The system of breathing exercises to p buteyko. Proper breathing according to Buteyko

Formula of absolute health. Breathing according to Buteyko + "Baby" by Porfiry Ivanov: two methods against all diseases Fedor Grigorievich Kolobov

Dr. Buteyko's Monologue

Dr. Buteyko's Monologue

“For more than thirty years - from October 1952 to September 1985 - official medicine hushed up my discovery. Everything was done to trample and destroy the strongest weapon in the fight against many modern ailments - the method of volitional elimination of deep breathing.

A charlatan, a schizophrenic, a crazy idiot - whatever they called me. They tried to poison him three times. Twice they staged a car accident. Several times they tried to put in a psychiatric hospital. They destroyed my laboratory, which still has no analogues in the whole world. And all for the fact that I found a lever by pressing which a person can get rid of pills, avoid very complex and far from safe surgical operations.

And pharmacology is based on this, surgeons earn state awards. Which, one asks, is easier: to recognize the discovery and lower one's own weight in science, or to declare the author a pseudoscientist? The second one is easier (and more profitable)… Today, a lot has changed. But even now, those who previously simply decried the VLHD method are diligently stuffing the genie into the bottle, from which he began to get out.

The discovery seemed to be recognized. Yes, that's a trifle: a small reservation crept into the decision. Treats something, they say, the method is only one asthma. And even then - in a weak form. This is instead of more than one hundred and fifty diseases that made up my list, created by decades of medical practice!

And yet, for you suffering from the main diseases indicated in the following, greatly reduced list, I declare: they are treated by my method! All to one! Elimination of the cause of the disease - deep breathing - will give a 100% result in patients who have corrected their breathing.

But there is no need to talk about a panacea. This is for the uneducated. What is the panacea when the list covers only a few dozen diseases, while modern medicine has about thirty thousand of them? The method treats a small, insignificant part of them. But - the most common! That's the whole point. I vouch for every line. But - only for those who believe that the method is the only deliverance for him. Hoping for all sorts of massages, acupuncture, etc., it is better not to take the method. He helps only my absolute supporters. Not because there is something of a hypnotic or other kind of suggestion here, as some claim. No, the method is absolutely physiological! But faith is always half as terrible as unbelief. I am telling you this, Dr. Buteyko.

What “diseases of deep breathing” can be treated with the method of VLHD? There are more than a hundred of them, here is the full list.

1. All types of allergies:

Respiratory allergy;

polyvalent allergy;

allergic conjunctivitis;

food allergy;

drug allergy;

False croup;




2. Asthmatic bronchitis.

3. Bronchial asthma.

4. COPD (chronic non-specific lung diseases):

Chronical bronchitis;

Obstructive bronchitis;

chronic pneumonia;




Silicosis, anthracosis, etc.

5. Chronic runny nose.

6. Vasomotor rhinitis.

7. Front.

8. Sinusitis.

9. Sinusitis.

10. Adenoids.

11. Polypos.

12. Chronic rhinosinusopathy.

13. Pollinosis (hay fever).

14. Quincke's edema.

15. Urticaria.

16. Eczema, including:




Juvenile acne.

17. Raynaud's disease (vasospasm of the upper extremities).

18. Obliterating endarteritis.

19. Varicose veins.

20. Thrombophlebitis.

21. Hemorrhoids.

22. Hypotension.

23. Hypertension.

24. Vegetovascular dystonia (VVD).

25. Congenital heart defects.

26. Articular rheumatism.

27. Rheumatic heart disease.

28. Diencephalic syndrome.

29. Ischemic heart disease (CHD).

30. Chronic ischemic heart disease:

Angina at rest and exertion;

Postinfarction cardiosclerosis.

31. Heart rhythm disorders:



Paroxysmal tachycardia;

Atrial fibrillation.

32. General atherosclerosis.

33. Arachnoiditis (post-traumatic, influenza, etc.).

34. Post-stroke conditions:

35. Parkinsonism (initial stage).

36. Hypothyroidism.

37. Hyperthyroidism.

38. Graves' disease.

39. Diabetes diabetes.

40. Violation of the menstrual cycle.

41. Toxicosis of pregnant women.

42. Pathological menopause.

43. Erosion of the cervix.

44. Fibromyomas.

45. Fibrous (diffuse) mastopathy.

46. ​​Infertility.

47. Impotence.

48. Threatened miscarriage.

49. Sciatica.

50. Osteochondrosis.

51. Exchange polyarthritis.

52. Rheumatoid polyarthritis.

53. Dupuytren's syndrome (contracture of tendons of bones).

54. Gout.

55. Pyelonephritis.

56. Glomerulonephritis.

57. Nocturia (bedwetting).

58. Cystitis.

59. Urolithiasis.

60. Obesity of all degrees.

61. Lipomatosis.

62. Chronic gastritis.

63. Chronic cholecystitis.

64. Biliary dyskinesia.

65. Chronic pancreatitis.

66. Gallstone disease.

67. Peptic ulcer of the duodenum.

68. Spastic colitis.

69. Peptic ulcer.

70. Multiple sclerosis.

71. Episyndrome (epilepsy) - convulsive syndrome.

72. Schizophrenia (in the initial stage).

73. Collagenoses (scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyasitis).

74. Glaucoma.

75. Cataract.

76. Strabismus.

77. Hyperopia.

78. Radiation sickness.

This list could go on…”

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Breathing exercises according to the Buteyko method A unique complex of breathing exercises was developed by a physiologist, candidate of medical sciences Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko in 1952. With the help of his own method, he was cured of bronchial asthma. In 1962, the Buteyko method was

From the author's book

Buteyko Method © AST Publishing House LLC All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and in corporate networks, for private and

From the author's book

Revolutionary discovery of Buteyko Konstantin Buteyko (1923–2003), scientist, physiologist, clinician, made a revolutionary discovery in the field of medicine in 1952. He argued that people breathe incorrectly - very deeply. And it is precisely because of this that they often and seriously get sick. Scientist

I present to you information on the Buteyko breathing method.

How to breathe according to the Buteyko method:

Buteyko on breathing:

Breathing exercises according to Buteyko.

A set of exercises.


The object that allows a person to breathe shallowly is the diaphragm. KP Buteyko formulated the essence of his method as a decrease in the depth of breathing by relaxing the diaphragm.
Proper breathing according to Buteyko is neither seen nor heard, only through the nose. The breath is so small that neither the chest nor the stomach sways. Breathing is very shallow, the air descends approximately to the collarbones, and carbon dioxide “stands” below. You seem to be sniffing something unknown to you, possibly a poisonous substance. In this case, inhalation lasts 2-3 seconds, exhalation 3-4 seconds, and then a pause of 3-4 seconds, the volume of inhaled air, the smaller the better.

Explanation of abbreviations:

Control pause ( KP) - the time of holding the breath after a natural exhalation until the first discomfort or a feeling of slight lack of air appears.

Volitional pause ( VP) is the duration of the pause from the end of the CP to inspiration

Maximum pause ( MP) - the sum of the control and volitional pauses
And so let's get started with the exercises.

Sit on a chair, relax, look just above the eye line. Relax the diaphragm (breathing should be shallow) in the chest there is a feeling of lack of air. Stay in this state for 10-15 minutes. If the desire to breathe intensified, increase the depth of breathing a little. At the same time, breathe as if with the very tops of the lungs. With proper training, it will definitely appear at first warm, then it will become hot, after 5-7 minutes perspiration may appear with any desire to breathe - fight only by relaxing the diaphragm.
After training, come out of this state without deepening your breath.
After training, MP should be 1-2 seconds more.
Calculation of the level of CO2 in the body: with a pause of 15 seconds, carbon dioxide is 4-4.5%, at a rate of 6.5%, your pause should be 60 seconds. From this it follows that 60:15 = 4, that is, you breathe 4 times deeper than normal.
All exercises are performed necessarily with breathing through the nose and without noise. Before the complex and after it, control measurements are performed: MP - maximum pause, pulse. Normally, for adults, MP is satisfactory - 30 seconds, good - 60 seconds, excellent - 90 seconds. Pulse satisfactorily - 70 beats / min., Good - 60 beats / min. excellent - 50 beats / min. For children of middle and senior school age, the MP is normally 1/3 less, the pulse is 10 beats / min. more. For children of preschool and primary school age, the MP is 2/3 less, the pulse is 20 beats / min. more.

A set of breathing exercises K.P. Buteyko, aimed at developing the right breathing, as well as developing the ability of a person to hold his breath, both on inhalation and on exhalation, both at rest and during physical exertion.

1. The upper sections of the lungs work:
5 seconds inhale, 5 seconds exhale, relaxing the muscles of the chest; 5 seconds pause, do not breathe, be in maximum relaxation. 10 times. (2.5 minutes)

2. Full breath. Diaphragmatic and chest breathing together.
7.5 seconds - inhale, starting with diaphragmatic breathing and ending with chest breathing; 7.5 seconds - exhale, starting from the upper sections of the lungs and ending with the lower sections of the lungs, i.e. diaphragm; 5 seconds - pause. 10 times. (3.5 minutes)

3. Acupressure points of the nose at the maximum pause. 1 time.

4. Full breath through the right, then the left halves of the nose. 10 times.

5. Retraction of the abdomen.
Within 7.5 seconds - a full breath, 7.5 seconds - maximum exhalation, 5 seconds - a pause, keeping the abdominal muscles drawn in. 10 times. (3.5 minutes)

6. Maximum ventilation of the lungs (MVL).
We perform 12 fast maximum breaths and exhalations, i.e. 2.5 seconds - inhale, 2.5 seconds - exhale, for 1 minute. After MVL, we immediately perform the maximum pause (MP) on exhalation, up to the limit. MVL is performed 1 time.

7. Rare breathing. (By levels)
First level:
1-5 seconds - inhale, 5 seconds - exhale, 5 seconds - pause. It turns out 4 breaths per minute. Perform 1 minute, then, without stopping breathing, the following levels are performed.
Second level:
2-5 seconds - inhale, 5 seconds - hold your breath after inhalation, 5 seconds - exhale, 5 seconds - pause. It turns out 3 breaths per minute. Runs 2 minutes
Third level:
3-7.5 seconds - inhale, 7.5 seconds - hold your breath after inhalation, 7.5 seconds - exhale, 5 seconds - pause. It turns out 2 breaths per minute. Runs 3 minutes.

Fourth level:
4-10 seconds - inhale, 10 seconds - hold your breath after inhalation, 10 seconds - exhale, 10 seconds - pause. That's 1.5 breaths per minute. Runs 4 minutes. And so on, who can endure how much. Bring the norm to 1 breath per minute.

8. Double breath holding.
First, MP is performed on exhalation, then the maximum delay on inhalation. 1 time.

9. MP sitting 3-10 times, MP in walking in place 3-10 times, MP in running in place 3-10 times, MP while squatting. 3-10 times.

10. Shallow breathing.
Sitting in a comfortable position for maximum relaxation, perform chest breathing. Gradually reduce the volume of inhalation and exhalation to an invisible breath or breath at the level of the nasopharynx. During such breathing, at first a slight lack of air will appear, then a medium shortage or even a strong one, indicating that the exercise is being performed correctly. Stay on shallow breathing for 3 to 10 minutes.

All exercises must be performed with breathing through the nose and without noise. Before the implementation of the complex and after it, control measurements of MP and pulse are carried out,

It is advisable to perform a set of exercises on an empty stomach.

At the final stage of breathing exercises according to the method of K. P. Buteyko, the reaction of cleaning the whole organism takes place. It is impossible to predict when the reaction will start. It happens, and after a few tens of minutes, and after a few months of classes. There may be several, or there may be none at all.
On the eve of cleansing, there is a sharp increase in CP (sometimes by 3-5 seconds), and during cleansing - its fall, because the accumulated CO2 during cleansing is spent on the restructuring of all body systems: intestines, liver, lungs, cardiovascular, nervous, musculoskeletal. Although CP drops during brushing, on average it does not fall below the initial level at the beginning of classes. The duration of the reaction is usually from a few minutes to three weeks.
Reactions are not to be feared. She should be happy - because the body is recovering. If it hurt where it didn’t hurt before, then you simply didn’t feel it, but the disease was. It is better not to use drugs, but if you do not dare to give them up, then at least half or less of the usual. Severe patients need monitoring (diabetes requires constant laboratory monitoring).

The following stages of the purification reaction are revealed: they correspond to the CP - 10,20,30,40,60 seconds.

1. Line 10 seconds. What is on the surface is removed from the body. Most often, nasal discharge, salivation, loose stools, frequent urination, thirst, sweat, plaque on the tongue, and sputum are observed. If there were problems with the kidneys and bladder before, cramps may appear. There may be a flu-like condition: chills, fever, purulent discharge from the eyes, nose, weakness or aches all over the body. Appetite is reduced or completely disappears. Tormented by thirst and there is a terrible dryness in the mouth, nose, nasopharynx.
2. Milestone 20 seconds. The nose, lungs, intestines, skin (itching) will react, the joints become painful, the spine hurts, all former postoperative scars, fractures, places of former injuries will be ill, the places of former injections will itch, all infiltrates will resolve after injections that have ever been given to you. Metabolic processes are also partially affected: eczema worsens, headaches may appear. Profuse sputum is produced. If there were sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, the nose was operated on, a large amount of pus, plugs, often with blood, can be released from the nose. The sense of smell and taste sensations will be restored. There may be stool disorders, vomiting. Some people stay at the CP for 10-20 seconds for six months or more, because their body is too toxic. And in order to cleanse yourself, you need to constantly be in the VLHD method. In pulmonary patients, when cleaning, the temperature rises to 41 degrees, but it does not last for days, it jumps up and down. Don't drop the temperature! It is better to use vinegar wraps (only for children). Sputum can go not only in pulmonary patients, but also in hypertensive patients. There may be hemoptysis. It's sloughing off lung tissue destroyed by bronchoscopies and your hoarse old cough. It takes 2-3 years for a complete restructuring of the lungs. Massage helps with restructuring. The liver and heart are massaged only when jogging or jumping rope. Acute emphysema disappears in 1-2 weeks. According to x-ray data, you will get positive dynamics in the lungs. Pictures should be taken before the VLHD session and every six months thereafter.
If dry sputum has gone, it is necessary to put jars, mustard plasters, massage, increase fluid intake (hot salted water). Go to the sauna (dry steam) if the pulse is not higher than 70 and there are no cardiac manifestations.
If there are any skin disorders, be sure to visit the bath, do not use soap, just rinse and rub with castor oil after the bath.
Hypertensive patients and angina pectoris can start going to the bath only after reaching a stable CP within 30-40 seconds and a pulse not higher than 70. Patients with coronary heart disease should take validol for heart failure and during cleaning. Hypertensive patients may have nosebleeds. Do not pack your nose, but substitute a bath of water, put a cold compress on the bridge of your nose.
The discharge from the nose lasts longer than from the lungs. It is not necessary to rinse the nose with medicines, you can
apply lightly salted water, drawing in and releasing it with each nostril in turn.
3. Milestone 30 seconds. With a CP of 30 seconds, the nervous system reacts, a person cries for no reason, becomes easily excitable and irritable. Depression may occur, aversion to classes by the VLHD method. This is the so-called psychological cleansing.
In patients with skin diseases, cleansing manifests itself in the form of itching, rashes, which themselves will disappear without the use of ointments and drugs, but under the condition of persistent practice of the VLHD method. In patients with thyrotoxicosis - sobs, tears, in hypertensive patients, the pressure jumps up and down.
4. Line 30-40 seconds. Cleansing is very cardinal: vessels, metabolism, intestines, kidneys are rebuilt, neoplasms dissolve, pressure normalizes. A hypertensive person after reaching 40 seconds is no longer hypertensive. All cardiovascular pathologies disappear with a stable CP of 42-44 seconds. Asthmatic says goodbye to asthma at 22-24 seconds of CP. There is a restructuring of all endocrine functions and systems: the menstrual cycle of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, genitourinary sphere. Mastopathy is aggravated, pains appear and menstrual irregularities are possible. With the appearance of mastopathy, no additional actions are needed. Erosion and toxicosis go away. People are losing weight. They lose weight and are very thin, but after cleansing they acquire normal weight, restoring the missing forms, but already with clean, healthy cells.
All metabolic disorders, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis give 40 seconds of wild pain on the CP. There is sand in the urine. Remove stones from the gallbladder and bladder. At the moment from walking the stone, you need to train hard, move, jump, dance, because during physical activity the content of CO2 increases, the channels expand and the stone will pass without pain.
Hemorrhoids are cleaned, there may be bleeding and purulent discharge. Varicose veins disappear. An ulcer patient has short-term pain, vomiting, feces with mucus. There may be intestinal colic, cramping pains in the abdomen, urination also becomes more frequent and stool disorder appears. Do not rush to surgical interventions, do not use any painkillers. Try to get rid of all the symptoms with increased training by the VLHD method.
Sleep is normalized. The need for sleep will be reduced to 4-5 hours a day.
5. Milestone 60 seconds. Everything that was not cleaned at the previous stages of purification is cleaned. Here it is recommended to provoke a reaction of recovery with some cold disease in combination with a violation of the rules of life (usually in nutrition). At this time, a huge amount of sputum can be released, the deepest parts of the lungs are cleared.
Sometimes during the recovery reaction there is a breaking of the voice. It could be from a previous cough, bronchoscopy. By the way, asthma can start with loss of voice. The first attack of suffocation is
laryngospasms, swelling of the larynx. After the recovery reaction, the voice is restored.
It will hurt the heart, even if there were no complaints about it before. Urine during cleansing brick-red, turbid, with sediment, mucus, fetid with bloody discharge, smelling of drugs. In patients with osteochondrosis, a huge amount of salts comes out, their urine is white, frothy. Saliva in such patients is very unpleasant, it should be spit into a jar. There may be uterine bleeding.
Language is the mirror of reaction. Normally, it should be pink, moist, clean, without furrows and cracks. Yellow plaque - the liver is cleaned, white - the gastrointestinal tract. Dry - lack of water in the body. When the tongue is coated, the patient has an aversion to food, in no case should he be forced to eat. It is necessary at this time to drink plenty of water to remove all toxins from the body. You can tell by the tongue whether it's a purge or a cold. As soon as the tongue becomes pink, clean, moist, this means the reactions of recovery at this turn. If the pulse during the cleaning period is more than 100 beats, do not grab the inhaler. It is better to help yourself for 1-2 days by taking the hormonal medicine that helped you before - about half the maximum dose that you have ever taken. Then, gradually training your breathing, get away from taking the hormone. Do not be afraid of taking a hormonal drug - it reduces breathing, which is good. And this is the most harmless of all the drugs taken by asthmatics.

To facilitate the cleaning period, follow the following:

1. Do not give up the method, practice with a weak degree of self-suffocation with a relaxation decrease in breathing. The main task is not to breathe, to hold on, not to give up positions won from deep breathing.
2. Take a hot shower, sitz bath (only hips in the water), visit the sauna. This is all with chills, if there is no temperature and the heart allows.
3. Drink more hot salted water. Do not forget to take ordinary table salt during cleaning. Often weakness is due to lack of salt. This salt has nothing to do with the deposition of "salts" in the spine.
4. Do not force-eat, do not distract the body from its own work - cleansing.
5. You can put jars, mustard plasters, make a massage.
6. In no case do not lie: sit or move around the room, but it is better on the street, in the fresh air. While brushing, take honey, tooth powder (washed). white clay - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. They will transit through the intestines and collect all the poisons.
7. If during cleaning there are severe cramping pains in the intestines or stabbing pains in the heart, then you need to help yourself with validol and train your breathing hard.
8. Add 2-3 drops per day of potassium iodide solution to food.
9. Try to suppress your cough with shallow breathing. Without coughing, sputum is easier to pass.
10. If the intestines are not working well, take an enema or take a laxative (sodium or magnesium sulfate, senna leaf, buckthorn bark, joster).
11. Lungs need warmth during rebuilding, so don't overcool at this time, wear a vest. Don't be in a draft. However, do not overheat - you can not wrap yourself up either. Thermal procedures, chest massage are useful.
12. If the cleansing comes in the form of an unbridled cough, then do a distracting water treatment - warming up the hands and feet in as hot water as you can tolerate. You can massage the collar area.
13. Do not consume sugar, it is better to switch to dried fruits. Grapes and tomatoes have a bad effect on a diseased liver.
14. If purulent conjunctivitis (purulent discharge from the eyes) appears, then rinse your eyes with a strong solution of green tea, slightly salted.
15. During cleaning, carefully monitor the condition of the oral cavity, constantly rinse it in an infusion of herbs, the tongue must be cleaned of plaque with a spoon.


Continuing the topic - the post "Swami Yoga Kamal on pranic breathing, CO2 regulation and pranic nutrition" and comments on the post

Another similar article about the Buteyko breathing technique:

Let's try to get acquainted with the Buteyko method exercises without delving into the wilds of medical terms.

Let's try to do it in simple terms. As we know, the diaphragm is a part of the body that allows a person to breathe shallowly. And the essence of the Buteyko method is simply to reduce the depth of breathing by relaxing the diaphragm.

An article about the Buteyko method, with a description of how to determine the degree of respiratory failure:

The Buteyko method is a method of forced elimination of deep breathing.

This method was developed and proposed by an outstanding Soviet scientist in the 1960s. Conducted clinical trials have clearly shown that this method can reduce asthma symptoms and reduce the need for medication.

But this process requires some time, and of course regular exercises, which must be performed constantly and daily for months.

The Buteyko method is based on breathing exercises aimed at breathing through the nose and reducing the depth of this breathing, as well as restoring the body.

Buteyko's theory was that asthmatics breathe very deeply, and they need to be taught to breathe less deeply, that is, to retrain them to breathe in the usual way, and teach them to breathe, as is customary in some types of yoga.

As we know, most drugs provide only temporary relief. But one should not share the delusion, thinking that using the Buteyko method one should completely stop taking medications. This cannot be done. But the dosage should be such as to only prevent the development of an attack, or endure a symptom.

How to determine the degree of respiratory failure

But then a legitimate question arises: is it possible to determine the degree of respiratory failure? And if possible, how?

This is done by measuring the control pause and pulse.

Control pause measurements are taken under the same conditions, usually after you have allowed yourself to rest for 10 minutes in order to even out your breathing.

Straighten your shoulders and sit comfortably. Take a breath, then relax your stomach. During this action, involuntary exhalation occurs. While the exhalation is over, note the position of the second hand, then stop breathing.

We must try not to take a breath until there is a kind of push of the diaphragm. At the same time, the muscles of the neck and abdomen involuntarily tighten. As a rule, it is characterized as a push in the throat. It is at this moment that you need to look at the second hand, and then continue breathing. Moreover, the breath should not be deeper than it was done before breathing stopped.

Based on these measurements, you can set the stage of the disease according to the following rule:

  • if the control pause is a pulse of more than 40 seconds with a pulse of less than 70 beats per minute, then you are healthy;
  • if from 20 to 40 seconds with a pulse of 80 beats per minute, this means you are in the first stage of the disease;
  • if from 10 to 20 seconds with a pulse of 90 beats per minute - this is the second stage;
  • if less than 10 beats per minute - this is the third stage of the disease.

This is where you need to be extremely careful. After all, controlling the respiratory movements is simply dangerous. This applies to the amplitude of breathing and the duration of inhalation-exhalation and pause. Please note that all kinds of breathing exercises can affect the deterioration of health

© Buteyko K.P.

© AST Publishing House LLC

Buteyko Method


Wise men at all times said: in order to know God, a person must first of all ... learn to breathe! In other words, improve your breathing. Only in this case, a person will be able to confidently manage not only his words and emotions, but also his health and even fate.

Therefore, in the history of mankind, the process of breathing and conscious work with it was paid attention to by all religious traditions and systems of spiritual practices without exception.

So, the Torah tells how God breathed life into Adam, thereby reviving him. It also says that the breath returns to God after the death of a person.

In many world cultures, the concepts of breathing are also key. Indeed, in many languages ​​the words "spirit", "soul" and "breath" have a common origin. Since ancient times, people have singled out breath as the main property of everything living and animated.

In Chinese philosophy, one of the main categories of "qi" is defined as "air", "breath", "energy". The ancient Chinese believed that "qi" permeates everything in this world and connects everything together.

In Indian medicine, the concept of "prana" literally in Sanskrit means "life", "breath". And yogis are sure that “prana” permeates the entire Universe.

And from ancient Greek mythology, the word “psyche” migrated to the arsenal of world philosophy, psychology and medicine, which translates as “soul”, “breath”.

The respiratory practices themselves originated many thousands of years ago in the East: in India - Pranayama, in China - Qi Gong, in Central Asia - the Sufi system of exercises, in Tibet - the respiratory practices of Vajrayana Buddhism. All these Eastern teachings penetrated the West only in the 20th century. And in the 21st century they have become a vital necessity.

The fact is that modern civilization has changed people a lot. And first of all, we have changed because we have forgotten how to breathe correctly. Comfort comes at a very high price. After all, our health depends on how we breathe.

Diseases of civilization

Even 300 years ago, when medicine was not developed, natural selection “cult out” sick people. And most people barely lived to adulthood, leaving no sick offspring.

Under these conditions, only a small part of the diseases were determined by genetic defects, but most of the diseases were the result of conditions and lifestyle. It wasn't until the introduction of antibiotics that serious infections were eradicated. There were fewer deaths. And live longer. But life has changed.

The first fruits of civilization are the appearance of a huge number of harmful products, due to which the human body began to become clogged with toxic concentrates, chemical carcinogens, new refined food products and alcohol. Human genes were not adapted to such changes. And natural selection stopped working, because medicine worked well. And then new chronic diseases appeared, shortening life. Scientists called them "diseases of civilization." At first, they develop imperceptibly for a person, as the harmful effects of the external and internal environment accumulate. The person is not sick yet, but not healthy either. But he could be healthy if he began to apply the necessary measures in a timely manner. Prevention is of particular importance precisely in the fight against the "diseases of civilization".

And one of the most important preventive measures is the ability to breathe properly. Experts assure: breathing is a reliable barometer of the state of the human body. Even by how often and deeply we breathe, we can make an accurate diagnosis of any ailment and prescribe treatment. And in the end, cure not only the body, but also the head. According to scientists, breathing is closely interconnected not only with the state of health, but also with the state of consciousness.

Maybe breathing not only keeps the soul in the body, but also decides its fate?

Basic instinct

What does it mean to breathe correctly? Strange question at first sight. After all, each of us daily makes almost 20,000 breaths and exhalations. And we don't really think about how we do it. Otherwise, the same tragedy would have happened to us as with the hedgehog from the joke. Remember? A hedgehog ran through the forest, forgot how to breathe, and died. Breathe! This basic instinct was laid in us by nature. A person is considered born when he takes his first breath. And dead - when he draws his last breath. Between the beginning and the end there is only a series of breaths. The same is with our smaller brothers.

But everyone breathes differently. For example, jellyfish have the simplest form of breathing. Oxygen dissolved in water is absorbed through their skin, and dissolved carbon dioxide is expelled to the outside in the same way. And on the abdomen of insects there are many small holes. Each of these pores is an entrance to a tube called the trachea. It works just like a human breathing tube, or windpipe! Thus, insects breathe in the same way as we do, with the only difference being that hundreds of breathing tubes can be located on their abdomen.

And the rate of breathing, that is, how often we inhale air, largely depends on the size of the creature itself. The larger the animal, the slower it breathes. For example, an elephant inhales about 10 times per minute, and mice about 200. And it turns out that life expectancy is directly related to the frequency of breathing: an elephant lives longer than a mouse. And turtles breathe very slowly and live very long lives.

The average person inhales 16 times per minute. But maybe less often - 6-8 breaths per minute. And maybe more often - up to 20 times a minute. Depending on the circumstances. Moreover: young children breathe 20-30 times per minute, and babies - 40-60 times!

Doctors have been thinking about the riddle of uneven human breathing for a long time. The first information and advice on proper breathing were already found on Chinese jade inscriptions, which date back to the 6th century BC. Ancient sayings teach: “When breathing, you need to do the following: hold your breath, it accumulates, if it accumulates, it spreads further, if it spreads further, then it goes down, becomes calm, if it becomes calm, then it strengthens. If you release it, then it grows, when it has grown, you need to squeeze it again. If you squeeze it, it will reach the top of the head. There it presses on the head, presses down. Whoever follows this method lives, and whoever does the opposite will die.”

Revolutionary opening of Buteyko

Konstantin Buteyko (1923–2003), scientist, physiologist, clinician, made a revolutionary discovery in the field of medicine in 1952. He argued that people breathe incorrectly - very deeply. And it is precisely because of this that they often and seriously get sick.

The scientist found that, contrary to popular belief, deep frequent breathing (and we have always been taught: “Breathe deeply!”) Does not contribute to oxygen saturation. Sick people inhale more air, which leads - paradoxically - to a decrease in the level of oxygen in the cells of the body. The fact is that the cause of the development of diseases is hyperventilation (this is intensive breathing that exceeds the body's need for oxygen. – Author.). That is, with deep breaths, the amount of oxygen received by a person does not increase, but carbon dioxide becomes less. And its deficiency leads to serious diseases. So, for example, the lung volume of a healthy person is 5 liters, and a patient with bronchial asthma is about 10–15 liters.

According to Buteyko, excessive removal of carbon dioxide from the body leads to spasms of the bronchi and blood vessels of the brain, limbs, intestines, and bile ducts. The vessels narrow, which means that less oxygen is supplied to the cells. In cells, biochemical reactions change, metabolism is disturbed. Thus, chronic "overeating" of oxygen leads to oxygen deficiency.

Konstantin Buteyko argued: the deeper the breath, the more sick the person is. The more shallow his breathing, the healthier and more resilient he is. Therefore, Buteyko breathing exercises are a system of healing the body. It is aimed at limiting deep breathing and is called the "method of volitional elimination of deep breathing (VVHD)", which allows you to get rid of hyperventilation of the lungs.

“Breast breathing leads to the fact that we inhale too much air, and our blood vessels constrict,” Buteyko wrote. “Healthy breathing is slow, no more than 16 breaths per minute, through the nose, and also quiet and light.” An important rule is to breathe only through your nose. Because only the nose is equipped with a complex air filtration and heating system. The nose is only for breathing, and the mouth is for eating food.

When breathing through the mouth, the air that enters the lungs is not moistened, is not purified from microscopic dust and everything else, which leads to various diseases and negative phenomena in the respiratory tract:

Decreased respiratory function of the sinuses;

memory disorder;

The composition of the blood changes (the amount of hemoglobin, calcium, sugar falls; the acid-base balance is disturbed);

Changes in physical development;

Impaired development of the facial skeleton;

The functions of the nervous system are disturbed (headache, nervous tic, irritability, urinary incontinence, night terror);

Frequent development of tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia;

There is a hearing disorder;

Vision is impaired;

Digestion worsens;

Reducing the protective properties of the respiratory tract in case of infection.

This is an approximate list of diseases and disorders that can occur with mouth breathing disorders.


The beginning of the respiratory tract is the nasal cavity. It performs a number of important functions in the process of respiration. Firstly, the nose is the first barrier to the entry of harmful substances from the environment into the lungs. The hairs of the nostrils trap dust particles, microorganisms and other substances that enter the nose during inhalation.

Secondly, cold air, passing through the nasal passages, is warmed by the warmth of the blood vessels. Thanks to this, already warmed air enters the lungs. In addition, the inhaled air is humidified in the nasal cavity, and nasal mucus, thanks to local immunity, fights harmful microorganisms and viruses.

In children, in comparison with adults, the nasal cavity has a number of distinctive features. The nasal passages are narrow, and the nasal mucosa is abundantly supplied with small blood vessels, so rhinitis often occurs in children. To prevent this from happening, children from an early age must be taught proper breathing through the nose.

It is with diseases of the nasal cavity (chronic rhinitis, adenoids, curvature of the nasal septum, etc.) that many lung diseases and respiratory dysfunction begin.

The nose is the first and most important boundary line between the “inner world” of our body and the aggressive external environment. Passing through the nasal passages, cold air is moistened by nasal mucus and warmed by the warmth of the blood vessels. Hairs growing on the mucous membrane of the nostrils and nasal mucus trap dust particles, protecting the bronchi and lungs from pollution. With every breath, the nose bravely takes on the dangerous components of the air, disinfecting the air stream. Faced with a viral attack (and today 200 respiratory viruses are known to science), the nose tries to resist it with its own means - it produces a huge amount of mucus that washes out harmful agents. In the absence of infection, about 500 ml of mucus and fluid are formed in the nose per day, and much more during illness. That is why a person with a runny nose should increase their daily fluid intake by at least 1.5–2 liters.

In general, a runny nose is a signal that you have been “attacked”. At this point, you need to act very energetically to stop the further spread of the infection. Otherwise, "harmless" snuffling can be a precursor to more serious health problems.


“The paradox is that when a choking asthmatic greedily swallows air, this only aggravates his condition. I want to breathe even more, my lungs work like bellows, my heart beats like a motor at full speed, and there is not enough oxygen anymore. One has only to hold one's breath, relief comes instantly. A defensive reaction is triggered: without waiting for the next breath, the body reacts to the delay by expanding the blood vessels in order to deliver as much blood as possible to the organs and provide them with a maximum of oxygen. Normal breathing is not only a breath for the sake of another portion of oxygen, but also a reasonable pause on exhalation, necessary to save carbon dioxide, which we are in a hurry to get rid of, considering it harmful.

There were constant suffocation. The severe attack continued for two days.

Cured by the Buteyko method.

The essence of the method

The scientist experimentally proved that the blood of healthy people contains much more carbon dioxide than in patients with, say, bronchial asthma, colitis, stomach ulcers, or those who have suffered a heart attack or stroke. Therefore, in order to save a person from an illness, it is only necessary to teach him how to save carbon dioxide in his body. To do this allows NOT DEEP, BUT SURFACE breathing.

To saturate the blood with carbon dioxide, which is very small in the surrounding air, you need to regulate your breathing, making it superficial, and the pauses between breaths longer.

The advantages of Buteyko breathing exercises are the ability to perform exercises anywhere and anytime: at home, on a walk, at work, and even in transport. In addition, it is quite simple and suitable for all age groups, from children from 4 years old to people of the most advanced age.

The essence of treatment is to gradually reduce the depth of breathing. As the breath holding lengthens, blood and tissues become more and more saturated with oxygen and carbon dioxide, acid-base balance is restored, metabolic processes are normalized, and immune defenses are strengthened. And the disease recedes.

Diagnosis: chronic obstructive bronchitis with asthmatic component, chronic adnexitis, thyrotoxicosis. Complaints of daily paroxysmal cough in the morning, culminating in an asthma attack, shortness of breath when walking fast. The initial depth of breathing exceeded the norm by 20 times.

From the first day of the Buteyko method, the need for medicines disappeared. By the end of the month of training, the depth of breathing exceeded the norm by 6 times, there were no attacks of suffocation, no coughing.

Why is carbon dioxide important to humans?

Quotes from lectures, articles, books by Konstantin Buteyko:

“... The toxic effect of deep breathing or hyperventilation was discovered back in 1871 by the Dutch scientist De Costa. The disease is called "hyperventilation syndrome" or the initial stage of deep breathing, which accelerates the death of patients. In 1909, the famous physiologist D. Henderson conducted numerous experiments on animals and experimentally proved that deep breathing is disastrous for a living organism. The cause of death of the experimental animals in all cases was a deficiency of carbon dioxide, in which an excess of oxygen becomes poisonous. But people have forgotten about these discoveries, and we often hear calls to breathe deeply.

* * *

“... A few words about the origins: life on Earth arose about 3-4 billion years ago. Then the earth's atmosphere consisted mainly of carbon dioxide, and there was almost no oxygen in the air, and that's when life arose on Earth. All living beings, living cells were built from the carbon dioxide of the air, as they are being built now.

The only source of life on earth is carbon dioxide, plants feed on it using the energy of the sun. For billions of years, metabolism took place in the atmosphere, where the carbon dioxide content was very high. Then, when plants appeared, they and algae ate almost all the carbon dioxide and formed coal reserves. Now in our atmosphere, oxygen is more than 20%, and carbon dioxide is already 0.03%. And if these 0.03% disappear, the plants will have nothing to eat. They will die. And all life on earth will perish. This is absolutely true: a plant placed under a glass jar without carbon dioxide immediately dies.”

* * *

“We were pretty lucky: we knocked down more than a hundred of the most common diseases of the nervous system, lungs, blood vessels, metabolism, gastrointestinal tract, etc. with one blow. It turned out that these hundred-odd diseases are directly or indirectly related to deep breathing. The death of 30% of the population of modern society comes from deep breathing.

* * *

“... We prove our case instantly. If a hypertensive crisis cannot be removed for weeks, then we remove it in a few minutes.

“Chronic pneumonia in children, lasting 10-15 years, is eliminated by reducing breathing in a year and a half. Cholesterol stains, deposits in patients with sclerosis on the eyelids, which were previously removed with a knife, but they grew again, dissolve according to our method of reducing breathing in 2-3 weeks.

"The reverse course of atherosclerosis has been undeniably proven by us."

* * *

“We have established a general law: the deeper the breath, the more severely sick a person is and the faster death, the less (shallow breathing) - the more healthy, hardy and durable he is. Carbon dioxide plays a role in all of this. She does everything. The more it is in the body, the healthier it is.

* * *

“The fact that carbon dioxide is important for our body is confirmed by embryology. The latest data show that for 9 months all of us were in seemingly terrible conditions: in our blood we had 3-4 times less oxygen than now, and 2 times more carbon dioxide. And it turns out that these terrible conditions are necessary for the creation of man.

“Now accurate studies show that the cells of our brain, heart, kidneys need an average of 7% carbon dioxide and 2% oxygen, and the air contains 230 times less carbon dioxide and 10 times more oxygen, which means that it has become POISONOUS for us!”

* * *

“And it is especially poisonous for a newborn who has not yet adapted to it. One must be amazed at the wisdom of the people, forcing parents to immediately swaddle their newborns tightly, and in the east to fasten their arms and chest with ropes to a plank. And our grandmothers swaddled us tightly, then they covered us with a rather dense canopy. The child slept, normally survived. Gradually, the baby was accustomed to this poisonous air environment.

* * *

“... We now understand what carbon dioxide is - it is the most valuable product on earth, the only source of life, health, wisdom, vigor, beauty, etc. When a person learns to keep carbon dioxide in himself, his mental performance increases sharply, the excitation of the nervous system decreases . Our method of elimination of deep breathing (VHDD) treats only one disease - deep breathing. But this disease creates 90% of all diseases.”

* * *

“... Now, as a result of a huge research and experimental work, the actual effect of oxygen is well known. It turns out that if mice begin to breathe pure oxygen, they die in 10–12 days. There are many experiments with people breathing oxygen - the lungs are damaged and inflammation of the lungs begins from oxygen. And we treat pneumonia with oxygen. If mice are placed under pressure in oxygen, where the concentration of molecules is even greater, at 60 atmospheres of pressure they die in 40 minutes. Obviously, for our body, the optimal level of oxygen is about 10-14%, but not 21%, and this is approximately at an altitude of 3-4 thousand meters above sea level.

Now it is clear why the percentage of centenarians is higher in the mountains, an indisputable fact - there is less oxygen. If you raise the sick to the mountains, it turns out that they feel better there. Moreover, in the same place, angina pectoris, schizophrenia, asthma, heart attack, and hypertension are the least affected. If such patients are taken there, an environment with a lower percentage of oxygen is more optimal for them.”

* * *

“... Our blood comes into contact with the air of the lungs, and the air of the lungs just contains 6.5% carbon dioxide and about 12% oxygen, that is, just the optimum that is needed. Increasing or reducing breathing, we can violate this optimum. Deep and frequent breathing leads to the loss of carbon dioxide in the lungs, and this is the cause of serious disorders in the body.

* * *

“Deficiency of CO 2 (carbon dioxide) causes a shift in the internal environment of the body to the alkaline side and this disrupts metabolism, which, in particular, is expressed in the appearance of allergic reactions, a tendency to catch colds, proliferation of bone tissues (called salt deposition in everyday life), etc. ., up to the development of tumors.

* * *

“We consider it proven that deep breathing causes epilepsy, neurasthenia, severe insomnia, headaches, migraines, tinnitus, irritability, a sharp decrease in mental and physical performance, memory impairment, decreased concentration, impaired peripheral nervous system, cholecystitis, chronic rhinitis , chronic inflammation of the lungs, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumosclerosis, tuberculosis more often occurs in deeply breathing people, because their body is weakened. Further: dilation of the veins of the nose, veins in the legs, hemorrhoids, which now received their theory, obesity, metabolic disorders, a number of disorders of the genital organs in men and women, then toxicosis of pregnancy, miscarriages, complications during childbirth.

“Deep breathing contributes to influenza, gives rise to rheumatism, chronic inflammatory foci, inflammation of the tonsils, as a rule, occurs in deep breathing. Chronic tonsillitis is a very dangerous infection, no less dangerous than tuberculosis. These infections deepen breathing and affect the body even more. Salt deposition (gout) - also occurs from deep breathing, wen on the body, any infiltrates, even brittle nails, dry skin, hair loss - all this, as a rule, is the result of deep breathing. These processes are still not treated, not prevented and have no theory.”

* * *

“Hypertension, Minier's disease, intestinal ulcers, spastic colitis, constipation, also from deep breathing. And this is clearly proven, there are thousands of experiments that have repeatedly proven that carbon dioxide is a powerful regulator of the lumen of the bronchi, blood vessels, etc. These reactions occur even if the animal's head is cut off. If you just take out the bronchi and blood vessels, it turns out that carbon dioxide acts on the smooth intestinal cell. Now the true causes of renal colic with kidney stones are being clarified. These same smooth muscles spasm, compress tissues and cause pain. Breathing decreases - the kidney opens and the pain goes away. This is not science fiction, this is science, the highest science, which turns everything in the opposite direction.

Spasms of the vessels of the legs, arms, spasms of the labyrinth, fainting, dizziness, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, gastritis, colitis, hemorrhoids, varicose veins of the legs, thrombophlebitis, general metabolic disorders, heartburn, urticaria, eczema - all these are symptoms of one disease of deep breathing. The pain of liver patients can be removed by our method of reducing breathing in 2-4 minutes, peptic ulcer too. Heartburn also occurs from deep breathing, and it can be removed. The next protective reaction is the sclerosis of the lungs, blood vessels, etc. This protection is the sealing of tissues from the loss of carbon dioxide. Therefore, we still live, that sclerosis develops, it protects us from the loss of carbon dioxide.

* * *

“If hypertension occurs in a young person, it usually takes a malignant course because more and more carbon dioxide is lost. There is a defense reaction - hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. She begins to work hard to increase metabolism and produce more carbon dioxide.

If this happens in a deeply breathing asthmatic, it reduces breathing and there is no asthma, and the thyroid gland returns to normal. Ordinary adjustment.

* * *

“Cholesterol is a biological insulator, covering the membranes of cells, blood vessels, and nerves. It isolates them from the outside world. With deep breathing, the body increases its production to protect itself from the loss of carbon dioxide.

* * *

“We have done an experiment. They took 25 sclerotics (as they are insultingly called), that is, patients with hypertension, angina pectoris with a high content of cholesterol in the blood and carbon dioxide 1.5% less than normal, canceled the diet (they sat on rabbit food for many years), canceled all medicines (they they drank barrels of iodine) and allowed, even forced to eat meat, lard, etc., but forced to reduce breathing, and carbon dioxide accumulated, cholesterol decreased. We even established the law of its regulation: with a decrease in carbon dioxide in the body by 0.1%, cholesterol rises by 10 milligram percent on average. Mucus - what is it? With a lack of carbon dioxide, excretion from all mucous membranes, throat, respiratory tract, stomach, intestines, etc. increases. Therefore, a runny nose appears from deep breathing, sputum is produced in the lungs. It turns out that this sputum is useful, it is also an insulator.

* * *

“Symptoms of deep breathing: dizziness, weakness, tinnitus, headache, nervous trembling, fainting. This shows that DEEP BREATHING IS A TERRIBLE POISON. Even a strong athlete who breathes deeply for more than 5 minutes cannot stand it, faints, convulsions, and stops breathing. And who among us has not been to the doctor and heard this “breathe deeply”. Sometimes the very visit to the doctor causes an attack of the disease.

Did you know that deep breathing is harmful? So says a well-known doctor from Novosibirsk Konstantin Buteyko. He believes that an excess of oxygen in the blood and a lack of carbon dioxide leads to many diseases: cardiovascular problems, pulmonary and bronchial ailments. Also, too deep breathing can significantly damage the brain. Konstantin Buteyko has developed a method of volitional elimination of deep breathing (VLHD), the essence of which is to change the habitual way of breathing to shallow inhalation and exhalation. The Buteyko method is intended for the prevention of lung problems, as well as for the treatment of bronchial asthma, COPD, allergic reactions in the form of coughing fits, angina pectoris and similar heart problems. How it is necessary to breathe correctly, which the Buteyko method teaches, in order to improve your health and cure many ailments without drugs, we will consider in this article.

Features of breathing according to the Buteyko method

To make sure that deep breathing is harmful, do a test exercise: take a deep breath 30 times in 30 seconds.

After the test, you will feel: increased sweating, goosebumps, darkening of the eyes, weakness, dizziness, loss of orientation, and possibly fainting (in case of asthma).

Such indicators interested the doctor K. Buteyko, who began to study the interdependence of the depth of breathing and the onset of problems with the lungs and conduct research activities in this area. After observations and a series of experiments, it was concluded that excessive removal of carbon dioxide from the body provokes spasms of the bronchi, as well as cerebral vessels, in the limbs, intestines, gallbladder and other organs. With narrowing of blood vessels, much less oxygen enters the organs, so oxygen starvation begins. It would seem a paradox: with deep breathing, the organs receive a smaller amount of oxygen, but this happens due to the body saving the necessary amount of carbon dioxide in the bronchi.

Buteyko's experiments also showed that in the blood of a healthy person there is many times more carbon dioxide than in the blood of a patient with bronchial asthma, who breathes much deeper.

Konstantin Buteyko believes that in order to alleviate an asthma attack, completely cure bronchial asthma, pneumonia, angina pectoris or hypertension, it is necessary to learn shallow breathing with pauses between the inhalation / exhalation cycle to save carbon dioxide in the body.

How to breathe according to Buteyko

Diaphragm relaxation exercises will help make breathing less deep. Breathe only through the nose.

(In time, the inhalation should be less than the exhalation and there should be a pause of 3-4 seconds between them. When inhaling, neither the stomach nor the chest should move. It is necessary to inhale for 2-3 seconds, and exhale for 3-4 seconds. Then pause and again superficial inhalation and exhalation.

At the initial stage of Buteyko training, discomfort, severe lack of air, dizziness and a desire to stop everything and breathe deeply again may appear. You should endure this stage, then it will become much easier to perform simple Buteyko breathing exercises.

Buteyko method: breathing exercises and exercises

Each lesson begins with monitoring your indicators: the date and time of classes, the pause time between the inhalation / exhalation cycle, pulse rate, well-being. All indicators are recorded in a notebook for observation.

Breathing exercises: how to do the exercises correctly

  1. Inhale - 5 seconds, exhale - 5 seconds. As you exhale, relax your chest muscles. Pause for 5 seconds, relax. Do 10 breaths.
  2. Full breathing is a combination of diaphragmatic breathing and chest breathing. Inhale - 7.5 seconds (diaphragmatic breathing, and then chest), phased exhalation - 7.5 seconds starting from the top, smoothly moving to the lower part of the lungs - the diaphragm. Pause - 5 seconds. Do 10 breaths.
  3. Massage points on the wings of the nose with a maximum pause.
  4. Full breath through the right nostril, then through the left.
  5. Breathing with retraction of the abdomen. Draw in the stomach while inhaling - 7.5 seconds, exhaling - 7.5 seconds and pause - 5 seconds with the relaxation of the abdomen. Perform 10 times.
  6. Full ventilation of the lungs - inhale and exhale 12 times as deeply and quickly as possible. Inhale - 2.5 seconds, exhale - 2.5 seconds - the duration is one minute. Then make the maximum pause and again proceed to full breathing.
  7. Step by step breathing.

Stage 1 - inhale - 5 seconds, exhale - 5 seconds, pause - 5 seconds (per minute - 4 breath cycles).

Stage 2 - inhale - 5 seconds, pause - 5 seconds, exhale - 5 seconds and pause - 5 seconds (3 breath cycles per minute) - breathe for 2 minutes.

Stage 3 - inhale, pause and exhale - 7.5 seconds each, pause 5 seconds (2 breath cycles per minute) - breathe for 3 minutes.

Stage 4 - Inhale, groove, exhale and pause - 10 seconds each (one and a half breath cycles per minute) - breathe for 4 minutes.

  1. Double pause - with maximum effort, pause on the exhale and on the inhale.
  2. Holding the breath in a sitting position, while walking and squatting.
  3. Shallow breathing - 5 seconds inhale, 5 seconds exhale, pause - 5 seconds.

After the end of the lesson, take control measurements of the pulse and the time of the maximum pause, write down all the indicators in a notebook.

Modern medicine has centuries of experience. It originates from such famous personalities as Hippocrates and Avicenna. Their contribution to the “treasury” of medical theory and practice is enormous. Time has passed, the descriptions of diseases and the approach to their treatment have changed. Many diseases that were considered incurable have changed their status and become amenable to therapy. But there are diseases that medicine has remained powerless against: bronchial asthma, high blood pressure, allergies, angina pectoris, etc. At best, doctors simply put the patient on medication and achieve temporary relief. Patients are looking for a way out of the situation themselves. All techniques, traditional and non-traditional, are included. Among such non-traditional methods of treating chronic and difficult-to-treat diseases is Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko's breathing technique. It has nothing to do with breathing exercises, and is only aimed at changing the depth of breathing during training.

In the 60s of the last century, the Soviet scientist K.P. Buteyko made a discovery that turned the idea of ​​the reserve capacity of the body in the treatment of chronic diseases. It lies in the fact that during the disease the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body is disturbed. K.P. Buteyko believed that a person had forgotten how to “breathe properly”. He proved that the deeper his respiratory movements, the more severe the disease. And vice versa, the more shallow breathing, the faster the recovery. The fact is that with deep breathing, carbon dioxide is excreted from the body, this leads to a spasm of the vessels of the brain, bronchi, intestines, biliary tract, and the supply of oxygen to the tissues decreases. The practice of breathing according to the Buteyko method gives very good positive results in such situations with regular exercises and always under the supervision of a doctor.

I will not give the whole method, a whole book has been written about it. It also describes in detail how to train Buteyko breathing, exercises for this. I will dwell only on some of the main aspects that every patient who decides to take care of his health should know. Let us consider the meaning of the Buteyko breathing technique, the scheme, the technique of its application.

You need to tune in to systematic studies for a long time;
to learn once and for all, the way of life will need to be changed completely;
with regard to lifelong drugs, their dosage is reduced gradually;

What is the essence of the method?

From the point of view of K. P. Buteyko, only thanks to the diaphragm, a person can not breathe deeply, reducing the depth gradually. You need to breathe only through the nose, then it will be correct. Inhalation must be done very small, quiet and not noticeable, while the stomach and chest should not rise. Thanks to this breathing, the air descends only to the collarbones, and carbon dioxide remains below them. The air needs to be drawn in slightly in order not to suffocate. The person should give the impression that he is afraid to sniff. Inhalation should last no more than 2-3 seconds, and exhalation no more than 3-4 seconds, followed by a pause of about 4 seconds. The volume of exhaled air should not be large. This is the breathing scheme according to Buteyko.

Buteyko breathing technique

Sit on a chair and relax completely, raise your gaze slightly above the line of the eyes;
relax the diaphragm and breathe shallowly until a feeling of air insufficiency appears in the chest;
continue breathing at this pace and do not increase it for 10-14 minutes;
if there is a desire to inhale deeper, then you can only slightly increase the depth of breathing, but in no case with the whole chest;
with proper training, you will feel warmth all over your body at the beginning, then a feeling of heat and an irresistible desire to take a deep breath will appear, you need to fight this only by relaxing the diaphragm;
you need to exit the workout gradually, increasing the depth of breathing;

The duration of one workout, its frequency depend on the patient's condition and the degree of respiratory failure. This can only be determined by a doctor who is familiar with the practice and theory of how to apply breathing, the Buteyko method, because the method itself has contraindications.

How is the degree of respiratory failure determined?

The ratio of the "control pause" and the pulse is measured. To do this, you need a watch with a second hand. Count your pulse, then align your breathing for ten minutes. After that, sit up straight, take a beautiful posture and straighten your shoulders, tighten your stomach. Then take a free breath, after which an independent exhalation will occur. At the same time, fix the position of the second hand with your eyes and hold your breath. During the entire measurement period, you need to take your eyes off the second hand, moving your eyes to another point or cover your eyes. It is impossible to exhale until a feeling of a “push of the diaphragm”, tension of the muscles of the abdomen and neck appears. At this moment, look at the position of the second hand and take a deep breath and gradually even out your breath.


Hold your breath for more than 40 seconds, and the pulse is 70 beats. per minute or less. - You are not sick;
20-40 seconds, and the pulse is 80 beats per minute - the first stage of the disease;
10-0 seconds, pulse 90 beats. in min - the second stage;
less than 10 minutes - the third stage of the disease;

It is difficult to be treated using the Buteyko breathing method. And although the Buteyko breathing technique is not complicated, but its application is a colossal work, both for the patient and for the doctor. The patient requires great willpower and patience, especially in the first days of training. As practice shows, at the beginning of treatment, almost all patients experience an exacerbation of the underlying disease, you need to know this and be prepared for all the symptoms.

Thanks to regular exercise, many people have improved their overall well-being or even got rid of chronic diseases. But you can't do it on your own. It is necessary to conduct training only after a complete examination and always under the supervision of a doctor familiar with the Buteyko breathing technique.

If you want to learn how to create a method, see the video for an explanation of why Buteyko breathing is beneficial.

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