What can I bring to the hospital for a nursing mother. What you need to take with you to the hospital: the exact list of necessary things for mom and newborn

This article could also be called:
What to eat for a mother of a newborn,
- menu for HB,
- nutrition in the hospital
- allowed foods while breastfeeding etc.

Let's agree on some rules right away:

1 Each mother decides for herself what and how her child will eat: breast milk or mixtures.
But every woman who has given birth needs to restore her own body. And first of all, the recovery of the body is influenced by those foods that you eat in the first 5 days after childbirth, as well as the next 21 days.

2 There is no perfect absolute diet nursing mother, because All children are different, all mothers are different, all have different microflora in the intestines and, therefore, different substances are absorbed from the same food. In addition, everyone has a different immune system and, consequently, a different immune response to the antigen-antibody reaction, i.e. for allergens.

3 Baby's stool, gas formation, both in mother and baby, as well as skin condition are the main indicators of correct or erroneous nutrition.

Mother's lack of gas is not yet a reason to relax, but its presence will certainly affect the well-being of a newborn who feeds on mother's breast milk. There are several harmless ways to solve this adult problem (Hipp fennel tea or a spoonful of polyphipam or a couple of activated charcoal tablets), but they will affect the water balance of your milk, which can lead to other difficulties. Therefore, very much! strongly! recommend! refrain from provocative products.

Child's chair is a product of the processing of what he has absorbed. And while the child has not tried meat products, his stool does not have a fetid ammonia aroma. The smell of the stool of a 100% breastfed baby is considered by many to be very pleasant. That is why many doctors diagnose various intestinal problems of a newborn by a “dirty” diaper, namely: a sour smell, the presence of mucus or foam, discoloration. And a competent doctor will definitely ask mom to list all the foods that she ate during the past day! A healthy peanut has a sweet butt.

skin in children those prone to allergies will show everything immediately, for those who are more resistant, the reaction may occur in the next day or even two (48 hours). A very dangerous moment on the first and second days after childbirth is to eat something wrong when colostrum comes out of the chest and it seems that nothing has passed to the child yet. In a newborn, a skin reaction can be observed anywhere on the skin. Later, the most skin reaction is more often manifested on the cheeks, buttocks, ear region, scalp (crust), skin of the legs, popliteal and elbow folds.

4 Food diary necessary to be able to follow the reaction of the child. We write down in it everything that we ate and at what time. It is not necessary to write the amount of food eaten, but for children prone to allergies or owners of sensitive intestines, a large portion of something “complex” can also have a difficult effect on digestion. And what kind of baby you have, we still do not know for sure. Children often react not to the first intake of a new food by the mother, but to the second! If you observe any of the signals now known to us, then, depending on the degree of reaction of the baby, either simply stop using it, or drink something like fennel tea or dill water, or seek help from a neonatologist or pediatrician. If you observe a healthy reaction of the baby, then all proven products can be included in your regular diet in an adequate amount.

So, let's move on to the list of products and answer the question: what to eat in the hospital after giving birth in the first 5 days.

In the first 2 days after birth the diet is as follows:

  • Buckwheat porridge on water with vegetable oil
  • Dried grain bread or dry bread.
  • A piece of cream cheese.
  • A piece of boiled beef.
  • 2-3 walnuts.
  • Liquids up to 2 liters, not hot!: mineral water without gas, chaga infusion or nettle infusion, which affects blood clotting and uterine contractions.

Advice: You should not experiment with oils with different smells and tastes now, and also give up crackers, even set aside Maria cookies for a few days. The amount of liquid drunk is indicated very conditionally, since the question is very individual. But keep in mind that hot drinks accelerate the flow of milk, and for a breast unaccustomed to this process, such an acceleration can add painful sensations. It is enough to drink in small sips, but often liquid at room temperature.

From 3 days diet expands:

  • We try not to drink too much liquid, because. for 3-4 days there is a rush of milk.
  • Baked green apple in foil without honey or sugar.
  • Vegetables baked, stewed, steamed: zucchini, turnip, swede, cauliflower.
  • Whole grain flakes.
  • Vegetarian soups with a small amount of potatoes.
  • Bran as a dietary supplement for the prevention of constipation and a source of vitamins gr. AT.
  • Cookies like "Maria" are literally a couple of pieces - no more.
  • Liquid: to the above, add 1 glass of bifido-yogurt, fermented baked milk or milk, if you drink it at all. Dried fruit compote (weak).

Advice: The volume of liquid is adjusted according to need, remembering that a little drunk liquid reduces the volume of "light" milk, i.e. the first phase, and it is especially difficult for a newborn to suckle “heavy” milk in the first days of life, and then he may simply not eat up. And a large amount of liquid can increase the volume of hot flashes and the chest will still experience not very pleasant sensations. Adjust the water balance intuitively and independently!

For 7 days diet expands further:

  • Boiled fish - attention to the skin of the child!
  • Weak, boneless veal broth,
  • Millet porridge.
  • Brown rice "health".
  • Cottage cheese, preferably market.
  • Fresh green apples
  • The amount of liquid is gradually restored to 2-2.5 liters.
  • Infusion of parsley or yarrow as needed.
  • Nettle infusion is canceled!

Advice: It is better to choose veal meat, because this is a young cow that did not have time to collect the “surprises” of an adult cow. It is desirable that the meat on your table be purchased from the farmers personally.

As practice shows, the child's body reacts negatively not to meat, but to chemicals used to cut meat products. It is better to buy meat personally from the farmer, and not in an online store of eco-goods that can sell you the products of a meat factory under the guise of a farmer.

With such troubles, you will save yourself and your family from unnecessary worries in the future.

This "strict" diet after childbirth for mom lasts exactly 21 days.

During these three weeks, we exclude the following foods that often cause allergic and intestinal reactions:

  • Smoked meats, sausages.
  • Ketchup, mayonnaise.
  • Cabbage.
  • Grape.
  • Carbonated sweet drinks.
  • Everything containing preservatives, we will separately list doshirak, chips, any semi-finished products.
  • Chicken and fish broths.
  • Caviar.
  • Refined carbohydrates: cakes, chocolate, semolina.
  • Pumpkin, carrot.
  • Cucumbers, tomatoes, white cabbage.
  • Strawberries, bananas, kiwi, oranges, watermelons.
  • Spices.

Advice: Everything will work out. Take your time! This diet is only for 3 weeks while the baby adapts to our world. We try not to eat anything red, because red foods are the first on the list of allergens. Nothing with a strong taste. And also take into account the amount of fiber consumed, which in a significant amount in the body leads to gas formation.



By day 21 the child its enzymatic systems begin to function fully and the final settlement of the intestine with intestinal flora occurs.

The following foods may now appear in your food diary:

  • Boiled chicken.
  • Eggs.
  • Potato baked in the skin.
  • Beet.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Pears, lemon.
  • Dry biscuits (biscuits).
  • Soy dishes.
  • Lingonberry and cranberry fruit drinks.

Advice: keep keeping a food diary until you have tried all the foods that can cause allergies or any intestinal problems in the newborn.

Maybe the listed assortment of products will not seem rich to you, but if you wish, you can eat very tasty even with them. Let this be the first creative test for a young mother!

And in the absence of creative inspiration, but with a desire to preserve health and nerves, it is safe for the baby and useful for both, you can use the following products:

1) buckwheat + buckwheat + buckwheat
2) stewed or baked zucchini, broccoli or cauliflower with onions and cheese
3) baked or boiled veal with chopped fresh dill
4) cookies "Maria" with a slice of cheese
5) a baked apple and a couple of dried apricots or prunes for dessert

And the most important advice that I want to give you is that you can and should eat in the hospital after childbirth!

A happy moment comes when pregnancy is resolved by childbirth. At this moment, relatives want to please the woman in labor with tasty and healthy food so that the body recovers faster. But not all meals are accepted in the hospital. What products can be in the hospital after childbirth? This question is asked by many people.

Healthy foods

After childbirth, the female body requires increased attention. This is especially true for nutrition. It is not easy for a woman in labor to restore her strength, but to produce full-fledged milk to feed her baby. Therefore, after childbirth, you can eat foods containing vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, trace elements, and fats.

When bringing food to the maternity hospital for a woman after childbirth, you need to know that not all content of the program will be accepted by nurses. During this period, mommy can only eat the diet that will not harm the baby. This means that the products must comply with the list, which usually weighs in a conspicuous place in the hospital.

Allowed products after childbirth:

  1. boiled milk;
  2. cottage cheese, sour cream, fermented baked milk, kefir in small quantities, so as not to provoke fermentation in the intestines;
  3. vegetables preferably local, cabbage and legumes should be excluded from the menu;
  4. lean meat;
  5. cereals are a storehouse of carbohydrates and fiber;
  6. fish contains many trace elements, fatty acids;
  7. fruits, the rule applies here - all green ones are allowed, and red and yellow ones are prohibited.

As you can see, the list of allowed products after childbirth is quite large. Doctors recommend that a young mother drink more liquids to normalize lactation, namely tea with milk, herbal teas. These drinks should be drunk about an hour before feeding the baby.

Products for transfer to the maternity hospital after childbirth should be already prepared and hermetically packed. Preference should be given to cereals on the water, vegetables, to exclude perishable foods.

Don't forget the walnuts. They have a beneficial effect on the composition of milk. It is impossible to abuse their use, since they are fatty foods and it is not known how the baby will react to them.

forbidden food

Above was a list of products in the maternity hospital after childbirth, which can be brought, and what must be categorically excluded. Of course, in the first time after the birth of a baby, mommy is obliged to give up many of her favorite dishes. This is necessary to adapt the baby's food system and start its proper operation.

If you do not follow the recommendations of doctors, then in the gastrointestinal tract of the baby there will be malfunctions and as a result - colic, bloating or allergic reactions. In order not to provoke allergies in a child, a woman should completely exclude dishes containing flavors, as well as flavor enhancers.

Prohibited products:

  • carbonated drinks with sugar;
  • fruit flavored yoghurts;
  • cheap, low-quality juices;
  • crackers with various flavors.

The ban applies to foods high in salt, animal fats:

  1. boiled and smoked sausages;
  2. cold or hot smoked fish;
  3. all canned food.

From the menu of a woman who has recently given birth, it is necessary to exclude foods with a high percentage of sugar:

  • sweet pastries;
  • chocolate;
  • candies.

They often cause an allergic reaction in the baby. All sweets are recommended to be replaced with dried fruits, allowed fruits.

Fruits, which contain a lot of vitamin C, vegetables that provoke strong gas formation in a baby are strictly prohibited. This list includes: cabbage, mushrooms, cucumbers, beans, beans, peas, oranges, tangerines. Food after childbirth for nursing mothers should not contain a lot of eggs, whole milk, seafood, white bread.

After childbirth, it is recommended to minimize the use of the following products: coffee, strong tea, honey, onions, spicy spices. A young mother will have to give up alcohol completely for the entire time of breastfeeding.

Nutrition after childbirth

Spending the first days in the hospital, a woman sees clearly the foods that can be eaten after childbirth. Approximately the same menu can be at home. Of course, many mothers consider such dishes tasteless, insipid. But this diet is made for the benefit of the child, because what the mother takes, then comes with milk to the baby.

What can you eat after childbirth? In order not to list all the products that are allowed to eat after the hospital, you need to say this: mom's menu is proper nutrition. This means that the basis of nutrition is: cereals, lean meat, fish, dairy products without fruit additives, vegetables, fruits.

A strict ban on certain foods is only in effect for the first couple of weeks. Then experts advise gradually introducing forbidden foods into the diet. Add one product to the menu, not two or three at once. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the child in the period up to 24 hours. Mom used citrus fruits. The baby has a rash, in this case it is required to abandon them. No negative reaction, then move on to the next dish.

With frequent childhood constipation, mom needs to take more fruits, prunes, vegetables. If the situation is reversed, then eat more fixing foods. You can not adhere to the principle of "eating for two." This will not give anything good to the mother, and even more so to the baby. The volume of servings must be unchanged, the food must be healthy.

By adhering to these simple rules, a woman will be able to protect her baby from many health problems. Gradually, mommy will return to her usual menu. Some foods that caused a negative reaction in the child will have to be excluded for the entire period of breastfeeding.

After giving birth, every woman is surrounded by the attention of close friends and relatives who share her joy in the birth of a long-awaited baby. Daily visits to a young mother by close people are always accompanied by the transfer of numerous products that, according to relatives, will help the woman in labor recover faster from loss of blood and strength. But can all the food be taken to the hospital? And what products will be the most useful for a young mother and her child.

Features of nutrition in the postpartum period

The body of a woman in the postpartum period really needs a lot of vitamins and nutrients. Immediately after the birth of a child, the mother begins to produce milk, which should be rich in the most useful components, and at the same time, the mother herself needs to make up for the loss of vitamins in the body during pregnancy. And for this you need to eat.

However, not all familiar food is suitable for a woman in labor. The main criteria for nutrition in the maternity hospital are usefulness, easy digestibility and lightness of food. It is also necessary to clearly monitor the allergenicity of products, because everything that a woman eats in the maternity hospital enters the mother's milk and can cause allergies in the baby.

It is no secret that during childbirth, every woman loses a lot of strength and calories that need to be replenished. It is for this reason that women in labor often experience a strong feeling of hunger after childbirth. However, you need to understand that not all food will benefit immediately after the birth of the baby.

Experts say that in the first hours after the end of childbirth, you can eat a few pieces of natural chocolate, hematogen, nuts or a handful of dried fruits, and do not forget to drink enough liquid.

These products must be brought with you at the time of admission to the maternity ward. This will help replenish lost calories and satisfy hunger in the maternity ward.

Approximately in the middle of the third trimester of pregnancy, it is necessary to decide what to take to the hospital. It is necessary to do this in advance so that by the 36-37th week the necessary things are in the collection. After all, childbirth can begin earlier than expected. And fees on the day of childbirth are fraught with the fact that you can forget a lot of important and necessary things. Before you start packing, you can check with your maternity hospital what you need to take with you and what is unacceptable to take. Each hospital has its own rules and recommended lists.

Basic principles

  • Collect the necessary documents in a separate folder or file.
  • You need to collect things strictly in plastic bags or bags. According to the sanitary and epidemiological regime in maternity hospitals, it is unacceptable to bring things in fabric or leather bags.
  • We are preparing 3 packages for the maternity hospital: for the delivery room, the postpartum ward and for discharge. This distribution will help you quickly find the right thing at every stage of your stay in the hospital. It will be even better if the bags are transparent.
  • In each package put a piece of paper with a list of things.
  • You can leave the package intended for discharge at home and tell relatives to bring it on the day of the solemn event.
  • If the plans include joint childbirth with a relative, then we are preparing a clothing package for him.

List of required documents

We take with us:

  • Identification document (passport).
  • Compulsory medical insurance (compulsory medical insurance) policy.
  • An exchange card issued in the antenatal clinic with all tests and examinations.
  • Birth certificate. It is issued by an obstetrician-gynecologist of the antenatal clinic at 30 weeks with a singleton pregnancy. If the pregnancy is multiple, then the certificate is issued at 28 weeks.
  • Sick leave, opened in the antenatal clinic. It is usually issued along with a birth certificate within the prescribed time frame.
  • Contract for paid management of childbirth and the postpartum period (if the contract was concluded on an individual basis).

We collect the first package: what should I take with me to the birth?

This group includes things necessary for a woman during childbirth and for a child immediately after birth.

We take the following for ourselves:

  • Cotton robe and shirt. You can buy the kit right now.
  • Two pairs of warm socks (not woolen). Chills often appear during childbirth. They can also be useful after childbirth.
  • Washable flat shoes.
  • Pure drinking non-carbonated water. We take 2 bottles of 0.5 ml. You can take a thermos with herbal tea, if it is not prohibited by the rules of the maternity hospital, as well as light food. But, as a rule, there is no particular appetite during childbirth.
  • Small towel (terry) Useful for wiping the face with cold water.
  • Hygienic lipstick. During childbirth, the lips dry very strongly, and lipstick will help to avoid drying out and the formation of microcracks.
  • If the hair is long, do not forget to put an elastic band or hair clip.
  • Elastic stockings or bandages for the lower extremities. Especially if you have varicose veins in your legs.
  • Disposable toilet pads.

In the delivery room for the child we take:

  • NB size diaper (for babies up to 5 kg).
  • A cap with strings or a thin hat.
  • Socks and anti-scratch gloves.
  • Flannel diaper.
  • Baikovy blanket.

Children's things are needed immediately after the birth of the baby. They must be washed and ironed on both sides, except for the diaper.

If the birth is planned with a partner, then he needs to take the following:

  • The passport.
  • The conclusion of the fluorographic examination. Other tests may be needed. This must be clarified in the hospital in advance.
  • Clean clothes (light pants, T-shirt or surgical suit), change of shoes.
  • Disposable mask and cap.
  • Camera or video camera (optional).

Putting together the second package: things to stay in the postpartum ward

2 hours after a successful delivery, the mother and newborn are transferred to the "mother and child" ward, where they stay for about 3 days. For this period, you need to take with you the following:

What to take with you for the child?

Some maternity hospitals prohibit bringing any supplies for the newborn, and allow only disposable diapers and creams. But many institutions do not prevent this, and even recommend bringing personal items for the child, up to diapers.

Therefore, it is better to check in advance at the maternity hospital what you can take with you. If there are no special restrictions, then for the newborn we take the following:


  • hats or bonnets - 3-4 pieces;
  • anti-scratch mittens and socks - 2-3 pairs each;
  • undershirts are thin and warm - 4 pcs each;
  • rompers or semi-overalls (thin and warm) - 4 pcs each;
  • quilt blanket.

All things for the baby must be taken washed and ironed on both sides.

If the estimated weight of the child is between 3 and 3.7 kg, then size 56 can be taken. If the baby is expected to be large, then it is better to take things one size larger (62).

We collect the package for an extract

For a newborn we prepare:

Things for mom:

  • cosmetic bag with decorative cosmetics;
  • hair dryer or curling iron (optional);
  • unscented gel or hairspray;
  • hairpins, elastic bands, hair ornaments;
  • we take clothes (preferably looser), shoes;
  • perfumes or toilet water should not be taken, they can cause allergies in a newborn.

Be sure to take care of the transportation of the newborn from the hospital home. In advance, purchase a child seat or infant carrier for children from birth in the car.

If you plan to transport a child by taxi, then you need to notify the dispatcher about the need for a child seat.

When discharged from the hospital, do not forget to take all personal belongings, and most importantly documents:

  • medical birth certificate for registration of a newborn in the registry office;
  • discharge epicrisis from the history of the development of the newborn for the local pediatrician;
  • extract from the history of childbirth for the gynecologist from the antenatal clinic.

If the birth began unexpectedly, and the packages have not yet been collected, then you should not panic. Many maternity hospitals provide women and newborns with everything they need. The main thing is to take the necessary documents for admission to the hospital. Other things can be collected by relatives and brought a little later.

In this article we are talking about items that you need to take with you to the hospital, depending on the situation.

Many women, upon learning that they will have a baby, immediately begin to think about the birth itself and about the items that they may need in the hospital. It’s good if the collected bag is useful only before the onset of childbirth - at the first sign of them.

What to take to the hospital for preservation?

Sometimes it also happens that a woman during pregnancy has to go to the hospital for treatment or just to undergo an examination. The department of pathology of pregnancy is not much different from the usual hospital department.

If hospitalization is emergency, then the most important thing that a pregnant woman should have with her is documents. Relatives will be able to bring all the missing things for further stay in the maternity hospital a little later.

In the case of a planned hospitalization of a pregnant woman, you can think about the list of things that she may need in the maternity hospital in advance.

Some hospitals have a list with specific items that a pregnant woman can take with her. You should familiarize yourself with it in advance.

If there is no established list, then you should independently decide on a list of things that will help create comfortable conditions for the expectant mother in the maternity hospital.

Basic list of necessary things in the hospital

  • Documents - exchange card, medical policy, passport
  • Personal hygiene items - toothbrush, paste, soap, washcloth, shower gel, shampoo, if necessary, hair balm, comb. You may also need cotton buds, cotton pads, panty liners, a razor, and a hair dryer. Need toilet paper
  • Cosmetics. For example, face cream. If you use decorative cosmetics - do not deny yourself the pleasure of being irresistible in the hospital
  • Diaper. It is advisable, but not necessary, to have disposable diapers - the diaper can get dirty. The diaper will be needed for examinations, ultrasound, CTG, etc.
  • Shoes for staying in the ward - washable slippers, rubber
  • Robe. The bathrobe will be comfortable when undergoing examinations and diagnostic procedures.
  • Day wear. Perfect for a tracksuit or home wear. In it, if necessary, it will be possible to visit the dining room, it will also come in handy when meeting with visitors
  • Sleepwear. If such clothes are not issued in the maternity hospital, then you should definitely have a nightgown or pajamas with you.
  • Several sets of underwear. As a rule, in maternity hospitals it is forbidden to wash clothes and then hang them up to dry.
  • small and large towel
  • Clothes for walking. If walks are allowed in your maternity hospital, then you should have comfortable change of shoes, day clothes intended for walking, outerwear in accordance with the season
  • If necessary, you should have compression stockings, a bandage with you
  • Player, magazines, books, if you have a tablet, etc. All this will help brighten up free time in the hospital, and there is a lot of it. If you are fond of knitting, embroidery, etc., then you should not forget to take everything you need with you
  • Spoon, cup. As a rule, in maternity hospitals all dishes are issued, but it is better to have a minimum set of them with you.
  • Food. If you wish, you can bring yogurt, cookies, juice, etc. with you.
  • Medicines - if you were prescribed by a doctor before being admitted to the pregnancy pathology department
  • A mobile phone and a charger for it - without communication in our time, nowhere

What is allowed to take a woman in labor with her to the hospital?

The bag that you should take with you to the hospital should be collected by about 37 weeks of pregnancy.

The most important thing that a future mother should take with her is documents. Documents must be the following:

  • Exchange card
  • The passport
  • Medical policy
  • birth certificate
  • Agreement with the maternity hospital, in case of paid childbirth

IMPORTANT: The documents that a woman in labor should have with her at the time of admission to the maternity hospital should always be with her starting from the 37th week of pregnancy.

  • For use in the antenatal ward and directly during childbirth
  • For use by the mother in the postpartum ward
  • For a baby in the postpartum ward
  • For mum and baby

We'll talk more about each item list in the following sections.

What to take to the hospital for childbirth?

When packing a bag for the hospital, you should fold things so that they are easy to find later. It is desirable that things intended for the prenatal department and childbirth be in a separate package. You can also store baby clothes separately.

For the prenatal department and the birth itself, the woman in labor must have the following basic list of things:

  • Washable slippers, slippers. Do not take shoes "through the finger." A woman may need to quickly put on and take off her shoes, and such slippers will not allow you to do this quickly
  • Socks. Sometimes it happens that a woman in labor can even walk barefoot on the floor, it can be cool in the prenatal ward
  • Diaper for examinations, CTG and other manipulations. It's better if it's disposable.
  • Toilet paper. It will come in handy after a cleansing enema, and possibly in the process of childbirth itself. Also, toilet paper will come in handy after the birth itself, so you should choose the softest one.
  • Baby soap. After the cleansing enema, you can take a shower.
  • Towel. Preferably small so it doesn't take up a lot of space. As a rule, it is forbidden to bring many things into the maternity ward
  • It is better to have a disposable crotch razor with you. If a woman in labor is not prepared at home, then she will be shaved with hospital razors
  • Drinking water bottle. Enough will be up to 1 liter. It is forbidden to drink water during childbirth, however, no one forbids rinsing the mouth between contractions.
  • Hygienic lipstick or lip balm. During childbirth, due to rapid breathing, body fluid loss, the woman in labor is very dry and her lips crack. Lipstick and balm will help to cope with this
  • Mobile phone and charger for it. If you are not giving birth in a separate room, then you should definitely turn off the sound so as not to disturb the other women in labor. Also, a constantly ringing phone can annoy the medical staff.

  • If necessary, you should have compression stockings or elastic bandages with you. If a woman giving birth has varicose veins, then she simply needs to give birth in such stockings
  • You can also bring mint gum with you to use between contractions. It will help to cope with dry mouth, relieve some nervous tension.
  • As for the shirt and bathrobe, most likely you will be offered them on the spot. However, if you want to use your own, then you should clarify this issue a little earlier directly in the maternity hospital itself.
  • If the birth is partner, then the list of things for the partner must be clarified at the maternity hospital itself

The things you will need after you are transferred from the maternity ward to the ward are the following:

  • Personal hygiene products - toothbrush, paste, soap, washcloth, shampoo, hair balm, hair dryer, unscented deodorant. It is desirable if all detergents are in a small container and without a strong odor. I would like to note that ordinary laundry soap dries very well the places where external sutures are applied, if any.
  • Separately, I would like to note the comb and hair band. It is better if the hair is collected - they will not interfere with your manipulations with the newborn
  • Cream for face and hands
  • A nail file and nail scissors will always come in handy. Mom should not be allowed to injure the delicate skin of a newborn with her nails.
  • Gaskets. They will be discussed in more detail in the section below.
  • Several diapers. It is desirable if the diapers are disposable. If they get dirty, you can just throw them away. It should be noted that some maternity hospitals still give out diapers and pads.
  • Shower towel
  • Towel for hands and face. A woman will have to wash her hands often before manipulating the baby
  • Means for the prevention and treatment of nipple cracks. In pharmacies you can find a huge number of such funds. There are also such products, when using which there is no need to wash the breast before feeding.
  • Postpartum bandage. Immediately, the skin on the abdomen will be very stretched. For a more comfortable feeling, in the early days, the mother can use a regular diaper instead of a bandage. The diaper should be folded into a triangle and the widest part should be tied to the stomach, tied on the back or on the side. This manipulation is best done lying down.
  • Notepad and pen. They will be needed if it is necessary to write down the recommendations of the doctor, the advice of other mothers
  • Tableware. This issue should be clarified in advance in the maternity hospital. You will most likely need a cup and a spoon
  • It's worth bringing a few bags with you. They are useful for garbage and dirty clothes.

You can also take painkillers against hemorrhoids and anal fissures with you. After childbirth, there is often pain in the anus after stress and pressure on the pelvic floor. Candles, if necessary, then relatives can bring.

You can take a tablet, books, magazines, knitting, embroidery, etc. with you. Not the fact that they will come in handy, so do not take them with you in large quantities.

It is worth collecting the package separately for discharge. You can leave it at home, and your relatives will bring it to you immediately before discharge. The package should include the following:

  • Clothes for mom according to the season. The main thing is that it should not be tight, because. after childbirth, the hips will expand, and the breasts will increase from the arrived milk
  • Clothing for the season for the baby, an envelope for an extract. Instead of an envelope, you can use an ordinary blanket or blanket
  • A small gift for the medical staff. This has been done for a long time, but it is not an obligation.

I would like to note that a woman should not forget about cosmetics, if she uses one. You will be photographed without fail. You can take cosmetics with you in advance, or you can ask relatives to bring them.

It will be better if the pregnant woman herself folds the package for discharge. Sometimes it happens that relatives for joy forget to put, for example, cosmetics or a dress.

What to take with you to the hospital for a caesarean?

A set of things for delivery by caesarean section is not much different from childbirth in a natural way.

It should only be mentioned that recently in maternity hospitals during caesarean section, more and more often they ask a woman in labor to carry elastic bandages for bandaging her legs during childbirth. Instead of bandages, you can use compression stockings. Pharmacies sell special compression stockings for childbirth.

It should be noted that women in labor with varicose veins should definitely give birth in compression stockings or use elastic bandages.

IMPORTANT: If a woman in labor cannot cope with putting on compression stockings or wrapping her legs in elastic bandages, she can use the help of medical staff.

A woman after a caesarean section will definitely need a postoperative bandage. You should not buy it in advance, it is better to let relatives do it on the first day after childbirth. For the correct size of the bandage, you should measure the waist immediately after childbirth.

I would like to say a few words about food. The night before, before the operation, a woman in labor can only drink a glass of yogurt for dinner. And on the first day after the operation, she can only drink water. Therefore, a woman with a planned caesarean section should take yogurt and a considerable amount of water with her. It is advisable to purchase water bottles with a "sports" neck - for the ability to drink in a prone position.

What clothes to take to the hospital?

From clothes, mom should have with her:

  • Robe. A bathrobe can also be issued in the maternity hospital. Check this question beforehand.
  • Nightdress. The shirt can also be issued at the maternity hospital. However, you can use your own. The main rule is that it should be well upset, or the strap can be easily removed for convenient feeding of the baby.
  • Nursing bra. It is better if there are several of them, because. washing in hospitals is prohibited, and linen must be changed. Bra should be chosen from natural fabrics, buy a size larger
  • Disposable mesh panties. They can be found in any pharmacy. However, mesh panties can also be replaced with ordinary cotton ones. The main thing is to take a size larger so that they do not rub or pinch the already affected body.
  • Socks. It may be cold in the room

You may need clothes and something else, but you can ask relatives to bring this a little later.

What food to take to the hospital?

If you are in a maternity hospital to save or undergo an examination, then you may well take yogurt, fruits, dried fruits, nuts, cookies, and drinks with you.

But with products that you can take with you to a woman in labor, things are much more complicated. First of all, the expectant mother should think about the health of her baby. It is necessary to exclude products that can cause allergies in a newborn.

You can generally abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200btaking food with you to the hospital. But, it is necessary to take into account the working hours of the dining room in the maternity hospital.

Sometimes a situation arises when a woman gives birth, for example, at 21.00, and at this time the canteen has not been working for a long time. Immediately after delivery, I really want to eat. In this regard, you should take with you a minimum set of low-allergenic snack foods:

  • Cookie

It is important to bear in mind that after childbirth, in the first few days, a woman in labor should limit fluid intake, then a nursing mother can more easily endure the arrival of milk.

What pads to take with you to the hospital?

Currently, there is a huge selection of gaskets. However, after childbirth, you must opt ​​for one of the following:

  • Special postpartum pads
  • Urological pads
  • Regular, but not ultra-thin, night pads with a large number of drops, for example 5-6

The intensity of postpartum discharge depends on:

  • Features of the body
  • Type of delivery - spontaneous or operative

After delivery by caesarean section, there is usually less discharge. But during childbirth through the natural birth canal, the discharge is much more abundant.

For the first time, it will be enough to have 10-20 pieces with you. If necessary, relatives will give a lift later.

Be sure to take into account the fact that in some maternity hospitals it is still forbidden to use pads - pads are used. This is necessary for the doctor - it is easier for him to observe the discharge and how the sutures heal, if any. This question needs to be clarified beforehand.

What should I take to the hospital for a child?

And now about the most pleasant. For your child, please bring the following:

  • 2 cotton diapers
  • 2 flannel diapers
  • 2 bonnets
  • 2-3 sliders
  • 2-3 bodysuits
  • 2-3 blouses
  • Booties or socks
  • Mittens for newborns - "scratches" will help protect your baby from his own sharp nails
  • Diapers
  • Baby soap. Preferably liquid - so it will be more hygienic in the general ward
  • Diaper cream or powder
  • Moisturizing cream
  • Wet wipes. Wipes should only be used when absolutely necessary. They can hurt delicate baby skin.
  • Soft towel or diaper. They will come in handy when it becomes necessary to wash the child after the toilet.
  • Children's nail scissors may be needed - sometimes babies are born with very long nails
  • Some maternity hospitals require you to bring your own baby blanket. Check this question beforehand.

Clothes for the baby should be chosen according to the season. There is no need to take the entire wardrobe of the newborn with you to the hospital. Relatives can bring things as needed.

Clothes for your baby should be made of natural fabric, preferably with seams on the outside or hidden seams.

What diapers are better to take to the hospital for a child?

The choice of diapers for a newborn should be approached with special responsibility.

It is difficult to predict with what weight your baby will be born. Not always the real weight coincides with the weight discussed at the last ultrasound.

In order to avoid incidents, it is better to take size 2. Size 2 is designed for a baby of 3-6 kg. If necessary, you can later replace them with a smaller size.

No need to buy a big pack of diapers:

  • Firstly, for the maternity hospital you will need no more than 10 pieces
  • Secondly, some diapers tend to cause allergies in a newborn. By buying a large package, you can just throw away money in vain

When choosing diapers for babies, remember that they should be as comfortable as possible for your baby:

  • Choose thin diapers - at first he will go to the toilet quite a bit
  • Choose soft diapers. The main thing is that they are pleasant to the body and do not rub.

What is needed in the maternity hospital for a woman in labor and a child: tips and reviews

The list of things, according to the reviews of women giving birth, basically boil down to the list that was discussed above.

However, there are the following tips:

  • Do not disdain the shirts and robes that are issued in the hospital. They may not look very presentable, but they are definitely sterile. Shirts get dirty very quickly, not every relative at the first call will be able to bring clean clothes
  • There is no need to buy silicone pads in advance - they are expensive
  • There is no need to take a breast pump with you - it may not come in handy either. If necessary, relatives will bring
  • Mom can safely use baby cream instead of hand cream - saving space in the bag
  • Compression stockings are much more comfortable than elastic bandages.
  • Breast pads are not for everyone - there is no need to take them right away
  • Instead of soap for mom and shower gel, you can use baby soap. It is better to take liquid with a dispenser - convenient and hygienic
  • You can find recommendations that you need to take a bar of dark chocolate with you for your mother after childbirth. Chocolate is a strong allergen. Don't risk your baby's health

As the birth approaches, the woman begins to worry more and more, whether she has foreseen everything. Do not give in to emotions - the above lists of things will help you better navigate and not forget anything.

VIDEO: Bags to the hospital! The essentials!

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