What does nootropic drug mean. The best nootropics for experienced users. How Nootropics Boost Your Brain

Nootropic drugs are popularly called "smart" pills. After all, these drugs improve the brain. They activate learning, improve memory. Piracetam was the first nootropic synthesized in 1963. During the study of the drug, scientists confirmed that the drug increases mental abilities, improves memory, and performance. Today, many drugs have been developed that have a similar effect. These are new generation nootropics. We will talk about them.

Mechanism of action

Nootropics of the new generation do not cause addiction in humans. In addition, they do not provoke psychomotor arousal. Their reception does not cause depletion of physical capabilities.

It is usually well tolerated. But some patients may experience adverse reactions, which were discussed above. In case of violations in carbohydrate metabolism, this remedy is not used, since it contains sucrose.

The drug "Pantogam"

The medicine is able to activate mental activity, normalize behavioral reactions, increase efficiency. Actively contributes to the enrichment of the brain with oxygen.

This tool is approved for use by children from 1 year. It is used for crumbs suffering from cognitive disorders. Mostly with speech delay, hyperactivity syndrome.

The average cost of the drug is 358 rubles.

List of the best nootropics

Today there is just a huge list of effective drugs. In addition, new drugs appear on the pharmacological market from time to time. After all, developments to create the most effective means are ongoing.

If we talk about the best nootropics, then doctors distinguish the following medicines:

  • "Piracetam" (it still belongs to the rank of highly effective drugs).
  • "Nootropil".
  • Phenotropil.
  • "Glycine".
  • "Meclofenoxate".
  • "Cerebrolysin".
  • "Aminalon".
  • "Bemitil".
  • "Biotredin".
  • Vinpocetine.

Patient opinions

From the above, it is quite clear how the instructions for use position the nootropic. Reviews of patients who have tested the drugs on themselves largely confirm the effective effect on the body.

A special place is occupied by the same old drug "Piracetam". It is prescribed for many pathologies, it is especially in demand after traumatic brain injuries. Patients who adhere to the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor notice that unpleasant phenomena, such as migraine, dizziness, are eliminated under the influence of the drug.

Excellent means, especially for VVD, are the drugs "Cinarizine", "Vinpocetine". They eliminate such unwanted symptoms as constant dizziness, blue nail plates, cold extremities, and many others. However, some patients may experience side effects.

Despite this, it is the patients who assure that nootropic drugs can “just bring back to life”! Therefore, love yourself, take care of your health and use the medicines that the doctor has prescribed for you!

You can improve memory and increase intelligence with the help of nootropic drugs that affect brain function and increase its performance.

They are used in various fields of medicine, which include pediatrics, neurology, narcology, psychiatry, obstetrics. Today, the pharmaceutical market offers a large list of drugs, and which ones are better to take - the attending doctor will tell you.

Indications for use

The therapeutic effect of nootropics is based on the following mechanisms:

  • increasing the rate of glucose utilization;
  • strengthening of proteins and synthesis of ribonucleic acid;
  • increased synthesis of adenosine triphosphoric acid.

Thus, medicines directly affect the metabolic processes of the central nervous system and bioenergetics, interacting with the parts of the brain.

Nootropics have the following effects on the human body:

  • psychostimulant;
  • antiasthenic;
  • adaptogenic;
  • antiepileptic;
  • antidepressant;
  • immunostimulating;
  • sedative;
  • energy.

Typically, these drugs are prescribed for the following ailments:

  • drug addiction;
  • epilepsy;
  • ischemic stroke;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • neuroinfection;
  • chronic;
  • cerebrovascular insufficiency of chronic form;
  • migraine;

Nootropics are used as part of the complex therapy of ophthalmic pathologies.

These drugs are also suitable for children with various disorders:

  • cerebral palsy;
  • CNS damage.

According to statistics, nootropics are prescribed to every third child.

List of latest generation drugs with prices

Important criteria for choosing a drug are efficacy, price, quality and safety. Below is a list of drugs by effectiveness:

  1. (hopantenic acid). It is widely used for children with encephalitis, enuresis, residual brain damage. The main active ingredient is vitamin B15. The drug does not have a harmful effect on the human body. The effect occurs within a month of regular use. The course of treatment is up to six months. The drug costs about 240 rubles.
  2. . Increases the body's resistance to stress and does not cause dependence.
    Phenotropil does not contain psychotropic substances and has an antiamnestic effect. Price - approx. 450 rubles.
  3. . It is often prescribed for the treatment of encephalopathy, cerebrosthenia, dizziness, and for the development of memory.
    The full effect can be felt after 1-2 months. 60 tablets cost 61 ruble.
  4. Vinpocetine. This is an inexpensive tool that is good for the brain and improves microcirculation in its vessels.
    Vinpocetine lowers blood pressure and has an antioxidant effect. 30 tablets of 10 mg will cost about 75 rubles.
  5. . It is prescribed for patients with dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus, asthenia, neuroses.
    It has antiplatelet and psychostimulating effects. It is often prescribed to children with stuttering, sleep disturbance, to prevent motion sickness. For 50 tablets you will have to pay about 250 rubles.
  6. . Designed for the treatment of vascular and metabolic pathologies.
    Available in the form of tablets and solution for injection. Worth about 1500 rubles.
  7. Cerebrolysin . A nootropic agent is used to eliminate neurological and mental diseases, including Alzheimer's disease.
    Sold as a solution for injection. Price starts from 1000 rubles.
  8. Biotredin. Acts as a regulator of tissue metabolism, increases brain performance, reduces emotional stress.
    Price starts from 88 rubles.
  9. Aminalon. Suitable for students and people whose activities involve memorizing large amounts of information.
    The drug strengthens memory, improves sleep and begins to act almost immediately. Price - 165 rubles for 100 tablets.
  10. . It is a nootropic that expands the vessels of the brain, is an analogue of Piracetam.
    It has a tranquilizing effect, not recommended for children under 3 years of age. For 30 tablets you will have to pay approximately 75 rubles.

With a real pathology, nootropics with proven effectiveness can solve the problem and improve the patient's well-being, however, in case of an incorrect diagnosis, they will bring absolutely nothing but side effects.

This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

In medicine, there are drugs that perform a specific function (for example, destroy germs, lower blood pressure, reduce the secretion of fluid into the intestinal lumen). But there is a whole group of tools that can improve such body functions that are difficult to accurately measure and measure. We are talking about the so-called higher mental functions. Such concepts as mental activity, learning ability, brain resistance to harmful influences are multifaceted and complex.

That is why drugs to improve higher nervous activity are so ambiguously evaluated by the world medical community. There is no doubt that a number of these drugs can improve the metabolism of neurons, their absorption of glucose, improve the condition of their cell membranes, and reduce their need for oxygen. It is believed that nootropic drugs (nootropics) can improve the learning process and memory, give clarity of consciousness and "tenacity to attention", reduce the exhaustion of the nervous system and increase the time of the ability to work actively.

Also, nootropic drugs can increase the activity of attention and thinking, improve speech. In some cases, they activate and have an antidepressant effect, and some of these drugs, on the contrary, calm, reduce irritability, and help reduce the convulsive activity of the brain.

Such a multifaceted and wide field of activity for nootropic drugs has allowed them to be prescribed in domestic medicine for a variety of diseases and conditions. These are dementia and parkinsonism, the consequences of neuroinfections and traumatic brain injury, decreased concentration and fatigue in healthy people during a session of intense study, chronic alcoholism and neurosis. Finally, nootropic pills are taken to improve the quality of sleep, and just for prevention in view of the upcoming active mental stress.

Nootropics are also widely used in pediatric practice. In our country, they are first-line drugs, and are included in the review of drugs that treat delayed speech and mental development, the consequences of perinatal trauma, are used in complex therapy in the treatment of cerebral palsy and in the treatment of mild forms of mental retardation.

From the point of view of Western, evidence-based medicine, which requires a quantitative calculation of effectiveness, in practice everything is far from being so simple, but we will talk about this at the end of our review. And now your attention will be presented to the most popular and sold nootropic drugs in Russia, which are mainly produced in tablets.

Overview of Nootropics

Nomination place Name of product price
Overview of Nootropics 1 270 ₽
2 519 ₽
3 988 ₽
4 50 ₽
5 391 ₽
6 1 100 ₽
7 837 ₽
8 290 ₽
9 472 ₽
10 414 ₽

Piracetam (Lucetam, Nootropil, Memotropil)

The most famous of the old nootropics, namely Piracetam, opens the review of mental enhancement pills. As the official instructions for use show, Piracetam is indicated for almost 50 different diagnoses and conditions, ranging from mental retardation and cerebral infarction, to simple old age and vascular dementia, such a volume in itself is doubtful. According to its chemical structure, Piracetam is a derivative of gamma-aminobutyric acid.

We can assume that Piracetam is used in Russia for almost any problems associated with higher nervous activity, and it is contraindicated only in case of hypersensitivity, with Huntington's chorea, and in children under 3 years old. A history of intracerebral hemorrhage or hemorrhagic stroke in anamnesis, taking anticoagulants and chronic renal failure can be considered a limitation for the use of this nootropic agent.

This nootropic is used in tablets inside, as well as intramuscularly. Piracetam is produced in capsules of 400 mg, the packaging is very different - from 10 capsules to 200. At the beginning of treatment, 2 capsules are prescribed 3 times a day before meals, then the dose is gradually reduced by half, to one tablet three times a day. You should focus on a daily dose not exceeding 160 mg per kilogram of body weight. Piracetam is produced by a very large number of domestic and foreign companies, and the cheapest tablets can be purchased already for 30 rubles, 20 capsules

Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantages of the nootropic Piracetam include the fact (but very important) that after many years of its use in the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) struck it off the list of drugs and downgraded the status to dietary supplements, for lack of evidence-based effectiveness. The advantages of the nootropic include good tolerability, convenience of the release form, inexpensive cost, and availability in almost every Russian pharmacy, which does not guarantee anything in terms of effectiveness.

Phenotropil (Phenylpiracetam, Carphedon)

Phenotropil is also a “record holder” according to indications: the official instruction lists about 60 conditions and diagnoses. It turns out that this nootropic is used for obesity and dementia, schizophrenia with alcoholism, depression and Parkinson's disease, epilepsy and even multiple sclerosis, seizures, intracranial injuries and in connection with problems associated with adapting to lifestyle changes. In other words, if the doctor advised you to stop drinking and smoking, then this will already be an indication for the appointment of Phenotropil. By itself, this medicine, according to the manufacturer, has an anticonvulsant, nootropic, antiasthenic and neuromodulatory effect, and it should be taken after meals in a dose of 100 to 250 mg. For prevention purposes, adults and healthy people need 100 or 200 mg in the morning. This remedy is not recommended to be taken after 15:00 due to its activating effect and possible deterioration of sleep. Tablets of 100 mg are produced by the domestic company Valenta Pharmaceuticals, a nootropic.

Advantages and disadvantages

Perhaps, the disadvantage of nootropic tablets should be attributed to the advantages - a short-term invigorating effect, but this effect was precisely the reason that Phenotropil was banned by the anti-doping committee. In domestic practice, this nootropic is used relatively widely, but in the developed countries of Europe and in the USA it is unknown and not used. There are no recommendations for its use from the official World Health Organization (WHO), as well as a serious evidence base.

Encephabol, or pyritinol, is a kind of nootropic drug that contains a derivative of vitamin B6. As you know, vitamin B6 itself, or pyridoxine, which is produced in the form of hydrochloride, together with thiamine, or vitamin B1, and cyanocobalamin, or vitamin B12, constitute a group of neurotropic vitamins, and are widely used in clinical practice. Encephabol is indicated, according to the manufacturer, for various forms of dementia, mental retardation, impaired memory, attention and orientation, and the consequences of traumatic brain injuries.

The nootropic drug is available in 100 mg tablets and oral suspension. Adults need to take 2 tablets or 2 teaspoons three times a day, and newborns can be prescribed it from the 3rd day after birth, 1 ml per day. According to the manufacturer, therapeutic success is achieved after a month, and the optimal effect after 3 months. This nootropic is produced by the Austrian company Merck, and this drug costs about 800 rubles. for one package of suspension in 200 ml.

Advantages and disadvantages

The negative aspects of Encephabol include the lack of an evidence base for each of the stated indications, or at least a serious study on one of them with a high level of reliability, and, perhaps, individual intolerance. On the positive side of the nootropic is the rare development of this intolerance.

Glycine is truly a popular and cheap drug. It is used under the tongue or dissolved at bedtime, it is prescribed for children and adults to improve memory, performance, it is prescribed in large quantities to patients after a stroke. From the point of view of biochemistry, glycine, or glycocol, is the simplest amino acid that is part of almost any protein, including many proteins in our body. Glycine is also a neurotransmitter, or carrier of certain signals within the brain.

This popular love (good demand) has pushed so many manufacturers to combine glycine in combination with magnesium, with vitamin B6, with vitamin C, and so on. Usually these tablets are taken to relieve tension, facilitate falling asleep, and they are taken sublingually for sucking, in tablets or in powder form after the tablet has been crushed. For adults, it is shown one or two tablets immediately before falling asleep, and for other disorders of the nervous system, the instruction prescribes a certain dosage regimen. The cheapest domestic glycine can be bought starting from 19 rubles. for 50 tablets.

Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantage of all nootropics is one, but extremely important: there is no evidence that they are effective. Yes, glycine is a neurotransmitter. But the fact is that a neurotransmitter, in order to regulate subtle relationships in the central nervous system, must be produced in it, like acetylcholine, noradrenaline, serotonin. There will be no benefit if the mediator in large quantities comes from the intestines with food to the brain in quantities hundreds of times higher than the desired concentration, or is absorbed into the sublingual vessels. There is a blood-brain barrier that prohibits carrying into the “holy of holies” of the body, its command cabin and control apparatus, everything that has been sucked indiscriminately from the stomach. That is why glycine, which is administered through the mouth, practically does not enter the central nervous system and does not work there as a mediator, and there are no modern evidence-based studies on it. In other words, there are biological and chemical (in vitro) effects from glycine, but therapeutic effects are invisible and not proven.

A positive, and, of course, worthy effect of these pills is sometimes the rapid onset of a calm, physiological sleep in those impressionable subjects who firmly believe in the healing power of glycine. Therefore, glycine may well be a kind of inexpensive and effective placebo, or pacifier, all the power of which is based on the patient's faith.

Semax is no longer one amino acid, but as many as 7 amino acid residues synthesized into one short chain. Produce medicine in the form of drops in the nose, at a concentration of 0, 1, or 1%. This synthetic protein sequence repeats one of the adrenocorticotropic hormone fragments, but lacks hormonal activity. According to the manufacturer, this drug also has a nootropic, antioxidant, and cerebroprotective effect, and due to the original mechanism of absorption, it can be used in ophthalmology, while after 4 minutes the agent penetrates into the structures of the central nervous system, and the therapeutic effect even with a single injection lasts a day. Manufacturers have established a different dosage regimen. So, with damage to the optic nerve, the funds are instilled three drops into each nasal passage three times a day, and for the prevention of stress - one drop into each nasal passage twice a day.

Manufacturers recommend using drops for the entire spectrum of cognitive disorders, the consequences of a stroke, encephalopathy, to prevent mental fatigue, and enhance adaptive capabilities. Contraindications include individual intolerance, pregnancy and lactation, psychosis and convulsions, as well as age up to 5 years. This nootropic drug is produced by domestic CJSC Peptogen, and is not cheap - at a dosage of 0.1% from 350 rubles; and at a dosage of 1% - for 3 ml you will have to pay 1750 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantage of Semax is the lack of a clear mechanism of action inherent in all nootropics, randomized clinical trials, and its complete obscurity in Western Europe and the USA, and the silence about Semax by the World Health Organization (WHO). Against this background, the price of almost 2000 rubles is rather doubtful. for a large dosage, but the fact that Semax has practically no symptoms of overdose and drug interaction is somewhat reassuring, and it is unlikely to be able to harm.

Nootropic Cerebrolysin is a biological drug, that is, a whole complex of protein-like peptides that are obtained from the brain of pigs. In general, the belief that nootropic drugs from the brain of animals help the human brain is an analogue of the ancient beliefs that a strong opponent you eat will make you just as strong. In domestic practice, Cerebrolysin is also prescribed for various types of cerebral circulation disorders, for the consequences of a stroke, for mental retardation, dementia, and for the consequences of traumatic brain injuries.

Cerebrolysin is produced in ampoules, the most popular dosage is 5 ml, five ampoules in one package. In some cases, Cerebrolysin is produced by foreign companies, but by order of a Russian manufacturer and for the domestic market. The cost of one package of Cerebrolysin starts from 915 rubles.

A little about the price of the issue: the manufacturer recommends the optimal course of administration of a nootropic drug in the form of daily injections or infusions, and the duration of the course is usually 2 weeks on average. At the same time, single doses that are recommended for intramuscular administration should not exceed 5 ml, for intravenous administration as a bolus, that is, immediately - 10 ml, and by setting intravenous infusion slowly drip - up to 50 ml per day, for example, with a stroke, and with the consequences brain injury. Thus, no one will forbid a patient to drip the drug for 1800 rubles every day, even after a slight concussion of the brain, if the maximum daily dose is taken (at the price of one ampoule of 5 ml, at least 180 rubles). Thus, for a course of treatment for two weeks of daily droppers, you can pay 27,000 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

As usual, Cerebrolysin does not have the high quality clinical trials with the high level of evidence that are accepted for drug initiation in Western countries. Nevertheless, it is appointed everywhere in our country and successfully advertised. In general, all biological preparations derived from other creatures that are administered, including intravenously, in developed countries are either generally prohibited from being imported into the country or clearly prohibited from use, since they can carry prion infections. But even without this, in 2010 it was proven that Cerebrolysin is ineffective even at high doses for the treatment of stroke. Whether prescribing this nootropic is literally beneficial for the prescribing physician remains open in this case. But we can say with confidence that in our country such cases are not uncommon.

There is nothing special to say about Cortexin, except for an extract from pig brains, a fraction from cattle was also added to Cerebrolysin, and expanded with indications for children (up to 20 kg of weight, that is, almost from birth). The manufacturer gives this nootropic drug the ability to improve brain function, protect neurons from damage, increase their survival and resistance to stress, activate their function, and many other useful properties. In the indications, Cortexin is recommended for use in complex therapy, that is, together with any other means. The manufacturer, apparently, has reason not to trust his nootropic drug, since in monotherapy, that is, if it is only used alone, there is a big risk that there may not be an effect, and this will be immediately visible.

This nootropic is contraindicated only in case of individual intolerance, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. The manufacturer refers to the lack of data from clinical studies for pregnant and lactating women. But, apparently, they are not needed: Cortexin is already in demand.

The manufacturer of Cortexin is the domestic company Geropharm, and the minimum dosage of 5 mg per vial will cost you 540 rubles. for 10 vials. In this case, a single dose, for example, for a stroke, is 2 bottles 2 times a day for 10 days, or 4 packs.

Advantages and disadvantages

The big disadvantage of this nooprop is the reluctance of drug manufacturers to subject it to pharmacokinetic studies, which is routine, but it turns out that the manufacturer knows perfectly well how this drug works - this is a significant advantage. Here are two quotes from the official instructions: "the composition of the drug does not allow for the usual pharmacokinetic analysis of individual components." And the second quote: “The mechanism of action of Cortexin® is due to the activation of neuron peptides and neurotrophic factors of the brain; optimization of the balance of metabolism of excitatory and inhibitory amino acids, dopamine, serotonin; GABA-ergic influence…..». Question: if the manufacturer cannot determine what components are in a nootropic drug, how could they conclude that it is wonderfully effective? And how is the rest of the world not yet ready to put this miracle into practice?

Mexidol (mexiprim)

This nootropic contains ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate, which is the only chemical that belongs to the group of antioxidants. Like other nootropics, this drug is indicated for use in cases of overload and mental overstrain, anxiety and cognitive impairment, neurosis, chronic alcoholism and toxic encephalopathy, cerebrovascular disease, including in the elderly, as well as craniocerebral brain injury and its consequences.

Each tablet of Mexidol contains 125 mg of the active substance, and it should be used 1-2 tablets three times a day, no more than 6 tablets can be used as a maximum, and the course of treatment is an average of 3-4 weeks. In the case of relief of alcohol withdrawal syndrome, 7 days is enough. Mexidol is produced by the domestic company ZiO-zdorovye, and one pack of 50 tablets will cost 360 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantage is the same, namely, no serious data from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine. This, of course, does not mean that there were no studies at all. Of course, they were, but there were always few patients, there were many errors in the studies, there was no randomization and no blinding. Blinding is a necessary condition for the objectivity of the study: a blind study is when the patient does not know whether he is being given an investigational drug or a placebo, a “dummy” for comparison. Double blind is when even the doctor does not know whether he is prescribing a pacifier or a drug declared in the study. Any proper study costs money, including patient insurance, and as a result, the reliability and value of these studies on Mexidol is highly questionable. As for other data, the nootropic drug may affect the ability to drive vehicles, and during the period of treatment it is better to refuse to drive vehicles, and in case of an overdose or at the maximum dose, drowsiness may develop.

Cytoflavin is a complex nootropic drug that contains inosine, vitamins - nicotinamide and riboflavin, and succinic acid. Pharmacologically, it refers to a combination of metabolic drugs, and is indicated for the consequences of a stroke, for atherosclerosis, neurasthenia, and cerebrovascular pathology. At the same time, succinic acid helps to optimize energy metabolism in the cell, nicotinamide and riboflavin are necessary for cellular respiration and stimulation of ATP synthesis, and inosine is a precursor of a high-energy compound - ATP, which is a donor of intracellular energy.

Take a nootropic drug should be 2 tablets twice a day in the morning and evening, but no later than six in the evening, the duration of the course is 25 days. Cases of overdose have not been established, side effects can manifest themselves as a headache, or mild discomfort in the abdomen, as well as in the form of allergic reactions. The drug is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating mothers due to insufficient research. Cytoflavin is produced by the domestic company Polisan, and a package of 50 tablets will cost 360 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of the disadvantages of a nootropic drug, it should be noted that, in essence, it is not a nootropic, since it is a combined remedy of vitamins and energy metabolites. Cytoflavin is a fairly well-tolerated drug, like other nootropics, it also does not have a reliable evidence base, but subjectively, many patients, especially the elderly, notice an improvement after parenteral administration of Cytoflavin. Whether this is due to the effect of self-hypnosis, or whether the nootropic drug really helps, is still unknown.

Pantogam, or hopantenic acid, according to the international classification, belongs to psychostimulants and nootropic drugs. According to the manufacturer, it should be used for very many indications, in addition to standard mental and neurological diagnoses, this acid even in the indications has "activity restrictions caused by a decrease in working capacity." Such a too broad interpretation of indications for use (and, of course, in favor of the remedy) cannot but cause surprise.

Each tablet contains 250 mg of calcium hopantenate, and it is recommended that adults take no more than 3 g, or 6 tablets per day, and children also no more than 3 g per day. In some cases, the duration of the course of treatment can be 6 months, and after a break of 6 months, such a course can be repeated. We will not list in this review all the detailed dosages of Pantogam, we will only say that in addition to tablets of 250 and 500 mg, the drug is available in syrup, which contains 100 mg of active ingredient per 1 ml. This medicine is produced by the domestic company Peak Pharma. You can buy a bottle of syrup weighing 100 milligrams for 340 rubles, and a package of tablets with a maximum dosage of 0.5 g in the amount of 50 pieces for 470 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

It has already been said above that the disadvantage of all nootropics is at least the lack of an evidence base. That is why they are not used in developed countries of Europe, in Israel and in the USA. But the situation is much worse for the nootropic drug Pantogam. This drug was banned in Japan in the early 1990s, since it was proved that it was the intake of hopantenic acid that led to a number of fatal complications that occurred with the so-called Reye's syndrome (encephalopathy and liver damage in children and adolescents, usually after the appointment of acetylsalicylic acid ). In order not to be unfounded, we provide links to scientific works (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2063999 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3826551 https://www .ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3379435).

Conclusion, or the happy fate of nootropics in Russia

It would be possible to cite a whole number of tablets, and describe in detail in the rating such drugs as Picamilon, Phenibut, Phezam, Gliatilin, Aminalon, Cavinton, Ceraxon, which are positioned as a drug with a nootropic effect. But we will not do this, because we will begin to repeat ourselves.

So, Picamilon, also in the United States of America, was not only recognized as a falsified nootropic drug, but even excluded from the list of dietary supplements. Researchers from the FDA simply analyzed the tablets, in which the active substance was in different amounts, and in one of the tablets it was not found at all. Such falsifications are very strictly punished by law abroad, but we do not know this information, and do not even think about the composition of the tablets in the Russian Federation, and what machines are used in pharmaceutical factories to ensure a uniform content of the active substance in each tablet.

This information, which allows the reader to think about it, is not at all a "fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey." It is no coincidence that the list of nootropics is not titled "best" drugs, but "popular" drugs. And that's a big difference. If there is a better nootropic drug, then this means that there is also a worse one, that is, there is an effect from one medicine, and the least effect from another, this can be proved according to the laws of mathematics and medical statistics, because the measure is efficiency.

As for nootropic drugs, they have an extremely large list of indications, which sometimes take dozens of diagnoses. Indeed, in troubled waters you can catch a lot of fish. If we compare this with serious drugs, for example, to lower cholesterol or lower blood pressure, we will see that one or two indications for use, such as hypertension and heart failure, are quite enough. As was shown in the review, even such diagnoses are attracted by the ears, which are not indicators of the disease of the body, for example, "disadaptation with lifestyle changes."

Countries that are world leaders are trying to get rid of those drugs whose effect cannot be proven, as well as from dishonestly acquired and “laundered” money. Prosperous rich Russians go to Germany, Switzerland, Israel and the USA for treatment. And none of them worry about the fact that there they will not be prescribed Cortexin, Cerebrolysin, or Picamilon. In the United States of America, for example, there is not a single drug approved by international recommendations for improving intellectual memory, or cognitive functions, both in sick and healthy people. In developed countries, nootropics are generally not registered as medicines anywhere, since they have not been tested for evidence-based effectiveness.

Of course, it's better to give a nootropic drug to a patient as a magical brain booster than to give him tedious and boring advice about how a healthy lifestyle, normalization of weight, quitting smoking and alcohol, healthy sleep, and sports will make him healthy. People perfectly understand and feel that it is precisely such non-drug methods that are effective, and, most importantly, proven in numerous international studies, not only for the prevention, but also for the treatment of many neurological diseases. But a person is arranged in such a way that he wants everything at once, with a minimum expenditure of his strength. Therefore, before you listen to the advice of a domestic specialist and run to buy Cortexin, Piracetam or Phenibut, think several times whether your health needs it. Remember that a wealthy Englishman or American will never do this, and a German doctor or a specialist from the USA, where the profession of a doctor is prestigious and highly paid, will never prescribe nootropics to a patient, since they are clinically ineffective.

*The popularity rating is based on the analysis of demand data from the wordstat.yandex.ru service.
Attention! This rating is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Modern medicine offers a wide range of different drugs for children. These include tools that are used in neurology. Often, with any deviations in the neurological development of the child, the doctor prescribes nootropic drugs. Are nootropic drugs safe for children and what effects will their intake entail, we will tell in the article.

What is a nootropic drug?

These drugs got their name from the merger of two Greek words noos - mind and tropos - direction. The main effect of these funds is to improve mental activity. In addition, nootropics help level neurological deficits and increase the endurance of nerve cells under extreme conditions (stress, hypoxia).

In scientific circles, it is believed that the difference between nootropics and other psychotropic drugs is the absence of such effects on the nervous system as stimulation and sedation (sedation). When taking these drugs, the bioelectrical activity of the brain does not change. The only drug that is an exception is Cortexin.

Another positive quality of drugs in this group is low toxicity and inability to disrupt blood circulation.

Mechanism of action and effects of nootropics

The basis of the pharmacological action of these drugs is their beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the brain:

  • They enhance the synthesis of high-energy phosphates (biological molecules that store and transfer energy), proteins, and some enzymes.
  • Nootropics stabilize the membranes (shells) of neurons that have been damaged.

The following effects that nootropic drugs can have can be distinguished:

  • Reducing the manifestations of asthenic syndrome (weakness, fatigue, drowsiness, decreased concentration, sleep disturbances);
  • Stimulation by some mental activity;
  • Fight against depression;
  • Have a moderate inhibitory effect on the nervous system;
  • Contribute to the resistance of brain cells (neurons) to oxygen deficiency;
  • Reducing the manifestations of epilepsy (moderate anticonvulsant effect);
  • Improvement of cerebral blood flow in vegetovascular dystonia;
  • Promotes the activation of cognitive activity;
  • Contribute to the adaptation of the body to changing environmental conditions;
  • Strengthening immunity and overall resilience.

These funds have positive effects only with their long-term use. Nootropic drugs for children with speech disorders and developmental disabilities should be used for at least 2 weeks in combination with other therapeutic measures.

Indications and contraindications for use

Like any drug, nootropic drugs have their own indications and contraindications, which must be taken into account by the doctor when prescribing these drugs.

  • Cerebral palsy;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Lagging behind in physical and mental development;
  • Speech disorders and delay in its development;
  • Sequelae of traumatic brain injury;
  • Perinatal damage to the nervous system of various origins;
  • Transferred neuroinfections;
  • Restlessness, disinhibition, attention deficit.

In addition to positive effects, nootropics can also have a negative impact if the child has the following contraindications to their use:

  • Violation of the kidneys;
  • Increased intracranial pressure;
  • Severe psychomotor agitation;
  • Pathology of the liver;
  • Individual intolerance to any component of the drug

When new generation nootropic drugs are prescribed, the list for children is limited precisely to contraindications to their use. The use of any medication should be agreed with the attending physician.

The Best Nootropics for Kids

The modern pharmaceutical market offers a large number of nootropic products. Such drugs are used in children of any age. Modern drugs are available in various dosage forms that are suitable for use even in the neonatal period.


Produced in the form of bottles with a ready-made solution. The route of administration is only injection (intramuscularly). Contains a complex of polypeptide fractions obtained from the brain of piglets and/or calves.

The mechanism of action of the drug is in such processes as:

  • Activation of neuropeptides (proteins that regulate the functioning of nerve cells) and factors that provide nutrition to the brain;
  • Optimization of the balance of inhibitory and excitatory substances in the brain;
  • inhibitory effect on the nervous system;
  • Decreased seizure activity;
  • Prevents the formation of free radicals.

More information about indications and contraindications, the method of administration can be found in a separate article on Cortexin.


The drug is available in the form of a suspension and tablets. Can be used from the neonatal period (the first 28 days of life). The main effects of this drug are as follows:

  1. Improves metabolic processes in brain cells;
  2. Promotes the transmission of nerve impulses;
  3. Stabilizes the structure of cell membranes, preventing the effects of free radicals (antioxidant action);
  4. Reduces blood viscosity and improves blood flow;
  5. Improves blood circulation in ischemic areas.
  • Violations of memory, thinking, fatigue, reduced concentration of attention;
  • Delayed development of the psyche;
  • encephalopathy;
  • Conditions after suffering encephalitis (inflammation of brain tissue).

Encephabol is contraindicated in cases of:

  • Sensitivity to pyritinol (the main active ingredient);
  • Kidney disorders;
  • Severe liver damage;
  • Changes in peripheral blood tests;
  • Autoimmune diseases in the acute period;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • Pemphigus.

The drug is prescribed in dosages depending on age. It is not recommended to take in the evening and at night. When using Encephabol in newborns with a risk of developing perinatal pathology, the duration of the course of treatment is 6 months, followed by repetition, if necessary, after 3 months.


The drug is produced and produced in tablet form. It is prescribed for children from 1 year. The main active ingredient of the drug is gamma-aminobutyric acid. The effects of the drug are expressed in the fact that it:

  • Restoration of metabolic processes in the brain;
  • Promotes the removal of toxic substances;
  • Improves memory and mental activity;
  • It has a mild stimulating effect on the psyche;
  • It has a positive effect on the restoration of movements and speech;
  • Stabilizes blood pressure.

In addition to the indications inherent in all nootropics, Aminalon is used for sleep disorders caused by increased pressure and motion sickness (seasickness, in land transport).

Of the contraindications, only hypersensitivity to the main component of the drug stands out.

Aminalon is dosed according to age. The daily dose is divided into 3 doses, before meals. The duration of treatment is from 2 weeks to 4 months.

Glutamic acid

This substance is produced in tablets. It is prescribed for children from infancy. Glutamic acid belongs to the group of non-essential amino acids. Actively participates in the metabolism and nutrition of the brain, protecting it from toxins and the effects of hypoxia.

Indications for use are:

  • Minor epileptic seizures;
  • Schizophrenia;
  • Cerebral palsy;
  • Mental exhaustion, insomnia;
  • Consequences of encephalitis and meningitis;
  • Consequences of birth trauma;
  • Polio;
  • Down's disease.

Glutamic acid is contraindicated in:

  • Damage to the kidneys and liver;
  • Anemia and oppression of bone hematopoiesis;
  • fever;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • Hypersensitivity to glutamic acid;
  • Obesity.

Of the side effects, allergic reactions, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, overexcitation can be observed. With prolonged use, anemia and a decrease in the level of leukocytes may occur, therefore, when taking this drug, blood tests should be monitored.


The only nootropic drug that comes in the form of nasal drops. Approved for use in children from 7 years. It is used in pediatrics in the complex treatment of minimal brain dysfunctions.

1-2 drops are prescribed in each nasal passage in the morning and afternoon. The course of treatment is a month. Contraindicated in the presence of seizures in history and in acute mental disorders.


The release form of this drug is tablets. Approved for use in children. Phenibut is prescribed strictly according to indications and in doses according to the age of the child.

The positive properties of the drug are expressed in such effects as:

  • Improvement of cerebral circulation;
  • Increase mental and physical performance;
  • Reducing headaches, sleep disturbances;
  • Decreased irritability, emotional lability;
  • Improving the condition with motor and speech disorders;
  • Improving memory, attention.

The main indications for its use are:

  • Asthenic syndrome and anxiety;
  • Neurosis and obsessive states;
  • stuttering, tics;
  • Urinary incontinence;
  • Prevention of motion sickness.

Phenibut is contraindicated only with individual sensitivity to the drug, and is also used with caution in diseases of the kidneys and stomach.

Nootropic drugs are widely used in pediatric practice. They have a wide range of positive effects on the functioning of the nervous system. At the same time, they are classified as low-toxic agents. An experienced neurologist will be able to choose an effective drug and prescribe the proper treatment regimen. Therefore, before using a nootropic, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Valentina Ignasheva, pediatrician, specially for the site

Useful video

The majority of the population of our planet, especially residents of large cities, are forced to be in conditions of constant environmental and psycho-emotional stress. It has been proven that stress is not harmless to the human body, it is a risk factor for many, and also has a negative effect on the nervous system, as a result of which a person becomes irritable, his performance decreases, memory and thinking processes deteriorate. In this regard, scientists are constantly looking for ways to prevent and correct the negative effects of stress on the nervous system. About 50 years ago, the concept of nootropics arose, Piracetam was synthesized and tested. This gave a powerful impetus to the search and creation of other substances with a similar principle of action, these studies continue to this day.

From this article, the reader will get an idea of ​​what nootropics are and what effects they have, get acquainted with the indications, contraindications, side effects of these drugs in general, and also learn the features of individual representatives of this group of drugs, in particular new generation nootropics. Let's start.

What are nootropics

According to the definition of the World Health Organization, nootropic drugs are drugs that have an activating effect on learning, improve mental activity and memory, increase the resistance (resistance) of the brain to such aggressive influences as trauma, intoxication, hypoxia.

The first nootropic in history is Piracetam, which was synthesized and applied in the clinic by Belgian pharmacologists back in 1963. During the study, scientists found that this medicinal substance significantly increases mental performance, improves memory and promotes learning. Subsequently, other drugs with similar effects were synthesized, which we will discuss below.

Effects and mechanisms of action of nootropic drugs

The main effects of drugs in this group are:

  • psychostimulant;
  • sedative;
  • antiasthenic (decrease in feelings of weakness, lethargy, phenomena of mental and physical asthenia);
  • antidepressant;
  • antiepileptic;
  • proper nootropic (impact on disturbed higher cortical functions, which is manifested by an improvement in thinking, speech, attention, and so on);
  • mnemotropic (impact on learning and memory);
  • adaptogenic (increasing the body's ability to withstand the harmful effects of the environment);
  • vasovegetative (improvement of blood supply to the brain, which is manifested by a decrease in and, as well as the elimination of other autonomic disorders);
  • antidyskinetic;
  • increased clarity of consciousness and level of wakefulness.

These drugs do not cause pharmacological dependence and psychomotor agitation, their intake does not cause the depletion of the body's physical capabilities.

The action of drugs in this group is based on the following processes:

  • activation of plastic processes in the central nervous system by enhancing the synthesis of proteins and RNA;
  • activation of energy processes in neurons;
  • activation of the processes of transmission of nerve impulses in the central nervous system;
  • optimization of the processes of utilization of polysaccharides, in particular glucose;
  • inhibition of the formation of free radicals in cells;
  • decrease in the need of nerve cells for oxygen under conditions of hypoxia;
  • membrane-stabilizing effect (regulate the synthesis of proteins and phospholipids in nerve cells, stabilize the structure of cell membranes).

Nootropic drugs activate the enzyme adenylate cyclase, increasing its concentration in nerve cells. This substance is necessary to maintain the stability of the cell's production of the main source of energy for the implementation of biochemical and physiological processes - adenosine triphosphoric acid, or ATP, which, moreover, under hypoxic conditions, transfers the metabolism in the brain to an optimally maintained mode.

In addition, nootropics affect the neurotransmitter systems of the brain, in particular, on:

  • monoaminergic (increase the content of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain, as well as serotonin);
  • cholinergic (increase the content of acetylcholine in the nerve endings, which is necessary for adequate transmission of impulses from cell to cell);
  • glutamatergic (also improve signal conduction from neuron to neuron).

As a result of all the effects described above, the patient improves memory, attention, thought processes and perception processes, his ability to learn increases, intellectual functions are activated.

Classification of nootropics

The class of nootropic drugs includes substances of various pharmacological groups that have a positive effect on the functioning of nerve cells and improve their structure.

  1. Substances that stimulate metabolic processes in nerve cells:
  • pyrrolidone derivatives: Piracetam, Pramiracetam, Phenylpiracetam and others;
  • derivatives of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA): Aminalon, Picamilon, Hopantenic acid, Phenibut;
  • pantothenic acid derivatives: Pantogam;
  • derivatives of vitamin B6 - pyridoxine: Pyritinol;
  • products containing dimethylaminoethanol: Acefen, Centrophenoxin;
  • preparations containing neuroamino acids and peptides: Glycine, Cerebrolysin, Actovegin;
  • antihypoxants: hydroxymethylethylpyridine succinate;
  • vitamins, vitamin-like, general tonic substances: vitamin B15, vitamin E, folic acid, succinic acid, ginseng extract and others.
  1. Drugs that have a positive effect on blood vessels, or vasotropic drugs:
  • Xanthinol nicotinate;
  • Vinpocetine;
  • Pentoxifylline;
  • Cinnarizine;
  • Instenon.
  1. Drugs that stimulate the processes of memory and learning:
  • cholinomimetics and anticholinesterases: Galantamine, Choline, Amiridin and others;
  • hormones: Corticotropin, adrenocorticotropic hormone;
  • endorphins, enkephalins.

Indications for the use of nootropics

Medicines of the nootropic class are used to treat the following diseases:

  • different nature (vascular, senile);
  • chronic insufficiency of cerebral vessels;
  • consequences of cerebrovascular accident;
  • neuroinfections;
  • intoxication;
  • psychoorganic syndrome with symptoms of memory impairment, decreased concentration and general activity;
  • cortical myoclonus;
  • dizziness, with the exception of dizziness of vasomotor and mental origin;
  • chronic alcoholism (for the treatment of encephalopathy, withdrawal and psychoorganic syndromes);
  • reduced mental performance;
  • astheno-depressive, depressive, astheno-neurotic syndromes;
  • neurosis-like disorders;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • hyperkinesis;
  • sleep disorders;
  • migraine;
  • in the complex treatment of open-angle glaucoma, vascular diseases of the retina, diabetic retinopathy, as well as senile macular degeneration.

In pediatric practice, nootropics are used to treat the following conditions:

  • mental retardation;
  • mental retardation and speech development;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • consequences of damage to the central nervous system during childbirth;
  • attention deficit disorder.

Contraindications to taking nootropics

Medicines of this group should not be taken in the following cases:

  • with individual hypersensitivity of the patient's body to the active substance or other components of the drug;
  • in the case of an acute period of hemorrhagic stroke (hemorrhage in the brain tissue);
  • with chorea of ​​Hettington;
  • in case of severe renal dysfunction (if creatinine clearance is less than 20 ml / min);
  • during pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects of nootropics

Medicines of this group rarely cause any side effects, however, in a number of patients, the following adverse reactions may occur while taking them:

  • headache, irritability, anxiety, sleep disturbances, drowsiness;
  • rarely, in elderly patients, increased symptoms of coronary insufficiency;
  • nausea, stomach discomfort, or;
  • increased psychopathological symptoms;

Brief description of drugs

Since there are actually quite a lot of medicines belonging to the class of drugs we are describing, we will not be able to consider all of them, but we will only talk about those that are most widely used in medical practice today.

Piracetam (Piracetam, Lucetam, Biotropil, Nootropil)

Available in the form of tablets for oral administration and solution for injection and infusion.

The drug has a positive effect on blood circulation and metabolic processes in the brain, resulting in increased resistance of brain tissues to hypoxia and the effects of toxic substances, as well as improved memory, integrative brain activity, and increased learning ability.

When taken orally, it is well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, the maximum concentration in the blood is determined after 1 hour. Penetrates into many organs and tissues, including through the blood-brain and placental barriers. The half-life is 4 hours. Excreted by the kidneys.

Routes of administration of the drug: inside or parenterally (intramuscularly or intravenously). Tablets are recommended to be taken before meals. The dosage and duration of treatment are determined individually, depending on the disease and the characteristics of its clinical course.

In the treatment of patients suffering from, care should be taken and the dose adjusted depending on the level of creatinine clearance.

Side effects of the drug are standard, and they occur, as a rule, in elderly and senile patients, provided they receive a dosage of more than 2.4 g of piracetam per day.

It has an effect on platelet aggregation, therefore, it is used with caution in people suffering from hemostasis disorders and a tendency to hemorrhage.

During pregnancy and lactation is contraindicated.

In the event of the development of sleep disorders while taking piracetam, you should stop taking it in the evening and add this dose to the daytime.

Pramiracetam (Pramistar)

Chemical formula of Pramiracetam

Release form - tablets.

It has a high degree of affinity for choline. Improves the ability to learn, memorize and mental activity in general. Does not have a sedative effect, does not affect the autonomic nervous system.

Absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract quickly and almost completely, the maximum concentration of the active substance in the blood is determined after 2-3 hours. The half-life is 4-6 hours. Excreted by the kidneys.

During pregnancy and lactation, Pramistar is contraindicated.

When treating patients with impaired renal function, one should carefully monitor the development of side effects of the drug in them - this will be a sign of an excess of the active substance in the body and require a dose reduction.

Vinpocetine (Cavinton, Neurovin, Vinpocetine, Vicebrol)

Available in the form of tablets and solution for infusion.

Improves microcirculation in the brain, enhances cerebral blood flow, does not cause the "steal" phenomenon.

When taken orally, it is absorbed in the organs of the digestive tract by 70%. The maximum concentration in the blood is determined after 60 minutes. The half-life is almost 5 hours.

It is used both in neurology (for chronic disorders of cerebral circulation and other diseases described in the general part of the article), and in ophthalmology (for the treatment of chronic diseases of the retinal vessels) and in otiatry (to restore hearing acuity).

In the case of starting therapy in the acute period of the disease, vinpocetine should be administered parenterally, and then continued orally at a dose of 1-2 tablets three times a day after meals.

Phenibut (Bifren, Noofen, Noobut, Phenibut)

Release form - tablets, capsules, powder for oral solution.

The dominant effects of this medicinal substance are antihypoxic and antiamnestic. The drug improves memory, increases mental and physical performance, stimulates learning processes. In addition, it eliminates anxiety, fear, psycho-emotional stress, improves sleep. Enhances and prolongs the action of hypnotics, anticonvulsants and neuroleptics. Reduces the manifestations of asthenia.

After oral administration, it is well absorbed and penetrates into all organs and tissues of the body, in particular, through the blood-brain barrier.

It is used to reduce emotional and intellectual activity, concentration, memory impairment, asthenic, anxiety-neurotic and neurosis-like conditions, insomnia, Meniere's disease, as well as to prevent motion sickness. In the complex therapy of predelirious and delirious alcoholic conditions, osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine, menopausal disorders.

It is recommended to take orally, before meals, 250-500 mg three times a day. The maximum daily dose is 2.5 g, the maximum single dose is 750 mg. The duration of therapy is from 4 to 6 weeks.
In various clinical situations, the dosing regimen may vary.

It has an irritating effect, therefore, it is used with caution in people suffering from.

Hopantenic acid (Pantogam)

Produced in the form of tablets.

Reduces motor excitability, normalizes behavioral reactions, increases efficiency, activates mental activity.

Rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. The maximum concentration of the active substance in the blood is determined 60 minutes after administration. Creates high concentrations in the kidneys, liver, stomach wall and skin. Penetrates through the blood-brain barrier. It is excreted from the body after 2 days.

The indications are standard.

Take the drug inside, half an hour after eating. A single dose for adults is 250-1000 mg. The daily dose is 1.5-3 g. The course of treatment is 1-6 months. After 3-6 months, you can repeat the course. In the treatment of various diseases, the dose of the drug may vary.

Contraindications and side effects are described above.

Pyritinol (Encephabol)

Available in the form of tablets and suspension for oral use (this dosage form is intended for children).

It has a pronounced neuroprotective effect, stabilizes neuron membranes, reduces the amount of free radicals, and reduces erythrocyte aggregation. It has a positive effect on behavioral and cognitive functions.

If the dosage regimen of the drug is observed, the development of side effects is unlikely.

Glycine (Glycine, Glycised)

Release form - tablets.

Improves metabolism in muscles and brain tissues. Has a sedative effect.

Apply sublingually (dissolving under the tongue).

For the treatment of depression, anxiety and irritability, glycine is taken 0.1 g 2-4 times a day. In chronic alcoholism, it is prescribed according to the recommended treatment regimens.

Contraindications - hypersensitivity to glycine. Side effects are not described.


Release form - solution for injection.

Improves the function of nerve cells, stimulates the processes of their differentiation, activates the mechanisms of protection and recovery.

Penetrates through the blood-brain barrier.

It is used for metabolic, organic and neurodegenerative diseases of the brain, in particular, with, it is also used in the complex therapy of strokes, traumatic brain injuries.

Daily doses of the drug vary widely depending on the pathology and range from 5 to 50 ml. Routes of administration - intramuscularly and intravenously.

Use with caution in the treatment of patients with allergic diathesis.


Release form - tablets, solution for injections and infusions.

Contains only physiological substances. Increases the resistance of the brain to hypoxia, accelerates the processes of glucose utilization.

It is used for ischemic and residual effects of hemorrhagic stroke, traumatic brain injury. It is widely used for the treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy, burns, peripheral circulatory disorders, as well as trophic disorders in order to accelerate wound healing processes.

Generally well tolerated. In some cases, the reactions described at the beginning of the article develop.

Approved for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Contraindicated in case of individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Contains sucrose, therefore, in patients with hereditary disorders of carbohydrate metabolism is not used.

Hexobendin (Instenon)

Available in the form of tablets for oral administration and solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration.

It has a stimulating effect on metabolic processes in the brain and myocardium, improves cerebral and coronary circulation. Antispasmodic.

Indications for the use of this drug are diseases of the brain of an age-related and vascular nature, the consequences of insufficient blood supply to the brain, and dizziness.

Contraindicated in case of individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, increased intracranial pressure, epileptiform syndromes. During pregnancy and lactation, it is used only according to indications.

Inside it is recommended to take during or after a meal, without chewing, drinking plenty of water. The dosage is 1-2 tablets three times a day. The maximum daily dose is 5 tablets. The duration of treatment is at least 6 weeks.

The solution for injection is administered intramuscularly, intravenously slowly or drip. The dosage depends on the characteristics of the clinical course of the disease.

During the period of treatment with this drug, tea and coffee should not be consumed in large quantities. If the drug is administered by intravenous drip, only slow infusion is allowed, and intravenous injection should last at least 3 minutes. Rapid administration of the drug can lead to a sharp decrease in blood pressure.

Combined drugs

There are many drugs that have in their composition 2 or more components that are similar in action or mutually reinforcing the effects of each other. The main ones are:

  • Gamalate B6 (contains pyridoxine hydrochloride, GABA, gamma-amino-beta-hydroxybutyric acid, magnesium glutamate hydrobromide; is prescribed for adults in the complex treatment of functional asthenia; it is recommended to take 2 tablets 2-3 times a day for 2-18 months);
  • Neuro-norm (contains piracetam and cinnarizine; indications are standard for nootropics; dosage - 1 capsule three times a day for 1-3 months; take the tablet after meals, do not chew, drink plenty of water);
  • Noozom, Omaron, Phezam, Cinatropil, Evryza: drugs similar in chemical composition and other indicators to Neuro-norm;
  • Olatropil (contains GABA and piracetam; recommended to be taken before meals, 1 capsule 3-4, maximum - 6 times a day for 1-2 months; if necessary, after 1.5-2 months, the course can be repeated);
  • Thiocetam (includes piracetam and thiotriazolin; tablets are recommended to be taken 1-2 pieces three times a day; the course of treatment is up to 30 days; in some cases it is used in the form of a solution for injection: 20-30 ml of the drug is injected intravenously in 100- 150 ml of saline or intramuscularly 5 ml once a day for 2 weeks).

So, above, you got acquainted with the most popular medicines of the nootropic group today. Some of them are the first drugs of this class, but many were developed much later and are much more effective, so they can safely be called new generation nootropics. Please note that the information provided in the article is not a guide to action: if you experience any unpleasant symptoms, you should not self-medicate, but you should seek help from a specialist.

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