Gems in the teeth. Rhinestones on the teeth - affordable and charming. Twinkles jewelry

Zirconia is one of the most modern materials used in orthopedics and dentistry. Dental prosthetics with zirconia crowns are now carried out in most dental clinics, since it is a worthy replacement for your own teeth in terms of both strength and aesthetics.

Despite the fact that zirconium dioxide as a basis for manufacturing appeared in dentistry, especially in Russian, relatively recently, it quickly gained popularity. This is due to the fact that he has undeniable virtues:

Despite the impressive merits of the material, it is impossible not to mention its shortcomings:

- the complexity of manufacturing, as a result of which the production time is extended and the patient has to wait longer than in the case of cermets or ceramics;

- the cost is high compared to analogues made from other materials;

- Zirconium dioxide is not suitable for all types of prosthetics. For example, veneers are rarely made from it.

How is dental prosthetics performed with zirconia crowns?

Zirconia itself is a white powder, which is mixed with various additives to make the base for crowns. At high temperature and under pressure, monolithic blocks are produced from it, from which crowns are then cut. The doctor's procedure is as follows:

  1. Taking an impression, creating a model of the dentition.
  2. Scanning the model and creating its three-dimensional image.
  3. Turning an individual crown from a solid block on a special computer-controlled milling machine.
  4. Ceramic coating by hand, firing and glazing.

Expert opinion. Dentist Romanovsky O.O.: “A variation of the zirconia crown is a design made using Prettau technology. It assumes that metal cladding with ceramics is not produced or is only partially produced. Prettau zirconia is more transparent, so cladding can be dispensed with and thus achieve certain benefits":

— absence of chips on ceramics;

Zirconium oxide is an ideal solution for anterior teeth prosthetics.

— there will be no abrasion from the opposite side;

– without the application of ceramics, the bending strength increases by about 200%.

Installation is carried out according to the algorithm:

  1. Teeth sharpening.
  2. Production of temporary plastic crowns from casts during the production of zirconium structures.
  3. Trying on zirconia crowns.
  4. Fixing the structure to cement.

Average cost in Moscow

The table shows the average prices (in dollars) in Moscow for prosthetics based on zirconia crowns using conventional material and Prettau technology.

Zirconium dioxide or cermet?

Which of the two most popular materials to choose for crowns? Comparative analysis is given in the table.

Criteria Zirconium dioxide cermet
Strength Very high due to the crystal structure. The average service life is from 20 years. High, average service life - 15 years.
Aesthetics There is no gray strip along the border of the gums, the crowns are devoid of aesthetic flaws. There is a gray strip along the border of the gums, since the designs have a metal base.
Safety Absolute biocompatibility and safety, including for allergy sufferers. The designs have a number of contraindications, especially in the presence of a fluorine coating.
Combination with teeth Full match with natural teeth Crowns practically do not stand out in the dentition and are combined with teeth

Indications for installation

As can be seen from the table above, there is a difference between structures made of different materials. They differ markedly in the price of installation. Therefore, before giving preference to one or another material, it is important to know in which cases zirconium structures are preferable:

    1. Prosthetics of the anterior teeth, when aesthetics are especially important.
    2. Prosthetics in the masticatory region, where strength is important.
    3. High requirements for the longest esthetics of the dentition.
    4. Inability to install structures from other materials (for example, due to allergic reactions).
    5. The need for prosthetics of living teeth.

Designs are not installed during pregnancy and after past illnesses. Contraindications also include inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, malocclusion, mental disorders.

Which would fascinate and attract the interlocutor. Recently, a new fashion has appeared to decorate teeth with special crystals and rhinestones. What is it for? The answer is quite simple: to be beautiful. Skyces are attached to the teeth in several ways. Which is better to prefer? Can this be done at home? We will find answers to these questions in the article.

Where did the tradition of decorating teeth come from?

The tradition of decorating teeth originated in ancient times. Modern fashionistas would probably be wildly delighted to know the history of the skys. Several thousand years ago, the Mayans used to decorate their teeth with special rivets. To do this, they grinded the surface of the enamel and mounted the decoration.

Of course, the process had a bad effect on dental health. But at that time this question was irrelevant. The most important rule was not to be different from the people living in the tribe.

Modern society treats the state of their health with great care. Few people are ready to sacrifice a tooth for the sake of jewelry that will only be worn for a certain time period. Medicine offers new methods for installing rhinestones, which are absolutely harmless.

What are skies?

Skyce on the teeth are quite popular lately. Many fashionistas are happy to demonstrate a smile that is adorned with a semi-precious stone. This procedure is carried out only in the dental office. I would like to note that it is absolutely harmless. It takes no more than 20 minutes in time.

The most important rule is to choose the right size of stone or rhinestone. It depends on the aesthetic appearance. A large stone does not look very nice on a small tooth.

The diameter of the decoration can vary from 1.5 to 2.5 mm. Depending on the material chosen, the stone may shine better than a diamond (for example, crystal). In dental clinics, the service costs from 1000 to 6000 rubles. There are patients who prefer to install a real diamond. A couple of years ago it was a very fashionable trend. Almost all socialites sought to decorate their teeth in this way.

But the opinions of doctors on this matter differ. The fact is that a diamond sparkles only in certain lighting and the right cut. To do this, it must be "drowned" in enamel. There is only one way to do this: by making a hole in the tooth and placing it there. Agree, this is not good for health. After the procedure, the tooth may become sensitive and painful.

We choose to your taste

Teeth decoration with skyce is a procedure offered by many clinics. The cost depends on the type and size of the stone, which will shine and fascinate the interlocutor. The material may be as follows:

  1. Diamond. Currently, it is practically not used, since for installation it is necessary to drill and destroy the tooth. Doctors advise using it only if the client has an implant or a crown.
  2. Crystal. Very popular. Properly polished, it shines like a diamond. In this case, the installation is completely harmless.
  3. Swarovski crystals. They are relatively inexpensive, popular among fashionistas.
  4. Glass rhinestones. The cheapest material. The downside is that you can wear them for no more than two weeks. This decoration is suitable for certain holidays or events.
  5. Twinkles. These products are made of gold or medical alloys. They are different in shape, mainly found in the form of figures (hearts, flowers, animals, and so on).

Many fashionistas like to combine materials, then skys look even more attractive.

Diagnostics is required

Before the installation of a skyce on a tooth is done, it is necessary to diagnose this organ. This is a very important step. If the jewelry is attached to an unhealthy tooth, problems and severe pain may begin. In this case, Skyce must be abandoned. At the same time, adjacent teeth should also be in perfect order.

In order for the smile to be beautiful, and the attached element not to emphasize the flaws, it is important for fashionistas to have snow-white, even teeth. Very often, dentists resort to skys when it is necessary to hide a defect, for example, a dark spot on the enamel.

How to install decoration?

Of course, lovers of such jewelry are often interested in: “How to stick skyce on your teeth?” The answer is unequivocal: it is not recommended to do the procedure at home for lack of appropriate equipment.

There are several ways to install materials:

  • application;
  • mount.

By installing ordinary glue-based rhinestones, you can be sure that the procedure is painless. It takes no more than 10 minutes. After the size and shape of the skyce have been determined, a special glue containing fluorine is applied to it. The service life of such an ornament is no more than two weeks. Undoubtedly, this is very little. Many choose this option before attaching crystal skys.

Gold jewelry, Swarovski crystals are installed using a special glue called Bond. It does not destroy the structure of the enamel at all, while skies can be used for up to five years.

With diamonds, the situation is much more complicated. In this case, it is necessary to remove a layer of enamel or make a puncture of the tooth.

Putting skyce on the tooth itself is unacceptable. It is important that the doctor conducts a diagnosis, uses special materials. Rhinestones cannot be glued with ordinary glue. It will damage the enamel and can lead to tooth decay.

Standard Installation Procedure

Skys installation takes place in several stages:

  1. To begin with, the selected tooth is completely cleaned with a paste that does not contain fluoride.
  2. After that, they are determined with a specific installation location. A gel is applied to it, which opens the pores of the tooth.
  3. As soon as they appear, the place is treated with an adhesive system.
  4. With the help of a special lamp, the achieved effect is fixed.
  5. The next step is cleaning the jewelry.
  6. After the skyce has become perfectly clean, it should be degreased.
  7. At the last stage, glue is applied and the decoration is fixed on the tooth.

After that, the procedure is considered completed. If there are adhesive residues, they are removed with a special solution. To consolidate the effect, many dentists shine through skys with an ultraviolet lamp. In this case, the composite dries faster and holds better. This is how the installed skyce on the tooth looks like (the photo is presented below).

There are contraindications

When installing skyce on your teeth, do not forget about contraindications. Among them:

  1. Age up to 12 years.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Sick teeth (chips, cracks, plaque, pulpitis).
  4. Malocclusion.
  5. Installed braces.

Another important point is that the client should not be allergic to the materials to be installed.

Is care needed?

The question often arises on the forums: “How to attach a skyce to a tooth?” Feedback on this procedure is mostly positive. Installation is completely painless. It takes no more than 20 minutes in time. Does the jewelry need special care? Dentists assure that there is nothing complicated in this process.

Skyce should be cleaned with a toothbrush after eating, it is better to rinse your mouth with water so that no pieces of food remain. The only thing you should not do is eat solid foods, such as nuts, seeds.

Skyce on teeth have become quite popular among fashionistas. The installation procedure is harmless (except for the use of diamonds). The cost can fluctuate within 5000 rubles. It all depends on the chosen material and the size of the decoration.

A radiant smile has always been the hallmark of successful and extraordinary personalities: the French monarchs encrusted emeralds and rubies in their front incisors, and the leaders of the Mayan tribe put silver on their worn teeth.

Today, aesthetic dentistry is not so radical - it only offers to enhance the "shine" of your healthy teeth with an exquisite decoration in the form of a skyce.

Skyce on teeth - what is it?

The first dental rhinestones were produced by the European manufacturer Ivoclar Vivadent - it is this company that owns the Skys for Teeth brand.

Flat, small stickers or figurines encrusted with precious stones have gained popularity in 35 countries around the world. They are installed by celebrities, young people and even children: many parents from skies begin their child's acquaintance with the dentist.

Skyces are made with a rough backing for a firm hold. The installation of such accessories is carried out in a dental clinic - this is a quick, absolutely painless and inexpensive procedure.

Types of jewelry for teeth

The most common type is skyce - miniature, transparent rhinestones with reflective properties that create the effect of a "beaming smile". Depending on the material of manufacture, method of attachment and cost, dental jewelry is classified as follows:

Price and reviews of skies

You can choose and buy skyce directly in the dentist's office.

The cheapest cost is a latex sticker - about 1,000 rubles, the price of a skyce per tooth from Swarovski ranges from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles.

Twinkles made of precious metals and encrusted with rubies are more expensive items (5,000 - 10,000 rubles), and the cost of a diamond will depend on the size of the stone and the installation method.

Installing rhinestones, twinkles and gems

The "aesthetic" procedure is carried out on an outpatient basis. The whole process takes no more than 15 minutes and includes the following steps:

  1. The doctor prepares the tooth with a highly abrasive paste and a special gel.
  2. The surface of the enamel is “illuminated” with a lamp.
  3. A composite material is applied to the installation site, which will serve as a fixative for decoration.
  4. Skyce is cleaned of dust, treated with a degreaser and glued on top of the photopolymer.
  5. The design is “lit up” with a polymerization lamp.
  6. The rest of the filling material is polished.

When melting a ceramic crown inlaid with a diamond, the sequence of the procedure depends on the method of prosthetics you have chosen. The timing of the manufacture of the implant and other nuances are discussed at a preliminary consultation with the dentist.

How to remove skies?

Skyce removal will be performed at any clinic where aesthetic dentistry services are available. The specialist will remove the rhinestone, polish the tooth and cover it with a special varnish. It is not recommended to carry out such a procedure on your own: you can damage sensitive enamel and “remove” part of the tooth along with the twinkle.

Is it possible to paste rhinestones at home?

High-quality dental jewelry is made in a laboratory and must meet a number of requirements:

Ordinary rhinestones from the jewelry department cannot be “planted” on the tooth: they can damage the tissues of the tongue, enamel and cause an inflammatory process in the gums.

Due to the lack of a special composite material, which is used in dentistry. office, the “home-installed” skyce will not last a day in your mouth. You run the risk of swallowing it with food, as happens in most of these cases.

Therefore, dentists warn: it is worth buying and gluing rhinestones from specialists!

Service life and care of skies

The “shelf life” of a high-quality skyce is at least 6 months, and with proper care, a shining stone will serve you until you decide to replace it.

Caring for rhinestones on your teeth does not differ from standard oral hygiene: brushing your teeth twice a day, rinsing with warm water after meals and flossing.

Contraindications to the installation of jewelry on the teeth

Despite the harmlessness of the procedure, there are a number of contraindications, in the presence of which the installation of skies cannot be carried out. It:

  • enamel hypoplasia;
  • defects in the dentition;
  • progressive inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
  • gum disease;
  • the presence of caries, stains on the teeth.

All of the above obstacles can be eliminated by contacting your nearest dental clinic. The doctor will prescribe a course of procedures and perform a complete sanitation of the oral cavity, after which the skys on your healthy teeth will shine with new overflows.

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