Cucumber herb borage (borage) - useful properties, planting and care. Medicinal properties of borage

Moreover, this plant is universal - suitable for both soups and desserts.

This is an annual herbaceous plant up to 30-50 cm high. The stem is branched. The lower leaves are oblong-ovate, petiolate, wrinkled, the upper ones are oblong-lanceolate, sessile.

As you can see in the photo, the borage plant has small, blue, drooping flowers on long pedicels with a bell-shaped corolla:

Blooms in June-July. Ripen in July-September.

The homeland of the plant is the African coast of the Mediterranean Sea and Asia Minor. The leaves and flowers of the plant have long been used to lift the spirit, increase the courage of Roman soldiers. In the 15th century, borage flowers began to be used to uplift the spirit.

Often found as a weed in fields and wastelands in the Crimea, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Cultivated as a vegetable crop, since the leaves have a pleasant cucumber smell and are widely used in salads, they are sprinkled on top of boiled.

Growing and caring for borage

Cucumber grass is grown on light, non-acidic, well-moistened fertile soils. Cucumber grass is sown before winter or early spring to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. Row spacing is 40-45 cm. The sowing rate of borage seeds is 3-4 g/m2. Seedlings are thinned twice, leaving 15-20 cm between plants. The growing season is 70-80 days.

Caring for borage is to keep the soil loose and weed-free. During the growing season, at least three inter-row treatments are carried out: starting from the phase of 3-4 true leaves until the plants close in a row. The depth of processing is increased from 5-6 cm to 10-12 cm. If necessary, weed control in a row is carried out one or two manual weeding.

Harvest by hand in the phase of a well-developed rosette before the appearance of a flowering stem. Plants are cut at the level of the soil or pulled out with roots; before laying in a container, the earth must be removed from the roots.

Usually, diseases and pests are not observed on the grass, and pesticides can be dispensed with.

When cutting raw materials, do not forget that the plant is an annual and seeds will be needed for sowing next year. Therefore, leave 3-4 plants. You don't have to wait for all the seeds to ripen. If you wait for the latter, then the first largest ones will simply crumble. Therefore, when the last flowers begin to bloom, cut off the flower stalks and lay them out on paper in a dry place. As it dries, the unripe seeds of borage borage will ripen, and the ripe ones will spill out onto paper. After that, you can collect them and wait for the next season.

The borage runs wild very easily and can become a malicious weed, therefore, when grown in fields and vegetable gardens, its growth must be carefully monitored so that it does not spread to areas occupied by other plants.

See how borage borage looks like in the photo when grown in the garden:

Useful properties of seeds and flowers of borage borage

Medicinal raw materials are grass, flowers and seeds of the plant. The grass is cut during flowering near the ground itself, cleaned of poor-quality lower leaves. Dry in the sun, laying out a thin layer, or in a ventilated area.

Seeds can be collected in unlimited quantities, however, one must take into account the fact that the seeds crumble quickly, and when they are brought to ripeness indoors, the seeds can be eaten.

The beneficial properties of borage borage are due to the fact that it contains up to 30% of mucous substances, saponins, tannins, traces of essential oils, organic acids, resins, flavonoids, allantoin, carotenes, vitamins, silicic acid. Also, the benefits of borage are due to the content of magnesium salts, manganese, potassium nitrate and others.

The flowers are also edible. They decorate various dishes, especially salads. In drinks, borage leaves enhance the existing aroma, they do not transfer their smell to drinks. The flowers are also eaten candied.

Medicines from borage herb

Cucumber herb medicines can have a calming, diuretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, laxative, regulating metabolic processes, enveloping, antirheumatic effect.

For the treatment of kidney diseases drink fresh juice. To do this, the lower leaves are collected, washed with water, scalded with boiling water, turned through a meat grinder and squeezed through a cloth. Before use, the juice is diluted with whey or boiled water in equal parts, boiled for three minutes. You need to drink juice 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals, 3 tablespoons.

For the treatment of heart diseases, an infusion is made from leaves and flowers of grass: two tablespoons of crushed dry raw materials are poured into 250 ml of boiling water, the container is covered, insisted for five hours, filtered. It is recommended to drink the infusion 5-6 r / day, two tablespoons, 30 minutes before meals. Treatment lasts 1-2 weeks.

The use of borage in the treatment of depression is also widespread. In this case, freshly squeezed juice helps - it is drunk in a tablespoon three times a day.

For the treatment of gout, lotions are made on sore joints from grass. To do this, fresh leaves are kneaded, and dry ones are steamed with boiling water. Putting grass on the sore spot, polyethylene is applied on top, wrapped with a warm cloth. It is better to do such compresses at night. You also need to consider that the grass can stain bedding and compress fabric.

Juice helps with neurodermatitis and skin irritations. It is diluted 1:1 with water and then the affected areas are treated.

With a disturbed menstrual cycle, rheumatism, dry collection helps: take one tablespoon of raw materials, pour a glass of boiling water, insist until it cools, filter. Drink infusion on a tablespoon three times a day. It is also noticed that the use of the plant helps to alleviate the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome.

The plant can be included in the diet menu for diseases of the vessels, gallbladder, kidneys, infarction, cardiac neurosis: the plant tends to regulate metabolism, reduce the excitability of the nervous system. For the same reason, the herb helps with insomnia.

With nervous disorders, colitis, joint pain caused by a cold, with gastritis with low acidity, prepare such a decoction: 20 g of leaves should be boiled for 10 minutes in 250 ml of water, over low heat. Drink a decoction of a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. Since the leaves appear in early spring, they are recommended to be included regularly in your diet to reduce the severity of beriberi symptoms.

Cucumber herb recipes: salads and okroshka

The leaves are used as a substitute for cucumbers in okroshka, vegetable, mushroom and meat salads, vinaigrettes, cold borscht, as seasonings for meat, fish and cereal dishes. Various drinks are prepared from flowers with the addition of honey, wine, vegetable and berry juices, fruit drinks, flowers are added to kvass and tea. The roots collected in autumn are used to flavor wines, flavor beer, tinctures.

When preparing various dishes according to recipes from borage herb, only fresh leaves should be used, as dried or frozen ones lose their flavor. This also applies to hot dishes - they are recommended to season them before serving. A small amount of finely chopped greens will greatly improve the taste of a stew or fish dish.

Salad with pepper and sauerkraut

Ingredients: 300 g of borage leaves, 300 g of sweet pepper, 300 g of sauerkraut, vegetable oil.

Combine the washed finely chopped borage with slices of sweet pepper, add cabbage. Dress salad with borage herb with vegetable oil.

Salad with tomatoes and nuts

Compound: 100 g chopped borage leaves, 200 g, 5 chopped walnuts. Mix everything, season with vegetable oil.

Meshcherskaya okroshka

A few young leaves of borage herb finely chop and grind. 4-5 leaves of watercress, 60 g green onions, 1 tbsp. chop finely. Add 80 g boiled potatoes cut into cubes, 1 egg, 80 g boiled meat or sausage, sour cream, salt and sugar to taste. Before serving, pour okroshka with borage herb into kvass.

Okroshka with kvass

Boiled potatoes, meat and eggs are finely chopped, green onions and eggs are rubbed with salt with a pestle; everything is mixed with chopped borage, poured with kvass, finely chopped dill, sugar, mustard are added.

For 0.5 l of bread kvass - 60 g of boiled beef or sausage, 50 g of potatoes, 60 g of borage, 40 g of green onions, 15 g of dill, 1 egg, 30 g of sour cream, salt, sugar, mustard.

Borage Cucumber Recipes


Compound: 0.5 l of beetroot broth, 2-3 boiled potatoes, 1 boiled beetroot, 200 g of chopped borage, other herbs (to taste), sour cream, salt. Cut vegetables and greens, pour beetroot broth (you can kvass - then you get okroshka), season with sour cream. You can add boiled eggs and meat to this dish.

Cream soup with herbs

For 165 ml of water - 1 bunch of borage, dill, tarragon and basil, 2 bunches of chives and herbs, 2 tsp. sugar, 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp ground allspice, 2-3 tbsp. lemon juice, 5 tbsp. any vegetable oil, except sunflower, 1/2 tsp. mayonnaise and sour cream, 100 g of fresh cottage cheese, 2 hard-boiled eggs. Rinse the greens, let the water drain, remove the stems, finely chop, put in a porcelain bowl, sprinkle with lemon juice, mix with vegetable oil and let it brew for 5 minutes. Add mayonnaise, cottage cheese, sour cream to hot water and beat with a mixer. Then chop the eggs, spicy greens and mix with the rest of the products. Serve in small bowls as an independent dish with croutons or as a sauce for fish.

Borago stew

Borage leaves are boiled in a small amount of salted water, rubbed and served with butter.

candied flowers

A layer of sugar is poured into earthenware, a layer of fresh flowers is laid on it, again a layer of sugar, etc. A thick layer of sugar is placed on top. Store in a cool place.

leaf tea

6-8 leaves of borage are poured with two glasses of boiling water and incubated for 15-20 minutes. They drink it for sore throats and to improve blood circulation, as well as a diuretic and sedative.

Here you can see photos of borage dishes prepared according to the above recipes:

Instructions for use:

Description and useful properties

Cucumber grass is an annual plant belonging to the Burachnikov family, growing in Asia Minor, the European part of Russia, and North America. Other common names for the herb are borage or borage.

Of interest to medicine are mainly borage leaves, which are harvested before the flower stem appears: they contain citric, malic, fatty, resinous acids, vitamin C, carotene, potassium, mucus, tannins, saponins. To the touch, the leaves of the plant are rough, and in taste and smell they resemble a young cucumber. For therapeutic purposes, dry and fresh borage leaves are used, juice is made. It is recommended to dry the grass in the sun, in a well-ventilated place, spreading it out in a thin layer.

In some cases, borage flowers, which contain essential oils and mucous substances, are also suitable for treatment. They appear in June-July.

Cucumber grass has a sedative, mild laxative, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, diaphoretic effect, stimulates the production of the hormone adrenaline, activates the adrenal glands.


For the treatment of kidney diseases, they drink fresh borage juice. To do this, the lower leaves are collected, washed with water, scalded with boiling water, turned through a meat grinder and squeezed through a cloth. Before use, borage juice is diluted with whey or boiled water in equal parts, boiled for three minutes. You need to drink juice 3-4 r / day for 30 minutes. before meals, 3 tablespoons.

For the treatment of heart diseases, an infusion is made from leaves and flowers of grass: two tablespoons of crushed dry raw materials are poured into 250 ml of boiling water, the container is covered, insisted for five hours, filtered. It is recommended to drink the infusion 5-6 r / day, two tablespoons, 30 minutes before meals. Treatment lasts 1-2 weeks.

With depression, freshly squeezed borage juice helps - they drink it in a tablespoon three times a day.

For the treatment of gout, lotions are made on sore joints from grass. To do this, fresh leaves are kneaded, and dry ones are steamed with boiling water. Putting grass on the sore spot, polyethylene is applied on top, wrapped with a warm cloth. It is better to do such compresses at night. You also need to consider that the grass can stain bedding and compress fabric.

With neurodermatitis and skin irritations, borage juice helps. It is diluted 1:1 with water and then the affected areas are treated.

With a disturbed menstrual cycle, rheumatism, dry borage helps: take one tablespoon of raw materials, pour 250 ml of boiling water, insist until it cools, filter. Drink infusion on a table spoon three r / day.

It is also noticed that the use of borage helps to alleviate the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome.

Borage can be included in the diet menu for diseases of the vessels, gallbladder, kidneys, infarction, cardiac neuroses: the plant tends to regulate metabolism, reduce the excitability of the nervous system. For the same reason, the herb helps with insomnia.

With nervous disorders, colitis, joint pain caused by a cold, with gastritis with low acidity, prepare such a decoction: 20 g of leaves should be boiled for 10 minutes in 250 ml of water, over low heat. Drink a decoction of a tablespoon 3r / day before meals.

Since borage leaves appear in early spring, it is recommended to include them regularly in your diet to reduce the severity of beriberi symptoms.


Due to the prolonged use of borage, liver function may be disrupted.

There is an opinion that it is best to use the plant for treatment in collections, and not longer than a month.

In ancient Rome, it was believed that this plant improves morale, eliminates melancholy, helps to overcome any fear. The legendary warriors of Sparta drank a decoction of borage before battles in order to accumulate victories over the enemy. For thousands of years, this herb has not lost its extraordinary properties and is valued today no less. What is it, how to use it and how to grow it - we will learn better.

plant description

Borago (baraga) is popularly called "borage" due to the taste and aroma of its leaves, which resemble the taste and smell of fresh, but there is no botanical relationship between them. Syria is considered to be the homeland, from where the grass spread to Europe, America and Africa. This is an annual plant with a strong stem and large leaves, reaching a height of up to 100 cm. It belongs to the Borage family, which is why it is also called Borage.

From June to August, flowers with a snow-white or light purple color appear on a branched stem, sky-blue shades are less common. Flowers gather in curls, grow on long legs. The dark blue corolla is slightly longer than the calyx, which gives the flowers a special decorative effect. After the petals fall in July-August, the borago bears fruit. Fruits in the form of small tuberculate nuts are not used.

Propagated independently with the help of seeds. In southern Europe, borage has earned the status of a weed because it grows on its own and it can be difficult to remove it from the site if desired. In North Africa, borage is especially valued, it is grown for use in cooking, cosmetology and medicine.

Beneficial features

Interest for cooking and traditional medicine are mainly young shoots of the plant. Borage leaves contain,. There is also here, which is why borage is especially valued in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. and are useful for the composition of blood and bone tissue, so this plant can also be used for general strengthening and healing.

The stem and foliage of borage contains a lot. Most of all in it:, resinous, and fatty acids. In cosmetology, this plant is valued for its high content of essential oils, which is beneficial for both appearance and general health.

In addition to greenery, the flowers of this herb are also useful. They are used fresh and dried, sometimes candied for use in the confectionery industry. Borage petals also contain a lot of essential oils, their taste is mild with a slight sweetness.

Nutritional value of borage (per 100 g):

  • - 3 g;
  • - 1.8 g;
  • – 0 g;
  • calories - 21 kcal.

Among the useful properties of this plant are: anti-inflammatory effect, diaphoretic and diuretic, mild laxative. It enhances the production of adrenaline and improves the functioning of the adrenal glands.

Cucumber herb extract is part of some, for example, Trimegavital is popular, which includes borage and. Also, this herb is enrolled in the pharmacopoeia of many European countries, its beneficial properties and use are common on three continents.

The use of borage in cooking

Due to the taste and aroma of leaves and stems, borage is more used in cooking. They can replace fresh cucumber in any dish: in cold soups, sauces, salads, smoothies. To the usual taste of fresh cucumbers, a faint hint of onion is added here, which only adds spice to the dishes.

Leaves for cooking should be collected before flowering. When buds appear on the plant, the stem and foliage begin to coarsen and become covered with fine fluff. Sometimes old leaves are also used, but their taste is not so fresh, with a predominance of onion. Reviews of experienced gardeners and gardeners note that the most fragrant seven-leaf leaves are best used in the first place.

Cucumber shoots can be roasted or sautéed like other vegetable crops. Sometimes they are added to other vegetables in stews, hot borage goes well with cabbage,. This plant gives a special piquancy to meat and fish, you can cook side dishes from leaves and stems or add chopped grass to minced meat.

Flowers and leaves of borage can be dried, you get a good preparation for the winter. To harvest the leaves, they need to be cut and dried in a draft so that they do not start to rot. Dried grass will be needed in winter for salads, hot and cold dishes, medicinal.

It is better to sugar flowers for the winter, for this you will need:

  • borage flowers;
  • - 2 tablespoons;
  • - 1 tablespoon;
  • powdered sugar.

Candied flowers should be immediately after they have been collected. First you should make a thick syrup from one part water and two parts sugar, cool it. Then each flower should be smeared with syrup with a soft brush and dipped in powdered sugar. For accuracy and simplicity, you can pour the powder into the salt shaker and sprinkle the petals.

Spread the finished buds on parchment and dry. The oven must be heated to 700-900 and place a baking sheet with borage in it, dry for 2-2.5 hours with the oven door open. After that, you need to check if there are any wet parts left, cool the flowers and place them in jars. Care must be taken when working with such a product, since the petals break easily.

A very beautiful and tasty preparation will turn out from the petals of borage. To do this, you need to pour honey and flowers into the jar in layers, such a sweet will last a long time, looks great on the table. You can also use sugar using the same technology, a jar of granulated sugar and flowers should be shaken periodically. In one to two weeks, flower sugar will be ready.

Benefits in medicine and cosmetology

Due to its valuable composition, Borage is used in folk medicine. Young shoots are recommended fresh and decoctions for diuretic, diaphoretic and laxative effects.

A decoction of stems and leaves has a tonic effect, which was discovered by ancient warriors. For a decoction, take a spoonful of flowers and a spoonful of stems, pour one glass of boiling water, cover and leave for 15 minutes. This remedy is used for colds, to strengthen the heart muscle, improve concentration.

To replenish the vitamin reserve, it is recommended to use freshly squeezed borage juice. To do this, you need to take young juicy stems and leaves and pass through a juicer. Such fresh juice can, in case of intoxication, beriberi, accelerate recovery after infectious diseases. Fresh borage juice is also used for weight loss. For such a cocktail, take an equal amount of components and drink it twice a day.

In cosmetology, borage seed oil is very popular. It, like the stems, has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect, increases the tone of the epithelium. Such a tool is recommended for both young skin (against acne) and for the elderly (for elasticity). Borage herb oil can be bought in pharmacies, rarely in cosmetic stores.

The beneficial effect of such oil can be replaced with ordinary seeds. They can be ground in a coffee grinder, then taken as a medicine, a teaspoon per day. Such a tool will cleanse the body from the inside, which will affect the cleanliness of the skin and the beauty of the hair.

Also for external use, dried tops of borage are used. From it you can make a healing infusion. For 200 ml of hot water, you will need 3 tablespoons of dry Borage, this mixture must be insisted under the lid for 15-20 minutes. Then compresses (warm) are made from the infusion, they help to quickly cure skin ulcers, burns, hematomas.

Precautionary measures

The benefits and harms of borage are well studied, it has much more positive aspects. This plant can be used as a remedy for a course of no longer than 3 weeks. A large concentration of this plant overloads the liver. It is also possible to use infusions and decoctions of borage for pregnant and lactating women only with the permission of the doctor, although this herb is believed to improve lactation.

It is also better for people with diseases of the stomach and intestines to consult a doctor before using dishes and remedies from borage. This concludes the contraindications to Borage, in small portions it is given even to children.

Growing borage

It is very simple to acquire such a useful plant, planting and caring for it will not require much effort. Reproduction is carried out by seeds; for sowing, you can choose shady areas with loose soil or well-lit places. It is better not to place the borage in the sun, so it will bloom quickly, and its leaves will coarsen. After planting, the seeds need to be watered often, this will be all the care.

Borago does not require any fertilizers; during the growth period, the bushes can be spudded and freed from weeds. Abundant watering will provide lush greenery until the end of summer. You can sow borage grass in spring or for winter, it has very good frost resistance.

Borage in the garden will bring another benefit, it is recommended to plant it between or near potatoes. So the Colorado potato beetle will not touch the potato crops. Blooming borage is seen as an excellent honey plant, bees feed on nectar from it even in cloudy weather.

After the crops sprout, you can enjoy fresh herbs with a refreshing taste and aroma. If desired, you can plant Borage even in a pot for indoor plants, so in winter it will be possible to replenish vitamins and prepare a fresh salad with the “taste and benefits” of summer.

Cucumber grass is an unusually pretty plant belonging to the borage family. In the people it is also called or gimlet. Borago is cultivated by many amateurs in their gardens in order to obtain early greenery. The smell and taste of this herb are identical to cucumbers. Hence its name arose: borage. Borage is famous as an excellent honey plant, it is practiced in folk medicine and culinary technologies. Useful properties and contraindications of borage will be discussed below.

Distribution area

Southern Europe is considered the birthplace of wild forms of borage. But in our time, specimens of this plant are found in the north of the African continent, in the countries of the Mediterranean basin, South America, Asia Minor and Asia Minor. As a cultivated plant, it is cultivated throughout Europe and the USA. In Russia, wild forms of borage are found in certain areas of the European part, mainly in the south of the country, where it grows as a common weed.

Biological features

Cucumber grass, the photo of which is in the article, belongs to cross-pollinated, rather cold-resistant and But in the hot summer season, its leaves coarsen and a peduncle begins to form. Prefers neutral or slightly acid soils of light mechanical composition. The length of the growing season is 70-80 days. Borage usually grows up to 60-80 cm, on thick stems, hollow inside. The stem is well branched at the top. Those leaves that form in the lower tier have an oval appearance, a long petiole and a large size. On the upper tier, smaller leaves are formed, oblong, sessile, covered with hard white pubescence.

Borage inflorescences

The flowering stage stretches from mid-summer to August inclusive. And fruiting occurs from July to September. The inflorescence is represented by a panicle, which combines single gimlet flowers on long stems. The flowers are large star-shaped, blue or blue, with purple anthers. Each single flower accumulates up to 5-12 mg of nectar. From the ovary of flowers, a fruit is formed - a nutlet of a dark brown color.

borage seeds

Borage seeds are quite large, easily crumbling nuts, remain viable for 2-3 years. The fruit is up to 5 mm long, ribbed and unequal in shape.

Varietal composition

This crop does not have generally accepted domestic or foreign zoned varieties. Each locality uses its own varietal lines and populations.

Agrotechnics of borage

Cultural forms of borage are sown in the spring or before winter, before the arrival of frost. In subsequent years, the grass can propagate by self-seeding. When sowing, the scheme is used: the width between the rows is 30 cm and in the row the sowing step between plants is 10 cm. The seeds are buried in the soil by 2 cm. On the tenth day, shoots appear from the seeds.

plant care

In the phase of the first true leaf, the plants should be thinned out, leaving 9-10 cm between them. During the growing season, the aisle should be loosened and weeded three times. And in dry summers, water several times. Soil moisture should be constantly maintained at 80% HB. Borage responds very well to fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers. The first top dressing should be carried out with urea during the period of thinning plants. To do this, dissolve 12 grams of urea in a bucket of water and feed the plant with this solution. The second feeding can be carried out 25 days after the first. Here it is appropriate to apply a solution of mullein in a ratio of 1: 5 with water.


They begin to collect leaves when they are young, even before the appearance of the peduncle. Leaves are not taken from plants left for seeds. When the seed pods turn brown, the stems are cut off at the bottom of the inflorescences. From one square meter you can get 20 grams of seeds and 600 grams of greenery. Borage can be grown on a windowsill. The leaves are periodically cut from it and dried in the shade.

Chemical composition

The beneficial properties of borage are due to the rich content of useful chemical organic and inorganic components that can have a healing effect on people's health. In the vegetative mass and seeds are available:

  • essential oils;
  • mucous compounds;
  • substances from the group of tannins;
  • silicon;
  • compounds from the group of saponins;
  • resin compounds;
  • vitamin C;
  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • carotene;
  • Apple acid;
  • calcium;
  • choline;
  • iron;
  • citric acid and other equally valuable substances.

Essential oil reserves were found in the flowers. The oil, which is produced from seeds, is also highly valued. It consists of 20-27% gamma-linolenic acid used in pharmacology. In addition, the oil contains alpha-linolenic acid, the presence of which reaches 10%. In its composition and properties, it is very similar to primrose oil. The presence of essential oil in borage varies between 0.01-0.13%. Moreover, over time, the accumulation of this product by the plant occurs, therefore, there is more oil in old leaves than in young ones. In this oil, 23 volatile compounds have been isolated, of which aldehydes, as well as non-adcane, tetracosane and heptacosan, are especially valuable.

Useful qualities

The beneficial properties of borage (borage, the photo of which you have the opportunity to see in the article) have been studied since ancient times. The essential fatty acids present in the plant are of great importance. They are needed by the human body to maintain the vitality and health of the skin.

If these substances are lacking in the body, mood may suddenly fall, immunity is weakened, inflammation of the organs and weakening of the heart may develop. Essential fatty acids are responsible for the condition of nails and hair. They are especially necessary for children.

Potassium, which is in the plant, favors the removal of water from the body, and with it toxic compounds. Freshly squeezed borage juice can contain up to a third of potassium, while dried leaves contain only 3 percent. Choline has a beneficial effect on the glands that produce sweat, thanks to which the body's thermoregulation occurs. Therefore, the plant is used for coughs, colds and fever. Nicotinic acid has a calming effect on the body, removes anxiety and nervousness.

Westerners habitually eat the young leaves of borage, adding them to various dishes. Fresh flowers are placed in glasses with drinks or wine, and candied inflorescences are eaten for dessert. Formed leaves can be stewed, used in marinades and pickles. Borage inflorescences are used in industry in the production of confectionery and cognac.

When should borage be used?

Modern healers recommend using borage as an anti-inflammatory, expectorant, laxative and enveloping agent to cure fever, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, colds, and constipation. As a diuretic, borage is used to treat edema, kidney disease, bladder and urinary tract problems. To do this, his infusions are taken orally. Compresses with the use of borage leaves have an antirheumatic and analgesic effect, in the treatment of joint and muscle pain, as well as gout. Borage seeds boiled in grape wine are prescribed to increase mothers' lactation.

Borago, or borage (photo, useful properties - in the article), also has a calming property, is widely used in homeopathy, in the treatment of depression, neurasthenia and sleep disorders. Decoctions of its leaves are used to treat skin rashes, eczema, and other skin conditions. Borage mineral salts improve metabolism, so it is included in multicomponent diets.

Alternative medicine advises turning to borage for the following diseases:

  • asthenia;
  • rheumatic diseases;
  • pain in the joints;
  • insomnia;
  • gout;
  • inflammation of the bladder and kidneys;
  • colitis;
  • gastritis;
  • fever
  • constipation
  • neurasthenia;
  • edema;
  • catarrhal phenomena;
  • cardiac neuroses;
  • skin diseases.

But before deciding to use medicines made from borage, you should consult a doctor, as self-medication can only aggravate the situation. Therapy with folk methods is effective only in combination with the main drug treatment and under the supervision of a specialist.


Cucumber grass has few contraindications. Its main problem is the insignificant presence of the alkaloid pyrrolizidine, known for its ability to cause liver cancer. Therefore, you can not use borage for food or for treatment for more than 30 days in a row. It is also forbidden to take borage along with a group of drugs related to anticoagulants. In a separate category of persons, borage can cause convulsive phenomena, pain in the head, nausea or bloating. Usually, all these ailments are mild. The hairs present on the stem and leaves are very coarse and can irritate sensitive skin. Therefore, it is better to wear gloves during the collection process.

The use of borage by pregnant or nursing mothers is highly undesirable. Despite the fact that since ancient times it has always been used as a means of improving lactation, this prohibition is associated with a lack of scientific information about the effect of this plant on the body of women at this time.

It is absolutely forbidden to use the herb for people suffering from epileptic seizures, schizophrenic disorders, convulsions or taking the drug "Phenothiazine". It is better to take decoctions and infusions of borage as part of herbal preparations and consult a doctor before doing so. Some believe that the gamma-linolenic acid present in the plant may favor the growth and reproduction of cancer cells. However, this has not yet been proven by anyone.

Preparation of infusions and decoctions

Before preparing juice from borage, fresh leaves of the lower tier should first be washed with running water, scalded with boiling water, and then passed through a meat grinder.

The resulting mass is squeezed through two layers of gauze and we get borage cell juice. The squeezed juice is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and boiled over low heat for 4 minutes. After that, it remains only to cool and strain the broth, and it is ready for use. Take a decoction inside should be three times a day, immediately after eating, 2 tablespoons. In some cases, with skin diseases, it can be practiced for external use.

A healing infusion is also prepared from borage. For this purpose, take 2 tablespoons of dried and crushed leaves or 1 tablespoon of dried flowers and pour them with boiling water in an amount of 200 ml. The mixture, which has been infused for two hours, is filtered and three times a day is used orally, 1 tbsp. spoon, for diseases of the muscles and joints, as well as for gout or rheumatism.

To cure gastritis and inflammation of the kidneys, as well as to normalize cardiac activity, it is necessary to consume 100 grams of borage infusion three times a day, in the preparation of which 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flowers was poured with boiling water in an amount of 200 ml and infused for 6 hours.

If you dream of turning to grow not only ornamental plants, but also medicinal plants on your site, then take note of the borage plant. The second name of this plant is borage. Young leaves of borage have an amazing smell of fresh cucumber. The healing properties of borage have been known since the Middle Ages. The knights had a tradition to enter the battlefield only after drinking a cup of tea from borage. They also decorated their armor with this plant, believing that it would bring good luck. Charming annual borago will become a real natural pantry, which is full of useful properties.

Borago borage. plant description

  1. Borago is often called borage, borage, borage.
  2. The borage plant belongs to the Burachnikov family.
  3. Syria is considered the birthplace of borage grass. The plant is widely distributed as a weed in the countries of North Africa, Asia Minor, Southern Europe, and South America.
  4. Borago is a herbaceous annual plant that can reach 1 m in height.
  5. The stalk of borage is branched and straight. A feature of this plant is the presence of hard "hairs" that cover almost the entire plant.
  6. The root system of borage is taproot with numerous lateral roots.
  7. Cucumber leaves vary slightly in shape depending on where they are located. The basal leaves are oval, the leaves at the top are more obtuse, the leaves on the stem are ovate and more elongated. The leaves are covered with exactly the same stiff "hairs" as the stem.
  8. Cucumber grass flowers are painted in a beautiful blue color with a pink tint. They are collected in thyroid-paniculate inflorescences at the very top of the stem. The flower itself consists of 5 sepals.
  9. The fruit of borage is a ribbed brown nut. It contains about 1000 small seeds that fall to the ground after the fruit ripens.
  10. The active phase of flowering of borage grass falls on the summer season - from June to August.

Borago borage. Historical information

Despite the fact that today many people underestimate borage grass, considering it a weed, in ancient descriptions you can find many references to its beneficial properties and methods of application.

  1. In ancient Rome, borage was given special importance. Warriors took this plant with them on campaigns in order to raise their strength of mind and courage.
  2. Ancient healers called borage grass "the joy of the heart" because of its amazing healing effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
  3. In France, borage was also called the "heart flower", which was considered a powerful sedative.
  4. Also in France, it was customary to use borage flowers to flavor wines, vinegar, and to decorate dishes.
  5. Syria is considered the birthplace of borage, from where the plant spread throughout Europe through the Mediterranean countries.
  6. In Russia, the borage plant appeared only in the 19th century.

Borago is a borage herb. Beneficial features

Cucumber grass has many beneficial properties due to its rich composition. Among the most valuable substances can be listed:

  • saponins;
  • tannins;
  • fatty acid;
  • mucous substances;
  • essential oil;
  • retinol;
  • vitamin C;
  • Apple acid;
  • silicic acid;
  • lemon acid;
  • tannins;
  • phosphorus;
  • lithium;
  • calcium;
  • potassium.

As you can see, the chemical composition of the plant is impressive. Cucumber grass can be grown on the site not only for decorative purposes, but also for medicinal use. Among the useful properties of borage are the following:

  • fatty acids in borage can have an active anti-inflammatory effect;
  • borage enriches the human body with omega-6 acids and other beneficial trace elements;
  • In folk medicine, the beneficial effects of borage on the human gastrointestinal tract have long been known. Mucous substances, which are found in large quantities in the plant, envelop the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines;
  • borage is widely used as a natural laxative and mild diuretic;
  • decoctions and teas from borage are widely used as sedatives. People who suffer from sleep disorders, depressive states, nervousness can count on a wonderful effect from taking folk remedies based on borage;
  • decoctions and infusions of borage will be useful for people who suffer from digestive disorders, due to the high concentration of tannins;
  • due to the high concentration of saponins in the chemical composition, borage also has an expectorant effect;
  • people suffering from diabetes, obesity can safely use borage oil, which is not contraindicated for them;
  • the excellent anti-inflammatory effect of borage is complemented by a mild analgesic effect and the ability to relieve swelling;
  • people who suffer from arterial hypertension, vascular problems, can actively use traditional medicine with borage in the composition;
  • borage is often used to treat colds as an anti-inflammatory agent;
  • borage is also popular in the treatment of various skin problems - neurodermatitis, allergic rashes;
  • borage has a powerful activating effect on metabolic processes in the body;
  • very often you can find borage in traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of gout.

Despite the fact that borage is a very valuable plant for health, it should be used with caution. Very rarely, this plant can cause an allergic reaction in the body. And long-term use of this herb inside can provoke problems with the liver.

The use of borage in cooking

  • In some countries, borage was originally grown exclusively for food use. The young plant has a pleasant and fresh aroma of cucumber, and it can taste like an onion. Borago is used to make vegetable salads, cold summer soups.
  • Salads with young leaves of borage have won the greatest popularity. A prerequisite should be that the leaves must be used young. Later leaves also retain their aroma and taste, but become slightly stiffer and covered with "hairs".
  • The roots of borage, collected in autumn, are also eaten. They add an unsurpassed aroma to wines, vinegar, cheeses, sour cream, syrups, etc.
  • Cucumber grass is often used as a spice. It is added to meat and fish dishes, soups.
  • Remarkable "companions" in the salad for borage are white cabbage, celery, various types of lettuce.
  • Fresh leaves and stalks of borage can also be served as an independent side dish if stewed in a frying pan with a little oil.
  • Housewives often use borage to make summer homemade lemonades, drinks that are great to quench thirst in the heat.

Experienced housewives will find a huge number of recipes with borage in the composition. Some of the most popular dishes include:

  • borage salad "Summer". Rinse the young leaves of borage herb thoroughly under running water, dry, chop or tear into pieces with your hands. Serve with a dressing of olive oil, salt and black pepper. Salad will be a great addition to meat or fish dishes;
  • Cucumber salad "Spring". To prepare an unusually healthy and tasty salad, you will need a few Jerusalem artichoke tubers, fresh carrots, and borage. All components can be taken in the ratio you need. Someone likes Jerusalem artichoke more, and someone prefers salads with a high content of carrots. Grind the ingredients on a grater, cut the borage leaves with a knife. Mix the salad and season with a little oil, salt and pepper;
  • stewed cucumber herb. Pick a few young plants, rinse them well under running water, cut or tear into pieces with your hands. Cucumber grass must first be lightly fried in a small amount of oil, and then stewed in salted water for a couple of minutes. Rub the resulting stew through a sieve and serve with cream sauce or a piece of butter;
  • candied borage flowers. Their borage plants can make an exotic dessert with which you can surprise your guests and delight loved ones. Pour a layer of sugar into an earthenware dish, put borage flowers on top, and then sprinkle with sugar again. Store in a dark place;
  • refreshing lemonade. To prepare a tasty and healthy drink, you will need borage leaves, lemon balm leaves, mint, and half a lemon. Mix all the ingredients in a blender, pour a few glasses of cold water. Strain the lemonade through a fine sieve. For extra sweetness, use maple syrup. Serve lemonade in tall glasses with ice.

The use of borage in cosmetology

Borage grass is widely used in cosmetology. This component can often be found in homemade recipes for masks, tonics, creams, etc. What valuable substance is contained in borage, which is often considered a simple weed? It's all about the huge concentration of fatty acids:

  • linoleic acid;
  • gamma linolenic;
  • alpha linolenic;
  • oleic.

Finding another such affordable source of saturated fatty acids is quite difficult. This feature of borage grass makes it a versatile and main ingredient in skin care products. On our skin, borage can have the following effects:

  1. moisturizing effect. Borago will undoubtedly benefit dry and dehydrated skin;
  2. smoothing effect. Means with borage grass in the composition are able to even out small bumps on the skin, wrinkles, make skin color more uniform;
  3. restorative effect. Cucumber grass has a healing and healing effect on the skin after cosmetic procedures;
  4. improvement of metabolic processes in the skin. Owners of oily and problem skin will immediately notice the elimination of oily sheen, reduction of acne, blackheads;
  5. lifting effect. Cucumber grass is known for its rejuvenating effect, giving the skin elasticity.

Natural borage oil can be purchased at cosmetic stores or pharmacies. Like any oil, it should be sold in a dark glass bottle. The shelf life of such a product is short - about 2 months. Borage oil can be used to prepare the following cosmetic recipes:

  • Healing oil to restore very dry hand skin. Mix chamomile, borage and pine nut oils in equal proportions, warm them up slightly and rub them into the skin of the hands;
  • nourishing oil bath You will need all the same ingredients as in the previous recipe. But this time, the oil should not be rubbed into the skin of the hands, but immersed in his hands. Of course, the proportions of oil will need to be increased;
  • rejuvenating oil compresses. In order to get an excellent lifting effect, mix borage, rosehip, jojoba oil in equal amounts. Add a few drops of ylang-ylang and lavender essential oils to the resulting mixture. The resulting mixture can simply be rubbed into the skin every evening, or you can make compresses, fabric face masks.

The use of borage in agriculture

Together with the decorative function, borage also has practical benefits:

  • gardeners-beekeepers will be delighted with the fact that after planting borage grass, the number of bees has increased. This grass is a good honey plant, attracting the "attention" of bees at a long distance;
  • due to the fact that borage grows on your site, you will notice an increase in the yield from fruit trees and shrubs. Cucumber grass helps in their pollination by bees;
  • many summer residents use borage to fight the Colorado potato beetle, a well-known potato pest.

Borago is a borage herb. A photo

Borago is a borage herb. Landing and care

Choosing a place for landing borage

Borage in the wild grows near roadsides, in vegetable gardens, etc. If you want to achieve maximum decorativeness in this plant and use it for food, then you should take care of choosing a place for planting it.

  1. One of the best places to plant borage is where potatoes, tomatoes, or legumes grew.
  2. Borago should not be grown in too sunny areas, let it be a place under the spreading crowns of trees, near buildings, fences, which will create a shadow. Growing borage at home, you can not care about lighting at all. This plant adapts to growth even in constant shade.
  3. Cucumber grass is not demanding on the composition of the soil. But on fertile soils, it achieves excellent taste and good chemical composition, for which it is so valued.
  4. When choosing a place to plant borage, prepare for the fact that you will have to limit its growth. The plant reproduces rapidly by self-sowing the next year. To prevent the borage from filling the adjacent growth space of other plants, remove the fruit with seeds until it ripens.

Cucumber grass - borage. Which variety is better

Of course, borage can often be found in the wild. But only cultivated varieties have excellent taste and aroma, as well as a rich composition. Borago, or borage, can be bought at almost any major seed store. For self-growing borage in open ground or at home, one of the following varieties is most often chosen:

  • Vladykinskoye Semko;
  • April;
  • Okroshka;
  • Brook;
  • Dwarf.

The most cold-resistant is the Gnome variety, and the Vladykinskoe Semko variety is famous for its large flowers and leaves. It is he who is chosen by most gardeners for growing on the site. Finding borage, or borage, seeds is not difficult.

Cucumber grass - borage. cultivation

Even a beginner can cope with the agricultural technology of growing borage. First you need to say about the time of planting this plant. Borago is a cold-resistant plant. Some gardeners even plant it before the onset of winter. But the more popular time is early spring. It is in March or early April that it is worth starting to prepare for planting a borage. If you sow borage again in August, you will get another harvest and a beautiful flowering of this plant.

  1. It will not be superfluous to prepare the soil for planting borage in the fall. Superphosphate and potassium salt are added under digging.
  2. In spring, it is also worth digging up the soil, loosening it well and adding ammonium nitrate.
  3. Furrows are made in the soil about 3 cm deep. It is advisable to leave a gap of 8-10 cm between the seeds. If you do not, then you will have to remove the extra bushes. The minimum distance between rows is 35-40 cm.
  4. If you are afraid of frost or want to achieve earlier germination of borage, then the bed can be covered with a film.
  5. After about 7 days, the first shoots will appear.

Borage care

Caring for cucumber grass will not present any difficulties even for novice gardeners. Among the minimum actions that you have to perform, you can highlight:

  • not too abundant, but regular watering. Although the plant is drought-resistant, it is possible to achieve juicy and fleshy greens only by regularly watering it;
  • weed removal. If you are growing borage for ornamental purposes, then weeds will only spoil the appearance. You need to get rid of them;
  • thinning borage. The distance you need to leave between borage bushes depends on the purpose for which you grow it. If you are growing borage for lush greenery, then leave a distance of about 10 cm between plants. If you are growing borage for decorative purposes and for seeds, then the distance should be about 45-60 cm;
  • before the start of the flowering period, you can feed the borage grass with any organic fertilizer.

How and when to harvest borage

  • About a month after the appearance of the first sprouts, it is already possible to harvest the first harvest of borage.
  • The most delicious, juicy, fragrant are the very first leaves, which have already reached 5-7 cm in length.
  • If you "tighten" with the harvest, the leaves will become more rigid, covered with a dense layer of "edge", will not be so fragrant.
  • The harvest of borage is similar to the harvest of spinach.
  • If the collected borage leaves are put in wooden boxes, then their taste can be preserved for several days. Store these boxes in a cool place.
  • Borage seeds are harvested when the fruits have turned brown. They are laid out on cloth or paper, where they ripen and dry. Then these fruits will need to be threshed.

Why grow borage in a greenhouse

Very often, experienced gardeners plant borage in greenhouses. Why do they do it? The thing is that borage grass is a magnificent honey plant that attracts bees. Grass is planted in a greenhouse with cucumbers and tomatoes for better pollination. Borage is sown in a greenhouse quite chaotically. The plant also has the ability to displace weeds, which is also very useful.

Borago is a borage herb. Growing at home

If you dream of a mini-garden on the windowsill, then the borage plant will be a great helper in enriching your diet with fragrant greens all year round. Follow these recommendations when growing borage in an apartment:

  • The undoubted advantage of growing borage at home is that the plant is not at all capricious in terms of lighting and temperature. It can be grown both in a bright window and in a shady one. But keep in mind that under direct sunlight, the leaves quickly become stiff;
  • choose suitable containers for sowing seeds. These can be long containers, boxes or flower pots;
  • An excellent filling for containers will be ready-made soil for growing roses, which can be bought at the store. If you are preparing a nutritious earthen mixture yourself, then mix soddy soil and humus. It is also worth adding some sand;
  • for planting seeds on the surface of the earth, furrows are made at a distance of about 5 cm from each other;
  • there is no need to bury borage seeds. The depth of the furrow is 1.5-2 cm.

The first shoots will please you in 5-7 days. The plant responds positively to regular feeding.

Cucumber grass is one of the most unpretentious plants on the site, but many do not even know about its beneficial properties, mistaking borage for a weed. Once you have tried a summer vegetable salad made from the succulent leaves of this plant, you will not be able to deny yourself the pleasure of growing borage on your site.

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