What not to do after rhinoplasty. Features of rehabilitation after rhinoplasty of the nose. There are also aesthetic complications.

Rhinoplasty is accompanied by a difficult rehabilitation period. Difficulties are associated not so much with pain or discomfort caused by swelling of the postoperative wound, but with an extensive set of rules, recommendations, restrictions and prohibitions. Remembering all the rules is not easy, it is even more difficult to follow them throughout the entire recovery period. But this is necessary, because the result of rhinocorrection depends not only on the skill of the surgeon, but also on the responsibility of his patient.

Obvious Difficulties

Some recovery difficulties are obvious. Immediately after the operation, edema and hematomas appear, caused by a violation of the integrity of the tissues. In the first days, you should not expect positive dynamics and dramatic changes for the better - swelling can increase within a week, this is a normal reaction of the body to injury.

Pain, contrary to popular belief, is expressed slightly, and in some cases even minimal. It is easily stopped by analgesics, including over-the-counter. However, it is impossible to take medicines without the knowledge of the attending physician - this can harm your health and hit the results of plastic surgery. You need to fight pain with drugs prescribed by the operating surgeon.

A retainer or a plaster splint that protects the nose from mechanical injuries will have to be worn for about two weeks. As a rule, it is removed between the 7th and 14th day after the operation. Cotton turundas or silicone tabs, which are inserted into the nasal passages immediately after the procedure, are removed for 2-4 days (depending on the volume and specifics of the surgical intervention).

It is impossible to remove the retainer and remove tampons from the nasal cavity on your own. In the early postoperative period, bone and cartilage structures are very vulnerable. The slightest careless action can lead to unpredictable results, including complications, which can only be corrected during a second operation.

What medications are prescribed in the early rehabilitation period? As a rule, the patient takes antibiotics to prevent infectious complications and anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce the severity of edema. If necessary, the list is supplemented with painkillers. All medicines are prescribed by a doctor!

A very important aspect of the rehabilitation period is the care of the nasal cavity. Many do not think that in ordinary life we ​​sneeze, blow our nose, rinse our nose and clean it with cotton swabs. After rhinoplasty, all of the above is prohibited!

You can’t sneeze, because when you sneeze, the air pressure rises sharply, and this can injure the still fragile elements of the cartilage and bone of the nose. If you really want to sneeze, and there is no way to avoid it, you need to open your mouth wide. A simple precaution will save you from serious problems.

For the same reason (air pressure) one should not blow one's nose. It is necessary to remove mucus, dust and blood clots from the nasal cavity, but this should be done with soft cotton swabs. To speed up tissue healing and minimize swelling, you should regularly treat the nasal mucosa with an ointment or cream (drug) with an anti-inflammatory effect.

Is it possible to use vasoconstrictor drops? Yes, but with caution. Uncontrolled instillation of drops like Naphthyzinum into the nose provokes a response of the body in the form of mucosal hypertrophy. In order to improve nasal breathing, you can bury your nose 1-3 times a day, but it is better to do this when absolutely necessary, for example, if nasal congestion prevents you from falling asleep.

Sleep, sports, sex, regimen and nutrition

Obvious things are often left out of sight. After rhinoplasty, there is no need to rush to go to work. The body needs rest, and the direct responsibility of the patient is to create optimal conditions for recovery. It is better to spend two or three weeks at home, observing a non-strict bed rest. Sleep more, worry less. Do not watch TV for hours on end, read less, talk less on the phone.

You need to rest and sleep only on your back (!) With a raised headboard, on high pillows or in a reclining position. It is forbidden to use glasses, and not only in a heavy frame. Any glasses, even the lightest, can cause deformation of the elements of the back of the nose, which will be difficult to correct even during repeated plastic surgery.

You can’t play sports, household loads are also contraindicated. Especially dangerous are actions in which you have to tilt your body forward (it is strictly forbidden to work in the country!). In general, it is better to take a break from household duties - they will not run away anywhere, unlike the time allotted for rehabilitation after rhinoplasty.

You need to eat natural food with a high content of protein, vitamins and trace elements. It is advisable to enrich the diet with vegetables and fruits, as well as lean meats and poultry. Useful oily fish rich in omega-3 fats. Alcohol is contraindicated. Pickles, smoked meats and delicacies are not welcome - these "goodies" increase tissue swelling.

Is it possible to have sex? In the first days, such a desire is unlikely to arise, but after 10-14 days, the topic of intimate life may become relevant. There are no strict prohibitions on this matter, but it is strongly recommended to refrain from intimacy for 3 weeks after rhinoplasty. Then, after the early postoperative period, it will be possible to catch up.

Massage and facial expressions

An important recommendation concerns mimic activity - it is desirable to limit it during the first week or two after surgery. No need to cry and laugh, scream, wince or make faces - the face needs peace. The mimic muscles, when contracted, can pull the soft tissues of the nose along with them, but we do not need this. Facial massage is contraindicated for six months, and there are no options here.

Sun, sauna, solarium

The following recommendations are relevant after any aesthetic surgery. You can not sunbathe, neither in the solarium, nor on the beach, in the country or in the garden of your country residence. The fact is that the skin in the area of ​​​​the surgical wound is prone to increased pigment formation, and ultraviolet provokes it. The second reason is related to the fact that in the solarium the body temperature rises sharply, which increases the peripheral blood circulation. And the stronger the peripheral blood flow, the more pronounced edema.

For the same reason, baths, hammams, spa treatments and saunas are contraindicated. You can’t take a hot bath at home either, you need to limit yourself to a warm shower. If rehabilitation takes place during the summer period with active insolation, it is necessary to use a protective cream with SPF filters of at least 30 on the street. Sunglasses cannot be worn after rhinoplasty, this should be reminded once again.


The issue of cosmetics is of interest exclusively to women, but it is not as relevant as it might seem. In the first days, the fixator closes the face, and cosmetics are out of the question. When the fixative is removed, there are still swelling and bruising that cannot be hidden with foundation. And when the swelling goes down (it happens by the end of the 3rd week), you can already start using cosmetics. If you have questions related to the procedure, please contact professionals for advice: Pronose.Ru.

Instead of a conclusion

Even before the operation, it is necessary to draw up, print and hang in a conspicuous place a set of rules and instructions for the recovery period. All points must be learned by heart, and then the list should be supplemented with individual recommendations received from a plastic surgeon. A systematic and well-organized approach to rehabilitation is the most important condition for the success of any plastic surgery.

Rhinoplasty, which is performed surgically, is an effective method for correcting the nose. The result of the procedure is excellent, but you will have to pay for it both in material resources and in time, because it will have to be spent on postoperative care.

Problems during the rehabilitation period are common. Discomfort, lifestyle changes, special procedures - something that cannot be avoided after rhinoplasty. Find out how to care for your nose after rhinoplasty.

Care principles

Nose care after rhinoplasty involves following the rules:

  • Choose a high pillow you need to sleep on a hill. The only acceptable position is on the back.
  • Go for procedures after rhinoplasty. The frequency of therapy sessions is determined by the doctor. Ultrasound after rhinoplasty is prescribed on the tenth day. In addition to ultrasound, sessions of laser therapy, lymphatic drainage and microcurrents are recommended.
  • Use drugs after rhinoplasty. Usually the doctor prescribes antibiotics and ointments with a healing, antimicrobial and analgesic effect. These include ointment "Traumeel C" (apply 2 times a day to swelling), "Braumeel" (use according to instructions) and "Dimexide" (the method of application is determined by the doctor).
  • Nose massage after rhinoplasty is necessary if a cartilaginous seal has formed. Usually spend 3 sessions, but you need to consult a specialist.
  • Try not to touch your nose. Firstly, scarring after rhinoplasty will be pronounced, and secondly, there is a high risk of deforming the nose and infecting it.
  • After removing the tampons (3 days after discharge), you can clean your nose. The doctor will tell you how to rinse your nose, do it with a special pipette. Tilt your head to one side, hold your breath, instill a weak saline solution and blow it out.

What can't be done?

Care after rhinoplasty implies several restrictions:

  • Do not wear glasses for 2 months after surgery- it is impossible for something to be on the bridge of the nose. The frame presses and changes the shape of the nose.
  • Solarium after rhinoplasty is prohibited for 2 months. Sunbathing is not allowed. Apply a cream with a protective factor before going out, but ask your doctor about the possibilities of using a cosmetic product.
  • Restrictions after rhinoplasty include a two-month ban on visiting baths, saunas and pools. Avoid sudden changes in temperature, and the consumption of ice cream, hot foods or drinks. If you are concerned about swelling, reduce the amount of salt in your food.
  • Sports and other physical activities are prohibited for 3 months. You can do professional sports no earlier than six months after surgery.
  • Don't smoke or drink after surgery for as long as possible. These bad habits provoke swelling, increase the duration of healing of the skin and lead to tissue necrosis.
  • The plaster after rhinoplasty should not be removed prematurely and wet. Its role is to fix new outlines. If the bandage is damaged, there is a high risk of tissue deformation.
  • Do not let your nose come into contact with water on the first day after rhinoplasty. This manipulation is fraught with damage to the fixative bandage.
  • Don't use cosmetics before removing the bandage with the patch.

To achieve the optimal result after rhinoplasty, the patient needs patience and following the doctor's recommendations for nasal care.

The rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty may be different for each patient, since each organism is individual, has internal resources to accelerate the healing process of the nose area after surgery. The very procedure of rhinoplasty affects the duration of the rehabilitation period.

If it was successful, without the addition of an infection, with the correct actions of the surgeon, then the chances for a quick recovery period are much greater. A careful choice of a surgeon is required, who has sufficient experience in performing such operations, is highly qualified, has the required knowledge, skills, and abilities.

First days

It is especially important to observe and care for the nose during the first month after surgery. On the first day, the patient is monitored by a surgeon who assesses the patient's condition after the procedure.

After rhinoplasty:

  • On the second or third day, extract tampons, remove the splints from the nose and remove the bandages. It is better to do this with a doctor, since this action can be painful, with the use of painkillers.
  • After surgery handle nostrils from the inside with sterile cotton swabs, with the addition of hydrogen peroxide. This procedure is necessary to exclude the possibility of infection, which can penetrate through the mucous membranes into the body.
  • Pose for sleep after rhinoplasty, there should be only one: on the back, you can’t sleep on your side, especially on your stomach.
  • fly on airplane a patient after plastic surgery can be after removal of tampons from the nose by a surgeon, as a rule, one day after the procedure.

The use of cosmetics after surgery is possible only after removing the bandage and removing the sutures, thus it is possible to temporarily mask swelling and other traces of rhinoplasty. About what cosmetics can be used, the surgeon will give advice on an individual basis. Most often used decorative cosmetics.

You can go to work with rhinoplasty after removing the plaster.

Taking antibiotics is possible, but only after consultation with a plastic surgeon. This will depend on the reason for which the use of such drugs is planned. In case of inflammatory processes during the rehabilitation period, the doctor himself prescribes antibiotics in accordance with the treatment regimen.

After rhinoplasty, you can not:

  • visit baths or saunas for at least 2 months, as the temperature difference is contraindicated for the body.
  • To go to solarium and sunbathing on the beach for 2 months, as ultraviolet and sun exposure can adversely affect the skin and cause increased pigmentation.
  • wear glasses, since they, being on the bridge of the nose, squeeze it and can cause deformation, and therefore worsen the effect after the operation.

The final result of the operation can be fully assessed only after six months, when all the edema completely disappears, the contours of the nose become clearly visible.

Proper facial care

High-quality facial skin care is very important both before and after rhinoplasty. A feature of the recovery period is the fact that the skin is under plaster for a certain period of time, where there is no way to clean it. In addition, after rhinoplasty, all areas of the face are treated with various antiseptics that have a negative effect on it during prolonged use. After frequent application of antiseptic agents, the skin begins to peel off.

After surgery, an inflammatory process may occur on the skin of the face, which is expressed in the presence of acne, increased oiliness of the skin, and areas of flaky skin.

According to the recommendations of doctors, you should not be afraid to touch your face, wash it every day, and gently wipe it with a hard towel. As a result of this procedure, flaky skin is removed, and harmful bacteria are eliminated.

When buying such products, you need to familiarize yourself with their composition and the intended effect, since warming or cooling scrubs are not suitable for cleansing the skin after rhinoplasty.

There is a technology for washing the nose after rhinoplasty:

  • The head should be kept under slope sideways, above the sink.
  • Do breath and hold your breath for a few seconds.
  • Attach a pipette with a means for flushing to the nostril, rinse it.
  • After that, from the nostril it is necessary blow your nose the content left in it. This is done gently, with a slight movement, blowing air out of the nostril, opening the mouth and at the same time slightly pinching the other nostril with the tip of the finger.
  • Similarly Rinse other nostril.

Most often, doctors recommend washing with seawater-based products. This procedure is required starting from the 3rd or 4th day after the operation after removing the tampons from the nose, with a frequency of 2-3 times a day for 1 month. After washing the nostrils, it becomes easier for a person to breathe, and the rehabilitation process is much easier.

Sports and physical activity after

After rhinoplasty, it is impossible to do serious loads not only in the nose area, but also in the whole body. The most important period of rehabilitation is the first month after the operation.

Therefore, during this time, all physical activity and sports are completely excluded, even a strong tilt of the body forward can cause not very pleasant consequences.

At about 6 weeks, with proper nasal care, swelling disappears, and the person adapts to the new condition. By this time, those patients whose surgical intervention was insignificant can return to sports activities.

After serious changes in the nose, the rehabilitation period is 3 months, after which you can return to your usual lifestyle.

Diet after

Surgical intervention is a factor in the additional burden on the body in the form of stress, after which the tissues need to be restored as the supply of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

The rehabilitation period involves a temporary restriction in certain foods and a specialized diet, which must be observed within 2 months.

You can eat food during the day 5-6 times, but in small portions. In small volumes, food, getting into the body, will be absorbed faster.

You can not eat:

  • roast;
  • salty;
  • smoked;
  • acute;
  • pickled;
  • pasta;
  • sweets;
  • from meat - lamb, pork, goose meat.

All dishes that are prepared at home should be steamed or boiled, to facilitate cooking, you can use a double boiler.

You can and even need to eat:

  • meat without fat - chicken, beef, turkey;
  • lean fish;
  • products fermented milk production;
  • from croup- oatmeal, barley and buckwheat (no more than 200 grams);
  • vegetables in unlimited quantities - tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, zucchini;
  • fig, apricot, dried apricots;
  • crackers, Rye bread;
  • from liquids - green tea, compote, fruit drink, jelly.

The volume of water consumed per day should be at least 2 liters, thus the metabolism is accelerated, and food is digested much faster. Compliance with such a diet during the first 2 months after plastic surgery contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body, protects it from excessive stress and stress, and does not form puffiness.

All norms of a rational diet should additionally be explained to the patient by a surgeon who is interested in the speedy appearance of the result of a successful operation.

Washing procedure after

After the rhinoplasty procedure, it is forbidden to take a hot shower, in order to avoid a high temperature regime, only warm water should be used when washing the body and head.

The method of washing the head without assistance will be difficult, since during this procedure the nose should not be tilted forward.

If you do not maintain the correct position of the body when the washing up head, then you can get a deformation of the nose that has not yet healed. It is necessary to carry it out as in a hairdresser, throwing back his head so that the hair rushes down over the sink or bathtub, and the position of the nose remains unchanged.

Smoking and drinking alcohol after

Even in everyday life, smoking and drinking alcohol cause global harm to the human body. After surgery, they are especially prohibited, since a person has a reduced immune system in the postoperative period. Alcohol after rhinoplasty can have a negative effect on blood flow.

The blood supply of many small vessels of the nose, through which blood enriched with oxygen continuously flows, has a great influence on the rehabilitation process. If the blood vessels of the nose are poorly enriched with oxygen, then recovery after surgery may slow down and lead to undesirable complications.

Drinks containing alcohol have several features that slow down the rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty:

  • on hit alcohol a sharp expansion of blood vessels occurs in the blood, and then their rapid narrowing, such changes in the flow of blood lead to disturbances in blood flow;
  • when the content of such drinks in the blood, it can form thrombosis small vessels, which also makes it difficult for oxygen to enter the vessels of the nose.

After rhinoplasty, the risk of blood clots in the operated area increases several times, so even taking small doses of alcohol is prohibited for 1 month.

There are several other reasons, taking into account which you should not drink alcohol after rhinoplasty:

  • intensifies puffiness a zone that is undergoing a rehabilitation period;
  • worsening exchange body processes involves a slow recovery process;
  • medicinal drugs prescribed by a doctor may not be combined with the effects of alcohol;
  • in a state of intoxication, a person loses coordination movements and a sense of self-regulation, which can lead to injuries in the nose area.

Surgeons also recommend that all patients stop smoking after surgery for 1 month. Substances contained in cigarettes, such as carbon monoxide and nicotine, cause rapid vasoconstriction, after which the circulatory system of the nose is disturbed.

Passive smokers get the same effect as active smokers. After these components enter the body, blood stasis can occur, which causes tissue thrombosis.

Planning for pregnancy after nose correction

Pregnancy is such a state of a woman when almost all internal processes change, because as the fetus grows, the body of the expectant mother gives most of the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to the child. Surgical intervention both during pregnancy and before it is undesirable.

But after childbirth, nose correction is possible.

A woman planning a pregnancy needs to decide on priorities. The scheme may be as follows: the conception of a child occurs before rhinoplasty, then the woman bears the child, gives birth and then undergoes a rhinoplasty procedure.

Or a surgical operation is performed first, and then pregnancy is planned, but conception should occur at least 3 months after the nose correction, and it is better to wait 1 year.

Only after this time the body is able to fully recover:

  • normalize immune system;
  • improve hormone background;
  • set up a system blood circulation;
  • see effectiveness undergone rhinoplasty surgery, to understand if re-correction is required, if there are any complications.

The larger the gap between rhinoplasty and conception, the better for the health of the woman and the fetus. With a short gap between these states, the body does not yet have time to get into shape and transfer one inflammatory process, as another one joins it. In this case, the body is doubly hard.

In each individual case duration rehabilitation process depends on the capabilities and internal resources of the body. Subject to all the rules for rational nutrition, daily routine, nasal lavage, abstinence from alcohol and smoking, and other recommendations of the surgeon, the restoration of tissues and the shape of the nose will occur much faster.

In the first 2-3 days after rhinoplasty, the most pronounced discomfort is noted. There are swellings and bruises on the face, the nose breathes badly, the general heaviness of the face is felt. Headaches are possible.

In a day rhinoplasty, the surgeon introduces silicone splints or cotton turundas into the nasal passages. A splint or plaster is applied to the external nose. Please note: it is strictly forbidden to remove gypsum and remove turundas on your own - this is fraught with serious complications! A catheter that is installed in a vein for general anesthesia and postoperative infusion of drugs can cause some inconvenience. It is removed when the patient is discharged and sent home. I recommend that you refrain from wearing clothes that need to be pulled over your head, especially knee socks, T-shirts and jumpers with narrow collars.

Removal of turundas and removal of plaster.

After 3 - 5 days splints are taken out of the nostrils. Contrary to common misconceptions, this procedure is completely painless. By removing the splints, it becomes easier for the patient to breathe through the nose. True, free nasal breathing will still be partially blocked until the primary edema converges. During this period, patients begin itching and irritation of the skin under a cast or splint. This is completely normal and should just be tolerated. Never move or remove the immobilizing bandage without permission! This can lead to nose deformities and spoil the result of rhinoplasty. If the surgeon finds traces of such actions, he has every right to disclaim responsibility for the outcome of rhinoplasty.

After 7 - 10 days the surgeon removes the plaster cast. What you see in the mirror after that should not scare you - the nose will be 1.5-2 times larger than planned for rhinoplasty. This is swelling that has not gone down yet. He can "walk" on the nose for up to six months. The final result of rhinoplasty is evaluated after 1 year, when both external and internal edema are neutralized. On the 7-10th day, the gypsum may fall off by itself, and this is not a problem if you did not “help” it. But in this case, I advise you to contact the surgeon ahead of time.

After removal of the tampons, sutures may remain in the nostrils, on the columella and in the folds of the wings of the nose. Do not pull them with tweezers and do not take them out. This is fraught with divergence of seams and ugly scars. Try to avoid active facial expressions, especially laughter.

Household activities after rhinoplasty.

The moral preparation for the operation is no less important than the physical one. First of all, you must internally agree to a number of restrictions that await you in the rehabilitation period.

Restrictions on sports and other activities after rhinoplasty

I forbid my patients to tilt their heads forward when they are in the nose with splints. Heavy loads are an absolute taboo. Temporarily forget about the gym, jogging, etc. - Only walking at a moderate pace is allowed. Organize your peace. Do not lift heavy objects, including pets and children.

You can return to the gym after 2-3 months. But even during this period it is undesirable to perform exercises that provoke a rush of blood to the head. When cleaning a house or apartment, limit the movement of the head down (as when washing floors with a rag).

Professional sports activities are excluded for the next six months.

Boxing after rhinoplasty

Boxing, hand-to-hand combat and other martial arts are an eternal limitation after the operation. The fact is that the nose becomes more vulnerable and prone to injury. You don't want to go back to rhinoplasty again and again, do you?

Post-traumatic rhinoplasty is extremely difficult, and regeneration after it proceeds worse.

Swimming in a pool, lake, river or sea after rhinoplasty

Swimming in pools and natural reservoirs is prohibited for 2-3 months. This is associated with an increased risk of infection. In addition, you do not need colds now, and when bathing, their likelihood increases even in hot weather.

After this period, you can safely return to swimming.

Sleep after rhinoplasty

In the first week after rhinoplasty, it is advisable to sleep on a solid high pillow or half-sitting - for the second option, there are special beds that rise at the head. It is recommended to use mattresses and pillows with orthopedic effect. Try to control yourself in a dream, do not roll over on your side and do not lie face down in the pillow.

Sleeping on your back is a must for 3 weeks. Then you can gently roll over on your side. Favorite posture on the stomach is allowed to be taken only after 6-10 months, when the healing is completed.

Washing your face after rhinoplasty

Washing is a real problem for the first days after rhinoplasty, because you can’t wet the plaster and tilt your head down. At this time, try not to perform the traditional hygiene procedure at all - use mild cleansing tonics or micellar water.

The usual way of washing will become available after removing the plaster. But even now, you have to be very careful. Do not rub your face with a towel - just gently blot it to remove excess moisture. Do not use cleansers that provoke allergies.

Diet and nutrition

Rehab does not involve a specific diet, although I advise my patients to eat light and wholesome foods. However, I do not forbid any food. The only thing you should limit yourself to is pickles and smoked meats that retain fluid in the tissues.

During the first 2-3 weeks, you should refrain from too cold or hot food and drinks - for example, ice cream and coffee.

Watch your stool and avoid constipation - extra stress will not do you any good.

Conclusion: eat warm healthy food, preferably easily digestible. Minimize the amount of salt in your diet whenever possible.

Nasal lavage after rhinoplasty

Washing the nose is allowed after removing the plaster, but only in agreement with the doctor and subject to the correct technique for performing the procedure.

  • Make a slight side slope over the washbasin
  • Using a special pipette, pour the medicinal solution into the nostril opposite the side of your inclination
  • Blow off without pressure on the nose - only by lightly blowing air, without fail with your mouth open
  • Drop an emollient oil (peach is best) into each nostril or lubricate the mucous membranes with ointment

Returning to work after rhinoplasty

Return to work is allowed after 2-3 weeks, after removal of plaster and sutures. In the same period, pronounced bruises and swelling are neutralized. But remember that physical activity is still prohibited, so the rule applies to people with purely business activity.

Washing hair after rhinoplasty

Wash your hair should be tilted back, as in hairdressers and beauty salons. You can contact the masters or ask for help from household members.

If there is a longuet on the face, make every effort not to wet it.

Thermal drops have a bad effect on regenerative processes, so hot baths should not be taken.

Alcoholic drinks after rhinoplasty

Give up alcohol for the entire recovery phase. Before surgery, also limit your alcohol intake - this will help protect you from bleeding and side effects of medications that do not mix well with ethyl alcohol.

A month after the operation, it is permissible to drink wine in limited quantities.

Champagne, low-alcohol drinks, energy drinks, beer - all this is prohibited for the next 5-6 months.

Steaming and warming procedures after rhinoplasty

Any temperature fluctuations adversely affect rehabilitation. Refuse to visit the bath and sauna, tanning (natural and artificial), contrast shower.

Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight and use sunscreen with a high SPF.

Failure to follow this rule can lead to hyperpigmentation.

Corrective glasses and sunglasses should not be worn after osteotomy to avoid bone deformities.

Wearing glasses after rhinoplasty

It is better not to wear glasses for 1.5 months. This is due to undesirable pressure on the bridge of the nose - the tissues in it have not yet fully reorganized. In addition, wearing glasses can cause pain. A possible result of ignoring this rule is the curvature of the back.

If you have poor eyesight, take care of the selection and purchase of contact lenses in advance.

Flu and cold after rhinoplasty: how to be treated?

Colds and flu are best avoided altogether. But if the disease has begun, in no case do not blow your nose. Use hygienic sticks, tampons, napkins and other devices.

You can blow your nose 1.5 months after rhinoplasty. This should be done carefully.

It is important to sneeze with your mouth open to relieve excess pressure from your inner nose.

Cosmetic procedures after rhinoplasty

It is forbidden to resort to mechanical cleanings for 2-3 months. I advise you to use soft and gentle products. It is important to moisturize dry skin, and it is important to clean oily skin with a fine scrub. Superficial and medium peels are available no earlier than 2 months later.

To optimize the appearance of your new nose, your doctor may prescribe a massage. You can't do it on your own!

Any manipulations aimed at accelerating healing are agreed with the surgeon.

This is half the battle. And they are right. After all, not only the speed of recovery, but also how your nose will look depends on how accurately the postoperative recommendations are followed. And various side effects and complications will lead not only to emotional and aesthetic problems, but also affect health.

Features of the rehabilitation process after rhinoplasty

The nose is not only a part of the face, but also a very important organ with active blood circulation and a complex lymphatic system. And even the most skillful surgeon and a well-performed operation are not able to save the patient from risk. There is always at least a minimal possibility of negative consequences.

A feature of the recovery period after rhinoplasty is the need for a clear implementation of the doctor's recommendations.

How long will you have to limit yourself? It all depends on the degree of intervention, age, condition of the skin and the health of the patient.

The first month is especially important for successful rehabilitation. It requires close contact with the surgeon to adjust treatment regimens, prescribe new drugs or physiotherapy procedures. But even with such a purposeful approach, the return of vitality will take more than one week. The nose will acquire its final shape only a year after the plastic surgery.

The main stages of recovery

The entire rehabilitation process is usually divided into 4 main periods:

  1. The first week is the most difficult time, when the patient experiences difficulties with nasal breathing, suffers from pain and swelling, and feels unwell.
  2. The second stage (7-12 days) - the pain is still quite significant, any touch causes discomfort.
  3. The third stage (weeks 2-3) - bruises and hemorrhages begin to resolve, swelling subsides, the skin acquires sensitivity and a healthy color. Scars and scars fade and become less noticeable.
  4. The fourth stage (4th week and after) - the pain disappears, the nose acquires the desired shape and proportions. It is at this stage that it is easy to detect indications for a second procedure.

Sick leave on the day of surgery and the recovery period are usually not discharged. But if rhinoplasty was difficult and turned into many complications, it is possible to provide a disability certificate for no more than 10 days.

First days

If rhinoplasty was performed under local anesthesia, the patient is allowed to leave the hospital on the same day, after the anesthesia wears off. The use of full anesthesia will require you to remain under medical supervision until the next morning. You don't need to stay longer in the clinic.

Sending the patient to recover at home, the surgeon makes the following recommendations:

  • observe bed rest, move less and do not strain;
  • do not remove or try to look under the splint;
  • after the operation, you should not laugh, sneeze, blow your nose, tilt your head or make sudden movements.

Nasal turundas, laid by the surgeon, must be changed as they swell, as well as monitor the condition of the plaster cast, regularly check the temperature and record general well-being.

In the first days after rhinoplasty, it is very important not to catch a cold. A runny nose and cough will create severe discomfort and can completely cross out all the work of a plastic surgeon. If your nose begins to bleed and other warning symptoms appear, contact your ENT doctor or the specialist who performed the operation.

The total duration of the rehabilitation period

The type of intervention primarily affects the duration of recovery after the procedure. For greater clarity, we combine all the terms for returning to normal life in a table.

The nature of the operationDuration of rehabilitationOpen plasticA year or moreClosed plastic6–7 monthsCorrection of the nostrils and wings of the nose2.5–3 monthsImproving the shape of the tip of the nose7–8 monthsRhinoplasty with an endoscope2–3 monthsReoperation1–1.5 yearsNose reconstructionYear

The best time for the procedure is from 25 to 45 years. In older patients, tissue regeneration slows down and rehabilitation is noticeably stretched. For people over 55–55 years old, rhinoplasty may be contraindicated due to various kinds of systemic and chronic pathologies.

The thickness of the skin also affects the duration of healing. With oily, acne-prone dermis, scars disappear slowly, for a long time and hard, the tumor disappears.

How to get rid of swelling and bruising as soon as possible

Swelling and bruising after rhinoplasty is quite common. All patients without exception face them, so you should not worry about this.

A special compression bandage will help prevent the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, which compresses the lymphatic vessels and thereby keeps the shape of the nose and does not allow it to swell. After removing the tire for 14–20 days, it is recommended to seal the bridge of the nose with a plaster at night, thereby preventing morning swelling. Such simple measures will accelerate the healing of tissues without the use of expensive means.

Pay attention to the time of the operation - the procedure on the days of menstruation is always accompanied by heavy bleeding and the appearance of large dark blue hematomas. The strongest swelling under the eyes can also be caused by the simultaneous implementation of two procedures - rhinoplasty and blepharoplasty.

How long do swelling and bruising last? It all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. For some, the main symptoms disappear after a week, for others they persist for a year. Physiotherapy and massage will help to quickly cope with the problem.

Physiotherapy will speed up healing

To alleviate the patient's condition, improve blood circulation and lymph flow in the tissues of the nose, the following physiotherapy is widely used:

  • electrophoresis;
  • microcurrents;
  • phonophoresis;
  • darsonval.

Starting from the second week, all patients, without exception, are prescribed ultrasound. High-frequency waves strengthen the walls of capillaries, accelerate the resorption of scars and seals, prevent postoperative bleeding and reduce swelling.

Massage and self-massage

With swelling of the periosteum and soft tissues, massage is indicated - manual or hardware lymphatic drainage.

You should massage the nose on your own very carefully, gently squeezing the tip with two fingers and moving to the bridge of the nose for 30 seconds. Such movements can be performed up to 15 times a day.

Medicines during rehabilitation

Medicines can also facilitate the recovery period. The most commonly used medications after rhinoplasty are:

  • diuretic drugs - Furosemide, Hypothiazid, Veroshpiron, Torasemide, herbal preparations, which include a lingonberry leaf, will cope with severe swelling reaching the cheeks;
  • ointment Lyoton, Troxevasin will save from morning swelling;
  • when the temperature rises, take an antipyretic - Paracetamol, Voltaren, Ibuklin;
  • hematomas will be relieved by means that improve blood circulation - Bruise off, Traumeel, Dolobene;
  • Contractubex will help soften the scars and remove them;
  • for nasal congestion, use nasal drops - Xylometazoline, Otrivin, Nazivin;
  • if an allergy occurs, take Diazolin, Suprastin, Cetrin, Telfast.

If tablets and ointments do not save from edema, the surgeon prescribes Diprospan. The injection is made both in the muscle and in the soft tissues of the nose.

Antibiotics - Ampicillin, Gentamicin, Amoxicillin - will help to avoid the attachment of a secondary infection. Antibacterial treatment should be accompanied by the intake of probiotics. They will protect the gastrointestinal tract from the harmful effects of antimicrobial therapy. In addition, treat fabrics twice a day with an antiseptic.

For external use, Dimexide can be used. The drug has established itself as an excellent anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent. To make a lotion, a 25% solution is used - a gauze napkin is lowered into it, squeezed out and applied to the nose for 30 minutes.

What not to do after surgery

When going for rhinoplasty, you should be prepared for a lot of restrictions that you will have to comply with during rehabilitation. Some of them need to be performed only in the first days, others - for several months.

Prohibitions in the early period

As a rule, the early postoperative stage includes restrictions imposed on the patient until discharge from the hospital. But we will extend it and consider what cannot be done in the first week:

  • paint;
  • subject yourself to any physical activity;
  • grimace;
  • fly on airplanes;
  • wash your hair and face.

If you need to make a hairstyle, use the option with tilting your head back, as in a hairdresser.

When caring for the nose, do not forget about the face. Cleanse your skin with a cotton swab dipped in a hypoallergenic tonic or micellar water. Discard any creams and cleansing procedures.

Late Restrictions

A week passed, the doctor took off the cast and you breathed freely. But it's too early to rejoice. There are still a lot of restrictions that need to be fulfilled for some more time:

  • during the rehabilitation period, sports are absolutely contraindicated, only walking at an easy pace. But when you return to training, avoid exercises that cause a rush of blood to the head;
  • within 1–1.5 months, try not to blow your nose;
  • for the same period, exclude from life swimming in the pool and any other body of water;
  • you can not sunbathe, go to the bath and sauna, take a contrast shower, wash for a long time in hot water;
  • beer, champagne, low-alcohol drinks banned for six months. This restriction does not apply to red wine - it is permissible to consume it already 30 days after plastic surgery.

Refuse any cosmetic procedures for at least 3 months. Sex will also have to wait.

How to properly clean your nose after rhinoplasty

If crusts form on the mucous membrane and ichor accumulates, the nose can be gently cleaned with a cotton swab moistened with peach oil or Vitaon balm.

Another quick way to get rid of secretions and crusts is washing with pharmaceutical products or a solution of sea salt. You can irrigate the mucous membrane at least every hour, the main thing is not to overdry it.

Pregnancy after rhinoplasty

Why can't you get pregnant after surgery? The fact is that during the period of bearing a child, serious hormonal changes occur in a woman's body, which may not have the best effect on scarring and tissue healing. Therefore, postpone pregnancy for at least 6 months, and preferably for a year.

Possible complications

All the unpleasant consequences of rhinoplasty are divided into 2 groups - aesthetic and functional. The first include unplanned deformation of proportions, drooping of the tip of the nose, asymmetry. Functional deficiencies are called shortcomings that provoke difficulty in breathing.

Complications can develop at any time - both immediately after rhinoplasty and a month later.

Early effects include:

  • severe swelling. With their uneven distribution, temporary asymmetry of the face can be observed;
  • numbness of the nose, tongue and upper lip. It happens as a result of general anesthesia.

A more serious danger is posed by complications that should not exist in principle during the normal course of the recovery period:

  • damage to bone and cartilage tissue;
  • infection of the operation site;
  • skin and bone necrosis;
  • divergence of seams;

All these problems can be caused not only by the mistake of the surgeon, but also by the individual characteristics of the patient's body. Any of these complications requires urgent medical attention.

Long-term consequences

Very often, negative consequences occur after the end of rehabilitation. In this case, we are most often talking about the distortion of smells or the complete disappearance of smell, the unexpected appearance of allergies, the narrowing of the nasal canal and breathing problems.

In the long term, other unexpected complications may appear:

  • swelling of the tip of the nose;
  • the formation of adhesions and rough scars, the removal of which requires a separate intervention;
  • acute or chronic rhinitis;
  • sinking (dent) on the back of the nose;
  • callus;
  • curvature of the septum;
  • hard bumps on the periosteum;
  • facial nerve injury.

All these complications can be the result of illiterate nasal care during the rehabilitation period.

Contrary to popular belief, the number and severity of the consequences do not depend on the time of the manipulation - the operation can be done in summer and winter. The main thing is that you have time for rehabilitation.

Revision rhinoplasty

Unsuccessful rhinoplasty often becomes a reason for a second visit to the doctor. In this case, the secondary procedure can be much more difficult and more expensive than the first one. It often ends in complications and requires a long rehabilitation. Removal of sutures occurs only on the 7-8th day, and edema and hematomas do not disappear within 2 months.

Repeated rhinoplasty is performed no earlier than a year after the primary one, when the body is strong enough and the nose takes its final shape.

How to reduce the likelihood of unpleasant consequences? Experts advise to pay special attention to the diet and exclude all types of berries, citrus fruits, tomatoes, vinegar, watermelon, grapes, garlic, apricots, peaches, fish oil and cranberry juice from the diet for 2 weeks.

Also, during the rehabilitation period, it is advisable to abandon blood-thinning drugs and drugs for weight loss. Do not use nicotine patches or chewing gums.

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