Removal of emotional physical stress caused by stress. How stress develops The brain is a mental computer

Ways to relieve psycho-emotional stress

Experience shows that an effective means of preventing tension, preventing the syndrome of professional burnout is the use of methods of self-regulation and self-recovery. This is a kind of safety precaution for professionals who have numerous and intensive contacts with people in the course of their professional activities. These techniques have been used and are currently being used in work with teachers during interactive classes at TMK, MBOU Secondary School No. 56, during individual and group work with clients. The information presented in this article is included in the information block of the program "Prevention of emotional burnout of teachers" and in the practice of self-regulation of the body.

Natural ways of body regulation and self-regulation

The nature of a person is such that he strives for comfort, for the elimination of unpleasant sensations, without thinking about it, without knowing what scientific words it is called. These are natural ways of regulation that turn on by themselves, spontaneously.

You probably intuitively use many of them. This is a long sleep, delicious food, communication with nature and animals, a bath, massage, movement, dancing, music and much more.

The following natural methods of regulation of the body are distinguished:

laughter, smile, humor;

thoughts about good, pleasant,

various movements such as sipping, muscle relaxation;

observation of the landscape outside the window;

looking at flowers in the room, photographs, other things that are pleasant or expensive for a person;

mental appeal to higher powers (God, the Universe, a great idea);

bathing (real or mental) in the sun;

inhalation of fresh air:

poetry reading;

expressing praise, compliments to someone just like that.

Try asking yourself questions:

What helps you cheer up, switch?

What can I use from the above?

Mentally, and preferably on paper, make a list of these methods. Think about which ones you can use consciously when you feel tense or tired.

Unfortunately, such tools cannot, as a rule, be used at work, directly at the moment when a tense situation arose or fatigue accumulated. Are there any techniques that can be applied during work? Yes.

To begin with, it is important to figure out what natural mechanisms for relieving stress and discharge, increasing tone, you own; realize them; move from spontaneous application of natural methods of regulation to conscious in order to manage their condition.

Specialists dealing with the problem of regulating emotional states, neuropsychic tension, use special techniques consciously to manage them. It is they who are called methods of self-regulation, or methods of self-influence, emphasizing the active participation of a person in them.

Self-regulation is the management of one's psycho-emotional state, achieved by a person's influence on himself with the help of words, mental images, control of muscle tone and breathing.

Thus, self-regulation can be carried out with the help of four main means, used individually or in various combinations.

As a result of self-regulation, three main effects can occur:

calming effect (elimination of emotional tension);

the effect of recovery (weakening of manifestations of fatigue);

activation effect (increased psychophysiological reactivity).

Timely self-regulation acts as a kind of psycho-hygienic means that prevents the accumulation of residual effects of overstrain, contributes to the completeness of restoration of strength, normalizes the emotional background of activity, and also enhances the mobilization of body resources.

Bank of ways of self-regulation

1. Methods related to breath control

Breathing, its rhythm, is subject to all other vital rhythms of our body.

Breathing plays an important role in our mental life. Mastering your breathing, its mechanisms is one of the ways to cope with psychological problems and neurosis. Conscious breath control is one of the oldest ways to deal with stress and other psychological stress.

Breath control is an effective means of influencing muscle tone and the emotional centers of the brain. Slow and deep breathing (with the participation of the abdominal muscles) lowers the excitability of the nerve centers, promotes muscle relaxation, that is, relaxation. Frequent (thoracic) breathing, on the contrary, provides a high level of body activity, maintains neuropsychic tension.

Proper breathing - tune in to the rhythm and emotions of thinking. You have probably noticed more than once how this or that emotional state, the rhythm of emotions, changes our breathing. Remember how it changed when you were excited, when you expected the result of some important process for you. How did you breathe when you learned some good news?

Every time there is a special pattern of breathing corresponding to your emotional state. If you are excited, your breathing is shallow and rapid. If you are calm, it is slow and deep.

There is also an inverse relationship. In a difficult emotionally intense moment for you, when your breath breaks and your heart beats somewhere in your throat, you can calm yourself with the help of, correctly, breathing. Even and slow breathing will help you cope with your emotions. Breathe as you would if you were in a state of deep rest.

To speed up the process, it is necessary, while maintaining the pattern of calm breathing, to slightly increase the depth of breathing and its intensity.

In the same way, by changing the rhythm of breathing, one can move from a relaxed, calm state to a more active, vigorous one. That is, by changing the pattern of breathing, we can transfer ourselves to ANY emotional state.

Of course, in order to consolidate this skill, it is necessary to consciously practice these transitions from one state to another. Practice leveling irritation and aggression with even, slow and deep breathing. And, finally, feeling a breakdown, being in a state of apathy, change the pattern of breathing, bringing it closer to what distinguishes an actively working person.

How to do it? Try, when you are irritated or angry, to breathe like a person who is barely awake breathes. Imagine that you are in bed, you have just had a pleasant, restful dream. So you woke up, and your breathing is slow and calm. Take ten breaths, carefully monitoring the accuracy of the breathing of a newly awakened person (at the same time, increase the depth and intensity of breathing, keeping its pattern!). There will be no trace of negative emotions.

Breathing can change more than just emotions. It has a powerful effect on thought, and therefore on the whole organism. Breathing is associated with thinking and concentration, more precisely with intellectual rhythm. By learning to breathe correctly, you can significantly improve your mental abilities. It is important to learn how to breathe normally and control this process. Controlling the process of breathing, you should not be zealous. But, when you experience emotional discomfort, just check how you breathe. And if you find out that something is wrong and the breathing is not getting better, if it is frequent, shallow and ineffective (that is, not satisfying your needs), then take action.

With natural and full breathing, the body assumes a characteristic posture. On inspiration, the head slides back, the shoulders move forward and up, the stomach is drawn in, the pelvis moves forward, and the legs move apart by themselves. When exhaling, all the indicated parts of the body move in the opposite direction, as if a person is preparing to group, but does not group. All this is possible only if you surrender to the process of breathing, which I wish you with all my heart, because in natural breathing there are many resources for our mental and even physical well-being.

Mastering natural breathing. Try to take the most complete breath with the participation of the intercostal muscles, the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle and the press. Take an equally deep breath. "Digh-thread" the remaining air two or three doses; only 3-4 consecutive exhalations without breaths. After a 3-5 second pause, try to inhale as fully as possible again. If necessary, carry out this complex 3-7 times. Focus on the result, you should feel that your breathing has become free and full. You should also feel that all three muscle groups (intercostal muscles, muscles of the shoulder girdle and abs) work in harmony, helping each other to ensure breathing.

Check for complete breathing. In order to make sure that your breath is really full, tighten as much as possible and hold the tension for as long as possible. Then take 2-3 deep spontaneous breaths and exhalations. Additionally, make sure that no muscle blocks interfere with your breathing (a feeling of muscle tension in one of three areas: chest, shoulders, abs). If you determine some kind of muscle block, get rid of it with additional tension in this muscle group according to the appropriate scheme.

It would be absurd to completely abandon those tools for maintaining mental well-being that are hidden in the breath. In the process of evolutionary development, a clear relationship has developed between deep and frequent breathing, on the one hand, and the activation of the body, on the other. At the same time, when breathing slows down, the nervous system rests, while the body, in the meantime, restores and accumulates energy resources. During inhalation, the mental state is activated, and during exhalation, calm and relaxation of the whole organism occurs.

If you feel anxiety, if you feel internal weakness or tension, dive into the here and now, concentrate on your breathing. Feel only your breath. Sit with your back straight and count your breaths: one on an inhale, two on an exhale, three on a new inhale, four on a new exhale, and so on. Continue counting only up to ten, as counting breaths is difficult with large numbers. Go through two or three such cycles. Focus on every account. Give your attention to exactly one, exactly two, exactly three, etc. Invest yourself in each number, follow your breath, your inhalation, exhalation, pause. Pay attention to those obstacles that do not allow you to breathe fully, and eliminate them. In the process of breathing, feel the currents that arise in the body under its influence.

With increased excitability, anxiety, nervousness or irritability, increase the time for all three phases of the respiratory process: inhale-pause-exhale. Start with 5 seconds. Slow inhale for 5 seconds, pause for 5 seconds and exhale also for 5 seconds. It is not necessary to breathe in such a rhythm for a long time. Follow the result and focus on it. If it's not difficult for you, you can gradually increase the duration of each phase (pause - no more than 10 seconds).

This exercise should not be performed before work that requires high activity. It has a pronounced calming effect, so it can be effective at bedtime if you have difficulty falling asleep.

In order to raise the general tone, gather strength, the alternation of the phases of breathing should be as follows: inhale - exhale - hold your breath for 5 seconds. Follow the result, be guided by it. You can increase the duration of the respiratory phases (each separately), but not much. The exercise should be carried out carefully.

For emergency activation of internal resources: inhalation should be less active, and exhalation should be forced, rather abruptly, with artificially created difficulty. Sit with a straight back, move your shoulders slightly forward, take a calm breath for 3 seconds and exhale forcefully for six. Create tension with the muscles of the tongue and larynx to resist the passing air. Simultaneously with the exhalation, tighten the muscles of the arms, chest and abdomen. More than 5-6 breaths should not be done in this way.

2. Methods related to the control of muscle tone, movement.

Under the influence of mental stress, muscle clamps and tension arise. The ability to relax them allows you to relieve neuropsychic tension, quickly restore strength.

How to do it?

They say that a wedge is knocked out with a wedge. And we will do just that. To achieve complete relaxation, you need to strain, as much as possible.

What do we have to do? First, we will learn how to sequentially strain each muscle group. After that, it will be necessary to master their simultaneous tension, and only then we will talk about relaxation. Ready? Then let's get started.

To fully relax, it is necessary to strain all muscle groups: hands - forearms - shoulders and shoulders - shoulder blades - face - neck - press - buttocks - perineum - thighs - shins - feet.

So let's learn to relax.

1.Clench your left hand into a fist as hard as you can. If you squeeze your hand well, you can see that the knuckles have turned white. If you now slowly open your fist, you will feel well how the muscles relax. This must be done with the rest of the muscle groups.

2. Bend your left arm at the elbow and tighten your left biceps so that it becomes as bulging as possible. Then relax your muscles completely. Let the arm hang freely along the body.

3. Relax the right hand in the same way.

4. Strain the muscles of the left foot. Bend your toes inward. After you feel a sufficiently strong tension in the muscles of the foot, let it relax.

5. Strain your calf muscles. Touch them with your hand - and you will feel how the muscles gradually become more and more solid. Stretch your toe to better tighten your muscles. Then relax them.

6. Straighten your leg and push it away from you in one fell swoop. You will feel that the muscles of the front of the thigh have tightened; they should be firm all the way to the hip joint.

7. Do the same with the muscles of the other leg.

8. Straighten your whole body, stretch up, contracting the muscles of the buttocks. Then relax your muscles.

9. Tighten your abdominal muscles. Try to pull your stomach in as much as possible. Now sharply relax and allow yourself? blur?.

10. Take a deep breath and try to hold it for as long as possible, tensing the chest muscles. Then exhale.

11. Straighten your shoulders and take them as far back as possible, then quickly bring them forward. Finally, raise them as high as possible. Try to keep your head still and try to reach your ears with your shoulders. You probably won't be able to do this, but at least try. Then relax and drop your shoulders.

13.Now relax the neck muscles. Tilt your head forward, then turn it first to the left, then to the right. Tilt your head back as far as possible. Relax your neck muscles. Feel the neck to make sure the muscles are really relaxed.

14. Raise your eyebrows up, then lower them. Do this several times, making sure you feel your facial muscles tense each time. Then relax those muscles.

15. Close your eyes as much as possible. Imagine that someone is trying to force you to open your eyelids and open your eyes. Keep them tight. Then, without opening your eyelids, relax your facial muscles.

16. Make several circular movements with the lower jaw. Grit your teeth. Wrinkle your forehead. Smile as wide as you can. Relax all facial muscles. Breathe slowly, deeply and evenly while doing these exercises. As you relax, try to breathe as little as possible.

In a well-relaxed muscle, you will feel the appearance of warmth and pleasant heaviness. If the clamp cannot be removed, especially on the face, try to smooth it out with a light self-massage with circular movements of the fingers (you can make grimaces - surprise, joy, etc.).

Having trained in the ability to relax each muscle group in turn, we proceed to the next stage. Tighten all muscle groups at the same time and in this position create maximum tension. Mentally count to 10, concentrating not on the count, but on the tension. On the count of 10, relax sharply, lean back and take a deep, calm breath. If necessary (it is determined independently), you can take an additional 2-3 deep breaths. Rest for a minute. The exercise should be repeated at least 7-10 times a day until you learn to voluntarily, quickly and fully relax without pre-stress.

This exercise should be used whenever anxiety occurs, as a means of first aid and emergency. And also during bouts of internal stiffness, feelings of anger and stress. And it is best to practice it daily. The ability to relax must certainly enter your life. Moreover, the vast majority of time is better spent in this state, rather than in tension.


Exercise is contraindicated in infections, pregnancy, and also in cases where physical activity is limited by a doctor (for example, with vascular or neurological diseases).

If there are muscle pains that are not associated with a particular chronic disease, give yourself a massage and continue exercising as before.

It is likely that chronic muscle tension is higher in some areas of your body than in others. For example, if you suffer more from anxiety, then it is likely that you find it more difficult to relax your shoulders, neck muscles, and lower extremities. If in everyday life you have to restrain irritation and aggression to a greater extent, then pay special attention to the cheekbones, tension in the arms and in the muscles of the back.

It’s not enough just to learn how to relax. It is necessary, firstly, to be able to voluntarily, at will, enter this pleasant and, of course, useful state of physical relaxation; secondly, do not forget to tone your muscles before exercise; and, finally, make relaxation a natural state for yourself.

3. Methods associated with the impact of the word

It is known that the word can kill, the word can save. The second signaling system is the highest regulator of human behavior. Verbal influence activates the conscious mechanism of self-hypnosis, there is a direct impact on the psycho-physiological functions of the body.

A wonderful means of self-regulation are mood formulas. The formula-mood is positive, i.e., the statement we need. It's like white paint being put on top of a dirty spot. If it covers the entire spot with a thick layer, then the dirt will not be visible - it will disappear, and the sheet will again be clean. As a result, there will be no problems in our life caused by our erroneous belief. The thicker the layer of paint, the more securely we are protected from the appearance of our erroneous beliefs. If the paint layer is thin, then the stain can show through it and ruin our life again. That is why the mood formulas need to be repeated long enough and as emotionally as possible. The time and energy invested in them is proportional to the amount of paint that will cover the dirty spot.

At the first pronunciation of formulas-moods, it may seem to you that this method is hopeless. Imagine that you have planted a seed. It first sprouts, then takes root, and only after that the sprout breaks out. It takes time for the sprout to turn into an adult plant. The same is true with formulas. Be patient.

In order to get rid of erroneous beliefs and idealizations, it is necessary to force them out of consciousness with the help of self-programming techniques and replace them with positive and useful statements.

Options for working with formulas-settings Rewrite by hand at least 100 times. You can rewrite no more than 5 times a day, so it will take about a month.

Memorize positive affirmations (or write them down on paper and carry them around) and mentally repeat them. The total repetition time is 3-5 hours in total. It turns out to be very effective to record on the cassette the formulas-moods pronounced by you. Listen to them before bed. Amplify your new positive attunement formulas in whatever way you can: in your thoughts, in your conversations with yourself or others, with diary entries.

Remember the rule - the wording of self-hypnosis is built in the form of simple and short statements with a positive orientation (without the “not” particle).

Self orders. It's a short, curt order made to himself. Use a self-order when you are convinced that you need to behave in a certain way, but are having trouble doing it. Talk calmly!, Be silent, do not succumb to provocation! - it helps to restrain emotions, behave with dignity, comply with the requirements of ethics and work rules.

Formulate a self-order.

Mentally repeat it several times. If possible, repeat it out loud.

Self-programming. In many situations, it is advisable to look back, recall your successes in a similar position. Past successes tell a person about his capabilities, about hidden reserves in the spiritual, intellectual, volitional spheres and inspire confidence in his abilities. Think back to a time when you faced similar challenges.

Formulate the text of the program, to enhance the effect, you can use the words "exactly today":

“Today I will succeed”; “It is today that I will be the most calm and self-possessed”; “It is today that I will be resourceful and confident”; “It gives me pleasure to conduct a conversation in a calm and confident voice, to show an example of endurance and self-control.”

Mentally repeat it several times.

Self-approval (self-encouragement). People often do not receive a positive assessment of their behavior from the outside. This, especially in situations of increased neuropsychic stress, is one of the reasons for the increase in nervousness and irritation. Therefore, it is important to encourage yourself.

In the case of even minor successes, it is advisable to praise yourself,

mentally speaking: Well done!, Good girl!, It turned out great!.

Find an opportunity to praise yourself during the working day at least 3-5 times.

4. Methods associated with the use of images

The use of images is associated with an active influence on the central nervous system of feelings and ideas. We do not remember many of our positive sensations, observations, impressions, but if we awaken the memories and images associated with them, we can relive them and even strengthen them. And if with a word we mainly influence the consciousness, then images and imagination give us access to powerful subconscious reserves of the psyche.

To use images for self-regulation:

Specially remember situations, events in which you felt comfortable, relaxed, calm - these are your resource situations.

Do this in the three main modalities inherent in man. To do this, remember:

1) visual images of the event (what do you see: clouds, flowers, forest);

2) auditory images (what sounds do you hear: birds singing, the murmur of a stream, the sound of rain, music);

3) sensations in the body (what do you feel: the warmth of the sun's rays on your face, splashes of water, the smell of flowering apple trees, the taste of strawberries).

When feeling tense, tired:

1) sit comfortably, if possible, closing your eyes;

2) breathe slowly and deeply;

3) remember one of your resource situations;

4) live it again, remembering all the visual, auditory and bodily sensations that accompanied it:

5) stay inside this situation for a few minutes;

6) open your eyes and get back to work.

We wish you success in mastering these techniques and be healthy!

Educational psychologist

In addition, stress refers to the body's response to both psychological and physical overload. And in this article we will focus only on the emotional component of our life.

Emotions, no doubt, decorate our life, make it more complete. Joy, love, surprise, gratitude - all these are emotions that we experience constantly. And if we share positive emotions willingly, then we often keep negative emotions in ourselves.

It is good if a person knows how to splash out his emotions from time to time. Someone goes to a psychologist to talk about their difficulties, about what “boiled”. Someone shares their problems, fears and grievances with friends and loved ones. Maybe that's why true female friendship is so valued. A man, even a loved one, will not always be able to understand. But the best friend will always listen, regret and even give good advice.

Causes of emotional stress

There is only one reason for emotional stress - the inability to splash out negative emotions, get rid of them. They accumulate, and gradually a person can develop various neurotic disorders - from mild depression to a serious mental illness. Physical health also suffers. It's no secret that constant psychological stress negatively affects the work of the whole organism. Why, when a person is very worried about something, they say "the heart is torn to pieces"? Because during times of severe stress, the load on this organ is really colossal. What long-term emotional stress can lead to is easy to guess.

Of course, in addition to internal reasons, there are also external ones. These are the so-called stress factors - situations that cause us negative emotions. It can be an unloved job, family problems, unfulfilled dreams and much more. And if you can deal with internal manifestations, then it is quite difficult to change external factors.

How to prevent emotional stress

Feeling the state of emotional tension is very simple. In such cases, people say "it's hard for me" or "I feel bad." If you feel this way, then it's time to release the tension. But what to do so that it does not arise at all? Of course, you can get rid of all stress factors - an unloved job or a husband who causes only problems. But you must admit, you can’t run away from problems indefinitely. There is always something we can change. But in most cases, we have to accept the facts as they are. Therefore, you need to learn to prevent situations when emotional stress builds up and can lead to neurotic disorders. To avoid it, you just need to follow some rules - the so-called mental hygiene.

Secondly, you should not try to control everything around, including relatives. Unfortunately, we often try to teach our loved ones, to remake them for ourselves. This is what causes many conflicts. We simply cannot get used to the idea that each person is individual, he lives as he knows how, as he understands life itself. To remake it is not only senseless, but also cruel. Accept all people as they are. This will help you maintain a state of calm and complacency.

Third, keep evolving. Emotional stress often appears out of nowhere. It seems that everything is there - a favorite job, family, friends, what more could you want? And there is heaviness in the heart, irritation accumulates. Sometimes a person simply lacks development. You need to constantly set goals and develop, no matter whether it concerns a profession, a hobby, raising children, or even a banal cleaning of the house. New achievements will help to avoid an inferiority complex and feelings of internal aggression, rejection of oneself.

Ways to deal with emotional stress

Even using all the rules of mental hygiene, sometimes it is simply impossible to avoid emotional stress. It's no secret that our world is full of stress - transport, problems at work, lack of money and time. All this constantly puts pressure on modern man. But even this stress can be dealt with. Of course, it would be useful to try to get rid of the factors that lead to emotional stress. If your work causes a feeling of persistent disgust in you, it is worth considering - is it worth such experiences? If you have not loved your spouse for a long time, but live in a marriage out of habit or out of fear of being alone, again you need to ask yourself - do you want to live like this all your life, in eternal sorrow and discontent?

However, in most cases, it is enough to change not the stress factors, but the attitude towards them. The following methods will help you to remain calm and in a state of harmony even in moments when difficulties surround you from all sides.

  • Break the task into parts. This method helps when it seems that the problem simply cannot be solved. But if you break it down into several small parts, it turns out that everything is not as scary as it seemed at first. The main thing is not to let emotions capture you, not to fall into hysterics. Try to think - what can you do first, what can you do after that, etc.
  • Develop an action plan. Often, emotional stress builds up due to the fact that there is no clear plan of action. A person is tormented by the unknown - what will happen and how, how to prepare for possible situations. Try to find as much information as possible about the expected event, this will calm you down and set you up for a constructive perception of the surrounding reality.
  • Consider all possible scenarios. Sometimes it is simply impossible to build a plan due to lack of information. It also happens that the fear of failure paralyzes a person and pushes him to rash acts. Try to consider all the options - how you will act in this or that case. Think about what will happen if your business really fails miserably? Is it that scary? Most often it turns out that there are no unsolvable situations, you can always find a way out. Understanding this simple thing is soothing and helps relieve tension.
  • Go in for sports. Most people do not associate their physical state with their emotional state in any way. Meanwhile, depression is often caused by a banal lack of endorphins - “happiness hormones”. Our body produces them itself, under the influence of physical exertion. In addition, sports help to distract from sad thoughts for a while and focus on the work of the body.
  • Don't let yourself be sad. There are many ways to get rid of negative thoughts - from gatherings in a cafe with friends to watching a comedy. As soon as you feel that negative emotions are accumulating, try to replace them with positive ones.

All these recommendations will help you get out of the endless circle of problems and stress, will allow you to look at the world from a different perspective. Don't let your emotions rule your life. Remember that it depends only on you whether your life will be a continuous holiday or a series of failures.

Related article:

psycho-emotional stress in preschoolers and their signs

In preschool childhood, the foundation is laid for the mental and physical health of the child, his intensive growth and development takes place, as well as the necessary skills and habits, character traits are developed, without which a healthy lifestyle is impossible. Therefore, it is necessary.



in preschoolers and their symptoms

In preschool childhood, the foundation is laid for the mental and physical health of the child, his intensive growth and development takes place, as well as the necessary skills and habits, character traits are developed, without which a healthy lifestyle is impossible. Therefore, it is necessary at the early stages of personality development to teach children civilized ways to get out of negative emotions and self-regulation of behavior, so that by the age of 5-6 the child will form the correct social orientation, develop the ability to adapt and self-regulate. In children of different ages, the predominant causes of stress are different. This is due to the fact that at different ages a child has different "zones of mental sensitivity", which are the most vulnerable and subject to stress. At times, it can be difficult to distinguish childhood stress from the ailments that accompany normal growth and development. How do you know that the baby has stress, and not something else.

Researchers note a number of signs indicating that a child is under stress:

1. Bad sleep. The child has difficulty falling asleep and sleeps very restlessly.

2. Tiredness of the child after a load, which quite recently was given to him very easily.

3. The kid becomes unreasonably touchy, often cries for an insignificant reason, or, conversely, becomes too aggressive.

4. Absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, lack of confidence in oneself, one's strengths, restless restlessness also speak of an uncomfortable psychological state. A child in this state more often seeks approval and support from adults, "clings" to them.

5. The state of psychological stress can manifest itself in previously unobserved antics and stubbornness, fear of contacts, striving for loneliness. The child ceases to participate in the games of peers, at the same time, he has difficulty in maintaining discipline.

6. Sometimes the child constantly chews or sucks something that was not noticed before. Sometimes he has a persistent loss of appetite.

7. Signs of a stressful state of a child are also trembling of hands, shaking of the head, twitching of the shoulders, playing with the genitals, nighttime and even daytime urinary incontinence.

8. Some children in a state of prolonged stress begin to lose weight, look malnourished, or, conversely, they have symptoms of obesity.

9. Memory disorders, imagination difficulties, poor concentration of attention, loss of interest in everything that previously caused activity, also indicate a psycho-emotional state of distress.

All of the above signs can tell us that the child is under stress, only if they have not been observed before. It should also be noted that not all of these signs can be explicitly expressed. But you should worry even when only a few of them have appeared. Unfortunately, adults rarely notice these effects of stress in a timely manner. They usually notice that something is wrong with the child when multiple reactions unfold. There are many recommendations for relieving stress. Mental stress causes muscle tone. Muscle relaxation causes a decrease in emotional stress and leads to calm, restoration of rapid breathing. The main ways to relieve psycho-emotional stress, reduce aggressiveness, hyperactivity, anxiety, neurotic states are relaxation exercises (relaxation). They are performed literally in five minutes, but they bring a state of calmness, self-confidence, relieve physical and mental stress in children. Such small exercises allow excited children to relax, focus on classes, or relieve the feeling of fatigue after intellectual activities. Relaxation exercises can be done individually or collectively. Exercises can be carried out with or without musical accompaniment. In preschool childhood, the foundation is laid for the mental and physical health of the child, his intensive growth and development takes place, the necessary skills and habits are formed, character traits are developed, which means that teachers and parents in early childhood need to teach children civilized ways to release negative emotions and psychological methods of self-regulation of behavior in order to By the age of 5-6, the child has formed the correct social orientation, developed the ability to adapt and self-regulate. And if in our life it is completely impossible to avoid nervous overloads, then children should know how to deal with them and be more attentive to themselves and others.

Psycho-emotional stress symptoms

Emotional tension and stress are not equivalent concepts! Stress is a consequence of not only emotional, but also physical overstrain, but emotional stress is one of the causes of stress. A person in his life experiences different emotions, without which it is impossible to imagine the existence of mankind, and life without emotions cannot be called complete. Some emotions make us happy, while others, on the contrary, are negative, forming the basis of our actions and encouraging them, determining the stage of emotional stress. The state of emotional stress affects not only the mental health of a person, it can cause a number of somatic diseases and exacerbate already existing chronic ones. Therefore, it is very important to be able to relieve emotional stress in order to maintain mental and somatic health.

Stages of emotional stress

Emotional stress is a mechanism that can activate and mobilize all the intellectual and physical resources of the body, aimed at solving certain problems with minimal information and a short time frame. In accordance with this or that situation, excitation is converted into emotions, which in turn are converted into sensory (sensitive) and motor (motor) actions. The difference between the means of achieving the set task and real methods (the availability of information, time and energy) depends on how high the motivation of certain motives is, how much the stage of emotional stress rises.

Emotional stress goes through a development path in several stages:

1 stage– mobilization of activity. At this stage, physical and mental performance is significantly increased, which allows solving complex and non-standard tasks with significant time constraints. If such mobilization of the organism is deficient for the organism, then the emotional tension passes into the second stage.

2 stage- sthenic negative emotion. The second stage of emotional stress is characterized by the ultimate mobilization of all internal resources of the body, manifested in anger, anger, obsession and rage. If the body feels a lack of internal resources, then the third stage of emotional stress begins.

Stage 3 - asthenic negative emotion, expressed in a state of fear and anxiety, horror and longing, a feeling of hopelessness. At this stage, the body gives a signal of danger, indicating that all internal reserves have been exhausted and you need to look for other ways to achieve your goal, or abandon it, otherwise the fourth stage of emotional stress begins.

Stage 4 - neurosis. This stage of emotional stress, characterized by three main states: extreme arousal with rapid fatigue (neurasthenia), obsessive thoughts that provoke experiences (psychasthenia) and obsessive expressed aggression, accompanied by screaming, creating conflict situations, combined with crying (hysteria).

Emotional stress, reaching its climax, threatens not only with mental and neurotic disorders, but also causes a number of dangerous somatic diseases or seriously exacerbates existing chronic diseases. First of all, the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems suffer.

Knowing the consequences of emotional stress, one must learn to manage this state and relieve emotional stress in a timely manner before it reaches the dangerous fourth stage - neurosis.

How to relieve emotional stress?

If you feel that you are slowly turning into a "tangle of nerves", then it's time to relieve emotional stress. First of all, physical activity will help you, and it is not at all necessary to be an athlete or torture yourself with exhausting trips to the gym. A light morning jog or a special complex of physiotherapy exercises is quite enough, accustoming ourselves to which we will receive a sufficient dose of the “happiness hormone” endorphin, the action of which in the body will help reduce the state of emotional stress and prevent the development of the emotional burnout syndrome that people most often experience, under constant stress. Emotional stress is perfectly relieved by water, regardless of whether you are taking a contrast shower, or choosing the time to go to the pool. Hiking helps to relieve emotional stress, and walks in the fresh air away from the city are especially good.

If you are ready to "explode" right at the workplace, then try to relax and lean back in your chair, remember the most pleasant moments of life, or dream about the upcoming vacation, distract yourself with any thoughts that are not related to the source of emotional stress.

Allocate time rationally, combining work and rest, and at home, after a hard day's work, make the most of various relaxation techniques: meditation, yoga, arrange psycho-emotional unloading sessions to calm music, inhaling the aromas of mint, sandalwood, pine forest or lavender. Avoid conflict situations at home and in the work team, solve working moments as they come, without taking on the entire load at the same time, rationally distributing it, look for other ways to solve certain labor tasks.

The state of emotional stress often deprives healthy sleep, thereby accelerating the development of the fourth stage of emotional stress - neurosis. If you feel difficulty falling asleep, frequent waking up at night, early awakening or superficial sleep that does not give morning vigor, making it impossible to restore energy and strength, use decoctions of sedative medicinal plants to combat any manifestations of insomnia. Tea from sage leaves, hawthorn and rose hips, oregano, chamomile flowers, mint, lemon balm, valerian officinalis, motherwort herb will help relieve emotional stress and protect the cardiovascular system. In the absence of time to prepare decoctions, take herbal preparations based on sedative herbs that allow you to restore quality sleep, keep the cardiovascular system working, protect you from depressive or hysterical neurosis, and prevent malfunction of the autonomic nervous system, leading to the development of autonomic neurosis.

Preparations Valerian P and Motherwort P, which include vegetable raw materials, the action of which is enhanced by vitamin C, which has an antioxidant effect and increases the level of stress resistance, produced in a convenient tablet form. Innovative preparations Motherwort P and Valerian P are produced using cryogrinding technology at ultra-low temperatures, which gives them a significant advantage over other herbal preparations produced using high-temperature processing of plant materials, which significantly reduces the medicinal properties of medicinal herbs, including when preparing infusions or decoctions.

Thanks to these advantages, the innovative drug Valerian P was awarded a gold medal at the exhibition "Medicine and Health" in Perm and the quality mark "Penza Mark".

If you feel that emotional tension is growing, then the biologically active innovative complex Nervo-Vit will come to your aid, which has become one of the 100 best products of 2012, made using cryoprocessing, including the collection of the best sedative herbs, produced on the basis of cyanosis blue, sedative effect which is 10 times higher than that of valerian.

In addition, cyanosis blue is a powerful anxiolytic, which allows you to remove fear, anxiety, horror and longing, which are signs of the fourth stage of emotional stress. To achieve a faster anxiolytic and sedative effect of cyanosis blue in the composition of Nervo-Vit, motherwort and lemon balm are added, and a longer sedative effect is provided by valerian officinalis, which has the ability to prolong the effect of other sedative herbs when combined. The action of herbal ingredients in Nervo-Vit is enhanced by vitamin C.

The innovative vitamin complex Apitonus P, produced on the basis of royal jelly (comprising about 120 useful substances) and pollen (the richest source of enzyme complexes, essential and essential amino acids), will help relieve emotional stress, overwork when performing complex mental tasks or muscle tension during high physical exertion. , macro- and microelements, vitamins of the main groups),

the action of which is enhanced by a powerful antioxidant complex: dihydroquercetin (a natural reference antioxidant obtained from the bark of coniferous trees), vitamin C and vitamin E, which protect our body from premature aging, preventing the occurrence of psychosomatic diseases.

For those who prefer traditional technologies for the production of herbal preparations, herbal preparations are recommended, produced in the usual form of pills - Dragee Sage P, Dragee Valerian P, Dragee Motherwort P and dragee of the Evening series: Dragee of the Evening series, which include the collection sedative medicinal herbs: Dragee Evening VCM (valerian, hops, mint), Dragee Evening Plus (valerian and motherwort) and Dragee Evening Forte (valerian, hops, lemon balm, mint).

An excellent way to relieve emotional stress is sexual arousal, which helps to divert the accumulated negativity in a different direction, reduce the accumulated irritation and unpleasant emotions received during the day. However, the action of the hormone and cortisol (stress hormones) in the body blocks the production of male (testosterone) and female (progesterone) hormones, which causes a decrease in potency in men and develops frigidity in women. The biologically active complex Eromax containing drone brood (donator of entomological prohormones: testosterones, progesterone, estradiol), vitamin B6 (participating in the synthesis of female sex hormones), leuzea safflower powder and ginseng root ( adaptogens, which are biostimulants and general tonic agents), bee pollen (increasing the function of the adrenal cortex, stress resistance, normalizing blood pressure, supporting high mental and physical performance), extract of Goryanka (possessing antioxidant and nootropic effects, increasing potency and sexual desire), zinc citrate ( reducing irritability, which has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional background) and L-arginine (a protein-forming amino acid that improves the frequency and intensity of orgasms, increases mood, activity and endurance).

Exercise "Flying high in the sky"

Sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and listen to my voice. Breathe slowly and easily. Imagine that you are in a fragrant summer meadow. Above you is a warm summer sun and a high blue sky. You feel absolutely calm and happy. High in the sky you see a bird soaring in the air. This is a large eagle with smooth and shiny feathers. The bird soars freely in the sky, its wings spread out to the sides. From time to time she slowly flaps her wings. You hear the sound of wings cutting through the air vigorously. Now let each of you imagine that he is a bird. Imagine that you are slowly soaring, floating in the air and your wings are spread out to the sides, your wings cut through the air. Enjoy the freedom and wonderful feeling of floating in the air. Now, slowly flapping your wings, approach the ground. Now you are on the ground. Open your eyes. You feel well rested, you have a cheerful mood and a wonderful feeling of flying, which will last all day.”

Autogenic training makes it possible to master emotions, develops will, attention, forms the habit of self-observation and self-report, increases the stability and lability of higher nervous activity. AT is used by high school students and adults.

Autogenic training includes two levels - lower and higher.

The first step consists of 6 exercises that affect the autonomic functions:

Exercise "Heaviness" - the maximum relaxation of the muscles. Muscle relaxation is practiced through a figurative representation of the developing sensation of heaviness in the right arm, then the left arm, then in the right leg, then in the left leg and torso;

Exercise "Heat" - voluntary expansion of blood vessels in the same sequence, achieving a sensation of warmth;

Exercise "Heart" - regulation of the rhythm of heartbeats;

Exercise "Breathing" - regulation and normalization of breathing;

Exercise "Heat in the solar plexus" - a challenge to the sensation of warmth in the abdominal cavity;

Exercise "Coolness in the forehead" - the use of sensual representations of coolness, a breeze that refreshes the head.

The second step is meditative exercises that affect mental functions such as attention, imagination, thinking, will, emotions. You can start them only after you have mastered the exercises of the first stage and the sensations caused in all six exercises are achieved quickly (about 30-40 seconds).

They begin to work out the exercises in the prone position (on the back, the arms are slightly bent at the elbow joints, the legs are located freely and do not touch each other), in the future it is advisable to perform them while sitting in a comfortable position. They are practiced in conditions of complete rest, solitude, without haste.

A trained person is able to easily ignore all kinds of interference, performing exercises in any conditions. Practice shows that exercises are learned faster and more efficiently when using a tape recording of text with a sequence of actions.

Mudra is a special position of the fingers in accordance with certain rules. Knowledge of mudras comes from the depths of centuries and has always been used in yogic and spiritual practices as an affordable way to heal the body, to achieve a special state. Suitable for use with students of all ages and adults.

For classes, it is better to find a secluded place, but this is not a prerequisite. Mudras are gestures, so they can be performed at any time and in any place, it is best to perform them while sitting. A prerequisite is a straight back. The most favorable time is morning or evening. Mudras should not be done immediately after eating, you can start classes no earlier than an hour later. The best option: perform mudras twice a day. As you master the practice, the duration of the mudra increases from three minutes at the beginning to thirty minutes when you get stable skills. Most mudras give an immediate effect - you will immediately feel a surge of strength, clarity of mind, and peace. If you are facing more serious problems, then discipline and perseverance will be required. The mudras you have chosen will have to be performed for several weeks before you feel a profound change in yourself that will eliminate the problem that torments you.

This mudra is one of the most important. It relieves emotional stress, anxiety, restlessness, melancholy, sadness, melancholy and depression. Improves thinking, activates memory, concentrates potentialities.

Technique of execution: the index finger easily connects to the thumb pad. The remaining three fingers are straightened (not tense). Performed with both hands at the same time.

It is used for discomfort in the heart, anxiety and melancholy.

Execution technique: bend the index finger so that it touches the base of the thumb with the pad of the terminal phalanx. At the same time, we fold the middle, ring and thumb fingers with pads, the little finger remains straightened. Performed with both hands at the same time.

The implementation of this mudra equalizes the energy potential of the whole organism, helps to strengthen its vitality. Increases efficiency, gives vigor, endurance, improves overall well-being.

Technique of execution: the pads of the ring finger, little finger and thumb are connected together, and the rest are freely straightened. Performed with both hands at the same time.

With strong mental stress, you can perform 20–30 squats or 15–20 jumps in place. This method is widely used by both athletes and artists before important performances. Applies to students of all ages.

Participants are asked to sit comfortably, relax and close their eyes. They are given the following instruction: “Imagine that inside you, at chest level, a bright lamp is burning, covered with a lampshade. When the light goes down, you are warm, calm and comfortable. But sometimes, when we start to get nervous, the lampshade turns upside down. The harsh light hits our eyes, blinds us, it becomes hot and uncomfortable.

Imagine such a situation. But it's up to us to fix it. Imagine how the lampshade slowly and smoothly turns down, takes its normal position. The blinding light disappears, you become warm, cozy and comfortable again. »

Prevention of emotional stress

1. Break down and shrink strategy. Concentrate your attention on the small details of any important business or situation for you, move away from the significance of the result. “It is impossible to eat the whole elephant at once, in parts and gradually it is possible.” The concentration on particulars and small details makes the whole situation not so significant that it is very emotional to experience. At the same time, of course, it is useful to remember the main and general goal, so as not to get confused in the details. The split and reduce strategy allows you to switch attention, which helps to reduce the level of emotional tension.

2. Comparison of a situation or any activity with something bigger, more important. Reducing the importance. "Everything is nonsense, compared to the world revolution." Thus spoke the revolutionaries and steadfastly endured the hardships and hardships of the revolutionary struggle. In everyday life, you can think like this: "The project that I'm worried about is much smaller compared to the projects of the entire organization."

3. Establishment of certainty. Often anxiety arises when there is not enough information to make a decision. Get the information you need, find the right resources to address the uncertainty. “Knowledge is power” and calmness, if there is an understanding of the situation, forecasting the result, possible options for action.

4. Modeling a set of acceptable results. Consider all possible outcomes of an activity or resolution of a situation. Find the positives in them. Some options will suit more, some less, but in any case, it is better to be prepared for different options, while knowing how to use each result as efficiently as possible.

5. Postponement for a while (if possible) of making a decision, resolving the situation. The possibility of delay relieves emotional stress, allows you to be distracted, switch attention, removes nervousness caused by the need to act quickly.

6. Physical activity. Emotional stress subsides with intensive swimming, visiting a bath, running. Any physical activity balances emotions, makes them more stable.

7. Written fixation of the situation and the causes of emotional experience. It can be difficult to reflect on paper your condition, however, this is an effective way to reduce emotional distress. What is in the head in the form of images, sounds, sensations is not formalized verbally, there is no exact name for this. Describing your condition on paper, you will formulate clearly what is at the moment. Awareness and formulation of a problem situation reduces the level of its emotional experience.

8. Humor and work with negative emotions. Anything that becomes funny ceases to be dangerous. Humor is contagious, and cheerful communication brings together and helps to go through life easily, laughing, celebrating every day, creating positive emotions for yourself. It is useful to know anecdotes, aphorisms that are suitable for actual cases from your life. And not just to know, but to tie them to life situations.

Nervous tension. Symptoms, stages and how to remove.

How to relieve nervous tension and stress

Nervous mental tension, symptoms, stages and how to relieve nervous tension in its various stages, what you need to know, treatment.

Good time everyone! Let's talk about stress. The tension that arises as a result of various psycho-emotional stresses, whether it is the solution of some problem or experience.

It is very important for anyone to learn to recognize this or that tension in time and throw it off in time. Know how and what to do in a situation of mild or strong tension, which can easily turn into neurosis. This is primarily our health, both mental and, of course, physical. Everything is nearby.

How to relieve stress, what methods and what stages of stress are in general. In order to control your emotions, manage them and timely catch yourself on the occurrence of tension, you need to know yourself well and your individual characteristics. Only this will allow you to respond positively and correctly and switch. And of course, this will require some strength and energy from you.

I will write in my own words, without any scientific expressions, it will be easier for me and I think more understandable to you.

1) Light tension. Which occurs quite often. We can experience such tension many times during the day. It arises as a result of various reasons, ranging from the usual disappointment in something; irritation; displeasure, than something not so significant; not very disturbing, unpleasant memory of something; excitement when meeting some kind of person who causes us not the best feelings.

And even when meeting someone we like, something can bother us. In this case, a slight tension can even flow into a stronger one.

But now about the slight tension that arises as a result of something unpleasant, but not very significant for us. Have you noticed, felt this tension in your head (body), how can it be removed?

Such tension is removed quite easily, almost always we ourselves do it unconsciously - we are distracted by something that made us switch our attention and, imperceptibly for ourselves, the tension and the very reason for its occurrence remain outside our head, without images and thought processes.

Here I think no extra words are needed, it was just important to switch your attention. And since the problem was insignificant, it was not difficult for us to do this.

But another scenario was also possible. You kept your attention on this unpleasant moment. They got hooked mentally and began to scroll through the negative in my head, perhaps looking for an answer, or simply analyzing. But after all, this situation is unpleasant for you, which means that by holding it, even if it is a minor nuisance, you gradually, mentally drawing it in images and seeing some kind of internal dialogue with yourself, gradually raise the tension.

Often this can happen when a person, while doing some business along the way, gets distracted, deliberately forgets himself, but at the same time keeps the negative inside himself, in the images and feelings that he experienced then and began to experience now. At that moment, it was best to stop and let go of all this unnecessary information in my head, but it didn’t work out. As a result, consciously or not, you went into a state of increased tension.

2) Increased voltage. Tension, which noticeably takes away our strength. We will feel, after a while, a drop in energy, even weakness and very possibly unpleasant sensations in the head. Such tension arises with a significant emotional experience, or if a person is in a state of thought process over the solution of some important problem for him, solves some tasks he needs, is in a mental search for something.

In principle, this is a normal state in which we all, from time to time, stay. Especially those people who are engaged in business, politics and many others who are in constant search, make some important decisions, etc. Yes, this is not the most useful, in terms of health, tension, but it does not become intrusive.

A person realizing that he is tired and he needs to rest, may well collect his thoughts, let go of the problem and relax. Or, if it was some kind of trouble, it’s enough to calmly push it out of your head, getting busy and switching your attention to some pleasant or attention-demanding activity.

You may have to make some efforts on yourself, but it is important that this state is controlled and, with everything else, very well suited for working on yourself, searching and analyzing yourself.

The main thing here is to understand for yourself, to determine the point when you begin to feel significant fatigue and, regardless of the positive or not solution to some problem, let it go for a while and give your brain a rest. With a fresh head it is always easier to find a solution. Yes, and problems and troubles do not look so scary if you step back a little and let them go.

Many do not know how to stop in time and continue to search for a solution or scroll through the trouble, hoping to still solve the problem for themselves, find an answer, in order to calm themselves first of all - and thereby only bring themselves into a state of strong tension. But not only does a strong, exhausting tension arise, but also obsessive thoughts. The problem simply does not go out of my head, even if you try very hard to switch to something, occupy yourself and thereby be distracted.

3) Strong nervous tension and obsessive thoughts. This condition, not only has a strong negative impact on the human psyche, but also on the whole organism as a whole. The nervous system is literally exhausted. And the longer this state lasts, the more difficult it is to get out of it. The body weakens, there is a strong, both physical and mental fatigue, there is a possibility depressive states.

Moreover, the more persistently and quickly you try to solve the problem, because you really want to calm down as soon as possible, the faster and more you exhaust yourself. In this state, it is difficult to concentrate on work, concentrate attention and remember something.

In this state, we are not able to solve and look at the problem in a constructively correct way. This is because no matter how smart you think you are, your intellectual abilities in this obsessive and nervous state are significantly reduced. By the way, a person may not perceive it consciously and think within himself that he acts and thinks correctly. Plus to all this, a huge psycho-emotional fatigue.

You, I think, have noticed for yourself that in different states, looking at the same problem, we treat it differently. If something has bothered you, you are exhausted and instinctively let go of the problem, you were able to do it, then already returning to it, for example, the next day, it does not seem to be such a problem for you. And the decision, as a rule, is found quite quickly, and without much stress and deliberation.

If the obsessive state continues long enough, the person becomes very sensitive to any, even minor stresses and desperately, nervously reacts to the most trifling troubles and problems. Real neurosis.

How to relieve stress

And now about how to relieve nervous tension and get rid of obsessive thoughts before it comes to neurosis.

And so, how can we get out of this very unpleasant and harmful state for us. To begin with, the most important thing is to understand for yourself that it is hardly possible to solve the problem because of which you have brought yourself to such a state.

Plus, even after finding a suitable answer, thinking about the problem itself will not let you calm down, and the solution itself will still seem doubtful. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to relieve stress. Already understanding this will give you the opportunity to more easily perceive the current situation.

Now we need to focus on something else. Best of all, in this case, doing what you love, exactly what causes you positive emotions, is suitable. At the same time, negativity and obsessive thoughts will continue to stick in your head.

And here the most important point is not to resist obsessive thoughts if they do not go away and allow them to be, at the same time not analyzing and quietly ignoring them.

Any disturbing, obsessive thoughts, if you try not to think about them, will overcome even more and more. Trying to argue or get rid of them, you provoke a fight and thereby only increase internal tension.

You can watch thoughts, but without trying to get rid of them without fail and as soon as possible, let everything go naturally. Without conflicting with them, these thoughts will gradually resolve themselves.

As a result, without thinking, without fighting with yourself and without looking for a solution to the problem, slowly everything bad will lose its strength, and the positive emotions that you will gradually begin to experience from doing what you like will gain strength. It will take time, and depending on the strength and duration of the obsessive state, less or more. But this is a great way to get out of this state.

If possible, you can take a contrast shower, it relieves nervous tension and unpleasant symptoms of stress, how and what to read in the article " How to temper properly". Or go to the pool, physically active, swimming and the water itself is what you need.

Such activities will also help very well, even if they are not quite to your taste, like drawing, knitting, wood carving, etc. It is important that this does not require a lot of mental process from you. If you draw, then you draw calmly, easily and not too zealously, so that everything will certainly turn out well. As it turns out, so be it.

As at school in the classroom, with diligence and enthusiasm, but without unnecessary temperamental emotions and without twisting, from diligence, the tongue on its side. Although it is possible that at school some people tried very, very hard. Now this is not necessary, another time. Engaged in woodcarving or embroidery, the same thing.

These exercises are methodical, calm the brain well and do not require excessive mental activity. Unless you, like the great Surikov, paint a picture for the Tretyakov Gallery.

Another effective way to get out of nervous tension and an obsessive state is similar to the previous one. Smoothly transfer your attention to some other problem, the solution of which is just as important for you, but less restless and requires, rather than emotional costs, but some kind of action.

You will need some will power and that negative energy accumulated in the process of finding a solution to the first problem. And even somewhere anger. It is important to try to solve this problem with enthusiasm, with the search and study of the best option for solving it.

Your thought process will again take your energy, but the most important thing here is that you remove the sharpness of that first negative situation that led you to an obsessive state and thereby, without concentrating on it, gradually free your mind from obsessive thoughts.

That is, by using the energy of strong tension in solving another problem, you take yourself out of the obsessive state, and this in itself, although costly in terms of energy, will calm the inflamed brain. And the very solution of this second problem will give you already positive energy.

But again, always remember that if the obsessive thoughts don't go away, whatever you do, you don't fight them. Thus, you learn to live when there are some such thoughts and when they are not, you simply do not run away from them. Gradually, your perception of them will change from hostile to calm and you will no longer be afraid of their appearance and these thoughts themselves, the anxiety will go away and they will stop putting pressure on you.

Friends, if you feel that you have fallen into such a state of mental stress, and at the same time you have not been able to solve some of your problems, finding an answer will be 100% correct, abandoning its further solution.

Leave it for later, give your overheated thinking a chance to rest, cool down. Better yet, sleep with her. Morning evening is wiser, this is a very clever and useful expression. You will be able to look at the problem that bothers you a little from the outside and with a rested, cold brain.

Sometimes you need to move away from the problem altogether, allow yourself to leave it unresolved in order to clearly see its real essence later, whether it is really important to you. It often happens that the problem was not at all so important that it would be so bothering and worrying about it. At the same time, this break and a fresh look will allow you to see new options and possibilities for solving it.

And in order to most effectively and easily cope with a nervous state, you can learn something interesting and useful for yourself, as well as learn how to change some old beliefs that interfere with you, learn how to think positively, About how to get rid of irritation, do a reassessment of values, find out how it happens problem awareness and understand how and what work with the subconscious.

For this, there are excellent trainings and books, effective techniques and relaxation methods - you can familiarize yourself with some of them and download for free and without registration in my library, which is still small, like my website. And in order not to miss updates on this topic, you can subscribe to the newsletter.

Nervous state and tension. Finally.

Listen less to different words. Some evil tongues can say something about you that can be very unpleasant for you, insults, or tell you all sorts of nasty things that are not necessarily true, for example, your husband or wife is cheating on you.

Without thinking, you rush headlong into your experiences, without even really knowing whether this is true or not. Instead, first talk to her (him), and then draw conclusions.

There are enough envious people and dirty tricks in the world, so be independent of the insulting words of some, and be more reasonable in the gossip of others. Think first of all about your health, because life will continue anyway and after the black stripe, there will definitely be a bright, blue stripe.

A story about an ostrich. I’ll tell my friends right away, don’t associate this story about an ostrich with what I wrote above, it’s true, just for your mood. Though there are a few things to keep in mind..

The ostrich is not a stupid bird, when danger arises, it hides its head in the ground. What for? And why should he take all the problems into his head. He thinks that no matter what happens, it cannot be avoided, but I will not worry.

Just think, the ass will remain on the surface. Well, it's better to take all the problems with your ass than with your head, the head is still more important. And the butt. So what could happen to her? Yes, nothing terrible and can not.

Just a little, he hides his head in the ground and rests, does not see anything, does not see what is happening with his ass. And if there is no problem, then there is no problem.

Well, if, nevertheless, this one arises in the form of an elephant-masochist, what can you do, the main thing is the head in the sand, relaxes, the ass has taken the problem, it’s no stranger to it, then it’s an ass to seek adventures for itself, but there is peace in the head, no tension and in general everything is super.

The main thing is that the relatives do not see the problem that has arisen, otherwise explain later what's what - the head, the ass, the elephant.

Best regards Andrey Russkikh

P.S. Read more about obsessive-compulsive disorders and thoughts, their treatment, here ( link)

muscle clamp- this is a state of chronic tension of the entire muscle, and more often the muscle group responsible for the expression of emotion.

Synonyms: muscle spasm, muscle shell, muscle block.

Muscle clamps are the cause of many troubles and their indicator. The more muscle clamps, the faster a person gets tired, the more negative he has, the poorer and more monotonous emotional life. (See the article Development of the emotional sphere of personality).

Not every muscle tension can be called a clamp. Normal muscle contraction can meet current needs and stop in time. Unlike normal muscle contraction, muscle clamp exists for a long time after the situation that gave rise to it, is difficult to consciously relax and intensifies in response to some emotional stimuli.

Those spasms and clamps that are usually talked about and with which they work psychologists- these are spasms of the "first degree of neglect" - they are not accompanied by a loss of innervation and serious changes in muscle tissue - that is, in this case, muscles and nerves fibers function normally, but the brain gives incorrect commands to control the muscle tone of the spasmodic area. In such situations, intensive psychological training allows you to straighten a person's brains and thereby solve the problem. But unfortunately, there are also clamps of the "second degree of neglect", in which the innervation of the affected area is seriously disturbed and the muscle fibers partially atrophy.

Muscle clamps and the formation of fears

If some situation caused in the soul - that is, in the body - a reaction of fear, this means that somewhere in the body there was muscle tension. Most often, in response to fear, muscle tension occurs in the collar zone (the head is pressed into the shoulders), in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe diaphragm (breathing stopped), in the muscles around the eyes (glazed eyes) and in the hands (hands tremble). If the fear reaction is repeated or lasts (sometimes it stretches for hours, days, even years), muscle tension turns into a muscle clamp: a storehouse of fear. If a muscle clamp has formed in you according to the pattern of fear, you begin to feel fear even when nothing terrible is happening around you, just the memory of the body works in you, forming a general feeling anxieties and a sharp feeling of fear when something that looks like a dangerous situation appears near you. And where a person "with a clean body" will not be scared (or the fear will be weak, easily overcome), a person with heavy muscle clamps will be seriously scared, sometimes to the point of nausea and complete paralysis of the body.

Muscle clamps in children

The body of even a newborn child is not completely free from clamps - from birth, almost every person receives his own unique set of birth injuries and defects in the period of fetal formation, which are immediately overgrown with muscle spasms that balance them. All these things affect the further development of the character and abilities of the child along with genetics, but, unlike genetics, they can be corrected. True, the methods here are quite specific - massage, stretching, manual therapy and all that. And you need to start even before the onset of Pregnancy - adequate physical preparation of the mother can significantly reduce the number of birth injuries and birth defects in the baby.



Engaging in special theatrical games and performing special exercises involves solving the following tasks:

  • Development of motor abilities of children (dexterity, mobility, flexibility, endurance);
  • Development of plastic expressiveness (rhythm, musicality, speed of reaction, coordination of movements);
  • Development of imagination (ability for plastic improvisation).

A necessary condition for solving these problems is the ability to control your body, the so-called muscular freedom. In children, the absence of these skills manifests itself in two forms: as an overstrain (“clamp”) of all or individual muscle groups, or as excessive looseness, swagger. Therefore, special exercises are needed in alternating tension and relaxation of various muscle groups, up to complete relaxation of the whole body, lying on the floor.

When conducting collective educational games and exercises, it is necessary to create a fun and relaxed atmosphere, to cheer up squeezed and constrained children, and not to focus on mistakes and mistakes.

Universal workout.

All muscles need to be equally prepared for work. It is preferable to divide the warm-up into warm-ups by levels:

  1. Head, neck:
  2. Shoulders, chest:
  3. Belt, hip part:
  4. Legs, hands.

1. Head, neck

Exercise 1

Starting position: standing, the body is relaxed.

1 - the head falls on the chest, the muscles of the neck are tensed as much as possible.

2 - the head returns to its original position.

3 - tilt your head to the right.

4 - starting position.

6 - starting position

7 - tilt your head to the left.

8 - starting position.

Exercise 2

Starting position: standing, the body is relaxed. On the count of “one”, the head drops to the chest. Without returning to the starting position, at the expense of “two”, “three”, “four”, throw the head to the right, back, left. Repeat 4 times on one side and the other.

Exercise 3

Starting position: standing, the body is relaxed. The head smoothly “shifts” to the sides, describing a circle, while the performer slowly squats. When standing up slowly, the head describes a circle in the other direction.

2. Shoulders, chest:

Exercise 4

Starting position: standing, the muscles are as relaxed as possible.

1 raise your shoulders up.

2 bring your shoulders forward.

3 move down.

4 take back.

Repeat four times.

Exercise 5

Starting position: standing, muscles relaxed.

Movement according to the scheme: cross. Square, circle. And shift parallel to the floor.

CROSS. It is carried out both horizontally and vertically.

HORIZONTAL CROSS: forward - center - right - center - back - center - left - center.

VERTICAL CROSS: up - center - right - center - down - center - left - center.

SQUARE: forward - right - back - left.

3. Belt, hip part:

Exercise 6

The starting position of the legs is shoulder width apart, the feet are parallel to each other.

Tilts forward, to the right and left side When leaning forward, the back should be even slightly arched. When standing up, the back bends in the opposite direction, similar to a “hump”. When tilted to the right and left sides, the shoulders are deployed parallel to the floor, the legs remain in their original position.

Exercise 7

Warm-up of the hip part (pelvis)

The main types of movements;

  1. Back and forth;
  2. From side to side;
  3. Raising the hip up (moves the outer front side of the hip joint)

Movement technique:

  1. When moving forward, the pelvis rises slightly and is sharply sent forward. When moving back, the lower back remains in place. The knees are bent and pointing straight forward (it is very important to keep the knees still while moving).
  2. The side-to-side movement can be of two types: simply moving from side to side without raising or lowering the pelvis, or moving in an arc (semicircle). Such a movement is usually used during the swing swing of the pelvis from side to side.
  3. Option for the development of coordination of movements.

During the execution of the movements, connect the movements of the head.

The hips go forward - the head goes down, the hips go to the side - the head leans to the right or left side, the hips go back - the head leans back.

4. Legs, hands.

Exercise 8

Starting position: squat down, stretch the right straight leg to the side. At the expense of “one - two”, smoothly transfer the body weight to the right leg; pull out the left. When shifting body weight from foot to foot, you need to stay as close to the floor as possible. At the expense of “three - four”, bend your arms at the elbows, put your elbows on the floor near the leg, on which the weight of the body is transferred.

Exercise 9


Target: Tighten and relax alternately the muscles of the hands in the hands, elbows and shoulders.

It is possible to help a child to become liberated and to feel the possibilities of his body with the help of various rhythmoplastic theatrical exercises and games.



Raising a child to be stress-resistant
We live in an era of major advances in biology and medicine. Diseases that in the past claimed tens of thousands of lives have been overcome in various countries. Epidemics of such deadly infections as plague, smallpox, cholera, and typhus have practically ceased; mortality from many other infectious diseases and tuberculosis has significantly decreased, the percentage of infant mortality is decreasing, poliomyelitis has been defeated, the technique of surgical interventions for serious surgical diseases has increased, and an opportunity has appeared for successful transplantation of vital organs, including the heart.

But in general, the incidence has not decreased. From year to year in different countries the number of clinics, hospitals and polyclinics is growing, and yet they are constantly lacking. The structure of morbidity has changed significantly. The place of severe infections was taken by diseases that are often called "diseases of civilization" in everyday life. This includes hypertension with all its formidable complications, up to stroke and heart attack, angina pectoris, tumors, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, bronchial asthma and other diseases of an allergic nature, eczema and neurodermatitis, as well as alcoholism and drug addiction. Most of these diseases are classified as so-called psychosomatic(soma is Greek for "body"). This term means that the changes that occur during these diseases in the internal organs and systems of the body (cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, respiratory), doctors associate with more or less prolonged emotional stress (in the form of fear, longing, hatred, resentment, despair) arising in response to life's difficulties and conflicts - both interpersonal (i.e. between people) and internal. It is internal conflicts that are credited with the main role in the occurrence of neuroses and psychosomatic diseases.

Parents and teachers need to know about this, since many psychosomatic diseases have become "younger" and their causes are rooted in the wrong interaction between older and younger, the consequences of which for the latter can become irreversible.

About the nature of stress

What is internal conflict? This is a conflict between two equally strong but incompatible needs, between two oppositely directed behavioral tendencies.So, if a person, in order to satisfy some of his egoistic needs (ambition, greed, fear for his well-being, striving for power or sensual pleasures), must commit actions that contradict his ideas about himself as a noble and strong person, actions that can infringe on his sense of honor and justice - he finds himself in a situation of duality, conflict with himself. The need, the very existence of which contradicts the basic educated attitudes of behavior, cannot be satisfied directly in behavior and causes chronic emotional stress.

Another cause of emotional stress is, as we have already written, collisions with external obstacles that prevent the satisfaction of a need that is quite acceptable for a person, or blows of fate, such as the death of loved ones, wars, conflicts.Regardless of for what reasons - external or internal - it is not possible to satisfy an urgent need, a person experiences a state of stress.

The word "stress" is used, apparently, more often than any other scientific term, both in popular literature and in everyday life. However, many of those who widely use this term to characterize their condition or the condition of their loved ones do not always understand its exact meaning and the whole complex of problems associated with this concept.

Since 1936, the concept of stress has been developed by the outstanding Canadian physiologist Hans Selye and his followers in all countries of the world. He determined stress as a specific response of the human or animal body to any demand presented to it; this response is a tension (Russian translation of the English word "stress") of all the body's defenses, the mobilization of its resources, and above all the autonomic, nervous and hormonal systems, to adapt to the changed situation and solve life problems that have arisen.

Phases of stress:

G. Selye distinguishes three phases of such an organism's response:

1) alarm reaction , reflecting the process of mobilization of reserves;

2) resistance phasewhen it is possible to successfully overcome the difficulties that have arisen without any visible damage to health. At this phase, the body is even more resistant to various harmful effects (intoxication, blood loss, food deprivation, pain, etc.) than in its normal, initial state;

3) exhaustion phase when, due to excessively prolonged or excessively intense stress, the adaptive capabilities of the body are depleted, its resistance to diseases decreases and various signs of physical distress appear: loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, stool disorders, weight loss, increased blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbance, etc.

Stress "good" and "bad"

G. Selye noted that stress is not always something only negative, that it is an obligatory component of life that accompanies emotions of any sign, including love ecstasy and creative enthusiasm. These emotions bring satisfaction and protect against the blows of life. Stress can not only reduce, but also increase the body's resistance to harmful disease-causing factors, in which case it is called eustress . In contrast, the stress that can lead to illness and death is called distress.

Where is the dividing line between these two types of stress? At first glance, one might get the impression that eustress corresponds to a phase of resistance, while distress corresponds to a phase of exhaustion. From here, it seems to follow by itself that this phase change naturally occurs with prolonged and intense action of unfavorable factors, which is confirmed in experiments on animals that are subjected to prolonged food deprivation, restriction of mobility or electric shock punishment. However, not all so simple.

Despite the troubles

In humans, things are much more complicated. The tragic experience of such catastrophes as the Second World War shows that the duration and intensity of stress is not a necessary condition for the violation of adaptive mechanisms. Indeed, it is widely known that in persons actively involved in long-term and hard military and labor activities, the number of psychosomatic diseases not only did not increase, but even significantly decreased: ulcers of the stomach and intestines healed, angina pectoris and bronchial asthma attacks stopped. People who lay for hours and days in damp and cold trenches very rarely developed colds and infectious diseases and radiculitis. The inhabitants of besieged Leningrad did not have hypertension, for the first time high blood pressure was registered in many residents of the city only after the blockade was broken. Moreover, psychosomatic illnesses temporarily disappeared even in those who survived the inhuman conditions of the concentration camps.

Those prisoners of the death camps who turned out to be spiritually broken, perceived the situation as hopeless and stopped all attempts to resist, quickly died from exhaustion and disease. Other people, who continued the daily struggle for existence and the preservation of human dignity, not only survived, despite hunger, poor-quality food, exhausting labor and the constant threat of destruction, but often by the time of release they did not show signs of the diseases that they suffered before imprisonment. To camp.In the camp infirmaries ("revirs"), where the influence of the underground organizations of the Resistance, which supported the spirit of struggle and moral mutual assistance, was especially strong, the patients often recovered in spite of all conditions and in the complete absence of medicines. Although health and life were preserved among those connected with the camp brotherhood, who showed steadfast courage and readiness for resistance, it would be a big stretch to believe that they experienced positive emotions. The share of wrestlers had so much trials and suffering, as others do not know for a long life.

Therefore, from the point of view of the classical concept of stress, it looks like a paradox that many of these people after release, when all the torments were already in the past and the emotional state was incomparably better, showed signs of new psychosomatic diseases or resumed previously suffered (similarly to veterans many years later, old wounds suddenly open up).

Diseases of achievement

At the same time, it is known that in peacetime, short-term stress is sometimes enough, which does not even pose an immediate threat to life and in any case is not comparable to front-line or camp stress, to cause a persistent increase in blood pressure, exacerbation of peptic ulcer, heart attack or stroke. Sometimes a sharp conversation with superiors or a conflict in public transport is enough for this.

Even more surprising are the diseases that are called achievement diseases, which occur after a person has overcome serious difficulties and achieves significant success, that is, when the state of stress should already have remained in the past. Doctors are familiar with the so-called post-dissertation syndrome, which develops in scientists after the successful completion of a large and responsible work, especially if they allow themselves a long break, relax and do not set new tasks. It would seem that people in these conditions should experience only positive emotions, and from the standpoint of the classical concept of stress, the occurrence of diseases in this case remains completely inexplicable. At the same time, if the completion of work is postponed for any reason (for example, serious corrections are necessary), illnesses, as a rule, do not occur, although such a delay itself is usually associated with unrest and hard work in time pressure.

Thus, neither the duration, nor the intensity of stress, nor the nature of the emotional state during the period of stress determine its impact on health. What is decisive in this case?

"Who is accustomed to fight for victory"

This question can be answered by some experiments on animals (rats). First, they artificially provoked the development of certain diseases. After that, various emotional states (positive and negative emotions) were induced in these animals by stimulating certain areas of the brain with electric current.

Many studies have shown that with positive emotions, all manifestations of artificially induced diseases decrease, and with violent stimulation of negative reinforcement zones, on the contrary, they increase so that in the end they can lead to the death of the animal. It would seem that the idea, ancient as the world, of the benefits of positive and the harm of negative emotions is fully confirmed - an idea compromised by all the facts listed above about human health under conditions of prolonged stress and after its completion. Perhaps the influence of emotions on health in humans and animals is subject to different laws? ..

However, a more thorough analysis of the results obtained showed that there are no contradictions and that the biological patterns are similar, you just need to be able to identify them. It was found that the stimulation of zones of negative reinforcement does not lead to unambiguous results. In many cases, the health of the test animals does deteriorate, but it is not uncommon for it to improve, and the improvement is almost as pronounced as when the zones of positive reinforcement are stimulated. And the determining factor is the behavior of the animal in the process of experiencing negative emotions.

And this behavior can be of two types. In some cases, the animals hide in the corner of the cage, tremble and freeze, revealing all the signs of fear (they have more frequent urination and feces, the hair stands on end, the pulse speeds up), but at the same time they do not make any attempts to escape, or they completely limply spread out on the bottom of the cage as if resigned to his fate. This behavior is called passive defensive. The term is not very successful, because there is no truly defensive component in this behavior. Its opposite isactive defensive behavior.

This behavior can also have various manifestations: the animal can try to escape from the cage, revealing all the signs of fear, but not paralyzing, but pushing it to search for a saving way out; or the rat goes berserk, bites and scratches the cage, can cling to the experimenter, tries to pull the electrodes out of his head. In all cases, such defensive behavior is active. And systematic observations made it possible to establish that it is with active-defensive behavior, as well as with positive emotions, that the severity of disease processes decreases. On the contrary, with passive-defensive behavior, all forms of pathology flourish and often end in the death of the animal.

M. M. Kozlovskaya studied the influence of the emotional state and behavior of the animal on blood pressure. In the experiment, a dog approached the cat. In cats that were active-defensive and ready to fight, their heart rate increased and blood pressure increased - but only for as long as the dog was within reach and a fight was possible. As soon as the dog was taken away, all indicators of emotional stress, including blood pressure, quickly returned to their original level. Thus, the increase in pressure in this case was only a natural component of the vegetative reaction that ensures active behavior. If the cat, sensing the approach of the dog, crouched down on the floor in the far corner of the chamber, showing signs of helplessness and fear, then his pressure also increased, although not to such high numbers. But it remained at an elevated level for a long time after the dog was taken away. In this case, the pressure increase did not perform any adaptive function and only reflected a violation of the mechanisms of blood pressure regulation under conditions of passive-defensive behavior.

There is reason to believe that this is the same mechanism for the occurrence of a severe psychosomatic illness - hypertension - in some people who, due to a number of circumstances, cannot realize their deep, urgent need to control the situation and the behavior of others. As a result, they are forced to give up attempts at such control and the desire to impose their will on other people, and they experience the need to come to terms with this, often unconsciously, as a defeat.

Passivity of babies

Each organism at an early stage of its development acquires the experience of passive-defensive behavior. At this stage, such behavior cannot be qualified as a refusal to search for the simple reason that the mechanisms of the central nervous system that ensure stable search activity have not yet been formed. Therefore, passive-defensive behavior in the first weeks or months of life is the only possible one when faced with a danger or a task that exceeds the possibilities.

It is interesting that highly developed animals, which exhibit high search activity in adulthood, after birth experience helplessness and complete dependence on their parents and immediate environment, i.e., the period of childhood increases in the course of evolution. In a human cub, this stage is especially large, since it is in the course of communication with adults and the "appropriation" of the achievements of civilization that the further development of the nervous system and behavior proceeds. At the same time, the high organization of human society ensures that the infant is cared for and safe throughout his helplessness.

The role of early experience

However, the experience of passive behavior does not disappear without a trace: precisely because the central nervous system of the child is extremely sensitive to any influences (which makes it so plastic and ready for learning), the experience gained at this time is fixed forever. The brain of a newborn is prepared for perception and for a very strong consolidation of impressions without any criticism of them. That's why the experience of dependency, helplessness, and passive-defensive behavior is very strong, and the subject needs to actively overcome it further.In essence, the whole further process of development of the organism is a relearning, but early experience cannot be completely eliminated and contains a constant prerequisite for the development (under the conditions that will be discussed below) of passive-defensive behavior already in the adult state. But, of course, in adults of those species that are capable of active search, passive-defensive behavior is regressive, i.e., reflects a return to earlier stages of development, and can be qualified as a refusal to search with all the described consequences.

Activity training

What are the main conditions for overcoming the early experience of natural helplessness, and why can this overcoming be not entirely successful? Primarily, the baby must feel that he is under the constant protection of his immediate environment, especially the mother.He must gain confidence that crying, the only way available to him to respond to unpleasant sensations (hunger, pain, discomfort in bed, fear of the unknown), is effective enough and helps him control the situation.

There is often an erroneous and harmful idea among young mothers that one should not indulge the whims of an infant and that it is possible to wean him from screaming and crying without paying attention to him. In many cases, this method is indeed effective. If, with a constant emotional and behavioral response to the crying of a child, his cry after a while may acquire an unpleasantly demanding character and will sound at the slightest discomfort, then ignoring crying will more or less quickly lead to the fact that after the “rolling cry” stage (an attempt to turn the tide) ) he will first turn into a helpless, offended sob (feeling of his own powerlessness), and then completely stop, creating in the mother the illusion of a successful educational action. The fact that the child will get the first experience of the futility of any efforts, which reinforces the passive-defensive attitude characteristic of this stage of life, will remain behind the scenes.

It must be remembered that the baby, if he is healthy, cries only when he experiences real discomfort (damp bed, hunger, pain in the stomach). If he is sick, attention to him is all the more necessary. Therefore, he must gradually acquire the confidence that he can attract attention to himself by crying and can rely on the good attitude of the mother, her constant protection. Only with her help can he gradually develop the ability to actively interact with the world and search behavior, only she is able to carefully lead him through the stage of patronage and support to the stage of independence and independence.

Children's psychotrauma.Both parents and educators of nurseries and kindergartens should understand what are the specifics of a child's development and what harm can be caused by the wrong attitude towards him, ignoring his natural needs for affection, care and support. In this regard, the general emotional situation in the family (or in the substitute environment), to which the child is especially sensitive, also deserves special attention. Family conflicts and quarrels in the environment closest to the child, manifestations of mutual hostility inevitably cause in a small person a feeling of threat, trouble, insufficient security, not to mention the fact that the deterioration in the mood of adults involuntarily affects their attitude towards the child, for whom there is no longer enough no kindness, no patience. All this in combination forms childhood psychotraumas, which, as shown in many studies, often precede the emergence of neurotic and psychosomatic disorders by decades. This can be explained as follows.

Having experienced a psycho-traumatic situation at an age when he is not yet capable of actively seeking to overcome it, the child, as it were, is fixed in his initial tendency to passive-defensive response, instead of gradually overcoming this tendency, "getting sick" with it. A conflict or stressful situation that arises already in adulthood and affects significant emotional relationships of a person turns into a blow to a weak link: on the one hand, it provokes a stereotype of passive-defensive behavior fixed from childhood in any difficult environment, i.e. causes a refusal to look for ways to resolve the conflict. On the other hand, in some of its aspects, it resembles that specific situation in childhood that was psycho-traumatic, and thanks to the strong imprinting of that situation, it also reproduces the childish type of reaction.

It seems that it was precisely this kind of observation that formed the basis of Freud's statements about the role of childhood psychotrauma in the development of diseases in adults and that neuroses and psychosomatic diseases are based on regressive behavior. After all, a return to a passive-defensive reaction fixed in childhood is a regression of behavior, i.e., a decrease in its level to a more primitive one.

"Mom is not scary."What is the role of the mother and the entire immediate environment in actively overcoming the prerequisites for passive-defensive behavior? The most general principle is thatthe child must, from a very early age, be cautiously but persistently encouraged to engage in the activities available to him, of course, always under the protection of his parents or persons replacing them.This patronage is necessary so that encounters with the first difficulties would not provoke and consolidate the reaction of passive fear - next to the mother, under her protection, the child is much less inclined to such reactions, overcomes them more easily and is ready for more active attempts to explore the world around him.

For freedom of movement.A huge role in the further development of search activity is played by conditions that provide the child with maximum freedom of movement.It is worth dwelling on this issue in more detail.

Research by I. A. Arshavsky showed that the child's spontaneous motor activity is a factor that not only contributes to the development of the muscular system, but also increases the body's energy reserves. At the same time, the body acquires the ability to carry out activities that were previously inaccessible to it. Thus, a system with positive feedback is formed, when motor activity creates the prerequisites for one's own development. But the point, apparently, is not only in the movements as such.

For an infant, movements are actually the only way to explore themselves and the world around them, to establish cognitive contacts with the environment, and hence the enormous role of movements for the development of the psyche and intellect is clear. From the active muscles, impulses are constantly sent to the brain, stimulating the central nervous system and contributing to its development. In all cases when motor behavioral reactions in children are determined not by internal motives, not by the desire for contact with the world, but are caused by coercion from the outside, the creative inclinations potentially available to each child are often irreversibly suppressed.

On the other hand, in cases of paralysis that are not caused by severe brain damage, attempts, even if not entirely successful, to make various voluntary contacts with the environment are often especially pronounced. In particular, they are focused on actively compensating for the existing deficit, on overcoming difficulties, which is manifested in the desire to get up, sit down, stand up, walk - and in these cases, the development of the intellect not only does not suffer, but can even surpass that of normally developing children.

The point, therefore, is not only and not so much in the movements as such, but in the purposeful search activity realized through the movements. The goal for a person, starting from an early age, emphasizes I. A. Arshavsky, to the extent that it stimulates activity, is the most organizing factor in his development. It follows that the infant must first of all be provided with conditions for free spontaneous movements. And for this it is necessary already in the first weeks of life to abandon tight swaddling and dress the child in special loose clothing. The harm of swaddling is not only physiological, but also psychological, because it reinforces the feeling of helplessness and passive dependence.

For the baby to develop.A baby, freed from diaper fetters, needs to be early enough and the farther, the more involved in various games - first simple ones, then more and more complex ones.It is necessary to actively draw his attention to people and objects, starting with shiny and sounding toys that are hung over the bed so that the child can reach them, however, making some effort for this. It is necessary to change his position in bed more often and occasionally pick him up in order to expand his field of vision.

In the future, the following principle should be followed: as the child masters some skills, the tasks that are set before him in play situations should slowly but steadily become more difficult.Parents should always be ready to help the child if he cannot cope with something, before he falls into despair from his impotence. However, one should not rush to offer help until the child shows a willingness to try to solve the problem on his own again and again. It is necessary to ensure that failures do not follow one after another, but success should not be achieved too quickly, without sufficient effort, and most importantly -success should not be fully guaranteed even before any effort is made, because such a guarantee kills search activity. Achieving the goal should be associated with overcoming obstacles, but they themselves must be overcome.

The older the child becomes, the more important it is to maintain a balance between success and failure: comfortable, softening conditions, the satisfaction of all desires without seeking is no less harmful than constant depressing failures.Be aware of the dangers of achievement diseases. Even if a person has formed a need for search, but having consciously set himself a super-task, he has achieved the desired goal, which he considers the crown of all efforts, he is in a dangerous situation. In the future, he may actively suppress his need for search out of a desire to stop there, out of fear that further search activity is fraught with the risk of losing what has already been acquired. Such fear is the first step towards the abyss. But even constant failures eventually devalue the active search, cause not only a feeling of hopelessness, but also fear of any efforts, because they lead to endless punishments. Remember Chekhov's hero from "The Cherry Orchard", nicknamed "twenty-two misfortunes" - he is pre-set to fail any action, and with such a setting, the chances of failure are sure to increase.



Appointment of finger and gesture games

At its core, finger games are massage and gymnastics for the hands, and sometimes for the legs. These are mobile physical exercises right at the table, funny poems that will help your children become kinder. You can just read them to the kids and ask them to move their fingers the way they want.

For better perception, it is recommended to read the poems by heart. It is necessary that not only the children see your face, but also that you see their faces and observe the impression from the text of the poem and from the finger game itself. Nothing should stop kids from listening.

The game is one of the best ways to develop the speech and thinking of children. Organized games, including finger games, accompanied by speech, turn into a kind of small performances. According to adults, children can remember and reproduce a lot, you just need to repeat the text several times.

The culture of speech of children directly depends on the culture and content of the speech of adults - parents and teachers, that is, from you !!! Naughty poems and counting rhymes will not only allow you to have fun physical education, but also help to awaken children's imagination, creative initiative.

In addition, finger games in themselves give our children health, as this affects the skin of the hands, where there are many points associated with certain organs. Each poem is accompanied by a description of the recommended movements for fingerplay. But this is just a convention. You can easily come up with the exercises yourself or ask the kids to do it. All movements are very simple and can be repeated from game to game. The main thing is the variety of poetic lines. It is they who help maintain the interest of children in fun physical education.

The main goal of finger games is to switch attention, improve coordination and fine motor skills, which directly affects the mental development of the child. In children with whom finger games were often played, even handwriting is much better than in others. The unique combination of good poems and simple massage techniques gives a striking effect of active mental and physical development.

One-year-old children easily perceive a finger game performed with one hand, and three-year-olds already know how to play with two hands. Toddlers of four years old are able to participate in games where several events follow each other, and for older children you can offer a finger game by decorating it with some small objects - cubes, balls, etc.

Massage movements create favorable conditions for muscle activity, accelerating the transmission of nervous excitation from one element to another. At the same time, muscle tissue is intensively supplied with oxygen and actively released from decay products. In addition, the content of lactic acid in the muscles decreases, organic acids are excreted, which effectively relieves fatigue after exercise. Any massage relieves fatigue, increases physical and mental activity, causes lightness and cheerfulness.

Massage techniques

  1. Stroking - performed rhythmically, calmly, freely and easily gliding over the skin with your fingertips or palm. Stroking can be straight, spiral, zigzag, alternate, longitudinal, circular and combined. In addition, forceps, rakes, comb-like stroking and simple ironing are used.
  2. Trituration - at the same time, a certain pressure is exerted on the surface and the hand does not slide over it, but, as it were, slightly shifts the skin, forming a fold in front. Rubbing is performed with the pads of the fingers or the palm of the hand and can also be zigzag, spiral and straight.
  3. Vibration - patting, chopping, tapping, shaking, shaking, etc.
  4. Kneading - when it occurs displacement and squeezing of the muscles. It can be performed with the pads of the fingers, the phalanges of the bent fingers, the tubercles of the thumbs, the fist, the base of the palm.
  5. In the process of finger games, much attention is paid tomassage of the fingers themselves.In this case, several types of rubbing are used: circular with the fingertips, circular with the edge of the palm, spiral with the base of the palm, zigzag and straight "tongs".

In addition to all these massage techniques, shaking and stroking fingers are actively used during games.

Finger game number 1.

One, two, three, four, five -

With a finger of one hand, we count the fingers on the other, lightly pressing on the pads.

We went out to the garden for a walk.

We walk - we walk in the meadow,

With the index finger of one hand, we perform circular strokes of the palm of the other.

There flowers grow in a circle.

Petals exactly five,

We count the fingers, stroking them in reverse order.

Then we read the poem again and repeat all the movements on the other hand.

Finger game number 2.

The poem and all movements can be repeated.



Finger games for toddlers

Finger game #3

The wolf will open its mouth

1-4 lines - we press the index, middle, ring and little fingers on both hands to each other, and then we press the thumb pad to closed four fingers, then we release it, depicting a wolf's mouth. "We click the mouth on both hands"

Wants to steal a bunny:

Click yes click, and click again!

The wolf will not catch the hare.

Mouth clicks in vain -

5-6 lines - we relax the fingers on both hands and “run” them along the table, touching its surface with pads.

The hare runs great!

Finger game #4

A top sits in the house,

1-2 lines - from both hands we make a “spyglass” or “binoculars” and attach it to the eyes.

He looks at you through the eye

Can open the door

3-4 lines - from one palm we make a “wolf mouth”, as in the previous game, and bring the fingers of the other hand to the “mouth” and grab them with it, performing stroking movements with the pads.

And bite your finger.

If it hurts, then a little

5-6 line - rub the palms together with light movements.

Rub your palms!

Finger game #5

Hut on the meadow,

1 line - we make a "house" from both hands, connecting them with the fingertips and the bases of the palms.

Locked doors.

2 line - we connect the fingers in the lock.

Pick up the key quickly

3-4 lines - we rotate with the thumbs of both hands (one around the other), without opening the lock.

And we will open the hut.

Shake off our palms

5-6 lines - open your fingers, relax your palms and shake them with light movements.

Let's rest a little.



Five rules for healing the body with the power of consciousness

William Braud identified five basic mental techniques that he believed were important in self-healing processes.

These include:

The need for relaxation and rest.

The ability to focus attention on one thing (for example, breathing), which contributes to the development of mental self-control and avoids distraction. (The two previous points are achieved through meditation)

Master the techniques of imagination and visualization, because the language of images is preferable for consciousness.

Inclusion in the process, the desire to achieve some goal and the expectation that the goal will be achieved.

Resurrection of strong positive emotions during the healing process.

The system developed by Jose Silva included these five elements almost twenty years before Braud's research. Braud's research has finally secured the credibility of Silva's technique in the scientific community. And now you have to learn the basic technique of healing according to the Silva method.

Self-healing technique

The following is the basic technique. More advanced techniques are beyond the scope of this e-book.

Basic technique

1. Dive into your meditative alpha level.

Download the exercise to dive to the alpha level. This free audio will help you dive into the alpha level, suitable for mental healing.

2. Visualize your current state of health on a mental screen.

I wrote about what a mental screen is in an article"Can you control 'luck'?" .

Visualize the current state of your body, including minor ailments or pain that bother you. You don't have to remember or know what an organ really looks like. For your mind, simple images are enough. Think of the lung as a balloon, and the kidney as a bean. Create a characteristic picture of malaise. Feel the emotions associated with this problem.

3. Imagine yourself being healed, getting stronger and healthier.

Now imagine that the discomfort disappears. Create in your imagination a system that eliminates the disease.

For example:

Kidney stones can be ground into a harmless powder, which is then excreted;

Tumors can appear as large plaques, while your immune system and white blood cells are like tiny soldiers attacking the tumor. With each attack, the tumor shrinks;

The inflamed muscle can be bathed in an imaginary healing light that reduces pain and returns the muscle to a healthy state.

The exact image you use doesn't matter - create something that says something to you. This does not need scientific correction, but should simply be symbolic. Your subconscious will receive a signal.

4. May you become the last image, radiating health

Feel the joy and energy of having perfect health. Imagine that this is already the case.

It will help if you say a positive statement like:

“I have a perfectly healthy body and mind”


“My ______ is now functioning wonderfully and in excellent condition.”

5. Let go

Let go and trust in your body's ability to heal itself. Now you can dive into the alpha level. Trust that the healing process is taking place.

Please remember that mental healing should not be a substitute for a visit to your doctor. For serious problems, always consult your doctor first. Mental healing is just an additional type of healing - as the name itself suggests it should be used. in parallel but not as a replacement modern medicine.

Whether you're using traditional medicine, surgery, or more holistic therapies like acupuncture, yoga, or massage, Silva's Live the Rhythm program can amazingly speed up and soften the natural healing process.

"What if I'm already healthy?"

If you have no health problems, you can continue to meditate and imagine yourself remaining absolutely healthy. Thus, you may never have to worry about self-medication.



Finger games for children 4-5 years old

Finger game No. 6 "Elephant"

Finger game No. 7 "Centipedes"

Finger game No. 8 "Butterfly"

Finger game No. 9 "Little Spider"

Finger game No. 10 "Rainworms"

If it's dry, the worms are sleeping,

The index and thumb fingers of both hands rest on the table with pads. The remaining fingers are pressed to the palms. Slightly bending and stretching along the surface of the table, the index and thumb fingers “crawl” along the table, depicting worms.

When it rains, they go out into the garden.

Between the puddles the moves are crooked

"Worms" crawl between saucers with water, as between puddles.

Build earthworms.



New finger games for children 4-5 years old

Finger game №11 "Crab"

Finger game №12 "Crows"

Crows have come to us

Wave your hands in the air (raven wings).

They sat side by side on maples.

Elbows are on the table. Fold the thumb, index and middle fingers of each hand into a pinch (crows' beaks) and swing them up and down.

They began to croak loudly, argue,

Taking the thumb down, show how the "crow's beak" opens.

They began to build a house from branches.

Use your fingers (beak) to take pencils, matches, counting sticks (twigs) from the table and “make a nest” out of them.

Finger game No. 13 "Snails - touchy"

Finger game No. 14 "Little Spider"

Propeller spins fast

The helicopter is ready to take off.

He is brave, no doubt

The path will find among the clouds.

Flying in the blue sky

The clouds are dispersing

And he'll be back right on time.

No matter how far the way.

You can not help rotate the pencil with your thumb. It is important to rotate the “propeller” as long as possible and not “break” it, i.e. try not to drop the pencil.



Let's play with fingers

(for children 4-5 years old)

Finger game No. 15 "Helicopter"

Propeller spins fast

Pinch a short pencil between your index and middle fingers. With a movement of your fingers, slip the end of the pencil under the ring finger and press it with this finger, and remove the index finger from the pencil. Pass the pencil from finger to finger, depicting the rotation of the helicopter propeller.

The helicopter is ready to take off.

He is brave, no doubt

The path will find among the clouds.

Flying in the blue sky

The clouds are dispersing

And he'll be back right on time.

No matter how far the way.

You can not help rotate the pencil with your thumb. It is important to rotate the “propeller” as long as possible and not “break” it, that is, try to prevent the pencil from falling.

Finger game №16 "Captain"

On the waves on a white boat

Fold your palms in a boat, connecting two handfuls with ribs. Slowly perform wave-like movements, showing how the boat is rocking on the waves.

He swims, big and bold.

He is a brave captain

By increasing the speed and amplitude of movements, show how the boat rocks on high waves.

Withstood the hurricane.

The captain saw all countries,

Hand movements are calm, as at the beginning of the game.

Crossed all oceans

And then, like a hero,

He came home to his mother.

Finger game №17 "Brothers"

Five brothers on a warm day

Put the elbow of the right hand on the table, straighten the fingers (brothers).

Met five friends.

Put the elbow of the left hand on the table, straighten the fingers (friends).

Elbows are on the table, palms are opposite each other.

The older brother is a strong little one,

Wiggle your right thumb.

His friend is an experienced sailor.

Connect the thumb of the right hand with the thumb of the left hand with the pads.

The second brother has a friend

Move the index finger of your left hand.

Knows several sciences.

Connect the index finger of the right hand with the index finger of the left hand with the pads.

The middle brother is lanky,

Move the middle finger of your right hand.

He has a friend who is a diver.

Connect the pads of the middle finger of the right hand with the middle finger of the left hand.


Prevention of psycho-emotional stress in preschool children
According to the book by V.G. Alyamovskaya and S.N. Petrova "Prevention of psycho-emotional stress in preschool children".

The main means of prevention and correction of psycho-emotional stress in children.

There are many recommendations for relieving stress. For example, Yu. S. Nikolaev and E. I. Nilov recommend responding to an unpleasant situation with a smile and a joke. The psychiatrist V. Levy offered to choose an ideal hero with a cheerful and kind character. He himself used this method to establish contact with patients.
A good effect of establishing relationships, for example, in family life is given by the game "I - you, you - I", when for a certain time the husband and wife change roles and try to respond to various situations from these positions. But the fact is that all these and similar recommendations force a person to suppress the reaction to irritation and, thus, deprive him of discharge. Due to the specifics of age characteristics (primarily due to little life experience), it is extremely difficult for children to do this, and the lack of discharge often leads to neurosis and subsequently, according to doctors, to hypertension.
As a rule, a person, trying to get out of a state of stress, tries to use up the excess of released hormones that caused irritation. Some beat the dishes, others - someone from those around them, others - run, do push-ups, saw firewood, feverishly wash clothes. Many people, and especially children, begin to chew something, often without feeling the taste of food. In other words, most often a person tries to get out of a stressful state with the help of physical actions.
The risk of a stressful state is especially high in childhood if the conditions for normal physical development are violated. Science has long proven the interdependence of physical health and the mental state of a person. The feeling of physical health, one's physical abilities and bodily well-being contributes to a stable sense of comfort.

It is known that the soul and the body respond together to any event. Mental tension causes muscle tone, but, on the contrary, muscle tension leads to an emotional outburst. Children experience the highest physical load in a physical education lesson or lesson in a game, but what kind of emotional upsurge do we observe at the same time.
Muscle relaxation causes a decrease in emotional stress and leads to calm, restoration of rapid breathing. Experienced coaches use this feedback effect to regulate the mental state of athletes.
Scientists have long proven that the best way to relieve nervous tension is physical activity. The use of movements as a counterbalance to negative emotions was recommended, for example, by N. P. Bekhtereva. The famous Russian physiologist I. P. Pavlov said that any physical activity gives muscle joy, creating a stable mood.
The harm of insufficient motor load has long been known. But no less dangerous is the neglect of such important components of a healthy lifestyle as sleep, nutrition, hardening.
The importance of properly organized sleep for the hygiene of the child's nervous system cannot be overestimated. Even IP Pavlov proved that during sleep the physiological balance in the body is restored. Moreover, such restoration cannot be achieved by other means and methods.
In the prevention of psycho-emotional stress in children, nutrition should not be discounted. It is necessary to understand for yourself that not only the proper set of products is important, which ensures the normal growth and development of the child, but also the organization of nutrition itself. It is reasonable to carry out a meal as a big relaxation break.
Effectively affect the mental state of children, relieving tension and stress, water tempering procedures. But in order to achieve the proper result, appropriate conditions must be created under which the child becomes the subject of this activity.
In recent years, increasing importance in the prevention of stress has been given to teaching a person the psycho-self-regulation of the state. Studies confirm that children learn the techniques of autogenic training much faster and with greater effect than adults. This is due, first of all, to the fact that children have a vivid imagination, which helps them quickly and easily enter the desired image.

The use of exercises on psycho-self-regulation of the state makes it possible to fill the traditional system of physical culture and health-improving work in an educational institution with new meaning and content and create a technology that we could safely call not only health-saving, but also forming in children the position of a creator and reasonable behavior in relation to their physical and mental health. mental health.
All of the above main means of preventing mental stress in children are structural components of the environment of the child's life, as well as the system of physical education of children in a children's institution. Therefore, we believe it is reasonable to present specific practical recommendations to begin with them.

Prevention of psycho-emotional stress in children by correction of household processes.

As mentioned above, a fairly large group of physical education tools can be successfully used in the prevention of psycho-emotional stress in children during their stay in an educational institution (kindergarten or an institution of the "elementary school-kindergarten" type). But in order for these means to serve the achievement of the goal, their psychological content must be strengthened.
In addition, when structuring the system of physical education in an educational institution, a hierarchical chain of activities of the teaching staff should be correctly built according to the degree of importance for the physical health and psychological well-being of children. In accordance with the health formula, the first place in this chain should be the organization of sleep, then the organization of nutrition, and then the optimization of motor activity, the training of the thermoregulatory system of the child's body.

Organization of children's sleep.

Unbalance, fussiness, forgetfulness, confusion in speech, lack of criticism in relation to their behavior, according to scientists, often indicate that the child is not getting enough sleep. This is also evidenced by the habit of rubbing the eyes, as if they were covered with dust.
In such children, the researchers note, normal performance is reduced, the normal course of nervous processes is disrupted. Chronic lack of sleep, emphasizes S. M. Martynov, has become a real problem in pediatric medicine. According to statistics, children, starting from toddler age, lack sleep for 1.5-2 hours a day, approximately 5%

The reason is the underestimation of the importance of sleep for the life and health of children under 8 years old both in an educational institution and at home, as well as its inept organization at home and in kindergarten. This leads to a lack of favorable conditions for proper sleep.

How long should a child sleep?

A two to three year old child should sleep at least 14 hours a night, four and five year olds should get 13 hours of sleep, and six and seven year olds should get 12 hours of sleep.
There is an opinion that there is nothing wrong with the fact that a child falls asleep to the sound of TV, conversations. It is believed that such a Spartan manner of education allows you to raise a child to be pampered. But, experts say, this is a rather serious misconception.

Special electroencephalographic studies have shown that in such an environment there can be no deep, full-fledged sleep, and therefore, the nervous system does not receive proper rest.
The child becomes restless, irritable for no reason, often cries, loses appetite, loses weight. Sometimes in children there is lethargy, lethargy, apathy. Therefore, we would not recommend parents to come into conflict with the laws of physiology.
The science of cybernetics defines sleep as turning off the brain from signals from the outside world. But this shutdown is not for inaction and peace, but for selecting the necessary information and discarding the unnecessary. A well-known specialist in the field of sleep physiology, Professor A. M. Wein writes: "Figuratively speaking, short-term memory is filled during the day, and at night the information contained in it (not all) slowly passes into long-term memory."

Not only Professor A. M. Vein says that in the process of sleep the brain is cleared of excess information, many physiologists point to this, adding that during sleep, metabolic processes in the human body are normalized. But experts in the field of psychiatry and psychology note that full sleep is the best cure for anxiety.
Unfortunately, the ritual of putting a child to bed both at home and in kindergarten turns into a painful procedure for the child. In addition, adults themselves often do not comply with the requirements set out below for protecting a child’s sleep.

Prevention of psycho-emotional stress in children by means of physical education.

Optimization of children's motor activity.

The organization of a rational motor mode is one of the main conditions for ensuring a comfortable psychological state of children. In addition, there is a direct relationship, as experts point out, between the motor rhythm and the child's mental performance. Harmful, they note, both insufficient and excessive physical activity.
The starting point in the organization of the motor regime of children should be the natural need of the body for movement. It averages from 10 to 15 thousand locomotions per day for children 6-7 years old; 10-12 thousand - for children 5-6 years old; 8-10 thousand - for children 3-4 years old; 6-8 thousand - for children 2-3 years old. About 60-70% of this number of movements should fall on the period of the child's stay in an educational institution.
The optimal motor mode will be considered under the following conditions:

The ratio of rest and motor activity is 30% to 70%;
- during the day, children do not show signs of absent-mindedness or pronounced fatigue;
- there is a positive dynamics of the physical performance of children;
- the blood pressure of children throughout the day corresponds to the age norm.

When organizing a motor regime, the degree of motor activity of each child of an age group or class should be taken into account.

According to the degree of activity of children can be divided into three groups:
- normal,
- motor,
- immobile.

It is noted that children with normal motor activity have better indicators in development than children of the second and third groups. They have a more stable psyche and mood.

In sedentary and motor children, the processes of self-regulation are less perfect. Moreover, the researchers note that many of them develop such negative character traits as envy, indecision, aggressiveness, imbalance, etc. These children need individual medical and psychological and pedagogical support.

For example, in changing the mode and quality of nutrition, increasing or limiting physical activity. One of the ways to normalize the motor activity of motor and sedentary children is their friendship based on common interests.

Wellness morning exercises.

The purpose of morning exercises is to increase muscle tone and create a good mood for the child. This goal determines the method of its organization.

In order to create and maintain a stable positive mood for children, only physical exercises familiar to children should be included in the complex of morning exercises. The use of learning elements inevitably creates a situation of tension, since not all children successfully cope with tasks. If they realize this, then their asthenic reactions may intensify.

Interest in gymnastics is supported by a wide variety of exercises and games. For example, today morning gymnastics may consist of a series of outdoor games, tomorrow children can work on the obstacle course, the next day it will be an interesting walk with a small forced march and
etc. It would be reasonable if adults agree on a gymnastics complex with children.

During gymnastics, children should be given the opportunity to act independently on a playground or sports ground. Adults need to make sure that they have something to do.

For example, play ball or swing on a swing, drive a puck or jump rope. From 6 to 10 minutes are allotted for independent motor activity. It is a kind of mental relief for children. In this case, you should not worry about physical activity, children are always able to regulate it and are never overloaded.

Therapeutic morning exercises are always (except in cases of adverse weather) carried out outdoors for at least 30 minutes. In essence, this is a morning walk full of various motor activities. Its place in the daily routine is determined quite accurately for each age group, starting from the age of 3.

The nature of the weather and the conditions of the season must be taken into account. This causes the variability of morning exercises.

Warm-up during intense intellectual activity.

This gymnastics is performed with and without movements. It perfectly relieves fatigue not only during intense intellectual activity, but also in cases where, for various reasons, movements are limited for a long time. For example, when traveling by country bus or during flights. This gymnastics is very useful for children at school, as it helps to relieve tension due to the static posture. Gymnastics was developed by A. Kovalik.

The complex consists of 9 exercises that children are able to quickly master.
Exercises are performed while sitting on a chair:

1. Leaning on the heels, then on the toes, lift the feet off the floor and perform barely noticeable movements out and in with them.

3. Straining the muscles of the shoulder girdle, perform barely noticeable movements with the shoulders and shoulder blades: adduction and dilution, raising and lowering, rotation in one direction and the other.

6. Retraction and protrusion of the abdomen, with protrusion - inhale, with retraction - exhale.

7. Straining the muscles of the neck, perform barely noticeable movements ready to the right and left, back and forth, clockwise and counterclockwise.

8. Movement of the eyeballs to the right and left, up and down, clockwise and counterclockwise.

9. Leaning with palms on the table, and with heels on the legs of a chair, strain and relax the muscles of the body.

When learning the complex, each exercise is performed 2-3 times, then one repetition is added daily.

For children, 8-10 repetitions are enough.

At the beginning of training, while the muscles are not obedient enough, it is better to accompany their tension with barely noticeable movements.

Then you need to teach children to perform these exercises without movement, only with muscle tension. The tension lasts 4-5 seconds (the child can count to himself up to 5), and then complete relaxation follows.

In the daily routine of children, it is imperative to find a place for these exercises. We recommend them for use in their work with children by speech therapists, defectologists, teachers of six-year classes and primary school teachers.

This type of gymnastics is of particular importance for the development of self-regulation skills in children.



Finger games for relaxation when preparing the hands of children 6-7 years old for writing

Tense muscles are "naughty", poorly controlled. In order to be able to freely and accurately control them, it is necessary to relax the muscles, relieve tension from them. Children can feel the relaxation of the muscles only when they are first offered to strongly clench their fists and hold them in this state for a long time. And then they are offered to unclench (relax) them and feel this state. At the same time, one should not forget that tension should be short-term, and relaxation should be long-term. Each child should develop a peculiar idea of ​​relaxation (“like jelly”).

  1. The game "Fists". Squeeze your fingers tightly into a fist (hands lie on your knees) so that the bones turn white. Now relax your hands.

Hands on my knees

The fists are clenched.

Strong, tense

The fingers are pinched.

  1. Deer game. Raise your crossed arms above your head with fingers wide apart (“horns”). Straining your arms, spread your fingers with force. Then drop your hands on your knees, relax.

Look, we are deer!

The wind blows towards us!

The wind died down.

Straighten your shoulders

Hands on your knees again.

And now - a little laziness.

  1. Barbell game. Get up. Imagine you are lifting a heavy barbell. Bend over, "take" her. Clench your fists. Raise your hands slowly. They are tense. Hard! Hold the bar. Drop her.

We're getting ready for the record

Let's play sports.

We raise the bar from the floor ...

Hold on tight...and let's go!

Our muscles are not tired -

And become even more obedient!

  1. Call game. The arms are bent, resting on the elbows. Shake your hands in turn.

Stroking. Flatten the sheet of paper with the palm of your right hand while holding it with your left hand, and vice versa.

tapping. Tap on the table with a relaxed right hand, and then with your left hand.

The life of a modern person is impossible without stress. Social conditions, work, overwork - all this causes emotions. Sometimes a person undergoes a sharp exit from the comfort zone, which entails the need for psychological adaptation. This is psycho-emotional stress.

emotional stress

The danger of stress should not be underestimated, as it can cause many diseases of internal organs and systems. It is necessary to identify stressors in a timely manner and exclude their influence in order to protect your own health.

The concept of stress and the stages of its development

The concept of emotional stress was first identified by the physiologist Hans Selye in 1936. This concept denoted reactions unusual for the body in response to any adverse effect. Due to the influence of stimuli (stressors), the adaptive mechanisms of the body are in tension. The process of adaptation itself has three main stages of development - anxiety, resistance and exhaustion.

In the first stage of the response phase (anxiety), the body's resources are mobilized. The second, resistance, manifests itself in the form of activation of protective mechanisms. Exhaustion occurs when psycho-emotional resources are exhausted (the body gives up). It should be noted that emotions and emotional stress are interrelated concepts. But only negative emotions that cause negative stress can lead to serious mental disorders. Selye called this state of distress.

The causes of distress induce the body to exhaust its energy. This can lead to serious illnesses.

The concept of stress can also have a different character. Some scientists believe that the manifestation of emotional stress is associated with a generalized distribution of sympathetic and parasympathetic excitations. And the diseases that appear as a result of such a distribution are individual.

Distress - negative stress

Negative emotions and stress are unpredictable. The manifestation of the protective functions of the body to the emerging psychological threat is able to overcome only minor difficulties. And, with prolonged or periodic repetition of stressful situations, emotional arousal becomes chronic. Such a process as exhaustion, emotional burnout, manifests itself precisely when a person is in a negative psycho-emotional background for a long time.

The main causes of emotional stress

Positive emotional reactions are rarely a threat to human health. And negative emotions, accumulating, lead to chronic stress and pathological disorders of organs and systems. Informational and emotional stress affects both the physiological state of the patient and his emotions and behaviors. The most common causes of stress are:

  • resentment, fears and negative-emotional situations;
  • sharp adverse life problems (death of a loved one, job loss, divorce, etc.);
  • social conditions;
  • excessive feeling of concern for yourself and loved ones.

Causes of stress

In addition, even positive emotions can be harmful. Especially if fate brings surprises (the birth of a child, career advancement, the fulfillment of a dream, etc.). The causes of stress can also be physiological factors:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • overwork;
  • pathology of the central nervous system;
  • poor nutrition;
  • hormonal disruptions;

Stress as a health risk factor is unpredictable. A person can cope with its impact, but not always. In order to alleviate stress and diagnose it, experts tend to divide stressors into external and internal.

It is necessary to look for a way out of a dangerous psycho-emotional state by eliminating the influence of a disturbing factor on the body. There are no problems with external stressors. But with internal stressors, long, painstaking work is required not only by a psychologist, but also by other specialists.

Signs of stress

The resource of forces to deal with stress is individual for each person. It's called stress tolerance. Therefore, stress, as a risk factor for health, should be considered for possible symptoms that affect both the emotional and mental state of the body.

With the advent of distress, the causes of which are associated with external or internal factors, adaptive functions fail. With the development of a stressful situation, a person may feel fear and panic, act disorganized, experience difficulties with mental activity, etc.

The stress itself manifests itself depending on the resistance to stress (emotional stress can be the cause of serious pathological changes in the body). It manifests itself in the form of emotional, physiological, behavioral and psychological changes.

Physiological signs

The most dangerous to health are physiological symptoms. They pose a threat to the normal functioning of the body. Being under stress, the patient may refuse to eat and suffer from sleep problems. With physiological reactions, other symptoms are observed:

  • pathological manifestations of an allergic nature (itching, skin rashes, etc.);
  • indigestion;
  • headache;
  • increased sweating.

physiological stress

Emotional Signs

Emotional signs of stress appear as a general change in the emotional background. It is easier to get rid of them than other symptoms, since they are regulated by the desire and will of the person himself. Under the influence of negative emotions, social or biological factors, a person may develop:

  • Bad mood, melancholy, depression, restlessness and anxiety.
  • Anger, aggression, loneliness, etc. These emotions arise sharply, are clearly expressed.
  • Changes in character - increased introversion, decreased self-esteem, etc.
  • Pathological conditions - neurosis.

emotional stress

It is impossible to experience severe stress without the manifestation of emotions. It is emotions that reflect the state of a person, are the main way to determine the situations of psychology. And in order to prevent health hazards, it is the manifestation of this or that emotion and its influence on human behavior that plays an important role.

behavioral signs

Human behavior and the reactions that go with it are signs of emotional stress. It's easy to spot them:

  • decrease in working capacity, complete loss of interest in work;
  • changes in speech;
  • difficulty communicating with others.

Emotional stress, which is expressed through behavior, is easy to determine when observing a person for a long time and when communicating with him. The fact is that he does not behave as usual (he is impulsive, speaks quickly and indistinctly, makes rash actions, etc.).

Psychological signs

Psychological symptoms of emotional stress are most often manifested when a person stays outside the zone of psycho-emotional comfort for a long time, his inability to adapt to new conditions of existence. As a result, biological and physical factors leave their mark on the psychological state of a person:

  • memory problems;
  • problems with concentration when doing work;
  • violation of sexual behavior.

People feel helpless, withdraw from loved ones and sink into deep depression.

deep depression

With mental factors, a person succumbs to acute or chronic trauma of a mental nature. A person may experience a personality disorder, depressive psychogenic reactions, reactive psychoses, etc. Each of the pathologies is a sign that is the result of the influence of psychological trauma. The causes of such conditions can be both unexpected news (death of a loved one, loss of housing, etc.), and the long-term effect of stressors on the body.

Why is stress dangerous?

Due to prolonged stress, serious health problems can occur. The fact is that during stress, the adrenal glands secrete an increased amount of adrenaline and norepinephrine. These hormones make the internal organs work more actively in order to protect the body from the stressor. But the accompanying phenomena, such as increased pressure, spasms of muscles and blood vessels, increased blood sugar lead to disruption of the functioning of organs and systems. It is because of this that the risk of developing diseases increases:

  • hypertension;
  • stroke;
  • ulcer;
  • heart attack;
  • angina;

With the action of prolonged psycho-emotional stress, immunity decreases. The consequences can be different: from colds, viral and infectious diseases to the formation of oncology. The most common pathologies are associated with the cardiovascular system. The second most common are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The impact of stress on health

According to doctors, more than 60% of all diseases of modern man are caused by stressful situations.

Diagnostics of emotional stress

Diagnostics of the psycho-emotional state is carried out only in the office of a psychologist. The fact is that each case requires a detailed study according to the methods and conditions that the specialist sets for a specific purpose. This takes into account the direction of work, the goals of diagnosis, consideration of a specific situation from the patient's life, etc.

Identification of the main causes of stressful behavior occurs according to different methods of psychodiagnostics. All of them can be divided into classes:

  1. The current level of stress, the severity of neuropsychic tension. The methods of express diagnostics and testing by T. Nemchin, S. Cohen, I. Litvintsev and others are used.
  2. Prediction of human behavior in stressful situations. Both the self-assessment scale and the questionnaires by V. Baranov, A. Volkov and others are used.
  3. negative effects of distress. Differential diagnostic methods and questionnaires are used.
  4. professional stress. They use surveys, tests, "live" dialogue with a specialist.
  5. The level of stress resistance. Most often, questionnaires are used.

The information obtained as a result of psychodiagnostics is the main further struggle with stress. The specialist looks for a way out of a certain situation, helps the patient to overcome difficulties (prevention of stress) and is engaged in a strategy for further treatment.

Treatment of emotional stress

Treatment of psycho-emotional stress is individual for each clinical case. Some patients have enough self-organization, search for new hobbies and daily analysis and control of their own condition, while others require medication, sedatives and even tranquilizers. According to experts, the first thing to do is to detect the stressor and eliminate its impact on the emotional and mental state of a person. Further methods of struggle depend on the severity of the disease, its phase and consequences.

The most effective methods of stress therapy are:

  • Meditation. Allows you to relax, calm your nerves and analyze all life's difficulties and difficulties.
  • Physical exercises. Physical activity allows you to escape from problems. In addition, during exercise, pleasure hormones are produced - endorphin and serotonin.
  • Medicines. Sedatives and sedatives.

Psychological trainings. Passing group classes with a specialist and home methods not only help to eliminate signs of stress, but also improve the stress resistance of the individual.

Psychological trainings

Therapy is most often based on complex methods. Psycho-emotional stress often requires a change of scenery, outside support (both relatives and a psychologist). If you have trouble sleeping, doctors may prescribe sedatives. With serious psychological disorders, tranquilizers may be required.

Sometimes folk methods based on the preparation of decoctions and tinctures are also used. The most common is phytotherapy. Plants such as valerian, oregano and lemon balm have a calming effect. The main thing is that a person himself wants changes in life and tries to correct his condition by returning to his natural existence.

Stress prevention

Prevention of psycho-emotional stress comes down to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and doing what you love. It is necessary to limit yourself from stress as much as possible, to be able to predict and “bypass” them. Psychologists are confident that the risk of stressful situations is reduced if a person:

  • do sport;
  • set new goals;
  • properly organize their work;
  • pay attention to your rest, especially sleep.

The main thing is to think positively and try to do everything for the benefit of your own health. If it was not possible to protect yourself from stress, you do not need to succumb to panic or fear. You should remain calm, try to think about all possible scenarios for the development of events and look for ways out of the current situation. So, the effects of stress will be more “soft”.


Everyone is subject to emotional stress. Some manage to quickly overcome feelings of anxiety, fear and subsequent behavioral signs (aggression, disorientation, etc.). But, sometimes, prolonged or often repeated stress leads to exhaustion of the body, which is dangerous for health.

You need to be sensitive to your own psycho-emotional state, try to anticipate stress and find safe ways to express your emotions through creativity or doing what you love. This is the only way to keep your body healthy and strong.

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Emotional stress is a psycho-emotional state of a person that occurs as a result of exposure to stressors - internal or external factors that cause negative emotions, which contribute to a sharp exit from the comfort zone and require certain physiological and psychological adaptation. At its core, this manifestation can be attributed to the natural defensive reactions of the body in response to a change in its usual conditions and the emergence of various kinds of conflict situations.


  1. Feeling of fear.
  2. Resentment.
  3. Emotional anxiety.
  1. Chronic fatigue.
  2. Sleep disturbance.
  3. adaptation reactions.
  4. Personal decompensation.

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Risk group

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Symptoms and signs

These include:

  1. Increased irritability.
  2. Tears.
  3. Pulse increase.
  4. Change in respiratory rate.
  5. Anxiety.
  6. Fear, a feeling of despair.
  7. Weakness.
  8. Increased sweating.
  9. Fatigue.
  10. Headache.

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  1. Hypertension.
  2. Angina.
  3. Stroke.
  4. Heart attack.
  5. Arrhythmia.
  6. Heart failure.
  7. Ischemic disease.
  1. Asthma.
  2. Migraine.
  3. Reduced vision.

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Methods of getting rid of the disease

  1. Autogenic training.
  2. Physiotherapy.
  3. Meditation classes.
  4. Psychotherapy.
  5. Phytotherapy.
  6. Autotraining.
  7. Physiotherapy.

What are the main symptoms of stress? How to avoid stress?

Stress is the body's reaction to a dangerous, traumatic situation, excessive physical or emotional stress, affecting all its systems.

  • What are the main symptoms of stress? How to avoid stress?
  • stress symptoms
  • Types of stress
  • How to avoid stress?
  • Psycho-emotional stress - burnout of the soul
  • Psychology to help - what to do when strength is at its limit?
  • Psycho-emotional state - the basis of personal health
  • Detrimental effect on mental state
  • Common causes of psycho-emotional overload
  • Gender Interaction
  • Death of loved ones
  • Childhood psychological trauma
  • Unsuccessful passage of age crises
  • frustration
  • Prolonged physical illness
  • The occurrence and treatment of emotional stress
  • Causes
  • Risk group
  • Classification of psychoemotional states
  • Symptoms and signs
  • What is the danger of stress
  • Methods of getting rid of the disease
  • Stress: symptoms and treatment
  • Stress - main symptoms:
  • Classification
  • Main stages of stress
  • Causes of stress
  • Symptoms
  • Treatment
  • Danger of emotional stress
  • Stress factors
  • Causes
  • Symptoms
  • The danger of stress
  • Stages of emotional stress
  • Features of prevention
  • Fighting methods
  • Outburst of emotions
  • Conclusion
  • emotional stress
  • Signs of emotional stress

Appearing as a protective reaction of flight, stress has served its purpose perfectly for thousands of years. The meeting with the danger required immediate action. To do this, all body systems were put on “combat readiness”. Large amounts of stress hormones - adrenaline and noradrenaline - were released into the bloodstream, causing an increase in pressure, an acceleration of the heartbeat, dilated pupils, and muscle tension.

In modern conditions, life has become incomparably safer, and the need for immediate flight is extremely rare. But the reaction of the body has not changed at all. And in response to the reprimand of the boss, we release the same adrenaline as when we met with a predator millions of years ago. Alas, the natural reaction of flight is impossible. With repeated stressful situations, the changes caused by adrenaline accumulate. They are the ones that cause the symptoms of stress.

stress symptoms

The action of stress hormones is manifested not only in changes in physiological parameters. The emotional and intellectual spheres are also affected. There are also characteristic behavioral symptoms of stress.

Physiological changes under stress are aimed at maximizing the mobilization of the body's reserves. With prolonged or frequently repeated release of adrenaline, the following changes occur in the body:

  1. From the side of the cardiovascular system. Changes in blood pressure, even in those who were not previously disturbed by them. Often, hypertension begins with stressful situations. Palpitations and heart rhythm disturbances, sometimes so pronounced that a person feels them without special studies. Heart failure is one of the most common reasons for seeking medical attention in people with chronic stress. One of the manifestations of high blood pressure and vascular pathology may be tinnitus.
  2. From the digestive system. The most common symptoms of stress are decreased or complete lack of appetite. A stressed person loses weight rapidly. The reverse situation is much less common - an increase in appetite during stress. In addition, severe pain in the abdomen can also be manifestations of stress. There are various dyspeptic phenomena - heartburn, belching, nausea and vomiting, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, stool disorders.
  3. Disorders in the respiratory system are manifested by a feeling of lack of air, the inability to take a deep breath, shortness of breath, and occasionally - attacks of suffocation. Colds are on the rise.
  4. In the musculoskeletal system, under the influence of adrenaline, muscle spasms become more frequent, convulsions are possible, the muscles are constantly in good shape. Back pain often occurs.
  5. Various kinds of rashes appear on the skin, up to very pronounced ones. Even in the absence of allergic manifestations in the past, allergic reactions occur, especially skin reactions. Sweating increases, constantly wet palms disturb.
  6. Involvement of the nervous system is manifested by mental and intellectual symptoms. Of the physical manifestations, headaches are possible. The same group can include general asthenization of the body, its lower resistance to stress. The temperature during stress is often lowered. Episodes of its increase are possible, more often to subfebrile (37-37.5) digits. Short-term increases to higher numbers are not accompanied by inflammatory changes.
  7. On the part of the reproductive system, there is a decrease in libido.

Intellectual symptoms of stress are especially noticeable in pupils and students during periods of increased stress. These include:

  • Decreased memory.
  • Absent-mindedness, difficulty concentrating, disorganization, being late.
  • Obsessive thoughts, especially with a negative connotation.
  • Inability to make a decision.

Emotional symptoms, unlike the previous groups of symptoms, can be regulated by the person to some extent. With pronounced stress, the following changes in the emotional sphere can be observed:

  • Anxiety, anxiety, a sense of impending disaster. Panic attacks occur for no apparent reason.
  • Irritability, capriciousness, also for no apparent reason.
  • Constantly reduced emotional background. Frequent bouts of melancholy, sadness, up to a depressive state and suicidal tendencies. For women, tearfulness is especially characteristic.
  • Low self-esteem combined with high demands on oneself.
  • Passivity and disappearance of interests in life.
  • Constant tension, it is extremely difficult for a person in a state of stress to relax.

Behavioral changes are external, behavioral manifestations of stress that are especially important to be aware of. Not always a person in a state of stress pays enough attention to their health. Diagnosis of stress is greatly facilitated by the knowledge of the main external manifestations of this condition. You will be able to take timely steps to normalize the condition of a loved one, preventing the occurrence of somatic diseases.

  • There are frequent attempts to reduce the manifestations of stress with the help of alcohol or cigarettes. A sharp increase in their consumption by an outwardly prosperous person is an alarming sign.
  • Another option for avoiding stress is workaholism. Immersion in work to the detriment of family, friends, and sometimes health should alert you.
  • Inattention, absent-mindedness, including in appearance. In work, this is manifested by a deterioration in the results of labor, an increase in the number of errors.
  • An unstable emotional state leads to a large number of conflicts, both at home and at work.

Types of stress

Despite the negative connotation inherent in the word "stress", such a reaction of the body can be beneficial. Most of the great achievements of mankind were made in a state of stress. Athletes, climbers, outstanding warriors, scientists accomplished their exploits and achievements, set records and conquered peaks precisely thanks to the highest mobilization of forces in a state of stress. In addition, extremely intense positive emotions can also cause stress. Such mobilizing and subsequently passing without a trace stress is called eustress. Its opposite, the stress that causes numerous negative symptoms, is called distress.

In addition, there are psychological and physiological forms of stress.

  • Physiological stress is caused by direct effects on the body. Stress factors can be hypothermia or overheating, physical overload, injury and pain.
  • Psychological stress occurs as a reaction to socially significant events. It is usually divided into informational and emotional. The first is caused by excessive information load. Especially often, stress occurs when a person is highly interested in combination with information overload. This state is very typical for workers in heuristic professions that require the analysis of a large amount of information and the constant generation of ideas. The reverse situation is also possible - the occurrence of stress due to monotonous work.

Emotional stress occurs after intense or repeated episodes of negative emotions - resentment, hatred, anger. The carrier and transmitter of these emotions is the speech of the opponent.

The significance of the emotional component of stress is so great that a special term has appeared - psycho-emotional stress. It is this form of stress that leads to chronic diseases and pronounced physiological disorders. The reason is the impossibility of implementing the stress reaction envisaged by nature in the case of emotional stimuli.

How to avoid stress?

It is obvious that the recommendation not to get into stressful situations or to react to them less emotionally is not feasible. Therefore, it is important to learn how to get out of such situations with minimal losses. Various psychotechnics of relaxation and banal physical activity will help with this. During physical work, the natural pathway of adrenaline metabolism is realized. It does not accumulate, and accordingly there are no physiological changes accompanying stress.

Therefore, in the case of chronic stress, banal recommendations that we used to ignore since childhood are the most effective. Morning exercises, running, walking, exercising in the gym are the best prevention of stress.

Psycho-emotional stress - burnout of the soul

Psycho-emotional stress is a critical state of a person who is exposed to excessive emotional and social overload. This concept refers to the adaptive capabilities of the psyche, which are necessary for an adequate response to changes in the surrounding world (positive and negative).

In difficult life situations, internal resources are gradually exhausted. If for a long time a person does not have the opportunity to relax, switch attention from a traumatic situation, a kind of “burnout of the soul” occurs.

Aspects characterizing the concept of psycho-emotional stress:

  • a decline in physical strength (faults in the nervous system lead to serious consequences for the whole organism);
  • the emergence of a feeling of anxiety, growing within 2 days (changes in the functioning of the brain, excessive production of hormones - adrenaline, corticosteroid);
  • emergency operation of the body (at the mental and physical level);
  • depletion of physical and mental strength, culminating in a nervous breakdown and turning into acute neurosis, depression and other psychological abnormalities.

Modern psychology describes the concept of psychogenic stress as a set of emotional and behavioral reactions of a person to a certain life situation.

The sources of stress can be both real traumatic events (death of a loved one, natural disaster, war, job loss), and an excessively negative perception of various circumstances by a person in his own life.

Psychology to help - what to do when strength is at its limit?

Popular psychology helps to cope with stress, the causes of which lie in a distorted perception of reality, inability to regulate one's own emotions (express them in an appropriate way, restore peace of mind). If the psychological state allows you to work (albeit in a less efficient mode), gain knowledge and strive for self-improvement, then it will be enough to study the aspects of the formation of emotional stress and methods of dealing with it in order to bring yourself into a harmonious state on your own.

  • symptoms are felt as emotional burnout, loss of taste for life;
  • catastrophically reduced performance;
  • the state of global fatigue is observed from the very beginning of the day;
  • disturbances in the cognitive (mental) sphere are manifested - memory, concentration of attention, ability to analyze, etc. are deteriorating;
  • there is an acute psychological imbalance (a person ceases to be the master of himself);
  • emotional reactions to any events become excessively aggravated (aggression, anger, desire to escape/destroy, fear);
  • joylessness, up to despondency and disbelief in changes for the better, becomes a permanent, background state.

Clinical psychology and competent professionals will come to the rescue, which will help to normalize the physical and mental state. First, the impact is on the symptoms of stress (reducing their intensity), then on the causes of their occurrence (complete elimination or reduction of the degree of negative impact).

Psychologists and psychotherapists identify all aspects of the occurrence of psychoemotional disorders and help a person to better manage his psyche, increasing adaptive skills.

In advanced cases, the psychological state is so deplorable that it is on the verge of neurosis or clinical depression. A person needs medical treatment, which only a psychiatrist has the right to provide.

Psycho-emotional state - the basis of personal health

The human psyche has an extremely complex structure, so it can be easily unbalanced due to the impact of various adverse factors.

The main causes of mental disorders are:

  • cognitive disorders;
  • emotional overload (psychogenic stress);
  • physical illnesses.

The concept of psycho-emotional state means the totality of emotions and feelings experienced by a person. This includes not only what a person experiences “here and now”, but also a wide range of mental scars from old experiences, repressed emotions and unfavorably resolved conflicts.

Detrimental effect on mental state

The most striking characteristic of a healthy psyche is the ability to independently experience life's difficulties. The reasons for failures in the mechanism of self-regulation can be very diverse. Each person is undermined by a certain situation that is important in his mind. Therefore, the concept of psycho-emotional stress is always associated with the interpretation and evaluation of a person's own life.

The principle of destructive influence is simple:

  • bring the negative emotions of a person to the maximum limit (boiling point);
  • provoke a nervous breakdown or the inclusion of an emergency braking mode (apathy, emotional burnout, mental devastation);
  • exhaust emotional reserves (memories of positive emotions).

The result is psychological exhaustion. It is important to remember that the impoverishment of the emotional sphere is always accompanied by violations of the logical-semantic, cognitive area of ​​the psyche. Therefore, recovery methods always involve an integrated approach to the triad: “body-mind-soul” (harmonization of their interaction).

Common causes of psycho-emotional overload

Psycho-emotional stress occurs in two situations:

  1. The occurrence of an unexpected negative event in the life of an individual.
  2. Long-term accumulation and suppression of negative emotions (Example: lifestyle in background stress mode).

The mental health of a person when receiving emotional / sensory stress depends on the scale of the adverse event and the real possibilities of the person (mental, financial, temporary, physical) to cope with it at a given time.

Gender Interaction

The psychological health of a person directly depends on the realization of one of the most important needs - to love. The search for a partner begins with the state: "I want to receive love", and the creation of a family - "I want to give love." Any failures and delays in this area cause a powerful emotional imbalance.

Death of loved ones

The loss of significant social connections destroys a stable mental state and exposes a person to a rigorous revision of his own picture of the world. Life without this person seems faded, devoid of meaning and hope for happiness. Others can see vivid symptoms of depression or neurosis. A suffering person needs competent psychological help and support from loved ones. The greatest risk of getting a nervous breakdown, the formation of suicidal behavior, entering a state of clinical depression or the manifestation of psychiatric abnormalities, are introverts who have a small social circle and do not receive help from the environment.

Childhood psychological trauma

Children are completely dependent on adults and do not have the opportunity to fully express their emotions and protect their own identity. The result is a mass of repressed resentment and negative emotions. The causes of most chronic diseases lie in the psycho-emotional stress experienced in childhood. Psychoanalysis and humanistic psychology deal best with old childhood traumas.

Unsuccessful passage of age crises

Unsuccessful passage of the boundaries of age development or getting stuck on them (the concept of "Peter Pan", the syndrome of the eternal student) generates large-scale intrapersonal stress. Often the symptoms are so acute that they completely immobilize the volitional and energy resources of a person. Then psychology and the centuries-old baggage of human knowledge about emotions and emotional stress come to the rescue.

Video: "Stress Vaccination": How to deal with your emotions?


The concept of “frustration” means “disorder of intentions”, when a person finds himself in a situation (real or imagined), where it is impossible to satisfy the needs that are significant at the moment. In a narrower sense, frustration is understood as a psychological reaction to the inability to get what you want. For example, a person lived for many years for the sake of achieving one goal, but at the very last moment the bird of happiness fluttered out of his hands.

Prolonged physical illness

The psychology of the 21st century pays special attention to psychosomatic diseases, including more than 60% of existing diseases among them! The influence of the psyche on physical health cannot be overestimated - the popular saying: "A healthy mind in a healthy body" is confirmed by numerous scientific studies.

It is enough to eliminate destructive emotional experiences for a person to recover even with a serious, chronic illness.

Video: First aid kit "Anti-Stress" - how to get rid of stress with the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

The occurrence and treatment of emotional stress

Emotional stress is a psycho-emotional state of a person that occurs as a result of exposure to stressors - internal or external factors that cause negative emotions, which contribute to a sharp exit from the comfort zone and require certain physiological and psychological adaptation. At its core, this manifestation can be attributed to the natural defensive reactions of the body in response to a change in its usual conditions and the emergence of various kinds of conflict situations.


A person falls into any stressful state in case of discomfort, when it is impossible to satisfy their own key social and physiological needs. Psychologists and psychiatrists have identified a number of causes that contribute to the development of emotional stress. The most common of them include the following:

  1. Feeling of fear.
  2. Resentment.
  3. Difficult life circumstances and situations (divorce, job loss, serious illness, death of a loved one, etc.).
  4. A sharp change in social or living conditions.
  5. Negative emotional situations.
  6. Positive emotional situations (moving, changing jobs, having a baby, etc.).
  7. Emotional anxiety.
  8. Situations that carry a potential threat, danger.
  9. Exposure to external emotional stimuli (for example, painful conditions, injuries, infections, excessive physical activity, etc.).

In addition, the following physiological reasons can contribute to the development of a stressful state:

  1. Chronic fatigue.
  2. Sleep disturbance.
  3. Excessive emotional and psychological stress.
  4. Disorders in the work of the nervous system.
  5. Some endocrine diseases.
  6. Insufficient, unbalanced nutrition.
  7. Hormonal changes in the body.
  8. adaptation reactions.
  9. post-traumatic disorders.
  10. Personal decompensation.

Experts say that the factors that provoke the occurrence of stress can be divided into external and internal. The first includes a certain negative impact of surrounding circumstances. The latter are the result of mental detail and the imagination of the person himself and are practically not interconnected with the external environment.

Risk group

Almost everyone experiences emotional stress throughout their lives. However, experts identify a separate group of people who are most susceptible to this scourge. In them, stress often acquires a chronic, protracted form and proceeds quite hard, with the development of a number of concomitant complications and physiological consequences. The risk group includes:

  1. Persons with increased emotional excitability.
  2. Creative individuals with a well-developed imagination.
  3. People suffering from nervous disorders and diseases.
  4. Representatives of certain professions (politicians, businessmen, journalists, police officers, drivers, military, pilots, air traffic controllers).
  5. People with high levels of anxiety.
  6. Residents of metropolitan areas and big cities.

Such people are particularly vulnerable to external irritating psycho-emotional factors, and even a seemingly insignificant cause causes them emotional disturbances.

Classification of psychoemotional states

According to the medical classification, there are such types of emotional stress:

  1. Eustress is an emotional reaction that contributes to the activation of the mental and adaptive abilities of the human body. It is associated with the experience of strong positive emotions.
  2. Distress is a pathological condition that leads to the disorganization of psychological and behavioral personal activity, negatively affecting the entire body. Development is associated with the influence of negative emotions and conflict situations.

In addition, there are three stages of stress:

  1. Perestroika. It is characterized by a number of chemical and biological reactions in the body that cause the active activity of the adrenal glands and the release of adrenaline. The person is in a state of intense tension and emotional arousal. There is a decrease in reaction, performance.
  2. Stabilization (resistance). There is a process of adaptation of the adrenal glands to the changed situation, the production of hormones is stabilized. Efficiency is restored, but the sympathetic system continues to be in a state of increased activity, which, with prolonged stress, leads to a transition to the third stage.
  3. Exhaustion. The body loses its ability to withstand stressful situations. The functional activity of the adrenal glands is extremely limited, there is a violation and failure in the activity of all possible systems. At the physiological level, this stage is characterized by a decrease in the content of glucocorticoid hormones against the background of an increased level of insulin. All this leads to loss of working capacity, weakening of the immune system, the development of numerous pathologies, the formation of mental maladaptation.

Symptoms and signs

You can determine the presence of emotional stress using a number of characteristic physiological and psychological signs.

These include:

  1. Increased irritability.
  2. Tears.
  3. Pulse increase.
  4. Change in respiratory rate.
  5. Inability to control one's behavior and reactions.
  6. Anxiety.
  7. Memory and concentration disorders.
  8. Sharp jumps in blood pressure.
  9. Fear, a feeling of despair.
  10. Weakness.
  11. Increased sweating.
  12. Overstrain of muscle groups.
  13. Lack of air, oxygen deficiency.
  14. Fatigue.
  15. Headache.
  16. An increase or, conversely, a decrease in body temperature.

In addition to the above symptoms, a person who is under stress has inadequate reactions that occur as a result of a surge of energy and the inability to control their own emotions.

What is the danger of stress

Emotional stress has an extremely negative effect on the body and can cause a number of fairly serious diseases. This is due to the physiological nature of stress. During psycho-emotional failures, an increased content of hormones such as norepinephrine and adrenaline is observed. This leads to changes in blood pressure, cerebral and vascular spasms, increased muscle tone, increased blood sugar levels and damage to the walls of blood vessels.

As a result, the risk of the following diseases increases significantly:

  1. Hypertension.
  2. Angina.
  3. Stroke.
  4. Heart attack.
  5. Arrhythmia.
  6. Heart failure.
  7. Ischemic disease.
  8. Formation of oncological tumors.

Severe consequences of a prolonged stressful state are manifested in the form of heart attacks, neurosis, mental disorders. In addition, the entire body is depleted, immunity is reduced and a person becomes especially vulnerable to all kinds of viral, infectious, colds.

Medical workers identify pathologies that can be triggered by stress. These include:

  1. Asthma.
  2. Migraine.
  3. Diseases of the digestive system.
  4. Ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines.
  5. Reduced vision.

In order to avoid adverse consequences, it is important to learn how to control your own emotional state and know how to fight effectively.

Methods of getting rid of the disease

How to quickly and effectively relieve stress? This question worries people who have repeatedly encountered this problem. There is no single answer to it.

The choice of the method of therapy is influenced by the nature and cause of stress, the phase and severity of the psychological disorder.

Treatment of emotional stress should be comprehensive and systematic. The following methods are used to fight:

  1. Autogenic training.
  2. Physiotherapy.
  3. Meditation classes.
  4. Drug treatment based on drugs of a sedative and sedative nature.
  5. Psychological trainings and consultations.
  6. Psychotherapy.
  7. Phytotherapy.
  8. Autotraining.
  9. Physiotherapy.

Emotional stress can lead to the development of serious diseases that threaten the health and even life of the patient. Therefore, it is recommended, without delay, to seek help from a specialist.

Stress: symptoms and treatment

Stress - main symptoms:

  • Headache
  • Chest pain
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • memory impairment
  • Urinary incontinence
  • High blood pressure
  • Decreased libido
  • Apathy
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Weight loss
  • Decreased mood
  • Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract
  • inattention
  • depression
  • Feeling of inner tension
  • Feeling of constant dissatisfaction
  • Delay of menstruation
  • Decreased interest in normal activities

Every person faces stress in his life, because this is a state of the body that occurs when a person is exposed to certain negative, or even positive factors, leading to various kinds of changes in their lives. During this disruption, the body produces the adrenaline needed to overcome the problem, so a small amount of stress is required by our body - they allow us to move forward and improve ourselves. However, long-term negative impact causes the development of various disorders in the body and can even cause chronic stress, which is dangerous for its side effects.

As mentioned above, such a disorder can arise both from excessive exposure to negative factors, in which case it is called distress, and from exposure to positive factors, in which case eustress develops. At its core, any event in life can be a stressful factor. However, the reaction of each person is individual and depends on his nervous system. For some people, psycho-emotional stress can cause the development of serious psychosomatic disorders in the body, while for others it will pass without a trace, becoming only an incentive to improve themselves and their lives.


There are different types of stress. As mentioned above, distress and eustress are distinguished by their nature. The positive form usually does not have a negative impact on the state of health and the mental sphere of a person, while the negative one is able to knock a person out of the saddle for a long time and leave behind non-healing wounds.

Also, the types of stress differ in the nature of the impact of certain factors, and can be:

  • temperature;
  • neuropsychiatric (the most common type);
  • food;
  • light, as well as caused by other stimuli.

In addition, there are such types of stress as arising from extreme social conditions or developed as a result of critical psychological events. The first type includes disorders that arise as a result of military operations, natural disasters, attacks by bandits, etc. The second type includes those disorders that arise as a result of various social problems, for example, passing an exam, divorce, death of a relative, etc. d.

It is also worth highlighting the following types of stress - psychological and biological. Psychological disorder or psycho-emotional stress occurs as a result of the reaction of the human nervous system to a real or fictional negative factor. Biological disturbance occurs against the background of a real threat. Therefore, the main criterion for determining the type of disorder is the question: “Does this or that effect cause real harm to the body?”. If the answer is “yes”, then this is a biological disorder, if “no”, it is a psycho-emotional one. Knowing these varieties allows you to understand how to relieve stress and prevent its adverse effects on human health.

Post-traumatic stress is also distinguished, that is, a disorder that develops after trauma or experienced critical events. Stress urinary incontinence is one of the most common symptoms of this pathological disorder. Especially often stress urinary incontinence occurs in children after severe events.

Main stages of stress

There are three stages of stress, which are characterized by periods of excitation and inhibition. In each person, they are expressed to one degree or another, which depends, firstly, on the source of the disorder, and, secondly, on the state of the human nervous system.

The three stages of stress are interconnected, that is, with the development of the first, the second and third will definitely follow. During the occurrence of exposure, there is a response of the body to it. This can happen within a few seconds or a few weeks after the incident - it all depends on the state of the nervous system of each particular individual.

At the first stage of stress, the individual loses the ability to control his actions and thoughts, the body's resistance decreases and the behavior changes to the exact opposite of that which is characteristic of him. So, if a person was kind, he becomes quick-tempered and irritable, and if he was quick-tempered, he closes in on himself.

The second stage is the stage of resistance and adaptation. At this stage, the body's resistance to the stimulus increases and the person makes decisions that allow him to cope with the situation that has arisen.

The third stage is characterized by exhaustion of the nervous system. If the exposure is prolonged, for example, when a person develops chronic stress, his body becomes unable to withstand the factors that caused the disorder. A person develops a sense of guilt, anxiety may reappear, but, in addition, chronic stress often causes the development of somatic pathologies, up to severe pathological conditions.

Thus, all phases of stress are interconnected, and when the question arises of how to relieve stress, it is necessary to understand at what stage a person is at a certain point in time. It is important to remember that the consequences of stress can be both minor and very severe, therefore, the earlier the patient starts taking stress pills, the less the consequences of this disorder.

Causes of stress

Each person in his life is faced with many negative factors. The causes of stress are so numerous that it is not possible to list them all. Nevertheless, scientists have managed to establish the main causes of stress, or rather, the factors that affect almost any individual.

So, the main negative factors that can cause psycho-emotional disorder and even chronic stress include:

  • serious illness;
  • illness or death of close relatives;
  • parting with loved ones, including divorce;
  • assault or emergency;
  • worsening financial situation;
  • birth of a child;
  • moving to another country (or even just changing the place of residence);
  • sexual problems;
  • job change;
  • retirement;
  • the appearance of problems with the law, etc.

Very often, women develop stress during pregnancy, as her body and psyche undergo significant changes.

It must be said that such a disorder tends to accumulate, that is, with prolonged exposure, it is aggravated. For example, stress during pregnancy can increase over time, and at the time of the birth of the child, a normal disorder turns into severe postpartum depression or psychosis. If stress occurs during pregnancy, a woman needs to tell her symptoms to the gynecologist observing her so that he can prescribe her medications that can be taken without risk to the fetus.


If we talk about the symptoms of stress, then for each person they can be different - it all depends on the state of the individual's psyche, the stage of the process, as well as the strength of the negative impact.

The physical symptoms of stress are few and far between – weight loss due to malnutrition, constant fatigue due to insomnia, irritability or, conversely, apathy.

More pronounced are the psychological symptoms of stress, which include:

  • feeling of inner tension;
  • causeless anxiety;
  • stress urinary incontinence;
  • feeling of constant dissatisfaction;
  • depression and bad mood;
  • a sense of the illusory nature of the surrounding world;
  • decreased interest in normal activities, etc.

How to relieve stress in the event of symptoms should be discussed with a psychotherapist at the initial stage of the disease and with a psychiatrist when the disorder progresses. The consequences of stress can be extremely severe, so treatment should be started at the time when the first signs of stress appeared.

Sometimes people try to numb the symptoms of stress on their own by using alcohol, drugs, or becoming a gambler. All these external influences can significantly aggravate the disorder and ruin the life of the patient.

Signs, as mentioned above, can be explicit and implicit, so relatives should carefully monitor the behavior and reactions of the patient in order to seek help from a specialist in time.

Separately, it should be said about such a symptom as stress urinary incontinence. It can occur in young and adult women and is characterized by urinary incontinence during physical activity, sneezing, etc. Most often, stress urinary incontinence occurs in women during pregnancy and after childbirth. During pregnancy, stress urinary incontinence develops when the fetus presses on the bladder, and after childbirth it occurs due to the weakening of the muscles of the pelvic floor. Therefore, in cases where a woman experiences stress during pregnancy, this disorder is aggravated, and stress urinary incontinence becomes a frequent symptom of a pathological disorder. In general, stress during pregnancy itself can cause premature birth and miscarriages.

It is also important to remember that stress urinary incontinence occurs in children against the background of adverse factors and is an important sign that the child is experiencing psycho-emotional overload.

The most important question people ask doctors is how to relieve stress? They are interested in stress prevention and ways to deal with stress. If a person has post-traumatic stress, it is very important to seek help from a good specialist, in other cases, you can try to drink stress pills on your own, which today can be purchased without a prescription (in case of unexpressed clinical manifestations).

Methods of dealing with stress are medical or non-medical. On their own, a person can practice relaxation techniques and conduct auto-training. Actually, the ability to relax is also the prevention of stress.

At the same time, in medical practice, there are many techniques for dealing with this disorder, thanks to which the consequences of stress become imperceptible for a person. Without appropriate therapy (psychological counseling and medications prescribed by a doctor), the consequences of stress can be extremely difficult for the body, up to the development of such somatic diseases as stomach ulcers, oncology, etc.

Prevention of stress consists in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, proper alternation of rest and wakefulness. Refusal of alcohol, drugs, tobacco and other bad habits also increases the body's resistance to external influences. A positive attitude makes it possible to “disarm” stress at the initial stage.

If you think that you have stress and symptoms characteristic of this disease, then doctors can help you: a psychiatrist, a psychologist, a psychotherapist.

We also suggest using our online disease diagnostic service, which, based on the symptoms entered, selects probable diseases.

Danger of emotional stress

Every person experiences stress. Emotions that we experience in life: unpleasant surprises, mental and physical strain, quarrels with loved ones - all this affects the psycho-emotional state of people. Emotional stress takes a person out of the comfort zone and requires physiological and psychological adaptation to new conditions.

Negative emotions are the main cause of myocardial infarction

The psychological state is directly related to human health: myocardial infarction in 70% of cases occurs precisely because of stress.

Stress factors

The concept of "emotions" is characterized in psychology as an experienced attitude of an individual to various external factors (facts, events, etc.). Such an experience is manifested by various signs: fear, joy, horror, pleasure, etc. Emotions are closely related to the somatic and visceral sphere. Appearing facial expressions, gestures, a distinct increase in heart rate and breathing - all this is subject to the psycho-emotional state of a person.

Emotions are generated in the limbic system of the brain. Their influence on the body is comparable to a certain probability of satisfying the individual. A low probability characterizes negative emotions, and a high probability characterizes positive ones. All emotions are regulators of behavior and act as an "evaluation" of any psychological impact on a person.

Emotional stress is a psycho-emotional stress that occurs due to a negative assessment of external factors by the brain. They have their strength if it is impossible to activate the body's defense reactions to threats, which depends on the person's resistance to stress.

It is important to understand the difference between positive and negative stress. Strong experiences caused by positive emotions are called eustress. The state of the body under the harmful influence of negative emotions is distress. It is characterized by disorganization of human behavior and psyche.

Fear is a stressful emotion


Stress conditions are a natural phenomenon, characteristic not only for humans, but also for other animals. The frequency of cases depends on technological progress, the pace of life, ecology, urbanization. But the main factors influencing stress are social behavior and the characteristics of individual events.

The main reasons for this emotional state:

  • fears, resentment, quarrels;
  • social and household factors;
  • life problems related to work, death of a loved one, divorce, etc.;
  • potentially dangerous situations;
  • physiology.

Physiological factors are almost not related to the external environment. They are the result of a person’s mental activity, assessment of his own condition, because in case of illness, you worry more about your own well-being.

Common physiological factors influencing the appearance of emotional stress:

  • mental and physical overwork;
  • sleep problems;
  • pathological disorders of the nervous system;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • post-traumatic disorders.

One of the most common types of emotional stress is "burnout" (overwork). The risk group includes representatives of the labor sphere. The psychological stress that workers experience contributes to the loss of a large amount of physical and mental energy. Prolonged loss of energy leads to fatigue.

Do not confuse emotional and informational stress. The latter is characterized by a protective barrier of the body as a reaction to a large flow of information received for a long time.

The most common professions prone to burnout are socially responsible positions (teachers, business leaders, doctors, etc.). Causes of burnout: responsibility, inconvenient work schedule, low wages, etc.


Psycho-emotional stress can be determined by physiological and psychological signs. The most common symptoms:

  • psycho-emotional reactions (irritability, anxiety, fear, despair, etc.);
  • increased heart rate and breathing;
  • loss of concentration;
  • muscle strain;
  • fatigue;
  • memory problems.

Sometimes the symptoms of stress can be confused with infectious or viral diseases. Internal factors that depend on the assessment of a particular situation can cause:

  • digestive disorders;
  • muscle weakness;
  • temperature increase;
  • headaches and dizziness.

Often, these symptoms appear due to anticipation of important events in a person's life or during them: final exams, job interviews, creative presentations, etc. Severe stress can be seriously harmful to health.

Fatigue is one of the symptoms of the disorder

The danger of stress

The physiological nature of stress is fraught with danger to humans. Poor regulation of one's own state contributes to the release of adrenaline and norepinephrine into the blood. In a certain amount, these hormones negatively affect the functioning of internal organs and systems and contribute to the occurrence of chronic diseases. Like information stress, emotional stress often leads to diseases such as:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • heart failure;
  • ischemia;
  • angina;
  • asthma;
  • oncological diseases.

Strong prolonged stresses affect the functioning of organs and systems, lead to nervous breakdowns and mental disorders, and contribute to a decrease in immunity. People who are most susceptible to psychological stress are more likely to suffer from viral and infectious diseases.

Prolonged stressful conditions provoke heart disease

Stages of emotional stress

It is human nature to experience and express their emotions. In a stressful situation, the moment of its peak is most often felt, characterized by an increase in heart rate and respiration. You can also feel gradual relief. Phases of emotional stress:

  1. Perestroika. Physiological reaction characterized by the release of hormones into the blood. The person feels intense tension and emotional arousal.
  2. Stabilization. The production of hormones is balanced, but the psycho-emotional state does not change.
  3. Exhaustion. It manifests itself with severe or prolonged stress. There is a loss of control over the situation, which leads to a malfunction of the internal organs and systems.

The stage of exhaustion occurs only if the psycho-emotional state of the individual is in prolonged tension or continues to succumb to additional stress.

There is an imbalance of glucocorticoid hormones and insulin. As a result, a person feels a decrease in performance, weakness and other signs of stress.

Features of prevention

Prevention of stressful situations is to prepare the body for upcoming changes in external conditions. It is necessary to anticipate the inevitability of a stressful situation and try to maintain emotional balance with its onset. There are several preventive methods:

  1. Rationalization of the event. Modeling a possible situation down to the smallest detail (clothes, dialogues, behavior, etc.). This helps to reduce the level of uncertainty and will reduce the increased level of emotions.
  2. Selective positive flashback. It is necessary to recall an example of a situation in which a person could find a way out on his own. This will add decisiveness before the upcoming stressful situation.
  3. Selective negative flashback. Analysis of own failures and substantiation of conclusions. If you identify your own mistakes, it will be easier to approach solving new problems.
  4. Visualization of the end of the event. Presenting several options for an unfavorable outcome and planning a way out of it.

Fighting methods

Psycho-emotional disorders require careful diagnosis and treatment. Methods of dealing with them may be different. Most often, the normalization of the psychological state depends on the systematic nature of the methods used and their complexity. No less important are individual characteristics - the stress resistance of the body, the severity of the psychological disorder. The most effective are the following methods:

  • autogenic training;
  • physical exercises;
  • meditation;
  • drug therapy;
  • psychotherapy.

Polysystemic stress reactions should be reduced even before the manifestation of certain pathological conditions. The use of medications is rare. They are prescribed if other methods are not effective. Antidepressants and tranquilizers are more commonly used.

The patient is often prescribed antidepressants and tranquilizers.

Outburst of emotions

The American physiologist W. Frey put forward the theory that tears help the body to better endure stressful situations. As an experiment, he made a biochemical analysis of the tears of people of different emotional states. The result showed that the tears of those who were under stress contained more protein.

There are many supporters and opponents of Frey's theory, but everyone confirms one thing - crying gives vent to emotions and allows you to restore the psychological state faster.

Tears as a protective function of the body are underestimated by modern society, so you should not treat them as a weakness: this is just a way to quickly restore the psycho-emotional state.

Tears help restore psychological balance


The main danger of emotional stress is that its appearance and development can lead to health problems. Myocardial infarction, hypertensive crisis, circulatory disorders - this is only part of the possible threat. The risk of sudden cardiac arrest cannot be ruled out.

All people are subject to stress. To save life and health, you should always be prepared for sudden stressful situations or avoid them. In the event of the inevitability of stress, it is important to be able to model in your head possible ways to solve problems, which will mitigate the effect of sudden factors. You can always seek help from a psychologist. It will help to safely restore the psycho-emotional state of the patient.

emotional stress

Stressful situations cannot be avoided. Not always such a manifestation is negative. You can also experience stress in a positive environment, on positive emotions. Stress is nothing more than a protective reaction of the body to a change in the conditions in which a person is accustomed to exist. The so-called "comfort zone", leaving which we experience inconvenience. Psycho-emotional stress occurs in conditions of negative emotional influences. These include:

Arriving in this state, a person cannot satisfy the primary biological and social needs.

Emotional stress goes through several stages:

  • anxiety stage. At this stage, there is a sharp reaction to stimuli;
  • stage of resistance. Man has adapted and adapted to the conditions of existence. He may live in a state of constant depression;
  • exhaustion stage. The level of adaptability is reduced, which further leads to death.


Emotional stress affects all functional systems of the body. It has a greater effect on the vegetative system. The latter, in turn, weakly resists negative influences, and is very easily unbalanced. The autonomic system is part of the nervous system.

Now about what happens at the moment of psychological stress:

  • the cerebral cortex receives a signal from the external environment. Irritants begin to act;
  • a signal regarded as a threat is transmitted along the nerve pathways to the hypothalamus;
  • the body releases a powerful adrenaline rush.

Signs of emotional stress

You can diagnose yourself with stress by the following indicators:

  • possible increase or decrease in body temperature;
  • rapid pulse, palpitations;
  • sweating;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • fatigue;
  • irritability;
  • anxiety, fear, feeling of despair;
  • inability to hold back tears;
  • uncontrolled behavior.

A feature of the manifestation of emotional stress is that emotions "go wild" and are difficult to control. A person can show an inadequate reaction to what is happening, “break loose” on others, thereby freeing himself from an excess of energy.

The state of emotional stress in any case is treatable. The most effective and popular options are as follows:

Laugh more often and believe that everything that happens is only for the best.

Stress can be called such a reaction when, after processing by the consciousness of some external or internal circumstance, a special state of the nervous system arose, which changed the work of all internal organs. Everyone can have such a factor: external - moving, job change or death of a loved one, internal - some kind of own illness that spoils the quality of life. Stress occurs only when the impact of this circumstance has exceeded the personal threshold of stress resistance.

Stress can be acute, developing as a single impact, the consequences of which in some cases may pass spontaneously. He is programmed by nature to fight or run away from danger. More often in the modern world, chronic stress occurs, when psychotraumatic circumstances “layer” one on top of the other. This process is the cause of many chronic diseases.

Why stress is dangerous

Scientists say: more than 150 thousand people from 142 countries of the world now have health problems precisely because of stress. The most common of them are heart diseases (angina pectoris, hypertension, myocardial infarction). Thus, according to the Russian Academy of Sciences, after the Soviet Union ceased to exist, in 13 years the number of patients with cardiovascular diseases increased from 617 to 900 people per 100,000 people.

At the same time, the number of smokers, people who consistently take alcohol, people with obesity and high cholesterol levels - that is, those reasons due to which pathologies of the heart and blood vessels develop - remained within the previous values. Then scientists seriously thought about the impact of the psycho-emotional state on health.

Mental illnesses are in second place for the consequences of a life of constant tension, and obesity is in third place. Chronic stress does not bypass the organs of the digestive and genitourinary systems, but the changes occurring in them are not so fatal. In addition, a person living in constant psycho-emotional stress greatly reduces their own immunity, becoming defenseless in the face of many diseases.

How stress develops

For the first time, the processes that occur after a person encounters a traumatic situation were described by the psychologist Cannon in 1932. A broad discussion of this issue, as well as the term "stress" itself, appeared only in 1936, after an article by the previously unknown physiologist Hans Selye, who called stress "a syndrome that develops as a result of exposure to various damaging agents."

Selye found that when the psyche is affected by an agent that exceeds the adaptive resources of the organism of this person (in other words, exceeding the threshold of stress tolerance), the following reactions develop:

  1. the adrenal cortex increases, where the “stress hormone”, the main glucocorticoid hormone cortisol, is produced;
  2. the number of lipid granules in the adrenal medulla decreases, the main task of which is to secrete adrenaline and norepinephrine into the blood;
  3. the volume of lymphatic tissue, which is responsible for immunity, decreases: the thymus (the central organ of immunity), the spleen, and lymph nodes reverse development;
  4. the mucous membranes of the stomach and duodenum are damaged up to the formation of ulcers on them (stress ulcers).

Under the influence of the hormones cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenaline, not only stress ulcers occur on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, but also:

  • the level of glucose in the blood rises and at the same time the sensitivity of tissues to insulin decreases (that is, due to chronic stress, you can “earn” type 2 diabetes mellitus);
  • blood pressure rises;
  • heartbeat becomes more frequent;
  • increased deposition of adipose tissue in the subcutaneous tissue;
  • tissue proteins break down, glucose is formed from them;
  • sodium is retained, and with it water in the tissues, and potassium, which is necessary for the functioning of the heart and nerves, is excreted faster than necessary;

Due to the decrease in the volume of lymphatic tissue, overall immunity decreases. As a result, the body's resistance to infections decreases, and any virus can cause severe illness and be complicated by bacterial infections.

The threshold of stress resistance is individual for each person. It depends on:

  • the type of nervous system (it is one of two strong or two weak), which is determined by the speed of reactions and decision-making, the severity and nature of human emotions;
  • a person's life experience;
  • resistance of the psyche to the influence of adverse factors.

So, choleric and melancholic people are easily stressed, a balanced sanguine person is less, a phlegmatic person is even less (he needs a large stress factor).


Stress is the general name for the reactions described above, when the work of the adrenal glands is activated under the influence of the psyche. He can be:

  • positive. This is eustress. It is caused by sudden joy, for example, from meeting an old friend or from an unexpected gift, inspiration, thirst for competition. Does not adversely affect health. It was in a state of eustress that records were set, discoveries and feats were made;
  • negative called distress. It will be discussed further, as it can destroy health.

According to the nature of the impact, stress, or rather, distress, can be:

  1. Neuropsychiatric or psychological. This is the main view, which is divided into 2 types:
    • information stress, which occurs as a result of an overabundance of information. Usually develops in people whose job is to constantly process a large amount of information;
    • psycho-emotional stress that occurs due to strong anger, resentment or hatred.
  2. Physical, which is divided into:
    • temperature (for example, in response to exposure to heat or cold);
    • food (when hungry or forced to eat those foods that cause disgust;
    • pain (due to pain, injury);
    • light (if a person is forced to stay in an illuminated space all the time: at work, lying in a hospital, if he got into the conditions of a polar day).

Distress can be caused by extreme conditions (war, hurricanes, floods, landslides) or extremely strong psychological events (this is the death of a relative, the breakup of a relationship, passing an exam).

There is also a classification of a stressor (stressor). As such it can be:

  1. A life event is a long-term event: moving, business trip, divorce, death of a loved one.
  2. Catastrophe. This includes trauma, accident, war, death of a friend.
  3. Chronic emotional stress. It arises as a result of unresolved constant conflicts with family members or colleagues.
  4. Small life difficulties, which, accumulating like a "snowball", can destroy normal relationships in the family.

These stressors are the causes of distress.

How stress flows

Hans Selye identified three stages in the body's response to any stress. The speed of their occurrence depends on the strength of the stressor and the state of the central nervous system of a particular person:

  1. Stage of anxiety. A person ceases to control his thoughts and actions, prerequisites are created for the weakening of the body. Behavior becomes the opposite of that which is characteristic of this person.
  2. resistance stage. The resistance of the body increases so that a person can make some decision and cope with the situation that has arisen.
  3. Exhaustion stage. It develops during prolonged stress, when the body is "not able" to maintain the stage of resistance anymore. It is at this stage that lesions of the internal organs develop - each is different.

There is also a more extended description of the stages, made after the work of Selye. There are 4 stages here:

  • Mobilization: the attention and activity of a person is increasing, forces are still being spent sparingly. If at this stage the process fades, then it only tempers, and does not destroy a person.
  • Sthenic (active) negative emotion. Anger, aggression, rage arise. To achieve the goal, forces begin to be spent uneconomically, and the body takes the path of exhaustion.
  • Asthenic (that is, passive) negative emotion. It arises as a result of the excessive expenditure of one's own forces at the previous stage. The person is sad, does not believe in his own strength and that this situation can be resolved. He may become depressed.
  • Complete demoralization. It occurs when the stressor continues to act on the body. A person resigns himself to defeat, becomes indifferent, does not want to solve either the stressor task or any others. A person in this stage of distress is said to be "broken".

What can cause stress

What causes stress in an adult has already been discussed above. These are injuries, and moving, and separation / divorce, and the death of a loved one, and money problems, and the constant lack of time to complete work on time, and illness - one's own or a loved one. Women experience stress at the birth of a child, even if they thought that they had prepared for this in 9 months (particularly vulnerable to stress are women in labor who had a difficult pregnancy, suffered a break with a loved one or had constant conflicts during this period).

Factors that increase the chance of developing stress are chronic illness, lack of sleep, lack of friendly environment or friends. More vulnerable to stress are people who are true to their beliefs and the given word.

The causes of stress in children may not be so obvious:

  • hypothermia;
  • problem with treatment in kindergarten;
  • the problem of communication with peers;
  • change of residence;
  • increased workload at school or in the last year of attending kindergarten;
  • communication problems;
  • imposing hobbies by parents;
  • the lack of a person with whom you can discuss your problems;
  • sending to sanatoriums or pioneer camps without parents;
  • frequent stays in the hospital without parents;
  • initial sexual experience;
  • unfavorable situation in the family;
  • loss of a pet
  • a sharp change in the daily routine;
  • change of time zone;
  • the content of the cartoon, film, computer game (scenes of murder, violence, erotic nature);
  • casual observation of the intimate communication of parents or strangers;
  • abrupt change in weather conditions.

How to know if a person is stressed

Distinguish between acute and chronic stress. They manifest themselves in different ways, and we will analyze them in detail later.

There is also a diagnosis of "Acute reaction to stress." This is the name of a disorder that occurs in a mentally healthy person in response to a very strong psychological and / or physical stressor, when there was a direct threat to the life of this person or someone close to him. It can be noted after:

  • natural disaster (hurricane, tsunami, flood);
  • house fire;
  • rape, especially if it was especially cruel;
  • death of children;
  • car accidents;
  • how a person was taken hostage in a terrorist attack;
  • participation in hostilities, especially bloody ones.

Such severe stress is a short-term disorder, lasting several hours or 1-2 days. After it, urgent help is needed (within the first 48 hours) from a competent psychiatrist or psychotherapist, otherwise the stress will either end in a suicidal attempt, or go into a chronic form with all the ensuing consequences.

Higher risk of developing a reaction to severe stress in people:

  • emaciated after illness or hard work;
  • having a brain disease;
  • who are over 50 years old;
  • who do not see help from the outside;
  • for whom what happened was a complete surprise;
  • when other people die around.

An acute reaction to stress is evidenced by symptoms that begin a few minutes after the incident (less often - tens of minutes):

  • Such clouding of consciousness, when a person ceases to navigate in what is happening, but can pay attention to small details around. Because of this, a person can do strange, meaningless acts, as a result of which it may seem to others that he has lost his mind.
  • The person may express delusional ideas, talk about non-existent events, or talk to someone who is not around. This behavior lasts a short period of time, it can end abruptly.
  • A person with an acute reaction does not understand or poorly understands the speech addressed to him, does not comply with requests or does it incorrectly.
  • Extreme retardation of both speech and movement. It can be expressed to such an extent that a person freezes in one position and answers questions only with some kind of sound. Less often, there may be a reverse reaction: a verbal flow that is difficult to stop, as well as pronounced motor restlessness. There may even be a stampede or attempts to inflict serious injury on oneself.
  • Reactions from the autonomic nervous system: dilated pupils, blanching or redness of the skin, vomiting, diarrhea. There may even be such a sharp drop in blood pressure that a person dies.
  • Often there are also such symptoms of stress as: confusion, inability to answer (with full understanding of speech), aggressiveness, despair.

If a person with an unhealthy psyche (but not mentally ill) got into a similar situation, the body's acute reaction to stress may not be the same as described above.

If these symptoms persist for more than 2-3 days, this is not an acute stress reaction. An urgent need to contact a neurologist, infectious disease specialist, psychiatrist or narcologist to find the real cause of this condition.

After suffering an acute reaction, the memory of such behavior disappears partially or completely. At the same time, a person remains tense for some time, his sleep and behavior are disturbed. For 2-3 weeks he is exhausted, he has no desire to do anything, and even the will to live. He can go to work and do it mechanically.

How to relieve stress - 20 ways read in our article

acute stress

The fact that stress has taken place in a person’s life is indicated by the following symptoms that occur immediately or shortly after a collision with a stressor:

  • emotional "explosion", which is combined either with a feeling of uncontrollable anxiety or fear, or with excitement close to aggression;
  • nausea, there may be a single vomiting (we are often shown this in films);
  • feeling of tightness, discomfort in the chest;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • sweating;
  • rapid breathing, which may be accompanied by a feeling of lack of air;
  • chills or feeling hot;
  • abdominal pain;
  • numbness, feeling of "cotton" limbs; stress urinary incontinence.

If the stress was strong, but not reaching a critical point (when there was a threat to life, after which an acute reaction to stress usually develops), a person, in addition to the symptoms listed above, may have:

  • convulsions (muscle contractions) without loss of consciousness;
  • skin rash, identical to urticaria that occurs in response to the intake of an allergen;
  • headache;
  • painful urge to empty the bowels, after which loose stools are observed;
  • pronounced feeling of hopelessness, despair

chronic stress

This condition is much more common in modern people with a rapid pace of life. The symptoms of chronic stress are not as pronounced as those of an acute stress response, so it is often dismissed as fatigue and ignored until it leads to various diseases. When the latter appear, a person turns to doctors and begins treatment, which does not lead to proper results because the cause - life in chronic stress - remains unresolved.

The fact that a person suffers from chronic stress will be indicated by signs that can be conditionally divided into several groups:

Associated with changes in human physiology

Due to stress, a person can experience quite physical suffering, which makes him look for the cause, visit doctors of various specialties, and take a large number of medications. But the presence of the following symptoms, when they develop in a person experiencing frequent or constant stress, does not mean that he does not have peptic ulcer or angina pectoris. Therefore, we will list them, and you will know that if you find some of them in yourself, you are examined, but the doctor says that he does not find anything in you, these are signs of a stress disorder, and they should be treated accordingly.

Physiological symptoms of chronic stress include:

  • heartburn;
  • belching;
  • nausea;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • bruxism (grinding teeth during sleep);
  • chest pain;
  • frequent urination;
  • stuttering
  • tinnitus;
  • dry mouth;
  • cold hands;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • periodic muscle spasms: spasm of the muscles of the hands, incomprehensible and moving muscle pains;
  • "twisting" the joints;
  • hot flashes, redness of the face;
  • frequent infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by cough, runny nose;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weight loss or gain;
  • headache;
  • backache;
  • during the next stress, the temperature may rise by several tens;
  • "jumps" in blood pressure;
  • increased sweating;
  • severe trembling of the upper limbs;
  • tics and obsessive movements;
  • a rash in the form of red spots or vesicles that arose "from scratch";
  • erectile dysfunction, decreased libido.

Emotion related symptoms

The presence of chronic stress in a person is evidenced by changes in the character of a person, when a previously balanced person has:

  • underestimation of self-esteem;
  • capriciousness;
  • irritability;
  • anxiety;
  • tearfulness;
  • outbursts of anger;
  • impulsive actions;
  • hostility towards others;
  • suspicion;
  • deceit;
  • the disappearance of goals, incentives, interests in life;
  • guilt;
  • constant criticism of loved ones;
  • pessimism;
  • feeling of unreality of what is happening;
  • touchiness;
  • focus on unpleasant events;
  • lowering the anxiety threshold;
  • tendency to command shouts;
  • a feeling of loneliness, hopelessness, inexpressible longing;
  • the appearance of thoughts of suicide;
  • change in the length of sleep and a violation of its quality (nightmares);
  • increased sensitivity to loud sounds, bright or flashing lights;
  • memory impairment;
  • even the slightest trouble can cause panic, anxiety or aggression.

Socio-behavioral symptoms

The fact that a person has chronic stress will be prompted by changes in his behavior and communication. It:

  • inattention;
  • loss of interest in appearance;
  • loss of former interests: to work, to a hobby;
  • nervous laughter;
  • addiction to alcohol, drugs, medications;
  • trying to be isolated;
  • constant lack of time;
  • workaholism and constant workload at work and at home as an independent attempt to "get away" from the situation;
  • the person becomes conflicted;
  • makes many small mistakes in his usual work;
  • while driving, he often behaves inappropriately, speaking rudely in relation to other drivers.

Intelligent signs

These include:

  • memory impairment: a person does not remember well and quickly forgets, there may be memory lapses;
  • difficulties with the analysis of new information;
  • repetition of what was said before;
  • obsessive thoughts, often negative;
  • viscosity of speech;
  • difficulty making a decision.

Features of the course of stress in women

Women are more vulnerable to stress. In addition, in an attempt to be an ideal wife and mother, they try not to talk about their experiences, but “store” them in themselves. This causes the appearance of certain symptoms, most of which are described above, not differing from "male". Of these, if you do not pay attention to it in time, gynecological, cardiac, endocrine disease or obesity can “grow”.

Signs of stress in women, by which it is not always possible to guess that she is stressed, are:

  • headache (most often felt in half of the head);
  • pain in the joints;
  • "failure" of the monthly cycle;
  • sudden, not characteristic of a woman before, mood swings;
  • twitching of the eyelid in one eye, which lasts for several minutes;
  • back pain;
  • the appearance of "incomprehensible" red elements of the rash and / or ulcers;
  • spasms, accompanied by pain, then in one, then in another part of the abdomen;
  • panic attacks;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • deterioration in coordination;
  • addiction to certain types of food (often sweets and dairy products) and alcohol;
  • according to the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, often recurrent vaginal thrush can become a sign of stress that develops under the influence of cortisol;
  • hair loss (it may not be immediately, but 3-6 months after stress);
  • "noise", "whistling", "clicking" in the ears;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • decrease in the instinct of self-preservation;
  • thoughts of suicide;
  • irritability;
  • a change in attitude towards oneself and loved ones (feelings of guilt, emotional coldness).

Especially it is necessary to pay attention to such (mainly the last 4) symptoms after childbirth. They indicate that postpartum depression or the more dangerous postpartum psychosis may begin.

Features of the course of stress in children

Signs of stress in a child are also not very noticeable, especially if the baby is not yet at a conscious age.

If the child is less than 2 years old, the fact that he has suffered stress will be evidenced by refusal to eat, tearfulness and irritability. The same symptoms will develop with any inflammatory or non-inflammatory process, so they must be excluded in the first place.

A 2-5-year-old child “declares” the shock of the return of old habits: thumb sucking, pacifiers, refusal to self-feed, urinary or fecal incontinence. The baby may begin to cry under changing circumstances (for example, from the fact that they start waking him up at night to use the toilet) or when new people appear. He may also start to stutter.

Stress in a 2-5 year old child will be indicated by hyperactivity or, conversely, a decrease in activity, unreasonable short-term temperature rises, vomiting, frequent mood swings, the appearance of many fears (darkness, loneliness, dogs or people of certain professions). A stressed baby does not sleep well.

In a child of 5-9 years old, stress is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • fatigue;
  • decrease in academic performance;
  • nightmares;
  • behavior, as in younger children (the child begins to “lisp”, caress, become like a baby);
  • aggression;
  • causeless fears, anxieties;
  • attempts to run away from home or, conversely, the child tries not to leave the house, avoids other children, does not want to go to school;
  • increase or, conversely, decrease in appetite;
  • nausea and even vomiting;
  • headache;
  • pain in the chest;
  • seizures in the corners of the mouth;
  • stratification of nails;
  • the child may partially forget stressful events;
  • nervous tics or the appearance of habits of biting nails or other objects (rulers, rubber bands, pens), pulling out hair, picking your nose, combing your skin;
  • defiant behavior for several days;
  • if a child begins to lie, this can also be a sign of stress.

What are the symptoms of stress

The main symptoms after stress indicate the exhaustion of the body. It:

  • the appearance of heat intolerance;
  • causeless nausea;
  • fatigue that appears faster than before, may not go away even after a long rest;
  • insomnia at night, drowsiness during the day, but there may be constant drowsiness of the patient;
  • loss of appetite;
  • decreased libido;
  • indifference to one's own appearance;
  • deterioration of attention, memory;
  • indecision;
  • difficulty concentrating;
  • negative thoughts;
  • a person becomes quick-tempered, irritable;
  • the pulse is speeded up, arterial pressure is either increased or decreased, sweating is increased, headaches, sweating.

But if the irritant was strong enough, then if an acute reaction to stress did not develop, then after a few weeks or months (up to six months), a person may develop a syndrome of post-traumatic stress disorder. It shows up:

  1. alienation from others;
  2. distrust of others;
  3. aggressiveness;
  4. anxiety;
  5. inadequate (usually very weak or its complete absence) reaction to current events;
  6. a person “lives” in his problem: during the day he thinks about the stressor, at night he dreams of it in the form of nightmares;
  7. if it seems to a person that a traumatic situation followed after a combination of some phenomena, then when they reappear in his life, he becomes aggressive, experiences a panic attack;
  8. panic attacks can occur on their own, they decrease when communicating with other people, so at such moments the patient willingly makes contact even with strangers;
  9. a person may experience pain in the abdomen, in the heart, in the head. On this occasion, he is sometimes examined, but nothing is found on him. This makes him look for a "competent" doctor, turn to many specialists. If none of the medical professionals correlates the symptoms with the stress experienced, the patient may lose faith in medicine, start self-treatment, and take alcohol or drugs “to calm down”.

Thus, the symptoms caused by stress are very similar to diseases of the internal organs. It is possible to suspect that this is stress due to the fact that the signs affect several body systems at once (for example, joint pain and heartburn occur). You can clarify the diagnosis only with the help of an examination: then with the help of instrumental (fibrogastroscopy, cardiogram, ultrasound of the heart, X-ray of the gastrointestinal tract) and laboratory (these are analyzes) studies, no changes will be detected or they will be minimal. The presence of stress will be confirmed by a psychotherapist or psychiatrist on the basis of a conversation with a person and some oral tests. Blood levels of cortisol and the hormone ACTH will also indicate a stress response.

I am a teacher-educator of an educational institution of a sanatorium type, GBOOU "Boarding School No. 68", St. Petersburg. In my work, I pay great attention to the issue of maintaining and improving the health of my pupils. One of the most important moments in my work is the timely removal of psycho-emotional stress, which, unfortunately, necessarily accompanies the educational process in primary school and can lead to neuroses and weakened children's immunity, which affects the general state of children's health. Currently I am working on the problematic topic “Methods for relieving psycho-emotional stress (PEN) in children of primary school age”.



Ways to relieve psycho-emotional stress in elementary school students

Educator: Kruchina S.A.

St. Petersburg


In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the health of schoolchildren is one of the priority areas of state policy in the field of education. According to the Ministry of Health of Russia, only 14% of children are practically healthy, more than 50% have various functional abnormalities, 35-40% have chronic diseases. vascular, respiratory and muscular systems), reducing their performance. Out of a million relatively healthy children coming to class I, after nine months, every fourth (250 thousand) revealed deviations in the functional state of the cardiovascular system. In Russia, only 10% of school graduates can be considered healthy. The most pronounced shifts in the state of health of children and adolescents occur precisely at the stage of schooling, which is especially clearly seen in students of general educational institutions of a new type. In-depth study of subjects (increased volume of educational load in conditions of shortage of study time) causes significant psycho-emotional stress in these schoolchildren, while the duration of sleep, the amount of physical activity and the time spent in the open air are sharply reduced. All this in combination reduces the general nonspecific resistance of a growing organism, leads to the formation of various functional disorders, and accelerates the transition of such disorders to chronic diseases. 20%, while the impact of medical support is estimated at only 10-15%. Non-observance of school sanitary and hygienic norms and recommendations, excessive study load, violations of the daily routine, stressful tactics of authoritarian pedagogy, inconsistency of curricula and methods with the age and functional abilities of students contribute to the growth of disorders in the health of schoolchildren. Therefore, a special place in the educational process is given to the use of health-preserving technologies. Today, health-saving technologies are understood as a system of measures to protect and improve the health of students, taking into account the most important characteristics of the educational environment, among which the most significant are:

Environmental factors (environmental, economic, social, etc.);

Factors of the school environment - a qualitative assessment of school buildings, sanitary, medical, sports equipment and equipment, the organization of the food system, taking into account the requirements of sanitary rules and regulations, the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the school contingent;

Organization and forms of physical education and health-improving work;

Organization of the educational process and the mode of study load;

Forms and methods of health-saving activities of a general education institution;

Dynamics of current and chronic morbidity.

Such a systematic approach to the issue of maintaining the health of schoolchildren, taking into account all the above factors, is provided primarily by sanatorium-type educational institutions in which children with poor health study. Health saving in such schools is a priority in the educational and upbringing process. I am a teacher-educator of an educational institution of a sanatorium type, GBOOU "Boarding School No. 68", St. Petersburg. In my work, I pay great attention to the issue of maintaining and improving the health of my pupils. One of the most important moments in my work is the timely removal of psycho-emotional stress, which, unfortunately, necessarily accompanies the educational process in primary school and can lead to neuroses and weakened children's immunity, which affects the general state of children's health. Currently I am working on the problematic topic “Methods for relieving psycho-emotional stress (PEN) in children of primary school age”.

The purpose of the work: to determine the most accessible and effective ways to remove PEN in schoolchildren of primary school age.

I had the following tasks:

  1. Study the literature on this issue.
  2. Give a definition of the concept of "psycho-emotional stress of a person", highlight the signs of PEN in children aged 7-8 years.
  3. Conduct an analysis of existing methods for removing PEN, develop criteria for assessing their effectiveness and availability.
  4. Determine the effectiveness of various methods and techniques for removing PEN in practice.

This work will be useful to all teachers and educators of elementary school, as well as parents with children aged 6-9 years.

  1. Psycho-emotional stress as a mental phenomenon. Signs of PEN.

In science, psycho-emotional tension is considered as a mental phenomenon of a rather complex structure, reflecting the interaction of a person with the living environment. Psychologists distinguish three degrees of psycho-emotional stress. The state of active wakefulness (I degree of neuropsychic stress according to Nemchin) is characterized by the performance of arbitrary actions that do not have emotional significance, against the background of a low level of motivation. In fact, this is a state of rest, non-involvement in complex activities to achieve the goal. In the study of subjects in this state, their characteristics do not differ from the usual background indicators of somatic systems and the mental sphere.

Psycho-emotional stress (II degree of neuropsychic stress) appears when the level of motivation rises, a significant goal and essential information appear; the complexity and efficiency of the activity increases, but the person copes with the task. An example would be the performance of daily professional work under normal conditions. This state in a number of classifications is called "operational tension" (Naenko). In this state, the level of activation of the nervous system increases, which is accompanied by an intensification of the activity of the hormonal system, an increase in the level of activity of internal organs and systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, etc.). Significant positive changes in mental activity are observed: the volume and stability of attention increase, the ability to concentrate on the task being performed increases, the distractibility of attention decreases and the switching of attention increases, the productivity of logical thinking increases, and an increase in cognitive activity in general is observed. In the psychomotor sphere, there is a decrease in the frequency and amplitude characteristics of tremor, an increase in the accuracy and speed of movements. Thus, the state of neuropsychic stress of the II degree (psycho-emotional stress) is characterized by an increase in the quality and efficiency of activity.

A state of psycho-emotional tension (or a state of neuropsychic tension of the III degree) appears when the situation becomes personally significant, with a sharp increase in motivation, an increase in the degree of responsibility (for example, the situation of an exam, public speaking, a complex surgical operation). In this condition, there is a sharp increase in the activity of hormonal systems, especially the adrenal glands, which is accompanied by significant changes in the activity of internal organs and systems. In the mental sphere, there is a distractibility of attention, difficulties in extracting information from memory, the speed and accuracy of response decreases, and the effectiveness of activity decreases. Various forms of negative emotional response appear: excitement, anxiety, expectation of failure, failure. It is no coincidence that this state is also called the state of emotional tension, as opposed to the state of operational tension described above.

Psycho-emotional stress appears when performing overwork in conditions of a threat to life or prestige, lack of information or time. With psycho-emotional stress, the body's resistance decreases, somatovegetative shifts appear (increased blood pressure) and experiences of somatic discomfort (pain in the heart, etc.). There is a disorganization of mental activity. Prolonged or frequently repeated stress leads to psychosomatic illnesses.

It is important for a teacher and educator not to miss the moment when nervous tension of the 2nd degree (positive) turns into an undesirable 3rd degree, a state that already poses a danger to the unstable psyche of the child. In this case, feelings of excessive joy, excitement, anger, fear, anxiety, sadness, guilt, confusion, shame, etc., manifested by children, can be reliable guidelines. The mood of the child is an indicator of these feelings. A stable positive mood indicates the successful adaptation of the child to the social and hygienic environment of the educational institution and his positive mental state. Frequent mood swings or a persistent negative mood suggest otherwise.

In addition to depressed mood, researchers note a number of signs, indicating that the child is in a state of serious psycho-emotional stress:

1. Bad sleep. The child has difficulty falling asleep and sleeps very restlessly.

2. Tiredness of the child after a load, which quite recently was given to him very easily.

3. The pupil becomes unreasonably touchy, often cries for an insignificant reason, or, conversely, becomes too aggressive.

4. Absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, lack of confidence in oneself, one's strengths, restless restlessness also speak of an uncomfortable psychological state. A child in this state more often seeks approval and support from adults, "clings" to them.

5. The state of psychological stress can manifest itself in previously unobserved antics and stubbornness, fear of contacts, striving for loneliness. The child ceases to participate in the games of peers, at the same time, he has difficulty in maintaining discipline.

6. Sometimes the child constantly chews or sucks something that was not noticed before. Sometimes he has a persistent loss of appetite.

7. Signs of a stressful state of a child are also trembling of hands, shaking of the head, twitching of the shoulders, nighttime and even daytime urinary incontinence that have not taken place before.

8. Some children in a state of prolonged stress begin to lose weight, look malnourished, or, conversely, they have symptoms of obesity.

9. Memory disorders, imagination difficulties, poor concentration of attention, loss of interest in everything that previously caused activity, also indicate a psycho-emotional state of distress.

All of the above signs can tell us that the child is under stress, only if they have not been observed before. It should also be noted that not all of these signs can be explicitly expressed. But you should worry even when only a few of them have appeared.

The presence of the above symptoms indicates the appearance of psychosomatic disorders, which affect both the well-being and behavior of the child. Ignoring them can not only lead to persistent health problems, but also affect the formation of personal qualities.

Psycho-emotional stress deprives the child of a state of joy natural for his age and leads to neuroses. With neurosis, the control of body functions worsens. Therefore, children not only become irritable and touchy, but often complain of headaches. In addition, they may have cardiac arrhythmias, often there is an increase in blood pressure.

An adult, by virtue of his life experience, as a rule, has the opportunity to choose how to respond to a stressful situation, but the degree of freedom of this choice for him is sometimes limited by its features. The child, on the other hand, does not always have the freedom of choice in responding, moreover, due to the lack of sufficient life experience, even if there is freedom of action, his reaction is often inadequate to the situation.

The experiences of children and the consequences of stress are described by many authors: Yu. their work will help a practical psychologist to professionally differentiate the signs of a stressful state of children.

Stressful impact on children in an educational institution can have:

Irrational mode of life,
- lack of freedom of movement
- Lack of exposure to fresh air
- irrational nutrition and its poor organization,
- improper organization of sleep and rest of children,
- authoritarian style of communication with children of adults in the absence of attention and care for them,
- unreasonable restriction of freedom of children,
- intellectual and physical overload,
- geomagnetically unfavorable days and bad weather conditions, as well as other factors associated with a variety of family and peer relationships problems.

  1. The main means of prevention and correction of psycho-emotional stress in children.

Taking into account the mental state of the child is one of the most pressing problems of modern educational practice, which is designed to ensure the physical and mental health of the younger generation. It requires not only a professional assessment of the mental state of the child, but also the creation of appropriate conditions for the protection and hygiene of his nervous system during his stay in a school institution.

There are many recommendations for relieving stress. For example, Yu. S. Nikolaev and E. I. Nilov recommend responding to an unpleasant situation with a smile and a joke. The psychiatrist V. Levy offered to choose an ideal hero with a cheerful and kind character. He himself used this method to establish contact with patients.

Scientists have long proven that the best way to relieve nervous tension is physical activity. The use of movements as a counterbalance to negative emotions was recommended, for example, by N. P. Bekhtereva. The famous Russian physiologist I. P. Pavlov said that any physical activity gives muscle joy, creating a stable mood.

In recent years, increasing importance in the prevention of stress has been given to teaching a person the psycho-self-regulation of the state. Studies confirm that children learn the techniques of autogenic training much faster and with greater effect than adults. This is due, first of all, to the fact that children have a vivid imagination, which helps them quickly and easily enter the desired image. Many psychotherapists also use the relaxing properties of music.

At present, quite a lot of various methods and health-saving technologies have been developed to relieve psycho-emotional stress. These are physical education minutes, self-massage, auto-training, finger games, energy exercises, various psychological techniques, kinesiology exercises (aimed at synchronizing the work of the right and left hemispheres of the brain). Psychologists widely use elements of breathing exercises, vocal therapy, music therapy, smile therapy in their practice to relieve PEN. I was faced with the task of analyzing existing methods for removing PEN and evaluating their effectiveness in practice. In my practice, I had experience in applying various techniques with children of primary school age. I have been practicing many techniques for a long time, there are techniques that I am just mastering. I am currently working in the second grade with 7-8 year old children. Working on the topic of this project, I chose for myself the most effective and easy to use, something that every teacher or educator can use in their work. My main selection criteria were:

  • the focus of the technique on relaxing the body and removing muscle clamps;
  • creating a positive emotional mood, a state of calm joy and self-confidence;
  • compliance of the method with the psychophysiological characteristics of primary school age, namely, children's age - 7-8 years.

Since strong emotions cause muscle tension in the body, physical activity is the best way to relieve nervous tension. Therefore, I consider it expedient to use, first of all, methods that involve the physical activity of the child. These are “Self-massage in a playful way”, physical education minutes, finger gymnastics, energy exercises. I will give examples of the most effective techniques.


It is known that massage improves blood and lymph circulation, relieves muscle hypertonicity, and also reduces the production of cortisol (stress hormone), which, as a result, contributes to a good mood. Thus, massage is a good tool for normalizing the psycho-emotional state of schoolchildren. It is important to carry out massage in a playful way at primary school age. For example, to light music, children can give themselves a massage of the auricles or, standing up like a train, pat each other lightly on the back. With great pleasure, children do self-massage to the song "A giraffe has spots."

The giraffe has spots, spots, spots, spots everywhere.
The giraffe has spots, spots, spots, spots everywhere.
We clap all over the body with our palms.

Elephants have folds, folds, folds, folds everywhere.
Elephants have folds, folds, folds, folds everywhere.

We pinch ourselves, as if collecting folds.

On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,
On the noses, on the stomachs, on the knees and socks.

With both index fingers, touch the corresponding parts of the body.

Kittens have fur, fur, fur, fur everywhere.
Kittens have fur, fur, fur, fur everywhere.

We stroke ourselves, as if smoothing the fur

On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,
On the noses, on the stomachs, on the knees and socks.

With both index fingers, touch the corresponding parts of the body.

The exercise is always accompanied by smiles, the children relax. Since many muscles and skin receptors are involved, relaxation of the whole body is achieved.

Finger gymnastics.

Finger gymnastics gives the child the opportunity to feel the joy of bodily contact, to feel his fingers, palm, elbow, shoulder; to realize oneself in the system of bodily coordinates. This develops self-confidence in the child and prevents the possibility of various neuroses in the future.

Fly under the cloud.
There are your children
On a birch branch.We cross the wrists of both hands and press the palms with the back side to each other, the fingers are straight - the "butterfly" is sitting; palms are straight and tense, fingers do not bend; with a slight but sharp movement of the hands in the wrists, we imitate the flight of a butterfly.


Scattered autumn leaves

We perform wave-like movements with the palms.

I painted them with a brush.

We perform smooth strokes with the palms up and down.

We'll go to the autumn park

We “walk” with the middle and index fingers of both hands.

We will collect leaves in bouquets.

We cross our hands, fingers are open.

Wedge leaf, aspen leaf,
Oak leaf, rowan leaf,
red poplar leaf

We alternately bend the fingers, starting with the big one, on both hands at the same time on each sheet.

Jumped down the path.

We clap our hands loudly.


It is important to carry out finger gymnastics slowly, pronounce the words in a calm, soft voice, without causing excessive excitement in the children.

Physical education minutes.

Physical education minutes are used periodically by all teachers. For younger students, funny physical education sessions in poetic form are most often used.

One - rise, stretch,
Two - bend down, unbend,
Three - clap, three claps,
Three head nods.
Four - arms wider
Five - wave your hands,
Six - sit quietly in place ...

Cha, cha, cha (3 thigh claps)
The stove is very hot (4 jumps on two legs)
Chi, chi, chi (3 overhead claps)
Oven bake kalachi (4 squats)

It is important to remember: a physical education session aimed at relieving psycho-emotional stress should include movements that relax muscles - sipping, stretching, alternating tension and relaxation. Quiet exercises are more often needed when the child must focus on his feelings. For example these:

  • Stretch your arms in different directions. At first - as if you want to get something. You can "pluck apples from the branches" without leaving the spot. Now do the repulsive movement. First, stretch your arms forward and stretch the area between your shoulder blades while arching your chest. The same in other directions.
  • Stretch your neck muscles - just lower your head and wiggle a little from side to side. Then tilt your neck alternately to one and the other shoulder, while not raising them.
  • Standing straight, stretch your arms up, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Swing in the wind like you are a flexible willow, stretching the sides of your body.

And with strong neuropsychic stress, I suggest that the child perform 10-20 squats or 15-20 jumps in place. This allows you to throw out energy outside and thus relieve the tension that has arisen.

Energy exercises.These are exercises for restoring the internal mental and energy balance of a person, harmonizing all energy within one's energy structure. They help to get rid of all kinds of "energy debris", preventing its accumulation and the occurrence of conditions for imbalance in the energy field. I use energy exercises that are suitable for primary school children. After such energetic moments, children become noticeably more cheerful and cheerful, lethargy and fatigue disappear.

  1. Clap hands in pairs.
  2. Standing, they shook their hands, threw off negative feelings, looked out the window - what good weather! They smiled at each other and sat down.
  3. They rubbed their palms, made a ball, threw it away, shook off the dust from their palms.
  4. They raised their hands with open palms up, took heat from the sun, covered their faces with their hands, (eyes closed), became energetic, strong.
  5. They stretched, the bones cracked, exhaled sharply Fuf! Well, a day!
  6. Leaf fall. We catch imaginary leaves, maybe on ourselves, on each other. Gave a "bouquet" to a neighbor.
  7. Getting ready to enter the ring. Stretching muscles. We beat an imaginary enemy. You were hit, sat down, you are knocked out!
  8. They saw a flying saucer, blinked in surprise, shook their heads. Here it is!
  9. They put their hands on their hearts, opened them, blew on their palms, gave warmth and love to the whole world.
  10. We show with gestures: a lot of gifts! big belly! Hooray! Everything is great! Quite skinny! It can't be! Etc.

Exercise "Fly".
Purpose: to relieve tension from the facial muscles.
Sit comfortably: put your hands freely on your knees, shoulders and head lowered, eyes closed. Imagine that a fly is trying to land on your face. She sits on the nose, then on the mouth, then on the forehead, then on the eyes. Your task, without opening your eyes, is to drive away the annoying insect.
Exercise Lemon.

Sit comfortably: put your hands loosely on your knees (palms up), shoulders and head down, eyes closed. Mentally imagine that you have a lemon in your right hand. Start squeezing it slowly until you feel that you have “squeezed out” all the juice. Relax. Remember your feelings. Now imagine that the lemon is in the left hand. Repeat the exercise. Relax again and remember your feelings. Then do the exercise with both hands at the same time. Relax. Enjoy the state of peace.
Exercise "Icicle" ("Ice cream"),
Purpose: to control the state of muscle tension and relaxation.
Stand up, close your eyes, raise your hands up. Imagine that you are an icicle or ice cream. Tighten all the muscles in your body. Remember these feelings. Freeze in this position for 1-2 minutes. Then imagine that under the influence of solar heat you begin to slowly melt, gradually relaxing your hands, then the muscles of your shoulders, neck, body, legs, etc. Remember the sensations in a state of relaxation. Perform the exercise until you reach the optimal psycho-emotional state. This exercise can be performed while lying on the floor.
Balloon exercise.
Purpose: to control the state of muscle tension and relaxation.
Stand up, close your eyes, raise your hands up, take a breath. Imagine that you are a big balloon filled with air. Stay in this position for 1-2 minutes, tensing all the muscles of the body. Then imagine that a small hole has appeared in the ball. Slowly begin to release air while relaxing the muscles of the body: hands, then the muscles of the shoulders, neck, body, legs, etc.

These exercises are performed with children until an optimal psycho-emotional state is reached.

A special place in health-saving educational technologies is occupied by music therapy . The influence of music on a child's health has not yet been fully studied, but it is undoubted that it contributes to the correction of psychophysical health, helps to harmonize the state of schoolchildren: relieve tension, fatigue, increase emotional tone, correct deviations in the child's personal development and his psycho-emotional state. There are active (motor improvisations accompanied by a verbal comment corresponding to the nature of the music) and passive (listening to stimulating, soothing or stabilizing music on purpose or as a background) forms of music therapy. Listening to properly selected music with the performance of psycho-gymnastic studies increases the immunity of children, relieves tension and irritability, headache and muscle pain, and restores calm breathing. Music therapy is used for communication problems, fears, as well as for various psychological diseases. Great attention is paid to the selection of the necessary melodies and sounds, with which you can have a positive effect on the child's body. This contributes to the overall improvement, improvement of well-being, raising the mood, increasing efficiency.

For relaxation, relieving emotional and physical stressit is necessary to take advantage of the beneficial influence of melodic classical and modern relaxing music filled with the sounds of nature (the rustle of leaves, the voices of birds, the chirping of insects, the sound of sea waves and the cry of dolphins, the murmur of a stream). Children on a subconscious level calm down, relax.

In my practice, I use music therapy for minutes of silence . I use this technique when I notice that children are overly excited, signs of fatigue and tension are noticeable. A moment of silence is a moment of relaxation, when a child can somehow be alone with himself, listen to his feelings, realize his feelings. It is important to pay attention to the breathing of children, it should be deep and slow. To tune in to the exercise, I suggest that the children take a deep breath and slowly blow out an imaginary candle on their palm. Let me give you an example of a moment of silence.

Children perform actions according to the meaning of the text that the teacher pronounces.

We are happy, we are happy!

We laugh in the morning.

But now the moment has come

It's time to be serious.

Eyes closed, hands folded,

Heads lowered, mouth closed.

And quiet for a minute

To not even hear a joke,

To not see anyone, but

And only one myself!

Eyelashes fall...

Eyes are closing...

We are relaxing…(twice).

We fall asleep with a magical dream ...

Breathe easily...evenly...deeply...

Our hands rest...

Resting, sleeping...(twice).

The neck is not tense ...

Lips slightly open...

Everything is relaxing...(twice).

Breathe easily...evenly...deeply.

Sounds like a recording of a piece of music for relaxation. (For example, "Nocturne in G minor" by F. Chopin).Today I invite you to take a trip to a beautiful island called "The Island of Kindness and Responsiveness" (pause). Imagine a beautiful, green island surrounded by waves of the warm sea (pause). Boys and girls live on this island. Boys are strong and brave, while girls are gentle and affectionate (pause). They are very friendly and funny guys. All girls and boys are good together. They know how to be friends and never quarrel (pause). All boys and girls are happy and good together. They smile at the sun and hold each other's hands. They are true friends because they are kind and helpful (pause). You can open your eyes and stretch sweetly. Well done!

This method is very effective, as its application allows you to achieve deep relaxation on the physical, mental and emotional levels.

I believe that the methods and techniques I have given, aimed at correcting PEN, are the most effective and meet the requirements of the modern school.


This paper characterizes psycho-emotional stress as a mental phenomenon, identifies signs of PEN in children of primary school age, shows how strong PEN in primary school students affects the child's mental health and well-being in general. There is no doubt that strong nervous tension, repetitive stress adversely affect children's health, and the teacher-educator should do everything possible to prevent the occurrence of stress factors, to prevent mental tension and anxiety among their pupils. The task of the educator is also to notice in time the signs of PEN both in an individual child and in a group of children or even in the entire children's team and in a timely manner to apply the most appropriate techniques for the moment, methods that help eliminate the tension that has arisen and stabilize the psycho-emotional state of their wards. Undoubtedly, in difficult situations, he should seek help from the psychological service of an educational institution, the child should be provided with qualified assistance from a professional psychologist.

I note that choosing one or another way of responding, the teacher should be guided by the following:

  1. All techniques and techniques used should be aimed not only at relieving emotional, but also muscular tension, since modern science has proven a close relationship between emotions and the human body;
  2. The actions of the teacher should contribute to the formation of students' attitudes towards a positive, valuable attitude towards themselves as individuals.

Only if these two conditions are met, the teacher's work will be effective, bring the expected results and meet modern educational requirements in solving the problem of the health of the younger generation.

The use of the methods presented in the work will allow optimizing the psychological and pedagogical activities for the prevention of unhealthy mental states of students, which has a positive effect on mental health and development, on educational activities and the behavior of schoolchildren in general.

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