Orthodox alphabet for children. Orthodox alphabet. Nadezhda Shemyakina - “How to introduce a child to the basics of Orthodoxy? How to talk simply about complex things? The Orthodox alphabet will help." E - Eden

I crossed my hands with a cross,

And he bowed his head,

Father looked with a smile -

And he blessed me.

I ask for blessings

For serious study:

I want to be blessed

To learn the alphabet.

A – Angel

I fasted diligently

Before Communion,

I made peace with my sister

I asked forgiveness

At Andrey's and Dasha's,

And when I took communion,

I saw it: near the Chalice

The Good Angel smiled.

B – Blagovest

From the bell tower ringing, ringing -

He brings the good news.

Ring, my bell, ring.

Call people to you, call them!

Fly, fly the good news,

That the temple is open and there is a service.

B – Holy water

In our church on Epiphany

There was a blessing of water.

We went with my sister

For holy water.

I'm not a vegetable in the garden

I'm growing for a reason -

Every day holy water

I drink on an empty stomach!

G - Lord

On a summer evening by the river

So easy, free;

Birds, butterflies, bugs

Cheerful, satisfied.

The moon has come out and shone,

The vault of heaven has become full

Golden peas.

And I quietly whispered:

The Lord created it all!

How good He is."

D – Good

I was very busy yesterday

I worked as hard as I could,

Did good all day long:

I made a house for the cat,

I was going for a walk with my sister -

I found her a mitten,

I swept the floor for mom,

He gave the glasses to grandma,

Helped dad hammer a nail,

I worked like that - I was exhausted!

My brother shouldn't think so,

That I'm just a braggart.

I'm not boasting at all

I'm just sharing my joy!

E - Gospel

Yesterday I was given a book

About our Lord Christ,

About how He walked the earth,

About how he died on the Cross.

Christians in a small group

They follow Him from city to city.

And life and death -

Everything is scary nearby

But with Him I am happy with everything.

Yo - Yolka

We went into the forest at the dacha,

We found a wonderful Christmas tree:

She's so nice

Christmas tree is a beauty,

She seems happy to see us

It's like he's smiling!

Goodbye, foxes, wolves!

We are taking the Christmas tree with us!

We carry her on a sleigh

Along the spruce path

And I'll sing for joy


F – Greed and

A pity

If anyone to someone

Something I really regretted -

This is greed.

If anyone

Somewhere I really regretted it -

It's a pity.

Z – Evil

I had no luck yesterday:

One boy -

evil-despicable -

The gun was pointed at me.

It was against the rules

I warned him.

He stomped, he screamed,

Swung a pistol -

And he stretched out on the spot.

Evil did not defeat me -

It landed right in a puddle.

I - Icon

Above the crib, a little to the side,

Mother of God icon.

Her kind gaze radiates;

If mom goes away,

It’s not scary for me alone -

The Mother of God is with me.

I'll wake up early in the morning

I'll pray for the icon.

Y – Easter egg

I painted the egg:

A branch, and on the branch there is a bird,

The cloud flies into space

Into the blue sky,

In the middle there is a pattern,

And below: “Christ is Risen!”

K - Cross

My dear pectoral cross,

We are always with you!

Even in the bathroom you are with me:

I'm swimming, fighting the wave,

And you save from trouble,

From the raging wave.

L – Laziness

I was overcome by laziness.

I've been fighting it all day.

Laziness, guys, is ruining your soul,

And lazy

God doesn't love.

I shooed her out the door.

My soul is easy now,

I just feel like a villain

Once again I found a loophole for me.

May patience and labor

They will grind her into powder!

M- Prayer

I dreamed of a brother

I prayed for many days

For him to be born.

To become smarter

Got taller.

I prayed for many days -

And the Lord heard me:

I have a brother -

He is already four days old.

I have a headache!

Instead of "bun" -

it came out “buka”;

Instead of "Murka" -

it came out as “flour”.

This is torment, so much torment!

I'm not good at learning.

I'm not crying, I'm strengthening myself

I often pray to the Lord.

Even though I'm still ignorant

But it lives in me

O - Resentment

You'll see, you'll see,

If you hurt me,

I won't be offended

Fight or call names.

I will forgive you everything, my friend,

I'll treat you to chocolate,

Well, after the treat

Ask for forgiveness too!

P – Post

They say it's a strict fast

Slows down children's growth.

And I, brothers, am on duty

Look how I'm growing!

R - Christmas

It's Christmas!

We've been waiting for him for a long time!

Obedient and modest

We tried to be in fasting,

We didn’t eat the meager food,

So as not to destroy your soul.

It's night, but it's light on earth,

The light is cheerful and bright.

Maybe it's Angels

Are they bringing us gifts?

C – Candle

How elegant it is in our church!

There are candles everywhere – lots and lots!

I whisper quietly to my mother:

“Mom, God is good!”

And I want it too

Hurry up and light the candle!

I'll stand on tiptoes,

And I’ll install it myself!

T – Patience

We have Danilka in the garden,

He won't let me live:

Then he’ll come up with a tease,

Sometimes it will pinch, sometimes it will push.

This is what he has


This is what I tolerate


I could have you, tormentor,

It's very painful to spank

Only for us is Christ the Savior

He bequeathed to love his enemies.

I collected all my patience

and I endure.

Maybe soon I will Danilka

U - Lesson

In Sunday school lesson

We talked about the prophet.

And I thought deeply:

“I wish I could become a prophet!”

I asked my father for advice,

And he answered me:

“Fuck you, I see, for future use

Our lesson conversation

But you cannot become a prophet,

God chooses the prophet.”

F – Pharisee

I asked: “Alexey,

Who is a Pharisee?

The elder brother answered importantly:

“I know, I’ve heard it more than once!

This is the one who thinks

That he knows everything perfectly

That he is the smartest,

And he can teach

Who is so proud of himself,

That he will never apologize."

I walk with my nose hanging,

And the question gnaws at me:

“Is it really Alexey -


X – Temple

I quietly enter the temple with my mother -

I'm not being naughty at all.

Let God see for Himself

How I love Him!

The Royal Doors are shining!

I'll light a candle

And before the image of Christ

I’ll whisper a request.

And it seems that He is nearby.

And a miracle happens!

I was baptized in this temple,

I will get married here!

C – Church

In the village of our Brook

Men are building a church.

The church is beautiful!

I really like her!

I scream at the top of my lungs:

“Guys, can I help you?

The Church is God's work

And I’m a skilled man!”

Clean Monday

Here it is, Clean Monday -

First day of fasting.

We washed all the toys

The nursery is clean!

They wiped dust everywhere

Washed, cleaned dishes,

They didn’t make noise, they didn’t play pranks,

Just cleaned and washed.

And then our mother

I washed soap in the bathroom for an hour!

There was so much snorting!

There was so much splashing!

And now we're clean

Clean to a shine!

I will wash myself clean often

Every day in the shower

And fast and pray,

To cleanse the soul!

Ш - Six-winged seraphim

Beautiful songs of Seraphim,

The face is inexpressibly beautiful,

He has six strong wings,

He is full of power, full of strength.

The road shines before him,

He covers his face with snouts,

He is so burning with love for God,

Which itself is like a flame.

If only there was a spark of fire

Entered me!

Ш – Generosity

Boy, little baby,

In poor clothes

He extended his palm to me -

Begs for alms.

Poor, poor baby!

I said, “Take it, buddy!”

And out of pity I gave

He gets his own new dump truck.

b – Christmas Eve

Blue light leaks through the window,

The spruce tree crunches,

All the expectations are full

On Christmas Eve.

A star rises from behind the forests.

The heart is beating like that!

A few hours left -

And Christmas will begin!

Y - alms

Near the church, at the gate,

Leaning on a stick

Old grandfather is coming -

I feel so sorry for him!

He asks for some bread

And is baptized on the sky.

Ъ – Solid sign

What a letter is a solid sign!

It can't be pronounced!

“The letter is strange, sorry,

How to pronounce you?

Maybe you're a growler?

Or are you sizzling?

You can't behave like that!

How to pronounce you?

But for all my grumbling

Only firm silence.

E - Eden

I dreamed that I was in heaven,

That I'm standing under a tree,

Under the delicious tree of paradise,

Eva is next to me.

“Eat an apple!” - the snake whispered to us.

But I said to Eve: “Don’t you dare!”

We didn't listen to the snake

And they didn’t eat the apple.

And the garden was illuminated with light,

And God came and was so happy

That I behave obediently

Prevented the Fall.

Yu - Earthly Yudol

Yesterday I had a tooth pulled out

Today my mother scolded me

Made me finish all the soup

Then sister

began to tease -

Yes, I have endured a lot of sorrows!

There is grief and pain in life.

Even though I'm small,

This is all called the vale,

The vale is deplorable, earthly.

We cry and mourn

That no one can help us

can not.

But God will not abandon us,

He will definitely help!

I am Apple Savior

The church smells like apples.

Everyone, upon entering, will inhale and gasp:

Mountains of apples on the tables,

And in baskets and bags,

On plates, in bundles.

Joy, troubles, excitement -

There will be sprinkling soon!

The priest dipped his brush -

And he waved.

The fruits are sprinkled

Like rain in the gardens!

I opened my mouth with happiness -

Like an onlooker, like a gaper,

And the priest joked:

He took me and sprinkled me,

Like an apple in a basket!


ABC for Orthodox children. Nina Orlova

I crossed my hands with a cross,

And he bowed his head,

Father looked with a smile -

And he blessed me.

I ask for blessings

For serious study:

I want to be blessed

To learn the alphabet.

A - Angel

I fasted diligently

Before Communion,

I made peace with my sister

I asked forgiveness

At Andrey's and Dasha's,

And when I took communion,

I saw it: near the Chalice

The Good Angel smiled.

B - Blagovest

From the bell tower ringing, ringing -

It's called Blagovest.

Ring, my bell, ring.

Call people to you, call them!

Fly, fly the good news,

That the temple is open and there is a service.

B - Holy water

In our church on Epiphany

There was a blessing of water.

We went with my sister

For holy water.

I'm not a vegetable in the garden

I'm growing for a reason -

Every day holy water

I drink on an empty stomach!

G - Lord

On a summer evening by the river

So easy, free;

Birds, butterflies, bugs

Cheerful, satisfied.

The moon has come out and shone,

The vault of heaven has become full

Golden peas.

And I quietly whispered:

The Lord created it all!

How good He is."

D - Welcome

I was very busy yesterday

I worked as hard as I could,

Did good all day long:

I made a house for the cat,

I was going for a walk with my little sister -

I found her a mitten,

I swept the floor for mom,

He gave the glasses to grandma,

Helped dad hammer a nail,

I worked like that - I was exhausted!

My brother shouldn't think so,

That I'm just a braggart.

I'm not boasting at all

I'm just sharing my joy!

E - Gospel

Yesterday I was given a book

About our Lord Christ,

About how He walked the earth,

About how he died on the Cross.

Christians in a small group

They follow Him from city to city.

And life and death -

Everything is scary nearby

But with Him I am happy with everything.

Yo - Christmas tree

We went into the forest at the dacha,

We found a wonderful Christmas tree:

She's so nice

Christmas tree is a beauty,

She seems happy to see us

It's like he's smiling!

Goodbye, foxes, wolves!

We are taking the Christmas tree with us!

We carry her on a sleigh

Along the spruce path

And I'll sing for joy


F - Greed and

A pity

If anyone to someone

Something I really regretted -

This is greed.

If anyone

Somewhere I really regretted it -

It's a pity.

Z - Evil

I had no luck yesterday:

One boy -

evil-despicable -

The gun was pointed at me.

It was against the rules

I warned him.

He stomped, he screamed,

Swung a pistol -

And he stretched out on the spot.

Evil did not defeat me -

It landed right in a puddle.

I - Icon

Above the crib, a little to the side,

Mother of God icon.

Her kind gaze radiates;

If mom goes away,

It's not scary for me alone -

The Mother of God is with me.

I'll wake up early in the morning

I'll pray for the icon.

Y - Easter egg

I painted the egg:

A branch, and on the branch there is a bird,

The cloud flies into space

Into the blue sky,

In the middle there is a pattern,

And below: “Christ is Risen!”

K - Cross

My dear pectoral cross,

We are always with you!

Even in the bathroom you are with me:

I'm swimming, fighting the wave,

And you save me from trouble,

From the raging wave.

L - Laziness

I was overcome by laziness.

I've been fighting it all day.

Laziness, guys, is ruining your soul,

And lazy

God doesn't love.

I shooed her out the door.

My soul is easy now,

I just feel like a villain

Once again I found a loophole for me.

May patience and labor

They will grind her into powder!

M- Prayer

I dreamed of a brother

I prayed for many days

For him to be born.

To become smarter

Got taller.

I prayed for many days -

And the Lord heard me:

I have a brother -

He is already four days old.

I have a headache!

Instead of "bun" -

it came out “buka”;

Instead of "Murka" -

it came out as “flour”.

This is torment, so much torment!

I'm not good at learning.

I'm not crying, I'm strengthening myself

I often pray to the Lord.

Even though I'm still ignorant

But it lives in me

O - Resentment

You'll see, you'll see,

If you hurt me,

I won't be offended

Fight or call names.

I will forgive you everything, my friend,

I'll treat you to chocolate,

Well, after the treat

Ask for forgiveness too!

P - Post

They say it's a strict fast

Slows down children's growth.

And I, brothers, am on duty

Look how I'm growing!

R - Christmas

It's Christmas!

We've been waiting for him for a long time!

Obedient and modest

We tried to be in fasting,

We didn’t eat the meager food,

So as not to destroy your soul.

It's night, but it's light on earth,

The light is cheerful and bright.

Maybe it's Angels

Are they bringing us gifts?

C - Candle

How elegant it is in our church!

There are candles everywhere - lots and lots!

I whisper quietly to my mother:

“Mom, God is good!”

And I want it too

Hurry up and light the candle!

I'll stand on tiptoes,

And I’ll install it myself!

T - Patience

We have Danilka in the garden,

He won't let me live:

Then he’ll come up with a tease,

Sometimes it will pinch, sometimes it will push.

This is what he has


This is what I tolerate


I could have you, tormentor,

It's very painful to spank

Only for us is Christ the Savior

He bequeathed to love his enemies.

I collected all my patience

and I endure.

Maybe soon I will Danilka

U - Lesson

In Sunday school lesson

We talked about the prophet.

And I thought deeply:

“I wish I could become a prophet!”

I asked my father for advice,

And he answered me:

“Fuck you, I see, for future use

Our lesson conversation

But you cannot become a prophet,

God chooses the prophet.”

F - Pharisee

I asked: “Alexey,

Who is a Pharisee?

The elder brother answered importantly:

“I know, I’ve heard it more than once!

This is the one who thinks

That he knows everything perfectly

That he is the smartest,

And he can teach

Who is so proud of himself,

That he will never apologize."

I walk with my nose hanging,

And the question gnaws at me:

“Is it really Alexey -


X - Temple

I quietly enter the temple with my mother -

I'm not being naughty at all.

Let God see for Himself

How I love Him!

The Royal Doors are shining!

I'll light a candle

And before the image of Christ

I’ll whisper a request.

And it seems that He is nearby.

And a miracle happens!

I was baptized in this temple,

I will get married here!

C - Church

In the village of our Brook

Men are building a church.

The church is beautiful!

I really like her!

I scream at the top of my lungs:

“Guys, can I help you?

The Church is God's work

And I’m a skilled man!”

Clean Monday

It's Clean Monday -

First day of fasting.

We washed all the toys

The nursery is clean!

They wiped dust everywhere

Washed, cleaned dishes,

They didn’t make noise, they didn’t play pranks,

Just cleaned and washed.

And then our mother

I washed soap in the bathroom for an hour!

There was so much snorting!

There was so much splashing!

And now we're clean

Clean to a shine!

I will wash myself clean often

Every day in the shower

And fast and pray,

To cleanse the soul!

Ш - Six-winged seraphim

Beautiful songs of Seraphim,

The face is inexpressibly beautiful,

He has six strong wings,

He is full of power, full of strength.

The road shines before him,

He covers his face with snouts,

He is so burning with love for God,

Which itself is like a flame.

If only there was a spark of fire

Entered me!

Ш - Generosity

Boy, little baby,

In poor clothes

He extended his palm to me -

Begs for alms.

Poor, poor baby!

I said, “Take it, buddy!”

And out of pity I gave

He gets his own new dump truck.

b - Christmas Eve

Blue light leaks through the window,

The spruce tree crunches,

All the expectations are full

On Christmas Eve.

A star rises from behind the forests.

The heart is beating like that!

A few hours left -

And Christmas will begin!

Y - alms

Near the church, at the gate,

Leaning on a stick

Old grandfather is coming -

I feel so sorry for him!

He asks for some bread

And is baptized on the sky.

Ъ - Solid sign

What a letter is a solid sign!

It can't be pronounced!

“The letter is strange, sorry,

How to pronounce you?

Maybe you're a growler?

Or are you sizzling?

You can't behave like that!

How to pronounce you?

But for all my grumbling

Only firm silence.

E - Eden

I dreamed that I was in heaven,

That I'm standing under a tree,

Under the delicious tree of paradise,

Eva is next to me.

“Eat an apple!” - the snake whispered to us.

But I said to Eve: “Don’t you dare!”

We didn't listen to the snake

And they didn’t eat the apple.

And the garden was illuminated with light,

And God came and was so happy

That I behave obediently

Prevented the Fall.

Yu - Earthly Yudol

Yesterday I had a tooth pulled out

Today my mother scolded me

Made me finish all the soup

Then sister

began to tease -

Yes, I have endured a lot of sorrows!

There is grief and pain in life.

Even though I'm small,

This is all called the vale,

The vale is deplorable, earthly.

We cry and mourn

That no one can help us

can not.

But God will not abandon us,

He will definitely help!

I am Apple Savior

The church smells like apples.

Everyone, upon entering, will inhale and gasp:

Mountains of apples on the tables,

And in baskets and bags,

On plates, in bundles.

Joy, troubles, excitement -

There will be sprinkling soon!

The priest dipped his brush -

And he waved.

The fruits are sprinkled

Like rain in the gardens!

I opened my mouth with happiness -

Like an onlooker, like a gaper,

And the priest joked:

He took me and sprinkled me,

Like an apple in a basket!

Our ancestors learned to read from the Psalter and other church books. It was difficult and long. However, in those days this was not so important: for a person who lived by subsistence farming or selling what was made by hand, it was enough to simply know the letters. But, along with the skill of reading, each person, willy-nilly, acquired something more: at least the knowledge of sacred history, the texts of prayers, gradually comprehended their meaning, and was imbued with it. The student automatically entered the church cultural environment and became part of it.

Today we live in a completely different world. We cannot afford to spend years learning the alphabet with our children. By the time he reaches school, he should be able to read at least syllables. Moreover, learning should be interesting, otherwise it will be difficult for mothers and fathers busy at work to sit their children down with the ABC book. And, of course, any Orthodox parent understands how important it is to instill in a child a Christian perception of the world from an early age. After all, kids don’t yet know how to distinguish between what they need to believe, what to be neutral about, and what to reject. They do not yet distinguish between what they simply need to learn for life (for example, the same reading) and what they are told about God, about the creation of the world and its structure. Therefore, it is necessary for the child to see a holistic picture of the world. If first you tell him about Who created people and everything around, and then sit down to read, the book must be written in the same vein and confirm your words.

How to solve this problem? What to read to a child, how and with whose help to teach him to read? There are answers to these questions. Today, many publishing houses offer parents Orthodox primers. Quite consistent with the main goal (to teach to read), they are intended to form a holistic Christian worldview in a child, give him the appropriate knowledge and concepts, and also at least plant in his soul the seeds of love, compassion, kindness and hope - what he needs. so it will be useful in the future life.


I crossed my hands with a cross,

And he bowed his head,

Father looked with a smile -

And he blessed me.

I ask for blessings

For serious study:

I want to be blessed

To learn the alphabet.

A – Angel

I fasted diligently

Before Communion,

I made peace with my sister

I asked forgiveness

At Andrey's and Dasha's,

And when I took communion,

I saw it: near the Chalice

The Good Angel smiled.

B – Blagovest

From the bell tower ringing, ringing -

It's called Blagovest.

Ring, my bell, ring.

Call people to you, call them!

Fly, fly the good news,

That the temple is open and there is a service.

B – Holy water

In our church on Epiphany

There was a blessing of water.

We went with my sister

For holy water.

I'm not a vegetable in the garden

I'm growing for a reason -

Every day holy water

I drink on an empty stomach!

G - Lord

On a summer evening by the river

So easy, free;

Birds, butterflies, bugs

Cheerful, satisfied.

The moon has come out and shone,

The vault of heaven has become full

Golden peas.

And I quietly whispered:

The Lord created it all!

How good He is."

D – Good

I painted the egg:

A branch, and on the branch there is a bird,

The cloud flies into space

Into the blue sky,

In the middle there is a pattern,

And below: “Christ is Risen!”

K - Cross

My dear pectoral cross,

We are always with you!

Even in the bathroom you are with me:

I'm swimming, fighting the wave,

And you save from trouble,

From the raging wave.

L – Laziness

I was overcome by laziness.

I've been fighting it all day.

Laziness, guys, is ruining your soul,

And lazy

God doesn't love.

I shooed her out the door.

My soul is easy now,

I just feel like a villain

Once again I found a loophole for me.

May patience and labor

They will grind her into powder!

M- Prayer I dreamed of a brother

I prayed for many days

For him to be born.

To become smarter

Got taller.

I prayed for many days -

And the Lord heard me:

I have a brother -

He is already four days old.

N – Nadezhda

I have a headache!

Instead of "bun" -

it came out “buka”;

Instead of "Murka" -

It turned out to be “flour”.

This is torment, so much torment!

I'm not good at learning.

I'm not crying, I'm strengthening myself

I often pray to the Lord.

Even though I'm still ignorant

But it lives in me


O - Resentment

You'll see, you'll see,

If you hurt me,

I won't be offended

Fight or call names.

I will forgive you everything, my friend,

I'll treat you to chocolate,

Well, after the treat

Ask for forgiveness too!

P – Post

They say it's a strict fast

Slows down children's growth.

And I, brothers, am on duty

Look how I'm growing!

R - Christmas

It's Christmas!

We've been waiting for him for a long time!

Obedient and modest

We tried to be in fasting,

We didn’t eat the meager food,

So as not to destroy your soul.

It's night, but it's light on earth,

The light is cheerful and bright.

Maybe it's Angels

Are they bringing us gifts?

C – Candle

How elegant it is in our church!

There are candles everywhere – lots and lots!

I whisper quietly to my mother:

“Mom, God is good!”

And I want it too

Hurry up and light the candle!

I'll stand on tiptoes,

And I’ll install it myself!

T – Patience

We have Danilka in the garden,

He won't let me live:

Then he’ll come up with a tease,

Sometimes it will pinch, sometimes it will push.

This is what he has


This is what I tolerate


I could have you, tormentor,

It's very painful to spank

Only for us is Christ the Savior

He bequeathed to love his enemies.

I collected all my patience

and I endure.

Maybe soon I will Danilka

I will love you.

U - Lesson

In Sunday school lesson

We talked about the prophet.

And I thought deeply:

“I wish I could become a prophet!”

I asked my father for advice,

And he answered me:

“Fuck you, I see, for future use

Our lesson conversation

But you cannot become a prophet,

God chooses the prophet.”

F – Pharisee

I asked: “Alexey,

Who is a Pharisee?

The elder brother answered importantly:

“I know, I’ve heard it more than once!

This is the one who thinks

That he knows everything perfectly

That he is the smartest,

And he can teach

Who is so proud of himself,

That he will never apologize."

I walk with my nose hanging,

And the question gnaws at me:

“Is it really Alexey -


X – Temple I quietly enter the temple with my mother -

I'm not being naughty at all.

Let God see for Himself

How I love Him!

The Royal Doors are shining!

I'll light a candle

And before the image of Christ

I’ll whisper a request.

And it seems that He is nearby.

And a miracle happens!

I was baptized in this temple,

I will get married here!

C – Church

In the village of our Brook

Men are building a church.

The church is beautiful!

I really like her!

I scream at the top of my lungs:

“Guys, can I help you?

The Church is God's work

And I’m a skilled man!”

Clean Monday

Here it is, Clean Monday -

First day of fasting.

We washed all the toys

The nursery is clean!

They wiped dust everywhere

Washed, cleaned dishes,

They didn’t make noise, they didn’t play pranks,

Just cleaned and washed.

And then our mother

I washed soap in the bathroom for an hour!

There was so much snorting!

There was so much splashing!

And now we're clean

Clean to a shine!

I will wash myself clean often

Every day in the shower

And fast and pray,

To cleanse the soul!

Ш - Six-winged seraphim

Beautiful songs of Seraphim,

The face is inexpressibly beautiful,

He has six strong wings,

He is full of power, full of strength.

The road shines before him,

He covers his face with snouts,

He is so burning with love for God,

Which itself is like a flame.

If only there was a spark of fire

Entered me!

Ш – Generosity

Boy, little baby,

In poor clothes

He extended his palm to me -

Begs for alms.

Poor, poor baby!

I said, “Take it, buddy!”

And out of pity I gave

He gets his own new dump truck.

b – Christmas Eve

Blue light leaks through the window,

The spruce tree crunches,

All the expectations are full

On Christmas Eve.

A star rises from behind the forests.

The heart is beating like that!

A few hours left -

And Christmas will begin!

Y - alms

Near the church, at the gate,

Leaning on a stick

Old grandfather is coming -

I feel so sorry for him!

He asks for some bread

And is baptized on the sky.

Ъ – Solid sign

What a letter is a solid sign!

It can't be pronounced!

“The letter is strange, sorry,

How to pronounce you?

Maybe you're a growler?

Or are you sizzling?

You can't behave like that!

How to pronounce you?

But for all my grumbling

Only firm silence.

E - Eden

I dreamed that I was in heaven,

That I'm standing under a tree,

Under the delicious tree of paradise,

Eva is next to me.

“Eat an apple!” - the snake whispered to us.

But I said to Eve: “Don’t you dare!”

We didn't listen to the snake

And they didn’t eat the apple.

And the garden was illuminated with light,

And God came and was so happy

That I behave obediently

Prevented the Fall.

Yu - Earthly Yudol

Yesterday I had a tooth pulled out

Today my mother scolded me

Made me finish all the soup

Then my sister started teasing me -

Yes, I have endured a lot of sorrows!

There is grief and pain in life.

Even though I am small, I know -

This is all called the vale,

The vale is deplorable, earthly.

We cry and mourn sometimes,

That no one can help us.

But God will not abandon us,

He will definitely help!

I am Apple Savior

The church smells like apples.

Everyone, upon entering, will inhale and gasp:


Mountains of apples on the tables,

And in baskets and bags,

On plates, in bundles.

Joy, troubles, excitement -

There will be sprinkling soon!

The priest dipped his brush -

And he waved.

The fruits are sprinkled

Like rain in the gardens!

I opened my mouth with happiness -

Like an onlooker, like a gaper,

And the priest joked:

He took me and sprinkled me,

Like an apple in a basket!


K - Cross

My dear pectoral cross,

We are always with you!

Even in the bathroom you are with me:

I'm swimming, fighting the wave,

And you save from trouble,

From the raging wave.

L – Laziness

I was overcome by laziness.

I've been fighting it all day.

Laziness, guys, is ruining your soul,

And lazy

God doesn't love.

I shooed her out the door.

My soul is easy now,

I just feel like a villain

Once again I found a loophole for me.

May patience and labor

They will grind her into powder!

M- Prayer

I dreamed of a brother

I prayed for many days

For him to be born.

To become smarter

Got taller.

I prayed for many days -

And the Lord heard me:

I have a brother -

He is already four days old.

I have a headache!

Instead of "bun" -

it came out “buka”;

Instead of "Murka" -

It turned out to be “flour”.

This is torment, so much torment!

I'm not good at learning.

I'm not crying, I'm strengthening myself

I often pray to the Lord.

Even though I'm still ignorant

But it lives in me

O - Resentment

You'll see, you'll see,

If you hurt me,

I won't be offended

Fight or call names.

I will forgive you everything, my friend,

I'll treat you to chocolate,

Well, after the treat

Ask for forgiveness too!

P – Post

They say it's a strict fast

Slows down children's growth.

And I, brothers, am on duty

Look how I'm growing!

R - Christmas

It's Christmas!

We've been waiting for him for a long time!

Obedient and modest

We tried to be in fasting,

We didn’t eat the meager food,

So as not to destroy your soul.

It's night, but it's light on earth,

The light is cheerful and bright.

Maybe it's Angels

Are they bringing us gifts?

C – Candle

How elegant it is in our church!

There are candles everywhere – lots and lots!

I whisper quietly to my mother:

“Mom, God is good!”

And I want it too

Hurry up and light the candle!

I'll stand on tiptoes,

And I’ll install it myself!

T – Patience

We have Danilka in the garden,

He won't let me live:

Then he’ll come up with a tease,

Sometimes it will pinch, sometimes it will push.

This is what he has


This is what I tolerate


I could have you, tormentor,

It's very painful to spank

Only for us is Christ the Savior

He bequeathed to love his enemies.

I collected all my patience

and I endure.

Maybe soon I will Danilka

U - Lesson

In Sunday school lesson

We talked about the prophet.

And I thought deeply:

“I wish I could become a prophet!”

I asked my father for advice,

And he answered me:

“Fuck you, I see, for future use

Our lesson conversation

But you cannot become a prophet,

God chooses the prophet.”

F – Pharisee

I asked: “Alexey,

Who is a Pharisee?

The elder brother answered importantly:

“I know, I’ve heard it more than once!

This is the one who thinks

That he knows everything perfectly

That he is the smartest,

And he can teach

Who is so proud of himself,

That he will never apologize."

I walk with my nose hanging,

And the question gnaws at me:

“Is it really Alexey -


X – Temple

I quietly enter the temple with my mother -

I'm not being naughty at all.

Let God see for Himself

How I love Him!

The Royal Doors are shining!

I'll light a candle

And before the image of Christ

I’ll whisper a request.

And it seems that He is nearby.

And a miracle happens!

I was baptized in this temple,

I will get married here!

C – Church

In the village of our Brook

Men are building a church.

The church is beautiful!

I really like her!

I scream at the top of my lungs:

“Guys, can I help you?

The Church is God's work

And I’m a skilled man!”

Clean Monday

Here it is, Clean Monday -

First day of fasting.

We washed all the toys

The nursery is clean!

They wiped dust everywhere

Washed, cleaned dishes,

They didn’t make noise, they didn’t play pranks,

Just cleaned and washed.

And then our mother

I washed soap in the bathroom for an hour!

There was so much snorting!

There was so much splashing!

And now we're clean

Clean to a shine!

I will wash myself clean often

Every day in the shower

And fast and pray,

To cleanse the soul!

Ш - Six-winged seraphim

Beautiful songs of Seraphim,

The face is inexpressibly beautiful,

He has six strong wings,

He is full of power, full of strength.

The road shines before him,

He covers his face with snouts,

He is so burning with love for God,

Which itself is like a flame.

If only there was a spark of fire

Entered me!

Ш – Generosity

Boy, little baby,

In poor clothes

He extended his palm to me -

Begs for alms.

Poor, poor baby!

I said, “Take it, buddy!”

And out of pity I gave

He gets his own new dump truck.

b – Christmas Eve

Blue light leaks through the window,

The spruce tree crunches,

All the expectations are full

On Christmas Eve.

A star rises from behind the forests.

The heart is beating like that!

A few hours left -

And Christmas will begin!

Y - alms

Near the church, at the gate,

Leaning on a stick

Old grandfather is coming -

I feel so sorry for him!

He asks for some bread

And is baptized on the sky.

Ъ – Solid sign

What a letter is a solid sign!

It can't be pronounced!

“The letter is strange, sorry,

How to pronounce you?

Maybe you're a growler?

Or are you sizzling?

You can't behave like that!

How to pronounce you?

But for all my grumbling

Only firm silence.

E - Eden

I dreamed that I was in heaven,

That I'm standing under a tree,

Under the delicious tree of paradise,

Eva is next to me.

“Eat an apple!” - the snake whispered to us.

But I said to Eve: “Don’t you dare!”

We didn't listen to the snake

And they didn’t eat the apple.

And the garden was illuminated with light,

And God came and was so happy

That I behave obediently

Prevented the Fall.

Yu - Earthly Yudol

Yesterday I had a tooth pulled out

Today my mother scolded me

Made me finish all the soup

Then my sister started teasing me -

Yes, I have endured a lot of sorrows!

There is grief and pain in life.

Even though I am small, I know -

This is all called the vale,

The vale is deplorable, earthly.

We cry and mourn sometimes,

That no one can help us.

But God will not abandon us,

He will definitely help!

I am Apple Savior

The church smells like apples.

Everyone, upon entering, will inhale and gasp:

Mountains of apples on the tables,

And in baskets and bags,

On plates, in bundles.

Joy, troubles, excitement -

There will be sprinkling soon!

The priest dipped his brush -

And he waved.

The fruits are sprinkled

Like rain in the gardens!

I opened my mouth with happiness -

Like an onlooker, like a gaper,

And the priest joked:

He took me and sprinkled me,

Like an apple in a basket!

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