Cold pills oscillococcinum. How to take oscillococcinum granules for adults. How to open the package

Oscillococcinum is produced by the well-known company "Boiron" ("Laboratories Boiron"). In a bright package there are 6, 12 or even 30 plastic tubes (containers) with caps. Each container contains one gram of small white granules with a sweet taste. The contents of one container is one single dose. The composition contains an extract extracted from the liver and heart of the musky (Barbary) duck. Moreover, the initial substance during manufacture is subjected to 200 dilutions according to a special technology. In addition to the active component, lactose and sucrose fillers are used, which are necessary in order to bring the total weight of the granules to one gram. They give homeopathic small balls a sweet taste. This product has no odor. The foundations of homeopathy were laid down by Samuel Hahnemann in 1786. The mystery of this teaching has not yet been fully disclosed. The main principle of homeopathy is based on the assumption that a substance that can cause symptoms of a disease in healthy people is capable of curing similar symptoms in sick people. According to homeopathic canons, the antiviral properties of Oscillococcinum are based on the effect of a new drug formed in the process of such a high dilution.

From the history of the creation of Oscillococcinum

The story of how the drug was created is very interesting. In 1917 (according to other sources - in 1919), a certain military doctor Joseph Roy (Joseph Roy) reported that with a microscope he saw microorganisms in the blood of his patients with influenza, which he inquisitively observed in those who suffered from rheumatism, tuberculosis, herpes and tumor diseases. These mysterious microorganisms, similar to two vibrating (swinging) balls, received the name from the researcher - Oscillococcus (Oscillococcus). Then, during the raging Spanish flu, Joseph Roy was surprised to notice that farmers who breed musky ducks, this disease bypasses. The scientist was able to establish that Oscillococcus is also present in the liver and heart of these ducks. And remembering the principle of homeopathy, which says that “like is treated with like,” he set about creating a new homeopathic remedy, which he later gave the name “Oscillococcinum” (in honor of the microbes that inspired the scientist to these studies). It remains a mystery what exactly the doctor then saw in his ordinary microscope, because flu and herpes cause tiny viruses that can only be detected thanks to super-powerful modern electron microscopes. But, nevertheless, a drug was obtained that allows preventing and stopping the progression of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, the effectiveness of which is reported by both doctors and their patients.

How to take Oscillococcinum?

Oscillococcinum, like many other homeopathic remedies, is applied sublingually, that is, the granules must be slowly absorbed under the tongue. There are a large number of superficial blood vessels. Therefore, the medicine, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, quickly enters the bloodstream. An important rule on the observance of which the effectiveness of this medication depends: it must be taken at least 15 minutes before a meal or not earlier than 60 minutes after a meal. The dosage depends on the purpose for which you are taking this remedy - for preventive or therapeutic purposes.

To avoid contracting the flu or other respiratory infections, take one dose (contents of one container) once a week.

If the disease has gone further in full swing, then continue to take Oscillococcinum in one dose for three days every 12 hours (that is, twice a day, it is better to do this in the morning and shortly before bedtime). If after 24 hours the condition does not improve, the symptoms continue to worsen, then you should seek advice on further treatment from the doctor.

Oscillococcinum can be taken not only by adults, but also by children of any age. If the child cannot yet dissolve the granules, then they are first dissolved in a small volume of water (boiled, cooled), and then this sweet solution is given to the baby, including the baby or the newborn, from a spoon. The dose for children is not reduced, no matter how old they are, that is, the entire contents of the container must be dissolved. The medicine is absolutely safe for pregnant women. This has been confirmed by numerous studies over many years of using the drug. This tool is also allowed to be used by women who are breastfeeding.

Other medicines may be used on the days you take Oscillococcinum.

Are there any contraindications and side effects?

There are no contraindications to taking Oscillococcinum, with the exception of:

  • increased individual sensitivity to the components of the composition;
  • with lactase deficiency;
  • with lactose intolerance;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption.

Over the years of using this remedy by people from different countries, no side effects have been recorded. But in the instructions, the manufacturer still insures himself and adds that allergic reactions may occur when taken. But cases when they appeared, fortunately, were never registered.

About drug studies

Scientists from different countries (including France, America, Germany and Russia) studied the effect of this homeopathic remedy. It was concluded that Oscillococcinum can be considered a safe, highly effective remedy, which is recommended for adults and children of different ages for the prevention of SARS, influenza and their treatment. Clinical trials show that patients who took Oscillococcinum quickly improved their well-being, they tolerated the disease much more easily. Moreover, the earlier treatment with Oscillococcinum was started, the more effective the drug turned out to be. However, there are critics who question the antiviral properties of this drug.

I always try to have a supply of Oscillococcinum in my home first aid kit. He has helped prevent respiratory infections more than once. The main thing is to start taking the granules on time, as soon as there is a “tickling” in the nose, sneezing, soreness in the throat, aches, a feeling that the body temperature rises ... And then you need to take not only Oscillococcinum, but also ascorbic acid at a dose of 2-2.5 grams per day. Oranges, lemons, cranberry juice, ginger tea will also contribute to your speedy recovery. But if you are late with taking the first dose, then the viruses will begin to multiply rapidly. Then Oscillococcinum will only be able to reduce the duration of the disease and the intensity of the unpleasant symptoms that accompany it.

Oscillococcinum - instructions for use, analogues, reviews

General information

History of creation

Pharmacological properties


Dosage and administration


Side effect

special instructions

The drug is taken between meals.

Oscillococcinum has a positive taste.

If the patient's condition worsens on the first day of treatment, medical advice should be sought immediately.

Oscillococcinum is approved for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Storage conditions

Shelf life - 5 years. Taking an expired drug is contraindicated.

Clinical researches



We always have a package of Oscillococcinum in our family first aid kit. He just saves us. The main thing is to start taking it at the very first symptoms of the disease. As soon as the son or daughter starts to sneeze, I immediately give one dose. If the cold does not progress further, then I no longer give it. If after 5-6 hours there is no improvement, then I give a second dose. As a rule, the disease recedes after 1-2 doses, but sometimes we drink for 2-3 days with an interval of 6 hours. How much we use oscillococcinum - never reached serious symptoms, i.e. to high temperature, weakness. Antibiotics have long been abandoned. Last year my daughter went to kindergarten. I got sick only twice, and then the cough did not reach further. And over the past three years, my daughter was sick only four times. I recommend to all my friends. My sister's son has been going to kindergarten for two years. He was ill only 4 times, while other children get sick all the time. It is only important to take it as early as possible, when the disease has not yet developed. To do this, you need to notice the very first symptoms in time. I do not advise you to spare money - it costs a maximum of 300 rubles per package. Given that we only use it, we do not need any other medicines. So it's a net savings. All health!

For colds, I always use only oscillococcinum. At the first signs of the disease (subfebrile temperature, sore throat), I took it according to the dosage indicated in the instructions - in the next 1-2 days the symptoms disappeared. I rinsed my throat with infusion of eucalyptus, marigold, etc. Along the way, I did not use other anti-cold and anti-influenza drugs. Therefore, it is obvious that Oscillococcinum really helps. Fell ill several times, but without fever; I started taking it at the first symptoms - I recovered very quickly.

I haven't decided to give it to my son yet. And I don't want to test it on a child. We buy Oscillococcinum not in Russia, but in the EU countries. It's much cheaper there. And the raw materials for the production of medicines in Europe are different from those in Russia.

After reading the reviews about this drug on the Internet, I was surprised - there are too many negative ones. Reassuringly, he can't hurt either.

In my opinion, self-treatment is a dangerous occupation, especially if the child is ill. If there is a qualified and honest doctor, you should definitely be examined.

When I first experienced Oscillococcinum, to be honest, I did not really believe in homeopathy and, in particular, in this remedy. It was just recommended to me by a trusted person. Then the son had a high temperature, she began to give him - on the very first day the temperature dropped from 39 to 36.6. In total, the temperature lasted two nights and one day, and then all the symptoms disappeared. There was only some weakness left. Then more than once I saved my children with Oscillococcinum. The effect was not so pronounced, but quite positive. The main thing is that there are no side effects, and you can do without antibiotics. Only symptomatic treatment (cough, rhinitis) and antipyretics, with hyperthermia.

I realized on my own that homeopathic preparations designed to activate the body's defenses turn out to be ineffective when these reserves are not there.

In my case: after a course of antibiotics, my daughter got sick after 3 weeks. I gave her a course of Oscillococcinum to drink - the temperature remained subfebrile for another 8 days. The doctor prescribed antibiotics. Then I came to the conclusion that antibiotics kill all the intestinal microflora that produces antibodies. Therefore, Oscillococcinum did not work for so long. And in principle, the drug is very good. I recommend to all. But I don't think it's good for prevention.

Oscillococcinum how to take adults

The drug "Oscillococcinum" - for children and adults

How difficult it is for a mother when her child suddenly falls ill! There is only one way out - to start treatment on time and correctly. But by what means? The doctor will prescribe treatment and tell you how to take the medicine. Today, the drug "Oscillococcinum" is often prescribed to children who have caught a virus. What is this tool and how much does it cost? Let's find out in this article.

Oscillococcinum is a homeopathic medicine that has an antiviral effect. It has an antipyretic property, and also eliminates the symptoms of a cold (chills, nasal congestion, watery eyes). This drug is effective both for the prevention and treatment of SARS, respiratory tract infections and influenza.

"Oscillococcinum" - a description of the drug

This product is made in France. The pharmacological form of the drug is tablets that have a sweetish taste and are intended for resorption. Ingredients: Barbary duck extract, sucrose, lactose and other auxiliary elements.

Take the drug "Oscillococcinum" should be twenty minutes before meals or after it, one hour later. In addition to individual intolerance, this remedy has no contraindications and is considered safe. Only in rare cases, hypersensitive people may experience a mild allergic reaction.

Indications for use

Means "Oscillococcinum" for children and adults is prescribed for acute infections of the upper respiratory tract, influenza and colds.

The dosage depends on the stage of the disease the patient is at. In fact, this drug is effective at any stage of the disease, if the dosage is correctly calculated and strictly observed by the sick person.

The drug "Oscillococcinum" can be given to children by dissolving it in water, either from a spoon or through a bottle - it depends on the age of the child.

If all the symptoms of a cold or flu are present, 2 doses of the drug per day (1 in the morning and 1 in the evening) should be taken for three days. Of course, its effectiveness is highest at the initial stage of the disease, so the earlier a sick person starts taking the drug, the greater the likelihood of his speedy recovery. In order to prevent during periods of an epidemic, it is worth taking the Oscillococcinum remedy for children and adults, also at one dose only once a week.

Features of taking the drug "Oscillococcinum":

  • the most effective will be the reception at the initial stages of the disease, that is, at the first symptoms, as well as for prevention purposes;
  • does not disrupt the work of taste buds;
  • if within 24 hours after the start of taking the drug the symptoms of the disease continue to increase, then you should consult a doctor.

Means "Oscillococcinum" - cost

The price of this drug is practically the same as the cost of other antiviral agents. It fluctuates within rubles (depending on the region of residence).

The drug is valid for five years after the date of manufacture. Storage features: at a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees in a dry place. The tool is released without a prescription.


Oscillococcinum is a homeopathic remedy that regulates the protective functions of the body, used in the treatment of colds and flu.

Release form and composition

Dosage form of the drug - granules of almost spherical shape, white, odorless, sweetish in taste, intended for oral administration.

The active ingredient in Oscillococcinum is an extract of the liver and heart of Anas Barbariae (Barbary duck). One dose of the drug contains 200 K (200 hundreds or 0.01 ml).

Auxiliary components used in the production of granules are lactose and sucrose (up to 1000 mg).

Oscillococcinum granules are sold at 1 gram each (which corresponds to one dose of the drug) in white polypropylene tubes: 1, 3 or 6 tubes in plastic pallets packed in cardboard boxes, or 3 tubes in a blister, 1, 2 or 4 blisters in packaging.

Indications for use

According to the instructions for Oscillococcinum, the drug is intended for the treatment of:

  • Acute respiratory viral infections, manifested by fever, chills, headache and body aches;
  • Influenza of mild to moderate severity.


The use of Oscillococcinum is contraindicated in case of individual hypersensitivity to its components.

Due to the fact that the medicinal product contains sucrose and lactose, it should not be taken by people who have glucose-galactose malabsorption, sucrose-isomaltase deficiency, lactase deficiency or diagnosed lactose / fructose intolerance.

As for the use of the drug in pediatrics, it is not recommended to give it to babies under 2 years of age.

Method of application and dosage

According to the instructions for Oscillococcinum, the drug should be taken 15 minutes before a meal or 1 hour after a meal. The granules should be placed under the tongue and kept in the mouth until completely dissolved, for small children they can be dissolved in a small amount of water and given in a baby bottle or with a spoon.

The contents of one tube-container corresponds to one dose. The frequency of use of the drug depends on the severity of the disease. At the initial stage of the disease, it is recommended to take 1 dose every 6 hours during the day. With a pronounced stage of the disease, 1 dose is prescribed twice a day (morning and evening), the duration of administration is 1-3 days, depending on the rate of improvement.

If within 3 days after the start of the use of Oscillococcinum, relief does not occur or the symptoms of the disease increase even more, you should consult a doctor.

During the spread of SARS, the drug can be taken once a week for 1 dose for prevention.

Side effects

According to patient reviews, the drug is well tolerated and has no side effects. This is confirmed by the instruction, in which undesirable reactions from the body are not described.

In the presence of hypersensitivity or intolerance to the components of Oscillococcinum, the development of allergic reactions is presumably possible.

If any negative phenomena appear on the part of the body, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor so that he evaluates the condition and decides whether it is advisable to continue therapy or replace Oscillococcinum with a drug with a different composition, but with a similar mechanism of action.

Cases of overdose with this homeopathic preparation have not been registered in medical practice so far.

special instructions

The earlier treatment is started, the faster and more effectively Oscillococcinum acts, therefore it is recommended to take the drug when the first signs of a "cold" appear.

The safety of Oscillococcinum during pregnancy and breastfeeding has not been studied. For this reason, the drug is prescribed to pregnant women only if there are "vital" indications, carefully assessing the ratio of the expected benefits for the expectant mother and potential risks to the fetus. If it is necessary to take medication during lactation, the decision to continue / stop breastfeeding should be made by the doctor.

The use of Oscillococcinum does not exclude treatment with other drugs, however, it is recommended to consult with your doctor about the pharmacological compatibility of these drugs.


There are no structural analogues of Oscillococcinum.

The following drugs are characterized by a similar mechanism of action: Engystol, Gripp-Hel, Grippferon, Terflu, Bioaron C, Antiflu, Interferon, Antigrippin, Antigrippin-Anvi, Combigripp, Tamiflu, Echinacea immuno, Gripaut, Amizonchik, Amizon, Helpex Antikold, Pharmacitron, Fervex , Grippostad, Coldrex Maxgripp, Anticatarrhal, Combigripp Hot Sip, Biomun, Virolysis, Influbene, Vaxigripp, Coldex Teva, Coldrex Hotrem, Coldrex Powders, Comtrex, Flukold and Flukold N, Influvak, Aflu Theiss, Arpeflu, Grip-Gran, Grippostad C, Anvimax, Fluarix, Theraflu Extra, Rinostop, Gripex, Koldakt, Antiflu, Grippocitron, etc.

Terms and conditions of storage

Oscillococcinum, like all homeopathic preparations, can be freely bought at a pharmacy, a prescription from the attending physician is not needed for this.

In accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, tubes should be stored in a dark place. The optimal storage temperature is in the range from 15 to 25 ºС. Subject to the specified conditions, the granules retain their pharmacological properties for 5 years from the date of issue.

Oscillococcinum - instructions for use, indications, doses, analogues

Oscillococcinum is a homeopathic medicine used to treat colds and flu.

Release form and composition

The dosage form of Oscillococcinum is homeopathic granules: white, easily soluble in water, almost spherical, odorless (1 g (1 dose) in white polypropylene tubes with a polyethylene stopper, 3 tubes in blisters of PVC transparent thermo-adhesive film, each 1, 2 or 4 blisters in a cardboard box with a "tongue" sealed on the sides).

The composition of 1 g (1 dose) includes:

  • Active substance: Anas barbariaelium, hepatic et cordis extractum - 0.01 ml (200K - dilution according to Korsakov);
  • Additional components: lactose, sucrose.

Indications for use

  • Influenza of mild to moderate severity;
  • Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI).


  • Lactose intolerance, glucose/galactose malabsorption, lactase deficiency;
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the granules.

Method of application and dosage

Oscillococcinum is taken sublingually, observing the interval with meals (15 minutes before or 60 minutes after a meal).

For adults, a single dose of the drug should be placed under the tongue (until completely dissolved), for children, the granules can be dissolved in water (small volume) and given using a spoon or a bottle with a nipple.

The dosage regimen is determined by the indications:

  • The initial stage of the disease: 1 dose as early as possible from the onset of the disease, if necessary, it is possible to take the drug again 2-3 times with a break of 6 hours;
  • Severe stage of the disease: 2 times a day (morning and evening) 1 dose in a course of 1-3 days;
  • Prevention (during the spread of SARS): 1 time in 7 days, 1 dose.

Side effects

There is no information about possible side effects while taking Oscillococcinum. In case of development of violations, you need to consult with a specialist.

special instructions

With an increase in the symptoms of the disease for 24 hours, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Oscillococcinum granules 1 g 12 pcs.

Oscillococcinum granules 12 doses

See all offers from pharmacies

Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is dangerous to health!

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The first vibrator was invented in the 19th century. He worked on a steam engine and was intended to treat female hysteria.

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If your liver stopped working, death would occur within a day.

Scientists from Oxford University conducted a series of studies in which they came to the conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to the human brain, as it leads to a decrease in its mass. Therefore, scientists recommend not to completely exclude fish and meat from your diet.

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The liver is the heaviest organ in our body. Its average weight is 1.5 kg.

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American scientists conducted experiments on mice and came to the conclusion that watermelon juice prevents the development of vascular atherosclerosis. One group of mice drank plain water, and the second group drank watermelon juice. As a result, the vessels of the second group were free from cholesterol plaques.

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Oscillococcinum: instructions for use, indications, reviews and analogues

One of the most famous drugs for the treatment of influenza and SARS was and remains the homeopathic Oscillococcinum produced by the French company Boiron (Laboratories Boiron). The highly effective action of the homeopathic preparation Oscillococcinum has been confirmed by clinical trials.

Medical studies have repeatedly proven that the use of the drug significantly alleviates even severe forms of viral and colds and significantly reduces the course of inflammatory processes in children and adults.

Oscillococcinum is a white sugar-flavoured dragee. The composition of the drug includes an extract of the liver and heart of the Barbary duck in a dilution of 200K, sugar and lactose. In the case of Oscillococcinum, a homeopathic dilution of 200K means that the final substance does not contain a single molecule of the initial substance derived from the heart and liver of a duck. However, a pronounced antiviral effect has a new substance, which was formed in the process of dilution of the drug.

Refers to homeopathic medicines. Undoubtedly, the popularity of Oscillococcinum is largely due to its safety: after all, homeopathic preparations have practically no contraindications and side effects.

Oscillococcinum granules are very conveniently packaged in tubes that contain a single dose of the drug. Each package is designed for a full course of treatment for influenza and SARS and contains 12 doses.

Oscillococcinum is prescribed for additional symptomatic treatment of influenza, other acute respiratory viral infections (elimination of rhinorrhea, sneezing, fever, body aches, headache, migraine, pain and pain in the eyes) in adults, children from 3 years old. The drug acts the faster and more efficiently, the earlier treatment is started - from the first symptoms of the disease. The drug is effective at any stage of the disease, subject to the accepted dosage.

Oscillococcinum, like many other homeopathic remedies, is applied sublingually, that is, the granules must be slowly absorbed under the tongue.

Indications for use Oscillococcinum

  • mild to moderate flu;
  • acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI).

In epidemics of viral infections, Oscillococcinum is recommended to be taken as a prophylactic agent in order to stimulate nonspecific resistance of the organism.

Oscilococcinum is used in children older than two years. When using the drug at the age of 2-6 years, it is necessary to first dissolve the granules in water.

If the first signs of SARS or flu appear, then dissolve one dose of the medicine under the tongue, and take several more doses in succession every six hours.

How to take Oscillococcinum? Keep in the mouth until completely dissolved 15 minutes before a meal or 1 hour after. In the initial stage of the disease, one dose of the drug should be taken as early as possible, then, if necessary, repeat 2-3 times with an interval of 6 hours.

The expressed stage of the disease - 1 dose in the morning and evening for 1-3 days. If within 24 hours the symptoms of the disease increase, you should consult a doctor.

When using Oscillococcinum in children, it is required to dissolve the contents of the tube in a small volume of water (boiled, cooled). Give the dissolved drug to the child with a spoon or with a bottle with a nipple.

In the prophylactic course of Oscillococcinum, one package is used for 16 weeks (one dose every 7 days). The drug package includes 3 plastic tubes, each of which contains 1 dose (1 gram of dragee). This allows you to conveniently and accurately dose the drug.

Oscillococcinum does not exclude the use of other drugs, but it is recommended to consult with your doctor about the pharmacological compatibility of these drugs.

The drug does not adversely affect the ability to concentrate, the speed of physical and mental reactions, as well as visual acuity, therefore, it can be used by patients who drive a car and are employed in potentially hazardous industries.

In the course of treatment, the drug quickly copes with such symptoms of colds as fever, chills, headaches and muscle pain. In addition, according to doctors, Oscillococcinum is perfect for the prevention of colds.

Side effects and contraindications of Oscillococcinum

At the moment, there is no information on the side effects of Oscillococcinum. If you experience side effects, you should consult a doctor. Allergic reactions are possible in the presence of hypersensitivity or intolerance to the components of Oscillococcinum.

Cases of overdose with this medicine are not described.

Hypersensitivity to the active or excipients of the drug.

A rare hereditary form of fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption or sucrose-isomaltase deficiency.

Rare hereditary form of galactose intolerance, Lapp-lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption.

The expediency of using this homeopathic remedy during pregnancy and lactation is determined only by the specialist observing the woman.

Many of the analogues currently on the pharmaceutical market differ from Oscillococcinum in a longer treatment period, dosage form and active substances present in the composition. Their similarity lies only in indications for use (treatment and prevention of influenza, colds and other acute respiratory viral infections).

There are no structural analogues of Oscillococcinum. Drugs with a similar mechanism of action:

Important - Oscillococcinum instructions for use, price and reviews do not apply to analogues and cannot be used as a guide to replacement, prescription or dosage. Self-replacement of Oscillococcinum with an analogue is categorically not recommended, all therapeutic appointments should be made by a doctor. It may be necessary to adjust the course of treatment and dosages, taking into account contraindications and drug compatibility.

One of the most famous drugs for the treatment of influenza and SARS was and remains the homeopathic Oscillococcinum produced by the French company Boiron (Laboratories Boiron). The highly effective action of the homeopathic preparation Oscillococcinum has been confirmed by clinical trials.

Medical studies have repeatedly proven that the use of the drug significantly alleviates even severe forms of viral and colds and significantly reduces the course of inflammatory processes in children and adults.

Oscillococcinum is a white sugar-flavoured dragee. The composition of the drug includes an extract of the liver and heart of the Barbary duck in a dilution of 200K, sugar and lactose. In the case of Oscillococcinum, a homeopathic dilution of 200K means that the final substance does not contain a single molecule of the initial substance derived from the heart and liver of a duck. However, a pronounced antiviral effect has a new substance, which was formed in the process of dilution of the drug.

Refers to homeopathic medicines. Undoubtedly, the popularity of Oscillococcinum is largely due to its safety: after all, homeopathic preparations have practically no contraindications and side effects.

Oscillococcinum granules are very conveniently packaged in tubes that contain a single dose of the drug. Each package is designed for a full course of treatment for influenza and SARS and contains 12 doses.

Oscillococcinum is prescribed for additional symptomatic treatment of influenza, other acute respiratory viral infections (elimination of rhinorrhea, sneezing, fever, body aches, headache, migraine, pain and pain in the eyes) in adults, children from 3 years old. The drug acts the faster and more efficiently, the earlier treatment is started - from the first symptoms of the disease. The drug is effective at any stage of the disease, subject to the accepted dosage.

Oscillococcinum, like many other homeopathic remedies, is applied sublingually, that is, the granules must be slowly absorbed under the tongue.

Indications for use Oscillococcinum

  • mild to moderate flu;
  • acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI).

In epidemics of viral infections, Oscillococcinum is recommended to be taken as a prophylactic agent in order to stimulate nonspecific resistance of the organism.

Oscilococcinum is used in children older than two years. When using the drug at the age of 2-6 years, it is necessary to first dissolve the granules in water.

Instructions for use Oscillococcinum, dosage

If the first signs of SARS or flu appear, then dissolve one dose of the medicine under the tongue, and take several more doses in succession every six hours.

How to take Oscillococcinum? Keep in the mouth until completely dissolved 15 minutes before a meal or 1 hour after. In the initial stage of the disease, one dose of the drug should be taken as early as possible, then, if necessary, repeat 2-3 times with an interval of 6 hours.

The expressed stage of the disease - 1 dose in the morning and evening for 1-3 days. If within 24 hours the symptoms of the disease increase, you should consult a doctor.

When using Oscillococcinum in children, it is required to dissolve the contents of the tube in a small volume of water (boiled, cooled). Give the dissolved drug to the child with a spoon or with a bottle with a nipple.

In the prophylactic course of Oscillococcinum, one package is used for 16 weeks (one dose every 7 days). The drug package includes 3 plastic tubes, each of which contains 1 dose (1 gram of dragee). This allows you to conveniently and accurately dose the drug.

Application features

Oscillococcinum does not exclude the use of other drugs, but it is recommended to consult with your doctor about the pharmacological compatibility of these drugs.

The drug does not adversely affect the ability to concentrate, the speed of physical and mental reactions, as well as visual acuity, therefore, it can be used by patients who drive a car and are employed in potentially hazardous industries.

In the course of treatment, the drug quickly copes with such symptoms of colds as fever, chills, headaches and muscle pain. In addition, according to doctors, Oscillococcinum is perfect for the prevention of colds.

Side effects and contraindications of Oscillococcinum

At the moment, there is no information on the side effects of Oscillococcinum. If you experience side effects, you should consult a doctor. Allergic reactions are possible in the presence of hypersensitivity or intolerance to the components of Oscillococcinum.


Cases of overdose with this medicine are not described.


Hypersensitivity to the active or excipients of the drug.

A rare hereditary form of fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption or sucrose-isomaltase deficiency.

Rare hereditary form of galactose intolerance, Lapp-lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption.

The expediency of using this homeopathic remedy during pregnancy and lactation is determined only by the specialist observing the woman.

Oscillococcinum analogues, list of drugs

Many of the analogues currently on the pharmaceutical market differ from Oscillococcinum in a longer treatment period, dosage form and active substances present in the composition. Their similarity lies only in indications for use (treatment and prevention of influenza, colds and other acute respiratory viral infections).

There are no structural analogues of Oscillococcinum. Drugs with a similar mechanism of action:

  1. Anas-Barbarnasu,
  2. Naturcoxinum,
  3. Engystol,
  4. flu-hel,
  5. Grippferon,
  6. Terflu,
  7. Bioaron C,
  8. Antiflu,
  9. Interferon,
  10. Antigrippin,
  11. Antigrippin-Anvi,
  12. Combiflu,
  13. Tamiflu,
  14. echinacea immuno,
  15. Gripout, Amizonchik,
  16. amizon,
  17. Helpex Anticold,
  18. Kagocel,
  19. Arbidol and others.

Important - Oscillococcinum instructions for use, price and reviews do not apply to analogues and cannot be used as a guide to replacement, prescription or dosage. Self-replacement of Oscillococcinum with an analogue is categorically not recommended, all therapeutic appointments should be made by a doctor. It may be necessary to adjust the course of treatment and dosages, taking into account contraindications and drug compatibility.

Oscillococcinum is the most famous antiviral drug of homeopathic origin, produced by Boiron (France). With virtually no side effects and contraindications, the medicine is popular in more than 50 European countries.

Historical drug data

The drug was created experimentally in the study of the viral etiology of colds by the French physician Joseph Roy. In 1919, while examining a group of flu patients, a doctor isolated an unknown bacterium and named it Oscillococcus. During the Spanish flu epidemic, Roy noticed that Muscovy duck owners were spared the spread of the disease. In search of the cause of this phenomenon, the doctor discovered substances in the liver and heart of ducks that prevent infection with the influenza virus. Subsequently, a homeopathic medicine was isolated and synthesized from the organs, named after the bacteria Oscillococcus, which prompted Joseph to research.

Today, a drug based on Oscillococcus has been known for over 60 years. The homeopathic preparation Oscillococcinum is especially popular as a highly effective remedy for influenza and SARS, due to its mild and harmless antiviral effect.

What does Oscillococcinum consist of?

Oscillococcinum consists of an extract of the liver and heart of barbary ducks, diluted 200 times. This means that the starting material is diluted 200 times in a ratio of 1:100. Excipients are added to the resulting substance - lactose and sucrose. The process of adding other components brings the weight of drug granules to 1000 mg.

At the final stage of production, Oscillococcinum balls are white, absolutely odorless and sweet in taste. They are packaged in tubes of 6, 12 or 30 pieces, each of which has one dose of the active substance. The packaging is designed for a full course of treatment for a viral infection.


According to the instructions, Oscillococcinum is a homeopathic remedy that stimulates the defenses of the body's immune system. Due to immune activation, the body's functions to fight viruses are accelerated, the organic elimination of toxins increases, the microflora of the mucous membranes is updated and restored.

Indications for admission

The drug Oscillococcinum is used for signs of an acute viral infection - SARS, influenza, and other diseases caused by cold viruses.

Contraindications for use

Reception of Oscillococcinum is contraindicated in patients prone to individual intolerance to one of the components of the drug.

  • lactose intolerance of congenital or acquired etiology;
  • with a lack of lactase - a special food enzyme-catalyst for the breakdown of lactose molecules;
  • impaired absorption of carbohydrate molecules during digestion (glucose-galactose malabsorption);
  • allergy.

Oscillococcinum during pregnancy

Oscillococcinum is one of the few drugs that are approved for use during pregnancy drugs (group A). It has been clinically established that the drug does not adversely affect the developing fetus.

Oscillococcinum while breastfeeding

The marketing research data of the manufacturer confirm that the safety of the drug Oscillococcinum extends to the period of breastfeeding. Due to the penetration of the active ingredient into breast milk, the child's body receives maternal immune protection, and develops strong immunity in case of a viral disease of a nursing woman.

Oscillococcinum for children: effectiveness and allowable dosage

The homeopathic preparation Oscillococcinum contains a minimum amount of active substance, so the medicine is completely harmless to children of any age category.

The initial dosage of the medicine for children is allowed by the manufacturer in the same way as the dosage for adults. Leading homeopaths focus the attention of patients on the fact that when the dose is reduced during the course of treatment, the effectiveness of the drug does not decrease. However, in order to avoid possible reactions of a small organism, it is recommended to undergo treatment with Oscillococcinum only under the supervision of the attending pediatrician.

For small patients who are unable to swallow the granule immediately, the dragee should be diluted in a small amount of boiled water and given to the child to drink, for example, from a bottle or a spoon.

Many doctors advise not to swallow the diluted solution immediately, but to give the child a little time to hold it in his mouth. According to experts, this provides better absorption of the active ingredient through the mucous membranes.

How to take Oscillococcinum?

The effectiveness of the drug is defined as the maximum at the initial stage of treatment.

Oscillococcinum must be taken orally between meals. The dose (1 granule or dragee) is placed under the tongue and kept there until complete resorption. To achieve a quick therapeutic effect, Oscillococcinum is recommended to be taken a quarter of an hour before a meal or 1.5 hours after a meal.

The dose of Oscillococcinum taken per day depends on the stage of development of the existing disease and does not affect the age of the patient at all.

Oscillococcinum is approved for use in the following cases:

  1. Prevention of a viral disease - 1 granule (pellet) once a week.
  2. At the initial stage of influenza - 1 dose at least three times a day with an interval between doses of 6-8 hours.
  3. With a pronounced clinic of the disease - 1 dose 4 times a day for the first day, then twice for a pill - the second and third days.

The course of treatment with Oscillococcinum is designed for three days. The need for further treatment with the drug is determined by the doctor based on the clinical data of the course of the disease.

Side effects

To date, modern medicine has not recorded side effects with an overdose of the drug. However, leading homeopaths recommend taking Oscillococcinum under the supervision of a physician in order to exclude the admissibility of cases of the possible manifestation of special allergic reactions to the components, in the form of a rash or itching of the skin.

Features of the use of the drug

Before starting treatment with the drug, read the information on the instructions from the manufacturer.

  • with increasing symptoms while taking Oscillococcinum, consult a doctor immediately;
  • a high degree of effectiveness of the drug is noted in the early stages of colds;
  • the drug does not affect psychomotor function and concentration.

The drug Oscillococcinum is available without a prescription in pharmacies. The shelf life of the medicine is 5 years from the date of manufacture indicated by the manufacturer on the package. It is recommended to store the homeopathic remedy in a dark and dry place, at room temperature.

Average price per pack of Oscillococcinum:

  • 6 granules (doses) - up to 370 rubles;
  • 12 granules - up to 730 rubles;
  • 30 granules - up to 1400 rubles.

Oscillococcinum is a herbal homeopathic remedy used in the complex treatment of acute respiratory infections, influenza. The active substance is an extract of the liver and heart of the Barbary duck.

It is used in epidemics of viral infections and stimulates nonspecific resistance of the body to their pathogens. Designed for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases, including the influenza virus.

Dosage form of release - homeopathic granules: white, easily soluble in water, almost spherical, odorless (1 g each (1 dose) in tubes of white polypropylene with a polyethylene stopper, 3 tubes in blisters of PVC transparent thermo-adhesive film, 1 each , 2 or 4 blisters in a carton box.

One dose contains 0.01 mg of Anas barbariaelium, Hepatic et cordis extractum. Lactose (150 mg) and sucrose (850 mg) are present as additional components.

The drug helps to maintain the constancy of the internal environment of the body, improve the functional activity of the immune system, as well as the speedy removal of toxins in acute respiratory viral infections and influenza.

Indications for use

What helps Oscillococcinum? According to the instructions, the drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • mild to moderate flu;
  • acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI).

Instructions for use Oscillococcinum, dosage

The drug acts the faster and more efficiently, the earlier treatment is started - from the first symptoms of the disease. If within 24 hours the symptoms of the disease increase, you should consult a doctor.

Take the drug 15 minutes before or 60 minutes after a meal. For adults, a single dose of the drug should be placed under the tongue (until completely dissolved), for children, the granules can be dissolved in water (small volume) and given using a spoon or a bottle with a nipple.

According to the instructions for use, the dosage of Oscillococcinum depends on the stage of the disease and does not depend on the age of the patient.

  1. For prevention: take 1 dose per week during the spread of SARS.
  2. Initial stage of the disease: take 1 dose as early as possible, then repeat if necessary 2-3 times with an interval of 6 hours.
  3. Pronounced stage of the disease: take 1 dose of Oscillococcinum in the morning and evening for 1-3 days.

The earlier the therapy is started, the more effective the drug is.

Side effects

The instruction warns of the possibility of developing the following side effects when prescribing Oscillococcinum:

  • At the moment, there is no information about the side effects of the drug. Allergic reactions are possible.

If you experience side effects, you should consult a doctor.


It is contraindicated to prescribe Oscillococcinum in the following cases:

  • increased individual sensitivity to individual components of the drug.


No data.

Oscillococcinum analogues, price in pharmacies

There are currently no analogues for the active substance.

Coincidence on the ATX code 4 levels:

  • Ronidaza,
  • cystamine,
  • Lymphomyosot.

When choosing analogues, it is important to understand that the instructions for use of Oscillococcinum, price and reviews, do not apply to drugs of similar action. It is important to consult a doctor and not to make an independent replacement of the drug.

Price in Russian pharmacies: Oscillococcinum granules 1 g 1 doses 6 pcs. - from 342 to 450 rubles, the cost of a package of 12 pcs. - from 671 to 745 rubles, according to 509 pharmacies.

Store in a dark, dry place out of the reach of children at temperatures up to 25 °C. Shelf life - 5 years.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies - without a prescription.

Reception of oscillococcinum should be started as early as possible, at the first symptoms of the disease. Most often it is a runny nose, cough, pain in, chills and fever.

The drug is effective only in cases where treatment is started immediately, at the initial stage of the disease. It is also taken for preventive purposes.

Not all doctors consider it beneficial to health, some even compare their positive effect with the effect of "". The action of this medicine is based on raising immunity, therefore it is recommended to use it in addition to the main treatment, and not as an alternative to it.

The use of oscillococcinum for the prevention of colds

Oscillococcinum is available in. One capsule contains a single dose of the drug. It must be put under the tongue and kept in the mouth until completely dissolved.
The drug should be taken between meals, no later than 15 minutes before meals, or at least one hour after.

For prevention during the spread of the disease, it is enough to take one dose once a week. This, as a rule, is quite enough to raise the body's resistance to colds.

The use of oscillococcinum for the treatment of a viral disease

In the initial stage of the disease, it is recommended to take one dose of the drug as early as possible, and then add 2 to 3 more doses with an interval of approximately 6 hours. This should be done as needed, until the symptoms disappear completely.
If, despite taking oscillococcinum, after a day the symptoms of the disease have not disappeared, you need to call a doctor and agree on further treatment with him.

This drug can be taken during the acute stage of the disease. Recommended in this case - one dose in the morning and evening.

The use of oscillococcinum for the prevention and treatment of childhood diseases

During clinical trials of the drug, there was no evidence that taking oscillococcinum could harm children, the instructions also do not indicate the age at which you can start taking this remedy. Therefore, capsules of oscillococcinum are given even to babies, and the dosage remains the same, it does not depend on either the age or the weight of the patient.

Due to the fact that it may be unpleasant for small children to dissolve the capsule, it can be dissolved in advance in a small amount of warm boiled water and given from a bottle with a nipple or from a spoon.

Before you start giving Oscillococcinum to children, you should still consult with your child's doctor.

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