The dog bites its paw what to do. Why do dogs bite their paws? Itching as a symptom of possible pet diseases

Sometimes it happens that a four-legged friend begins to actively gnaw on his own paws, as if he is worried about itching or he is trying to bite out a splinter. You need to figure out how to help her stop doing it.

The most common reasons

Most often, the dog begins to actively gnaw its paws when it is disturbed by a splinter either. Everyone knows that dogs have a habit of licking their wounds, and when they are in hard-to-reach places (on the pads of their paws), the dog tries to bite out the fur for convenience. Check the paws for injuries and, if necessary, give the dog medical attention.

Another common cause is too long claws. If they cause discomfort to a four-legged friend, he will constantly try to shorten them on his own, gnawing with his teeth. Do not forget to follow the optimal length of the claws, you need not only, but also take care of the correct length of hair on the paws.

If your dog gnaws its paws only in winter, most likely, in this way it removes frozen pieces of snow and ice from itself, which interfere with walking, or corny your dog puts himself in order, removing extraneous phenomena. This is quite normal and should not be scolded for this animal.

Health problems

It is possible that such behavior of the dog can be caused by health problems. For example, the reason that the animal gnaws its paws may be the presence of a fungal infection that causes itching. Either this is a lack of vitamins or excessive dryness of the paw pads (for example, due to the constant contact of the street reagent with the pads), which also greatly worries the animal.

There is also a risk that the dog has been bitten by a tick in the paw and is trying to get it with its teeth. Be sure to inspect the animal after walking in the warm season - a tick bite can be dangerous for development, which can be fatal without treatment.

Do not forget that dogs are in many ways similar to humans and can also have bad habits. Watch your four-legged friend: if he chews his paws only when he is alone or after he has received punishment, then it is likely that in this way the dog is trying to relieve his stress.

Almost every dog ​​owner has witnessed a dog chewing its paws during their lifetime. Unfortunately, some owners simply do not pay attention to this, believing that the dog entertains himself in this way, and then the situation becomes critical and the animal may die. If a pet gnaws its paws until it bleeds, then this is an alarm and you should definitely contact your veterinarian to figure out the reason for this behavior.

Reasons why a dog bites its paws

The most common causes of this behavior in pets are as follows:

Whatever the cause of this behavior, it will not be possible to identify it on your own, and even more so, it is impossible to start treatment.

What should you do if your dog starts chewing on its paws?

If the owner notices that his pet is chewing his paws, you must follow this action plan:

If the animal does not have any diseases, and there were no stressful situations, then it is likely that the reason for this behavior lies in unbalanced diet. In this case, it is recommended to change the diet of the pet. It is likely that the dog lacks some vitamins.

It is necessary to understand that if the owner witnessed how his pet gnaws his paws, he should not be punished. This can become an additional stressful situation for the pet, and he will begin to bite his paws even more desperately.

In any case, the veterinarian knows much more and only his treatment can completely cure the pet, you should not rely on your own strength. Without proper training, you will never be able to figure out why a dog chews its paws.

Dogs have almost no bad habits. But some owners note that animals gnaw their paws from time to time. Some people think that this is normal. The process of paw biting is attributed to self-care, maintaining body cleanliness. But if the nature of biting differs from the usual licking, bloody bites are observed, it is necessary to solve the problem.

A paw in a dog's mouth is far from a reason to go to the vet. Some clean breeds groom themselves this way. The desire to lick paws, pads, hair between them sometimes becomes obsessive and the animal spends a long time doing this. This is not a bad habit and not a deviation.

To save the dog from the need for licking, the owner should thoroughly wash the paws of the animal after a walk. After licking, there is no traumatic effect on the limbs of the animal. A dog can be easily distracted by offering a treat.

The bite manifests itself in a completely different behavior. The animal is nervous, not distracted by extraneous noises or food. Sometimes growls, does not allow people and other animals to approach him.

If your dog gnaws its paws until it bleeds, contact your veterinarian immediately.

The owner can see bite marks and even bruises on the paws of the animal. The wool is plucked in shreds, the pet behaves nervously. In this case, action must be taken.

Why does an animal bite its paws?

There are many reasons for this pet behavior. Veterinarians in their practice have counted more than 10 cases that lead to this behavior. Let's consider the most common.

If the owner neglects the procedure for trimming the claws, the animal may feel unwell. The claw begins to bend, prevents the animal from walking normally, causes pain and discomfort. Most often, the dog suffers from itching in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fingers. That is why she bites them, trying to rid herself of discomfort.
There can be many reasons for this. Most often this is a consequence of the lack of proper hygiene after walking. Itching can occur in both long-haired and short-haired dogs.
Hair rolls up, pulls on pads. You can see that the gait of the beast has changed
If the animal often spends time on the street, it is possible that the pads on the paws were injured. This is how the dog tries to save himself from the pain.
In the winter season, a huge amount of reagents appears on the streets of large cities. And contact with the skin of harmful chemical compounds can cause itching and burning.
Environmental pollution is a real problem not only for humans but also for animals. Spilled chemicals, building mixes, gasoline and motor oil on the pavement can provoke allergies on the paws, lead to pain, burning, cracking of the fingertips.
The dog can become a target for the development of the fungus. The cause may be contact with the carrier, being in a damp room, infections
A subcutaneous tick that has fallen on the limbs during walking causes itching. The animal tries to remove the malaise with the help of teeth
Lack of vitamins, nutrients and minerals can lead to neurosis. The animal needs something to keep in its mouth to feel calm. Such a bad habit in dogs has something in common with the human when people bite their nails.
Due to poor circulation, a recumbent lifestyle, or improper diet, the animal may develop inflammation of the nail bed. It causes pain in the joints and numbness of the fingers.

When to contact the veterinarian?

If the animal bites its paws from time to time, but does not harm itself, the owner may try to solve the problem on their own.

If the pet bites its paws to the blood, you need to contact the veterinarian. The doctor will rule out health problems, make a diagnosis.

Why shouldn't you slow down?

If the habit of paw-biting is not associated with discomfort as a result of a wound or growth of claws, but is a direct consequence of poor health, then delay can lead to serious complications.

  1. The fungus leads to rotting of the fingertips, which means that the dog may forever lose the ability to move normally.
  2. Inflammation of the nail bed can lead to a general infection of the blood if the pus is not removed in time.
  3. Contact allergies to chemicals and the reagent can cause splitting of the skin on the pads of the paws, as a result of which the animal will remain disabled.

The veterinarian will be able to prevent such consequences.


At the appointment with the veterinarian, an external examination takes place. The veterinarian examines the general condition of the animal, the oral cavity of the dog, carefully examines the wounds. If there is matted hair or abnormal growth of claws, then the animal is sent to the groomer to fix the problems.

The question of treatment will be after the results are received.


If the veterinarian has identified the cause of this behavior, the irritant must be removed. But the method of treatment directly depends on the specific problem.

Neurosis in a dog

Neurosis is understood as a disorder that provokes asthmatic, hysterical, obsessive manifestations. Symptoms can be extensive, including paw biting.

To cure neurosis, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of stress. Every owner knows for sure when a dog falls into such a state.

  1. Perhaps the animal is frightened by a walk during which it was injured.
  2. If an animal has ever been hit by a car, it will be afraid of all vehicles that remind of an unpleasant incident.
  3. The animal was offended by one of the household and now the dog is worried about his life in his presence.

As soon as the cause is established, it is necessary to protect the animal from experiences.

  1. Give her emotional and physical rest.
  2. For a while, protect the animal from walks.
  3. Create a cozy place for your dog where he will feel warm and safe.
  4. Leave your dog alone for a while so he can rebalance his emotional system.
  5. At the same time, try to diversify the pet's menu. Add more beneficial vitamins and minerals to it.
  6. Give your dog attention if he demands it. If an animal offers you a game or wants to lie next to you, allow it.

Consequences of the reagent

In winter, the so-called reagent in the form of salt appears on the streets of large cities, which greatly worsens the condition of the skin. Owners of four-legged animals complain that they eat away the pads of their fingers. Some are limited to only a small rash and burning, other dogs suffer from serious burns.

First of all, you need to pay attention to preventive measures.

If the dog nevertheless became a target for the reagent and the paws are severely corroded, treatment is necessary.

  1. Paws must be treated with 0.05% Chlorhexidine.
  2. It is necessary to lubricate with anti-inflammatory ointment Levomekol or Iruksovetin.
  3. Severe injuries must be bandaged with sterile bandages.
  4. Before going to bed, wash the paws of the animal with a solution of chamomile.
  5. Lubricate the paws with Vittri and Trivit vitamins several times a day.
  6. Make sure that the animal spends more time in the supine position.

Almost all fungal infections in animals are accompanied by burning and itching. Therefore, scratching the skin of the paw until it bleeds is a normal practice. If the examination revealed a fungus, it is urgent to start treatment.

Attention! The owner must protect himself. All procedures must be done with gloves. The animal must be isolated from children and other animals.

Do not self-medicate, it leads to disastrous results. A month after treatment, it is necessary to pass a biochemical blood test. The study will help assess the general condition of the animal and the effectiveness of the chosen therapy.

Nail clipping

Nail trimming can be done at the veterinarian or at home. For the first time, it is recommended to contact a professional groomer.

Nail trimming is carried out once every 1-1.5 months. It is necessary to accustom the animal to such a procedure from puppyhood. If the dog is small or medium breeds, at home you can do the haircut yourself. For a large breed, you will need the help of another person.

  1. Fix the animal. You can hold it with your hand by yourself or ask for help.
  2. Turn on the flashlight.
  3. Take the paw of the animal, fix it in your hand. Select the desired finger, move the hair away from it and highlight the claw with a flashlight.
  4. You will see where the edge of the nail bed, the most sensitive area, ends and the collagen layer begins. It needs to be cut off.
  5. If the animal has black or opaque claws, a visit to the veterinarian is recommended.
  6. The incision must be made with special tools (guillotine or nail cutter). Household scissors will not work.
  7. The cut remains very sharp. It needs to be processed with special sticks of different hardness.

The procedure must be repeated on the front and hind legs. During the haircut, do not scold the dog, behave calmly. Reward the animal with treats so that the procedure does not seem painful.

After the nails have acquired the desired look, take care of the area between the pads. If the dog has long hair that rolls into tangles, stock up on nail scissors. After the procedure, treat the paws of the animal with Miramistin.

Most often, the cause for gnawed paws is non-compliance with the rules of hygiene and animal care. But we are responsible for those we have tamed. Your dog's health is in your hands. Give your pet a carefree life.

Video - 5 tips on how to trim your dog's nails at home

Is your furry pet constantly biting and licking his paws? If the answer is yes, then you are not alone. Unfortunately, in recent years, more and more owners have noticed this trend in their pets and are wondering what to do in this case. And in order to help concerned parents of fluffies with this issue, I decided to write an article that will surely help those who are faced with this problem to figure it out. But first, it’s worth finding out why dogs gnaw their paws.

Why does a dog bite its own paws?

It can be caused by physical injury or nerves. But the most common reason that dogs constantly gnaw their paws and claws is atopy or atopic dermatitis. Simply put… allergies!

What is atopic dermatitis?

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic skin condition caused by inflammation from inhaled (atopy) environmental exposure to allergens. The dog will chew and lick to try and relieve the terrible itchy pain. It's a chronic skin disease and it's genetic. Atopic dermatitis usually occurs in the first few years of life, somewhere between a few months and 6 years. The condition may get better or worse, but it almost always comes back.

What provokes it?

The most common causes are many types of mold, grasses, pollen and dust mites. Our little brothers, just like us, we can inhale allergens. In humans, the most common allergy symptoms, probably already known to everyone, are itchy eyes, runny snot and respiratory symptoms, while in dogs, allergies manifest themselves in the form of itchy paws, muzzle, especially near the eyes or ears.


  • Chronically bites and licks paws due to itching
  • Red and sore paws and between toes from excessive licking
  • Paw pads become red and inflamed due to excessive licking
  • Scratches on the body
  • Shaking of the head and ears – the ears may be itchy and/or often dirty, often a sign of infection
  • Sometimes there are liquid snot and wet eyes, but less often
  • Be alert for any foul odors, open sores, or skin damage from excessive licking and biting. These may be signs of infection and should be considered by a veterinarian.

Diagnosing an allergy can sometimes be quite a difficult task, it is not always clear what exactly. In any case, it is worth visiting the veterinarian and making sure that the dog does not have a bacterial infection. The veterinarian may do a blood test and skin scraping to determine what the pet is allergic to and, depending on the complexity and neglect of the case, may prescribe treatment with steroids or antihistamines. Of course, you can always go down this path, but first try the simple steps from this list.

Simple solutions to try first

  1. If you are lucky and you know the cause, then of course you need to remove the irritant that causes allergies. But if the allergen is not in the diet, but in the environment, then it will be more difficult to remove it, you can try to temporarily restrict access to the street or to the room from which problems appear.
  2. If the allergen is in the air, then to reduce skin contact with the irritant, simply put your pet on your T-shirt or special clothes for dogs, so there will be less contact with the environment. Don't forget to wash and change your clothes daily to remove pollen stuck to it.
  3. Every time you return home from a walk during the flowering period, dry your dog with a damp cloth to remove pollen from the skin and coat. Be sure to wipe the muzzle, paws, lower abdomen, armpits, groin, anal and tail areas. These areas are most prone to contact during a walk.
  4. If the dog shows signs of allergy, then the dog will get instant relief from washing the paws under cool water in combination with a light massage of the paws. And after you dry your paws with a towel, your friend will sleep with pleasure, and not bite and lick his pads.
  5. Give your dog a bath day by buying in the bathroom, the main thing is not to do this more than once every two weeks, as frequent washing leads to overdrying of the dog's coat. And try to use ecological shampoos that will gently remove all the pollen and not harm your dog. the main thing is not to use human shampoos, on the contrary, they increase the likelihood of dry skin and problems with hair and allergies.
  6. Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids can relieve atopic dermatitis. Talk to your veterinarian about increasing the amount of fatty acids in your pet's diet.
  7. And of course, keep your home clean by washing your dog's linens and sleeping area and vacuuming carpets to keep the number of dust mites in your home to a minimum.

A dog chewing on its paws is a fairly common sight, familiar to the layman. However, this behavior of our smaller friends is not always the norm, sometimes it serves as a reason to pay closer attention to the health of your pet.

Main reasons

A dog that licks its paws, gnaws its claws and does such manipulations infrequently and without “fanaticism” should not cause concern.

But if after such an exercise there are bloody traces or the pet shows increased attention to the condition of its paws, you should take a closer look at it, because there may be serious reasons for such behavior.

Excessive chewing of the paws can lead to the formation of wounds that do not heal for a long time, which is fraught with infection and subsequent serious infection.

Treatment and prevention

The main preventive measure that will help the owner to better control the condition of his four-legged friend's paws is a daily thorough examination of the animal after walking and at the first signs of the pet's increased attention to its paws. Good post-walk hygiene will also help avoid unnecessary problems. Periodic visits to the veterinarian for examination will help prevent the occurrence of diseases for those symptoms that are not known to the owner of the pet.

Important! Trim the nails in time, remove the rolled tufts of wool between the fingers.

If the owner suspects that the dog has problems with paw health, it is better to immediately contact a specialist for advice. The veterinarian will take scrapings for tests to detect fungal and mold formations, conduct a thorough examination, and possibly refer you to narrower specialists: a surgeon, a neurologist, etc.

Animals whose paws are especially sensitive to chemically active compounds can wear specially tailored boots while walking along the street, and try to use less detergents and cleaning products and other household chemicals when cleaning the house. When walking, avoid potentially dangerous places where the animal can injure or injure its paw, drive a splinter, or step on substances containing chemically dangerous compounds.

A balanced diet is the key to the health of four-legged friends. Deterioration of feed quality, lack of vitamins, improperly selected food complex can exacerbate the existing minor health problems of the animal.

Having established nutrition, it will be possible to strengthen the pet's immunity, which will help to avoid health problems. It is also possible that, after analyzing the changed conditions of keeping and living of the dog, the owner will discover innovations. which caused nervous behavior in the pet and by removing which it will be possible to alleviate the animal's condition.

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