Lump between large and small labia. Treatment of bumps on the genitals. Types and methods of treatment of cones

It is possible that a bump in an intimate place has a harmless "nature", but the possibility cannot be ruled out that this is an alarming signal of a serious illness.

Causes of occurrence:

Negative consequences of stressful situations or non-compliance with the diet;

Favorable conditions for the reproduction of bacteria due to non-compliance with intimate hygiene;

Allergy to medicines;

Difficulty "breathing" of the skin due to tight-fitting underwear;

Venereal infections.

hair follicles

It happens that acne is confused with hair follicles. These natural "objects" of further hair growth do not require close study and concern.

Sebaceous glands

It also happens that in intimate places they are confused by hypertrophy. In these places, the skin is very thin, so the glands stand out strongly and are "striking". To prevent such “innocent” acne from “interfering with life”, you can get rid of them by taking vitamins, maintaining hygiene and antibacterial treatment.

Dense ulcers

A dense lump in an intimate place is a product of inflammation of the sebaceous glands. It ranges from light red to dark red. For treatment, you will first need to clean the problem area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with a water-soap solution, dry the skin and take one of the following procedures.

If a bump hurts in an intimate place, aloe juice will help get rid of a purulent formation. The leaf of the plant is cut lengthwise and attached to the problem area with a patch. After 3-4 days, thanks to the healing effects of aloe, the annoying abscess disappears, and the skin is completely restored.

Pharmacy funds

Ointment "Levomekol" and hydrogen peroxide are excellent tools to help get rid of abscesses. A bump on an intimate place is treated with one of these drugs twice a day until it disappears completely. With such tasks, ointments "Ichthyol" or "Vishnevsky" can also perfectly cope.

One of the remedies that help get rid of abscesses is iodine. To do this, moisten a cotton swab with iodine and apply to the problem area for 5-10 minutes.

Fatty cysts

Such white cysts are small in size and are located under the skin. Their occurrence is due to skin growths. In this case, the fatty substance accumulates, and coarsening occurs, forming a hard bump. Cysts do not cause pain or discomfort. Treatment of the bumps occurs through a simple and short surgical operation.

Venereal diseases

On the pubis, perineum and labia - is an indicator of a possible infection with a sexually transmitted infection. If, with the appearance of acne, there is an increase in temperature, in the groin, burning and itching in the genital area, then an urgent consultation with a venereologist is necessary.

Should not be ignored. The ball on the labia can be small or large, painful or not uncomfortable, located deep in the thickness of the tissues or directly under the skin. There are many causes of tumors, one of which may well be oncology. To clarify the origin of the ball, additional studies (biopsy, histological analysis of a tissue sample) are needed.

Benign neoplasms

Although such bumps do not carry a mortal danger, they can cause serious complications. These include:

  1. Atheroma. An epidermal cyst is characterized by a ball on the labia under the skin, filled with a mass of sebaceous secretion. Content accumulates due to blockage of the excretory duct. The tubercle may be round or oval. But the main difference between atheroma is a black dot in the center of the seal. The situation becomes dangerous when bacteria enter the clogged airless cavity, provoking an inflammatory process and tissue necrosis. The focus swells, becomes hot, hurts. The woman's body temperature rises, and an unpleasant-smelling liquid is released from the bump.
  2. Lipoma. This is the most common wen, formed from adipose tissue cells of adipocytes. The contents are hidden in a soft, movable capsule, which, on palpation, looks like a small nodule. Naturally oily skin, increased sweating, hormonal imbalance, bad habits, and neglect of hygiene rules can provoke the formation of a lipoma. The wen inside the labia produces mucus and is located directly under the epithelium. It does not cause discomfort, but tends to accelerate growth and often becomes inflamed. Therefore, it is more correct to remove it in a medical facility.
  3. Myoma. A bump is formed from muscle tissue and is located in the thickness of the labia majora. Its consistency is firm and elastic, growth is slow, surgical treatment.
  4. Fibroma. A pea-sized ball on the labia appears in the submucosal layer of the vagina. It consists of connective cells and collagen fibers, is soft or hard, has a smooth relief and an oval shape. Fibroma growth is unhurried, but some of its varieties are prone to malignancy. Treatment of the disease is exclusively surgical.
  5. Hydradenoma. This seal is formed from the elements of the sweat glands and occurs more often in young girls under 20 years old. These are multiple nodules, with a diameter not exceeding 10 mm, pink, yellow or brown. Although hydradenomas do not acquire oncogenic properties, they never disappear on their own. You can remove them with a simple operation.
  6. Lymphangioma. Cones from the lymphatic vessels are localized on the labia majora closer to the inguinal folds. Tubercles of a heterogeneous shape of a bluish hue tend to merge with each other. The swelling is painful on palpation, soft, but with hard inclusions. Lymphangioma grows slowly, but can become infected, so it is better to remove it.
  7. Myxoma. It is formed from the remnants of the embryonic connective tissue in the subcutaneous fat of the labia majora. It is diagnosed mainly in older women and requires surgical intervention.

All of these pathologies do not pose a danger to life, a timely visit to a doctor will help solve the problem as soon as possible.

Ball on half lips photo

Cancer of the vulva

Cancer rarely develops in women under 50 years of age. Due to the inability to independently examine the external genitalia, it is often detected too late. Moreover, in the initial stages, there are no alarming symptoms. Then a slight itching appears, which intensifies at night, occurs, slight seals form.

When the tumor reaches a large size, there are fetid. Violation of the general condition (fever, weakness, loss of strength, nausea, drowsiness) occurs even when the treatment is ineffective.

Inflammation of the Bartholin's gland

With bartholinitis, the ball on the labia is more often found on one side, but the bumps can also be symmetrical. A dense capsule filled with purulent contents forms on the surface of the gland. The woman experiences severe pain that makes it difficult to move. The culprits of the disease are various pathogenic microbes that penetrate both from the inside of the body and from the outside. The reasons may be:

  • running thrush;
  • sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, herpes);
  • the presence of foci of bacterial flora (streptococci, staphylococci, Escherichia coli and others).

There are acute and chronic (recurrent) forms of the disease. In the first case, an abscess occurs. False, if the external duct of the gland becomes inflamed and clogged with secretions. Or true, when purulent exudate causes inflammation not only of the gland, but also of the tissues surrounding it.

If the acute process is not treated, then after spontaneous opening of the purulent capsule, chronic bartholinitis develops. The pathological process periodically subsides and resumes, a cyst of the Bartholin gland is formed.

Inflammation of the hair follicles

Folliculitis occurs after trauma to the hair root and infection. This is preceded by careless epilation or shaving, ingrown hairs. A bump of white or yellow color with a red inflamed edging is formed on the outer labia. A twisted hair is visible inside. A large pimple is filled with pus and hurts a lot.

It is extremely dangerous to squeeze it out, otherwise harmful bacteria can enter the bloodstream and provoke blood poisoning. Treatment consists in wiping the affected area with local antiseptics. For resorption of pus, compresses are made from Vishnevsky's ointment for the night.

Fortunately, almost all diseases, the symptom of which is a ball on the floor of the lips, can be treated. If you turn to the doctor in time, you can even defeat cancer.

Every woman should pay attention to new formations on the genitals. The sudden appearance of a ball on the labia deserves special attention, due to the fact that this phenomenon may be a sign of a serious illness.

Ball on the labia: probable causes and methods of treatment

Even in cases where the seal in the labia does not cause any discomfort to the woman, it should not be ignored. Usually this pathology requires the intervention of a doctor.

Possible causes of the appearance of seals on the labia

So-called bumps or balls can appear on both small and large labia. They are a rounded seal located under the skin or directly in the thickness of the tissues. It is very important to establish the reasons for the formation of such formations, since this is the decisive factor in prescribing treatment.

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The main parameters by which the diagnosis is made are the size, localization, soreness and mobility of the formation.

In some cases, to establish an accurate diagnosis, it may be necessary to conduct a histological analysis of tissue samples of the neoplasm.

An unwanted ball that forms in the labia is formed for the following reasons:

  1. As a result of blockage of the sebaceous gland, and its subsequent inflammation.
  2. The lump may be an inflamed hair follicle.
  3. With the development of pathologies of the Bartholin gland.
  4. In case of infection of the body with pathogenic organisms (this list also includes sexually transmitted infections).
  5. The seal may be a tumor.
  6. In isolated cases, a seal on the labia turns out to be a congenital pathology.

Inflammation of the hair follicles or sebaceous gland

Inflammatory processes in the sebaceous glands occur, most often, due to insufficient hygiene of the genital organs. Hair follicles in most cases become inflamed for the same reason. As a result, ideal conditions are created for the development of pathogenic bacteria.

Another risk factor is epilation of the bikini area, since inflammation often occurs at the site of ingrown hairs.

However, blockage of the sebaceous ducts can also occur for other reasons, for example, due to hormonal imbalance.

Treatment of seals on the labia in all these cases, as a rule, requires external treatment. The affected areas are treated with antiseptic agents. In especially severe cases, surgery may be necessary.

It is strictly forbidden to squeeze out or open any formations on the labia outside of medical institutions!

Pathology of the Bartholin's gland

Bartholin's gland performs the function of moisturizing the labia minora. It is located at the entrance of the vagina, under a layer of skin, in the lower region of the large lips. The lubricant produced by the gland is delivered to the inside of the small lips through a special long excretory channel.

Inflammation of the Bartholin gland is called bartholinitis by physicians. Inflammation occurs as a result of the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the gland. The causes of infection and the formation of bumps on the small and large labia can be:

  • hormonal disruptions;
  • decreased immunity;
  • tissue damage or injury (for example, from wearing low-quality synthetic underwear);
  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • ignoring the norms of intimate hygiene.

The ball formed from inflammation of the Bartholin gland is able to increase in size. Sometimes it can reach significant volumes. A woman, as a rule, feels pain when walking, as well as during sexual contact with a partner. The process is accompanied by a noticeable deterioration in the general state of health, fever, and sometimes purulent discharge.

Another common disease of the Bartholin's gland is a cyst. This pathology occurs as a result of the formation of obstruction of the excretory duct. Blockage can occur due to narrowing of the duct, infection, or excess secretion. The fluid produced by the gland as a result of this pathology is not excreted, but accumulates in the cavity of the gland or the channel itself. As a result, a bump appears, both on small and large lips. Cystic formations, in most cases, do not cause pain in a woman, and sometimes they resolve on their own. However, there is a possibility of complications. In particular, when the cyst becomes infected, the development of purulent inflammation may begin.

Treatment of pathologies of the Bartholin gland is allowed to be carried out by the method of conservative therapy, which includes the mandatory intake of antibiotics to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, supportive treatment can be carried out, aimed at general strengthening of the body, with the help of folk remedies. In some cases, there is a need for surgical intervention to remove the contents from the ducts and gland capsule.

In severe recurrent forms of bartholinitis, it may be necessary to remove the gland, as well as the ducts extending from it.

Varieties of tumors

Most often, benign tumors are found on external organs. They are formed as a result of abnormal division of tissue cells. However, sometimes malignant tumors also occur. The ball inside the labia can be:

  1. Lipoma. It is one or more nodes formed from adipose tissue. Has the ability to grow rapidly. Lipoma is dangerous with possible complications. It can even provoke tissue necrosis. Removed surgically.
  2. Fibroma. Education consists of muscle tissue. It occurs more often on large lips. Treated with surgical removal.
  3. Hydradenoma. This type of tumor is rare. It is dangerous because it can degenerate into a malignant formation.
  4. Cancer of the vulva. These are malignant tumors. The main difference from benign ones is that they can fester and bleed.

Measures to prevent the appearance of neoplasms

The most important thing that a woman should do to ensure that various kinds of formations do not appear on the labia is to carefully and properly care for the genitals. In the vast majority of cases, abnormal processes occur precisely because of poor hygiene.

It is desirable that a woman wear underwear and clothes that are not only beautiful, but also comfortable and of high quality. This is important for maintaining the normal temperature and humidity regime of intimate areas.

The best conditions for creating comfort in intimate areas can only be created from linen made from natural materials.

A mobile active lifestyle also helps to maintain the health of the genitals and the whole organism as a whole. Indeed, in this case, there is no stagnation in the pelvis.

A woman should be extremely attentive to the health of her genitals: follow the rules of hygiene and be sure to undergo regular gynecological examinations with a doctor. In this case, any unwanted formations on the labia can be detected in the early stages, and treatment can begin immediately.

You can learn more about bartholinitis, Bartholin's gland cyst, as well as new methods of treating these diseases, from the video.

Round-shaped formations on the female genital organs can be a serious problem for the carrier. Be sure to see a doctor if necessary.

Various formations on the large and small labia can occur due to a huge number of reasons. The etiology of the appearance can be infectious, neoplastic, allergic or associated with external stimuli. Some of the neoplasms on the labia can go away on their own, some require some treatment, and some are a sign of a dangerous sexually transmitted disease. Since the tactics of treatment will depend on the cause of acne, it is worth classifying them depending on the etiology.

External stimuli

  1. Violation of personal hygiene. Pimples on the small and large labia may appear due to non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Girls can neglect the shower, do not change pads or tampons in time, which naturally leads to irritation, and then the appearance of pimples. Also, the reason that acne jumped on the labia may be synthetic panties, due to which the skin is not sufficiently ventilated. By the way, all of the above leads to excessive reproduction of the bacterial fauna, which can cause inflammation.
  2. Hypothermia. The female reproductive organs are very sensitive to low temperatures. Even a slight hypothermia leads to the appearance of a large pimple on the labia. Pimples are characterized by severe constant itching, very hard and do not hurt. It is important to know that such seals are easily infected with the formation of a secondary infection.
  3. Blockage of pores. Clogged sebaceous glands lead to the appearance of a bump inside the labia, which is characterized by painlessness, high density and does not bring discomfort. Such a morphological element is called a tubercle and it does not require special treatment, however, it should be carefully observed in dynamics so that it does not turn into, for example, into.
  4. Injuries. Damage to the skin in the genital area can be different. For example, poor-quality epilation can lead to ingrown hairs into the skin and the appearance of white pimples on the labia. In such situations, pimples on the labia minora will hurt and suppurate. A completely different kind of damage occurs with blows, bruises, after abortions, and similar factors. In these situations, hematomas of the labia occur, which look like blue-burgundy formations that are painful on palpation. Hematoma of the labia often requires emergency medical care, since, in fact, it is internal bleeding, and the genitals are famous for a dense network of blood vessels.

Pathologies of a non-infectious nature

  • Tumor formations. A bump on the inner labia is an alarming sign and is often of oncological origin. And although tumors on the genital organs are most often benign, you should not treat them with disdain.

Among benign neoplasms on the labia, there are:

  • Myoma (located in the form of a ball inside the labia);
  • Fibromyoma (a lump inside the labia majora, formed by muscle tissue);
  • Lipoma (a small nodule or several nodules located near the vulva);
  • Hydradenoma (rare and also looks like a nodule).

A seal on the labia minora or labia majora in the form of a large node or tubercle is most often a malignant formation that requires immediate medical attention.

  • Nerve strain. Albeit rarely, but pimples on labia minora may appear due to frequent stress and tension. Rashes resemble allergic or caused by mechanical factors.

Infections leading to the appearance of seals in the labia

  1. HPV. The human papillomavirus enters the body with a decrease in immunity and is transmitted sexually. There are several types of HPV. Some are papillomas in the form of papillary skin growths, which are considered a precancerous condition. And the latter cause the appearance of warts on the labia, photos of which can be viewed on the Internet. They look like cauliflower and can also lead to cervical cancer. They grow quickly and appear at the same time. There are cases when they disappeared themselves, falling away. However, most often only surgical treatment will help get rid of them.
  2. Bartholinitis. Bartholin's glands are located near the entrance to the vagina and can become inflamed due to blockage of the ducts. The symptomatology of the disease appears gradually and a characteristic sign of the pathology is a seal on the labia majora, which develops only a couple of weeks after the onset of inflammation. Tubercles when wearing tight underwear cause discomfort and pain, and later swelling appears on the labia. During the disease in the perineum, pain and burning are noted. Sometimes the development of the disease ends with suppuration, but, fortunately, this rarely happens. This pathology does not involve complex therapy, however, it is impossible not to treat bartholinitis at all, since it can develop into a recurrent form, and subsequently turn into a cyst.
  3. Syphilis. A serious sexually transmitted disease, which in the primary period is characterized by the appearance of a hard chancre (that is, an ulcer in the area where the pathogen enters). If the ulcer develops into an internal pimple on the labia, then the disease has passed into the secondary period, affecting more and more organs and body systems. Pimples on the labia with syphilis can be of various types and sizes. They can be ordinary papules, or they can be purulent formations. Most often there will be pimples. There will be no subjective manifestations in the form of burning or itching in patients with syphilis, however, such rashes should not be ignored. It is useless to try to bring them out at home, since syphilis is treated only with special drugs, and the sooner you start therapy, the less consequences will remain after this disease.
  4. Candidiasis. The second name of the disease is thrush. The main symptoms of this pathology will be white vaginal discharge, as well as subjective sensations in the form of itching. However, in rare cases, a pimple can form on the labia majora, either one or several. The formations are large and painless. Treatment can only be a special, prescribed by a doctor.
  5. Genital herpes. The main problem of all types of herpes is that it is incurable. Fortunately, its manifestations occur only during periods of reduced immunity. A herpetic rash is a small, watery pimple in the vaginal area that is itchy and very painful. After a while, the pimples burst, forming painful ulcers. The treatment of rashes is carried out using a special drug that suppresses the herpes virus, however, the therapy is completely symptomatic, since the pathogenic agent will still remain inside the body.
  • Pimples that have arisen due to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules or other external factors do not require specific therapy. It is enough to remove the irritant, and the rash will go away by itself. However, to reduce itching and burning, if any, antiseptic ointments and tinctures can be used. You can also use drying agents - zinc ointment or baby powder. Even baby diaper cream can alleviate the condition.
  • Hematomas, if the general condition of the woman is normal, are treated with the application of cold. However, it should be remembered that any deterioration in the general condition of the girl or the growth of a hematoma requires immediate medical attention.
  • Due to nervous tension, in addition to soothing ointments, you should pay attention to the general condition of the body, the normalization of which will immediately lead to the disappearance of pimples.
  • Tumor-like asymptomatic balls inside the labia require an appointment with a gynecologist, and then, most likely, a visit to an oncologist.
  • There are a number of signs (they are inherent mainly in the formations of an infectious nature), the appearance of which requires an immediate visit to the gynecologist:

If within a week or two the rash does not disappear, and even more so, it worsens, then contacting a gynecologist becomes a matter of prime necessity. Home treatment helps only with ordinary irritations, but not with serious pathologies.

  1. The rapid growth of the rash;
  2. An ulcer that turned into a pimple and vice versa;
  3. swelling of the genital organs;
  4. watery pimples;
  5. An increase in many groups of lymph nodes and fever.

As it becomes clear from the above, seals on the labia minora and labia majora are most often an unfavorable sign.

The only remedy for papillomas, warts and their prevention recommended by our readers!

Any changes in the external female genital organs must be carefully studied, because they can be a symptom of a serious illness. A woman should know what signs to look out for and, if necessary, consult a specialist gynecologist. Of particular concern can be neoplasms in the form of a ball in the structure of the labia.

A ball (or bump) on the large or small labia is a compacted area of ​​a rounded shape. It can be located both in the thickness of tissues and under the skin. Pathology can occur for various reasons, the correct establishment of which is extremely important for the appointment of effective treatment. The disease is diagnosed based on such parameters as localization, size, mobility of the tumor, its pain. Histological analysis of a tissue sample may be required to clarify the origin of the bump.

Reasons for the formation of a ball on the labia

  1. If the bump is located on the labia majora (or symmetrical bumps on both), the cause of its formation is most often an inflammation or cyst of the Bartholin gland.
  2. Small hard ones are most often caused by blockage and inflammation of the sebaceous glands.
  3. The inflamed hair follicle can also grow to a considerable size, forming a bump.
  4. sometimes they are formed as a result of infection of the body (in particular, the genitourinary system) with pathogenic microorganisms, including sexually transmitted ones (gonococcus, chlamydia, papillomavirus).
  5. A special case of the disease is congenital pathologies of the development of the external genital organs, the urethra.
  6. In addition, an unusual ball in the structure of the labia may be a benign tumor or even a malignant cancer.

Blockage of the glands and inflammation of the hair follicles

Such problems usually appear as a result of poor hygiene of the genitals, which leads to contamination and infection. Inflammation also develops at the site of ingrown hairs; active ingrowth is promoted by epilation and depilation of the bikini zone. Blockage of the sebaceous glands can be caused by a hormonal imbalance.

Treatment in most cases consists of local application of antiseptics and hygiene. It is recommended to wear comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics. In rare cases, surgical treatment is required. It is forbidden to squeeze or open the formed ball on your own - this can lead to infection and inflammation.

Tumors of the genital organs

In most cases, tumors formed on the external genitalia are benign. Their appearance is due to abnormal proliferation (reproduction) of cells, predominantly of connective tissue.

  1. Fibroma and fibromyoma develop from muscle fibers, are localized mainly on. Treatment is carried out surgically.
  2. Lipoma is formed from adipose tissue and is a large single ball on a dense stalk or several small nodules. The tumor grows rapidly, in addition, various complications are possible, up to tissue necrosis. Removal of a lipoma surgically is shown.
  3. Hydradenoma is a rather rare type of tumor that develops from glandular tissue. Such neoplasms have oncological potency, that is, they can degenerate into malignant ones.
  4. Cancer of the vulva. Cancerous tumors, unlike benign ones, fester and may bleed.

Bartholinitis and Bartholin's cyst

Bartholinitis is the scientific name for inflammation of the Bartholin's gland, located at the entrance to the vagina. This steam gland is located under the skin, in the fatty layer, in the lower part of the labia majora. Its secret is displayed through a long duct to the inner surface of the labia minora, providing it with moisture. This function is especially important during sexual contact and delivery.

Inflammation of the gland is caused by a microbial infection. The penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into its capsule is facilitated by:

  • non-compliance with the norms of personal intimate hygiene (especially during menstruation);
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • injuries and damage to the tissues of the perineum, rubbing the skin with tight synthetic underwear;
  • reduced immunity of the body, including against the background of pregnancy; immunodeficiencies;
  • hormonal disorders.

Symptoms of inflammation

As inflammation develops, pathological symptoms become more pronounced. The ball of the Bartholin's gland increases, sometimes to a significant size. A woman experiences pain and inconvenience when walking, moving, having sexual intercourse. The inflammatory process is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, a deterioration in well-being. Purulent discharge may be observed.

Blockage of the excretory duct

The excretory duct of the Bartholin gland can become blocked for various reasons (excessive secretion production, narrowing of the duct itself, infection). As a result, the produced fluid is not excreted as it should, but accumulates in the channel itself and the body of the gland. As the walls of the capsule accumulate, they stretch, forming a cystic bladder filled with secretion. Such a cyst is often painless for a woman, sometimes spontaneously resolves, but there is a possibility of complications. With secondary infection of the cyst cavity, a purulent abscess develops.

Treatment of bartholinitis

Conservative therapy for inflammation of the Bartholin gland necessarily includes a course of antibiotics to destroy pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, folk remedies can be used as a supportive and strengthening treatment. The patient is recommended warm compresses and baths. In some cases, a surgical opening of the gland, removal of the contents and plastic of the secretory duct is indicated. If the disease is severe and often recurs, a complete removal of the gland along with the duct is performed.

Diagnosis and prevention of neoplasms on the labia

If a woman finds an unusual ball on her external genitalia (for example, during hygiene procedures), she needs to see a gynecologist, undergo an examination and be tested. A smear and a biopsy will help identify an infectious or malignant proliferative process, on the basis of which the specialist will prescribe the correct treatment.

  1. Since most pathologies of the external genitalia are the result of insufficient hygiene, their prevention lies precisely in proper intimate care.
  2. Comfortable clothing and underwear made from natural materials will prevent rubbing of the skin in intimate places and maintain normal temperature and humidity conditions in these areas.
  3. An active lifestyle will not allow blood to stagnate in the pelvic area.

Attention to the state of your body, regular gynecological examinations are a necessary condition for women's health.

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On women's forums, you can often find a message like this: “Girls, what could this be? A small induration appeared on the labia. They turned red, it hurts when pressed, but there is no pus yet. Help! Have you had this and, if so, how to remove this bump?

Lump or bartholinitis?

A bump on the labia has a medical name and a very clear gynecological definition, namely bartholinitis.

The causes of bumps on the labia lie behind factors such as:

  • Infections that a woman can get from her sexual partner;
  • An infectious process that could penetrate from an infected tooth or inflamed tonsils.

Also, among gynecologists, there is an opinion proven by facts and diagnostics that purulent bumps and seals on the labia are formed as a result of infection entering the labia through the so-called Bartholin glands. Every woman physiologically has them and their ducts come to the surface of the labia.

Common causes of bumps on the labia

Among the common and most common causes of bumps on the labia (bartholinitis), one can distinguish such as:

  • Constant observance of the rules of personal hygiene - this means that you should never use other people's towels, soap, etc. Naturally, you need to do hygiene of the labia at least 2 times a day, especially if there is inflammation.
  • Reduced body defenses, reduced immunity.
  • The defeat of the body by pathogenic microorganisms, infections, bacteria.

In most clinical cases, it is infections such as streptococci, staphylococci, E. coli, and gonococcus that cause bumps on the labia and other pathological formations.

And, here the disease and its active course are activated at the moment when the woman's body begins to attack pathogens in the aggregate. Microbes, as you could already understand, quite easily penetrate the glands of the labia, and already multiplying and developing in them, they affect the tissues.

How does the infection get into the genital tract?

Infection in the labia can also penetrate through the urethra, as well as through the circulatory system of a woman.

With bartholinitis, a woman has an inflammatory process in only one of the glands. When the gland is blocked by an infectious process, then pus begins to accumulate in it, or it is called a purulent secret.

Pus can very quickly accumulate inside the gland and, as a result, have no natural outlet. Therefore, in some women, the labia can reach the size of a chicken egg and even a large orange.

Against the background of a pathological increase in a purulent bump, the patient notes symptoms such as:

  • Chills;
  • Fever;
  • Rise in temperature;
  • Pain in an intimate place;
  • Burning;
  • tingling;
  • Unpleasant pain radiates to the vagina and anus.

If the purulent lump opens spontaneously, then a very fetid, greenish-yellow liquid with blood impurities comes out of it.

After the bump on the labia opens on its own, the symptoms of the disease will subside a little, but, again, this is temporary. There is a huge risk of recurrence and formation of an infectious process.

In no case do not postpone a visit to a gynecologist if you find a bump on the labia. Otherwise, the condition may worsen. The sooner you see a doctor, the higher the chances of recovery.

How to diagnose a bump on the labia?

How can you independently diagnose a bump or bartholinitis?

This disease can be diagnosed very easily at home. As a rule, on the labia you can see a small seal. If you touch this place with your hands, you will get the feeling that under the skin there is a grape or a bean.

Initially, the swelling may be red, and a little later this swelling turns blue. If you put your hand in the bump, it will be hot to the touch. Also, the temperature begins to rise rapidly to 38 degrees.

Such symptoms as increased weakness in the body, lethargy of the body are not excluded. At this stage, if you press on the bump, then a very strong excruciating sharp dagger pain awaits you.

Contacting a doctor

If you do not consult a doctor at this stage, then the bump opens on its own. But don't think that this is the end of the disease. She has become chronically ill.

If, again, chronic bartholinitis is not treated, then a gland cyst forms at the site of the bump.

When contacting a doctor, the specialist must undergo a complete standard examination of the labia of women.

Also, the patient should take vaginal discharge for microbiological determination of the causes of pathogens. Based on the results of laboratory tests, it will be possible to establish the cause of the formation of bumps on the labia and subsequently prescribe therapy.

Typical symptoms of bartholinitis

The symptomatology of bartholinitis depends entirely on the course of the disease.

If we talk about acute bartholinitis, then this disease is very difficult. A woman feels a strong sharp pain in the area of ​​the labia, and her general well-being begins to deteriorate quite sharply.

If bartholinitis occurs in an acute form, then a woman cannot even sit, stand and move fully. When the abscess breaks out, the state of health improves a little.

From the acute stage of the disease, the lump on the labia becomes chronic.

Exacerbation of the bumps on the labia occurs during the course of menstruation; after a long stay in the cold; as well as during the off-season, when a woman's immunity decreases.

Treatment of bumps on the labia

Treatment of bartholinitis should be carried out exclusively in a medical institution.

Therapy includes:

  • Opening of the abscess;
  • The use of antibiotics;
  • Removal of the Bartholin's gland;
  • Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • Taking antibacterial baths.

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Patient reviews

VladislavaMoscow/28 years

She was observed by Daiva Osvaldovna for 4 years in your clinic. Recommended to all my friends. From me, far from one person came to this doctor in your clinic. I got pregnant recently. Naturally, I went to my doctor. An ultrasound was scheduled for 6-7 weeks. Found a break. At the same time, the doctor prescribed the next note after 1.5 months without any intermediate blood tests, etc. A month after the appointment, I suspected something was wrong and went to the PMC. They found a frozen pregnancy for a month. I called the doctor, the answer was: well, I thought so. How so? Why did the doctor, especially knowing about the detachment, not prescribe any intermediate appointments, tests ??? Is it normal????? After all, even according to the protocol in the early stages, they visit a doctor at least once a month. I was operated on, but due to too long fading, the rehabilitation process is now also long. But in such cases, the consequences can be quite serious: suppuration, blood poisoning, and so on.

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Bumps and seals on the genitals

Bumps, nodules, tubercles and other seals on the outer labia of a woman are almost always a pathological phenomenon that requires emergency medical care. Even if the neoplasms seem benign to you, without bringing acute discomfort and pain.

Most Common Causes

  • Such phenomena can be detected even in childhood and be congenital. In this case, it is advisable for parents to check their blood for syphilis, since most often the modifications of the genital organs in infants indicate precisely its presence.
  • In addition, bumps can be a sign abnormal development labia, congenital defects of the urethra and other features that do not have an infectious or viral etiology. However, this is more of a special case than a healthy phenomenon.
  • We should not forget that neoplasms in the genital area can be a sign tumor processes in the body.
  • In addition, nodular fragments may indicate the development of HPV (human papillomavirus). This disease in a certain percentage of cases entails cervical cancer.

Such deviations are not a reason to be shy and ignore medical care.

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The doctor's consultation

If the tubercles appear suddenly and are well palpable under the skin or mucous membrane, immediately consult a specialist for advice and passing all the necessary tests. Perhaps it is the early intervention of a specialist that will help you avoid terrible irreversible consequences.


Extremely often, bumps on the labia appear due to inflammation of the Bartholin glands. They are localized at the entrance to the vagina and are located in the subcutaneous fat of the large lips. The Bartholin gland synthesizes a mucous secretion that is formed in the vagina on the eve of sexual intercourse. Blockage of the excretory ducts of these glands leads to an inflammatory process in the organ, resulting in neoplasms in the form of small bumps. Often this disease occurs in women who do not pay due attention to personal hygiene.

How do symptoms develop?

  1. The specificity of the disease is such that the symptoms do not appear immediately;
  2. 1-2 weeks after the onset of the inflammatory process, a seal forms on the inside of the labia majora;
  3. The ball begins to hurt and bring discomfort, especially when wearing tight underwear;
  4. Large lips swell, there is burning and pain in the perineum;
  5. Suppuration and effusion of exudate is possible, but more often this does not happen.

Bartholinitis does not require specific treatment, however, with its complete absence, a woman has frequent relapses of the inflammatory process. At the same time, a new disease begins - Bartholin's gland. In this case, surgical treatment is already used, since alternative therapeutic methods become powerless. If suppuration of the bump begins with bartholinitis, there is a sharp deterioration in general well-being, pain during sexual intercourse, an increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees. It should be emphasized that bartholinitis during pregnancy can provoke spontaneous abortion.

Bumps in the groin and on the labia can be a sign of a tumor process in the body. Fortunately, neoplasms of the genital organs are more often benign.

  • Fibroma- a neoplasm of benign etiology, which is localized in the connective tissue, less often - in the fascia of the parametric fiber. As a rule, it is located on the labia majora. Tumor treatment is exclusively surgical. Our doctors effectively cure this disease, guaranteeing a further favorable prognosis.
  • fibromyoma- a tumor that does not entail tissue destruction and metastasis (also benign). It is formed from muscle fibers, manifests itself in the form of bumps on the labia majora. Surgical excision is required.
  • Lipoma- a more severe tumor that does not have a malignant etiology. It is formed from adipose tissue and is located near the vulva. It is a nodule or several overgrown neoplasms of small size. Settles down on a dense steady leg. The size of the nodular formation is usually small, but tends to grow. Such a tumor is always accessible during a traditional examination without additional diagnostic manipulations. You can also find a lipoma when you feel or wash your genitals. If the disease is not treated, various complications are possible: hemorrhage, infection, swelling and even tissue necrosis. Our surgeons excise the lipoma and prescribe further supportive therapy.
  • Hydradenoma- a rare type of tumor neoplasms in the genital area. It develops due to the active activity of the sweat glands and some other abnormalities. In the case of this disease, hardenings in the form of nodules form on the labia, sometimes they are localized over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe organ or are single. Hydradenoma must be treated in a timely manner, otherwise, it can evolve into a malignant tumor.
  • Oncology.(Cancer or sarcoma of the vagina, oncological tumor of the vulva). It manifests itself in the form of nodes and dense tubercles in the genital area. If benign tumors practically do not cause additional symptoms, oncology is always accompanied by an abundant separation of pus or mucus with a pungent odor, bleeding, and diffuse infiltrates. Unfortunately, in this case, no one can give an unambiguous favorable prognosis, even with timely treatment.

Therapy in our clinic

If you have noticed seals on your genitals, we recommend that you do not hesitate to contact our qualified specialists. You will be examined without fail by our gynecologists, after which, if necessary, they will refer you to a surgeon. We will carry out the appropriate treatment, choosing the best option for you. We always strive to choose gentle techniques, but if this is not possible, our surgeon will eliminate your tumor quickly, painlessly, with a guarantee of no complications.

Many years of practice and extensive experience of our specialists allow us to vouch for the health of each patient. We recommend that you contact your doctor in time to avoid serious complications and relapses of the disease.

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