How does increased intracranial pressure manifest in adults? High and low intracranial pressure: a dangerous diagnosis. Complications of intracranial pressure

Head of the Department of Functional Diagnostics

Doctor-neurologist of the highest category, specialist in the field of extrapyramidal pathologies, doctor of the highest category

Headache, weakness, fatigue, decreased performance - these signs may indicate, among other things, a change intracranial pressure. It should be understood that it varies depending on the physiological and psychological state of a person, so there is a wide range of normal indicators. It is impossible to measure it at home, so when the first symptoms appear, you should contact for a full diagnosis. The Clinical Institute of the Brain has all the conditions for checking intracranial pressure, as well as a staff of specialists who will prescribe effective treatment if a pathology is detected. Untimely provision of medical care is dangerous for health, because in conditions of insufficient blood supply to certain parts of the brain, the level of their functioning gradually decreases.

Physiological norm and definition of intracranial pressure

The human skull is a cavity in which the brain is located. To protect it from injury, as well as to maintain its normal operation, there are departments filled with liquid. First of all, the liquid fraction is represented by blood, which is in the vessels. There is also liquor (spinal, or cerebrospinal fluid). It is synthesized in special vascular plexuses and enters the skull through the spinal canal, then is in the ventricles of the brain and is removed through the venous sinuses. This fluid is necessary for the transport of oxygen and nutrients, which are used by brain cells to maintain performance.

Intracranial pressure is a complex value that consists of several factors:

  • pressure of the brain (normally, it occupies no more than 85% of the space of the skull);
  • blood - up to 8%;
  • cerebrospinal fluid - up to 7%.

Blood and cerebrospinal fluid are in constant motion. If the blood circulates through the vascular bed, then the spinal fluid moves through the ventricles of the brain and through the spinal canal. These fractions are continuously synthesized, enter the cranium and move further along the vascular bed. When they are in the skull, they put pressure on the interior of the vessels and ventricles of the brain. For this reason, intracranial pressure is present in every person, and its value can change every minute. An increase or decrease in this indicator may indicate both pathology and normal physiological processes in the human body.

Causes of violation of the pressure norm

In the CIS countries, increased intracranial pressure is a common diagnosis. It is put for various disorders of the central nervous system for adults and children, and a simple set of therapeutic procedures allows you to quickly normalize the condition and maintain it in the future. However, a change in ICP is actually a symptom of a number of dangerous diseases that are not treated at home. When making a diagnosis, it is important to pay attention to the patient's complaints, collect a complete picture and determine whether the pressure inside the skull is pathologically reduced or increased and threatens human health. In most cases, if ICP is really elevated, the patient has a number of additional clinical signs that can be used to identify serious disorders of nervous activity.

Increased intracranial pressure

Increased intracranial pressure is a dangerous phenomenon. It accompanies diseases that threaten the life of the patient. These include:

  • inflammatory diseases of the membranes of the brain, including infectious origin (meningitis);
  • serious poisoning with toxins - while there is an increase in the amount of blood in the vessels of the brain and its stagnation;
  • traumatic brain tissue injuries (closed craniocerebral trauma);
  • various neoplasms in the cranial cavity;
  • hematomas located between the membranes of the brain;
  • hydrocephalus - a dangerous disease that is characterized by a violation of the outflow of spinal fluid and its accumulation in the ventricles of the brain;
  • severe metabolic disorders (advanced forms of diabetes mellitus).

In children under the age of 10-11 years, any signs of intracranial hypertension are often associated with birth trauma. Indeed, this factor in history can provoke cerebral hypoxia and various neurological disorders. However, it is important to exclude the possibility of developing hydrocephalus - this disease manifests itself at an early age and is characterized by a rapid increase in head volume. Since the anatomical norm may differ in children (a large head is not a cause for concern), the diagnosis is made on the basis of frequent measurements of head circumference and analysis of its growth rate. Signs of increased intracranial pressure in adults are a reason to undergo an examination and exclude the possibility of neoplasms in the cranial cavity.

pressure drop

Decreased intracranial pressure is a less dangerous condition. This indicator decreases in certain situations that can be corrected by a set of procedures or by taking medications. Surgical intervention is not required. Reasons for its decline include:

  • the production of spinal fluid in insufficient quantities or the acceleration of its reabsorption into the blood;
  • increasing the permeability of the barrier, which ensures the exchange of fluid between the cells of the central nervous system and the bloodstream;
  • decreased tone of blood vessels;
  • diseases of the spinal column, especially the index of intracranial pressure is affected by the cervical region;
  • any conditions that are accompanied by pathological dehydration of the body: poisoning, taking diuretics, allergic reactions, and others.

In some diseases, there is a decrease in the rate of blood circulation through the vessels of the brain. They can also be the result of birth injuries, vascular pathologies, congenital anomalies in the structure of the brain. With untimely treatment, this condition can also cause dangerous complications.

Signs of pathology

Changes in intracranial pressure affect the general condition of the patient. Often this is preceded by trauma or blows to the head, complications during childbirth, as well as diseases of the meninges. In this case, the patient cannot lead a normal life, and the symptoms of an increase or decrease in ICP are not stopped by taking medications. Such patients are treated in a hospital setting. It is also impossible not to notice pathological changes in this indicator in children. In addition, in the absence of a reason, the pressure cannot increase or decrease and stop at a critical level for the child - serious reasons are needed for this.

The physiological basis of painful sensations with an increase or decrease in pressure, as well as other signs, is an insufficient supply of blood to the brain and various violations of its circulation. If the fluid is retained in the vessels and cerebral ventricles, the tissues are under constant pressure, which can provoke a gradual necrosis (death) of the cells. Hypoxia (insufficient oxygen supply) and nutritional deficiency are also observed - this is the cause of impaired brain activity or loss of reflexes, depending on the location of the damaged area of ​​​​brain tissue.

At elevated pressure

High blood pressure is manifested by a pronounced complex of symptoms that affect all life processes. They can be combined with additional clinical signs characteristic of a particular disease. The symptom complex indicating an increase in ICP includes:

  • painful sensations in the head, which are of a pressing nature and spread to all areas, often occur immediately after waking up and intensify during the day;
  • sleep disturbances, insomnia;
  • failure of standard headache medications;
  • nausea and vomiting, decreased heart rate;
  • a sharp decrease in vision, the inability to focus on small objects for a long time, memory impairment and concentration.

With a headache that occurs due to serious pathologies of intracranial pressure, the patient observes bed rest. With physical activity, attacks of dizziness, loss of consciousness, memory lapses may occur. Peripheral vision disorders are also periodically manifested, the appearance of dark spots and "flies" in the field of view is a consequence of the permanent pressure of the fluid on the optic nerve. With an exacerbation, the situation worsens, normal reflex responses to stimuli may partially disappear.

In children, behavioral problems and hyperactivity are often associated with increased intracranial pressure. However, these diagnoses may not be related. An increase in ICP in infants is indicated by symptoms such as bulging of the fontanel, a rapid increase in head circumference, and divergence of the bones of the skull. Another alarming symptom is too slow overgrowth of the fontanel. If these signs appear in combination with general apathy or excitability, poor sleep, lack of congenital reflexes, this may indicate pathological fluid pressure inside the skull.

Under reduced pressure

Decreased intracranial pressure can also be determined by clinical signs. Symptoms are not as pronounced as with an increase in this indicator, but also affect the patient's well-being and performance. If the pressure inside the skull does not meet the standards, this leads to the following consequences:

  • headaches, which are especially aggravated by raising the head;
  • frequent mood swings, lethargy, apathy, irritability;
  • simultaneous decrease in blood pressure if the syndrome is caused by a general fluid deficiency in the body;
  • headaches, dizziness, fainting may occur after minor physical exertion;
  • decreased visual acuity, the appearance of dark spots before the eyes;
  • nausea, abdominal pain;
  • possible pain in the region of the heart, which extend to the chest.

First aid for a sharp decrease in intracranial pressure is to take the correct position. Lying on your back with your head down, the outflow of fluid is difficult, so the pressure is partially restored. This factor may also have diagnostic value - when lifting the head and in a sitting or standing position, the pain intensifies, and when lying on the back, it decreases slightly.

Diagnostic methods

It is impossible to measure intracranial pressure at home. The only thing the patient can help himself with is to detect the symptoms in time and consult a doctor for a detailed diagnosis. It should be understood that the procedures for measuring ICP are complex, require special equipment and sufficient qualifications of medical personnel. All these conditions are available at the Clinical Institute of the Brain, which specializes in the problems of diagnosing and treating pathologies of nervous activity.

The only way to accurately determine the indicator of intracranial pressure is a puncture of the cerebrospinal fluid. The technique is invasive and is used only in difficult cases. To do this, it is necessary to make a puncture in the lumbar region (into the canal of the spinal cord) or the ventricles of the brain. Liquor, which constantly circulates in these spaces, will begin to flow out, and its pressure can be measured. The value is measured in mm of water column, and its norm is from 60 to 200 mm. These data are indicative if the patient is in the supine position.

There are also additional diagnostic techniques that allow you to assess the state of the brain, its ventricles and vascular bed without invasive intervention. These include:

  • Ultrasound of the brain - the procedure is performed only for children who have not experienced a fusion of the fontanel, and in adults it is impossible due to the density of the bones of the skull;
  • CT or MRI of the brain - analysis can be done at any age, while the data are quite informative and allow you to get a complete three-dimensional image of any area under study;
  • echoencephalography - a type of ultrasound examination, with which you can determine the degree of filling and pulsation of the cerebral arteries.

It is impossible to diagnose increased intracranial pressure only on the basis of the clinical picture. However, all these data must be provided to the doctor during the initial examination. On their basis, the specialists of the Clinical Institute of the Brain will prescribe all the necessary stages of diagnostics, which will allow a full assessment of the patient's condition.

Treatment and prognosis

Therapeutic measures are prescribed based on the results of the diagnosis. First of all, it is important to get rid of the cause that provokes excessive fluid pressure on the cranium. If this phenomenon is caused by traumatic brain injuries, the patient is shown complete rest, sparing nutrition, and taking anti-inflammatory drugs. In some cases, surgical intervention is necessary (in the presence of hematomas between the membranes of the brain, as well as in the presence of injuries that require surgical treatment). The operation is also prescribed for the detection of various neoplasms in the brain tissues, prone to rapid growth.

A separate set of measures is carried out in the diagnosis of hydrofecalia in a child. To remove excess fluid, a shunt is installed through which it flows into the abdominal cavity, and the pressure returns to normal. The operation is repeated as the child grows, and the patient is constantly under observation. In some children, the need for artificial removal of fluid gradually disappears.

Drug therapy for ICP pathologies is secondary. However, drugs are prescribed to eliminate symptoms and to make the patient feel better. The following medicines may be helpful:

  • hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • neuroprotectors and substances to stimulate blood circulation in the brain - the effectiveness of this group has not been proven, despite its widespread use;
  • loop diuretics (diuretics) - drugs that stimulate the excretion of excess fluid;
  • osmodiuretics - including reduce the production of cerebrospinal fluid.

The Clinical Brain Institute specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the central nervous system. Increased intracranial pressure is not a separate disease, but a symptom that indicates a number of pathologies. Experienced specialists will accurately determine the cause of such a violation, as well as its severity and possible consequences. It should be understood that only timely seeking medical help can guarantee successful treatment and a return to a normal lifestyle without a headache.


Frequent headache, dizziness, loss of consciousness are symptoms of serious problems. In some cases, they occur due to increased intracranial pressure. If all these problems are bothering you at the same time, you need to urgently go to the hospital for advice and treatment.

How to check intracranial pressure

Intracranial pressure occurs when cerebrospinal fluid or cerebrospinal fluid acts on the brain. The main part of the substance is formed as a result of the work of the vascular plexuses of glandular cells. If the amount of cerebrospinal fluid formed exceeds 1 liter per day, increased pressure appears inside the cranium. In addition, cerebral hypertension is caused by structures such as blood in the vessels and an enlarged brain. Doctors believe that the reasons for which this condition occurs may be:

  • traumatic brain injury;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • brain tumors;
  • hypertension;
  • stroke;
  • meningitis.

However, in order to confirm or refute the presence of these diseases, it is necessary to measure intracranial pressure using one of the existing diagnostic methods. The first thing a person who has felt such an ailment should do is to contact the clinic. Before an accurate diagnosis is made, a complete examination will have to be completed.

Which doctor measures intracranial pressure

Before you contact a specialist for advice, you need to find out who measures intracranial pressure. This direction is carried out by a neuropathologist and an oculist. The first of the doctors conducts an initial examination and interview, assesses the symptoms that bother the patient. After that, he decides whether visits to other doctors and additional examinations with the help of equipment are required. The ophthalmologist has the opportunity to examine the fundus, take measurements and diagnose whether ICP is elevated or not.

Methods for measuring intracranial pressure

The degree of pressure increase inside the skull can only be measured by a doctor in a hospital or a specially equipped medical center where the necessary equipment is available. All methods by which the diagnosis of intracranial pressure is carried out are divided into invasive (based on penetration to the organ) and non-invasive (superficial examination).

Invasive diagnostic methods

Now the invasive method has been used only when it is impossible to do it in another way. These methods pose a danger to the life of the patient and are used only in adults. There are several types of invasive examination:

  1. epidural. Hair is removed on the head, the skin at the site of trepanation is anesthetized, and a small incision is made. A hole is drilled in the skull, through which a special sensor is inserted between the skull and the shell of the brain. The device should reach the lateral part of the ventricle.
  2. Subdural. A subdural screw is inserted through a hole in the skull to measure the level of ICP in the patient.
  3. Use of an intraventricular catheter. It is considered the most effective of the proposed invasive methods. The catheter is inserted through a burr hole in the skull. It helps not only to evaluate data on the level of increased intracranial pressure, but also to pump out the intracerebral fluid with a drainage tube.

Non-invasive diagnostics

An indirect or non-invasive diagnostic method allows you to examine the brain and measure the pressure of the fluid inside it. Unlike direct invasive methods, they are safe and painless. These techniques are suitable for patients with a satisfactory condition, because their accuracy is questionable. The methods by which non-invasive diagnostics are carried out include:

  1. Magnetic resonance imaging. The person is placed inside the capsule during the study, which takes 30-40 minutes. At the moment, doctors regard MRI as an auxiliary diagnostic method, because it does not give accurate results.
  2. Transcranial dopplerography. It is based on the measurement of blood flow velocity inside the basal veins and venous sinus. The level of blood resistance in the jugular veins is also taken into account. The examination is carried out on an outpatient basis.
  3. Duplex scanning of arteries. The doctor can use this study to diagnose the state of blood flow and blood vessels. Takes about 10 minutes.
  4. Examination of the fundus. Before measuring intracranial pressure, the ophthalmologist instills a few drops of a 1% homatropin solution into each eye of the patient to dilate the pupils. Inspection is carried out using a special mirror at a distance of 8 cm or an electric ophthalmoscope. If ICP is increased, then the ophthalmologist will notice the expansion of tortuous vessels, a change in tissue, contours and color of the optic nerve head.
  5. Otoacoustic method. The doctor evaluates the position of the eardrum in the ear. If the pressure in the cranium is higher than normal, then it also rises in the cochlea.
  6. Spinal puncture. A needle is inserted into the spine between the 3rd and 4th vertebrae. A manometer is attached to it, so they measure the volume of liquid and the degree of pressure. The patient must stay in the hospital during this method.
  7. Rheoencephalography. The method consists in the fact that a high-frequency discharge of a weak current is passed through the tissues of the skull. A device with wires is fixed on the head, a person is seated on a chair and light pulses are directed at him. The device must diagnose the level of ICP by converting the readings into a graph of pulse fluctuations.

How is intracranial pressure measured in adults?

After a visual examination of the patient and an assessment of the symptoms that disturb him, the neuropathologist sends him for an additional examination. The diagnostic method is chosen at the discretion of the specialist and depends on the degree of the patient's condition. In most cases, intracranial pressure in adults is measured non-invasively, but in the case of a serious head injury, direct examination methods are used.

How to check intracranial pressure in a child

Intracranial hypertension can also occur in children. ICP is often diagnosed in newborns based on the following symptoms:

  • frequent causeless crying;
  • protruding and tense fontanel;
  • head size is larger than normal;
  • strabismus.

Intracranial pressure in older children manifests itself as:

  • vomit;
  • headache;
  • fatigue;
  • increased excitability;
  • convulsions.

These signs do not always indicate cerebral hypertension, but if they are disturbing at the same time, then the child should be examined immediately. The doctor will tell you how to measure intracranial pressure in childhood and by what method. Children who have not yet overgrown the fontanel are prescribed neurosonography or ultrasound of the brain. The procedure is completely safe and is indicated for newborns from birth. Children from one year old are sent for echoencephalography. The device will help to track the level of pulsation of the brain vessels.

How to determine intracranial pressure at home

It is very difficult to check intracranial pressure at home. So far, no such devices have been invented that measure this type of pressure. However, it is possible to guess about the disease by indirect signs. Often, due to an increase in ICP, the patient feels the following symptoms.


Raised intracranial pressure is a popular diagnosis. This dangerous disease occurs in both a child and an adult. Various causes of the disease complicate its treatment, but thanks to modern diagnostic methods, it is possible to get rid of elevated ICP forever. Find out how dangerous this disease is, how to reduce intracranial pressure with medicines at home.

What is intracranial pressure

Increased craniocerebral pressure is caused by an increase or decrease in the amount of intracranial fluid - CSF. It protects the brain, its membranes from damage, provides nutrition, respiration of nerve cells. Normally, about 1 liter of CSF is produced per day. Thanks to normal microcirculation, the functioning of the brain and nerve cells is maintained. The ICP of a healthy person ranges from 3-15 mHg. Deviations from these indicators is a dangerous condition and requires treatment.

The following studies will help the doctor diagnose increased intracranial pressure: CT, MRI, puncture of cerebrospinal fluid, ultrasound of the head, examination of the fundus. CSF outflow disturbances are often caused by craniocerebral trauma, inflammatory diseases, sudden growth spurts in adolescents, nervous strain, tumors, alcohol and vitamin A poisoning, and pregnancy. The list of symptoms is very diverse, the main thing is to notice them in time and competently examine them. The main signs of increased ICP are:

  • a sharp decrease in peripheral vision, and later central;
  • frequent headaches;
  • a disproportionately large head in a child;
  • swelling of the face (eyelids, cheekbones,) and neck;
  • persistent nausea and vomiting;
  • frequent fatigue, emotional lability or irritability;
  • sharp headache when coughing, sneezing, bending over;
  • frequent regurgitation (in infants).

How to lower intracranial pressure

When this disease is detected, an experienced doctor will tell you what to do with intracranial pressure in order to prevent health-threatening consequences. Helping a child or an adult is an integrated approach. Proper and effective treatment is aimed at identifying and eliminating the causes of the disease. An integrated approach includes physiological procedures, special exercises, drug therapy, folk remedies, diet. All this helps to bring down high blood pressure, return the patient to normal life.

If the initial cause was a brain tumor, then surgery will be required. Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor chooses the tactics of treatment, methods of therapy. This can happen in an outpatient clinic or at home. The main thing is not to self-medicate, but carefully follow the recommendations of the attending physician.

Drugs that reduce intracranial pressure

In drug therapy, more than one drug is used that reduces intracranial pressure. Each drug has a leaflet that you can read online or in a pharmacy. The following groups of medicines are used:

  • beta-blockers (, Enalapril, Propranolol);
  • alpha-one-blockers (Losartan, Irbesartan, Doxazosin, Nicergoline);
  • angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (Captopril, Kapoten);
  • Ca-channel antagonists (, Amlodipine);
  • plasma substitutes (Albumin);
  • diuretics (hypothiazid, spironolactone, furosemide, torasemide, glycerol);
  • sedatives (, Nott, motherwort herb);
  • vasodilators;
  • hormonal drugs (Dexamethasone).

Folk remedies for intracranial pressure in adults

It is possible to treat intracranial pressure in adults with folk remedies. You can find out how to quickly reduce intracranial pressure from a doctor or chiropractor. Alternative methods can be treated when the disease has become chronic. Apply a massage of the neck and head to relieve vascular tone: pressure will not rise from it for a long time. It is recommended to take soothing herbs - motherwort, valerian, hops. Many folk remedies include the use of honey and bee products. Here are some recipes:

  1. Mix dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins) and nuts (walnuts or almonds) in the same amount. Pour the mixture with linden honey, consume on an empty stomach for 30 g.
  2. Take 150 g of lemon juice, 350 g of liquid honey, 2 cloves of crushed garlic. Mix the containers and insist in a dark, cold place for 10 days. Drink in the morning, in the evening after eating a teaspoon.
  3. Rub hands and feet with propolis and mint tincture, in a ratio of 10:1. This medicine is applied every 2 days.

How to treat intracranial pressure

The correct treatment for intracranial pressure depends on its cause. If it is a congenital ailment, massage is used, diuretics are used. The best remedy for adults is rest and limitation of nervous stress. Drugs in tablets for hypertension have shown themselves to be effective: they reduce the well-high vascular tone. The use of plasma substitutes equalizes the pressure between brain tissue and plasma. It is possible to cure ICP if you consult a doctor earlier and follow his instructions. Properly selected medicine can normalize the condition for a long time.

Vasodilators for the brain

Vasodilator drugs with pressure help fight vasospasm and lower intracranial pressure. They remove the blockage of the outflow of CSF into the venous network. In the treatment of this disease, they effectively showed themselves:

  • No-shpa;
  • Eufillin;
  • papaverine hydrochloride;
  • preparations of nicotinic acid;
  • antihypertensive drugs.


Many antispasmodic drugs are widely used to treat raised intracranial pressure. They are good at relieving pain and spasm. These are Tempalgin, Spazmalgon, No-shpalgin. In its composition, each tablet contains a vasodilating component, an anesthetic. Read the instructions carefully before taking the medication, stick to the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

Diuretics for intracranial pressure

Diuretics with intracranial pressure help to remove excess cerebrospinal fluid from the cranium. They are good at removing swelling from the face and limbs. There are diuretics for emergency therapy, when excess fluid needs to be quickly removed from the body (Furosemide, Lasix) and for complex therapy (Veroshpiron, Diakarb). During treatment, it is necessary to replenish the lost potassium and magnesium ions. They are very important for the functioning of the heart muscle, the brain. Together with diuretics, you need to drink such tablets: Asparkam, Panangin. Lowering ICP with diuretics is used for all causes of the disease.

Constant headache along with nausea and some neurological disorders (edema of the ophthalmic disc) are the main symptoms of increased intracranial pressure (ICP), the diagnosis of which at an early stage will help to avoid the development of dangerous diseases and injuries.


Consider several main manifestations of ICP that affect well-being:

  1. One of the first symptoms of increased intracranial pressure is a persistent headache that starts on waking and gets worse at night or in the evening. Discomfort caused by increased intracranial pressure may increase during coughing or other sudden head movements.
  2. Along with a constant headache, nausea (without vomiting) is considered a characteristic symptom.
  3. A sharp change in the mental, mental state is another signal that can be caused by intracranial hypertension (may be manifested by excessive irritability, slow decision-making speed, other noticeable behavioral disorders). In rare cases (in the absence of proper treatment), these disorders can lead to pathological numbness and even coma.
  4. Periodic, frequent fainting is possible.
  5. Pain in the eyeballs, double vision, bruising under the eyes may occur.
  6. Excessive sweating.

Often these symptoms are exacerbated by changes in atmospheric pressure, during a sharp change in the weather. The headache may worsen when lying down. This is due to a violation of the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid.

The manifestation of one or more symptoms - a reason to contact a specialist. In no case do not start self-medication, because taking the wrong drugs can significantly worsen the condition.

Causes of ICP

Let's name a few main factors that affect the increase in ICP:

  • violation of metabolic processes that impair the absorption of fluid into the blood;
  • an increase in the volume of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF);
  • the occurrence of a volumetric formation in the cranial cavity (tumor, hematoma);
  • an increase in the amount of blood in the dilated vessels of the brain (may occur with poisoning, intoxication);
  • genetic anomalies and defects in the cerebrospinal fluid.

It should be noted that there are a number of diseases accompanied by an increase in ICP:

  • violation of cerebral circulation of various origins (and);
  • traumatic damage to the brain tissue (concussion);
  • encephalitis - inflammation of the brain tissues (GM) leads to their swelling, which causes an increase in ICP;
  • with purulent meningitis, the flow of cerebrospinal fluid changes, it becomes more viscous and its outflow is more difficult (with all types of meningitis, GM edema occurs);
  • intoxication with salts of heavy metals, vapors of toxic gases;
  • developmental anomalies (Arnold-Kari, Dandy-Walker);
  • hydrocephalus - with this disease, the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid is disturbed.

Do not confuse high blood pressure (hypertension) with intracranial pressure. In both cases, a headache occurs, the pressure may fluctuate. At the same time, increased ICP is a symptom, but it is a disease.


Only a specialist can detect elevated ICP. For this, as a rule, magnetic resonance and computed tomography are used, which makes it possible to see the state of the tissue in the brain, whether the cerebral ventricle is enlarged. With the insufficiency of these methods, a number of analyzes and special studies are used:

  1. The optometrist examines the fundus of the eye to determine the cause of pain in the eye area. Increased pressure indicates swelling of the disc in the optic nerve, while the veins in the retina expand. Also, the outflow of blood in the retina can be disturbed.
  2. With the help of electroencephalography, it is possible to identify probable disturbances in the functioning of brain activity by recording impulses emanating from various areas of the brain.
  3. Sometimes a method is used in which a catheter is inserted into the lumen of the spinal canal or ventricles of the brain, with the further attachment of a manometer, which works similarly to a mercury thermometer.
  4. Due to the high error, in rare cases, they resort to echoencephaloscopy (ultrasound neurophysiological method).

The norm of ICP in an adult is 5-7 mm Hg. Art., higher rates indicate violations and the need for treatment.

How to treat ICP?

Therapy for high ICP should be initiated without delay. After all, prolonged pressure on the brain causes malfunctions in its work, which leads to nervous disorders and a decrease in intelligence. If the study showed a significant deviation from the norm, the patient is assigned to the hospital.

After identifying the pathology that led to the development of the disease, phased treatment begins:

  1. Eliminate the cause.

When increased ICP is caused by an intracerebral formation (tumor, hematoma, aneurysm), surgery is performed and it is removed. In the case of excessive secretion of cerebrospinal fluid in hydrocephalus, bypass surgery is performed, the task of which is to create an additional path for the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid, which will lead to a decrease in ICP.

  1. Medical correction of the pressure level.

At this stage, as a rule, the following drugs are used:

  • osmodiuretics (Mannitol, Glycerol) - their action is aimed at reducing the amount of cerebrospinal fluid;
  • "Loop" diuretics (Furosemide) - increase the excretion of sodium and chlorine from the body, dilate peripheral vessels, which leads to a decrease in ICP;
  • hormonal drugs (Dexamethasone) - have anti-inflammatory, antitoxic, immunosuppressive effects;
  • Diacarb - used to restore normal pH levels and susceptibility to "loop" diuretics;
  • neuroprotectors (Glycine) - contribute to the stimulation of mental activity.
  1. Diet therapy. At this stage, the amount of salt and liquid intake is limited, diets No. 10, 10a are well suited.
  2. Application of manual therapy techniques:
  • hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a method of using oxygen at high pressure for therapeutic purposes;
  • hyperventilation - a method of intensive breathing that exceeds the body's need for oxygen;
  • artificial hypotension is a therapeutic and prophylactic method of intentionally lowering blood pressure.

In the case of taking painkillers, pain is relieved, but not a decrease in ICP.

Folk methods for reducing ICP

There are traditional medicine recipes that help to effectively deal with ICP in the early stages and have a beneficial effect in combination with drug treatment. Here are the most effective of them:

  1. Rubbing hot (about 50 C) lavender oil into whiskey. It can be bought ready-made at the pharmacy or prepared at home. To do this, mix dry lavender herb with olive oil (1:1 by weight), leave for 20 days and filter. Manipulation is carried out at the first manifestation of a headache.
  2. Mix alcohol with camphor oil in a ratio of 1:1. The solution is applied to the surface of the scalp immediately before going to bed, put a thin plastic cap on top (if it is well fixed, a regular disposable bag will do) and wrap a towel. The result will be a reduction in elevated ICP in the morning and at night. This method is recommended for exacerbation of headache.
  3. A complex herbal tincture has proven itself well. To prepare, grind mint, hawthorn, eucalyptus, motherwort and valerian in equal proportions. 50 g of the resulting mass insist on vodka for 20-30 days, after which we filter. It is necessary to use 20-25 drops at the initial symptoms of ICP.
  4. A mixture of minced lemon and garlic is not only an excellent remedy in the fight against colds, but also a proven cure for high ICP. To prepare, twist 2 lemons and a large head of garlic. It is impossible to use the resulting slurry in its pure form, this can provoke an increase in the acidity of the stomach. It is diluted with warm water (2 l) and taken at bedtime (30 ml).
  5. A fairly simple method to normalize ICP would be inhalation with a bay leaf. To do this, 5 leaves are poured with a liter of boiling water and breathe in pairs, leaning over the container.

Be sure to coordinate the methods of traditional medicine used with your doctor. Some components can significantly enhance (or neutralize) the effect of medications.

Features of increased ICP in children

Consider some high symptoms:

  1. A feature characteristic of increased ICP will be behavior in which the child can be relatively calm during the day, and in the evening (night) cry without calming down, that is, the behavior becomes stably restless. This is due to the structure of the venous and cerebrospinal fluid system. At a later time, the baby is more in a horizontal position, while the venous outflow slows down, the veins of the brain and skull overflow, which increases the volume of cerebrospinal fluid. This leads to an increase in ICP.
  2. With increased ICP, irritation occurs in the centers of the medulla oblongata, which are responsible for vomiting and nausea. Due to the fact that frequent vomiting and regurgitation in children are due to various reasons, it is impossible to make a diagnosis of increased ICP based on this symptom alone.
  3. Disproportionate size of the head, an increase in the "fontanelle" or frontal part of the skull, divergence of the sutures of the bones of the skull. All this is due to the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the cerebrospinal fluid spaces of the brain.
  4. Graefe's symptom is a violation of the oculomotor nerves, which occurs as a result of birth trauma and as a result of high intracranial pressure. Manifested by periodic uncontrolled deviations of the eyeballs down.

The only method that allows you to compare the indicators of the norm of ICP with the data of a sick child is a spinal puncture. Such a study, although the most accurate, is used extremely rarely. After all, it is invasive (penetrating), and in modern conditions there are many other ways to diagnose increased ICP by a combination of signs.

The first thing to do is to be examined by a neurologist. Parents should tell the doctor in detail about the features of the child's sleep, changes in appetite, sleep patterns.

On examination, the ophthalmologist can detect changes in the fundus, whether the veins are dilated, whether there is swelling of the optic nerve head.

Neurosonography is a fairly informative research method in children under one year old (while the "fontelle" is still open). This is an ultrasound examination of the GM of a child, in which it is possible to detect an increase in the interhemispheric gap, changes in the ventricles, volumetric formations in the GM. For a born child, ultrasound does not have a negative effect, and it is difficult to overestimate the benefits of this method.

The choice of tactics and method of treatment of increased ICP in a child depends on the disease that caused it. Consider the most common methods:

  1. Normalization of sleep, feeding.
  2. Long walks in the fresh air.
  3. Moderate physical activity, swimming has a very beneficial effect.
  4. The appointment of diuretics (diuretics) - Diakarb, Triampur, as well as drugs that improve blood circulation in the GM (Pantogam, Cavinton).
  5. Physiotherapy procedures.
  6. Drugs that have a mild sedative (calming) effect.

If treatment is not started in time, the child's vision may deteriorate, the psyche may be disturbed, and an epileptic syndrome may occur. And in the case of clamping the cerebellum, a disorder of consciousness, respiratory failure, weakness in the limbs is possible.

Symptoms of intracranial pressure in infants are 90% associated with birth trauma.

What parents of a child with this diagnosis should know:

  1. There is a misconception that elevated ICP is incurable. Timely therapy with a wide range of different drugs, as well as the possibility of surgical treatment, help to cope with this pathology.
  2. The main thing is to follow the doctor's instructions.
  3. It must be remembered that with increased ICP in children, treatment should be complex, individual and take place under the supervision of a specialist.
  4. The main cause of this dysfunction in babies is due to pathological pregnancy or difficult childbirth.


Properly performed prevention of ICP deviations helps not only to reduce the risk of occurrence, but also to cope with the unpleasant consequences of the disease and fully recover. At the same time, its success depends on your desire and the way you lead your life.

Experts recommend mandatory rest for at least 30 minutes after lunch and take short breaks during work. In addition, in order to reduce the overall burden on the body in violation of ICP, you should limit the time you watch TV and stay at the PC to one hour a day.

Moderate and regular exercise is another effective way to prevent high ICP. Morning exercises in this case will be the best solution. Some people choose yoga classes - this normalizes the physiological processes in the body and ensures the normal functioning of all parts of the nervous system.

Sanatorium treatment in a complex helps to overcome the influence of an unfavorable environmental situation and the so-called "urban loads". A visit to the resort helps to relax, restore immunity, protect yourself from nervous breakdowns and physiological disorders in the body.

Regarding nutrition, nutritionists recommend introducing lemon, beans, kiwi, buckwheat, apricots into the diet. At the same time, you need to minimize the consumption of fatty and sweet foods. If you are overweight, you should seriously consider losing it.

With increased ICP, you should not overheat (bath, sauna, beach). Doctors also recommend bringing down body temperature if it exceeds 38 C.

Bad habits: Smoking and alcohol abuse are extremely important risk factors for your health. You should not wait for the first signals of violation of ICP, you should give up destructive addictions long before that.

Remember, a systematic medical examination and treatment under the supervision of specialists will also help prevent or cope with this pathology.

Increased ICP (video)

From this video, you can learn in more detail about the causes that cause increased ICP, diagnostic techniques for detecting pathology, as well as traditional and folk ways to deal with it.

An increase in intracranial pressure is a serious symptom that can signal the presence of dangerous pathologies in a person. But thanks to modern medicine, increased ICP can be successfully treated, as well as the root cause that provoked it.

People often do not pay attention to intermittent dizziness, mild headaches, nausea, temporary visual impairment. Associating such symptoms with overwork, mental strain, stress, many do not even suspect that all these are signs of intracranial pressure in adults. Meanwhile, intracranial hypertension is a serious disease that occurs when circulation is disturbed, the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (cerebrospinal fluid) in one or another part of the skull.

Quantitative indicators of increased VHF indicate the force with which the cerebrospinal fluid acts on the brain tissue. If pressure is applied to the medulla for a long time, its structure is damaged. The result is disturbances in the functioning of the brain, which affect the vital activity of all organs and systems.

That is why it is so important to be able to recognize the symptoms of intracranial pressure in time and take timely measures to treat the developing disease. Inaction, attempts to self-treat intracranial hypertension is a dangerous path that can lead to serious consequences.

An increase in intracranial pressure is indicated by different, at first glance, unrelated signs of malaise. Experts distinguish them into separate groups. But the very first, main symptom of intracranial hypertension is a headache.

Pain syndrome with increased ICP does not have a specific location of localization. The nature of the pain is described as bursting, pressing. Sometimes there is a throbbing pain in the head. Increases in cases of violation of the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid from the brain: when tilting the head, sneezing, coughing, straining. It becomes more intense during a night's sleep, closer to the morning, due to the increased production and flow of cerebrospinal fluid to the head. Often accompanied by tinnitus. Painkillers are not removed.

Severe headaches caused by increased intracranial pressure are accompanied by nausea. Sometimes vomiting occurs. In this case, vomiting is not caused by food poisoning, but by pressure on the nerve endings of the vomiting center of the medulla oblongata. It is possible to distinguish such symptoms of ICP from migraine attacks, during which nausea and vomiting are also observed, by the nature of vomiting. She is strong, gushing, does not bring relief.

Visual disturbance is another characteristic symptom of increased intracranial pressure in adults. It occurs as a result of compression of the optic nerves. It is manifested by double vision, impaired peripheral vision, decreased pupillary response to light, short-term fogging, uneven pupils, intermittent blindness.

Often, an increase in ICP is signaled by the symptom of the “setting sun”. The eyeball bulges outward due to strong pressure, as a result of which the eyelids cannot close completely. The eyes remain half open all the time. When looking down, the upper edge of the iris is visible between them.

Dark circles appear under the eyes. With intracranial hypertension, this is not an ordinary sign of fatigue, but a consequence of the overflow of blood in the small vessels of the lower eyelids.

Syndrome of dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system

With an increase in intracranial pressure in adults, in addition to the leading signs, the following symptoms appear:

  • Dizziness.
  • Flushes of heat, chills, sweating. The reason is a violation of the functions of the autonomic NS.
  • Back pain caused by increased CSF pressure in the spinal canal.
  • Pain in the abdomen, in the region of the heart.
  • Wet palms, soles of the feet.
  • Shortness of breath (dyspnea), a feeling of lack of air, which appear due to compression in the medulla oblongata of the respiratory center.
  • "Goosebumps" on the skin, hyperesthesia, painful sensitivity of the skin.
  • Paresis (weakening) of muscles that occurs on one of the upper, lower extremities or on one half of the body. The condition resembles mild paralysis. It is a consequence of damage to the cells of the nervous tissue of the motor centers of the spinal cord and brain.
  • Hypersalivation (increased salivation).
  • Increase and decrease in blood pressure during the day, unstable pulse.
  • Problems with the intestines, manifested in the form of constipation or, conversely, diarrhea.

Indirect symptoms of increased ICP caused by autonomic disorders include increased fatigue, irritability, general weakness, and apathy. Such mental health disorders are a sign of pyramidal insufficiency, which develops against the background of prolonged pressure on the cerebral cortex, the medulla oblongata.

With intracranial hypertension, compression of the areas of the brain responsible for emotions occurs. As a result, increased ICP is often accompanied by mood instability, depressive states. An unreasonable feeling of fear, unreasonable anxiety belong to the same category of symptoms of intracranial hypertension.

Pre-stroke conditions

Every adult should understand that neglect of health, improper treatment sooner or later turns into serious problems. If you do not pay attention to the "ordinary" symptoms of increased intracranial pressure or try to drown them out by taking painkillers, a condition that poses a direct threat to life may develop.

Signs that indicate the need for emergency treatment:

  • Strong dizziness.
  • Violation of the functions of the vestibular apparatus.
  • Decreased visual function up to blindness.
  • Clouding of consciousness.
  • Disorder of speech abilities.
  • Weakness in the limbs.
  • Dysfunction of the pelvic organs, expressed in incontinence or urinary retention, defecation.
  • Uncontrollable, excruciating vomiting.
  • epileptic syndrome.
  • Hemorrhagic, ischemic stroke.

Of particular danger is the state of a sharp increase in intracranial pressure. If the patient is not provided with immediate medical care, the likelihood of a fatal outcome is high.

Treatment of ICP

If symptoms of intracranial hypertension are detected, treatment should not be delayed. First you need to undergo a medical examination. Diagnostic measures in this case include an examination by a therapist, a neurologist, an ophthalmologist, ultrasound, MRI (CT), and radiography. Therapy is prescribed based on the results of the diagnosis.

Symptomatic treatment of intracranial pressure in adults begins with the elimination of the causes of intracranial hypertension. If the increase in ICP is caused by the formation of hematomas, tumors, aneurysms in the brain, surgical intervention is necessary. The patient undergoes an operation, the purpose of which is to remove the tumor-like formation.

With excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid inside the cranium, shunting is performed. Thanks to such an operation, additional pathways for the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid from the brain are created. As a result, intracranial pressure normalizes.

Drug therapy aimed at correcting ICP involves taking certain drugs:

  • Hormone-containing agents (Descametasone).
  • Osmodiuretics (Glycerol), which reduce the secretion of cerebrospinal fluid.
  • Neuroprotectors (Glycine).
  • Loop diuretics that normalize intestinal motility (Furosemide).

In the treatment of increased ICP, not only tablets are used. Drug therapy involves procedures that aim to reduce the amount of cerebrospinal fluid inside the skull. These techniques include decompression craniotomy, ventricular puncture.

If there are problems with the spine against the background of intracranial hypertension, the main treatment course is supplemented with manual therapy techniques. The task of physiotherapy treatment is to improve blood circulation in the brain, ensuring the flow of an optimal amount of oxygen.

In addition, patients are prescribed procedures for hyperventilation, hyperbaric oxygenation, etc. Homeopathic preparations, therapeutic exercises in the treatment of increased ICP in adults are not used if there are tumor formations in the brain, and also if the cause of hypertension is a head or spinal injury.

Often confused with elevated ICP, which contributes to an incorrect diagnosis.

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