How to treat a sore throat while breastfeeding. How to treat a sore throat for a nursing mother? Homeopathic throat pills for nursing

Breastfeeding is a very important and exciting period in a woman's life. This is the time when mother and baby are closest. A baby requires careful care, so many restrictions and prohibitions are imposed on the nutrition and life of a nursing woman. Some of them relate to the treatment of various diseases that she may fall ill with. Most often, the body weakened after childbirth is susceptible to throat infections. It is important to know how to treat them correctly and effectively without harming the baby.

In the postpartum period, when a woman is breastfeeding, the body's forces do not have time to recover. In addition, strict dietary restrictions lead to a lack of vitamins and nutrients. And this is a fertile ground for infection by harmful microorganisms. Viruses, bacteria, fungi attack, first of all, the throat, which acts as a natural barrier on their way. The mucous membrane of the larynx turns red, swells, itching, soreness, soreness appears, the body temperature rises.

These signs are symptoms of several possible diseases at once.

  1. Pharyngitis. A disease that affects the back wall of the larynx. It turns red, there is perspiration and discomfort, dry cough, it can stuff up the nose, ear. Body temperature may not rise at all or reach subfebrile levels. It is usually viral in nature, is the main manifestation of acute respiratory disease.
  2. Laryngitis. A catarrhal disease, which is characterized by inflammation in the larynx with involvement in the pathological process of the vocal cords. The main symptoms are similar to pharyngitis, but in addition there may be hoarseness and sore throat when talking. The disease is usually caused by viruses. It can also be a chronic problem for teachers, singers, lecturers.
  3. Tonsillitis (tonsillitis). Serious pathology of the tonsils, which is of a bacterial nature. It is difficult not to notice its appearance, because it usually begins abruptly with a jump in temperature (up to 39-40 °). There is a severe pain in the throat, the tonsils swell, purulent plugs appear on their surface, the ears are blocked, and breathing becomes difficult.

The first symptoms of angina are an indication for immediate medical attention. Comprehensive medical treatment is required to avoid complications.

Cold infectious diseases most often cause sore throat with guards.

Other factors that cause sore throat

During pregnancy and lactation, the microflora of the mucous membranes of a woman changes significantly, the balance between beneficial and harmful microorganisms is disturbed. This can lead to problems in the oral cavity, namely, fungal infection. The so-called thrush (candidiasis) often occurs against the background of a weakened body in a nursing mother. A woman is tormented by burning, discomfort during meals, redness and swelling of the mucosa, erosive formations on the gums, lips, cheeks. With a running course, a sore throat may be disturbed, accompanied by an increase in temperature. Similar symptoms occur with syphilis, so it is important to conduct a differential diagnosis.

Hypersensitivity reactions during breastfeeding are not uncommon, even if they have not happened before. A woman may be allergic to pollen, cat hair, food, drugs, and ordinary dust. It is accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms: swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, tearing. As such, pronounced soreness is rare, only in the case of a severe reaction of the body to an allergen.

Non-infectious factors that cause sore throat with hv also require careful attention and, possibly, treatment.

Sore throat during lactation - treatment features

Sore throat while breastfeeding requires adequate treatment. Refusal of it can lead to serious complications for a woman. But during this period, the mother thinks more about her child than about herself, so it is very important to choose a therapy that does not harm him. These are medicines that do not pass into breast milk.

Self-medication during lactation is strictly prohibited.

The throat treatment regimen usually includes local therapy, plenty of fluids and a special daily regimen. The most effective and at the same time safe are rinsing. They are good at relieving inflammation and pain during colds. At the first sign of a sore throat, a regular saline solution is suitable for a nursing mother. It is better to take sea salt, but table salt is also allowed. 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water will be enough for a one-time procedure. In the early days of illness, you can gargle often, every two hours.

Constant warm drinking helps to cleanse the mucous membrane of germs and alleviate the general condition. You can drink tea, compote, plain water. It is also important to observe the rest mode, move less, rest more, ventilate the room. It is advisable to shift the care of the baby to relatives for a while. The main thing to remember is that you should not stop breastfeeding if your throat hurts during guards.

Treatment of acute respiratory infections during feeding

ARI is usually of viral origin, so no serious treatment is required. Sufficient symptomatic therapy with antiseptic agents:

  • for sore throat, you can use Furacillin, Miramistin, Chlorhexidine for rinsing. If you do not swallow the liquid, then they will not get into breast milk in any way, which means they will not harm the baby,
  • throat sprays - Kameton, Geksoral, Ingalipt have a good analgesic effect. They can be used for hv, but not more than 3 times a day,
  • Erespal is indicated to relieve all respiratory syndromes (1 tablet 2 times a day before meals). Its appointment must be agreed with the doctor, it may be necessary to stop feeding for the duration of treatment,
  • with influenza, in order to avoid complications, a woman can be prescribed Ergoferon - an antihistamine, antiviral drug that increases immunity. It is not recommended to take it during lactation according to the instructions, so you need to consult with your doctor,
  • to relieve swelling and pain, you can use lozenges for resorption - Strepsils, Septolete, Faringosept,
  • acetylsalicylic acid (ACC) will help relieve coughing when inhaling, but it is contraindicated in nursing women, therefore it is prescribed if the benefit significantly outweighs the risk to the baby,
  • fungal infections that sometimes accompany a sore throat can be treated with Stomatofit, a natural (chamomile, sage, oak bark) solution for treating the oral cavity. Stomatofit is allowed only for individual indications.

Any drug used for flu or colds is prescribed exclusively by a doctor after a thorough examination and analysis of the risks to the child.

Treatment of angina during lactation

Acute tonsillitis involves the same symptomatic treatment as for a cold. But in most cases, antibiotics are a significant addition. Only they are able to destroy the bacteria that cause angina. Preparations of this group tend to penetrate into breast milk, so the doctor will most likely recommend suspending feeding for the duration of treatment. Such an extreme measure is dictated by the risk of serious complications in untreated angina, including bacterial mastitis.

There are a number of antibacterial drugs that are compatible with breastfeeding:

  • Amoxiclav.

Amoxiclav is prescribed in a course of 5-10 days, which should never be interrupted. It is taken twice a day, immediately before meals. Individual sensitivity to amoxicillin may be a contraindication.

  • Azithromycin.

Azithromycin is carefully attributed to nursing, so the advisability of its use is decided by the doctor. The indisputable advantage of this antibacterial drug is the duration of treatment - only 3 days.

If the pathogenic microflora turned out to be insensitive to the antibiotic or an allergic reaction manifested itself, then the drug taken should be replaced. Sumamed and Ciprofloxacin are acceptable for use, but only in extreme cases. Tetracycline and its derivatives are strictly prohibited during the Guards.

Antibiotic therapy is prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account the risk to the baby.

Folk ways to treat a sore throat with hv

Home remedies for sore throats are not always safe, so they need to be used with caution. Even before the arrival of the doctor, you can start treatment with the help of rinses. The already mentioned saline solution is suitable, as well as herbal decoctions of sage, calendula, chamomile. They do not pass into breast milk, do not harm the baby, so they are used several times a day.

In the absence of temperature, mustard plasters can be used. They relieve inflammation well, cleanse the mucous membrane, pierce a stuffy nose. You need to know where to put it. Place mustard plasters carefully on the chest area. Mustard plasters can burn and cause unwanted skin reactions.

Kalina is a good home doctor. It is used in the form of tea. But it can be allergic, both in a woman and in a child. Therefore, viburnum can serve as a temporary alternative for more gentle remedies.

The list of drugs and home remedies allowed for HSV is very limited, but they still exist. Therefore, it is important to coordinate the treatment of the throat with your doctor, be sure to inform him about lactation. Then the therapy will be most effective and absolutely safe for the baby.

How to treat the throat of a nursing mother? What remedies can be used to alleviate the condition? What medications are compatible with breastfeeding? And is it possible to use folk remedies? Safe techniques for the treatment of sore throat during lactation caused by acute respiratory illness or sore throat.

Sore throat is a common symptom of an upper respiratory tract infection. It occurs in a number of diseases.

  • Pharyngitis. Inflammation of the back of the throat. Manifested by perspiration, a feeling of discomfort.
  • Tonsillitis. The inflammatory process covers the tonsils, which increase in volume, a white coating appears. This makes it difficult to swallow, the temperature rises.
  • Laryngitis. Inflammation of the lower part of the throat, making it difficult for air to pass to the vocal cords, causing the voice to become hoarse.

Each disease can be accompanied by high fever, general malaise. They arise for several reasons.

Causes of the disease

The following factors can cause discomfort and severe sore throat.

  • Viral infection (ARI). In most cases, provokes pharyngitis. It causes damage to the mucous membrane of the throat by a virus. Accompanied by fever and other symptoms of acute respiratory infections: nasal congestion, nasal discharge, headache.
  • bacterial infection. It is caused by streptococcus bacteria, which usually affects the tonsils. Angina develops, which is accompanied by a high temperature (39 °), general malaise. When examining the throat, there is a white coating on the tonsils.
  • Allergy. It does not create a pronounced sore throat, rather discomfort in the form of perspiration, a desire to cough. Complementing the picture of allergy to dust, pollen or other irritant is a violent reaction of the nasal mucosa: copious discharge, sneezing attacks, redness of the eyes.
  • Dry air. During the heating season, indoor humidity drops critically. This causes the mucous membranes of the throat and nose to dry out, causing a persistent feeling of discomfort and itching. Dry air does not create other symptoms, and the pain is eliminated simply by using a humidifier in the room. However, too dry air in the apartment is dangerous: dry mucous membranes cannot effectively resist viruses. Therefore, the frequency of viral diseases is increasing.

If there is a sore throat, it is necessary to establish its cause. The choice of treatment tactics depends on this. Most often, an unpleasant symptom in a nursing mother is caused by an acute respiratory disease or a viral infection.

Regardless of what caused the disease, the treatment of the throat during lactation is carried out according to the general scheme.

You can cope with a sore throat on your own at home, without resorting to the help of a doctor. It is imperative to call a therapist at home if the disease is accompanied by a high temperature, the condition does not improve for more than two days, it hurts to swallow or open the mouth, breathing is disturbed. You should also see a doctor if moderate or mild sore throat does not go away within a week.

Treatment tactics

The question of how to treat a breastfeeding throat depends on the type of infection that caused the symptom. At home, you can get rid of it for a cold within a few days. If the disease was caused by a streptococcal infection, you can not do without the help of a doctor.

With acute respiratory infections

Antibiotics are not used to treat acute respiratory illness. Symptomatic treatment is used, that is, it allows to alleviate the symptoms. A nursing mother is recommended local antiseptic preparations that reduce the severity of pain and speed up recovery.

  • Rinsing . Use special solutions or warm salted water. Good anti-inflammatory effect have drugs approved for use in nursing mothers. Local antiseptics "Chlorhexidine", "Miramistin", "Furacilin" suppress pathogenic microflora, relieve pain. Gargle should be at least four times a day.
  • Sprays. Due to local application, the active substances do not have a pronounced effect on the child. A nursing mother can confidently use such sprays as Bioparox, Ingalipt, Kameton, Geksoral. The frequency of use is after each rinse, that is, 4 times a day.
  • Lozenges and tablets. Fully compatible with breastfeeding, according to the international reference book E-LACTANCIA, the preparations Strepsils, Faringosept, Septefril. Tablets "Septolete", "Stop-Angin", "Sebidin" can also be used. They temporarily stop the pain syndrome, alleviate the condition. You can dissolve lozenges and tablets regularly, every three hours.

A good solution than to treat a throat during lactation with acute respiratory infections will be natural preparations. Treatment with folk remedies suggests the use of herbal infusions to suppress an unpleasant symptom. A pronounced antiseptic effect is exerted by rinsing with chamomile or sage. The drugs are used in dental and ENT practice as safe antimicrobial agents. You need to gargle as often as possible - every two hours.

With angina

Treatment of angina during lactation involves the use of the same local antiseptic and analgesic drugs as in acute respiratory infections. An addition to therapy is the mandatory use of antibiotics. The need for their appointment is dictated by the bacterial nature of the disease. If the pathogenic microflora lingers in the body, it can cause sad consequences.

Untreated tonsillitis causes the development of chronic tonsillitis - a pathological increase in the tonsils, in which the inflammatory process does not stop. In case of hypothermia or ordinary acute respiratory infections, immunity decreases, and a bacterial infection gets the opportunity to develop. This is associated with frequent sore throats that occur three to four times a year.

The main danger of not curing a sore throat for a nursing mother is the risk of developing infectious mastitis. The preservation of pathogenic microflora in the tonsils carries the threat of sudden infection of the thoracic lobes in the event of a decrease in immunity.

How to treat angina during breastfeeding? In addition to local treatment of the throat with antiseptic solutions, taking lozenges and using antibacterial sprays, antibiotic therapy is indicated.

Antibiotics compatible with breastfeeding are used:

  • Penicillins - "Amoxicillin", "Oxacillin", "Ampioks";
  • Cephalosporins - "Cefazolin", "Cephalexin";
  • Macrolides - "Sumamed", "Azithromycin", "Roxithromycin".

According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, the use of these antibiotics does not require the suspension of breastfeeding. If the therapist recommends you another remedy, specify the possibility of its use during lactation and ask to prescribe a drug that is exclusively compatible with it.

Treatment of angina during breastfeeding using antibiotics is carried out within a week - ten days. You can not stop taking the drug until the end of the course, as this can only cause a temporary attenuation, and not the destruction of the infection. Topical throat treatments should be continued throughout the course of antibiotic therapy.

The treatment of throat during breastfeeding differs little from standard medical practices. Due to the possibility of using local remedies, the risk of drug exposure to the child is reduced to zero. With angina, effective and safe antibacterial drugs for the baby are used. They quickly normalize the mother's condition, avoiding dangerous complications.


The birth of a child is a serious physiological process, after which the woman's body weakens and requires some time to recover. At this stage, the immune system is weakened and can be attacked by various bacteria and viruses.

A woman pays special attention to her health during lactation, because each product or drug can adversely affect the quality of breast milk and, as a result, the health of the baby. But unfortunately, no one is immune from diseases, including nursing mothers.

But what to do when there is a sore throat, discomfort when swallowing, perspiration and inflammation? How to treat the throat of a nursing mother so that it is safe for the baby?
First of all, it is necessary to understand the cause of pain in order to take immediate action and start effective treatment.

Unpleasant and painful sensations in the throat during breastfeeding may indicate the following diseases:

  • Tonsillitis is a disease of the tonsils that become inflamed, coated and enlarged, thereby complicating the process of swallowing. In this case, a decline in strength, an increase in temperature and chills are possible.
  • Laryngitis - inflammation of the epiglottis, pain is possible on the right or left side. Often it is a manifestation of a viral infection. A common symptom is often a dry cough.
  • Pharyngitis - pain in the back of the throat. The nature of the occurrence of a viral or bacterial nature. Pharyngitis is often accompanied by irritation in the larynx, fever is possible.
  • Candidiasis is a fungal disease that often affects the tonsils, on which a white coating forms as a result.
  • Allergy. Most often, it manifests itself not so much as pain, but as a tickle, a desire to cough. May also be accompanied by redness of the eyes, sneezing. Most often, this disease occurs upon contact with an allergen (plant pollen, mold and yeast fungi, dust, etc.).
  • Dry air. Insufficiently humidified indoor air leads to drying of the mucous membranes of the larynx and nose, which makes it easier for the infection to enter the body.

Having determined the type of infection by the nature of the symptoms, you can begin to fight the disease. It is worth noting that these actions are best entrusted to a medical worker. And when the disease is caused by a streptococcal infection, one cannot do without a specialized consultation of an otolaryngologist. Only a doctor can correctly prescribe drugs for the treatment of a sore throat during lactation.

  • Plentiful drinking, which is a detoxification therapy, is recommended to be consumed in the form of a liquid as close as possible to body temperature.
  • Bed rest promotes the fastest recovery of a nursing mother and avoids complications.
  • Adhere to the rules of hygiene. If possible, limit contact with the child as much as possible so that the baby does not get sick. When feeding, it is recommended to wear a cotton-gauze bandage that fits snugly enough to the face to protect the baby from pathogenic viruses and bacteria transmitted by sneezing and coughing.
  • It is necessary to bring down the temperature only if it rises to 38 ° C and above. You can use Ibuprofen or homeopathic remedies Tonsilotren, Influcid. These drugs will not harm the baby, since only 5-10% of the accepted dose of the drug enters the milk. Medicines are taken at intervals of 4-6 hours.

Non-drug treatments for sore throat during lactation

In the case of acute respiratory diseases, there are a number of safe ways to treat ailments with home remedies. However, these methods should not be attributed as an indication for uncontrolled self-treatment. Only a doctor can decide how to treat a throat when breastfeeding a young mother. In addition, folk remedies can often cause allergies or affect the course of lactation. Therefore, the recommendations listed below are also best agreed with a specialist before use.

Consider the most common home methods to help mommy cure the disease faster.

Rinse allows you to act directly on the place of accumulation of pathogens in the oropharynx. Such therapy quickly relieves inflammatory symptoms, helping to treat the throat of a nursing mother. The procedure should be done as often as possible, preferably every 30 minutes.

Rinsing with decoctions, calendula, sage. To prepare a decoction, pour one tablespoon of dry grass into glasses of boiling water. After infusing the decoction for 20 minutes, it can be used for treatment.

A good method for carrying out the rinsing procedure is using a solution of soda and salt with the addition of iodine. In a glass of boiling water, take a teaspoon of soda and salt, add a few drops of iodine. Allow the solution to cool to room temperature before use.

Treatment of the throat during breastfeeding allows the use of inhalations. This procedure, aimed at combating inflammatory manifestations in the oropharynx, is quite effective and harmless to the baby. You can use well-known methods: breathe over boiled potatoes or apply hot water with the addition of a few drops of eucalyptus.

Drink milk with honey, bearing in mind that honey is classified as an allergenic food, just like cow's milk.

It is recommended to drink tea with ginger, it removes toxins, destroys bacteria. This product is acceptable during breastfeeding in moderation. It is believed that the use of ginger helps to reduce stomach cramps in the baby.

Approved drugs

In the treatment of the larynx, sprays, tablets, lozenges are used. It is important for a young mother to remember that not every of these drugs is acceptable for use during the lactation period. What can be used to treat a throat from a number of pharmacological drugs is decided by the doctor.

  • Lizobakt is used to combat infectious and inflammatory lesions of the upper respiratory tract. This medication has no negative effects and does not affect the well-being of the child. Analogues of Lizobakt are Pharyngosept, Imudon, Grammidin.
  • Sebidin is an antimicrobial remedy for the throat, the action of which is aimed at relieving inflammatory processes.
  • Strepsils works on a spectrum of antifungal, antiviral and antiseptic. Some types of this drug can be taken when a sore throat in a nursing mother.


Based on the opinion of experts, sprays for the treatment of the oral cavity are the most effective, since with the help of spraying the medication reaches the focus of inflammation directly and is evenly distributed. When a mother has a sore throat while breastfeeding, herbal sprays can be used, for example:

  • . The drug is the safest remedy, since its action in the fight against infection spreads only in the oral mucosa and does not penetrate into the blood, which is extremely important during breastfeeding.
  • Cameton. This tool is also quite effective during the treatment of throat during lactation, moreover, it does not affect the baby's body. The drug is used for local exposure in the mouth and nose. The disadvantage is that it is ineffective for cough symptoms.

Rinsing preparations

Rinsing helps to eliminate the inflammatory process and remove dangerous accumulations of viruses and bacteria. These funds include:

  • Furacilin. The tool has an antiseptic, sold in tablets, from which a rinse solution is made. With this procedure, the drug is not absorbed by the tissues and, therefore, cannot penetrate the baby's body.
  • . The spectrum of its impact is aimed at the elimination of pathogenic viruses and bacteria. Used to treat the oral cavity and irrigate the nose.

When treating with medications for rinsing the mouth, it is important not to swallow the funds during the procedures. The duration of drug treatment should not exceed 10 days in order to avoid oral dysbacteriosis.

Based on the list of safe drugs for breastfeeding, we can conclude that there are not so many of them. Before use, be sure to carefully study the instructions, which indicate dosages, special recommendations on how to treat the throat during pregnancy and lactation with this drug, contraindications and other important information. It is worth remembering that each case is individual and it is worth consulting with your doctor before taking the medication. A well-chosen remedy will quickly alleviate the symptoms of the disease and will not harm the baby.

During breastfeeding, a woman's body is weakened, as the immune system functions in a new mode for itself. In the cold season, mothers encounter infections when visiting clinics, shops, in public transport and can easily get sick. More often these are viral diseases, accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the throat (tickling or burning). Most medicines cannot be used by a nursing mother, so as not to harm the health of the baby. Consider how to treat a throat during breastfeeding, and what methods of traditional and official medicine are safe for a baby.

Causes of a sore throat

Our body is constantly forced to resist viruses, bacteria and allergens that get to us from the air or food, which can become a source of inflammation in the throat, and they are especially dangerous when breastfeeding.

The following causes of a sore throat can be distinguished:

  1. Viral infection is the most common cause of inflammation. You can distinguish it by a smooth start, growing symptoms. A sore throat is accompanied by a runny nose, headache, then weakness and fever join - a cold during lactation.
  2. If bacteria are responsible for the sore throat, the onset of the disease is abrupt, symptoms appear in just an hour.
  3. Unpleasant sensations are also possible due to nasal congestion. In the absence of nasal breathing, the mucous membrane dries, irritation and perspiration appear in the throat.
  4. Reactions caused by the presence of allergens in the air (pollen, wool, chemicals) can also cause inflammation.
  5. Thyroid disease is often accompanied by pain when swallowing.
  6. If the contents of the stomach enter the esophagus, sore throat is associated with a burn of the mucous membrane. This is possible with heartburn, vomiting, stomach diseases.

There are more dangerous causes of sore throat - tumors, problems in the spine, heart disease. If the pain does not improve within 3-5 days, or if it is accompanied by unusual symptoms, you should see a doctor.

Depending on the localization of inflammation, diseases are distinguished:

  • pharyngitis- inflammation in the pharynx, often accompanies SARS. The throat is red, sometimes with small ulcers, the temperature is not higher than 38 ° C;
  • laryngitis- the larynx is affected, sometimes the inflammation descends into the trachea. In addition to pain, there is hoarseness of voice, perspiration, cough - what can a nursing mother cough from;
  • acute tonsillitis- in everyday life it is called a sore throat, this is a more serious disease, most often caused by streptococci, but viruses and sometimes fungi can also be the cause. The tonsils are most affected, they increase, turn red, and become covered with plaque. The temperature rises quickly and there is severe pain.

Treatment of the throat does not depend on the site of inflammation, but on pathogens. Antibiotics, not recommended for breastfeeding, only relieve pain caused by bacteria. The most common viral inflammations in most cases do not require serious treatment, so local remedies that do not penetrate into milk can be dispensed with.

Features of the treatment of throat with HB

There are almost more restrictions in the treatment of throat in a mother who feeds a baby than during pregnancy. Medicines have the ability to pass into breast milk, and may affect the development of the infant, harm his health or lead to refusal of the breast.

You should not stop breastfeeding when your throat hurts for the following reasons:

  1. If you stop feeding abruptly, lactostasis is inevitable.
  2. Pumping while you are sick will reduce your milk supply.
  3. During an illness, interferon and antibodies that are produced by the mother enter the milk unchanged, they weaken the virus and help the baby not get sick or it is easier to endure a cold.
  4. Rapid transition to formula feeding can cause intestinal problems in the baby.

Mom's mask, frequent hand washing, regular indoor cleaning, ventilation and high humidity will help to avoid infection of the child.

When breastfeeding, special attention is paid to physical methods of treating a sore throat.

Non-drug treatment:

  • Drink more fluids to flush out toxins and stay hydrated
  • try to stick to bed rest;
  • gargle often.

If antibiotics are needed, they can only be prescribed by a doctor. He needs to be warned that you are breastfeeding. With HB, drugs from the groups of macrolides, cephalosporins and some penicillins are allowed.

How to treat a sore throat for a nursing mother

When treating, you need to remove food from the diet that irritates the mucous membrane - sour, spicy, salty. Cold or too hot drinks, excessive tension of the vocal cords are not allowed. Food should be light, but sufficient to produce milk.

A sore throat in a mild form and without a high temperature can be cured on its own. Even with breastfeeding, there are a number of safe traditional medicine recipes and medicines sold in pharmacies.

Medical preparations

During natural feeding, several types of medications are used to treat the throat - from rinsing solutions to absorbable tablets. The vast majority of drugs allowed for nursing mothers are simple antiseptics, they kill or inhibit the growth of microbes on the mucosa.

Common lozenges and sprays for sore throats that contain essential oils are not recommended for use with HB, as there is a high risk of allergies in mother and baby.

Feed-safe drugs for sore throats:

  1. Tablets, lozenges: Lizobakt, Faringosept, Sebidin, Tantum Verde.
  2. Sprays: Miramistin, Stopangin, Tantum Verde.
  3. Preparations for the preparation of solutions: Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, Chlorophyllipt, Romazulan.

Comparative table of drugs

Medicine HW applications Peculiarities Contraindications
Lizobakt Tablets 30 pcs. - 320 rubles.Antiseptic for sore throat, gum inflammation, treatment of mouth ulcers.Enhances the action of antibioticslactose intolerance, allergy
Miramistin Spray 150 ml -390 rub.Treatment of wounds, prevention of STDs, inflammation in the throat and mouthMay cause transient burningIndividual sensitivity
Romazulan Bottle 100 ml - 230 rubles.Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, skin, mucous membranes.Chamomile extract, contains alcoholAllergy
Sebidin Tablets 20 pcs. - 150 rubles.Infections of the mouth and throat, treatment of ulcers on the mucous membranes.Chlorhexidine in tablet form can affect the color of fillings.Individual intolerance
Stopangin-Spray 30 ml - 270 rubles.Inflammation caused by bacteria and fungi, oral deodorizer.Contains essential oilsAllergy
Tantum Verde Spray 280 rubles, tablets 20 pcs. - 400 rubles.Infections in the mouth and throat, removal of inflammation after surgery and tooth extraction.Anti-inflammatory agent, use in combination with antisepticsPhenylketonuria, allergic reactions

Folk recipes

  • gargle

Treatment of the throat during breastfeeding with folk remedies also has its own characteristics. For example, sage, which has pronounced bactericidal properties, can lead to a decrease in lactation (we wrote about it here). And the well-known tea with honey and lemon is contraindicated during feeding, since bee products and citrus fruits are strong allergens. However, when the throat hurts, it is allowed to use propolis tincture (a teaspoon of tincture in half a glass of water) for rinsing. If the solution is not swallowed, this remedy is completely safe.

It is rinsing that occupies the first lines in the lists of effective folk remedies for sore throats allowed to a nursing mother. If you gargle with decoctions with antiseptic action or even ordinary saline solutions every hour, the pain can be dealt with quickly, in just a couple of days.

A good effect is given by treatment with decoctions of medicinal herbs. When breastfeeding, they can only be used as a local remedy, you need to make sure that they do not get into the esophagus. Chamomile, linden flowers and calendula are brewed like tea and cooled to room temperature. For rinsing, you need a full glass of herbal infusion.

The classic recipe will also help cure inflammation - rinsing with salt and iodine. For it, you need to dissolve a pinch of salt and soda in a glass of boiled water and add a couple of drops of iodine. You can also use a solution of 2 teaspoons of sea salt. fragrance-free in a glass of water.

  • throat inhalation

With laryngitis, treatment includes inhalations over boiled potatoes or with eucalyptus essential oil (a few drops of boiling water in a pot).

When a woman is breastfeeding a newborn, she has to pay special attention to her well-being, because the health of the child and his mother are inextricably linked. But the period of breastfeeding can last a year or two, and no one can guarantee that during this time the mother, for example, will not catch a cold at least once. And colds, as we all know, are often accompanied by sore throats. A serious question arises: how to treat the throat of a nursing mother, so as not to harm her baby? Are all the usual remedies suitable for this, or are there medicines that need to be abandoned?

In this article, we will try to analyze those methods of treating sore throats that are compatible with lactation with HB, and also help to cope with the disease caused by angina or acute respiratory infections. And to begin with, let's find out why sore throat occurs in people most often.

The cause of the disease are the following infectious diseases:

  • pharyngitis. This is the name of the process of inflammation, covering the back wall of the throat. Pharyngitis is accompanied by a sore throat and a general feeling of discomfort;
  • tonsillitis (better known as tonsillitis). In this case, the infection affects the tonsils. They begin to grow, a white coating stands out on them. As a result, it becomes difficult for the patient to swallow, the body temperature rises;
  • laryngitis. Now inflammation occurs in the lower part of the throat. The patient's voice becomes hoarse, the air to the vocal cords comes with difficulty.

Any of these ailments not only create discomfort in the throat, they can also be accompanied by fever and general malaise. Among the factors that can cause these diseases, we can name the following.

  1. ARI (acute respiratory disease), in other words, a viral infection. It most often causes pharyngitis, affecting the mucous membrane of the throat. In addition to pain, the patient also has a stuffy nose, a headache, snot flows, etc.
  2. Bacterial infections. The culprit of the infection is the so-called streptococcus bacteria, which primarily attack the tonsils. Over time, the patient develops angina, the temperature rises.
  3. Allergic reaction. In this case, it is more correct to speak not about sore throats, but rather, unpleasant sensations, such as tickling, coughing, and so on. Such phenomena may well occur as a reaction to indoor dust or pollen. Allergy symptoms are also reddened eyes, and frequent sneezing, tears from the eyes and a runny nose.
  4. Dry air. This problem usually occurs during winter periods when heating reduces the humidity in our homes. As a result, the mucous membrane of the throat and nose dries out, which leads to a negative reaction. To help in this case is simple - you need to periodically humidify the air in the room. Remember: the drier the air, the higher the risk of viral diseases, since the dry mucous membrane can no longer effectively prevent the penetration of viruses into our body.

If a mother has a sore throat while breastfeeding, you should first find out what caused it. Then you can already choose the appropriate method of treatment. The most common culprits for sore throat in a nursing mother are acute respiratory infections and a bacterial infection.

The main thing in the treatment of colds in a nursing mother is bed rest.

Immediately after you feel pain, without even finding out what caused it, begin to adhere to the following medical recommendations.

  1. Don't stop breastfeeding your baby. Neither high fever nor inflammation of the mucous membrane in the throat affects the quality of breast milk in any way, so feel free to continue feeding. Moreover, if you decide to stop breastfeeding even for a while, you will disrupt natural lactation, which can lead to lactostasis. Already on the third day of indisposition, your body will begin to intensively produce interferon, which will prevent the further spread of the infection. Let your immunity fight the disease itself, and through breast milk you will begin to strengthen the immunity of your crumbs.
  2. Organize proper hygiene. Start wearing a bandage around your baby to protect him from airborne infections. Hands should be washed much more often and always with soap, making sure that there is more foam. The towel should always be dry and clean, so change it often. As a handkerchief, use disposable tissues that should be thrown away immediately, and even more so, do not put them next to your baby's bed.
  3. Drink more liquid. When the temperature rises, our body is sharply dehydrated, and water, as you know, washes away viral toxins. Conclusion - you need to drink more often, at least two liters of drinking water per day.
  4. Try to bear the disease. Bed rest is exactly what you need, so you will recover much faster at home. If necessary, let your loved ones go about their daily business.

For sore throats, it is also permissible to drink an antipyretic if the need arises.

If you feel a slight sore throat, it's time to try to cope with the ailment at home, without calling a doctor. But if after a couple of days you do not feel better, if your temperature rises, and the sore throat progresses, you cannot do without a visit from a therapist.

Even if you do not have a temperature, and the sore throat is quite moderate, but, nevertheless, it has not been over for more than a week, then this is a sufficient reason to consult a specialist.

The time it takes you to cure your ailment, as well as the remedies used, are primarily due to the type of infection that provoked the painful symptoms. There are effective pills that are suitable for mothers with breastfeeding, allowing for quick treatment. The situation becomes more complicated if a streptococcal infection has become the source of the disease, in which case only a doctor can help.

How to treat ARI

Do not forget about the drinking regimen and warm herbal tea during illness

For nursing mothers, antibiotics are not recommended in this case. The main emphasis should be placed on symptomatic treatment, and to reduce pain, it is permissible to use antiseptic drugs. For a speedy recovery, doctors recommend the following.

  1. Rinsing . To do this, you can purchase special solutions or use slightly salted warm water. It is important to rinse at least four times a day. It is advisable to buy only those drugs that are approved by medicine for mothers with HB. These include antiseptics "Chlorhexidine", "Miramistin" and "Furacilin". They reduce sore throat by suppressing the viral microflora in the body. Miramistin, for example, has a wider application. It can also be used to irrigate clogged nasal passages.
  2. Sprays. Since the spray is applied only to certain areas, their use does not affect the health of the infant. You can safely use products such as Bioparox, Ingalipt, Kameton, Geksoral. It is desirable to use sprays in combination with rinsing, applying them immediately after each procedure, also at least four times a day.
  3. Tablets and lozenges. Of course, it is necessary to give preference to those drugs that are approved by WHO. In particular, Strepsils, Faringosept and Septefril are included in international reference books as compatible with lactation. Similarly, we can recommend the preparations "Septolete", "Stop-Angin", "Sebidin". Tablets and lozenges should be sucked periodically, approximately every three hours.
  4. Folk remedies. We are talking about herbal infusions that help to cope with discomfort. Chamomile and sage are suitable for rinsing. With their help, you need to gargle every two hours throughout the day.

Treatment methods for angina

To cope with tonsillitis, the same remedies are suitable as for the treatment of acute respiratory infections, i.e. local antiseptic and analgesic drugs. But since angina is a much more serious disease, certain antibiotics may also be needed to heal it, because you will have to deal with viruses that have nested in the body.

There is a particular danger of not fully cured angina for nursing mothers - the risk of infectious mastitis increases sharply. If the pathogenic microflora remains in the tonsils, with the slightest decrease in the woman's immunity, there is a threat of infection of the thoracic lobes. And immunity decreases not only with acute respiratory infections, but also with normal hypothermia.

Here is a list of lactation-compatible antibiotics that are recommended for breastfeeding mothers:

  • penicillins - "Amoxicillin", "Oxacillin", "Ampioks";
  • cephalosporins - "Cefazolin", "Cefalexin";
  • macrolides - "Sumamed", "Azithromycin", "Roxithromycin".

You can take these medicines during breastfeeding without fear. If the doctor prescribes something else for you, be sure to check with him whether the novelty is suitable for the lactation period, whether it will harm your child. If there is even the slightest doubt, ask to be replaced with a proven product.

How long will it take to treat angina

Typically, a course of antibiotics is prescribed for a week, a maximum of 10 days. All this time, you must definitely endure and not stop taking the medicine, even if you feel general relief - the infection can only begin to fade, and you must definitely destroy it.

Rinsing and treating the sore throat with sprays should also be done until the end of the prescribed course.


The treatment of sore throats for nursing mothers during breastfeeding is practically no different from conventional medical practices. The drugs used in this case do not change the quality of breast milk and do not have any harmful effects on the child. Timely use of antibacterial medicines quickly improves the mother's condition, eliminating the risk of dangerous complications.

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