What can be taken from the temperature of a nursing mother. The temperature of the nursing mother. Algorithm of actions at elevated temperatures

The temperature in a nursing mother can be for several reasons, finding them out, it is urgent to take action. If a woman has recently given birth, perhaps this is an individual reaction to the development of lactation, in these cases, subfebrile values ​​\u200b\u200bare observed that do not exceed 37 degrees. You should never forget about dangerous mastitis or various infectious processes occurring in the body. Before you bring down the high body temperature on your own, it is imperative to contact a competent specialist who will find out the main causes and prescribe a competent treatment. And every mother should remember that even at 39 degrees you can not stop breastfeeding your baby.

Let's take a closer look at what can affect a woman's temperature increase during breastfeeding, and what measures can be taken in specific cases, what medicines are allowed to drink, and how to measure the temperature during lactation?

Checking the temperature correctly

If a woman is breastfeeding a child, then when measuring temperature values ​​​​in the armpit, you can get an unreliable result. During lactation in nursing mothers, the thermometer usually shows above 37 degrees, and this is the norm.

If you feel worse, it is best to measure the temperature in the bend of the elbow joint or in the groin, this is how you can get the true value. Often in maternity hospitals, readings are measured in the oral cavity. But if a woman suspects problems with her breasts, then it is necessary to place a thermometer under both armpits, with an increase in temperature to 38 and above, it is necessary to sound the alarm. Remember that you need to measure the temperature in the armpit half an hour after feeding the baby, and wipe the skin dry beforehand.

Possible sources of temperature change

  1. A nursing mother has subfebrile values ​​that do not exceed 37-37.5 degrees, then in many cases you don’t have to worry. Often the body reacts in this way to the production of breast milk. But do not forget, if the milk is too intense, and the time for feeding the baby has not yet come, then it is best to express the breast so that lactostasis or purulent mastitis does not begin. In these situations, there is a temperature jump to 38-39 degrees.
  2. Often, immediately after the birth of the baby, the temperature in a nursing mother rises as a result of an exacerbation of various chronic diseases, infections, because in the postpartum period, the woman's immunity is greatly reduced. If the temperature has risen above 38 degrees, and there is a deterioration in general well-being, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  3. One of the reasons for high temperature values ​​in the first month after childbirth may be an inflammatory process:
    • inflammation of the seam after a caesarean section;
    • endometritis;
    • divergence of seams in the perineum.
  4. If the temperature rises to 39 degrees, accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, pain in the abdomen, then we can talk about poisoning or the development of rotavirus infection. With any infection, you should not stop breastfeeding the baby, because. It is in mother's milk that antibodies are found that can protect the baby.
  5. If there is an increase in body temperature to 38 degrees and above, runny nose, chills, sore throat, then most likely this is a simple SARS. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor so that he prescribes competent treatment with drugs that are allowed during lactation.

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The temperature during breastfeeding is a rather dangerous symptom, and any woman must remember that one cannot draw independent conclusions and self-medicate.

If a sharp temperature jump above 38 degrees is noticed, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If you miss a case of mastitis or any postpartum complication, you may need strong drug therapy, which will put an end to the continuation of breastfeeding.

Ways to lower the temperature

When a woman sees a mark of 39 on the thermometer, she asks in a panic: how to bring down the temperature of a nursing mother? After all, not all drugs are suitable during this period, because. many of them pass into breast milk and, accordingly, enter the body of the child.

It is also worth noting the fact that while the thermometer mark has not overcome 38 degrees, the body itself is fighting the infection, and there is no need to use antipyretic drugs, because. This is a normal situation in the development of a cold. There are two ways to reduce a temperature that exceeds 38.5-39: either take medication or use traditional medicine. Let's consider both options.

  1. medical method:
    • the best option for a woman during breastfeeding may be taking drugs intended for babies, which usually contain paracetamol or ibuprofen, drinking such drugs is safe for both the woman and the baby;
    • it is best to purchase antipyretics in suppositories, because. the absorption of components into breast milk is not so intensive.
  2. Methods of traditional medicine.
    • if a woman does not have lactostasis, then in case of an increase in temperature, it is shown to drink plenty of water (drinking water, weak tea, fruit drinks, dried fruit compotes); in the absence of allergies in a child, you can add a little honey or a slice of lemon;
    • drink tea with raspberry jam (in the absence of allergic reactions in the baby), you can also separately brew raspberry leaves, which are sold in a pharmacy;
    • it is necessary to strictly observe bed rest, only rest will help the disease;
    • cool compresses on the forehead, or stripping with a weak solution of vinegar, also do an excellent job, but you don’t need to make compresses from vodka or alcohol, because. alcohols penetrate the skin and are absorbed into breast milk.

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Temperature and breastfeeding

Many women during the period of illness are tormented by one question: how does the temperature during breastfeeding affect the quality of milk, and is it possible to feed your baby at the moment? In most cases, it is definitely not worth giving up breastfeeding, because breast milk contains antibodies that protect the baby from diseases. However, there are exceptions, for example, purulent mastitis, pathogenic bacteria enter breast milk and can lead to infection of the baby. Until the woman recovers, natural feeding stops.

Therefore, it is very important to monitor the body temperature of a nursing woman, as soon as the mark is above 37.5, you need to see a doctor so as not to miss lactostasis or purulent mastitis. Any delay can cost the health of the mother and her baby dearly.

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An increase in body temperature serves as a signal of the struggle of immunity with the causative agent of the disease. When it comes to a nursing mother, doctors immediately specify the age of her baby. When less than six weeks have passed since the birth, there is a risk of developing postpartum complications, especially if the birth itself was not easy. Temperature may indicate inflammation of postpartum scars or the development of an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system.

In this case, you will definitely need the help of a doctor. And at the reception, you must contact the specialist who took delivery. “For six weeks after childbirth, a gynecologist is responsible for the health of a woman,” comments Nana Ordzhonikidze, doctor of medical sciences, obstetrician-gynecologist. “In case of fever at this time, you should contact the antenatal clinic or “your” doctor in the maternity hospital.”

Reasons for the rise in temperature

After the postpartum period, the reasons for which the temperature rises during breastfeeding may be as follows.

Despite the differences in the causes of malaise, the question of how to bring down the temperature during lactation, which has grown to 37 or to 39 degrees, is solved by the same means.

Mom's tactics

So, the temperature rose during lactation. What to do? Lactation consultants recommend the following tactics of action.

1. Determine the cause

Usually it lies "on the surface" if the mother has symptoms of acute respiratory infections, lactostasis or intestinal infection. Consult a doctor for professional advice on the choice of treatment tactics.

2. Don't stop feeding

Often, doctors recommend suspending breastfeeding if the mother's temperature is 38 degrees or higher. There is no reason for this, warns lactation consultant Natalya Razakhatskaya. According to the Breastfeeding Medical Guide by lactation expert Dr. Ruth Lawrence, breastfeeding should not be stopped if the mother has the following conditions:

  • acute respiratory infections, influenza;
  • lactostasis, mastitis, breast abscess;
  • diarrhea;
  • hepatitis A, B, C;
  • herpes (except for the peripapillary zone);
  • staphylococcal infection of various localization;
  • rubella;
  • measles;
  • autoimmune diseases.

Their treatment is possible with drugs compatible with breastfeeding, including "loyal" antibiotics. In addition, during the period of viral diseases in the blood of a woman, antibodies to them are produced, which are saturated with breast milk. By continuing to breastfeed, you are protecting your baby from illness. And if the baby is also infected, facilitate the course of the disease.

3. Get your temperature right

Usually, the underarm area of ​​a breastfeeding woman feels hotter. This is due to the fact that milk, accumulating in the mammary glands, slightly increases their temperature. Normally, the temperature during breastfeeding is 37.1-37.3 degrees, sometimes a little higher. To get a reliable result, you need to feed the baby, wait about half an hour, wipe the skin of the armpits dry and only then use the thermometer.

4. Use Your Antipyretics Properly

There is an opinion that the best antipyretic during lactation is necessarily in suppositories, since the active substance remains in the intestines and does not enter breast milk. This is not true. Regardless of the method of administration of the drug into the body, it is concentrated in the blood plasma, and from there it is sent to the mammary glands. The only difference is that in the stomach, tablets and syrups are absorbed much faster than in the intestines, since the area of ​​interaction of the drug with the mucous membrane is larger. Therefore, if you want to quickly bring down the temperature, use tablets. If you need a prolonged effect, for example, during the night, use candles. The active substance from them enters the blood gradually.

5. Drink more

General recommendation for all diseases of a viral, bacterial nature, lactostasis. When the temperature rises, the body loses more fluid than usual. This can cause excessive viscosity of milk and make it difficult to outflow, which creates a risk of developing lactostasis. Regularly, every hour and a half, drink a glass of water if the body temperature rises above 38o.

Often, mothers wonder how to bring down the temperature during lactation, when the thermometer shows a little above 37. This is not necessary to allow the immune system to fully fight the disease. The reason for taking antipyretic drugs is an increase in the thermometer to 38.5.

Safe and prohibited means

As antipyretic drugs during lactation, only Paracetamol and Ibuprofen should be used.


Compatible with breastfeeding, in accordance with the international drug guide E-LACTANCIA, Thomas Hale's Medicines and Mother's Milk, WHO recommendations. Passed clinical trials, tested in the study of the international center ALSPAC with the participation of twelve thousand pregnant women.

Despite the fact that "Paracetamol" penetrates the placental barrier during pregnancy and has a high degree of secretion into breast milk (according to various sources, up to 24%), the active substance does not adversely affect either the fetus during fetal development or the nursing baby . There are Paracetamol preparations for children from two months of age, so its use is completely safe.

The dosage of "Paracetamol" to bring down the temperature during breastfeeding is 325-650 mg every 4-6 hours. Analogues of the drug - "Efferalgan", "Panadol" in tablets, suppositories. Forms in syrup are intended for use in childhood, their dosage is not suitable for an adult.


Non-steroidal drug, has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Due to the complex effect, it is increasingly recommended by doctors for diseases accompanied by fever, pain, and the development of inflammation.

According to the international classifier of medicines, it is compatible with breastfeeding, relieves pain in lactostasis and mastitis well, eliminates headaches in acute respiratory infections. As an antipyretic, it has an extended duration of action - up to eight hours.

The dosage is 200 mg 3-4 times a day. For quick relief of the condition, a single dose of 400 mg of the drug is allowed with a further dose reduction to 200 mg. The maximum daily dosage is 400 mg "Ibuprofen" three times a day.

Analogues of the drug - "Nurofen", "Ibufen", "Ibuprom". The intensity of penetration into breast milk is minimal, a little over 1%, since the active substance is productively associated with blood proteins. In breast milk is localized one hour after ingestion.


The active ingredient of the popular antipyretic is acetylsalicylic acid. According to the international classifier E-LACTANCIA, it refers to drugs that should be taken during lactation with great care, once, if there is no other, safer alternative.

There is evidence that the use of "Aspirin" by the mother during breastfeeding can provoke topical damage to the liver and brain (Raye's syndrome) in the child. The drug can cause a deterioration in the condition of the baby if he is also sick during the mother's illness.

Rules for taking antipyretics

  • Use only safe product. Your choice should be Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. The absence of their negative impact on the child has been proven in clinical trials.
  • Use the drug only when necessary. You should not take a pill "just in case" so that the temperature does not rise. Despite the proven safety of Paracetamol, there is no data on its effect on the baby when taken systematically.
  • Adjust your appointment time. It is best to drink the medicine immediately after feeding. Then its level in breast milk for the next feeding will be negligible.
  • Do not adjust your feeding schedule if you are using approved products. This is not necessary, feed as needed for you and the baby.

Use several products if the temperature does not drop. What drugs can be alternated to bring down the temperature during breastfeeding? According to pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky, the sequential use of Paracetamol and Ibuprofen is allowed. If two hours after taking the first, the temperature has not dropped, you can take the second at a therapeutic dose.

Do not use combination products. The composition of preparations based on "Paracetamol" may include substances, the features of the impact of which on the child's body are not known. These include "Coldrex", "Rinza", "Terra Flu" and others in powders and tablets. Take the active ingredient in its pure form.

Even if the temperature is high, nothing happens to your milk. It cannot "burn out" or "sour". Maintaining a normal breastfeeding regimen in this situation is necessary for both mother and child. You - to protect yourself from lactostasis. Baby - to get a "dose" of antibodies to the disease.

A few years ago, any disease with an increase in body temperature in a nursing mother put an end to the continuation of breastfeeding. The child, on the recommendations of pediatricians, was protected from his mother and transferred to artificial mixtures. Today, doctors are not so categorical and a woman can combine treatment with breastfeeding. How to choose antipyretics during breastfeeding, and what drugs are prohibited during this period.

Causes of high temperature

A nursing mother may experience an increase in body temperature with various diseases. A jump in temperature can be caused by both a viral disease and a disease of the mammary glands. Also, high temperature can cause intoxication of the body, the development of inflammatory processes and postpartum complications.

In any case, the thermometer does not show high numbers just like that. Our body is so arranged that it reacts to any failure by producing antibodies. It is this infection-fighting process that causes the temperature to rise.

Today, modern medicine does not recommend drinking antipyretic drugs if the thermometer does not exceed 38.5 degrees. Usually this temperature is easily tolerated and does not require treatment. However, if the heat is strong, you need to take action and bring it down.

Disease symptoms

Every woman with a small child in her arms is prone to panic during a rise in temperature. This is understandable, because every mother is afraid for the health of her baby and fears that the baby may become infected. However, panic is not the best friend in the treatment of diseases. First of all, you need to find out the cause of the fever and take appropriate measures.

  • Fever combined with a runny nose and cough signals the development of acute respiratory infections.
  • Heat in combination with seals and pain in the mammary glands indicates the onset of lactostasis.
  • Intense heat, combined with pain in the mammary gland and dents when pressed on the chest, characterize mastitis.
  • Nausea, vomiting and pain in the intestines, combined with fever, may indicate poisoning.

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However, it must be remembered that the definition of the disease according to these symptoms is only a primary diagnosis. It is about them that you must tell the doctor for the correct diagnosis. Do not self-medicate, because incorrect therapy can provoke the development of serious complications.

How to bring down the temperature

Taking any medication while breastfeeding is highly discouraged. However, if you have a high fever and a visit to the doctor is not possible, you can use some antipyretic drugs that, if taken once, will not harm the child.

Permitted antipyretics during breastfeeding:

Paracetamol. This drug can be used during lactation. It does not penetrate well into breast milk and does not have a detrimental effect on the baby. However, the drug, with uncontrolled use, can adversely affect the health of the mother's liver. It has contraindications, including hypersensitivity to the drug. It should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor at the recommended dosage.

Ibufen. A modern drug that has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Today, experts recommend it for the treatment of children, pregnant and lactating women. Ibufen and its derivatives do not pass into breast milk and do not affect the baby. However, the drug has contraindications, among them: diseases of the stomach and intestines, diseases of the cardiovascular system, disorders of the liver and kidneys, hemophilia, etc.

It is preferable for nursing mothers to use these drugs in the form of suppositories.

This will save the baby from possible side effects.

Prohibited antipyretics while breastfeeding:

Acetylsalicylic acid. The well-known antipyretic drug Aspirin, it is strictly forbidden to use during pregnancy, lactation and children under 15 years of age. Aspirin, penetrating into breast milk, can cause internal bleeding in the baby. The drug is also contraindicated in renal and hepatic insufficiency.

How to deal with a fever without medication

The first rule for elevated body temperature is a plentiful warm drink. You can drink warm milk with honey, raspberry tea, fruit compotes and juices if the child is not allergic to these products. You can also drink chamomile tea (if you don't have constipation) or plain water. You need to drink often and a lot. Every 30 minutes you need to drink 200 ml of liquid.

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In addition to drinking plenty of water, watch how you are dressed. No need to wear warm jackets, bathrobes and double socks. If the room temperature is not lower than 18 degrees, you need to dress as lightly as possible so as not to provoke even more heating of the body.

At high temperatures it is forbidden:

  1. Drink hot tea
  2. Rub with warming ointments
  3. Dress warmer than usual
  4. Cover yourself with warm blankets

In extreme heat, the temperature can be brought down with ordinary water. You need to wipe the body with warm water and wait until the moisture dries. Particular attention should be paid to areas where large arteries pass (groin, abdomen, head, legs, arms). After rubbing, you need to lie down and cover yourself with a sheet. You can dress only after complete drying. The procedure can be repeated if necessary.

To combat respiratory viral infections, it is very important to ventilate the room and observe the temperature regime. The temperature in the room should not exceed 18-19 degrees. Also make sure that the air in the room is sufficiently humid.
At high temperatures, appetite often decreases. No need to eat through force, eat only when you feel hungry with light food. Do not load the body with fried and fatty foods, eat more fruits and vegetables, you can eat light soups and cereals.

Should I stop feeding

Today, experts do not recommend stopping breastfeeding, even if the mother has a high temperature. If you have caught a viral disease, then the child could already be infected, and in this case, he can get antibodies to this disease with his mother's milk.

In the event that the temperature is caused by lactostasis or mastitis, breastfeeding will be the best medicine for mom. With these diseases, doctors, on the contrary, recommend applying the baby to the breast as often as possible. After all, it is the baby who will be able to remove the stagnation of milk and prevent the inflammatory process in the mammary glands.

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According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, a child can be weaned only if the mother's treatment is at risk for the baby's health. Thus, as long as you are not taking drugs that are dangerous for the baby, you can and should breastfeed.

With your milk, the baby will receive valuable antibodies that will form his immune system.

Temperature and ailments can overtake any person, but during the period of breastfeeding, these diseases cause great concern for mothers. At the first sign of illness, you should immediately consult a doctor and calm down. Take medicines that are safe for the child and do not exceed the recommended dosage. Remember that the health of the child depends on your condition. With proper treatment, the disease will recede in the shortest possible time.

Motherhood is wonderful, however, it imposes a lot of restrictions and obligations on young parents. When you have to remove a lot of your favorite foods from the diet, and even about being treated with the usual means, there is no question.

What should an inexperienced mother do if she has a fever, and the baby asks for milk?

First, let's look at the cause of the elevated temperature. This may be due to the start of breastfeeding and is the norm.

After the arrival of milk, body temperature now and then rises in the chest and armpits. Therefore, gynecologists and nurses in maternity hospitals advise clamping the thermometer in the elbow bend - to obtain objective data.

If the temperature throughout the body does not exceed 37, then you are in order and nothing needs to be knocked down. In this case, you just have to be patient.

Be sure to apply the baby to the swollen breast - he will become your savior from mastitis and lactostasis, which inexperienced nurses often suffer from. You can take a warm scent, do a massage, removing lumps in the mammary gland.

If the temperature is accompanied by severe pain in the chest, and you feel tightness with your hand, contact your doctor immediately. You can even go to the emergency room of the maternity hospital if less than a month has passed since the birth.

They will make a diagnosis and tell you whether to continue or stop breastfeeding. Unfortunately, with purulent mastitis, it is not recommended to eat your milk for a baby, but with lactostasis - on the contrary.

If the mother is ill with SARS

How to get rid of the temperature during breastfeeding, if it was caused by a virus?

As you know, everything below 38.5 degrees is within the normal range. So the body fights the infection by producing interferon. Anything above should be knocked down with special means in tablets, suppositories and syrups.

But what about the baby, who, along with milk, is sure to get the lion's dose of harmful drugs? There are three rules:

1. Never stop feeding when you are sick. Now your body produces antibodies in an increased volume and transfers them to the baby along with food. Therefore, while you are feeding, your child is protected by a barrier from your own immunity.

Even if he catches the virus, he will carry it in a mild form. If you are afraid of getting sick, wear a mask.

2. Try to stock up on milk and keep it in the freezer. Such a “food bank” is very useful in case mom has to take antibiotics or go to the hospital.

There are many devices to make life easier for a young mother - breast pumps, sterilizers, heaters, special containers for storing milk.

3. After taking the medicine, do not feed the child yourself - give him warm milk from old stocks or diluted artificial formula.

And be sure to express yours according to the schedule and pour it out: this way you deceive the body and save the GW.

Medicines and folk methods

Remember once and for all: aspirin is contraindicated for children under 12 years old! Never take it while breastfeeding.

It is best to bring down the temperature with GV with the good old paracetamol in candles. After taking an antipyretic, do not feed for 4-5 hours.

To quickly reduce the temperature, people are advised to wipe themselves with a weak vinegar solution or vodka.

It is better not to make such experiments on children, but on yourself - it is completely allowed.

The temperature in a nursing mother is not a rare phenomenon, especially during the autumn and spring exacerbation of SARS.

Here the mother asks the question, is it possible to feed the baby with an illness?

Let's figure it out.

Temperature Detection Action Plan

  1. First, you need to know exactly what happened in the body rise in temperature.

It is quite possible that mom does not have a cold, but lactostasis, for example, or poisoning. To determine what it is, the therapist will help you. Therefore, do not hesitate, call a doctor at home, or with small rises in temperature, go to the doctor yourself.

  1. Secondly, whatever the reason for the rise in temperature, you can and should feed your baby, say modern doctors.

Previously, when the mother was ill, the child was immediately weaned, thereby aggravating the situation. The fact is that antibodies are produced together with mother's milk, respectively, the risk of getting sick in a baby is reduced due to the vitamins received. And if mom has lactostasis, then constant attachment to the breast will help both preserve breast milk and alleviate the suffering of the mother.

  1. Third, try to drink more liquid- water, fruit drinks, kissels.

With an increase in temperature against the background of SARS, this will help you remove fluid from the body. If you have lactostasis, then the volume of water should be the same as usual.

  1. Fourth, you can help cool compresses.

Place a cool dampened towel on your forehead, wipe yourself with water or a vinegar solution.

Of course, you can and should take medicines, but they are allowed during breastfeeding. Mainly:

  • Paracetamol >>>
  • Nurofen >>>

They are also prescribed to children with a rise in temperature. Effervescent tablets such as anti-grippin, coldrex and similar fast-dissolving and fast-acting drugs are prohibited.

You can also use suppositories, they do not pass into breast milk, but it is worth noting that their effectiveness is noticeably lower.

If a nursing mother has a fever, then do not rush to panic, there is a way out. Still feed the baby and it is better to consult a doctor, he will provide the necessary assistance and advise you properly.

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