Mydocalm - instructions for use. What is the best way to use Mydocalm in injections? Mydocalm tab instructions for use

Mydocalm (active substance - tolperisone) refers to the central muscle relaxants (means that promote muscle relaxation). The mechanism of action of this drug has not been completely unraveled, which absolutely does not prevent its successful use in such pathological conditions as increased tone and muscle spasms. It has a membrane-stabilizing and local analgesic effect, reduces the sensitivity to pain of peripheral nerves, prevents the transmission of impulses along afferent (sensitive) and motor neurons, which, in turn, blocks mono- and polysynaptic reflexes of the spinal cord. Another possible, but not established for certain, property of mydocalm is the ability to prevent the release of biologically active substances - mediators due to inhibition of the entry of calcium ions into presynaptic nerve endings. In the spinal cord, mydocalm puts up a barrier to the spread of excitation along the reticulospinal pathway. Reduces the activity of a certain part of the brain responsible for muscle contractions - the caudal part of the reticular formation. This whole kaleidoscope of pharmacologically significant "technical and tactical characteristics" of mydocalm allows you to reduce pathologically high muscle tone, reduce their rigidity (stiffness, inelasticity) and susceptibility to spasms, facilitate functional and motor activity, while dulling pain.

The drug can also be prescribed to elderly patients, it is fairly well tolerated, does not have a toxic effect on the cardiovascular system, does not have a sedative effect and does not impair mental performance and other higher brain functions.

Mydocalm is available in tablets and ampoules (in the latter case, the designation "Richter" is added to the name of the drug). In the instructions for it, a strong recommendation is given to use this drug purely as directed by a doctor. Actually, it is unlikely to work out differently, because. Mydocalm is dispensed from pharmacies only by prescription. Tablets should be taken after meals, they should be washed down with a small amount of liquid, optimally - water. The standard initial dose for adults and adolescents over 14 years old is 50 mg, subject to 2-3 times daily intake, subsequently it is allowed to increase the dose of the drug to 150 mg with exactly the same frequency of administration. For younger age categories, the dose is calculated depending on body weight: 2-4 mg per 1 kg with a three-time daily intake (patients 7-14 years old) and 5 mg per 1 kg per day (patients 3-6 years old). With the injection method of administering the drug, a single dose is 1 ml of a solution administered twice a day (intramuscularly) or 1 time per day (intravenously).


Muscle relaxant of central action. The mechanism of action has not been fully elucidated. It has a membrane-stabilizing, local anesthetic effect, inhibits the conduction of impulses in primary afferent fibers and motor neurons, which leads to blocking of spinal mono- and polysynaptic reflexes. It also probably secondarily inhibits the release of mediators by inhibiting the entry of Ca 2+ into the synapses. In the brain stem, it eliminates the facilitation of the conduction of excitation along the reticulospinal pathway. Enhances peripheral blood flow, regardless of the influence of the central nervous system. In the development of this effect, the weak antispasmodic and adrenoblocking effect of tolperisone plays a role.



After oral administration, tolperisone is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. C max is reached in 0.5-1 h. Bioavailability is about 20%.

Metabolism and excretion

Tolperisone is metabolized in the liver and kidneys. The pharmacological activity of the metabolites is unknown. Excreted in the urine as metabolites (more than 99%).

Release form

Tablets, film-coated white or almost white, round, biconvex, engraved "50" on one side, with a slight characteristic odor; on a break of white or almost white color.

Excipients: citric acid monohydrate - 0.73 mg, colloidal silicon dioxide - 0.8 mg, stearic acid - 1.7 mg, talc - 4.5 mg, microcrystalline cellulose - 14 mg, corn starch - 29.77 mg, lactose monohydrate - 48.5 mg.

The composition of the film shell: colloidal silicon dioxide - 0.045 mg, titanium dioxide (E171) - 0.244 mg, lactose monohydrate - 0.392 mg, macrogol 6000 - 0.392 mg, hypromellose - 3.927 mg.

10 pieces. - blisters (3) - packs of cardboard.


Tablets are taken orally, after meals, without chewing, with a small amount of water.

Adults and children from 14 years of age are prescribed at the beginning of treatment 50 mg 2-3 times / day, gradually increasing the dose to 150 mg / day 2-3 times / day.

For children aged 3 to 6 years, Mydocalm ® is prescribed in a daily dose of 5 mg / kg (in 3 divided doses during the day); at the age of 7-14 years - at a daily dose of 2-4 mg / kg (in 3 doses during the day).


Data on an overdose of Mydocalm ® have not been reported.

There is no specific antidote. In case of overdose, gastric lavage and symptomatic therapy are recommended.


Data on the interaction limiting the use of the drug Mydocalm ® is not available.

Although tolperisone has an effect on the central nervous system, the drug does not cause a sedative effect, so it can be used in combination with sedatives, hypnotics and preparations containing ethanol.

Does not affect the effect of ethanol on the central nervous system.

With the simultaneous use of Mydocalm ® enhances the effect of niflumic acid, therefore, if necessary, the use of this combination may require a dose reduction of niflumic acid.

Means for general anesthesia, peripheral muscle relaxants, psychotropic drugs, clonidine enhance the effect of tolperisone.

Side effects

From the side of the central and peripheral nervous system: muscle weakness, headache.

From the side of the cardiovascular system: arterial hypotension.

From the digestive system: nausea, vomiting, discomfort in the abdomen.

Allergic reactions: rarely - pruritus, erythema, urticaria, angioedema, anaphylactic shock, bronchospasm.

When the dose is reduced, adverse reactions usually disappear.


  • treatment of pathologically increased tone and spasms of striated muscles resulting from organic diseases of the central nervous system (damage to the pyramidal tract, multiple sclerosis, cerebral stroke, myelopathy, encephalomyelitis);
  • treatment of increased tone and muscle spasms, muscle contractures accompanying diseases of the organs of movement (for example, spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis, cervical and lumbar syndromes, arthrosis of large joints);
  • rehabilitation treatment after orthopedic and traumatological operations;
  • as part of combination therapy for obliterating vascular diseases (arteriosclerosis obliterans, diabetic angiopathy, thromboangiitis obliterans, Raynaud's disease, diffuse scleroderma);
  • as part of the combination therapy of diseases arising from disorders of vascular innervation (acrocyanosis, intermittent angioedema dysbasia);
  • Little's disease (infantile cerebral palsy) and other encephalopathies accompanied by muscular dystonia.

The modern pharmacological market offers a variety of analgesic drugs with different mechanisms of action, indications and methods of application. And for good reason, because the pain syndrome can significantly reduce the patient's quality of life.

This article will consider all the pros and cons of Mydocalm, a muscle relaxant with a central mechanism of action.

Mydocalm: release forms

The drug is produced in two forms: tablet and in the form of a solution for injection.

Mydocalm tablets are produced by pharmacological companies in two dosages: 50 mg and 150 mg each. The tablet is coated on the outside with a film shell, which looks white with a slight specific odor. One package contains 30 tablets (3 blisters, each containing 10 tablets).

The composition of tablets in a dosage of 150 mg and 50 mg includes the active substance tolperisone. This substance belongs to the pharmacological group of N-anticholinergics (muscle relaxants).

A solution of Mydocalm in ampoules for intramuscular and intravenous administration is produced under the trade name Mydocalm-Richter. The composition of the solution for injection is a combination of two medicinal substances: tolperisone hydrochloride - a volume of 100 mg in one ampoule - and lidocaine hydrochloride (2.5 mg in an ampoule). This form is produced in dark-colored ampoules. The volume of one ampoule is 1 ml. One pack of the drug contains 5 ampoules.

Active ingredients

As already mentioned, Mydocalm includes several active ingredients. And each of them has its own mechanism of action and its point of application.


Tolperisone hydrochloride belongs to the group of central muscle relaxants. In order to understand the mechanism of action of the drug, let's say a few words about the device for transmitting a nerve impulse.

This process is carried out in specific areas of our body - synapses. A synapse is a site where two neurons contact each other, and where a nerve impulse is transmitted from one cell to another. The membrane of the impulse-transmitting nerve cell releases a specific substance - a neurotransmitter, which has an excitatory or inhibitory effect on the "receiving" cell.

Tolperisone has a stabilizing effect on the membrane of the “acting” nerve cell and blocks the release of the neurotransmitter, thereby blocking the transmission of the nerve impulse to the “receiving” neuron, resulting in an inhibitory effect and slowing down the excitation processes.

In addition to the membrane-stabilizing effect, the drug improves peripheral blood flow and blood rheology.

The drug is safe for the body, because it is completely excreted through the kidneys in the form of metabolites. And when undergoing repeated courses of therapy, the drug does not adversely affect organs and systems and does not affect their work.


Lidocaine hydrochloride is part of the solution for injection, produced in ampoules. It has a pronounced analgesic effect, which ensures a relatively painless administration of the drug (this property is especially important when the drug is administered intramuscularly). The instructions for the drug indicate that this substance does not have a systemic effect on the body and works exclusively at the injection site.

Mydocalm: the effect of the application

What is good about this drug and what does it help?

In the course of controlled experiments, it was proved that Mydocalm reduces the hypertonicity of muscle tissue and its rigidity, thereby reducing pain and eliminating muscle spasms of any localization. In addition, patients note a significant relief in performing voluntary actions, i.e., the range of motion increases.

Additional effects of the drug include antispasmodic and improved blood circulation.

The drug does not have any effect on the cortical parts of the brain, thus, there is no effect on the consciousness and behavior of a person.

Indications for use

The drug is used in all conditions in which hypertonicity of muscle tissue is observed. In addition, the medicine helps to reduce pain. This medicine is used in the following cases:

  • Pathological neurological processes of organic origin, for example: multiple sclerosis, encephalomyelitis, encephalitis, and other conditions.

  • Violations of the conduction tracts of the spinal cord due to trauma or unsuccessfully performed surgery.
  • In pediatrics, the drug is used for cerebral palsy, spastic paralysis (aka Little's disease).
  • and large joints of the body: osteoarthritis, spondylosis, Bechterew's disease (ankylosing spondylarthrosis), etc.
  • The consequences of post-thrombotic disease are a violation of the outflow of venous blood and lymphatic fluid.
  • Autoimmune diseases: systemic lupus erythematosus, Raynaud's disease and syndrome, and others.
  • Angiopathy of various origins.
  • Violation of the arterial blood supply to the extremities, including obliterating vascular diseases.

The choice of the required dosage (150 mg or 50 mg) of tablet forms depends on the stage of the pathological process, the general somatic condition of the patient and the severity of muscle spasm.

Mydocalm injections are preferred in the presence of pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, with frequent vomiting and inability to swallow (dysphagia). In addition, injections have the ability to quickly enter the systemic circulation, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract (high percentage of drug bioavailability).


Despite the impressive list of indications for the drug, Mydocalm is not recommended for use in several cases. Namely:

  1. Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  2. Myasthenia (literally - muscle weakness).
  3. Children's age up to 3 months. From 3 months to a year, only tablet forms (50 mg or 150 mg) are used. The injection form is contraindicated in children under 18 years of age.
  4. Solution for injection in ampoules is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

As we can see, 50 mg and 150 mg tablets have slightly fewer contraindications than injections. However, the instruction states that Mydocalm tablets should also be used in exceptional cases, when the benefit to the mother significantly outweighs the risk to the health of the fetus.

Side effects

Adverse reactions to Mydocalm are a rather rare phenomenon that occurs when the doctor's recommendations on the regimen and dosage of the drug are not followed. Possible side effects:

  • An allergic reaction to the components of the drug in the form of urticaria, skin rash, severe itching, Quincke's edema, in severe cases - anaphylactic shock. When prescribing a solution for injection, the presence of an allergy to novocaine and lidocaine is specified.
  • Myasthenia.
  • Signs of dyspepsia: nausea, vomiting, discomfort in the epigastric region.
  • Headache, dizziness, decrease in blood pressure numbers.

When the above side symptoms appear, the drug is canceled and its analogue is prescribed. This is done exclusively under the supervision of a specialist.

Episodes of overdose with tablet forms of the drug in medical practice are not described. An overdose of Mydocalm in injections can be manifested by the appearance of ataxia (the appearance of problems with coordination of movements), tonic and clonic convulsions, as well as the development of dyspnea (shortness of breath) and respiratory arrest.

Application methods

The necessary dosages and the required frequency of administration can be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician. The approach to therapy with Mydocalm is strictly individual.

As a rule, the daily dose for an adult is from 150 to 450 mg. This amount of the drug is evenly divided into three doses during the day. The starting dose is 50 mg 3 times a day. If there is no effect, the dosage is gradually increased. Tablets are taken strictly with food during a meal.

When administered intramuscularly, 100 mg is used 2 times a day, and when administered intravenously, 100 mg 1 time per day.

As a rule, the therapy of neurological or any other pathological conditions that are accompanied by hyperkinesis should be complex and consist of several components. Often, an ointment with an anti-inflammatory effect is added to the use of tablet and injection forms. The main indication for this therapy is severe pain syndrome.

Indications for the use of the drug Mydocalm are central and require complex therapy and an individual approach. It is necessary to treat these conditions under the strict supervision of a specialist and in no case self-medicate.

Instructions for use:

Mydocalm is a drug that helps to relax the increased tone of skeletal muscles in osteochondrosis, arthrosis and other neurological syndromes.

pharmachologic effect

Mydocalm is a highly effective and safe remedy for the treatment of neurological syndromes that are associated with pain, increased muscle tone and trophic disorders.

The active substance Mydocalm has a membrane-stabilizing and local anesthetic effect.

The drug reduces musculoskeletal tension and causes an indirect analgesic effect, as well as dilates blood vessels and improves circulation of blood and lymph.

According to reviews, Mydocalm has a quick effect and is well tolerated.

Release form

Mydocalm is produced in the form of round, film-coated round tablets with a low odor, containing 50 mg (engraved "50") and 150 mg (engraved "150") of the active ingredient - tolperisone hydrochloride. Excipients - stearic acid, citric acid monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, silicon dioxide colloidal corn starch and milk sugar. 10 pieces per pack.

For injections, Mydocalm is produced as a solution for injection in 1 ml dark ampoules containing 100 mg of tolperisone hydrochloride and 2.5 mg of lidocaine. Excipients - diethylene glycol monoethyl ether, methyl parahydroxybenzoate and water for injection. 5 ampoules per pack.

Indications for use Mydocalm

Mydocalm according to the instructions is used for:

  • Diseases of the organs of the musculoskeletal system - spondylarthrosis, spondylosis, cervical and lumbar syndromes, arthrosis of large joints that cause muscle spasms, pathologically increased tone and muscle contractures;
  • Children's cerebral spastic palsy and other encephalopathies, which are accompanied by muscular dystonia;
  • Pathologically increased tone and spasms of the striated muscles, which arose as a result of organic neurological diseases - multiple sclerosis, myelopathy, lesions of the pyramidal tract, stroke or encephalomyelitis;
  • Rehabilitation treatment after traumatological and orthopedic operations.

Mydocalm is also used as part of combination therapy in the treatment of:

  • obliterating arteriosclerosis;
  • Intermittent angioedema dysbasia;
  • Raynaud's disease;
  • Diabetic angiopathy;
  • acrocyanosis;
  • Thromboangiitis obliterans.


Mydocalm is not used under the age of one year, with increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as with myasthenia gravis.

Mydocalm injections are contraindicated in case of allergy to lidocaine.

Dosage and administration

The dose of Mydocalm according to the instructions is prescribed individually, depending on the tolerability of the drug and the clinical picture.

Mydocalm tablets are taken after meals. Usually adults take up to three times a day, 1 tablet (50 mg). If necessary, the dose can be tripled by taking 3 tablets of Mydocalm three times a day.

For children, the use of Mydocalm in the form of tablets of 50 mg is allowed. The daily dose of Mydocalm is taken in three divided doses:

  • 1-6 years - calculating the daily dose, 5 mg per 1 kg of weight;
  • 7-14 years - 2-4 mg per 1 kg of weight.

If it is impossible to swallow a Mydocalm tablet, it can be crushed.

When using injections, Mydocalm is administered:

  • Intramuscularly - 200 mg per day, divided into two doses;
  • Intravenously, the drug is administered slowly, once a day, 100 mg.

There are no data limiting the use of Mydocalm with other drugs. The drug can be used simultaneously with sedatives, hypnotics and preparations containing ethanol.

However, it should be borne in mind that Mydocalm enhances the effect of niflumic acid.

It is possible to use Mydocalm during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, as well as during lactation, only according to strict indications.

Side effects

According to reviews, Mydocalm is well tolerated and the side effects go away on their own when the dose is reduced. Mydocalm according to the instructions can cause:

  • Nausea, abdominal discomfort or vomiting;
  • Muscle weakness, arterial hypotension.
  • Headache.

According to reviews, mydocalm can rarely cause various allergic reactions, such as erythema, pruritus, angioedema, anaphylactic shock, urticaria and bronchospasm.

Storage conditions

Mydocalm is dispensed by prescription and belongs to the drugs of list B. Shelf life - up to 3 years.

Osteochondrosis, arthrosis, vascular pathologies, strokes are diseases that have become the "plague" of our time. These diseases are listed in the list of indications for taking Mydocalm with tolperisone. It is important to know what Mydocalm helps with, how it is used to treat diseases and prevent pain.

The manufacturer "Gedeon Richter-RUS" produces "Mydocalm" in the form of white disc-shaped tablets. When swallowing the medicine, an aroma is felt that is vaguely reminiscent of dill. The active ingredient of the drug is tolperisone hydrochloride. An auxiliary role is played by starch, lactose and other substances in the composition of the tablets. The content of tolperisone varies - 50 or 150 mg.

The Hungarian pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter produces the drug Mydocalm Richter in liquid form. It is a clear solution without color or with an olive tint, a slight odor. One ampoule contains 100 mg of tolperisone and 2.5 mg of lidocaine. The solution is used for intravenous and intramuscular injections.

Pharmacological properties and pharmacokinetics

Tolperisone is a centrally acting muscle relaxant. Drugs belonging to this group inhibit the motor nerves, which helps to reduce the tone and relax the skeletal muscles. Means "Mydocalm" relieves pain caused by pathological phenomena in the central nervous system.

The drug manufacturers have completed independent clinical trials of the drug at 8 research centers. It turned out that thanks to the use of the Mydocalm remedy, the condition of the spine, joints, and muscles improves. The drug has a moderate vasodilating effect. However, the exact mechanism of the effect of tolperisone on the conduction of excitation through neurons has not yet been established.

Taking a muscle relaxant allows the patient to reduce the dose of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), to do without hormonal treatment.

After taking a tablet or performing an injection, tolperisone is rapidly absorbed. After 30 - 60 minutes, the concentration of the active ingredient in plasma reaches its maximum values. Injection reduces this period. Tolperisone does not accumulate in the body, it is eliminated by the kidneys in the form of metabolites during the day.

Lidocaine is a local anesthetic drug. In combination with tolperisone, it relieves tension and eliminates pain, improves blood supply to skeletal muscles. The rate of adsorption of lidocaine depends on the dose and site of administration (average 35 minutes). The drug is metabolized in the liver, excreted in the bile and kidneys.

What helps Mydocalm

Osteochondrosis, neuropathy, arthrosis, many other diseases and neurological disorders are accompanied by an increase in skeletal muscle tone and severe pain. The drug "Mydocalm" is not an analgesic drug, but it helps to reduce pain.

A solution for injections or tablets are prescribed for some pathological changes in the spine, tendons, and blood vessels.

The use of the drug is indicated for the following diseases and conditions:

  • degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs and adjacent structures;
  • reflex and compression syndromes of osteochondrosis;
  • muscle spasms of various origins;
  • spondylarthrosis of the intervertebral joints;
  • violations of the innervation of the vascular walls;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • obliterating atherosclerosis;
  • tunnel neuropathies;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • radiculopathy;
  • spondylosis;
  • lumbago;
  • arthrosis;
  • stroke.

"Mydocalm" reduces pathologically high muscle tone. Taking the medicine relieves pain in the spine, eliminates joint stiffness, and allows you to move more freely.

Doctors prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to patients with osteochondrosis, arthrosis and radiculopathy. Treatment with Diclofenac, Ibuprofen or other NSAIDs is accompanied by dangerous side effects. Drugs can damage the gastrointestinal mucosa, causing abdominal pain, stomach bleeding. Thanks to the use of Mydocalm, you can reduce the dose of NSAIDs or completely eliminate the use of drugs in this group.

Instructions for use of the drug

Tablets are taken orally for moderate pain. Injections "Mydocalm" are done in advanced cases, with a strong pain syndrome. Both intramuscular and intravenous injections are carried out.

Mydocalm in ampoules for injections

Mydocalm tablets

For adults and adolescents over 15 years of age, the daily dose is 1 to 3 tablets per day, equivalent to 50, 100, 150 mg/day of the active ingredient. Treatment is continued until a pronounced analgesic effect is achieved. After that, you can divide the daily dose into two days. Mydocalm tablets are taken orally immediately after meals, washed down with water.

With severe pain, the daily dose of tolperisone for adults can be increased to 450 mg. In this case, take 3 tablets of 50 mg or 1 pill of 150 mg, three times a day.

Means "Mydocalm" is prescribed for children under the age of 15 years at a dosage of 5 to 10 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day. One of the indications is cerebral palsy. For the treatment of elderly patients, as well as with diagnosed renal and / or hepatic insufficiency, minimal dosages of tolperisone are used.

Kidney disease is accompanied by the accumulation of drug metabolites. With liver failure, an increase in the amount of active substance in the blood is possible.

Mydocalm during pregnancy and lactation

Studies of the effect of tolperisone on pregnant women have not been conducted. In these cases, the therapeutic rule applies, according to which doctors recommend not taking Mydocalm in the first trimester of pregnancy.

The negative effect of the drug on infants is not excluded, since tolperisone penetrates into women's milk, and especially during long-term therapy. Lidocaine also passes into breast milk. Therefore, "Mydocalm" is not recommended to be taken during breastfeeding. Doctors, as an exception, may prescribe a remedy for patients during pregnancy or lactation.

Can I drink alcohol while taking the drug

Alcohol does not change the therapeutic effect of tolperisone. Studies have not shown the effect of alcohol consumption on the effectiveness of treatment with Mydocalm. If you drink a large amount of alcohol while taking pills or performing injections, you may experience severe headaches, muscle weakness, dyspepsia, vomiting, diarrhea. Significant weight loss occurs.

Drug interactions with other drugs

Treatment with tolperisone is often combined with the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. "Mydocalm" enhances the effect of NSAIDs (and vice versa). There is no data on the effect of combination with benzodiazepines, which have anxiolytic, antiepileptic and hypnotic effects.

It is not yet known what serious changes in the body result from the simultaneous use of tolperisone with antidepressants, antipsychotics, beta-blockers, dextromethorphan (an antitussive ingredient in syrups and tablets).

If necessary, you can take Mydocalm and hypnotics or sedatives at the same time.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

Means "Mydocalm" can be used for a long course of therapy, taking into account precautions. The main contraindications for treatment are hypersensitivity to tolperisone and any other ingredient of the remedy, as well as myasthenia gravis (muscle weakness).

Allergy to components manifests itself in the form of itching, redness, rashes on the skin and mucous membranes. Very rare cases - angioedema, anaphylaxis. If symptoms of an allergy to the ingredients of the product occur, it is necessary to stop taking it and in the future not to use the drug or its analogues in composition for treatment.

Among the side effects, patients named the following manifestations:

  • increased heart rate;
  • trembling and numbness of the hands and feet;
  • pain in the upper abdomen;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • loss of balance;
  • muscle weakness;
  • headache;
  • dry mouth;
  • drowsiness;
  • flatulence.

If you miss the next dose of the drug, you should not double the number of tablets the next time. An increase in dosage may be accompanied by general weakness, depression of the respiratory center, and the development of coma. In a mild condition, the patient should drink plenty of water, do a gastric lavage. Severe overdose is treated in a hospital.


Tolperisone is the active ingredient in Kalmirex tabs and Tolizor tablets. These analogues of the drug "Mydocalm" for the active substance are also available without a prescription. The cost of tablets in a pharmacy is from 200 to 350 rubles.

Solutions for injections "Mydocalm Richter" and "Kalmireks" are analogues in composition.

The price of 5 ampoules is about 500 rubles.

Tablets "Baclosan", "Sirdalud", "Tizalud", "Tizanidin" and "Tizanil" are cheap analogues of "Mydocalm" according to the mechanism of action. Such muscle relaxants reduce the increased tone of skeletal muscles during spasms, due to which pain disappears and the range of motion increases.

The components of the drug "Mydocalma" are non-toxic to humans, do not have teratogenic, mutagenic and carcinogenic properties. The advantages of the drug are good tolerability, as well as the ability to combine its administration with therapy with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

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