MRI of the thoracic spine - what does it show? MRI for the thoracic and lumbar spine - what does tomography show and how is it done? What can be seen on a chest MRI

MRI of the thoracic spine is a highly informative method for studying the state of bone structures, muscles and vascular network, thanks to which it is possible to diagnose many diseases of various etiologies.

During the study, there are no painful sensations, and the results are issued on the same day, which allows you to provide the patient with prompt and qualified assistance.

What does it show?

  • prerequisites for the development of pathologies of the spine of a chronic nature, such as osteochondrosis;
  • pathologies that provoked pain in the sternum, heart, kidneys and other nearby organs;
  • infections and areas of pus accumulation;
  • displacements, ruptures, fractures and other injuries of the vertebrae;
  • dystrophy of the vertebrae;
  • sponylolisthesis;
  • neoplasms of a malignant and benign nature;
  • incorrect anatomical location of the vertebrae;
  • stroke and bleeding;
  • disc protrusions and hernias.

Indications and contraindications

The main indications for MRI screening of the thoracic spine are:

  • preparation for the operation and monitoring the effectiveness of the intervention;
  • chest trauma;
  • anomalies in the development of the spine of a congenital nature;
  • spinal cord injuries of any severity, as well as abscesses;
  • multiple sclerosis and encephalomyelitis;
  • primary and secondary foci of cancer;
  • circulatory and vascular disorders;
  • assessment of the condition of patients with Bechterew's disease, spondylitis and osteomyelitis;
  • probable spinal stenosis;
  • development of inflammatory processes;
  • patient complaints of pain and limited mobility;
  • symptoms of intercostal neuralgia.

Despite the fact that the study is completely harmless to the human body, there are situations when it cannot be performed:

  • the patient has mental or physiological pathologies (hyperkinesis), which do not allow to maintain a motionless position of the body;
  • if the patient is obese and weighs more than 120 kilograms;
  • when there are implants and other devices in the body that contain metal (in this case, it is impossible to get clear pictures);
  • in the presence of severe claustrophobia - as an option, you can undergo an examination of the thoracic spine on an open tomograph;
  • when the patient requires constant hardware maintenance of vital signs.

Attention! In the first three months of pregnancy, it is advisable not to undergo magnetic resonance scanning, and if you cannot do without it, then it is imperative to warn the radiologist.

How is it going?

The procedure takes place in a special room where the tomograph is located. The office is combined with the room where the radiologist is located. Before the start of the scan, all objects with metal elements (up to bras with metal bones) will have to be removed.

To obtain clear images, the patient is placed on a mobile couch in a certain position - it will need to remain in it until the end of the scan. Then the table is moved inside the arch and the process of creating layered sections in high placement begins. During the diagnosis, noise and clicks are heard, so often patients are asked to put on earplugs, and when the screening is completed, you can return to your usual lifestyle.

Duration of the study

If the case is simple, the diagnosis of the thoracic region takes 40-50 minutes, and patients who are injected with contrast will have to spend up to an hour and a half inside the tomograph tunnel. When contacting a private diagnostic center, the results are issued on the same day - on average, it takes about 60 minutes to wait for an expert opinion.

Differences from CT

CT is often referred to as an alternative to magnetic resonance imaging. But although these methods have a common principle for obtaining images, they are distinguished by the type of exposure and indications for use.

Computed tomography is done to diagnose pathologies of bone structures using X-rays, and MRI is more informative in detecting pathologies of soft tissues and cartilage and involves the use of electromagnetic waves. The results of both studies make it possible to identify diseases of the thoracic spine, but at the same time:

  • MRI can be done an unlimited number of times without harm to health. In addition, it is made for pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as young children.
  • Examination on a CT scanner is carried out in the presence of pins, implants and pacemakers, but doing it more than 1-2 times in one to two years is dangerous to health. The procedure is prohibited during the period of bearing children, but it is extremely effective in emergency traumatology.

Which method is preferable specifically in your case is determined by a specialized specialist (oncologist, traumatologist, orthopedist, therapist, etc.).

Magnetic resonance imaging of the thoracic spine is one of the most informative diagnostic methods. The technique helps to identify the slightest pathological changes in the local area: damage to the spinal column, infectious foci, tumors, changes in the structure and placement of the vertebrae, and a number of other phenomena without harm to the patient's health.

The essence of the MRI technique of the spine

During MRI diagnostics of the thoracic spine, a diagnostic apparatus is used that is capable of producing a magnetic field, in response to which the tissues independently form radiation - a dynamic image of the organ under study is displayed on the screen.

The operation of the equipment is based on the principle of nuclear magnetic resonance: the formation of a powerful magnetic field leads to a subsequent reaction of atomic particles - protons. This response is logged by the device and translated into a graphical format. The output is three-dimensional sections of the examined anatomical structures.

Indications for magnetic tomography

Among the likely symptoms that may be the reason for the appointment of an MRI examination of the spine:

  • pain similar to heart;
  • discomfort in the area between the shoulder blades;
  • intercostal neuralgia (shootings in the area of ​​intercostal nerves);
  • tightness in the chest;
  • numbness of the local zone;
  • soreness in the upper, middle part of the abdomen (just below the ribs), which becomes stronger after exercise;
  • pain in the liver;
  • dysfunction of the reproductive system.

Magnetic tomography can also be carried out in order to control the state of organs and systems in case of diagnosis and course of the following pathologies:

In some cases, MRI of the spine is performed to prepare the patient for surgery in the local area.

List of contraindications for MRI

Despite the safety of MRI examination of the spine, magnetic tomography has a number of circumstantial contraindications. Objects in the human body can become an obstacle to scanning:

  • an implant containing metal in its composition;
  • vascular clips;
  • prostheses;
  • insulin pump;
  • pacemaker, etc.

Among the individual limitations to the diagnosis are: fear of closed space, nervous tics, unexpected convulsions. In these cases, the patient is offered sedatives.

MRI examination is contraindicated for pregnant women (in the 1st trimester), as well as for persons whose viability is supported by special equipment. It is not recommended to scan children under 7 years of age. If necessary, children's diagnostics anesthesia is used. Magnetic tomography may also be inaccessible for people weighing more than 120 kg. In some cases, specialized equipment may be used.

If an examination with contrast is planned, renal failure, the entire period of pregnancy, and an allergy to a contrast agent are also added to the group of restrictions described.

Preparatory stage

Magnetic tomography is performed on an outpatient basis, rarely in a hospital. Preparation for an MRI of the thoracic spine includes measures to ensure patient safety:

Features of magnetic tomography

The apparatus of an open, closed type is presented in the form of a ring passing through the center of a horizontally placed magnetic capsule. The patient, dressed in a disposable set of clothes, is placed on a movable table, which slowly moves inside the capsule.

In the process of MRI diagnostics of the thoracic spine, you will have to lie on your back. The head, chest, arms are fixed with straps. The patient may be offered a pillow, blanket. The patient should not move, talk (except when it is necessary to contact a specialist through an equipped microphone).

MRI image of the thoracic spine

A patient preparing for an MRI scan of the spine should be prepared for the fact that he will hear a lot of noise from the equipment. If the patient is uncomfortable with the sound, they may ask for ear plugs or headphones.

If the subject is nervous, he is offered sedatives. Discomfort or pain during the diagnostic process is not typical. There may be a feeling of swelling, stiffness of the body. In the area of ​​study (in the sternum), a feeling of warmth will appear, colic is normal and disappears very soon.

If the patient notices manifestations of nausea, the urge to vomit, he has pain, dizziness, difficulty breathing, it is necessary to immediately inform the specialist about this.

The scanning time is 20-40 minutes. If a contrast agent is used, the session can last up to an hour.


At the end of the study, the patient can dress and leave the office. Rest, restrictions on food and drink after MRI of the spine are not provided. The results are handed over to the patient after an hour. In severe cases, the conclusion is drawn up the next day.

Use of a contrast agent

The procedure with contrast is not only longer and more complicated, but it also takes more time to draw up a conclusion.

The reason for conducting this type of MRI is the need to obtain detailed information in the presence of a tumor in order to determine the boundaries of inflammation.

Before placing the patient deep into the magnetic capsule, a contrast agent is injected intravenously, which quickly spreads throughout the body with blood flow and accumulates in the pathological focus. This ensures the best visualization quality.

Unlike the iodine-containing drug, which is used in computed tomography, the contrast of MRI diagnostics is based on gadolinium. This component is more easily tolerated by patients, in rare cases it causes an allergic reaction and side effects.

Before the examination, the patient must undergo an allergic test for the medicine.

The question of the price of services

The device for MRI diagnostics is not cheap - large diagnostic centers can afford it. The price for the examination varies from 3,500 to 5,000 rubles and depends on the region of the diagnostics, the class of equipment used, the pricing policy of the center and the qualifications of the medical staff.

Additional payment is usually subject to the use of a contrast agent, consultation with a doctor, saving the results of the study to a disk or flash card, and other services.

Magnetic tomography of the thoracic spine is performed in order to identify local pathologies: problems with the structure, placement and joints of the intervertebral discs, neoplasms, infections, etc. Pain is a common symptom that leads to the need for a diagnosis.

In some cases, magnetic tomography is prescribed to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment or in the preoperative period. Preparation for the study is not provided.

The procedure is safe and painless for the patient. If detailed information is needed, a gadolinium-based contrast agent is used. The list of contraindications in the case of MRI of the spine is not wide and includes both absolute and relative restrictions. The likelihood of adverse reactions to the use of contrast is minimized. The cost of the examination ranges from 3500-5000 rubles.


In modern medicine, there are a large number of different methods for diagnosing the state of the body. This includes x-rays, tests, and ultrasound. One of the most accurate and giving the opportunity to obtain reliable data methods is magnetic resonance imaging. It is often used to assess the condition of the spinal column. Depending on the indications, a person may be assigned an MRI of the thoracic spine. What does this diagnostic method show?

MRI of the thoracic spine - what does it show?

MRI as a diagnostic method was discovered by scientists at Stanford and Harvard Universities and is based on the ability of hydrogen atoms to absorb the energy of a magnetic field and release it in the form of a radio signal (the so-called NMR - nuclear magnetic resonance). During the examination, a signal is received by the tomograph and images of certain tissues are created, which are displayed on a computer monitor in the form of 2D and 3D images. Now this research method is used all over the world, but, as a rule, the necessary equipment is available only in large medical institutions, as it is not cheap.

On a note! For the first time this method of examination of the spinal column was demonstrated in 1982 in Paris at the exhibition of radiologists.

MRI makes it possible to obtain the most accurate and reliable data on the state of tissues and organs of the body, including all elements of the spine (intervertebral discs, spinal cord, blood vessels, etc.). It will allow to identify a number of diseases at the earliest stages of development, including tumor, inflammatory, degenerative-dystrophic and other pathologies.


The thoracic spine is a complex system consisting of 12 vertebrae, ribs attached to them, joints, intervertebral discs, etc. This part of the spinal column is less mobile than others, and therefore suffers less from various injuries. But nonetheless, pain in this area is not uncommon. It is usually caused by problems with metabolism, due to which there is a deterioration in the nutrition of the intervertebral discs. Over time, this problem will lead to the development of osteochondrosis.

Inside each vertebrae there is a small opening through which the spinal cord passes. And as a result of changes in the size of this channel, compression of the nerve endings can occur. Hence the recurring pain syndrome.

On a note! Often, problems with internal organs arise just because of a violation of the spine.

MRI is a painless, safe and non-traumatic research method. The doctor directs the patient to a tomography if there are the following indications:

  • pain in the chest;
  • migraines and dizziness;
  • pain syndrome in the shoulder blades;
  • numbness of the upper limbs;
  • swelling of the neck and face;
  • cough;
  • upcoming operation;
  • weakness in the legs;
  • suspicion of a disease of the nervous system;
  • difficulty in movement.

Also, MRI is performed in case of suspicion of the development or presence of a number of diseases - osteochondrosis, kyphosis, intervertebral hernias, tumors, infection of tissues, etc. They can be provoked by an unhealthy lifestyle, insufficient or excessive load on the body, and injuries.

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Table. Symptoms that require an MRI.


The most common cause of this type of pain is osteochondrosis (in terms of the musculoskeletal system). Tomography will reveal the true cause.

Such symptoms are characteristic of osteochondrosis, scoliosis and kyphosis, and can be triggered by protrusions, the presence of hernias, and injuries. Due to the fact that MRI demonstrates the state of all tissues, it is not difficult to identify these pathologies.

Often noted with problems with the work of internal organs, including the heart. They can also signal pathological changes in the spine.

The pain syndrome in this disease is quite obvious. The reasons may be intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis.

A frequent sign of developing osteochondrosis. It may have a different character.

On a note! Tomography is usually prescribed, but you can go through it on your own without medical indications.


But MRI is not always possible. Despite the fact that the method is positioned as the safest possible, in some cases it is contraindicated or can be used only in certain situations when it is vital. Contraindications may be:

  • installed pacemaker, Elizarov apparatus;
  • heart valve prostheses;
  • any implants made of metal or ferromagnetic alloy;
  • some types of dentures;
  • excessive body weight (more than 160 kg);
  • allergy to contrast agents (when using them);
  • severe form of heart failure.

Metal prostheses during an MRI can heat up and thereby injure body tissues up to burns. The pacemaker may fail. Also, claustrophobia, the presence of hyperkinesis (the inability to lie still) can become a contraindication. Severely ill patients whose life is supported by various devices cannot be examined either.

MRI is not recommended for early pregnancy and children under 7 years of age. The latter can be examined, but on condition that they do not move during the tomography. MRI using contrast agents should not be performed for nursing mothers and pregnant women, patients with serious kidney pathologies.

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What will an MRI show?

MRI can show a range of changes in anatomical structures and will help identify the following problems:

The images obtained as a result of tomography are very informative and accurate. They have good detail.

How is tomography performed?

MRI of the thoracic region is performed in three projections. Doctors call them frontal, axial and sagittal. This option allows you to most accurately find the location of the affected tissues and make a diagnosis.

For the study, a tomograph is used, inside which a person must lie motionless. In some cases, fixation belts can be used to maintain immobility. You need to lie down on the couch outside the tomograph - it then slides inward.

Attention! During the examination, the person may feel warmth in the chest area. This is fine. But if the sensations become excessively uncomfortable, then you can stop the MRI by pressing the SOS button. Communication with the doctor during the procedure is present, which reduces psychological discomfort.

In terms of time, MRI lasts only 15 minutes, if the use of contrast agents is necessary, then 25-40 minutes. Processing the data and writing the conclusion takes about 30-60 minutes.

Attention! MRI contrast agents are used when a tumor is suspected.

Preparation for the examination

If you want to know in more detail which is better, as well as consider the features and benefits, you can read an article about this on our portal.

As such, there is no preparation for an MRI, except in cases where diagnostics using contrast agents is prescribed. But there are a number of aspects that you need to remember - knowing them, it will be easier to get tested.

Step 1. During the tomography, you will have to stay inside the equipment for some time. If a person suffers from claustrophobia, this test will be extremely difficult for him to endure. You should inform your doctor about the presence of claustrophobia. It may well be that the specialist will prescribe sedatives.

Step 2 If there are implants made of metal inside the body, then you should definitely tell the doctor about it. Most of the prostheses or implants can affect the operation of the equipment, as well as deliver pain to the subject. In some cases, an MRI will have to be abandoned altogether.

Step 3 It is important for the doctor to inform the doctor about the presence of pregnancy or serious illnesses, if any. A number of features of the state of the body may be a contraindication to the study.

Pregnancy is one of the possible contraindications

Step 4 If some medications were previously prescribed by the doctor, then it is not necessary to refuse them before the MRI, unless the specialist says otherwise.

Step 5 Before you go for an MRI, it is recommended to read about this procedure, watch videos that demonstrate how it is performed. This will give you an idea of ​​what to expect in the CT room.

Step 6 It is better to go to the MRI accompanied by a friend or relative. The doctor may prescribe sedatives, after which it is impossible to drive a car on your own.

Step 7 It is better to arrive early than to be late. The clinics have waiting areas where you can sit before the procedure. Moreover, the doctor may ask you to fill out some papers - it is better to do this before the examination, so as not to waste time later.

Step 8 All jewelry must be removed. You will also need to remove watches, wigs, hairpins and other items from the body. The bra with underwire must also be removed without fail.

Step 9 During the tomography, it is important to follow the instructions of the doctor, do not argue with him and do what he asks. Then the procedure will go as quickly and comfortably as possible.

If an MRI is performed using intravenous contrast agents, it is recommended that you do not eat for about 5-6 hours before the examination so that the tomography is done on an empty stomach. If possible, it is worth making an appointment for the morning examination, although a conventional MRI can be done at any time of the day.

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You should wear comfortable clothing that is easy to put on and take off, does not squeeze the body. If data from past examinations are available, it is recommended that you take them with you - the doctor may wish to compare the results.

Video - Tomography of the thoracic spine

Tomography is an accurate modern research method widely used to diagnose the state of the spinal system of the thoracic region. It will help to identify almost any diseases that can develop in this area. Unfortunately, in municipal clinics there are always long queues for this examination. It is easier and faster to undergo an MRI in a paid medical center.

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The spinal column and adjacent soft tissues can affect tumor, infectious-inflammatory, post-traumatic, degenerative-dystrophic diseases, as shown by MRI of the thoracic spine after diagnosis. The procedure allows the doctor to see a layered image of an organ or circulatory system (even individual parts of the vessel) in a three-dimensional image.

The thoracic spine is a rigid frame that includes the ribs, sternum and 12 vertebrae. Separate vertebrae are the least susceptible to injury, since they practically do not touch. The most common pathologies of the thoracic region are impaired blood flow and metabolism. It is impossible to detect such conditions using CT or X-ray, which is why in some cases an MRI of the thoracic spine is necessary.

Magnetic resonance imaging is a non-invasive, non-traumatic diagnostic option. Since visual examination and other types of studies do not reveal the pathology of the thoracic spine, in almost half of all cases it is necessary to resort to magnetic resonance imaging.

Indications for a study of the thoracic region:

  • injuries and fractures of the spine, including when the radiograph does not show changes;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • protrusions and intervertebral hernias;
  • acquired or congenital pathologies of the structure or development of the spine;
  • suspicion of a spinal tumor, as well as the presence of metastases, which are considered secondary manifestations in oncological tissue diseases;
  • diagnosis of multiple sclerosis and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (only MRI is used to diagnose these diseases);
  • inflammatory processes;
  • circulatory disorders in the spinal cord;
  • destructive processes - osteomyelitis, tuberculous spondylitis, and so on;
  • control after surgery;
  • anomalies in the functioning of the vessels of the venous and arterial bed;
  • preoperative diagnostics in surgical interventions on the spinal column and surrounding soft tissues.

Such diagnostics are most often prescribed to clarify an earlier diagnosis or for control treatment. Tomography of the thoracic spine can also be performed at the request of the patient, when there are pains of unknown etiology, limited mobility of the spine and other complaints from the patient.

Contraindications for diagnosis

During magnetic resonance imaging, ionizing radiation is not used, the skin and internal organs do not violate their integrity. That is why this type of diagnostics is the safest and most effective, since it allows you to see a three-dimensional model of the organ under study and obtain layered images.

However, there are contraindications to the examination:

  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • decompensated heart failure;
  • tattoos or pigmented makeup, in the application of which dyes with metal-containing components were used;
  • insulin pumps;
  • hemostatic clips;
  • artificial heart valves;
  • Elizarov apparatus;
  • ferromagnetic fragments in the body or metal implants;
  • pacemakers;
  • chronic renal failure when examined with a contrast agent.

Relative contraindications can be considered the presence of claustrophobia in the patient or children under 7 years of age. However, in case of fear of confined spaces, the patient is recommended to study on open, rather than tunnel tomographs, or the introduction of general anesthesia. The same applies to children - as a rule, up to the age of seven, if an MRI is necessary, short-term intravenous general anesthesia is introduced.

In adult patients with disorders of the nervous system, sedatives may be used. During the procedure, it is important to remain completely still, otherwise the pictures are fuzzy.

What can be seen in the pictures?

The course of further treatment and even surgery depends on what the picture shows. Magnetic resonance imaging is evaluated according to various parameters:

  1. The structure and size of the spinal cord, spinal column. In the presence of uneven contours, enlarged or reduced sizes, improper location, the patient is diagnosed with post-traumatic deformities, ischemic changes, or transverse myelitis.
  2. Hemorrhages in the spinal cord can be seen when examining the subarachnoid space on T2-weighted images.
  3. If the images show changes in the diameter of the spinal cord, an intramedullary tumor can be diagnosed. In addition, MRI makes it possible to distinguish between neurinoma and meningioma.
  4. The images can be used to diagnose the presence of deposits of calcium salts and petrificates in the surrounding soft tissues.
  5. With the help of contrast agents injected into the subarachnoid space, cystic formations can be detected.
  6. When single foci of increased hyperechogenicity are detected, spondylitis, hemangioma, the consequences of syphilis and tuberculosis are diagnosed.

With this diagnostic, you can get pictures of the vertebrae, soft tissues that surround the spinal column, spinal cord, blood vessels and nerve endings. An experienced doctor will see in the pictures the displacement of the vertebrae, the presence of neoplasms, cysts in the initial stages of development, impaired blood flow, changes in the structure of cartilage tissues and developmental anomalies.

The thoracic spine is often examined to identify diseases of the internal organs - lungs, heart, trachea, vascular system, and so on. Such diagnostics allows you to identify violations in the functioning of the heart valves, the structure of the heart muscle, lymph flow and blood flow. If the lungs are examined, then the state and structure of the tissues, the size of the organ and its departments, the state of the pleura will be visible on the pictures. According to the results of MRI, degenerative and inflammatory processes, tumor-like formations and metastases can be detected.

Preparatory activities

Before performing magnetic resonance imaging of the spine, the doctor will instruct the patient. Preparation for the procedure is as follows:

  1. Dieting is not required, as the digestive organs are not involved in the scan during the procedure. Therefore, the patient can eat as usual.
  2. If an MRI with contrast is performed, you should not eat at least 5 hours before the start of the study. This is due to the fact that the injected drug can provoke an attack of nausea and even vomiting. If a person is undergoing a contrast MRI for the first time, a skin allergy test is recommended. Its essence lies in the fact that small scratches are left on the skin of the forearm with a thin scarifier, where a contrast agent with gadolinium is then applied. If after 15-30 minutes papules appear, itching, severe swelling, contrast is not used.
  3. People with hyperexcitability who have nervous disorders can take a mild sedative. The choice of medication must be agreed with the doctor.
  4. Before placing the patient on the sliding table of the tomograph, it is necessary to remove all objects containing metal: mobile phone, jewelry, plastic cards, belts. Clothing should be loose and not restrictive.

The average duration of the procedure is 30 minutes, then the diagnostic results will be prepared for about two more hours.

In modern medicine, magnetic resonance imaging is a fairly popular way to determine the hidden causes of the disease. It is this type of diagnosis that allows doctors to literally look into the patient's body without a scalpel and solve the important issue of the need for surgical intervention.

MRI is a study in which computer images of a person's internal organs are obtained by passing the body through powerful magnetic fields. This method allows you to carefully examine all the tissues and structures inside the human body, timely identify the disease at an early stage and start the fight while the body is not yet so weakened.

Other diagnostic methods, such as ultrasound and x-rays, are not as accurate as MRI. The closest to MRI method of studying the causes of the disease is computed tomography. However, CT is also based on exposure to X-rays, which is not always safe.

The main thing in the study of the spine is to obtain an anatomically accurate reproduction of the vertebrae, discs between them and spaces with nerve bundles. All this allows you to consider the tomography of the thoracic region.

Typically, MRI is used in cases where it is necessary to assess the anatomical features of the structure of the spine, as well as to visualize tissues. Scanning is also carried out when planning an operative intervention, pinched nerves, monitoring conditions after operations.

Pain is the body's first reaction to the fact that some processes occurring in it have obvious deviations from the norm. Of course, it is possible and necessary to eliminate pain with an antispasmodic, but do not forget that the primary task is to identify their source.

The list of indications for a comprehensive study is quite wide. The fact is that osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is an insidious disease that can disguise itself as symptoms of other ailments. Among the indications:

  • pain between the shoulder blades;
  • girdle type chest pain;
  • neuralgia and neuralgic manifestations;
  • numbness in the chest;
  • organ dysfunction;
  • heart-like pain.

Preparing for diagnostics

In order to correctly assess what the MRI of the thoracic spine shows, you need to properly prepare for the procedure. Usually the doctor does not impose strict dietary restrictions before the diagnosis, but may ask not to eat before the procedure.

Before introducing various drugs into the patient's blood, the radiologist will definitely ask about the presence of allergic reactions. A necessary condition is the absence of pregnancy, although medicine does not have accurate evidence that the equipment has a negative effect on the fetus.

It is important to know for sure whether the subject has experienced claustrophobia, since MRI of the thoracic spine is performed by placing the patient in a narrow chamber of the apparatus, which can negatively affect his psyche in the presence of fear.

When an MRI is performed on a young child, sedation is required to ensure immobility during the examination. During the MRI procedure, there are necessarily nurses who are responsible for the dosage and administration of medicines.

Before undergoing an MRI, it is imperative to check what decorations are on the body and clarify how they affect the operation of the MRI. There are quite a few types of prohibited metal items: jewelry, watches, credit cards, pins, hairpins and hair clips, dentures, piercings. Special metal cranial bone implants are not prohibited.

There is a list of cases in which MRI is contraindicated precisely because of metal parts: this is the presence of a built-in pacemaker, cochlear implant, etc. The person undergoing the procedure must inform the doctor about the presence of some devices in the body: artificial heart valves, ports for drugs, metal pins, screws , staples, etc. By the way, tattoo ink often becomes very hot during this procedure, since it often contains iron.

Before doing an MRI of the thoracic region, it is necessary to make a visual examination of the patient. An x-ray may also be required to determine if there are any unwanted parts or metal particles in the body that could distort the MRI results.


There is a ban on the use of this type of diagnostics in some cases:

  • it is impossible to carry out the procedure in the presence of implants, pacemakers, piercings and other items from the prohibition list;
  • with fear of closed space;
  • MRI is not allowed for children under 7 years old, since immobility is needed for the procedure (but it is possible if with anesthesia);
  • it is impossible to perform an MRI in a closed type apparatus with excess body weight (over 130 kilograms).

Research procedure

It is better for each patient to learn how an MRI study is done in advance in order to prepare psychologically. MRI is performed both on an outpatient basis and during hospitalization.

  • The patient is fixed with special rollers and straps on the table and pushed into the tube-chamber, examining, depending on the need, a certain section of the spine.
  • If an MRI of the thoracic spine is performed with contrast, then a special drug is injected into the vein.
  • Sometimes the doctor needs a second series of shots - in the event that there are interferences. The duration of making one picture is several minutes. The whole procedure will take about 20 minutes, with the contrast duration being higher - about 40 minutes.
  • The MRI procedure does not cause pain, but some patients, especially those who are anxious, may experience a state of extreme panic. That is why it is better for them to take sedatives.
  • An increase in temperature in a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is the norm, but with a strong burning sensation, it is necessary to inform the doctor about this.
  • Usually, the diagnosis is accompanied by loud noise, so the patient is often offered earplugs.

Often, an MRI is performed with a contrast agent injected into the bloodstream to produce better images. Usually this is an iodine-based drug, which can rarely cause allergic reactions. Sometimes hypoallergenic gadolinium is used. It is worth remembering: MRI of the thoracic spine with contrast is not used for kidney disease, if preliminary tests were unsatisfactory.

Results. What does an MRI of the thoracic spine show?

Magnetic resonance topography is prescribed for injuries of any etymology in the thoracic region, including fractures, injuries of the spinal cord. The diagnostic method will show if the patient has osteochondrosis, will reveal minor anomalies in the structure and structures of the spine.

Only MRI of the thoracic spine can indicate demyelinating diseases in terms of neuralgia, including encephalomyelitis, multiple sclerosis.

MRI will help detect the presence of tumors, primary and secondary metastases that can penetrate from one part of the body to another.

The image made on the device will also display the presence of infection, will make it possible to diagnose abscesses, stenosis of the spinal canals, and circulatory disorders.

Examination of other parts of the spine

Diagnosis of the cervical, lumbar or sacral spine does not differ much in indications for use from the study of the condition of the vertebrae in the thoracic region.

An MRI of the cervical spine will show existing neoplasms. The sacrum is subjected to research in case of suspected circulatory disorders, hernia, metastasis, fractures. And MRI of the lumbar spine is also needed to detect hernias, osteochondrosis and metastases. At the same time, the duration of such procedures does not differ much, the images are taken at the same speed. The duration depends on how experienced the specialist is.

Often the doctor gives a direction for a comprehensive study of the problem, for example, the study may include an MRI of the cervical plus thoracic spine, sacral and lumbar, depending on where the pain is localized. Naturally, this procedure can take much longer.

MRI with contrast

Typically, a stain scan is indicated when cancer is suspected. It lasts a little longer than normal. Deciphering the results in it is also lengthy.

Special contrast agents define the boundaries of tumors or inflammation. For this, the drug is administered through a catheter intravenously. The substance tints the blood and accumulates in the source of pathology.

As already mentioned, gadolinium is tolerated by the body much easier, does not cause side effects, edema and anaphylactic shock. To eliminate the risk, you can do a blood test for allergens.

Deciphering the results

The conclusion about the study is received by the patient about an hour after the diagnosis, in difficult situations it can be issued only the next day. Photos and explanations to them say what was found in the patient. He must provide this to the attending physician.

  • If during magnetic tomography of the thoracic or other spine tumors of various kinds were detected, then the patient should visit a neurosurgeon, as well as an oncologist.
  • When the results of an MRI indicate that the patient has serious changes in the state of the spinal cord or spine, he should contact a neurologist.
  • If the problem is a pinched vertebrae or intervertebral injury, then you need to go to a traumatologist.
  • When there is reason to think that surgery is indispensable, the patient will be referred for a consultation with a neurosurgeon.

Thus, MRI is a safe, accurate and modern procedure for detecting serious diseases associated with pathological changes in the internal structures of the body.

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