How many puppies are born to Yorkies? How to understand that the dog has given birth to all puppies: signs of the end of childbirth

Pomeranian is a miniature dog, which today is among the most popular among those who like small breeds. Therefore, any information regarding the care of them is very relevant for the owners of Spitz. Among the many issues that concern the owners of pomeranians, a special place is occupied by those related to the bearing and birth of puppies in Spitz.

The period of pregnancy and the process of childbirth is a time when attention and support is very important.

This is not surprising, since the period of pregnancy and the process of childbirth in Spitz is a special time when they need attention and support. After all, this breed has long ceased to be part of the wild, becoming completely domestic. Therefore, a little mother cannot cope without the help of the owner. The appearance of little spitz is not only cute photos on instagram, but also a lot of trouble and responsibilities.

Pregnancy period

If fertilization occurs as a result of mating, your pet's body begins to prepare for bearing babies. As a result of a change in the hormonal balance, the behavior of the dog completely changes - playfulness and active behavior are replaced by a more cautious manner of behaving. When the weather is too cold, the expectant mother may not want to go for a walk, fearing hypothermia - Pomeranians bear their babies with great care.

Outside the house, always be there to protect her from conflicts with other dogs if necessary - after all, stress or a blow can cause uterine rupture and loss of the fetus. Try not to let your pet frolic too much - this can also negatively affect the health of the puppies.

During pregnancy, the female should be isolated from other dogs to avoid conflicts that could injure the fetus.

Spitz bear puppies for about 63 days, but if the puppies were born on the 58th or 67th day, this is normal. If Spitz puppies are born before 57 days, the birth is considered premature - most often they end in the death of newborns.

Let's take a closer look at what happens to the expectant mother while she is carrying her children:

  • During the first couple of weeks, pregnancy in Spitz is almost imperceptible, despite the fact that during this period the embryo goes through a phase of intensive growth. It leaves the follicle and the process of attachment to the uterus takes place. These days, the dog’s diet and regimen should not be changed yet - just take care to protect it from unnecessary worries and do not let it catch a cold.
  • On the third and fourth weeks, you will have to worry - the pet may suffer from toxicosis and, as a result, be quite aggressive. She is often irritated, refuses food, so take care of a more varied menu. You can give several different options to choose from - at this moment the placenta is formed, through which the embryo receives everything necessary for existence, while simultaneously removing the products of its own vital activity.

Pomeranian females are pregnant, especially aggressive and irritable at 3-4 weeks - the reason for this is toxicosis
  • The fifth and sixth weeks are characterized by the appearance of symptoms such as pinking of the nipples, rounding of the tummy and the appearance of mucous discharge from the loop. The fetus is forming a skeleton, so the mother's appetite grows - take care to increase the number of meals. However, keep the portion sizes the same. In females who give birth not for the first time, milk begins to stand out from the nipples.
  • At the seventh or eighth week, the fetus is so well formed that we can say with confidence that this is already a puppy. The dog is friendly and sweet, then it falls into excessive aggression - it begins to deal with the arrangement of the nest. In those bitches who are going to give birth for the first time, milk begins to stand out.
  • In the ninth week, temperature jumps are observed - a day before newborn puppies should appear, it drops sharply.

childbirth process

During childbirth, a veterinarian must be present during the process itself.

The process of childbirth occurs in three stages - Pomeranian puppies appear as follows:

  • Preparation stage - during this period, the body prepares itself for the upcoming work, the birth canal opens, the loop softens and swells. After the cervix opens, a plug of mucus comes out - this may not be noticeable to you due to the small size and the fact that the bitch is constantly licking herself. The preparation stage ends with the departure of the water.
  • At the second stage, contractions begin - the intervals between them become shorter, the contractions themselves become more and more prolonged. The bitch arches her back or lies on her side, after which she begins to push. Contractions and attempts create shocks that help the fetus move towards the exit. If this stage lasts more than two hours, call your veterinarian immediately.
  • The third stage is, in fact, childbirth. When the first puppy is born, the dog is in pain and groans, the next one she gives birth much easier. After childbirth, the placenta or “afterbirth” comes out, which the dog must eat - this is good for her immunity. But one will be enough - do not give the second, so as not to cause indigestion and diarrhea. Other placentas can be placed in cold water and given to the mother after some time.

The placenta will be an excellent tool for raising immunity after childbirth

Newborns appear in the amniotic sac - if the bitch did not gnaw it herself after birth, help her - make a tear near the puppy's muzzle. Wipe your nose and mouth with a tissue to remove mucus and blow lightly into your mouth. The baby should squeal and roll over. Make sure that the mother does not chew too much of the cord of the navel - this can lead to the formation of a sore on the tummy.

The number of puppies in Pomeranians

Sometimes you can hear questions about how many puppies a pomeranian bitch can give birth to. As a rule, a Spitz is born from one to three babies, and you have the opportunity to influence their number and size by choosing a pair with certain characteristics for mating.

The number of newborns in a Pomeranian varies from 1 to 3

Owners of newly born Pomeranian puppies will benefit from some recommendations for caring for them:

  • Make sure that the mother and her offspring are provided with a cozy nest. Place it in a place where it is warm and free from drafts. It is important that it is not located on the aisle so that people walking by do not disturb your pet and newborns;
  • It will be useful to get an electric heating pad;
  • You will need an electronic scale to weigh your puppies regularly. This is necessary to control their proper growth;
  • It will be nice if you also take care of a small metal aviary;
  • To feed the weakest, buy bitch milk replacer;
  • If the baby cannot start sucking milk on his own, help him. Massage the nipple and squeeze out a drop, bring the puppy so that he smells the smell, put the nipple in his mouth;
  • For those newborns who cannot suckle themselves, feed with a syringe;
  • The composition of milk in a bitch changes periodically - this is due to the fact that newborn puppies at different stages of development need different minerals and vitamins. Keep this in mind when feeding weak puppies.


Pomeranian owners have to take on the lion's share of worries about their pet and its future offspring. During this period, dogs are very vulnerable, so their health and comfort largely depend on your attention - remember that the owner should take responsibility for the health of the mother and offspring.

The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the cutest and smallest dog breeds that has earned everyone's sympathy for its small size and cheerful friendly character. The birth of puppies is a special time not only for the dog, but also for the owner, since he will need a lot of strength to help his pet and take care of her.

Therefore, it is very important for owners to have as much information as possible about how Yorkies bear puppies, how to feed them during pregnancy, how childbirth occurs and what to do when the dog gives birth. It is also very important to know what kind of care a Yorkie requires after childbirth, how best to arrange newborn puppies and what needs to be done for them after childbirth.

Pregnancy period

Signs that conception has occurred appear 2 or 3 weeks after mating - the dog loses its appetite, looks sad, does not want to play and go out for a walk. This behavior can last for about seven or ten days and is completely normal. However, if the dog shows more serious signs of illness, you should seek the help of a veterinarian.

A week or 10 days later, when the depressive period ends, Yorkies regain their appetite, and eat twice as much food as usual. This is due to the fact that for gestation and childbirth, a lot of additional forces will be needed. However, do not increase portions of food - compensate for the increased need for food by increasing the number of meals.

The gestation of Yorkshire Terrier puppies lasts from 56 to 72 days - in most cases, childbirth occurs on days 60-62. At first, no external changes occur - sometimes there are signs of toxicosis, such as an increased tendency to sleep.

At the 20th day of pregnancy, with some experience, you can feel small lumps, the size of a bean - these are fruits. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it with such feelings, so as not to disturb the expectant mother too much and not harm the fetuses. In the first weeks of pregnancy, it is not recommended to turn the dog upside down. Try also not to let her sleep on her back to avoid malpositioning of the fetuses and to prevent the uterine horns from twisting.

In order not to damage future Yorkie puppies, it is better to use methods such as echography, radiography or ultrasound. The size of the belly does not depend on how many puppies a bitch is born. It can be huge if 1 or 2, and vice versa, small with 4-5 fruits.

The dog's nipples gradually increase and turn pink, the skin around them becomes lighter. The movement of Yorkie puppies on the 50th day becomes noticeable, but before giving birth, they stop moving.

Caring for a dog during pregnancy

Yorkies during pregnancy require careful handling and special attention - do not allow them to run up the stairs and jump. In no case should they be allowed to communicate with other dogs at this time, despite the fact that daily walks are required.

As for nutrition, in the first half of the term it remains normal, despite the fact that the weight is growing. When the second half of the term begins, transfer the bitch to the menu for pregnant women - if this is food, then start buying special.

Each week, increase the amount of food you give your dog by about 10% - mostly do it at the expense of protein foods. Try to increase the number of feedings without increasing the portions - remember the necessary vitamins and minerals, the list of which will be given to you by the veterinarian. Weight is added during pregnancy - it is more and more difficult for the expectant mother to move, remember this and take care of her.

10 days before the birth, we begin to remove high-protein foods from the diet, and 5 days before we completely exclude them. You can make an exception for those dogs that categorically refuse carbohydrates - cereals, vegetables and dairy products. To control pregnancy weight and prevent obesity, and to avoid indigestion, do not overfeed the expectant mother.

The process of preparing for childbirth

  • Arrange with your veterinarian in advance so that he is ready if his help is needed;
  • Before childbirth, 10 days before, it is worth expelling worms from the dog. However, do not vaccinate or give medication;
  • For seven days, prepare a nest for the mother and offspring - it can be a cardboard box, a playpen or a large tray with bedding;
  • Place it in a warm, dry place without drafts - one wall should be lower so that the mother can freely go outside, and the newborns did not have such an opportunity;
  • Make a bed of clean sheets in the nest, take care of heating - it can be a heating pad (but not from below) or an infrared heater. In the first days, it will be necessary to provide a temperature of 280C, later it will need to be gradually brought up to 200C;

  • It is necessary to put another tray with bedding and heating, where newborn Yorkie puppies will be placed as they appear;
  • Delivery is most conveniently carried out on a bed covered with a waterproof bedding, on top of which a clean sheet should be placed;
  • On the eve of the upcoming birth, cut off the hair on the dog's stomach, as well as around the anus and loop. Pick up long hair with the help of papillots;
  • Yorkies who give birth for the first time should definitely be shown to the veterinarian on the eve of the birth;
  • Perform a wet cleaning of the room and treat it with quartz.

What you need to prepare:

  • Waterproof bedding for a woman in labor;
  • heating pad;
  • Basin for dirty diapers;

  • Veterinary thermometer (medical is also suitable);
  • Room thermometer;
  • Tray;
  • Scissors, tweezers and pipettes - sterilize all this in boiling water for 5 minutes;
  • Sterile gauze wipes;
  • Cotton wool;
  • syringes;
  • Silk thread for tying the umbilical cord (sterilize with alcohol);
  • Leaflet with telephone numbers of veterinarians;
  • Clock to control the time of the maternity process;
  • Scales;
  • Colored wool threads (as marks);
  • A pen;
  • Alcohol or vodka;

  • Five percent glucose;
  • Synthomycin emulsion ten percent;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Zelenka;
  • Preparations for injections, if the birth of offspring occurs prematurely. Premature puppies need the help of a veterinarian - the risk of losing them is very high.

How to take birth

The main thing is not to panic, because if you lose your head, your dog will have no one to help. Even if you have to give birth to a dog for the first time in your life, pull yourself together and try to be on top.

The process of childbirth in Yorkies lasts, as a rule, from three hours to a day - anything that goes beyond this is abnormal and requires the intervention of a veterinarian. Many dog ​​breeders claim that the birth of a puppy does not require our help if there are no pathologies, however, the situation is somewhat different with Yorkies.

Yorkie is a small indoor breed that needs care and attention more than any other. Whatever the normal birth, your presence will be important to your pet.

Before the dog begins to give birth, her stomach drops, and when pressure is applied to the nipple, colostrum comes out. She shows concern, tries to hide, whines plaintively.

Contractions begin, which become more frequent and longer - after the water breaks, the first newborn puppy appears. Puppies are born blind and deaf - the puppies' eyes are closed, they will open much later. The puppy's ears, of course, are not standing - this will happen later.

After the baby Yorkie is born, break the umbilical cord and drag it with silk thread. Break the bubble that the baby is in and wipe his face with a napkin. The mother usually eats the placenta.

After childbirth, the dog licks the newborn, massaging him in this way. Weigh the newborn, examine it, mark it with a woolen thread and write down the data in a notebook - place the baby in a separate box.

A Yorkie is born, as a rule, 2-4 babies, but sometimes their number can even reach ten. Photos of such broods can be seen in the literature and on specialized resources on the Internet.

After the birth of offspring

At first, the puppy does not see anything - his eyes open approximately 10-16 days after birth. However, it should be borne in mind that this is a living being, not a robot - some babies open their eyes earlier, some later, do not worry about this.

Yorkie's ears do not hear after birth - the auditory canals are completely closed. After the eyes open, the puppy's ears remain closed for about a week - after that hearing gradually comes.

In the third week, babies usually begin to walk, and in the fourth week they erupt their first teeth. Yorkie ears stand up at about four months - if this does not happen, the cause should be determined. The problem may be too weak cartilage, ear size, too much hair, or a lack of calcium.

The owners usually know when the ears are up - if they notice that they cannot raise them, they should consult a specialist. However, there are times when it was not possible to raise the ears of a Yorkie - unfortunately, it is impossible to predict this in advance. Then you just need to remind yourself that this is your friend and family member, and not an exhibition piece - love him for who he is.

> How many puppies does a Pekingese litter usually have?

How many puppies does a Pekingese usually have in a litter?


Mine have between 1 and 4. Once it was 5, but it was a side effect of birth control. :-D:-D:-D


My dog ​​had 3 puppies and all 3 were boys:-$


My Mani had 5 babies for the first time ..... and Dusi (Mani's daughter) had 7 babies .... she couldn't give birth herself, they did a cesarean ... even the doctor was surprised at such a number :-)


My Lyuska has a stable 5. Once it turned out 4 and that's it, she calmed down - everyone thought. They went to boil water. I'm coming back in a few minutes - oppa - on the fifth blanket)))))


By the way, how do you get along with the kids?? For me it's always a problem.... so you get used to them!


And it's hard to say goodbye..... If it weren't for the constant shortage of banknotes.... I would leave everyone :-D But then all the current owners of puppies send photos, call, tell. So we are always aware of everything that happens to our kids))


They parted terribly, I sat on valocordin for 2 days, constantly crying ............... :-(


we had 4, but I broke up normally, because we gave birth hard and later removed the uterus of my dog


today our girl gave birth for the 3rd time and 5 puppies were born for the 3rd time - 3 boys and 2 girls. What happiness! :-D


On Sunday they took the last puppy .... Manyunya has not eaten for the second day (U) is bored ....


we bought our girl from a litter with 7 puppies.


On February 8, ours had 6 puppies (third birth), and before that it was first 5, the second time-4. We won't do it again.


We had 3 puppies. Mom was 5 years old, but it was the first birth


Hello everyone! And we have a problem Jessica yesterday brought five puppies and all the girls and the fifth one is very weak, she can’t even suck milk.


it is better to feed with infant formula, I fed 3 of them this way, good luck to you


Owners who are expecting their dog's first birth are usually thrilled. But positive emotions should not interfere with thorough preparation for the birth process. The first stage, which guarantees the normal course of pregnancy, includes a mandatory visit to the veterinarian for a complete examination of the dog. After examining and taking tests, the veterinarian gives his opinion on the state of health of the animal and, if necessary, prescribes treatment. If this is not done, pathologies may occur during pregnancy that threaten both the dog itself and its puppies.

Signs and preparation for childbirth

Childbirth occurs in about 62-63 days with slight deviations in one direction or another. If the mating was planned, then the day of birth can be easily calculated. If mating happened by accident, and the owners were not witnesses to it, they will have to carefully monitor the course of pregnancy so as not to miss the signs of childbirth in the dog.
All dogs are different, even within the same breed there are no two identical characters. But most often, the first signs of childbirth in dogs are the restless behavior of animals. Nervousness can be especially pronounced in females giving birth for the first time. A few days before the onset of childbirth, the dog begins to wander around the house, as if looking for a place, then begins to dig its bedding with its paws, pulls rags and soft toys to it. She may whine, moan, sleep poorly at night, and suddenly fall asleep in the middle of the room during the day. Often the dog loses its appetite, it can feel sick. But she drinks a lot, and therefore urinates often.
Signs include changes in body temperature. Usually it is kept at around 38O. A decrease in thermometer readings within one or two degrees, as well as mucous secretions, should tell the owners that the birth of dogs is approaching.
By this time, everything should be ready in the house: the necessary medicines and items have been purchased, a special convenient box has been made or bought (it can be replaced by an arena), in which the mother with her newborn puppies will be located.

How long does a dog birth take?

The question “how long does the birth of dogs last” worries all beginners and inexperienced dog breeders. This indicator depends on many factors - the breed, the size of the dog, its physiology and the number of puppies born. But the usual duration of the birth process is from 6 to 8 hours. There are quick births, but there are also those that last more than a day and proceed quite normally.
Long labors can be physically exhausting for a dog. Of course, she will not eat ordinary food, but a few pieces of chocolate will be very useful. That is why experts recommend that the list of necessary preparations include the purchase of a chocolate bar. It's hard to find a dog that doesn't love this treat. And during a protracted birth, she will gladly swallow a piece to strengthen her strength.

Beginning of labor in dogs

Another question owners ask is: How do dogs go into labor? Caring owners who love their animals are unlikely to miss this moment if they carefully consider the signs mentioned above.
Rapid breathing, strong heartbeat, softening of the tissues of the loop indicate that the onset of childbirth in dogs is running and the appearance of puppies should be expected soon.
Needless to say, a dog's first birth is a complex process that is best done under medical supervision. But if this is not possible, the veterinarian's phone should be at hand in case of an unforeseen situation.


Pregnancy of a German Shepherd in primogeniture and experienced mothers

Pregnancy and childbirth of a German Shepherd is an important stage in the life of a dog and owner. Will your German Shepherd have offspring? Your pet needs to be properly cared for during pregnancy. What worries fall on the shoulders of the owner in these responsible two months? How to prepare for childbirth and help the dog safely produce puppies?

How long does a German Shepherd get pregnant?

So how long does a pregnant dog walk ()? 60 days - this is how long the gestation of offspring by a bitch lasts. But pregnancy can take a little less - 58 days. Deviations are possible and in the direction of increasing the terms up to 65 days.

The pregnancy of a German Shepherd in primogeniture lasts a little longer than in an experienced mother.

If the pregnancy is multiple, the dog usually whelps earlier - from the 58th to the 60th day, and if the pregnancy is infertile, then the birth of the German Shepherd can occur from the 63rd to the 65th day. When there are few fruits in the female's womb, the whelping date is delayed. In this case, puppies, the dog is more difficult to give birth.

In the case of delaying the timing of whelping up to 10 days, you will definitely need the help of a veterinarian. How long does a German Shepherd pregnancy last in your particular case - it is better to check with the veterinarian. specialist.

German Shepherd Pregnancy Signs

How can you tell if a German Shepherd is pregnant? Clear signs that the German Shepherd is expecting offspring, are evident in the second half of pregnancy.

In the first month of pregnancy, the appearance of the bitch does not change. And probing will not help to understand whether your pet is in an “interesting” position. This is within the competence of the veterinarian, who can thus diagnose pregnancy after the third week.

IMPORTANT: In the first month, an attentive owner may, by the behavior of the dog, assume that she will soon become a mother. A pregnant German Shepherd (photo below) becomes lethargic, lethargic, thirsty more often and requires more affection at times.

By the end of the first month - the beginning of the second, more clear outward signs of a female:

  • closer to the 30th day, the mammary glands begin to increase, the growth of the abdomen is already more noticeable;
  • dog quickly after 33 days;
  • after the 38th day (at the 6th week of pregnancy), you can feel the fetuses in the uterus. At this time, with the help of an x-ray, it is determined how many puppies the bitch bears;
  • at the 9th week of pregnancy, the dog's stomach drops, vaginal discharge appears, abundant colostrum (this can threaten the development of mastitis);
  • milk in giving birth dogs appears 7-10 days before the day of the expected birth, and in primiparous shepherd dogs immediately before whelping or right in the process.

ATTENTION! Any violation of the normal course of pregnancy is a reason to urgently contact a veterinarian. Deviations are manifested in the form of depressed behavior, lack of appetite, shortness of breath, bloody vaginal discharge, compaction of the mammary glands.

false pregnancy

False pregnancy is more common in dogs that are bred infrequently and irregularly. This is the state when an unbred bitch starts behaving like a pregnant woman.

False pregnancy can be detected by such signs:

  • the shepherd equips the den for offspring and aggressively defends it;
  • the dog becomes nervous and agitated;
  • may lose appetite and show indifference to games and walks;
  • fiddling with soft toys and things, mistaking them for puppies;
  • the bitch's nipples swell, milk appears, the belly increases.

How many pregnant German shepherds walk if there was no pregnancy? After two weeks, the condition of the German Shepherd should return to normal, if not, then it is better to contact a specialist.

Pregnant bitch care

The owner of a puppy German Shepherd in this special period needs to show maximum care, love and attention to his pet. Stress and stress are harmful to the expectant mother, but she needs special nutrition and frequent walks.

If you are a happy owner of a unique dog - or a Chinese shepherd, then you need to necessarily check with the vet. doctor.


During pregnancy, it is useful for the dog to be outdoors more often. Walks can be long, but the owner needs to observe the behavior of the shepherd dog, not to overwork it.

For walking, choose quiet places, walk at a leisurely, measured pace.

Starting from the 7th week of pregnancy, the bitch should be taken outside more often. The growing uterus presses on the bladder and intestines, causing a desire to empty. A German Shepherd pregnancy, which can vary in length, can bring many surprises into your life at the end of term, including even night walks.


The dog during this period needs food with a high protein content - eggs, cottage cheese, meat, liver, fish. Give your pet grated vegetables mixed with herbs, seasoning the food with vegetable oil. Limit soups and cereals.

A puppy bitch needs to be given special supplements so that she receives calcium, which is intensively consumed by the body during pregnancy.

Transfer to meals 3 times a day should be done starting from the 4th week of pregnancy. 4 meals a day are introduced at the 7th week, food portions should be small.

About a week before the birth, they stop feeding the dog with meat, giving her cottage cheese and fish in return. This is necessary for the prevention of eclampsia (there is such a form of toxicosis - in the form of convulsions).

Physical exercises

By the middle of pregnancy, the bitch herself limits herself in sudden movements, jumping and running. But the owner also must not lose vigilance so as not to harm the health of the dog and puppies. How long does a pregnant German Shepherd dog walk. How long a pregnant German Shepherd dog walks a day on a walk cannot be said for sure, it all depends on the physical fitness of the pet.

Until the end of the 3rd week, physical activity can still be at the usual level. But, starting from the 4th week, it is worth limiting games and exercises. Excessive mobility can harm the development of puppies.

In the second half of pregnancy, keep an eye on the loads of your shepherd, they should be gentle.

Dog behavior before childbirth

On the eve of the birth, the bitch behaves restless:

  1. She whines, looks for secluded dark places, can tear her bedding with her claws.
  2. Often the dog follows the owner on the heels.
  3. The appetite of a shepherd dog may completely disappear, but some expectant mothers eat, as before, until the start of whelping.
  4. The contractions that begin cause pain, the dog is trembling, breathing becomes heavy. A harbinger of contractions is the release of mucus from the loop.

When such signs appear, the bitch should be taken to a pre-prepared place for childbirth.

What should the owner do before giving birth?

German Shepherd Birth at home are quite acceptable and even welcomed, since the owner will also be able to take birth in a German shepherd with the correct instructions of a specialist.

The owner of a shepherd needs to prepare a whole set that will come in handy during obstetrics, including:

  • oilcloths, diapers and sterile wipes;
  • thermometer;
  • scissors, tweezers;
  • syringes, cotton wool, disinfectant solutions, medicines;
  • harsh thread (tying the umbilical cord), scales, a box for puppies and a heating pad;
  • multi-colored woolen threads (to mark puppies);
  • notebook with a pen.

All this is placed on a table near the maternity box. The owner needs constantly watch for your pet, so as not to miss the beginning of the birth process. Also, do not forget that the shepherd can hide in secluded narrow places, so keep an eye on it and close the doors of cabinets and doors to other rooms.

Arrangement of a place for childbirth

It is worth doing the preparation of the birthing place in advance in order to have time to accustom your dog to it.

It should be warm in the room where the bitch will be whelping (+28), and no drafts. It will be convenient for the bitch to produce puppies in a large box, wooden box or a collapsible arena. The height of the walls should be such that grown puppies do not crawl out of the shelter through them.

Prepare bedding (blankets, mattresses), which will need to be changed periodically.

In winter, if the room is cool, a place for whelping is equipped with an additional source of body. If the dog lives in its own, then it is worth transferring it to the house.

Born puppies are placed in a separate box, the bottom is covered with sterile bedding. The walls of this nest for newborns should not be high so that the mother can see the children. How many German Shepherds carry puppies is written below.

How to determine that childbirth is coming soon?

When the German Shepherd's pregnancy is coming to an end, there are clear signs of an approaching event:

  1. The temperature of the dog drops by an average of one and a half degrees.
  2. Behavior becomes restless - the bitch begins to fuss, ask for help from the owner.
  3. Breathing is frequent, the dog is either cold or hot, the heartbeat is increased, the pupils are dilated.
  4. Mucus is released from the loop.
  5. The bitch arches her back, crouches - contractions are approaching.

And when a woman in labor lies down and pushes, it means that childbirth has already begun.

How is childbirth going?

The first stage of the birth process is contractions, which can last from several hours to days. When the cervix opens, the bitch begins to push. With frequent attempts, the fetus moves outward through the birth canal.

Then the process of exiting puppies begins - pelvis or head first. The mother should rupture the amniotic sac, gnaw through the umbilical cord and lick the baby to stimulate breathing and blood circulation.

The bitch eats the afterbirth, which came out after the puppy. It contains a lot of useful substances for the dog. But eating more than two afterbirths is bad., this should be monitored. Otherwise, the shepherd dog may have indigestion.

IMPORTANT: The birth of the first child may be delayed, but the process cannot be stimulated. Everything should come naturally.

The birth of German Shepherd puppies occurs at different time intervals - from a few minutes to an hour and a half. The birth process itself can take up to 12 hours, depending on the number of puppies.

If 2 hours or more pass after the release of the last newborn, the mother no longer pushes, behaves calmly and is busy with offspring, the birth process is completed. But it doesn't hurt to have a veterinary checkup to make sure your pet is okay. The doctor will inject the dog with oxytocin to make the uterus contract better.

Photo of a pregnant German Shepherd in the last week:

How to take birth?

A bitch who has already given birth usually copes with the production of offspring herself. The presence of the owner nearby has a calming effect on her.

But an inexperienced woman in labor often needs help. Obstetrics will be needed and, if there are any difficulties:

  1. Hands should be treated with a disinfectant solution and be ready to help the puppy out into the world.
  2. If the birth canal is dry, moisten it with Vaseline (sterile). The drug is administered with a syringe or catheter.
  3. Tired in the process of childbirth, the dog is given a little broth or tea with milk and sugar.
  4. Between puppies, the bitch may need to empty her bladder and bowels. She needs to be taken outside. Do not forget to take a diaper - another puppy can be born at any moment. How many puppies a German shepherd gives birth, see in another section.

Helping puppies during childbirth

It happens that the fetus comes out with difficulty, then it must be carefully pulled out. Pull the baby by the parts of the body that appear, grabbing them with a sterile napkin. Do this by adjusting to the rhythm of contractions.

If the mother herself cannot process the newborn, one should:

  • release it from the amniotic sac,
  • cut the umbilical cord 2 cm from the tummy;
  • clean the mouth and nose of the puppy with sterile gauze;
  • let the mother lick the baby;
  • if the puppy does not squeak and breathes with difficulty, shake it sharply;
  • as soon as the newborn makes squealing sounds, it is applied to the mother's nipple.

All born puppies after feeding are placed in a prepared box with bedding and a heating pad. Babies are applied to the mother's nipple in turn. Everyone should get their portion of colostrum to strengthen the immune system.

Immediately after birth, the color of the puppy cannot be determined. You can read more about the types of colors in.

How does the dog behave immediately after giving birth?

Just gave birth bitch has a strong maternal instinct and protect your litter. She is afraid to leave the kids alone, so walks should be short. In addition, your dog is weakened by childbirth, she needs peace.

It is normal when a mother feeds her offspring and licks her puppies. She should behave calmly and not drag children to other places. Pay attention to how many German Shepherd puppies carry from corner to corner. If she does not calm down, then organize another place for the dog, otherwise such movements can pose a threat to the health of the puppies.

But some shepherds are characterized by postpartum titanium. Her symptoms are:

  • the dog behaves nervously, she is frightened by something;
  • then lies down, then gets up, leaves puppies;
  • the bitch's breathing is rapid, salivation from the mouth is observed;
  • convulsions begin, trembling in the muscles;
  • the dog is not eating.

In this case, it is necessary urgent help from a specialist. While waiting for the doctor, give the shepherd dog valocordin, cover it warmly, put a heating pad on its paws.

How many puppies are born to a German Shepherd?

Much depends on how many puppies the dog bears, German Shepherd puppies can be from 1 to 12. For the dog itself, it is better if the number of puppies does not exceed 10. Otherwise, it is difficult to feed them. How many puppies can a German Shepherd give birth to? Answer: up to 14, but this is extremely rare.

On average, a female of this breed brings from 7 to 8 babies. A primiparous dog may have fewer babies. But in general, the number of offspring depends on heredity and on the individual characteristics of the shepherd dog's body.

In order for your pet to give you healthy and strong puppies, you should knit it no more than once a year.

Useful video:

Video with help during childbirth.

Pregnancy and childbirth of a German Shepherd is an important process not only for the dog itself, but also for its owner. During this period, surround her with care and love, control her health. And at the most crucial moment, be ready to help the dog become a mother. If you are not confident in your abilities, invite an experienced dog breeder or veterinarian as a partner.

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