Irritation of the genital organs in women. Itching of the labia: what to do when the labia is swollen and itchy. Preventive measures are the best defense against irritation

Itching of the external genital organs is a frequent and rather unpleasant phenomenon. It occurs more often in women, and there are many reasons for this.

Itching in women

Diseases of the genitourinary system, irritation of the mucous membrane due to discharge from the vagina or uterus, ingress of urine, etc. can cause unpleasant sensations of itching.

They can also cause discomfort. These are, for example, diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, blood diseases.

And, of course, nerves. Various stressful situations, fear, worries, family squabbles can cause itching. It is not excluded the influence of an external factor, such as: an allergen, cold, mechanical or chemical irritation, infection, poor hygiene.

Itching of the genitals in women quite often occurs due to diseases such as or vulvovaginitis. More often this applies to young girls. After 40 years, you should look for the cause already in the pathologies of internal organs, all kinds of chronic diseases. But during menopause, it appears due to a deficiency of female sex hormones.

Itching of the genital organs in women can be different in nature: constant or periodic, intense, painful, barely noticeable ... Usually discomfort increases at night. Often, itching makes a woman itch, which provokes trauma to the mucous membrane and subsequent inflammation, which further increases the discomfort.

Itching, burning of the genitals in men

For men, such an incident is practically unknown. Those rare cases of itching that occur may have the following nature of origin:

- Prostatitis.
- Vesiculitis.
- Candidiasis of the head of the penis.
- Poor hygiene.
- Allergic reaction to creams, partner drugs.

Itching and burning of the genitals: treatment

Of course, incessant itching, burning, discomfort in the genital area require a consultation with a gynecologist or with specialists such as a urologist or dermatologist. Perhaps, for an accurate diagnosis, you will have to visit an endocrinologist, an infectious disease specialist, a psychiatrist, etc.

Itching of the genitals treatment involves a comprehensive, aimed at combating the root cause. For example, candidiasis is treated by removing local inflammation. If it is not possible to establish the cause, then they are prescribed for menopause, anti-inflammatory and painkillers for diabetes, blockades from novocaine.

Locally, you can use chamomile baths, ointments or creams with anesthetic properties and containing male and female hormones. You should lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and wash more often.

In men, the fight against genital itching should begin with the treatment of prostatitis, if it is the cause. Taking drugs to relieve inflammation from the glans penis should only be prescribed by a doctor. If an allergy is the culprit of the itching, then antihistamines should be used. You must not forget to keep your own body clean, start eating, excluding foods that contribute to the appearance of such a problem, stop smoking and stop drinking alcohol. Such measures will restore immunity, and it plays a great role in a person's life!

The skin has the peculiarity of responding with unbearable itching to various irritants. The desire to scratch an itchy place can arise at any time in the most inappropriate place. But the most unpleasant sensations occur when the labia itch (especially if it happens in a crowded place or during hard work). It is very difficult for a woman to get rid of a burning sensation without attracting attention to herself. Knowing the causes of itching of the female genitals will help to avoid discomfort or quickly eliminate it.

There are many different causes that lead to irritation of the genitals and cause them to itch. Gynecologists divide them into the following groups:

  1. external stimuli;
  2. inflammatory process in the uterus, appendages, vagina;
  3. diseases of the hematopoietic organs, malfunctions of the kidneys and urinary system, diabetes mellitus and other pathologies of internal organs;
  4. changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy, after childbirth, during menopause, etc.;
  5. stressful situations.

Therefore, the treatment of itching in the first place comes down to eliminating the cause that causes it.

Good hygiene is the best protection against irritation in the groin area

The most common cause of itching of the external genital organs is an external irritant.

  • Some women neglect the rules of personal hygiene, believing that you can wash once a day. Hygienists also advise washing in the morning and evening, as well as washing the labia after sex.
  • Many people use panty liners with fragrances. Their "perfume" in most cases contains allergens. With their constant use, the skin in the area of ​​the labia does not breathe, which causes redness and burning.
  • Often itching of the labia minora causes a violation of intimate hygiene during menstruation. Pads and tampons perfectly absorb menstrual blood. However, do not forget that you need to change them 3-4 times a day. The contents of these blood collectors are an ideal environment for the development of pathogens. And if they are not replaced in a timely manner, itching of the vulva occurs and inflammation may develop.
  • Today you will not often see panties made of organic cotton. Shop counters are full of imported underwear made of synthetic materials, openwork products made of guipure and silk. When worn, all of them create a "greenhouse" effect, causing irritation and burning in the genital area.
  • Another cause of itching in the genital area is a violation of the microflora of the vagina. It leads to excessive passion for vaginal douching and antibacterial soap.
  • The use of deodorants, sprays and other cosmetics, allergies to which can cause itching in the perineum and swelling of the labia due to constant scratching.

In these cases, no special treatment is required. You just need to streamline the hygiene of intimate places, abandon hyperallergenic cosmetic and hygiene products, use underwear that is more comfortable to wear. Local baths (rubbing) with infusion of chamomile, celandine or string will help relieve itching.

Hormonal changes - the cause of itching in the perineum

Throughout life, the hormonal background of a woman is constantly changing. This occurs during menstruation, during pregnancy and after childbirth, with menopause. Any jump in hormones affects the condition of the genital mucosa (its acidity may increase). In particular, itching in the vagina before menstruation is caused by a decrease in hormonal levels on the days of the menstrual cycle. In girls and young women who have not yet given birth, discomfort before the onset of menstruation may be due to their emotional vulnerability. In some cases, it can serve as a symptom of an infectious disease.

A lot of unpleasant moments are caused by itching in the perineum during pregnancy. During this period, the woman's body is most vulnerable. Due to a decrease in immunity against the background of hormonal changes, the microflora in the vagina changes. Pathogenic microorganisms begin to develop. They cause irritation of the labia. If during pregnancy the vagina is very itchy, you should immediately consult a doctor. A smear and other tests will help identify the causes of itching and conduct a treatment that will not only alleviate the condition of the expectant mother, but also keep the baby healthy.

Do not relax after childbirth. During this period, the body is still unprotected. The level of hormones after the end of pregnancy cannot immediately recover. This requires a certain amount of time. And the risk of itching in the genital area after childbirth remains high.

Most often, women complain of itching in the labia area during menopause. At this time, the production of estrogen (female sex hormones) sharply decreases and their protective effect on the mucous membranes of the urinary tract decreases. The genitals cease to secrete a secret. The surface of the mucosa begins to experience dryness and peeling. This is the main cause of itching in the perineum. This skin irritation has been termed vulvar kraurosis. It is diagnosed only with menopause.

Treatment of itching of the genital organs, caused by a change in the amount of hormones in the blood, is carried out with hormonal drugs, restorative therapy and antipruritic ointments. They are selected individually for each specific case.

Decrease in the number of lactobacilli - discomfort in the bikini area

Among the main causes of itching in the perineum are diseases of the genital organs, such as:

  1. Genital herpes. It usually occurs against the background of a cold, due to hypothermia. First, redness appears, then there is a burning sensation, itching of the labia minora and their swelling. The final stage is manifested by rashes in the form of bubbles.
  2. Candidiasis (thrush). Fungal disease. At the initial stage, redness occurs, then itching and burning appear. It is noticeable that the labia is swollen. These symptoms are accompanied by a characteristic whitish vaginal discharge in the form of lumps of cottage cheese with an unpleasant odor. There are pains during urination and during sex.
  3. Inguinal epidermophytosis. The infection is introduced when using common intimate hygiene items (soap, oilcloth, etc.). You can catch this disease in a public bath, pool. Localized in the groin area. The disease begins with the appearance of small spots near the labia, not more than 1 cm in size. In the center of each spot, a focus of inflammation is noticeable. Gradually, the redness grows, forming a ring, the outer diameter of which can reach 10 cm. The central part inside the ring is cleared. The edges of the spot swell, forming a roller. On it, in a chaotic manner, small vesicles of inflammation are scattered, which are very itchy.
  4. Gardnerellosis. The infection is transmitted sexually. Main symptoms:
    1. swollen and itchy labia minora;
    2. gray mucus is discharged from the vagina, smelling like fish.
  5. Trichomoniasis. Refers to sexually transmitted diseases that are transmitted during sex. It is manifested by signs of colpitis (inflammation of the vagina), cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix) and disruption of the glands that secrete lubricant during sex. A foul-smelling, yellow discharge from the vagina causes redness and itching. Urination is accompanied by pain. There is discomfort during intercourse.
  6. Endometritis (growth of the uterine wall caused by its inflammation). Accompanied by aching pain in the lower abdomen, purulent discharge. At the same time, the vagina is very itchy. Large labia swollen. The uterus is enlarged and compacted. The menstrual cycle is broken. Body temperature is elevated.
  7. In rare cases, itching is caused by pediculosis pubis (lice) and scabies. Pediculosis is sexually transmitted. It is treated with a one-time treatment with special preparations in the form of shampoo, spray, ointment. Both partners must be processed. Scabies mite can be brought in by household means. The treatment is not difficult. Takes no more than 5 days.

Itching of the genitals - a signal of malfunction of the internal organs

Redness, burning and swelling of the external genitalia can be an alarm signal in a number of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, pyelonephritis, hepatitis, leukemia, anemia, lymphogranulomatosis. These symptoms also occur with the development of oncology of the female genital organs. When the entrance to the vagina itches, first of all, you should consult a gynecologist. Only a doctor can establish the exact causes of the discomfort that has appeared on the basis of a visual examination of the genital organs from the outside and inside (using gynecological mirrors), laboratory tests and other diagnostic tests.

Visual inspection reveals:

  • the presence of abrasions on the external genitalia caused by scratching;
  • dryness and redness of the skin near the entrance to the vagina.

Against the background of inflammation caused by infection, the skin inside the labia is constantly moistened due to the mucus secreted from the vagina. They become whitish. It is noticeable that the labia majora are swollen. In this case, a smear is taken for bacteriological analysis, blood and urine for a general clinical analysis and a biochemical analysis for sugar. Having ruled out the possibility of female diseases, he will give a referral for examination by an infectious disease specialist, a dermatologist and a urologist. And only after that a treatment plan will be selected. Before making a final diagnosis, the doctor gives recommendations on how to quickly eliminate itching and other unpleasant symptoms. Self-medication is strictly prohibited, especially during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Treatment of the underlying disease - effective elimination of discomfort in the groin area

Choosing the right treatment regimen is the key to successful elimination of itching in the perineum. Medicines to eliminate itching should be selected and prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account certain factors. Self-administration of them can lead to a deterioration in the condition. A woman must strictly observe the following recommendations:

  1. It should be washed at least twice a day, using a warm infusion of celandine herbs, succession, chamomile or a solution of furacilin (a tablet per glass of water). From toilet soap for a while you need to give up.
  2. In case of excessive dryness of the vagina, it is necessary to use special lubricants or sprays based on natural extracts.
  3. At the time of treatment, it is better to refrain from sex, so as not to irritate the inflamed genitals.
  4. You should revise your menu, excluding spicy spices, alcohol (including light wines), and yeast products from it.

Traditional medicine helps eliminate itching

Folk remedies provide effective assistance in eliminating itching and burning of the genitals. They complement the main drug therapy. They are recommended to eliminate unpleasant symptoms after childbirth, as well as until the underlying causes are diagnosed and drug treatment is not prescribed. When the labia itch, good results are given by:

  • Sitz baths with infusion of sage or chamomile;
  • Washing with infusion of St. John's wort or yarrow;
  • Lubrication of the itchy surface with propolis oil (simmer 30 g of propolis in 100 g of butter in a water bath for 20 minutes).
  • Peppermint oil will help relieve irritation and itching. To prepare it, a tablespoon of dry grass is poured into 100 ml of vegetable oil, brought to a boil and infused for 12 hours.

Preventive measures are the best defense against irritation

By following just a few simple rules, you can protect yourself from the discomfort caused by itching of the vagina and labia. It:

  1. regular hygiene;
  2. refusal of daily pads;
  3. the use of linen made from natural fabrics;
  4. hypothermia protection;
  5. taking vitamin and mineral complexes;
  6. preventive examination by a gynecologist at least once a year.

All women face delicate problems of the intimate zone. Sometimes their labia are very itchy, sore or flaky. These states should not be ignored.

Itching of the genitals can be caused by harmless causes: uncomfortable underwear or poor-quality products for the care of the intimate area. In other situations, burning confirms the presence of diseases (itching will be accompanied by other symptoms).

Why itchy labia

Conventionally, there are two main causes that cause itching. The first is safe for women's health. It is related to external factors. This is an irritation of delicate skin in response to low-quality things, underwear, depilation.

The second group - failures in the body. Itching is caused by gynecological pathologies, sexually transmitted diseases and diseases of the endocrine gland (diabetes mellitus).

Based on the pathology, in women, large (external) or small (internal) labia hurt and itch. In some cases, burning accompanies both those and other labia, as well as the vulva.

When Itching Is Safe

Often, burning is caused by extraneous factors that do not cause serious harm to health. In these cases, itching is not accompanied by any additional symptoms (for example: no uncharacteristic discharge or pain when urinating).

The main causes of burning include:

  • Unsuccessful - the outer labia not only itch, but can also swell. Sometimes burning sensation appears a few days after epilation. The hairs begin to grow back and irritate the delicate skin.
  • Poor-quality intimate area care products - if soap or gel causes an allergic reaction, they should be discarded and any antihistamine should be taken.
  • Synthetic underwear - wearing tight panties, frequent use of scented panty liners causes a similar reaction.
  • The outer labia swell during pregnancy - they fill with blood, swell and cause slight itching.

Burning can be a reaction of the body to stressful situations or manifest itself as an allergy to any irritant.

Diseases of the female organs

Vulvitis in diabetes mellitus

In this case, itching is one of the symptoms of gynecological diseases. The composition of the microflora of the vagina includes beneficial microorganisms and opportunistic pathogens. Under favorable conditions (decreased immunity), bacteria begin to multiply actively, causing itching.

Common diseases that cause burning include:

  • Vaginitis is a disease in which the lips and vagina become inflamed. It develops after an unsuccessful abortion, if the reproductive organs are injured, or as a result of a malfunction of the endocrine system. In women, abundant discharge with a pungent odor and impurities of pus is observed.
  • Thrush - vaginal candidiasis occurs due to the active reproduction of Candida fungi. The disease develops with a persistent decrease in immunity (for example: after the use of antibiotics). Thrush is accompanied by vivid symptoms: curdled discharge, severe itching (large and small lips itch), pain during and after sex, swelling and redness in the intimate area.
  • Vulvitis is an inflammation in which the upper labia swells. The infection is caused by staphylococci, streptococci or other microorganisms. The lips are red and itchy, women feel pain when emptying the bladder, plaque is noticeable inside the large lips.
  • Ganderellosis is a pathology that is characterized not only by burning, but also by discharge with a bright smell of rotten fish.
  • The acute period of endometriosis - this disease has an endocrine nature of occurrence, but during the period of exacerbation, patients complain that their genitals itch very much, spotting is possible.
  • Leukoplakia is a pathology accompanied by the appearance of white plaques on the genitals.
  • Bartholinitis - located next to the vagina. With its inflammation, the genitals suffer. The vagina, lips and clitoris become red and swollen. Purulent sores appear on the vulva. Urination is also possible.

Venereal diseases

Itching accompanies most sexually transmitted diseases. Some of them are transmitted only sexually, while others can be infected, even using the patient's personal belongings.

Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases is prescribed only by a doctor (venereologist or gynecologist). Self-treatment will aggravate the condition and may lead to infertility.

Trichomoniasis and gonorrhea

A strong burning sensation is accompanied by copious discharge with serous-purulent contents and a pungent odor. In women, the labia, vulva and even the urethra hurt and swell.


The disease can be transmitted by household means. Additional symptoms: in women, the lower abdomen and perineum hurt, the amount of discharge increases greatly. Itching begins after urination and intercourse. Similar symptoms are observed with ureaplasmosis.

Genital herpes

Pathology is chronic, aggravated by any decrease in immunity, even during allergies. Small pimples with purulent contents form on the skin in the intimate area. Papules burst and then peel off a little.


If you experience unpleasant symptoms, contact your gynecologist. After the diagnosis is made, he will tell you how to treat the disease. The treatment regimen is individual, depending on what microorganisms caused the disease, the general condition of the woman, contraindications and a number of other factors.

Most STDs are treated with penicillin or cephalosporin antibiotics. After recovery, itching and other symptoms disappear.

For the treatment of gynecological diseases, suppositories, creams or other topical therapies are usually used. Sometimes doctors recommend that patients drink antifungal tablets (for example: Fluconazole, Itraconazole). After treatment, the microflora of the vagina and intestines should be restored with the help of probiotics.

The scheme of treatment of endocrine diseases is prescribed by the endocrinologist, based on the general well-being of the patient, the form of the disease.

During therapy, you should not have sex, exclude alcohol and stick to a diet: limit fried, spicy and fatty foods, pastries and sweets.

Preventive measures

Prevention will help reduce the risk of itching of the labia. However, this is not a panacea; in rare cases, these measures are powerless.

The main preventive measures include:

  • wearing linen made from natural materials (linen or cotton). Even if you wear lace panties, the gusset should be made of cotton;
  • follow the rules of personal hygiene, but do not overdo it with the use of care products, they can cause irritation;
  • use barrier methods of contraception, especially when having sex with a casual or unfamiliar partner;
  • strengthen immunity: balance the diet, regularly drink the mineral-vitamin complex, eliminate bad habits.

Itching occurs in response to local irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, causing their reflex combing or rubbing. Feelings of the strength of itching are always subjective, depending on the individual sensitivity of a person and his mental status. Itching and burning in the area of ​​the external genital organs can be symptoms of skin and sexually transmitted diseases, appear with allergic reactions, internal diseases and stress, as well as with local mechanical or chemical effects.

Women are much more likely to complain of itching in the intimate area than men.

Factors contributing to the occurrence of genital itching and burning

The most common causes of itching in the intimate area are:

All factors lead to a change in the biocenosis(ratio of useful and pathogenic microflora) of the genitals, to the development of inflammatory processes.

Women complain of itching and burning in the perineum with inflammation of the vagina (), clitoris and labia ( ) , as well as at vulvovaginitis that combines the features of both diseases. Problems appear at any age, but are more common in women 18-45 years old.

In men, inflammation of the prostate gland () and the glans penis ( ).

Itching with colpitis, vaginitis

The main symptoms are whiteness, itching and burning in the vagina. At sharp during the discharge, they stain the laundry and are distinguished by an unpleasant odor, a change in consistency and color. If whites get on the skin of the inner thighs, then its irritation begins, which is manifested by redness and itching, pain during walking. In the absence of treatment, the patient constantly feels excruciating itching and burning in the perineum, which affects the psyche: women become nervous, things can come to hysterical attacks. Perhaps a decrease in libido and a complete rejection of intimate life, because. during intercourse, there is obvious discomfort or pain.

With genital herpes, a rash first appears - multiple small vesicles with yellowish contents, then itching occurs. After the opening of the vesicles, erosions form, giving a burning sensation.

Vaginitis of any origin can be combined with erythema(redness) and swelling of the labia minora and labia majora, swollen lymph nodes in the groin. Perhaps the addition of symptoms of cystitis - pain when urinating, pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region. With inflammation of the muscle tissue of the vagina, the temperature rises, an extensive purulent process gives a picture of intoxication - dry mouth, pain throughout the body, itching.

Itching with thrush

figure: redness with extensive vulvitis

Acute form of the disease: redness and severe swelling of the external genitalia, profuse purulent discharge on the mucous membranes, red spots and enlarged lymph nodes in the groin. Locally - a feeling of itching and burning, general well-being is disturbed (fever, weakness). At staphylococcal infection purulent discharge yellowish-white, thick. For inflammation caused coli, a yellowish-green color of the discharge and an unpleasant odor are typical.

Chronic vulvitis: the symptoms of inflammation are less pronounced, the main constant symptom is itching of the vulva, as well as redness in the clitoris, large and small labia.

Atrophic vulvitis is characteristic of menopause and postmenopause. The main symptom is dry mucous membranes due to a decrease in the level estrogen. The disease proceeds without discharge, patients complain of dryness in the vagina, constant burning and itching in the genital area. Decreased mucus production and age-related weakening of the immune system increase susceptibility to infections, and inflammation quickly develops against this background. To development atrophic vulvitis predispose to type I and II diabetes mellitus, obesity, lack of vitamins, hormonal imbalance; irritation of a chemical, mechanical and thermal nature.

Symptoms of an acute form of atrophic vulvitis- redness, swelling of the labia and clitoris, atrophy vaginal mucosa, the formation of erosions and ulcers. Itching and burning worse during urination; inguinal lymph nodes increase, body temperature rises. In the chronic form, the same manifestations are observed, but less pronounced. Appearance secretions mixed with blood indicates involvement in the inflammatory process of the uterus, tubes and ovaries.

Video: itching and dryness of the genitals in the program "Live Healthy!"

Itching during menstruation and pregnancy

Blood is an ideal medium for the growth of microorganisms, and heat and humidity promote the growth of bacteria and fungi. The resulting itching and burning are a signal of the development of infection. Therefore, during menstruation, it is necessary to change tampons and sanitary pads more often. A good shower and washing of the genitals with liquid soap is the basis of personal hygiene during menstruation.

Tampons should be used no more than 2 hours, pads - no more than 4.

Itching during pregnancy appears very often due to changes in hormonal levels and immunity.. The causes of itching and burning in the genital area can be diseases of the internal organs, diabetes, thyroid problems, vaginal dysbiosis, STDs. Often itching of the vulva is provoked by spicy or too salty foods, the predominance of proteins in the diet. The appearance of genital itching is a reason to immediately contact a specialist to determine the cause of the onset of symptoms, receive adequate therapy and not harm the unborn baby.

Pubic pediculosis. Ways of infection - through sexual contact and household, more often through underwear. Itching is severe, felt on the skin of the labia majora, on the pubis and in the groin, in the perineum. There are no rashes, but you can notice traces of lice bites in the form of small red spots.

Diabetes. Glucose is not absorbed either due to a lack of insulin, or due to rigidity(immunity) of cell membranes to glucose. In both cases, the content of glucose in the blood is increased. The body strives to return the concentration of glucose to normal, so the patient is constantly thirsty ( polydipsia), and excess sugar is excreted in large amounts of urine ( glycuria and polyuria). Symptoms from the genital organs occur due to an increase in the concentration of glucose in the vaginal mucus and in the urine: sugar remains on the mucous membranes and skin, dries them, which is manifested by local itching and burning.

Thyroid disease lead to its dysfunction, increase or decrease in the production of thyroid hormones. Abnormal hormonal levels reduce the production of mucus in the external genitalia, which leads to dryness, and then the appearance of itching and burning in the perineum.

Video: check yourself - symptoms of diabetes

Itching in internal diseases

kidney failure can also cause itching and burning of mucous membranes due to increased concentration urea.

Urea or urea- a product of protein metabolism, found in all tissues and body fluids, excreted with sweat and urine. An increase in the amount of urea is associated with impaired kidney function, diabetes mellitus, and elevated body temperature. Kidney pathology is usually manifested by pain in the lower back, lower abdomen and urination, combined with polyuria or urinary retention.

Physiological conditions: the level of urea increases after playing sports, during physical work and an increased content of proteins in the diet.

Itching with inguinal epidermophytosis

Athlete's groin extending to the thighs

At genital epidermophytosis the groin, the skin on the pubis and the inner thighs are more often affected. The process spreads less frequently to the scrotum, penis or labia. The main symptoms are severe itching and burning in the groin. First, red spots appear, then scaly red-brown plaques with arcuate clear boundaries. The edges of the formations are raised, spots and pustules are visible on them. The foci grow along the periphery, gradually in their center the skin acquires a normal appearance.

Itching with allergic reactions

contact dermatitis that cause itching in men in the scrotum and penis, in women - in the perineum, are often provoked by synthetic underwear or made from fabrics for which dyes with chromium were used. All symptoms appear 1-2 weeks after contact with the allergen.

Allergy can manifest itself to condom latex, spermicidal lubricants and lubricants. In these cases, itching and burning of the head of the penis is felt immediately or after intercourse.

Dermographic urticaria- linear blisters that can form when wearing tight underwear, after stress, hypothermia or overheating. Itching is not severe, but long-lasting and causes inconvenience to patients. Some people have a genetic predisposition to develop hives.

The reaction to various medications, including antibiotics, can be expressed by itching in the perineum. Intravenous administration magnesia causes a feeling of heat and burning in the vagina or scrotum. Calcium chloride also gives similar symptoms.

Itching with genital inflammation in men

Severe itching and irritation of the skin of the glans penis occurs with balanitis (inflammation of the foreskin). Accompanying burning and pain during urination are characteristic. Fungal infections (candidiasis) thrush, erythrasma) lead to inflammation of the genitals and a sensation of itching. With thrush, a white coating is visible on the head of the penis, urination or ejaculation causes burning pain.

Burning in prostate- one of the signs of its inflammation, accompanied by pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, in the scrotum and anus. Symptoms are worse during intercourse, urination, or immediately after. Provoking factors: hypothermia, increased sexual activity or prolonged abstinence, alcohol, stress. The causes of prostatitis can be infection, the formation of stones in the prostate gland, tumors.

Video: burning in men - doctor's opinion

Itching of the genital organs can have different causes. These are gynecological diseases, and viral, and infectious, and skin. Trying to self-diagnose yourself, especially if you are faced with such symptoms for the first time, is not worth it.

Pay attention if there is severe itching, burning of the genitals, whether there are rashes on the skin. If yes, there is a rash, while it is absent on other parts of the body, then it is quite possible that this is contact dermatitis. Think about what might have caused it. Maybe it's tight, synthetic underwear? In this case, you just need not to wear it, the itching and redness of the female genital organs will disappear without treatment.
If the rash is all over the body, you need to contact a dermatologist. He will solve the problem with genital herpes. With this viral disease, rashes in the form of vesicles appear on the mucous membrane of the labia.
It is especially important to timely pay attention to the itching of the genital organs during pregnancy, since any infection can have the most negative impact on the health of the child. Intrauterine infection is a common cause of death in infancy. If we talk about herpes, then infection with it after conception, that is, when the first symptoms appear during pregnancy, is especially dangerous. This leads to severe pathologies of fetal development.

When unusual vaginal discharge and itching of the genital organs appeared in women, you also need to know what to do. Contact a gynecologist. Most likely, this is due to a violation of the microflora of the vagina or an infection.
Violation of immunity, latent sexually transmitted infections, frequent use of "chemical" contraceptives, antiseptics (miramistin, chlorhexidine), douching, as well as more serious problems - hormonal plan (lack of progesterone, estrogen during menopause), endocrine - often there is itching of the external genitalia with diabetes, HIV, etc.

Naturally, in order to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, simply describing your problems to a doctor is not enough. And even a gynecological examination will not allow you to accurately diagnose. You need to take a smear. By the number of leukocytes, epithelium, the nature of the flora (rod or coccal), the presence or absence of "key" cells, acidity, the doctor will be able to make a diagnosis. Of course, you can independently find information on how to treat itching in the genital area in women, but self-treatment can be harmful. For example, you may think you have vaginal candidiasis (thrush) and start taking antifungal medications. But there will be no improvement because it is not this microorganism (or not only this one) that “lives” in the vagina and harms the microflora. Or vice versa, you decide that you have bacterial vaginosis and start taking antibacterial drugs that will provoke vaginal candidiasis.

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