Gum turpentine: what is it, how to use it and where to buy? What is turpentine

Latin name: common turpentine
ATX code: M02AX
Active substance: Turpentine oil
Manufacturer: Retinoids, Russia, etc.
Pharmacy leave condition: Without recipe
Price: from 200 to 450 rubles.


Gum turpentine is made from the resin of coniferous trees, called gum. It contains turpentine oil, which contains terpenoids (method, borneol, camphor), terpenes, terpinolene, limonene, alpha-pinenes, alcohol.

Therapeutic action

A positive effect is observed from the use of turpentine in the creation of Zalmanov's baths.

Zalmanov's white baths expand blood capillaries, increase temperature, raise pressure, provide rhythmic contractions of the heart muscle without causing heavy sweating.

Yellow baths contribute to the expansion of blood capillaries, deepen breathing, increase temperature, lower pressure, and stimulate sweating.

Directly, similar Zalmanov baths:

  • They have a healing and tonic effect, slow down the aging process.
  • Accelerate the movement of blood
  • Restore metabolism
  • Improve the functioning of the circulatory system
  • Strengthen joints
  • Eliminate pain in the musculoskeletal system
  • Get rid of extra pounds and cellulite
  • Treat varicose veins
  • Cleanse the skin, remove toxins and toxic substances
  • Increase productivity and relieve stress.

Indications for use

  • Rheumatism
  • Lumboischialgia - pain in the lumbar region
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Arthritis
  • Gout
  • neuralgia
  • Myalgia
  • Arthralgia
  • Sequelae of trauma to the brain and spinal cord
  • Stroke.

The oil will benefit from influenza, sore throat, bronchitis, if used for inhalation.

Zalmanov's baths are prescribed for:

  • cataract and glaucoma
  • Leukemia
  • angina pectoris
  • Sciatica and lumbodynia
  • Obliterating endarteritis
  • Raynaud's and ankylosing spondylitis
  • multiple sclerosis
  • atherosclerosis
  • Neuritis and polyneuritis
  • Connective tissue diseases
  • Benign and malignant formations
  • The consequences of trauma, stroke, heart attack and polio.

Turpentine is also used in traditional medicine: it is the main component of many ointments designed to combat diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The average price is from 200 to 450 rubles.

Release forms

Gum turpentine has the appearance of a colorless or yellow liquid with a burning taste and a characteristic pine aroma.

The drug is sold in glass bottles of 500-1000 milliliters.

Mode of application

The drug is used externally. The oil is applied with massaging movements to painful areas of the body 2-3 times a day. Warm compresses are used for colds.

Zalmanov's bath remedy is also used.

For white baths, you will need turpentine (45%), water (50%), camphor alcohol, salicylic acid, baby soap and willow bark extract.

For yellow baths take turpentine (50%), castor oil (20%), oleic acid (15%), water (13-14%) and caustic soda.

The resulting emulsion is poured into a bath of warm water. First, 10-15 milliliters are added, over time, the dosage is raised to 35-60 milliliters. They begin to take baths from 5 minutes, gradually increasing the duration by a couple of minutes and bringing it up to a quarter of an hour. After the bath, the body is not wiped. It is advisable to wrap yourself up and lie down for 1-2 hours.

Usually the course of treatment consists of 10-12 baths, which are taken daily or every other day.


The use of turpentine is contraindicated in:

  • Individual sensitivity to ingredients
  • Inflammation or damage to the skin at the treatment site
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

In no case should you use the drug inside: a dose exceeding 4 grams can be fatal.

Zalmanov's baths are contraindicated in:

  • Allergy to turpentine
  • hypertension
  • Failures in cardiac activity
  • heart failure
  • Inflammatory dermatological diseases in the period of relapse
  • Exacerbations of chronic pathologies
  • Tuberculosis
  • chronic nephritis
  • Cirrhosis of the liver and hepatitis
  • open injuries
  • Drug and alcohol intoxication
  • Second and third trimester of pregnancy.

Precautionary measures

Caution should be used in the treatment of liver and kidney failure, as well as in the treatment of children.

Side effects

In some cases, the use of turpentine can cause an allergic reaction, manifested in the form of itching or flushing.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store the product in a cool, dry and dark place for up to two years.


Yaroslavl Pharmaceutical Factory/ Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory/ Tula Pharmaceutical Factory/ Krasnodar Pharmaceutical Factory/ Permpharmacy, Russia, etc.
Price from 60 to 200 rubles.

Available in bottles of 10 and 30 grams. The active substance is Levomenthol. Irritates the skin and stimulates blood circulation, relieves pain. It has an antiseptic effect.


  • Contributes to the effective treatment of diseases of the respiratory and musculoskeletal systems
  • Improves skin and hair condition


  • Contraindicated in children, during pregnancy and lactation

Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory, Tula Pharmaceutical Factory, Russia, etc.
Price from 50 to 70 rubles.

Available in the form of an ointment of 25, 30 and 50 grams. Active ingredient - Gum turpentine. Irritates the skin, warms, distracts and disinfects. Promotes the release of endorphins and pain relief.


  • Can be applied to children
  • Affordable price


  • Possible side effects
  • Cannot be applied to broken skin
  • Contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.

Merkle, Germany
Price from 120 to 300 rubles.

Available in the form of a colorless or yellow ointment of 20 and 50 grams. Active ingredients: dexpanthenol, dimethyl sulfoxide, sodium heparin. Improves blood circulation, relieves inflammation and pain, promotes tissue regeneration.


  • Provides instant action
  • Side effects are extremely rare
  • High quality


  • Contraindicated in children, pregnant and lactating women
  • Do not apply to burnt skin.

Treatment of joints with turpentine helps to get rid of pain and improve joint mobility. This tool based on coniferous resin has a number of useful properties. Turpentine has been used to treat various joint diseases since the 19th century. Compresses, poultices, lotions were made from such a remedy. Dr. A. S. Zalmanov proved the benefits of turpentine and helped find new ways to use it for the treatment of osteochondrosis, arthrosis, muscle pain, etc.

The doctor documented the benefits of the ointment, as well as baths with this remedy. At the same time, not only muscle tension is removed, the condition of cartilage tissue and bones improves, but inflammation is also eliminated. Turpentine baths also affect the central nervous system.

The use of such an effective remedy allows you to save a person from pain after 10 days. Immediately after the start of treatment, there is a positive trend. Morning stiffness in the joints disappears, well-being improves. You can use the ointment at any age, the composition has a minimum of contraindications for use. The product has a slightly yellowish tint and a pleasant coniferous aroma.

The benefits and harms of using turpentine

Turpentine for joints is used as an independent therapeutic component, and in combination with other medicines. The benefits and harms of this product are obvious. To begin with, it is necessary to highlight the positive properties that the ointment has on the joints. First of all, the inflammatory process in the area of ​​​​regular use is eliminated. Unlike other means, turpentine acts faster.

This allows more oxygen to enter the affected area. This accelerates the regeneration of cartilage tissue and eliminates inflammation.

The most valuable is gum turpentine. It is believed that it contains a maximum of useful components. Before using this remedy for treatment, it is recommended to consult a doctor. This is especially true for people with a tendency to allergic reactions. Pregnant and lactating women should use the ointment with caution.

You can only use medical turpentine, which is sold only in pharmacies.

It is forbidden to use the industrial version, otherwise you can only cause harm. In case of pain, the product has an anesthetic effect. However, it is not recommended to apply the ointment too often, otherwise irritation of the skin can be provoked.

The tool can be harmful if used on open wounds and cuts. In this case, there will be a burning sensation and a sharp pain will appear. Therefore, if the skin over the diseased joint is damaged, then before proceeding with treatment, you should wait for the complete healing of the epidermis.

The benefits of the application can only be obtained with regular use of the composition. If you do this on a case-by-case basis, then it will not be possible to achieve positive dynamics.

Application methods

Turpentine can be used in different ways. It helps with various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is even used to relieve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. In the fight against diseases associated with destructive processes in cartilage tissue, the ointment can be used for rubbing. To begin with, it is enough to apply the remedy once a day so as not to provoke irritation.

  1. Turpentine ointment for the treatment of joints can also be used as a basis for compresses. To do this, dilute turpentine in warm water and, moistening gauze in it, apply to the diseased area. To enhance the effect, you can attach a plastic bag from above and secure it with a bandage (if we are talking about knee and elbow joints). Therapeutic compresses should be left for at least 20 minutes. But it is not recommended to increase the exposure time. Lotions based on turpentine will give maximum benefit if you additionally use drugs to restore cartilage tissue.
  2. An excellent effect is brought by baths based on turpentine. To do this, the concentration of the active substance at first should not exceed 20 ml per 250 ml of water. To enhance the effect, you can add. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 15-20 minutes. This is especially true for people with cardiovascular disease. Bath solution is best prepared in advance in a plastic bottle or glass jar. At first, you need to add no more than 10 ml of the solution from the total volume. Take this therapeutic bath before going to bed. It is not recommended to immediately sit in hot water. It is enough that the temperature does not exceed +39°C. If the state of health does not change and there are no side effects, then you can add a few more degrees. It is advisable to protect your face with a towel from fumes, as the skin in this area is especially delicate. You can do this with a regular towel.

Additional Information

If itching and burning suddenly appear during the use of turpentine, then the use of the product must be stopped. The same remark applies to baths. Currently, it is possible to purchase a ready-made turpentine bath solution. Although you can use the standard recipe.

Do not forget about contraindications:

  1. Baths with this drug should not be taken by pregnant women.
  2. Thermal procedures should also be avoided during menstruation.
  3. In the presence of thrombosis, it is possible to use ointment and products based on it only after consulting a specialist.
  4. Renal and hepatic insufficiency is also a contraindication. People with the presence of malignant tumors or suspected of having them are advised to stop using the turpentine-based ointment and solution.
  5. It is not recommended to use the drug in the treatment of antibiotics.

It is not recommended to use ointments with turpentine for more than 10 days.

To eliminate joint pain, you can prepare a special warming compress. You will need turpentine solution (½ cup). You need to add sunflower oil in the amount of 3 tbsp. l. and 500 ml of vodka. All ingredients must be shaken, then moistened with gauze, squeezed lightly and applied to the problem area. From above it is better to wrap the joint with a towel. It is necessary to withstand the compress for up to 30 minutes or more.

So that the joints do not bother, they often use a mixture of turpentine and. However, before use, such a composition must be insisted for a week. You can use the tool for rubbing.

Turpentine oil from resin has another more well-known name - Gum turpentine. But whatever the name of the drug, this remedy has a local irritant and analgesic effect, intended for topical use as a medicine for the treatment of various diseases. Especially for the readers of “Popular about Health”, I will consider gum turpentine as a medicinal preparation, the use of this medicine for treatment.

So, the instruction of Gum turpentine:

What is the composition and form of release of gum turpentine?

The active substance in the preparation is represented by a chemical compound of the same name. Information about auxiliary components is not provided.

The pharmaceutical product is available in the form of a darkish transparent oily solution. Gum turpentine in a pharmacy is released without a prescription, in dark glass bottles, with a volume of 100 milliliters.

What is the action of gum turpentine?

The active substance in the preparation is a chemical substance of natural (plant) origin, or rather an essential oil obtained by distillation of pine resin (resin).

According to its physico-chemical properties, this drug is a thick, viscous liquid with a characteristic odor and a specific burning taste. It is absolutely insoluble in water, but mixes well with alcohol or other organic solvents.

The main biologically active substance in turpentine is alpha-pinene. The action of Gum turpentine is due to both the influence of the turpentine oil itself and the influence of endogenous compounds, the synthesis of which is enhanced under the influence of the active component of the drug.

Alpha-pinene is able to quickly penetrate into the superficial layers of the skin, where it exerts its irritating effect on the nerve endings. As a result, an additional flow of impulses rushes into the central nervous system, the severity of which prevails over the flow of electrical impulses from pain receptors, which suppresses their severity.

When exposed to alpha-pinene on the skin, the reactions of biosynthesis of various mediators of the inflammatory and allergic reactions are enhanced, which leads to the appearance of slight redness and swelling of the skin of the treated areas of the body.

In some cases, the drug can be used inhalation in the form of solutions with different concentrations of the active ingredient. When exposed to alpha-pinene on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, cough is effectively suppressed, microlytic (thinning sputum) and expectorant phenomena are stimulated, and the rate of metabolic reactions increases.

Part of the active substance of the drug inevitably penetrates into the systemic circulation. The processes of its metabolism are associated with the activity of the liver. Excretion occurs with urine.

What are the indications for use of gum turpentine?

The annotation includes the following cases in the testimony of Zhivichny turpentine:


Myalgia (muscle pain);

Arthralgia (joint pain);


Pathology of the respiratory system, accompanied by a painful cough;


To use the oil in inhalation procedures, it is necessary to consult a specialist who, having assessed the severity of the patient's condition, must select a safe dosage.

What are the contraindications for the use of gum turpentine?

In the contraindications of Gum turpentine, the annotation includes the following cases:

Severe liver disease;

The period of breastfeeding;

Pathology of the kidneys, against the background of functional organ failure;


In addition, the instructions for use indicate intolerance to turpentine oil as one of the options for banning its use.

Application of gum turpentine, dosage

For application to the skin, for example, with sciatica, a small amount of oil is required, no more than a teaspoon. It should be applied to the skin, slowly and gently rubbing into the surface layers of the epidermis.

The skin treated in this way cannot be covered with occlusive dressings, but wrapping with a thick cloth, such as a scarf, is acceptable. The frequency of such procedures should be agreed with a specialist, but in most cases they are carried out once a day.

For inhalation, a preliminary consultation with a specialist is necessary. The dosage of Gum turpentine is determined by the severity of the pathological process, age, body weight of the patient and other factors.

In traditional medicine recipes, turpentine finds a great variety of uses. What diseases are not treated with its help: burn disease, febrile conditions, inflammatory diseases, infectious pathology and many other conditions.

Gum turpentine - an overdose is possible?

An overdose of Gum turpentine is possible only in traditional medicine recipes that involve taking the oil inside. In this case, the following symptoms should be expected: vomiting, dizziness, constriction of the pupils, the appearance of purple staining of urine, shortness of breath.

Treatment: it is necessary to induce vomiting and wash the stomach. If you feel unsatisfactory, symptomatic therapy is carried out. There is no specific antidote that suppresses the action of turpentine.

What are the side effects of gum turpentine?

The following side effects of Gum turpentine are possible: dryness and burning of the skin, redness of the skin, soreness and tingling of the treated areas, allergic reactions.

How to replace gum turpentine, the product has analogues?

There are no analogues of Zhivichny turpentine.


Despite the fact that official medicine does not recommend taking turpentine inside, there are folk methods that promote such measures of influence on the body. To adhere to them or not is a personal matter for everyone. However, before unconventional use, it is not superfluous to consult a specialist.

Getting and Types

The main part of turpentine, gum turpentine, is a product of steam distillation from resin - fresh resin of coniferous trees.

Wood (dry distillation) turpentine obtained by steam distillation or dry distillation of pine stumps or other resinous parts of pine.

Extractive turpentine obtained by distillation of the volatile fraction from resinous substances obtained by extraction with organic solvents (usually gasoline) of the resinous parts of wood chips (stumps and trunks).

sulfate turpentine is a by-product in the production of wood pulp from resinous wood using the sulphate process.


The main components of turpentine are terpenes and terpenoids - pinenes (alpha and beta), delta-3-karene, myrcene, caryophyllene, etc. The composition of turpentine varies significantly depending on the source of resin (plant species (pine, larch, spruce, etc.), on the nature of raw materials (resin, wood, branches and needles, stumps), as well as on the time of harvesting and technology for processing raw materials).

Pine turpentine Pinus sylvestris(the most common source of resin) contains up to 78% pinenes, 10-18% 3-carene, 4-6% dipentene. Turpentine can be considered as a kind of essential oil obtained from coniferous plants - if the source of raw materials is well characterized.



Properties of gum turpentine

Turpentine is an organic substance with moderate toxicity (TCLo inhalation, human = 175 ppm. LD50 oral, rats = 5.760 mg/kg. LC50 inhalation, rats = 12g/m 3 /6h. LC50 inhalation, mice = 29 g/m 3 / 2 hours). Chronic dermal application of turpentine in an animal model led to the formation of benign skin tumors, when administered orally, turpentine is highly toxic and can be fatal, there have been cases of death in children from a dose of up to 15 ml of turpentine.

Turpentine can also cause dermatitis, until the 1980s it was turpentine that was the main cause of contact irritant and allergic dermatitis in artists

Turpentine can cause chemical burns, its vapors can irritate and damage the skin, eyes, if inhaled, damage the lungs and nervous system.

May cause kidney failure if ingested.

sulfate turpentine

Sulfate turpentine, due to numerous impurities, is significantly more toxic than gum.

Precautionary measures

Turpentine is flammable. The precautions for handling turpentine as a solvent are similar to those for other organic solvents. Work with turpentine must be carried out outdoors, avoiding contact with the skin of the hands. In case of contact, wash off with warm water and soap ...



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See what "Turpentine" is in other dictionaries:

    TURPENTINE- TURPENTINE, turpentine, husband. A colorless or yellowish liquid with a pungent odor, obtained by distilling the resin of coniferous trees with water and used in medicine and in the paint and varnish industry. Russian turpentine. French turpentine. Rub your back.... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    TURPENTINE Modern Encyclopedia

    TURPENTINE- (turpentine oil) colorless liquid with a smell of needles. A complex mixture of hydrocarbons, predominantly terpenes. Obtained mainly from resin (the so-called gum turpentine), bp 153 180 ° C, dense. 0.86 g/cm³. Solvent for varnishes and paints, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    turpentine- turpentine oil Dictionary of Russian synonyms. turpentine n., number of synonyms: 2 turpentine (8) ... Synonym dictionary

    Turpentine- TURPENTINE, colorless or yellowish liquid with a smell of needles; a complex mixture of hydrocarbons, predominantly terpenes. It is obtained mainly from resin (the so-called gum turpentine, or turpentine oil). Solvent for varnishes, paints and enamels… Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    TURPENTINE- TURPENTINE, a (y), husband. A liquid with a pungent odor, obtained by Ch. way by distillation of resin. | adj. turpentine, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    TURPENTINE- husband. (skip, resin distillation?), turpentine oil, turpentine, pine and strong-smelling oil distilled from resin; residue: dry resin, from which, by cleaning, rosin is prepared. Turpentine, oblapa plant, Asarum, see hoof. Turpentine ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    TURPENTINE- turpentine oil, essential oil with the smell of pine needles, obtained by Ch. arr. from resin; mixture of hydrocarbons, prem. terpenes. Solvent for varnishes and paints, raw material for the production of camphor, terpineol, terpinhydrate; purified S. is used. as an external ... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    TURPENTINE- essential vegetable oil, extracted either from a living resin tree or from split wood (the so-called pitch and pitch). C. is used to dissolve and dilute sicativs, varnishes, and paints; oxidizes, contributes to their rapid drying ... Technical railway dictionary

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    TURPENTINE- TURPENTINE, see Turpentine oil ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

As already mentioned, turpentine is extracted from the resin of trees. Depending on the raw materials and the method of extraction of the substance, the properties of turpentine are different and it is different. To obtain turpentine, branches, trunks, needles and even stumps are used. The method of isolation also differs: dry distillation or steam, using gasoline as a solvent or the sulfate method. All this determines the properties of the obtained substance and its further application. The quality of the substance also varies depending on the type of wood.

Turpentine is used in the chemical industry, as a solvent for paints, in veterinary medicine and medicine. Moreover, only gum turpentine can be used for medical purposes. It is obtained by steam distillation of fresh resin. The main active ingredient of turpentine is terpenoids and terepins, which have medicinal properties.

Even in ancient times, turpentine was used for wounds, burns, and as a disinfectant. Modern surgeons use it to treat hands before surgery. After frostbite, turpentine is able to circulate the damaged tissues. Turpentine extracted from fir also has antimicrobial properties, there are cases of its use for gynecological diseases (erosions, mastitis).

Turpentine is also used for the manufacture of ointments and other medical preparations for external use, intramuscular injections and oral administration. Vitamin A is isolated from the active substances of turpentine.

known medicinal properties of turpentine that have an expectorant effect. It is used in inhalations for angina, cough. Turpentine improves the secretory activity of the bronchi and promotes the removal of mucus from the respiratory tract. It is also believed that inhalation of turpentine vapors has a detrimental effect on the causative agent of tuberculosis.

The healing properties of turpentine are widely used in the treatment of joint diseases: arthritis, arthrosis, radiculitis, lumbago and the like. Turpentine is also used as a hemostatic agent.

Intramuscular and subcutaneous injections of turpentine help in the treatment of skin inflammatory diseases: acne, boils, dermatitis, abscesses, varicose veins.

A well-known procedure based on turpentine is Zalmanova. Thanks to the healing properties of turpentine, greatly enhanced by the temperature of the water, such baths help stabilize pressure in hypertension and hypotension, cleanse joints and tendons of deposits, improve capillary function, blood supply and oxygen circulation, improve skin condition and limit the work of sweat glands and much more. Depending on the type of turpentine, such baths are divided into yellow and white, and have a different effect on the body.

However, the turpentine substance is not so harmless and you need to use it yourself very carefully. First, it should be remembered that turpentine injections often cause inflammation at the injection site (abscess).

When using turpentine, the toxicity of the substance must also be taken into account. Although gum turpentine is much less toxic than substances obtained by other means, there is still a maximum oral dose that is considered harmless. It is 4 grams. If the dose is exceeded, possibly poisoning. Prolonged use in small doses may cause renal failure.

You should not use turpentine on your own to treat children; in medical practice, cases of death have been recorded when taken orally and in the form of inhalations of 10–15 ml of turpentine.

Laboratory studies of topical use of turpentine have shown that long-term use can lead to benign tumors. If turpentine is used in a course in the form of ointments, a slight burning sensation is possible, this is a normal effect.

The healing properties of turpentine are being studied now, and not only in our country, but also abroad. Opinions about the benefits and harms are often contradictory, there are descriptions of both "miraculous cures" and severe consequences after using turpentine to treat certain diseases. One conclusion can be drawn: everything is good in moderation and under the guidance of a competent specialist.

Therefore, I would like to remind you that it is best to purchase turpentine preparations in a pharmacy in order to be sure of their quality and safety. You should not use it inside, in injections, and also for a long time for rubbing without consulting a doctor.

Alexandra Panyutina
Women's magazine JustLady

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