Why measure center distance? Physiognomy: eyes. Close-set eyes: physiognomy

Determining the position of the pupils of the patient's eyes in the selected frame. Pupillary distance measurement

The comfort of wearing glasses largely depends on the choice of spectacle lenses and on the correct choice of spectacle frames. Precise centering of the optical centers of the lenses relative to the pupils of the client's eyes in the frame will provide the necessary quality of vision correction and easy adaptation. In a prescription for glasses, an ophthalmologist usually indicates the total interpupillary distance. But it must be remembered that in order to achieve the required correction, especially in the manufacture of glasses with lenses of complex designs (the correct operation of the lens is directly related to its precise installation in front of the eye), it is necessary to take into account the monocular interpupillary distance. In most people, the eyes are located asymmetrically relative to the middle of the bridge of the nose. If the asymmetry in the location of the eyes is high, it must be taken into account when making glasses, since the prismatic effect that occurs in the lenses of finished glasses leads to their intolerance and asthenopic complaints. On the basis of special studies and calculations, the permissible value of the prismatic action, physiologically tolerated by a person, is 0.5 pdptr. The prismatic action is calculated by the formula:

Δ= Cx fv"

Where, Δ is the emerging additional prismatic action [srad., prdptr].

C - the amount of decentration of the optical center of the spectacle lens relative to the pupil [see].

fv"- back vertex refraction [dptr.]

It can be seen from the formula that the greater the refraction of the corrective lens, the stronger the influence of decentration.

According to GOST R ISO 13666-2009“Ophthalmic optics. Spectacle lenses. Terms and Definitions". Interpupillary distance PD: the distance between the centers of the pupils when the eyes are fixed on an object at infinity directly ahead. Monocular pupillary distance: The distance between the center of the pupil and the midline of the bridge of the nose or bridge of the frame when the eye is in its original position.

Thus, when accepting an order, it often becomes necessary to determine the interpupillary distance of the patient, taking into account the asymmetry in the location of the eyes. When working with lenses of complex designs, the values ​​of vertical (installation distance) and horizontal displacements of the pupils in the openings of the rim of the selected frame are also determined. All these measurements make it possible to determine the coordinates of the centering of spectacle lenses for their further processing.

Method for measuring interpupillary distance

When measuring the interpupillary distance, a ruler or special distance meters are used - pupillometers. For the correct use of rulers and special instruments, it is first of all necessary to understand the principles on which these measurements are based.

There are several ways to determine the interpupillary distance using a ruler. First of all, consider the methods described in the domestic literature. When performing the measurement in one of the ways (N.S. Orlova, G.I. Osipov, Vision Correction. Tutorial. - Novosibirsk Sibmedizdat NSMU. 2006), it is proposed to measure the interpupillary distance between the outer limbus of the left eye and the internal limbus of the right eye. To measure the interpupillary distance for near, the doctor stands at a distance of 33 cm from the patient and invites him to look at his bridge of the nose. With the left eye, the doctor looks at the outer limbus of the cornea of ​​the patient's right eye, puts a ruler on the bridge of his nose and visually fixes the zero division of the ruler relative to the outer limbus of the right eye. At the same time, the right eye of the doctor is closed. Next, the doctor's left eye closes, and with the right doctor finds the division of the ruler projected onto the inner limb of the patient's left eye - the value of the division of the ruler will correspond to the distance between the centers of the patient's pupils - the distance for near.

To measure the interpupillary distance into the distance, it is necessary to repeat the entire procedure, but the patient must look into the distance, at a distance of more than 5 meters. That is, the patient looks at some distant object, over the head of the researcher. Since the pupils of the eyes are placed in the middle of the iris, then, obviously, the distance between the edges of the corneas will correspond to the distance between the centers of the pupils. This method does not always give accurate measurements, because, firstly, there is no certainty that the visual axes of the eyes are parallel when looking over the doctor’s head (the patient may involuntarily shift his gaze to a more closely located object), and, secondly, if the patient is not seated correctly doctor in front of the patient may experience a measurement error due to parallax. The method described above provides distance and near total interpupillary distance data, but it does not provide monocular distance data. Accounting for asymmetry in the location of the eyes is impossible.

When performing the measurement in a different way (Optometry: Selection of glasses / Yu.Z. Rozemblyum, M. Medicine 1991), the doctor is at a distance of 30-35 cm from the patient's face, who is looking at some distant object over the doctor's head. Then the doctor puts a ruler to the bridge of the patient's nose and sights the position of the center of the pupil of his right eye with his left eye, and the left eye with his right. According to the ruler, the value of the interpupillary distance for the distance is determined. In the same way, the interpupillary distance is measured for near, but at the same time the patient looks at the nose of the doctor, who sights both pupils with one eye. When performing such measurements, the researcher may encounter the same problems as in the previous method.

When using a pupillometer (Fig. 1), it is possible to detect asymmetry in the location of the eyes and measure the total interpupillary distance. The device allows you to get the results of measuring the interpupillary distance for any working distance. The device includes: a forehead rest (frontal stop) - 1, an elongated nose bridge - 2, a liquid crystal digital display - 14, buttons for turning on the device's operating modes - 5 and 6, sliders - 7 and 8, a working distance setting handle - 9, an eyepiece hole for observer - 3, operating mode switching lever - 11, battery compartments - 12.

Fig.1. Pupillometre.

The principle of operation of the device is based on the corneal reflex, i.e. reflection of the light mark from the cornea. Before starting work, set the required working distance with the handle (from 30 cm to infinity). During measurements, the device is installed on the bridge of the patient's nose, the stop should touch the forehead (Fig. 2).

Fig.2. Taking measurements with a pupillometer.

The patient fixes his gaze on a luminous mark, which is located in the back focus of the lens. The observer will see the patient's eyes and the reflection of the light mark on the pupils. With the help of the sliders, the observer sets the vertical arrow along the corneal reflex (overlapping the brand image). The countdown is taken on the digital display.

The device provides the possibility of making a monocular measurement. This is true for patients with one eye or with impaired binocular vision. This is achieved by moving the lever 11 to the right or left; middle position - binocular measurement.

It should be noted that some designs of pupillometers make it possible to measure the vertex distance in ready-made glasses, while the device is installed on the side of the patient, the handle - 4 is set to infinity, the button - 6 changes the operating mode. The observer will see the patient's eye and spectacle lens. The distance from the anterior surface of the lens to the cornea is measured, the thickness of the lens along the axis, which is determined using a thickness gauge, is subtracted from this distance, and the vertex distance is calculated.

Consider the methods for measuring the interpupillary distance described by foreign experts. So, according to the materials provided by Prenat O. (Institut et center d "optométrie), using various devices, it is possible to measure either the anatomical interpupillary distance or the physical interpupillary distance. Usually the physical distance is less than the anatomical approximately 0.25 - 0.5 mm.

The anatomical distance is measured using a measuring ruler (Quiz method). Anatomical distance - the distance between the plane of symmetry of the face and each sight line (right and left eyes). Hairline - an axis that passes through the fixation point and through the center of the pupil. Full anatomical distance is the distance between the two sight lines of each eye, i.e. the distance between the centers of the pupils of the patient's eyes. When performing the measurement, the method of paired eye overlap is used. When determining interpupillary distance for distance, the specialist sits opposite the patient, closes his right eye and asks the patient to look with his right eye at his open left eye. In this position, the distance from the middle of the bridge of the nose to the center of the pupil of the right eye is measured. Without changing the position of the head, the specialist closes his left eye and asks the patient to look with his left eye into his open right eye, taking measurements from the middle of the bridge of the nose to the center of the pupil of the left eye. This measurement principle makes it possible to achieve parallel axes of the patient's eyes, which is a condition for distance vision. To check the data, it is necessary to measure the total interpupillary distance, which should be equal to the sum of the two previous measurements.

Measurements will only be valid if the following conditions are met:

The patient sits in a natural position

The interpupillary distance of the patient and specialist should be approximately equal

The specialist sits directly in front of his patient

The specialist holds the ruler on an outstretched hand as far as possible to reduce the measurement error.

When measuring interpupillary distance for near by the Quiz method, the specialist is at a working distance from the patient (usually this distance is 40 cm). The specialist places his dominant eye at the center of symmetry of the patient's face (the center of the bridge of the nose) and asks the patient to look into it. He closes his other eye. The leading eye of the specialist plays the role of a near fixation point. In this position, the distances from the center of the bridge of the nose to the centers of the pupils of the eyes and the total interpupillary distance for near are measured.

Foreign opticians describe another way to measure the interpupillary distance for near using a measuring ruler. The specialist is opposite the patient at a distance of about 40 cm. The patient looks with both eyes into the right eye of the specialist. In this position, the distance from the middle of the bridge of the nose to the center of the pupil of the eye, the visual axis of which is more reduced, is measured. Measurements are then taken while the patient is looking into the specialist's left eye.

According to materials provided Prenat O. (Institut et center d "optométrie) physical interpupillary distance is measured using a pupillometer. The physical interpupillary distance is the distance between the plane of symmetry of the face and each ophthalmometric axis. The ophthalmometric axis is marked by a light reflection on the cornea. The total physical interpupillary distance is the distance between the two ophthalmometric axes. Ophthalmometric axis - an axis that passes through the fixation point and through the center of rotation of the eye. Measuring the interpupillary distance with a pupillometer is very convenient, but there are conditions under which this is impossible:

The patient is a small child

The patient has a deviated nose

The patient has poor visual acuity and does not see the luminous brand of the device

The patient has torticollis (torticollis - neck deformity caused by unilateral tension of the muscles and soft tissues of the neck or curvature of the cervical spine; accompanied by an incorrect head position).

Method for determining the position of the pupil in the opening of the rim

To accurately set the lenses relative to the center of the pupil of the eye, it is necessary to know its coordinates in the opening of the rim. The easiest way is to mark the position of the pupil with a special marker on a false template (demo lens) of the frame worn by the patient (Fig. 3).

Fig.3. Marking the position of the pupil.

When marking, it is necessary that the patient looks straight at the natural position of the head. The optician should position himself so that his eyes are at the same level as the patient's eyes. The measurement is made at a distance of 40 cm in a comfortable position; it is unacceptable to change the position during the marking process. The patient is asked to look with the left eye into the researcher's right eye and the center of the pupil of the left eye is marked on the false template (with the patient's right eye covered). Without changing the position, the patient is asked to look with the right eye into the left eye of the researcher (the left eye is covered) and markup is performed (Fig. 4). The optician and the patient may have different interpupillary distances, with a significant difference in these distances, a slight horizontal shift of the optics is allowed during marking to compensate for this difference. But, at the same time, it is necessary to remain with the patient at the same vertical level.

Fig.4 Drawing the position of the pupil on a false template.

Sometimes situations arise when it is impossible to make markup on a false template. For example, if the patient covers his eyes when the marker approaches, or if there are no false templates. The horizontal coordinate of centering, in this case, is calculated based on the value of the interpupillary distance. The vertical centering coordinate can be obtained using special measuring plates and fixtures.

Fig.5. Using a measuring plate.

When using a plate (Fig. 5), it is installed in the opening of the rim of the frame in the facet groove. The patient is asked to look into the distance with the natural position of the head. The central vertical base risk mark of the plate should coincide with the center of the pupil of the eye. The reading is taken from the lower edge of the rim to the center of the pupil (only the vertical offset is determined).

Instead of a plate, you can use a simple measuring ruler. Having attached it to the frame, it is necessary to measure the distance from the lower edge of the rim to the center of the pupil (Fig. 6).

Fig.6. Determining the vertical position of the pupil using a ruler.

Firm Essilor offers a special device for determining the position of the pupil in height (Fig. 7).

Fig.7. Essilor special tool.

The device is attached to the frame with the help of supporting devices A and B. Then, with the handles C, the plates are shifted so that the line passes through the center of the pupil. The scale determines the vertical coordinate of the position of the pupil.

The scales of plates of all types are digitized, the division value is 1 mm.

The plates and fixture are primarily used to determine if bifocals and multifocals can fit into a frame that is matched. So, for example, in the case of receiving an order for glasses with bifocal lenses, it is necessary to determine the vertical coordinate of the lens centering in order to assess the correct setting of the near zone. On a false template (demo lens), the position of the pupil is marked and the border of the lower eyelid is marked with a horizontal line. In correctly made glasses, the upper edge of the segment should pass along the border of the lower eyelid.

5.2.6. The location of the zone dividing line for far and near bifocal spectacle lenses (segment height) is shown in the figure and should be determined when choosing a frame with the participation of the patient.

Permissible limit deviations Hs from that measured in the selected frame - ± 1.0 mm, the absolute value of the difference in segment heights - no more than 1.0 mm. Ws

When accepting an order for glasses with progressive lenses, consulting opticians need to pay great attention to the selection of the frame, its straightening and the accuracy of measuring the position of the pupil. Since with inaccurate lens installation, the movement of the eye will not be carried out through the visual channel of the lens, but will pass through the distortion zones, which will lead to the impossibility of using glasses.

According to GOSTR 51193 - 2009 "Ophthalmic optics. Corrective glasses. General specifications" item 5.2.8. Permissible deviations of the positions of the centers of the mounting crosshairs of progressive Hfc spectacle lenses and the optical centers of single-vision aspherical lenses from those measured in the selected frame should be no more than ± 1.0 mm in any direction.

When accepting an order, for the correct manufacture of glasses, opticians need not only to be able to choose a frame for a client and recommend eyeglass lenses, but also to know how to make accurate measurements. Negligence in work and inaccurate measurements can lead to significant errors and the client's refusal to make glasses.

Kernik N.Yu.

medical consultant of "Optik-Mekk SPb" LLC,

teacher of the St. Petersburg Medical and Technical College.

Rice. 4.5. Eyes with drooping eyelids

A large lower eyelid (Fig. 4.6) is often found in dissolute people, and too sagging (Fig. 4.7) indicates an inability to control one's own actions.

Rice. 4.6. Eyes with large lower eyelids

Rice. 4.7. Eyes with sagging lower lids

Such people should beware. But wrinkles in the outer corners of the eyes speak of intuition and experience; it is not without reason that such eyes are often called insightful.


According to legend, Hippocrates used physiognomy for medical diagnostics (until now in medicine they use the concept of "Hippocrates' mask", which means a characteristic facial expression of a patient with peritonitis). If the eyes are bright and clear, then there is no reason to worry. But when they are dull, without shine, their movements are slow, the pupils are constantly constricted or dilated, and the eyelids are heavy - all this indicates any disturbances in the body.

eye types

In addition to the fit of the eyes, their shape, etc., they have other features, which we will discuss in this section.

Bulging eyes

So, what about people whose eyes seem to be about to pop out of their sockets (Figure 4.8)? It sounds, of course, not very beautiful, nevertheless, such eyes are not always a sign of a person having Graves' disease. In childhood, children with similar eyes are often teased, but still they always have many friends. On the one hand, this is due to innocence, on the other - an open character.

Rice. 4.8. Bulging eyes

Growing up, such children acquire excellent grasp, they are able to assess people on the move, and in general they are players by nature. Realistically assessing their own strengths, they are, nevertheless, determined and ambitious. Unfortunately, people with such eyes sometimes do not look into their inner world, do not try to develop spiritually, which often leads to ridiculous recklessness. We can say that they often provoke certain situations that seem crazy from the outside. And only after a certain time it becomes clear how correct such a decision was, even despite the huge risk.


From an aesthetic point of view, it is extremely important that the bulging eyes are balanced on the face by other features (eyebrows, lips or nose) - this will indicate success in areas where risk is part of the game.

In addition to being reckless and able to take risks, such people are very sexy, sex is as important to them as air and water. They do not deny themselves pleasures and indulge any sexual whims. People around notice this very well, so do not be surprised that there are always a lot of fans and lovers of experiments around them.

Having connected their lives with a quiet, balanced person who is not prone to adventure, people with bulging eyes, as a rule, make a mistake. Because how can you count on a quiet family union when one of the partners is a gentle stream, and the other is a stormy hurricane? A hurricane will simply knock the stream out of its bed, splashing its gentle waters all over the earth. Having settled down for a while, they will soon begin to change their own lives again, as well as the lives of loved ones. Being self-confident, they will not at all think that those whose well-being is somehow connected with their position will feel extremely uncomfortable.

Downturned eyes

The first impression from looking at the faces of such people is that they are saddened by something. Paradoxically, it is precisely such opinions of others that form the detached, secretive nature of people with similar eyes. So, for example, your friend has downturned eyes (Figure 4.9). What can be said about him? Firstly, this is a person immersed in himself. With a large number of people, he is shy and therefore tries to stay away, without drawing attention to himself.

The lowered corners actually determine the attitude of others towards such a person: everyone strives to pity him, to show participation. Most often, this is completely unnecessary, but constant empathy gives rise to the suspicion that something is really wrong in life, and problems that seemed easy to solve grow to the size of insoluble ones.

On the other hand, such an amount of "participation" of others makes a person a kind of debtor. This is often the reason that he lends a helping hand too quickly, without trying to figure out whether they really need it. Such mistakes give rise to uncertainty and, as a result, even greater immersion in oneself, isolation.

Rice. 4.9. Downturned eyes

It may seem that the lowered corners of the eyes are a sentence for their owner. It is not, and now you will find out why.

It is difficult to meet more pleasant and inviting people. They are sincere, responsive and able to support in difficult times like no one else. It seems that it was about them that K. Vonnegut once said: "The meaning of human life - no matter who controls a person - is only to love those who are next to you, who need your love ...".

The best area for people with downturned corners is one that requires kindness, patience, ability to listen and understand: teaching, caring for children and the sick, social services, resolving disputes and complaints, working with people with disabilities, etc.

In personal relationships, the desire to patronize others will play a positive role, because it will make it possible to feel care and attention and fully enjoy the reverent attitude of loved ones. There can be no doubt that it will return to them a hundredfold.

Deep set eyes

People with deep-set eyes (Fig. 4.10) tend to be daydreamers, they are more romantic than passionate natures, and they are more intellectual than physical. Nevertheless, they are well versed in money matters.

The owners of such eyes are by nature thinkers, rarely impulsive, rather adhere to conservative views and prefer to check, evaluate and weigh everything properly, rather than act at random and take risks, hoping for luck.

Rice. 4.10. Deep set eyes

At the same time, it should be noted: if you have a person with deep-set eyes, you can most likely trust him, but this should not be abused. They can be trusted, but they also demand the same from their friends and partners, so weigh the pros and cons before deceiving or betraying (however, this applies to all people, not just those described in this section) .

The disadvantage of such people can be called their intermittent detachment, which can offend other people and even repel them. And judging squinting because of the size of the eyes is often perceived as a cynical and negative attitude, and therefore can offend.

slanted eyes

A person with such eyes is very cheerful and endows others with a good mood.

Optimism, courage, a passion for adventure - such is the nature of people with slanted eyes (Fig. 4.11). However, excessive determination and confidence often lead to short temper and inability to compromise. Fortunately, anger passes as quickly as it begins, leaving no painful consequences.

The owners of slanting eyes, as a rule, are excellent and valuable workers: they have a lively mind, quickly and easily learn, inspire confidence in the successful completion of projects they have begun, and generate new ideas. As leaders, they instill optimism and energy in their subordinates, which is very good for the performance of employees in particular and the prosperity of the organization as a whole.

At the same time, those who work alongside or manage such people should know that valuable colleagues with slanted eyes should not be pressured and entrusted with routine work. Only activities where you need to make decisions quickly, where everything is in full swing and people are in constant motion, only risky and lightning-fast projects!

Comfort while wearing glasses depends largely on the correct centering of the lens in the frame. Precise centering provides the necessary quality of vision correction and facilitates adaptation to glasses. We will learn what interpupillary distance is and what methods allow you to get the most accurate measurements when choosing glasses.

Asthenopic complaints of patients who prefer spectacle correction of vision are often associated with incorrect data on the intercenter distance. Among the most common symptoms of eyeglass intolerance are headaches, burning eyes, and dizziness.

Why might new glasses not fit? Here are some common causes of discomfort:

  • violation of the distance between the centers of the lenses;
  • asymmetry of the face, different height of the bridge of the nose;
  • violation of the vertical distance;
  • violation of the vertex distance (the gap from the top of the eyeball to the surface of the lens facing the eye).

To avoid such problems, it is necessary to give preference to modern methods of diagnosis and determination of interpupillary distance. Then the prescription data will be correct, and the optical center of the lens will coincide with the center of the pupil.

What is binocular interpupillary distance?

The interpupillary distance PD - the value that is specified in the prescription for glasses - is the length of the gap between the pupils. Quite often, the pupils are located asymmetrically relative to the middle of the bridge of the nose, so optometrists record data for each eye. Binocular RC is the gap between the centers of the pupils. Monocular RC is the distance from the center of the bridge of the nose to the center of the pupil. So, if the intercenter gap is 63 mm, then for each eye the values ​​\u200b\u200bcan be indicated as 31 mm and 32 mm - the distance from the center of the bridge of the nose to the eyes. In adults, such data remain practically unchanged, but in children, due to growth processes, they are corrected. For this reason, the use of outdated prescriptions for children's glasses is unacceptable.

How can interpupillary distance be measured? The modern approach to the method of measuring the center-to-center gap has been somewhat changed: past mistakes have been taken into account, priorities for new equipment have been determined. If earlier it was customary to indicate the difference in the interpupillary distance for near and for distance of 2 mm, now, as a rule, the difference is 4-6 mm. Also, now the distance can be displayed with any number, not just divisible by two, as recommended by the old standards. Previously, the recipes indicated two distances. For example, 60-62 mm, where a smaller value should have been used for viewing close-up objects, and a larger one for distant ones. It is currently accepted that the interpupillary distance for distance and near may differ by 3-7 mm. The distance for the lower segments in bifocals and progressive lenses of complex design is 2.5 mm less for the right and left eyes than the distance for distance.

How is interpupillary distance measurement performed?

To determine the interpupillary distance, it is customary to use three main methods: using a ruler and a target at a distance of five meters, using a ruler when the patient is sighting the doctor's eye, using a special device - a pupillometer.
Using a ruler, you can get data on the total interpupillary and monocular distance. To obtain a reliable result, the patient must sit in a relaxed position opposite the doctor. When measuring, the optical axes of a person should be parallel to each other, without convergence. The doctor at this time is opposite the patient, at the same level. The distance is measured from the outer side of the iris of the right eye to the inner side of the iris of the left eye.

Also, the measurement of the distance between the pupils is carried out using a contrast target. It is installed above the Sivtsev table at a distance of about five meters from a person. It is used to fix the gaze. A red circle with a diameter of 4-5 cm is usually used as a target. The person's gaze should be directed into the distance, over the head of the doctor who takes the measurements. If the patient has a small stature, it is necessary to take this into account and increase the height of the seat. Of the prerequisites - good lighting. The doctor must clearly see the eyes of the subject, who, in turn, needs to fix the head and eyes in one position in order to obtain the most correct measurement results, without errors.
Measurement with a ruler when sighting the doctor's eye by the examinee is carried out while sitting. The eyes of the specialist and the subject are at the same horizontal level, the position should be natural. The doctor looks at the person's pupil and alternately closes his eyes, asking the patient to look into his open eye. So, when measuring far away, the specialist closes his right eye and asks the subject to look into his left eye, putting a zero division opposite the outer limbus. The doctor then opens the right eye, closing the left, and asks the person to look at the right eye, thereby aligning the visual axis.

Interpupillary distance for far and near - measurement methods

When measuring distance for near, a specialist must take into account convergence (the physiological ability of the eyes to converge the visual axes on an object). Measurement of near PD is taken from the outer side of the iris of the right eye to the inner edge of the limbus of the left eye. The leading eye of the doctor is at the same time opposite the center of the patient's nose, on the same level. The gap between the eyes of the doctor and the person being examined is forty centimeters.
Comfortable binocular vision provides the correct inset - the difference between the center of the pupil for distance and the center of the pupil for near. Inset is important when formulating a prescription for progressive glasses. When measuring the interpupillary distance for distance, the fixation point is located at a distance of 70 cm from the patient, 4-5 cm above the doctor's head. When taking measurements for distance, a pupillometer has significant advantages, minimizing various errors. So, in comparison with the method of measuring with a ruler, the pupillometer has 3 times less errors.

The advantage of measuring interpupillary distance with a pupillometer

Pupillometer is a device used to determine the diameter of the pupils, interpupillary distance, widely used in ophthalmology. In multifunctional devices, a choice of settings is provided, and there is also an automatic calculation of the height of the patient's bridge of the nose, which has a positive effect on the accuracy of the results.

Pupillometer advantages:

  • fine tuning, fast result with minimal errors;
  • the ability to take measurements for each eye separately;
  • the results are not affected by uncontrolled movements of the pupils, the level of illumination of the room and various irritating factors;
  • the data is displayed digitally on the display of the device.

The device measures the gap from the middle of the bridge of the nose to the pupils and captures changes in conditions of focus shift. It can be used to determine the asymmetry in the location of the eyes, to obtain data for any working distance. Unfortunately, there are some contraindications to the use of such a device: nasal curvature, poor visual acuity, in which a person does not see the mark, as well as torticollis - a disease characterized by a tilt of the head with its simultaneous turn in the opposite direction.

The eyes and gaze of a person are what people immediately turn their attention to when they meet. The look has always been considered an indicator of attentiveness, honesty, personal interest. The eyes are the mirror of the soul. Let's look at the main features of a person with a certain shape of the eyes. At the same time, I take materials from physiognomists and ancient observations.

Physionists read a person by the eyes, using the following criteria: eye fit, shape, size, color.

Landing is the distance between the eyes. It is believed that the wider the eyes of a person, the more energetic and optimistic their owner is.

The size of the eyes suggests that the larger the eyes, the more sensitive, emotional and artistic the person is. Also, big eyes speak of masculinity and authority. Small eyes are a sign of caution, stubbornness and thrift.

The physiognomists interpret the shape of the eyes using analogies with the eyes of animals, so I will immediately ask you not to be offended by this comparison: it is taken from ancient Chinese texts.

Horse eyes. Large, round, well-defined, slightly protruding with double, slightly drooping eyelids. Qualities: intelligence, wit, artistry, courage and enterprise. But also hot temper, straightforwardness, inability to hide their feelings.

lion eyes. Large with folds on the eyelids, slightly elongated, and the upper eyelid is cut off at the top. Very calm and insightful. Qualities: determination, strength, wit, courage. Such people are leaders by nature and lead the team, they achieve success in business, politics and military affairs. Purposeful, efficient, independent, very demanding of subordinates.

Eyes of the Tiger. Yellowish in color, with a sheen, the eyelids give them the appearance of a rectangular shape, they are, as it were, cut off from above and below. At the same time, the eyes are rounded from the outer edges. Qualities: fearlessness, energy, strength and nobility. There is no greed for money, but money comes to them by itself. Also, like the owners of lion's eyes, they have clear leadership qualities, are stubborn, and have a rebellious character. Faithful and devoted friends.

wolf eyes. Small, elongated, light, the outer corners are slightly lowered, the whites are veined with red, the look is impassive and piercing. Quality: vindictiveness, cruelty, lust for power, injustice. They go over their heads. Often occupy a high position in society, always have influential friends.

Elephant eyes. These are narrow, elongated eyes, with double or even triple eyelids, because of this there is a feeling of "swollen" eyes. Usually these are light-colored eyes with large expressive pupils. Qualities: sociability, good nature, sociability, calmness. They have good health, despite the fact that they often have problems with being overweight. Slowly achieve success, very carefully and correctly moving towards their goal.

Sheep eyes. These are narrow, small eyes, with a large, often black and yellow iris. Surrounded by double beautifully defined eyelids, the protein is bright and white. Qualities: softness, modesty, indecision. Often scattered for their own purposes, smart and endowed with talents, but rarely believe in themselves.

boar eyes. Small, slightly scattered, there is a break in the upper eyelid, the iris is dull. Qualities: conservatism, cunning, suspicion, diligence. They do hard and boring work. Career is very hard.

Fox eyes. Small, angular, elongated, with corners down. Qualities: quick wit, sharp mind, cunning, stinginess, always see personal gain. Outwardly good-natured and sweet, often hypocritical. People with such eyes are smart, cunning and stingy.

cat eyes. They are similar to the eyes of a tiger, but smaller. Brilliant, bright, with a hard penetrating look, cut off from above and below. Qualities: attentiveness, sensitivity, increased sense of danger, courage and luck in business. Not as ambitious as the owners of the eyes of the tiger, but at the same time they often reach high positions.

The eyes of a snake. These are small, narrow eyes, with swollen eyelids, with a blue (light) iris. Qualities: prudence, lust for power, vindictiveness, attention to detail, often aggressiveness.

monkey eyes. These are rounded, shiny eyes, slightly protruding, the look is mobile (running), unfocused. Qualities: intelligence, ingenuity, impatience and cunning, suspicion and vindictiveness. But revenge is more like teenage pranks. They have an excellent memory, developed intuition, spontaneity. Often sexually liberated and attractive.

Bear eyes. These are large, but not intelligent eyes, slightly protruding, with white squirrels and small pupils, the gaze is absent-minded. Qualities: laziness, lack of planning, life "at random", often envious.

Peacock eyes. Incredibly round eyes, birdlike, with a bright iris and a large pupil. Qualities: enthusiasm, attentiveness, insight, but at the same time naivety. Often such people suffer from injustice, financial problems, and are looking for patrons.

Cow eyes. The eyes are of normal size, but with large pupils, the look is assertive, but at the same time soft and calm. Qualities: courage, reliability, patience and diligence, slowness, methodicalness, logic and mind. People inspire confidence, they are true friends.

Dragon eyes. These are large, shining, round eyes with half-closed, rounded eyelids, the lower eyelid is well defined, going slightly upward from the outer edge. The pupils are large. The look is domineering. Qualities: authoritativeness, authority, intelligence, nobility, pride, luck. Often such eyes can be found in the powerful of this world.

Phoenix eyes. Long eyes, with double eyelids and fishtail-like corners going up and down. The pupil is large. Qualities: nobility and kindness, authority, authoritativeness. Such people are often powerful, wealthy and talented. It is believed that this is the female version of the dragon's eyes.

Crane eyes. These are large eyes with dark pupils and beautiful double eyelids. The outer edges are raised. Qualities: artistry, great mind, intelligence. These are the eyes of the intelligentsia: doctors, writers, scientists.

deer eyes- small, akin to the eyes of a horse. Qualities: mind, good nature, sociability, acute understanding of danger, intuition is highly developed.

Information about human eye reading is very extensive, so we will continue to review human reading by this criterion in subsequent notes.

Vadim Sokolov

Interpupillary (intercenter) distance (MR) is the distance between the centers of the pupils of the eyes, measured in millimeters. Ophthalmologists always measure this parameter in a patient when they write a prescription for glasses. On average, MR in adults is 62 millimeters, this figure varies from 54 to 74 millimeters in different people. You can measure the interpupillary distance yourself or with someone else's help, in addition, you can contact an optometrist or ophthalmologist who will measure MR professionally.


Self-measurement of interpupillary distance

    Take a ruler with millimeter divisions. To measure MR at home, you will need a ruler with millimeter divisions. If you do not have a suitable ruler at home, you can find a special scale for measuring MR on the Internet on the websites of ophthalmological centers and optics salons and print it out on a printer. When you set printer options, make sure that the original scale of the ruler is not distorted when printing.

    Stand in front of a mirror. If you want to measure your MR yourself, you will need a mirror. Make sure the room is well lit because you will need to position the ruler correctly and see the division scale. To correctly take the necessary measurements, stand at a distance of 20 centimeters from the mirror.

    • Hold the ruler above the eyeballs, parallel to the brow line.
    • Keep your head straight and level for accurate measurements.
  1. Close your right eye to find the center of your left pupil. The easiest way is to take a measurement for each eye alternately, while closing the other eye. First close your right eye and place the zero mark of the ruler against the center of the left pupil. Try to determine the position of the zero mark as accurately as possible, as this is an important factor in determining the accuracy of the MR measurement as a whole.

    Measure the distance to the center of the right pupil. Open your right eye and find the millimeter mark, which is exactly in the center of the right pupil, without moving the ruler or moving your head. Make sure you look directly into the mirror so that you can measure the distance correctly. The number (in millimeters) that corresponds to the center of your pupil (or as close to the center as you can measure) is the interpupillary distance (MR).

    Your friend should now take the necessary measurements. You should try to keep your eyes still and not move your eyes while a friend measures the distance between the pupils. To do this, he needs to arrange the ruler the way you would do it yourself if you measured MP in the mirror. Your friend must compare the zero mark of the ruler with the center of one pupil and determine which mark will be opposite the center of the pupil of the other eye.

    Contact your ophthalmologist to have your interpupillary distance measured.

    1. Make an appointment with an optometrist. To find out your interpupillary distance, you need to make an appointment with an optometrist. When you go to see your doctor, they will likely ask you to have other vision tests done to see if your previous eyeglass prescription is up to date. The doctor will check the condition of your eye muscles, visual acuity, visual fields, as well as measure refraction and examine the condition of the retina.

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