Dead bees in folk medicine: this universal vaccine has no equal! Dead bees(2) Preparation of dead bees. Recipes

  • 1. The benefits of dead bees and what is made of it
  • 2. Methods of preparation of bee tincture from dead bee
  • 3. Alcohol tincture of dead bees - application
  • 4. Bee extract and tincture for joint diseases
  • 4.1. Recipe
  • 5. Making an ointment from dried bees
  • 5.1. Recipe
  • 6. Tincture of dead bees - contraindications

Bees bring invaluable benefits to mankind. But, unfortunately, bees do not live very long. On average, the life expectancy of a bee is one and a half months in summer and about 9 months in winter. But, even after their death, they do not stop healing. Of the bees who died a natural death, a dead bee is made. Beekeepers with a long experience of breeding bees always have dried bees in reserve in order to make a tincture of dead bees in the future, the use of which slows down the aging process in the body and has a rejuvenating property.

Podmor from bees is collected during the inspection of the hives the whole summer, or in early spring (after the hibernation of bees). Medicinal value is only normal and whole bees and drones. They must be mold-free, dry and free from foreign odors. Wax with an admixture of honey - this is how fresh bee deadness smells, because the preparation of tincture is always associated with the goal of improving the body as a whole and resisting various ailments.

The benefits of bee deadness and what is made of it

Podmor bee is a unique tool in its composition of chemical compounds and substances. First of all, it is chitosan and melanin. Chitosan is an amazing polysaccharide that has the ability to absorb harmful substances from the body and remove them naturally.

Ordinary bees - the basis of the dead

Accelerates wound healing, acts as an anesthetic and hemostatic agent. Melanin - getting inside the body, acts as a natural enterosorbent, helps to restore the intestinal microflora. In case of poisoning, it acts as an antidote and removes poisons before they enter the bloodstream. Able to protect the skin from external influences and stress. Well, in combination, these two components simply work wonders.

Even in the bee subsea there is bee venom, the magical power of which is widely known.

In addition to these substances, the subpestilence includes: amino acids, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, substances with a hormone-like effect, as well as dietary fiber - all this makes the subpestilence a powerful complex to fight against many diseases. Able to cleanse the body of toxins and heavy metals, speeds up metabolism, slows down the growth of cancer cells, enhances the synthesis of vitamins. Dead bee is a universal thing. From it you can prepare tinctures and extracts, a variety of medicinal ointments, liniments, decoctions, steams and rubbing. Podmore infusion can be used even in the treatment and prevention of diseases in children, as it does not contain alcohol and is completely safe.

Regular use of dried in the oven will help the body get rid of many ailments and increase immune defenses. To do this, it is enough to grind, dried in the oven, dead bees. This powder is diluted with a small amount of water and drunk twice a day: on an empty stomach and at bedtime. Start with half a teaspoon, gradually increasing to a whole. You need to drink regularly.
But the most important question remains that not only sick people, but also healthy people can use tincture from dead bees - for preventive purposes.

Methods for preparing bee tincture from dead bee

Many are interested in how to prepare a tincture from dead bees. In fact, there are a lot of cooking recipes. Someone cooks on water, someone on alcohol, but more often it is made from ordinary vodka.

Recipe for tincture of bee deadness on alcohol. To do this, you need a tablespoon of dried bees and a glass of purified alcohol. Gently top the dead wood and pour into a container with a lid, pour alcohol. Insist in a dark and cool place for 3 weeks. Shake the infusion every day for the first two days, and then once every 3-4 days. That's all, the tincture is ready.

Podmore bee - tincture on the water. Pour 30 grams of dead wood into half a liter of boiling water and simmer for 2 hours over low heat. Then cool, strain through several layers of gauze and pour into a convenient container.

You can store this tincture for no more than 2 weeks in a cold place.

The recipe for tincture of dead bees, on vodka is done in exactly the same way as on alcohol. Only instead of alcohol use high-quality vodka.

So what can be treated with this tincture? In fact, the list of diseases that dead bee tincture saves from is simply endless. The most common: various intestinal inflammations, high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, giardiasis, diseases of the joints, cardiovascular system, eye diseases, cancer and others.

Alcohol tincture of bee deadness - application

It has truly healing qualities, and it would not be bad to have such a bottle at home, instead of pharmacological preparations.

  1. Weightloss remedy. It improves metabolic processes throughout the body, thanks to this, it helps to fight excess weight. It also cleanses the intestines, removes toxins and heavy metals. 30 minutes before meals, drink 15 drops, and so 3 times a day. The duration of the course is one month. Then 2 months - a break, and repeat the course again. Note: should not be taken during a complete hunger strike and during fasting, the opposite effect may occur.
  2. Podmor bee, tincture in the treatment of giardiasis. Drink 25 drops after meals 3 times a day for a month.
  3. To improve the body as a whole and strengthen the immune system. For the prevention of diseases, 20 drops are used 2 times a day for 2 months.
  4. Podmore tincture, use in diabetics. The tincture should be diluted with water to a concentration of 5% and drink 15 drops after meals all the time, i.e. there should be no breaks.
  5. Treatment of various oncologies. With such a disease, treatment will be long, sometimes more than a year. Within a month, you need to drink tincture of 2 tablespoons (dilute in a small amount of honey water) 15 minutes before meals. Do it three times a day. Then 2 months for a break, and again the course.
  6. Myoma of the uterus. Twice a day, 1 tablespoon diluted with water. It is taken daily until complete recovery.
  7. Prostatitis and impotence. 20 drops after meals for 2 months.
  8. Diseases of the genitourinary system. 2 times a day before meals, 1 tablespoon during a monthly course.

Bee extract and tincture for joint diseases

In addition to alcohol tinctures, there is no less effective healing agent - the extract of bee deadness. Prepared on the basis of any vegetable oil. Mix 1 tablespoon of crushed dried bees with 1 cup of heated oil. Shake vigorously for at least 20 minutes.

It must be stored in the refrigerator, in any dark container.

It is used as compresses and applications for pain in the joints and spine, has a therapeutic effect in diseases of the joints and hernia of the spine.

How to use: pour the amount of extract you need, heat it in a water bath, soak the fabric and apply it on the sore spot. From above, cover the compress with polyethylene and wrap it with something warm. Keep at least half an hour.

I would like to focus on the tincture for joints from dead bees for external use. How is it different from regular tincture? She is more concentrated.


1 glass of crushed subpestilence is poured into 0.5 liters. vodka, and insist 3 weeks in a dark and cool place, shaking occasionally. Used as compresses, applications and rubs for diseases of the veins, joints and spine.

Before the procedure, you need to wash the painful places with soap and warm water.

And after the procedure - rinse with cool water and gently pat dry with a towel. It is very important not to rub, namely to get wet.

Making an ointment from dried bees

A tincture of dead bees is used inside, but for skin diseases, it should also be used as a local remedy.


Mix 2 tablespoons of dead bee powder thoroughly in a glass of melted any animal fat. It can be pork, goose, chicken or badger. Ideally - badger fat. Simmer in a glass jar in a water bath for 2 hours, closed with a lid. Cool and store in a cool place. This ointment can cure eczema, psoriasis and many skin diseases.

Liniment from bees helps with joint pain and thrombophlebitis. Mix 1 tablespoon of bee powder with a glass of hot olive oil, shake well.

With the appearance of pain, it is enough to rub this remedy in a warm form and the pain will subside.

With mastitis, panaritiums, varicose veins and boils, a good helper will be steaming from a subpestilence. Pour half a glass of bee powder with hot, but not boiling water and cover with a lid.

Water is needed 3 cm above the powder level. Let it brew for 20 minutes. Squeeze the resulting steam through gauze. Put a clean piece of gauze on the affected area, and cover with a warm, squeezed mass on top. Cover with polyethylene and wrap. Keep until completely cool.

If the tincture of subpestilence is used in conjunction with external agents, a double effect and a speedy recovery are obtained.

It is advisable to add any beekeeping products to any products prepared on the basis of dead wood immediately before use. This is necessary to improve the therapeutic effect. For example, dilute alcohol tincture with honey water, or mix with propolis tincture. Wax or honey can be added to products for external use.

Podmore infusion

During treatment with drugs from the dead, you need to adhere to proper nutrition. The diet should not contain fatty, spicy, salty foods. Do not drink alcoholic beverages. Drink plenty of fluids, because all toxins and poisons are excreted from the body in the form of sweat and through the kidneys. With proper and long-term use, the result will not be long in coming.

Podmore infusion, application. Infusion is the same tincture, only on water. It is used by people who cannot consume alcohol-containing products. Recommended for patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and children.

Tincture of bee deadness - contraindications

As with all medications, there are contraindications. Not recommended for children under 3 years of age.

Tincture of bee deadness on alcohol is not used in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women.

The use of tincture is contraindicated in case of exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and for people who are allergic to bee products. The use of podmore tincture, the use of which can give such side effects: thins the blood, increases blood pressure, allergic dermatitis, possible fever, muscle spasm, and very rarely insomnia, when applied externally, it can irritate the skin.

In the apiary, the bodies of dead bees can be found throughout the year. To collect high-quality dead bees, it is best to do this in the spring, performing a “revision” of the hives. During this period, beekeepers remove dead individuals from bee houses after wintering. To ensure the proper use of dead bees, it is worth paying close attention to its freshness, quality: the presence of mold, an unpleasant odor is excluded, plus everything, it should not be treated with chemicals. As a rule, in spring, beekeepers get a clean, fresh podmor, the characteristics of which fully meet the requirements.

The most valuable composition of unique raw materials

Scientists managed to thoroughly study the chitinous cover of bees, thanks to which conclusions were drawn about the extraordinary value of the substances present in it, such as chitosan, heparoids. The bee body itself contains useful propolis, the most valuable honey, wax, pollen, drone, royal jelly, amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, valuable minerals. In addition, the content of poison, hormone-like substances is noted in the composition of the subpestilence.

It is noteworthy that the fatty substances contained in the sea have properties that are superior in healing properties to the famous fish oil. As a result, medicinal preparations from dead bees are in many cases used for therapeutic, and often for preventive purposes. In particular, heparin, obtained by extracting from the chitinous covers of honey plants, is used for the production of very expensive, effective drugs.

Widest Application

Today, the medicine from dead bees is in demand in various fields. In particular, it is used, if necessary, to improve the condition of blood vessels, to stabilize pressure, and eliminate inflammatory processes in the body. It has the ability to increase immunity, rid the human body of worms, tuberculosis bacillus, giardia, mycoplasma. With the help of preparations with a base - bee subpestilence, it is possible to remove toxins - heavy metals in the form of salts, radioactive isotopes. Possessing anti-radiation properties, subpestilence serves as the basis for the creation of drugs for cancer.

The use of dead bees

The effective use of dead bees has been known for a long time. Galen, a famous doctor from ancient Greece, practiced the treatment of carbuncles, various gum diseases using deadly. The eminent thinker Pliny managed to heal dysentery, eye diseases.

Today, there are many options for how to use dead bees - effective decoctions, tinctures, alcohol solutions, powders.


In order to prepare a decoction without problems, you will need to pour water (0.5 l.), Podmore (1 tbsp.), Boil for 2 hours on a weak flame. After that, it is necessary to infuse the decoction for another two hours, and then strain. The monthly course of admission involves the use of 100 grams of decoction 1 - 2 times a day. After a ten-day break is made, and then the course is repeated.


To prepare the steam, you will need to steam the dead sea (100 gr.) With hot water (15 min.). Next, the resulting mass is well squeezed through gauze. It is recommended to apply gauze to the sore spot. It is also possible to set up compresses with bee mass laid on top of gauze. The compress is fixed with a bandage, after which it is covered with a cellophane film and left to cool.


Podmore powder is made by frying bee bodies (1 teaspoon) for 5 minutes in vegetable oil (50 gr.). Then the mixture is cooled, crushed, taken on an empty stomach - 1 tsp. (1 - 2 months).


For proper preparation of the ointment, the dead (1 tbsp) is kneaded into powder, poured with vegetable oil (1 cup). The product is stored in the refrigerator.

Alcohol tincture

About the means alcohol tincture from dead bees: application and reviews are positive, since its entry into the human body occurs very quickly. There are no difficulties in preparing an infusion of dead bees with an alcohol content. To do this, you will need to grind the subpestilence (1 tbsp), which should be poured with vodka (400 grams) or other liquid (containing 40% alcohol), insist 3 weeks, periodically shaking the infusion. It will undoubtedly be necessary to practice the use of alcohol tincture from dead bees, depending on a particular disease. As a rule, the remedy is taken as follows: 15 - 20 drops after meals (twice a day).

It is quite logical that the answer to the question: “What diseases will tincture from dead bees most effectively help against?” - the answer will contain a large list of diseases. In particular, it helps to stabilize blood pressure, improve the state of the cardiovascular system, and heal kidney diseases. Also effective is the treatment of cerebral vessels with dead bees, which is noted by many medical workers.

Women suffering from manifestations of mastopathy are recommended in the mornings and evenings to lubricate the chest with a remedy - an effective tincture from dead bees, in addition, it is necessary to take the infusion inside (1 tbsp - three times a day on an empty stomach).

In the presence of edema, tincture from the death of bees on vodka is taken on an empty stomach. You should start with 10 drops, then the dose is increased by a drop (after 2 days). Having brought the intake to 20 drops, the remedy must be taken for three weeks. Next, you need to make a monthly pause, and then resume the reception according to the old scheme.

The first flu symptoms are a signal to initiate treatment with dead bee tincture plus wax moth (equal parts). This infusion is taken three times a day. To enhance the effectiveness, it is recommended to drink the infusion with honey water.

In order to guarantee an increase in immunity in the elderly, to carry out the prevention of senile dementia, it is useful to use tincture from dead bees (six months - a year). The dose is calculated on an individual basis - the patient's age is taken into account (the number of drops corresponds to the years already lived). According to studies, tincture from dead bees on vodka: the use and reviews of older people indicate a positive result. The tool increases activity, makes the course of chronic ailments easier.

The unique healing properties of the tincture on the dead bees will come in handy in the treatment of varicose veins, goiter, and fibroids.

Man's health

With the use of bee subpestilence, it is possible to achieve healing of problematic male ailments. In particular, the treatment of the prostate by dead bees, an unpleasant adenoma, is very effective. Patients who use podmore regularly, there is a decrease in tumors, restoration of the functions of the outflow of urine, the secretion of the prostate gland is normalized. As a rule, the greatest effectiveness is given by a course conducted for several months.

Very effective decoction, including honey, propolis. Podmore (1st.l) is simply filled with water (half a liter), boiled for two hours on a weak flame. After settling (2 hours), the broth is filtered, there are added: honey (2 tablespoons), propolis (2 tablespoons). This decoction is taken for a month 2 times a day. After a week break, the reception should be resumed. The greatest effect is observed from taking at least four courses.

With prostatitis, adenoma, the healing properties of the tincture from dead bees will be enhanced if equal proportions of drone homogenate, wax moth extract are added to the product. The remedy is taken three times a day (1 tsp each).

Faced with the problem of impotence - you need to know how to treat dead bees. To heal sexual dysfunction, you need to learn how to make a tincture of dead bees: 1 tsp. powder means is poured with boiled water (0.7 liters), then boiled on a weak flame (2 hours), infused (3 - 4 hours), filtered. The following are added to the decoction: pollen (1 tsp), May honey (2 tbsp), propolis alcohol extract 10% (3 tsp). The funds are taken 2-3 times a day (1 tbsp each). Recommended course 2 - 3 months.

Recipes for joints

Today, in practice, effective treatment of joints with dead bees is noted, these diseases are perfectly healed with the use of alcohol tincture, ointment.

Dead bees - contraindications

Absolutely all drugs have a certain list of contraindications for use. It is logical that this also applies to dead bees. Proper use of the remedy eliminates any negative side effects.

The use of podmore is not recommended during pregnancy, breastfeeding. Also, this tool is not suitable for people who have noted cardiovascular insufficiency, mental disorder. Dead bees are not recommended for patients suffering from a heart attack or stroke. It is not necessary to resort to the use of the product by persons with intolerance to any bee products. Toddlers (up to three years old) are included in the list of persons for whom bee death is not recommended due to the high risk of a negative reaction of the body.

The medicine from dead bees and its miraculous properties became known immediately after the start of the development of beekeeping. It can be prepared in several variations, while preparations made from this bee product have a lot of useful properties, preventing the development of certain diseases and strengthening the general condition of the whole organism.

As the name suggests, these are dead bees. These insects live for a maximum of six months, so the family is constantly replenished with new individuals. The time of death of bees determines the types of death. There are two of them:

  1. Summer.

    The collection at this time of the year is small, but the best. Insects die near the hives, and their brethren carry the corpses away from home. The quality of the drug is enhanced by a large amount of poison in the bodies, which is an active component that interacts with the human body.

  2. Winter.

    Bee scree in the cold season is due to infections, cold and hunger.

    Some waste products remain in dead bees, so you should not be treated with winter pestilence, as this will only harm your health.

Why is this tool so useful?

This traditional medicine is excellent for maintaining immunity and alleviating the symptoms of a number of diseases. To permanently get rid of the disease, it must be taken for a long time and regularly.

Sea is treated:

  • oncology;
  • pain in the joints;
  • diabetes;
  • potency disorders, prostatitis;
  • hepatic diseases;
  • obesity;
  • atherosclerosis.

Scree slows down the aging process in the body, protects it from tumors, poisoning, reduces the load on the liver and kidneys, improves the functioning of the thyroid gland, cleanses the circulatory system.

What active substances help to recover?

Each of the parts of the subpestilence has its own specific properties:

  1. The main source of health is the bee's body. It contains honey, royal jelly, wax, propolis and pollen.
  2. The chitinous cover contains heparin, which improves blood clotting and slows down the process of blood clots. This chemical is also found in the shell of crustaceans, but in much smaller quantities.
  3. Bee venom has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antibacterial effect.
  4. Bee fat, which does not increase cholesterol and is completely absorbed by the body.
  5. It is in summer that it is best to collect scree, because during the winter bees accumulate dietary fiber. They contribute to the proper functioning of the digestive tract, remove harmful substances and excess fluid.

How to make a cure for dead bees?

There is a certain sequence of actions, following which you will collect high-quality deadwood as quickly as possible. For this you need:

  1. Collect insects in a cardboard box.
  2. Sift thoroughly to remove wax and debris.
  3. Dry in an oven with a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees for 30-40 minutes.
  4. Cool and grind into powder.

Still "whole" bees can be frozen, and finished raw materials should be stored only in linen bags in a dry, warm place.

It is necessary to carefully monitor that the powder obtained as a result of grinding does not deteriorate: if it is not properly stored, harmful insects can start in it, or due to an excess of moisture, the dead wood will become unusable.

Healing potion recipes

The scree can be used both internally and externally. The most common options are ointment, decoction, alcohol solution and steam.

Alcohol infusion

Take two large spoons of powder, dissolve in 500 ml of alcohol or vodka. Infuse for three weeks under a closed lid in the dark. The first seven days you need to shake the solution daily, then you can every three days.

After insisting, strain the liquid, pour into a container with a well-closing lid. You can start taking two drops a day. If side effects do not appear, increase the dose to the recommended dose for your diagnosis.

For the treatment of diabetes mellitus, five drops are prescribed after meals, with fibroids - three large spoons per day. Giardia can be cured in 1 month by taking at least 30 drops three times a day.

Alcohol infusion for grinding

For application to the skin, you can use the winter plague, when the corpses contain feces. It is necessary to dissolve a glass of powder in 500 ml of vodka. Then do everything the same as in the previous recipe.
Rubbing joints and muscles, making compresses is possible only after the skin is rubbed with laundry soap. Keep the compresses for 15-30 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with water.

solution in water

Pour one large spoonful of mora with a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour. Allow the preparation to cool and strain. The expiration date is 5 days. To improve immunity, take a tablespoon three times a day before meals.


In this form, pestilence is used to reduce pain in the joints, relieve fatigue in the legs. Mix a tablespoon of the drug with 200 ml of slightly warm vegetable oil or animal fat, let it brew for two to three hours. The ointment is stored in the refrigerator.

fried sea

It is a good remedy for the treatment of myopia. Fry two tablespoons of the mixture in a large volume of vegetable oil and take the course.


The recipe helps to get rid of hernias, fibrocystic disease, varicose veins. Pour the drug into a bowl and pour hot water 2 cm more. Leave for about twenty minutes under a closed lid, and then wrap the mixture in a napkin or gauze and apply to the sore spot. Be sure to wrap up so you don't catch a cold.

The use of subpestilence in its purest form

To do this, dry the bee bodies in the oven for 10-15 minutes, chop and place in a dry container. You can take the powder before meals, starting with 1/6 of a teaspoon. The maximum dose is one teaspoon.

The preparation prepared in this way has a pleasant smell of roasted seeds. If an unpleasant sensation still occurs, mix the drug with water or milk. Add the mixture to cereals, soups, salads, and then you won't even notice it.

Contraindications to the use of tincture

Before you prepare a medicine from dead bees, be sure to consult with your doctor. Such treatment is not suitable for everyone, despite the large amount of vitamins in it. 3% of the world's population is allergic to bee stings, and 2% cannot tolerate all bee products. But even a healthy person may experience the following side effects on dead bees:

  • muscle spasms;
  • elevated temperature and pressure;
  • insomnia;
  • skin irritation;
  • excitation of the nervous system.

The infusion of the medicine contains alcohol, the use of which is contraindicated in such diseases:

  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • alcoholism;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • diseases of the lungs and brain;
  • addiction;
  • cardiovascular insufficiency;
  • infectious diseases;
  • fever;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • low blood clotting.

Be attentive to your health and remember that this bee product is only an assistant to the body, and not a panacea.

Not everyone knows what a dead bee is. This is the name of bees that have died. From them you can prepare a healing agent that cures many diseases. During the year, the bees constantly die, but it is difficult to collect them, because these insects carry their dead counterparts as far as possible from the hive. Therefore, in sufficient quantities, you can get it in winter, when the bees are sleeping. To do this, periodically check the hive and select the dead bees. Nice, usable podmore, clean and fresh. No mold, no signs of obvious disease. If you managed to collect such specimens, useful decoctions and tinctures are obtained from them.

Video: Recipes from bee subpestilence

What do decoctions from the deadness treat?

  1. In bee wings there is a unique substance - chitin. It successfully relieves various inflammations and reduces blood pressure.
  2. There is a lot of heparin in chitin, so the cold weather transforms the human circulatory system, makes the vessels elastic.
  3. Absorbs and removes toxins from the body.
  4. Reduces cholesterol. People who drink decoctions of dead bees are less likely to develop diabetes.
  5. Quickly heals wounds, promotes the resorption of sutures.
  6. Rejuvenates the body.
  7. Helps to lose weight.

How to prepare a decoction

To prepare the podmor for the preparation of a decoction, it must first be cleaned of debris. To do this, dead bees are sifted through a large colander, only clean, mold-free insects are selected. Spread on a baking sheet and dry well in the oven. It takes two hours to dry.

Recipe: after that, take two large tablespoons of dry dead wood, put it in a saucepan and fill it with half a liter of cold water. Put the container on the fire and boil for 10 minutes. Then reduce the fire to the smallest, and simmer it on the stove for about half an hour. After that, leave the pan for two or three hours, let it cool. Then, through a three-layer gauze, strain the finished broth. This recipe improves the condition in various diseases.

Thyroid treatment

For diseases of the thyroid gland, drink a decoction of dead bees. It must be taken within three weeks. Half a glass half an hour before meals. If the thyroid gland is greatly enlarged, it is recommended to do compresses. Moisten a piece of gauze well in strained sea water and put on the throat. Keep at least two hours. Repeat for 10 days in a row, then take a break for a week, and then repeat again.

Decoction for joints

When joints hurt and with arthritis, you need to make lotions from the decoction. It is necessary to start treatment from five minutes, evenly increasing the time. When the count reaches 15 minutes, break for 10 days. With a bruised knee or elbow, a lotion from the decoction will also help.

Recipe for treatment. Apply well-soaked gauze on the sore spot and the swelling will quickly pass. There is an anesthetic in dead bees, so a bruise or sprain will immediately stop whining and hurting.

Arterial pressure

If blood pressure often rises, it is necessary to drink a decoction. Recommended dose: half a glass before meals.


A decoction of dead bees reduces blood sugar levels. This folk remedy has been known for a long time. In bees, there is a substance that stimulates the pancreas, and therefore lowers blood sugar. Take a quarter cup before meals and remember to control your glucose levels.

Podmore for weight loss

Many women are surprised to learn that the dead can significantly reduce weight. And this is no coincidence, because it stabilizes the metabolism, which means that food is well absorbed and fat ceases to be deposited in unnecessary places.

Getting rid of excess weight should be taken responsibly. If you decide to start taking a decoction of dead bees, then it’s better not to stop halfway, but go through the entire course to the end, and then this recipe will not disappoint you.

    Preparing a drink for weight loss is easy. You need to take 4 large spoons of poison, pour a liter of water and simmer for two hours on low heat. When the liquid has cooled, strain and add two tablespoons of honey and a few teaspoons of propolis tincture. Stir the medicine until the honey is completely dissolved. Be sure to take half a glass three times a day before meals. Such a decoction reduces the feeling of hunger, breaks down fats in the body. Metabolism speeds up, and kilograms quickly go away.

If there is no time to stand at the stove for a long time, you can make a decoction of dead wood in a thermos. The recipe for this preparation is very simple:

    Scald dry thermos with boiling water. Pour a spoonful of poison into it and pour boiling water over it. Insist all night, and in the morning put honey and propolis. It is desirable to prepare such a decoction at the rate of one day. Because fresh liquid is healthier, and after a few days it loses its properties. In extreme cases, the broth can be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than three days!

In order to achieve a stronger effect, it is good to dilute the finished decoction of dead wood with tinctures of various medicinal herbs. This enhances the effect of the drug.

Herbal decoctions:

  • In the treatment of impotence, dead bees are very effective. You can just drink a decoction, or you can dilute it with medicinal herbs one to two. The recipe is easy and effective. Brew calamus, sage, aloe and yarrow in a steam bath. Cool and dilute the broth with them. Mix well and add honey. Herbs, in tandem with the death, increase the outflow of blood in the scrotum, the treatment will be better and give a quick result.
  • If there are a lot of pimples on the skin, it is inflamed and ugly, lotions from dead skin will help cleanse it. To get rid of this disease, there is such recipe: Brew a strong decoction of calendula, dissolve a spoonful of honey in it and dilute it with reduced deadness. On a glass of calendula, half a glass of decoction of dead bees . Application: moisten a piece of gauze abundantly in liquid and make a compress on the face. Keep 15 min. Podmor will relieve inflammation, and calendula, enhanced by the healing properties of podmor, will quickly cleanse the face.
  • It has long been known that deadness restores hair follicles. Cosmetologists successfully use this remedy for baldness. You can help your hair at home. To do this, prepare a decoction of dead bees, it is well evaporated and cooled. Separately, coltsfoot flowers, calamus grass and nettles are insisted. Mix both compositions and rub thoroughly into the hair roots every day. This recipe will not only get rid of hair loss, but also reduce dandruff.

For pain in the joints, knees, bones, in addition to the decoction, it is advisable to use the steam from the dead. If the treatment is combined, the effect will be greater.

Video: Podmore medicines

How to cook steam?

Rasp is easy to prepare. Here is the recipe: Pour two tablespoons of dried bees into a deep saucepan, pour a glass of hot water into it . Rasp is ready.

Important! In no case do not pour boiling water. Leave the mixture for 15 minutes, and then carefully strain the resulting broth into a mug. Put steamed, soft bodies of bees on a clean cloth and apply to problem areas. From above, the compress is covered with cellophane and tied with a warm scarf. You need to keep it until the steam has completely cooled down.

Treatment of osteochondrosis

When a lot of salts accumulate on the spine, it is difficult to turn your head, your back hurts, a decoction of dead bees can also bring relief. The steam from this product is applied to the neck and lower back. Begin treatment with five minutes and gradually increase to 15 minutes. It is noticed that relief will come faster if you drink a decoction in the morning and evening.

It is remarkable that bee subpestilence has practically no contraindications. It is useful for everyone, both adults and children. In order not to catch the flu or a cold in the winter, they drink a couple of spoons of subpestilence in the morning. Immunity is restored very quickly. And if you carry out prevention constantly, then you can forget about the runny nose and cough.

Do not forget that before you start treatment with dead bees, you need to cleanse your body. To do this, a week before the start of the reception, give up sweet, fatty and salty. Go to the bath! Start exercising and then the decoctions from the subpestilence will be able to better help your body.

The benefits of bee products are undeniable. Many of them are valued not only for their medicinal properties, but also for their taste and aroma. Such a specific beekeeping product as dead bee does not correspond to the listed characteristics. These are the bodies of dead bees that did not survive the winter. It is difficult for many to accept that dead insects can benefit health. But it is so. Even after death, bees remain natural healers.

Dead bees are harvested in the spring. Its quality depends on the cleanliness of the beekeeper. If the owners were not too lazy to clean the hives in the winter, then after it ends, only fresh dead wood with a minimum amount of garbage remains. If the audit of the hives has not been carried out, the insect bodies that have lain for a long time can become moldy and acquire a musty smell. Such raw materials cannot be used for medical purposes.

Podmor can be used immediately after being removed from the hives and cleared of debris, but it can also be harvested. Sifted or washed insects are dried in the oven at minimum temperatures, and then laid out in dry breathing containers.

Benefits of dead bees

Healers have long used dead death to get rid of many diseases. Scientists have confirmed the value of the product. The healing properties of bee deadness lie in its composition. Bee bodies are unique in that they consist of substances that were produced during life - these are bee milk, propolis, bee venom, fat and wax.

Another noteworthy is the chitinous layer covering insects. It contains a large number of valuable components that can bring great benefits to the human body.

Chitosan, which is part of the composition, is able to combine with fat molecules and interfere with its absorption. The fat bound in this way is excreted by the body unchanged. This substance absorbs toxins in the intestines, promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria and has an antimicrobial effect. Regular use improves cholesterol metabolism. When applied externally, it will help in the healing of wounds and ulcers. Another remarkable property of chitosan is its anti-radiation effect.

Heparin, which is present in the chitinous shell, is used in modern pharmacology for the preparation of agents that slow down blood clotting. The substance is able to improve coronary blood flow. It reduces the risk of developing thromboembolic diseases and myocardial infarction.

The substance does not lose quality during heat treatment, which makes it possible to prepare healing decoctions from dead wood. The funds have the same properties as bee venom - improves sleep, general tone, appetite, dilates blood vessels, increases hemoglobin and reduces blood clotting.

Another valuable component contained in the sea is bee fat. It is distinguished by a unique set of phytosterols and polyunsaturated acids. The component is involved in the synthesis of eicosanoids. It can be used to normalize blood pressure, improve immunity and regulate other functions.

In case of prostate adenoma, as well as in the presence of a violation of sexual functions, it is recommended to use the subpestilence in the form of an alcohol tincture. It should be consumed 2 times a day in the amount of 30 drops before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month. Next, you need to interrupt for 1.5 weeks, then resume taking. You need to spend 3-4 courses.

Infusion for weight loss is prepared as follows:

  1. 2 tbsp podmora grind to powder. Place the powder and 0.5 liters of boiling water in a thermos and leave for 12 hours.
  2. Infusion drink every morning. Breakfast after consumption is allowed 1.5 half an hour.

For weight loss, a tincture of dead bees can be taken. It is prepared as described above. It is recommended to take it 3 times a day on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp. A decoction for weight loss is taken in the same way.

The product cannot be called harmless. The harm of dead bees lies in the fact that it is a strong allergen. It can cause allergic reactions not only in those who cannot tolerate bee products, but also in people who are allergic to dust and chitin.

It should be abandoned in the presence of blood diseases, an acute form of thrombosis, a serious violation of the heart rhythm, aneurysm of the heart and acute mental illness.

Caution should be taken with the means of subpestilence during the period of feeding and during pregnancy.

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