Controlled sleep or how to master the technique of lucid dreaming. How to make your sleep manageable

Even experienced dreamers learned the technique of mindfulness gradually. Therefore, they achieved success and became professionals. As the boundaries between dream and reality blur, you will suddenly realize that you are in a lucid dream.

In this article

How it happens and why it happens

After you have managed to look at the hands, the next step is to learn how to control the dream. Don't stop there - practice and improve your technique.

The events that occur in a dream are the creations of the dreamer

Most people have never thought of controlling their dreams. It is believed that this is a reaction of consciousness to past events: echoes of conversations and situations that we got into during the day.

This is not entirely true. Dreams are human controlled territory. By practicing, you will follow the path of self-development and learn:

  • tranquility;
  • meditation techniques;
  • saving vital energy.

In this video, doctors, clairvoyants and practitioners tell if sleep can be controlled?

Before starting, relax and breathe. Your breathing should become even and deep. Don't rush to fall asleep. Get auto-training:

  1. Pay attention to your muscles. They slowly tense up and immediately relax. Start at the feet and work your way up until you reach the top of your head.
  2. Connect fantasy. Imagine how water, liquid metal or steam comes out of the muscles along with tension.
  3. Imagine that your body fell and immediately relaxed. Keep this feeling.

Auto-training will help to relax and achieve a lucid dream

In order not to fall into an uncontrolled sleep, do not turn off your consciousness. To do this, imagine that:

  1. Ride the waves in a boat.
  2. The phone is in his hand.
  3. You are in a pleasant place.
  4. Your soul flies out of the body.
  5. You move your arm or leg, but the body remains motionless.

In this way, you will maintain a state of awareness and fall asleep easily. Don't forget to apply visualization techniques as you fall asleep.

Early sleep control

It is harder for beginners to concentrate because of:

  • strong emotions;
  • loss of awareness;
  • lack of habit.

Get used to the unreality of what is happening

To keep control of the dream from leaving you, remind yourself more often that you are in a dream. Develop the habit of asking the question, "Isn't this a dream?" while you're awake. So you get used to the unreality of the world around you.


Do not be discouraged if the practices do not bring quick results. Use light alarms.

Set it up to work at night

Put next to the bed and set the trigger interval. Most often it's an hour or two. Its soft and subdued light will not wake you up completely, but will remind you that you are in a dream.

Calling up the desired images

In a dream, you are able to meet any person. It can be:

  • familiar;
  • fictional personalities;
  • celebrities;
  • dead.

Who is the person you would like to meet?

In order for the meeting to take place, imagine the desired image before you fall asleep. If you already have control skills, you can create it during a dream.

Don't be afraid to give your subconscious a task. All your desires will surely find a response.

In a lucid dream, you can meet yourself and relive your past. Some dreamers claim that the subconscious knows the events of the distant future.

Change of scenery

Having taken the first steps, beginners are lost. It seems to them that it is impossible to influence the world around them.

It's all about the mental block. If you are accustomed to being aware of reality, then, once in a dream, it will seem that this is a continuation of reality. You can overcome the block, but for this you will need:

  • strength;
  • perseverance;
  • a wish;
  • practice.

It is important not to deviate from the intended goal if something does not work out. By breaking the block, you will gain the ability to change the scenery of the dream at will.

Mental block is not a problem for an experienced dreamer

To do this, try the following techniques:

  1. Imagine that there is a door in front of you, behind which is what you need. Imagine it in front of you and open it.
  2. Design a magical portal that will take you to your destination.
  3. Turn away from what you don't want to see and imagine the image you want. Turning back, expect to see him.
  4. This method is recommended by experienced dreamers: thinking about moving, spin around your axis.
  5. Imagine a window behind which you will see the place where you want to go and step towards it.

How to do the impossible

Beginning stalkers are not yet fully aware of their strengths and are able to lose control over the dream. For example, falling from a height, they remember with horror that they cannot fly. The same mental block is to blame. It will weaken over time.

Learn to fly a little, otherwise you will be thrown out of sleep due to fright.

Perform techniques that are impossible in reality gradually. For example, when learning to fly, make sure you can easily hover in the air. Developing a sense of control, take long flights and then a habit will develop.

How to repeat a dream again

By modeling dreams, you can return to the created worlds. How events will develop and what will happen to their inhabitants depends only on your imagination. You are able to create the same world day after day and change it at will.

To repeat a dream, imagine its plot before you fall asleep. Think about characters, places, and key points in the dream.

Pleasant dreams can be viewed countless times

It may not work on the first try. Do not despair, repeating a dream requires practice that a beginner does not have. With each lucid dream, creating worlds will become easier, and one day you will achieve the mastery necessary for repetition.

Controlling other people's dreams

To do this, discard extraneous thoughts and focus on the person whose dream you want to visit.

Imagine that the target is enveloped in clouds of white smoke. You go to meet her and pass through the smoke. To improve the visualization, it is recommended to use incense.

Breaking the Smoke Will Increase Your Mindfulness

In someone else's dream, two roles are available to you: observer and architect. In the first case, someone else's dream may seem faded and uninteresting to you, even if its author is passionate about what is happening.

When the reserves of personal power grow, you will be able to influence someone else's dream. The other person will most likely not remember your presence. Only a dream will remain in his memory, bright and filled with events that you created for him.

Pros and cons

Lucid dreams are full of surprises, mysteries and revelations. Benefits include:

  1. Unforgettable emotions. Creating the world, you will feel like a creator.
  2. Self-development. Practice will teach discipline and improve relationships with the real world.
  3. Getting rid of fears. Having met face to face with the source of phobias, you will be able to overcome fear.
  4. Gaining wisdom. In a dream, it is easier than in reality to establish contact with your own subconscious.
  5. Discovery of new knowledge. Exploring the world of dreams, discover the secrets of human nature.
  6. Fighting the fear of death. You will get used to the fact that the mind operates independently of the body.

The first disadvantage is the depletion of forces. To create worlds, you will need energy that you thoughtlessly spend on experiences and negative emotions. But once you master the practice of Controlled Stupidity, you will become calmer.

The second disadvantage of lucid dreaming is that with practice, you will inevitably encounter the protective forces of sleep. They can be very scary, up to insomnia. You don't need to be afraid of them.

It happens that after waking up we cannot remember if we had dreams. Fully lucid dreams are quite rare. The ability to maintain consciousness during sleep and change the course of its course is far from given to many. However, it allows you to get rid of nightmares and draw inspiration even at night. There are a few simple rules that will help you learn how to control dreams and even change their script.

1. After waking up, do not jump out of bed, but lie down for a few minutes and try to remember what you dreamed about. To do this, you can start a diary in which you will write down all your dreams. It is important that you try to remember each of the elements of the dream and put them on paper.

2. Make it a rule to sometimes think during the day, but are you sleeping? Try to convince yourself that the reality around you is nothing but another dream, and then cheer up sharply, you can even pinch yourself. You will be surprised, but as a result, even at night you will get the feeling that you are quite consciously seeing dreams and dreams.

3. Before going to bed, convince yourself that at night you do not forget to look at your palms. This simple yet powerful method produces amazing results.

4. Try to stop. Down with the chaotic thoughts that are constantly spinning in your head! This will become a useful skill if you want to learn how to see the OS.

5. Visualization of various geometric shapes before falling asleep is another method for controlling dreams. In the morning, after waking up, keep your attention on the most important aspects of sleep. Physical activity also gives good results. If the body falls asleep faster than the brain, it will be easier for you to control everything that happens in a dream.

Deirdre Barrett, professor of sleep control techniques at Harvard University, shares her observations. He identifies the so-called fast eye movement phase (or REM), and argues that this is practically the only time when brain activity is the same as when we are awake. It is during this period that rhythmic flashes occur in the cerebral cortex, which are transformed into dreams. When asked how to control dreams, the professor argues that this can only be learned through everyday memory training. Before falling asleep, you need to give yourself the installation that we want to look at ourselves from the side, like in a movie. And that we are the directors of this film, and we can change any scenery and characters. So you can easily get rid of nightmares - to realize that sleep is a partially controlled process.

However, not all so simple. Some psychologists believe that those people who know how to control dreams cause irreparable harm to their health. In their opinion, they interfere with a good sleep, because when using such techniques, the brain works at the peak of activity. It can be said that a person is trying to interfere with a natural process that has been formed over millions of years. But still, being able to wake up and get away from an unpleasant dream or nightmare by an effort of will is a useful skill, and with constant training it will not be difficult to master it.

Imagine how many amazing moments you can experience if you learn to control your dreams! This article is about what amazing worlds open up in our dreams.

Lucid Dreaming: How to Manage Your Dreams

Unfortunately, many modern people do not pay much attention to their dreams, which is a big omission. Dreams can be used to predict the future, they can explain a lot to us, tell us a lot, deliver a lot of impressions. In addition, a person who knows how to work with dreams expands his perception to unthinkable limits and receives a weighty clue about how the world works. First of all, it is necessary to introduce such a concept as a lucid dream. Conscious dream- this is a dream, when a person is in which he realizes that he is sleeping. At first glance, it may seem that this is a rather exotic and meaningless skill. It is likely that you have already experienced this condition to some extent, but did not pay much attention to it. It is lucid dreaming that gives us the control discussed above. This kind of dream can even be compared to a controlled hallucination. Of course, it has not been proven that in such dreams one can see the future and that something, however, there were amazing cases when a person in a dream asked one of the passers-by for the number of the winning lottery, and subsequently it turned out that this was the correct combination. Or he saw in a dream a person whom he had never met before, did not even see his photo, only corresponded on the Internet, and upon meeting it turned out that the person looked exactly like in a dream.

How to learn to manage dreams?

There is a certain methodology, consisting of several points. Firstly, it is necessary to start a so-called dream diary. It is most important! It is necessary in order to learn how to remember dreams with all the details, otherwise what is the use of the fact that you will master lucid dreams if you cannot even remember them in the morning ?! In this diary, every morning, and sometimes in the middle of the night, you will write down everything that you remember about each of your dreams. To do this, put a special notebook and pen on the bedside table. It is important to enter notes into it immediately after waking up, because after half an hour you can forget a lot of the details of your dream, and sometimes even the whole dream. In addition, when a sufficient number of entries have already accumulated in your diary, you can explore them and draw some conclusions. You should also put dates before each entry and it is desirable to mark lunar days. Thus, you can track any pattern in your dreams.

Do you want to challenge the philistine view of the world, get an interesting experience of transforming habitual ideas? All you need to do is learn how to manage your sleep. Yes, yes, the same dreams that you have during the night more than once.

There is a point of view that lucid dreams are a journey through the space of options for events that could happen to you, but you turned to the wrong branch of your life.

The authoritative esotericist Vadim Zeland writes about this in great detail in his books. Tibetan monks dealt with a similar problem more than a thousand years ago, and Carlos Castaneda. The pioneer in this area was the Dutch psychiatrist Willem van Eden.

The American scientist S. Laberge did a lot of research on this topic and defended his doctoral dissertation at Stanford University. He gave a scientific explanation of how one can learn to control dreams. If authority figures have been wasting their time and energy on such things, why don't we try to follow in their footsteps?

Why Learn to Manage Lucid Dreaming

No need to think that when we sleep and dream, the brain and body are resting and unable to perceive something. The heart beats, the intestines, lungs work, blood runs through the vessels. They are controlled by our subconscious, which never turns off, so dreams are not a disconnect from reality, they are reality itself. When you realize this, there is an understanding that you are sleeping, and at the same time you can completely freely control your actions.

Learning how to induce lucid dreams is necessary in order to:

  • Convince yourself that your own possibilities have no limits, and this is the ability to transfer to reality;
  • create various options for a disturbing situation in real life, try models for getting out of it;
  • without consequences to exercise their right to make mistakes;
  • practice in possession of what is still beyond the bounds of the possible (a prestigious car, your business, talents and abilities);
  • overcome your complexes and fears;
  • just enjoy the experience.
Inspired by these possibilities, I decided to learn how to induce a lucid dream. I started by trying to figure out how to tell if it was a dream or a reality.

Where I am?

To be honest, I didn't succeed the first time. I just closed my eyes and opened them in the morning. It turns out that you can not start such experiments on managing sleep in a tired state. It is necessary that the body has enough strength for such experimentation. The extreme degree of fatigue, mental and physical, does not allow you to enter a lucid dream.

Here is what I had to do to learn to understand whether these are dreams or I am already in reality:

  • In a dream, I tried to turn on and off the light of the lamp.
  • I looked at my alarm clock, because when a person is sleeping, the alarm clock shows different times at the same moment.
  • I tried to pinch, pull my hair or my finger, scratch my arm or leg, because if we sleep, we do not feel pain.
  • I was looking for unusual objects, phenomena, something that is radically different from the usual reality;
  • I tried to go where I wanted, in dreams the road to the right place seems to descend, you immediately find yourself where you are striving.
  • Tried to do things that I can't do in real life: do the splits, walk on the balance beam, climb the tightrope. The latter is the surest indicator, because in life I am terribly afraid of heights.
What did not work was to follow the popular advice on how to become lucid in a dream - it is recommended to call yourself by name. They say that a person cannot do this when he is sleeping - he immediately wakes up. I just couldn't think of myself while I was sleeping. Unfortunately, I never managed to see myself in the mirror either. Plots where you see your changed appearance in the mirror, or do not see it at all, make it clear that this is a dream.

How to Prepare for Lucid Dreaming

You can increase your chances of having a controlled dream. Before you go to bed, you need to sit down, try to relax and free your mind from the load accumulated during the day. Breathing exercises help me. The exercises are very simple:
  • slow breathing with a delay between inhalation and exhalation,
  • inhale and exhale while simultaneously counting to five.
The atmosphere should be calm, you can light candles, make a soothing massage. A hot bath with aromatic salts or a handful of ground ginger works great for relaxation to cleanse the aura.

In preparation for lucid dreaming, I did a great exercise. It came to us from the Tantric tradition of India. Here are the detailed instructions:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position with your eyes closed.
  2. Slowly review the events that happened to you today in reverse order. Start in the evening and end with your feelings at the moment of awakening in the morning.
  3. Keep detachment, do not analyze either your own or others' behavior.
  4. Fill an imaginary bottle with the events of the day and toss them into an imaginary ocean. The second option is to fill a balloon with impressions and into its stratosphere ...
  5. As a result, you will definitely get high-quality dreams and an excellent memory.
You can put a bouquet of dried thyme, rosemary, lavender under the pillow for relaxation. The essential oil, selected according to your taste, has the same effect.

Learning to Induce Lucid Dreams

Absolutely everyone can get into the controlled world of night dreams, take control of their dreams. This skill does not depend on temperament or individual characteristics. The main thing for this is to maintain for several weeks the desire to learn how to enter a lucid dream. With perseverance, you can master this skill very quickly. I learned to have such dreams in about a month.

It helped a lot to keep my intention, the desire to collect information on this topic, to read literature, articles on various sites, to take part in forums. You can quickly get into meaningful dreams if you write down what you dreamed about. I put a notepad and pen on my bedside table and started writing down the dreams I could remember. The very presence of the notebook helped me to remember that I was learning to control my dreams.

I was able to get into my first dream, as it seemed to me, only for a few seconds. I remember exactly that there I passed through the wall. By the end of the month, I was able to control my dreams within minutes. Here is the result of my experiment - in order to have dreams where you are not an extra, but the master of the situation, you need

  • Spend a lot of time in your thoughts,
  • Check the reality of a dream
  • Write down every time what you dreamed about.
Most of these dreams can be quickly caught during a false awakening, where you dream that you are awake and getting out of bed. At least that's how it worked for me the first time. Having made a “dreams or reality” check, I ended up where I wanted to go - in lucid dreams. I really like to manage sleep, where I can do magic, apparently subconsciously haunted by the glory of Harry Potter.

The acquired abilities help to quickly get out of nightmares, which, although rare, do happen. Or rather, I don’t go out anywhere, I just understand that no one can harm me. The denial of danger helps to turn your nightmare into a hilarious entertainment, or just a funny farce. Learning to manage nightmares helps the ability to tell myself in time that I'm sleeping now.

And is it dangerous?

Those who have decided to apply the control of their own dreams often ask questions: is it possible to leave your body and not return? Authoritative researchers answer that dream control is not an exit to the astral plane, and not an exit of the soul from its body. A person who controls dreams does not go anywhere and does not return to his brain from anywhere. There is no need to be afraid that a person will not wake up if he is awakened at a time when he indulges in lucid dreams.

This phenomenon is based on the physiology of the human brain. The soul does not leave its home, no matter how tempting landscapes spread in the mind of a sleeping person. You should not be afraid that being carried away by such dreams, a person deprives the brain of the nightly rest that is due to him. On the contrary, after positive impressions, freshness and a surge of strength are felt. The mood after such an experience remains elated all day, the state of health is excellent.

Managing dreams, getting interesting experiences cannot make you turn away from real life, no matter how bright and pleasant they are. On the contrary, reality begins to change for the better, because a person's self-confidence increases. And the positive qualities experienced in a dream and not previously existing in reality gradually begin to appear in the waking state.

I decided to diversify the subject of the blog with one of my hobbies - psychology. Hopefully this won't be too much of a burden to regular readers. After all, it’s not every day to write about something. Therefore, today I will tell you a little about what lucid dreams are and how you can learn to control your dreams.

Lucid dreaming- this is a state of consciousness in which a person understands that he is dreaming and can control it to a certain extent. This phenomenon was officially confirmed by scientists in the 19th century. Now many researchers are working in this direction, but Japanese scientists have achieved the greatest success.


A big plus of lucid dreams is that you can participate in events and perform actions that are impossible in real life (for example: flight, transformation, etc.). A person is able to analyze his actions in such dreams and benefit from this analysis in the formation of personality outside of sleep. Learning to control your actions in lucid dreams is not very difficult. In addition, you can get practical benefits from this. Replacing a fall with a flight in a dream, controlling the course of events, influencing the plot of what is happening, a person gains self-confidence. This can be beneficial in getting rid of some phobias in life.

Learning to manage your dreams takes practice. Training attention and remembering the moment of falling asleep will contribute to this. You can also use exercises that affect the subconscious. By controlling the mind at the moment of falling asleep, one can continue to be aware of the surrounding reality while fully immersed in the sleep of the body. At this point, the person may experience hallucinations. For example, the appearance of certain visual images, an altered perception of space and time.

To achieve only physical sleep, sports are enough. Go to the rocking chair during the day. And after you get home, go to bed. In addition, you can try to fall asleep in the morning, immediately after waking up. Another entry into lucid dreams is possible after you wake up in the middle of the night, when consciousness is on the verge of sleep and wakefulness. The most important aspect of this practice: you must want to control sleep. Quite often, people become aware of themselves in a dream and without any training. But starting to think about all the possibilities that open up to the dreamer during lucid dreams, they almost always wake up.

Hypnosis or self-hypnosis works great. To realize the fact of sleep, you can come up with some kind of conditioned signal, when you see it in a dream, you will understand that you are dreaming. To simplify, you can use audio recordings before bedtime. When self-hypnosis is recommended to use the following technique:

  1. Lie down comfortably in bed and try to relax completely;
  2. Imagine a staircase with 10 steps;
  3. Count the steps slowly as you do so, suggesting to yourself that you can control your dreams;
  4. Be sure to set the goal for which you want to control the dream in order to try to program the plot of the future dream.

How to recognize a dream

The main problem with dream management is to recognize that you are already dreaming. Try to take off in a dream or pierce the wall of a building with your finger. If you succeed, you will know that this is a dream. If it doesn't work the first time, try again. Scientists advise the following actions to determine sleep:

  • Cover your mouth and nose with your hands. If you can still breathe, then it is a dream.
  • Look for differences in what surrounds you from the real world.
  • Find and read some inscription several times in a row. If the text changes, you are asleep.
  • Look at the clock.
  • Remember what you did a few minutes ago. If you can't remember, you're in a dream.
  • Turn the lights on or off. Such actions in a dream often give rise to strange phenomena not inherent in real life.
  • Look at your hands for a while. In a dream, they will change.

There are cases when a person realizes that he is sleeping, manages sleep, but at a certain point in time loses control over events. In order not to get lost in such situations, begin to carefully consider the things around you, focusing on the details.

In Russia, the study of lucid dreams is mainly carried out by enthusiasts. And on the net you can find communities in which people share their successes in the field of dream management.

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