Thromboass or Cardiomagnyl: which is better? Reviews about preparations. What is better cardiomagnyl or thrombo ass Better thrombo ass cardiomagnyl

ThromboASS or Cardiomagnyl - which of these two is better? This question arises before many who need to undergo a therapeutic course using these drugs. These drugs have the same properties when exposed to the body, but there is still a slight difference between them.

Indications for the use of drugs

There are a number of reasons why these products can be called analogues, since the indications for their use are basically similar. But, despite this factor, among them you can choose the most suitable tool.

List of indications for the use of drugs:

  1. Preventive measures for diseases of the cardiovascular system, including angina pectoris, ischemia and blood clots.
  2. Hypertension.
  3. To reduce the risk of a secondary heart attack.
  4. Insufficient blood circulation of the brain.
  5. Elevated hemoglobin level.
  6. Prevention of stroke.
  7. Varicose veins and thrombosis.
  8. Thromboembolism of the pulmonary arteries and its branches.

ThromboAss or Cardiomagnyl are prescribed after surgery, for example, after bypass surgery.

All of the above are general properties, proving that the action is similar and aimed at maintaining the normal function of the heart muscle and blood vessels. The reason for this is the presence in them of the main substance - acetylsalicylic acid, which has the property of influencing enzymes and thinning the blood, as well as creating obstacles to the formation of blood clots in the vessels. A one-time medication allows you to improve your well-being for the next week, and this becomes noticeable for the patient.


The manufacturer, along with the benefits of drugs, recommends limiting their intake in the presence of concomitant diseases:

  • ulcers on the mucous membranes in the gastrointestinal tract in the stages of exacerbation;
  • sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • the presence of polyps in the sinuses;
  • for children under the age of majority;
  • internal bleeding;
  • acute liver or kidney diseases;
  • the presence of stones in the internal organs;
  • gout;
  • hay fever;
  • low platelet aggregation;
  • acute and chronic ENT diseases;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis.

All of the above applies to joint contraindications, common to both Cardiomagnyl and ThromboASS.

Side effects of drugs

In most cases, drugs are well tolerated by patients. But there are exceptions in which side effects may occur. The list of manifestations in which the drug should be stopped:

  • vomiting, nausea;
  • stomatitis, colitis;
  • spasms in the bronchi;
  • dizziness;
  • angioedema or urticaria;
  • ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • heartburn and pain in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • insomnia or, on the contrary, increased drowsiness;
  • noise in the back of the head and in the ears;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • anemia;
  • intolerance to the ingredients of the drug;
  • allergy;
  • rashes on the skin;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • and others.

These unwanted side effects apply to both drugs at the same time.

Composition, dosage and other information

The release of drugs is carried out:

  • Cardiomagnyl - in tablets of 75 or 150 grams;
  • ThromboASS - in tablets of 50 or 100 grams.

The selection of an individual dosage is determined by a specialist, depending on the severity of the disease and the presence of contraindications for the action of drugs.

The composition of Cardiomagnyl contains:

  • acetylsalicylic acid;
  • magnesium hydroxide;
  • excipients - corn and potato starch, MCC and magnesium stearate;
  • shell products: talc and hypromellose, propylleglycol.

ThromboASS includes the following substances:

  • acetylsalicylic acid;
  • excipients: lactose, silicon dioxide and potato starch;
  • shell products: triacetin, talc and methacrylic acid and ethylacryl.

The dosage of the active substance - acetylsalicylic acid in the preparations is different, but this ingredient is inexpensive. The price characteristics of the funds are different. Cardiomagnyl is almost three times more expensive than ThromboASS, despite the fact that the composition is almost the same.

The difference between ThromboASS and Cardiomagnyl

Despite the similarity of the actions of the products and with the same components, there is a difference between them. When choosing, it is necessary to take into account the factor that affects individual cases in different ways. For example, Cardiomagnyl contains magnesium hydroxide. The properties of this element are aimed at providing laxative and acid-neutralizing properties, as a result of which the acid does not irritate the stomach. And in ThromboASS, such an action is excluded, although this remedy has its own advantages: the presence of a protective shell that allows it to pass through the stomach into the intestine and dissolve in the latter. And it is possible that the effect of such a drug will be even better.

Individual contraindications and features of admission

The action of ThromboASS extends to a decrease in the formation of blood clots, while it is possible to lower the temperature, relieve pain and provide an anti-inflammatory effect. This drug has a rather mild effect on the internal organs, it does not disintegrate in the stomach, and begins to work in the intestines. It can also be used during pregnancy in the 1st and 2nd trimesters, but only when combined with other drugs that accompany its mild effect. When breastfeeding, the use of the drug should be excluded.

Cardiomagnyl is a drug with a broader spectrum of action. Magnesium hydroxide, which is part of it, also has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, along with the main function - blood thinning. You can not use during pregnancy during the 1st and 3rd trimesters, you should refrain from using the remedy. When breastfeeding, care should be taken when taking the medicine.

When prescribing a particular drug, a specialist should take into account the individual characteristics of a person, namely, get acquainted with the history of his diseases, the presence of contraindications and other factors. For example, Cardiomagnyl is not recommended for persons with a concomitant disease - a stomach ulcer, and ThromboASS in case of an ulcer in the intestine. The name ThromboASS indicates that this drug will cope better with the formation of plaques, although this is not entirely correct, since Cardiomagnyl also performs this function.


Based on the above information, it can be concluded that the actions of the drugs are basically identical. Almost the same indications and contraindications confirm the same properties of drugs. Side effects are also almost the same. The active substance included in the preparations - acetylsalicylic acid is inexpensive, so an arbitrary conclusion suggests itself that Cardiomagnyl is unreasonably more expensive than ThromboASS.

Medications "Cardiomagnyl" and "Tromboass" are within their scope. They are interchangeable, and each doctor, depending on his preferences, prescribes one of these drugs.

But it is important for the patient to know what is better to take: "Cardiomagnyl" or "Tromboass"? To do this, you need to compare these drugs.

"Cardiomagnyl" and "Tromboass":General

Indications for use.

"Cardiomagnyl" and "Tromboass" are prescribed to patients with the following diagnoses:

  1. angina pectoris
  2. Ischemic stroke
  3. Thrombosis prevention
  4. Heart failure
  5. Postoperative period
  6. Lack of full blood flow to the brain
  7. Prevention of myocardial infarction.

Active substance

The active component of "Cardiomagnyl" and "Tromboass" is acetylsalicylic acid.

Antiplatelet action

The drugs "Cardiomagnyl" and "Tromboass" belong to the group of antiplatelet drugs, the effect of which lasts about a week after a single use.

Active substances enter the bloodstream from the gastrointestinal tract and are excreted through the genitourinary system.

Side effects

"Cardiomagnyl" and "Tromboass" can cause the following side reactions:

  1. Vomiting and nausea.
  2. Stomach ache.
  3. The appearance of ulcers on the membranes of the stomach and duodenum.
  4. Insomnia or excessive sleepiness.
  5. Bronchosasm.
  6. Anemia.
  7. Dizziness.

Tromboass, Cardiomagnyl:differences


In addition to the same active ingredient, the composition of Tromboass and Cardiomagnyl has various auxiliary components.

In addition, "Cardiomagnyl" has another active substance - magnesium hydroxide. Its presence allows you to neutralize the adverse effects of acetylsalicylic acid on the gastric mucosa.

Trust doctors and your feelings, and take care of your health.

Practitioners, prescribing a particular drug to a patient, most often make the choice at their discretion. However, are there any differences between similar drugs, and which one is better to give preference to? To answer this question, you need to study the specific features of medicinal analogues and identify their main differences. These medicines include "TromboASS" and "Cardiomagnyl".

Both drugs have similar biological and chemical characteristics, but there are still slight differences between them. Which is better: "TromboASS" or "Cardiomagnyl"? Let's take a closer look at these anti-inflammatory non-steroidal pills.

The difference in indications for use

These drugs do not have any significant differences in indications for use. Such drugs are recommended for use in the following pathologies:

  • angina;
  • defect in the blood flow of the brain of the head;
  • heart failure;
  • ischemic stroke.

In addition, medications are used as prophylactic agents to prevent myocardial infarction and thrombosis. They are widely used to speed up the recovery of the patient after surgery. It is very important to remember that it is forbidden to start taking both Cardiomagnyl and ThromboASS on your own. You must first contact a specialist who will prescribe the appropriate dosage in each case.

The main differences between drugs

So which is better "TromboASS" or "Cardiomagnyl"? Although these drugs are prescribed for the treatment of the same diseases, each of them has its own characteristics of the impact on the human body. The main active ingredient of both drugs is acetylsalicylic acid, which has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiplatelet and antipyretic effects. Along with this, this substance negatively affects the functioning of the digestive tract, since there is an increase in acidity, and the gastric mucosa is irritated.

Many are interested in what is better for the stomach: "TromboASS" or "Cardiomagnyl"?

In addition to acetylsalicylic acid, the latter also contains such an active ingredient as magnesium hydroxide, which can have a positive effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulate intestinal motility and reduce acidity. At the same time, "TromboASS" does not contain other active ingredients, except for acetylsalicylic acid. This is precisely the main difference between these drugs, and therefore Cardiomagnyl is more suitable for the stomach. It should be noted that the presence of magnesium hydroxide in it can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing such negative side effects as pain in the stomach, nausea, heartburn, and vomiting.

Different dosage

There is also a difference in the choice of the appropriate dosage of these drugs. "TromboASS" is produced in the form of tablets in dosages of fifty and one hundred milligrams. At the same time, "Cardiomagnyl", characterized by the same form of release, differs in the mass of pills: seventy-five and one hundred and fifty milligrams. Only a doctor can decide which dosage of the drug will be most suitable in a particular situation. It is strictly forbidden to start taking these medications on your own, because serious complications can develop due to this.

In terms of cost, the drugs are different. A package of Cardiomagnyl costs an average of two hundred rubles, while TromboASS costs one hundred rubles.

Possible contraindications and features of the application

Which is better: "TromboASS" or "Cardiomagnyl"? Let's dive into the characteristics of drugs.

Both drugs have similar contraindications:

  • period of exacerbation of gastrointestinal ulcers;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • predisposition to severe bleeding;
  • allergy to ASA;
  • first and last trimesters of pregnancy;
  • lactation.

The drugs are prescribed with caution to the elderly, children, patients suffering from mild renal and hepatic insufficiency, as well as chronic gastritis, gout and other diseases.

Side effects

Both drugs have identical side reactions:

  • severe allergy;
  • stool disorders, vomiting, nausea;
  • pain in the abdomen, heartburn;
  • lethargy, fainting, dizziness;
  • excessive sleepiness or restless sleep;
  • anemia symptoms;
  • ulcers of the gastrointestinal mucosa;
  • predisposition to bleeding.

Usually, side effects make themselves felt only in cases where the recommended dosage of the drug is increased, and in other situations, with due observance of medical prescriptions, the manifestation of undesirable effects in the process of taking medications is practically excluded.

To each his own

Magnesium hydroxide, which is present in Cardiomagnyl, is a hydrochloric acid neutralizer and has a slight laxative effect. This component is introduced into the preparation in order to protect the inner surface of the stomach, transforming there into an enveloping film.

Although "TromboASS" does not have other active ingredients besides acetylsalicylic acid, the tablets still have a mild effect and do not disintegrate in the gastric cavity, showing their activity exclusively in the intestinal area. Therefore, to the question of what is better to take - "TromboASS" or "Cardiomagnyl", everyone will answer according to their preferences.

If we consider in detail the advantages and disadvantages of these medicines, we can more accurately identify the differences between Cardiomagnyl and ThromboASS.

Advantages of "Cardiomagnyl":

  • it has a low risk of developing negative side effects from the digestive tract due to the magnesium hydroxide contained in its composition;
  • the dosage of the main active ingredient in this preparation is one and a half times more compared to TromboASS.

Advantages of "TromboASS":

  • lower cost compared to Cardiomagnyl;
  • Caution may be used in mild renal insufficiency.

Negative sides of "Cardiomagnyl":

  • the drug is undesirable to use if the patient has renal pathologies;
  • higher cost.

Disadvantages of "TromboASS":

  • the absence of additional components in the composition that can neutralize the undesirable effect of acetylsalicylic acid on the stomach.

Thus, we can conclude that "TromboASS" is best used when there are kidney diseases. "Cardiomagnyl" - with defects in the digestive tract. Some people may also be interested in reviews: which is better - "TromboASS" or "Cardiomagnyl", and is it allowed to use them together? The thing is that these drugs have the same main active ingredient, and therefore there is no point in drinking them together. In addition, it must be remembered that their simultaneous administration can cause an overdose or negative side effects.

Which drug is more effective for varicose veins?

What is better - "TromboASS" or "Cardiomagnyl" for varicose veins? Both drugs have a pronounced blood thinning effect, and also have an anti-inflammatory effect. That is why experts advise using them for various disorders of the circulatory system, a special case of which is varicose veins.

However, which of them is more effective in dealing with such a problem? The fact is that these drugs have almost the same medicinal properties, so it is not possible to judge which is better for varicose veins - "TromboASS" or "Cardiomagnyl". In such a situation, only the attending physician will choose one or another remedy, based on the testimony of each specific case. The specialist will take into account the physiological characteristics of the patient, as well as the presence of contraindications.

Which is better: "TromboASS" or "Cardiomagnyl"? Opinion of cardiologists

Cardiologists have almost the same opinions about "TromboASS" and "Cardiomagnyl". This is again due to the fact that these drugs have the same active ingredient - acetylsalicylic acid, so they have almost the same effect on the human body. Many experts believe that "Cardiomagnyl" and "TromboASS" are one and the same.

Features of choice during pregnancy and lactation

Often, women who are carrying a baby have problems with the cardiovascular system (low or high blood pressure, preinfarction, unstable angina). Accordingly, they have a question about which pills are better than "TromboASS" or "Cardiomagnyl"?

However, the instructions say that they should not be consumed in the first and last trimesters of pregnancy. Reception is possible in the second trimester, but the potential risk to the fetus must be taken into account. Only a doctor can prescribe a particular drug, as well as determine the appropriate dosage for the patient. During breastfeeding, the use of "TromboASS" is allowed. At the same time, Cardiomagnyl is prohibited during this period.

Differences in contraindications

Although Cardiomagnyl includes magnesium hydroxide, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract, it cannot be taken in the presence of a gastric ulcer. If you still use this remedy, then this can provoke complications that require urgent hospitalization of the patient. "TromboASS" is prohibited for use in duodenal ulcers. In this case, the specialist will select a similar drug, which has a more gentle effect on the digestive tract.

Which is better - "TromboASS" or "Cardiomagnyl"? Opinions differ on this. The main thing is to act in strict agreement with the attending physician.

Thromboass or Cardiomagnyl are used to thin the blood and are intended to treat the same diseases. Despite many similar characteristics, there is a difference between drugs, which makes it possible to make a choice between them.

The drug belongs to the pharmacological group of antiplatelet agents. The mechanism of action on the body is to thin the blood and slow down the rate of its coagulation, which is suitable for both the treatment and prevention of heart attack and varicose veins.

The drug has auxiliary properties - antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory. The medication is prescribed in such cases:

  • as primary and secondary prevention of a heart attack;
  • to normalize and improve blood circulation in the brain;
  • with varicose veins;
  • for the prevention and treatment of hypertension;
  • to prevent thrombosis or embolism after surgery.

The drug with acetylsalicylic acid in the composition has a mild effect on the body and is well tolerated by most patients. Due to the presence of protective components in the shell that resist gastric juice, the disintegration of the drug is already carried out directly in the intestine. Despite the mild effect of the drug and good tolerance, the following side effects may occur with its use:

  • failure of the menstrual cycle in women;
  • disorders of the digestive system - nausea with vomiting, diarrhea, pain in the stomach;
  • disorders of dyspeptic type;
  • development of iron deficiency anemia;
  • headaches and bouts of dizziness;
  • bronchospasm.

Contraindications to the use of Thromboass:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
  • hemophilia;
  • nephrolithiasis;
  • tendency to internal bleeding.

With caution, the drug is prescribed to patients who have been diagnosed with hepatic or renal insufficiency. Age contraindication to receive Tromboass - minor patients. The recommended dosage is ½ tablet or 1 pc. in a day.

Characteristics of Cardiomagnyl

The main active substance of Tromboass, like Cardiomagnyl, is acetylsalicylic acid. An additional substance that provides a mild effect on the digestive organs is magnesium hydroxide. This component expands the spectrum of action of the drug, having a positive effect not only on the degree of blood clotting, but also on the heart. Indications for the use of Cardiomagnyl:

  • prevention of any stage of a heart attack;
  • prevention of thrombosis and embolism, incl. and after surgical interventions;
  • transferred surgical operations on the heart muscle - as a prophylactic;
  • angina;
  • acute stage of heart failure.

Contraindications for use:

  • tendency to internal bleeding;
  • peptic ulcer of the duodenum or stomach;
  • all stages of renal and hepatic insufficiency.

Age limit - persons under 18 years of age.

Drug combinations with anticoagulants, hypoglycemic drugs, Digoxin, Methotrexate are prohibited. Possible side effects while taking Cardiomagnyl are disorders of the central nervous system, respiratory and digestive organs. Rarely - anaphylactic reactions. The recommended dosage is 1 tablet per day, depending on the severity of the clinical case. Tablets with a dosage of 75 or 150 mg are selected.


It is necessary to compare these medicines in order to understand which one is more effective and in what cases it is used.

Similarity of drugs

Medicines are included in the same pharmacological group, have a similar spectrum of action. The composition of the preparations is represented by the same main active ingredient - acetylsalicylic acid. Indications for use are also the same - the funds are used both in the treatment of diseases accompanied by a violation of the blood coagulation process, and for prophylactic purposes to prevent the occurrence of heart attacks and strokes, thrombosis and embolism.

Both medications have similar contraindications and side effects.

When taking these drugs, the likelihood of developing unwanted symptoms is only if the recommended dosage is exceeded or there are contraindications to them.

What is the difference?

Despite many similar characteristics, there are differences between medicines:

  1. Cardiomagnyl contains an additional component - magnesium hydroxide, which provides a milder effect on the digestive system, especially the stomach.
  2. Unlike Cardiomagnyl, Thromboass can be used with caution in the presence of mild or early stages of renal failure.

What is safer?

Medicines have a mild effect on the body. Cardiomagnyl will be safer only if the patient has pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, tk. magnesium hydroxide protects the gastric mucosa from the irritating effect of acetylsalicylic acid.


The cost of Cardiomagnyl is 360 rubles. for a package of 100 tablets, the price of Tromboass is 150 rubles. for 100 pcs. packaged.

Is it possible to replace Tromboass with Cardiomagnyl?

Cardiomagnyl can be replaced by Tromboass and vice versa, because. both drugs have the same range of indications and mechanism of action. It is impossible to carry out a replacement only when the patient has deviations in the work of the digestive organs, and he takes Cardiomagnyl. Taking a second medication in this case can provoke an undesirable side reaction.

Which is better - Tromboass and Cardiomagnyl?

The answer to this question is not even among doctors. Medicines have more similarities than differences, are considered identical and interchangeable. The choice between them is based on the individual preferences of the patient and the presence or absence of contraindications to a particular medication.

For the stomach

If the patient has problems with the functioning of the digestive organs, Cardiomagnyl should be preferred, because. it contains magnesium hydroxide. This component has an antacid effect, neutralizes the negative effects of acetylsalicylic acid on the mucous membranes of the stomach.

Therefore, the likelihood that when taking Cardiomagnyl there will be side effects from the digestive system in persons with a predisposition to this is practically absent.

The second drug in this regard is more aggressive in relation to the digestive tract, because. does not have protective components. In this regard, diseases of the digestive system are a relative contraindication to its use.

With varicose veins

Both drugs have the same effectiveness, therefore, in the treatment of varicose veins, they show the same effectiveness. The choice of medication depends on the patient's personal preferences and whether he has contraindications to taking one or another medication.

During pregnancy and lactation

These funds are forbidden to be taken in the 1st and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy. During the 2nd trimester, both drugs can be prescribed only on the advice of doctors and only in special cases, when the positive result from taking them outweighs the risk of complications. During lactation, only Tromboass can be taken; the use of Cardiomagnyl by lactating women is strictly prohibited.

Opinion of cardiologists

Eugene, 38 years old, Perm: “There is no particular difference between Cardiomagnyl and Tromboass. They are practically the same drugs. And yet, in long-term therapy, the advantage is given to Cardiomagnyl, because. it is more gentle on the stomach, and therefore less likely to cause adverse reactions from the digestive organs. But judging by the cost of drugs, most people prefer Tromboass because it costs less.”

Svetlana, 52 years old, Moscow: “Cardiomagnyl is more expensive, but it is also considered safer in terms of the frequency of side effects. Thromboass is cheaper, it can be used in renal and hepatic insufficiency, which expands the spectrum of the drug. But there is no protective component in Tromboass against acetylsalicylic acid, so you need to take it carefully. If you follow the dosage and have no contraindications, both drugs will be safe.

Cardiomagnyl or Tromboass which is better? All medications are divided into subgroups according to their effect on the body and other criteria. So, Tromboass (sometimes write Thrombo ACC) and Cardiomagnyl are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antiplatelet agents. Many people wonder how the drugs differ, but they cannot figure out the information they receive. Some experts believe that these drugs are analogues of each other, while others say that they are different.

Similar drug properties and uses

When deciding what to purchase, of course, you need to consult with your doctor. Then it is worth studying the information about how the drugs are similar to each other. When comparing, identifying the difference between them, it is worth paying close attention to similar points.

The use of drugs is indicated in cases where the patient suffers from:
  • angina;
  • heart failure;
  • lack of full blood flow to the brain.

As well as indications when you need to take Cardiomagnyl, are such as the risk of ischemic stroke, recovery after major operations, prevention of thrombosis and the occurrence of myocardial infarction.

In any case, the appointment of Cardiomagnyl, Troboass should be dealt with by a narrow profile specialist. Otherwise, you can harm the whole body, given that both drugs can negatively affect it if the dosage is incorrectly calculated.

The main active ingredient of the drugs is acetylsalicylic acid.

Its positive impact on the human body is in such moments as:
  • providing anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic effects;
  • decrease in capillary permeability;
  • a decrease in the activity of hyaluronidase (an enzyme that acts as a catalyst for the hydrolysis of connective tissue and skin);
  • impact on the thermoregulation centers located in the hypothalamus;
  • influencing the functioning of pain centers of sensitivity;
  • decrease in intracranial pressure with pain in the head;
  • increasing the body's defense against thrombosis in the genetic material;
  • the patient's lack of addiction to the drug.

In addition, acetylsalicylic acid prevents the excess of normal levels of hormones in the body such as prostaglandin, thromboxane and prostacyclin.

The antiplatelet effect of drugs is to prevent the risk of unstable angina, as well as myocardial infarction. These conditions develop due to a large accumulation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of arteries in the region of the cardiac organs. Further, the cells of the platelet series are deposited on similar formations.

After sedimentation, active substances begin to be released from platelets, which stimulate the creation of platelet aggregates. They, in turn, begin to spread through the vessels located throughout the body, which often leads to their blockage. Then unstable angina occurs, a heart attack may occur. To prevent such situations, Tromboass or Cardiomagnyl are taken.

You should not independently prescribe such medicines to yourself, even in the presence of the above pathologies. The side effects that accompany their beneficial effects on the body are often the reason why people stop taking them altogether. Consultation with a specialist is extremely important when starting to take drugs of this kind.

Side effects and differences of medicines

Despite the positive effect on the body, it is not uncommon for patients to refuse to take Cardiomagnyl or Thromboass, as their condition worsens.

The main side effects in such cases are:
  • the development of anemia (a decrease in hemoglobin is often manifested in critical indicators);
  • pain in the abdomen, periodically appearing;
  • the presence of ulcers on the lining of the stomach, as well as the lining of the duodenum;
  • sleep disturbances, manifested either in insomnia or in increased drowsiness;
  • narrowing of the bronchi caused by muscle contraction (bronchospasm);
  • recurring dizziness with normal, normal health;
  • increased bleeding of small cuts, non-serious wounds, difficulty in stopping the blood (thrombocytopenia).

Side effects that drugs have can greatly complicate the patient's life. And therefore, when his state of health worsens, accompanied by such manifestations, the drug is canceled, after which it is replaced by a drug that otherwise affects the body.

Despite the large number of similarities, the drugs still have a certain difference. The differences between Cardiomagnyl and Thrombo ACC allow you to make a choice in favor of the medicine that, according to experts, is better. However, you should not make such a choice on your own for the reason that the impact of side effects can adversely affect the human body as a whole.

When wondering how drugs can differ from each other, you should pay attention to their composition. One active ingredient still does not become a guarantee of the same composition. So, in the medicine "Cardiomagnyl" there are not one, but two active substances, and the second of them is magnesium hydroxide.

Its main actions are:
  1. Protection of the gastric mucosa from the harmful effects of acetylsalicylic acid.
  2. Elimination of heartburn.
  3. Improving the functioning of the digestive tract.

By the way, in the drug "Tromboass" there is no other active substance that blocks the negative effect of the first on the body. However, the tablets are coated with a special coating, which also protects the gastric mucosa from damage with the constant use of drugs.

Dosage calculation is an extremely important issue before starting medication. This can only be done by specialists who expect a certain effect on the body from this or that medicine. Otherwise, it may have a detrimental effect on human health.

The release of drugs is limited to several forms. So, Cardiomagnyl is available in tablets containing 75 gr. and 150 gr. active ingredients, and Tromboass - 50 gr. or 100 gr. Based on the person's need for an additional effect on the body, the number of medications is prescribed. Do not neglect the doctor's recommendations, since only he can, after making a diagnosis, prescribe adequate treatment, after which there will be no side effects.

Contraindications and use of funds during pregnancy and lactation

There are certain points indicating how else Tromboass actually differs from another drug. These include contraindications for use. Often, for people with a particular disease, the selection of medical preparations is carried out more carefully, since many of them can become catalysts for the onset of other pathological conditions.

  1. Cardiomagnyl is contraindicated in people who have a stomach ulcer. Although the second active ingredient in it - magnesium hydroxide - restores the functioning of the digestive tract, this contraindication should not be neglected. Otherwise, you can end up in a hospital bed and spend a long time rehabilitating the gastric organs.
  2. Speaking of Tromboasse, as a contraindication, one can recall a duodenal ulcer. In such cases, a similar drug is selected, the cost of which may be lower or higher, depending on the manufacturer. Considering the price range of both drugs, it will not be very difficult for a specialist to choose analogues that are more gentle on the stomach and other organs.

Often, a heart attack or instability of angina pectoris, low or high blood pressure, other problems associated with the state of the organs of the cardiovascular system and the brain occur during pregnancy, many are interested in whether these drugs can be taken in this position. This is another point that determines the so-called difference between the effects of drugs on the body.

So, both drugs are prohibited for use in the first and third trimesters of pregnancy.

As for the second trimester, if there are certain indications, they can be prescribed, but the expectant mother must understand the risk this carries for the child. About the lactation period, the instructions for use say something different - Tromboass can be used, Cardiomagnyl - no.

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