What do you eat when you have a heart attack? Foods for heart disease and during the recovery period. Foods to include in the diet after myocardial infarction

Myocardial infarction is accompanied by sudden abrupt changes in the work of the heart muscle and coronary vessels. An urgent adjustment is required for the loss of a piece of ventricular tissue. It not only stops its functions, but turns into a necrotic mass, which releases decay products into the blood.

The patient will have a period of restorative replacement of necrosis with scar tissue, the development of collateral vessels, and the elimination of the ischemic zone. The diet for myocardial infarction is designed to help drugs solve these problems.

Basic nutritional requirements for a heart attack patient

It is possible to facilitate the mode of heart contractions only by observing bed rest. But a person must get energy from food. How to ensure that nutrition during myocardial infarction does not load the affected muscle tissue, but contributes to its recovery? There are a number of requirements for this:

  • you can not take plentiful meat and fried foods, it will require a lot of energy costs for assimilation;
  • food should be light, but high in calories;
  • the number of meals has to be increased to 6 - 7, and portions should be reduced;
  • foods that cause bloating are contraindicated, since raising the diaphragm makes it difficult for heart contractions;
  • the diet should have enough protein (building material);
  • potassium and magnesium salts are needed, they improve the electrical activity of myocardial cells;
  • table salt is limited to 3-5 g, the total content in food is agreed with the doctor, since it depends on possible complications;
  • total calorie content can be reduced to 1500 kcal by limiting fatty foods, sugar, flour and confectionery;
  • the volume of liquid is reduced to 0.5 l;
  • the patient does not need excess caffeine contained in strong coffee, tea, carbonated drinks;
  • stool retention in the first days plays a positive role (tension of the muscles of the peritoneum during straining causes an increase in the load on the fragile myocardium), but in the future it is necessary to provide that the diet after myocardial infarction includes products with a laxative effect.

When buying kefir, be sure to check the date of manufacture: only a daily drink has a laxative effect

Diet of the first week of the disease

The acute period determines the compensatory capabilities of the body, is dangerous for the development of complications. Therefore, nutrition should be given special attention.

Useful are:

  • low-fat meat broths with white crackers;
  • boiled fish;
  • mashed boiled meat (soufflé, casserole);
  • porridge on the water (buckwheat is better);
  • cottage cheese, fat-free kefir;
  • salad of boiled beets, seaweed;
  • decoction of wild rose, prunes;
  • compote of raisins, dried apricots;
  • Boiled potatoes;
  • citrus fruits.

The food is cooked undersalted. Sugar and sweets are limited.

  • animal fats (lard, butter, fatty meat), sausages and smoked products;
  • black bread and fresh pastries;
  • grapes and juice from it;
  • carbonated drinks.

The total calorie content of the daily diet is 1300 kcal, weight is up to 1500 g.

Diet 2nd or 3rd week

Restrictions loosen a little:

  • salt is allowed, but not more than 3 g (half a teaspoon) per day, food is prepared without salt, adding is possible with meals;
  • porridges are cooked not mashed, crumbly, in casseroles;
  • shown grated raw carrots;
  • soups with vegetables from lean meat;
  • cutlets;
  • limited use of sour cream, hard cheese;
  • sugar not more than 50 g;
  • tomato juice;
  • sauces prepared on vegetable broth;
  • weak tea with lemon;
  • 10 g butter.

Calorie content increases to 1800 kcal, diet weight - up to 2000.

Recovery Diet

Nutrition after myocardial infarction from the fourth week at home is equivalent to the treatment table No. 10. This is a common diet for patients with heart disease (without or with decompensation), hypertension.

Even inserting lettuce leaves does not improve the dangerous properties of various fast food hot dogs.


  1. Animal fats are very strictly controlled. The diet aims to reduce the content of low-density lipoproteins in the blood and prevent the development of atherosclerosis. Therefore, it is recommended to replace fats with vegetable oils, vegetable sauces.
  2. Spicy seasonings, pickles and marinades are not allowed, as these products contain salt and require additional fluid intake. And salt remains limited, its amount should be agreed with your doctor.
  3. Meat products are recommended in the form of cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, chicken ham is allowed. Dishes from lamb, fatty pork, shish kebabs, fried products are not allowed.
  4. Recommended sea fish, soups from it, stewed with vegetables.
  5. Steamed dishes are preferred. Allowed casseroles with cottage cheese, pasta (limited with excess weight), cereals with milk in unmashed form. Apples and other fruits are introduced to the menu gradually.
  6. Calorie content increases up to 2300 kcal, the mass of foodstuffs - up to 2300 g.

If there are signs of decompensation, it is necessary to agree with the doctor on the total amount of fluid. If the patient is overweight, then you will have to reduce the use of high-calorie foods, arrange fasting days.

A patient after a heart attack needs to follow a regular stool. Straining is undesirable, so the diet should always include grated beets, prunes and dried apricots soaked overnight. In the evening, you need to take kefir no more than a day old.

Only the basic principles of nutrition for patients with a heart attack are stated. If complications arise, the doctor may recommend additional restrictions. Difficulties are possible if the patient has concomitant diseases of the stomach or kidneys. The attitude to nutrition should be equal with other types of therapy.

, is the restoration of the body's defenses, the optimization of the blood circulation process, the improvement of metabolism and the smooth functioning of the intestines.

Myocardial infarction: causes and signs

The disease, which is called, is one of the varieties of coronary heart disease. The most common cause of the disease is impaired blood circulation, most often a blood clot in the coronary artery. The attack is characterized by necrosis (necrosis) of one of the sections of the myocardium, which leads to a severe failure of the cardiovascular system as a whole.

What causes can provoke the disease:

  • frequent stress;
  • diabetes;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • sedentary lifestyle (physical inactivity);
  • alcoholism;
  • excess weight;
  • bad habits (smoking).

How does it usually happen? A heart attack can occur due to severe nervous overstrain, stress, very large physical exertion. Or vice versa - during sleep or in the morning, when the body "wakes up" and the load on the heart increases several times. The resulting clot blocks the flow of blood and provokes the death of heart cells.

The symptoms of myocardial infarction are not to be confused with anything. Violent, intolerable pain behind the sternum, radiating to the arm, back or shoulder. , burning. The pain cannot be relieved by any conventional means. Pain cannot be tolerated. Only emergency medical care can save a person's life.

In some cases, for example, in the presence of diabetes, myocardial infarction may not manifest itself. Therefore, the diagnosis of this type of disease is especially difficult.

Nutrition during the rehabilitation period

The recovery period after a myocardial infarction can take several months. At this time, it is very important for a person to carefully monitor their health. Gentle physical activity, the obligatory intake of drugs prescribed by the attending physician, restful sleep, walks in the fresh air, physiotherapy. All these are the most important components for preventing the consequences of the disease.

A prerequisite for the recovery of a person who has had a myocardial infarction is a diet. The patient's menu should be clearly balanced and comply with the norms for the consumption of all necessary substances. In accordance with the table of Pevzner's treatment tables for myocardial infarction, one should adhere to table No. 10I (lipid-lowering diet).

The main stages of the diet

The therapeutic diet for a heart attack is divided into 3 main parts, following one after another and corresponding to different periods of the disease.

Acute period (first 10 days after a heart attack)

mashed soup

The patient's menu is characterized by a reduced calorie content and a sparing way of cooking. Such dishes include, for example, pureed soups, cereals on the water, mashed vegetables or fruits. Meat dishes from lean beef are also ground with a blender. From liquids - tea, compote, jelly.

Due to the fact that sugar negatively affects blood clotting, its consumption is limited to a minimum. completely excluded from the diet. It is known that salt tends to retain fluid in the body, and this can lead to edema, which adversely affects the functioning of the heart. All legumes, flour, dairy products are also contraindicated during this period; grapes (may contribute to bloating); fatty and fried foods; smoked and pickled foods; mushrooms; tomatoes; coffee, strong tea.

The daily diet is limited to 1100-1300 kcal. Among them:

  • proteins - 50 g;
  • fats - 30-40 g;
  • carbohydrates - 150-200 g;
  • fluid intake - 0.7-0.8 liters.

They eat 6-7 times a day, in smaller portions. Too cold and hot food is excluded from the menu.

Subacute period (10-15 days after a heart attack)

The patient menu these days is not much different from the first stage, but we can already talk about the removal of some restrictions. For example, it is allowed to replace mashed dishes with boiled ones. You can add salt to dishes, but in a minimal amount.

Daily diet - no more than 1600-1800 kcal:

  • proteins - 60-70 g;
  • fats - 50-60 g;
  • carbohydrates - 230-250 g;
  • fluid intake - no more than 1 liter per day;
  • salt - no more than 3 g.

Food intake is still carried out in small portions 6-7 times a day.

Scarring period (after 15 days)

Food is no longer mashed, but cooked as usual. It is allowed to slightly increase portions and take food 5 times a day. The main innovation is as much potassium as possible. This microelement maintains an optimal level of pressure in the circulatory system, actively participates in the regulation of heart contractions, and enhances the outflow of excess fluid. Products containing potassium in large quantities: dried apricots, beans, sea kale (almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts), prunes, raisins, etc.

The daily diet increases to 2100-2300 kcal:

  • proteins - 80-90 g;
  • fats - up to 70 g;
  • carbohydrates - 300-320 g;
  • liquid - 1.0-1.2 l;
  • salt - 5-6 g.

The basic rules of dietary nutrition that must be observed in case of myocardial infarction and during rehabilitation:

  1. Meals (6-7 times a day) are divided into small portions. Dinner is recommended no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
  2. Salt is taken in minimal quantities or completely excluded from the diet.
  3. Very low calorie intake.
  4. Foods that can cause bloating and indigestion are prohibited.
  5. Limit sugar intake. You can replace it with honey.
  6. The use of liquid is not more than 1-1.5 liters per day.
  7. Hot and cold food is best avoided. Acceptable temperature conditions - + 20 ... + 40ºС.

The right choice of products will balance the diet and contribute to the speedy recovery of the patient.

It is important to strictly follow medical recommendations and choose only those products that will help restore the body after a heart attack, and not overload it with extra calories. Useful in this case are dishes that contain vitamins, potassium, magnesium and lipotropic (fat-dissolving) substances.

Allowed products:

  1. Flour and bakery products, but in small quantities. Crackers or yesterday's bread from flour of the first or highest grade.
  2. First meal. Soups are best cooked in vegetable or low-fat meat broth with pureed (very boiled) vegetables.
  3. Meat. Eliminate any fatty varieties. You can chicken or beef (without fat). Steam cutlets, soufflé, boiled meat are prepared from crushed raw materials.
  4. Milk and dairy products in a minimum amount. It is allowed to use skimmed dairy products, sour cream and milk - only for dressing dishes.
  5. Chicken eggs. Use without yolk, in the form of protein omelettes or egg flakes.
  6. Cereals: semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal. Buckwheat and oatmeal should be well boiled to a homogeneous viscous consistency.
  7. Vegetables: potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, beets. In the acute and subacute periods, they are allowed only in a pureed form, at the stage of scarring - stewed or steamed.
  8. Desserts, sweet dishes: fruits and berries that do not allow excessive gas formation in the intestines. The best choice is apples. At first - wiped, then it is possible to use baked ones, as part of compotes and jams. Nuts and dried fruits are very useful.
  9. Drinks: weak tea, rosehip broth, dried fruit compote, fruit and vegetable juices.

Prohibited Products:

  1. Alcohol in any form and proportion is strictly prohibited.
  2. Any pastries of the first day - bread, buns. In addition, you can not eat pasta, cakes, muffins.
  3. Fatty meat and fish, rich meat broths, fried and smoked meat products, lard and sausage.
  4. Any canned food, pickles, tomatoes and mushrooms.
  5. Dairy products, fat sour cream and cream.
  6. Egg yolk (raw and cooked in any way).
  7. Legumes, white cabbage, radishes, cucumbers, gooseberries, sorrel, black currants, onions, garlic.
  8. Cereals: millet, barley and pearl barley.
  9. Coffee, strong tea, grape juice, carbonated drinks.
  10. Chocolate, cakes, sweets.
  11. Salt is limited to a minimum or completely excluded from the diet.
  12. It is advisable to replace sugar with honey, which is an excellent natural biostimulant.

Myocardial infarction is a serious disease that claims many lives every year. If a person managed to cope with the disease and endure a difficult rehabilitation period without consequences, then you should definitely think about the future.

One method is to follow a strict low-calorie diet, avoid unhealthy foods, avoid alcohol, and lead a healthy lifestyle.


In order for all processes in the myocardium to recover faster and improve the function of the heart, in addition to all other rehabilitation procedures, the patient needs to eat right. During an attack of myocardial infarction, part of the heart muscle dies, which leads to serious disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Nutrition after myocardial infarction

With a myocardial infarction, the blood supply to the contracting heart muscle is greatly weakened or completely stopped. This causes the death of muscle cells. The disease is accompanied by sharp and sudden changes in the work of the coronary vessels and the heart muscle. A necrotic mass is formed, the decay products of which enter the bloodstream.

The patient must undergo a recovery period for the development of collateral vessels, replacement of necrosis with scar tissue, and elimination of the ischemic zone. To solve these problems, drugs will help a special diet.

Basic requirements of clinical nutrition:

  1. Promote recovery processes in the heart muscle.
  2. Prevent stress on the cardiovascular system.
  3. Ensure the motor function of the intestines and the sparing work of the digestive organs.
  4. Normalize blood circulation and metabolism

During different periods of the disease, which can be called as acute, subacute and scarring, it is necessary to establish appropriate nutrition. It should also be consistent with the patient's motor activity and take into account complications and other comorbidities.

To facilitate the mode of contractions of the heart, the patient needs to be in bed. But, at the same time, the patient must receive the energy he needs from food. Nutrition should be such as to restore the muscle tissue affected by myocardial infarction and at the same time not load it.

For this there are the following requirements:

  • take light, but, at the same time, high-calorie food;
  • exclude fried and plentiful meat food from your diet, as it takes a lot of energy to master it;
  • increase the number of doses (during the day 6 times), and reduce the number;
  • do not eat foods that can cause bloating, because a raised diaphragm will make it difficult for heart contractions;
  • make sure your food has enough protein;
  • food should contain magnesium and potassium salts, necessary to improve the electrical activity of myocardial cells;
  • limit the amount of liquid consumed to 0.5 liters;
  • do not abuse caffeine, which is contained in tea, coffee and carbonated drinks;
  • reduce the amount of salt intake to 5 grams;
  • if in the first days you have a stool retention, then this will only benefit, because when the muscles of the peritoneum are tense, a load is created on the myocardium, which is still not strong. But, in the future, foods that have a laxative effect should be included in the diet.

It's important to know! To reduce the likelihood of complications after a myocardial infarction, doctors categorically recommend changing the lifestyle that was before. Therefore, they strongly advise to adhere to the necessary diet, otherwise, other methods of treatment (medication or spa treatment) will not give the desired effect.

Proper nutrition helps to avoid violations of fat metabolism, which helps to prevent the recurrence of the disease. In 1987, a group of experts who studied atherosclerosis identified the "7 Golden Rules" menu for people who had a heart attack. Compliance with these rules will help eliminate failures in the patient's fat metabolism:

  • reduce fat intake;
  • significantly reduce the amount of foods that contain saturated fatty acids, such as butter, animal fats, eggs, cream). These foods increase blood cholesterol levels;
  • consume more polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are present in the following foods: fish and seafood, poultry and liquid vegetable oils. Help to lower blood lipid levels;
  • cook food only in vegetable oil and do not use saturated fats and butter for this purpose;
  • increase your intake of complex carbohydrates and fiber;
  • reduce the amount of salt consumed in food to five grams per day;
  • significantly reduce the consumption of foods that have a lot of cholesterol.

Diet rules for those who have suffered a myocardial infarction

Dietary nutrition is determined by three periods of the disease: the acute period (the first two weeks), the scarring period (up to the 8th week) and rehabilitation (after the 8th week). The treatment menu for such patients should help to improve the work of the heart and restore processes in the myocardium throughout all periods. Also, dietary therapy should correct disturbed metabolic processes and contribute to the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Basic principles of post-infarction dietary nutrition

The patient's diet should be one that significantly limits the amount of food (then gradually increases) and its calorie content. You can not eat foods with a lot of cholesterol and animal fats - these can be fatty meat and fish, animal entrails, caviar, brains, egg yolk, etc., as well as foods that can cause flatulence and fermentation in the intestines: milk in its natural form, legumes, cabbage, rye bread. It is recommended to include fish (cod, pike perch), cottage cheese, oatmeal, as well as foods containing potassium salts and vitamins C and P in the daily diet. It is necessary to significantly reduce the intake of free fluid and salt. In this case, the period of illness, blood pressure and the state of blood circulation should be taken into account.

Nutrition after a heart attack is divided into three sequentially prescribed diets. The first is recommended in the acute period of the disease (first week), the second - in the subacute (during 2 and 3 weeks), the third - during the scarring period (starts from the 4th week).

At the beginning of a severe heart attack (1-2 days), the patient is given 7 times a day, 50-75 ml of tea with lemon (it should be semi-sweet and weak), juices from berries and fruits in a warm form and diluted with water, liquid from compotes, rosehip broth, cranberry juice, liquid jelly, mineral water without gas.

Then the patient 5-6 times a day receives small portions of easily digestible food. Small portions prevent the rise of the diaphragm, which could impede the work of the heart. Food should be warm, not hot or cold. To improve the taste of unsalted foods, you can add tomato juice, sweet and sour fruit juices, citric acid or table vinegar to food.

If the patient does not want to eat in the first days of the illness, then you should not force him. After some improvement, those patients who have reduced appetite can be given a few products that contain fats and cholesterol - these are cream, caviar, eggs, etc. If the patient is overweight, then during the recovery period he needs to do fasting days .

How food should be processed

As a rule, all dishes are served without salt. Fried foods are completely prohibited, fish and meat must be lean and are given exclusively in boiled form. During the first diet, food is allowed in a pureed form, on the second - chopped, on the third diet - chopped dishes and a piece. The reception of cold (below 15 degrees) drinks and dishes is excluded.

Allowed calories

The calorie content of the first diet is 1300 kcal. At the same time, the presence of fats, proteins and carbohydrates should be 70, 50 and 180 g, respectively. The following vitamin content is required in food: vitamins A, B1, B2 - 2 mg each, vitamin PP - 15 mg, ascorbic acid - 100 g. Liquid intake no more than 0.8 l, salt up to 2 g. Food weight within 1700 g .

The calorie content of the second diet is in the range of 1700-1800 kcal. Proteins in an amount up to 70 g, 70 g of fat and up to 250 g of carbohydrates. According to the content of vitamins, the second diet does not differ from the first. Free liquid in the amount of 1000 ml. Table salt (in products) 1.5-2 g, in addition, 3 grams are given to the hands. The total mass of the second diet is 2 kilograms.

The third diet: caloric content of dishes - 2200-2300 kcal. Fats - 80 g, carbohydrates - 320-350 g, proteins 90 g. Vitamins should be the same as in the previous two diets. Free liquid - 1000 ml. Table salt in products is 1.5-2 g, and in addition, an additional 5 g is given to the hands. The third diet should have a total mass of 2300 g.


During the first and second diet, you should eat 6 times a day, during the third - 5 times. Portions should be small. Food temperature is normal.

Foods that are harmful and dangerous to eat during a heart attack

Patients who have a myocardial infarction due to obesity should completely change their diet and in the future, with the help of a nutritionist, create a special diet that will help to gradually reduce body weight.

People who have had a heart attack for reasons not related to being overweight should remove fried, fatty and flour products from their diet until complete rehabilitation. It is also necessary to exclude products from which bloating occurs - these are flour products, milk, legumes. During the entire post-infarction period, fried and fatty foods are strictly prohibited.

The following should be removed from the diet: marinades, smoked meats, salted cheeses, mushrooms. Also, you can not eat food cooked in fish or meat broth.

Experts recommend limiting all fats, which contain a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Reception of butter should be limited, and margarine should be excluded altogether. Useful for the heart will be the use of sunflower, olive or corn oil.

  • Meat and meat products

You should limit the intake of ham, kidneys, liver, minced lean beef, bacon.

After a heart attack, the following foods should not be consumed: pork (meat from the abdomen), lamb ribs and brisket, meat with visible fat, sausage, sausages, pates, goose meat, duck, poultry skin, scrambled eggs with meat, bacon, which has layers of fat.

  • Dairy

Reception of medium-fat cheeses, spreadable and processed cheeses, as well as semi-skimmed milk should be limited. Low-fat sour cream can only fill dishes.

  • Fish and seafood

A useful product after a heart attack are all varieties of low-fat "white" fish: flounder, cod; as well as fatty: tuna, mackerel, sardine, herring; salmon (salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon). The fish must be baked or boiled.

Eating seafood (crustaceans, molluscs) should be limited.

An undesirable product after a heart attack is fish caviar.

  • Vegetables and fruits

It is recommended to use boiled and baked vegetables - peas, beans, olives, as well as all fresh and frozen fruits. Potatoes can be eaten boiled, in their "uniform" or peeled. Canned fruits, dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, pitted raisins), walnuts will be useful after a heart attack.

Doctors advise limiting stewed and fried potatoes, candied fruits and fruits in syrup, hazelnuts and almonds in the diet.

  • Flour and confectionery

Recommended: products made from wholemeal flour, grain, peeled, bran, rye bread, whole (unground) cereals, wheat or oatmeal, oatmeal porridge with milk or water, cereals, crackers, oatmeal cookies, pasta casseroles, bread, prepared in a yeast-free way.

In limited quantities, products made from wheat flour (white bread, sweet cereals, biscuits), polished rice are allowed.

You should not buy in the store and eat cakes, cookies, biscuits with spicy cheese.

It is allowed to take a small amount of confectionery, cakes, condiments and biscuits that have been cooked in oil, as well as snacks made with unsaturated fats at home.

Meals according to diets

  • Bread and other flour products:

The first diet - crackers from wheat flour of the first and highest grade - 50 g

The second diet is wheat bread, baked the day before - 150 g;

The third diet - yesterday's white bread - 150 g, with good tolerance, 50 g of which can be replaced with rye bread.

  • Soups:

The first diet - soups cooked with vegetables and cereals (mashed) and egg flakes - up to 200 grams;

The second and third diets - well-boiled cereals and vegetables (beetroot, borscht, mashed carrot soup) should be present in the soup, fat-free meat broth is allowed - 250 g.

  • Poultry, fish, meat:

These foods must be low in fat. Meat should be freed from fat, tendons, films, and poultry meat from skin.

The first diet - steamed cutlets, meatballs, boiled fish, soufflé - 50 grams each;

The second and third rations are products from cutlet mass, boiled meat in a piece.

  • Dairy:

The first diet - tea and dishes with milk, fat-free kefir, mashed cottage cheese, soufflé;

The second and third diet - puddings with fruits, carrots, cereals, unsalted, low-fat cheese.

Sour cream is used for dressing borscht, soups.

  • Eggs:

In all diets, you can use egg flakes in vegetable broths, as well as protein omelettes.

  • Cereals:

The first diet is oatmeal boiled in milk, mashed buckwheat or semolina porridge -150 g;

The second diet - viscous, liquid cereals - about 200 g, semolina casserole, crumbly buckwheat porridge - 100 g;

The third diet is cereals, boiled vermicelli with cottage cheese, cottage cheese and buckwheat pudding, semolina casserole with apples.

  • Snacks:

During the first two diets - prohibited;

The third diet is low-fat ham, ripe tomatoes, boiled aspic fish and meat, herring soaked in water.

  • Vegetables:

The first diet - mashed potatoes, beetroot or carrots, carrot-curd pudding (mashed) - 100 g;

The second diet is supplemented with cauliflower and grated raw carrots;

The third diet - stewed beets and carrots are additionally introduced into food. The mass of the dish is 150 g.

  • Sweet dishes, fruits:

The first diet - mousses, jelly, applesauce, dried apricots and prunes soaked in water, honey or sugar - 30 g;

During the period of the second and third diets - additionally raw berries and fruits in a soft state, compotes, baked apples, jam, jelly, milk jelly, sugar not more than 50 g or instead of sugar 15 xylitol,

  • Spices and sauces:

During the second and third diet - for the best taste of unsalted food, citric acid, tomato juice, table vinegar, vanillin, sweet and sour fruit juices, first boiled and then slightly stewed onions, sauces in milk and vegetable broth are added .

  • Beverages:

The first diet is weak tea with the addition of lemon or milk, a decoction of rose hips, a coffee drink with milk, prunes infusion, fruit juices (beetroot, carrot) - 100-150 grams;

The second and third diet - the same drinks - 200 grams.

  • Fats:

The first and second diets - oils of vegetable origin and butter are added to dishes;

The third diet - additionally butter for hands - 10 g.

The diet prescribed after a heart attack must comply with the basic rules

  • The number of meals reaches 6-7 times throughout the day, but portions, at the same time, decrease.
  • The calorie content of the total diet is reduced. If the patient eats more than it should be, then this can lead to insomnia.
  • The consumption of cholesterol and animal fats is reduced.
  • Cold and very hot food is excluded, food should be heated to medium temperature.
  • Salt is excluded from the diet.
  • To prevent gas formation in the stomach, black bread, sweet carbonated drinks and juices are removed from the diet.
  • Fluid intake is reduced to one and a half liters (this includes soups and jelly).
  • The menu should contain foods containing magnesium and potassium: baked potatoes, prunes, beets, nuts, watermelons, buckwheat, seaweed, citrus fruits.
  • Significantly reduced sugar intake.

What should patients eat after a heart attack?

The diet for such patients is divided into three diets, which differ in both volume and nutritional value. In the first days of illness, a person feels severe pain, general weakness, nausea, he has no need for food.

The first period after a heart attack lasts up to two weeks. All food for the sick is served completely unsalted and pureed. The daily caloric intake should not exceed 800-1000 kcal.

All food should be divided into 6-7 doses and taken after at least 3 hours.

After a heart attack, the patient is under the supervision of doctors and he has to follow a strict diet, which, if necessary, can be adjusted.

Patients are allowed to take the following products:

  • vegetable broths and soups;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • juice from carrots, with vegetable oil added to it (1 teaspoon of oil per 100 g of juice) twice a day;
  • well-boiled liquid porridge.

Salt is completely prohibited during this period.

The proposed menu for the day in the first period after a heart attack

  • Boiled fish (50 g), broth and jelly cooked on vegetables (half a glass);
  • Milk porridge plus a small piece of butter, grated apple, half a glass of tea;
  • Half a glass of yogurt (can be replaced with a decoction of prunes);
  • Boiled chicken (50 g), rosehip broth;
  • Puree made from apples (100 g), rosehip broth (half a glass);
  • Low-fat cottage cheese (50 g) and rosehip broth 120 g;
  • 50 grams of prune puree.

Suggested dishes for the second period

This is 2 - 4 weeks after a heart attack (scarring period).

The daily calorie content of the diet at this time should be 1300 - 1400 kcal.

The chemical composition of the products used

  • 100 g - proteins
  • 80 g - fat
  • carbohydrates also 80 g

You can already gradually include salt in food, but its amount should be limited (maximum 5 g per day). Liquid - maximum 1.4 liters (pure liquid can only be up to 0.8 liters, the rest is used in cooking). The diet is divided into 7 receptions, the last time you can eat no later than two hours before bedtime. Before falling asleep, it is allowed to drink some fermented milk product or replace it with juice.

Prohibited Products

  • fatty fish, meat and poultry, sausage and bacon;
  • foods that contain a lot of cholesterol (offal, egg yolks, etc.);
  • smoked meats and pickles;
  • strong tea, coffee;
  • salty, spicy seasonings, such as horseradish, mustard and others;
  • alcoholic drinks.

If the patient is overweight, the consumption of bread, flour products and sweets should be minimized.

Products useful after a heart attack during the second rehabilitation period

  • Milk and other products from it (hard cheese, low-fat kefir and cottage cheese);
  • Cereals. Especially useful are buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • Vegetables (be sure to eat cabbage, especially cauliflower), fruits, berries, citrus fruits;
  • Pasta;
  • Lean meat, chicken and fish (150 g once a day);
  • Black salted caviar (up to twice a week, 20 g each);
  • Seafood;
  • Sour cream and milk sauces on vegetable broth;
  • Strong fish and meat broths;
  • Butter (unsalted, ghee);
  • Nuts;
  • Soy, beans;
  • Figs, raisins, prunes, dried apricots;
  • Decoction of bran with lemon juice and honey;
  • Egg white (one per day);
  • Juices from vegetables, fruits and berries.;
  • Compotes, mousses, kissels, jams;
  • Rosehip decoction;
  • Tea with milk or lemon;
  • Greens.

Menu for the day in the second rehabilitation period

  • Decoction of prunes - half a glass;
  • Porridge with milk, cottage cheese (50 g) plus sour cream (10 g), scrambled eggs made from two proteins, 120 g of tea with milk.
  • Apple pancakes, carrot-apple puree, half a glass of fruit juice or replace it with rosehip broth.
  • Vegetable broth with breadcrumbs (150 g), 50 g of boiled chicken or fish, apple jelly.
  • Half a glass of juice, tea or curdled milk.
  • Boiled chicken or fish (50 g), boiled cauliflower, carrot and beet puree.
  • 100 grams of puree made from prunes or replace it with half a glass of curdled milk.

Nutrition during the third period

After two months, the patient can gradually return to his usual food. But, at the same time, he must eat 7 times a day and follow all the recommendations of doctors. You can already drink up to 1 liter of liquid.

For people who have normal or underweight, the energy value of the daily diet should be 2500 kcal. Salt can be consumed no more than 3-5 g per day. In the third period, the diet of patients is enriched with potassium salts, which is able to remove excess fluid from the body and normalize the contractile function of the myocardium. Potassium is a part of dried vegetables, fruits and berries (prunes, dried apricots, dates, raisins, apricots, etc.)

But some foods contain a lot of oxalic acid, which is prohibited in case of heart failure - this is sorrel, black currant, rhubarb, gooseberry, radish, lettuce).

It is recommended to replace sugar with honey, it contains many different vitamins, microelements and biologically active substances. A glass of water will help normalize bowel activity, with the addition of a dessert spoon of honey. For bedridden patients, this is very important.

Patients who have had a heart attack, a very good option would be dishes from squid, seaweed and mussels, which contain organic iodine, copper, manganese, methionine, cobalt, which prevent blood clotting.

Vegetable side dishes other than legumes

  • Vinaigrettes, home-cooked vegetable caviar, boiled fish.
  • Egg white (one per day).
  • Dishes from pasta, cereals.
  • Lean poultry, fish, beef, lamb 150 g piece once a day or in the form of meatballs and steam cutlets.
  • Dairy products (low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream, cheese).
  • Fruits (in any form), kissels, mousses, jelly.

Allowed drinks: fruit, berry juices, weak tea with the addition of milk or lemon, bran decoction to which you can add lemon juice or honey, rosehip infusion.

From the menu it is necessary to exclude such products: fried meat, poultry and fish, strong fish and meat broths. Especially dangerous for patients: salty and spicy snacks and dishes, bacon, smoked meats, canned food, fresh bread, sausages, spicy seasonings (horseradish, mustard), strong coffee and tea, alcoholic beverages.

Patients who have a lot of extra pounds of weight need to normalize their weight - this will help reduce physical stress on the heart and reduce lipid metabolism disorders. Fasting days are recommended for such patients.

  • For a day, eat 500 g of oatmeal and drink 800 ml of fruit juice;
  • Apple day: pureed or baked apples (1.5 - 2 kg);
  • Rice-compote day: rice porridge (100 g), compote (5 glasses);
  • Watermelon day: ripe watermelon 300 g 5 times a day.

The first days with myocardial infarction, the patient is given up to 8 times a day a quarter cup of weak sweet tea. Tea can be replaced with rosehip broth or juices - blackcurrant, orange. Drinks must be kept warm.

After 2-3 days, you can switch to the first diet:

  • fat recommended 30 g
  • the amount of proteins - 60 g
  • carbohydrates should be - 180 g
  • you should drink free liquid up to 600 ml
  • salt - a maximum of 2 g (in products).

The total weight of the dishes should be 1700 g, calorie content - 1200 kcal, food temperature within 50 degrees. The entire amount of food should be divided into six doses.

Sample diet:

On an empty stomach, the patient drinks 100 g of infusion of prunes or fruit juice.

At 8 o'clock in the morning: milk porridge with cereals 30 g), one grated apple, half a glass of weak tea.

At 11 am: boiled chicken or cutlet (50 g), 120 g of rosehip broth or some fruit juice.

At 2 pm: half a bowl of vegetable broth, meatballs made from fish or meat with mashed potatoes.

At 17:00: apple puree (100 g).

At 7 pm: cottage cheese (50 g) and 120 g of kefir.

At 21:00: prune puree (50 g)

Depending on the condition of the patient, the diet of the first diet lasts up to 4 weeks.

The second diet, used in the subacute period, is more extended. The total mass of products increases to 2 kg, while: fats - 80 g, proteins - 80 g, carbohydrates - 200 g, liquid - 800 ml, salt - 3 g, total calorie content - 1600 kcal. You should eat 5 times a day.

When the patient is already able to get out of bed, he is recommended a third diet, the calorie content of which is 2000 cal. The total weight of food is 2.5 kg. Composition: fat should be 50 g, carbohydrates - 300 g, protein - 90 g, liquid - up to 1 liter, salt up to 5 g. Food should be taken in 5 doses, the temperature is normal.

After a person who has had a myocardial infarction is discharged from the hospital, he will be prescribed a 10s diet, which is usually prescribed for atherosclerosis. Its goal is to prevent the development of atherosclerosis by reducing calories and limiting foods high in cholesterol.

This diet has two options: for patients with normal weight, and for those who have extra pounds.

Proper nutrition during the rehabilitation period can improve the function of the heart and accelerate the recovery processes in the myocardium.

In the first ten days after a heart attack, you need to follow a strict diet, which includes only low-calorie foods. Limit salt and fluid intake. It is recommended to use liquid cereals, fruit, vegetable purees and pureed soups. From meat dishes you can boil lean beef.

In the second half of the rehabilitation period (in two weeks), everything is also taken, but it is already possible in a boiled, rather than mashed form. Salt intake is limited.

A month later, during the scarring period, foods enriched with potassium are needed. It enhances the outflow of fluid from the body and increases the ability of the muscle to contract. It is useful to eat dried fruits, dates, bananas, cauliflower.

Apples should be eaten as much as possible, they help to cleanse the entire body of toxins and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

It is recommended to replace sugar with honey, as it is a natural biostimulant. Honey enriches the body with the necessary microelements and vitamins, dilates the heart vessels, improves the blood supply to the body and increases its protective reactions.

It is useful to eat nuts, especially walnuts and almonds. Walnuts contain magnesium, which has vasodilating properties, as well as potassium, copper, cobalt, zinc, which are necessary for the formation of red blood cells.

Birch sap is very useful, you can drink it from 0.5 liters to 1 liter per day.

It is useful to eat turnips, persimmons, drink beetroot juice.

People who have suffered a myocardial infarction need to introduce seafood into their regular diet, as they contain iodine, cobalt and copper. These trace elements thin the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots.

Folk remedies for the treatment of myocardial infarction

During the rehabilitation period, it is very useful to take such funds.

  1. Mix freshly squeezed onion juice in equal parts with honey. Take two, you can three times a day for a spoon.
  2. 2 A mixture of chokeberry with honey is very useful, in a ratio of 1: 2. Take one tablespoon per day.
  3. 3Lemon zest improves the functioning of the heart muscle. It must be eaten fresh.
  4. 4 In the first days of rehabilitation, carrot juice is very useful. Freshly squeezed juice should be drunk in half a glass, with the addition of a little vegetable oil, twice a day. It is very useful to combine carrot juice with the use of a weak infusion of hawthorn as a tea.
  5. 5 Ginseng root tincture with honey is effective. It is necessary to mix 20 grams of ginseng root with ½ kg of honey and stir regularly, leave for a week. This tincture also helps with low hemoglobin. Take ¼ teaspoon three times a day.

Dietary nutrition in the first month of illness

A diet after a heart attack should consist of several successive stages, each of which has its own characteristics. Immediately after the diagnosis of the disease, patients are recommended to eat small portions up to 6 times a day. All food should be served to a man in the form of a thin puree. Vegetable and cereal soups, rare cereals and low-fat dairy products are shown. The interval between each meal should be 2-2.5 hours.

Within 2-3 weeks after a heart attack, the patient has an acute stage of the disease. At this time, he is allowed to eat crushed food. The diet and the frequency of meals remain the same. Adding salt and fats of animal origin to food is strictly prohibited. The energy value of the diet should not be more than 1 thousand calories per day.

21 days after a heart attack, a man begins the stage of scarring. At this time, his diet can be varied with dried fruits, honey, bran, nuts. It is useful to drink a decoction prepared from rose hips. Take food, as before, often and in small portions. The calorie content of the diet can be increased to 1400 kilocalories. The black list of products of this stage of the diet includes confectionery, sweet pastries, fatty foods, smoked meats, and canned food. Salt, as before, is completely banned. Of the drinks, coffee, strong tea and all types of alcohol are contraindicated.

Nutrition during the rehabilitation period

After discharge from cardiology, the patient begins the rehabilitation process. If during the entire time he was in the hospital, his diet was monitored by the attending physician, then at this stage the diet after a heart attack is controlled by the patient and his family members. The number of meals can be reduced to four. Dinner should be no later than 2 hours before going to bed. If you can’t fall asleep on an empty stomach, nutritionists recommend that patients drink a glass of low-fat kefir at night (it can be replaced with yogurt). It is allowed to eat no more than 3 eggs during the week.

During the rehabilitation period after a heart attack, the diet for the stronger sex should be enriched with foods high in potassium and magnesium.

It is recommended to gradually introduce fruits, vegetables, meat and fish dishes, various cereals, wholemeal bread into the diet of patients. It is important to remember that in the diet of a man there should not be anything salty, fatty, fried. The daily calorie content is increased to 2 thousand kilocalories. It is important to monitor blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

During the diet, you need to monitor the amount of fluid consumed. Excess water to the body, which is recovering from a heart attack, is not needed, as it will put an additional burden on the cardiovascular system of a man. The optimal amount of fluid to drink per day should not exceed 1.5 liters, including liquid food.

Proper nutrition after myocardial infarction should become the norm for men. It will help to restore a diseased heart and prevent relapses. People who monitor their diet and do not consume products harmful to the heart and blood vessels manage to successfully cope with a heart attack and return to a full life.


Diet after myocardial infarction

Not many people know that after a myocardial infarction, any person needs the most powerful psychological support, as well as a significant change in the entire rhythm and lifestyle. Perhaps that is why in modern medicine they try to pay so much attention to the rehabilitation of post-infarction patients.

Full rehabilitation is necessary both for the restoration of all vital functions, and for the realization of the possibilities of former activity. In addition, rehabilitation is important to minimize the risk of recurrent heart attacks.

Several main areas of rehabilitation work, which include:

  • Significant weight loss, of course, only if there is actually some excess body weight.
  • Constant adherence to the principles of proper dietary nutrition.
  • Moderate, but not low physical activity of the patient.
  • Constant prevention of stressful situations and prevention of chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Almost constant control over blood pressure, control over the level of glucose in the patient's blood and the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Further about everything in more detail, and in order

It is important to understand that physical activity, as well as proper nutrition, is necessary for absolutely every person, including a person who has had a heart attack. However, if we talk about physical activity, we note that those in patients with heart disease will have to increase strictly gradually.

As a rule, you should start doing any physical exercises after myocardial infarction only under the supervision of doctors and only in a hospital.

Women who have had a heart attack are initially offered only to walk, and rather calmly and relatively slowly, for a start no more than five or ten minutes. In addition, with such walking, the doctor must carefully monitor the patient's pressure and his pulse. Further, such walks can gradually begin to increase, and by the time of one and a half months of the rehabilitation period, such loads can already reach half an hour.

Somewhat later, other methods are added to the complex of physical exercises, aimed solely at strengthening or increasing the endurance of a diseased heart, as well as enriching the heart with oxygen. Such exercises include regular swimming, perhaps cycling, as well as simple walking, both in the air and on a treadmill.

But with regard to dietary nutrition, it should be quite low-calorie and most importantly aimed at significant weight loss. However, such nutrition must be fully balanced in order to be able to provide the patient with a complete recovery of the myocardium and other cardiac membranes.

With such a diet, it is necessary to significantly limit the daily intake of salt, the use of fatty foods, as well as reduce the amount of fluid consumed. Quite often, with such a diet, patients are prescribed a standard intake of certain vitamin preparations or their complexes.

The first stage is the time of the diet in the acute period (the time interval constituting the first week after a heart attack). During this period, the patient must eat at least six times a day, but in fairly moderate portions.

The diet of such a patient includes only lean beef, ordinary crackers, possibly boiled chicken or lean fish. At the moment, it is permissible to use any fermented milk products with low fat content. You can eat steamed omelet, almost any cereal, as well as vegetable, preferably mashed soups. Be sure to refuse (and completely) even any homemade pastries, smoked meats, any hard cheeses, of course, chocolate, strong coffee and any alcohol.

The second stage is the time of the subacute period (the time interval is two or three weeks after the heart attack). During this period, the diet becomes less strict. Various non-mashed dishes are already allowed, although, just as before, completely without salt. Of course, food in this time period, as before, should remain fractional, you should eat in very small portions and at least five times a day.

The third stage is the so-called scarring period. This is a period that begins approximately from the fourth week after suffering an emergency infarction. At this time, the patient is prescribed a fairly low-calorie diet with a significant restriction of fluid intake per day. With such a diet, you should drink no more than one liter of fluid per day, and salt intake is limited to three to five grams per day.

It is highly recommended to use dried apricots during this period, and other dried fruits, such as raisins or prunes. This is important, since it is dried fruits that are able to saturate the body of a patient who has had a heart attack with potassium, which is so urgently needed to normalize the work of the heart. It is important at this stage to eat seafood that will be rich in iodine.

When the three periods of recovery after a heart attack have passed, the patient, in order to avoid relapses, should also eat, following certain rules.

It is important to keep track of your weight

Dietary post-rehabilitation nutrition after myocardial infarction should begin with a significant reduction in serving size. For example, you can simply replace your plates with slightly smaller ones and with a smaller diameter. Indeed, on large-sized plates, the volume of food prepared for consumption seems to be much less. And visually it seems that you can’t get enough of this portion.

Remember, being overweight puts your heart under serious stress, so the heart has to pump more blood every second to properly supply the excess adipose tissue with blood.

As a rule, overweight people inevitably have problems with high blood pressure, and diabetes mellitus can develop. But a violation of the absorption of glucose received, as well as diabetes mellitus, can lead to a deterioration in the basic physiological properties of hemoglobin (the very protein that carries oxygen) in the blood. As a result, the heart of a full person will experience additional unnecessary oxygen starvation.

How is it estimated whether you have a normal body weight?

To do this, they usually use a certain formula that allows you to calculate the so-called body mass index (or BMI). To calculate BMI, your present weight, taken in kilograms, should be divided by your height, squared in meters.

For example, if your body weight is 85 kilograms, and your height is 1.7 meters, your BMI will be 85 divided by (1.7 × 1.7), you will get an indicator of 29.4.

It is believed that a body mass index equal to eighteen to twenty-five is an absolutely normal person's weight. However, if the BMI is above 25.0, it is considered that a person is overweight, which undoubtedly indicates a real risk of developing various cardiovascular or other complications.

Note that the BMI index goes off scale above 30, may indicate that we are talking about obesity. Recall that obesity is a very specific disease and, of course, it must be treated, and not independently and spontaneously, but with the help of experienced professionals.

Principles of dietary nutrition after a heart attack, which should be followed for the rest of your life

The rehabilitation period was successful and the patient may think that now, finally, you can afford to relax. Unfortunately, this is not entirely true. A person who once suffered a heart attack forever falls into the risk group for relapses. And this means that it is important to adhere to the correct dietary nutrition all the time. However, this does not mean that the patient will never eat delicious food again. Dietary nutrition after heart attack rehabilitation can be both tasty and healthy. It is only important to learn to follow a few simple rules.

It is important to eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible.

Proper dietary nutrition after a myocardial infarction should contain both raw and boiled or baked fruits and vegetables. It is important to eat steamed or grilled vegetables. However, you should avoid eating overcooked vegetables, any canned fruit or vegetables in brine or syrup, as well as vegetables cooked in a creamy sauce.

You should consume as much fiber as possible, invaluable in its properties.

It is important to know that fiber is not able to be digested and absorbed directly by the gastrointestinal tract. And at the same time, it is fiber that has many incredibly useful properties and qualities. Fiber is an excellent natural sorbent. It also helps the physiologically normal functioning of our intestines, it also slows down the absorption of dangerous fats at times, it is also capable of creating a complete and unconditional feeling of satiety for a person.

Recall that a fairly large amount of useful fiber today is found in simple bread made from exceptionally wholemeal flour, in many whole (not ground and not otherwise processed) cereals. And also in any vegetables, and of course fruits (well, except for the sweetest fruits, such as a banana, like grapes, or dates).

It is advisable to consume less protein, although not exclude it from the diet

It is advisable, after a myocardial infarction, to try not to overload your diet with an excess of even healthy proteins. Let's just say that the daily need of any organism for proteins can be almost completely provided by 400 grams of cottage cheese, or non-fatty fish, or any lean meat.

Diet after myocardial infarction: blacklist and healthy foods

A balanced and proper diet after a heart attack is one of the key factors in the rehabilitation period. A healthy diet significantly increases the effectiveness of pharmacological correction, and regular eating disorders can neutralize the healing effect of drug therapy. How to eat right after a heart attack?

Blacklisted products

The blacklisted foods that increase blood pressure are coffee and caffeinated sodas, and, of course, alcohol. Diet after myocardial infarction requires a complete rejection of the above drinks, especially alcohol! When it comes to coffee, a compromise solution can be found in the form of a caffeine-free drink.

Salt also increases blood pressure, and therefore its consumption after a heart attack (as well as in other cardiac diseases) should be sharply limited. The general recommendation is to reduce the amount of salt to 5 grams per day, but your cardiologist may recommend a completely salt-free diet. Please do not ignore this point of the rehabilitation program!

If it is unbearable for you to eat unleavened foods, buy therapeutic salt, which instead of sodium contains much more useful trace elements - potassium and magnesium. These trace elements should be enriched in the diet after myocardial infarction; recipes for preparing dishes with salt substitutes do not differ from traditional recipes.

The black list includes products that contribute to the progression of atherosclerosis. For a long time, all animal fats were classified as such: it was believed that the diet after a heart attack and stenting should contain less fatty meat and more vegetable oils, but in recent years the concept has changed somewhat. Based on the data of a meta-analysis, scientists at Harvard University concluded that the amount of saturated fat in the diet does not affect the development of cardiovascular disease!

In this case, what is considered the main culprit of atherosclerosis. The most dangerous are trans fats, which are used in the confectionery and food industries. These are artificial solid fats obtained from vegetable oils by hydrogenation. It is these fats that are involved in the formation of LDL, which are deposited in the walls of blood vessels in the form of atherosclerotic plaques.

The post-heart attack diet for men can and should contain animal products. Of course, you can’t get carried away with lard and fatty meat, but there is no need to completely abandon these products. But confectionery, semi-finished products, cakes, cakes, chips and other gifts of the food industry must be completely excluded from the diet! Trans fats are found in large quantities in margarine and spreads, so in no case should you replace normal butter with cheap analogues.

Healthy foods

From the black list, we move on to the list of products shown to patients with cardiovascular pathology. Products that help lower blood pressure fall into this category. as well as products that prevent atherosclerotic processes and reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol.

If a person has suffered a massive myocardial infarction, the diet should contain as many magnesium-rich foods as possible. calcium and potassium. With calcium on this list, everything is simple, because there are a lot of products around us that are artificially enriched with this element. Things are not much more complicated with potassium and magnesium: excellent sources of potassium are bananas, avocados, tomatoes, raisins, watermelons, melons, dried apricots, citrus fruits, apricots, legumes, baked potatoes; a lot of magnesium is found in sesame, pine nuts, buckwheat and sprouted wheat.

Among the products that prevent atherosclerotic processes, the first place is occupied by sources of essential fatty acids - fatty fish and vegetable oils, especially flax seed oil. Please note that not only the amount of essential fatty acids consumed is of great importance, but also the proportions in which they enter the body. You should be getting at least 1 gram of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids (EPA/DHA) daily, and for more information on omega-3s and omega-6s, see a separate article on our website.

How to help the body recover from a heart attack

How to cope with the consequences of a heart attack? After all, a serious illness leaves its mark, making it helpless, plunging into despondency and depression. But, do not despair, because the terrible days are behind us and life again gives a chance. Now the main thing is to recover, in which the diet after myocardial infarction will help you.

Diet after myocardial infarction is effective as a primary prevention of recurrent myocardial infarction

Principles of Diet Therapy

Therapeutic nutrition allows you to accelerate the recovery of the myocardium and improve the functionality of the heart.

At the same time, the main tasks of diet therapy are: to promote the restoration of muscle tissues, stimulate blood circulation and metabolic processes, reduce the load on the heart and blood vessels, facilitate the activity of the central nervous system, provide a gentle regimen for the digestive organs, and normalize the motor function of the intestine.

Nutrition in myocardial infarction is one of the methods of rehabilitation of patients and the primary prevention of recurrent infarction.

  • Reducing the energy value of human food, taking into account low energy consumption during bed and semi-bed rest;
  • Restriction of animal fats, with cholesterol content, which are unacceptable with concomitant atherosclerosis, pathologies of the liver and biliary tract. Introduction to the diet of vegetable fats.
  • Reduction of sugar, as well as sugar-containing products, including its large one-stage receptions, which adversely affect blood clotting. This shows the partial inclusion in the recipes of honey and xylitol (up to 20 g daily) instead of sugar;
  • Exclusion from the menu of products that cause fermentation and gas formation in the intestines, with its swelling (any fresh bread, including rye, whole milk, white cabbage, cucumbers, legumes, carbonated drinks, grape juice, etc.);
  • The inclusion of products that gently stimulate the motor functions of the intestine with its emptying (decoctions, compotes, dried fruit infusions, carrot, beet, apricot juices, puree mixtures of apples, carrots, beets, kefir, etc.);
  • Restriction in the menu of table salt, as well as free fluid, given the state of blood circulation, as well as blood pressure. A sharp and prolonged restriction of salt is not justified, due to a possible decrease in appetite, the onset of weakness and other side effects. It is advisable to replace table salt with substances containing potassium and magnesium, for example, treatment-and-prophylactic salt, Sana-sol;
  • Providing 7 or 8 meals a day during the acute period, and in the future - 5 or 6 meals a day. At the same time, easily digestible food should be given in small portions, preventing difficulties in the work of the heart due to the rise of the diaphragm;
  • Exclusion of hot or cold food; stimulation of appetite with citric acid, table vinegar, sweet and sour fruits, lemon and tomato juice, vanillin, etc.

Diet number 10

The diet after myocardial infarction should contain raw fruits and vegetables, steamed and boiled vegetables.

Specialists of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences have developed diet No. 10 for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, against the background of circulatory insufficiency.

The rules of this particular diet should be subject to nutrition after myocardial infarction. It is a complete diet with limited intake of table salt, as well as liquids, substances that stimulate the activity of the central nervous system, the cardiovascular system, and irritate the kidneys (strong tea, coffee, spicy and salty snacks, seasonings, alcohol).

According to the prescriptions of scientists, the diet for myocardial infarction on rehabilitation days should consist of small, frequent meals (up to 5 times daily), the last of which occurs 2 or 3 hours before going to bed.

Food preparation technology: with moderate mechanical impact.

Allowed to use:

  1. Flour products from flour of I and II grades, bread, yesterday's pastries or slightly dried, salt-free bread, biscuits, unbread cookies.
  2. Soups (no more than 400g per meal), without meat, with various cereals, vegetables, potatoes. You can add sour cream and herbs.
  3. Recipes should include meat and poultry (low-fat varieties: veal, beef, pork, rabbit, turkey, chicken). After boiling, they can be baked or fried, cooking aspic. Boiled sausages - minimal.
  4. Fish - you can low-fat varieties.
  5. Eggs no more than one per day, baked into an omelet or cooked soft-boiled, added to meals.
  6. Dairy products - skimmed milk if tolerated, you can eat cottage cheese masses, sour-milk drinks, as well as dishes from them. It is worth including low-fat cheeses in recipes.
  7. Cereals (cereals and casseroles), pasta (boiled).
  8. Any kind of vegetables (boiled, baked, raw) - potatoes, beets, carrots, tomatoes, zucchini, lettuce, pumpkin, cucumbers. It is recommended to limit white cabbage, as well as green peas. You can cut greens into dishes - onions, dill, parsley.
  9. Fruits and dishes from them - ripe soft fruits and berries are useful to eat fresh. Drink compotes and jelly from dried fruits, use jelly, mousses, milk jelly and creams.
  10. Useful honey and jam. Chocolates should be completely avoided.
  11. From drinks - weak tea, fruit or vegetable juices, infusion of rosehip broth. Limit grape juice and drinks containing coffee.
  12. Fats - only vegetable natural oils. Eliminate or limit animal fats.

A balanced and proper diet after a heart attack is one of the key factors in the rehabilitation period.

Be sure to exclude from the diet:

  • Products from rich, as well as puff pastry, fresh bread.
  • Broths with meat, fish, mushrooms.
  • Fatty meats, fish, poultry (goose, duck), kidneys, liver, brains, sausages, smoked meats, canned food (meat and fish), caviar.
  • Cheeses (salty and fatty), fried eggs, legumes.
  • Vegetables (salted, pickled, pickled), sorrel, spinach, radish, radish, onion, garlic, mushrooms, coarse fruit fiber,.
  • Natural coffee, chocolate, cocoa, meat or cooking fats.

With a pronounced degree of circulatory insufficiency of the cardiovascular system, all dishes are cooked in boiled or pureed form. Fried foods, as well as hot and cold foods, are prohibited. The number of meals increases up to 6 times - fractionally, in small portions. The amount of bread (150g per day) and soup (200g) is reduced, a complete exception is possible. Quite exclude cheese, barley, pearl barley, millet. The amount of fluid taken daily is reduced to 800-1000 ml under the control of excreted urine. The set of main products is identical to the above.

Overweight patients are prescribed fasting days.

It is worth remembering that a diet after a myocardial infarction is not only a certain special style of nutrition that people who have already experienced it need. These are recommendations for those who would like to avoid such serious troubles with their health. Indeed, according to statistics, 80% of cases of heart and vascular diseases can be prevented simply by making appropriate changes to your daily diet.

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Lifestyle changes after a heart attack

A myocardial infarction is a disease in which, due to blockage of the coronary artery, the full blood supply to a section of the heart muscle - or, scientifically, the myocardium - suddenly and abruptly stops. This leads to a pronounced lack of both oxygen and many nutrients in it. As a result, myocardial cells die. The damaged section of the heart muscle can no longer take part in heart contractions, so the heart is not able to provide the necessary blood flow in the body. All organs and tissues begin to experience oxygen starvation, and this immediately leads to a violation of their function.

Most often, myocardial infarction occurs in people with atherosclerotic lesions of the coronary arteries. In this process, cholesterol is deposited in the form of peculiar plaques on the walls of the vessels supplying the myocardium with blood. These plaques are mechanically unstable and may rupture; at the same time, their contents enter the lumen of the vessel and cause its blockage. In place of dead myocardial cells, a scar is formed, which is not able to contract like the rest of the muscle. As a result, the remaining cells are forced to take on the load in order to maintain the blood supply to the internal organs at the required level.

However, vessels affected by atherosclerosis cannot always pass through themselves a sufficient amount of blood, and with it oxygen and nutrients to the myocardium. As a result, retrosternal pain develops. This is a manifestation of oxygen starvation or, in scientific terms, ischemia. It is important to note that in this situation, the risk of a second heart attack and even sudden death increases.

Lifestyle changes after a myocardial infarction can reduce the likelihood of such complications. That is why doctors strongly advise all patients after a heart attack to follow a diet and follow the recommendations. The correct way of life after a heart attack, in particular, includes a strict organization of nutrition, otherwise the effect of other methods of treatment - taking drugs or spa treatment - will never be sufficient.

The importance of proper nutrition after a heart attack can not be said: it is obvious. Healthy eating is also shown to all people who care about the health of their hearts. It is important to emphasize that the recommended diet for heart patients after a heart attack is also the key to successful prevention of coronary heart disease.

Diet rules for hearts after a heart attack

Features of the diet after myocardial infarction are due to three periods of the disease. These include: acute period (up to 2 weeks), scarring period (from 2nd to 8th week) and rehabilitation period (after 8 weeks). The therapeutic nutrition menu after a heart attack for such patients throughout all three periods is aimed at restoring processes in the myocardium and improving heart function. Diet therapy is aimed at correcting disturbed metabolic processes and preventing atherosclerosis.

What diet is prescribed after a heart attack for a successful recovery? First of all, the energy value of food should be reduced with its gradual increase, animal fats, table salt, liquid, cholesterol, nitrogenous substances are limited. The diet menu after myocardial infarction is enriched with ascorbic acid, lipotropic substances, potassium salts. Excluded from the diet are foods that contribute to bloating (grapes, fruits with coarse fiber, milk). It is important to prevent weight gain and dysfunction of the digestive system.

Nutrition after myocardial infarction must be regular. The diet should include vegetables, wholemeal bread products, beans, nuts, durum wheat pasta, brown rice, lean boiled meat, seafood, fruits.

“An apple a day keeps a doctor away” (“One apple a day - and you won’t need a doctor”), says an English proverb. It really is. Apples contain a large amount of pectin, which is very good for the heart. What is the best diet after a heart attack? During this period, the body especially needs fruits, which include substances that have a beneficial effect on the activity of the heart muscle. These are apricots, prunes, dried apricots, figs, rose hips, black and red currants. It is important to remember that malnutrition after a heart attack can provoke a relapse of the disease. For dressing salads and other food, it is recommended to use only vegetable oil.

The basic rules of the diet, which is prescribed after a heart attack, can be formulated as follows:

  • It is necessary to increase the number of meals to 6-7, but reduce the volume of servings.
  • Reduce your total calorie intake. If a person overeats, it will only lead to insomnia.
  • Reduce intake of animal fats and cholesterol in food.
  • Exclude hot and cold dishes, be sure to heat food to medium temperature.
  • Eliminate salt from the diet.
  • Remove bloating or gas in the stomach by eliminating carbonated drinks, sugary juices and bread from the diet.
  • Reduce the daily amount of fluid consumed to 1.5 liters, including soups and jelly in this amount.
  • Be sure to include foods containing potassium and magnesium in the menu: prunes, baked potatoes, nuts, beets, potatoes, buckwheat, citrus fruits, seaweed, watermelons.
  • Limit sugar intake.

The diet of patients after a heart attack and what foods can be eaten

To reduce the load on the cardiovascular system, doctors advise fractional meals, 1-2 more meals. The recommended diet after a heart attack is 5-6 times a day, and the last meal is allowed no later than 3 hours before bedtime. In addition, foods that have a stimulating effect (strong tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate and spices) are excluded from the diet.

Nutrition after a heart attack makes it possible to avoid disorders of fat metabolism or at least reduce them. Therefore, in this case, the diet is the primary prevention of recurrent myocardial infarction. Back in 1987, a group of experts in the study of atherosclerosis formulated the "7 golden principles" of the menu after myocardial infarction, the observance of which will help eliminate fat metabolism disorders:

  • reduce the consumption of fats;
  • sharply reduce the consumption of foods containing saturated fatty acids (animal fats, butter, cream, eggs), as they increase blood cholesterol levels;
  • increase the intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are found in certain foods (liquid vegetable oils, fish, poultry, seafood) and reduce blood lipid levels;
  • increase the intake of fiber and complex carbohydrates (vegetables and fruits);
  • when cooking, completely replace butter and saturated fats with vegetable oil;
  • sharply reduce the consumption of foods rich in cholesterol;
  • limit the amount of salt in food to 5 g per day.

The chemical composition of this diet is characterized by the content of proteins - 80-90 g (of which 60% are animals), fats - 70 g (of which vegetable - 20%), carbohydrates - 350-400 g (of which 30 g are simple carbohydrates), energy value - 2300 kcal. The amount of fluid consumed by the patient during the day is 1.2 liters, including soup, compote, jelly, etc.

Of great importance in diet therapy is the vitamin composition of food products. The content of vitamins A, C, D in them is especially important. It is these vitamins that affect the metabolic processes in the myocardium. With myocardial infarction, their consumption increases.

What foods can you eat after a heart attack to increase your intake of water-soluble vitamins? This is achieved by including fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet, the predominant use of some cereal products (buckwheat, oatmeal) and some meat products (veal). Increased fortification with fat-soluble vitamins is carried out by including the optimal amount of vegetable fat in the diet.

In violation of myocardial metabolism, changes in the electrolyte composition of the intracellular and extracellular fluid are of particular importance. Given this fact, the most significant for the myocardium are the redistribution and deficiency of potassium. Therefore, the menu after a heart attack aimed at improving the nutrition of the myocardium contains an increased amount of potassium compared to the usual diet. This is achieved by including fruits and vegetables, decoctions and infusions from them in the diet.

Another important component for effective myocardial contraction is calcium. The introduction of a sufficient amount of dairy products after myocardial infarction, containing a relatively high content of this microelement, usually allows optimal supply of calcium to the myocardium. The deficiency of some trace elements necessary for the normal metabolism of the heart muscle - for example, manganese and magnesium - possible with myocardial infarction, is fully compensated by the use of a variety of products, both plant and animal origin.

What foods are good for the heart after a heart attack and what not to eat

What foods can be eaten after a myocardial infarction, and which are recommended to be excluded?

1. Fats

It is recommended to limit the intake of all fats containing polyunsaturated fatty acids in large quantities: limit the intake of butter, and exclude margarine altogether. Useful products for the heart after a heart attack are olive, sunflower, corn oils.

The intake of bacon, ham, minced lean beef, liver and kidneys is limited.

The list of foods that can not be eaten after a heart attack includes: meat with visible fat, lamb brisket and ribs, pork (meat from the abdomen), bacon with layers of fat, sausages, sausages, salami, pates, scrambled eggs with meat, duck, goose , poultry skin.

3. Dairy products

From dairy products after a heart attack are recommended: skimmed milk, low-fat cheeses (for example, pressed cottage cheese), cheese from skimmed milk, from curdled milk, kefir with a low fat content.

The intake of semi-skimmed milk, medium-fat cheeses, processed, spreadable cheeses is limited. Low-fat sour cream is used only for dressing dishes.

4. Fish and seafood

Products useful after a heart attack include all “white” fish of low-fat varieties, boiled or baked after boiling: cod, flounder, as well as fatty fish (herring, mackerel, sardine, tuna), salmon (chum salmon, pink salmon, salmon) .

The intake of marine products (molluscs, crustaceans) is limited.

Fish caviar is an undesirable food after a heart attack.

5. Fruits and vegetables

Recommended: all fresh and frozen fruits, boiled and baked vegetables, peas, beans, olives. Potatoes boiled, peeled or "in their skins" (eat the skin when possible). Also useful foods after a heart attack include fresh fruits, unsweetened canned fruits, walnuts. Dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots, seedless raisins).

The intake of fried, stewed potatoes cooked in oil, fruits in syrup, candied fruits, almonds and hazelnuts is limited.

6. Flour and confectionery

Of the flour products for a heart attack, it is recommended: products made from wholemeal flour (wholemeal), bread from it, as well as grain bread, with bran, peeled, rye, unground (whole) cereals, oatmeal, wheat flour, oatmeal porridge in water and milk , puddings, cereals, brown rice and pasta casseroles, oven-baked crackers, oatmeal cookies, yeast-free bread.

Allow limited intake of products made from white flour (white bread, sweet cereals for breakfast, polished rice, biscuits).

Allow limited intake of cakes, confectionery, biscuits and seasonings cooked in butter, homemade snacks on unsaturated fats.

Not recommended: cakes, puddings, saturated fat biscuits, dumplings, interior fat puddings, cream and butter seasonings, all store-bought puddings and seasonings, snacks cooked in “boiling” butter (fried side dishes), milk ice cream.

Limit sugary drinks, low-malt drinks, low-fat liquid chocolate, packaged soups, and alcohol.

What should be the nutrition after a heart attack in the first period

The first period lasts 10-14 days after a heart attack. All dishes for the menu after a heart attack are prepared pureed and without salt. The calorie content of the daily diet is 800-1000 kcal. There are 7 meals a day every 2-3 hours. Immediately after a heart attack, a strict diet is prescribed. All this time, the patient should be under the supervision of a doctor, who, if necessary, can adjust the diet.

You need to eat 5-7 times a day in small portions.

From foodstuffs it is allowed to use:

  • vegetable broths and soups;
  • liquid, well-boiled cereals;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • carrot juice with the addition of vegetable oil (2 times a day, 100 ml of juice, necessarily mixed with 1 teaspoon of oil).

The use of salt during this period is completely prohibited.

Sample menu after a heart attack in the first period for one day:

  • 50 g of boiled fish, half a glass of vegetable broth and jelly.
  • half a glass of tea with milk, milk porridge with a small piece of butter, grated apple.
  • half a glass of decoction of prunes or yogurt.
  • 50 g of boiled chicken, half a glass of rosehip broth.
  • 100 g of applesauce, half a glass of rosehip broth.
  • 50 g of cottage cheese, half a glass of rosehip broth.
  • 50 g prune puree.

Diet menu after a heart attack for the second period

The second period begins on the 2-4th week after a heart attack. It corresponds to the period of scarring.

What should be the nutrition after a heart attack in the second rehabilitation period? The daily calorie content of the diet is 1200-1400 kcal.

The chemical composition of food:

  • Proteins - 90-100 g
  • Fats - 70-80 g
  • Carbohydrates - 400-450 g

Salt can already be used, but in limited quantities (up to 5 g per day). The daily volume of liquid is 1.2-1.4 liters (at the same time, you can drink no more than 0.8 liters, and everything else goes to cooking). The diet should be divided into 7 meals (the last meal should be completed a couple of hours before bedtime). Before going to bed, you can drink juice or any of the fermented milk products.

Prohibited products:

  • fatty meats, fish and poultry, as well as lard and sausages;
  • pickles and smoked meats; strong coffee or tea;
  • any foods rich in cholesterol (egg yolks, offal, and others);
  • alcohol;
  • horseradish, mustard and other hot spices.

If you are overweight, you will have to limit the consumption of bread, sweets and flour products.

List of products that are useful after a heart attack in the second rehabilitation period:

  • cereals (especially oatmeal and buckwheat);
  • berries, fruits (including citrus fruits) and vegetables (it is very important to eat cabbage, especially cauliflower);
  • milk and dairy products (cottage cheese, hard cheese, etc.);
  • milk and sour cream sauces (on vegetable broth);
  • pasta;
  • seafood;
  • black salted caviar (20 g 1-2 times a week);
  • lean meats, fish and poultry (150 g once a day);
  • strong meat and fish broths; greens;
  • raisins, dried apricots, prunes, apricots, figs;
  • nuts;
  • beans, soybeans;
  • black bread;
  • butter (melted, unsalted);
  • vegetable oil (20-25 ml per day);
  • egg white (1 piece per day); compotes, kissels, jelly, mousses and jams;
  • tea with milk or lemon;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • vegetable, fruit and berry juices;
  • decoction of bran with the addition of honey and lemon juice.

Sample menu after myocardial infarction in the second rehabilitation period for one day:

  • half a glass of prunes broth.
  • milk porridge, 50 g of cottage cheese with 10 g of sour cream, scrambled eggs from 2 proteins, half a glass of tea with milk.
  • apple and carrot puree, apple pancakes, half a glass of rosehip broth or fruit juice.
  • 150 g vegetable broth with crackers, 50 g boiled chicken or fish, apple jelly.
  • half a glass of yogurt, juice or tea.
  • 50 g boiled fish or chicken, beet and carrot puree, boiled cauliflower.
  • half a glass of curdled milk or 100 g of prune puree.

Nutrition after a heart attack in the third period

After the 8th week, the patient can gradually return to his usual diet, while observing all the recommendations and adhering to seven meals a day.

For people with normal and low body weight, the energy value of the diet per day is 2500 kcal. Liquids can be drunk up to 1 liter. Salt intake is limited to 3-5 g per day. The diet of patients after a heart attack in the third period is enriched with potassium salts, which ensures the contractile function of the myocardium and removes fluid from the body. Potassium is found in dry vegetables, fruits and berries (apricots, dried apricots, raisins, dates, prunes, etc.).

However, some foods (sorrel, lettuce, rhubarb, radish, gooseberries, black currants, etc.) contain a lot of oxalic acid, which is forbidden to use in heart failure.

It is good to replace sugar with 1 teaspoon of honey, which contains vitamins, microelements, and biologically active substances. A glass of water drunk on an empty stomach with 1 dessert spoon of honey helps to normalize bowel activity, which is especially important for bedridden patients.

Black bread, salads.

Vinaigrettes, boiled fish, homemade vegetable caviar.

Vegetable side dishes (with the exception of legumes).

One egg per day (only protein is allowed).

Lean beef, lamb, poultry and fish 1 time per day, 150 g in a piece, as well as in the form of steam cutlets and meatballs.

Porridge and pasta dishes.

Low-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream, kefir).

Kissels, creams, jellies, mousses, raw fruits, baked, boiled - and jams.

From drinks are allowed: weak tea with lemon or milk, vegetable, fruit and berry juices, rosehip infusion, bran decoction with honey and lemon juice.

Excluded: strong meat and fish broths, fried meat, fish, poultry dishes. Particularly dangerous: fat in large quantities, spicy and salty dishes and snacks, canned food, smoked meats, sausages, alcoholic drinks, soft bread, as well as mustard, horseradish and other spicy seasonings, strong tea and coffee.

Overweight people need to normalize body weight, as this will reduce lipid metabolism disorders and reduce physical stress on the heart muscle. Fasting days are recommended for such patients after myocardial infarction.

Anterior wall infarction Focal infarction

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