How many drops to give espumizan baby to a newborn. How to use the medicine: dosage, frequency of administration, other nuances. Additional help methods

From the first days of life, many babies are faced with such a phenomenon as intestinal colic. They are accompanied by anxiety, crying and insomnia, which worries young parents. Espumizan will help to cope with unpleasant symptoms. It is an effective remedy for colic from birth.

Espumizan to help from the first days of life

The baby cannot cope with the symptoms of colic on its own. Therefore, in a children's first aid kit, there must be a safe drug for removing gases from the body. Espumizan belongs to such medicines.

The substance simethicone, which is part of Espumizan L, will help eliminate bloating in a newborn. It acts as a defoamer, and in the first 7-10 minutes after ingestion breaks the accumulation of air bubbles in the intestines, which cause discomfort. The bubbles turn into free gas and leave the baby's body naturally.

Why do infantile colic occur?

Colic in infants does not require special treatment or medical intervention. There may be several reasons for their occurrence:

  • immaturity of the digestive system in an infant;
  • the constant presence of the child in a horizontal position, prolonged immobility;
  • systematic overfeeding of the baby;
  • accumulation of excess air in the intestines.

On a note! For the most part, intestinal colic is the body's response to adapting to a new diet after birth. The formation of gases in the intestines leads to discomfort and pain in the tummy.

Instructions for use Espumisan in newborns

Any drug that you intend to give the baby should only be prescribed by a doctor. Also, the instructions for using the drug should not be ignored. It is she who will give answers to the questions, from what age can Espumizan be given to a child, how often and whether there are contraindications.

Release form

Espumizan for children is available in the form of an emulsion (drops). The emulsion is pleasant in taste, has a light fruity (banana) smell. It has a milky white color and low viscosity.

For newborns, pediatricians most often prescribe Espumizan L, a drug that reduces flatulence. Release form - 30 ml bottles, including a measuring cap and a dropper stopper.

All substances that make up the drug Espumizan L are listed in the table.

Compound The content of the substance in 1 ml of the drug
Active substance
simethicone40.00 mg
macrogol stearate6.560 mg
carbomer6.350 mg
glyceryl monostearate 40-554.020 mg
banana flavor4.233 mg
sorbitol liquid (non-crystallizing)211.655 mg
acesulfame potassium0.318 mg
sodium citrate4.445 mg
sodium chloride0.708 mg
sodium hydroxide0.708 mg
sorbic acid1.060 mg
purified water778.245 mg

Indications for use of the drug Espumizan L:

  • intestinal colic;
  • bloating;
  • increased gas formation;
  • feeling of fullness and overflow in the epigastric region;
  • preparation for ultrasound / radiography of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis;
  • as a defoamer in tenside poisoning.

We share our experience on how to use children's espumizan:

Contraindications to the use of Espumizan:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Young mothers, faced with colic in babies while still in the hospital, are worried about whether it is possible to give the baby such an “adult” drug - after all, the digestive system of newborns is just beginning to develop. Taking the drug for colic does not pose a risk to the health of the baby. It is not absorbed into the blood, and does not affect the functioning of the internal organs of the child. Having dissolved the gases, children's Espumizan leaves the body with the natural feces of the crumbs, is excreted unchanged.

How to dose Espumizan for newborns?

For 1 dose, 1 ml of emulsion is required, or exactly 25 drops. Shake the bottle well before use. Often the question arises of how to give the child an emulsion correctly. For infants, the drug is added to a bottle of baby food or given with a measuring spoon / syringe. The moment of taking the drug is not important - it can be given both before meals and after. Espumizan can also be given to an infant at bedtime.

How many times can a child be given the drug per day?

The permissible number of doses per day for newborn babies is 3-5 doses or 3 ml of the drug. The duration of use of Espumizan depends on the presence of symptoms. If colic accompanies the child constantly, then the medicine can be used as needed for a long time, observing the age dosage.

How to store Espumizan?

The drug does not require special storage conditions. It is permissible to store it in a first aid kit at room temperature (but not higher than 30 ° C). Espumizan L does not contain sugar, so it can be used for diabetes.

Which Espumisan to choose for a baby?

Espumizan can be found in retail in the form of three different forms of release:

  • Espumizan L emulsion (white-milk suspension);
  • Espumizan baby drops;
  • Espumizan gelatin capsules.

Which Espumizan is better to give to a baby? For newborns, the use of both Espumizan baby drops and Espumizan L emulsion is suitable. Both remedies equally well eliminate colic and bloating in babies. Indications for use and composition of drugs are almost identical.

Drops for babies Espumizan baby are easy to use, they are easy to dose at each dose, thanks to the measuring pipette in the cap. The emulsion needs to be more carefully measured, although the cap is also made "drip". The emulsion form of the drug requires more time to prepare for use than Espumizan baby. Gelatin capsules are used in children over 6 years of age and in adults.

Important! Despite the fact that Espumizan is sold without a prescription, you should not abuse the remedy. Purchase the medicine only in agreement with the doctor observing your baby.

Analogues of Espumizan from colic and flatulence

Espumizan is considered one of the most effective and safe remedies for colic, which is confirmed by both the advice of doctors and the reviews of mothers. If for some reason Espumizan did not suit your child, then in pharmacies you can find an alternative with a similar effect.

In what cases is it necessary to choose another drug:

  1. The body of the baby does not react in any way to the proposed treatment.
  2. There were signs of allergies.
  3. The nature of the stool has changed in the child, constipation has appeared;
  4. A cheaper analogue tool is required.

Espumizan is not the only remedy that can save the baby from anxiety in the tummy. It can be replaced with similar medicines for intestinal colic.


The drug can be used only from the 28th day of the baby's life. But its effectiveness is many times higher than Espumizan and is able to save the baby from gas formation for a long time. Bobotik is prescribed in a lower dosage (up to 14 drops per dose), it can be dripped onto the nipple, it tastes sweet and normalizes digestion in infants. You can use up to 4-5 times a day.


Medicine in powder, which is diluted in boiled water and offered to the child from a bottle. Hypoallergenic preparation, contains natural fennel and does not cause allergic reactions even in the most sensitive babies. Plantex relieves intestinal spasm, eliminates gas formation and helps stimulate digestion. Used from the second week of life, 1-2 sachets per day (dilute according to the instructions).


An analogue of Espumizan, which costs a little less, but has the same effect of eliminating colic due to simethicone. It is produced in the form of drops and is suitable for babies from the first days of life. The child should be given Sub-simplex before feeding, 15 drops per dose. Used only 1 time per day. It reduces gas formation, relieves pain in the tummy and eliminates the discomfort of colic.

Dill water

Natural remedy for colic. You can buy a ready-made product at a pharmacy or cook it yourself by making a decoction of dill seeds. Giving the baby dill water should be 10-15 drops before feeding “on the tongue” (using a measuring syringe). This is the cheapest remedy for flatulence in babies, time-tested. Dill water differs from other options in the weakest effect. Suitable for those crumbs in which colic manifests itself inconsistently, from time to time and with little discomfort.

And finally, a useful video from us on how to deal with infantile colic, what are the causes of their occurrence and what are the means to combat colic in newborns:

The first months of a baby's life are the most difficult for parents. The child is not yet able to explain what caused his anxiety and irritability.

In most cases, the source of the crying of the newborn is hunger or colic. And if the first defect can be easily filled, then the second will require additional knowledge.

It is worth saying that discomfort in a small tummy is a temporary phenomenon, which in itself disappears after the first half of the year. However, this does not mean that during this period the baby does not need help.

Remove pain and discomfort in the tummy with a remedy called "Espumizan baby", which is intended for newborns.

Composition, description, release form

Let us consider in more detail the instructions for using the drug Espumizan baby for newborns: how to take drops and from what age, how often they can be given to infants and how long the medicine begins to act.

"Espumizan baby" is intended to reduce flatulence in newborns. The main active ingredient in the drops is simethicone.

Auxiliary substances include:

  • sodium cyclamate;
  • hyprolosis;
  • sodium saccharin;
  • banana flavor;
  • purified water.

The drug is produced in the form of drops (30 ml). 1 ml contains 100 mg of the main active ingredient. The liquid is placed in a dark glass container.

The drops are clear and have a pleasant banana flavor.. A bottle is produced in a cardboard box, in which a dropper stopper and instructions for use are placed.

People often ask: is it possible to give Paracetamol tablets to a child? Look for the answer to the question in this article.

Our publication will tell about the dosage of the drug Smecta for children.

Instructions for use and reviews of the drug Polysorb for children are presented in this article.

When appointed

"Espumizan" is intended for children, including newborns. What are the indications for the use of the drug? It:

  • flatulence;
  • aerophagia (loud and frequent belching of air);
  • functional dyspepsia (symptoms characteristic of stomach disease);
  • gas formation after surgery;
  • in case of poisoning with chemical foaming agents;
  • intestinal colic in newborn babies, which are manifested by irritability, crying, pulling the legs to the stomach.

The tool is also intended for use before various diagnostic procedures.

In what cases can not be used

Like all drugs, "Espumizan" has contraindications. In this tool, there are quite a few of them. It:

  • the presence of intestinal obstruction;
  • hypersensitivity to the components that make up the drug.

How and after how long does it work

Children's "Espumizan baby" has the properties of a defoamer. The drug combines with intestinal mucus, which creates a gas foam consisting of small bubbles, and destroys them.

The resulting liquid and the resulting gas goes out naturally (through the rectum).

The main advantages of the drug is that:

  • its active ingredients are not absorbed into the intestines, therefore they are not an obstacle to natural digestion;
  • the Espumizan baby product does not contain lactose and sucrose in its composition - it is allowed to be used by children with diabetes mellitus and babies with lactose intolerance;
  • the drug does not affect the nervous system.

Drops begin to act quickly- as soon as they penetrate the intestines. The result, according to many buyers, comes in 30 minutes.


With flatulence in newborns, the drug is prescribed in an amount 5-10 drops 3 to 4 times a day and at bedtime.

Do not use drops earlier than 3 hours after the previous use.

To prepare for medical research (ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, radiography) is prescribed 5-10 drops 3 times a day 1 day before and immediately before the study itself in the morning.

Method of administration, special instructions

For ease of use the medicine is added to the formula bottle(with artificial feeding) or diluted in a spoon with breast milk.

Do not overheat the product, otherwise it will lose all medicinal properties and will be useless.

The course of therapy depends on the severity of the symptoms. "Espumizan" is allowed to be taken for a long time.

Before using the drug the contents of the vial should be shaken thoroughly.

Interaction with other substances

"Espumizan baby" is well combined with other means. Can be taken concomitantly with medications intended for the treatment of poisoning and intoxication.

The drug is taken 1 hour before or after the use of adsorbent agents.

This is due to the ability of the latter to remove Espumizan baby from the intestines, as a result of which the medicine will not have a positive effect.

Do you know if activated charcoal can be given to children under one year old? Find out more right now!

Instructions for the use of Ambrobene syrup for children are presented in this publication.

Reviews of Enterofuril suspension for children can be found in our article.

Overdose and side effects

Cases of overdose have not been established. Even when taking large doses, no reactions were observed.

Among the side effects allergic reactions to any of the components of the drug can be noted.

It is worth noting that before using drops, especially for abdominal pain in newborns, you should consult a doctor to rule out intestinal obstruction.

Storage and holiday conditions

The medicine "Espumizan baby" is stored in a place where there is no access for small children, at an air temperature not higher than 25 C. The drug is dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription.

The shelf life of the drops is 3 years. Expired medicine is not allowed.


If the drug did not have a therapeutic effect, you can use its analogs. Among them:

  • "Bobotiki";
  • "Happy baby";
  • "Baby Calm";
  • "Sub Simplex", etc.

All these remedies have a similar effect and relieve discomfort in a small tummy.


Marina: “My son suffered from colic from the first week of life. At first they did not know how to calm him down.

The kid cried all the time, was naughty and pressed his knees to his tummy. She rocked it in her arms at midnight, applied it to her chest - everything turned out to be useless. The problem is, I didn't want to drug my baby from birth.

Later, the doctor explained to me that many medicines for newborns do not contain foreign components that are harmful to the health of the baby. One of these drugs is Espumizan baby. I agreed and bought it.

After the first application, after 20 minutes, the child stopped crying. I just couldn't believe my luck. Now I give this medicine every time I have colic.”

Irina: “The daughter began to scream with a wild cry even in the hospital. The doctor recommended giving "Espumizan" in drops. The medicine helped within half an hour. They continue to give medicine at the very first complaints of the baby about pain in the tummy (he is already 3 years old).”

Mayan: “The pediatrician prescribed drops for us due to excessive gas formation in the intestines (upon examination, the tummy turned out to be hard). Gave 4 days. At the follow-up appointment, the tummy was soft.”

"Espumizan baby" - a drug for relieving discomfort in the tummy in newborn babies.

Drops have no side effects and contraindications(except for intestinal obstruction). Approved for use by children from the first days of life.

Composition of Espumizan for newborns: in 1 ml of emulsion simethicone 100 mg. Macrogolustearate, glycerol monostearate, carbomers, banana flavor, acesulfame potassium, sorbitol, sodium chloride, citrate and hydroxide, sorbic acid, water.

Release form

Drops oral in a bottle with a dropper of 30 ml and 50 ml.

pharmachologic effect


Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


The mechanism of action of simethicone is based on a decrease in the surface tension of gas bubbles formed in the intestine, which leads to their rupture. Simethicone acts on the surface of gas bubbles without affecting the mucous membrane and is not absorbed, therefore it is harmless to the child's body. The released gas is removed from the intestines naturally, while digestion is normalized and nutrients are better absorbed.

The drug does not affect the secretion of the stomach. It doesn't get used to it. With respect to pharmacological treatment, colic is regarded as one of the most effective carminatives. It is prescribed during the onset of pain (pain disappears within 10 minutes) or for the purpose of prevention at each feeding.


After oral administration, it is not absorbed in the intestines, it is excreted unchanged.

Indications for use

  • baby colic;
  • functional dyspepsia;
  • aerophagia.


  • complete intestinal obstruction;
  • increased sensitivity.

Side effects

Were not observed. In rare cases, individual intolerance.

Instructions for use drops Espumizan Baby

Children's Espumizan is a drug in drops in bottles with a dropper, with which you can accurately dose the drops, holding the bottle vertically with a pipette down. Remember to shake the bottle before use.

Instructions for Espumizan for newborns

How many drops to give a newborn? Give 5-10 drops during each feeding or after, but not more than 5 times a day.

How to take Espumizan for newborns? The drug is given from a spoon, if it does not work, then you can add it to a bottle of water or milk mixture. To avoid negative consequences, you can not prescribe a drug to a child on your own, but only on the recommendation of a pediatrician. It can exclude such a pathology as intestinal obstruction, in which the drug is contraindicated. This drug is effective for increased gas formation that occurs during the period of adaptation of the digestive system, which is still imperfect in infants. Since enzymes are not produced enough, gas formation is inevitable.

Instructions for use for older children: the drug is given to children from 1 to 6 years old, 10 drops up to 5 times a day, over 6 years old - 20 drops up to 5 times. If you do not find Espumizan Baby in the pharmacy, you can use Espumizan 40 or Espumizan L, however, the dose will be higher, since these drugs contain 8 mg and 40 mg of simethicone in 1 ml, respectively, and not 100 mg. Newborns and children under one year old are given 1 scoop (or 25 drops) during each feeding, children from 6 years old 2 scoops (or 50 drops) up to 5 times a day. Any drug can be taken for a long time.


Chemically inert substance does not cause overdose. Even when taken in a high dose, no symptoms are noted.


Interactions with other drugs have not been established.

Terms of sale

Released without a prescription.

Storage conditions

Storage temperature up to 25°C.

Best before date

Analogues Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

Analogue for children based on simethicone - Bobotic, Sub Simlex containing essential oils Baby Calm and Happy Baby, granules from vegetable raw materials Plantex.

Bobotic allowed for children from 28 days of age, contains raspberry flavor and citric acid, does not contain milk sugar.

Suspension Sub Simplex applied from birth. The suspension is not viscous, exfoliates and requires careful shaking. It must be used with caution in children prone to allergic reactions. Espumizan for children is also used from birth, but the emulsion is more viscous in consistency compared to the suspension.

What is better Plantex or Espumizan for newborns?

These are drugs with different active ingredients. Plantex is a tea granule containing fennel fruit extract. It has a carminative effect (prevents the formation of gases), improves digestion, eliminates spasms. It can be given to newborns from 2 weeks of age as a drink. Diluted tea does not change its properties during the day. The drug contains lactose, so tea should not be given to children with lactase deficiency. Pediatricians note that children are often allergic to the drug. This is also reported by parents in their reviews.

What is better for children's Espumizan? First of all, because it is physiologically inert, not absorbed, does not contain lactose. It can be used for a long time without fear of addiction and the appearance of any side effects.

Infantile colic begins to bother the child at 2-3 weeks of age and lasts up to 3-6 months. To eliminate them, there is a children's Espumizan. Often there are questions: is it possible to give a newborn and how to give a baby? Let's deal with these questions. A child under 28 days of age is considered a newborn. Espumizan L and Espumizan 40 are allowed to be used in children from birth. Does not contain lactose. For ease of dosage, they have a measuring spoon or pipette. These drugs can be safely given to a newborn, and the dosage is the same as for infants (from 1 month to a year). For newborns and infants, the drug is prescribed 1 scoop or 25 drops. Give directly from a spoon, mixed with a small amount of milk, added to the milk mixture or water.

How often can Espumizan be given to newborns? The drug is given after each feeding. How many times can you give to an infant? In the same way - after each feeding up to 5 times a day. This use of the drug is prophylactic. Can only be given during colic. Some pediatricians believe that these drugs are best given during colic, and not for the purpose of preventing them. It has been reliably proven that this drug does not cause side effects and long-term use without harm is possible.

Reviews about Espumizan for newborns are diverse. There are reviews that parents tried all the drugs, and only Espumizan helped. This drug helps someone, someone Plantex, and some - dill water, massage, a warm heating pad on the tummy and removal of gases with the help of a gas outlet tube. Sometimes children refuse to drink Espumizan (spit out the medicine), but Baby Calm and Sab Simplex take it with pleasure. You need to choose the drug that brings relief to the child. You can try everything together. For example, any drug based on simethicone and Baby Calm. Talk to your pediatrician about taking bifidumbacterin. In addition, a nursing woman should exclude from the diet foods that cause gas formation (kvass, legumes, cabbage in any form, apples, grapes, sweets, muffins) and take a decoction of chamomile with dill and fennel seeds.

Price where to buy

Currently, the drug is not available in the pharmacy network, so the price of children's Espumizan is not known. Espumizan L drops are offered for newborns and young children. The price of Espumizan for newborns in 30 ml bottles is 333-368 rubles.

NOTE! Information about medicines on the site is a general reference, collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of medicines in the course of treatment. Before medicine use Espumizan Baby surely consult with the attending physician.

Espumizan baby is a carminative drug.

Release form and composition

Dosage form of Espumizan baby - drops for oral administration: an emulsion with a slight viscosity of the structure, milky white in color, with a characteristic odor for a banana (30 ml each in a dark-colored glass bottle equipped with a dropper-dispenser, in a cardboard box 1 bottle complete with a measuring cap).

1 ml of drops contains:

  • active ingredient: simethicone - 0.1 g;
  • auxiliary components: liquid sorbitol (non-crystallizing), macrogol stearate 40, carbomer, glyceryl monostearate 40-55, acesulfame potassium, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide, sodium citrate, sorbic acid, banana flavor, purified water.

Pharmacological properties


Espumizan baby is a drug for reducing the amount of gases in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). The mechanism of its action is based on the ability of simethicone to reduce surface tension at the interface between liquid and gaseous media. The surfactant properties of simethicone promote the fusion of gas bubbles and cause the destruction of the foam in the intestine. The released gas is absorbed or, under the influence of intestinal peristalsis, is excreted naturally. The use of the drug in preparation for the study of the abdominal cavity allows you to obtain accurate diagnostic data and avoid image defects caused by gas bubbles.


After oral administration, simethicone is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The chemical inertness of the active substance allows it to act only in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug does not affect the processes of digestion, because it does not interact with bacteria and enzymes.

It is excreted through the intestines unchanged.

Indications for use

  • symptoms of intestinal colic in infants;
  • flatulence, increased gas formation in the period after surgery, as well as other symptoms of excessive formation and accumulation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • symptoms of excessive gas formation against the background of functional dyspepsia;
  • preparation for the study of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis using ultrasound devices, radiography, esophagogastroduodenoscopy and other diagnostic tools, including as an additive to contrast agents for obtaining an image using the double contrast method;
  • acute poisoning with detergents that contain tensides (foaming substances).


  • hereditary fructose intolerance;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • individual intolerance to the components of Espumizan baby.

Instructions for use Espumizana baby: method and dosage

Espumizan baby drops are taken orally before, during or after each meal and, if necessary, before bedtime.

Shake the contents of the vial before each dose.

For dosing the drug in drops, you should use a dropper dispenser (holding the bottle vertically with the hole down), in milliliters - a measuring cap.

The frequency of administration and duration of treatment is selected individually, taking into account the severity of symptoms.

If necessary, the use of Espumizan baby is indicated for a long period.

Recommended dosage for the treatment of infantile colic in children aged 0 to 1 year: 5-10 drops before, during or after each feeding. The drug is given to a child with a small spoon or added to a bottle of baby food.

  • children 1-6 years: 10 drops;
  • children 6-14 years old: 10-20 drops;
  • patients 14-18 years old: 20 drops.

Multiplicity of application - 3-5 times a day.

In preparation for radiography, ultrasound and other diagnostic studies, Espumizan baby is prescribed on the eve of diagnosis at a dose of 1 ml 3 times a day after meals and 1 ml in the morning on the day of the examination.

To obtain a double contrast image, 2–4 ml of drops are added per 1000 ml of contrast suspension.

Before performing esophagogastroduodenoscopy, the patient is allowed to take 2–3 ml of the drug orally. If it is necessary to eliminate gas bubbles that interfere with endoscopy, 2-3 ml of the emulsion can be injected through the endoscope channel.

For the treatment of acute poisoning with detergents containing tensides, the use of 1–4 ml of drops is indicated, depending on the severity of intoxication.

Side effects

Side effects of the use of Espumizan baby can be manifested by the development of allergic reactions to the components of the drug.


Overdose symptoms have not been established.

special instructions

If colic and / or excessive gas formation in infants persist after prolonged use of Espumizan baby, it is necessary to consult a doctor. A medical examination may be required to diagnose the cause of the child's illness.

For children with hereditary fructose intolerance, the use of Espumizan baby drops is contraindicated, since the drug contains liquid sorbitol (sorbitol).

Patients with diabetes should take into account the content of 0.199 g of sorbitol in 1 ml (25 drops) of the emulsion, which is equivalent to 0.017 XE (bread unit).

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms

According to the instructions, Espumizan baby does not affect the patient's ability to drive various vehicles and mechanisms.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The use of drops is allowed during the period of gestation and breastfeeding.

Application in childhood

Espumizan baby for newborns and infants can be used for intestinal colic.

drug interaction

No clinically significant interaction of Espumizan baby has been established when combined with other drugs.

Analogues of Espumizan baby are: Infacol, Gasospazam, Bobotik, Disflatil, Ditsetel, Kolikid, Cuplaton, Plantex, Sab Simplex, Simethicone, Espicol Baby.

Terms and conditions of storage

Keep away from children.

Store at temperatures up to 25 °C, do not freeze.

Shelf life - 3 years, after opening the bottle - 0.5 years.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Released without a prescription.

Espumizan Baby is a drug for the treatment of flatulence in children, as well as for preparation before endoscopic, x-ray or ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.

The active ingredient is Simethicone.

The mechanism of action is based on a decrease in the surface tension of gas bubbles formed in the intestine, which leads to their rupture. Simethicone acts on the surface of gas bubbles without affecting the mucous membrane and is not absorbed, therefore it is harmless to the child's body.

The released gas is removed from the intestines naturally, while digestion is normalized and nutrients are better absorbed.

Espumizan Baby does not affect the secretion of the stomach. It doesn't get used to it. With respect to pharmacological treatment, colic is regarded as one of the most effective carminatives. It is prescribed during the onset of pain (pain disappears within 10 minutes) or for the purpose of prevention at each feeding.

After taking the drops, the active ingredient has a therapeutic effect in the intestinal lumen. It is not absorbed into the systemic circulation and is excreted from the intestinal lumen with feces unchanged.

Indications for use

What helps Espumizan Baby? According to the instructions, the drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • symptoms of intestinal colic in infants;
  • flatulence, increased gas formation in the period after surgery, as well as other symptoms of excessive formation and accumulation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • symptoms of excessive gas formation against the background of functional dyspepsia;
  • preparation for the study of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis using ultrasound devices, radiography, esophagogastroduodenoscopy and other diagnostic tools, including as an additive to contrast agents for obtaining an image using the double contrast method;
  • acute poisoning with detergents that contain tensides (foaming substances).

Instructions for use Espumizan Baby, dosage

The drug is taken during or after meals, and if necessary - at bedtime. Shake the contents of the vial well before use.

Standard dosages according to the instructions of Espumizan Baby:

  • For adults and adolescents over 14 years old: 10-50 drops 3-4 times a day or 1-2 ml 3-4 times a day
  • For children from 7 to 14 years old: 10-25 drops 3-4 times a day or 1 ml 3-4 times a day.
  • For children aged 1 to 6 years: 10 drops 3-4 times a day.
  • For infants: 10 drops per bottle at each feeding or 10 drops before each breastfeed (given to the child with a teaspoon).

How to take Espumizan Baby for newborns? The drug is given from a spoon, if it does not work, then you can add it to a bottle of water or milk mixture. To avoid negative consequences, you can not prescribe a drug to a child on your own, but only on the recommendation of a pediatrician. It can exclude intestinal obstruction, in which the drug is contraindicated.

For the preparation of patients before x-ray or ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs: adults: 1 ml after meals 3 times a day before the study and 1 ml in the morning on the day of the examination.

For the preparation of patients before endoscopic examination of the abdominal organs: adults: 2-3 ml before the study. If necessary, during the study, a few more ml of emulsion can be additionally injected through the instrumental channel of the endoscope.

Side effects

The instruction warns of the possibility of developing the following side effects when prescribing Espumizan Baby:

  • possible development of skin allergic reactions - rash, itching, urticaria.

Side effects are extremely rare.


Espumizan Baby is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • complete intestinal obstruction;
  • obstructive pathology of the digestive system, leading to the formation of an obstacle to the passage of food in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • hypersensitivity to components.


Cases of drug overdose have not been registered to date.

Espumizan Baby analogues, price in pharmacies

If necessary, you can replace Espumizan Baby with an analogue for the active substance - these are drugs:

  1. Infacol,
  2. gas spasam,
  3. Disflatil,
  4. Cuplaton,
  5. Plantex,
  6. Espicol Baby.

When choosing analogues, it is important to understand that the instructions for use of Espumizan Baby, the price and reviews of drugs of similar action do not apply. It is important to consult a doctor and not to make an independent replacement of the drug.

Price in Russian pharmacies: Espumizan baby drops 100 mg / ml 30 ml - from 430 to 490 rubles, 100 mg / ml vial. 50 ml - from 570 to 724 rubles, according to 473 pharmacies.

Store at temperatures up to 25 °C, do not freeze. Shelf life - 3 years, after opening the bottle - 0.5 years. Sale in pharmacies without a prescription.

A hard tummy, tears, screams - few parents have ever encountered such a picture with their baby. Even if you strictly adhere to a diet, feed your baby according to all the recommendations of a neonatologist, put him on his tummy several times a day - you will know what colic is at least a couple of times. What can we say about those cases when you ate something tasty, but harmful.

The trouble is that all 9 months the baby “ate” ready-made proteins, carbohydrates and fats, vitamins, micro and macro elements. His intestines, in fact, did not digest anything except amniotic fluid. This is real mother's milk. Yes, nature has laid down that this is the optimal food for babies. But each child is individual: for some, the gastrointestinal tract adapts to such food faster, for others, more slowly. In some, the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract is formed in a month or two, while others suffer from colic for up to six months, or even longer. Yes, and mothers are often to blame themselves - the baby is only used to one composition of milk, and take the nurse and eat something new. Any discrepancy between the milk that the mother gave the child a couple of hours ago can cause a violent intestinal reaction in the form of increased gas formation. The tummy swells, the baby hurts, the mother is nervous.

Previously, parents saved the situation with “dill water”. Cheap, cheerful, helpful. But not always the baby can wait until this water is ready, and it helps some guys for a very short time. To date, for such cases, there are drugs that can quickly and efficiently solve the problem. These include Espumizan baby drops intended for newborns. Today we will analyze the instructions for their use, and at the same time we will get acquainted with the reviews of parents. In addition, we will find out how the “baby” mark distinguishes this drug from Espumizan L, which is also produced for the smallest.

Both drugs are carminative, both are intended for children. They are also identical in composition. The mechanism of action for both variations, respectively, is the same. The active ingredients help to break the gas bubbles in the intestinal contents. Bloating goes away, the released gas is absorbed by the intestinal mucosa and partially comes out “in a direct way” - the baby, sorry, farts.

The main difference between the two drugs is in the concentration of active substances, dosage form and, accordingly, in price. Yes, a bottle marked “baby” is more expensive, but you only need five drops of it at one time. While the second version of the drug is given about 25 drops at a time. Five drops to “feed” a baby is much easier than twenty-five, you must admit, and a sufficient concentration of the drug speeds up the process of gas discharge. Therefore, until the baby grows up at least a little, it is better not to save on his health and your nerves, using the option marked “baby”, it is sold in the form of drops. And for an older kid, option “L” will also “come down”, it is no worse, and even cheaper.

Espumizan baby and L for newborns - drops, syrup, composition, instructions for use, dosage

The composition of carminative drops and syrup includes the main active ingredient - simethicone. It is he who determines the effect of the drug. The drops also contain:

  • macrogol stearate;
  • glyceryl monostearate;
  • carbomer;
  • acesulfame potassium;
  • chloride, citrate and sodium hydroxide;
  • liquid sorbitol;
  • sorbic acid;
  • purified water;
  • banana flavor.

All these substances ensure the safety of the drug and its consistency, thanks to them the liquid has a taste, smell and whitish tint.

Espumisan L differs in composition by a lower concentration of simethicone. The composition of additional substances remains identical. Separately, it is worth noting that both drugs do not contain lactose, its derivatives and sugar. This feature of the composition makes the drug safe for children with diabetes and lactase deficiency.

Both drugs are released in the form of drops, and the liquid itself is a sweetish syrup with a banana taste and smell. Therefore, even the most capricious boys and girls "eat" it with pleasure.

The mechanism of taking both types of the drug is the same:

  1. According to the instructions or together with your doctor, determine the exact dosage of the drug.
  2. Measure the required number of drops into a baby spoon. Can be added to a small amount of water in a bottle or dripped onto a nipple.
  3. Give your baby his "dose" before, during, or after a feed.

By itself, the dose is calculated according to the age of the patient. For ease of understanding, summary table of dosages of both drugs:

Focusing only on the table, you can already determine how many drops to give the baby, and when. But before taking any variant of the drug, it is useful to consult a doctor. The drug relieves the symptoms of increased gas formation and colic, but does not eliminate the causes of this phenomenon.

From what age can Espumizan baby, Espumizan L be given to a newborn with colic?

Simethicone is a very correct substance, it works only in the intestines and exclusively with its contents. It is not absorbed into the blood, does not break down, is excreted, in fact, in the same form in which it entered the body. Therefore, both types of carminative can be used by children almost from birth. But from the experience of doctors and mothers, up to 1-2 months of life, it is still better for a child to give Espumizan baby. And only after the first month, switch to option "L".

How often can I give a newborn baby Espumizan baby, Espumizan L with colic?

Newborns are a completely separate category of people. They eat often, and only one product is mother's milk. It doesn't matter if you feed your baby by the clock or on demand. The baby can eat 6 or 10 times a day, or more. It all depends on the nutritional value of your milk and the needs of the baby. And how many times the baby ate per day - so many times he has and possible attacks of colic.
It is for this reason that children up to a year old are recommended to give the drug before, during or after each meal (that is, milk). Since the drug is excreted unchanged from the body, this is acceptable, safe and completely justified.

How quickly does Espumisan work for newborns?

No doctor and no parent with experience can tell you this with accuracy. All breasts are completely different. Everyone's food travels from the mouth to the intestines through the stomach at different speeds. The drug is not absorbed into the blood through the walls of the stomach and will not start working before the moment it “collides” with foam bubbles in the intestines (they are to blame for a hard tummy and bloating). On average, this happens within 10-20 minutes. But with the systemic use of the drug, this is not so important - some part of it will always be in the intestines, preventing gas bubbles from forming and causing discomfort to the baby.

If you comply, constipation in a baby is unlikely. But there are cases when it is formed incorrectly for some internal reasons, not only because of a violation of my mother's.

Very often in such cases, the overflowing intestines cannot work normally and remove the digested milk, also because gas formation increases due to its clogging. And Espumizan can solve this issue.

In theory and in practice, when the gases move away and the intestines relax, it will be easier for him to remove the “stagnant” feces, of course, if there are few of them. And in this case, the medicine seems to help. But you can not treat with carminative drugs. Especially if the constipation is long, and the entire intestine is full. With complete obstruction of the latter, it is strictly forbidden to use a carminative. Therefore, first of all, consult a doctor, cleanse the intestines of the crumbs and eliminate the cause of this phenomenon. Carminative is not a laxative, you should not count on it in such situations.

What to do if Espumizan does not help the newborn, what to replace: analogues

The human body is capricious to the point of impossibility. What helps most "sufferers" may not have any effect on your baby. And what will help him will be ineffective in a hundred other cases.

Not every baby is suitable for Espumizan. In some children, for unknown reasons, it passes through the intestines without any effect. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with the list of possible analogues, maybe one of them will be effective for your baby:

  • Bobotic;
  • Simot;
  • Disflatil;
  • Infacol;
  • colicid;
  • Simethicone;
  • Sub Simplex;
  • Plantex;
  • Enterospasmil;
  • Dicetel.

These are the most popular preparations among parents of newborns, in fact, there are much more carminatives for infants. Choose an analogue carefully, they have the same action, but the compositions are completely different. And no one will give you a 100% answer to the question of what is better for a newborn - Espumizan or the same Bobotik.

Which is better - Plantex or Espumizan for newborns?

With drugs that include simethicone, everything is clear, and they act on the child in about the same way. But with another row of carminatives, everything is not so simple. The same popular Plantex is radically different in composition. In fact, this is grandmother's "dill water", only created on the basis of fennel.
Yes, it is an effective herbal preparation. But you can not say that this medicine is better. It is originally different. It is more difficult to use it - you need to dissolve a bag of granules in warm water and drink the “patient” from a bottle. You won’t use it from birth either - you can only use it from two weeks. This medicine contains a lactose derivative and glucose, which makes it forbidden for children with related problems. But it is not a synthetic, but a natural product.

What will be best for your baby - no one will decide except you. And only after consultation with a good specialist.

Can bifidumbacterin and Espumizan be given to newborns at the same time?

Bifidumbacterin is a probiotic. This is the treatment of gas formation, constipation and other "intestinal" troubles. It creates the correct microflora in the intestines, which is responsible for normal digestion.

Simethicone does not interact with bacteria in any way. Its job is to break up the bubbles and facilitate the elimination of gases from the body. Therefore, both drugs work on their own, without interfering with each other at all.

Is Espumizan harmful to newborns, is there an allergy to it

The drug is absolutely harmless if the baby is not allergic to any of the additional components of the drug. But with newborns and medicines for them, this is always a roulette - you may simply not know that the baby has this allergy. Therefore, sometimes a "side effect" from the use of this carminative is still recorded:

  • skin itching;
  • rashes;
  • hives.

If baby:

  • blushed;
  • restless;
  • reddish spots appeared on the face and body;
  • a rash appeared;
  • baby trying to scratch

this is an allergy, stop using the drug, and together with your doctor, choose an analogue that will "get along" with the baby's body.

Espumizan baby and Espumizan L for newborns: reviews

It is impossible to determine how good this or that drug will be in your case. All children are very different from each other, not only externally, their bodies are different. Some medications work for some, others for others. But to get acquainted with the real experience of young mothers, who at one time, just like you, were looking for a solution to the problem of colic, it will be interesting and useful if you have never used Espumizan:

Alena, 23 years old. Have us colic began roughly with the third week. It is not clear what has changed, she ate the same, fed on demand. But this is terrible - mothers will understand me. I brewed dill seeds - it did not help. Fortunately, the pediatrician Espumizan advised. They drank until six months, and then there was no more colic, a good drug.

Ekaterina, 28 years old. We have colic almost from birth. Whatever they tried, they settled on Espumizan baby. Good product, works fast. Yes, pricey. But my child's health and nerves are more precious to me!

Evgenia, 25 years old. Up to a month they were saved, like everyone else, probably - with dill water. And then she just stopped helping. And all herbal preparations went in transit. We tried Espumizan L, for a couple of months he directly rescued us. And then either the manufacturer started to hack, or we got used to it, I don’t know. But we switched to Bobotik, so far only he helps.

Oksana, 20 years old. We started with Espumizan baby - they write that he is cooler. Gave up to a month somewhere, but it is more expensive. We tried Espumizan L. Yes, it needs to be dripped more, but the effectiveness of this is no worse. So, apart from the amount of syrup in a spoon and the price, I don’t see any difference at all, both medicines are good, respect to the manufacturer.

Espumizan for newborns - video

This video tells in detail about such a carminative drug as Espumizan L. A young mother tells at what age this medicine can be given, and in what quantity.

Colic is the scourge of motherhood. Who faced, he understands. Neither sleep normally, nor live - all the time you think how to alleviate the condition of the baby, “well, what did I eat again”, how to get around the problem. It’s not always the trouble with you and milk, sometimes the baby’s digestive system is simply not ripe, and therefore it “jumps”.

An effective solution to the problem today are carminatives. The most popular is Espumizan based on simethicone. The drug is excellent, tasty, easy to give, no matter if you choose the “baby” or L option. But do not forget to consult with the pediatrician first. Carminative eliminates the symptom - bloating, but does not affect the cause of improper digestion in crumbs.

If you have experience using Espumizan baby or L - share it in the comments, this will guide parents who are faced with the problem of colic and are looking for an effective and reliable drug to eliminate them. Healthy you children, calm days and nights!

Perhaps all young parents know how big a nuisance colic can be in a newborn baby. It is one of the most common problems in both infants and older children today. So that the baby does not suffer from colic, and parents do not spend sleepless nights at the crib, there are a number of medications, the most effective of which is Espumizan for newborns.

Description of the drug Espumizan

Espumizan for children is a carminative drug that is used for increased gas formation in the intestines. This is a medicine that is prescribed for babies and adults for bloating and other disorders of the esophagus. The children's drug is available in the form of a banana-flavored suspension. The sweet taste is very popular with kids. There are two types of Espumizan for children, which differ from each other in the concentration of the substance and dosage. These are Espumizan Baby and Espumizan L for newborns.

In Espumizan L- 25 drops contain 40 mg of the active substance, and in Espumizan Baby - 100 mg. The second form of the drug is much more economical. But both forms of medication are effective.

It helps babies get rid of the accumulation of gases, relieving the pain that occurs with intestinal colic. Simethicone is the main substance of the drug, acting as a defoamer. When planning the diagnosis of the abdominal cavity, an increased amount of foam and mucus fills the intestinal lumen, which makes the examination difficult. Therefore, the baby is given Espumizan, which immediately removes all the symptoms of flatulence. Contraindications include an allergic reaction to the drug and intestinal obstruction.

The accumulation of gas in infants is almost always associated with improper feeding, swallowing excess air during meals, lactose intolerance, and non-compliance with the diet of a nursing mother.

Release form of the drug Espumizan

The drug Espumizan for newborns is available in various forms, which practically do not differ from each other in terms of pharmacological action. The choice of one or another form of release depends primarily on the age of your child.

  1. Espumizan L for newborns in the form of an emulsion is best suited for the treatment of colic. The emulsion is a white viscous liquid with a banana smell. Produced in a 30 ml glass bottle with a dropper cap and a special measuring cap. Espumizan L is convenient to add to infant formula or breast milk.
  2. Espumizan baby for newborns is absolutely similar to Espumizan L. The only difference is the increased content of the active substance (simethicone).
  3. Espumizan 40 is recommended for children older than a year. It is available in the form of a colorless suspension with a fruity odor. The volume of the bottle is 100 milliliters, a measuring spoon is attached.
  4. Espumizan for children over 6 years of age is prescribed in the form of capsules. Capsules of 40 milligrams are available in packs of 25 and 50 pieces (1 or 2 blisters).

The drug Espumizan for newborns in all forms is produced by the German pharmacological company Berlin-Chemie.

Composition and action of the drug Espumizan for newborns

Simethicone is a natural substance that disrupts the formation of gases in the intestines. An important feature of simethicone is that it is not absorbed by the intestines, but is excreted from the body with feces and urine. That is why Espumizan is absolutely safe for newborns.

Also in the composition of the drug there are various excipients - methyl parahydroxybenzoate, cyclamate and sodium saccharinate, hydrochloric acid, flavors and others. The exact list of excipients depends on the form of release.

According to the type of its pharmacological action, Espumizan for newborns belongs to the category of so-called carminatives. The active substance of the drug reduces the amount of gases in the patient's gastrointestinal tract and helps to remove them from the body in a natural way.

After taking the child's well-being improves after 10-20 minutes. Once in the intestinal tract, simethicone destroys large accumulations of gases and brings them out naturally. The substance is not destroyed in the body of the child and is excreted unchanged. The time of exposure to the body varies from 2 to 6 hours.

Instructions for the indication for the use of the drug Espumizan

Symptoms of intestinal colic are very easy to confuse with symptoms of intestinal obstruction, in which Espumizan is strictly prohibited for children, therefore, before using the medicine, the specialist must diagnose the baby.

Indications for the use of Espumizan include:

  • intestinal colic;
  • flatulence;
  • tenside poisoning;
  • preparation for certain types of diagnostic studies (ultrasound, x-ray, etc.)

Dosage of the drug Espumizan for newborns

If you want to give your child Espumizan, you should definitely consult a doctor. Doctors usually prescribe Espumisan in the case when the baby cannot cope with flatulence on its own for three hours. But parents often do not have enough patience, and they begin to give the drug at the first symptoms.

Espumizan L for newborns from colic and bloating give the drug in the form of an emulsion. The dosage depends on the weight of the child and the intensity of the symptoms observed in him. As a rule, the dosage is from 10 to 25 drops of the drug. The frequency of taking the drug can be up to 5 times a day.

It is best to give the baby the drug at mealtimes, adding it to a bottle with breast milk or formula. If your baby is not yet accustomed to a bottle, you should try to give him medicine during breastfeeding. So that he does not spit out the drug, quickly pour drops from a spoon into his mouth and give the breast again. So the baby will not even notice the substitution.

If a week after the start of the use of Espumizan there is no positive effect, you should consult a doctor.

Contraindications and side effects

Subject to the correct dosage, Espumiazan L for newborns is a completely safe drug. Contraindications to the use of the drug include:

  1. intestinal obstruction;
  2. individual intolerance to one or more components of the drug.

The most unpleasant side effect of using Espumizan can be an allergic reaction to simethicone or other ingredients that make up the drug. Therefore, after you have given your child Espumizan for newborns, it is necessary to observe the reaction of the body for some time. As a rule, it begins to act within 10-15 minutes. Classic symptoms of an allergic reaction include:

  • temperature rise;
  • vomiting;
  • swelling in the region of the nasopharyngeal triangle;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • anaphylaxis;
  • headache;
  • hysterical crying that the child tries to tell you about all these symptoms.

In the event of an allergic reaction to Espumizan for children, it is necessary to consult with your doctor, who will select another treatment for the baby.

Benefits of Espumizan

All parents, in the first weeks of a baby's life, must have faced the problem of the formation of intestinal colic in a newborn. And they know firsthand the feeling of helplessness when you don’t know how to help your child. Espumizan for newborns should be in the medicine cabinet of every mother in order to alleviate the condition of the child as soon as necessary. It can be taken as needed.

Why does the drug inspire confidence in parents?

  1. Espumizan really alleviates the condition of the child, with severe intestinal colic.
  2. It is allowed to be used from birth.
  3. Simethicone is completely safe, as it does not penetrate into the blood, and is excreted along with the feces.
  4. Espumizan for children can be used as needed and for a long time, as it is not addictive.
  5. Espumizan Baby is preferable to take, as it is more concentrated and less consumed.
  6. The composition of the drug does not include lactose and sugar, so the drug is well tolerated by children.
  7. Espumizan for newborns interacts with any drugs.
  8. In our country, Espumizan has been used for over 15 years.

The drug is available in compact bottles, so you can carry it with you.

Analogues of the drug Espumizan for newborns

If for some reason your child cannot take Espumizan (for example, due to an allergic reaction), this drug has several analogues:

  • Plantex
  • Dill water
  • Drops Baby Calm
  • Drops Bobotik
  • Drops Sub-Simplex.

Of course, before using these drugs, you should also consult with your doctor.

Is it possible to solve the problem of intestinal colic without resorting to medication?

There are parents who do not want to give their child chemical preparations from the first days of life. And no matter how convincing advertising may sound, they resort to folk methods that were used by our mothers and grandmothers. One of the proven methods is dill water, for the preparation of which fennel seeds are used. A homemade decoction or a ready-made pharmacy solution contributes to the departure of gaziks in a natural way.

Additional help methods

For the natural discharge of gas, the baby is placed on the tummy and the back is massaged with light movements. This method helps to move the gas bubbles towards the outlet. To relax the muscles and eliminate spasms, you can warm the diaper and attach it to the back of the baby.

Gaziki usually bother babies for up to three months, after which the body copes with them on its own. Having become older, the baby begins to roll on the tummy from side to side, which contributes to the rapid release of gases.

When the crumbs have colic in the navel, you can help him with a tummy massage. To do this, carry out light stroking movements around the navel. Massage should be done in circular motions clockwise, it is in this direction that gas bubbles move inside the intestines.

For a quick discharge of gas, exercises that are performed lying on the back help. The child's legs are slightly spread apart and brought to the navel, massaging the tummy with their knees. Then, connecting them together, they lower them down. This exercise can be repeated several times a day, it is effective for mild gas formation. With severe colic, it is better to use Espumizan for children.

Is it possible to overdose with Espumizan?

To date, there have been no cases of overdose.

drug interaction

Espumizan for newborns is not included in chemical reactions with other medicines, so its effect on them has not been identified.

Terms of sale

The drug is freely sold in pharmacies and dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

Terms and conditions of storage

Espumizan for children can be stored at room temperature for three years. But after opening the vial, the drug should be used within 4 weeks.

Price policy

The average cost of Espumizan for newborns in Russia varies from 280 to 670 rubles.

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