Milbemax for dogs expiration date. Milbemax for dogs is a new generation anthelmintic drug from France. For large breeds

To date, there are a huge number of anthelmintic drugs on the veterinary market, but Milbemax for dogs has the most positive feedback from consumers and veterinarians.

Description and composition

According to the instructions for the drug Milbemax for dogs, the drug is a modern anthelmintic drug made in France.

The medication was developed with the participation of Slovenian pharmacists, who compiled instructions for the use of Milbemax for dogs.

As auxiliary components, the preparation included:

  1. lactose monohydrate.
  2. Cellulose microcrystalline.
  3. Povidone.
  4. colloidal silicon.
  5. magnesium stearate.
  6. Croscarmellose sodium.

Release form

The medicine has two release forms. In both cases, these are tablets, but with different concentrations of active ingredients. These include praziquantel and milbemycin oxime (a group of macrocyclic lactones).

The drug is released in tablet form. Tablets go on sale in a blister pack, in one blister there are 2 white tablets. Tablets for adults are available in a dosage of 12.5 mg. For puppies and small dogs, the concentration is lower - the dosage is 2.5 mg of the active substance. In Milbemax for puppies and small dogs, the instructions for use are attached in the form of a leaflet.

The blisters are packaged in cardboard boxes, which have all the necessary markings:

  1. Name.
  2. Serial number.
  3. Best before date.
  4. The inscription "For animals".
  5. Information about the manufacturer.


  1. Nematodose.
  2. Cestodosis.
  3. Nematodose - cestode infestation (mixed worms).

The drug can be taken as a prophylaxis, the medicine is given to animals every 30 days.

The main advantage of Milbemax is considered to be the absence of the need to give the pet laxatives before the procedure, vaccinate and restrict the dog in food.


The drug has a number of contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to use the medication:

  1. Dogs with intolerance to individual components of the drug.
  2. Pets with infectious diseases.
  3. Puppies less than 2 weeks old.
  4. Animals with impaired kidney and liver function.
  5. Dogs weighing less than 500 gr.

Some breeds, due to individual characteristics, are not allowed to give Milbemax. These breeds include collies, shelties and bobtails.


Tablets are intended for oral administration. Please read the leaflet carefully before use. It is better to crush the tablet and mix the powder with food. If the animal refuses to eat food for some reason, the pet's head is fixed and the medicine is forcibly placed on the root of the tongue.


  1. Small breeds of dogs and puppies - 0.5 tab. 2.5 mg.
  2. Dogs weighing up to 5 kg - 1 tab. 2.5 mg.
  3. Dogs weighing 5-10 kg - 2 tab. 2.5 mg.
  4. Pets weighing 5–25 kg - 1 tab. 12.5 mg.
  5. Dogs weighing 25-50 kg - 2 tab. 12.5 mg.
  6. Large breeds (weight over 50 kg) - 3 tab. 12.5 mg.

Overdose may cause side effects. These include:

  1. Salivation.
  2. Diarrhea.
  3. Nervous gait.
  4. Weakness.


Milbemax for dogs has several analogues. The most popular and demanded is considered to be Drontal, Kanikquantel.

Mebelmax is considered an antihelminthic drug that has a detrimental effect on nematodes. Drontal is produced by Bayer, has low toxicity and practically no contraindications. Kanikquantel is available in the form of a gel, which is very convenient for use.

Tablets are produced by Novartis (France) in two versions - for puppies, large and adult dogs. The quantitative content of the active substances of the drug determines its purpose:

  • 2.5 mg milbemycin oxime and 25 mg praziquantel for juveniles;
  • 12.5 mg milbemycin oxime and 125 mg praziquantel for large and adult animals.

To enhance the effect of active ingredients, povidone, lactose minohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose and other substances that accelerate the deworming process are added to the composition of the drug. Milbemax for puppies and small dogs is available in blisters, after opening the active ingredients can be used for no more than 30 days. The elongated tablets are coated with a white film coat, have bevelled edges, imprints on the surface "NA" and "AA", as well as a transverse notch on one side.

Veterinarians do not recommend using an anthelmintic after the expiration date (indicated on the carton / blister). It is impossible to carry out therapeutic and preventive actions if the drug was not stored correctly. The packaging must be stored in a dry and protected from ultraviolet (direct sunlight) place, away from feed and food at a temperature of 15-30 0 C.

Biological and pharmacological effects and properties

The mechanism of action of the active substance is based on the high permeability of cell membranes for Cl (chlorine ions). This leads to polarization of cell membranes of muscle and nervous tissues, resulting in the death of worms and their larvae. The required concentration of active substances in the dog's blood occurs 2.5-4.5 hours after taking the pill (bioavailability 80%).

The drug is harmless to the animal (belongs to the category of moderately dangerous). If the drug is given in recommended doses, then it does not have a teratogenic, sensitizing and embryotoxic effect. It undergoes virtually complete biological transformation in the liver and is not detected in the body after 2 days (it is well excreted in the urine).

Identified contraindications for admission

This drug has a number of contraindications for use:

  • Individual intolerance (hypersensitivity) to the active substances of the drug;
  • Violations of the liver;
  • Dogs weighing up to 0.5 kg;
  • kidney disease;
  • exhaustion;
  • Infectious diseases in the body of a pet;
  • Collie, bobtail, sheltie puppies (have a high sensitivity to lactones);
  • Puppies 2 weeks old.

Do not take Milbemax for adult dogs weighing less than 5 kg. The concentration of active components is designed for large animals. Also, the reception of the drug must be discussed with the attending veterinarian if a pregnant or lactating bitch is being treated.

List of indications for admission

Therapeutic measures are prescribed by a veterinarian when nematodes and cestodosis are detected in the body of animals, as well as mixed nematode-cestodosis invasions. These diseases are caused by various types of helminths: Dirofilaria immitis, Ancylostoma tubaeforme, Dipylidium caninum, Toxascaris leonine, Angiostrongylus vasorum and many others. Their detection is carried out through laboratory studies of biological materials.

At home, the owner can determine the presence of worms in the gastrointestinal tract of a pet by the following symptoms:

  • breathing disorder,
  • vomiting or diarrhea (at the same time),
  • bloating,
  • cough,
  • nausea and profuse salivation,
  • rapid exhaustion (in some cases a strong increase in appetite),
  • restless and sensitive sleep.

If symptoms are detected, it is urgent to start using the drug, but it is recommended to consult with your veterinarian beforehand.

You need to buy the drug that is suitable for the modification of the weight of the dog, otherwise there is a high probability of overdose and complications. In pharmacies, the price of milbemax for dogs will depend on the modification.

It is recommended to use an anthelmintic agent in crushed (grind into powder) form once during the feeding period. The powder should be mixed into the feed. If this method of reception does not work, then they resort to forced entry: after feeding, sprinkle the root of the animal's tongue with powder, holding the mouth.

The correct single dosage is determined by the weight of the animal. To avoid the occurrence of complications and side effects, it is recommended to administer the drug according to the following instructions:

  • Pet weight from 0.5 to 1 kg - take ½ of the tablet;
  • From 1 to 5 kg - 1 unit of the drug;
  • From 5 to 10 kg - 2 units. the drug for puppies, small animals, 1 unit. - adults;
  • From 10 to 25 kg - 1 unit. drug;
  • From 25 to 50 kg - 2 units. drug;
  • From 50 to 75 kg - 3 units. drug.

Preventive measures are carried out in the spring-summer and summer-autumn period once. In the treatment of Angiostrongylus vasorum invasion, the use of Milbemax is recommended to be carried out with an interval of 7 days in 4 doses.

Possible complications in case of overdose

If the use of a veterinary drug was carried out according to the indications of a doctor and at the recommended dose, then the active substances do not cause side effects. Based on the reviews of experts and the condition of dogs after treatment and preventive measures, the French drug does not give side effects and complications. In some cases, mild allergic reactions may appear, which were identified with a high species / individual intolerance to the components of the agent.

Dogs, like other animals, are characterized by such helminthic diseases as nematodes and cestodosis. The disease is caused by tapeworms and roundworms (helminths), which enter the dog's body along with food and water.

The drug is available in two versions:

  • Milbemax for puppies and young dogs, the composition includes praziquantel (25 mg) and milbemycin oxime (2.5 mg).
  • Milbemax for adult dogs, the composition includes praziquantel (125 mg) and milbemycin oxime (12.5 mg).

The drug has the form of round tablets coated with a white film coat, which includes the following excipients: microcrystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium, povidone, lactose monohydrate, colloidal silicon, magnesium stearate.

Pharmacological properties

Nematodes – Heterodera glycines

Heartworms (lat. Dirofilaria immitis)

The drug Milbemax is used for the treatment and prevention of puppies and adult dogs:

  • nematodosis caused by helminths of the species Ancylostoma tubaeforme, Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonine, Trichuris vulpis, Crenosoma vulpis, Angiostrongylus vasorum, Dirofilaria immitis;
  • cestodosis caused by helminths of the species Dipylidium caninum, Taenia spp., Echinococcus multilocularis, Mesocestoides spp.;
  • and mixed nematode-cestode infestations.

Milbemax should be used once during feeding, crushing the tablet in advance, with a small amount of food. If the dog refuses to take the drug, it must be forced into the tongue at the base after feeding. The minimum therapeutic dose is 0.5 mg of milbemycin oxime and 5 mg of praziquantel per 1 kg of animal weight. Below is the calculation table:

Contraindications for use

There are a number of contraindications in which the drug Milbemax is not recommended for dogs. These are:

  • exhaustion
  • various infectious diseases
  • severe impairment of kidney and liver function
  • individual intolerance and sensitivity to the components of the drug

In addition, Milbemax tablets for puppies and small dogs should not be given to animals under 2 weeks of age weighing less than 0.5 kg. For adult dogs - with a body weight of less than 5 kg.

For the treatment of pregnant and lactating bitches, the drug is used under the strict supervision of a veterinarian.

Side effects

  • salivation
  • depression
  • muscle paresis
  • shiver
  • uneven gait

The price of the drug Milbemax

The cost of the drug Milbemax depends on the dosage and form of release. However, the average price of Milbemax for puppies and small dogs varies within 160 rubles. The price of Milbemax for adult dogs is 450 rubles.

You can buy or order the drug at any pet store or veterinary pharmacy.

Drontal or Milbemax?

For the treatment and prevention of helminthic invasions, the drug Drontal has also been widely used. The use of Drontal contributes to damage to the shell and muscle tissue of the helminth, which, as a result, leads to a violation of the neuromuscular innervation, as well as its paralysis and death. The preparation is intended both for puppies and small dogs, and for adults and large.

By and large, Drontal has the same effect and is just as effective in application as Milbemax. However, testimonials from many dog ​​owners show that Milbemax is more effective and efficient than Drontal.

Pets are the joy of the townspeople. Dogs and cats bring a lot of joy to their owners. But they do not wash their paws with soap and can eat directly from the ground. It is no wonder that pets from time to time acquire helminths. In a city apartment, close contact with cats and dogs cannot be avoided. Animals are taken care of. Pets often like to soak up in the master's bed. Children play with them right on the floor. Pets need from time to time to carry out preventive cleaning of the body from worms. The drug Milbemax will help rid them of this problem.

In the intestines of animals, round and tape worms, flukes, and giardia find shelter. More than a third of all known worms are dangerous to humans.

What to do? Is it really necessary to give up the pleasure of close communication with four-legged friends? Of course not - it is enough to take a responsible approach to the issue of prevention and treatment of helminthic invasions in them.

Rules for using Milbemax

Milbemax is used for the treatment and prevention of helminthic invasions in domestic animals. The size and weight of pets vary greatly, therefore, when taking the drug, you should strictly adhere to the recommendations of veterinarians.

Pharmacological properties of the drug

It should be remembered that Milbemax is a moderately hazardous substance, belongs to the III class of danger. The medicine is poisonous to aquarium fish, crustaceans and a number of other organisms adapted to life in the water. The drug must be used strictly dosed so as not to harm the animal.

Composition and form of release

Milbemax is available in several versions:

  • for puppies and small dogs are offered tablets of an elongated shape in a white shell with a transverse risk. On one side you can find the imprint "AA" and "NA".
  • for kittens and young cats, the drug is offered in a tablet form in a beige-brown shell. The shape is elongated with bevelled edges. In the middle there is a risk and imprints "BC" and "NA".
  • for dogs.
  • for cats. The active active ingredients of the drug are milbemycin and praziquantel. The drug goes on sale, packaged in 2, 4, 10 tablets in one standard, and for dogs, packages of up to one hundred tablets in a blister are offered. The blisters are packed in cardboard boxes with the image of the animal for which the drug is intended in this dosage.

When is Milbemax used?

Symptoms of helminth infection in animals:

  • passive, depressed state;
  • complete refusal of food or vice versa activation of appetite;
  • perversion of appetite (an attempt to eat unsuitable objects, land);
  • dull coat;
  • hair loss;
  • crusts in the corners of the eyes;
  • violation of the digestive processes (diarrhea, vomiting, constipation);
  • blood in feces;
  • signs of intestinal obstruction;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • barrel bloating;
  • lowered immunity;
  • pallor of mucous membranes;
  • growth retardation of puppies and kittens;
  • convulsions as a result of general intoxication as a result of the vital activity of helminths;
  • sometimes in the stool you can see thin "worms".

When should you not use Milbemax?

Milbemax is contraindicated in puppies of the following dog breeds:

  • collie,
  • bobtail,
  • sheltie.

The reason is the increased sensitivity of animals of these breeds to the components of the drug.

Kittens under 6 weeks of age are also not given the drug. Milbemax for young cats does not apply to animals whose weight does not reach half a kilogram. Milbemax for cats is intended for animals weighing from 2 kg.

In addition, the drug is contraindicated in the following animals:

  • exhausted;
  • infected;
  • with kidney disease and liver damage;
  • with an allergy to any component of the drug.

Dosage and application rules

The anthelmintic agent is used once. Orally, along with food. It is necessary to control the intake, as some animals refuse to take the medicine voluntarily. In these cases, it is necessary to place the tablet on the root of the tongue and hold the pet's mouth with your hands until the medicine is swallowed.

In order to avoid poisoning the animal, you should carefully consider the dosage of the drug.

Milbemax for kittens and young cats take:

0.5 tablets for animals weighing from 0.5 to 1 kg;

1 t. for cats weighing 1-2 kg.

Milbemax for cats:

0.5 tablets for animals weighing 2-4 kg;

1 t. - for cats weighing 4-8 kg;

1.5 tons - for cats from 8 to 12 kg in weight.

Milbemax for puppies and dogs of small breeds give:

0.5 tablets for puppies weighing 0.5 to 1 kg;

1 t. - for dogs from 1 to 5 kg in weight;

2 tons - for animals weighing 5-10 kg.

Milbemax for adult dogs is used:

1 tablet - for dogs weighing 5-25 kg;

2 tablets - for animals weighing 25-50 kg;

3 tablets - for dogs from 50 to 75 kg.


The defeat of dogs with angiostrongylosis requires a 4-fold dose of the drug with a weekly interval.

In order to prevent dirofilariasis (in disadvantaged regions), Milbemax is taken in the warm season in places with the appearance of infection carriers (blood-sucking insects). Once with the appearance of insects, and then - with a monthly frequency. The last application is a month after the disappearance of mosquitoes and mosquitoes. Prevention of dirofilariasis requires consultation and supervision of a specialist in order to exclude the presence of microfilaria in the blood of an animal.

Features of the use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy and lactation of animals does not exclude the use of the drug, but require the supervision of a veterinarian.


Accidental overdose of the drug may cause tremors in animals. As the substance is spontaneously removed from the body, the problem is eliminated by itself.

Features of the side effects of the drug on the body

With proper use of Milbemax, side effects have not been identified. In exceptional cases, manifestations of allergic reactions are possible.

special instructions

If an allergic reaction occurs in an animal to this drug, antihistamines should be used.

Milbemax is undesirable to use simultaneously with other drugs.

You can use the drug before the expiration date indicated on the package.

The nuances of personal hygiene

When giving medicine to an animal, a number of hygiene requirements must be observed:

  • At the time of administration of Milbemax, it is contraindicated to smoke, eat or drink.
  • At the end of tactile contact with the medicine, you need to wash your hands with soap and water.
  • If the drug was mistakenly consumed by a person, you need to drink a few glasses of warm water and seek medical help. For effective assistance, you must show the label of the drug, which lists the substances that make up its composition.
  • At the end of the expiration date of the medicine, the packaging with unused tablets can simply be thrown away. Special measures to eliminate expired Milbemax are not required.

Interactions with other drugs and products

Milbemax is best given separately from other medicines. With any food, the medicine is harmoniously combined.

Storage conditions and terms of implementation

The anthelmintic must be stored in a dry, closed place, away from animal feed and other products. Recommended temperature: 15-30°C. Keep away from children!

Terms of sale

Sold in veterinary clinics and veterinary pharmacies, sold through online stores. Released without a prescription.

Manufacturer and Price

The manufacturer of Milbemax is NOVARTIS SANTE ANIMALE S.A.S. (France)

Price from 299 rubles. It may vary depending on the dosage and number of tablets, as well as the region of sale.


Drontal plus price 580-730 rubles for 6 tablets;

Pratel - 310-350 rubles. for 10 tablets;

Kanikvantel - 420 rubles 6 tablets.

You can leave your review about Milbemax below!

Which would not face the problem of infection. Even homebody animals, unfortunately, are prone to this disease. Eating an infected river fish, absorbing the milk of a mother carrying worms, communicating with a sick individual - and now a healthy pet picks up helminth eggs. Parasites feed on the blood and tissues of a cat, gradually leading her body to intoxication and exhaustion, and sometimes the unfortunate animal even dies! In order to protect the domestic cat and himself (worms are also dangerous for humans), the owner must periodically deworm the animal, even for prevention purposes.

Today we will talk about the drug "Milbemax" for cats, which for almost 10 years has been helping to save kittens and adults from helminths. This is a French-made drug supplied to our country by Novartis Consumer Health LLC.

What is Milbemax and when is it used?

"Milbemax"- tablets for deworming cats and kittens, produced by 2 pieces in a blister placed in a cardboard box. Tablets for kittens and young lightweight (not more than 2 kg) pink individuals with engraved letters "BC" and "NA" (a fluffy kitten is depicted on the box), for adult cats - red with engraving "KK" and "NA" (on the box photo of an important red cat). Instructions for use of Milbemax says that the tablets have an attractive taste of beef for cats.
  • Cestodes- tapeworms that affect the intestines and mucous membranes of a cat. The largest representatives of the worms can reach a length of up to 150 cm. A cat with cestodosis may have vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, loss of appetite, blockage of the intestine;
    1. "Milbemax" is a medicine for kittens that have reached the age of six weeks, whose weight is not less than 500 g. At the same time, in babies (older than 6 weeks and heavier than half a kilogram), after taking the tablets, apathy, stool disorder, tremor can sometimes be observed;
    2. An overdose of the drug is fraught with the onset of lethargy in a cat, muscle paresis, tremor. If these alarming symptoms do not go away within a day, you should contact your veterinarian;
    3. To carry out deworming or a nursing cat, you should contact a veterinarian;
    4. "Milbemax" is contraindicated for animals with impaired liver and kidney function;
    5. Tablets should not be given to malnourished and ill (recently ill) cats with infectious diseases;
    6. Before deworming with Milbemax, the animal should not be subjected to fasting or bowel cleansing with laxatives;
    7. The shelf life of the drug is 36 months (at a temperature of 5 to 25 degrees), provided that the package has not been opened. If only half of the tablet is used for a cat, the second part should be used within six months;

      Kittens and small cats (pink tablets):

      • From 0.5 kg to 1 kg - 0.5 tablets
      • From 1 kg to 2 kg - 1 tablet
      Adult cats (red tablets):
      • From 2 kg to 4 kg - 0.5 tablets
      • From 4 kg to 8 kg - 1 tablet
      • From 8 kg 12 kg - 1.5 tablets
      The tablet is usually given during the morning feeding, mixed with the food that the animal likes. When the pet is too fastidious, it is permissible to put a tablet on the root of the tongue after eating, making sure that it is not spit out.

      For the purpose of prevention, Milbemax is given to cats every three months (once a quarter), as well as before and before mating. For therapeutic purposes, the drug is given to a cat after consultation with a specialist, depending on the symptoms of the disease and the condition of the animal.

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