There is pus from the eye of the child. What to do if the child's eyes fester: why does this happen and how to treat the discharge? Why does the baby's eyes fester

After your baby is born, he needs your close attention to his health. As well as careful, gentle care of every part of the body and every organ. Baby eyes are no exception. Your day should begin with the fact that you wash the baby's face, including the eyes, with a cotton swab dipped in clean water. A separate swab is taken for each eye. By following these simple rules, you will thereby maintain the hygiene and cleanliness of your baby's eyes. But it happens that even in the hospital you notice that the baby's eye is festering. Or this unpleasant symptom appeared in a baby under the age of one year. What to do and how to properly treat eyes? Let's consider this topic in more detail.

Reasons why the eyes of a newborn fester

There may be several reasons:

  1. Conjunctivitis;
  2. Dacryocystitis.


The first reason a baby has festered one or both eyes may be conjunctivitis. You will recognize it immediately: sticky cilia, reddened eyeball, increased tearfulness. Conjunctivitis has several varieties:

  • adenovirus
  • Allergic
  • herpetic
  • Pneumococcal/staphylococcal
  • Gonococcal
  • diphtheria

The further development of events depends on the correct diagnosis of conjunctivitis. The doctor may prescribe treatment, or may give a referral for testing for concomitant infections, since some types of conjunctivitis are accompanied by the main source of the child's disease - infection.

Your task is to contact your local pediatrician as soon as possible. Hurry is important here because if one eye of the baby is infected, then there is time to prevent infection of the second. When both eyes are infected, the child's body weakens, the temperature rises, and the disease brings him great discomfort and takes a lot of strength.

If circumstances develop in such a way that you have to wait a long time for a doctor, you can provide first aid to the child yourself.


There is another reason when a baby's eyes fester. This disease is called dacryocystitis. It occurs when a child has mucus left in the ducts of the lacrimal canal / canals, which enveloped the child in the womb.

Under normal circumstances, she should freely exit the channel at the time of the first breath and the cry of the baby. If this does not happen, stagnation forms, a plug, and the canal clogs. The eye of the child is not washed by the lacrimal fluid, since it cannot penetrate the stagnation, and the path for pathogenic bacteria is open.

With dacryocystitis, the canal cleaning procedure, or probing, is most often performed. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia, and the improvement comes almost immediately. After that, either drops are prescribed to consolidate the result, or an ointment, or other medications that are right for your baby.


If a newborn child has a festering eye, prepare an infusion of chamomile and wash his eyes and eyelids. The infusion is made simply:

  1. Pour 1.5 tablespoons of chamomile into a glass with a capacity of 200 ml and pour boiling water to the top. Cover with a lid or saucer, leave for about an hour. Then dip a cotton swab in the infusion and wipe the entire eye towards the child's nose. If the baby is less than three months old, do this procedure with very great care, since the skin of the eyelids is too thin and you can inadvertently provoke hemorrhage of small vessels.
  2. Tea brewing. If an infant's eye is festering and this is conjunctivitis, then wipe his eyes with tea. Make a strong infusion of tea, and gently wipe the child's eyes with a cotton pad.

All other medicines and various drops can only be prescribed by a specialist, and only in an individual age dosage.

Health problems in babies sometimes occur even in the first days after birth. At this time, the organs have not yet developed properly, the body is not strong and not all vital functions work correctly. You should not worry - later everything will be fine and will return to normal. However, sometimes parents notice that the newborn's eye is festering. In such a situation, it is necessary to identify the factors that provoked the disease as soon as possible and begin treatment.

The first question that arises among parents concerns why pus appeared in front of the baby. There are factors that provoke the development of the disease.

Reasons for suppuration:

  • manifestation of an allergic reaction;
  • the lacrimal glands have not fully developed;
  • chlamydia in the body of a child;
  • possible reaction to medications;
  • dacryocystitis;
  • conjunctivitis.

When a child is born in the maternity hospital, albucid is instilled into his eyes. Sometimes a reaction to this drug leads to the appearance of suppuration. It is enough to do the washing once, and everything passes.

Perhaps the cause of suppuration is an allergy - for example, to milk or medicines. Tears begin to stand out in large quantities, and because of this, the eyes of a one-month-old baby turn red and sour.

Conjunctivitis is an infection of the mucous membrane. It is necessary to treat the disease only after consulting a doctor. Preparations are selected based on the individual characteristics of the baby's body.

Another common disease is dacryocystitis. The tubules become clogged, which leads to a rapid inflammation of the lacrimal sac, and it turns sour. Most often, dacryocystitis is formed because at birth, the baby's protective film has torn. This leads to the rapid multiplication of microbes, and as a result, parents notice purulent formations on the mucous membrane. In this situation, an ophthalmologist can help based on the results of the examination and tests.

When a child cries often, tears begin to accumulate. A large number of them leads to the fact that the eye turns sour, pus appears.

To eliminate the disease, first of all, it is necessary to identify the cause of the alarming state of the baby.

Traditional treatment

You cannot start treatment on your own, because if you choose the wrong medication, you will only harm your baby. All drugs and procedures for the child must be prescribed by an ophthalmologist and pediatrician. Doctors identify the root cause of the pus, and only after that they select the best medicines. However, there are several recommendations that parents can follow, regardless of whether the milk gave suppuration or other factors contributed to this. The recommendations presented are safe and suitable for children of any age.

Hygiene procedures

If the eye is covered with pus, you should try to eliminate it as soon as possible. It is recommended to pay attention to hygiene procedures:

  • washing the mucous membrane of the child;
  • removal of the formed crusts from the eyelashes and eyelids with a cotton swab;
  • rubbing with herbal solutions (chamomile, calendula).

Before using medicinal herbs, you need to make sure that the baby is not allergic to them.

If you have completed all of the above procedures, you can proceed to the next step - massage. It must be done with clean hands and light movements. The main stimulation area is near the nose and the corners of the eyes on the inside. This contributes to more efficient functioning of the sebaceous glands. Purulent formations are eventually removed through the tubules. How do you know if you started doing massage correctly? If at the end of the procedure a yellow substance is released, then you are doing everything well. Further treatment depends on the individual characteristics of the child's illness.

Treatment for allergies

An allergy in a baby usually manifests itself in breast milk or pharmaceutical infant formula. If the child is bottle-fed, you should try a different formula by changing the manufacturer.

If the newborn does not accept breast milk and the mucous membrane fester, perhaps the problem is in the mother's diet: the diet should be reviewed, the allergen should be identified and eliminated.

If a child has been diagnosed with conjunctivitis, a different approach is needed to solve the problem. First of all, the infection is eliminated, and then the doctor identifies the factors that caused the development of the disease.

The eye becomes sour in the presence of an infection, so you need to quickly remove the pus, otherwise the disease will progress rapidly. For this, the doctor prescribes a solution of furacilin. If the infection is serious, then the baby will have to be treated with antibiotics.

Medical procedures

With a slight suppuration, the doctor prescribes the following medicines that can be used to wash the eye:

  • chloramphenicol;
  • antibacterial ointments;
  • furacilin solution.

If, after treatment, the tear duct does not open, doctors are forced to do probing.

This procedure is done under local anesthesia, so the newborn does not feel pain. Using a probe, the doctor carefully removes the film that blocks the tear duct.

After the procedure, parents need to follow all the rules of hygiene, because infections very quickly affect the eye and turn sour back.

Nursing mothers need to review their diet. Everything that is consumed ends up in milk, and this can provoke an allergic reaction.

Folk methods of treatment

If desired, parents can resort to alternative methods of treatment to save the child's eye from the accumulated purulent formation. Consider the most popular methods.

If the parents notice that the baby's eyes are very festering, in no case should you hesitate. It is necessary to do several of the above procedures at home as soon as possible (for example, use mother's milk) and make an appointment with your doctor. After receiving the results of the tests, the factor due to which the eyes fester is revealed, and complex treatment can be started.

Infants are so vulnerable, they are still very weak, and many organs have not yet fully formed. At this age, eye problems are often observed in children, in particular, parents may notice an accumulation of pus in the inner corner of the eye. What can this symptom signal and how to deal with it?

Why do the eyes of babies fester

The accumulation of pus in the eyes of babies can signal conjunctivitis or dacryocystitis. called inflammation of the conjunctiva. The disease, in addition to purulent discharge, is also accompanied by redness of the eyes and swelling of the eyelids. In most cases, both eyes are affected.

- this is an inflammation of the lacrimal sac, due to obstruction of the lacrimal ducts. Typical signs of dacryocystitis are purulent or mucous discharge from the eyes, which increases with pressure in the region of the lacrimal sac.

Principles of treatment

Treatment of suppuration of the eye in a baby has the following goals: eliminating symptoms, fighting infection, preventing the spread of the pathological process and the development of complications.

Medical treatment

If the baby wakes up with stuck eyelashes, an accumulation of pus in the inner corner of the eyelid, these phenomena can be eliminated by rubbing the eye with antiseptics. For wiping, use a solution of penicillin, a 0.02% solution of furacilin, a decoction of chamomile. Manipulation is carried out with clean hands. It is necessary to soak a cotton pad in the solution, wring it out a little, and then draw it along the eyelid from its outer corner to the inner one. After that, you can draw the same solution into a rubber bulb, open the eyelids of the baby with your fingers and pour the solution into the eye. Leaked residues on the skin can be wiped off with a cotton pad. Drying and rinsing the eyes should be done four to six times a day.

Antibacterial ointments and drops are used to suppress pathogenic bacteria that cause suppuration. Most often in children's ophthalmic practice, antibacterial drops with chloramphenicol, ofloxacin, tobramycin, 20% albucid and ointments (1% ophthalmic tetracycline and 0.5% erythromycin) are used.

Note! Drops should be instilled only after preliminary rubbing (washing) of the eye with antiseptics, as described above.

How to lay the ointment and drip drops into the eye?

The first eye procedures for parents can be especially difficult. Since the babies are constantly moving, it is necessary to fix the head. Then, with clean fingers, the mother expands the child's palpebral fissure, spreading the eyelids. For the lower eyelid drip one or two drops of the drug. After that, it is necessary to remove the fingers and the eyelids of the baby will close. Through the lowered eyelids, you can gently massage the eye so that the medicine is distributed over the conjunctiva. Drops should be instilled six to eight times a day.

To apply eye ointment, pull the lower eyelid and squeeze a little ointment behind it. The instructions for the preparations recommend laying the ointment two to three times a day. If the parents during the day treat the festering eyes of the baby with drops, then it is enough to lay the ointment only at night.

Lacrimal sac massage for dacryocystitis

With suppuration of the eye against the background of dacryocystitis, the same drug treatment is carried out as with conjunctivitis. Then, after cleansing the eye with antiseptics, they begin to massage the lacrimal sac. This procedure is most effective at the age of a baby up to two or three months. The purpose of the massage is to create pressure drops in the lacrimal drainage system due to jerky movements, which will lead to the removal of the gelatinous plug or the rupture of the film that blocks the tear duct.

Parents can do massage themselves. To do this, first of all, you need to wash your hands. With her index finger, the mother gropes for a tubercle in the inner corner of the eye, the finger needs to be raised just above it. In this area, five to ten pressing movements are made with a finger from top to bottom in a vertical direction. When pressed, the soft tissues, together with the lacrimal sac, should come into contact with the bones of the nose.

If during the massage pus is released from the eye, it is necessary to wipe it with a cotton swab. At the end of the manipulation, you need to drip antibacterial drops.

Massage should be done five to six times a day, it is better to do this before feeding. If one or two weeks after the start of the massage, dacryocystitis has not disappeared, then the child needs to probe the lacrimal ducts, and then wash them.

Probing of the lacrimal ducts in dacryocystitis

If, despite the conservative treatment, the lacrimal ducts remain clogged, the ophthalmologist probes the canal. To do this, the doctor probes the lacrimal canaliculus with a probe, then the lacrimal sac and the lacrimal-nasal canal. The probing procedure is completed by washing the lacrimal ducts with a solution of furacilin, picloxidine. If the patency of the paths is restored, then the liquid during washing will flow into the nasopharynx. This procedure takes little time and in most cases is well tolerated by young patients. After probing, the baby is prescribed a course of antibiotic therapy.

Usually a baby of a month or two months of age recovers after one probing of the lacrimal ducts with washing. Babies at the age of two to three months often require probing with several washes (ten days apart). With a belated appeal to the ophthalmologist (the age of the baby is more than four to six months), the treatment of dacryocystitis can be lengthy with repeated probing and washing of the lacrimal ducts.

Thus, the accumulation of pus in the eyes of a baby can be a symptom of a serious illness. And the outcome of the disease will depend on how timely the parents turn to the pediatrician.

Grigorova Valeria, medical commentator

Parents quite often face a problem when purulent eyes appear in children. Eyes can fester in children of any age. There are many reasons for this.

Why do the eyes of a newborn fester

When a baby moves through the birth canal during labor, it can become infected in the eyes. In this regard, immediately after birth, children's sodium sulfacyl () is instilled for prophylactic purposes. This does not always lead to the expected result. Sometimes a mother discovers that the baby's eyes are festering, only upon returning from the maternity hospital.

The eyes of newborns can fester for five reasons:

  • (eye inflammation) caused by bacteria;
  • dacryocyst or dacryostenosis - inflammation of the sac, which has developed as a result of obstruction of the nasolacrimal canal;
  • reaction to sodium sulfacyl;
  • viral conjunctivitis;
  • allergic reaction.

If you notice that a newborn baby has a festering eye, you should call a pediatrician or bring the child to him for an appointment. He will assess the severity of the baby's condition and make an appropriate decision: either he will prescribe the treatment himself, or he will organize a consultation with an ophthalmologist.


In case of mild inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eyes, doctors prescribe the following treatment:

  • Washing the eyes with a solution of furacillin. For this purpose, a ready-made solution is used or one tablet of the drug is diluted in 200 ml of boiled non-hot water. Also, children can wash their eyes with a decoction of chamomile or saline sodium chloride solution. To do this, moisten a cotton swab in the solution in the appropriate solution and wipe the eye from the outer edge to the inner. The procedure is done after the child wakes up 4 to 8 times a day.
  • Instillation of a 0.25% solution of levomycetin into the eyes of a child. Before instillation of the drug, the baby's eyes must be washed with boiled water, and then, pulling the bottom one, drip 1 or 2 drops of the solution into each eye. This procedure should be repeated 4 to 8 times a day after pre-washing the eyes. Treatment is continued until the symptoms of the disease disappear. But if it does not give the expected result, it is necessary to consult the child with an ophthalmologist. If conjunctivitis proceeds without complications, then full recovery occurs in 3-5 days.

Dacryocystitis develops when the patency of the nasolacrimal canal is disturbed. The eyes communicate with the nasal cavity through the nasolacrimal canal. Through it, specks and microorganisms are removed from the eyes with a tear. But in the same way, infectious agents can enter the eyes from the nasal cavity. In newborns, the patency of the nasolacrimal canal may be impaired. The film that is in it should burst or dissolve either at birth or during the first two weeks of the baby's life. But in some children, it collapses only by 7-8 months of age.

If the patency of the nasolacrimal canal is disturbed, the tear cannot flow from the eye. When microorganisms get into it, they multiply there and cause inflammation. In a child, at first, a tear constantly flows out of the eye, and then pus. Even if at first the process is one-sided, then over time, the discharge of pus occurs from the second eye.

The inflammatory process can spread from the eye to the lacrimal sac. In this case, dacryocystitis develops. Its main signs are the separation of pus after pressing a finger on the lacrimal sac, as well as swelling in the inner corner of the eye. Mom cannot independently distinguish whether her baby has dacryocystitis or conjunctivitis. If the baby has a festering eye, then at first the pediatrician prescribes the treatment of conjunctivitis. When it does not bring the expected result, the baby should be shown to an optometrist who can make a final diagnosis.

Treatment of dacryocystitis in newborns is long, recovery occurs after 2-4 months from the start of conservative measures. Complex therapy is carried out:

  • antibacterial eye drops;
  • zinc-adrenaline drops, which have a decongestant effect;
  • lacrimal sac massage.

Massage is done in this way:

  • the index finger of the hand is placed on the inner corner of the eye, where the lacrimal sac is located;
  • clockwise make 5-6 circular movements.

The procedure is recommended to be done 4 to 8 times a day. After it, pus is better separated from the lacrimal sac. During the massage, the film often breaks in the nasolacrimal canal. If after the massage there is no recovery, ophthalmologists bougie the nasolacrimal canal with a special probe. Thus, its permeability is restored.

Unfortunately, dacryocystitis is sometimes complicated by an abscess of the lacrimal sac. The baby has a pronounced swelling of the eyelids, copious discharge of pus and an increase in body temperature. In the presence of such symptoms, the child must be immediately hospitalized in the eye department.

Why do eyes fester in older children

The cause of purulent discharge from the eyes in older children is conjunctivitis. The clinical symptoms of bacterial and viral conjunctivitis are almost the same. The doctor can make a more accurate diagnosis based on the history. So, for example, if the baby has been in contact with children who have a viral disease, one can think that viruses are the cause of conjunctivitis. But if his eyes festered after he played in the sandbox and rubbed them with dirty hands, then bacteria is most likely the cause of the disease.

Regardless of the alleged nature of conjunctivitis, treatment begins with washing the eyes with tea, chamomile decoction, isotonic sodium chloride solution or furatsilina solution. If there is reason to assume a bacterial origin of conjunctivitis, then eye drops with anti-inflammatory drugs or antibiotics are prescribed.

Most often, doctors prescribe 0.25% chloramphenicol eye drops. If the child does not tolerate this drug, then it is recommended to drip albucid or tsipromed into the eyes. They have a local effect and are practically not absorbed into the blood. It is necessary to perform from 4 to 8 instillations of the drug per day. If the doctor determines that the inflammatory process is very pronounced, he may prescribe antibacterial ointments, which will need to be applied under the eyelids.

If there is reason to believe that conjunctivitis is caused by viruses, the child is prescribed only eyewash for the first 2-3 days. If after this improvement has not come, then continue treatment with the same drugs that are used for bacterial inflammation of the eyes. This is necessary in order to prevent the development of bacterial flora due to a violation of the outflow of lacrimal fluid through the nasolacrimal canal.

For children who have catarrhal phenomena, vasoconstrictor drops are dripped into the nose. They reduce the swelling of the nasal mucosa, after which the patency of the nasolacrimal canal is restored. If the baby has the first signs of conjunctivitis, or pain in the eyes, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician or ophthalmologist.

allergic conjunctivitis

Allergic conjunctivitis differs from viral and bacterial conjunctivitis in that the symptoms of the disease immediately appear on both sides. Also, it is not accompanied by an increase in body temperature. After taking antihistamines, temporary relief occurs.

Older children may experience eye irritation when dust or chemicals enter the eyes. Signs of the disease may appear after swimming in the pool or instillation of eye preparations. As a rule, with such irritation, there is no need for treatment. All symptoms disappear after a few days after cessation of contact with the irritant.

The child's eye is festering - this is an indicator of the presence of various

Ignoring this symptom becomes a source of serious difficulties, even such as blindness.

For what reason, the child’s eyes fester, what to do about it, is it possible to solve the problem at home, if the child’s eye fester, what should be treated - all useful information is contained in this publication.

Pus from the eyes of a child

Pus in the eyes of a child is a frequent companion of inflammation of the eyes in children of different ages. This complication is experienced by both infants and older children. Many parents do not consider this problem a weighty reason for going to the hospital, while others, having seen pus in the eyes of a child, do not know how to treat a child.

Pus in the eyes of a child is a frequent companion of inflammation of the eyes in children of different ages

In most cases, pus is called liquid in the form of gray or green-yellow mucus from the eyes.

Festering eye, layers of dried mucus on the eyelids and eyelashes, profuse flow of tears, irritation - these are symptoms of many diseases.

In addition, along with pus, the eyes of babies may hurt, and a film will appear on the surface of the cornea. When a child has a fever, eyes fester - the child loses his appetite and sleep is disturbed. Also, if the child's eyes are festering and red, then he may begin to act up.

These symptoms do not appear at the same time. Individually, these signs may not mean anything, but already 4 of the above symptoms simultaneously indicate the presence of serious health problems. The first thing parents should do if the child's eyes fester is to show the baby to the doctor. The specialist will prescribe an effective and harmless.

Purulent discharge from the eyes of a child up to a year

Below are the most common reasons why about:

In the photo: the causes of purulent discharge from the eyes with bacterial conjunctivitis

  1. - an ailment often found in infants, as a result of which fluid accumulates in the channels for tears.
  2. - Irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye caused by bacteria. Often these are staphylococci and streptococci. Which eye drops are recommended for the treatment of conjunctivitis in newborns is described in.
  3. The child's eyes are profusely festering and swollen - this may mean a gonococcal infection. There is also a risk of ulcers and damage to the lining of the eye.
  4. Lack of use of antiseptic drugs to prevent the development of eye diseases in newborns.
  5. Infection of the child during passage through the inflamed genital tract of the mother.

Since newborns do not have tears, any abnormal discharge from the eyes causes a visit to the doctor.

The child's eyes fester, what to do 2 years, 3 years and older

Inflammation of the eyes in a child is a common occurrence. One of the prerequisites for the fact that the eyes of a child fester this is the structure of children's eyes and neglect. The most common causes of pus from the eyes in children:

  • Colds. A child has a runny nose - this is the effect of viral diseases, such as SARS, influenza.
  • Sinusitis - inflammation of the sinuses, accompanied by high fever, pain in the frontal part and around the eyes, tearing and pus.
  • A runny nose and slight yellow mucous discharge may indicate an allergy. Development is possible.
  • The child's eye is reddened and festering - this is inflammation, most likely - caused by viruses and bacteria. In this case, one eye becomes inflamed first, and only then the second.

In the photo: visual changes in the condition of the eyes with various types of conjunctivitis

If the child's eyes fester, what to do will tell the pediatrician or ophthalmologist. Only specialists can accurately establish the prerequisites for the appearance of pus. Home treatment without medical help can aggravate the condition of the eyes and the well-being of the baby.

Festering eyes in a child: medication treatment

Therapy for the discharge of pus from the eyes primarily depends on the cause of the problem, the age of the child and the personal characteristics of the organism. The doctor prescribes treatment after examination and diagnosis. Only a specialist will tell you what to do if the child's eyes fester, what procedures to do at home to improve the baby's well-being, and what to do is strictly prohibited.

For the treatment and prevention of severe complications, the following medications are used:

  1. Viral conjunctivitis - redness of the eye membrane in a child, pus from the eye, the treatment in this case is: "Interferon", "Poludan", "Florenal" or "Tebrofen" ointment (0.25%). Read about the causes and treatment of adenoviral conjunctivitis.
  2. : drops " ".
  3. Dacryocystitis is treated with any anti-inflammatory drugs.
  4. Allergic suppuration of the eyes - in this case, it is better to choose "", "", "", or any.

To prevent the spread of infection, disinfectant liquids are used: "" (10% solution for newborns and 20% if the eye of a child is 2 years old and older), "Levomycetin" (25% drops), "Fultalmik", "".

You can use ointments and drops only after clearing the eye of crusts and pus. To do this, you can use cotton swabs, resin in chamomile decoction or Furacilin solution. You can also use a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

A cold in a child, eyes fester: how to treat

If a child's eyes turn sour with a cold, this indicates a weak immune system of the baby. Fever, runny nose, red eye and festering in a child, how to treat these symptoms? The first thing experts say is to exclude self-medication.

Souring of the eye with ARVI indicates the addition of bacteria. The delivery of tests in this case is a mandatory procedure. Based on the information received, antibiotic therapy is prescribed.

The eyes of a child fester: how to treat at home

In the photo: sour eyes and purulent discharge in the presence of a viral infection

The eye of a child is festering, what do you not know to do? First of all, you need to seek the advice of a doctor. No medical professional will advise you to treat the discharge of pus from the eyes on your own at home, since the infection in children spreads very quickly. A timely visit to the doctor will get rid of the problem at the very beginning.

The use of drops and ointments is possible at home. But it should be remembered that before using any remedy, you must clean the eye. In addition, after washing the organs of vision, the drugs will act faster and more efficiently.

Cleansing should be done every two hours. In this case, the movements should be from the outer part of the eye to the inner. To prevent the spread of infection for each eye, it is better to use a separate cotton pad. Immediately after this procedure, doctors recommend dripping a disinfectant into the eye.

Even if one eye is affected, the procedure for cleansing and instillation of drops must be done with two eyes.

The child's eyes are festering - contact the doctor immediately. This problem can lead to irreversible health problems. Therefore, it is impossible to delay in this matter. If a child's eyes are festering, the ophthalmologist and pediatrician will tell you how to treat. Specialists will establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe the most effective treatment for the disease.

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