Polyps in the nose. Causes, symptoms and signs, diagnosis and treatment. Removal of polyps in the nose: surgery, laser removal, shaver, endoscopic removal. Folk remedies. Surgery to remove polyps in the nose with a shaver, laser, radio wave method. To

Polyps in the nasal cavity are almost impossible to remove with a conservative method. Surgery to remove polyps in the nose is the only way that radically solves the problem. Treatment of polyps in the nose without surgery does not exclude the further growth of pathological tissue, which adversely affects nasal breathing and leads to brain hypoxia. Surgical treatment contributes to the restoration of natural ventilation and prevents complications of polyposis.

Indications for carrying out

Polyps do not just create a mechanical obstacle to air circulation, they change the structure of the nasal mucosa. If the formations are small, then they try to cure polyps in the nose with a conservative method. They use antihistamine and antiallergic drugs, macrolide antibiotics, physiotherapy.

Without surgery, polyposis can be cured in the case of its allergenic or fungal nature. Medicines can stop the growth of pathological tissue and reduce existing formations. In case of gross violations of the respiratory function, it will not be possible to restore the nose without surgery.

Indications for surgical treatment are:

  • snoring during sleep, risk of respiratory arrest;
  • progressive deformities of the nasal septum;
  • the impossibility of restoring nasal breathing by other methods;
  • purulent-inflammatory processes of the paranasal sinuses;
  • loss of smell and impaired taste sensations;
  • discharge from the nose with an admixture of blood.

Surgical intervention is not always possible. In this case, the doctor will tell you how to treat nasal polyps without surgery. But significant improvements are not to be expected. You will have to refrain from surgical intervention in case of oncological ailments, serious cardiovascular pathologies, and blood diseases. How to restore nasal breathing without surgery and avoid complications, doctors of various specializations will decide together. Therapy is selected taking into account the minimum harm to the patient.

Preoperative preparation

If the decision on the operation is made, then the patient must undergo an examination by a specialist and pass tests. During the examination, the ENT doctor identifies complicating factors: chronic diseases, allergic reactions, and other pathologies in the work of the respiratory system. If a person takes blood-thinning drugs, then they stop taking them.

Mandatory research methods include:

  • clinical blood and urine tests;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • computed tomography of the nose;
  • x-ray examination if necessary;
  • video endoscopic examination of the nasal cavity and sinuses.

A week before the operation, a chest x-ray, electrocardiography, and blood tests for markers of dangerous viruses are taken. The patient is prescribed decongestants. For 6 hours before the procedure, the patient is forbidden to eat and drink.

Types of surgical treatment

Nasal polyps can be removed by various methods. The choice of surgical treatment is determined by individual characteristics and the need for additional operations.

In the case of a deviated septum, polypotomy is performed simultaneously with the operation to correct the nose. Conchotomy or drainage of the paranasal sinus may also be required for its chronic inflammation.

The doctor selects the method of therapy based on the age of the patient, concomitant diseases, and predictable complications. There are five main surgical methods of treatment that allow you to remove polyps with minimal risk.

Classic polypotomy

The operation to remove polyps in the nose using a loop is considered obsolete. But it can be performed in any conditions with minimal cost. The disadvantages of the method are high trauma, soreness and the risk of re-formation of polyps. The loop covers the polyp and literally cuts it off, but the deep areas remain intact. As a result, the nasal passages are cleared, but the polypous tissue is not completely removed.

As for the advantages of the method, there are several of them:

  • speed of implementation;
  • minimum contraindications;
  • no need for anesthesia.

An experienced doctor can remove polyps painlessly and efficiently, which reduces the risk of re-growth of tissue.

Endoscopic removal of polyps

How to remove growths more accurately? In this case, an endoscope is indispensable. It allows you to monitor the progress of the operation on the monitor. The camera is located in the tip of the surgical device and transmits the image in real time.

During the operation, it is possible not only to get rid of the growths, but also to straighten the nasal septum. In the case of congenital anomalies of the nose, this method of treatment is recommended.

Endoscopy is good because it allows you to remove even the smallest tissue of pathological properties. In this case, the risk of injury is minimal. In the case of deep polyps or multiple formations, surgical removal using an endoscope allows you to perform the procedure as accurately as possible.

Long recovery after the operation is not required. The tissues heal quickly, nasal breathing returns to normal within a day. Edema subsides in a few hours, and complications practically do not occur. If, after removal of the loops, the polyps grow again in a year and a half, then after endoscopy, relapses occur after 6-7 years and only in half of the cases.

The cut tissue is sent for histology. If malignancy is suspected, the patient is sent to an oncology center. If the operation was successful, then the nose is plugged for a day. Within 48 hours, you can not blow your nose and sniff. Formed crusts are not touched until they exfoliate themselves.

Shaver polypotomy

Endoscopic surgery for nasal polyps can be performed with a shaver. Unlike a conventional scalpel, this device is equipped with an additional suction. The device cuts off the formation along with the leg and draws it into a special compartment. Indications and contraindications for this method are the same as for conventional endoscopy.

The advantages of shaver surgery include ease of execution and high accuracy. In rare cases, treatment is carried out without video navigation. But then the accuracy of the operation is reduced. Without an endoscope, it is allowed to remove only nearby polyps, whose localization does not need to be clarified.

The recurrence rate will be slightly lower than after traditional endoscopic polypotomy. As for the complications and side effects of treatment, in rare cases it is prolonged rhinitis and adhesive processes.

laser removal

Treatment of nasal polyps using a laser is the most reliable and modern. The method is recommended for the elderly and children, as well as for those who have chronic ENT diseases. Nasal polyps are treated with a high-precision laser. As a result, the pathological tissue literally “burns out”. Bleeding during this procedure is excluded, and the nasal passages are quickly restored.

The method has several undeniable advantages:

  • painlessness;
  • the lowest risk of complications;
  • high accuracy;
  • minimum recovery period;
  • the speed of the operation.

The nose is not required. Nasal breathing is restored almost immediately. Does without edema and secondary infection. But laser therapy is not always effective. The method is not used for multiple polyposis, as well as for deep formations in the sinuses. The disadvantages of the method include high cost. Laser surgery will cost several times more than classical polypotomy.

radio wave surgery

The operation is carried out using the apparatus "Surgitron". Long postoperative treatment is not required. Tissues are quickly restored, infection is excluded. The recovery period is minimal. But, despite the advantages of the method, it is not as common as those described above.


Within 10 days after the operation, it is required to monitor the condition of the nasal cavity and carry out anti-relapse therapy. Just as surgery is indispensable in the case of large-scale tissue growth, postoperative therapy cannot be neglected. A mandatory component of the treatment is washing the nasal cavity. But a doctor must do it. That is why it is recommended to stay in the hospital for a few days after the operation.

For the treatment of the nasal cavity, physiological saline or pharmaceutical preparations are used - Aquamaris, Aqua-Rinosol, Morenazol. Postoperative therapy is determined by the reasons for the formation of polyps. If these are allergic reactions, then antihistamines cannot be dispensed with. Moreover, they are taken not only immediately after the operation, but also as preventive courses. It is advisable to take drugs such as Loratadin, Lomilan, Claritin.

Follow-up after surgery continues for a year. Rhinoscopy is recommended every 3 months, even in the absence of complaints from the patient.

Possible Complications

If growths are not removed in time, then irreversible processes may develop. One of the complications of polyposis is the complete loss of smell. It cannot be restored even after the removal of growths.

Brain hypoxia is considered a dangerous complication of progressive polyposis. The inability to breathe freely through the nose can cause breathing to stop during sleep. Prolonged hypoxia causes problems with memory, concentration and attention. Such phenomena are especially dangerous in childhood. Polyposis, accompanied by hypoxia, in young children inhibits mental development.

Due to difficulties with nasal breathing, the risk of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses increases. The maxillary sinuses are the first to suffer. Any cold can cause sinusitis. The infection firmly settles in the maxillary sinuses, which complicates the course of polyposis. In the future, the inflammatory process rises up, covers the frontal sinuses and tissues of the ethmoid labyrinth.

If the growth of pathological tissue does not stop, then bone deformities are not excluded. There are resorptions of cartilaginous structures. Pressure on the nasal septum provokes its destruction. If the polyp penetrates the nasolacrimal canal, then there is a steady lacrimation.

Forecast and prevention

How to prevent the appearance of pathological formations, and how to treat nasal polyps without surgery? Unfortunately, there are no universal methods with proven effectiveness. Radical therapy is inevitable in violation of natural air exchange. But even after removal of the formations, the risk of relapse remains high. In this case, it is necessary to stop respiratory infections in time, moisten the nasal mucosa when it dries out, and treat dental diseases.

To prevent polyp growth, short-term macrolides are prescribed, as well as nasal corticosteroids. Physiotherapy plays an important role in the prevention of polyposis. Patients undergoing surgery are advised to:

  • electrophoresis - procedures with calcium preparations have proven the most effective. According to the results of therapy, the patient experiences an improvement in general well-being, nasal breathing is fully restored, nutrition of the nasal tissues is enhanced;
  • UHF therapy - consists of 7-10 sessions. It is aimed at stimulating blood circulation, improves the outflow of lymphatic fluid, prevents inflammatory processes, and prevents exacerbation of chronic ENT diseases;
  • magnetotherapy - starts regeneration processes, enhances capillary blood supply, strengthens superficial vessels.

All methods of physiotherapy are good because they not only improve the condition of the nose, but also increase the overall resistance of the body to infections. A visit to the physiotherapy room is recommended for those who have concomitant ailments of a chronic nature. The otolaryngologist can additionally refer the patient to a spa treatment. Homemade herbal remedies help to enhance the effectiveness of physiotherapy.

To stop the growth of polyps allow the methods of traditional medicine. They are practically ineffective in terms of treatment, but are considered the safest and most affordable prophylactic agents.

The use of homemade irrigation solutions and homemade drops can eliminate puffiness, clear the nasal passages, and reduce the risk of infection. Among the most popular recipes:

  • sea ​​buckthorn oil - it is instilled into each nostril daily in short courses. The tool has antiseptic properties, softens the mucous membrane and prevents respiratory diseases;
  • horsetail decoction - used for nasal lavage. Brew 2 tbsp. l. herbs 500 ml boiling water. The tool perfectly removes swelling, stimulates regenerative processes, normalizes cellular metabolism;
  • white lily tincture - seven large bulbs are placed in a three-liter jar, poured with alcohol and insisted for 14 days. The agent is moistened with cotton turundas and placed in the nasal passages. The procedure is carried out once a week, and the turundas themselves are changed up to 3 times during the day.

Microsurgical polypotomy

Microsurgical technique

General anesthesia

Operation time - 10-30 min

Hospital stay - up to 1 day

The cost of the operation: from 8,000 rubles. *

Removal of polyps using modern microsurgical equipment is one of the safest and most effective methods of polypotomy. The procedure is performed using local or general anesthesia, depending on the objective situation and the preferences of the patient. The surgeon introduces a mini-video camera and a radio wave device "Surgitron" into the nasal cavity, with the help of which he removes the polyp along with the leg. The use of microsurgical equipment allows you to fully control the course of the operation and significantly reduce the risk of damage to surrounding tissues. In addition, the surgeon has the opportunity to immediately coagulate bleeding vessels.

Shaver polypotomy

In some cases, ENT surgeons of the Center perform a shaver polypotomy. Using a special tool - a shaver - allows you to remove the polyp along with the leg, grind the tissues and suck them out of the nasal cavity. This method is as safe as possible and provides a shorter rehabilitation period.

Traditional polypotomy

General anesthesia

Operation time - 40-60 min

Hospital stay - 1-2 days

The cost of the operation: from 5,250 rubles. *

(excluding the cost of anesthesia and hospital stay)

It is used only if it is impossible to use a microsurgical technique, when the patient has contraindications to it. The technique for removing polyps in the classical way is similar to the previous one, however, the surgeon does not have the opportunity to immediately stop the bleeding. Immediately after the procedure, tampons are installed and a bandage is applied. Classical polypotomy is performed in stationary conditions using endotracheal anesthesia. The operation lasts from 40 minutes to 1 hour.

The ENT surgeons of the Center are highly qualified specialists with significant experience in performing classical and microsurgical operations to remove polyps. Thanks to their professionalism, you will get rid of the discomfort associated with nasal congestion in a few days.

* the indicated prices are preliminary and may change if additional services are required, the price also does not include a preoperative examination.

Benign neoplasms that are round or drop-shaped, painless, which form in the nasal cavity due to the growth of the mucous membrane - this is nasal polyps.

Outwardly, they look like a pea, a drop or a bunch of grapes. Approximately 3-5% of people suffer from the disease, and men are several times more likely than women. The disease manifests itself as characteristic mucous secretions and constant nasal congestion.

The difference between polyposis and rhinitis is that after using vasoconstrictor drugs, breathing is not restored, the patient is forced to continue breathing through the mouth.

Surgery to remove polyps in the nose. Indications

  • for a long time the patient has a stuffy nose or there is no breathing through the nose at all;
  • pronounced deformed (curved) nasal septum;
  • the presence of complications of polyposis (bronchial asthma, atrophic rhinitis);
  • impaired taste and smell, in some cases a complete loss of sensitivity;
  • snoring, nasality, headaches;
  • constant, nasal discharge (unpleasant smell, rarely bloody).

The only effective treatment option for tumors is surgical removal.

How are nasal polyps removed?

Several existing surgical options:

  • polypotomy;
  • removal with a shaver;
  • laser operation;
  • endoscopic removal.

Any of these methods requires some preparation of the patient. To do this, they do x-rays, according to indications, computed tomography, blood tests, and conduct drug preparation.

Removal of polyps in the nose in modern surgical practice is carried out according to an individually selected technique.

Polypotomy ordinary

Such an intervention is too painful and is currently very rarely prescribed by specialists. Nose growths are removed using a special steel loop or Lange hook. It is more often used in cases where there is a need to remove several growths.

used in cases where there is a need to remove several growths.

Surgical intervention technique :

anesthesia is carried out locally (novocaine 1% solution is injected directly into the growth). The loop (through the nostril) captures the polyp by the leg. The doctor narrows the lumen of the loop and cuts off the formation. There are practically no scars after polypotomy.

This procedure is strictly contraindicated when:

  • any diseases in the acute period,
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system and heart,
  • bronchial asthma.

After operation

After the performed polypectomy, the mucosa must be disinfected, and the organ is tamponed with turundas. Tampons are removed after 24 hours, and the mucosa is lubricated with Synthomycin emulsion.

If necessary, the specialist prescribes for the nose. The patient stays in hospital for 5-7 days, and the recovery period takes 2-3 weeks. Source: website

Endoscopic removal of nasal polyps

Endoscopic removal is a technique that allows you to remove modified tissues and, if necessary, correct the nasal septum. After surgery, traumatic scars and scars do not remain in the nose.

Methodology :

Local anesthesia is used during the intervention.
an endoscope with a camera is inserted into the nasal cavity (through the nostril). An image of the nasal cavity is displayed on a computer screen.

Contraindications to the intervention are:

  • chronic or allergic bronchitis and rhinitis,
  • bronchial asthma,
  • in women - menstruation.

Postoperative period

Immediately after the operation, the patient has an unpleasant feeling (slight discomfort), which disappears after 3-6 hours. Relief of nasal breathing occurs after the operation in 24-48 hours, and the sense of smell is restored within a month.

The patient is discharged from the hospital in a day, and after 3 days the person returns to his usual life. In the period after the operation, it is necessary to exclude blowing your nose.

The recovery period of the mucosa lasts up to 14 days. At this time, the doctor prescribes nose drops (Pinosol). It is very important to maintain nasal hygiene in order to reduce the risk of infection.

Removal with a shaver

One of the methods of endoscopic surgery, which with maximum accuracy allows you to get rid of formations and overgrown mucosa. The intervention is performed under local or general anesthesia.

Shaver- a device that crushes growths, then sucks them into a special tip. The device with maximum accuracy removes the build-up to healthy tissue.

Methodology :

The operation to remove polyps is low-traumatic, bleeding occurs in 0.5% of the operated patients, the risk of complications and relapses is minimal. This technique allows you to remove polyps in the sinus cavity, as well as to keep the healthy mucosa intact as much as possible.

Shaver- the only technique using which, the occurrence of repeated growths does not happen. Contraindications: acute viral infections and inflammatory processes.

Postoperative period

The patient stays in the hospital for up to 5 days. All this time, saline washings are carried out (in order to get rid of tissue residues).

In order to prevent the growth of connective tissue, local use of steroid preparations is recommended. Antibiotics are prescribed to prevent secondary infection.

Laser removal of nasal polyps

using a laser, a new modern technique. The operation is performed on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia.

A specialist inserts laser equipment and an endoscope with a camera into the nasal cavity.

The laser beam directed at the formation heats its cells, and this causes their death. During the operation, the laser coagulates the vessels, which prevents bleeding.

The main advantage: infection of the wound is completely excluded. This technique is the safest among all known, therefore it is used for children and people who suffer from bronchial asthma.

Disadvantages of the procedure: during the operation, the sinuses are not opened, so it is impossible to remove the polypous tissue from them, and this may cause a relapse in the future.


  • pregnancy period,
  • the presence of multiple polyps in the nose,
  • obstructive bronchitis,
  • spring-summer period.

Period after surgery: what to do
After removal, the patient is at home, but for several days he goes to see the doctor. During the week it is recommended to cancel sports, it is forbidden to visit the sauna or bath (these procedures can cause bleeding). Special medications will help prevent relapse.

- These are benign rounded neoplasms, which are the result of the growth of the mucous membrane lining the nasal cavity. In appearance, they may look like mushrooms, peas or grapes.

According to statistics, nasal polyps are the most common complication of chronic rhinitis. In the world, according to various sources, from 1 to 4% of people suffer from them, most of the male carriers. They develop growths 4 times more often than women. If we turn to the structure of the outgrowths, then antrochoanal polyps predominate in children (formed from the mucous membrane lining the maxillary sinuses), and in the adult population, ethmoid polyps (formed from the mucous membrane lining the ethmoid labyrinth).

The main danger of nasal polyps is that, if left untreated, they can shorten the patient's life by about 6 years. The fact is that any vasoconstrictor drops will not be able to facilitate nasal breathing with polyps. For this reason, a person has to breathe through his mouth all the time, which greatly aggravates the risk of various respiratory diseases, and also increases the likelihood of development.

Symptoms of polyps in the nose

Symptoms indicating the presence of polyps on the nasal mucosa are as follows:

    Breathing through the nose is either difficult or impossible. A person experiences a feeling of constant congestion. Such difficulties are due to the fact that the tissues of the mucous membrane have grown and blocked (either completely or partially) the respiratory lumen of the nasal passage;

    When a secondary infection joins, the mucous glands begin to work hard. For this reason, the patient has increased mucus production, in advanced cases it may have purulent impurities;

    The person starts sneezing more often. This protective reaction of the body is explained by the fact that the polyp irritates the cilia that cover the walls of the nasal mucosa. They take it for a foreign body and with the help of a sneeze they try to clear their nose;

    Headache. They are due to a number of factors. First, the body, including the brain, begins to suffer from a lack of oxygen. Secondly, significantly overgrown formations put pressure on the nerve endings, causing a natural pain reaction. Thirdly, it may be due to an inflammatory process occurring in the paranasal sinuses (in the sphenoid, maxillary, ethmoid labyrinth or in the frontal sinus);

    Olfactory dysfunction. With significantly overgrown polyps, a complete loss of sensitivity to odors can be observed. This symptom is due to the fact that the overgrown connective tissue disrupts the functioning of the receptors that are responsible for the perception of aromas;

    Large nasal polyps can affect the taste sensations of the patient and even cause an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth;

    In childhood, education can cause the formation of malocclusion. If a polyp appears in the first year of life, then this makes it difficult to feed it, since the child cannot normally suck and swallow food. As a result, the baby suffers from chronic malnutrition, which leads to weight loss and general malnutrition;

    Change of voice, development of nasality. As a result of the fact that the flow of air through the nasal passages is disturbed, the patient begins to speak through the nose. In addition, it is known that the nose is the organ that is directly involved in the formation of speech sounds.

The severity of symptoms depends on what stage the growth is in:

    The second stage of nasal polyposis is characterized by further growth of connective tissue. The patient begins to experience difficulties with smell, his voice changes, nasality is acquired. When the formation reaches the auditory tube, speech begins to be distorted, hearing deteriorates. If you do not seek help at this stage, pathological changes may remain forever;

    The third stage is characterized by complete blockage of the nasal passage, the symptoms are gaining full strength. When the infection is attached, the body temperature rises. In addition, patients suffer from headaches, from increased fatigue. The quality of life is significantly reduced by constant discharge from the nose.

Causes of polyps in the nose

Before turning to the enumeration of the causes leading to the appearance of polyps, one should understand the mechanism of their occurrence. When a virus or bacterium enters the human body, infectious agents multiply. This provokes the exfoliation of cells of the nasal mucosa. A person begins to suffer from congestion, difficulty breathing, copious nasal discharge. If it functions normally, and the person receives adequate treatment, then in about a week a full recovery occurs.

When the process becomes chronic, local immunity malfunctions, and the mucous membrane, in order to increase resistance to the disease, seeks to increase the occupied areas. The only way to realize this is to start growing and compacting. Most often, this process occurs in the paranasal sinuses. At some point, there is little room for dividing cells, and they go into the nasal cavity, and a polyp is formed.

Therefore, the specific reasons leading to the growth of the nasal mucosa are:

    Infections and colds that are accompanied by a runny nose and occur quite often;

    Chronic inflammation occurring in the paranasal sinuses -, ethmoiditis,;

  • Why are nasal polyps dangerous?

    The danger of the growth of the nasal mucosa in the first place lies in the development of complications. When natural breathing through the nose is not hindered in any way, moistening and warming of the air entering the lungs occurs. In addition, dust particles are removed from it, which remain on the mucous membrane, and then are naturally excreted. Polyps do not allow air to pass freely through the nasal passage, which forces a person to breathe through the mouth.

    As a result, the air does not have time to warm up properly, which provokes diseases such as:



    As a result of the fact that there is a violation of the natural communication between the sinuses, the patient suffers from chronic sinusitis.

    The larger the growth, the more it presses on the blood vessels of the nasopharyngeal tissue, thereby causing inflammation of the tonsils and the formation of adenoids, an increase in the palatine tonsils with symptoms of angina. Also, circulatory disorders can lead to the development of a clinic of chronic tonsillitis. As for violations of the auditory tube, the increased pressure on it leads to the development of otitis media or eustachitis.

    Diagnosis of a polyp in the nose

    To suspect that the patient has a polyp in the nose, the doctor can by a nasal voice, even if the patient himself does not complain of difficulty in nasal breathing. If a polyp is formed in childhood, then the very appearance of the child will tell the doctor about this. In such children, the mouth is constantly open, the lower jaw droops, the folds of the nasolabial triangle are smoothed out.

    To clarify the diagnosis, a rhinoscopy is performed, during which the doctor examines the nasal cavities using a special mirror. Polyps outwardly represent fleshy grape-like or single growths.

    To assess the stage of their development, a CT scan of the paranasal sinuses is sometimes prescribed. This procedure is mandatory for those patients who are scheduled for surgery. It is the results of tomography that will give information to the surgeon about the volume of future intervention. If a CT scan is not possible for any reason, then the patient should undergo an x-ray.

    In addition to identifying the presence of polyps, co-infection should be ruled out or confirmed. To do this, bakposev is taken from the nose and throat, pharyngoscopy, otoscopy and microlaryngoscopy are performed. Blood sampling for clinical analysis is also required. If there is a suspicion of an allergic nature of the growth, then it is advisable to conduct allergic tests.

    All diagnostic procedures are prescribed by an otolaryngologist.

    Answers to popular questions about nasal polyps

      Do nasal polyps need to be removed? Polyps are terrible for their complications, such as sleep apnea, exacerbation of asthma, chronic sinusitis. Surgery is the only way to remove nasal polyps. However, it is worth highlighting such modern methods of removal as laser burning and endoscopic resection with a shaver. As for conservative therapy, it is aimed, first of all, at eliminating the cause of the growth of the nasal mucosa. Therapeutic treatment acts as a preparatory stage before the operation;

      Is it possible to warm polyps in the nose? It is impossible to heat polyps. This is not only an absolutely ineffective procedure, but to some extent even dangerous, since the risk of burning the mucous membrane is high. Warming should not be confused with thermal removal of the polyp using quartz fiber. This procedure is performed by a doctor in a hospital;

      Is it possible to treat nasal polyposis without surgery? Treatment without surgery can be aimed at preventing the recurrence of polyps, or if there are specific contraindications to surgery. However, it is important to understand that if a polyp has already formed in the nasal cavity, then it will not be able to eliminate itself without surgical intervention.

    Treatment of polyps in the nose

    Conservative therapy of nasal polyposis is intended, first of all, to eliminate those factors that influence the increased growth of the mucous membrane. This can be a whole range of procedures offered by modern medicine: laser therapy, injection treatment, therapeutic warming, taking medications.

    Only a surgeon-otolaryngologist can choose the optimal treatment regimen. Sometimes an additional consultation with an allergist-immunologist is required.

    So, conservative treatment is reduced to:

      Exclusion of the influence of provocative factors that have a positive effect on the thickening and growth of the mucous layer. It is important to avoid contact with all kinds of allergens (household, pollen, medicinal, professional);

      Elimination of all infectious and inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx;

      Compliance with a diet with the exclusion of allergen foods, as well as spicy and salty. Coffee and alcohol are banned. It is highly desirable to refuse to take NSAIDs, as well as food containing preservatives, dyes, salicylates;

      Regular rinsing of the nasal cavity using saline solutions, for example, Dolphin, Aqua-Maris, Marimer, Gudvada, Physiomer, Dr. Taissa's Allergol, Otrivin-Sea;

      Special gymnastics to restore nasal breathing according to Strelnikova, according to the Buteyko method, independent massage of the trigeminal nerve;

      Antiallergic and immune drug correction.

    Another way to treat polyps without surgery is thermal exposure, when the formations are heated with a quartz fiber inserted into the nose. The temperature at the same time reaches 70 degrees, which leads to the rejection of polyps after about three days. If the patient is not able to blow their nose on their own, the doctor will remove exfoliated polyps with tweezers.

    Such treatment is advisable to carry out if a person has the following contraindications:

      Blood clotting disorders;

      Bronchial asthma of severe course.

    Treatment with hormonal drugs is performed if any surgical intervention is completely excluded. In high doses, the patient receives oral corticosteroids for 3 weeks. Or they are injected directly into the growths. However, this method of treating nasal polyps threatens with a high risk of recurrence.

    In addition, hormone therapy is dangerous for its complications, including addiction, immunosuppressive effect, inhibition of the adrenal glands. The result from the use of hormonal drugs comes very quickly, but after a while the patient will again feel worse. If such therapy is practiced frequently, then a person's health will be undermined.

    Medical polypotomy

    It is necessary to dwell in more detail on the treatment of nasal polyposis with hormones. Most often, doctors use prednisone for this. Its action is based on a decrease in the rate of cell division, which prevents the mucous membrane from sagging further, and the outgrowth itself is destroyed over time. This technique was called "medicated polypotomy". However, to achieve a positive effect, the patient will need to take very high doses of prednisolone daily and for a long time. This will get rid of polyps, but will lead to other serious health problems, for example, stomach ulcers, obesity, a drop in immune forces, etc.

    Therefore, there is another option for polypotomy with the help of hormonal agents - this is their introduction directly into the outgrowth itself. In this way, you can achieve the destruction of the polyp and avoid serious complications from taking hormones inside. The choice of a specific drug and its dosage is carried out for each patient individually.

    The patient is given up to two injections with an interval of two weeks. This contributes to the death of the overgrown tissues of the mucous membrane, and it is removed from the body during blowing. If the technique of conducting medical polypotomy was not violated, and the dosage and the drug itself were chosen correctly, then this will lead to a significant improvement in the patient's well-being after 30-60 days.

    A well-designed rehabilitation program will delay the next recurrence of the disease for several years. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely eliminate the risk of re-growth of the mucosa with the help of hormones.

    Removal of polyps in the nose with a laser

    Burning out growths using a laser beam is one of the modern methods of surgical intervention. It is carried out using laser equipment, as well as an endoscope with a camera.

    Among the advantages of laser treatment:

      The speed of the operation;

      The absence of severe pain;

      No risk of bleeding during surgery;

      No risk of infection;

      Visual control of performed actions;

      Low probability of recurrence of the disease;

      Short recovery period (no more than 4 days);

      The possibility of an outpatient procedure.

    Among the disadvantages of laser treatment of polyps in the nose:

      The inability to eliminate multiple growths;

      The impossibility of opening the sinuses and removing the polypous tissue inside them, which can provoke a relapse.

    Indications and contraindications for the removal of polyps in the nose with a laser

    Among the contraindications for laser therapy:

      Obstructive bronchitis;

      Multiple polyposis growths;

      The period of bearing a child;

      Flowering season of plants.

    The indication for intervention is a single nasal polyp with concomitant symptoms. In addition, low trauma makes it possible to perform surgery in patients suffering from bronchial asthma.

    How is the operation going?

    On the day when the procedure is performed, the patient must refrain from eating. The essence of the operation is as follows: the doctor injects a local anesthetic, after which an endoscope equipped with a camera, as well as laser equipment, is brought to the site of the existing growth. The beam heats the cells of the polyp, and they begin to evaporate. Bleeding does not occur due to instant sealing of blood vessels (coagulation).

    After the operation is completed, the person remains under medical supervision for another day, although sometimes he is allowed to go home after a few hours. Over the next 4 days, he needs to visit a doctor so that he controls the healing process of the nasal mucosa. During the recovery period, it is necessary to exclude alcohol, visit steam rooms and baths, and also refrain from high physical exertion in order to minimize the risk of postoperative development.

    How much does the procedure for laser removal of polyps in the nose cost?

    In a particular clinic, the cost of laser removal of nasal polyps will vary. But on average, the price is 16,000 rubles, which makes the operation quite affordable for the majority of the population.

    Endoscopic removal of polyps in the nose with a shaver

    Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery is a new technology that uses state-of-the-art endoscopic equipment. Thus, surgeons were able to perform a low-traumatic intervention with an extremely low risk of complications. With this procedure, the formation will be completely removed from the body, which reduces the likelihood of re-growth by 50%. In addition, healthy tissues are not affected at all.

    Having decided on such a procedure, preference should be given to endoscopic FESS. It is this operation that allows navigational control of the shaver (or microdebrider) operation. Only this approach allows you to clean the cavities of the lattice labyrinth completely. The importance of a global cleanup is to minimize the risk of recurrence. After all, if areas of polypous tissue remain, then after a short time (from 3 months to six months), it will grow again. As a result, new interventions and financial losses. In addition, attention should be paid to the doctor's experience with such modern equipment.

    There are several options for performing an intervention using endoscopic equipment:

      Endoscope + instruments (does not allow cleaning out the smallest cells, as well as those that are deeply located);

      Endoscope + shaver;

      Endoscope + shaver + navigation (optimal method).

    However, despite all the advantages of such an intervention, it is impossible to implement if:

      Serious violations of the internal organs;

      Infections in the acute phase;

      Exacerbations of allergies, bronchial asthma or obstructive bronchitis;

      IHD or heart failure;

      Hypertension, severe malaise requires some delay in intervention.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the method

    Among the advantages of endoscopic treatment of nasal polyps with a shaver:

      No need for incisions, the procedure is performed endonasally;

      Full control of the doctor's own actions;

      Gaining access to hard-to-reach areas of the nose;

      Absence of traumatization of healthy tissues;

      No bleeding;

      The rapid onset of relief, which is claimed by up to 80% of patients;

      Implementation of the operation in a hospital, a short stay in the hospital ward (from 3 days to a week).

    Among the shortcomings of the procedure:

      The inability to eliminate the true cause of the growth, which leads to the risk of its reappearance (in 50% of cases).

    How is the operation going?

    The field where the intervention will take place is observed by the doctor on the monitor. To implement the procedure, the doctor will need:

      The shaver itself (debrider or microdebrider), which will draw in the outgrowth and cut it off at the very base;

      An optical endoscope with a different level of inclination;


      Nasal mirrors.

    For the procedure, it will be necessary to introduce the patient into a state of general anesthesia, as this makes it possible to fully open the anastomosis, as well as improve drainage. Although the recovery time after the operation is somewhat longer than with other methods of polyp removal, the risk of recurrence in this case is much lower. If it does occur, it is significantly delayed in time.

    When the anesthesia kicks in, a special plastic tube will be inserted into the patient's mouth to allow them to hold their breath. The nasal sinuses are opened with the help of special tools, then all polyps and modified tissues are removed from them. During FESS, there is an excellent opportunity to correct the nasal septum if it is curved, as well as to perform a tissue biopsy. Upon completion of the intervention, the nasal cavity is blocked with cotton swabs. They can be removed after 12 hours.

    Preoperative preparation

      The upcoming intervention needs a certain preparatory program. You should pass all the tests required by the doctor and undergo a computed tomography of the sinuses, in addition, a coagulogram, blood tests for biochemistry and the clinic may be prescribed. It is important to determine the need for a preliminary endoscopic examination, which will provide the surgeon with information about the upcoming operation and optimize it.

      One week before the intervention. With severe polyposis, the patient is prescribed prednisone for 7 days. The daily dose is 40 mg. If an active infection is detected, then it must be eliminated. It is important to completely eliminate the intake of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin and vitamin E. This is due to the fact that they have a negative effect on the rate of blood clotting.

      One day before the operation. The patient can have dinner, but the food should not be heavy. When 6 hours remain until the moment of intervention, then any food and drink are prohibited. If you are thirsty, you can rinse your mouth.

    Postoperative period

    At this time, competent hygiene of the nasal cavity comes to the fore. The fact is that after the intervention, the activity of the ciliated epithelium decreases, the mucosa is damaged and unable to produce a protective secret in full. This becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. After removing the cotton wool in the nose, crusts are formed, consisting of blood, and a plaque of fibrin.

    You can only remove the crusts that are on the eve of the nose, it is strictly forbidden to blow your nose or eat hot food. The success of the operation is evidenced by headache and pain in some facial areas. The sense of smell can be restored within 30 days.

    In the postoperative period, complications may develop: bleeding, polyp recurrence, adhesion formation and infection.

    In order to prevent re-growth of tissues, you should rinse your nose with saline solutions that were listed above, and also use antihistamines, including Loratadin, Claritin, Tsetrin, Zodak, Erius, etc.

    In addition, the use of hormone-based aerosols is necessary:

    • Baconase;





    • Aldecin;

    • Nasonex.

    No less important for the prevention of relapse diet. It acquires particular relevance during the flowering of plants. Therefore, for this period, you should stop eating potentially dangerous foods, such as nuts and seafood.

    The patient must visit the attending ENT doctor every 12 weeks. This must be done throughout the year. Besides, supervision at the allergist-immunologist is shown.

    Education: In 2009 he received a diploma in the specialty "Medicine" at Petrozavodsk State University. After completing an internship at the Murmansk Regional Clinical Hospital, he received a diploma in the specialty "Otorhinolaryngology" (2010)

Nasal polyps are a pathology that affects 4% of the population of all countries of the world. The disease is found in people with impaired immune system function, suffering from allergic reactions, more often diagnosed in men, less often in women. Removal of polyps in the nose is carried out with the help of surgical operations, in some cases, treatment is carried out with the help of drug therapy. The Yusupov hospital includes several clinics, including the oncology department. The diagnostic center of the oncology department is equipped with high-tech equipment, modern computers, and positron emission tomographs. In the diagnostic center of the oncology clinic, patients undergo examinations if a benign or malignant tumor is suspected. Patients with suspected degeneration of a polyp into a malignant tumor are sent for research to the oncology clinic of the hospital.

How are nasal polyps removed?

Removal of polyps in the nose is carried out using various methods:

  • Classic polypotomy with a loop.
  • Polyp laser removal.
  • Cryotechnique.
  • radio wave method.
  • Shaver endoscopic surgery to remove a nasal polyp.
  • Endoscopic techniques for the removal of multiple polyps.

Classical polypotomy is performed using a loop that captures and cuts off the polyp. The operation does not affect the deep layers of the mucosa; after the operation, a relapse is possible. The operation using the loop is traumatic and painful, the recovery period is long. Laser removal of polyps is indispensable for chronic diseases of the ear, throat, nose. With the help of the beam, the pathological area of ​​the mucous, altered nasal tissue is evaporated. After laser treatment, the respiratory capacity of the nose is quickly restored, the risk of tissue infection is reduced, and minimal blood loss during surgery. Laser surgery has a drawback - it is prescribed for the removal of single polyps, with multiple growths, endoscopic removal is recommended.

Endoscopic removal of nasal polyps is performed using an endoscope, which allows you to determine the size, number and location of neoplasms. During the operation, polyps and roots are excised, the operation is less traumatic, the recovery period is shorter than the rehabilitation after a classical operation. Allows you to remove formations in the deep layers. Shaver polypotomy refers to endoscopic techniques, the shaver is a device with additional suction. The operation is safe and accurate, the method allows you to remove polyps in the nasal cavity and sinus cavity. The radio wave technique is used for large polyps, does not require the use of anesthesia, postoperative treatment. Cryotechnique has a significant drawback - it is impossible to immediately remove the polyp using low temperatures, several procedures are required to completely remove the neoplasm.

Endoscopic surgery to remove polyps in the nose

After removal of polyps in the nose using endoscopic surgery, the patient stays in the clinic for no more than a day, if there are no complications. For the first few hours, he experiences discomfort in the area of ​​surgical intervention, after a day the condition improves, nasal breathing begins to recover. Within a month, the sense of smell is restored. After discharge, the patient uses drops in the nose, observes nasal hygiene to prevent infection.

Removal of polyps in the nose with a laser in Moscow

Often on the forums they ask the question: “Where can polyps in the nose be removed in Moscow?” Laser removal of polyps in the nose can be done in many medical centers and clinics in the city. A list with the names of clinics, phone numbers and addresses is published on the Internet, indicating the metro station and the possibility of getting to the clinic by other transport.

Remove polyps in the nose with a laser: the cost of the operation

If polyps in the nose are removed with a laser, the price can vary from 1,900 to 55,000 rubles, depending on the status of the clinic, the qualifications of the operating doctor, and the equipment used in the clinic. Laser vaporization is performed using a minimally invasive endoscopic technique.

The cost of operations to remove polyps in the nose

If nasal polyps are removed in Moscow, the prices will depend on the status of the clinic, the qualifications and fame of the doctor, and the complexity of the innovative medical equipment used for endoscopic and laser operations. You can remove polyps in the nose in Moscow using various methods in private and public medical institutions.

Polyps in the nose: surgery, reviews of treatment methods

Before removing polyps in the nose, patient reviews of treatment methods can be read on the forums. Reviews will help you decide on the clinic, learn more about the methods of treatment, the causes of complications after surgery. Most often, positive reviews about the removal of polyps are heard in relation to laser and endoscopic polypotomy.

Removal of polyps in the nose with a shaver: cost

Surgery with a shaver to remove nasal polyps is one of the varieties of endoscopic surgery. A shaver (microdebrider) is used to grind and absorb neoplasms. After the operation, the recurrence of polyps is rare, the nasal mucosa is minimally injured, and the recovery period is short. The cost of endoscopic surgery using a shaver and other instruments is high, it can be from 28,000 rubles and more.

Do nasal polyps need to be removed?

Polyps tend to grow and can completely cover the nasal cavity. The patient stops breathing through the nose, cold air entering through the mouth leads to the development of various diseases of the bronchi, lungs, and nasopharynx. Polyps contribute to the development of bronchial asthma, chronic sinusitis, and can cause cancer. They disrupt the blood circulation of the nasopharyngeal tissue, lead to the formation of adenoids and inflammation of the tonsils, and otitis media may develop. Removal of polyps in the nose, methods of removal are different, it is not always possible. There are a number of contraindications, depending on the method of polypotomy, in which the operation is not performed - these are bronchial asthma, allergic or chronic bronchitis, rhinitis, pregnancy and others. In this case, drug therapy is used, another method for removing polyps, the polyp is monitored.

How much does it cost to remove polyps in the nose by endoscopic method

One of the best methods is endoscopic surgery to remove polyps in the nose. The price of the operation will depend on the method of endoscopic removal of the neoplasm, the category of complexity, the price policy of the clinic, the status and experience of the operating doctor. Depending on the category of complexity, the price of the operation varies from 3,000 to 90,000 rubles.

In the Yusupov hospital, nasal polyps are treated, in the hospital you can undergo an examination, get advice from various specialists. The disease requires the attention of different doctors, including an oncologist. Before starting treatment, the patient is referred for a consultation with a dentist, an allergist, an otolaryngologist, an endoscopist surgeon, and if there is a suspicion of degeneration of a neoplasm, an oncologist.


  • ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases)
  • Yusupov hospital
  • Cherenkov V. G. Clinical oncology. - 3rd ed. - M.: Medical book, 2010. - 434 p. - ISBN 978-5-91894-002-0.
  • Shirokorad V. I., Makhson A. N., Yadykov O. A. Status of oncourological care in Moscow // Oncourology. - 2013. - No. 4. - S. 10-13.
  • Volosyanko M. I. Traditional and natural methods of prevention and treatment of cancer, Aquarium, 1994
  • John Niederhuber, James Armitage, James Doroshow, Michael Kastan, Joel Tepper Abeloff's Clinical Oncology - 5th Edition, eMEDICAL BOOKS, 2013

Service prices *

Name of service Price
Consultation with a chemotherapist Price: 5 150 rubles
Administration of intrathecal chemotherapy Price: 15 450 rubles
brain MRI
Price from 8 900 rubles
Chemotherapy Price from 50 000 rubles
Comprehensive cancer care and HOSPICE program Price from 9 690 rubles per day
Gastrointestinal oncology program Price from 30 900 rubles
Lung Cancer Program Price from 10 250 rubles
The program of oncodiagnostics of the urinary system
Price from 15 500 rubles
Cancer Diagnostic Program "Women's Health"
Price from 15 100 rubles
Cancer Diagnostic Program "Men's Health" Price from 10 150 rubles

*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, determined by the provisions of Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For exact information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic. The list of paid services provided is indicated in the price list of the Yusupov hospital.

*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, determined by the provisions of Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For exact information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic.

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