activity of an adult, as well as a baby, is based on the cyclical processes that are called biorhythms. For each of us, they are individual and are laid even before birth.

It's important to know! Babies up to a year have a special sleep structure. The difference is due to the imperfection of the functioning systems of a small organism (including the brain), as a result of which, throughout the entire period of night rest, the fast or paradoxical phase is considered predominant.

You can determine this stage by shallow breathing, barely covered eyelids, trembling eyelashes and running pupils under them. It is during this period of time that the processes of formation, development and processing of information that are important for a fragile organism take place.

Baby night sobs during sleep

During REM sleep, the brain remains active, which allows the baby to see vivid dreams. Emotions that arise as a reaction to their stories are manifested in the form of twitching of limbs, groans, sobs, less often screams. This complex is considered the norm and is called “physiological night crying”. Often it occurs not only as a way to relieve tension, but also as a reaction to an unstable emotional situation in the family.

Very small crumbs need the support of a mother who can stroke, sing a lullaby or soothe with words. It is important here not to wake the baby, but simply to set it up for a calm, serene sleep. Older kids, with the right upbringing, can almost always do this on their own.

Main reasons

A one-year-old child may sob and even cry in his sleep due to the influence of a variety of factors.

The most common, in addition to the above reasons, are:

  • physical discomfort;
  • crisis of the first year of development;
  • emotional overexcitation;
  • external stimuli;
  • unmet physiological needs.

The child is experiencing an age crisis

From the moment of birth until the age of one, the baby overcomes a huge path of development, in the process of which adaptation to the world around and its knowledge takes place.

Attention! As they grow up and acquire new skills and abilities, the child's nervous system experiences tremendous stress. These periods are called "crisis", and are accompanied by an acute reaction of the body. They complicate the night's rest, causing unreasonable anxiety and sobbing in a dream.

The first stage falls on the 12th-14th week of life, when the sleep structure approaches the "adult model". The kid does not sleep well at night, often wakes up and is naughty in the daytime. To minimize negative manifestations and normalize sleep, you must do the following:

  • develop a clear daily routine;
  • create ideal conditions for a good rest;
  • provide emotional comfort;
  • do not overload the nervous system in the evening.

Painful sensations

In the process of adaptation, the baby's body experiences various unpleasant sensations. In particular, this is due to a change in nutrition after birth and an inability to properly digest food, as a result of which he develops intestinal colic, causing pain and sobbing, and sometimes crying.

Another cause of sleep disturbance is teething, which is accompanied by swelling and redness of the gums, pain, fever, upset stool.

Special measures will help relieve the suffering of the baby.

  1. With colic. Laying out on the stomach, massaging the area around the navel, taking fennel tea, dill water or mint drops.
  2. When teething. The use of a special cooling gel that relieves pain and relieves the condition.

Nervous excitement

If the deterioration in the quality of sleep and the appearance of the above symptoms is observed in a child older than six months, this may be due to excessive emotional stress. It is during this period that the baby’s interest in learning about the world around him, acquiring new skills and abilities is activated, his horizons are expanding due to the ability to move around the room. As a result, there is an overexcitation of the not fully formed nervous system, which is not capable of developing an inhibitory reaction. The inability of the brain to quickly switch from active to passive mode leads to emotional overstrain. Prevention of this condition is as follows.

  1. Early preparation for sleep in compliance with all stages of the evening ritual.
  2. Refusal to watch cartoons, programs that excite the nervous system.
  3. Decreased activation of the emotional state, refusal of noisy games, brown communication with relatives.

External stimuli

Anxiety at night often occurs in babies due to the unfavorable microclimate in the bedroom. Severe stuffiness or cold, light sources, loud sounds - all these irritants have a negative effect on the nervous system, causing its excitation and, as a result, sobbing or crying in a dream. Dr. Komarovsky advises to observe the following measures:

weather sensitivity

Not only adults, but also kids suffer from changes in weather conditions recently.

It's important to know! The risk group is made up of children who were born by caesarean section, with complicated childbirth, and also with intracranial pressure.

They have a deterioration in well-being, the development of anxiety and sleep disorders can be observed during such natural phenomena:

  • strong wind;
  • changes in atmospheric pressure;
  • increased solar activity;
  • sudden changes in weather conditions (during cold snaps or warming);
  • thunderstorms, showers, snowfalls and other natural manifestations.

Parents cannot solve this problem on their own, therefore, if sleep worsens, which is accompanied by anxiety, crying and screaming, you should consult a neurologist.

Thirst and hunger

Especially brightly react to the lack of food and drink newborns and infants in the first months of life. Slight grunting and whimpering indicates the need to replenish energy reserves with food. The lack of reaction on the part of adults causes resentment, which the baby accompanies first with sobs, and then with loud crying. During this period, it is important not to allow him to starve, especially at night, but you should not overfeed either.

Nutrition should take place at a strictly defined time, let the last feeding be dense.

Advice! If the baby eats mixtures, then at night he can wake up not only from hunger, but also from thirst. You should offer him water and do not forget about it in the following nights.

Fear of being alone

The baby, accustomed from birth to be with his mother all the time, very keenly feels her absence. If loneliness is caused by the need to accustom him to falling asleep on his own, he experiences stress and lack of attention from a loved one. As a result, he can sigh, moan, sob in his sleep and even hiccup. There are two options for solving this problem: the continuation of joint sleep or the gradual weaning from the society of parents without harm to the child's psyche.

Sobs that turn into hysterics

Hysterical seizures in children are associated with the imperfection of the nervous system, as well as the inability to express their disagreement.

Neurologists often identify a number of other causes that cause this condition:

  • lack of proper attention from parents, especially mothers;
  • fatigue and the presence of concomitant diseases, in particular, allergies;
  • excessive guardianship or excessive severity of adults;
  • feeling of fear and insecurity due to scandals, quarrels.

The consequence of these conditions are screams, crying sobbing, lack of sleep or prolonged falling asleep, moaning, sobbing, throwing on the bed.

Actions of parents

To ensure a healthy and sound long sleep for your baby, you need to develop a certain daily routine. Due to the imperfection of the nervous system, it is difficult for him to perform chaotic actions, this causes anxiety, irritation and emotional discomfort. It is much more pleasant when a series of familiar events occurs in a certain sequence over a long period. It is necessary to take into account the preferences, disposition, temperament of the baby himself. Popular TV presenter Dr. Komarovsky advises parents to follow simple recommendations.

  1. Choose the types of activities and the amount of physical activity in accordance with the needs and age of the child.
  2. Make a daily routine in such a way that a significant period of time is set aside for walking in the fresh air (at least twice a day).
  3. During evening water procedures, saturate baths with decoctions of herbs with a calming effect - mint, lemon balm, chamomile, lavender. The same plants should be placed in small cloth sachets and hung in the children's bedroom.
  4. Carefully monitor the well-being of the baby, and with the slightest deviation, contact the pediatrician or give medication prescribed by the doctor.


A baby may whimper during sleep due to the influence of a variety of factors. The task of parents is to timely identify the true cause and eliminate it (or satisfy its needs). If the sobbing gradually turns into hysteria, you need to consult a doctor for advice. Properly selected treatment (if necessary) and attention from parents will provide the little one with a restful sleep and full development.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 7 minutes

Article last updated: 04/02/2019

Sound healthy sleep is a kind of cure for all diseases and stress. And it is necessary for every adult, not to mention the baby. And it often happens that new parents spend all night long near the baby's bed. And the thing is that the child screams and cries in a dream. This is especially true at night. And sometimes mom and dad just can’t find an explanation for this and wonder: why is their baby crying and screaming in a dream at night?

The famous children's doctor Komarovsky claims that sleep plays a crucial role in human life. And sometimes the baby’s sleep process is surrounded by many problems that parents must solve, otherwise the baby will not get enough sleep, and his nervous system will seriously weaken.

Baby's dream according to Komarovsky

It is not a secret for any of us that a child usually spends most of the day in a dream. But before he is covered by sleep, the baby needs food. From here it is possible to trace the close relationship between the mode of feeding and sleep. Mom should build a nutrition system in such a way that she fully determines when and how much time the baby sleeps.

Today, many pediatricians come to the conclusion that a child should not be fed by the clock, but precisely when he himself wishes it. Therefore, we can draw the following conclusion: the baby will sleep until he gets hungry. And if he is fed, but does not sleep, then something is wrong. The reason may lie in the child's well-being, or in the room where he lives (it can be cold, hot, stuffy, etc.). Gradually, the little one grows and his period of wakefulness increases. And this is a completely natural process. But the important thing is that this very process should not be accompanied by crying and screaming. Otherwise, you need to look for the cause.

What should be the children's room

Highly qualified doctor Komarovsky believes that if the baby often wakes up, screams or cries in his sleep at night, then the reason may lie in his environment. And no matter how much mom and dad try to calm the baby, everything will be unsuccessful. Initially, you need to figure out what needs to be changed in the child's room.

The first thing to do is to understand whether the baby lives in his room or still shares the room with his parents. There are a number of basic requirements that are the key to a healthy and sound sleep of the baby, as well as his mom and dad.

There is nothing more harmful for a newborn than warm and dry air. The optimum temperature should vary between 18-21 degrees. Moreover, a lower temperature is much preferable to a higher one. It will be more correct to dress the child warmer than to put some kind of heater.

In addition, in the room where the baby lives, in no case should there be any dust collectors: carpets, upholstered furniture, toys, etc. It is better that the crib was made of wood, it had a fairly hard mattress and no pillows at all.

It is more correct if the children's room is designed for sleeping at night. In the daytime, it is better to walk with a newborn in the fresh air. It will be good if he will sleep at this time on the street. For babies, sleeping in the open air is commensurate with walking. Therefore, during the day, the child should walk as much as the strength and capabilities of the parents allow.

Causes of poor sleep in babies

  • Colic is the most common cause of poor sleep in babies at night. Moreover, this is not a disease or pathology, it is impossible to cure it. You just need to wait as long as the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will improve. In newborns, this process lasts up to about three to four months. You should try to massage the tummy before going to bed, thereby easing intestinal spasm. Gradually, you will begin to notice that the child wakes up at night much less frequently.
  • The reason for crying in a dream can be hunger. But this problem is easily corrected by offering the baby breast or formula.
  • The absence of a regime can also lead to whims. Often a newborn before going to bed does not distinguish between the time of day, so he can wake up at night and find himself in the dark, get scared and start crying. In this case, Dr. Komarovsky advises gradually instilling a regimen in the child. However, it must be remembered that all children are different, some sleep problems disappear by 6 months, and others only by 2 years.
  • Loss of contact with the mother is also a popular reason why the baby screams in his sleep. The child has a strong connection with his mother, therefore, at night, waking up in the crib and not feeling it, but may begin to cry a lot, calling on the dearest person.
  • When the baby experiences some discomfort, he begins to cry. Sometimes parents don't understand why this happens. And the answer is actually simple. The child most likely pooped, or his diaper is wet. A stuffy room can also give the baby some inconvenience. You need to see how many degrees the air temperature is, and depending on this, ventilate the rooms, or dress the baby warmer.
  • Restless sleep often occurs in infants even when he is ill. A high fever, nasal congestion, sore throat, or cough usually interfere. Therefore, before going to bed, it is necessary for the baby to drip into the nose, give the pills prescribed by the pediatrician, and lower the temperature.
  • After five months, the baby's teeth begin to erupt. And this period can also adversely affect the sleep of the baby, especially at night. The child experiences itching in the gums and pain, constantly wakes up, a high temperature can jump against the background of all this. Therefore, before going to bed, it is recommended to lubricate the gums with a special anesthetic gel. How long this condition will last will depend on the period of teething.
  • A child at this age may experience the so-called child stress. And he may well be the reason why the baby wakes up in a dream and starts to cry. An ordinary trip to visit, a sudden change of scenery, strangers, etc. can cause stress. That is why Dr. Komarovsky recommends gradually introducing the child to relatives, friends, etc.

Newborn babies (up to 1 month old) sleep differently than their parents. Almost half of the time the child spends in the so-called phase of REM sleep. It is necessary for the children's brain to grow and develop intensively. During this period, the pupils of the babies can move, the children begin to move their upper and lower limbs, grimace, smack their lips, thereby reproducing the process of breast sucking, make different sounds and whimper.

Such a dream is rather weak and disturbing, so the baby may cry and wake up from this. But more often it happens differently: the child cries for a few seconds, then calms down on his own and continues his nightly rest.

In addition, the duration of sleep is also different. For example, a baby under 1 month old will spend about 21 hours a day sleeping. Growing up, the child sleeps less and less, and at 1 year old, many children have 2 hours for daytime sleep and about 9 hours for night rest.

Thus, children's sleep is only being formed, "honed", established, therefore, failures in the form of short-term crying at night are not excluded. Usually such whimpering does not bother the child and his parents too much, but if the baby cries a lot in his sleep, the hidden reasons for this process should be established and the quality of rest should be improved.

Why does the baby cry at night?

If a child cries a lot at night, screams loudly and piercingly, you should definitely deal with the prerequisites for such behavior. Sometimes the culprits are the uncomfortable sensations experienced by the baby in a dream.

In other cases, night tears are a symptom of serious illness, especially if the child suddenly starts crying and does not stop for a long time. Experiencing pain, the baby tries to signal this to the parents. But since its capabilities are severely limited, screaming remains the most accessible method. Consider the main causes of night crying.

External factors

It is not uncommon for babies to cry because of discomfort caused by so-called external factors. Night crying may appear if parents do not take into account when laying:

  • the temperature in the room (if perspiration appears on the skin, it means that it is hot in the nursery; if there are goosebumps on the skin, and the arms and legs are cold, the room is cool);
  • the level of humidity in the nursery (if the room is too stuffy and dry, the child may dry up the mucous membranes of the nasal and oral cavities);
  • dryness of the diaper (a baby 6 months old and younger may start crying if he feels in a dream that the diaper has become wet);
  • the convenience of an undershirt, bed linen, pajamas (many children are extremely negative about creases in clothes, seams, folds and other inconveniences).

Such factors may seem frivolous only at first glance. Children at 2 or 3 months, not being able to roll over or otherwise correct the inconvenience, begin to cry and scream, attracting their mother's attention.

Internal factors

Answering the question why the baby cries in a dream, many experts point to the presence of internal factors. These include various diseases, hunger and other adverse conditions. Each of them deserves a more detailed description.

If the child cries a lot in a dream, then his state of health should be checked. Probably, the baby is unwell due to cutting teeth, inflammation of the middle ear, and a cold.

The gastrointestinal tract of an infant up to 3 or 4 months old only adapts to or artificial formula. The resulting gases are not fully expelled, which causes colic.

If a baby 2 or 3 months old begins to cry in his sleep, pull his legs up to his tummy, clench his fists, most likely he is worried about intestinal colic. Crying in this case will be even, prolonged and incessant.

To reduce soreness, the mother should review her own diet, follow the correct attachment to the breast, hold the baby in a column so that he burps excess milk and gets rid of gas. Another popular way to deal with colic is dill water.

The cause of pain can be such unpleasant conditions as a runny nose or inflammation of the middle ear. When the child lies in the crib, being in a horizontal position, the processes become aggravated, as a result of which the child cries and screams in his sleep.

Another likely cause of night crying is. Many children at 5 or 6 months teeth climb, which is accompanied by a decrease in appetite, high fever. The pain syndrome is especially intensified at night, hence the sobbing and crying in a dream.


If the child cries in a dream and does not wake up, then the mother may assume a feeling of hunger. Satiety is an important condition for a quiet night's rest, either at 3 months or at 2 years. Correcting the situation is quite simple - the child is given milk or formula.

Do not overfeed the baby, otherwise he will constantly wake up, cry because of a feeling of fullness in the stomach or terrible dreams.

It would seem that you need to physically load the baby as much as possible so that he goes to bed “without hind legs”. However, there is an inverse relationship here: if the parents missed the optimal time for sleep, overloaded the child with exercises, games, then he will hardly fall asleep.

When he closes his eyes, fatigue will not allow him to sleep normally. A small child will wake up with tears or whimper in his sleep, which, of course, will affect his well-being. This behavior is especially characteristic of excitable babies.

Experts advise to act in the same way, regardless of the age of the child. Both a one-month-old baby and a one-year-old toddler should go to bed before they start crying from overwork. You should also not get carried away with massage, games and gymnastic exercises.

An overabundance of emotions and information

Is the baby crying in his sleep? Perhaps this is due to excitement and excessive emotional fatigue. A child that is at 5 months, that in the same way reacts to informational and emotional glut.

  • an excess of emotions and experiences during the day, especially in the evening, lead to the fact that babies cry in their sleep. Thus, night tears are a reaction of children to strong emotional stress;
  • experts advise turning on the TV when the child is two years old. However, many parents introduce cartoons and television programs when the kids are not yet 9 months old. This overloads the nervous system.

Minimize the contact of the child with the TV and especially the computer during the day. It is especially important to stop watching cartoons before going to bed. Also, you should not overly overload the baby with communication with peers and strangers.

If the child wakes up at night and cries loudly, the reason for this is probably bad dreams. Up to a year, dreams are not so vivid, but after a specified age, night visions become more and more realistic, which affects the quality of rest.

In a dream, the baby does not always see something pleasant, and this is completely normal. However, if such terrible dreams happen regularly and the child constantly cries in his sleep, you need to think about what is the source of nightmares.

Psychological problems

If a child often whimpers at night, but at the same time he is absolutely healthy physically, one can assume the presence of some kind of psychological problem.

A baby at 2 or 3 years old can react sharply to a strong emotional impression. Such a shock often becomes a sharp change in his life: adaptation to kindergarten, the appearance of a brother / sister, moving to another place of residence.

Why does a newborn cry in his sleep? Perhaps this is how he reacts to the psychological state of the mother. If there are problems in a relationship with a spouse, a woman is under stress due to fatigue, the baby will definitely feel it and express it in the form of a bad dream.

Often, nighttime restlessness is the first and most obvious sign of diseases of the nervous system. That is why, with repeated cases of children crying at night, parents should definitely show the child to a neurologist.

What to do if the child cries at night?

If a child rarely cries in a dream, without waking up, you should not be scared. Perhaps these are one-time cases. But with a constant night roar, it is necessary, if possible, to establish and eliminate the factors that prevent a good rest:

The well-known pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky is convinced that only rested parents can establish a good sleep. If the mother does not sleep enough, is in constant stress, then the child feels this tension, which is expressed in night crying. Therefore, adults should also get enough sleep.

As a conclusion

So, answering the question why a baby cries in a dream, we found many provoking factors. The main task of parents is to pay attention to the crying baby, try to establish the true "culprit" of children's tears and respond correctly.

Some children in this way require their mother's presence or signal discomfort, while others require qualified medical assistance. But in any case, maternal tenderness and love will not interfere with all the kids!

Often, parents may notice their newborn twitching and sobbing in their sleep. It is quite difficult to establish the reason for this behavior, since there are a lot of factors that affect the well-being of the child. Why does a newborn cry and shudder in his sleep?

The reasons

The most banal reasons why a newborn shudders and cries in a dream are associated with shortcomings in caring for the baby. Perhaps he is in a wet diaper, hungry or thirsty. Try to eliminate this discomfort before going to bed and look at the reaction of the child. If the newborn still cries and shudders in a dream, it's time to look for another reason.

  • Intestinal colic. Gaziki in the abdomen disturb the newborn up to 3 months, as a result of which he shudders, cries and sobs during sleep. The baby can twist his legs, while the restless child often wakes up and falls asleep again heavily, his breathing is intermittent. This is one of the most common reasons why a child may be restless during sleep.
  • Absence of parents. The child is used to feeling close to his parents. If mom is not around, he becomes restless, twitches and screams. If the baby is no longer worried about anything, and the only problem is the absence of parents nearby, try to pick him up and calm him down. If the child falls asleep, carefully transfer him to the crib.
  • Teeth are falling. This is a common reason why a 6-8 month old baby cries, twitches and snores. His sleep is restless, as his teeth hurt, his breathing is ragged. It is easy to establish why the baby does not sleep well with erupting teeth: the gums turn red, and the baby pulls everything into the mouth.
  • Hot or cold. A child up to 10-12 months does not have thermoregulation. If he is hot or cold, he trembles, breathes heavily, cries. If the room is too dry, the baby snores, because the mucus dries up in the nose and clogs the nasal passages, breathing is interrupted.
  • If a child after 12 months breathes restlessly, shudders or cries during sleep, this may be due to personal experiences, lack of daily routine, nightmares. You may be too active before bed. The same can be explained if the baby has shortness of breath during sleep, if the children smile or laugh: daytime impressions disturb them even during sleep.
  • Too heavy dinner. Heavy food at night adversely affects the state of the body, which, instead of resting, is forced to digest it at night. As a result, the child snores, he has heavy breathing, he shudders, as a result, sleep is restless.
  • TV, computer games. They leave vivid impressions before going to bed and do not allow you to sleep peacefully. Sometimes the child not only sobs, but also screams, his sleep is restless, the baby often wakes up. You should limit TV viewing and computer games before bedtime, replacing them with calmer ways to put your baby to sleep. Dr. Komarovsky also speaks about this in his programs.
  • Fear of the dark. Waking up during sleep, the baby may be afraid that he is alone in the dark. This is a fairly common phenomenon that parents have to deal with in different ways.

If you have found out for yourself the cause of the anxiety of an infant or a child of 12 months, it is worth getting down to business and eliminating the discomfort.

What to do?

Depending on the cause, you should choose a method to eliminate discomfort:

  • With intestinal colic, when the baby shudders in a dream, and sleep becomes restless, Komarovsky advises giving dill water or a drug to remove gases before going to bed. If there are none, give your baby water or raisin broth to drink: they will force gases out of the intestines.
  • If the baby is not used to sleeping without you, crying in his sleep, try to teach him to fall asleep on his own. Komarovsky advises in this case to leave the baby himself, and then look after a certain period of time, gradually increasing it. So the baby will learn to fall asleep on its own.
  • If your child is snoring, has heavy breathing, you should think that his nose may be stuffed up due to dried mucus or he may feel hot. So that the mucus does not dry out, you need to moisten the air. This can be done with a humidifier or an ordinary water container installed in the room. Komarovsky advises using this method if your child constantly snores or has heavy breathing.
  • If children after 12 months often laugh, smile in their sleep, this is due to excessive emotional stress. Try playing quiet games before bed, not watching TV or playing computer games. Watching TV is especially harmful for babies under 12 months, as their nervous system is unstable. Dr. Komarovsky advises to stop all noisy games 2 hours before bedtime.
  • If the baby is restless, he breathes heavily and snores, sleep is interrupted, try not to feed him at night in large quantities. This rule also applies to older children. Limit yourself to a light dinner. It is better to feed the baby once again in the middle of the night, then he will sleep until the morning.
  • With erupting teeth, Komarovsky advises giving the baby special teethers and using anesthetic gels, for example, Kalgel.

If all methods have been tried, and you do not know why your child has poor sleep, the problem may lie in neurological diseases or diseases of the internal organs. Komarovsky in this case advises to contact a specialist and consult with him about the health of the baby. Remember: a baby's sleep is the best indicator of his condition.

A baby who is not yet able to speak expresses his anxiety by crying. After a while, parents independently begin to understand the peculiar language of their child. If all parents get used to standard situations over time, then sometimes situations arise when the baby starts crying in a dream. In such situations, parents first of all begin to check whether the diaper is dry, control the temperature in the room and the child's posture. But all these factors turn out to be in order. Therefore, parents begin to think: why does a baby cry in a dream?

Physiological reason

This condition is physiological night crying, and it does not pose any danger to the health of the crumbs. The baby cries during sleep due to the unstable function of the nervous and motor systems. This is due to the fact that an emotionally intense day can provoke the appearance of dreams at night. The child, experiencing in a dream, begins to cry a lot and does not wake up.

Even visiting guests or meeting new people at home can contribute to the development of such experiences. After such a busy day, the child must throw out unnecessary experiences, which is why crying is observed at night. Therefore, parents can be calm - the baby cries and cries not because of diseases.

There are situations when the baby begins to cry in a dream, and as soon as the mother comes to his bed, the crying stops. Thus, the baby simply checks whether his mother is nearby, since a strong bond has been established between them during the 9 months of pregnancy.

Also, the child may begin to cry or flinch during the transition from REM sleep to slow sleep. The same effect often accompanies the sleep of adults, so it does not pose a danger to the crumbs. If the child does not interfere with his whimpering, and he does not wake up, parents should not worry about the health of the crumbs. After a while, the nervous system of the baby will develop and become stable, which will allow the baby to experience sleep time more smoothly.

Cause: Discomfort

It happens that a newborn cries at night due to the appearance of pain or discomfort. Perhaps the baby is hot or cold, and he may also have a wet diaper or diaper. The baby may suffer from abdominal pain, increased gas formation, teething. But if the baby does not wake up, but simply whimpers, then he does not experience any inconvenience. He will wake up only when the sleep phase changes.

Other reasons

There are also other reasons why the baby screams or cries a lot in a dream without waking up:

  1. Feeling hungry.
  2. Coryza, making breathing difficult.
  3. Strong fatigue.
  4. Negative impressions after an active day.
  5. The presence of a disease.

Many parents overload the child with excessive exercise and walks, after which cortisol, a stress hormone, accumulates in the body of the crumbs. Usually the reason for the formation of its surplus are increased loads, a large flow of information.

What do we have to do

Sobbing at night can subside on its own, or can be abruptly replaced by a scream. All parents often check, approaching his crib, how their child feels during sleep. If they see that the baby is sleeping, they do not need to wake him up or calm him down, as this can only do harm. In such a situation, the child will wake up, and then it will be difficult for him to fall asleep.

If the baby screams to find out if his mother is nearby, then he must be carefully and gradually accustomed to independent sleep. This will help to gradually reduce crying to a minimum - both during sleep and at bedtime. If you take care of the child at his first call, he will get used to it, and each time the situation will worsen, and the volume of crying will increase.

It is worth considering that by 6 months, children should be able to calm down themselves without maternal care, if their crying before bedtime is caused by loneliness. But such situations do not refer to the presence of pain or discomfort.

Help baby

To help your child become calmer in sleep and at bedtime, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • It is necessary to spend a lot of time with the baby in the fresh air. Such walks have a positive effect on the function of the nervous system. Do not forget to regularly ventilate the children's room before going to bed and use a humidifier.
  • Before going to bed, you should not play active outdoor games with the baby, give him strong emotions. Such activities can overload the nervous system of the baby. Because of such intense activity, the baby will cry in his sleep and be naughty before going to bed.

  • To calm the baby while bathing, you need to use herbal infusions. You can use them only after the navel is completely healed. Usually, infusions of thyme, oregano, succession, thyme are added to the water. But before such a bath, you should check the reaction of the crumbs to such an infusion. To do this, you just need to wipe a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with it and wait a bit. If redness does not appear, you can proceed to water procedures.
  • Also, before going to bed, the mother can put a bag of soothing herbs next to the baby. The baby will inhale their vapors during sleep at night, which will calm his nervous system and relieve crying.

How to prevent night crying

To avoid crying during sleep, parents should be kind to their child and perform a certain ritual after an active day.

  • It is necessary to strictly adhere to the schedule of actions before laying the baby in the crib. Gradually, the child will remember this algorithm and it will be easier for him to fall asleep.
  • A relaxing massage can end the day, which will relax the baby. It is strictly forbidden to play active games before going to bed if the baby often screams or screams at night.

  • It is required to monitor the maintenance of the optimal temperature regime in the room where the baby sleeps. Bed linen should be pleasant and warm.
  • All stressful situations in the family should be excluded.
  • Do not put the baby to bed after feeding, this can impair digestion and cause colic at night.
  • There is no need to turn off the light in the room, it is better to leave it in a dim state so that the baby is not afraid to fall asleep alone again if he often wakes up.

To understand why the baby cries out at night, you need to take a closer look at him. Basically, the causes of this condition do not harm children. But if crying is caused by disturbances in the functioning of the body's systems, they should be urgently eliminated by contacting a doctor for help.

Full description: the reasons why children up to a year and after a year sob in a dream and answers to the main disturbing questions.

Young children cannot express their emotions, their only way to communicate with others is to scream or cry. This is how babies communicate their needs, check the environment, make sure that their mother is around and they are safe. It often happens that babies sob during sleep, this causes anxiety in parents. However, do not panic, this condition is provoked by completely harmless reasons, which we will consider in more detail.

To understand why a child sobs during rest, you need to figure out what are the differences between his sleep and that of an adult. Each person has two main phases of sleep: REM, when sleep is very light and superficial, and slow, when we completely switch off and rest. In babies, these phases change more often than in adults, and it is during the period of restless sleep that sobs, twitches, movements of the eye sockets, and changes in facial expressions can occur.

This condition is absolutely normal, it is called "physiological night crying." It has two main functions: checking the surrounding space for safety and relieving nervous tension. If a child sobs in a dream, he can simply call his mother. When they approach him, he will make sure that he is safe, calm down and continue to rest in peace. If the gesture of the crumbs is ignored by adults, then a tantrum may break out, and the baby will not be able to fall asleep after it at all.

What should parents do? Approach the baby, stroke it lightly, talk to it quietly or sing a lullaby. However, be careful, it is important not to wake him up completely, but only to calm him down and set him up for rest. If the child is 1 year old, he should already learn self-soothing. In 60-70% of cases, children acquire such a skill by this age.

It’s not worth running at the first call, for educational purposes you need to give the baby the opportunity to cope with his condition himself, this will quickly teach him to be alone for some time.

Crises of the first year of development

It is in the first year of his life that the baby adapts to the world around him, learns it and develops. Growing up and acquiring new skills is uneven, so there are "development crises". These are periods when the baby feels especially strong physical and psychological stress. They can also cause nighttime whimpering and restlessness.

Especially often, children begin to cry at night in the period from 12 to 14 weeks of life. At this time, the structure of their sleep goes into "adult" mode. Doctors call this phenomenon the regression of the fourth month, it significantly worsens the quality of the crumbs' rest.

Your actions:

  • strict observance of the schedule of rest and wakefulness;
  • creation of optimal conditions for rest at the slightest request of the baby - he does not get enough sleep at night, therefore he must compensate for this time during the day;
  • ensuring emotional comfort - you need to exclude any overload;
  • calming the crumbs before going to bed - he should be completely relaxed and peaceful.

Emotional outburst

The baby may whimper during sleep and fall asleep poorly due to excessive emotional stress. This is especially often manifested after six months, during this period the crumbs actively learn about the world around them, acquire new skills, and all this excessively excites their not fully formed nervous system. Psychological overexcitation negatively affects the inhibitory reaction, the brain cannot quickly switch from wakefulness to rest. Both negative and positive emotions can cause such a state.

Measures to prevent emotional overstrain:
  • Limiting the excitation of the baby's nervous system in the afternoon - try not to have noisy gatherings, do not play too active games, do not let the baby communicate with a lot of people. Family members should not talk to each other in raised tones.
  • Early bedtime - knowing what time the child wants to sleep, start the ritual of preparing for rest in advance, the actions performed in a clear sequence will set the baby to sleep.
  • Refusal to watch cartoons at night, bright pictures and loud sounds will only excite the child's psyche, it is better to read a fairy tale to your child.

Physiological causes

The development of the baby's body is associated with unpleasant sensations. In the first months of his life, he learns to digest food, this can cause colic in the tummy, which leads to sobbing at night and even crying. Also, crumbs experience discomfort when teething, their gums swell, become sensitive. When sleeping, babies may whimper and put their hands in their mouths.

What to do for parents:

  • with colic, the baby should be put on the tummy, so the gas will move away better, you can also use special drops to alleviate the condition of the child, fennel tea or dill water;
  • when teething, the gums need to be treated with a special gel that eliminates pain.

Unfavorable environment

Babies become restless at night from cold or stuffiness, and too bright lights or loud sounds can also interfere with them. An uncomfortable sleeping place sometimes causes irritation in crumbs, a large pillow, a crumpled diaper can lead to whimpering in a dream.

Measures to eliminate adverse factors:
  • regular ventilation of the room;
  • the air in the nursery should be humidified, the optimal indicator is 40-60%;
  • the crib must be moved away from the battery and heater;
  • several times a day in the baby's room it is necessary to do wet cleaning, and it is better to take carpets, books, soft toys and other dust collectors away;
  • the crib should be equipped with a hard mattress and a low pillow, remove everything superfluous from it at night so that the baby has enough space;
  • leave a dim light on, so the child will feel safe;
  • avoid too loud noise, but keep in mind that the normal sounds of your home should not disturb the baby.

Desire to eat and drink

Newborn babies eat by the hour or on demand, depending on how their mother taught them. However, at night they still experience hunger. A slight sob in a dream can be a signal to feed. If you do not satisfy the desire of the crumbs in time, he will wake up and cry. Also, in the warm season, the child may feel thirsty, especially when it is too hot in his room.

What to do for parents:

  • monitor the feeding regimen, before going to bed the child should eat well, but you should not overfeed him;
  • if the weather is hot outside, make sure that there is always a bottle of water near the baby's crib, at the first request it must be given to the child.

Dependence on weather conditions

The phenomenon when the human body reacts negatively to changes in weather conditions is called meteosensitivity. Scientists cannot fully explain it, but it has been proven that not only adults, but also children, have this disorder. Most often, weather sensitivity is manifested in babies who received a birth injury, were born by caesarean section, suffered intrauterine infections, or have problems with intracranial pressure. Any change in the weather can make a child anxious at night.

The problem of meteosensitivity has not been fully studied, therefore there are no means that could equally help all babies. However, going to a neurologist will help eliminate this disorder and normalize night sleep.

In conclusion

Babies can whimper in their sleep for a variety of reasons. The task of parents is to understand what exactly the baby wants, and to satisfy his desire in time. However, there are situations when the usual sobbing, despite the efforts of adults, develops into crying or even hysteria. In such situations, the best way out is to contact a doctor to identify the causes of the violation and choose the right solution to the problem.

Keep a close eye on your little one and do not ignore his anxiety during sleep.

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In the first weeks of life, crying is almost the only way a baby can communicate his needs to his parents. In most cases, the mother is able to understand the cause of tears, but when a baby cries in a dream, adult family members become seriously worried and do not understand what to do. No less excitement is caused by the night cries of one-year-old and older babies. Let's figure out why children's sleep can be accompanied by crying.

Crying for a newborn baby is practically the only way to communicate to the family about their needs.

Sleep features of newborns

The structure of a newborn's sleep is different from that of an "adult". Almost half of the rest time is spent in REM sleep (with rapid eye movements). This period is accompanied by dreams, as well as:

  • active movement of pupils under closed eyelids;
  • moving arms and legs;
  • reproduction of the sucking reflex;
  • change of facial expressions (grimacing);
  • various sounds - a newborn cries in a dream, whimpers, sobs.

The predominance of the "fast" phase in infancy is due to the intensive growth of the brain and the rapid development of higher nervous activity. If the baby periodically cries at night for a short period of time and does not wake up, then this is a variant of the norm.

Doctors call this phenomenon “physiological night crying” and believe that it helps the child relieve stress caused by emotions and impressions received during the day.

Another function of "physiological crying" is the "scanning" of space. By making sounds, the newborn checks whether he is safe, whether his parents will come to his aid. If the cry remains unanswered, the baby may wake up and throw a tantrum.

It is important for a crying child to be aware of his safety - he subconsciously checks if his mother will come to calm and protect him

At the age of 3-4 months, all healthy babies have the Moro reflex, which consists in the automatic throwing up of the handles in response to the action of the stimulus. A sudden movement can wake up a child. You can solve the problem with the help of swaddling. There is a technique of loose wrapping with a diaper, which allows you not to constrain motor skills and at the same time provides good rest.

How to respond to "physiological crying"?

Do not be too active in comforting the child at the time of "physiological crying." It is enough just to sing something to him in a gentle voice or stroke him. In some cases, after a few seconds of whimpering, children calm down on their own. Intense motion sickness in the arms or in the crib, or loud speech can finally wake up the baby.

The correct reaction to "sleepy" crying also carries an educational burden. The child must learn to calm down and accept his nocturnal loneliness. If you pick him up at the slightest sign of anxiety, he will demand the attention of mom and dad every night.

Approximately 60-70% of children learn to calm down on their own closer to the year. However, mommy must definitely know how to calm the baby if necessary.

Crises of development

In the first year of life, a child goes through a huge path of physical and mental development. In some periods, changes are felt especially sharply, they are usually called crises (see also: how does the crisis of 3 years manifest itself?). They are characterized by a significant increase in the load on the nervous system and can cause crying at night.

It is important to protect the psyche of the crumbs from overload:

  • observe intervals of sleep and wakefulness;
  • at the slightest sign of fatigue, give him the opportunity to rest;
  • avoid emotional overexcitation.

It should be borne in mind that at 12-14 weeks there is a change in the pattern (structure) of sleep. The transition to the "adult" model leads to a deterioration in its quality or "regression of 4 months". The child may burst into tears at night, wake up from this and not calm down for a long time.

During this period, it is worth accustoming him to falling asleep on his own. One way is to do things that soothe your baby but keep her awake. It is necessary that before going to bed the baby is peaceful, not excited, then it will be easier for him to plunge into the arms of Morpheus.

Emotional overexcitation can also become an obstacle to a child's healthy night's sleep.

Cycles and phases of sleep

Changes lead to the appearance of a phase of "superficial sleep", which begins immediately after falling asleep and lasts 5-20 minutes. The baby then falls into a deep sleep. At the moment of transition, the child is partially awakened. At first, this provokes crying, then he learns to overcome this period without tears.

In addition, tantrums during phase changes may be associated with emotional overexcitation or accumulated fatigue. To prevent this, you should put the baby to bed on time. If, nevertheless, he woke up and cannot calm down, the next period of wakefulness should be reduced.

Changing stages (phases) of sleep form a cycle. In an adult, it lasts about 1.5 hours, and in a small child - 40 minutes. Duration increases as you get older.

The cycles are delimited by short-term awakenings that the baby needs to assess the environment and his condition. The baby is able to cry if something does not suit him - for example, the room is too hot or he feels hungry. You can soothe him by satisfying his needs. In the future, it is worth taking care in advance to eliminate provoking factors.

Emotional overload

In many cases, after 6 months, the baby cries in his sleep due to emotional overexcitation. The reasons for this are an improperly organized daily routine and an excitable nature. An overtired and irritated baby cannot fall asleep normally, which increases the tension of the nervous system. The accumulated "charge" prevents the baby from resting calmly at night - even falling into a dream, he often wakes up and cries a lot.

  • do not allow the baby to “overwalk” - start laying down a little earlier than he starts to act up from fatigue;
  • limit strong emotions, including positive ones, in the afternoon;
  • minimize the amount of time allotted for watching TV, in the evening it is better to refuse it altogether.

Children over one year old may wake up at night crying because of nightmares or fears. You should find out the cause of the problem and help the baby get rid of it. You can read about corrective techniques on the global network.

An older child may have nightmares associated with snippets of daytime emotions and fears. It is necessary to clarify the situation and try to stabilize it with the help of corrective therapy.

Physical factors

Why does a child cry in his sleep? Children of different ages can cry and scream under the influence of various external and internal negative factors. The first group includes:

  • incorrect microclimate conditions in the room - discrepancy between temperature, humidity and air purity to standard indicators;
  • bright lights and loud sounds.
  • physiological needs - hunger, thirst;
  • discomfort associated with uncomfortable clothing, wet diapers;
  • various painful conditions - teething, meteosensitivity.

Microclimate in the room

Hot dry air in the children's room will not give the baby the opportunity to get enough sleep. He will often wake up and cry from irritation and fatigue. The famous pediatrician Komarovsky gives the following advice:

  1. Maintain the temperature at the level of 18-22ºС, and humidity - 40-60%. To do this, you need to install regulators on batteries and purchase a humidifier.
  2. Minimize dust content. This will help airing, wet cleaning, the rejection of dust collectors in the room (books, upholstered furniture, plush toys, carpets).
  3. Leave the window open all night. It is worth closing it only if the frost outside is about 15-18 ºС.

Airing the room is a must before going to bed. It is undesirable only in the case when the baby is diagnosed with an allergy to the pollen of street plants. In such a situation, a split system will help, that is, a device that is equipped with the functions of cooling, humidifying and purifying the air.

To maintain the humidity in the room at the proper level, it is advisable to purchase a humidifierHunger and thirst

If a newborn is hungry or thirsty, first he whimpers or makes other sounds, and then, not getting what he wants, he starts crying. In the first months of life, eating at night is a natural need for a baby, especially if he is fed breast milk. You can reduce the frequency of feeding by increasing the amount of food consumed during the day. It is especially important to make sure that the baby eats well before bedtime.

Do not overfeed the baby, exceed the normative amounts of formula or increase the frequency of meals. With breastfeeding, which is often carried out on demand, you need to monitor how carefully the baby sucks milk from one breast. Immediately after application, foremilk is released, which is low in nutrients. If the baby receives only it, he does not eat up. “Artificial” children, as well as all babies in the heat when crying at night, should be offered not only food, but also water.


Unpleasant sensations during teething is another reason why a child cries in a dream. The hardest thing is for those babies who at one time have not one, but 2-4 teeth. Children experience pain and itching in the mouth, which prevents them from eating normally and makes them cry out in their sleep.

The period of teething is quite difficult for the baby, because the gums ache all the time. Because of this, the baby may not sleep well.

A sure sign that whims are associated with teething is that the baby is trying to gnaw on clothes, toys, and so on. You can alleviate his condition with the help of chilled silicone teethers, as well as special anesthetic gels recommended by the doctor.

weather sensitivity

Weather sensitivity is a painful reaction of the body to changing weather conditions. Today, not only adults, but also kids suffer from it. The risk group includes children who have had difficult childbirth, caesarean section, intrauterine diseases, suffering from increased intracranial pressure. To the poor health of the crumbs, accompanied by whims and restless sleep, can lead to:

  • increased solar activity;
  • strong wind;
  • changes in atmospheric pressure;
  • a sharp transition from sunny weather to cloudy;
  • showers, thunderstorms, snowfalls and other natural phenomena.

Doctors cannot accurately name the causes of meteorological dependence. If the child does not sleep well and often screams when the weather changes, it is worth consulting with a neurologist.

Baby sobs in a dream

The baby began to periodically sob in his sleep, then a heart-rending cry. I try to wake him up, after a while he wakes up and continues to sob for another 20 minutes. What is it? ?


see also

  • Crying in your sleep

    Girls, maybe someone has had this. The child has been sleeping poorly both during the day and at night for some time. She first sobs in her sleep, and then wakes up crying. It only comes to my mind...

  • Screams at night

    For some time at night, the son (1 year 9 months) began to scream at night. Not every day, but around the same time. As if in a dream, but such a heart-rending cry. And nothing can calm you down...

  • Hysterical sobs in a dream

    The second night, the son sobs plaintively. Often-often sighs several times and a long exhalation. As if after a tantrum. In a minute again. If you wake up and take it in your arms, you will cry. I gave breasts, drank a couple of sips and fell asleep already normally ....

  • nightmares

    My husband is very worried ... he constantly has nightmares. It started about a year ago, as if someone was choking in a dream. Now it has become much more frequent, there is a feeling that they are being strangled, but more often it’s just nightmares, such as the dead, monsters, zombies, someone is chasing, ...

  • Twitching in sleep

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    yesterday my daughter fell in the bathroom! After eating, I carried my daughter to wash, ate complementary foods and she got all dirty, I put her in the bath, held her with the other hand, she slipped and sat on her ass, after the start ...

  • what to do with insect bites in a child?

    1 bite on the leg. the second one is on the back, both are swollen up to 2 cm in diameter ... she scratches them ... for three days and nothing has changed .... what to anoint? and further. tonight the baby was just screaming, in a dream……

  • Sobbing in a dream!!!

    Girls, is this normal or do I need to run to a neurologist ??? My son sometimes sobs in his sleep, if I stroke him, he calms down. But today my mother was walking with him on the street, he again began to sob through his sleep, she ...

Features of children's sleep

Newborn babies (up to 1 month old) sleep differently than their parents. Almost half of the time the child spends in the so-called phase of REM sleep. It is necessary for the children's brain to grow and develop intensively. During this period, the pupils of the babies can move, the children begin to move their upper and lower limbs, grimace, smack their lips, thereby reproducing the process of breast sucking, make different sounds and whimper.

Such a dream is rather weak and disturbing, so the baby may cry and wake up from this. But more often it happens differently: the child cries for a few seconds, then calms down on his own and continues his nightly rest.

In addition, the duration of sleep is also different. For example, a baby under 1 month old will spend about 21 hours a day sleeping. Growing up, the child sleeps less and less, and at 1 year old, many children have 2 hours for daytime sleep and about 9 hours for night rest.

Thus, children's sleep is only being formed, "honed", established, therefore, failures in the form of short-term crying at night are not excluded. Usually such whimpering does not bother the child and his parents too much, but if the baby cries a lot in his sleep, the hidden reasons for this process should be established and the quality of rest should be improved.

Why does the baby cry at night?

If a child cries a lot at night, screams loudly and piercingly, you should definitely deal with the prerequisites for such behavior. Sometimes the culprits are the uncomfortable sensations experienced by the baby in a dream.

In other cases, night tears are a symptom of serious illness, especially if the child suddenly starts crying and does not stop for a long time. Experiencing pain, the baby tries to signal this to the parents. But since its capabilities are severely limited, screaming remains the most accessible method. Consider the main causes of night crying.

External factors

It is not uncommon for babies to cry because of discomfort caused by so-called external factors. Night crying may appear if parents do not take into account when laying:

  • the temperature in the room (if perspiration appears on the skin, it means that it is hot in the nursery; if there are goosebumps on the skin, and the arms and legs are cold, the room is cool);
  • the level of humidity in the nursery (if the room is too stuffy and dry, the child may dry up the mucous membranes of the nasal and oral cavities);
  • dryness of the diaper (a baby 6 months old and younger may start crying if he feels in a dream that the diaper has become wet);
  • the convenience of an undershirt, bed linen, pajamas (many children are extremely negative about creases in clothes, seams, folds and other inconveniences).

Such factors may seem frivolous only at first glance. Children at 2 or 3 months, not being able to roll over or otherwise correct the inconvenience, begin to cry and scream, attracting their mother's attention.

Internal factors

Answering the question why the baby cries in a dream, many experts point to the presence of internal factors. These include various diseases, hunger and other adverse conditions. Each of them deserves a more detailed description.

Pain syndrome

If the child cries a lot in a dream, then his state of health should be checked. Probably, the baby is unwell due to intestinal colic, teething, inflammation of the middle ear, and a cold.

The gastrointestinal tract of an infant up to 3 or 4 months old only adapts to breast milk or formula. The resulting gases are not fully expelled, which causes colic.

If a baby 2 or 3 months old begins to cry in his sleep, pull his legs up to his tummy, clench his fists, most likely he is worried about intestinal colic. Crying in this case will be even, prolonged and incessant.

To reduce soreness, the mother should review her own diet, follow the correct attachment to the breast, hold the baby in a column so that he burps excess milk and gets rid of gas. Another popular way to deal with colic is dill water.

The cause of pain can be such unpleasant conditions as a runny nose or inflammation of the middle ear. When the child lies in the crib, being in a horizontal position, the processes become aggravated, as a result of which the child cries and screams in his sleep.

Another likely cause of night crying is teething. Many children at 5 or 6 months teeth climb, which is accompanied by a decrease in appetite, high fever. The pain syndrome is especially intensified at night, hence the sobbing and crying in a dream.


If the child cries in a dream and does not wake up, then the mother may assume a feeling of hunger. Satiety is an important condition for a quiet night's rest, either at 3 months or at 2 years. Correcting the situation is quite simple - the child is given milk or formula.

Do not overfeed the baby, otherwise he will constantly wake up, cry because of a feeling of fullness in the stomach or terrible dreams.


It would seem that you need to physically load the baby as much as possible so that he goes to bed “without hind legs”. However, there is an inverse relationship here: if the parents missed the optimal time for sleep, overloaded the child with exercises, games, then he will hardly fall asleep.

When he closes his eyes, fatigue will not allow him to sleep normally. A small child will wake up with tears or whimper in his sleep, which, of course, will affect his well-being. This behavior is especially characteristic of excitable babies.

Experts advise to act in the same way, regardless of the age of the child. Both a one-month-old baby and a one-year-old toddler should go to bed before they start crying from overwork. You should also not get carried away with massage, games and gymnastic exercises.

An overabundance of emotions and information

Is the baby crying in his sleep? Perhaps this is due to excitement and excessive emotional fatigue. A child that is at 5 months, that at 9 months equally reacts to informational and emotional glut.

  • an excess of emotions and experiences during the day, especially in the evening, lead to the fact that babies cry in their sleep. Thus, night tears are a reaction of children to strong emotional stress;
  • experts advise turning on the TV when the child is two years old. However, many parents introduce cartoons and television programs when the kids are not yet 9 months old. This overloads the nervous system.

Minimize the contact of the child with the TV and especially the computer during the day. It is especially important to stop watching cartoons before going to bed. Also, you should not overly overload the baby with communication with peers and strangers.

scary dreams

If the child wakes up at night and cries loudly, the reason for this is probably bad dreams. Up to a year, dreams are not so vivid, but after a specified age, night visions become more and more realistic, which affects the quality of rest.

In a dream, the baby does not always see something pleasant, and this is completely normal. However, if such terrible dreams happen regularly and the child constantly cries in his sleep, you need to think about what is the source of nightmares.

Psychological problems

If a child often whimpers at night, but at the same time he is absolutely healthy physically, one can assume the presence of some kind of psychological problem.

A baby at 2 or 3 years old can react sharply to a strong emotional impression. Such a shock often becomes a sharp change in his life: adaptation to kindergarten, the appearance of a brother / sister, moving to another place of residence.

Why does a newborn cry in his sleep? Perhaps this is how he reacts to the psychological state of the mother. If there are problems in a relationship with a spouse, a woman is under stress due to fatigue, the baby will definitely feel it and express it in the form of a bad dream.

Often, nighttime restlessness is the first and most obvious sign of diseases of the nervous system. That is why, with repeated cases of children crying at night, parents should definitely show the child to a neurologist.

What to do if the child cries at night?

If a child rarely cries in a dream, without waking up, you should not be scared. Perhaps these are one-time cases. But with a constant night roar, it is necessary, if possible, to establish and eliminate the factors that prevent a good rest:

  1. If a baby 2 or 3 months old cries out from colic, you need to alleviate his condition with the help of improvised means or medications.
  2. A child at five or six months old may cry because of cutting teeth. In such a situation, a teether or a special cooling gel for gums is useful.
  3. A universal tip that will help prevent night crying at both 5 and 9 months relates to the preparation of the room. Parents need to air it, set a comfortable temperature.
  4. Be sure to feed your baby before bed, but make sure that he does not overeat. Otherwise, heaviness in the stomach or nightmares are inevitable.
  5. Give up active entertainment and watching cartoons before bedtime. This will prevent psycho-emotional overload, which can cause night tears.
  6. Try to enter a certain mode of sleep and wakefulness. The child should fall asleep at the same time - for example, at 9 o'clock in the evening. It is best if falling asleep is preceded by a ritual - bathing, singing a lullaby.
  7. A child can wake up from various factors, including those that the parent is not able to influence. These include the birth of another baby, a visit to a kindergarten at the age of three, etc. In this case, you need to demonstrate your love to the baby in every possible way and support him in every way.
  8. Do not leave a grown child alone in the dark. A night light or a lamp with a dim light will help prevent nightmares. A soft toy placed in a crib can also be a good solution.

The well-known pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky is convinced that only rested parents can establish a good sleep. If the mother does not sleep enough, is in constant stress, then the child feels this tension, which is expressed in night crying. Therefore, adults should also get enough sleep.

As a conclusion

So, answering the question why a baby cries in a dream, we found many provoking factors. The main task of parents is to pay attention to the crying baby, try to establish the true "culprit" of children's tears and respond correctly.

Some children in this way require their mother's presence or signal discomfort, while others require qualified medical assistance. But in any case, maternal tenderness and love will not interfere with all the kids!

Parents are always worried if a child sobs in his sleep. In addition, restless children's sleep is the cause of mommy's daytime fatigue. Maybe the baby is ill, something hurts him - why is he crying?

If a small child sobs in a dream, but does not wake up, one can hardly think that something hurts him. Most likely, these are emotional experiences that babies still do not know how to put into words - their emotions are expressed unconsciously.

The birth of babies is not only happiness for young parents, but also new worries and sleepless nights. A child sobs in a dream, just born for various reasons. Child sobbing in sleep due to infantile colic, adaptation to new conditions, with emotional overexcitation.

The intestines of the baby are finally formed and populated by the bacterial flora necessary for the digestion of food, only by 3 years. In the newborn, the formation of the initial stage, and any new product in the mother's diet is stressful for him and causes intestinal colic.

Some pediatricians prescribe medications for colic, others advise attaching a warm diaper to the baby's tummy and carrying it on your hands. They believe that the only medicine in this condition is dill water, which helps to pass gases. Colic usually resolves by 3 months in girls and 5 months in boys.

The next reason for restless sleep is adaptation to a new environment. Children are not yet accustomed to being in conditions of independent existence, their own movements cause discomfort to them, provoke night crying. For some children, a medium swaddling is enough for a restful sleep, then they will not wake themselves up.

Violation of the daily routine, the presence of strangers, loud music, strange hands - all these factors irritate the child's nervous system, can provoke emotional arousal, which then causes night crying.

It is enough for small children to have their parents next to them - necessarily a mother, preferably a father, maybe grandparents.

It happens that the baby falls asleep calmly only in his mother's arms or next to her. What to do in this case, obey the little blackmailer, and then for a long time not be able to sleep peacefully, or endure 2 restless weeks, and then sleep peacefully, it’s up to mommy herself.

Sometimes night crying is explained by pain during urination, nasal congestion and other painful sensations. If the child does not just sob in a dream, but starts screaming, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician.

In older children, night crying causes pain, among which the symptoms of teething - pain in the gums - come to the fore. Because of these manifestations, by the age of 6 months, babies become restless, turn around, try to put their hands in their mouths in a sleepy state.

Parents are perplexed - there are no traces of teeth, the gums are not swollen, and the children do not let them get enough sleep. Itching in the gums begins to appear already 2-3 months before the main signs of teething - swelling.

Emotions in babies of six months of age are much greater than in babies - they begin to explore the world, are interested in surrounding objects, pay attention to animals. The impression of what he saw excites children's thoughts for a very long time - if the emotions turned out to be negative, the baby cries. Any negative and baby crying in sleep, shudders, quietly “whines”, may wake up at the wrong time.

This does not mean at all that it is necessary to isolate him from impressions, to stop taking him out into the street, not to communicate with people himself and not to invite anyone into the house. It will not be possible to achieve full-fledged psychological maturation without gradual adaptation to the outside world.

Before the baby is put to bed, you need to create a quiet atmosphere for him, tell a calm tale - kids at this age already understand intonations - and the dream will be calm.

In 2-3-year-old children, night crying is explained more by psychological aspects: negative or positive emotions can be expressed in this way, adaptation in a children's team - kindergarten, or circles where mothers take babies to communicate.

Another reason is the situation in the bedroom where the baby sleeps: when he is already falling asleep, he can see something frightening in the outlines of objects.

With a child at this age, you can talk and find out what causes him negative emotions and restless sleep.

From birth, each baby already has its own type of psyche and character, feels what is happening around on an emotional level. For some children, in order to cry at night, it is enough to hear the negative in the intonation of their parents towards each other at the moment of falling asleep.

Parents should analyze what situations cause too strong emotions in children, forcing them to sob at night. Quiet games before going to bed, a confidential conversation with mom or dad - and a calm healthy sleep will be for children and their parents.

Parents of children, especially those under one year old, often have to deal with the fact that their beloved child sobs in a dream. Sometimes the sobs soon subside, and the baby does not even wake up and sleeps peacefully on. But it also happens that at first the child just whimpers, and then everything turns into strong crying, which only a mother can calm down if she takes the baby in her arms. Pediatricians recommend not to worry about this: after all, even adults in a dream are characterized by manifestations of emotions, what can we say about babies?

Children's sleep is crucial for the full and harmonious development of the baby. Newborns sleep much more time than older kids, because adaptation to new living conditions requires a lot of strength and emotional resources. But regardless of age, from time to time, moms and dads notice that the child is sobbing in his sleep. This is alarming and frightening at the same time, especially for first-born parents. However, do not immediately panic and come up with crumbs of non-existent diagnoses. In most cases, the cause of sobbing is quite understandable.

So, why a child under one year old can sob in a dream:

  • because his day was full of impressions, and during sleep there is a processing of information and a splash of accumulated emotions;
  • because he is hungry or thirsty;
  • because he needs physical contact with his mother (significant adult);
  • because the crumbs will soon erupt teeth (in some cases, anxiety at night can begin a month or two before the appearance of the first tooth);
  • because he has colic;
  • because the weather has changed dramatically (most children are very weather dependent, which can be manifested by night sobs and moodiness);
  • because he does not know how to fall asleep on his own in between sleep phases;
  • because he is going through a crisis stage in development associated with the development of a new achievement - speech, the ability to sit, stand, crawl or walk independently.

Up to a year, parents are required to undergo a physical examination with the baby by a pediatrician and other specialists several times. If the results of analyzes and instrumental studies correspond to age norms, and experts confirm this, then there really is no reason to worry. Periodically, night sobs (physiological night crying) occur in all healthy children.

Getting older, the child begins to sleep until morning and gradually learns to fall asleep on his own, waking up in the middle of the night.

The reasons why children sob at night after a year or older are most often associated with:

  • with physical discomfort (teeth, pain of various localization, illness);
  • with overexcitation of the nervous system (emotionally significant events during the day, excessive viewing of cartoons, computer games);
  • with an unstable emotional situation in the family and strong feelings that arose on this basis.

Scientists are still at a loss as to whether newborn babies dream, but older kids can dream. Therefore, sobbing in a dream can also reflect some kind of unfavorable plot from the past day.

In order for the sleep of your beloved child to be as strong and calm as possible, first of all, you should adhere to a certain regimen.

It has been proven that children do not like chaotic actions and the absence of a regimen. They are much more comfortable when a certain sequence of habitual events is repeated from day to day.

Listening to the needs of the child is also very important. And following the recommendations below will only consolidate the positive effect.

So, for the prevention of restless sleep of the baby it will be useful:

It is important to remember that children are very sensitive to the emotional background and mood of their parents. Therefore, if the baby began to sob at night, no need to worry.

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