Hot spice cloves: benefits and harms. What are the indications and contraindications for the use of cloves (spice)? What are the benefits of cloves for the body

Ground or cloves in buds - a spice, whose useful properties and contraindications are discussed in the article, is used in cooking as a seasoning (added to coffee, mulled wine, pastries). Even more often, the spice is used as an addition to marinades due to its bright and peculiar flavor and aroma, as well as the ability to add a burning flavor to dishes.


The health benefits of cloves added to coffee, tea or any dish are explained by its diverse vitamin composition:

  • Vitamin A (160 mg) is good for vision. Its medicinal properties are explained by the fact that retinol (vitamin A) molecules bind to opsin protein molecules and form rhodopsin, the main visual pigment that allows you to create a visual signal;
  • Beta-carotene (45) is good for health, because it has a pronounced antioxidant effect. Protects cell membranes from penetration of free radicals through them. As a result, the likelihood of developing cancer is reduced, because the compounds that free radicals create inside the cell are known to increase the likelihood of cancer;
  • Vitamin E (8.82) has powerful antioxidant properties. Useful for women and men, because it reduces the likelihood of developing cancer. Like beta-carotene, it strengthens the cell walls, as a result of which free radicals cannot penetrate through it into the cell cavity. Namely, their penetration into the cell is one of the reasons that increase the likelihood of developing cancer. Also, the vitamin protects and ensures the normal functioning of the thymus gland, which produces immune cells;
  • Vitamin B5 (0.509) is involved in the metabolic process. If it is absent, then the process of lipolysis will not start - the release of fat from fat cells for its further burning;
  • Vitamin B6 (0.391) or pyridoxine is involved in the production of red blood cells. Only in its presence does the complete assimilation of the amino acids necessary for the formation of a protein in the body take place, the molecules of which are involved in the construction of all tissues;
  • Vitamin B2 (0.22) is involved in protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. As a result of the normal course of these exchanges, energy is produced, which is spent on motor activity, respiration and warming. If it is not enough, then these processes are slower.
  • Vitamin C (0.2 mg) improves immunity. As a result, the body is better able to resist infections and viruses;
  • Vitamin B1 (0.158) contributes to the rapid healing of tissues. This healing property is explained by the fact that it is actively involved in the processes of cellular regeneration, accelerating renewal;
  • Vitamin K (141.8 mcg) improves blood clotting. It prevents bleeding.

Useful properties of cloves are revealed when it is added to dishes and drinks (tea, coffee), including hot ones. The vitamins included in the composition are not destroyed by heating, with the exception of vitamin E, up to 50% of which is destroyed as a result of heating above 160 degrees.


The beneficial properties of cloves are explained by the presence in the composition of not only vitamins, but also minerals. They, like vitamins, are preserved when added to hot dishes and drinks (coffee, tea).

  1. potassium (1020 mg) normalizes muscle function, due to which it evens out the heart rhythm;
  2. calcium (632) is involved in the formation of new bone tissue and maintains the strength of the existing one;
  3. magnesium (259) acts together with potassium, relaxes muscles and helps to reduce cramps;
  4. sodium (277), being the only positively charged ion in the intercellular fluid, maintains pressure in it, which ensures the delivery of nutrients to the cells through the intercellular fluid;
  5. phosphorus (104) increases the strength and density of bones, teeth and nails, acting in conjunction with calcium;
  6. manganese (60.127) promotes the absorption of vitamins C, E and group B, has the ability to normalize metabolism by participating in protein and carbon metabolism;
  7. iron (11.83) is involved in the formation of hemoglobin, therefore it is indicated for anemia (anemia);
  8. zinc (2.32) makes bones stronger and prevents deformation of the skeleton under the influence of external factors (overweight, injuries, work in an uncomfortable position);
  9. copper (0.386) is involved in the process of converting iron into hemoglobin;
  10. selenium (7.2 mcg) in the male body contributes to the production of testosterone, maintaining the health of the reproductive system.

The daily use of cloves in meals, tea and coffee, as well as the use of special drinks, the preparation of which is described below, contributes to the regular intake of nutrients into the body.

Benefits for the cardiovascular system

Cloves are high in potassium compared to other spices. Its 100 g of spice contains 1020 mg, while 100 g of cinnamon, for example, contains 431 mg. The daily intake of this mineral is 2000–3000 mg for adult men and women, and up to 1500 mg for children.

Potassium is useful for the body, because it participates in the normalization of muscle function, relaxes them. Therefore, the use of cloves is indicated for patients with arrhythmia (heart rhythm disturbances). The intake of a sufficient amount of potassium in the body helps to reduce the frequency of attacks and their lesser severity.

The spice also contains magnesium (259 mg). It can also relax muscles. When combined with potassium, it has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Useful for hypertension, because it helps to reduce vascular tone and increase their throughput, and therefore reduce pressure.

Important! But with hypertension, it will not harm only in those cases if it is caused by vascular hypertonicity. If there is a tendency to thicken the blood, then you should not use it. It can be harmful by further thickening the blood due to vitamin K in the composition.

Iron in the spice (11.83 mg) reacts with oxygen when it enters the body. As a result, hemoglobin is formed. This explains the medicinal properties of spices in anemia or anemia - a condition in which hemoglobin is lowered and there is a lack of iron.

To maximize the benefits for the cardiovascular system, it is worth taking cloves in the form of a decoction or tea. One tablespoon of chopped seasoning is poured with a glass of boiling water. Close the lid to slow down the cooling and infuse the decoction for 1 hour. After that, strain the tea. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals. This should be done in courses of 2-3 weeks, followed by a break for the same period.

Strengthening of bone tissue

The use of spices is indicated for children during the period of active growth, when the body needs a lot of phosphorus and calcium to create bone tissue, as well as for the elderly due to the fact that with age, bone fragility decreases as a result of calcium and phosphorus leaching. Its beneficial properties are explained by the presence of the following minerals:

  1. calcium (632 mg) is the main "building material" for the skeleton, it is necessary for the growth of bone tissue;
  2. phosphorus (104 mg) makes bone tissue denser, reduces its porosity, as a result of which bones, teeth and nails become less fragile;
  3. zinc (2.32 mg) protects the skeleton from deformities caused by external factors (such as overweight or injury) by increasing bone density.

To maintain bone density, it is enough to add spice to coffee or tea daily. The amount depends on taste preferences. But, usually, it is added no more than half a teaspoon. Otherwise, coffee or tea becomes too hot and tastes bad.

Who should not use the spice?

Despite the fact that in most cases, cloves are useful, there are also contraindications to its use in the form of decoctions, tea, seasonings for dishes or coffee. Such a contraindication is the tendency to thicken the blood. Vitamin K in the composition is able to additionally thicken the blood, thereby harming the cardiovascular system and increasing the likelihood of developing an attack of hypertension.

Heartburn and gastritis with high acidity are two contraindications for the use of spices, teas and decoctions from it. Like any spicy product, this spice irritates the mucous membrane and stimulates the active secretion of gastric juice. This phenomenon is carried out due to the action of phenol, which is part of the essential oil of cloves. Since the active secretion of gastric juice increases appetite, weight loss is a contraindication to the use of cloves.

As with any spicy spice, the main contraindication for cloves is ulcers, inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes of the stomach and esophagus. Eugenol (aromatic phenol) in its essential oil irritates the mucosa and causes pain, because it promotes the folding of proteins on the mucosa, which potentially leads to necrosis.

Despite all the beneficial properties, seasoning is harmful in early pregnancy. It increases the tone of the uterus due to the effects of vitamin K. This is harmful to the course of pregnancy, because in the early stages, uterine hypertonicity leads to miscarriage.

Chewing cloves is helpful in getting rid of bad breath. Since the main cause of odor is bacteria, its antiseptic properties help to solve the problem. But eugenol, which is an antiseptic, has an irritating effect on the mucous membranes. Therefore, a contraindication to this method is stomatitis, injuries and wounds on the oral mucosa. Also in this case, tea, a decoction of spices, and even adding it to coffee or dishes are harmful.

The complex of vitamins of group B has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. They tone up, increase mood and efficiency. This makes the use of seasoning or tea from it useful for fatigue, lethargy. Also, carnation will not harm people in a normal psycho-emotional state. But increased nervous excitability is a contraindication to its use. Stimulant properties will worsen the condition.

Another contraindication is age up to 2 years. At this age, the mucous membranes (esophagus, mouth, stomach) are quite vulnerable, and sometimes not fully formed. The irritating effect of the seasoning will bring harm (up to damage and burns). This is especially strict contraindication for the essential oil of cloves. It can injure the mucous membrane even with a single use. Whereas tea with cloves with a single application may not cause harm. For the same reason, breastfeeding is another contraindication. Phenol from the essential oil of clove passes into breast milk and harms the mucous membranes of the baby's stomach.

Some symptoms of the appearance:

  • increased sweating;
  • weakened immunity, frequent colds;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nervous state, depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • intermittent diarrhea and constipation;
  • want sweet and sour;
  • bad breath;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • weight loss problems
  • loss of appetite;
  • night grinding of teeth, salivation;
  • pain in the abdomen, joints, muscles;
  • does not pass cough;
  • pimples on the skin.

If you have any of the symptoms or doubt the causes of ailments, you need to cleanse the body as soon as possible. How to do it .

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Clove is a widespread spice, which is the unopened buds of the clove tree. The seasoning has an original unique aroma and is able to give an exquisite taste to even the most ordinary dish. Meanwhile, the useful properties of spices are not limited to its use exclusively in cooking. Since ancient times, it has been used to treat and prevent various ailments.

Cloves (Spice): Benefits and Uses

The composition of spices is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. The content of valuable substances in it is so high that it can be compared with a multivitamin complex.

The spice contains:

Vitamin A (retinol);

B vitamins;

beta carotene;

Vitamin E (tocopherol);

Vitamin K (phylloquinone);

Fiber (more than 30 grams of dietary fiber per 100 g of cloves);

Ash (per 100 g of product, approximately 6 g each);

Essential oil enriched with useful aromatic compounds (more than 20% of the whole spice);

Macro and microelements (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, selenium);

Digestible carbohydrates (glucose, sucrose, fructose);

Glycosoids, tannins, mucus;

Essential, non-essential, fatty and unsaturated fatty acids;

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated acids.

The calorie content of cloves is just over 300 calories per 100 grams of product. Of these: carbohydrates - 27 g, fats - 20.1 g, proteins - 6 g.

The benefits of spices are expressed in the following properties:






Wound healing;





Cloves are used to combat various diseases, the spectrum of its beneficial properties is very wide: from stabilizing blood pressure and improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract to increasing uterine tone and stimulating childbirth. And in the field of dentistry, this seasoning has no equal at all!

Cloves (spice): useful properties for various diseases

Folk wisdom allows you to use seasoning not only for cooking meat dishes, marinades and sauces. Due to clove oil (eugenol), the spice is widely used in cosmetology and medicine.

The spice is widely used in dental diseases.(stomatitis, pulpitis, caries, periodontal disease). If you rub the gums with ground cloves or just chew on the inflorescence, you can get rid of a toothache. Clove essential oil is an effective pain reliever for temporary fillings and relieves bad breath.

The spice is a real salvation for severe headaches. To alleviate the condition, you need to mix cloves, cinnamon and almonds in equal parts, grind, pour warm water and dilute to a thin slurry. Put the mixture on the affected areas and hold until the discomfort subsides.

Low blood pressure, asthma are also indications for the use of cloves. Several inflorescences (5-6) are poured with water, brought to a boil, cooled and the broth is drunk three times a day. Honey can be added to improve the taste.

Dry debilitating cough effectively treated with a solution consisting of sea salt and ground cloves. Wet is treated with a special tea made from crushed ginger and cloves, but for asthma and tuberculosis, a mixture of garlic, honey and clove oil, which should be taken internally, is excellent.

The beneficial properties of cloves (spices) are also manifested in effective treatment of diaphragmatic and muscle cramps, hiccups and tonsillitis. To eliminate the symptoms, you need to warm the milk and throw a few inflorescences into it. Drink a fragrant broth in small sips, trying to keep it in your mouth.

The invaluable action of cloves in the gynecological field. It helps with infertility and childbirth, increasing the effectiveness of contractions and attempts, normalizes the menstrual cycle, slows down the aging process of the female body and enhances sexual desire, as it is a natural aphrodisiac.

The spice not only gives the dishes an unsurpassed taste, but also beneficially affects the digestive system, increases appetite and promotes rapid absorption of food. In addition, it helps with flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, colitis, intestinal colic. To improve digestion, it is recommended to eat a teaspoon of honey on an empty stomach with the addition of cloves and black pepper.

The spice is shown to people suffering from disorders of the nervous system, because, thanks to the vitamins of group B contained in the seasoning, it relieves mental overwork, tension, stress and helps fight depression.

Medical observations have shown that cloves effective in the fight against cancer, since the spice prevents the reproduction of cancer cells and has an anticarcinogenic effect.

Cosmetology- an area in which cloves have also found use. So, essential oil can be used for various skin problems - acne, pustular rashes. To prevent the spread of infection on the skin, it is enough to wipe the inflamed areas with oil. This will not only relieve redness and itching, but also help skin cells recover.

Cloves (spice): useful properties for children

The use of hot spices for adults and children varies significantly. Babies, of course, need very small doses, otherwise health problems cannot be avoided. For example, to remove helminths, a mixture of ground flax seeds and cloves is prepared in proportions of 10: 1. Apply 3 grams per 7 kilograms of weight.

Clove essential oil will protect your baby from annoying mosquitoes. It is absolutely harmless to children, unlike most anti-mosquito drugs, which have a wide range of contraindications and side effects.

Cloves (spice): contraindications

Despite the numerous useful properties, cloves also have contraindications that must be taken into account.

It is contraindicated, first of all, in gastritis with high acidity and ulcers, as it can irritate the walls of the stomach.

It is strictly forbidden when carrying a child. Hot spice increases the tone of the uterus, and this can lead to miscarriage. Breastfeeding is another reason not to use cloves, as they can change the taste of milk and make the baby refuse to drink it.

Spice with a peculiar taste is forbidden to give to children under three years old, as well as to hypertensive patients, people with mental disorders.

In any case, having decided to try the cloves (spice) or its oil on yourself, you must remember the strict dosing of the spice, contraindications and possible side effects due to individual intolerance.

Hello dear friends!

A variety of seasonings allows you to add to dishes not only unique, taste features, but also tremendous benefits. Properly creating mixes of spices, you can count on the replenishment of vitamins that you do not even suspect!

In today's material, I would like to tell you about the unique features and healing properties of ordinary cloves, which have a characteristic pleasant aroma and miniature shape. But first things first!

The benefits of cloves was noticed long before she became a star of culinary delights. The unopened buds of the famous Syzygium tree, freed from moisture, form the usual understanding of the seasoning and the type of its origin.

It was first discovered in the Moluccas. But basically, such trees are grown in Tanzania. Although both India and Madagascar also boast suitable climate conditions for expanding clove tree populations.

In order for the buds to be ready for consumption, they do not undergo harmful chemical treatments. Often, they are simply dried under the scorching rays of the sun. Trees bloom 2 times a year, so there is practically no problem with the abundance of the crop.

Cloves, as you know, have a pleasant aroma and a burning taste. And at the same time, she participates in the preparation of various dishes in the form of ground spices and in the form of buds.

I think it's time to expand the boundaries of use seasonings and truly enjoy the unique properties given to us by nature itself.

Composition of cloves

The spice has been used for the prevention and treatment of complex diseases in the context of traditional medicine for decades. Just think about it, only 1 bud, and what a powerful impact and range of usefulness for the body man he can provide!

Its nutritional properties are represented by a wide range of vitamin diversity, mineral inclusions and, of course, essential oils, which are considered very valuable.

Vitamin A is present in cloves, without which it is impossible to imagine a properly functioning organism. Beta-carotene is indispensable for many vital human systems, which affect the maintenance of an optimal balance of organ function.

She also collected vitamin B (1,2,3,4,6,9), PP and, of course, vitamin C, which is presented in the supplement of ascorbic acid, tocopherol or vitamin E and phylloquinone, which is more familiar with the K label .

Not without the mineral wealth of the seasoning, which contains the most valuable elements, such as iron, zinc, copper, sodium, potassium, phosphorus and even manganese, which are so necessary for good health.

More than 25% of the spice is occupied by fiber, which regulates the proper functioning of the human digestive system, 27% of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids form an even greater amount of useful substances that enter the body due to the use of fragrant bud in food.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are presented in the range of Omega-3 and Omega-6 substances. But a weighty 20% in each bud is occupied by the essential oil, which I mentioned above.

Oils include aromatic substances with complex names: ylangen, eugenol and caryophyllene. In combination with glycosides and tannins, cloves form a powerful, protective shield that stands guard against germs and viruses.

If you carefully think about the composition, then we can safely say that cloves are the strongest drug with a wide range of applications.

What's the use?

It is very important to understand what diseases the plant will help to cope with effectively and quickly. To do this, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the track record of achievements and skills of the little bud!

  • Fights staphylococcus, anthrax, diphtheria bacillus, suppresses and kills tuberculosis bacillus;
  • a powerful tool for the prevention of influenza;
  • used to fight helminths;
  • stimulates the production of enzymes for food processing;
  • relieves inflammation in colitis, helps with severe flatulence and colic;
  • cleans;
  • used as an anesthetic against toothache;
  • helps to cope with the slagging of the body;
  • spice nourishes the central nervous system, calms the nerves;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • fights cancer cells
  • literally prescribed for the "nervous bowel" syndrome, but also able to invigorate the body;
  • tones the muscles of the uterus, which is very useful for women ;
  • raises blood pressure (in the right proportions).
  • warms with a cold;
  • strengthens the walls of the stomach and helps to regenerate liver cells;
  • treats gum disease (gingivitis and periodontal disease);
  • stimulates mental activity and gives energy;
  • useful in respiratory diseases, especially for men that did not clear the lungs;
  • cleans the smell from the mouth, (it even gets rid of tobacco amber, so it was used for a long time as chewing gum).

Area of ​​effective application

Very often, cloves are used to treat eye diseases and swelling around them. To relieve unpleasant symptoms, a decoction of 6-8 pieces is made. spices using water up to +40 degrees. After letting the mixture brew for more than 6 hours, proceed to washing tincture eye, and a cotton swab dipped in liquid is ideal for eliminating puffiness. You need to apply a cotton pad to the area around the eyes and leave for at least 10 minutes.

To stimulate the digestive system before eating, you need to treat yourself to 1-3 cloves, with the addition of one teaspoon of honey. Fifteen minutes before a meal, chew the mixture thoroughly without drinking water, and the well-functioning work of the digestive organs is guaranteed to you.

In the presence of hypotomy or the inability to literally open your eyes in the morning, replace the harmful caffeine with a fragrant spice. The effect will be even better, but you will not become addicted to caffeine, and correct your condition with natural ingredients.

There are many recipes for preparing various decoctions from the buds and buds of the clove tree. I want to draw your attention to the fact that during heat treatment, the medicinal value is practically reduced to zero.

That is why the spice is in demand and is perfect for raw foodists , because only in fresh or dried form of buds, you can get the real benefits of eating cloves.

Very often it is added to salads from red cabbage and kohlrabi, sauces, used in the preparation of desserts and compotes. And in combination with cinnamon, it literally permeates the room with notes of spicy aroma.

But it is important not to overdo it and add seasoning in moderation. In addition, as everyone knows, it is better to add any spice to dishes at the very last moment and avoid heat treatment in every possible way.

For the treatment of cough in children, tea brewed on the basis of ground cloves, a piece and cinnamon is excellent. Such a healthy drink must be drunk with honey and make sure that the water temperature is not hot, but only warm, otherwise honey and cloves will not be able to reveal the full arsenal of their abilities.

clove oil

Bud oil occupies a special place in the application. It combines a powerful antiseptic agent that can kill bacteria and pathogenic viruses. It is also often used in aromatherapy, perfectly influencing the stable functioning of the human nervous system.

The oil helps to normalize heat transfer and recommends itself well in therapeutic inhalations to relieve nasal congestion and get rid of dry cough. You need to add a couple of drops of oil to hot water and breathe steam over the container for several minutes.

How to use spice if you are concerned about skin diseases and rashes, such as acne, scabies or furunculosis? I recommend that you resort to the help of cloves in tandem with. Mix ground cloves with orange powder, add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and apply on the skin with problem areas. A couple of minutes and you can wash off the mask, enjoying healing procedures for recovery!

Many esotericists believe that the aroma of cloves has a beneficial effect on the human aura. That is why it has long been used to protect against the evil eye, energy vampirism and envy. Also, oils are used as a powerful aphrodisiac, which enhances the sexual desire of partners.


Naturally, it is important to know what are the prohibitions on use, and what harm can be obtained if you inadvertently take seasoning when you have diseases?

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, ulcers, gastritis, hyperacidity);
  • hypertension;
  • with severe overwork and.

On this I will put an end!

See you on the blog, bye bye!

In the article we discuss cloves. We talk about its benefits, possible harm, medicinal properties, use in cooking, cosmetology, and dietology. You will learn how to use cloves to repel mosquitoes, and what contraindications the spice has.

Clove is a spice that is obtained from the dried, unopened buds of the perennial tree of the same name. The plant is native to the Moluccas. Now the spice is grown in Tanzania (90% of world production), Indonesia, India, and Ceylon.

What does a carnation look like

The clove tree is an evergreen shrub or tree with a pyramidal crown that has a strong aroma. The leaves are leathery, petiolate, glabrous, dark green.

Appearance (photo) of the fruits of clove (cloves).

The plant blooms 2 times a year. The flowers are purple-red, small, collected in complex semi-umbels. The fruit is a false berry.

The spice has a brown tint. The buds of the plant are harvested, then fermented under direct sunlight. A quality carnation, if thrown into a glass with force, should sink or float vertically. If the spice floats horizontally, then it is of poor quality.

Useful properties of cloves

Seasoning contains:

  • essential oil;
  • ash;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin A;
  • phylloquinone;
  • eugenol;
  • cellulose;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • tannins.

Due to the rich chemical composition, the spice is often used for medicinal purposes. The product has the following useful properties:

  • bactericidal;
  • anthelmintic;
  • painkiller;
  • anticarcinogenic;
  • antifungal;
  • tonic;
  • wound healing;
  • carminative;
  • antispasmodic.

Cloves are effective against many pathogens, such as diphtheria bacillus, the causative agent of anthrax. Fragrant spice inhibits the reproduction of tubercle bacillus. Spice is a good prevention of influenza and SARS.

Spicy plant normalizes the cardiovascular system. Means based on it increase blood pressure, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, making them more elastic.

Using the spice activates the production of gastric juice. It helps to increase appetite and normalize digestion. If you have high stomach acid or an ulcer, cloves may be harmful. Means based on the fruits of the clove tree treat colitis, intestinal colic, flatulence, liver disease.

Useful spice for teeth. It helps to eliminate toothache, has a positive effect on the gums. Spice treats gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease. When asked whether it is useful to chew dried buds of a plant, doctors answer in the affirmative. They help get rid of bad breath and destroy harmful bacteria.

Thanks to B vitamins, the product is effective for nervous disorders, overexertion, and stress. For example, a plant extract is present in the drug Doppelgerz Melissa, the use of which allows you to relax and calm the nervous system.

Eugenol, present in the composition of the product, effectively fights cancer cells. Therefore, the spice is often prescribed to patients with cancer, as well as to prevent the onset of a dangerous disease.

Clove has an antispasmodic effect and tones the muscles. It can eliminate spasm of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, and at the same time tones the muscles of the uterus.

The plant is widely used in gynecology. Means based on it normalize the menstrual cycle and eliminate severe pain.

For more information about the beneficial properties of spices, see the following video:

The use of cloves

Carnation has a wide range of applications. Medicinal decoctions, infusions, tea, oil are prepared on the basis of the plant. Doctors recommend using the spice for couples and people with low libido, because it effectively increases attraction, improves sexual activity.

Also, the spice is often used in cooking, cosmetology, aromatherapy, and dietetics. The spice has found application in everyday life, it is used to repel blood-sucking insects.

In cooking

Cooks most often use spice in the process of preparing marinades and pickles. The spice is actively used during the canning of tomatoes and cucumbers. The fragrant spice is also used to make homemade ketchup and sauces.

Most often, cloves are used by confectioners. It is used in its pure form or combined with other spices, such as cinnamon or cardamom. With the help of spices, they add flavor to pastries, puddings, mousses, compotes, and punches.

Dry fruits of the plant are widely used in cooking.

The combination of spices with black pepper gives pork and lamb dishes a unique flavor. Fragrant spices emphasize the taste of tender turkey and chicken meat.

The spice has a rich aroma. Therefore, it must be used with care so as not to interrupt the smell and taste of the dish. Sauces are prepared with the addition of ground spices, all other dishes with whole cloves.

In cosmetology

Beauticians often use clove oil for skin and hair care. It is added to the composition of homemade masks based on clay, fermented milk products, fruit purees. Such masks are useful for the face, with regular use they can eliminate acne, cleanse the dermis of bacteria, improve blood circulation, increase the tone of the epidermis.

Homemade masks are prepared on the basis of plant buds. They improve blood circulation, as a result of which hair begins to grow more actively. With the systematic use of these products based on clove oil, you can get rid of dandruff, increased oiliness of the scalp.

For weight loss

Nutritionists recommend using the spice for people who are on a diet. The rich chemical composition of the spice allows you to enrich the body with vitamins and biologically active elements during a limited diet.

Eating cloves improves the process of digestion. Therefore, those who want to get rid of excess weight may not worry about the food they eat. Due to its high fat-burning ability, the spice prevents the deposition of excess weight.

Nutritional value 100 gr. cloves is 27 gr. carbohydrates, 20 gr. fat and 6 gr. proteins. Calorie 100 gr. dry raw materials - 323 kcal.

Clove treatment

You can start therapy with the product only after a doctor's prescription. It is important to read the list of contraindications first. Below are recipes for the preparation of remedies for various diseases based on the plant.

Recipe #1


  1. Wormwood - 20 gr.
  2. Tansy - 20 gr.
  3. Cloves - 20 gr.

How to cook: Grind each ingredient separately in a coffee grinder. Then mix them.

How to use: On the first day, take 10 gr. mix 30 minutes before dinner. On the second day - half a dessert spoon 30 minutes before breakfast and dinner. From the third to the ninth day - the same dosage three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Recipe #2


  1. Cloves - 100 gr.
  2. Flax seed - 100 gr.

How to cook: Grind food with a coffee grinder. Place the resulting composition in an airtight container, put in a cool place.

How to use: Every day take 25 gr. medicinal product, diluting it in tea or fruit drink. The duration of treatment is 3 days. Then take a break for 3 days. Then repeat the treatment again. The general course of admission is 1-2 months.

Result: Elimination of helminths.

From the pain

The spice effectively copes with various types of pain, for example, headache or menstrual pain. Below is a prescription for a headache.


  1. Clove oil - 1 drop.
  2. Chamomile oil - 1 drop.
  3. Lavender ether - 3 drops.
  4. Almond oil - 5 gr.

How to cook: Mix the base oils, heat them in a water bath to body temperature, then add the essential oil and mix the product.

How to use: Massage the forehead and temples using a mixture of oils.

Result: Elimination of headache.

From pressure


  1. Ground cloves - 3 gr.
  2. Water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Boil water, pour boiling water over the spice. Infuse the decoction for 1 hour, then strain through a multilayer gauze.

How to use: Take a decoction of 1 teaspoon three times a day.

Result: A decoction of the plant effectively normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, giving them elasticity.

For sore throat

To eliminate the inflammation of the throat, it is enough to take 2 dry cloves, suck them, then chew and swallow. This procedure must be carried out until the inflammation disappears.

For diabetes

In medicine, cloves are actively used in diabetes. It lowers blood sugar levels, neutralizes the effect of histamine, regulates the patient's weight.

From the recipe below, you will learn how to drink cloves for type 2 diabetes.


  1. Carnation - 20 buds.
  2. Water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Fill the buds with hot water. Let the composition brew for 12 hours, then strain through a cotton-gauze filter.

How to use: Drink an infusion of 75 ml 20 minutes before each meal.

Result: The tool maintains an optimal level of glucose in the blood.

With pancreatitis

Often, as part of a complex treatment, phytotherapists recommend using an infusion based on spices. The effectiveness of the remedy largely depends on whether you follow the recommended diet for illness.

The decoction recipe below should be used to treat chronic pancreatitis.


  1. Cloves - 20 gr.
  2. Water - 100 ml.

How to cook: Pour medicinal raw materials with cold boiled water. Infuse the remedy for 8 hours, then strain.

How to use: Take an infusion of 1 tablespoon every 4-5 hours.

Result: The tool effectively eliminates the symptoms of pancreatitis.

For women

The spice has a beneficial effect on the female body. Since ancient times, it has been used to stimulate childbirth, with uterine bleeding and as an abortifacient.

Clove ether increases the tone of the uterus, normalizes the menstrual cycle and hormonal levels. Also spice increases sexual desire, prolongs sexual pleasure.

Useful cloves for menopause. It improves sleep, eliminates nervousness, reduces the manifestations of menopause.

For men

The plant has a positive effect on the male body. The spice increases sexual activity, enhances potency, improves reproductive function. It is also effective for prostatitis: it normalizes blood circulation, eliminates pain and inflammation, and inhibits the activity of bacteria.

clove tincture

Healing properties have a tincture of the fruit of the plant. It can be used to prevent colds and viral diseases, increase immunity, with bronchitis, sore throat. Also, the remedy is taken for neuroses. Externally, the product is used for arthritis, rheumatism, arthrosis.

To prepare the tincture at home, use the recipe below.


  1. Carnation - 25 buds.
  2. Vodka - 250 ml.

How to cook: Pour medicinal raw materials into a glass container, fill with vodka. Close the jar with a lid. Infuse the remedy for a week, shaking occasionally.

How to use: Take tincture 1 teaspoon before meals.

Result: Improves well-being.

clove oil

Clove oil can be bought at any pharmacy.

For medicinal and cosmetic purposes, plant-based oil is used. It is obtained from buds, leaves, tree trunk.

The most common oil is produced from the buds. The product obtained from the leaves of the tree has a pungent and pungent aroma. A tool that is obtained from a tree trunk is made for industrial purposes.

Essential oil of clove has the same beneficial qualities as a regular spice. This product is more convenient to use in the preparation of home cosmetic face and hair masks, to eliminate toothache, migraines, and other diseases. Also, ether is used for massage, added to factory creams, lotions, masks.

Plant oil is widely used in everyday life. It is used instead of naphthalene, against mold in wet areas of the apartment. Also, the product helps to wean a pet to walk past the tray.

clove extract

According to studies conducted by scientists in Minnesota, the plant extract stops the reproduction of cancer cells of the cervix, mammary glands, and colon without harm to the body.

During the study, it turned out that the greater the dosage of the drug, the higher the effect.

Why chew on cloves

For the treatment of diseases, it is not necessary to prepare decoctions and infusions of cloves, take clove oil. You will get a healing effect even from chewing spice buds.

Chewing several flowers of the plant eliminates bad breath, relieves toothache and sore throat. When losing weight, chewing clove buds will saturate the body with the necessary biologically active substances.

If you feel a deterioration in well-being, do not use the spice, consult your doctor. Perhaps you will be prescribed a different form of spice for treatment.

Carnation from mosquitoes

In the warm season, when blood-sucking insects haunt, use a simple and effective remedy for midges and mosquitoes. It is completely safe for both children and adults.


  1. Lemon - 1 pc.
  2. Carnation - 20 pcs.

How to cook: Cut the lemon in half. Stick dry flowers of the plant into each of the halves.

How to use: Put the lemon halves in the room or outside. Mosquitoes and other flying insects will avoid this area.

No less effective against mosquitoes is clove oil. Pour it into an aroma lamp and light it. And the mosquitoes won't bother you.


Despite the healing properties of cloves, there are also limitations for its use, including:

  • children's age up to 2 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • hypertension;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice.

Where could I buy

You can buy spice at the grocery store, clove oil - at the pharmacy and the Internet. The price of ground spice is 60 rubles per 50 g, oil - 60 rubles per 10 ml.


Carnation is a heat-loving evergreen plant that can be grown at home or in greenhouse conditions. The optimum air temperature for germination is from 17 to 25 degrees. The plant reproduces by petiole and seed methods.

For growing from petiole, slightly acidic soil is used. Before planting, the plant is treated with root and kept in a mixture of perlite and peat for a day. The best choice of container for growing is a pot with drainage holes.

For growing plants from seeds, a mixture of peat and sand is used in a ratio of 1: 1. They are scattered on the surface of the soil, lightly sprinkled with a thin layer of earth and covered with cling film. The first shoots appear within a month.

The clove tree needs regular watering. It does not tolerate drought well.

Feed the plant to promote growth. Fertilizers containing nitrogen and potassium are used as fertilizers. The tree needs fertilizer only in the spring and summer. At other times, they do not need to be entered.

What to remember

  1. Cloves are used to prevent the formation of tumors.
  2. The spice improves digestion, breaks down fat cells, and prevents their deposition. Therefore, it is useful to use it for weight loss.
  3. The spice increases libido in men and women, it is recommended to use it for hormonal disorders, impotence and infertility.

Back in the 3rd century BC, it was customary in China to go to an appointment with the emperor with a piece of a burning plant in your mouth. Since then, many have been interested in this mysterious clove spice, useful properties and contraindications that arise with its frequent use. After all, even then the Chinese understood the property of this plant to freshen breath and remove bad breath.

In the Middle Ages, European healers noticed the ability of cloves to positively influence the body during infectious ailments. They advised to string small clove flowers on a thread, make yourself such a necklace and wear it all the time. And in direct contact with the sick, incessantly chew the miraculous plant. Time has shown that the beneficial properties of cloves and the contraindications of spices for the human body are really worthy of our attention. What do modern examples and facts say about this? Let's try to get to know this unique overseas plant.

A treasure trove of nutrients accessible to all

In its natural environment, the clove tree was found in the Philippine Islands. Today it is grown in Malaysia, as well as on the east coast of the Americas. An exotic tree reaches a height of more than 20 meters and belongs to the Myrtle family. In appearance, the plant resembles a high pyramid, which is decorated with small grayish leaves. Miniature brown buds “hide” between them, resembling carnations with a hat. Each of them contains a bottomless treasure trove of life-giving substances used by intelligent people for several millennia.

Having considered the beneficial properties and contraindications of the spice of cloves, everyone can decide for themselves the degree of its use. After all, unopened flowers of an exotic tree have been used in cooking for a long time. They have an amazing aroma that can change the taste of even fairly simple dishes:

  • fish with marinade and seasonings;
  • homemade sausage and corned beef;
  • meat, fish, mushroom and potato soup;
  • filling for canning vegetables;
  • in sweet desserts (compotes, pastries, pudding).

It is quite difficult to list all kinds of culinary masterpieces, where they put various spices in tandem with ground cloves. For example, in combination with allspice ground pepper, seasoning gives an exquisite taste to meat products. To get a special spicy taste of tonic drinks, the plant is added to coffee, punch, mulled wine, cocoa and. Seasoning is widely used in the Russian food industry.
For excellent useful properties, cloves are put in various sauces and canned food, which is very popular with our compatriots.

To get an excellent dish, cloves are put there at the very end of cooking. Otherwise, with a long heat treatment, it releases bitterness.

It is worth noting that the dry buds of the clove tree have a pronounced aroma. They are able to kill the rest of the spices in the dish and even change its taste. The smell is contained in the miniature caps of the spice, and the burning taste is contained in the petioles. Especially appreciated by gourmets are the healing properties of the cloves seasoning that it possesses. This is one of the reasons why the seasoning is so popular in many countries around the world.

To check the quality of the bud, it is thrown into a container of water. If the spice has sunk or floats vertically upside down, then it is fresh and ready to use. It is better to buy it in its natural whole form. If necessary, you can grind, but immediately before preparing a culinary masterpiece. Thus, its ability to influence the internal organs of a person is preserved.

Carnation and health

To understand how cloves are useful for the body, it is important to understand what valuable substances it contains. Among other things, I would like to note only a few valuable elements:

  • vitamins of group B, A (retinol), E (tocopherol) and K (phylloquinone);
  • vegetable fiber in the form of dietary fiber (if you take 100 grams of spice, then it will contain 30 grams of fiber, respectively);
  • natural ash (6 g of ash falls per 100 g of buds);
  • essential oil rich in valuable compounds;
  • a set of trace elements (magnesium, selenium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and zinc);
  • glucose;
  • all kinds of mucus;
  • tannins natural substances;
  • a series of fatty and non-fatty acids;
  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins.

Reflecting on the composition of an exotic spice, it becomes clear how cloves are useful for the body. As practice shows, the regular use of spices in food helps to solve such problems:

  • analgesic effect;
  • antiseptic action;
  • soothes nervous tension;
  • kills pathogenic microbes;
  • gives refreshment and tone to the body;
  • promotes wound healing;
  • removes fluid from the body;
  • relieves internal spasms;
  • effectively fights viruses.

Despite some contraindications in the treatment, the beneficial properties of the spice clove far exceed its disadvantages. So the plant is used in the treatment of various diseases. Let's consider some of them.

Throat treatment with hot spice

Often, due to hypothermia of the body, an unpleasant pain appears in the throat area, which you want to get rid of immediately. Hot exotic spice comes to the rescue. It is sold at any grocery outlet in the form of dried brown buds.

Using cloves to treat the throat, many have noticed a positive effect. To do this, prepare a simple tincture. Put 3 or 4 cloves in a glass of boiled water. Cover with a tight lid, wrap with a towel and insist for an hour and a half. Ready tincture to gargle sore throat. In addition, the decoction should be drunk in small portions within 3 hours. Such a simple recipe for cloves from sore throat is quite easy to prepare at home.

It is advisable to do the procedure no later than 18 hours, since the decoction has a tonic effect. The course of treatment is carried out for 6 days.

Sometimes the disease becomes chronic and it may take more effort to get rid of it.
The use of a decoction of cloves for angina in adults also gives a positive result. Pour half a teaspoon of chopped spices with boiling water, add a pinch of sea salt and leave for an hour. Gargle with the solution twice a day after meals. The procedure should not be stopped until the disease is completely eliminated.

Cloves and pregnancy

Every woman who is expecting a baby tries to monitor her diet. A large number of vitamins and useful trace elements are never superfluous. Is it possible to enjoy the taste of cloves during pregnancy? Some experts do not see anything wrong with this, the main thing is to use it in moderation. Other doctors say the spice affects a woman's nervous system, causing agitation and anxiety. Since opinions differ, the decision is made on an individual basis.

You should not neglect the advice of a specialist. After all, cloves are a burning spice and may not suit everyone, especially a pregnant woman.

Carnation and chic figure

In this age of electronic technology, people move little, so they gain weight. An excellent remedy for weight loss is cloves - a burning Asian spice. It is used as a fragrant tea, strong tincture or essential oil. When it is added to food, it is better absorbed. Low-calorie foods taste great, which makes dieting enjoyable.

In addition, if you know how to take cloves for the benefit of the body, the process of losing weight is accelerated. Moderate consumption of spices contributes to better digestion and the breakdown of fats. This is the surest way to lose weight.

Natural "chewing gum" with excellent taste

Probably everyone has tried chewing gum at least once in their life. It turns out that in nature there is a burning and useful plant. Someone may ask: why chew dried cloves? The answer is simple - it brings considerable benefits to the body.

Since the spice is able to destroy pathogenic microbes in the oral cavity, it is used to treat various dental ailments. With a toothache, the gums are rubbed with powder from the ground buds of the plant. Another option is to put the spice in your mouth and chew it slowly. Over time, the pain should go away. It is not surprising that those who have not used this method are wondering: is it useful to chew cloves spice for dental diseases? It's simple - you should experience it for yourself.

To prevent tooth decay, some herbalists regularly chew dry cloves. Thanks to the components included in its composition, the body receives the necessary vitamins, oils and trace elements.

Useful properties of dried cloves help strengthen and whiten teeth. As a result, you can get a beautiful smile and forget about the unpleasant smell from the oral cavity.

An objective assessment of the benefits and harms of hot spices

Often people have different opinions about the health benefits and harms of cloves. The thing is, we are all different. Therefore, the same treatment can be effective for someone, and not help another at all. This also applies to clove buds, which contain a huge amount of valuable elements.

Individual intolerance to the constituent components of the spice often harms the body. Despite the beneficial medicinal properties of cloves and contraindications, it is widely used in cooking.
But still, it should be carefully eaten by patients with gastritis and those who have increased stomach acidity.

It is contraindicated to get involved in hot spices when breastfeeding a child. Cloves will affect the taste of mother's milk and lead to the appearance of food diathesis in the baby. Even worse, he may refuse to breastfeed, which will adversely affect his health.

It is not advisable to give the plant to children who have not reached the age of three. It is forbidden to eat it for hypertensive patients and people with mental disorders. In this situation, the medicinal properties and contraindications of cloves will bring little benefit to a person. Only by applying a wise approach to treatment methods and health care can one enjoy a fulfilling life. And let the exotic spice exude its unsurpassed aroma for all connoisseurs of natural gifts.

Cloves in the fight against cancer - video

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