Clay kaolin. The use of kaolin in cosmetology and traditional medicine - composition, useful properties, recipes and price Kaolin useful properties

Kaolin (kaolinite) or Chinese clay is an aluminosilicate mineral, almost white in color. Because of its white color, it is also called china clay. Kaolin differs from other industrial clays in its fine particle size and clear coloration. Its ability to disperse in water makes it an ideal pigment. The primary constituent in kaolin is the mineral kaolinite, a hydrous aluminum silicate formed by the decomposition of minerals such as feldspar.

Kaolin is named after a mountain (Kao-lin) in southeastern China where the clay was originally discovered and used for centuries. In the 7th and 8th centuries, the Chinese were the first to use kaolin to make porcelain. Only centuries later, other areas of the world could duplicate this process. Samples of kaolin were first sent to Europe by a French Jesuit missionary around 1700 as an example of a material used by the Chinese in porcelain production.

The main component of kaolin is the mineral kaolinite. Pure kaolinite is bright white and the brighter the white, the better quality kaolin clay is considered. The white color of the mineral may either be natural or may occur after processing. Found in nature, kaolin usually contains varying amounts of associated minerals such as muscovite, quartz, feldspar, and anatase. Raw kaolin often has a yellow tint due to the presence of iron hydroxide. For commercial use, kaolin is chemically refined to remove iron impurities and washed to remove other minerals. Although kaolin is found throughout the world, deposits of suitable whiteness, viscosity, and clarity are rare. Ironically, the best deposits are not in China at all. Kaolin is mined in France, England, Germany, Czech Republic, Russia, South and North America.

Application of kaolin

Porcelain and tableware: many people mistakenly believe that kaolin's only use is in the manufacture of porcelain. This is not true. Its application in the paper industry prevails over all other industries. However, kaolin still serves as a valuable ingredient in porcelain production. Its color, luster and hardness are the ideal characteristics for creating high quality products.

paper industry: The paper industry is the leader in the use of kaolin. It serves as a coating that is applied to paper to improve its appearance by promoting smoothness, gloss and whiteness. It also improves printability. In addition, kaolin is used by the paper industry as a filler to reduce the cost of using bio-resources.

Kaolin has applications in other industries as well. In the composition with kaolin, paints, rubbers, cable insulation, special films and fertilizers are produced. Newly discovered uses for it ensure that the mineral will remain in demand for a very long time.

The medicine: Kaolin clay has proven to be beneficial for every time of our evolution. Increasingly, it began to find its application in the beauty and health industries. Pharmaceutical companies use kaolin in their preparations. Because the clay is not broken down or absorbed by the body, it is very useful in treating stomach ulcers and inflammation. During treatment, it covers (lines) the inside of the entire digestive tract, blocking the access of gastrointestinal acid and bacteria to the epithelial membrane on which ulcerative lesions have formed. In addition, kaolin is a natural absorbent, so it has proven to be useful in the treatment of diseases such as diarrhea. By controlling the level of absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, it has a beneficial effect on the processes occurring in the intestines. Although kaolin is considered a safe product to consume, you should still adhere to the dosage when using it. Consuming excessive amounts of kaolin can cause constipation, and prolonged internal consumption can make it difficult for the body to absorb beneficial micronutrients from food.

Cosmetology: Since ancient times, kaolin has been used in pelotherapy (from the Greek pelos - clay, mud) for body care. We encounter it every morning, picking up a tube of toothpaste: here kaolin is used as a light abrasive material, which, moreover, helps to remove tartar, whitens teeth and disinfects the oral cavity. In addition, white clay has gained wide application in cosmetic and perfumery products (E-559, aluminosilicate, emulsifier). Kaolin gently, with its skin-friendly pH 4.2-5.2, cleanses the skin by drawing out deposits from the pores without causing redness.

As an absorbent, it absorbs excess sebum secretions from the surface of the skin in a natural way without causing irritation. Kaolin is a very soft clay. Can be used on all skin types, including people sensitive to the irritating effects of scrubs and cleansers. With prolonged use, kaolin beneficially stimulates the skin, whitening it and tightening it.

Diluted in water to a soft paste, it forms a pleasant exfoliating substance. When applied to the skin, it makes it soft and beautiful, while wrinkles are smoothed out. Kaolin for cosmetic procedures is diluted with water, freshly squeezed juices or herbal decoctions to the consistency of thick sour cream and is used as a mask for normal or problem skin, an anti-cellulite or cleansing scrub, a shampoo mask, body wraps and massage. Essential oils, honey, milk, raw eggs, chopped berries, fruits or vegetables are also added to the clay slurry. In this form, kaolin has a mild exfoliating effect, activates blood circulation, disinfects, dries and slightly whitens the skin, removes toxins, strengthens hair and nails.

What exactly and in what proportions to mix - you need to select individually, in accordance with the type of skin and the desired result, however, there are several general wishes for the use and storage of kaolin:

  • store kaolin powder in a sealed package (container) in a dry place, away from any household chemicals or dust.
  • for breeding white clay, it is better to use purified water (at least boiled water). The water should be cool, because hot kaolin loses its beneficial properties.
  • Before applying a clay mask to your face, make sure that no one will disturb you during the procedure. When the mixture dries up, talking and laughing is contraindicated (this is not only painful, but also threatens with the appearance of wrinkles). After the mask dries completely, it is washed off with the same purified water.

Several cosmetic solutions from our store using kaolin clay

Kaolin Facial Cleansing Mousse is a wonderful, gentle foamy cleanser. Usually French green clay is used in such products, but it can be easily replaced with kaolin. The only difference is that the end product just won't be green, but it will still work great as a cleanser.

Using white clay as part of baby powder. A quick and easy way to make your own talc-free baby powder. The absorbent properties of this mineral contribute to the absorption of moisture in places of diaper rash in both children and adults. Use it after a bath to create soft, matte skin. Or use in the summer, under skirts or shorts, to combat sweat in problem areas.

Gentle Foaming Clay Scrub Using a foaming surfactant, kaolin clay with some other skin-friendly treats can create a nice scrubbing lather. Its use will be appreciated by your own skin with dignity, because there can be nothing more tender than foam.

Clay soap is one of the best shaving products. The use of clay in soap provides an amazing glide, and also creates a gentle skin care not only during shaving, but also after this procedure for a long time. The feeling of using this soap cannot be expressed in words. You should definitely try.

Clay baths are useful in the treatment of certain diseases of the skin and nervous system. Not a bad result in treatment can be achieved if you take such baths at night, 2-3 times a week. Course 10-12 baths. 100-150g. clay powder for a bath will be enough. As the clay dissolves, the water should become cloudy. The best result from taking a clay bath can be achieved if you use a bath bomb (for a bath) for this case, with the presence of kaolin clay in the composition. Such baths well relax the nervous system, tone the skin and improve blood circulation. Find out about . You can in the article by clicking on the link.

shelf life of kaolin

Not limited.

Where to buy kaolin?

You can buy kaolin in Novosibirsk in our store. On sale it is presented in different packaging: 300g., 500g., 1000g. and 17kg.Clicking on this link will take you to the product selection page.

Hello dear Readers! Nature has created many substances that have beneficial properties for the human body. One of her most unique gifts is cosmetic white clay - kaolin. It is a safe and effective component that is widely in demand in medicine and cosmetology.

Even in ancient times, people were interested in kaolin, but the use of this component was somewhat limited. The substance was used as a bleaching agent - women used kaolin as a powder or whitewash. When dyes were added, they received lipstick and blush.

Over time, people realized what healing power kaolin contains. It perfectly cleanses the skin, gives it elasticity, relieves irritation, stimulates the regeneration process.

It is difficult to find an analogue that can also take care of human health and beauty. That is why the variety of white clay is no less relevant and in demand today than in ancient times.

Origin of kaolin

Kaolin is a sedimentary fine-grained rock. It is mined in ecologically clean places in Bulgaria and China. A deposit of this rock was also found in Ukraine.

Thanks to the extraction of the product in China, in the Kaolin area, this unique substance got its name.

Composition of kaolin

Kaolin has a slightly alkaline reaction. Its pH=7.0-8.0. Thanks to this feature, the substance has a great effect on the human body and stimulates the process of fighting free radicals. It has been clinically established that a decrease or increase in pH can lead to the development of many diseases.

The benefits of a unique component are dictated by the rich chemical composition. Kaolin contains silicon, aluminum, manganese, zinc, calcium, silica and other useful substances.

Silicon has a beneficial effect on the upper layer of the dermis. It stimulates the production of collagen. Due to this, the skin acquires firmness and elasticity.

Aluminum provides the clay with binding properties.

Manganese effectively eliminates oily sheen on the skin. It is an excellent disinfectant mineral. It relieves any inflammatory reactions.

Zinc is a natural antioxidant that takes care of prolonging youth. It prevents cell aging, rejuvenates the skin. In addition, it has drying properties.

Thanks to calcium, the epidermis acquires not only elasticity, but also natural tenderness.

Silica is an important component that ensures the most complete absorption of all the necessary substances by the body. Silica has a beneficial effect on cells, restoring their normal functioning.

Of course, this is not a complete list of all components contained in kaolin. But the listed substances are quite enough to understand how white clay is useful.

Properties and uses of white clay

Due to its mineral concentrated composition, kaolin is widely used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes.

The main useful properties of white clay, which are used:

  • cleansing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bleaching.

Kaolin is able to perfectly absorb all poisons and toxins. It effectively rids the digestive tract of many harmful substances. It is part of the adsorbent drugs.

Sometimes white clay is used for internal use on its own, at home. This is done according to certain rules, which we will also talk about.

Kaolin is an excellent hair care product. The product is part of a wide variety of shampoos, masks.

On its basis, products are made that reduce the production of sebum, cleanse the scalp, and strengthen hair. Kaolin is an indispensable component in the fight against seborrhea and dandruff.

Found the use of white clay in the care of the oral cavity, teeth. It is included in the composition of toothpastes, as it perfectly cleans teeth without damaging the enamel, and is able to remove even tartar.

The use of kaolin in medicine

White clay, the properties of which have been carefully studied by medical scientists, is used for medicinal purposes both externally and internally.

But it is important to know that only a purified product is consumed inside. Such clay must undergo special cleaning and be allowed to be received. Therefore, only a product purchased at a pharmacy is suitable for internal use.

Treatment with kaolin is widely practiced. For various skin diseases, diaper rash, ulcers, burns, kaolin is used in the form of ointments, pastes, powders.

Take white clay inside to cleanse the liver. It perfectly dissolves solid formations in the biliary tract, eliminates stagnation of bile.

For various poisonings (poisons, toxins, chemicals), allergies, kaolin is used - it is an effective sorbent. Its use allows you to bind and remove all harmful substances from the digestive tract.

This product has a positive effect in the treatment of colitis, enteritis and other inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Kaolin is able, passing through the intestines, to absorb radiation and remove it from the body. This feature was discovered empirically after the Chernobyl accident.

That is why white clay is recommended for use in unfavorable areas. The properties and use of this component inside will have a positive effect on health.

As various compresses or therapeutic baths, a unique product is used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Good results are obtained with kaolin treatment of bronchial asthma, intoxication of the body with heavy metals, and allergies.

Properties of white clay for face and body in cosmetology

Kaolin is a soft, natural product that does not contain substances harmful to the skin. Because of this, white clay is often used for the face, as a variety of care products.

The product can be used for all skin types. It is especially effective with increased greasiness. White clay face masks are good for combination skin care. Kaolin is able to fight acne, inflammatory processes on the dermis, relieve integument from greasiness.

Speaking about the properties of white clay for the face, consider the main effects that it has.


White clay is quite effectively applied from age spots of any origin. It makes them invisible.

Calming action

A white clay face mask eliminates inflammation and irritation on the skin of the face and body.


White clay for the face is an excellent antiseptic and disinfectant. The use of kaolin allows you to get rid of rashes, acne, acne.


The product eliminates oily sheen, greasiness. Clay stimulates the narrowing of enlarged pores, dries the skin.


For this purpose, white clay is often used for the face. The properties of kaolin to rejuvenate the skin could not go unnoticed.

After all, the component helps to smooth wrinkles, provides elasticity and elasticity to the skin, evens out the texture and stimulates the production of collagen.


No less valuable are the tightening properties of this substance. Kaolin helps to get rid of jowls, the second chin. It provides a more rigorous contour to the face and body.

Stimulation of blood circulation

This allows the integument to absorb all the beneficial substances much better.


The benefits of kaolin are not only absorption in the digestive tract. The substance, when used locally, removes all “garbage” from the skin: impurities, sebaceous deposits, dead cells.

White clay for the body

Kaolin is also widely used for the body. White clay is often used for acne on the body, and wraps with white clay for cellulite are also widely known.

In addition, it is a natural, harmless and versatile remedy that provides:

  • tissue repair;
  • adsorption in the body;
  • bactericidal, antiseptic effect on the skin of the body.

Speaking about the cosmetic use of kaolin, the following effects should be emphasized:

  • care and rejuvenation of aging skin;
  • getting rid of wrinkles;
  • acne treatment on the body;
  • anti-cellulite properties.

Watch this video and read the article on if you want to get rid of orange peel with kaolin.

The results of the use of white clay

I propose to consider what results can be achieved if kaolin is used. In practice, such effects are fully confirmed by reviews of white clay by women and men. They testify that the product allows:

  • dry the skin;
  • narrow enlarged pores;
  • normalize the production of the sebaceous component;
  • provide an antiseptic effect;
  • relieve inflammation and irritation;
  • rejuvenate the skin;
  • provide the covers with elasticity, softness, tenderness;
  • eliminate cellulite.


Kaolin is a natural product. Due to its naturalness, it is completely harmless to the body.

  1. Do not use clay at elevated temperatures.
  2. People with sensitive skin should be very careful when using this substance. In some cases, especially when combining kaolin with other ingredients, an allergic reaction may occur.
  3. Those with dry skin should also be careful. After all, the product has a drying effect. Therefore, this component can only be used in combination with moisturizing ingredients.
  4. Do not use the product if there are open wounds on the skin. It is not recommended to use a miracle cure during an exacerbation of dermatological ailments.

Indications for the use of white clay

Kaolin can be used for any skin type. It is recommended to resort to the help of this remedy both for mature women and very young ladies.

The use of kaolin requires compliance with certain rules. Otherwise, you can not only aggravate the problem, but also achieve the appearance of irritation or allergies on the integument.

Application rules

  1. Dilution of clay and its combination with other ingredients should take place exclusively in non-metallic dishes. The component is able to react with the metal. As a result, it loses some of its useful properties.
  2. Dilute the powder with cool or slightly warm water. Hot liquid destroys essential minerals.
  3. Prepared kaolin products should be used immediately.
  4. Owners of sensitive and delicate skin should wash off the product from the integument before the clay completely hardens on the dermis.
  5. If white clay is used for the face, then the area around the eyes, where the skin is quite thin, should be avoided.
  6. Before applying the product, it is recommended to thoroughly steam and clean the covers.
  7. It is unacceptable to reuse the mixture, because it draws out of the integument and collects all harmful substances.
  8. The kaolin mixture is applied to the epidermis for no more than 20 minutes.
  9. For oily and problematic skin, it is recommended to use products containing kaolin 3-4 times a week. If the skin is dry, then 2 procedures within 7 days are enough.

White clay for the face

We discussed the properties and use of white clay for the face above. Now we will discuss exactly how to use kaolin at home for the health and beauty of the skin.

Cosmetologists have developed many excellent recipes that allow you to take care of the epidermis. Let's consider some of them.

If kaolin is used for the first time on the skin of the face, be sure to test it on a skin area (inner bend of the elbow). This will protect against the unexpected development of allergies.

White clay and aloe face mask

This tool is used to eliminate acne. It effectively dries microcracks, ensures the normalization of the production of sebaceous secretion.

To prepare the remedy, you will need juice squeezed from a freshly cut aloe leaf. This liquid is diluted with mineral water in equal proportions. The resulting mixture is introduced into kaolin. The consistency of the product should resemble thick sour cream.

Facial mask with white clay and tomato juice

This mask will help to narrow the pores, relieve oily sheen and significantly whiten the skin.

To make the product, you need to squeeze the juice from fresh tomatoes. Kaolin is diluted with a tomato drink until the desired consistency is obtained.

Honey Clay Facial Mask

White clay effectively eliminates age spots and freckles. This mask can help with wrinkles and perfectly tighten the skin.

You need to take 1 tbsp. l. kaolin powder and combine it with 1 tsp. liquid honey. Such a thick mixture is diluted with milk to a creamy state.

white clay inside

No matter how absurd it may look, but the use of white clay inside is not without meaning. After all, kaolin really helps to fight many pathologies.

Kaolin will not cure cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, diseases of the kidneys, liver, hypertension, blood diseases, infections of the genitourinary system, asthma, oncology.

Do not attribute magical properties to kaolin and do not waste time, because with such ailments, adequate and timely medical help is needed.

Very often, white clay for ingestion is used in the form of clay water. This is a real storehouse of nutrients that can replace expensive vitamin complexes.

To prepare such a drink you need:

  1. Hold kaolin purchased at a pharmacy for internal use in the sun for 30 minutes.
  2. Then the powder (tablet remedy must be crushed), in the amount of 1 tbsp. l., add to a glass of water. Mix thoroughly and drink.
  3. Treatment with kaolin is recommended in courses. The drink is taken daily (1 time per day) for 2-3 weeks. Then they take a break for 14 days. If desired, resume treatment again.

Kaolin is a harmless universal remedy that Mother Nature generously rewarded humanity with.

Kaolin can be the guardian of your health, normalizing metabolism, getting rid of toxins, improving the functioning of the digestive tract.

It is an indispensable assistant for those who seek to slow down the aging process or wish to have soft, supple skin.

White clay - reviews

We offer to consider the most characteristic reviews of white cosmetic clay. We picked up reviews of white clay for the face, as this is its most common use for cosmetic purposes.

Elena, 24 years old

I have been using kaolin for 2 weeks - I accidentally saw it in a pharmacy and became interested, bought it. That's why I want to leave my review.

White clay face mask is now my good habit! I do it twice a week to cleanse the skin of the face - I just dilute it with some water and let it dry. Excellent result.

With my experience I confirm all the positive reviews about white clay for acne! I didn’t have a lot of them, but in the heat it was a frequent occurrence. Now my face is clean, without inflammation and pimples. Even the black dots from the nose are gone in 2-3 applications.

Anastasia, 29 years old

After acid cleansing, the beautician left a stain on his face, which is very sad. You will not constantly cover up with foundation. I was looking for help from this trouble, I found a good remedy on the Internet, reading the reviews.

White clay from age spots helped a lot. My spot was just below the eye, and kaolin cannot be applied there, but I did it anyway, adding to the mixture. The stain was almost completely gone, and I made 5 masks for 15 minutes. It makes me very happy and I recommend it to everyone.

Lovely women! It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on expensive tools and procedures. If you want to look young, feminine and beautiful, pay attention to such a simple, but at the same time very effective remedy, like kaolin.

White clay (kaolin) of the highest purity, for external use and ingestion (clay cleaning).

This natural substance has been known since biblical times, when God created the first man from clay and breathed life into him. Maybe it is for this reason that white clay fits so naturally to our body, helps in the treatment of various diseases and is very useful for cosmetic procedures.

basis white clay (kaolin) are natural minerals - aluminosilicates. In addition to them, white clay contains dozens of microelements and healing salts that have a tonic, cleansing and healing effect on the skin, hair, teeth and internal organs.

Our ancestors regularly used white clay not only externally, but also internally. Lotions, compresses, wraps, powders and relaxing white clay baths successfully treat osteochondrosis, polyarthritis and arthritis, mastopathy, varicose veins. They are great for relieving muscle pain and can be used to cool bruises and relieve headaches.

substance kaolin, which gave its name to white clay, is able to actively absorb harmful waste products of the cells of the human body. Kaolin absorbs toxins, gases and salts of heavy metals from the gastrointestinal tract and prevents them from entering the circulatory system. Therefore, white clay today is one of the best remedies for dealing with serious intoxications of the body.

Kaolin has bactericidal properties and is no worse than chemical antibiotics destroys pathogenic bacteria. At the same time, it is absolutely inert and safe for the body, which cannot be said about synthesized antibiotic drugs. Every person can be convinced of this property of white clay. Put a spoonful of white clay in milk and it won't turn sour even if it sits in the sun all day!

It is very important that white clay destroys only dangerous microorganisms and does not affect the beneficial intestinal microflora. The therapeutic use of kaolin increases the body's immunity and stimulates cell renewal.

Effective in the treatment of angina clay therapy course. To do this, dissolve 1 teaspoon of white clay in 1 glass of water and gargle with the resulting solution several times a day. The same clay water can be drunk several sips every hour.

The use of white clay is beneficial for women during pregnancy and lactation.

White clay treats disorders of the digestive tract well. After undergoing a course of radiotherapy, you should also drink clay water.

For all the above diseases, in which the internal intake of a solution of white clay is indicated, as well as in cleansing programs, clay is used in the manner described below.

The use of white clay inside

- for adults, the solution should be made from the calculation 1 full teaspoon of clay with a small slide for 100 ml (half a glass) of water.

- for children 1-7 years old, the solution should be made at the rate 1/2 teaspoon per 100 ml (half a cup) of water.

Water should be taken slightly warm or at room temperature. It is best to drink a solution of clay on an empty stomach, i. 1 hour before meals or 1-1.5 hours after meals. You need to take a clay solution 3 times a day last dose at bedtime. Each time, prepare a fresh solution, i.e. in total, you need to drink 3 teaspoons of clay powder (adults) or 1.5 teaspoons of clay (children) during the day. The course of internal intake of white clay is usually 10 days. If necessary, after a 2-week break, the course can be repeated.

Also, a solution of white clay can be taken as needed one-time, for example, in case of poisoning with food, alcohol, drugs. In this case, the dose can be increased by 2 or 3 times from the recommended one.

Therapeutic and cosmetic properties of kaolin

The healing properties of kaolin today are almost rediscovered by cosmetologists. White clay is actively used in the manufacture of elite toothpastes, shampoos and cleansing cosmetic masks. White clay strengthens brittle and weak hair and is used in the fight against baldness. Shampoos containing kaolin are an excellent remedy against dandruff and seborrhea.

On the basis of kaolin, cosmetologists have created effective masks for facial skin and anti-cellulite preparations. White clay saturates our skin with minerals and removes excess fat and dead skin cells from the epidermis. The healing effect of clay also extends to the blood vessels of the skin, which, after cosmetic masks, become elastic again. In addition, kaolin stimulates the production of collagen, which gives the skin elasticity.

Having a powerful stimulating effect on the biochemical processes of the epidermis, kaolin accelerates the process of cell regeneration. Thanks to this, after cosmetic masks made of white clay, fine wrinkles are smoothed and the skin is rejuvenated. The cleansing and whitening effect of kaolin masks is especially useful for problematic and oily skin. However, such procedures are not recommended if there are noticeable blood vessels or purulent acne on the nose or cheeks.

The use of white clay for masks and body wraps

For normal and combination skin

Mix 1 tablespoon (kaolin) of white clay with a hydrolat suitable for skin type (for example, green tea, hyssop, geranium, rose, etc.) and 1 teaspoon of honey. Half an hour after application, wash off the mask and apply a nourishing aroma oil to the face. This mask perfectly cleanses the skin of dead cells and improves complexion.

Mix 2 tablespoons of white clay with a suitable hydrolat (tea tree, sage, thyme, rosemary) and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. After 20 minutes after application, the mask should be washed off with warm boiled water.

Drying mask

Mix 1 tablespoon of white clay with 1 tablespoon of milk and 1 tablespoon of talcum powder. Wash off the mask after 20 minutes.

Lifting mask for any skin type

Mix 1 tablespoon of white clay with 1 tablespoon of a floral hydrosol suitable for skin type (for example, for dry skin, take acacia or jasmine hydrosol, for oily skin - sage or rosemary, for combined - calendula or mint). Mix clay and hydrolat until a thick cream, can be enriched with essential oils (ylang-ylang, rosewood, sandalwood, etc.), suitable for skin type. Apply to face, neck and décolleté for 15-20 minutes. Wash away.

Anti-cellulite wraps

Mix clay with water to the state of thick sour cream in the required volume, add rosemary or citrus essential oils at the rate of 15 drops of essential oils per 100 grams of clay mixture. Apply to problem areas, cover with a film, dress and keep for 30 minutes. Wash away. The course is at least 10 procedures every other day.

natural toothpaste

Mix pine hydrolate 20 ml, sage hydrolate 20 ml, vegetable glycerin 10 ml, add the required amount of white clay to get the desired paste consistency. To flavor and enhance the antimicrobial effect, add 4-5 drops of essential oils (of one type or several, for example, peppermint, sage, cedar, tea tree, cajuput) to the finished paste. Store the paste in a tightly closed jar, pick up with a dry brush.

There are no contraindications to the internal use of white clay.

The product is certified. TU 9158-007-0177188917-2015 (

How to prepare clay for internal use

For internal use, it is better to use clean, oily, smooth clay without sand and foreign inclusions. It is better to use clay taken in one piece. Break the briquette, break it into small pieces, which, in turn, using a bottle or mortar, crush into powder - as small as possible. The finer the clay is crushed, the more accessible it will be to the rays of the sun, it will absorb more rays and be more enriched with a radioactive charge. Then sift the powder through a sieve to get rid of unnecessary impurities, discard all sorts of small items. Put the clean finished powder in the sun. The clay is ready to use.

How to take clay

Dissolve the clay powder in the required amount of water. Then drink the whole thing - both water and clay - in sips, but not in one gulp. If there is not much clay powder left at the bottom of the glass, you can add more water to it and drink it. Remember never to use metal spoons. Clay powder diluted in cold water should only be taken before meals.

If the patient prefers to take the powder with another drink, then it is advisable to do this with an infusion of mint or other medicinal herb, but without sugar. You can add a small amount of honey. Never drink clay with milk or coffee, especially with hot or alcoholic drinks. It is best to drink clay with cold water, you can use home-made grape juice, you can add a few drops of lemon juice to clay water. Those who prefer to take the powder dry with water may be advised to put a small piece of clay in their mouth, let it melt in the mouth, and then swallow it with a small amount of water. By doing so, you will strengthen your teeth and improve your digestion.

The use of clay inside has a beneficial effect in terms of the evacuation of toxins. If you notice that ingestion of clay causes constipation at the beginning of treatment, then this is a sure indicator that you have a serious disease of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, during the day, gradually, in sips, drink a large amount of fairly light clay water.

How much clay to take

It is necessary to regulate the amount of clay taken depending on the needs of the body. Clay does not bring harm, but in some cases it can cause unpleasant reactions. With a weak stomach, start drinking water with the addition of small amounts of clay, i.e. do not apply immediately thick solutions. Later, after getting used to the body, you can take half a teaspoon, and then a full one, bringing it up to two spoons at once, or in small portions throughout the day. For children, one teaspoon is enough. Infants can be given 1 to 2 teaspoons without concern. Powdered or pasteurized milk should never be fed to infants. When they grow up, you can give them water with clay, adding honey if desired.

The normal dose for an adult is 2 teaspoons of clay powder per day. If you take more, then it will be a surplus in the diet. On the contrary, persons who need good nutrition and restoration of their health may take up to four teaspoons per day; two in the morning and in the evening before bed. It is best to take clay in the morning - immediately after waking up and always just before meals. It is not worth eating much in the morning, especially after taking clay.

If you have stomach pains and taking the clay also causes them (i.e. it gives too strong a reaction), then the clay should be replaced with lemon juice diluted with water for a while. If the use of clay is accompanied by pain, then it needs to be magnetized - then it is much easier to tolerate, becoming even twice as effective.

Treatment by ingestion of clay can sometimes last several months or even a year. But still, it is advisable to periodically take breaks so as not to accustom your stomach to it. For example, take clay for 21 days and then take a break for nine days. Of course, each patient should measure the duration of the course of treatment with his condition and needs.

While taking clay internally, beware of taking other medicines and injecting: there is no point in taking clay to get rid of poisons, and at the same time nourish yourself with new medical poisons!

As often as possible, clay should be exposed to the air and especially to the sun: let the solar radiation accumulate!

Store the clay solution in a dry place in a glass or earthenware container.

The effectiveness of the action of clay when taken orally

Clay is radioactive because it is filled with solar magnetism. It consists of so many minerals that our body needs, and in addition, it has a wonderful ability to eliminate our ailments. Passing along the entire gastrointestinal tract - from the mouth through the stomach to the intestines - clay gives strength and life to the whole body. Radioactive clay particles stimulate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines and thus activate their digestive function. Clay renews all weakened cells, gives the body micro-elements and minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, silica, etc.) in the most digestible form. Clay provides exactly those mineral salts that we lack, supplying them in doses that are best suited to our body. In addition, it absorbs all toxins, poisons, putrefactive gases, excess acid and removes them from the body, completely Cleansing it.

As already mentioned, clay provides the body with minerals. This has been scientifically proven: when analyzing the feces of a person who took clay, the absence of minerals in the clay was found. This clearly indicates that these substances have been absorbed by the body. This circumstance is important, since minerals are vital. They are used by the body in the formation of new tissues, bones, teeth, blood, therefore, children need them during their growth period, which means that they should not be deprived of the opportunity to drink clay water.

All anaemic people with lymphatic diseases, people suffering from a lack of minerals, nannies, wet nurses should constantly drink this water.

Gout, atherosclerosis, diabetes, diseases of the skin, blood, liver, gallbladder, kidneys and many others should be treated by taking clay inside. In anemic people, demineralization of the cell has occurred, so they have no strength.

After eight days of treatment with clay, it can be noted that the number of red blood cells (erythrocytes) in these patients increases and the complexion improves. This can be checked by a blood test before and after taking the clay.

Red blood cells in clay find new energy, which helps them to strengthen and renew themselves, and then take part in the restructuring of tissues. As a result of treatment, the function of the kidneys, liver and gallbladder improves, and their recovery gradually occurs.

Since the clay stimulates the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and regulates the function of the intestines, its use has an excellent effect in diseases of the digestive tract. All diseases of the stomach and intestines can be cured by using clay inside.

All people are sick to a greater or lesser extent, their bodies are slagged. This applies to everyone: to the villagers, and especially to the townspeople. Therefore, the intake of clay powder inside is necessary for everyone. It cleanses the body, protects us from disease and gives us a source of new energy. In any case, you can get evidence of its disinfecting, dissolving and cleansing action: already after the first spoons taken, your urine will become more cloudy, and the fecal matter will darken. This means that the clay has done a good job inside you and is expelling the toxins that have accumulated in the body. If you continue to take clay, then gradually everything will return to normal: urine will become amber in color, and feces - dark yellow, natural. It will not smell, as the clay will take poisonous gases into itself.

Sometimes at the beginning of treatment it may seem that the disease has worsened and you begin to feel worse, but this is not so. Clay attracts toxins, removes them from the body and promotes healing. Clay treatment is useful for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

To ensure the sterilization of any drink, it is enough to add a little clay to it. In case of an epidemic, clay should be used as a bactericidal agent.

In general, the disease should be considered as a lack of radioactive substances in the body, while clay gives the body just what it needs. The clay used internally is pure and natural, and the dirt is not in the clay, but in the body of the patient.

In barracks, prisons and other establishments where infections are quickly penetrated and where infections spread rapidly, as well as on ships, clay powder must always be ready. This medicine will do no harm if you do not take it unnecessarily and in larger quantities than you should.

It should not be forgotten that the importance of clay treatment exceeds the physical concept itself, since clay also has a strong effect on the soul and spirit of a person - it cleanses him morally and spiritually.

If you are a believer, if you trust in spiritual strength, then before drinking your “wonderful powder”, raise a glass of water and clay in the same way as a priest raises a goblet, and send a good thought to the Almighty Creator. Repeat to yourself that clay is the creation of God, that the power of the Creator is contained in it. Think that this blessed powder penetrates your body and spreads through it with the Divine power that is contained in it. Clay will be able to free you forever from all physical, moral and spiritual dirt.

A mass that is earthy, soft, sticky when dry, and more or less plastic when wet, is called clay. It is formed during the decomposition of rocks rich in feldspar. The composition of clays is diverse and depends on the types of rocks, as a result of the destruction of which they were formed. Purely analytically (not taking into account the type of bond) determined the main constituents of clay - Al2O3, SiO2 and H2O. Previously, it was believed that kaolin is the basic substance of clay, which is different types of clay, therefore, are kaolin more or less heavily contaminated with impurities. However, in accordance with later data, clay and kaolin are substances of a completely different nature, even in cases where they accidentally have the same analytical composition. Valuable ceramic clay contain a significant amount of admixture of kaolin; such kaolin was washed out of its primary deposits, and later precipitated again together with other colloidally distributed minerals, which, however, can be clay formers themselves.

As the main component of kaolin contains kaolinite, which is (according to X-ray data) a crystalline substance of the composition Al2O32SiO22H2O. Clays either do not contain this compound at all or contain it as an accidental impurity. Pure kaolin is white and has a relatively low plasticity. Due to the fact that it serves as a raw material for the manufacture of porcelain, it is called porcelain earth.

Clays, which are often significantly superior to kaolin in their plastic properties, are used for the manufacture of pottery, faience, stoneware and majolica. Most varieties of clay are yellowish-gray or bluish in color, but completely white clays are also found. Clays rich in iron oxide turn brown after calcination (firing). They are usually used to make clay pots and terracotta products. shaped earth called clay heavily contaminated with iron oxide and sand. This clay is mainly used for making bricks and tiles. Clay heavily contaminated with calcium and magnesium carbonates is called marl. It is not suitable as a raw material for ceramic products, but it is used in the production of cement.

Education clay occurs during the weathering of silicate rocks, which is associated with their significant mechanical fragmentation (transformation into a colloidal state). Along with this, a subordinate chemical a process, namely the hydrolysis of a more or less significant part of silicates (primarily feldspars) with the formation of amorphous alumina gels. The latter are called allophanes and appear to be pure mixtures of hydrates of alumina and silicon dioxide, or prokaolins- also amorphous, water-containing aluminum silicates. Prokaolin is probably a specific chemical compound of the composition Al2O32SiO2. It contains a variable amount of water, which is not chemically bound to it, as in kaolinite, but mixed with it, as water is in gels. Crushed only mechanically and therefore still crystalline components of rocks are contained in most varieties of clays, also mainly in a colloidally crushed state.

Special properties clay are created by certain constituents that have a layered lattice structure formed by six-membered rings consisting of SiO4 tetrahedra. These constituents, like permutites, are distinguished by a certain capacity for cation exchange. These primarily include kaolin and related substances (for example, halloysite, Al2O32SiO24H2O), montmorillonite and some mica-like minerals. All clay-forming minerals have similar lattices. amorphous constituent parts of clays (allophanes), mixed mostly with crystalline, which are predominantly colloidally fragmented constituents, are not essential for the properties of clays.

While weathering of rocks to form clays may occur under normal atmospheric weathering conditions, the formation kaolin, as first shown by Schwartz (1933), is associated with special conditions. This is greatly favored by high temperature, high pressure, the presence of strong acids (for example, HCl), but not carbonic acid. However, according to Knoll (1935), in geological periods kaolin could also form at low temperatures. The action of strong acids promotes the formation of kaolin, because. this accelerates the hydrolysis of feldspar. Based on alkali-free hydrolysis products of feldspar, one can observe the formation of kaolin in the absence of acid. So, Knoll was able to synthesize kaolin, starting, for example, from a mixture of amorphous SiO2 with boehmite or with bayerite by heating it with pressurized water. If the mixture is heated in the presence of sodium hydroxide solution, montmorillonite is formed. Obviously, the formation of kaolin in nature occurs if the alkaline and alkaline earth elements are completely leached from the original rocks; otherwise, it will form montmorillonite. Consequently, the formation of kaolin in nature is accelerated primarily by intensive leaching and good circulation of solutions, as well as due to the acidic reaction of leaching waters.

The formation of kaolin is a purely chemical process that can be expressed by the overall equation

2K + 7H2O = Al2(OH)4 + 4H2SiO3 + 2KOH.

Kaolin can be formed directly from feldspar, as well as from prokaolin, originally formed from feldspar by normal weathering, if it is heated with high pressure water. If kaolin is heated under pressure in a slightly alkaline medium (with an alkali carbonate solution), then it turns into montmorillonite Al2(OH)2nH2O, while in a strongly alkaline environment, zeolites.

When heated, kaolinite first splits off water (10 mm Hg at 430?). The mechanism of water splitting shows that the water in kaolinite is chemically bound. Dehydrated kaolinite ( metakaolinite) with stronger heating, it first decomposes into Al2O3 and SiO2; at an even higher temperature, it forms mullite 3Al2O32SiO2 (along with tridymite).

X-ray diffraction analysis established that kaolinite is built from network planes formed by 2- ions, between which two layers of + are sometimes included. Minerals have the same composition with kaolinite dikit and nakrit found in many grades of kaolin. They show a different pattern of X-ray interference than kaolinite, but, apparently, they are constructed in a similar way.

Pure clay in powder form is used in medicine and is called "bolus alba" (- lump of earth).

Ceramic products. Products obtained from naturally occurring and artificially prepared plastic mixtures of clay or kaolin with other substances are called "ceramic products". Easily shaped or "plastic" refers to a viscous mass, which, with slight pressure, can be given any shape, and this shape is retained even after the cessation of pressure. The most important ceramic products and their characteristic properties are shown in Table 1.

Table 1

The most important ceramic products and their properties

Porcelain. Porcelain was known in China already in the most ancient times, and in Europe it began to be manufactured in a factory way for the first time in Meissen (since 1710). Porcelain was obtained by strong calcination ("firing") of plastic masses made by mixing kaolin(porcelain earth) with powdered feldspar and quartz with the addition of a small amount of water. If the firing temperature is not too high, then the shape of the products is preserved, only the volume is greatly reduced, since porcelain "sits down" during firing. At the same time, the mass ("shard") becomes dense (waterproof) and sonorous.

For the manufacture of hard porcelain, about 50% kaolin, 25% feldspar and 25% quartz are usually used. When fired, kaolin first releases constitutional water. It then decomposes into Al2O3 and SiO2, which are dissolved in glassy softened feldspar. With a further increase in temperature, feldspar dissolves coarse-grained quartz in increasing quantities. As the feldspar is enriched in silicon dioxide, mullite, because with an increase in the content of SiO2, the dissolving power of feldspar with respect to mullite decreases. Therefore, finished porcelain consists of a vitreous ground mass, which is penetrated by closely interwoven mullite needles and the remaining undissolved quartz grains (and tiny air bubbles). As a rule, firing is carried out twice. After the first firing, the so-called "green firing" at approximately 900°, a transparent layer is applied to the porcelain. glaze: the still porous shards obtained after raw firing are quickly immersed in a glaze mass - an aqueous suspension of kaolin, clay, feldspar and marble. When heated, it forms refractory glass. Subsequent drying (about 1450?) produce final firing. Often, porcelain is subjected to a third firing in a muffle furnace at red heat after applying paints, i.e. finely ground colored glass ground with turpentine. Paints for "sharp" fire or underglaze paints applied to an unglazed shard are more durable. However, there are few paints for which this method is possible. Finally annealed without glaze porcelain is called biscuit. Instead of a porcelain molding process based on its plasticity, the porcelain mass can be liquefied by adding a small amount of alkali and cast in a plaster mold. As a result of the absorption of water by the fired plaster mold, the porcelain product quickly hardens. Porcelain is not only for the manufacture of household utensils and art products, but also, and to a very large extent, for the manufacture of chemical utensils, and due to its electrical insulating properties, for the manufacture of insulators.

from ordinary or hard porcelain is different soft porcelain, from which mainly artistic products are made. Soft porcelain contains less kaolin and, accordingly, more "fluid", for example, feldspar, chalk. Such porcelain, in accordance with its fusibility, is fired at a lower temperature (usually at 1200-1300?). Therefore, it is easy to produce its multi-color underglaze coloring.

stone materials, like porcelain, are dense sonorous and so hard that they are not scratched by steel; in addition, they are very resistant to chemical attack. Since they are made of clay, they require a lower firing temperature than hard porcelain (1200-1300?), do not have the same translucency as porcelain, and in most cases are not white, but gray, yellow or brown. They are often covered only with a thin layer of "salt" glaze, which is formed by the evaporation of common salt thrown into the oven; due to this, vitreous double sodium silicate is deposited on the surface of such a product. In the chemical industry, unglazed products made of stone material are very often used.

Thin stone material is used for the manufacture of vases and other artistic products, in architecture for the manufacture of reliefs and decoration of facades. Gray old German vessels (goblets, etc.) painted with blue paint were made from stone material. Examples of products made from rough brown stone material are water and sewer pipes, as well as "metlakh tiles". Numerous vessels made of brown stone material are used in the chemical industry: turillas, cooling coils, pipes, bathtubs, etc.

Faience, like porcelain, white or almost white, but it is softer, so that steel leaves scratches on it; it breaks more easily, is porous, so in most cases it needs to be glazed. Faience is obtained from a mixture of clay, quartz, alkali and minium, sometimes coloring oxides are added. Faience is fired twice: first without glaze at 1200-1300? (wet firing) and then slightly weaker with glaze (final firing). Sinks, bathtubs, etc. are made from thin faience. Some varieties of faience are often dyed with titanic acid in a pale cream color (washbasins). Examples of unglazed earthenware are earthenware vessels, earthenware pipes, and the like.

Faience has a dirty gray porous fracture. Therefore, it is covered with a glaze, which, due to the addition of tin dioxide, is white and opaque. Previously, faience was often used to make cheap dishes; however, faience, made by Wedgwood in England, almost completely replaced ordinary faience from household use. Thinner faience is suitable for artistic ceramics. According to its properties, faience approaches majolica covered with colored glaze.

Ordinary pottery, such as flower pots, earthenware, also have a porous fracture. They are covered with a glaze containing mostly lead; it is usually colored by metal oxides added to it. Iron oxide gives a yellow, and together with manganese dioxide - a brown color; copper colors the glaze green.

Brick. Fired bricks are molded from clay and then fired. Due to the content of iron oxide in the clay, the bricks are mostly painted red. The brick has a high porosity, because. firing is carried out at a relatively low temperature. Heavily burnt, dense and very strong brick is called clinker.

Refractory materials. "Refractory" refers to materials that, without melting, can withstand heating at high temperatures (at least 1600?). The most commonly used refractory material is fireclay, which consists of a mixture of two types of clay: fired to sintering, possibly more refractory clay (chamotte proper) and red plastic clay (binding clay). There are special deposits of clays, which are primarily used for the manufacture of fireclay. Chamotte, which usually contains about 42-45% Al2O3 and 50-54% SiO2, is primarily used for lining furnaces, high-temperature furnaces and recuperators. For coke ovens, ceramic ovens and steel industry ovens (e.g. Siemens-Marten ovens) used in most cases (first produced in England) dinas. It is prepared by firing coarse-grained quartz sand mixed with a small amount of lime mass or clay. Clay dinas contains 15-17% Al2O3 and 80-83% SiO2. It softens at 1350°, but only melts above 1650°. In terms of refractory properties, it is superior to calcareous dinas or silicate stone(with a content of 1.5-4% CaO, 0.3-2% Al2O3 and 94-96% SiO2), which melts only at 1700-1750?. It is used primarily in Siemens-Marten furnaces. The so-called sillimanites, which are obtained by firing at high temperature sillimanite, cyanite or andalusite (minerals of the same composition Al2 SiO5, but different internal structure), resulting in the formation mullite, 3Al2O32SiO2, which, as already noted, is an integral part of hard porcelain.

Of the refractory materials that do not contain SiO2 or contain it in very small quantities, bauxite, dynamidone, magnesite and dolomite should be mentioned. High refractory properties are magnesia, zirconium dioxide and mainly graphite (in the absence of air).

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