Inflammation of the inner eyelid in a cat. Third eyelid in cats. Inadmissible actions in the pathology of the nictitating membrane

Cat eyes look magical not only because of the incredible combinations of colors, but also because of the bizarre pupil change depending on the amount of color. The cat's eye contains a membrane known as the third eyelid. You may have never seen it, as it is a sign of health problems. If you notice a third eyelid in a cat, you just need to be aware of the possible causes and treatment of diseases.

What is the third eyelid in a cat?

The scientific name for this membrane, which is found in the eyes of several mammals, including cats, is the nictitating membrane, which is also known as the third eyelid or the fusion membrane. This is the tissue located around the cornea, conjunctiva and mucous membrane. The third eyelid is usually tucked out of sight in the central (also known as the medial - near the nose) part of the eye socket. Unlike the other two eyelids, which open and close by moving up and down, the third eyelid slides back and forth across the eye from the center out. This is a moist membrane that may be pigmented (dark), or may be unpigmented and therefore pale or pink (due to the blood vessels that pass through it). The role of the third eyelid is to protect the eyeball from the penetration of any foreign object and from various injuries. It is also responsible for the release of fluid, the antiseptic properties of which are able to fight bacteria and microorganisms that can cause irritation and inflammation. If you notice a third eyelid in a cat, either in one eye or in both, this may indicate a malfunction in the body and a disease.

The third eyelid in a cat: causes of a lunge

· Conjunctivitis. This eye infection not only causes a third eyelid to appear, but it also causes swelling, redness, and watery eyes.

Dehydration. When a cat suffers from a severe lack of water, the appearance of this eye tissue is a sign of a serious health condition that should be treated by a specialist.

· Medicines, especially a tranquilizer called acepromazine, can cause the eyelid to protrude. After the drug is discontinued, everything returns to normal.

· Injury. Any head injury (even a seemingly minor one) can affect the eyes.

· Foreign body. Anything that enters a cat's eye, be it debris, dust, or anything else, will cause this membrane to appear, as this is a mechanism that prevents further penetration of a foreign body into the eyeball.

· Crayfish. The appearance of the third eyelid can be affected by the formation of cancer cells.

· Horner's syndrome. A neurological condition called Horner's syndrome can cause a third eyelid to develop. This condition often occurs after ear cleaning because one of the nerves that goes to the eye also passes through the ear. If the eardrum is damaged during brushing, the nerve may be irritated, resulting in a syndrome that goes away on its own after a while.

· Genetics. Some breeds of cats, such as the Burmese, are more prone to developing third eyelids.

Third eyelid in a cat: symptoms

Look at your cat in bright light, examine the eyes. In a healthy pet, they should be clear and bright, and the area around the pupil should be white. Wrap the cat in a towel so that it cannot escape, gently push the lower eyelid a little with your thumb - inside it should be pink. Not red and not white. If during the examination you notice several symptoms from the list, this may indicate problems. The third eyelid may not appear immediately.


Red or white inner eyelids

dried pus in the corners of the eyes;

ajar eyes;

cloudy eyes;

third eyelid.

The third eyelid in a cat: treatment

Due to the various reasons that can cause the nictitating membrane to take up more space in the eye than it should, there are several treatments available, as it all depends on the source of the anomaly.

· In case of dehydration, you should give your cat plenty of wet food and water to stop the process. It is also recommended that you take your cat to the veterinarian to prescribe supportive medications and possibly drips.

· In case of conjunctivitis, wounds, foreign bodies in the eyes, only the diagnosis of a veterinarian will be able to determine the next step. Eye drops and other medications may be prescribed.

· If the cause of the third eyelid is genetic, the veterinarian will use medical research to determine if the third eyelid is affecting the cat's vision and causing discomfort.

Third eyelid in a cat: when not to worry

You will most likely see your cat's third eyelids when she sleeps. It is not uncommon for cats to sleep with open eyes and a visible third eyelid covering the eyeball. Some cats, by their nature, have a protruding third eyelid. For example, many Siamese can be observed. Both of these situations are permanent and normal. The owners of such cats usually do not pay attention and do not follow the age of their pets, because it has been visible throughout their lives. These situations are usually nothing to worry about.

Nature endowed the cat with excellent hunting skills, a flexible body, large beautiful eyes and the ability to see in the dark. Her "staring" gaze is caused by her lack of blinking function. And at a time when the animal is awake or is watching something with interest, specks and dust fall on the mucous membrane of the eyeballs. However, the mustachioed creatures successfully cope with external “garbage”, as they have the thinnest fold at the inner corner of the eye, “rubbing” its shell, like wiper blades clean the windshield on a car.

Third eyelid in a cat: causes, treatment

In a healthy pet, this nictitating membrane (“third eyelid”) is practically not noticeable - it is translucent and does not prevent the animal from watching or sleeping at all. It is visible for a short time when the cat is half asleep or when it tilts its head. A unique fold appears from the edge of the eye, quickly removes everything foreign in its path, distributes the lacrimal fluid, which it itself partially produces, and again hides.

It happens that the membrane does not return to its “original” position and becomes larger in size. This should serve as a signal to the pet owner to contact the veterinary service.

ATTENTION! If the third eyelid in cats is not in order, the doctor should prescribe treatment!

Protrusion of the nictitating fold is a symptom of such complex internal diseases as:

  • infection caused by bacteria, virus or fungus;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • reaction to allergens;
  • eye injuries;
  • internal diseases (including the digestive tract);
  • helminthiases.

What can be dangerous prolapse of the third eyelid in cats? Treatment should be aimed at finding the cause of the disease and its elimination. Some owners self-diagnose their pets and give them medications they see fit. As a result, time has passed, the disease is running, and further treatment will be longer and more difficult.

Prolapse of the third eyelid in cats: treatment of the disease

The nictitating fold falls out and closes half of the eye. This is prolapse, a condition very similar to inflammation of the third eyelid in cats, as the symptoms are similar. The difference in causes is only in the color of the conjunctiva. With prolapse, it has a clear gray or bluish tint. This is not a pathology, but a signal of a disease, including allergy symptoms and foreign body contact with the mucous membrane.

The animal tries to “remove” what is bothering it, and rubs its muzzle with its paws. His body reacts to this with secretions, even a tiny trash can cause inflammation, increased tearing and purulent discharge. In order for the mote to come out with pus on its own, it needs to provide a “slippery” environment, for which the furry pet is given ointments, drops and antibiotics. After the treatment procedures, the nictitating septum will fall into place.

Eye disease in cats: third eyelid, adenoma treatment

A benign pink growth in the inner corner of the eyeball is often mistaken for inflammation of the third eyelid in a cat, but this phenomenon is an adenoma. It sticks out from under the eyelid and prevents the pet from closing its eyes tightly, its presence threatens that dirt and microbes get on the always ajar mucosa. In an operable way, the lacrimal gland is “put” in place and eye drops of an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory nature are prescribed.

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for the veterinarian himself to suggest removing the nictitating fold for adenoma.

ATTENTION! Removal of the lacrimal gland is fraught with disastrous consequences for the animal - a severe form of dry keratoconjunctivitis, ulcerative keratitis, blindness and lifelong purulent discharge.

Treatment of adenoma is possible, although it is laborious and lengthy, so there is no need to remove the third eyelid in a cat.

You should not “reset” the fold on your own either - this will not give the result that the owners expect, but can lead to complications, double infection, thorns and damage to the cornea.

In order to prevent eye diseases, take care of your pet more often, wash its bedding, wash the room where it sleeps. Source: Flickr (beautifulbenaziza)

Other Causes of Eye Disease in Cats

Micro-wounds (when bitten or punctured) can cause inflammation of the third eyelid in cats, for example, when fighting with other animals. The cornea is damaged and the eyelid will take a long time to heal, so the cat may need surgery.

If the gastrointestinal tract is not in order, then the result is inflammation of the inner eyelid in a cat.

It is necessary to monitor the behavior of the pet. If he vomits, he refuses food and vilifies, then the reason is gastrointestinal disorders. In this case, veterinary help is required.

If you notice that the cat's eyes are closed by the third eyelid, then treatment may not be needed in the following cases:

  • decreased immunity;
  • a mild form of cat flu;
  • a temporary phenomenon that passes in 1-2 days.

For such reasons, the mustachioed should be observed. If he feels quite vigorous, then you just need to strengthen the diet with vitamins and useful trace elements, with the flu - regularly remove discharge from the nose and eyes, drip with eye drops.

With a genetic pathology (protrusion of the lacrimal gland occurs in cats of the Persian and British breeds), one cannot do without the intervention of an ophthalmologist veterinarian. In an operative way, he will set the gland to the place where it should be located anatomically.

Again, a veterinarian should and should be consulted. Only he will be able to determine what happened to the caudate patient and, based on the owner's story about his behavior at home, about the diet and additional signs of the disease, he will prescribe the right drugs.

Eye disease: definition, prevention

Let's summarize the above:

  • if the cat has a prolapse of the lacrimal gland on only one side, this indicates the ingress of a foreign particle;
  • both eyes are partially covered by the nictitating membrane - this is inflammation of the third eyelid in cats, the treatment of which depends on the identification of the cause (if this is a sign of the disease, it must be confirmed with additional symptoms);
  • the nictitating fold is enlarged, the reason is the anatomical pathology of the animal (a consultation with a doctor is needed);
  • the third eyelid in a cat - no treatment is required, as this is a sign of reduced immunity.
  1. Treat the cat with drops or ointments intended for humans.
  2. Trying to “return” the blinking membrane on your own.
  3. If the veterinarian insists on removing the nictitating membrane, contact another veterinary clinic.

In order to prevent eye diseases, take care of your pet more often, wash its bedding, wash the room where it sleeps. Eye care should be daily. To do this, there are effective rinses, like BEAPHAR Oftal, which will help prevent irritation of the mucous membrane caused by dirt or dust. Watch your four-legged friend, his behavior and appearance. Pamper him with vitamins and wholesome food - a strong body is less likely to be "attacked" by bacteria and viruses. Health to your cat!

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The sight of a dormant cat with half-closed eyes is familiar, sweet and cozy. In some cases, such a "dormant" look, due to the covering of part of the eye by the nictitating membrane, signals that the cat urgently needs the help of its owner.

What is the third eyelid in cats

The cat's third eyelid, or nictitating membrane, is a thin gray fold that hides in the inner corner of the eye. Normally, it is invisible, and only when the cat is napping, falling asleep or bowing its head, you can pay attention to it.

The third eyelid is also present in dogs and many other animals; its vestige in humans is the lunate fold of the eye.

It should be noted that in brachycephalic cats (British, Himalayan, Persian) the third eyelid is more pronounced than in cats with a normal skull structure.

The third eyelid is best seen when the cat's eyes are half closed.

The nictitating membrane is part of the conjunctival sac, which forms the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the eye. Its dimensions are very large and comparable to the area of ​​the anterior surface of the eyeball. The structure of the nictitating membrane contains T-shaped cartilage and small sizes, it also contains smooth and striated muscle fibers, the latter cause the possibility of voluntary movements. Small accumulations of lymphoid tissue lie near the surfaces of the third eyelid.

The inner side of the nictitating membrane contains the lacrimal gland, whose secret is used to wash the cornea of ​​​​the eye. This gland is additional and secretes 10-30% of the lacrimal fluid of the total volume.

The nictitating membrane performs the following functions:

  • protective - together with the upper and lower eyelids protects the eye from possible external damage;
  • moisturizing - prevents the cornea from drying out;
  • cleansing - relieves the cornea of ​​small particles that have fallen into the cat's eye;
  • immune - lymphoid tissue is a zone of production of secretory immunoglobulins that protect the surface of the eye from the development of various infections.

During closing of the eyelids, the nictitating membrane expands from the inner corner of the eye, distributes the tear along its front surface, and also removes small debris.

The third eyelid contains a small cartilage, muscle fibers, lymphoid tissue; adjacent to the lacrimal gland

When can the third eyelid cover the eye?

Prolapse (protrusion, prolapse) of the third eyelid is said to be when it is clearly visible in the cat's normal alert state, in which it does not seek to fall asleep.

You should immediately pay attention to whether the nictitating membrane has prolapsed on one or both sides, there are any additional manifestations, and also assess the general well-being of the cat:

  • If the nictitating membrane is visible in both eyes and does not cause concern to the cat, then this indicates a general poor health of the animal, and may also indicate the onset of an infectious disease, severe helminthic invasion, a disease of internal organs (liver, heart, kidneys, intestines), accompanied by a pronounced deterioration in well-being. This symptom may appear in response to the effects of anesthesia or antibiotic therapy, with dehydration or exhaustion of the cat. Accompanied by a decrease in activity, appetite, possible vomiting, diarrhea, fever.
  • Prolapse of the third eyelid, in which the pupil narrows and the upper eyelid moderately droops, as well as the vessels of the conjunctiva expand, and sometimes the eyeball sinks, indicates a violation of the sympathetic innervation of the eye and its auxiliary structures (Horner's syndrome). It can be caused by infections, for example, otitis media, as well as tumor processes localized in the neck, chest, and skull. As a rule, the process is one-sided, but it can also occur on two sides.
  • The prolapse of the nictitating membrane accompanies eye diseases (conjunctivitis, keratitis, uveitis, dislocation of the lens, erosion and ulcerative defects of the cornea) and the ingress of foreign bodies into the conjunctival sac. It occurs on one or both sides. There is discharge from the eyes, both mucous and mucopurulent, lacrimation, restless behavior of the cat, attempts to scratch the eyes with a paw, blepharospasm and pronounced inflammatory changes in the conjunctiva are possible. Other symptoms characteristic of the current eye disease are also determined.

Thus, prolapse of the nictitating membrane is a symptom that can signal a developing general disease, damage to the autonomic nerve fibers, or an eye disease.

Photo gallery: nictitating membrane prolapse

Prolapse of the third eyelid in eye diseases: in this case, conjunctivitis caused by chlamydia with the addition of bacterial flora Unilateral prolapse of the third eyelid may indicate a violation of the innervation of the eye Bilateral prolapse of the upper eyelid in the awake state of the cat is characteristic of systemic diseases.

Own diseases of the third century

There are a number of intrinsic diseases of the nictitating membrane.

Prolapse (prolapse) of the lacrimal gland

Lacrimal gland prolapse is rare but occurs in brachycephalic cats. Often this happens during the period of active growth of the cat, at the same time, the size of her eyes rapidly increases. The ligament that holds the lacrimal gland of the nictitating membrane in its normal place - under the conjunctiva - is torn. The lacrimal gland protrudes into the inner corner of the eye, becomes visible and looks like a small, pink, rounded formation. When displaced, the lacrimal gland is infringed, it swells and grows in size, conjunctivitis develops.

Lacrimal gland prolapse of the third eyelid often occurs during rapid growth of a cat

This worries the cat, when combing with its paws, the secondary flora is brought in, and the course of conjunctivitis becomes purulent. If the lacrimal gland is displaced significantly, and also for a long time, then its blood circulation begins to suffer and the production of lacrimal fluid decreases. Its pronounced deficiency will lead, in the absence of measures taken, to the development of dry keratoconjunctivitis. Also against this background, a hall (curvature) of the cartilage of the nictitating membrane can occur.

Only surgical treatment is applicable - the displaced lacrimal gland is immersed in the formed conjunctival pocket and sutured with sutures using atraumatic needles and thin absorbable threads (there is no need to remove the sutures later). The operation takes no more than half an hour, in the postoperative period, local and systemic antibacterial drugs are used, as well as an Elizabethan collar, if the cat rubs its eyes with its paw.

Previously, prolapse of the lacrimal gland was mistakenly taken for an adenoma of the third eyelid and removed; later, the condition was complicated by dry keratoconjunctivitis.

Video: lacrimal gland prolapse

Zalom (eversion) of the cartilage of the third eyelid

The hall of the cartilage of the third century, the manifestations are similar to the prolapse of the nictitating membrane. There is a curvature of the cartilage, and part of it is noticeable when examining the inner corner of the eye. In this case, the lacrimal gland can both shift and maintain its normal location. The treatment is also surgical - the curved and protruding part of the cartilage tissue is removed.

Cartilage fracture of the third eyelid can only be corrected by surgery

Third century trauma

The trauma of the third eyelid is usually inflicted in fights. Initially, there is a slight bleeding, secondary conjunctivitis develops, and there may be blepharospasm. Small injuries heal on their own and without consequences for the function of the nictitating membrane, but in cases where its torn part becomes mobile or cartilage tissue is visualized, a surgical operation is performed to restore the size and full function of the nictitating membrane, as well as eliminate irritation of the conjunctiva by torn tissues and cartilage.

Rupture of the nictitating membrane is usually obtained in fights between cats

Neoplasms of the third century

Neoplasms of the third eyelid are also rare, but dangerous due to the malignancy of most tumors of this localization. A small formation is removed surgically and a histological examination is performed, specifying the nature of the tumor. With a more pronounced spread of the tumor process, it is necessary to remove the entire nictitating membrane. The established type of tumor affects further therapeutic measures and the prognosis for the cat's life. Therefore, in all cases of impaired mobility, changes in the structure, shape and color of the third eyelid, it is necessary to exclude the presence of a tumor.

Lymphoid hyperplasia of the third eyelid

Some veterinarians distinguish lymphoid hyperplasia of the third eyelid - the lymphoid tissue contained in the thickness of the third eyelid grows under the influence of an infectious process or constant irritation; when blinking, overgrown follicles injure the cornea. The cat has discharge from the eye, blepharospasm. When viewed on the surface of the third eyelid, overgrown follicles are defined as a rash or as small volumetric formations. Often, a similar proliferation of lymphoid tissue occurs on the inner surface of the upper and lower eyelids. Surgical treatment - curettage (curettage) of the overgrown lymphoid tissue, followed by the use of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

When to See a Veterinarian Urgently

If the appearance of the third eyelid in a cat is at least somewhat unusual, the animal must be taken to the veterinarian for examination as soon as possible, even if at the moment this is the only manifestation of trouble. It is easier to identify the problem at an early stage, when the vast majority of diseases can be cured. This will keep the cat healthy and reduce the budget spent on his treatment.

Only a veterinarian in a clinic can conduct a full-fledged diagnosis, including a specialized ophthalmological one. The examination usually includes:

  • collection of anamnesis - asking the owner what preceded the painful manifestations, how they developed in dynamics;
  • examination of the cat, his eyes;
  • general blood analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • to clarify the nature of the causative agent of inflammation, material is taken from the conjunctiva of the eye for bacteriological examination or PCR;
  • Ultrasound of the internal organs in cases of bilateral prolapse of the nictitating membrane;
  • Ultrasound of the eyeball;
  • CT, MRI - to clarify the nature of the lesion, it is possible to conduct an x-ray of the skull.

Ophthalmic examination:

  • examination of the cornea, pupils with fluorescein staining;
  • measurement of intraocular pressure;
  • examination using special optics of the internal structures of the eye.

Inadmissible actions in the pathology of the nictitating membrane

In case of pathology of the nictitating membrane, the following are unacceptable:

  • attempts at self-diagnosis and self-treatment. The diagnosis can only be established by a veterinarian, often after a specialized examination. Self-medication can be dangerous and result in a worsening of the disease and a worsening of its prognosis.
  • attempts to "reset" the nictitating membrane on their own. They can lead to irreversible injury to the eyeball and necessitate its removal.

What drugs can be prescribed for treatment

For the treatment of eye diseases prescribe:

  • antibacterial drugs in ointments and drops;
  • drugs that promote healing;
  • hygiene lotions.

Table: medicines for pathologies of the third century

A drugGroup, compositionApplicationPrice in rubles
Bars, eye dropsAntibacterial preparation, contains:
  • chloramphenicol;
  • furatsilin.
It is used for therapeutic washing of the eyes with their inflammatory diseases and injuries. After washing, 1-2 drops are instilled into each eye 4-5 times a day for a course of 1-2 weeks. Sold in a veterinary pharmacy.135
Decta-2 eye dropsThe combined preparation contains:
  • antibiotic gentamicin;
  • dexamethasone, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • in acute and chronic inflammatory eye diseases caused by bacterial flora and allergic reactions;
  • for the prevention of inflammation in eye injuries.

Do not use if there is a suspicion of the participation of fungal flora, glaucoma, corneal ulcer. Bury 2-3 drops 2-3 times a day for a course of 5-10 days. Sold in a veterinary pharmacy.

Iris, eye dropsAntibacterial drug, contains gentamicinUsed to treat bacterial eye infections; 1 drop is instilled into each eye 4 times a day, the course is 7-10 days. Sold in a veterinary pharmacy.140
Ciprovet eye dropsAntibacterial drug, contains ciprofloxacin
  • treatment of bacterial eye infections, including those resistant to other antibiotics;
  • preparation for ophthalmic operations;
  • prevention of infection in case of eye injury.

Not for use in kittens under 7 days old. Apply 1 drop 4 times a day for 7-14 days. Sold in a veterinary pharmacy.

Tetracycline eye ointmentAntibacterial drug, contains tetracycline
  • treatment of bacterial eye infections;
  • treatment of chlamydial conjunctivitis.

It is not used during pregnancy, lactation, in small kittens, with a pronounced violation of liver and kidney function - since tetracycline may be absorbed into the blood.
Apply 3-4 times a day, the course is individual, determined by the doctor. Sold in a regular pharmacy.

from 42
Healing agent, contains dexpanthenolAuxiliary agent used to accelerate the recovery of the cornea in inflammatory diseases of the eye, injuries, burns.
Apply by instillation of 1 drop in each eye 5 times a day, the last application just before bedtime. Sold in a regular pharmacy.
Hygiene lotionIt is used to clean the eyes, as well as the hair around them.455

Photo gallery: medicines for the treatment of diseases of the nictitating membrane

Ciprovet is intended for the treatment and prevention of bacterial ophthalmic diseases in dogs and cats. Tetracycline ointment - a broad-spectrum antibiotic Beaphar Oftal for dogs and cats gently cares, cleanses the eyes and the hair around them, prevents irritation from dust and dirt, stimulates the self-cleaning mechanism, prevents the appearance of dark tear spots Bars eye drops are a combined antimicrobial drug intended for the care of the eyes of animals. Dekta-2 eye drops are intended for the treatment and prevention of ophthalmic diseases of bacterial origin in pets - cats and dogs Korneregel - a drug that affects the processes of tissue regeneration of the organs of vision

How to treat cat eyes at home

Treatment of eye diseases in cats is carried out at home, following the instructions of the veterinarian:

Features of the treatment of pregnant cats and kittens

Kittens produce a lot of inflammatory exudate in case of eye diseases, so the eyes are often “glued together”. You should moisten a gauze swab with a solution of furacilin and rub the eye several times with movements from the nose to the ear, and then carefully separate the kitten's eyelids. A separate swab is used for each eye. It is important to prevent eyelids from sticking together in kittens.

Pay attention to the annotations to the drugs, for example:

  • Ciprovet is not indicated for kittens under 7 days of age;
  • 1% tetracycline ophthalmic ointment should not be used in kittens or pregnant cats, as there is a possibility of absorption of tetracycline and impaired bone formation, teeth, and negative effects on liver function.

All medicines used in kittens and pregnant cats must be approved by a doctor.

Possible consequences of third eyelid disease in cats

Undertreated diseases of the third eyelid in cats lead to the development and progression of secondary inflammatory processes in the eyeball, for example:

  • initial conjunctivitis transforms into keratoconjunctivitis, and then into erosion and ulcer of the cornea of ​​the eye;
  • perforation of a corneal ulcer results in loss of an eye;
  • eye diseases cause severe pain and discomfort in a cat, reduce his visual acuity, quality of life and can lead to blindness;
  • the spread of inflammation from the orbit to the brain will lead to death.

Prevention of inflammation of the third eyelid in cats and kittens

Preventive measures include measures aimed at maintaining the level of general health of the cat:

  • adherence to the vaccination schedule of the cat;
  • regular treatments for fleas and ticks;
  • regular deworming;
  • limiting contact of a pet with stray animals;
  • balanced cat nutrition;
  • timely detection and treatment of internal diseases;
  • preventive veterinary examinations.

The reasons for the fallout of the third century are many and varied.
To understand what exactly the reason is in a particular case is possible only after a full ophthalmological examination, sometimes a neurological examination, and even sometimes an MRI.
If there are no other signs of eye disease besides the protruding third eyelid, then you may have experienced Horner's syndrome (ptosis, miosis, enophthalmos). Horner's syndrome is due to inflammation of the middle ear, or other disorders of the sympathetic innervation of the eye, or it can be idiopathic (that is, it is not clear why it appeared and it is not clear why it passed). To treat Horner's syndrome due to inflammation of the ear - you need to cure the ear. For the treatment of idiopathic Horner's syndrome - you do not need to do anything, it will pass by itself. For the treatment of S. Horner due to a neoplasm in the head / chest cavity or thyroid gland, for example, to do an operation ...
If this is not S. Horner - look, conduct research, make a diagnosis.

veterinarian Maria Grigorievna Sretenskaya

Most often, the treatment of third eyelid prolapse in cats is aimed at eliminating the cause of the protrusion. Until the cause is clarified, symptomatic anti-inflammatory treatment is prescribed. After finding out the cause, additional procedures are performed (an operation if the prolapse is caused by a genetic predisposition).

veterinary ophthalmologist Mamedkuliev Andrey Konstantinovich

  • the third eyelid must fulfill its functions, therefore, with its pathologies, it is important to determine the diagnosis in time and begin appropriate treatment. Lacrimal gland prolapse, cartilage eversion, third eyelid rupture do not require removal of the third eyelid, for each of these diseases, a reliable surgical technique has been developed with preservation of organ function
  • it is possible to prevent tears of the third eyelid if the cats' claws are trimmed (this also prevents other serious injuries of the eye with a cat's claw)
  • protrusion of the third eyelid in cats is a sign of an eye or nervous system disease. An animal with protrusion must be shown to a veterinary ophthalmologist to exclude serious pathologies, with further consultation of a neurologist
  • removal of the third eyelid is an extreme measure leading to the loss of the organ and its function, this operation can be considered justified in the case of a neoplasm of the third eyelid.

Vasilyeva Ekaterina Valerievna, veterinary ophthalmologist. Veterinary Clinic of Neurology, Traumatology and Intensive Care, St. Petersburg.

The third eyelid of a cat is part of the adnexa of the eyeball and is involved in its protection, moisturizing, cleansing, and also supports local immunity. The change in the condition of the third eyelid is a valuable diagnostic sign because it is easily noticeable. The third eyelid can be involved in pathological processes that affect the entire eye with its accessory apparatus, and also has a number of its own diseases that are treated surgically. Since all conditions in which the third eyelid falls out are a serious threat to the health of a cat, any change in the appearance of the nictitating membrane is a good reason to seek help from a veterinarian, and in a short time.

They are very common in cats. Sometimes owners can cure their pet themselves. But there are also diseases in which the best option would be to consult a veterinarian. One of these ailments is the third eyelid in a cat.

The main signs of the disease

  • Lachrymation.
  • Thin white.

If these symptoms are present, contact your veterinarian immediately.

What is the third eyelid in a cat? This is when the skin that is in the inner corner covers most of the eye. Subsequently, the organ of vision becomes inflamed, festering, a white or blue film appears.

If any mote gets into the eyes, then the condition of a sick cat may worsen. A veterinarian will be needed at home when a film appears on the eyes of kittens. If this is not done in a timely manner, the cat may simply lose its sight.

In addition to the third eyelid, there are other eye diseases in cats that can be caused by various pathogens. For example, herpes virus, chlamydia. The disease should be detected in a timely manner, and the animal should be cured as soon as possible.

The third eyelid in a cat: causes

First of all, the film is formed due to suppuration and tearing of the eyes. You can talk about inflammation if the film is blue and the eyelids are a little swollen. The owner of the animal in this case must bring it to the veterinary clinic. The doctor, using an ophthalmoscope, examines the eyes, determines the cause of the disease and prescribes the necessary medications. Surgery is necessary if the cat has a cataract, strabismus or blockage of the ducts. The third eyelid in a cat is not a cause for concern if it does not interfere with the animal. However, it is better to show the pet to a veterinarian in a specialized clinic.

How to Diagnose Eye Disease in a Cat

  • The cat is hiding from the light.
  • The animal constantly washes its muzzle.
  • Pet blinks all the time or

When such signs appear, it is necessary to examine the cat. If there is an accumulation of pus, redness, tearing, then the veterinarian at home should be called as soon as possible. You can also visit the clinic yourself. The case when a film with a blue tint covers the eye halfway excludes cataract of the eye, because with such a disease there is a clouding of the lens.

Older cats often have a similar phenomenon, but there is no need to worry too much, as this does not mean that the animal is sick. If the third eyelid of a cat has become noticeable, then this does not mean that she is blind. This phenomenon often occurs even in perfectly healthy cats. Also, the appearance of the film can cause cat flu, while the animal loses weight, his eyes sink.

Third eyelid prolapse in cats in both eyes

The presence of a film on one eye means that some kind of dust has got there, which causes tearing. The appearance of a film on both eyes may mean that the animal is seriously ill. Eye disease is often caused by injury or infection. During a fight, cats can damage each other's eyes with their claws. This is very dangerous for the health of the animal, as an infection gets into the wound, which aggravates the situation.

It also happens that in the wound resulting from cat fights, keratitis or a creeping ulcer of the cornea is formed. Because of this, the surface of the eye becomes first cloudy, then erosion appears with blurred boundaries. After that, the cat becomes noticeable discharge from the eyes of white or green, which threatens the health of the animal. Therefore, it is necessary to take him to the veterinary clinic for examination by an experienced specialist.

It is always necessary to carefully observe the behavior of the pet, if something is amiss, then call the veterinarian at home. Feeding also plays an important role in the life of the animal, it must contain vitamins (especially B 12), minerals and various amino acids.

How to treat a sick cat

Eye treatment is carried out by several methods: anesthetic drops, special ointments and others. The easiest way for treatment and prevention is to rinse the eyes of the animal, which will remove various contaminants and prevent more serious diseases. If there is a film and pus, then washing should be carried out regularly. To cleanse the eyes use:

  • Olive oil.
  • Warm water.
  • Boric acid.

It is more convenient and safer to wipe the eyes of an animal with an assistant. Lachrymation is not the most terrible manifestation of the disease. If a film and pus have already formed in front of the cat's eyes, then you need to treat it immediately. In this case, Lacrimin drops are used, which can alleviate the condition of the animal.

For more serious conditions, such as keratitis, other medications must be used, as the cat may become blind. The animal very often resists, so it is better to entrust the treatment to a veterinarian who will give the cat an injection and carry out all the necessary procedures.

The third eyelid in a cat is located in the corner of the eye, between the outer part of the eye and the cornea. The cat needs a third eyelid to protect the fragile shell of the eye. The nictitating membrane, as this fold of skin is otherwise called, secretes a certain amount of mucus that covers the surface of the eyeball. Mucus collects dust, traps microbes. Prolapse of the third eyelid of cats is an unpleasant disease, often blocking vision. The treatment for prolapse depends on the cause of the excessive protrusion of the membrane.

When a cat closes its eyes, tilts its head, the nictitating membrane straightens, completely closing the eye. Therefore, in the normal state, the fold should not be visible. When the third eyelid falls out, the natural moisturizing of the eye is disturbed, the barrier function of pathogen rejection decreases. There may be significant waterlogging, or excessive dryness of the eyes.

Causes of the fall of the third century

Finding out the reasons for slipping of the third eyelid is best left to a specialist. A protrusion of the nictitating membrane is quite dangerous for the cat's visual system. Prolonged exposure to the external environment can provoke the development of secondary infections. Then the therapy will be very long.

Diseases of the third century of cats

There are two diseases that can be attributed to the real diseases of this part of the eye. First, an adenoma, simply a tumor. The neoplasm causes the membrane to swell severely, taking the form of a bean. Adenoma occurs due to hormonal problems, injuries, breed characteristics. It has been noticed that cats of Persian, British breeds are more likely to encounter adenoma.

A cat with adenoma cannot close its eyes normally, becomes irritable, aggressive. Gradually, the tumor falls out of the eye, turns red, the temperature rises, pus may flow. The general condition worsens, the cat loses its appetite. Treatment of adenoma is shown only surgically: the tumor is excised. It is desirable to keep the third eyelid itself, to restore its former size.

Secondly, prolapse. A specific kind of climbing out, which is characterized by maintaining the membrane in a constantly straightened form. There is no inflammation, the color is normal. The manifestation of the disease also has a lot of true factors, prolapse will never occur from scratch. As soon as the real source of problems is found, eliminated, the third eyelid will return to its place.

Third eyelid prolapse symptoms

The main problems are as follows: the nictitating membrane is clearly visible, the cat closes its eyes with difficulty, redness of the conjunctiva, swelling, excessive tearing, itching is possible, body temperature rises. Any symptom listed requires a visit to the veterinarian. Treating yourself is fraught: drops will relieve local irritation, but aggravate the general condition. It will be difficult to make a diagnosis due to the distortion of signs.

Eyelid prolapse treatment

Sometimes the protrusion of the nictitating membrane goes away on its own, during the day the membrane refuels to its original position. However, the cause of the condition is still worth establishing, relapses are possible. Treatment depends on the etiology, if there is an underlying disease, then anti-infective drugs are prescribed, focused on the desired disease. If inflammation of the adenoma type is detected, the tumor is removed promptly. There is no need to fear the intervention of a surgeon: the operation is quick, simple, and the recovery period is short.

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