Exercises for women muscle groups. Exercises for all muscle groups for girls

Finding the perfect workout at home for girls who dream of losing weight is, to put it mildly, the most popular topic on the Internet.

So why is the problem still so relevant?

There are many obstacles on the way to an ideal body: incorrect timing, laziness, lack of a competent exercise program, a balanced regimen.

And if everyone can overcome idleness only on their own, we will help you with training.

Below is the information, piece by piece collected and systematized into a kind of instruction, on the basis of which you can really lose weight and tone your body.

What prevents us from being slim? 3 reasons to exercise at home

A person is accustomed to building a dense wall of comfort around himself.

It `s naturally. Our psyche and physiology have been evolutionarily designed to store more fat for the future and rest as much as possible (you never know what lies ahead).

And up to a point, this plan worked brilliantly. The best proof of this is that people are still alive and, as a species, occupy a leading position on planet Earth.

What more? That's just over the past hundred years, the number of overweight people has approximately doubled.

More people die from obesity now than from starvation. It is good that sport is becoming the most fashionable and affordable hobby among all age groups.

To maintain a beautiful appearance, it is not necessary to pay a lot of money to representatives of the fitness industry, the main thing is to overcome yourself, evolutionarily developed laziness and achieve your goals step by step.

The house has everything you need for this. These workouts allow you to:

  1. Save lots of time. You can even figure out exactly how much. On average, it takes half an hour to get to the sports club, 20 minutes to change clothes, an hour and a half for a fitness session, another 40 for water procedures, a hairdryer and a full fee. The same amount of time to go home with a tired step. The result is a decent piece of the day, not everyone can afford it. At home, the whole process comes down to an intense workout for 30-40 minutes and a high-speed shower. You can always find one hour for yourself.
  2. Don't spend extra money. A subscription to a good club is expensive, plus the need for many sports "toys" (special water bottles, gloves) and expensive equipment disappears by itself. There is no one to show off at home. The workouts below for girls at home are designed for weight loss, not for boastful photos or selfies in the mirrors.
  3. There are no psychological restrictions. Yes, we are embarrassed by the people around us and even the coach. It drives into a stupor, it is difficult to express yourself freely. Classes in a familiar environment help beginners to adapt and not be embarrassed by their body, get used to sweating, giving all their best and not being ashamed of it.

Imagining workouts at home for girls to slim down their legs or any other problematic part of the body, pictures of spacious rooms flash before my eyes.

In fact, a few meters of free space will be enough for a productive workout.

Tip: Be sure to drink at least a liter of water during the process. “Don’t drink to lose weight better” is a myth that is dangerous to health, you can easily overheat and become a victim of dehydration.

Weight loss training (for girls) at home is terabytes of videos that are freely available, but the effectiveness of these exercises will depend on you.

Finding information is very easy.

Remember, there is no good execution technique without practice. So start your first training soon!

The most important condition for starting workouts at home for girls for weight loss without equipment is a warm-up:

  1. Rotate your neck slowly. It will be enough to do 10 circles in one direction and the other. Avoid sudden movements (especially in the morning when the body is still sleepy). Tilt your head, only slowly.
  2. Jump in place with arms and legs out to the sides. Try to clap above your head. We continue the exercise, only now we start the brushes for ourselves.
  3. Spread your legs wide and stretch your elbows towards the floor. Make a deep lunge forward, touch the floor with the elbow of the same name, try to do this at least approximately.
  4. Stand up straight, as you exhale, lower yourself forward, bending in the lower back and on your hands reach a position where you can do push-ups or at least stand a little “in the plank”. The legs are straight, straight at the knees.
  5. On a small, medium and large trajectory, describe circles with your hands, first forward and then back. "Roll" the knees and ankles in the joints. Feel exactly where your muscles are clamped and stretch this place.

The famous plank can also be part of the warm-up

Without a good warm-up, cardio or strength training won't be as effective.

Plus, there is a big risk of injury. This will unsettle you for a long time and sports will be postponed indefinitely.

After exercising, it is best to stretch.

Tip: If you want to warm up for 100% cardio, do 30-40 burpees: lie down on the floor like a push-up, then pull your knees to your chest, straighten up and jump up, making a hand clap. This incredibly effective exercise strengthens the body well.

Cardio is life. Workout at home for girls for weight loss without dumbbells, but with towels!

Without long-term cardio, which is practiced constantly, it is impossible to lose weight - this is a recognized fact.

At the same time, the heart and blood vessels are greatly strengthened, overall endurance increases, and most importantly, metabolic processes in the body.

You lose weight both during cardio (though starting from the fortieth minute) and after training, provided that you do not eat for about half an hour.

For full-fledged sports at home for girls, the weight loss video, which is easy to find on any video resource, works most effectively.

However, there are internationally recognized exercises that alternate with each other, the intensity increases weekly.

Proper squats that pump your muscles. It's okay if you do them without dumbbells.
  1. Set your feet not wide. Place your hands on the back of your neck. The back is maximally arched at the waist. Sit down parallel to the floor and then jump out using the strength of your legs and buttocks. This is a very good exercise for the lower body and is best done continuously. That is, you jumped, sat down and immediately repeated the exercise. Push through your hips and pelvis.
  2. Stand up straight. Squat down and place your palms on the floor. Jump your feet back, leaving your hands in this position. Repeat the entire set of movements in a circle. Start with 10 repetitions, increasing the load with each workout.
  3. The next exercise is called "spiderman push-ups". But to become a super-hero (heroine) you need to try hard. Take two pieces of cloth. Let it be ordinary towels, and put a hand on each. Stretch your legs and find yourself in a stance, which is usually done before push-ups. Bend your right hand and stretch your left hand forward. Touch it to your right knee. Return to the starting position and repeat with the left side of the body. The pose turns out to be funny, however, very effective for burning subcutaneous fat. Arms and back are well worked out.
  4. Standing in an emphasis "before push-ups", pull the knee of the left leg to the elbow. Repeat the same with the other half of the body. Keep speeding up. One circle - when both the left and right leg bent and straightened.
  5. In the West, this exercise is called the “fish-saw”, while we all know it as the “bar”. This is the most difficult and useful exercise. Recommended! Stretch your legs (the distance between them is the width of your shoulders), stand on your elbows, focus on your forearms. Without bending at the waist, stretch out in a straight line and turn on the timer. Yes, yes, the duration of this practice is calculated in seconds, it is so exhausting. Experienced athletes can stand like this for two minutes or more. If you hold out for a minute, it will be a great result.

Repeat the exercises in a circle, setting an individual amount. Start with 5-7 and gradually increase the amount and intensity.

Tip: Want to make sure you give it your all to the very end? Watch your heart rate. It can be calculated using online calculators. In fat burning mode, it is approximately 140-158 beats per minute.

Power loads. An example of a workout at home for girls for weight loss (for beginners)

  1. Lie on a flat surface, lower your legs on a low bed or chair (but not on wheels). Place your hands behind your head and twist as you exhale. It is not necessary to tear the body completely off the floor. Place your bent legs on the floor and twist the body with the maximum possible amplitude. If the exercise seems too simple, press something heavy (for example, a cat or a volume of Pushkin) with your hands to your chest and continue the movement 10 to 20 times.
  2. Grab a dumbbell and lower your arms along your body. Keep your back straight with a natural arch. Slowly sit down, while taking a deep breath and taking the pelvis back, but not below the parallel. Stand up as you exhale. So the muscles of the pelvis and buttocks are perfectly worked out. There is a variety with widely spaced feet. On average, 8–12 repetitions are performed per set, but for weight loss, 15–30 are recommended.
  3. Stepping onto the bench perfectly coordinates the body, strengthens the large, quadriceps muscle and the back of the thigh. In general, in order to lose weight, it is necessary to use the largest muscles in our body. Any bench height or elevation can be used, but the knee should be slightly higher than the hip joint. Change your leg periodically. For each, do at least 10 repetitions, preferably with dumbbells of 3-5 kg.
  4. Lie down on a bench or on several stools with your head resting. Take dumbbells, bend your arms slightly. Bring them up and slowly lower them down. Do 3 sets of 10 or more reps. Choose the weight of the dumbbells yourself. A simple bottle of water might work for you first.
  5. Sit on a chair or a chair, take a dumbbell in each hand. Gently lift it up and lower it behind your back. You can do the same while standing, but if you have a bad back, limit yourself to the first option. This is a French press. The hands of girls are traditionally the weakest point, so carefully calculate the weight. It will be enough 10 repetitions and several approaches (on average 2-3).
  6. Push-ups from the bench (bedside tables, beds, etc.) are optimal for those who are not yet able to do push-ups from the floor. Get on your knees, rest your hands (setting wider than your shoulders) and touch the plane with your chest. The higher the bench, the easier it is to do push-ups. Push to the limit!
  7. Sitting on a chair, take dumbbells in your hands, it is better to lean against the wall. Raise them to your shoulders together or alternately. Keep tension in the biceps at all times. The shoulder muscle also needs to work. We do 3 circles 10 times.

When it will be easy to push up from the sofa or bed, go to the option shown in the photo. This will increase the burden

If it’s difficult for you to perform all these exercises at once, break them into two groups, but give your all at 120%, because a person does not fully know what his body is capable of.

If you “do not break off” and boldly endure 3-4 classes a week, very soon dozens of eyes will look after you with delight.

Why are there someone's eyes, you yourself will feel much better than ever!

Tip: Be sure to get enough sleep, otherwise the body will be under stress and the process of losing weight will slow down greatly.

In order to lose weight, strengthen muscles and get rid of excess fat, it is not necessary to visit the gym regularly. You can bring your body into perfect shape at home. We are offering to you home workouts for girls with an exercise plan and workout tips for effective weight loss.

Workout at home for girls: pros, cons and features

Even if you are busy with work and family affairs, 30 minutes for fitness You can always select several times a week. Especially if you organize effective workouts at home. If you thought that working out at home for girls is of little use, then try our ready-made exercise plan for weight loss and muscle tone of the whole body and get a toned and slender body.

Why should you pay attention to home fitness? What are the pros and cons of working out at home for girls compared to visiting a fitness club?

Benefits of training at home:

  • You save time on the road to the gym.
  • No need to adapt to the schedule of the fitness club.
  • You save money on the purchase of a subscription.
  • It is psychologically more comfortable to study alone, no one is watching you and does not cause inconvenience.
  • You do not need to purchase special fitness clothing, you can work out in a home T-shirt and shorts.
  • For young mothers on maternity leave, training at home is the only way out if there is no one to leave the child with.
  • A large selection of ready-made video programs and exercise complexes will make workouts at home for girls varied and effective.
  • You will have a comfortable shower or bath with all the necessary accessories at your fingertips.
  • You can practice early in the morning before work or late in the evening after work.

Cons of training at home:

  • There is no trainer who will put the correct technique for performing exercises.
  • At home, there is no variety of simulators, and additional equipment must be purchased.
  • You will have to independently think over and compose a set of exercises or look for a suitable program.
  • For training at home, girls need to have a strong motivation for training, no one will “kick” from the outside.
  • At home, there are too many distractions that can derail your workout: household chores, a family that needs attention, a desire to relax or surf the Internet, etc.

However, the convenience and comfort of home workouts outweigh the small list of cons. All you need to workout at home is to free up a small square of space in the apartment, set aside 30-60 minutes for a session, create an exercise plan and start training.

Equipment for training at home

For weight loss and body tone, you can exercise at home and without additional equipment. Exercising with your own body weight gives a good load and helps to work out the core muscles and speed up the fat burning process. However, for b about For more variation in training, it is desirable to have at least dumbbells: they are especially useful when performing strength exercises. In addition to dumbbells, you may need a chair, bed, or bedside table for some exercises that require support.

If you have some additional equipment at home or have the opportunity to purchase it, then this will help you diversify your exercises and increase the effectiveness of your workout. However dumbbells are the most basic equipment, which will be enough for a full-fledged workout at home for girls. It is also advisable to have a rug or mat on the floor if you have a hard or cold floor.

What other equipment can be purchased:

  • Fitness elastic band: the most popular equipment in recent times, ideal for the hips and buttocks.
  • Mat: the main equipment that is necessary for almost any workout at home.
  • Fitball: a round ball for abdominal exercises and the development of stabilizing abdominal muscles.
  • Tube expander: ideal for training arms, shoulders and back.
  • Elastic Band: Very useful for strength training and stretching.
  • Massage roller: for muscle recovery after exercise and self-massage.
  • TRX loops: for functional training at home.

So, for cardio training and functional training for body tone, you can do it without additional equipment, with your own body weight. For strength training, you will need dumbbells from 1 kg to 10 kg, depending on your capabilities and goals. If you plan to train at home for a long time, then it is better to purchase collapsible dumbbells. Instead of dumbbells, you can use plastic water bottles or design dumbbells yourself:

Home workouts for girls: basic rules

1. Any workout should always start with a warm-up (7-10 minutes) and end with a stretch (5-7 minutes). This is a mandatory rule that should always be remembered. Check out our warm-up and stretch options:

  • Warm-up before training: exercises + plan

2. Don't exercise on a full stomach. Training should begin 1-2 hours after the last meal.

3. 1.5-2 hours before training, you can afford a full meal. If this is not possible, then take a small carbohydrate snack 45-60 minutes before the start of the class. 30 minutes after training, it is better to eat a small portion of protein + carbohydrate (e.g. 100 g cottage cheese + apple or 1 scoop of whey protein in milk) . But for weight loss, the most important thing is not what exactly you eat before and after training, but how you generally eat throughout the day.

5. You can train in the morning on an empty stomach. The time of classes does not affect the process of losing weight, so choose the morning hours only if you are comfortable exercising after waking up. You can have breakfast 30 minutes after class, preferably protein + carbohydrates.

6. Don't forget to drink water. Drink a glass of water 20-30 minutes before your workout and one or two glasses of water after your workout. During class, drink every 10 minutes, taking several sips.

7. Be sure to exercise in sneakers so as not to harm the joints of the legs. Also wear a sports bra to support your breasts and comfortable clothes made from natural fabrics that allow you to move freely. If you do yoga, Pilates, or do gentle floor exercises, you don't need running shoes.

8. Do not overload yourself with training, at first it is enough to do 3 times a week for 30 minutes. Gradually, you can increase the duration and frequency of classes: 4-5 times a week for 45 minutes, if you want to force the results.

9. If you have back problems, then it is best to minimize the exercises for the press that are performed on the back, replacing them with planks and variations:

For training we use circular pattern: Perform each exercise for 30 seconds + 30 seconds rest and then move on to the next exercise. After the end of the circle, we stop for 2 minutes and start the circle again from the first exercise. We repeat the exercises in 3 circles . If the exercise is performed on two sides, then we perform 30 seconds first on one side, then 30 seconds on the other. Each circle will take you 7-8 minutes.

Day 1

2. Leg raise (both sides)

3. Static plank (you can kneel down)

Day 2

2. Plie Squat

5. Bringing the thigh lying on the side (on both sides)

Day 3

1. Leg raises

3. Side lunge (both sides)

4. Walking with the spread of the arms and the overlap of the lower leg

5. Lateral leg raise on all fours (on both sides)

Workouts at home for weight loss and fat burning

If you are looking for a workout at home for girls who want to lose weight and have at least a little fitness experience, then we offer you a set of exercises for burning fat based on cardio and muscle tone exercises. In this version of home workouts, you also do not need additional equipment.

For practice, we again use circular pattern: each exercise is performed for 40 seconds + 20 seconds rest and then move on to the next exercise. After the end of the circle, we make a stop for 1-2 minutes and start the circle again from the first exercise. We repeat the exercises in 3-4 circles (for starters, you can do 1-2 circles, see how you feel) . If the exercise is performed on two sides, then we perform first on one side, then on the other. Each circle will take you 8 minutes.

Day 1

2. Walking lunges forward

4. Skier

5. Leg raise to the side (both sides)

6. Side plank twist (both sides)

Day 2

2. Bulgarian lunge (both sides)

5. Leg swing (on both sides)

Day 3

2. Getting up from a chair with a raised leg (both sides)

4. Plank jumps with leg extension

5. Leg raise (both sides)

Workouts at home to tone muscles and reduce body fat

If you are looking for workouts at home for girls who are not overweight, but want to tone their bodies, then we offer you a set of exercises to strengthen muscles and reduce body fat. Unlike the previous scheme, the circle includes only one cardio exercise, the rest of the exercises are aimed at muscle tone and getting rid of problem areas. You will need dumbbells 2-5 kg.

We train in the same way in a circular pattern: we perform each exercise for 40 seconds + 20 seconds of rest and then move on to the next exercise. After the end of the circle, we make a stop for 1-2 minutes and start the circle again from the first exercise. We repeat the exercises in 3-4 circles (for starters, you can do 1-2 circles, see how you feel) . If the exercise is performed on two sides, then we perform first on one side, then on the other. Each circle will take you 7-8 minutes.

Day 1

2. Pulling up dumbbells in the plank

4. Push-ups (possible on your knees)

5. Lunges in a circle (on both sides)

Day 2

1. Lunge on the spot (on both sides)

2. Breeding arms with dumbbells in an incline

5. Plank spider

6. Twisting to the side (on both sides)

Day 3

1. Diagonal lunges (possible with dumbbells)

2. Side plank (both sides)

4. Side lunge (both sides)

5. Reverse push-ups

Strength training at home to strengthen muscles and develop strength

If you want to strengthen muscles, develop strength and improve body composition, then we offer you strength training for girls at home. The program includes strength exercises with dumbbells. We perform the exercises for the specified number of approaches and repetitions (for example, 4x10-12 means 4 sets of 10-12 reps) . Rest 30-60 seconds between sets, 2-3 minutes rest between exercises.

If you want to effectively work on the muscles, then the weight of the dumbbells should be taken so that the last repetition in the approach is performed at maximum effort (from 5 kg and above). If you only have light dumbbells available, then do b about a higher number of repetitions (for example, 15-20 repetitions), but in this case, the training will not be strength, but fat burning.

Every girl dreams of a toned and desired body. But referring to the lack of free time or financial difficulties, girls deprive themselves of the opportunity to create the figure of their dreams. And in vain: now many people practice training at home. And if the only obstacle to beauty is ignorance, then our site will help you start exercising at home.

A set of exercises at home combines two groups of exercises for effective weight loss and the acquisition of muscle relief: cardio and strength. All you need is confidence, a good mood and some gear.

It's great if you have at your disposal a pair of dumbbells weighing more than 3 kg. However, every person who wants to train at home wondered: “ Can you exercise without dumbbells?» You can, because dumbbells are easily created from improvised materials.

You will need:

  • A pair of plastic bottles of 1 and 1.5 liters.
  • Ordinary rock salt or water to fill bottles. Keep in mind that the density of salt is twice the density of water, and one half-liter bottle of salt will weigh twice as much as a similar bottle of water.
  • Scales for measuring the weight of the resulting dumbbell.

To perform some of the exercises included in the complex, you will need several chairs that replace the bench.

How to do homework correctly?

In order for the training program for girls to have maximum efficiency and be only a joy, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. You can start classes no earlier than an hour after eating and no later than two. Otherwise, you run the risk of getting stomach discomfort during training, or the body does not have enough strength to work.
  2. Before doing home exercises, be sure to do a warm-up to prepare the muscles for work.
  3. When you perform a set of exercises at home, it is very important to breathe correctly. When you lower something you need to inhale through your nose, and during the most difficult part of the exercise (lifting weights) you need to exhale through your mouth. In the first workouts, pay close attention to the issue of breathing. Over time, you will learn to breathe correctly automatically. Don't hold your breath. Otherwise, the cells of the body will not receive oxygen, and they will die.
  4. Be sure to drink water to restore the water-salt balance.
  5. After completing your home exercises, do stretching muscles to relax them.

Level one

The training program for girls provides for different degrees of preparation. Assess your options and choose the level that suits you. The complex, which will be discussed below, is designed for ladies who have never taken care of their bodies either in the gym or at home.

It is worth considering that:

  • Classes are held without burdens.
  • Home exercises should be done three times a week with a one-day break.
  • You can proceed to the next level only when you can easily do the exercises described below for the maximum specified number of times.


As they say, the first fight is the hardest. The first workout is the hardest, but after it, subsequent homework classes will be easier, you will gradually get the taste.

  • Classic Squats: In the classic squat, the back is straight, the heels do not come off the floor, the thighs are parallel to the floor. We perform 4 sets of 10-20 times, depending on our strength.
  • Forward lunges: It is important that the back is straight and does not lean. 2 sets for each leg 10-20 times.
  • Glute Bridge: When performing, make sure that feet do not leave the floor, the neck did not rest on the floor. Perform 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.
  • Standing toe raises: 3 sets of 10-20 reps.
  • Wide grip knee push-ups: Knee push-ups much easier for beginners than doing push-ups in the classic way. Three sets of 10-15 reps.
  • Twisting: A basic exercise for the abdominal muscles, included in any set of exercises that can be done at home. It is necessary to perform three approaches for the maximum number of times.


At first, the muscles may ache. It happens out of habit. But it's okay, we continue homework.

  1. Bulgarian lunges: We'll need some chairs. You should perform 4 sets of 10-20 times.
  2. Bridge for the buttocks: 3 sets of 10-20 times.
  3. Leg abduction in the prone position: Can be performed both on the floor and on an impromptu bench. 2 sets of 15-20 reps for each leg.
  4. Push-ups from the bench in the back support: The exercise is quite simple, very useful for practicing at home. It is required to perform 3 sets of 10-15 times.
  5. Twisting: Do 3 sets of the maximum number of times.

Impossible is just a big word behind which small people hide. (Mohammed Ali)


Try your best, this is the last workout of the week, then the weekend awaits you, which you will spend unforgettable thanks to the powerful release of dopamine after workout at home.

  1. Plie squats: If you're having trouble with your balance, lean against a wall. 3 sets of 10-20 reps.
  2. Reverse Lunges: Two sets of 15-20 reps per leg.
  3. Glute Bridge: 4 sets of 10-15 reps.
  4. Standing up on toes (springs): We perform 3 sets of 15-25 repetitions.
  5. Push-ups from the support: 3 sets of 10-15 reps.

Level two

You have fully mastered the training program for girls of the first level. Tasks are easy to complete you are ready to move on to weight training. These are either dumbbells or plastic bottles of water or salt.

Performing home exercises of the second basic level, follow the rules:

  • We practice three times a week with breaks.
  • Start with small weights with which you can perform the entire complex at home without straining or straining. As your muscles develop, move on to heavier weights.


As you have already noticed, the whole complex is aimed mainly at the buttocks, abs and legs. Real workouts for girls.

  1. Weighted Squats: 3 sets of 12 reps.
  2. Lunges forward with weights: 2 sets on each leg 15 times.
  3. Standing calf raises with a dumbbell in one hand: 3 sets of 20 reps.
  4. Lifting dumbbells in front of you while standing: 3 sets of 10 repetitions.
  5. Breeding dumbbells in the standing side: 3 sets of 10 times.
  6. Twisting: 4 sets of the maximum number of repetitions possible for you.


  1. Classic push-ups from the floor. Try to touch the floor with your chest. 3 sets for the maximum number of times.
  2. Breeding dumbbells in the lying side: 4 sets of 12 reps
  3. Push-ups from the bench in the rear support: 3 sets of 15 times.
  4. Alternate bending of the arms with weights while sitting: 3 sets of 15 times.
  5. Weighted Plie Squats: 4 sets of 10-20 reps.


  1. Plie with weights: 3 sets of 15 repetitions.
  2. Bulgarian lunges with a dumbbell: 4 sets of 12 reps.
  3. Glute bridge with weights: 3 sets of 12 repetitions.
  4. Calf raises with a dumbbell in one hand: 3 sets of 20 reps.
  5. Dumbbell Row: 3 sets of 15 reps.

After 3-6 months in this mode, you can move on to a more difficult level. Classes are given 4 days a week, weights and the number of sets increase. We guarantee that the training program for girls is already after a month will produce the expected effect. You will gradually lose weight, your muscles will gain relief, and your soul will sing with endless joy. Imagine the ideal more often, strive for it and don’t stop there.

Working on your body is harder than playing checkers. You can "get into the kings" here only through regular classes. Training three days a week in a month and a half will give a tangible result. It is important not to force events, but also not to slow down, increasing the load gradually. Training for beginners should involve all muscle groups, so the body will quickly get used to regular exercise.

General training rules

From the first lessons it is very important to learn how to perform the exercises technically correctly.

Replacement exercise

When the muscles are used to the load and you do not feel discomfort during the exercise, it becomes easy for you - it's time to replace it with another one, with the same muscle groups. So that the muscles continue to be effectively loaded.

This usually happens every 3-4 sessions (microcycle).

Any training program for girls should be changed at least once a month.

Projectile weight and magnification

The weight with which a person trains is called working weight. A beginner picks up a small weight for himself, with which he can perform the exercise with great effort 15 times, and the 16th time he cannot. Having made two approaches, in the next workout, you need to assess the condition of the muscles:

  • if they don’t hurt, we slightly increase the load;
  • if the muscles hurt, it makes sense to skip the exercise until the next workout so that the muscles have time to recover.

It is necessary to work with such a weight that it is difficult for the last repetitions, but the execution technique remains correct.

In this 6-week training cycle for girls, weights are deliberately not indicated:

  1. Initial training is different for everyone.
  2. Different muscle groups are not equally developed (someone may have a weak back but strong legs and vice versa).

Lesson duration

The training lasts 1 hour. A beginner manages to do 3-6 exercises during this time. Almost all of them are done in 3-4 sets of 8-12 times (3-4 * 8-12).

Between approaches - smaller and exercises - more, pauses for rest are obligatory, but not more than 7 minutes, so that the muscles do not have time to cool down.

When practicing 3 times a week, there should be one free day between them, which is necessary for muscle recovery. Each lesson should contain a complex for working out a rested muscle group, last no more than 1 hour, of which 10 minutes are allotted for warm-up, 45 for the strength part and 5 or more minutes for the final workout and stretching.

First of all, it is important:

  • master the correct technique for performing exercises;
  • accustom the body to regular physical activity (especially joints and ligaments to strength exercises);
  • increase muscle tone and strength;
  • prepare the basis for further increases in workloads.


A training diary, in which you can schematically record the exercises performed with the number of hikes, repetitions and weight, will allow you to track progress in loads.


For the most effective training, girls need to take into account the phases of their menstrual cycle, changing the load:

  • in the first week (menstrual) - stretching is best; need light exercises; reduce the load on the press and legs;
  • in the second (postmenstrual) - strength training with maximum load, training for speed and endurance;
  • in the next two weeks (ovulation and premenstrual phases) - fat burning and cardio workouts are most effective.

A set of exercises

This training program will be effective if the body is fully restored.

  • Complete sleep.
  • Balanced diet - for weight loss, enhanced in.
  • The use of sports supplements in an article about.

From the first to the third week

The first two weeks you should not increase the weights in the exercises, but on the third it is worth adding a little weight in the first three exercises of each workout.
Day 1 (legs, shoulders, abs)

Day 2 (back, chest, triceps, abs)

Day 3 (focus on cardio, back, legs, arms, abs)

Fourth to sixth

When replacing exercises with new ones, it is important not to increase the weight of the shells. The change in the direction of the load connects the stabilizing muscles that were not working before. Take the time to choose comfortable weights in each of the exercises, starting with the minimum.
1st day

  1. Platform leg press 3-4*8-12 all for replacement;
  2. Leg curl (on the biceps of the thigh) on the simulator 3-4 * 8-12;
  3. Lower leg in the simulator, sitting 3-4 * 8-12;
  4. Lifting up dumbbells (military bench press or Arnold bench press), sitting 3-4 * 8-12;
  5. Lifting dumbbells to the chin 3-4 * 8-12;
  6. To the previous one, add the bar for 3 minutes (you can do it with short breaks).

2nd day

3rd day

  1. Easy run 30 minutes;
  2. Deadlift 3-4*8-12;
  3. Leg extension on the simulator 3-4 * 8-12;
  4. Extensions with or without weight 3-4*8-12;
  5. Lifting dumbbells (for biceps) alternately, sitting 3-4 * 8-12;
  6. Super set: bending on the Roman bench 12 times + after each approach the plank 1 minute. 3 such approaches.

In subsequent training cycles

  • if it’s easy, increase the working weight in the approaches without compromising the execution technique;
  • if it is difficult (stagnation is felt) - replace the exercises with similar ones;
  • for lagging muscles, you can add 1 exercise in 1 of the days, but no more;
  • and always look for new exercises for the muscle group being worked on.

Choose the weight yourself, so that you feel muscle failure in the last approaches.

The cyclic training program for girls in the gym is primarily aimed at changing the direction of the load, and only then at increasing the weights in the exercises. This, without large dumbbells and barbells, ensures the effectiveness of the set of exercises. However, muscle pain is an integral part of the training and indicates the development of muscles.

Increase the load gradually, and enjoy training. Then, in a matter of months, you can become the owner of a strong and slender body with beautiful shapes.

We are waiting for your questions in the comments!

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This workout program for girls at home will help you lose weight and build a beautiful figure. Isn't this the dream of every second girl? Let's start training.

What can you do at home

The body of a girl is slightly different from a man's. And not at all what you think. We are talking about biochemical metabolic processes.

In the body, testosterone is responsible for muscle anabolism, and some estrogens are responsible for fat anabolism. When a man loses his masculinity through drinking beer, a passive lifestyle, testosterone levels in his body fall and estrogen levels rise. A beer belly appears, fat begins to be deposited on the hips and buttocks. The figure is rebuilt according to the female type.

When there is a lot of testosterone, the body keeps in good muscular shape.

Girls also have their own level of male hormone, but it is 20 times lower than that of a normal man. This level is not enough to build a huge muscle mass, but it is enough to tone the muscles and develop strength (albeit not to the male level).

And therefore, the training of a girl is different from a man's. Maybe it contains the same exercises (although there are many that men do not do), but they are performed with different weights and a different number of times. Both in the gym and at home, the training programs will be similar.

At home for girls, a fat burning workout may consist of the following elements:

  • Aerobics.
  • Classic cardio.
  • Circuit training with or without light weights through gymnastic exercises.
  • Yoga, by the way, also helps to burn fat and achieve harmony!

At home for girls, all the conditions for classes are created - the only obstacle is your laziness!

Consider the most interesting options separately.

Circuit training for girls

One of the best options is workout for girls for weight loss. People like to say fat burning workout at home. Few people understand what it is to burn fat, how it generally happens. Most people rely on exercise. First you need to have willpower and put a lock on the refrigerator! This is the main rule!

Circuit workouts at home for weight loss may contain a mixture of crossfit and dance, for example. Here are some exercise options that you can use to train.

Jump Squats

Do 10 squats with your arms outstretched in front of you. At the top point, when your legs are already straight, jump up. Use the springy effect at the bottom point, do not extinguish it. It is very comfortable.

You can do these squats in the morning every day, increasing their number to 30.

A more difficult option is jumping out of a squatting position, hands on the floor. When moving up, raise your arms above your head.

Throw knees to the chest lying

Stand on your hands as if you are going to do push-ups. Don't worry, it's not about push-ups!

Spread your legs wide, lift your pelvis up. Take turns pulling one or the other knee towards your chin or chest. Do everything at your pace. You can do this exercise immediately after jumping squats.

Do 10-30 intense movements for each leg.

The main remark: we work with a cross - the right knee goes to the left side of the chest, the left knee - to the right.

Skipping rope or jumping on toes

If you have high ceilings and a jump rope, use it. If the conditions are not so good - just jump on your toes. Alternate right and left foot, do 3-5 jumps on each leg in turn.

Put a stopwatch in front of you and jump for 60 seconds. This can be done after the previous exercise.

Back fold

After the jumps, we bring the heartbeat back to normal and lie down on our back (lay some comfortable rug). And we perform the simultaneous lifting of the body and legs. You can bend your knees and touch them to your chest. Do this 10-30 times.

For those who find it difficult to make a fold, you can perform a body lift paired with a leg raise:

  • We raise the body once - we lower it.
  • Immediately after this, we raise our legs - we lower them.
  • We raise the body with a simultaneous turn of the elbows and torso to the right knee, lower it.
  • We raise our legs.
  • Repeat lifting the body with a turn to the other knee.

From these 4 elements, an exercise will be formed, which we will call “complex twisting”.

Lying pelvic lift

This exercise is also called the glute bridge. We lie on our back, arms along the body are extended and lie on the floor with palms down. The legs are bent at the knees. Raise your pelvis as high as you can, then lower it back down. Do this 10-30 times.

Lifting the pelvis upside down

Now turn over on your stomach, stand on your elbows and socks. With the effort of the pelvic muscles, we lift it high up and lower it to a straight line with the rest of the body. 10-30 times.

Pulling the leg back

We stand on our elbows, like last time, and on our knees. Take turns moving back and up each leg. 10-30 times for both legs. Then you can put weights on your legs.

Scissors from a prone position

Lie on your side, lean on your elbow. The second hand rests on the floor in front of you. Raise your leg up. We do this 10-30 times and turn over to the other side.

There are many more exercises and their options, which can consist of a workout program for weight loss at home. But you can try these first.

If you can do all these exercises in one cycle, starting with 10 repetitions, and repeat 2-3 such cycles with a rest of 120 seconds, you will burn a decent amount of calories.

The workout program for girls at home does not have to include all of these exercises, nor does it have to be done in the form of a superset or a circle. You can take a break of 30 seconds between each exercise. It is important that you sweat, get tired. If you didn't break a drop of sweat during a workout, it's a bad workout. Moreover, you definitely will not be able to burn fat from such training. To lose weight, you need to sweat.


The jump rope indicated in the last section is also a cardio element. But classic cardio is an exercise bike, a treadmill, an ellipsoid, perhaps a stepper.

Do you have anything from this house? Excellent! 40 minutes of work on a heart rate of 120-125 beats.

Do you really want to lose weight? Try interval elements.

Interval training at home is a good weight loss option for girls.

For example, you are pedaling on an exercise bike. Set a bigger load, accelerate to the maximum possible rhythm and keep this speed for 20-30 seconds, then reduce the load and continue pedaling at a slow pace, restoring breathing and heart rate.

Ligaments on the press

Use the following basic ab moves as supersets:

  • Lifting the body lying down with legs bent at the knees.
  • Alternate leg raises.
  • Simultaneous leg raises.
  • Raising the body with legs raised up.
  • Twisting lying.
  • lying down - stretch your arms and try to get them to the heel, twisting in the lower back. The right hand tries to reach the right heel, the left - the left.


Open the Internet, enter "aerobics video course" and carefully repeat what is happening on the screen.

What is good aerobics:

  • You are positive, make rhythmic movements to the music
  • You sweat, your heart speeds up to 120-130 beats per minute
  • You lose weight and get leaner with every workout!

Aerobics is great for burning fat at home. It lasts about an hour, during which time up to 400 calories are consumed. Do not be too lazy to get to the pool - water aerobics burns up to 700 or more calories during the same time. Almost 2 times more.

For more variety, buy a fitness hoop - you will twist it on your belt. You can also take a step platform. Then you can do step aerobics.

Using dumbbells and weights

Training at home is difficult to imagine without dumbbells or weights. They lie in a corner, pleasing to the eye. I want to take them and work with them. And if there are no dumbbells, then you won’t force yourself to do it.

You can do aerobics with dumbbells. You can systematically do various exercises, such as breeding, bench presses, squats, lunges with dumbbells.

A weight loss training program for girls with dumbbells, for example, may look like this (circular version):

  1. Dumbbell bench press for 15 reps.
  2. , you need to do the same in 15 repetitions
  3. Dumbbell bench press from behind the head, the same number of times.
  4. Bending arms with dumbbells stand - the same amount.

Rest until the pulse is restored.

  1. Squats with dumbbells - 1 set of 15 reps
  2. Lunges with them, the same number of times
  3. Incline with dumbbells and Romanian or deadlift 15 times.
  4. - also 15.

Rest until the pulse is fully restored

Well, after the press. You can do a bunch of 7-8 exercises, where every 2 will be connected in a superset. We have already talked about this above.

As for weights, you can put them on your arms and legs and perform any exercises that you did without weight. Thus, the load on the muscles will be greater, and, therefore, the training is more effective.

Programming principles

Workouts for girls at home should consist of different exercises.

Any weight loss program should include cardio before and after the main workout. After cardio, the most difficult exercises should go, for example, on the legs. Then come the chest-back and arms-shoulders. You can complete the workout with a press.

It is more difficult for men to work out at home - they need weights. But for girls, small dumbbells and intensive work of 7 sweats are enough to lose weight. The female body is slightly different from the male.

You can do the same complex several times a week. You can separate workouts by muscle groups - but this is more suitable for gaining mass and creating a good relief. To lose weight, it is better to use circular training.

In the simplest case, for weight loss for women, in general, the usual cardio and diet are enough. But with this training regimen, fat will simply go away, and the shape of the muscles will practically not change. If you want to not only lose weight, but also pump up - use cardio in a dosed manner, be sure to perform exercises for specific muscle groups.

For more complex goals - you need to draw up an individual program in each case.

We take into account nutrition

Many begin to practice, a month passes - there is no result. And even worse - the weight is growing!

What's the matter? What about food, have you changed your diet in any way? No. And that is exactly what needs to be done! Eat less fast carbohydrates and fats, replace unhealthy foods with healthy ones, eat a balanced diet and do not overeat. Here lies the magic key to success.

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