Normal temperature in cats. What is the normal temperature for cats and how to measure it? Causes of low and high temperatures in kittens and adult cats

We know very little about the time when the first domestic animals appeared, there is practically no confirmed information about them. There are no legends or chronicles about that period in the life of mankind when we were able to tame wild animals. It is believed that already in the Stone Age, ancient people had domesticated living creatures, the ancestors of today's domestic animals. The time when a person received modern domestic animals remains unknown to science, and the formation of today's domestic animals as a species is also unknown.

Scientists suggest that every domestic animal has its own wild progenitor. Proof of this are archaeological excavations carried out on the ruins of ancient human settlements. During the excavations, bones belonging to the domestic animals of the ancient world were found. So it can be argued that even in such a distant era of human life, we were accompanied by domesticated animals. Today there are species of domestic animals that are no longer found in the wild.

Many of today's wild animals are feral animals due to the fault of man. For example, let's take America or Australia as a clear proof of this theory. Almost all domestic animals in these continents were brought from Europe. These animals have found fertile ground for life and development. An example of this is hares or a rabbit in Australia. Due to the fact that there are no natural predators dangerous for this species on this continent, they multiplied in huge numbers and became wild. Since all rabbits were domesticated and brought by Europeans for their needs. Therefore, we can say with confidence that more than half of wild domesticated animals are former domestic animals. For example, wild city cats and dogs.

Be that as it may, the question of the origin of domestic animals should be considered open. As for our pets. Then the first confirmations in the annals and legends we meet a dog and a cat. In Egypt, the cat was a sacred animal, and dogs were actively used in the ancient era by mankind. There is plenty of evidence for this. In Europe, the cat appeared in its mass after the crusade, but firmly and quickly occupied the niche of a pet and mouse hunter. Before them, Europeans used different animals to catch mice, such as the weasel or the genet.

Domestic animals are divided into two unequal species.

The first type of domestic animals are farm animals that bring direct benefit to humans. Meat, wool, fur and many other useful things, goods, and are also used by us for food. But they do not live with a person directly in the same room.

The second type is animal pets (companions), which we see every day in our homes or apartments. They brighten up our leisure, entertain us and give us pleasure. And most of them, for practical purposes, are almost useless in the modern world, such as hamsters, guinea pigs, parrots and many others.

Animals of the same species may not infrequently belong to both species, both farm animals and pets. A striking example of this, rabbits and ferrets are kept as pets but also bred for their meat and fur. Also, some pet waste can be used, for example, cat and dog hair for knitting various items or as a heater. For example, dog hair belts.

Many doctors note the positive impact of pets on human health and well-being. We can see that many families who keep some animals at home note that these animals create comfort, calm, and relieve stress.

This encyclopedia was created by us to help pet lovers. We hope that our encyclopedia will help you in choosing and caring for your pet.

If you have an interesting observation of the behavior of your pet or have a desire, share information about some kind of pet. Or you have a nursery, a veterinary clinic, or a hotel for animals near your house, write to us about them at the address so that we add this information to the database on our website.

Often, owners try to determine the temperature of a cat's body by placing their palm on its forehead, but this method is not at all informative. And sometimes the owners of the animal do not even know what the temperature of the cat should be, believing that 36.6 is the norm. The temperature of an adult cat ranges from 38-39 degrees, and the temperature of a kitten can reach 39.5 degrees, that is, in young animals, the indicators are slightly higher. But it is worth noting that the body of each cat is individual, so a completely healthy pet can have both 37.5 ° C and 39.5 ° C. To talk about an increase or decrease in body temperature in an animal, one should know the feline norm and the main signs of hyperthermia (temperature increase) and hypothermia (temperature decrease).

The state of the cat with an increase in temperature

Hyperthermia is characterized by such symptoms that may indicate the disease:
  • Actually, the temperature rise itself (more than 40 ° C);
  • Dehydration;
  • Rapid pulse in a cat (over 200 beats per minute);
  • Rapid breathing (50 breaths per minute);
  • convulsions;
  • Fever;

Causes of High Temperatures in Cats

An increase in body temperature can be a signal of many diseases. Body temperature above 40 ° C - 41 ° C in a cat can occur with infections (bacterial and viral), with poisoning, disruption of the internal organs, any inflammatory process, if present. That is, there can be many reasons for the occurrence of a high temperature in a cat, but the owner should carefully monitor other alarming signs of ill health (constipation, convulsions, discharge from the nose and eyes, increased salivation, etc.), which will help to quickly put diagnosis and choose the right treatment.

When the owner of the cat is sure that (for this you should know its normal temperature), you should immediately seek help from a doctor. Do not give your cat Paracetamol or other antipyretics made for humans. You can wrap the animal in a damp towel, apply ice or a cloth soaked in cold water to the groin and forehead area. In order to avoid dehydration of the body, it makes sense to give the animal cool water to drink, in cases where the cat refuses to drink, you can force it to drink by pouring liquid into the mouth from a bottle or syringe without a needle.

Causes of low body temperature in a cat

A decrease in temperature (less than 37 ° C) also indicates an unhealthy animal.

Symptoms that usually accompany hypothermia:

  • Depressed state of the animal;
  • Shiver;
  • Paleness of mucous membranes;
  • Solitude in warm places, curling up into a ball (the cat presses its paws, nuzzling its nose into a fur coat).
Low temperature can be the result of hypothermia, disruption of the cardiovascular system, diseases of the endocrine system, as well as blood loss. The animal can be wrapped in a warm blanket, to avoid drafts and being in a cool room, a warm (but not too hot) heating pad wrapped in a towel can also help the animal feel comfortable. But if the cat's body temperature does not return to normal after warming procedures, you should consult a doctor for help.

When are temperature changes not dangerous?

Despite the seriousness of the situation, when an animal has a fever, one should not instantly panic if there are no other health-threatening bells (digestion disorders, fever, unusual behavior, etc.). For example, in the morning, the temperature of the cat is lower than in the evening, during physical exertion (after running, playing), the indicators are also higher. A cat that has eaten will have a temperature slightly above normal. In such cases, the animal will not look sick, tired. As mentioned above, kittens most often have a temperature about 1 degree higher than that of an adult animal. have a higher temperature than other females. A decrease in temperature can be considered normal if the cat was outside during the cool season, if the room is fresh or there is a draft, that is, a frozen animal will have reduced performance. Older cats often have a lower body temperature.

How to measure body temperature in a cat?

Unpleasant for a cat, the process of measuring temperature is carried out rectally, by inserting a thermometer tip into the animal's anus. Depending on the type of device, the measurement can take less than a minute (electronic thermometer) or more than 5 minutes (mercury thermometer). The mercury thermometer has the most accurate readings, but not every animal can withstand such torture. Before starting the measurement, you should make sure that the animal is calm, it is advisable to carry out the process together with an assistant, since cats often break out, bite and scratch the owner. The animal follows or another tissue for fixation, and then a thermometer smeared with petroleum jelly or cream is inserted about 1 cm. Sometimes owners use infrared thermometers to measure the temperature of the animal's body in the ear, but such information is less accurate when compared with electronic or mercury devices.

In order to confidently declare a cat’s illness and the presence of a high temperature, it is worth knowing the indicators in cases where the cat is completely healthy. A really high (as well as low) temperature does not appear out of the blue; most likely, a complex and painful process occurs in the cat's body. Self-treatment can lead to a threat to life, which is why a timely appeal to a veterinarian is necessary.

If your pet is sick, then you should know how to take the temperature of a cat and what temperature will be normal in cats. These are the very first steps to check the condition of your beloved animal.

So, how to measure the temperature of a cat and what will be normal for cats?

When should you check your pet's temperature?

If you notice changes in the behavior and character of your pet, then you need to check his health. There is an opinion among the people that you can understand that a cat is sick by a dry and warm nose. But this is not entirely true, as it may not be related to the animal's body temperature.

In the following situations, when one or more of the following symptoms are present, a decrease or increase in temperature in a cat is possible:

1) coat and ears become visibly hot;

2) refusal of any food;

3) increased thirst, the pet cannot get drunk;

4) apathy - the cat does not show interest in anything, hides from everyone;

5) the cat is suddenly afraid of people, does not come close and does not walk in the arms;

6) uneven, rapid, heavy breathing and increased heart rate;

7) dilated pupils and poor coordination;

8) discharge from the nose, ears and eyes, vomiting or chills - it is urgent to find out the cause.

What temperature is normal for cats

Normal body temperature for cats is a couple of degrees higher than normal human body temperature. The exact value of the normal temperature for cats is from 38C to 38.5C.

It is important to remember that this value can vary within the normal range with age and even depending on the time of day. So in newborn kittens, the temperature can even be lower than human - about 35-36C. Weak kittens may have a low temperature and the mother cat may not pay attention to them, be sure to provide them with warmth by heating a place for them or placing a heating pad. The first months of a kitten's life, the temperature can also be one degree lower or higher than that of an adult cat, but this is absolutely normal.

Regarding the time of day - in the morning the temperature is half a degree lower than in the evening. The temperature can also drop dramatically during deep sleep of the pet - up to 37C. Therefore, do not measure the temperature of a sleeping animal!

Even in a healthy cat, temperature can change due to various external factors, for example, when being in extreme heat, nervous shock (moving or going to the doctor). This is a normal reaction of the body and should not be worried.

Another important note is that the body temperature of hairless cat breeds is the same as that of fluffy ones. They feel hotter to the touch compared to our skin, but with furry pets, there is no such difference due to the fact that wool serves as a thermal barrier.

How to take a cat's temperature

If you observe several symptoms of diseases, then first of all you need to measure the temperature of the cat. This usually causes difficulty, but in practice it should not become something difficult. At home, you can use a conventional thermometer (mercury thermometer), an electronic universal or rectal thermometer. The advantage of electronic thermometers is that they give results much faster, and you cause less inconvenience to the cat. It is advisable to buy a separate one that will be used only for pets, and family members will use another.

The only and most reliable way is to take the temperature rectally. It will be easier if you hold the cat together.

Follow these rules when taking a cat's temperature:

1) Get ready - trim the cat's claws so that it cannot accidentally injure the owners.

2) It is important to fix the animal well. There are two options - either use a towel and tightly wrap the animal in a "cocoon", be sure to hide the paws and hold the head. Or one person holds the cat with both hands - paws and head by the collar, and the second is already measuring. The cat must not be allowed to curl up in a ball or tuck its tail! Be sure to keep an eye on the position of the cat.

3) Before and after measuring the temperature, be sure to disinfect the thermometer.

4) Before you enter the thermometer, you need to lubricate it with petroleum jelly or a greasy cream so as not to injure the animal.

5) Raise the tail and insert the thermometer 2-3 cm.

6) Do not make sudden movements so as not to frighten the animal. Talk to the cat in a calm tone, calming her down.

7) The mercury thermometer must be held for about three to five minutes, the electronic one will signal completion.

8) Be sure to wipe the thermometer with something containing alcohol. Pet the animal, give your favorite treat as a reward.

Causes of low temperature and what to do

After you have measured the temperature, you need to compare it with normal.

If the temperature is below average, then the following non-infectious causes are possible:

1) First of all, it is hypothermia. If your pet has spent a lot of time indoors/outdoors with low temperatures. At the same temperature, different animals react differently. The breed and age of the cat will determine how much the animal will have time to freeze.

2) Narcosis. After operations with anesthesia, the cat's temperature may drop in the same way as in deep sleep.

3) Injury and shock. If your pet has only been injured or has suffered severe stress, then the body temperature may temporarily drop.

4) Diseases associated with the cardiovascular system. In case of violation of the heart or poor functioning of blood vessels and a decrease in pressure, a constant low temperature is also observed.

What to do when the temperature drops?

Try to keep the animal warm. Wrap the cat in a blanket, blanket or towel, apply a heating pad or give warm water / soup. In no case should you try to warm the animal in hot water! A sudden change in temperature can cause heart problems!

If the temperature is too low or it is not possible to raise it within a couple of hours, and also if the above reasons are not present, then you should contact the nearest veterinary clinic for testing!

Causes of fever and what to do

An increase in temperature is very dangerous for cats, as it leads to a decrease in the amount of fluid in the body and disruption of the internal organs. Most often, elevated temperature indicates inflammatory processes. At a temperature of 40-41C and above, immediately contact the nearest veterinary clinic!

The reasons may be the following:

1) Various infectious diseases. From a simple cold to viral and fungal infections, when the body tries to fight them by raising the temperature. Be sure to consult a doctor for testing and identifying a specific disease.

2) Poisoning. Often, in addition to disrupting the digestive system, the temperature also rises.

3) Oncological diseases. One of the symptoms is a constant fever.

4) Metabolic disorders. For example, in older cats, there may be disturbances in the functioning of the glands, which are responsible for the removal of fluids and moistening of the mucous membranes.

5) Reaction to drugs or allergens. If you have given your cat any medication, check for fever for side effects.

6) Inflammation of the gums, diseases of the ear or nose. Very often, inflammatory processes in the ear-nose-throat system lead to an increase in temperature.

A constant body temperature is one of the defining features of a living warm-blooded organism. The normal body temperature of dogs and cats is 38-39 C. The center of thermoregulation is the medulla oblongata. There are several mechanisms that ensure a constant body temperature. These include sweating, intensive breathing with an open mouth, trembling. A feature of the structure of the skin of dogs and cats is the absence of sweat glands on a large surface of the body. They are present only in the skin of the nose and paw pads. Therefore, to cool the body, an additional mechanism is needed, which is breathing with an open mouth. A large amount of hot water vapor evaporates from the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, which contributes to the cooling of the whole body. Trembling, being essentially muscle contractions, is designed to increase body temperature.

An increase in body temperature (hyperthermia) is often not only a protective mechanism of the body - a reaction to the introduction of foreign agents (viruses, bacteria, protozoa), but also a sign of an inflammatory process.

A decrease in body temperature in cats and dogs (hypothermia) below the physiological norm is a threatening sign that should alert owners. Often the temperature decreases in weakened kittens and puppies with viral diseases in which immunosuppression occurs. Decreased body temperature in cats and dogs in old age can be observed in chronic kidney and / or liver diseases and does not manifest itself symptomatically. The physiological norm is a decrease in temperature in females in the prenatal period (about a day before delivery, the temperature drops by 1 degree). When keeping animals in cold rooms or outdoors at negative air temperatures, a decrease in body temperature also occurs. The temperature decreases with polytrauma, bleeding, and also during anesthesia.

The processes that occur in the body during hypothermia are associated with a decrease in the metabolic rate. Low temperature in dogs and cats is accompanied by symptoms such as weakness, bradycardia (slow heart rate), rare shallow breathing, hypotension (low blood pressure), slow intestinal motility, decreased urine output. In general, we can talk about the state of shock of the body.

Treatment consists in the gradual warming of the animal with the help of heating pads, intravenous infusion with warm solutions, relief of the symptoms of the underlying disease. It is necessary to constantly monitor body temperature by thermometry (it is better to use an electronic thermometer with a flexible tip, which is inserted into the anus to the length of the metal tip) and oxygen therapy until the condition stabilizes. The main treatment is aimed at eliminating the causes that caused hypothermia.

Preventive measures for hypothermia in newborns and young animals include maintaining the temperature regime in the premises, and preventing viral infections. For adult animals, a reasonable approach to the rationing of walks is necessary (especially at negative air temperatures), for dwarf and smooth-haired breeds, the use of special clothing is desirable.

Update: October 2017

Body temperature is an important clinical sign of the health of any warm-blooded animal. Cats are no exception. Each owner should not only be able to measure the temperature of a domestic cat, but also know what indicators should be normal.

The temperature in cats is normal

What is the normal temperature for mustachioed pets? Normal body temperatures in cats are highly variable.

  • On average, the limit of 37-38 ° C is considered normal.
  • But under certain conditions, this limit shifts somewhat - 37.5-38.5 ° С. But this is more the exception than the rule.
  • The temperature of 39 ° C should already alert.

Temperature is affected by:

  • Health status- in sick animals, the temperature always begins to fluctuate in one direction or another, different from the norm. In healthy people, it stays within the same limit.
  • Physiological state During sleep, the temperature in the region of 37 ° C is considered normal, because. vital processes are reduced due to the lack of the need to generate energy. Pregnant cats have a normal body temperature slightly higher than normal cats. During games and after eating, the temperature rises slightly due to the active production of internal energy. It has also been proven that small cats have a higher temperature than large ones.
  • Age In old animals, the body temperature is slightly lower than in young ones, but this only indicates a slowdown in metabolic processes with age, and not about pathologies. In kittens, the indicators are higher than in adults due to an unformed thermoregulation system (from about 3-4 months of age, the temperature becomes close to adult indicators).
  • Floor Males are considered somewhat "hotter" than cats, as usually more active and mobile.
  • Times of Day In the evening, the temperature usually rises by several points, and in the morning it drops.

The temperature in cats does NOT depend on:

  • from fluctuations in ambient temperature;
  • density and density of wool.

In hairless breeds of cats, the body temperature is exactly the same as in thick-haired ones, however, purely tactilely, it is felt as higher, due to its manifestation on bare skin.

Thermometry process

Temperature measurement will not be difficult if you know the intricacies of the procedure. The process itself takes place using the same measuring instruments as for a person. It is better if the pet has its own personal tool, which will then not be used by any of the people.

For thermometry use:

  • classic mercury thermometer;
  • Digital Thermometer;
  • electronic rectal thermometer.

It should be noted the advantages of electronic devices for the speed of obtaining the result, which allows less time to cause discomfort to the pet.

The temperature is measured in the rectum of the animal. The procedure is unpleasant, therefore, it involves fixing the cat in order to avoid injury from claws and teeth. It is better to carry out the procedure together - one holds, the other carries out the procedure. With a special aggression of a cat, it is possible that a third person will have to be involved.

There are two ways to fix a cat for temperature measurement:

  1. One person holds the paws of the pet and presses it to any horizontal surface in the area of ​​​​the withers, securely fixing the head by the collar. It is important not to overdo it, because. if you press hard, the cat will try to escape from this position much stronger than from the thermometer. Injuries cannot be avoided!
  2. Wrap the cat in a towel or thick flannel blanket (or any thick piece of fabric), keeping the paws securely hidden. One person holds the resulting bundle, the other takes measurements.

After fixing, the tip of the thermometer is lubricated with petroleum jelly or some other greasy cream (for example, for children) and inserted into the cat's rectum to a depth of up to 2 cm in large and up to 1 cm in kittens. Electronic measuring instruments are held until the beep, mercury classic thermometers - 3-5 minutes.

After extraction, the result is evaluated and the tip is necessarily wiped with a swab moistened with alcohol or any other disinfectant solution. It should be noted that if during the procedure the cat behaves too actively and violently breaks out, then the result may be inaccurate with an increase in the indicator. This is due to the increased release of internal energy and heat.

To measure the temperature in a more gentle way, you can use thermometers:

  • infrared ear;
  • contactless infrared.

The principle of operation of the first is to determine the temperature that actively flows to the brain. Those. it picks up heat impulses from the auricle. The cat does not feel any discomfort during the procedure. Two drawbacks: 1) cost; 2) incorrect result in case of ear disease.

When measuring with a non-contact device, the cat does not feel anything at all. The device is directed to the cat's body (ideally hairless areas) and the result is immediately obtained. It has measurement errors within 0.2-0.3 ° C compared to the classic mercury "colleague". The only drawback is the cost of the device itself.

Signs of fluctuating body temperature

If the temperature drops, then the cat:

  • lethargic and inactive;
  • has pale mucous membranes;
  • trying to get into a warmer place;
  • rarely breathes with a sharp inhalation and exhalation;
  • has low blood pressure and a slow pulse rate.

When the temperature rises, the cat:

  • shaking and feverish;
  • there is no appetite, and the animal hardly drinks;
  • inactive, almost constantly sleeping;
  • diarrhea or vomiting with a pungent odor of the contents may open;
  • has a fast pulse;
  • dehydrated (with prolonged fever).

Important: the state of nasal moisture is not an informative indicator of normal or high body temperature!

When does a cat experience fluctuations in body temperature?

Any changes in Murka's body temperature are always a sign of ill health. The results of thermometry can both grow and fall below normal - in any of the cases, you need to find out the reason for what is wrong with the animal.

What does the increase in body temperature indicate:

infectious causes:

  • viral infection;
  • bacterial infection;
  • latent or overt inflammatory process in the body;
  • helminthic invasion (if it is a kitten).

Non-infectious causes:

  • necrotic processes in organs and tissues;
  • increased accumulation of salts in the body;
  • the introduction of drugs that stimulate the brain centers of thermoregulation;
  • overheat.

Physiological reasons:

  • after active games and long running around;
  • during pregnancy;
  • after eating;
  • stress.

The temperature drops when:

  • the cat is cold
  • there was severe blood loss;
  • there are pathologies in the endocrine and nervous systems;
  • the work of the cardiovascular system and kidneys is disrupted;
  • there is an oncological disease;
  • the animal has been poisoned by food (indigestion).

What to do, if…

If, after measuring the temperature, a drop below the norm (hypothermia) or, conversely, a jump was detected, then you should immediately take the cat to the veterinarian. If this is not possible, then you can alleviate the condition of the pet yourself.

With hypothermia, a cat needs:

  • warm by wrapping in a soft cloth or a blanket made of natural threads;
  • put on a heating pad or, in its absence, overlay with ordinary plastic bottles of hot water (just make sure that the animal does not burn itself);
  • drink any warm drink (water, milk).

Usually, warming up, the cat falls asleep, and, waking up, feels much better. But it is recommended not to postpone the visit to the doctor, because. the cause of this condition must be identified.

When a cat has a fever, you should:

  • give her cool water (not cold) to drink often and in small portions, using a pipette or syringe without a needle;
  • wrap the body of the animal with a thin towel or cloth moistened with cool water, or simply wet the fur with it;
  • apply ice wrapped in a cloth to the inner surface of the thigh and in the neck area.

With a jump in body temperature, the cat should not be given any medications, especially those intended for humans.

Important: the well-known antipyretic from the human first aid kit called paracetamol, for a cat is a poison that causes serious poisoning with a fatal outcome!

After the temperature is slightly reduced (not necessarily immediately to a normal level, most importantly, to a safe one), you need to arrange for the cat to be taken to the veterinarian. Most often, an increase in body temperature is caused by viral or bacterial infections, so antiviral and antibacterial therapies effectively normalize the pet's condition.

Owners should be aware that the following conditions can lead to the death of a pet:

  • fever with a temperature of more than 40.5 ° C leads to dehydration, increases the heart rate and respiratory rate, which, in turn, can provoke a certain degree of heart failure;
  • a temperature of more than 41.1 ° C undeniably leads to cerebral edema, and also provokes malfunctions in the heart (tachycardia or heart palpitations and irregular heartbeat), respiratory system (shortness of breath, wheezing), gastrointestinal tract (vomiting, diarrhea, the smell of acetone from the mouth, intestinal bleeding and skin hemorrhages).

If the question is whether to take the cat to the veterinary clinic or call the veterinarian home, the answer should be in favor of the clinic. It is possible that the temperature will continue to rise, and the pet will need a resuscitation procedure, which will be difficult to carry out at home.

What does a veterinarian do

When a cat is delivered to a veterinarian, the specialist tries to find out the reason for the increase / decrease in body temperature in order to prescribe an adequate and correct treatment.

For this:

  • anamnesis information is being collected;
  • a clinical examination is carried out;
  • a number of necessary urine and blood tests are prescribed;
  • ultrasound and x-rays are performed;
  • if necessary, a biopsy is taken.

After the diagnosis is made and the exact cause of the temperature fluctuation is clarified, treatment is prescribed, which may include:

  • antiviral drugs;
  • antibiotics;
  • anthelmintics;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • general strengthening preparations and vitamin complexes;
  • rehydrating (restoring the water-salt balance in the body) and detoxifying droppers.

Antipyretics are prescribed in the most extreme case, when there is a threat to the life of the animal. But usually, the therapy adequate to the situation, started on time during the day, knocks down the risen (or decreased) temperature.

Be attentive to your pets, watch for any changes in their health, including fluctuations in body temperature.

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