Furagin is an antibiotic or a drug of another group: indications for use and recommendations. Antibacterial drug for children Furagin: instructions, reviews and price

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Most patients who have had to deal with such a problem as cystitis know that they first resort to antibiotic therapy in treatment. However, there are drugs with antimicrobial activity that are in no way inferior to antibiotics in their effectiveness.

These drugs include the drug Furagin, which has a good therapeutic effect and is widely used in the treatment of urinary tract diseases.

The drug belongs to the representatives of nitrofuran antimicrobial agents. Its mechanism of action consists in the complete blockade of a number of enzymes that ensure the transfer of a hydrogen molecule in the cells of an infectious agent. There is a violation of metabolic processes in the microorganism, which certainly leads to severe violations of vital processes and their death.

After the patient takes the Furagin tablet, it is captured by the epithelial cells of the small intestine, after which it enters the lymphatic system, and then is excreted from the body through the urine, where the maximum concentration of the substance is reached. This fact explains the effectiveness of treatment with the drug, and its widespread use in the field of diseases of the urinary tract, and not as a drug of systemic action.

The most common imported analogues of the drug that can be purchased at the pharmacy network are: Furadonin and Furamag. The active substance in these products is absolutely identical, however, the difference in the price category is very significant. Therefore, before drinking expensive medicines offered by representatives of pharmaceutical companies, make sure that this will not be a waste of your money.

How to take the drug, and when is it prescribed?

You should always remember that it is necessary to prescribe Furagin for cystitis, like any antimicrobial agents, only if the disease is caused by infectious agents, and not by other causes. Only then will therapeutic measures bring the necessary and expected effect.

The instructions for use of Furagin describe the possibility of its use not only inside, but also for external procedures, which has a better effect and speeds up the process of fighting the pathogen.

Doses of the drug in each case are selected taking into account the severity of the underlying condition and the cause of the disease.

The classic scheme of taking the medicine is as follows:

  • From cystitis Furagin is prescribed for a course of 7-10 days. In this case, during the first three days the patient takes 2 tablets 4 times a day (that is, every 6 hours), and the remaining days - 2 tablets 3 times a day.
  • To prevent a possible recurrence of the process (for example, before the upcoming cystoscopy or catheterization of the bladder), it is recommended to drink 1 tablet at bedtime or in the evening for a week.

For children, the selection of the dose of the drug is made from the following calculations: 5 mg of the drug is required per 1 kg of the child's weight.

If there is such a need, then the drug is resumed after a two-week break.

As mentioned above, the drug has found its "niche" in the treatment of patients with the following diseases of the urinary tract:

  • Bacterial pyelonephritis both in the phase of the acute process and to prevent recurrence of the chronic form.
  • Cystitis (acute and chronic form of the disease).
  • Damage to the urethra (urethritis).
  • In order to prevent the development of an infectious process (in particular, with upcoming manipulations on the urinary organs, such as cystoscopy).

In addition to urological practice, the drug is used in the following situations:

  • Inflammatory processes in ophthalmology (keratitis, conjunctivitis and others).
  • Solutions for rinsing the oropharynx for infections caused by streptococcus, staphylococcus and others.
  • Preparation of external solutions for the treatment of wounds with purulent contents, burn surfaces, fistulous passages, vulvovaginitis in women and others.


Like any drug, Furagin has a number of restrictions under which it is forbidden to take it. These contraindications include:

  • children's age (up to 3 years);
  • individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the components that make up the drug;
  • decompensated renal failure;
  • severe pathology of the central or peripheral nervous system.

Furagin from cystitis during pregnancy and breastfeeding is prescribed with caution, only under medical supervision. To do this, the risks and benefits of the therapy are carefully evaluated.

Side effects

The most common side effects among patients are:

  • nausea, heartburn, or vomiting;
  • spastic pains from the stomach;
  • loss of appetite, loss of interest in food;
  • a state of unmotivated weakness or insomnia;
  • attacks of diffuse headache.

Why is the drug not effective?

There is a category of patients for whom the drug did not bring the expected effect, or the treatment did not help at all. In this case, it is worth understanding all the possible reasons for such situations, and not expressing an extremely negative opinion about Furagin.

As clinical experience shows, most often the reason that the medicine does not help lies in the patient's non-compliance with the prescriptions and recommendations of the doctor. Such patients can independently choose for themselves the “correct” regimen and dosage of the medication. In addition, they often stop therapy prematurely, associating this with various reasons (the medicine ran out, they began to feel better, they drank alcohol, etc.).

But if the “human” factor is nevertheless excluded, then it is necessary to look for the cause in the nature of the pathological process. Often, the drug is prescribed already on the basis of the patient's complaints (at the time of his first appointment), and the diagnostic procedures are late. If symptoms such as pain in the kidneys or frequent urination are caused by oncological processes or non-infectious agents, then Furagin will be absolutely ineffective (for example, in a patient with kidney tuberculosis and tuberculous urethritis that has arisen against it).


There are many drugs that have an absolutely identical mechanism of action, and hence the same therapeutic effect. In order for the therapy to bring the desired result, always contact a specialist who will tell you about all the benefits of certain medications and advise on the correctness of their choice.

Most patients who have cystitis know that antibiotics are the best treatment for them.

However, there are drugs with the same properties of antimicrobial activity that are in no way inferior to antibiotics.

Furagin belongs to this kind of drugs, which can guarantee relief in a few days. And about Furagin reviews for cystitis are only good.

Furagin from cystitis

Cystitis is a disease that mainly affects the female body. This is because the female urethra is many times wider and shorter than that of men.

With cystitis, a person suffers from a constant desire to go to the toilet, and also experiences a burning sensation and severe pain when urinating. The disease can occur at any age and often begins to manifest itself with hypothermia of the body.

The symptoms of cystitis are:

  • frequent urination, which is accompanied by painful spasms;
  • urine output in small volumes;
  • urine becomes cloudy;
  • sometimes urination is accompanied by bloody discharge;
  • in severe cystitis, there is an increase in body temperature, vomiting and nausea.

Many people decide to treat cystitis with folk remedies, completely unaware of what it might cost them, but this is not about money, but about human health. Therefore, you do not need to listen to the advice of other people who do not know what cystitis is and how to deal with it.

Self-medication is dangerous because the bacteria that cause cystitis acquire some kind of immunity, and become immune to antimicrobial agents.

Listen to the advice of an experienced specialist, only he will be able to give really useful recommendations by collecting information about your illness.

The doctor will collect all the necessary tests, the results of which will help determine the bacteria that are located in your bladder, and this will also help determine which drug will be most effective for you.

If the doctor prescribes the use of Furagin tablets for cystitis, you should know that he is not fighting the symptoms, but directly with the causative agent of the process itself. And the relief of your condition will not keep you waiting long. In addition, the price of Furagin cystitis tablets is not high. Experts in the field of medicine give recommendations on taking Furagin, because he is able to cope even with the chronic course of cystitis.

It should be understood that it is not worth delaying the treatment of cystitis, because this is fraught with the spread of infection to neighboring organs, which greatly complicates the human condition.

If the Furagin prescribed by the doctor does not affect your condition within two days, you should consult a doctor again, this means that the bacteria have acquired immunity to this medicine and the doctor will prescribe you another antibiotic.

Characteristics of the drug

Furagin is not an antibiotic, rather it is a drug that has antimicrobial properties and is an effective medicine for diseases of the urinary system.

In the structure, it has an aromatic nitro group, therefore it belongs to the nitrofuran group. The drug is active on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

Furagin is able to get into the lymphatic system, protecting it from infections, and, once inside the microbacterium cell, the drug blocks metabolic processes, which subsequently cause the complete destruction of the microorganism.

Mode of application

Furagin is available in tablet form. It is recommended to use this drug for any form of cystitis. How to take Furagin with cystitis? In order for it to give the expected effect, it should be taken only when the disease was caused by an infection.

You should not use Furagin in an arbitrary dosage, you must strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor, who gave instructions in accordance with your case and the characteristics of the body.

With cystitis, treatment with Furagin lasts from seven to ten days.

In the first three days, the patient is required to take tablets every six hours, in the following - two tablets three times a day.

Since patients with cystitis may relapse, it is strongly recommended to take the drug for an additional seven days before bedtime.

The dosage for children is calculated in a daily dose of 5-7 mg. If the drug is used for very long-term therapy, then the daily dose is 1-2 mg / kg. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated two weeks after the end of the use of Furagin.

For an adult:

  • 2 tablets four times a day. This applies only to the first day of using the drug;
  • on the second day, you need to take 2 tablets of Furagin 3 times a day;
  • in the case of chronic cystitis, you need to drink 2 tablets four times a day, because with this form of the disease, the bacteria are much more resistant to the drug;
  • if a person has relief after using the drug, then the dosage can be reduced to 2 tablets per day;
  • after undergoing a course of treatment with Furagin, in order to prevent relapse, it is recommended to resume taking after a week's rest.

For kids:

  • doses are calculated taking into account the weight of the child, 1-2 mg of the drug is taken for each kg of body weight;
  • the course of treatment is a week;
  • at the time of treatment, you need to include protein foods in the diet and increase the level of fluid intake. These rules apply to both children and adults.

Do not violate the dosage, because this can provoke a deterioration in health.


Furagin has a number of restrictions that should be followed:

  • it is forbidden to take medicine for children under 3 years old;
  • if there are violations in the work of the kidneys and liver;
  • forbidden to use during pregnancy;
  • forbidden to use when breastfeeding;
  • with neurological pathologies;
  • with allergies to the components of the drug.

Failure to follow the rules has serious consequences.

Exceptions are only in cases where a person has any allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

Most patients feel improvement already on the second day after taking the medicine.

Also in the reviews of patients it is mentioned that the price of this drug is very affordable.

Inflammation of the bladder mucosa causes a lot of pain. How to get rid of cystitis? Of course, there is no universal remedy, but doctors unanimously say that treatment should be comprehensive.

As the saying goes: “It is better to prevent a disease than to cure it.” It's hard not to agree. Therefore, we have prepared for you material on the prevention of cystitis.

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Furagin is a drug that does its job well. If there is a choice between this and another medicine to combat cystitis, then it has a number of advantages that many analogues do not have. An integral plus is also the price, which is very favorable. The drug is able not only to cure the already existing cystitis, but also to save the patient from it or prevent its occurrence.

Instructions for use of Furagin tablets recommends the use of this drug in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. A synthetic antimicrobial agent from the group of nitrofuran derivatives has a pronounced bactericidal effect, but at the same time, unlike other antibiotics, it does not cause serious systemic reactions.

Furagin - description of the drug and the principle of action

The main component of Furagin is the substance furazidin. Its chemical formula includes a special molecule that binds to the microbial cell's hydrogen-carrying enzymes. As a result, the course of metabolic processes is disrupted, the most important biochemical cycles are inhibited, and further activity and reproduction of microorganisms is blocked.

Under the influence of furazidin, the formation of nucleic acids stops, cell membranes and outer membranes of bacteria are destroyed, which leads to their death. To achieve the desired therapeutic effect, a very small concentration of the active substance is sufficient.

Furagin is active against most strains of pathogens (streptococci, staphylococci, Klebsiella, Salmonella, Shigella, Escherichia coli). But its use is ineffective in infectious processes caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus, Enterococci and some other strains of microorganisms.

The use of the drug increases the level of non-specific protective proteins in the blood, stimulates the activity of leukocytes and contributes to the activation of the immune system. Such a multifaceted effect makes Furagin one of the most effective antimicrobial agents, which, moreover, does not have a negative systemic effect on the body.

Furazidin has an antiseptic effect directly in the urinary system, penetrating into the kidneys, bladder and urethra. After oral administration, the drug is rapidly absorbed from the intestine and stops the spread of pathogens through the lymphatic system, preventing further development of infection.

This feature allows Furagin to be used as an antimicrobial and antiseptic agent even in the treatment of purulent wounds and certain gynecological diseases. A few hours after ingestion, the drug accumulates in the urine, after which it is completely excreted from the body.

Release form

Furagin is produced in the form of small, flat-cylindrical yellow tablets. Each of them contains 50 mg fusidine + auxiliary components. The package with the drug contains blisters with 10 or 30 tablets.

Another form of release - Furagin Lekt, practically does not differ from the original drug, contains the same amount of active substance - 50 mg, has the same indications for use. The only difference between these drugs is the manufacturer and age restrictions for taking. So, Furagin can be prescribed to children from 3 years old, and Furagin Lekt only from 4 years of age.

Furagin is used in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system of an infectious and inflammatory nature and is prescribed for cystitis (acute and chronic), pyelonephritis, urethritis, prostatitis. Tablets are taken to prevent infectious complications after urological operations or are used as a prophylactic to reduce the risk of recurrence of chronic urinary tract infections.

This list of possibilities for the use of the drug does not end there. When asked what Furagin tablets help with, it can be answered that they are used not only for oral administration, but also as a local and external antiseptic.

Furagin and Furagin lect are used to treat purulent wounds, severe infected burns, fistulas, in the treatment of gynecological and urogenital diseases, infections of soft tissues and skin, infectious and inflammatory lesions of the mouth and pharynx, as well as in ophthalmology in the treatment of conjunctivitis and keratitis.

Furagin treatment

The doctor selects the dosage of Furagin, taking into account the type of disease, the severity of symptoms, the age of the patient, the presence of contraindications and other individual characteristics. According to the instructions, the tablets are taken orally immediately after meals with a sufficient amount of liquid.

Furagin for adults is prescribed in a single dose of 1-2 tablets (50-100 mg). Multiplicity of reception - 3-4 times a day. In order to prevent infectious and inflammatory pathologies, take 1 tablet of Furagin daily, in the evening. To prevent infectious complications during surgical procedures or medical and diagnostic procedures, Furagin's tablet must be taken 30 minutes before the intervention.

Furagin is prescribed for children in an individual dosage, which is calculated from the ratio of 5-7 mg / kg of weight (an average of 25-50 mg per dose). This dose should be given to the child up to 3 times a day.

How much to take Furagin? The duration of drug therapy does not depend on the form of the disease. In any case, the duration of the use of the antimicrobial agent is 7-10 days. If necessary, taking the tablets can be resumed, but not earlier than 10-15 days after the first course of treatment.

Instructions for use for cystitis

With cystitis, Furagin is prescribed most often, since this agent provides the necessary antimicrobial effect in the affected area, that is, it destroys pathogenic microorganisms in the organs of the urinary system. Due to the specific composition based on the action of nitrofurans, the drug works much more effectively than other broad-spectrum antibiotics used for urinary tract infections.

Another advantage of Furagin is that the causative agents of cystitis do not develop resistance to the active substance, so the drug does not lose its effectiveness during repeated courses of treatment and reliably prevents recurrence of the disease.

Reviews on the use of Furagin for cystitis confirm its effectiveness. The drug is well tolerated, quickly eliminates unpleasant symptoms, stops the inflammatory process and at the same time helps to strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to infections.

For external use, an aqueous solution is preliminarily prepared. To do this, tablets in a volume of 0.5-1 g are crushed and dissolved in 100 ml of heated water for injection. The resulting solution is passed through antibacterial filters, poured into a glass container and sterilized.

An antiseptic solution is used for washing purulent wounds and cavities, treating burns or wetting bandages. The same tool can be used for rinsing the throat and mouth. In ophthalmology, Furagin's solution is used in a special dilution (1: 13000), instilling a few drops into the conjunctival sac every 4 hours.


Furagin is less toxic than other antibiotics, however, under some conditions, this medication is prohibited. Contraindications to the use of the drug:

  • individual intolerance to drugs based on nitrofurans;
  • functional disorders in the liver and kidneys;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • children's age (up to 3 years);
  • porphyria;
  • diabetic polyneuropathy;
  • lack of a special enzyme in the body (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase).

Furagin children should be prescribed by a doctor in a dosage that takes into account the age and weight of a small patient. Parents should strictly follow all instructions and avoid overdose of the drug, otherwise the development of such formidable complications as toxic hepatitis or damage to peripheral nerves is possible. During treatment with Furagin, the child should be given more fluids and additional intake of B vitamins.

Adverse reactions

Against the background of taking the drug, the development of side effects is possible. Most often, patients experience negative reactions from the digestive tract - nausea, loss of appetite, bouts of vomiting, stool disorders, and abdominal pain.

Often there are reactions from the side of the central nervous system, which are manifested by dizziness, drowsiness, migraine, visual impairment, damage to peripheral nerves, manifestations of neuritis, polyneuritis, arthralgia.

In persons with liver pathologies, cholestatic jaundice and hepatitis may develop. Possible violations of the hematopoietic system. Allergic reactions are accompanied by the appearance of a papular rash, itching, and symptoms of dermatitis. In severe cases, angioedema develops, acute pulmonary reactions occur (with severe shortness of breath, cough, chest pain).

When the first unfavorable symptoms appear, the dosage of the drug should be reduced. If this measure does not help, Furagin should be stopped and consult a doctor to adjust the course of treatment. Simultaneous use of antihistamines and compliance with the rules of use (take pills only after meals with a large amount of liquid) will help reduce the risk of adverse reactions.

Furagin during pregnancy

The immunity of a pregnant woman is subjected to increased stress, therefore, during this period, the genitourinary system is most vulnerable and prone to infectious lesions. The danger of such conditions is that even with completely harmless urethritis, the infection can easily spread higher, spread to the bladder and kidneys, which threatens the development of serious complications that threaten the normal course of pregnancy.

Structural analogues of Furagin include drugs Furazidin, Furamag or Furasol. In addition, with intolerance to nitrofurans, the doctor can replace Furagin with other antimicrobial agents with a similar therapeutic effect, for example, Furadonin, Monural or Fosfomycin.

Medicines cannot be replaced at their own discretion, the attending physician should select analogues. Despite the similarity in therapeutic action, each drug has its own characteristics of use, contraindications and side effects. Self-medication can lead to unpredictable consequences and dangerous complications, so it's not worth the risk.

Medication cost

The price of Furagin is quite affordable, in the pharmacy chain the average cost of the drug depends on the manufacturer and the number of tablets in the package. So, Furagin 50 mg (10 pieces) costs from 110 rubles, and a pack of 30 tablets will cost from 200 to 230 rubles.

People who often suffer from cystitis probably know what Furagin tablets are taken from. This is a synthetic drug that is widely used in urology and nephrology for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes that occur in the urinary organs. Furagin: indications for use and contraindications.

The drug "Furagin"

Furagina tablets are a synthetic antimicrobial agent that has been effectively used for many years in urology and nephrology to combat pathogens that have not developed resistance to it.

Furazidin, which is the main therapeutic component, quickly suppresses the activity of pathogenic microflora, as a result of which the inflammatory process subsides.

Furagin has been effectively used for many years to combat pathogens that have not developed resistance to it.

Unlike other uroantiseptics, it is less toxic and does not have such a large list of contraindications.

What diseases are used?

The medicine is used not only in the treatment of cystitis - Furagin has proven its effectiveness in the treatment of infectious diseases of the urethra and kidneys. It is also used as a prophylactic of urolithiasis.

Due to the antiseptic effect of Furagin, the indications for use are not limited to this. The drug can be used externally for purulent wounds, burns and other damage to the skin. Also, the remedy is effective for vulvovaginitis.

How does the medication work?

Unlike broad-spectrum antibiotics, the drug of the nitrofuran group does not act systemically, but only on the organs of the genitourinary system. This is the main advantage of the drug, which practically does not affect the normal functioning of other organs.

The main advantage of the drug is also its local immunomodulatory effect, unlike broad-spectrum antibiotics, which negatively affect the immune status.

How to take medicine correctly?

The medicine should be taken only after meals, while drinking plenty of fluids, except for tea. The latter contains tannin, which can reduce the therapeutic effect.

Tablets should be taken only after meals

Adults are prescribed 1-2 tablets. up to three times a day. The duration of treatment will depend on the form of the disease. As a rule, the course is one to two weeks. Sometimes the course of treatment in severe cases of the disease is repeated after half a month.

Children can be prescribed medicine from 1 year of age. The dosage is selected by the doctor, based on the body weight of the child and the characteristics of the course of the disease.

Who is contraindicated to use the drug?

From the use of the drug must be abandoned to persons with intolerance to furazidin. In case of impaired renal function, the drug can only be prescribed by a specialist. In severe renal failure, it is more expedient to replace the medicine with an analogue. The list of contraindications also includes other pathologies:

  • chronic liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatitis, etc.);
  • enzymatic deficiency;
  • insufficiency of vitamins of group B;
  • CNS disorders;
  • heart failure;
  • purulent processes in the kidneys.

"Furagin" is not prescribed for infants up to one year of age. Pregnant and lactating women should also not use the drug without prescription.

List of adverse reactions caused by the drug

Despite less toxicity than other antibiotics, "Furagin" can cause a number of negative reactions from the internal organs.

Adverse reactions may include nausea or vomiting, loose stools, pain in the lower abdomen

The gastrointestinal tract may respond with symptoms such as partial loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting, loose stools, pain in the lower abdomen.

The central nervous system sometimes reacts to the drug with headaches and drowsiness. On the part of the respiratory system, shortness of breath, chest pain or cough may occur.

Rarely, while taking Furagin, iron deficiency anemia and a decrease in spermatogenesis in men may develop.

During treatment, the patient may experience general malaise and fatigue, while concentration can be disturbed. For this reason, it is recommended that you refuse to drive a vehicle for the period of treatment.

Signs of an overdose

Subject to the dosages indicated in the instructions or prescribed by a doctor, the drug is usually well tolerated. With self-administration or an increase in the dose, an increase in blood pressure, vomiting, headaches and diarrhea may be observed.

In this case, the patient needs to do a gastric lavage, provide plenty of fluids and take adsorbents.

Drug interactions with other drugs

Uroantiseptic is forbidden to be combined with drugs that inhibit the process of hematopoiesis and MAO inhibitors.

Due to the rather high toxicity, the use of the drug with drugs that have a high toxic effect is not welcome.

Since alcohol not only increases the toxicity of the drug, but also reduces the therapeutic efficacy, it should not be taken during and after the end of the course for four days.

Special instructions for the treatment of "Furagin"

The patient during the treatment period should drink as much liquid as possible. In this case, the intake of tea and caffeinated drinks should be excluded or minimized. Mineral and carbonated water is completely removed from the diet, as it reduces the antibacterial effectiveness of the drug.

Fried, heavily salted, fried, sweet dishes and pastries are eliminated from food. Such food also interferes with the best effect of the drug.

What can be replaced by "Furagin"?

If necessary, "Furagin" can be replaced by analogues with the same therapeutic effect. The most popular include the following drugs:

  • "Furadonin";
  • "Urofuragin";
  • "Furamag";
  • "Furasol".

"Furadonin" is considered the most famous analogue of "Furagin". The first is a domestic drug, the second is imported. The analogue is widely used in the treatment of cystitis and other diseases associated with the genitourinary system. Refuse treatment with this medicine should be patients with insufficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Treatment with this uroantiseptic is possible from the age of one month, but only under the strict supervision of a doctor. The drug is incompatible with fluoroquinolones (a group of antibiotics) and antacids.

The drug "Furadonin"

"Urofuragin" can be used in the treatment only in patients older than four years of age. It is not used together with sulfonamides and ristomycin, as this is fraught with oppression of hematopoiesis. Like other drugs from nitrofurans, the drug is washed down with a large amount of liquid to increase the therapeutic effect and reduce the toxic effects on the body.

The drug "Urofuragin"

"Furamag" has the same indications for use and the same composition as "Furagin". It can only be used from the age of three. In severe renal impairment, the drug is not prescribed. Among the side effects are ataxia, signs of a neurotoxic nature and tremor.

The drug "Furamag"

"Furasol", produced in the form of a powder, is prescribed to patients from four years old. It is able to increase the effect of antibiotics, so it is often taken in combination with them. This uroantiseptic is low-toxic, but it is also not recommended to combine it with alcohol.

The drug "Furasol"

Despite the fact that all of the above drugs have a similar composition and principle of action, you should not independently replace one or another drug with an analogue without consulting a doctor.

Furagin is an antimicrobial agent without systemic effects on the body. The drug of the nitrofuran group adversely affects many microorganisms that cause inflammation in the urinary tract.

Instructions for use of the drug Furagin, properties, indications, side effects, cost of the drug - this and other data contains the article. Feedback from patients and doctors will help you understand how effective the remedy is.

Composition and form of release

Furazidin is the active component of the drug Furagin. The tablets exhibit an antimicrobial effect. The content of the active substance in each tablet is 50 mg. Pharmacy chains receive package No. 30.

The action of an antimicrobial

Furagin tablets contain a special molecule that binds to the cellular structures of bacteria and prevents the further growth of microorganisms. A noticeable result is already manifested at a low concentration of furazidin.

During treatment, unlike antibiotics, the antimicrobial agent does not suppress the immune system, but enhances the protective reactions of the body. The absence of systemic exposure makes Furagin more gentle compared to antibacterial formulations. The synthesis of specific proteins in the body prevents the further growth of pathogenic microorganisms, the rapid absorption of components into the lymph prevents the spread of infection.

Indications for use

An antimicrobial agent of the nitrofuran group is prescribed in the following cases:

  • infectious and non-infectious inflammatory process of the prostate gland and urinary tract (,);
  • as a prophylactic for chronic forms of diseases of the genitourinary system, with bladder catheterization for a long time (to prevent the development of microorganisms that accidentally entered the urethra during the procedure);
  • in pediatric practice for young patients with congenital anomalies of the urinary tract.


An antimicrobial agent based on furazidin is not suitable for patients with certain conditions and diseases:

  • allergy to drugs-nitrofurans;
  • pregnancy;
  • the newborn is not 7 days old;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • there is not enough enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme (congenital pathology);
  • polyneuropathy of various origins;

Instructions for use and dosage

  • during therapy, be sure to eat protein foods to alkalize urine;
  • tablets based on furazidin should be taken strictly during meals;
  • on the first day, the patient takes Furagin four times a day, 2 tablets, the next days - in the morning, at lunchtime and at dinner, 2 tablets each;
  • children are prescribed a dosage of furazidin at the rate of 5 to 7 μg of the active substance per kilogram of body weight. With prolonged use of Furagin in pediatrics, the dose for one day is reduced to 1 or 2 μg per 1 kg of the child's weight;
  • the optimal duration of therapy is from 7 to 8 days, if necessary, the courses are repeated after 10-15 days from the end of the previous one;
  • in order to prevent relapses in a chronic inflammatory process, adult patients are prescribed 1 tablet of an antimicrobial agent throughout the day, the duration of admission is determined by the attending physician.

Side effects

Some patients while taking Furagin complain of negative symptoms:

  • drowsiness, decreased quality of vision, dizziness;
  • itching of the skin, rash;
  • dyspepsia, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea;
  • weakness, fever, deterioration of general condition.

Signs of an overdose

Increasing the concentration of furazidin can provoke negative reactions:

  • headache;
  • psychosis;
  • depressive state;
  • dizziness;
  • rarely - a violation of the liver.

On a note! With a lack of a special enzyme, allergic reactions are possible while taking tablets containing furazidin, up to angioedema and bronchospasm. For patients with congenital deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, it is important to warn the urologist about the characteristics of the body in order to avoid acute manifestations with hypersensitivity.

drug interaction

Application Features:

  • the simultaneous use of uricosuric compounds and Furagin reduces the activity of the drug based on furazidin. There is a side effect in the form of a toxic lesion against the background of an increase in the concentration of furazidin in the blood serum;
  • the combination of Furagin with nalidixic acid reduces antimicrobial activity;
  • taking antacid formulations containing magnesium trisilicate reduces the degree of absorption of furazidin from the digestive tract.

Cost and analogues of Furagin

The antimicrobial agent is released in pharmacies by prescription. The average price of Furagin varies slightly in different regions - from 200 to 250 rubles (pack of 30 tablets).

Furagin's analogues, similar in action:

  • Furacilin.
  • Furadonin.
  • Furasol.

In case of intolerance to furazidin, the urologist selects an effective drug with an antimicrobial effect from another pharmacological group.

Go to the address and read about the causes of increased urine density and how to bring the indicators back to normal.

It is important to know that:

  • tablets should be kept at room temperature;
  • protect the medicine from exposure to dampness and sunlight;
  • shelf life drug Furagin - 48 months.

Many patients believe that Furagin acts effectively, eliminates signs of acute inflammation. A good effect is given by the composition in suppressing infection in the bladder with cystitis: cramps quickly disappear at the end of bladder emptying, discomfort decreases. It's important to know: often urine acquires a lemon hue, after taking on an empty stomach, nausea is possible. These nuances of use are indicated by patients in reviews of the drug Furagin.

With cystitis, inflammation of the kidneys and urethra, urologists often recommend the effective drug Furagin. Furazidin-based tablets stop the growth of many types of infectious agents. It is important to observe the frequency of application, use the medicine for a certain period to completely suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. Reception of nitrofurans, including Furagin, is allowed only on prescription.

Learn more about the features of the use of the drug Furagin for cystitis from the following video:

The most common disease of the urinary system is cystitis. Bacteria provoke inflammation in the walls of the bladder. During the treatment of pathology, antimicrobials or antibiotics are used. The medicine Furagin with cystitis allows you to achieve a positive result and effectively fights the causative agent of the infection. The use of antibacterial drugs in the treatment process is negatively reflected in the intestinal microflora, which is not the case when using Furagin.

The drug belongs to the group of nitrofurans. The drug is an antimicrobial agent that effectively fights cystitis and other diseases. The tool acts on the bacteria that provoked the infection and does not harm the immune system.

The effect of the active substance (furagin) on the body helps prevent infections from entering the body. The antibacterial effect of the drug allows you to effectively deal with the praises of the urinary system. The main plus of the active substance is that the component does not allow microorganisms to get used to and adapt to its action.

The drug acts on the body pointwise. When ingested, the drug protects the ureters, urethra and bladder from the action of bacteria. After entering the lymph, the drug protects it from infection. The remains of the drug are excreted from the body along with urine.

The drug is produced in the form of tablets. One tablet contains about 50 mg of the active ingredient furazidin (furagin). In the process of using the drug, it is possible to achieve the following effect:

  • get rid of pain during urination;
  • destroy pathogenic flora;
  • eliminate spasms of the bladder;
  • reduce the symptoms of inflammation.

Indications for use

Furagin helps fight infections with inflammation of the urinary system. Topically use the medicine in the case of cystitis. Doctors prescribe the drug for pyelonephritis, when an infectious inflammation of the kidney tissues occurs. A medicine is prescribed for gynecological pathologies of a bacterial nature. When inflammation of the urethra occurs (with urethritis), it is also important to drink Furagin.

Doctors prescribe a drug to combat cystitis, even in cases where the etiology of the pathology is not clear. The active substance furazidin fights a large number of strains of pathogenic bacteria. The medicine helps to stop acute processes. Such an action of the remedy is especially important if there is no time to wait for the results of the tests (urine culture).

It is important to take medicine for prevention purposes. The active substance will prevent exacerbation and acute course of the pathology. The drug is also used in the treatment of prostatitis in men. When the patient is to undergo cystoscopy (or other manipulations on the organs of the genitourinary system), Furagin is prescribed to prevent the onset of infection.

Contraindications and side effects

It is necessary to stop drinking the drug if there is any side effect, namely:

  • with insomnia or general malaise;
  • in case of problems with appetite;
  • with pain in the stomach, vomiting or nausea;
  • if the patient has heartburn;
  • with the appearance of migraines;
  • if there are allergic rashes on the skin;
  • with calf cramps.

It is necessary to refuse treatment for children who are under 3 years old. The drug is ideal for adults who have no contraindications to therapy. Patients with renal insufficiency should also exclude the use of Furagin. If the patient has an individual intolerance to one of the constituent drugs, then therapy is excluded. In case of pathologies of the peripheral or central part of the nervous system, the drug is also prohibited.

Pregnant women should be treated with particular care. The period of breastfeeding can also be a reason for refusing therapy. All stages of treatment for pregnant and lactating mothers should be under the strict supervision of a specialist. Doctors do not recommend treating diseases of the genitourinary system on their own. Before starting therapy, it is important to familiarize yourself with the composition, contraindications, and also obtain consent from the attending physician.

How to take the drug

Furagin does not belong to the group of antibiotics, but is an antimicrobial drug. It should be used to neutralize dangerous flora and eliminate symptoms. Treatment lasts for 7 days with normal cystitis. It is recommended to take the medicine after a meal, drinking plenty of fluids. When a patient has a severe or chronic form of the disease, the course of treatment will differ. After the end of the medication in two weeks, the course must be repeated.

It is recommended to use the drug according to the scheme. In the first two days, the medicine should be drunk 4 r. in a day. It is recommended to take 2 tablets, a dosage of 50 mg. On the third day, Furagin is used three times a day. The dosage at one time should be 100 mg. In the process of treatment from the 3rd to the 7th day, the medicine is used twice a day. It is actual to take tablets in the morning and in the evening, the dosage is 100 mg each.

Repetition of the course should be prescribed only by a doctor. In order to understand whether therapy is necessary, several factors are taken into account. The doctor determines how the patient's disease proceeded, what were the results of treatment. The specialist also pays attention to whether the patient has other diseases in parallel and how his body tolerates the components of the medicine.

It is important to take medicine as a preventive measure against cystitis and other pathologies of the genitourinary system. If the patient is hypothermic or has had unprotected sex, then it is worth taking 1-2 tablets before going to bed.

Treatment for children is different from adults. Here the amount of the drug (5 mg) per 1 kg of weight is calculated. The therapy lasts for 7 days. It is also important for children to consume vitamin B during this period. Both adults and children, when taking the medicine, should simultaneously drink an increased amount of fluid and include protein in the diet. During this period, the reception of cranberry juice is positively displayed on the body. Cranberry has an antimicrobial effect in diseases of the urinary system.

Use during pregnancy

Before starting treatment, it is especially important for pregnant women to read the instructions. During this period, women are most often exposed to urinary infections. Patients need to undergo an individual consultation with a doctor to determine the treatment regimen. You can use Furagin during treatment not only in the form of tablets, but also in other forms. Napkins for the treatment of intimate organs may be suitable for pregnant women with cystitis.

In some cases, the active agent furazidin is able to penetrate the placental barrier and have a toxic effect on the fetus. The specialist sometimes prescribes to the patient the intake of other means that are safe for health. On the positive side, the plant-based medicine Canephron has proven itself. During pregnancy, women are sometimes prescribed medications based on cranberry extract.

Interaction with other drugs

Before you start taking Furagin for infections caused by pathogenic bacteria, the patient must inform the doctor if he is using other medicines during this period. It is not recommended to take medicines in parallel with Furagin in such cases:

  • If the patient has renal insufficiency. Do not take aminoglycosides with Furagin.
  • When taking ascarbic acid, calcium chloride, sulfinpyrazone and probenecid. Furagin becomes toxic if the remnants of the drug are not excreted from the body in time with the urine, which provokes the action of the previously listed drugs.
  • When taking drugs that alkalinize urine. In this case, Furagin is quickly excreted from the body. It is important to exclude the use of drugs containing calcium, magnesium, antacids, sodium, citrates.
  • When using antacids. They reduce the effect of the drug itself.
  • In the case of the use of MAO inhibitors and products containing tyramine, a hypertensive crisis sometimes occurs. Patients should exclude from their diet such dangerous foods containing tyramine as beans, smoked meats, cheese, wine, beer.

It is not recommended to simultaneously carry out treatment with Furagin together with quinols (oxolinic and nalidixic acid, as well as norfloxacin). Adverse reactions occur with the parallel use of the drug along with ristomycin and chloramphenicol.

Treatment of acute and chronic infections of the genitourinary system is carried out using the drug Furagin - the instructions for use contain all the necessary information about the mechanism of its action and dosage for adult patients. Can be applied topically as an antibacterial decontaminant to treat burns or festering wounds.

Furagin tablets

Antibacterial drug Furagin (Furagin) belongs to the line of synthetic antimicrobial agents. The mechanism of action of the main active substance is based on the inhibition of the reproduction of gram-negative bacteria, the suppression of their vital processes. Due to this bacteriostatic effect, relief of the patient's condition is achieved (until the microorganisms that provoked inflammation are completely killed).

Composition and form of release

The active ingredient of the drug Furagin - furazidin - is a derivative of nitrofuran. The drug is produced in three main forms - tablets, capsules and powder. The capsule form of release contains 25 mg of the main substance and the following excipients:

  • titanium dioxide;
  • quinoline;
  • gelatin.

Furagin capsules are called Furagin-Aktifur, packed in sealed blisters of 10 pieces; one box may contain from 30 to 150 capsules and instructions for use of the drug. Furagin, produced in the form of a powder, has a different name - Furasol. It is packaged in sachets of 1 g, the content of furazidin in each sachet is 100 mg. The excipient is sodium chloride. The composition of the tablet form of the drug is presented in the table below:

Pharmacological properties

How does the antimicrobial drug used for the treatment and prevention of infections, Furagin - described in detail in the instructions for use, given its main pharmacological properties. The main active ingredient - furazidin - is active against gram-negative microorganisms (staphylococci and streptococci) and gram-positive microorganisms - salmonella, shigella, E. coli. Therapy with the drug is ineffective in the following infectious agents:

  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • enterococcus;
  • proteus;
  • serration.

Absorption (assimilation) of the active substance occurs in the small intestine by passive absorption. So furazidin enters the lymph, preventing the spread of infection through the lymphatic system. Metabolized by the liver 4-8 hours after absorption and excreted in the urine. According to the instructions for use, the main effect is achieved due to the high bacteriostatic concentration of furazidin in the urine, so it is actively used in urology.

Furagin - an antibiotic or not

According to the instructions for use, Furagin is not a systemic antibiotic. It has an antibacterial effect on the organs of the urinary system - the bladder, kidneys, urethra. A particularly high concentration of furagin in the urine makes it an effective tool in the fight against urinary tract infections. It is a local antibacterial drug (helps with purulent wounds and various gynecological infections), and not an antibiotic.

From what tablets Furagin

The main indications for taking Furagin, according to the instructions, are acute and chronic recurrent urinary tract infections, the pathogens of which are sensitive to the active ingredient of the drug. These include:

  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • urethritis;
  • complications of an infectious nature after operations on the organs of the urinary system.

Perhaps topical application as a solution for burns and purulent wounds, in the treatment of keratitis, conjunctivitis, vulvovaginitis. As a prophylactic antiseptic, Furagin's solution is used during diagnostic and surgical interventions in urology, for washing with peritonitis and pleural empyema.

Method of application and dosage

According to the instructions for use, the regimen and duration of drug therapy is determined by the attending physician in accordance with the diagnosis and severity of the patient's condition:

  • Treatment of cystitis is usually carried out according to the standard scheme - 50-100 mg of the drug (one or two tablets) three times a day. Take Furagin after meals, drinking plenty of fluids. The maximum duration of a continuous course cannot be more than 14 days. If it is necessary to continue therapy, a break in admission is prescribed for a period of at least 10 days.
  • For topical application, a solution is prepared based on the powdered form of the drug. To do this, 50 mg or 1 g of the drug is dissolved in 100 ml of warm pure water, while obtaining a half-percent or one-percent solution.
  • For the treatment of burn and purulent wounds, a nine percent solution of sodium chloride is added to the suspension (see photo below).

special instructions

The instructions for use recommend taking the drug with caution in diseases of the nervous system, dysfunction and other diseases of the kidneys and liver. Furagin can cause individual intolerance and allergic reactions, therefore, in some cases, according to the decision of the attending physician, therapy is accompanied by the use of antihistamines. To prevent the occurrence of side effects, drinking plenty of water is recommended. In some cases, B vitamins are prescribed for the prevention of neuritis.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, the female urinary system is weakened, therefore it is especially susceptible to inflammatory and infectious diseases. If symptoms of inflammation appear - pain during urination and frequent urination, fever - you should immediately consult a doctor. Launched inflammations are difficult to treat, contribute to the development of such dangerous conditions as preeclampsia, become a threat both to the fetus and to the life of his mother. Therefore, the doctor may decide that the pregnant woman should undergo a course of treatment with Furagin.

Furagin for children

By decision of the attending physician, Furagin for children older than 1 year is prescribed if there are appropriate indications. Therapy should be carried out with caution, with strict adherence to the dosage and regimen. Instructions for use contains instructions for calculating the maximum daily dosage for a child. The recommended dose of the drug is calculated based on the weight of his body - 5-7 mg / kg / day. If side effects occur, the reception is immediately stopped, and the child is urgently shown to the doctor. Topical application is not recommended for infants under the age of 6 months.

drug interaction

Simultaneous use with ristomycin, chloramphenicol, sulfonamides, according to the instructions for use, increases the risk of hematotoxicosis. The concomitant use of other nitrofuran derivatives, as well as urine oxidizing agents, such as ascorbic acid or potassium chloride, should be avoided. Ethanol can increase the severity of side effects and reduce the effect of the main active substance.

Furagin and alcohol

When taking alcohol during the course of treatment with the drug, a number of unpleasant side effects associated with the activity of the central and peripheral nervous system may occur. Refusal of drinks containing ethyl alcohol will help to avoid:

  • headaches;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • nausea;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • anxiety;
  • convulsions;
  • vomiting.

Side effects

Instructions for use describe the side effects that may occur while taking the drug Furagin. They can be caused by an incorrectly calculated dosage or individual reaction. These include:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • loss of appetite;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • development of polyneuritis;
  • dysfunction of the liver;
  • allergic reactions.


With an incorrectly calculated treatment regimen, an overdose of the drug may occur. According to the instructions for use, it is accompanied by the following symptoms and conditions - neurotoxic reactions, polyneuritis, impaired liver function, acute toxic hepatitis. Treatment begins with the abolition of Furagin, drinking plenty of fluids, symptomatic therapy, B vitamins are prescribed. There is no specific antidote.


The appointment of a course of treatment with the drug can be done by a doctor when the expected benefits of taking it outweigh the possible harm. Therefore, in some cases (for example, during pregnancy), drug therapy can be completed, but with caution, under the supervision of specialists. The manufacturer in the instructions for use indicates that Furagin is contraindicated in:

  • pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding);
  • hypersensitivity to nitrofuran derivatives;
  • impaired renal function;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • lactose deficiency and intolerance;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • in childhood.

Terms of sale and storage

The drug is sold in pharmacies, dispensed without a doctor's prescription. Stored out of the reach of children, shelf life - 3 years from the date of issue. It is not allowed to take an expired drug.


The most common analogue of Furagin is the imported drug Furadonin. The active substance of Furadonin - nitrofurantoin - has a pronounced antimicrobial effect. Another popular substitute with a similar active ingredient (furazidin) is Furamag. The doctor can prescribe Furagin or Furamag based on the clinical picture of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient. In the event of adverse reactions, one drug can be replaced by another.

In addition to these drugs, it is possible to replace them with:

  • Furasol;
  • Monural;
  • Furacilin.

Price for Furagin

Furagin is sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. The drug can be ordered through the online store by issuing home delivery (the price will then be lower than usual). The range of prices for different forms of release can be found. looking at the table below:


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